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Research and Development Division Indonesia Stock Exchange
IDX Fact Book 2016
© 2016
PT Bursa Efek IndonesiaIndonesia Stock Exchange Building, Tower I, 6
th Floor Jln. Jend Sudirman Kav. 52-53

Indonesia Stock Exchange Overview 17
Trading Performance 17
LisTing acTiviTies 18
membershiP 19
Trading sysTem deveLoPmenT 19 PubLic sociaLizaTion and educaTion 19 eXchange reguLaTion 20
sTock Trading 21
bond Trading faciLiTies 25 derivaTive Trading faciLiTies 25 eXchange Traded fund (eTf) 25 seTTLemenT 26
foreign invesTor invoLvemenT 26
Going Public ang Listing on Indonesia Stock Exchange 39
PreParaTion of iniTiaL PubLic offering for sTocks & bonds LisTing 39
regisTraTion and LisTing Process on idX 39
LisTing fee 41
securiTies regisTraTion in indonesian cenTraL securiTies dePosiTory (ksei) 44
regisTraTion sTaTemenT To financiaL services auThoriTy (oJk) 45
rePorTing reQuiremenTs 46
sTock susPensions and sancTions 48
securiTies deLisTing 48
sTock reLisTing 49
Jakarta Stock Industrial Classification 101
goaLs 101
The sysTemaTics of Jasica 101 Jasica evaLuaTion Period 101 sTrucTures of Jasica 101
Securities Indexes on Indonesia Stock Exchange 103
JakarTa comPosiTe indeX (Jci/ihsg) 103
individuaL indeX 103
LQ45 indeX 103
idX30 indeX 104
komPas100 indeX 104
indonesia sharia sTock indeX (issi) 104
JakarTa isLamic indeX (Jii) 104
bisnis-27 indeX 105
Pefindo25 indeX 105
sri-kehaTi indeX 105
infobank15 indeX 105
sminfra18 indeX 105
mnc36 indeX 105
invesTor33 indeX 106
secTor indeXes famiLy 106 LisTing board indeXes famiLy 106 indonesia bond indeXes 106 indeX caLcu
meThod 106
Derivative Products on Indonesia Stock Exchange 108
sTock oPTions 108
LQ45 indeX fuTures 109
Exchange Members and Participants 115
eXchange members reQuiremenT 115
minimum neT adJusTed Working caPiTaL (naWc) reQuiremenT 116 oTher rePorTing reQuiremenTs for eXch
members 116 ParTiciPanT reQuiremenTs 116
ParTiciPanT TransacTion rePorTing reQuiremenTs 116
appendix 121
LisTed comPanies 122
indonesia sTock eXchange members 167
idX organizaTion charT 177 raTing agency in indonesia 178 seLf reguLaTing organizaTion 178 governm
organizaTion 178
suPPorTing organizaTion 179
idX rePresenTaTive office 180
idX gaLLery 182
JakarTa comPosiTe indeX and caPiTaL markeT miLesTones (1984 - June 2016) 7
JaTs remoTe Trading Process 22
sTock Trading and seTTLemenT Process 22 cenTraLized Trading PLaTform (cTP) 27 fiXed income Trading sysTem (fiTs) 27
cenTraLized Trading PLaTform - Penerima LaPoran Transaksi efek (cTP-PLTe) 28 JakarTa oPTions Trading sysTem (JoTs) & fuTu
auTomaTed Trading sysTem (faTs) 28 iniTiaL PubLic offering (iPo) in indonesia 39

50 Leading comPanies in markeT caPiTaLizaTion 10
50 mosT acTive sTocks by Trading voLume 11
50 mosT acTive sTocks by Trading vaLue 12
50 mosT acTive sTocks by Trading freQuency 13 50 mosT acTive idX members by Trading voLume 14 50 mosT acTive idX
Trading vaLue 15
50 mosT acTive idX members by Trading freQuency 16
number of LisTed shares, markeT caPiTaLizaTion, and Trading 29
LisTing boards reQuiremenT for sTocks LisTing 43
sTocks iniTiaL PubLic offering and reLisTing in 2015 50
sTocks iniTiaL PubLic offering and reLisTing in January - June 2016 51
sTocks deLisTing in January 2015 - June 2016 51
righT offerings in 2015 51
righT offerings in January - June 2016 52
governmenT bond neW issues, 2015 52
governmenT bond neW issues, January - June 2016 53 corPoraTe bond neW issues in 2015 - June 2016 54 financiaL daTa a
name changes of LisTed comPanies, 2015 - June 2016 70
LisTed governmenT bonds, fiXed raTe 71 LisTed governmenT bonds, variabLe raTe 72 LisTed governmenT bonds, reTaiL bo
LisTed governmenT Treasury biLLs, fiXed raTe 72
name changes of LisTed comPanies, 2015 - June 2016 70
LisTed governmenT bonds, fiXed raTe 71 LisTed governmenT bonds, variabLe raTe 72 LisTed governmenT bonds, reTaiL bo
LisTed governmenT Treasury biLLs, fiXed raTe 72

LisTed sovereign sukuk, fiXed raTe 73 LisTed sovereign sukuk, ProJecT based 73 LisTed sovereign sukuk,
73 LisTed sovereign sukuk, ProJecT based 73 corPoraTe acTion of governmenT bonds 74 corPoraTe acTio
corPoraTe bonds 74 LisTed corPoraTe bonds and sukuks 75 secTor and sub secTor of Jasica 102
sTock oPTions Trading acTiviTies, 2004-Jun 2016 111
idX members for oPTions Trading 111
eXchange Traded fund (eTf) Trading acTiviTies, 2007-Jun 2016 112
reaL esTaTe invesTmenT TrusT (reiT) Trading acTiviTies, 2013-Jun 2016 113
LQ45 indeX fuTures Trading acTiviTies, 2013-Jun 2016 114
name of changes of eXchange members 118
LisT of ParTiciPanT, banks 118
LisT of ParTiciPanT, cusTodians 118
LisT of ParTiciPanT, securiTy comPanies 119 name of changes of ParTiciPanT comPanies 119 idX membe
oPTions Trading 120
neW ParTiciPanT comPanies 120
revoked ParTiciPanT comPanies 120
Jakarta Composite Index and Capital Market
1984 - June 2016


00 23-Jul-1997
0 Financial Crisis
3, 718.189
20 Founding of KSEI
0 548.181
2, 24-Jul-1995
Merging process of SSX into Bursa Paralel Indonesia
40 509.532

1,600 13-Jul-1992 1-May-1995

Privatization of JSX JATS 415.322
800 321.544
Establishment of SSX

T+4 to T+3 Settlement
'84 '85 '86 '87 '88 '89 '90 '91 '92 '93 '94 '95 '96 '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '0
sia Stock Exchange
r I, 6
th Floor Jln. Jend Sudirman Kav. 52-53
Jakarta 12190 www.idx.co.idAll right reserved.Printed in IndonesiaDisclaimerThe facts and opinions stated o

e reguLaTion 20
eTf) 25 seTTLemenT 26


onesia bond indeXes 106 indeX caLcuLaTion

e 108

oTher rePorTing reQuiremenTs for eXchange

reguLaTing organizaTion 178 governmenT

fiXed income Trading sysTem (fiTs) 27
Ta oPTions Trading sysTem (JoTs) & fuTures

ading voLume 14 50 mosT acTive idX members by


n 2015 - June 2016 54 financiaL daTa and raTios

72 LisTed governmenT bonds, reTaiL bonds 72

ecT based 73 LisTed sovereign sukuk, reTaiL sukuk
governmenT bonds 74 corPoraTe acTion of
and sub secTor of Jasica 102

16 113

arTiciPanT comPanies 119 idX members for

dex and Capital Market Milestones
1984 - June 2016 7-Apr-2015
Highest Index 5,523.290

14-May-2012 JATS-NextG 4,800
12-May-2011 4,000
The Launched of Fatwa of 3,200
Sharia Trading Mechanism 2,400
New Trading
Hours & Financial Services
Implementation of Remote 30-Nov-2007
2 Authority (OJK)
Trading Consolidation of the SSX
- activation
481.775 into JSX to become the IDX
21-Jul-2000 2,688.332 M
Scripless Trading a
512.617 6-Oct-2004 T 4,346.475 1
23-Dec-1997 Launching of Stock S 6-Jan-2014
Founding of KPEI Option 8-Oct-2008 New Lot Size ,
397.031 856.060 Suspend Trading N 4,202.809 6
1,451.669 e 0
9-Sep-2002 8
T+4 to T+3 Settlement G 0
               430.271 0
7 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 2 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16
Indonesia Stock Exchang
2010 2011 2012 2013
Trading Days 245 247 246 244
Trading Volume (mn shares)
Total 1,330,865 1,203,550 1,053,762 1,342,657
Daily Average 5,432 4,873 4,284 5,503
Trading Value (IDR bn)
Total 1,176,237 1,223,441 1,116,113 1,522,122
Daily Average 4,801 4,953 4,537 6,238
Trading Frequency of Shares
Total (‘000 x) 25,919 28,023 29,941 37,499
Daily Average (x) 105,790 113,454 121,712 121,712
Foreign Investors Transaction
Volume (mn shares) 187,944 242,522 211,942 269,630
Value (IDR bn) 383,643 441,240 482,785 629,454
Frequency (‘000 x) 3,032 4,781 6,219 9,272
Volume (mn shares) 162,303 198,165 214,089 276,152
Value (IDR bn) 362,662 416,950 466,904 650,101
Frequency (‘000 x) 2,861 4,892 5,872 10,067
Net Purchase by Foreign Investors
Volume (mn shares) 25,641 44,357 -2,147 -6,522
Value (IDR bn) 20,982 24,290 15,881 -20,647
Domestic Investors Transaction
Volume (mn shares) 1,142,921 961,028 841,820 1,073,027
Value (IDR bn) 792,594 782,200 633,328 892,669
Frequency (‘000 x) 22,887 23,242 23,722 28,227
Volume (mn shares) 1,168,562 1,005,385 839,673 1,066,505
Value (IDR bn) 813,576 806,491 649,209 872,022
Frequency (‘000 x) 23,058 23,131 24,069 27,432
Jakarta Composite Index (JCI)
High 3,786.10 4,193.44 4,375.17 5,214.98
Low 2,475.57 3,269.45 3,654.58 3,967.84
Close 3,703.51 3,821.99 4,316.69 4,274.18
Listed Companies 420 440 459 483
Listed Shares (mn shares) 1,894,828 2,198,133 2,438,408 2,827,795
market Capitalization (IDR bn) 3,247,097 3,537,294 4,126,995 4,219,020
New Issuers
Companies 23 25 23 31
Shares offered (million Shares) 47,053 32,114 27,117 30,398
Amount Raised (Rp Billion) 29,678 19,593 10,234 16,747
Delisted Companies 1 5 4 7
2014 2015 H
242 244 2 124
1,327,016 1,446,314 1 656,738
5,484 5,928 6 5,296

1,453,392 1,406,362 715,310

6,006 5,764 5,769

51,458 54,066 29,764

212,635 221,583 221,583

275,988 239,364 130,355

611,016 596,329 322,971
15,772 17,715 8,954

281,644 262,216 136,453

568,419 618,918 309,949
15,395 19,585 9,558

-5,656 -22,852 -6,098

42,598 -22,589 13,021

1,051,028 233,103 526,383

842,376 184,495 392,339
35,686 9,735 20,810

1,045,372 227,090 520,285

884,974 188,602 405,361
36,062 9,516 20,206

5,246.48 5,523.29 5,016.65

4,175.81 4,120.50 4,414.13
5,226.95 4,593.01 5,016.65

506 521 529

3,084,060 3,342,584 3,619,877
5,228,043 4,872,702 5,387,050
24 18 8
20,054 17,244 10,775
9,122 11,308 3,587
1 3-
2010 2011 2012 2013
Trading Value (IDR bn) 5,292 5,396 2,308 3,648
Listed Issuers 37 37 41 29
Listed Warrant 39 38 42 31
market Capitalization (IDR bn) 6,006 8,760 7,964 4,127


Trading Value (IDR bn) 336 514 69 1,178

Listed Issuers 31 26 21 30
Fund Raised (IDR bn) 48,161 42,142 18,188 38,801


ETFs 5 2 8 9
REITs - - - 14
options - - - -
Trading Value
IDR Denominated (IDR bn) 1,437,343 1,963,761 1,995,878 1,877,737
uSD Denominated (uSD mn) - - - 0.02
number of Listed Series 81 89 92 95
outstanding Value (IDR bn) 641,215 723,606 820,266 995,252
Trading Value
IDR Denominated (IDR bn) 90,009 126,388 160,118 185,336
uSD Denominated (uSD mn) - 0.09 0.03 0.02
IDR Denominated
Listed Issuer 83 96 99 104
number of Listed Bond 242 299 347 381
outstanding Value (IDR bn) 114,817 146,969 187,461 218,220
USD Denominated
Listed Issuer - 1 1 1
number of Listed Bond - 2 3 3
outstanding Value (uSD mn) - 80 100 100
New Issuers
Issuer 24 36 51 47
Bond Issuance 34 46 68 61
outstanding (IDR bn) 38,381 45,928 69,256 58,564
Trading Value (IDR bn) 267 534 159 383
Listed Issuers 3 4 5 5
outstanding Value (IDR bn) 1,024 1,495 1,982 2,362
number of members 119 120 121 116
Active members 119 120 118 114
Stocks Trading Value (IDR 2,352,475 2,446,881 2,232,227 3,044,245
2014 2015 H
899 282 2 131
32 26 0 24
33 27 1 27
2,608 2,201 6 2,832

