Business Mastery: Anthony Robbins

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Anthony Robbins

Business Mastery
Lead Your Business Effectively, Efficiently & Profitably To Thrive In Any Economic Time

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most
intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change.”
—Charles Darwin
A nthony Robbins has invested more than 30 years consulting to
the most accomplished organizations and business leaders on earth.
This program is not for everyone. It is designed for those individuals whose
expectations and standards are non-negotiable. It is for leaders who have
This exclusive BUSINESS M ASTERY program is the culmination already achieved extraordinary success—and want more. Those looking
of all he has learned and assimilated in that process. It is designed for an easy answer frankly are advised not to apply. Clearly anyone seeking

to empower you with the cutting-edge systems, skills, and strategies an easy path should never have gone into business in the first place.

you need for creating an invincible advantage, especially during Business involves unimaginable levels of complexity. The power of
uncertain and changing times. In this groundbreaking 3½-day BUSINESS MASTERY is the understanding that those levels, while
program, you will work along side Anthony Robbins and other complex, are finite. They can be filtered, optimized, and maximized. It is
leading business experts of our time, to model, distill and employ also to compress decades into days—accelerating the pace at which you can
the best business practices that create long-term success. make the effective decisions that will take your enterprise to the next level.

Access ˆ Immersion ˆ Results

Anthony Robbins is renowned as “The Leader Called Upon Leaders” During this unprecedented time in history, only a wise few will truly strategically
specif ically for his ability to take complex information and codify innovate their businesses in order to take advantage of the changing economy,
it into sequential processes that can be duplicated to produce strengthen their position, and amass a fortune. The question is: will you be
consistently extraordinary results. He has coached and counseled one of them? Without the key understandings of which strategic tactics you
Fortune 500 CEOs, members of two royal families, members of need to deploy at this specific time in your industry, business and in the global
Parliament, and a former United States president. His clients have economy, you are poised to be blindsided at a magnitude like no other time.
paid him more than one million dollars a year for his personal and
Join Anthony Robbins, in this exclusive BUSINESS MASTERY program,
professional coaching services.
to discover, design and codify the ultimate strategies every entrepreneur
needs for their business to thrive and triumph.

Due to the exclusive nature of this opportunity, this program will sell out.
Call 800.898.8669 / 858.535.9900 today.
Expect these results: BUSINESS MASTERY details:
Understand the critical factors that are impacting your business right now. Learn As a part of BUSINESS MASTERY, you will have access to the following:
a systematic method to elicit, utilize, and maximize every business problem that has
not yet been solved by you and your team. By looking at your business through a new 1. 3 ½ day live event with Tony Robbins $19,795
filter, you will discover what needs to be solved first and how to capture, categorize, Join Anthony Robbins and the world’s leading business and marketing experts
and sequence your approach to build momentum and maximize success. in an environment of uninterrupted focus where you will learn the tools,
strategies and skills necessary for creating an invincible advantage.
Know exactly where your business really is—not where you think it is. The
competitive advantages that put you in business and made you successful in the 2. Free admittance to the Ultimate Business Mastery Summit $5,000
first place are almost certainly not sustainable moving forward. You will review in presented by Anthony Robbins & Chet Holmes March 31st – April 4th, 2009,
detail where your business has been, where it is today, and where it is going. Las Vegas Nevada

Access and employ bullet-proofing strategies against the economy. Where 3. 1-year subscription to Anthony Robbins’ Money Masters $1,200
there were once 1,000 buyers to every 50 sellers; the economy is changing to the 12 exclusive video interviews by Anthony Robbins with the top internet
point where there are closer to 300 buyers to every 50 sellers. With fewer buyers, marketers and business consultants of our time—people producing the results
you must understand how to protect yourself and use this opportunity to shift and making millions, even during the current economy
the market in your favor.
Total Minimum Benefits Value $25,995
Understand the impact of your organization’s current “Stage of Life.”
Organizations, like all living creatures, have stages of life. They are born, they
Your Admittance to Anthony Robbins’ $15,995
age, they mature, and they die. Only by understanding where your business is in
this cycle, can you anticipate, predict and solve the inevitable challenges that will BUSINESS MASTERY
occur in your business in advance.

Design a powerful vision for your enterprise. Regardless of how successful or

profitable your enterprise, without a compelling vision for its future, you will not
grow. You will design and refine a vision that is big enough to both inspire and
reignite the passion and genius that were the genesis of your empire and find a Call 800.898.8669 ˆ 858.535.9900
pathway through the current challenging times.
Ramp up every aspect of your marketing with innovations that will reshape
This program will sell out.
the landscape of your business. Among them, a three-step process for rapidly
increasing your net profitability by 33%; cutting-edge and proven strategies to Spaces will be filled on a first-come first-served basis.
maximize your presence on the web—where 85% of all buying begins today; and All dates and locations subject to change.
a system for transforming your enterprise through a simple understanding of what
business really is.

Develop an exit strategy. Most entrepreneurs set out to create a business—and 100% Satisfaction Guarantee: If after attending the first full evening of
ultimately create either a glorified hobby or a high paying job. You must create Business Mastery, you are not completely satisfied, just let us know. Turn in
a plan for your organization to ensure that you do not own a job, but rather your manual and materials and we’ll send you a full and complete refund for this
achieve the precise personal and strategic objectives in alignment with what it entire portion of the program. No questions asked. You have nothing to lose and
is you really want most. everything to gain—the only real risk is inaction. TAKE ACTION NOW.
An Alliance of Leaders

You will find no dabblers among your fellow leaders in Anthony Robbins’ If you are prepared to step up and commit with the passion and focus
BUSINESS MASTERY program. It is an environment of exceptional that this program demands, your rewards will be enormous. BUSINESS
standards. You and your fellow achievers from around the globe will be MASTERY will empower you with the skills, strategies, and insights you
expected to challenge and support each other to continually raise the bar— need for creating an incredible advantage in today’s business climate—and an
and you will make friends and business alliances to last a lifetime. extraordinary quality of life.

Anthony Robbins’ BUSINESS MASTERY. The world is yours.

What Business Leaders are Saying

about Tony Robbins Entrepreneurial Programs
“Before Life & Enterprise Management, I thought I owned a “Frankly, I thought I already knew it all, and was doing everything
company—but I discovered that I really owned a job. Now I own right. I’d built a company of 40 employees—but at the same time, I
a company that can run with or without me. In the year since this was feeling drained. At this business program, I learned how to make
program, our profits are up 71%, our sales are up more than 155%, somre important business decisions and raise my standards. Now I
and I now have more time to spend with my family. This program has have a life outside my business, I feel great, I’m working out, and I’ve
had a profound impact in my business and in my life.” increased our profitability.”

—David Baulieu, President —Deborah Waller, President/CEO

North Carolina Partners, Inc. Thigpen & Associates, Inc.

“Tony Robbins ranks among the “Top 50 Business Intellectuals in “I left this event with an entire business plan that transformed our
the World.” company. The focus and enterprise were exceptional. We also enjoyed
the opportunity to network with high-caliber individuals from
—Accenture’s Institute for Strategic Change around the world—business owners, marketing and financial people,
entrepreneurs…great, great people.”

—Dick Donahue, Owner

Dacos Bowling International

© 2009 Robbins Research International, Inc. All rights reserved. 136827

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