Finance Project WACC - Ball
Finance Project WACC - Ball
Finance Project WACC - Ball
Cost of Equity
Risk Free rate of return 3.36%Retrieved from U.S Department of Treasury
Market Rate 6.50%
Beta 0.854
Cost of Equity (CAPM) 8.92%
Cost of Debt
Earmings Before Taxes 514,000,000 All information retrieved from EDGAR 10-K Report
Taxes 165,000,000
Income tax rate 32.10%
BLL bond YTM 10/23/18 4.94% Retrieved from FINRA market website
Cost of Debt (After Tax) 3.35%
Weight Calculations
Closing Price $45.11
Shares Outstanding 339,191,000
Common Stock Financing $15,300,906,010.00
Long Term Debt Financing $ 6,518,000,000.00
Total Financing $21,818,906,010.00
Weight (Common Stock) 70.13%
Weight (Debt) 29.87%
Cost of Equity 8.92%
Cost of Debt 3.35%
Weight of Equity 70.13%
Weight of Debt 29.87%