31 172 73
22 21 13
44,503 45,562 39,451

8 15 2
141 124 3
- - -

2,837,544 3,399,936 1,787,486

149.45 1,492.83 -

90 91 92
1,209,961 1,425,994 1,607,396

167,674 187,655 49,902

10.37 6.98 5.10

102 103 102

385 415 425
223,464 249,880 269,871

1 1 1
3 3 3
100 100 100

45 49 16
49 59 17
46,843 62,070 25,762

289 240 39
5 6 7
2,362 2,416 1,945

116 115 115

111 110 109
2,906,785 2,906,785 1,430,620
50 Leading Companies in Market Capitalization
Market Capitalization, IDR bn Listed Shares, mn
No. Code Company Name 2015 % H1 2016 % 2015
1 HmSP Hm Sampoerna Tbwk. 437,356 8.98% 442,009 8.21% 4,653
2 BBCA Bank Central Asia Tbk. 324,633 6.66% 325,243 6.04% 24,408
3 TLKm Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. [S] 312,984 6.42% 401,184 7.45% 100,800
4 unVR unilever Indonesia Tbk. [S] 282,310 5.79% 343,922 6.38% 7,630
5 BBRI Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. 279,027 5.73% 263,763 4.90% 24,422
6 ASII Astra International Tbk. [S] 242,901 4.98% 299,578 5.56% 40,484
7 BmRI Bank mandiri (Persero) Tbk. 213,675 4.39% 220,027 4.08% 23,100
8 GGRm Gudang Garam Tbk. 105,825 2.17% 132,762 2.46% 1,924
9 BBnI Bank negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. 92,126 1.89% 96,003 1.78% 18,462
10 InTP Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk. [S] 82,183 1.69% 62,121 1.15% 3,681
11 ICBP Indofood CBP Sukses makmur Tbk. [S] 78,572 1.61% 100,438 1.86% 5,831
12 SmGR Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. [S] 67,619 1.39% 55,460 1.03% 5,932
13 PGAS Perusahaan Gas negara (Persero) Tbk. [S] 66,543 1.37% 56,725 1.05% 24,242
14 unTR united Tractors Tbk. [S] 63,226 1.30% 55,206 1.02% 3,730
15 KLBF Kalbe Farma Tbk. [S] 61,875 1.27% 71,719 1.33% 46,875
16 EmTK Elang mahkota Teknologi Tbk. 58,092 1.19% 55,272 1.03% 5,640
17 LPPF matahari Department Store Tbk. [S] 51,355 1.05% 58,358 1.08% 2,918
18 ToWR Sarana menara nusantara Tbk. 48,464 0.99% 43,362 0.80% 10,203
19 InDF Indofood Sukses makmur Tbk. [S] 45,439 0.93% 63,658 1.18% 8,780
20 SCmA Surya Citra media Tbk. 45,327 0.93% 48,251 0.90% 14,622
21 CPIn Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Tbk. [S] 42,635 0.87% 61,493 1.14% 16,398
22 JSmR Jasa marga (Persero) Tbk. [S] 35,530 0.73% 35,870 0.67% 6,800
23 mIKA mitra Keluarga Karyasehat Tbk. [S] 34,922 0.72% 40,015 0.74% 14,551
24 BSDE Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk. [S] 34,644 0.71% 40,611 0.75% 19,247
25 SmmA Sinar mas multiartha Tbk. 32,106 0.66% 47,047 0.87% 6,358
26 EXCL XL Axiata Tbk. 31,176 0.64% 39,225 0.73% 8,541
27 BDmn Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk. 30,364 0.62% 33,590 0.62% 9,489
28 ISAT Indosat Tbk. [S] 29,887 0.61% 34,641 0.64% 5,434
29 AKRA AKR Corporindo Tbk. [S] 28,334 0.58% 25,537 0.47% 3,949
30 TBIG Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk. 28,180 0.58% 31,657 0.59% 4,797
31 mYoR mayora Indah Tbk. [S] 27,278 0.56% 34,835 0.65% 894
32 mnCn media nusantara Citra Tbk. [S] 26,482 0.54% 31,407 0.58% 14,276
33 BYAn Bayan Resources Tbk. 26,250 0.54% 27,667 0.51% 3,333
34 AALI Astra Agro Lestari Tbk. [S] 24,960 0.51% 28,293 0.53% 1,575
35 AmRT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk. 24,084 0.49% 24,915 0.46% 41,525
36 PWon Pakuwon Jati Tbk. [S] 23,887 0.49% 29,618 0.55% 48,160
37 LPKR Lippo Karawaci Tbk. [S] 23,885 0.49% 26,424 0.49% 23,078
38 SmRA Summarecon Agung Tbk. [S] 23,804 0.49% 26,112 0.48% 14,427
39 WSKT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk. [S] 22,666 0.47% 34,612 0.64% 13,572
40 mEGA Bank mega Tbk. 22,578 0.46% 24,474 0.45% 6,894
41 CTRA Ciputra Development Tbk. [S] 22,383 0.46% 22,229 0.41% 15,331
42 PnBn Bank Pan Indonesia Tbk. 19,547 0.40% 18,355 0.34% 23,838
43 PTPP PP (Persero) Tbk. [S] 18,764 0.39% 18,886 0.35% 4,842
44 SSmS Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk. [S] 18,574 0.38% 17,907 0.33% 9,525
45 BIRD Blue Bird Tbk. [S] 17,765 0.36% 10,159 0.19% 2,502
46 mLBI multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk. 17,277 0.35% 23,282 0.43% 2,107
47 ADRo Adaro Energy Tbk. [S] 16,473 0.34% 27,188 0.50% 31,986
48 InCo Vale Indonesia Tbk. [S] 16,246 0.33% 18,084 0.34% 9,936
49 DnET Indoritel makmur Internasional Tbk. [S] 16,241 0.33% 15,815 0.29% 14,184
50 WIKA Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk. [S] 16,234 0.33% 18,202 0.34% 6,149
Total 50 Shares 3,712,688 76.19% 4,063,212 75.43% 762,034
IDX Total 4,872,702 5,387,050 3,342,584
note : using the List of Islamic Securities (DES) period December 1 , 2015 - may 30 , 2016
st th
H1 2016
- may 30 , 2016
50 MOST ACTIVE STOCKS BY Total Transaction 2015 Total Transac
TRADING VOLUME Volume, Value, Freq., Volume,
No. Code Stock Name mn sh % IDR bn ‘000 x Day mn sh
1 SIAP Sekawan Intipratama Tbk. [S] 151,143 10.45 34,487 568 213 348
2 mTFn Capitalinc Investment Tbk. 51,444 3.56 10,489 95 194 3,170
3 SuGI Sugih Energy Tbk. [S] 50,467 3.49 19,380 171 244 23,164
4 SRIL Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk. 47,178 3.26 14,532 1,303 244 16,214
5 CPRo Central Proteina Prima Tbk. 39,570 2.74 3,663 300 242 3,826
6 mYRX Hanson International Tbk. [S] 33,581 2.32 22,594 711 244 26,461
7 EnRG Energi mega Persada Tbk. [S] 32,889 2.27 2,190 247 244 5,820
8 BumI Bumi Resources Tbk. 30,491 2.11 2,550 307 244 16,693
9 PWon Pakuwon Jati Tbk. [S] 30,404 2.10 13,785 892 244 9,295
10 TRAm Trada maritime Tbk. 28,831 1.99 3,953 641 243 367
11 nIRo nirvana Development Tbk. [S] 28,343 1.96 5,364 237 244 5,305
12 TARA Sitara Propertindo Tbk. [S] 26,157 1.81 12,663 202 244 4,811
13 BKSL Sentul City Tbk. [S] 25,765 1.78 2,736 259 244 18,844
14 LCGP Eureka Prima Jakarta Tbk. [S] 25,698 1.78 12,582 123 244 12,344
15 mETA nusantara Infrastructure Tbk. [S] 25,077 1.73 4,207 195 244 8,629
16 BTEL Bakrie Telecom Tbk. 24,599 1.70 744 0.40 166 543
17 TLKm Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. [S] 23,627 1.63 67,354 1,341 244 16,508
18 ASRI Alam Sutera Realty Tbk. [S] 22,460 1.55 11,426 578 244 8,215
19 BIPI Benakat Integra Tbk. 21,522 1.49 1,919 91 244 4,433
20 BnBR Bakrie & Brothers Tbk. 20,560 1.42 704 2 237 2,524
21 BWPT Eagle High Plantation Tbk. 19,447 1.34 6,578 631 244 9,856
22 LPKR Lippo Karawaci Tbk. [S] 18,995 1.31 22,149 664 244 9,108
23 KIJA Kawasan Industri Jababeka Tbk. [S] 18,745 1.30 4,706 342 244 5,200
24 PPRo PP Properti Tbk. [S] 16,698 1.15 3,043 272 151 16,796
25 SSmS Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk. [S] 16,663 1.15 30,732 1,137 244 7,982
26 SmRu SmR utama Tbk. [S] 15,875 1.10 4,584 60 244 6,820
27 ELTY Bakrieland Development Tbk. [S] 15,857 1.10 518 9 233 3,136
28 TmPI Sigmagold Inti Perkasa Tbk. 13,642 0.94 5,998 149 244 7,805
29 CnKo Exploitasi Energi Indonesia Tbk. [S] 12,511 0.87 1,199 52 244 3,477
30 BRmS Bumi Resources minerals Tbk. [S] 12,327 0.85 1,124 129 244 15,701
31 KLBF Kalbe Farma Tbk. [S] 12,168 0.84 19,698 1,080 244 7,704
32 AnTm Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk. [S] 12,009 0.83 5,387 515 244 19,591
33 ADRo Adaro Energy Tbk. [S] 11,977 0.83 9,198 647 244 7,366
34 ASII Astra International Tbk. [S] 10,141 0.70 69,907 1,011 244 6,404
35 PGAS Perusahaan Gas negara (Persero) Tbk. [S] 9,592 0.66 36,449 1,230 244 5,744
36 mDLn modernland Realty Tbk. [S] 9,333 0.65 3,930 141 244 3,320
37 SmRA Summarecon Agung Tbk. [S] 9,191 0.64 15,247 769 244 3,673
38 ELSA Elnusa Tbk. [S] 8,569 0.59 3,979 405 244 15,192
39 WSKT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk. [S] 8,503 0.59 14,184 542 241 5,529
40 BBRI Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. 8,366 0.58 92,492 1,264 244 3,977
41 ARTI Ratu Prabu Energi Tbk. [S] 8,146 0.56 1,313 67 232 4,654
42 DILD Intiland Development Tbk. [S] 8,015 0.55 4,601 253 244 4,429
43 BBTn Bank Tabungan negara (Persero) Tbk. 8,010 0.55 8,900 396 244 3,237
44 BBnI Bank negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. 7,999 0.55 44,471 1,105 244 4,601
45 PnLF Panin Financial Tbk. 7,347 0.51 2,018 239 244 8,430
46 BmRI Bank mandiri (Persero) Tbk. 7,327 0.51 73,668 967 244 3,649
47 PLAS Polaris Investama Tbk. 7,041 0.49 10,958 118 244 2,807
48 BSDE Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk. [S] 7,020 0.49 13,220 584 244 5,534
49 IATA Indonesia Transport & Infrastructure Tbk. [S] 6,879 0.48 427 48 234 5,813
50 BCIP Bumi Citra Permai Tbk. [S] 6,850 0.47 5,415 184 244 4,185
Total 50 Stocks 1,075,050 763,412 23,276 399,236
% of Total 74.33 54.28 43.05 60.79
Market Total 1,446,314 1,406,314 656,738
note : using the List of Islamic Securities (DES) period December 1 , 2015 - may 30 , 2016
st th
n 2015 Total Transaction H1 2016

Value, Freq.,
IDR bn ‘000 x Day
24 0.03 26
146 0.29 92
8,315 74 124
4,693 603 124
199 38 124
19,601 206 124
176 16 124
1,245 113 124
4,721 372 124
17 3.09 118
560 37 124
3,008 70 124
1,494 175 124
5,085 53 124
910 86 124
19 0.25 74
57,966 848 124
3,356 265 124
270 4 115
82 0.47 111
2,462 280 124
9,326 487 124
1,324 110 124
4,788 303 124
14,999 567 124
1,174 23 124
121 40 121
3,214 43 124
278 68 123
852 116 123
10,542 549 124
10,669 442 124
5,251 368 124
42,826 576 124
14,709 546 124
1,258 71 124
5,811 295 124
5,845 465 124
12,061 423 124
42,893 692 124
699 49 124
2,272 270 124
5,189 257 124
22,812 526 124
1,498 204 124
34,813 507 124
4,285 44 124
10,150 292 124
326 40 115
3,285 77 124
387,622 11,649
54.19 39.29
715,310 29,764
30 , 2016
50 MOST ACTIVE STOCKS BY Total Transaction 2015 Total Transac
TRADING VALUE Volume, Value, Freq.,
No. Code Stock Name mn sh IDR bn % ‘000 x Day
1. BBRI Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. 8,366 92,492 6.58 1,264 244
2. BmRI Bank mandiri (Persero) Tbk. 7,327 73,668 5.24 967 244
3. ASII Astra International Tbk. [S] 10,141 69,907 4.97 1,011 244
4. TLKm Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. [S] 23,627 67,354 4.79 1,341 244
5. BBCA Bank Central Asia Tbk. 4,568 61,044 4.34 881 244
6. BBnI Bank negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. 7,999 44,471 3.16 1,105 244
7. PGAS Perusahaan Gas negara (Persero) Tbk. [S] 9,592 36,449 2.59 1,230 244
8. SIAP Sekawan Intipratama Tbk. [S] 151,143 34,487 2.45 568 213
9. SSmS Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk. [S] 16,663 30,732 2.19 1,137 244
10. HmSP Hm Sampoerna Tbk. 357 29,089 2.07 116 234
11. LPPF matahari Department Store Tbk. [S] 28,863 2.05 806 244
12. SmGR Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. [S] 1,775
1,883 23,068 1.64 747 244
13. mYRX Hanson International Tbk. [S] 33,581 22,594 1.61 711 244
14. LPKR Lippo Karawaci Tbk. [S] 18,995 22,149 1.57 664 244
15. InTP Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk. [S] 991 21,198 1.51 559 244
16. KLBF Kalbe Farma Tbk. [S] 12,168 19,698 1.40 1,080 244
17. unVR unilever Indonesia Tbk. [S] 505 19,403 1.38 624 244
18. SuGI Sugih Energy Tbk. [S] 50,467 19,380 1.38 171 244
19. InDF Indofood Sukses makmur Tbk. [S] 2,765 18,114 1.29 630 244
20. unTR united Tractors Tbk. [S] 879 16,973 1.21 808 244
21. GGRm Gudang Garam Tbk. 312 15,434 1.10 547 244
22. SmRA Summarecon Agung Tbk. [S] 9,191 15,247 1.08 769 244
23. SILo Siloam International Hospitals Tbk. [S] 1,165 15,135 1.08 174 244
24. ADHI Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk. [S] 5,887 15,087 1.07 767 244
25. GEmS Golden Energy mines Tbk. [S] 3,983 14,785 1.05 0.20 52
26. mIKA mitra Keluarga Karyasehat Tbk. [S] 1,825 14,625 1.04 573 188
27. SRIL Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk. 47,178 14,532 1.03 1,303 244
28. WSKT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk. [S] 8,503 14,184 1.01 542 241
29. PWon Pakuwon Jati Tbk. [S] 30,404 13,785 0.98 892 244
30. mPPA matahari Putra Prima Tbk. [S] 3,867 13,339 0.95 516 244
31. BSDE Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk. [S] 7,020 13,220 0.94 584 244
32. AKRA AKR Corporindo Tbk. [S] 2,316 12,745 0.91 481 244
33. TARA Sitara Propertindo Tbk. [S] 26,157 12,663 0.90 202 244
34. LCGP Eureka Prima Jakarta Tbk. [S] 25,698 12,582 0.89 123 244
35. ASRI Alam Sutera Realty Tbk. [S] 22,460 11,426 0.81 578 244
36. WIKA Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk. [S] 3,655 11,409 0.81 557 244
37. PLAS Polaris Investama Tbk. 7,041 10,958 0.78 118 244
38. SCmA Surya Citra media Tbk. 3,374 10,697 0.76 675 244
39. mTFn Capitalinc Investment Tbk. 51,444 10,489 0.75 95 194
40. PTPP PP (Persero) Tbk. [S] 2,716 10,233 0.73 560 244
41. JSmR Jasa marga (Persero) Tbk. [S] 1,720 10,211 0.73 443 244
42. ICBP Indofood CBP Sukses makmur Tbk. [S] 735 9,796 0.70 389 244
43. TBIG Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk. 1,183 9,753 0.69 323 244
44. ADRo Adaro Energy Tbk. [S] 11,977 9,198 0.65 647 244
45. LSIP PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk. [S] 5,701 8,970 0.64 529 244
46. BBTn Bank Tabungan negara (Persero) Tbk. 8,010 8,900 0.63 396 244
47. PLAS Polaris Investama Tbk. 3,459 8,250 0.59 713 244
48. BSDE Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk. [S] 5,899 7,894 0.56 26 243
49. IATA Indonesia Transport & Infrastructure Tbk. [S] 7,681 0.55 391 244
50. BCIP Bumi Citra Permai Tbk. [S] 355
1,835 7,129 0.51 452 244
Total 50 Stocks 668,864 1,101,489 30,786
% of Total
46.25 78.32 56.94
Market Total 1,446,314 1,406,362 54,066
note : using the List of Islamic Securities (DES) period December 1 , 2015 - may 30 , 2016
st th
ansaction 2015 Total Transaction H1 2016

