Syllabus in English 4: Saint Mary's Angels College of Valenzuela Grade School Department S.Y 2018-2019
Syllabus in English 4: Saint Mary's Angels College of Valenzuela Grade School Department S.Y 2018-2019
Syllabus in English 4: Saint Mary's Angels College of Valenzuela Grade School Department S.Y 2018-2019
At the end of the lesson, the Language: 1. Individual Work: Answer board exercises Alicia L. Bambico, Workbook
pupils should be able to: Sentence and a. Identify groups of words as sentences or (formative/summative), Rainbows in Writing book
Fragments fragments English 4 (p.20), Visual aids
Differentiate b. Identify the subject and the predicate in the Answer p. 284 in Enjoying Vibal Group, Inc. Charts/graphic
Subject and
sentence from given sentences. Language 4 (formative) organizers
Predicate Ethel H. Estrella and
fragments c. Read the given group of words with correct 1 week Teresita M. Manila paper
Capitalize and intonation and proper pausing. Then, identify Oral practice (formative)
Anastacio, Enjoying
punctuate sentences them as sentence or fragment.
Language 4 (p. 277),
correctly. d. Do Enjoying Writing book Answer pp. 114 and 133 Brilliant Creations,
Identify the subject in Enjoying Writing 4 Publishing Inc.
and the predicate (formative)
2. Group Activity:
a. Dyad: Complete phrases with an appropriate Presentation of work
subjects or predicates to make sentences (formative)
b. Do engagement activities from LINKS
identify context clues 3. Individual Work: Answer board exercises
and use them to Reading: a. Identify unfamiliar words in the sentences on (formative/summative)
determine word Context Clues the board.
meaning •Synonyms and Alicia L. Bambico,
antonyms b. Try to give possible meanings of the word by Answer seatwork on, Rainbows in
Spell at least 8/10 •Definition analyzing the rest of the words that surround notebook (formative) English 4 (p. 86 and
words correctly •Exemplification it. 491), Vibal Group,
Spelling: ache,
wealthy, flight, 4. Spell given words by the teacher Correct spelling output
still, built, office, (formative)
bottle, topic, 5. Do written work 1 in Language and Reading Written work
trouble, graph (summative)
At the end of the lesson, the Language: 1. Individual Work: Answer board exercises Elaine De Chantal Workbook
pupils should be able to: Writing a. Analyzing and rewriting words and sentences (formative/summative) Brookes, Visual aids
Apply correct Mechanics using correct punctuation and capitalization 1 week Voyages in English 4 Charts/graphic
indention and basic where needed. (pp.459 and 208), organizers
Paragraph Form
punctuation and
and Writing
Loyola Press Manila paper
capitalization rules in b. Read the paragraphs orally. Point out the topic Oral practice (formative) Sample
writing paragraphs sentence in each paragraphs
Write a paragraph
with complete parts
c. Write a 5 sentenced paragraph about a given Writing Karen Grace H.
topic following the conventions discussed in output/paragraph
Recognize words with Zablan and Mark
class. (To be check by a seatmate for errors) (formative/summative) Gleen O. Cidro.
more than one
meaning Integrated English
Use words with for Effective
multiple meanings d. Do Enjoying Writing Book Answer p. 136 in Communication 4
appropriately Enjoying Writing 4 (p.66), Phoenix
(formative) Publishing House
Homonyms 1. Individual Work: Answer board exercises
a. Determine the meaning of the underlined (formative/summative)
word used in sentences.
