By Sunil Malekar (Elektor Labs India) : March & April 2015

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By Sunil Malekar (Elektor Labs India)

A proportional radio control is ideal for controlling the speed and direction of model cars, planes or boats.
Unfortunately, there are often very few facilities for switches on such controllers. With the help of this
circuit you can control five switches using just a single channel. The switching is effected by relays at the
receiver side.

Model planes, boats and cars are usually of available channels), which are used central position of a servo. The position
controlled with a proportional remote con- to drive servos, etc. These signals are of each joystick in the transmitter (in
trol. The control signals from the trans- encoded using pulse-width modulation. the X or Y direction) produces a specific
mitter are processed by the receiver in Each signal is repeated every 20 ms, pulse width.
the model. This then outputs a number where the width of the pulse is between This type of proportional servo control-
of signals (depending on the number 1 and 2 ms; 1.5 ms corresponds to the ler is of course perfect for a continuously

52 March & April 2015

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in collaboration with

Radio Controlled
Control 5 switches
via 1 channel

adjustable speed or direction of a model, The circuit consists of a single-gate oscil- the pulse coming from the receiver lasts
but it is less easy to implement switching lator, a decade counter and two buffers. between 1 and 2 ms, and is repeated
functions. This requires extra channels, The principle is very straightforward. As at intervals of about 20 ms. This pulse
which may not always be available. soon as a pulse is received, a counter enters the circuit via connector K7 and is
Model boats and trucks in particular often with ten outputs is started. When the then inverted/buffered by gate IC1.A. It
have other functions that you’d like to pulse is finished, one of the outputs will then continues along two different paths.
be able to turn on and off remotely. A be active, depending on the length of the The positive edge of the pulse (which is
siren, water cannon and lights come to pulse. The relays have been connected to right at the start) creates a short pulse
mind. The circuit described here has been the counter outputs in such a way that (by differentiator C2/R2). This is buffered
designed with that purpose in mind: it there always is some dead space between by IC1.B and resets the counter (IC2). At
can control up to five functions using just each pair of switch points. the same time, the clock oscillator built
a single channel. The position of a joy- around IC1.D is started via IC1.C. This
stick or slider determines which function Circuit diagram oscillator generates a square wave of
is turned on. You can only have one of The circuit diagram for the multi-switch 5 kHz (set by P1). This causes the decade
the five functions on at any time. is shown in Figure 1. As we said earlier, counter (IC2) to be incremented every March & April 2015 53

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MC7805 +5V
D5 RE5 1 2 1
K6 C10
1 R2 14
C11 C8 C9 C12 2
IC1 100n
2 1N4148

4 3
1000u 100n 100n 470u 7 R7
50V 50V 10k
C7 K4
D4 RE4 1 2 1

IC1.A IC1.B 47u 50V 2

1 C2 5 16
3 4 R6 1N4148 4 3
2 & 6 & VCC
3 10k
1n CTRDIV10/ 0 C6 9
8 9 15 DEC 2 K3
R8 CT=0 1 DS D3 RE3 1 2 1
4 1 16
IC1.C 2 47u 50V I1 O1

& 14 7 2 15 2
& 3 R5 I2 O2
+ 10 3 14 1N4148 4 3
K7 10 IC1.D 4 10k I3 IC3 O3
3 13 1 C5 4 13
11 5 I4 O4
2 12 & 5 5 ULN2003AN 12 K2
6 I5 O5 D2 RE2 1 2 1
1 13 6 47u 50V 6 11
7 I6 O6
P1 9 R4 7 10 2
8 I7 O7
10k CD4017BE 11 10k 1N4148 4 3
9 C4 GND
33k 12
CT 5 8
C1 K1
VSS 47u 50V D1 RE1 1 2 1
8 R3
4n7 2
C3 1N4148 4 3
IC1 = HEF4093BP
47u 50V
140088 - 11

Figure 1. The multi-switch uses a decade counter to ‘measure’ the length of the control pulse.