Volume, Value, Freq.,

mn sh IDR bn ‘000 x Day
3,977 42,893 692 124
3,649 34,813 507 124
6,404 42,826 576 124
16,508 57,966 848 124
2,859 37,683 504 124
4,601 22,812 526 124
5,744 14,709 546 124
348 24 0.03 26
7,982 14,999 567 124
452 12,803 282 124
963 17,092 437 124
871 8,761 347 124
26,461 19,601 206 124
9,108 9,326 487 124
357 6,745 279 124
7,704 10,542 549 124
296 12,417 366 124
23,164 8,315 74 124
1,221 8,276 297 124
533 8,111 397 124
208 13,302 349 124
3,673 5,811 295 124
520 4,687 88 124
3,307 8,614 314 124
0.66 1.08 0.04 21
1,741 4,127 279 124
16,214 4,693 603 124
5,529 12,061 423 124
9,295 4,721 372 124
1,243 1,950 203 124
5,534 10,150 292 124
1,076 7,350 314 124
4,811 3,008 70 124
12,344 5,085 53 124
8,215 3,356 265 124
1,933 5,188 262 124
2,807 4,285 44 124
1,650 5,109 281 124
3,170 146 0.29 92
968 3,692 197 124
849 4,710 235 124
394 6,044 235 124
363 2,234 175 124
7,366 5,251 368 124
1,874 2,829 214 124
3,237 5,189 257 124
3,568 6,790 419 124
2,785 3,612 17 124
327 5,142 258 124
1,136 4,160 291 124
229,341 544,014 15,659
34.92 76.05 52.61
656,738 715,310 29,764
5 - may 30 , 2016
50 MOST ACTIVE STOCKS BY Total Transaction 2015 Total Tran
TRADING FREQUENCY Volume, Value, Freq., Volume,
No. Code Stock Name mn sh IDR bn ‘000 x % Day mn sh
1 TLKm Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. [S] 23,627 67,354 1,341 2.48 244 16,508
2 SRIL Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk. 47,178 14,532 1,303 2.41 244 16,214
3 BBRI Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. 8,366 92,492 1,264 2.34 244 3,977
4 PGAS Perusahaan Gas negara (Persero) Tbk. [S] 9,592 36,449 1,230 2.28 244 5,744
5 SSmS Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk. [S] 16,663 30,732 1,137 2.10 244 7,982
6 BBnI Bank negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. 7,999 44,471 1,105 2.04 244 4,601
7 KLBF Kalbe Farma Tbk. [S] 12,168 19,698 1,080 2.00 244 7,704
8 ASII Astra International Tbk. [S] 10,141 69,907 1,011 1.87 244 6,404
9 BmRI Bank mandiri (Persero) Tbk. 7,327 73,668 967 1.79 244 3,649
10 PWon Pakuwon Jati Tbk. [S] 30,404 13,785 892 1.65 244 9,295
11 BBCA Bank Central Asia Tbk. 4,568 61,044 881 1.63 244 2,859
12 unTR united Tractors Tbk. [S] 879 16,973 808 1.49 244 533
13 LPPF matahari Department Store Tbk. [S] 1,775 28,863 806 1.49 244 963
14 SmRA Summarecon Agung Tbk. [S] 9,191 15,247 769 1.42 244 3,673
15 ADHI Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk. [S] 5,887 15,087 767 1.42 244 3,307
16 SmGR Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. [S] 1,883 23,068 747 1.38 244 871
17 mnCn media nusantara Citra Tbk. [S] 3,459 8,250 713 1.32 244 3,568
18 mYRX Hanson International Tbk. [S] 33,581 22,594 711 1.31 244 26,461
19 SCmA Surya Citra media Tbk. 3,374 10,697 675 1.25 244 1,650
20 LPKR Lippo Karawaci Tbk. [S] 18,995 22,149 664 1.23 244 9,108
21 ADRo Adaro Energy Tbk. [S] 11,977 9,198 647 1.20 244 7,366
22 TRAm Trada maritime Tbk. 28,831 3,953 641 1.19 243 367
23 BWPT Eagle High Plantation Tbk. 19,447 6,578 631 1.17 244 9,856
24 InDF Indofood Sukses makmur Tbk. [S] 2,765 18,114 630 1.17 244 1,221
25 unVR unilever Indonesia Tbk. [S] 505 19,403 624 1.15 244 296
26 BSDE Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk. [S] 7,020 13,220 584 1.08 244 5,534
27 ASRI Alam Sutera Realty Tbk. [S] 22,460 11,426 578 1.07 244 8,215
28 mIKA mitra Keluarga Karyasehat Tbk. [S] 1,825 14,625 573 1.06 188 1,741
29 CPIn Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Tbk. [S] 1,862 5,483 570 1.05 244 912
30 SIAP Sekawan Intipratama Tbk. [S] 151,143 34,487 568 1.05 213 348
31 InCo Vale Indonesia Tbk. [S] 2,823 6,858 562 1.04 244 1,392
32 PTPP PP (Persero) Tbk. [S] 2,716 10,233 560 1.04 244 968
33 InTP Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk. [S] 991 21,198 559 1.03 244 357
34 WIKA Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk. [S] 3,655 11,409 557 1.03 244 1,933
35 GGRm Gudang Garam Tbk. 312 15,434 547 1.01 244 208
36 WSKT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk. [S] 8,503 14,184 542 1.00 241 5,529
37 LSIP PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk. [S] 5,701 8,970 529 0.98 244 1,874
38 BmTR Global mediacom Tbk. [S] 3,669 4,969 525 0.97 244 2,331
39 mPPA matahari Putra Prima Tbk. [S] 3,867 13,339 516 0.95 244 1,243
40 AnTm Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk. [S] 12,009 5,387 515 0.95 244 19,591
41 PTBA Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk. [S] 946 7,109 495 0.92 244 657
42 AKRA AKR Corporindo Tbk. [S] 2,316 12,745 481 0.89 244 1,076
43 EXCL XL Axiata Tbk. 1,835 7,129 452 0.84 244 1,136
44 ITmG Indo Tambangraya megah Tbk. [S] 446 5,744 443 0.82 244 286
45 JSmR Jasa marga (Persero) Tbk. [S] 1,720 10,211 443 0.82 244 849
46 KREn Kresna Graha Investama Tbk. 4,720 6,744 421 0.78 242 1,310
47 ELSA Elnusa Tbk. [S] 8,569 3,979 405 0.75 244 15,192
48 BBTn Bank Tabungan negara (Persero) Tbk. 8,010 8,900 396 0.73 244 3,237
49 AALI Astra Agro Lestari Tbk. [S] 355 7,681 391 0.72 244 327
50 ICBP Indofood CBP Sukses makmur Tbk. [S] 735 9,796 389 0.72 244 394
Total 50 Stocks 578,790 1,015,567 34,646 230,820
% of Total 40.02 72.21 64.08 35.15
Market Total 1,446,314 1,406,362 54,066 656,738
note : using the List of Islamic Securities (DES) period December 1 , 2015 - may 30 , 2016
st th


Total Transaction 2015 Total Transaction H1 2016
2015 Total Transaction H1 2016

Value, Freq.,
IDR bn ‘000 x Day
57,966 848 124
4,693 603 124
42,893 692 124
14,709 546 124
14,999 567 124
22,812 526 124
10,542 549 124
42,826 576 124
34,813 507 124
4,721 372 124
37,683 504 124
8,111 397 124
17,092 437 124
5,811 295 124
8,614 314 124
8,761 347 124
6,790 419 124
19,601 206 124
5,109 281 124
9,326 487 124
5,251 368 124
17 3 118
2,462 280 124
8,276 297 124
12,417 366 124
10,150 292 124
3,356 265 124
4,127 279 124
3,108 317 124
24 0 26
2,425 197 124
3,692 197 124
6,745 279 124
5,188 262 124
13,302 349 124
12,061 423 124
2,829 214 124
2,250 354 124
1,950 203 124
10,669 442 124
4,191 299 124
7,350 314 124
4,160 291 124
1,932 161 124
4,710 235 124
2,601 432 124
5,845 465 124
5,189 257 124
5,142 258 124
6,044 235 124
535,338 17,806
74.84 59.83
715,310 29,764
Volume, Value, Freq., Volume,
No. Code Brokerage Name mn sh % IDR bn ‘000 x mn sh
1. YP Daewoo Securities Indonesia 152,441 5.27 85,965 7,908 83,766
2. oD Danareksa Sekuritas 139,360 4.82 59,519 2,049 17,515
3. Yu CImB Securities Indonesia 120,213 4.16 133,850 4,112 50,354
4. CC mandiri Sekuritas 100,677 3.48 116,521 4,854 48,329
5. CP Valbury Asia Securities 97,682 3.38 45,075 2,201 41,284
6. DH Sinarmas Sekuritas 97,481 3.37 63,123 1,324 48,278
7. Sm millenium Danatama Sekuritas 85,122 2.94 35,144 193 32,016
8. LS Reliance Securities Tbk. 75,691 2.62 29,047 1,054 17,540
9. LG Trimegah Securities Tbk. 75,446 2.61 54,360 1,565 40,346
10. XA nH Korindo Securities Indonesia 68,420 2.37 29,511 592 17,420
11. DR RHB Securities Indonesia 66,514 2.30 72,025 2,905 39,173
12. KI Ciptadana Securities 63,098 2.18 49,258 1,082 19,852
13. PD Indo Premier Securities 62,384 2.16 51,105 5,034 41,835
14. EP mnC Securities 58,632 2.03 42,909 2,215 70,878
15. nI BnI Securities 55,884 1.93 41,527 2,792 29,047
16. AP Pacific capital 53,690 1.86 9,468 14 22,432
17. AZ Sucorinvest Central Gani 53,481 1.85 26,150 1,174 13,149
18. FS Yuanta Securities Indonesia 50,038 1.73 24,817 721 16,782
19. YJ Lautandhana Securindo 46,406 1.60 25,623 1,525 29,725
20. DB Deutsche Securities Indonesia 45,991 1.59 120,279 6,049 17,313
21. AK uBS Securities Indonesia 45,939 1.59 135,729 4,097 22,154
22. ZP maybank Kim Eng Securities 45,815 1.58 94,813 2,809 27,980
23. CS Credit Suisse Securities Indonesia 43,969 1.52 138,053 5,217 21,751
24. YB Jasa utama Capital 40,345 1.39 21,558 1,011 17,493
25. KS Kresna Graha Sekurindo Tbk. 39,783 1.38 30,280 993 12,614
26. GR Panin Sekuritas Tbk. 38,933 1.35 32,722 1,408 19,303
27. KK Phillip Securities Indonesia 37,891 1.31 28,638 2,344 26,147
28. mS morgan Stanley Asia Indonesia 36,877 1.27 149,897 2,450 18,011
29. KZ CLSA Indonesia 35,701 1.23 100,641 2,419 18,627
30. DX Bahana Securities 33,631 1.16 64,604 2,454 16,255
31. RX macquarie Capital Securities Indonesia 1.13 96,359 1,830 15,413
32. PC First Asia Capital 32,722
31,886 1.10 13,008 1,064 10,503
33. TP oCBC Sekuritas Indonesia 31,294 1.08 21,478 660 12,421
34. IF Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia 30,342 1.05 19,775 663 12,447
35. ID Anugerah Securindo Indah 29,682 1.03 12,752 292 19,120
36. mG Semesta Indovest 29,157 1.01 15,067 737 10,433
37. Po Pilarmas Investindo 28,421 0.98 13,928 302 5,995
38. CG Citigroup Securities Indonesia 27,822 0.96 95,490 2,496 14,481
39. AD oSo Securities 27,709 0.96 13,289 562 13,639
40. HP Henan Putihrai 27,667 0.96 13,385 497 13,509
41. AI uoB Kay Hian Securities 27,384 0.95 27,892 1,276 16,650
42. mu minna Padi Investama 27,112 0.94 7,163 161 6,416
43. XL mahakarya Artha Securities 25,373 0.88 11,306 516 4,733
44. mL merrill Lynch Indonesia 24,995 0.86 92,072 4,354 10,855
45. PK Pratama Capital Indonesia 23,175 0.80 9,101 181 11,211
46. BR Trust Securities 23,019 0.80 11,781 422 6,657
47. AG Kiwoom Securities Indonesia 22,427 0.78 12,684 741 9,847
48. SA Bosowa Sekuritas 21,703 0.75 13,909 410 5,683
49. FZ Waterfront Securities Indonesia 20,866 0.72 14,027 646 11,987
50. Ao Erdikha Elit Sekuritas 20,505 0.71 11,329 830 10,259
Total 50 Stocks 2,500,796 2,438,003 93,206 1,119,625
% of Total 86.45 86.68 86.20 85.24
Market Total 2,892,627 2,812,725 108,133 1,313,477
Value, Freq.,
IDR bn ‘000 x
56,300 4,995
19,265 1,048
63,106 1,943
54,359 2,934
21,804 1,170
22,854 770
14,629 109
9,364 486
29,074 967
9,825 285
37,839 1,633
22,690 683
32,898 3,190
39,016 1,264
20,539 1,775
4,666 5
9,223 620
15,644 417
15,489 966
59,291 2,498
76,770 2,996
55,559 1,584
69,712 2,280
10,842 650
10,910 411
17,904 945
17,401 1,516
79,168 1,328
49,996 1,153
35,879 1,220
51,730 866
6,048 382
10,962 312
11,912 520
9,509 227
7,521 444
4,235 226
60,913 1,221
7,721 383
6,453 323
15,462 734
2,621 110
2,468 137
42,420 2,135
4,458 84
3,935 208
5,543 490
3,903 247
5,809 409
5,843 482
1,251,481 51,786
87.48 86.99
1,430,620 59,528
Total Transaction 2015 Total Transaction H1 2016

