Bahasa Indonesia For Indonesians
Bahasa Indonesia For Indonesians
Bahasa Indonesia For Indonesians
Indonesia born? So, Bahasa Indonesia is based on malay language, which is been a lingua
franca for centuries. During the colonial period, malay language was the second official
language for public school. On October 1928, which is when Sumpah Pemuda was annouced,
that is the first time decide Bahasa Indonesia as national language.
Basically, Indonesia have 43 million native speakers, and 155 million second language
speakers. So basically, Indonesia have so many more second language speakers than native
speakers. This is because more Indonesians still speak a different regional language as their
native language. At that time of independence, Indonesians native speakers only around 5%
of the population. But, javanese was the native language of over 40% of the population.
Indonesia is still the second language of most indonesians, but its becoming increasingly
common as a native speakers. People from all over countries move to big cities, and use
bahasa Indonesia to other peoples.
Firstly, i will ask to you guys, why Indonesian peoples have to learn Bahasa Indonesia? I
really sure that all of you guys have got Bahasa Indonesia in your school, right? How about
your Bahasa Indonesia score? You got bad or good score?
When we talk about bahasa Indonesia, it sounds like easy language, right? It because we
speak in Bahasa for our daily conversations. But, why in globalization era, many young
people start lose their identity. They more comfort use slang language, which is it could be
shift Bahasa Indonesia as our national language. Many young people also use other english in
their daily conversation. I mean, they mix Bahasa Indonesia with other language for their
conversation. But, that not only young people, but now many public figure prefer teach their
child other languange for their first language, for example public figure who teach their child
english. I think, that is so good to learn english, but it can be worry if people who native
speakers of Bahasa Indonesia cannot understand Bahasa Indonesia well.
In globalization era, peoples prefer use other language for their bussiness. For example in
restaurant. Why “fried chicken’ is more expensive than ‘ayam krispi’? why people prefer buy
‘brown sugar’ than ‘cendol’? I can’t deny that everything when use english can be more
fancy than use Bahasa Indonesia. But, don’t forget must be proud with our national language.
But, Bahasa Indonesia for all daily conversation isn’t that good too. Why? Because we have a
lot of region language that which must be preserve. We also teach our child to understand and
can speak their region language. In this era, many young people cannot understand their
region language because they get Bahasa Indonesia for their first language. Then they usually
use Bahasa Indonesia for their daily conversation. As a parent, we must show to our child that
we have a lot of region language who different in every countries. That is the good way to
teach them the means of ‘bhineka tunggal ika’ for Indonesia.