0.2 ms, as long as the oscilla- high in turn. In stops and the counter output that was
tor is on. theory, we could use this method to cre- active at that time will stay in that state
IC2 now counts through the out- ate ten switched outputs. In this instance, until the next input pulse arrives some
puts at 0.2 ms intervals, start- we have only used five of the outputs. 20 ms later. If this pulse has the same
ing with output zero. After 0 ms The intermediate (unconnected) outputs width, as well as those following it, then
the first output (output ‘0’) will serve to create a dead space where no that particular output will (almost) remain
be high, after 0.4 ms it will be relay is activated. active continually. There will just be a
output ‘2’, etc. In this way IC1.D will only generate pulses as long short glitch every 20 ms while the count-
the clock pulses generated as the input signal at K7 is high. In other ing takes place.
by IC1.D will make all words, it will do so for the duration The output signal is averaged with the
outputs go of the pulse. help of integrator networks connected to
When the input the counter outputs (R3/C3 to R7/C7),
signal returns which removes these glitches.
to zero the The outputs of the integrator networks
oscillator are connected to the

54 March & April 2015

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inputs of driver IC ULN2003, which con-

tains 7 power Darlington stages. These Component List
are used to switch relays RE1 to RE5 on or Resistors
off. Since the power stages are inverting, R1 = 33kΩ
R2–R7 = 10kΩ
the relays are connected between the pos- R8 = 0Ω (jumper)
itive supply voltage and the outputs of the P1 = 10kΩ trimpot
ULN2003. A flyback diode is connected in
parallel with each relay coil to suppress the
C1 = 4.7nF, 0.1” pitch
reverse emf generated by the coil when it C2 = 1nF, 0.1” pitch
is turned off. The lamps, motors, etc. that C3–C7 = 47µF 50V, 0.1” pitch
need to be switched should be connected C8,C9,C10 = 100nF, 0.2” pitch
C11 = 1000µF 50V, 7.5mm pitch
to connectors K1 to K5. C12 = 470µF 50V, 0.2” pitch
This concludes the explanation of the
circuit operation. There is also a voltage Semiconductors
D1–D5 = 1N4148
regulator on board (7805) along with its IC1 = HEF4093BP
required capacitors. The supply voltage for IC2 = CD4017BE
the circuit should be between 7 and 20 V. IC3 = ULN2003AN
IC4 = MC7805
The current consumption of the complete
circuit is only a few mA (when no relay Miscellaneous
is active). K1–K6 = 2-way PCB terminal block,
3.5mm pitch
K7 = 3-pin pinheader, 0.1” pitch
Construction RE1–RE5 = relay, SPST, 5V coil, 5A con-
The board for the multi-switch (Figure 2) tact, e.g. Omron G5NB1A5DC
has a spacious layout, which makes the PCB, Elektor Store # 140088-1

construction quite easy. This board will

normally be added to a model car or boat
that has sufficient room for all the extras
that you want to control. In that case you Figure 2. The board for this circuit has a spacious layout and uses only through-hole mounted components.
should be able to easily add this board as
well. The construction will be standard,
since only through-hole mounted compo- the same). The supply lines for the devices where none of the relays is active. To
nents have been used. If you prefer, you you want to control should be connected make things easier, you can always add
can mount all the ICs in sockets. to K1 to K5. a few markings next to the slider or joy-
Connecting the circuit to the receiver is The calibration of the circuit is also a sim- stick to indicate where each of the relays
done in the same way as for a standard ple matter. Preset P1 has to be adjusted so becomes active.
servo. K6 is connected to the receiver bat- that all channels switch reliably when the (140088)
tery and the connector with the control joystick is moved from one extreme to the
Web Link
signal is plugged into K7 (you should first other. Enough space is left between each
verify that the order of the connections is relay switch position for a dead space, [1]


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2015-03_Rasp_B-plus_UK.indd 2 02.02.2015 13:41:28 March & April 2015 55

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