Volume, Value, Freq., Volume,

No. Code Brokerage Name mn sh IDR bn % ‘000 x mn sh
1. mS morgan Stanley Asia Indonesia 36,877 149,897 5.33 2,450 18,011
2. CS Credit Suisse Securities Indonesia 43,969 138,053 4.91 5,217 21,751
3. AK uBS Securities Indonesia 45,939 135,729 4.83 4,097 22,154
4. Yu CImB Securities Indonesia 120,213 133,850 4.76 4,112 50,354
5. DB Deutsche Securities Indonesia 45,991 120,279 4.28 6,049 17,313
6. CC mandiri Sekuritas 100,677 116,521 4.14 4,854 48,329
7. KZ CLSA Indonesia 35,701 100,641 3.58 2,419 18,627
8. RX macquarie Capital Securities Indonesia 32,722 96,359 3.43 1,830 15,413
9. CG Citigroup Securities Indonesia 27,822 95,490 3.39 2,496 14,481
10. ZP maybank Kim Eng Securities 45,815 94,813 3.37 2,809 27,980
11. mL merrill Lynch Indonesia 24,995 92,072 3.27 4,354 10,855
12. YP Daewoo Securities Indonesia 152,441 85,965 3.06 7,908 83,766
13. BK JP morgan Securities Indonesia 16,473 77,249 2.75 1,817 8,052
14. DR RHB Securities Indonesia 66,514 72,025 2.56 2,905 39,173
15. DX Bahana Securities 33,631 64,604 2.30 2,454 16,255
16. DH Sinarmas Sekuritas 97,481 63,123 2.24 1,324 48,278
17. oD Danareksa Sekuritas 139,360 59,519 2.12 2,049 17,515
18. LG Trimegah Securities Tbk. 75,446 54,360 1.93 1,565 40,346
19. PD Indo Premier Securities 62,384 51,105 1.82 5,034 41,835
20. KI Ciptadana Securities 63,098 49,258 1.75 1,082 19,852
21. CP Valbury Asia Securities 97,682 45,075 1.60 2,201 41,284
22. EP mnC Securities 58,632 42,909 1.53 2,215 70,878
23. nI BnI Securities 55,884 41,527 1.48 2,792 29,047
24. FG nomura Indonesia 15,756 38,606 1.37 2,360 7,142
25. Sm millenium Danatama Sekuritas 85,122 35,144 1.25 193 32,016
26. GR Panin Sekuritas Tbk. 38,933 32,722 1.16 1,408 19,303
27. KS Kresna Graha Sekurindo Tbk. 39,783 30,280 1.08 993 12,614
28. XA nH Korindo Securities Indonesia 68,420 29,511 1.05 592 17,420
29. LS Reliance Securities Tbk. 75,691 29,047 1.03 1,054 17,540
30. KK Phillip Securities Indonesia 37,891 28,638 1.02 2,344 26,147
31. AI uoB Kay Hian Securities 27,384 27,892 0.99 1,276 16,650
32. AZ Sucorinvest Central Gani 53,481 26,150 0.93 1,174 13,149
33. YJ Lautandhana Securindo 46,406 25,623 0.91 1,525 29,725
34. FS Yuanta Securities Indonesia 50,038 24,817 0.88 721 16,782
35. YB Jasa utama Capital 40,345 21,558 0.77 1,011 17,493
36. TP oCBC Sekuritas Indonesia 31,294 21,478 0.76 660 12,421
37. IF Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia 30,342 19,775 0.70 663 12,447
38. BW BnP Paribas Securities Indonesia 4,327 15,931 0.57 414 1,446
39. mG Semesta Indovest 29,157 15,067 0.54 737 10,433
40. FZ Waterfront Securities Indonesia 20,866 14,027 0.50 646 11,987
41. CD mega Capital Indonesia 16,807 13,929 0.50 535 8,651
42. Po Pilarmas Investindo 28,421 13,928 0.50 302 5,995
43. SA Bosowa Sekuritas 21,703 13,909 0.49 410 5,683
44. HP Henan Putihrai 27,667 13,385 0.48 497 13,509
45. AD oSo Securities 27,709 13,289 0.47 562 13,639
46. PC First Asia Capital 31,886 13,008 0.46 1,064 10,503
47. ID Anugerah Securindo Indah 29,682 12,752 0.45 292 19,120
48. AG Kiwoom Securities Indonesia 22,427 12,684 0.45 741 9,847
49. RF Buana Capital 7,605 11,986 0.43 291 3,961
50. PG Panca Global Securities Tbk. 18,600 11,971 0.43 192 12,954
Total 50 Stocks 2,407,490 2,547,617 96,691 1,306,566
% of Total 83.23 90.57 89.42 91.33
Market Total 2,892,627 2,812,725 108,133 1,430,620
Value, Freq.,
IDR bn ‘000 x
79,168 1,328
69,712 2,280
76,770 2,996
63,106 1,943
59,291 2,498
54,359 2,934
49,996 1,153
51,730 866
60,913 1,221
55,559 1,584
42,420 2,135
56,300 4,995
31,983 1,038
37,839 1,633
35,879 1,220
22,854 770
19,265 1,048
29,074 967
32,898 3,190
22,690 683
21,804 1,170
39,016 1,264
20,539 1,775
21,893 826
14,629 109
17,904 945
10,910 411
9,825 285
9,364 486
17,401 1,516
15,462 734
9,223 620
15,489 966
15,644 417
10,842 650
10,962 312
11,912 520
4,372 116
7,521 444
5,809 409
7,290 316
4,235 226
3,903 247
6,453 323
7,721 383
6,048 382
9,509 227
5,543 490
5,533 175
8,005 100
53,329 51,786
89.59 86.99
59,528 59,528
Total Transaction 2015 Total Transaction H1 2016

Volume, Value, Freq., Volume,

No. Code Brokerage Name mn sh IDR bn ‘000 x % mn sh
1. YP Daewoo Securities Indonesia 152,441 85,965 7,908 7.31 83,766
2. DB Deutsche Securities Indonesia 45,991 120,279 6,049 5.59 17,313
3. CS Credit Suisse Securities Indonesia 43,969 138,053 5,217 4.82 21,751
4. PD Indo Premier Securities 62,384 51,105 5,034 4.66 41,835
5. CC mandiri Sekuritas 100,677 116,521 4,854 4.49 48,329
6. mL merrill Lynch Indonesia 24,995 92,072 4,354 4.03 10,855
7. Yu CImB Securities Indonesia 120,213 133,850 4,112 3.80 50,354
8. AK uBS Securities Indonesia 45,939 135,729 4,097 3.79 22,154
9. DR RHB Securities Indonesia 66,514 72,025 2,905 2.69 39,173
10. ZP maybank Kim Eng Securities 45,815 94,813 2,809 2.60 27,980
11. nI BnI Securities 55,884 41,527 2,792 2.58 29,047
12. CG Citigroup Securities Indonesia 27,822 95,490 2,496 2.31 14,481
13. DX Bahana Securities 33,631 64,604 2,454 2.27 16,255
14. mS morgan Stanley Asia Indonesia 36,877 149,897 2,450 2.27 18,011
15. KZ CLSA Indonesia 35,701 100,641 2,419 2.24 18,627
16. FG nomura Indonesia 15,756 38,606 2,360 2.18 7,142
17. KK Phillip Securities Indonesia 37,891 28,638 2,344 2.17 26,147
18. EP mnC Securities 58,632 42,909 2,215 2.05 70,878
19. CP Valbury Asia Securities 97,682 45,075 2,201 2.04 41,284
20. oD Danareksa Sekuritas 139,360 59,519 2,049 1.89 17,515
21. RX macquarie Capital Securities Indonesia 32,722 96,359 1,830 1.69 15,413
22. BK JP morgan Securities Indonesia 16,473 77,249 1,817 1.68 8,052
23. LG Trimegah Securities Tbk. 75,446 54,360 1,565 1.45 40,346
24. YJ Lautandhana Securindo 46,406 25,623 1,525 1.41 29,725
25. GR Panin Sekuritas Tbk. 38,933 32,722 1,408 1.30 19,303
26. DH Sinarmas Sekuritas 97,481 63,123 1,324 1.22 48,278
27. AI uoB Kay Hian Securities 27,384 27,892 1,276 1.18 16,650
28. AZ Sucorinvest Central Gani 53,481 26,150 1,174 1.09 13,149
29. KI Ciptadana Securities 63,098 49,258 1,082 1.00 19,852
30. PC First Asia Capital 31,886 13,008 1,064 0.98 10,503
31. LS Reliance Securities Tbk. 75,691 29,047 1,054 0.98 17,540
32. YB Jasa utama Capital 40,345 21,558 1,011 0.93 17,493
33. KS Kresna Graha Sekurindo Tbk. 39,783 30,280 993 0.92 12,614
34. Ao Erdikha Elit Sekuritas 20,505 11,329 830 0.77 10,259
35. AG Kiwoom Securities Indonesia 22,427 12,684 741 0.69 9,847
36. mG Semesta Indovest 29,157 15,067 737 0.68 10,433
37. FS Yuanta Securities Indonesia 50,038 24,817 721 0.67 16,782
38. IF Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia 30,342 19,775 663 0.61 12,447
39. TP oCBC Sekuritas Indonesia 31,294 21,478 660 0.61 12,421
40. FZ Waterfront Securities Indonesia 20,866 14,027 646 0.60 11,987
41. RG Profindo international securities 13,847 11,756 624 0.58 5,439
42. HD HD Capital Tbk. 18,075 9,827 613 0.57 6,472
43. XA nH Korindo Securities Indonesia 68,420 29,511 592 0.55 17,420
44. AD oSo Securities 27,709 13,289 562 0.52 13,639
45. qA Prime Capital Securities 12,456 6,277 536 0.50 4,662
46. CD mega Capital Indonesia 16,807 13,929 535 0.49 8,651
47. XL mahakarya Artha Securities 25,373 11,306 516 0.48 4,733
48. HP Henan Putihrai 27,667 13,385 497 0.46 13,509
49. mI Victoria Securities Indonesia 14,424 7,870 464 0.43 3,916
50. PS Paramitra Alfa Sekuritas 11,188 7,445 460 0.42 4,927
Total 50 Stocks 2,327,899 2,497,714 98,639 1,059,356
% of Total 80.48 88.80 91.22 80.65
Market Total 2,892,627 2,812,725 108,133 1,313,477
Value, Freq.,
IDR bn ‘000 x
56,300 4,995
59,291 2,498
69,712 2,280
32,898 3,190
54,359 2,934
42,420 2,135
63,106 1,943
76,770 2,996
37,839 1,633
55,559 1,584
20,539 1,775
60,913 1,221
35,879 1,220
79,168 1,328
49,996 1,153
21,893 826
17,401 1,516
39,016 1,264
21,804 1,170
19,265 1,048
51,730 866
31,983 1,038
29,074 967
15,489 966
17,904 945
22,854 770
15,462 734
9,223 620
22,690 683
6,048 382
9,364 486
10,842 650
10,910 411
5,843 482
5,543 490
7,521 444
15,644 417
11,912 520
10,962 312
5,809 409
3,556 257
4,726 380
9,825 285
7,721 383
2,689 208
7,290 316
2,468 137
6,453 323
1,996 142
3,267 272
1,280,927 54,006
89.54 90.72
1,430,620 59,528
Indonesia Stock Exchang
unconducive macro economic conditions both amid the uncertainties of the global economy.
nationally and internationally that prevailed throughout Generally, compared to regional exchang
2015 have generated business uncertainty. Internally, promising although it is still not the best. The Sin
the Rupiah has been under pressure from the uS Dollars. for example, ended down 14.47% in 2015, while
In 2015 the Rupiah exchange rate sank to a Rp14,280 However, the performance of the FTSE of Bursa
against the uS Dollars in September 2015, although it with a decline of only 3.44% compared to 2014.
was then closed at Rp13,785 by year’s end, a 10%
depreciation compared to the end of 2014.
Trading Performance
meanwhile, the economic conditions in several
Stock Trading Summary
IDX stock market capitalization was recorded at
advanced countries in the European regions were also
2015, down 6.8% compared to 2014 when it had
deteriorated and have not yet recover from the crisis.
lethargy in the market induced the average dail
Devaluation of Yuan in China has added turmoils to the
exchange to slide to 4.03% in 2015 compared to
world’s economy. In other side, the price of commodities
Rp5.76 trillion. However, the average number of
like crude oil, palm oil and coal have also fallen. under
compared to 2014, from 212.634 transactions to
this uncertainty, various financial institutions made
The average volume of shares traded in 2015 we
several revisions to their projections of national and
2014; from 5.48 billion shares to 5.93 billion sha
international economic growth. The ImF, who at the
beginning optimistically projected a 3.5% global growth Corporate Bonds Trading
rate in 2015–a little over that for 2014–later altered this During the course of 2015, the volume of tr
projection to 3.3%–on par with that for 2015–in July 2015 Sharia, and Corporate Sukuk, including Asset-Ba
before again reducing it to 3.1% in october 2015. denominated in Rupiah, was Rp187.90 trillion
In January 2015 the World Bank also cut back its global Rp167.96 trillion in 2014. The trading frequency
growth forecast for that year to 3%. This was 0.49% from 22.181 times in 2014.
lessened from the 3.4% growth it had projected in June The average daily trading volume in 2015 w
2014. The stirrings of an economic recovery in the united compared to Rp688.37 billion in 2014.
States as the world’s biggest economic power were still Furthermore, uS Dollar-denominated trading also
not strong enough to drive the wheel of the global 2015, up 32.76% compared to uSD10.37 million
economy. other world economies, including Europe’s, reached 16 times; down 15.79% from 19 times i
were still sluggish. In July 2015, the World Bank again daily trading volume for corporate bonds, de
lowered its forecast of global economic growth to 2.8% was uSD0.03 million, down 33.31% compared to
after seeing the economy of emerging market countries, Government Bonds Trading
especially Brazil and Russia, getting increasingly lethargic over 2015, the trading volume in the Governmen
under additional price pressure from the fall in world oil include Government Sharia Securities (SBSn), re
prices. amounted to Rp3,399.94 trillion, up 19.82% com
The economic growth figures in indonesia were also 2014. The trading frequency reached 169.82
revised. The Bank of Indonesia revised its economic the 159.345 times in 2014. The average daily
growth projections for 2015 twice, from around 5.4% government securities was worth Rp13.82 tril
to 5.8% at the beginning of the year, down to a range of Rp11.63 trillion in 2014.
4.7% to 5.1% by mid-year. The Central Bureau of
Statistics also reduced anticipated Indonesian growth to
4.79% for 2015, slower than the 5% achieved in
2014. In this situation, Bank of Indonesia still holds its
rate at 7.5% level.
Amidst the continued uncertainty of global economic
conditions, the Indonesia capital market was still able to
record a new share index record of 5,523 on April 7,
2015, which allowed market capitalization to book a new
record nominal value of Rp5.584 trillion.
This could not be sustained for long when the slowdown
of the domestic and world economies and various market
upheavals put the combined share price index under
pressure. on September 28, 2015, the JCI fell to 4,120, or
25.4% off its high record. Although able to recover to
close at 4,593 by the end of 2015, this was still 12.39%
lower than at the beginning of the year. Even so,
strengthening over the last quarter of 2015 raised hopes
that there were still good prospects for profit from
The economic growth figures in indonesia were also 2014. The trading frequency reached 169.82
revised. The Bank of Indonesia revised its economic the 159.345 times in 2014. The average daily
growth projections for 2015 twice, from around 5.4% government securities was worth Rp13.82 tril
to 5.8% at the beginning of the year, down to a range of Rp11.63 trillion in 2014.
4.7% to 5.1% by mid-year. The Central Bureau of
Statistics also reduced anticipated Indonesian growth to
4.79% for 2015, slower than the 5% achieved in
2014. In this situation, Bank of Indonesia still holds its
rate at 7.5% level.
Amidst the continued uncertainty of global economic
conditions, the Indonesia capital market was still able to
record a new share index record of 5,523 on April 7,
2015, which allowed market capitalization to book a new
record nominal value of Rp5.584 trillion.
This could not be sustained for long when the slowdown
of the domestic and world economies and various market
upheavals put the combined share price index under
pressure. on September 28, 2015, the JCI fell to 4,120, or
25.4% off its high record. Although able to recover to
close at 4,593 by the end of 2015, this was still 12.39%
lower than at the beginning of the year. Even so,
strengthening over the last quarter of 2015 raised hopes
that there were still good prospects for profit from
investment in the capital market