b. Write sentences using for the given meaning Answer board exercises w-to-teach-
of words with multiple meaning. (formative/summative) paragraph-
2. Group Activity: Presentation of work
a. Write beginning and ending sentences (formative)
At the end of the lesson, the Language: 1. Individual Work: Answer board exercises Alicia L. Bambico, Workbook
pupils should be able to: Writing a a. Analyze samples of narrative paragraphs (formative/summative), Rainbows in Visual aids
Write a narrative Narrative 1 week English 4 (p.199 and Charts/graphic
paragraph Paragraph b. Complete a timeline and draft a paragraph Timeline and paragraph 299), Vibal Group, organizers
narrating daily routines with transitions drafts Inc. Manila paper
(formative/summative) Sample
Identify the elements c. Do Enjoying Writing Book: Do p. 139 in Enjoying narrative
of a short story Writing 4 (formative) paragraphs
Reading: 1. Individual Work: Story maps (formative) 2/lesson-plan-of-
Story Elements a. Read short stories and identify story narrative-
(Setting, elements using a story map paragraphs.html
Characters, Plot)
Spell at least 8/10 2. Group Activity Presentation of work
words correctly a. Read a short story and map out its elements (formative)
using the graphic organizer.
b. b. Do engagement activities from LINKS
At the end of the lesson, the Language: 1. Individual Work: Answer board exercises 1 week Ethel H. Estrella and Workbook
pupils should be able to: Singular and a. Identify nouns as common, proper, abstract or (formative/summative) Teresita M. Visual aids
Form the plurals of Plural Nouns concrete Anastacio, Enjoying Charts/graphic
regular and irregular Language 4 (p. 2), organizers
b. Give own examples of common nouns with Answer pp. 27-28 in
nouns correctly. Abstract and
their corresponding proper nouns Enjoying Language 4
Brilliant Creations, Manila paper
Recognize abstract Concrete Nouns
Publishing Inc.
and concrete nouns. c. Provide the plural forms of nouns
d. Read the plurals of nouns ending in /s/, /z/, Oral practice (formative)
and /Iz/ correctly Alicia L. Bambico,
e. Write a paragraph about your dreams and Paragraphs with abstract, Rainbows in
Infer the traits and wishes using abstract and concrete nouns and concrete nouns English 4 (p.468),
feelings of characters (formative/summative) Vibal Group, Inc.
based on their
thoughts, actions, Reading: f. Do Enjoying Writing Book Do pp. 58-60; p.146 in
and words in the Inferring Enjoying Writing 4
story Feelings and (formative)
Traits of 1. Individual Work: Answer seatwork on
Characters a. Describe traits of given characters based on their notebook (formative)
dialogs and actions in the story.
At the end of the lesson, the Language: 1. Individual Work: Answer board exercises Ethel H. Estrella and Workbook
pupils should be able to: Mass Nouns and a. Identify nouns as mass and count (formative/summative) Teresita M. Visual aids
Differentiate count Count Nouns b. Identify appropriate determiners or counters Answer p. 28 in Enjoying Anastacio, Enjoying Charts/graphic
from mass nouns Quantifiers of to show quantity of mass nouns Language 4 (formative) Language 4 (p. 2), organizers
Use appropriate Mass Nouns Brilliant Creations, Manila paper
quantifiers to limit c. Do Enjoying Writing Book: Do pp. 143 and 64 in Publishing Inc.
mass nouns Enjoying Writing 4
Identify and use mass (formative)
and count nouns 2. Group Activity: Presentation of work Alicia L. Bambico,
correctly a. Complete the list of ingredients by filling in the (formative), Rainbows in
Reading: blanks with counters English 4 (p.468),
Arrange events in a Sequencing of b. Do engagement activities from LINKS Presentation of work Vibal Group, Inc.
sequential order Events (formative)
Use appropriate
transition or signal 1. Individual Activity: Answer seatwork on
words in organizing a. Arrange the sentences to show the correct notebook (formative)
events or steps order of events in the story read.
b. Write down the steps on how to make a certain Answer seatwork on
dish/ food notebook (formative)
Spell at least 8/10 Spelling: weight, 1. Spell given words by the teacher Correct spelling output
words correctly scarce, wrapped, (formative)
families, cities, 2. Do Written work 5 in Reading and Language Written work
noisier, hardly, (summative)
lead, dear,