In addition, in 2015 there was also the trading of trillion, an increase from Rp36.99 tri
activity uS dollar-denominated Government The total value in Debt Securities, Su
Bonds that worth uSD1,492.83 million, up December 2015 was Rp253.12 trillio
898.86% from uSD149.45 million in 2014. The Debt Securities, Sukuk, and ABS with
frequency of trading was 77 times, up 185.19% of Rp252.27 trillion and three series
compared to 27 times in 2014. The average daily Securities with value of uSD100 mill
trading volume of uS dollar-denominated Government Securities (SBN) Listing
government securities in 2015 was uSD6.07 million, A total of 183 SBn series were li
up 890.74% from uSD0.61 million in 2014. of Rp351.17 trillion and uSD500
Listing Activities series of new listings worth Rp76
series worth Rp271.67 trillion and
Equity Based Securities Listing
included 24 series of Government D
During the period of January to December 2015, 18
Rp41.55 trillion and 15 series of G
new Companies were listed in IDX: 2 Re-listed
(SBSn) worth Rp34.95 trillion. In add
Companies and 16 Listed Companies that went
reopening SBSn worth Rp223.66 trill
through Initial Public offerings (IPo). This
represented 64% of the target of 28 new Listed
Companies set for 2015. Annual Report Award 2014
To improve the quality of the com
In 2015 one mutual fund in the form of ETF
and as an appreciation of the qu
was listed namely Reksa Dana Premier ETF
Report, IDX along with the nation
Indonesia State-owned Companies. In addition to
Governance (KnKG), Bank Indonesia
IPo, 2015 also saw issuance of Pre-emptive
of Taxation, ministry of Finance, min
Rights by 20 Listed Companies and the
Association of Indonesian Accounta
conversion of warrants from 27 Listed Companies.
Report Award (ARA) ceremony for 20
Total funds raised through IPos, issuances of Pre-
the theme “Accountability and Inf
emptive Rights and Warrants Conversions in 2015
to Win Business Competition in the E
reached Rp57.70 trillion, or increase by 15.85%
within ASEAn”. This event was at
from Rp49.80 trillion in 2014. In detail the funds
which included State owned Comp
raised through IPos was Rp11.31 trillion, while Pre-
companies, both Listed and non-
emptive Rights issues reach a total of Rp45.57
trillion, and Warrants Conversion contributed eXtensible Business Reporting Langu
Rp824.15 billion. on June 22, 2015, IDX launched
In 2015, IDX delisted stocks of three Listed Language (XBRL) based reportin
Companies; PT Davomas Abadi Tbk (DAVo), PT Bank Companies’ Financial Statements,
Ekonomi Raharja Tbk (BAEK), and PT unitex Tbk IDXnet electronic reporting system.
(unTX). DAVo was delisted because of going XBRL is a global standard used f
concern, while BAEK and unTX was delisted as financial statements to improve in
a response to their submission for voluntary through an automatic validation mec
delisting. taxonomy which had been launched
on october 24, 2015, the XBRL repor
Debt Securities, Sukuk and ABS
then official to use XbrL for the repo
The number of Bonds and Sukuk, and Asset-
financial statement. in the early stag
Backed Securities (ABS), listed in IDX in 2015 was
reporting ran parallel with the Form
55 issuances worth Rp62.75 trillion that was issued
Submission. A Listed Company was
by 38 Listed Companies. This included 48 bonds
financial statement within a deadline
worth Rp59.40 trillion issued by 36 Listed
for submission of Form E024. Comm
Companies, 6 issuance of Sukuk worth Rp3.17
made it easier to process financial re
trillion issued by 5 Listed Companies, and a
reporting company, both for internal
single issuance of Asset-Backed Securities (ABS)
Full implementation of XBRL reportin
worth Rp181.6 billion.
Membership ISCmE is expected to be an effective tool for com
consultations, promotions, and negotiations
Exchange Members and Participants markets.
During the period January-December 2015, there were The year 2015 marked the 8th year of iscme afte
124 securities companies who were listed as IDX contrast to previous years, in 2015 ISCmE was h
shareholders. up till the end of 2015, there were 115 november 9 until 13, 2015, at the IDX Building, J
Exchange members (Em), out of which 109 were
The theme chosen for this year was “Yuk nabung
active Em and six were suspended Em. In addition,
carried not only to raise awareness on the ne
there were 114 participants comprising 58 Securities
market, but also to invite the public to invest reg
Companies, 37 Banks, and 19 Custodian Banks.
capital market.
The Standardisation of the Brokerage Office Accommodating 10,672 visitors, ISCmE 2015
System Guideline (BOFIS) others:
In the framework of equal treatment for all Em, IDX  Public Expose of 81 Listed Companies.
has issued BoFIS guidelines through SK no: Kep-  Talk shows by public or inspirational figures.
00024/BEI/03- 2015 dated march 16, 2015, enacted on  Exhibition, attended by 44 participants from S
April 1, 2016. The purpose of BoFIS standardization is to managers and Listed Companies.
ensure the accuracy of data in reports generated by  The launching of several strategic program
BoFIS, thus minimizing BoFIS abuses when producing industry, namely:
untrue reports, as well as supporting information - The Launch of “Yuk nabung Saham” Campaign
technology governance management both in - The Launch of Capital market Profes
developing and operating BoFIS among the Em. (CmDP).
Trading System Development - Relaunching of The Indonesia Capital m
Indonesia Capital market Library (ICamEL).
In order to diversify investment products available to
- The Launch of Indonesia Composite Bond Inde
market players, IDX together with KPEI seeks to
reactivate its derivative futures product which was “Yuk Nabung Saham” Campaign
based on the Securities Index Futures (KBIE) i,e. Lq-45 As one measure to develop the Indonesia Capita
Futures. Trading of Lq-45 Futures used the same platform with a campaign concept to raise public awa
as the Stock market capital market and encourage people to start in
i.e. JATS next-G version 2.1 (JATS multimarket) and market. The slogan for this campaign was; “
the Derivatives Clearing System developed by KPEI. This national scale campaign involved all stakeh
Throughout 2015, IDX has conducted intensive ranging from Listed Companies, Securities Comp
socialization to market participants as well as market IDX Investment Galleries, Capital market Comm
simulations to Derivatives Exchange members, using jointly promoted the Indonesia capital market.
JATS multimarket System, KPEI Derivatives Clearing on november 12, 2015, in IDX main Hall Gallery,
System, and Em System to ensure the readiness of the Republic of Indonesia, mr. m. Jusuf Kalla, officiall
Exchange, KPEI and Exchange members. The Lq-45 saham” campaign as a national campaign. Th
Futures Trading is set to begin on February 2, 2016. by Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of o
IDX, as part of the Debt Securities market Development and the Chief Executive of the oJK Superviso
Team comprising oJK, Bank Indonesia, the ministry of Development of Sharia Investment in The Indone
Finance, KPEI, KSEI, and IBPA, has completed the trading During 2015, IDX undertook various measure
groundwork and developed trading facilities through investment in Indonesia to the capital market. Su
the Electronic Trading Platform (ETP). The development educational activities conducted since the end o
of the ETP has been aimed to improve the improve supportive infrastructure for Sharia inve
transparency and liquidity of Government Debt market. IDX has conducted extensive educationa
Securities (Sun) in the secondary market. Having cooperation with the Sharia Economic Society
developed in 2015, socializations and market
simulation on ETP to the market participants is
planned to be carried out on early 2016. Socializations
and market Simulations are part of phase one of ETP
Public Socialization and Education
Investor Summit and Capital Market Expo 2015
The Investor Summit and Capital market Expo (ISCmE)
was an annual event organized by oJK, IDX, KPEI and
ISCmE aims to improve socialization and more integrated
education for communities on the potential, opportunities
and added value that comes with investing in the
stock market. Additionally, ISCmE aims to generate
strategic synergies among capital market (regulators
and players) community by taking advantage of business
opportunities/ available investments, and by
mobilizing investment potential by moving a saving
culture towards an investment oriented society relying
more on the capital market.
Economic Studies (FoSSEI), academics, Exchange
members, and other market participants.
The Sharia capital market in Indonesia
continues to experience significant growth. up to
december 2015, the number of Sharia investors had
increased by 76% compared with end 2014, from
2,795 into 4,908 investors. In addition, nine Exchange
members (Em) have obtained Sharia online Trading
system (soTs) certification from the national
Islamic Council of Indonesian ulama Council (DSn-
on the other hand, the development program of
Sharia investment in Capital market has operated
through such measures as organizing Focus Group
Discussion (FGD) on Sharia Capital market
Development in cooperation with the national Sharia
Board of the Indonesian ulama Council (DSn-muI), and
a Sharia Investor Workshop.
IDX also seeks to better educate through a website
offering information related to Sharia Stock List,
Regulations and Fatwa of DSn-muI, and a list of
constituent stocks included in Indonesia Sharia
Stocks Index (ISSI). Information can be downloaded
directly from the sub menu Sharia capital markets on
IDX website. Especially for Fatwa of DSn-muI no. 80
on the Application of Sharia in Equity Securities
Trading mechanisms in the Regular Stock Exchange,
this can be downloaded in three languages; Bahasa
Indonesia, English, and Arabic.
With increasing educational activities and
further development of investment in sharia
capital market, it is expected that it will make a
significant and positive contribution to Indonesia
Capital market development.
EXCHANGE regulation
During 2015, IDX has published:
 Rules
- Regulation no. I-R for Listing of Asset-Backed
Securities in the form of Participation Letters in a
framework of Secondary Housing Financing
(Appended Decision of the Board of Indonesia Stock
Exchange no. 00113/BEI/11-2015 on november 30,
- Regulation no. II-E on Trading Index Futures
Exchange (KBIE) Lq-45 (Appended Decision of the
Board of Indonesia Stock Exchange no. 00120/
IDX/12-2015 on December 21, 2015).
- Regulation no. II-K on Securities Transactions not
Guaranteed and Separated Transaction on Securities
Equity (Appended Decision of the Board of Indonesia
Stock Exchange no. 00123/ IDX/12-2015 on
December 28, 2015).
- Regulation no. III-B on Em Securities Exchange,
permitting Trading in Futures and options re:
Regulation no. III-B pertaining to Em Securities
Exchange, allowing Trading in Futures and options
(Appended Decision of the Indonesia Stock Exchange
no. Kep-00098/IDX/09-2015 on September 30,
 Decisions by Directors
- The Board of Directors Decree no. Kep-00023/
IDX/03-2015 dated march 12, 2015, re: Fixing a Cash
Dividend Schedule.
ck Exchange

amid the uncertainties of the global economy.

Generally, compared to regional exchanges, IDX’s performance is still
promising although it is still not the best. The Singapore Strait Times Index (STI),
for example, ended down 14.47% in 2015, while Thailand’s SET Index fell 13.1%.
However, the performance of the FTSE of Bursa malaysia was relatively better
with a decline of only 3.44% compared to 2014.
Trading Performance
Stock Trading Summary
IDX stock market capitalization was recorded at Rp4,872.70 trillion by the end of
2015, down 6.8% compared to 2014 when it had reached Rp5,228 trillion. The
lethargy in the market induced the average daily transaction value in the stock
exchange to slide to 4.03% in 2015 compared to 2014; from Rp6.01 trillion to
Rp5.76 trillion. However, the average number of trades rose 4.2% in 2015
compared to 2014, from 212.634 transactions to 221.583 transactions.
The average volume of shares traded in 2015 went up by 8.1% compared to
2014; from 5.48 billion shares to 5.93 billion shares per day.
Corporate Bonds Trading
During the course of 2015, the volume of trading in Conventional Bonds,
Sharia, and Corporate Sukuk, including Asset-Backed Securities markets
denominated in Rupiah, was Rp187.90 trillion, up 11.87% compared to
Rp167.96 trillion in 2014. The trading frequency reached 22.289 times, or up
0.49% from 22.181 times in 2014.
The average daily trading volume in 2015 was Rp763.80 billion, up 10.96%
compared to Rp688.37 billion in 2014.
Furthermore, uS Dollar-denominated trading also reached uSD6.98 million in
2015, up 32.76% compared to uSD10.37 million in 2014. The trading frequency
reached 16 times; down 15.79% from 19 times in 2014. meanwhile, the average
daily trading volume for corporate bonds, denominated in uS Dollars in 2015,
was uSD0.03 million, down 33.31% compared to uSD0.04 million in 2014.
Government Bonds Trading
over 2015, the trading volume in the Government Securities (SBn) market, which
include Government Sharia Securities (SBSn), retail bonds (oRI), and Retail Sukuk
amounted to Rp3,399.94 trillion, up 19.82% compared with Rp2,837.54 trillion in
2014. The trading frequency reached 169.822 or up to 6.58% compared to
the 159.345 times in 2014. The average daily trading volume in 2015 for
government securities was worth Rp13.82 trillion per day, up 18.85% from
Rp11.63 trillion in 2014.
trillion, an increase from Rp36.99 trillion in 2014.
The total value in Debt Securities, Sukuk, and ABS recorded up to
December 2015 was Rp253.12 trillion. This consisted of 420 series of
Debt Securities, Sukuk, and ABS with rupiah denominated with value
of Rp252.27 trillion and three series of uSD denominated Debt
Securities with value of uSD100 million.
Government Securities (SBN) Listing
A total of 183 SBn series were listed throughout 2015 at values
of Rp351.17 trillion and uSD500 million. This comprised of 39
series of new listings worth Rp76.50 trillion and 140 re-opening
series worth Rp271.67 trillion and uSD500 million. The new listings
included 24 series of Government Debt Securities (Sun) valued at
Rp41.55 trillion and 15 series of Government Sharia Securities
(SBSn) worth Rp34.95 trillion. In addition, there were 75 series of
reopening SBSn worth Rp223.66 trillion and 65 series worth Rp48.01
Annual Report Award 2014
To improve the quality of the companies information disclosure
and as an appreciation of the quality of the Company’s Annual
Report, IDX along with the national Committee on Good
Governance (KnKG), Bank Indonesia (BI), oJK, the Directorate General
of Taxation, ministry of Finance, ministry of State Enterprises, and the
Association of Indonesian Accountants (IAI), held the Annual
Report Award (ARA) ceremony for 2014 on September 22, 2015, with
the theme “Accountability and Information Transparency needed
to Win Business Competition in the Era of Economic Integration
within ASEAn”. This event was attended by 294 companies,
which included State owned Companies (Bumn/D) and private
companies, both Listed and non- Listed.
eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) Reporting System
on June 22, 2015, IDX launched eXtensible Business Reporting
Language (XBRL) based reporting system for Listed
Companies’ Financial Statements, which was integrated with
IDXnet electronic reporting system.
XBRL is a global standard used for the standardization of
financial statements to improve information integrity reported
through an automatic validation mechanism that was in line with IDX
taxonomy which had been launched in 2014.
on october 24, 2015, the XBRL reporting system went live and it was
then official to use XbrL for the reporting of listed company’s
financial statement. in the early stages of the implementation XBRL
reporting ran parallel with the Form E024 of the Financial Report
Submission. A Listed Company was required to submit its XbrL
financial statement within a deadline of one month after the deadline
for submission of Form E024. Commencement of XBRL reporting
made it easier to process financial reporting data submitted by the
reporting company, both for internal and external data users of IDX.
Full implementation of XBRL reporting is planned to kick off in mid-
ISCmE is expected to be an effective tool for communication sessions,
consultations, promotions, and negotiations among players in world capital
The year 2015 marked the 8th year of iscme after first being held in 2008. In
contrast to previous years, in 2015 ISCmE was held for one full week, from
november 9 until 13, 2015, at the IDX Building, Jakarta.
The theme chosen for this year was “Yuk nabung Saham”. This theme was
carried not only to raise awareness on the need to invest in the capital
market, but also to invite the public to invest regularly and periodically in the
capital market.
Accommodating 10,672 visitors, ISCmE 2015 included various events, among
 Public Expose of 81 Listed Companies.
 Talk shows by public or inspirational figures.
 Exhibition, attended by 44 participants from Securities Companies, Investment
managers and Listed Companies.
 The launching of several strategic programs for the capital market
industry, namely:
- The Launch of “Yuk nabung Saham” Campaign.
- The Launch of Capital market Professional Development Program
- Relaunching of The Indonesia Capital market Institute (TICmI) and the
Indonesia Capital market Library (ICamEL).
- The Launch of Indonesia Composite Bond Index.
“Yuk Nabung Saham” Campaign
As one measure to develop the Indonesia Capital market industry, IDX came up
with a campaign concept to raise public awareness of the Indonesia
capital market and encourage people to start investing regularly in the capital
market. The slogan for this campaign was; “Yuk nabung Saham”.
This national scale campaign involved all stakeholders in the capital market,
ranging from Listed Companies, Securities Companies, Investment managers,
IDX Investment Galleries, Capital market Community, and other parties who
jointly promoted the Indonesia capital market.
on november 12, 2015, in IDX main Hall Gallery, the Vice President of the
Republic of Indonesia, mr. m. Jusuf Kalla, officially launched the “yuk nabung
saham” campaign as a national campaign. The launch was also attended
by Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of oJK, mr. muliaman D. Hadad,
and the Chief Executive of the oJK Supervisory Capital markets, ms. nurhaida.
Development of Sharia Investment in The Indonesia Capital Market
During 2015, IDX undertook various measures directed at attracting Sharia
investment in Indonesia to the capital market. Supplementing routine SPmS
educational activities conducted since the end of 2010, other steps were made to
improve supportive infrastructure for Sharia investment in the Indonesia Capital
market. IDX has conducted extensive educational activities under special
cooperation with the Sharia Economic Society (mES), the Forum on Islamic
- The Board of Directors Decree no. Kep-00024/ IDX/03-2015
dated march 16, 2015 re: Guidelines for the brokerage office
- The Board of Directors Decree no. Kep-00096/ IDX/08-2015
dated August 24, 2015 re: Auto Rejection Limit Changes.
- The Board of Directors Decree no. Kep-00105/IDX/11- 2015
dated november 12, 2015 re: Participants.
NGE Stock Trading
Jakarta Automated Trading System (JATS)
To keep up with the rapid and dynamic growth of capital
Order-Driven Market and Open-Auction System
Trading in IDX is based on an order-driven marke
with day or session order duration are accepted.
already registered as the members of the Indone
markets, and in order to increase efficiency and to
Corporation (KPEI) can trade in the exchange
optimize IDX trading system, on may 14, 2012, IDX
securities using their own names as part of their
launched its latest version of trading system – JATS-nextG
trading system will check or validate the followin
version 2.0 – which was a result of the development from
prior accepting and submitting the order:
its previous JATS- nextG version 1.11.
 Price step and maximum price movement;
The development started in 2011 and the system
 minimum price limit;
has gone through a series of tests by IDX in cooperation
 Auto rejection price and volume;
with the Exchange members (Em), Application Service
 Cash trading limit.
Provider (ASP), Data Vendors and the Indonesian
Exchange members can access JATS directly
Clearing and Guarantee Corporation (KPEI). The tests
Jonec (Jakarta stock exchange open network
consisted of 2 internal tests (Proof of Concept) and 16
broker’s site and JonES (Jakarta Stock Excha
mock Tradings with Em. To ensure a successful launch of
Environment Server) on IDX’s site. This system i
this new version, IDX also conducted the Pre-Live session
(JATS RT) and utilizes a host-to-host model using
of JATS-nextG version 2.0 on 12 may 2012.
Exchange) protocol, so that IDX members can
Based on the evaluation of the Pre-Live session, it is
example, developing on-line trading or Direct ma
concluded that the JATS-nextG version 2.0 is ready to go
To ensure safety and availability, the remote
live with the scope of enhancements as follows:
dedicated and redundancy link. IDX also coop
Increasing trading system capacity by 5 times, from 1
service provider (ISP), to ensure that IDX membe
million orders and 500 thousand transactions to 5 million
orders and 2.5 million transactions;
IDX provided only 150 terminals for stock trader
Enhancing several functions of equity trading,
located at the Ground Floor of the IDX Build
including: Password policy, order management, market
IDX had removed these facilities and provides on
information and changes in data feed specifications.
members, only when they have problem with the
Besides developing in the systems and technological
aspect, idX also develop other fields which include Market Segmentation
market Segmentation is based on types of instru
markets, em, issuers and human resources. IDX also
continue to enhance the guidance for Em to improve their
 Stock, Warrant and ETF                                      
operating standards and service to customers so that
Settlement Mechanism
investors feel more comfortable and secure to invest in
the stock market.
The new version of JATS-nextG is expected to anticipate
and support the development of the Indonesian capital
market in the future as well as to provide convenience
and efficiency of trading process to create a fair, orderly,
and efficient trading environment in IDX.

To ensure the safety and availability of the trading system, Regular

IDX and all capital market entities already using a       market                                 netting + offsett

dedicated communication network called Capital
and redundant Cash
market Integrated network (Jaringan Terpadu Pasar modal       market                                 netting + offsett
– JTPm). JTPm is a network based on mPLS protocol
negotiation negotiation
(multi Protocol Label Switching) that runs on the end-to- •
end physical fiber optic network which protected by      market*                                    Trade for trade
high-end firewall and authentication system and
promised sLa level of 99,91% availability with 10 mbps
predefined bandwidth for each Exchange member. IDX
also cooperates intensively with the Internet Service
Provider (ISP) to ensure that Exchange members receive
full supports and services.
er-Driven Market and Open-Auction System
ng in IDX is based on an order-driven market system where only limit order
day or session order duration are accepted. only IDX members who are
ady registered as the members of the Indonesian Clearing and Guarantee
oration (KPEI) can trade in the exchange. They may also buy and sell
rities using their own names as part of their investment portfolio. The
ng system will check or validate the following at the order entry and amend
accepting and submitting the order:
ice step and maximum price movement;
inimum price limit;
uto rejection price and volume;
ash trading limit.
ange members can access JATS directly from their offices through
c (Jakarta stock exchange open network Environment Client) on
er’s site and JonES (Jakarta Stock Exchange open network
ronment Server) on IDX’s site. This system is named as JATS Remote trading
S RT) and utilizes a host-to-host model using FIX (Financial Information
ange) protocol, so that IDX members can develop their businesses, for
mple, developing on-line trading or Direct market Access (DmA) system.
nsure safety and availability, the remote trading is supported by a
cated and redundancy link. IDX also cooperates closely with the internet
ce provider (ISP), to ensure that IDX members receive full supports and
provided only 150 terminals for stock traders at Trading Floor, which is
ted at the Ground Floor of the IDX Building. Since 1 September 2010,
had removed these facilities and provides only 7 terminals for IDX
mbers, only when they have problem with their link to JATS .
ket Segmentation
ket Segmentation is based on types of instrument and settlement
ck, Warrant and ETF                                                  Market Scripless
lement Mechanism


market                                 netting + offsetting       


market                                 netting + offsetting       
otiation negotiation

market*                                    Trade for trade           
JATS Remote Trading process
Broker Office



Order and Trading




Trading System

Stock trading and settlement process

Trading process
Buying Investor

Selling Investor

Buying Broker

IDX Trading System

Selling Broker

Clearing and Settlement System

Securities Registrar

Settlement process
Front-end system

Selling/buying order Client orders

Client Order
Trade confirmation Trade confirmation
Validation / Risk

Transaction Data

Fund transfer Securities transfer

Back-end system

Trading process

Settlement process
Front-end system

Client Order
Validation / Risk
 Rights                                                                          buy orders during 08:45:00 - 08:55:00 JATS Time.
Market Scripless Settlement Mechanism  matching process uses the call auction mechan
Regul  The pre-opening price is formed from the ac
ar •
      market                                 netting + offsetting        of the total highest bids and asks matched by the
 All bids and asks that have not been matched
negotiation negotiation
• opening session will be processed in the Session
     market*                                    Trade for trade            trading session I by JATS, unless the price of the b
*) The Exchange Transaction settlement at the negotiation rejection limit.
market shall be conducted in accordance with the agreement
between the seller and buyer.
Pre-closing Session
 The Pre-closing Session allows Exchange mem
Trading Schedule orders according to the provisions of the stock un
Trading activities on IDX take place on days termed
as Exchange Days as follows:
 new orders entered into IDX on the Pre-closing
Regular Market
Datafeed Subscribers.
Day Session JATS Time
 order book seen is order book that came befor
Pre-opening session 08:45:00 - 08:55:00

JATS Closing Session (before 15:50 JATS Time).

08:55:01 - 08:59:59
monda  allocation                                                      Stocks to be traded at the Pre-Closing Session
y-   Session I                        09:00:00 - 12:00:00   Rights.
Thursd   Session II                       13:30:00 - 15:49:59    The offer price is based on the Previous Price o
ay   Pre-closing session         15:50:00 - 16:00:00  

JATS 16:00:01 - 16:04:59  matching process uses the call auction mech
 allocation                                                      Exchange members may change or cancel the
                  Post-trading session        16:05:00 - 16:15:00   15:50:00 - 16:00:00 JATS Time.
Pre-opening session 08:45:00 - 08:55:00  The Pre-closing price is formed from the accum
JATS 08:55:01 - 08:59:59 the total highest bids and asks matched by th
 allocation                                                     particular price.
Frida   Session I                        09:00:00 - 11:30:00    If the price is not formed, the price is set based
y   Session II                       14:00:00 - 15:49:59   transaction occurred Exchange (Previous Price/La
  Pre-closing session         15:50:00 - 16:00:00  

JATS  All bids and asks that is “day order” and hav
16:00:01 - 16:04:59
 allocation                                                     matched (open order) during the Pre-closing Sess
                  Post-trading session        16:05:00 - 16:15:00   Post-trading Session.
Negotiation Market Post-trading Session
Day Session JATS Time  Exchange members can only make the sell or b
monday -
Session II 13:30:00 - 15:49:59 Thursday  Changes in the sell or buy price may only be m
 Friday         Session II                       14:00:00 - 15:49:59    Stocks to be traded at the Post-trading Session
 Cash Market                                                                 Day Rights.
Session JATS Time Regular Market and Cash Market

monda Session I 09:00:00 - 12:00:00 Stock trading at the Regular market and Cash m
 Thursday                                                                      based on a fixed lot and fixed time with continuo
 Friday         Session I                        09:00:00 - 11:30:00  In the Regular and Cash markets, trades are done
  minimum units of trades that can be executed. C
  JATS Time is using Western Indonesia Time standard (uTC +7)    shares.
   Prices resulting from orders and the continuo
Pre-opening Session above form the basis of the regular market. The r
 The Pre-opening Session allows Exchange members to calculate the indices. The prices formed in the re
make the sell and buy orders according to the provisions the quoted prices for IDX, which are distribut
of the stock unit, step value and auto rejection limit. Terms and Conditions for Regular Market Transac
 Stocks to be traded at the Pre-opening Session The amount of shares, warrants and rights in a st
shall be stocks included in Lq45 Index and other shares/warrants/rights.
stocks determined in accordance with Exchange Policy.
 The offer price is based on the Previous Price or
Theoretical Price of stocks of Corporate Action Result.
 order book shall not been seen.
 Exchange members may change or cancel the sell and

Price Steps between Orders

Price Step Value Max. Step Price
            < Rp200                    Rp1                 Rp10         
      Rp200 – < Rp500              Rp2                 Rp20         
     Rp500 – < Rp2,000             Rp5                 Rp50         
    Rp2,000 – < Rp5,000           Rp10                Rp100        
≥ rp5,000                  Rp25                Rp250        
Auto Rejection
To limit the stock price movement, IDX implements Auto Rejection System which
automatically reject stock orders if the price exceeds a certain level.
 Starting from 25 August 2015, Auto Rejection Percentage limit is based on
buy orders during 08:45:00 - 08:55:00 JATS Time.
 matching process uses the call auction mechanism.
 The pre-opening price is formed from the accumulation

of the total highest bids and asks matched by the JATS on particular price.
 All bids and asks that have not been matched (open order) during the Pre-
opening session will be processed in the Session 1 automatically continued to
trading session I by JATS, unless the price of the bids and asks exceeds auto
rejection limit.
Pre-closing Session
 The Pre-closing Session allows Exchange members to make the sell and buy
orders according to the provisions of the stock unit, step value and Auto Rejection
 new orders entered into IDX on the Pre-closing Session is not distributed to IDX
Datafeed Subscribers.
 order book seen is order book that came before the Pre-

Closing Session (before 15:50 JATS Time).

 Stocks to be traded at the Pre-Closing Session shall be all stocks excluded

 The offer price is based on the Previous Price or opening Price.

 matching process uses the call auction mechanism.

 Exchange members may change or cancel the sell and buy orders during
15:50:00 - 16:00:00 JATS Time.
 The Pre-closing price is formed from the accumulation of
the total highest bids and asks matched by the JATS on

particular price.
 If the price is not formed, the price is set based on the price of the last
transaction occurred Exchange (Previous Price/Last Price) in the previous trading.

 All bids and asks that is “day order” and have not been

matched (open order) during the Pre-closing Session will be processed in the
Post-trading Session.
Post-trading Session
 Exchange members can only make the sell or buy orders at the Closing Price.
 Changes in the sell or buy price may only be made at the Closing Price.
 Stocks to be traded at the Post-trading Session shall be all stocks excluded
Regular Market and Cash Market

Stock trading at the Regular market and Cash market are

based on a fixed lot and fixed time with continuous auction market mechanism.
In the Regular and Cash markets, trades are done in “round lots”, which is the
minimum units of trades that can be executed. Currently, 1 lot is equal to 100
Prices resulting from orders and the continuous auction market as described
above form the basis of the regular market. The regular market is then used to
calculate the indices. The prices formed in the regular market are also used as
the quoted prices for IDX, which are distributed throughout the world.
Terms and Conditions for Regular Market Transactions
The amount of shares, warrants and rights in a standard lot is 100

Below are some of the requirements for Exchange members to

conduct margin trading and short selling:
 margin Transaction and or Short Selling Transaction shall be
conducted pursuant to Regulation of Bapepam-LK (FSA) number
V.D.6. concerning Financing of Securities Transaction Settlement by
Securities Company for Clients and Short Selling Transaction
by Securities Company as well as the Exchange Rule in relation
to margin Transaction and Short Selling Transaction.
 The Exchange shall determine Securities that may be
transacted and/or collateralized in margin Transaction and/or Short
Selling Transaction.
 To implement margin Trading and Short Selling, the exchange
members should fulfil the requirements as stated on the
Regulation no. III-I concerning Stock Exchange membership for
margin and Short Selling.
Previous Price              Regular              Corp.

                                    Increment   Decrement    Action

rp50 – ≤ rp200            35%            10%          35
> rp200 – ≤ rp5,000        25%            10%          2
          > Rp5,000                20%            10%          2
 If the opening Price is formed, Auto Rejection for
the Session I & II are based on the opening Price.
 If the opening Price is not formed, Auto Rejection
for the Session I & II are based on the Previous
 In Corporate Action condition, for three days after
Regular market cum, Auto Rejection refers to
Previous Price of each market.
 All stock orders with price less than the minimum
price limit of Rp50 will be rejected.
 For IPo shares, Auto Rejection Percentage limit is
twice from normal percentage.
 Auto Rejection is not valid for warrant, rights, and
Negotiation Market
IDX facilitates stock trading based on the
negotiation between buyer and seller. In the
negotiation market, trades are conducted through
individual bid-offer process (direct negotiation)
between Exchange members, Investors on one
Exchange member, Investor and Exchange
members. The results of the negotiation will be
processed through the JATS. The rules for
negotiation market are as follows:
 Stocks traded are using per share unit.
 The price fraction is not applicable, but it is
recommended to use the stock price at Regular
market as reference.
 The price is based on the agreement.
 matched transactions do not influence the
index calculation as they do in the Regular market.
 Settlement date is based on the agreement
between sellers and buyers. If there is no
agreement then it follows the rule T+3.
Margin Trading and Short Selling
IDX implemented regulation on margin
Trading since August 1997 under the Regulation
no. II-9. The regulation was replaced on 30
January 2009 with Regulation no. III-I concerning
Stock Exchange membership for margin and
Short Selling, and Regulation no. II-H concerning
Requirements on Securities Trading In margin
Transaction and Short Selling Transaction.
are that if the customer meets all the following criteria: Regular Negotiation mechanism Con
 Has regular securities account, to know the history of order Type Firmed quotation Advertising
customer transactions. Price
Trade by Clean Price (%)
 Has opened margin Securities Financing                                 Settlement by Process (CP+
Transactions or Securities Financing Transactions on Short Daily Fluctuation Daily Price Limit 250 bp
Selling of Securities Companies.
 The margin Trading can be implemented by the Exchange member
only after its customer opens a margin Securities Account based on
the margin contract between the customer and the related
Exchange member.
 Any Exchange member that places selling offers to JATS for Short
Selling transaction is obliged to give Short sign and the selling offers
must be higher than the last done price.
At the beginning of every month, IDX issues a list of stocks those are
eligible for margin and short sell transaction under the criteria that
consider its liquidity and company’s financial performance. The
criteria is using 6 months period. The criteria are as follows:
 If the stock has been listed in the Exchange for at least 6 months, it
must have a minimum average daily transaction value and daily
transaction value in the regular market of Rp10 billion and Rp1 billion
 If the stock has been listed in the Exchange for less than 6
months, it must have a minimum average daily transaction value
and daily transaction value in the regular market Rp50 billion and
Rp5 billion respectively.
 The stock should be traded every day, except when
suspensions occur for a maximum of 10 days.
 The stock’s Price Earnings Ratio (PER) is not three times greater
than the market’s PER.
 The stock’s free float market capitalization is more than Rp1 trillion
based on the last data of every month during the data review period.
 The stock is owned by at least 600 shareholders based on the last
data of every month during the data review period.
 To short sale, the stock’s free float should be 20%, which is
calculated during the review period.
IDX also determines a number of securities that can be
guaranteed with the following criteria:
 Stocks that are included in the margin and short sell stocks
 Stocks that are included in the Lq45 Index.
 Government Securities and Corporate Bonds that are issued in
Indonesia and listed in the Exchange with an A+ rating or equal to
 The guaranteed securities above are calculated based on the fair
market value.
While the requirements of customers who is eligible to conduct
margin trading and short selling and margin trading

Regular Negotiation mechanism Continuous Auction Put Through

order Type Firmed quotation Advertising
Trade by Clean Price (%)
                                Settlement by Process (CP+AI)      
Daily Fluctuation Daily Price Limit 250 bps
 Has regular securities account to hold securities Trade unit/Lot 1 lot size =

transactions that are not financed by the company’s                                   Rp5 million            Rp1 mill

Securities. T+2 T+1 to T+7
 Initial Security has been deposited with the least value Transaction Fees for FITS Bond Trading
of Rp200,000,000 for each Securities Account Transaction Value Regular Negotiati
Transaction margin Financing and Securities Financing      < Rp500 million       Rp20,000/trade     Rp35,0
Transactions 0.00500% 0.00750%
Short Selling.       > Rp 10 Billion            0.00375%            0.005
Transaction Fees for Equity Trading Centralized Trading Platform - Penerima Laporan
Brokerage companies are obliged to pay the following CTP PLTE is a reporting system for bonds and suk
fees to IDX: market (over the counter market).
 The Exchange member must pay transaction fees to
the Exchange, KPEI and KSEI which are calculated based
on value per transaction of each Exchange member with
the following percentage:
Market Fee Fee Details

0.018% for transaction fee,
0.009% for clearing fee, 0.003%
for settlement fee Jakarta Options Trading System (JOTS) & JAT
    negotiation     negotiable                      –                   Stock options traded in JoTS (Jakarta optio
   Futures traded in JATS (Jakarta Automated Tra
 minimum transaction fee is Rp20,000,000 per Starting from 1 February 2016, IDX reactiv
month as a contribution to the Exchange facility Contract Trading with the following rules:
provision. This term is still applied for the suspended
Exchange member.
 Exchange members must deposit guarantee
fund of 0.01%
KPEI. The per the value
Guarantee of every
Fund guaranteed
is managed by KPEI.                                                                    
transaction by
 The payment above is subjected to Value Added Tax and Stock Options LQ45 Index Futures
other tax obligation through the Exchange. mechanism Continuous Auction
Lq45 Index
BOND TRADING FACILITIES multiplier 10,000 shares Rp500,00

Centralized Trading Platform (CTP) Initial margin

10% x Strike Price x
Centralized Trading Platform (CTP) is a trading, reporting, Volume x multiplier
and information system for bonds market. The system was Contract Period
Spot month, second
month, third month
launched on September 1, 2006.
The system compile trading report from the Fixed Income
Trading System (FITS), ministry of Finance Dealing System
(moFIDS) and CTP Penerima Laporan Transaksi Efek (PLTE).
As a consolidation, the system also connected to KSEI and

Bank Indonesia (BI). CTP is owned by the Financial Service                                                                         

Authority (FSA) Paid by EM Stock Options LQ45 Index F
Fixed Income Trading System (FITS)
Fixed Income Trading System (FITS) is a trading system
for bonds listed in IDX that allows the bonds to be traded in
retail basis (retail bond). Retail bonds are traded in
relatively small nominal value, starting with Rp5 millions
and its denominator.
Terms and conditions for bonds trading in FITS are as
ETF trading mechanism is similar to stock trading mechanism, except that its price
maximum price step is Rp10 (ten Rupiah).
When a transaction occurs on the Exchange, delivery and payment must be settled through
Guarantee Corporation (PT Kliring dan Penjaminan Efek Indonesia - KPEI) and The Indone
Depository (PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia - KSEI).
Settlement requirement and guarantee between types of market were differentiate base

Market Settlement KPEI Guarantee

       Regular                  T+3                          
         Cash                    T+0                          
     negotiation        on agreement                  –              
In may 1999, the Indonesian government released Regulation no. 29/1999 concerning Buyin
Banks. It regulates the portion of ownership of foreign investors, as follows:
 until August 1997, foreign investors might own a maximum of 49% of total listed shar
the market, on 11 September 1997, the minister of Finance of the Republic of In
Decision Letter no. 467/KmK.010/1997 and the BAPEPAm’s letter no.: S-2138/Pm/1997 stat
buying limitation on the listed stocks in the Exchange for foreign investors, except for the
maximum of 49% of the paid-in-capital.
 In may 1999, the Indonesian government released Regulation no. 29/1999 on the Buy
Banks. It regulates the portion of ownership of foreign investors as follows:
 The ownership of shares of banks by foreign investors and/or foreign institutions through d
is allowed for a maximum of 99% of the total shares.
 The purchase of shares by foreign investors or foreign institutions through IDX can reach u
listed on IDX.
 Banks can list their shares on IDX to a maximum of 99% of the total shares.
 At least 1% of the banks’ shares, which are not listed on IDX, must still be owned by an In
Indonesian company.
Trade unit/Lot 1 lot size =
1 unit size =

                                  Rp5 million            Rp1 million     Settlement
T+2 T+1 to T+7
Transaction Fees for FITS Bond Trading
Transaction Value Regular Negotiation
     < Rp500 million       Rp20,000/trade     Rp35,000/trade   Rp500 m - Rp10 B
0.00500% 0.00750%
      > Rp 10 Billion            0.00375%            0.00500%      
Centralized Trading Platform - Penerima Laporan Transaksi Efek (CTP - PLTE)
CTP PLTE is a reporting system for bonds and sukuks traded in the secondary
market (over the counter market).


Jakarta Options Trading System (JOTS) & JATS (Jakarta Automated Trading
Stock options traded in JoTS (Jakarta options Trading System). Index
Futures traded in JATS (Jakarta Automated Trading System).
Starting from 1 February 2016, IDX reactivates the Lq45 Index Futures
Contract Trading with the following rules:

Stock Options LQ45 Index Futures
mechanism Continuous Auction underlying 4 stocks
Lq45 Index
multiplier 10,000 shares Rp500,000/index pts.

Initial margin
10% x Strike Price x Rp3,000,000 per open contract
Volume x multiplier Spot month, second month
Contract Period
Spot month, second
month, third month
Settlement method Cash Settlement Settlement Period T+1
Terms and conditions for trading options and futures are as follows:

al Service                                                                                     
Paid by EM Stock Options LQ45 Index Futures
Trading Action All-in fee: Rp2,000
Transaction: Rp8,000
   (per contract)                                      Clearing: Rp7,000    
Exercise Rp2,000 per contract not available minimum Fee Rp2 million /
month not available
eTf can simply be defined as mutual funds traded in the Exchange. Just like
mutual funds, ETF is a Collective Investment Contract, but similar to shares,
its investment unit is listed and traded in the Exchange. Like conventional
mutual funds, ETF also uses an Investment manager and Custodian Bank.
similar to stock trading mechanism, except that its price step is Rp1 (one Rupiah) and its
n Rupiah).

he Exchange, delivery and payment must be settled through The Indonesian Clearing and
ng dan Penjaminan Efek Indonesia - KPEI) and The Indonesian Central Securities
al Efek Indonesia - KSEI).
uarantee between types of market were differentiate based on the following:

KPEI Guarantee
nt                  –              
vernment released Regulation no. 29/1999 concerning Buying of the Shares of Commercial
n of ownership of foreign investors, as follows:
nvestors might own a maximum of 49% of total listed shares. Later, in order to anticipate
mber 1997, the minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia published the
10/1997 and the BAPEPAm’s letter no.: S-2138/Pm/1997 stating that there is no more
d stocks in the Exchange for foreign investors, except for the banks’ stocks that allow the
an government released Regulation no. 29/1999 on the Buying of the Shares of Commercial
f ownership of foreign investors as follows:
anks by foreign investors and/or foreign institutions through direct placement or through IDX
% of the total shares.
eign investors or foreign institutions through IDX can reach up to 100% of the total shares

IDX to a maximum of 99% of the total shares.

res, which are not listed on IDX, must still be owned by an Indonesian citizen or by an
Centralized Trading Platform (CTP)

Central Securities
Depository (KSEI)

Fixed Income Trading System (FITS)

Settlement status Settlement status

Primary Dealers

Centralized Trading Platform

Ministry of Finance Dealing
System (MoFIDS)

Trade Report Service (PLTE)

Fixed Income Trading System


Participants (bank,
brokerage, and custodian)

Trade allocation
Trade confirmation

Settlement Agent A Settlement


Settlement Settlement
affirmation affirmation

Settlement instruction

Centralized Trading Platform - Penerima Laporan Transaksi Efek (CTP-PLTE)

Trading process
Buying Investor
Selling Investor



Settlement process
Jakarta Options Trading System (JOTS) & Futures Automated Trading System (FATS)
Trading process
Buying Investor

Selling Investor

Buying Exchange Member

Selling Exchange Member


Clearing & Settlement

Settlement process
d Trading Platform (CTP)

ncome Trading System (FITS)

Settlement status Settlement status

Primary Dealers

Centralized Trading Platform


Trade Report Service (PLTE) Value-added Service Media & Data Vendor

Participants (bank, Bank Indonesia

brokerage, and custodian)

ade allocation Trade allocation

ade confirmation Trade confirmation

Settlement Settlement Agent B

KPEI, Electronic Bonds
Clearing System (e-BOCS)
Settlement Settlement
affirmation affirmation

Settlement instruction
KSEI, Central Depository and Book
Entry Settlement System (C-BEST)

entralized Trading Platform - Penerima Laporan Transaksi Efek (CTP-PLTE)

akarta Options Trading System (JOTS) & Futures Automated Trading System (FATS)
Number of Listed Shares, Market Capitalization, and Trading
as of December 2015 Total Trading 2015
Listed Market Valu
Closin Volume,
Input Affirmation Shares, Cap., e,
Industry Classification/ Stock Name g mn
Price mn share bn IDR share Rank IDR
1 AGRICULTURE 182,373 118,308 102,172 75,825
11 CRoPS Transaction Data 3,000 4,050 952 1,182
1. Bisi International Tbk. [S] 1,350 3,000 4,050 952 163 1,182
12 PLAnTATIon Consolidation Result
132,582 97,705 49,474 58,628
1. Astra Agro Lestari Tbk. [S]data 15,850 1,575 24,960 355 224 7,681
2. Austindo nusantara Jaya Tbk. [S] 1,610 3,336 5,370 228 250 270
3. Bakrie Sumatera Plantations Tbk. 50 13,720 686 2,317 107 98
4. Dharma
Settlement Satya nusantara Tbk.
KSEI 600
Settlement 10,599 6,359 753 178 2,397
5. Eagle High Plantation Tbk. 138 31,525 4,350 19,447 21 6,578
6. Golden Plantation Tbk.
Bank Indonesia 74 3,665 271 296 238 56
7. Gozco Plantations Tbk. [S] 95 6,000 570 1,179 145 238
8. Jaya Agra Wattie Tbk. 220 3,775 830 126 298 42
9. multi Agro Gemilang Plantation Tbk. [S] 50 9,000 450 319 233 14
10. PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk. [S] 1,320 6,823 9,006 5,701 56 8,970
11. Provident Agro Tbk. 425 7,120 3,026 67 330 35
12. Salim Ivomas Pratama Tbk. [S] 332 15,816 5,251 1,326 132 818
13. Sampoerna Agro Tbk. [S] 1,700 1,890 3,213 326 229 475
14. Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk. [S] 1,950 9,525 18,574 16,663 25 30,732
15. SmART Tbk. [S] 4,200 2,872 12,063 1 468 3
16. Tunas Baru Lampung Tbk. 510 5,342 2,724 370 221 221
14 FISHERY 45,688 14,568 45,848 8,121
1. Central Proteina Prima Tbk. 50 40,471 2,024 39,570 5 3,663
2. Dharma Samudera Fishing Industries Tbk. [S] 106 1,857 197 4,736 66 736
3. Inti Agri Resources Tbk. [S] 3,675 3,360 12,348 1,542 125 3,721
15 FoRESTRY 1,103 1,985 5,899 7,894
1. Bumi Teknokultura unggul Tbk. 1,800 1,103 1,985 5,899 54 7,894

2 MINING 380,804 161,419 164,698 71,250

21 CoAL mInInG 192,183 89,625 58,574 41,389
1. Adaro Energy Tbk. [S] 515 31,986 16,473 11,977 33 9,198
2. Atlas Resources Tbk [S] 400 3,000 1,200 32 369 14
3. Bara Jaya Internasional Tbk. [S] 194 5,760 1,117 29 374 6
4. Baramulti Suksessarana Tbk. [S] 1,110 2,617 2,904 265 242 396
5. Bayan Resources Tbk. 7,875 3,333 26,250 2 451 18
6. Berau Coal Energy Tbk. 82 34,900 2,862 3,666 80 318
7. Borneo Lumbung Energi & metal Tbk. 50 17,693 885 1,442 126 95
8. Bumi Resources Tbk. 50 36,627 1,831 30,491 8 2,550
9. Darma Henwa Tbk. [S] 50 21,854 1,093 1,130 148 34
10. Delta Dunia makmur Tbk. 54 8,277 447 3,462 87 401
11. Garda Tujuh Buana Tbk. [S] 260 2,500 650 41 353 14
12. Golden Eagle Energy Tbk. [S] 171 3,150 539 70 327 129
13. Golden Energy mines Tbk. [S] 1,400 5,882 8,235 3,983 76 14,785
14. Harum Energy Tbk. [S] 675 2,704 1,825 287 240 377
15. Indo Tambangraya megah Tbk. [S] 5,725 1,130 6,469 446 209 5,744
16. mitrabara Adiperdana Tbk. [S] 1,115 1,227 1,368 41 355 52
17. Permata Prima Sakti Tbk. 1,800 1,012 1,822 0.0001 516 0.0002
18. Petrosea Tbk. [S] 290 1,009 292 119 300 66
19. Resource Alam Indonesia Tbk. [S] 420 1,000 420 23 386 20
20. Samindo Resources Tbk. [S] 525 2,206 1,158 111 303 55
21. Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk. 4,525 2,304 10,426 946 164 7,109
22. Toba Bara Sejahtra Tbk. [S] 675 2,012 1,358 11 413 9
22 CRuDE PETRoLEum & nATuRAL GAS PRoD. 109,216 20,933 71,906 10,363
1. Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk. 3,330 2,660 8,857 13 408 34
2. Benakat Integra Tbk. 50 36,508 1,825 21,522 19 1,919
3. Elnusa Tbk. [S] 247 7,299 1,803 8,569 38 3,979
4. Energi mega Persada Tbk. [S] 50 49,107 2,455 32,889 7 2,190
5. medco Energi Internasional Tbk. 795 3,332 2,649 383 215 745
6. Perdana Karya Perkasa Tbk. [S] 50 600 30 40 356 3
Freq., de
‘000 x Day
Rank Rank s
129 145 95 244
49 391 49 244
209 1 363 94
259 9 250 236
95 57 160 244
56 631 23 244
292 18 218 243
215 27 198 244
308 6 279 237
369 10 245 155
45 529 37 244
316 1 377 130
149 137 97 244
178 79 140 244
9 1,137 5 244
427 1 392 155
220 14 234 242

77 300 58 242
157 261 65 244
76 6.99 272 226
48 26 200 243

44 647 21 244
370 1 385 127
403 2 357 151
187 0.06 483 34
356 1 403 232
200 64 153 84
261 14 232 147
89 307 57 244
317 2 341 194
185 99 118 244
373 12 236 29
249 14 231 222
25 0.20 454 52
190 67 151 244
58 443 44 244
298 8 261 126
515 0.003 512 3
281 33 184 244
347 4 309 241
294 9 253 244
51 495 41 244
392 3 336 190
319 1 409 159
102 91 124 244
72 405 47 244
97 247 69 244
155 115 111 244
429 3 321 215
as of December 2015
Listed Marke
Industry Classification/ Stock Closin Shares, t Volume,
Name g Price mn share Cap., mn share
7. Radiant utama Interinsco Tbk. 215 770 IDR166 286 241
8. Ratu Prabu Energi Tbk. [S] 170 7,840 1,333 8,146 41
9. Surya Esa Perkasa Tbk. [S] 1,650 1,100 1,815 58 342
23 mETAL AnD mInERAL mInInG 76,891 50,632 33,992
1. Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk. [S] 314 24,031 7,546 12,009 32
2. Cakra mineral Tbk. [S] 50 5,106 255 315 234
3. Central omega Resources Tbk. 397 5,638 2,238 - 517
4. Cita mineral Investindo Tbk. [S] 940 3,371 3,168 0.44 473
5. J resources asia Pasifik Tbk. 1,370 5,292 7,250 773 176
6. merdeka Copper Gold Tbk. 2,015 3,570 7,193 59 341
7. SmR utama Tbk. [S] 238 12,499 2,975 15,875 26
8. Timah (Persero) Tbk. [S] 505 7,448 3,761 2,139 112
9. Vale Indonesia Tbk. [S] 1,635 9,936 16,246 2,823 100
24 LAnD / STonE quARRYInG 2,514 228 225
1. Citatah Tbk. [S] 56 1,231 69 76 323
2. mitra Investindo Tbk. [S] 124 1,283 159 149 280
29 oTHERS 253 76 0.0002
1. Alam Karya unggul Tbk. 300 253 76 0.0002 515
3 BASIC INDUSTRY AND CHEMICALS 231,235 286,951 190,522
31 CEmEnT 35,829 167,480 10,551
1. Holcim Indonesia Tbk. [S] 995 7,663 7,625 194
2. Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk. [S] 22,325 3,681 82,183 158
3. Semen Baturaja (Persero) Tbk. [S] 291 9,838 2,863 2,100 113
4. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. [S] 11,400 5,932 67,619 1,883 116
5. Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk. [S] 825 8,715 7,190 4,935 63
32 CERAmICS, GLASS, PoRCELAIn 25,851 15,801 2,391
1. Arwana Citramulia Tbk. [S] 500 7,341 3,671 2,071 115
2. Asahimas Flat Glass Tbk. [S] 6,550 434 2,843 23 384
3. Intikeramik Alamasri Industri Tbk. [S] 114 791 90 8 423
4. Keramika Indonesia Assosiasi Tbk. [S] 90 14,929 1,344 16 402
5. mulia Industrindo Tbk. 515 1,323 681 293
6. Surya Toto Indonesia Tbk. [S] 6,950 1,032 7,172 139.3 290
33 mETAL AnD ALLIED PRoDuCTS 39,602 12,204 6,246
1. Alakasa Industrindo Tbk. [S] 735 102 75 507
2. Alumindo Light metal Industry Tbk. 198 616 122 15 404
3. Betonjaya manunggal Tbk. [S] 435 180 78 1 458
4. Citra Tubindo Tbk. [S] 5,225 800 4,182 28 376
5. Gunawan Dianjaya Steel Tbk. [S] 59 8,200 484 227
6. Indal Aluminium Industry Tbk. 405 317 128 2 452
7. Jakarta Kyoei Steel Works Tbk. [S] 68 150 10 54.66 343
8. Jaya Pari Steel Tbk. [S] 120 750 90 279
9. Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk. 293 15,775 4,622 1,294 136
10. Lion metal Works Tbk. [S] 1,050 520 546 1 464
11. Lionmesh Prima Tbk. [S] 575 96 55 489
12. Pelangi Indah Canindo Tbk. [S] 128 568 73 1 460
13. Pelat Timah nusantara Tbk. [S] 50 2,523 126 281
14. Saranacentral Bajatama Tbk. 84 1,800 151 276
15. Steel Pipe Industry of Indonesia Tbk. [S] 188 7,186 1,351 4,055 74
16. Tembaga mulia Semanan Tbk. 6,000 18 110 0.02 505
34 CHEmICALS 24,274 15,679
1. barito Pacific Tbk. [s] 130 6,980 907 247
2. Budi Starch & Sweetener Tbk. 63 4,499 283 270
3. Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk. [S] 3,445 3,287 11,324 3 442
4. Duta Pertiwi nusantara Tbk. [S] 387 331 128 2 453
5. Ekadharma International Tbk. [S] 400 699 280 36 364
6. Eterindo Wahanatama Tbk. 78 968 76 19 391
7. Indo Acidatama Tbk. [S] 50 6,020 301 29 373
8. Intanwijaya Internasional Tbk. [S] 305 181 55 16 400
9. Sorini Agro Asia Corporindo Tbk. [S] 1,900 925 1,758 0.20 486
10. unggul Indah Cahaya Tbk. [S] 1,480 383 567 0.06 496
s of December 2015 Total Trading 2015
Ra ‘000 Trade Days
bn IDR
nk x Rank
65 282 4 303 226
1,313 120 67 152 232
115 253 1 375 144
19,473 1,421
5,387 62 515 40 244
45 304 20 215 230
- 517 - 517 -
0.42 475 0.30 435 1
730 159 83 133 243
122 251 3 328 76
4,584 69 60 158 244
1,746 107 178 83 244
6,858 52 562 31 244
24 4
5 415 3 331 202
19 349 1 386 86
0.0001 0.002
0.0001 516 0.002 515 1
101,707 4,366
51,378 1,877
990 137 97 120 244
21,198 15 559 33 244
688 163 136 99 244
23,068 12 747 16 244
5,436 60 337 54 244
2,307 176
1,190 128 129 100 244
166 237 9 255 225
1 459 1 390 130
2 443 2 344 206
78 271 4 304 204
869 146 31.1 187 225
1,581 522
0.01 508 0.08 477 31
3 426 3 334 179
1 468 1 393 156
146 242 0.05 487 28
24 338 94 122 244
1 458 1 379 154
5.09 410 8.13 269 202
26 335 42 175 220
524 171 125 103 244
3 436 0.23 446 77
0.25 481 0.27 440 64
0.14 489 0.42 423 108
23 341 29 190 238
34 318 32 186 244
790 151 186 81 244
0.16 488 0.02 502 14
88 27
38 313 9 260 241
12 376 3 322 236
11 383 0.44 421 111
1 460 1 410 101
17 363 6 280 228
2 438 4 306 164
1 445 1 388 121
5 409 3 335 190
0.43 473 0.13 467 53
0.10 492 0.18 461 66
as of December 2015
Listed Market Valu
Closin Volume,
Shares, Cap., e,
Industry Classification/ Stock Name g mn
Price mn share bn IDR share Rank IDR
35 PLASTICS & PACKAGInG 45,676 10,922 157,203 35,872
2. Argha Karya Prima Industry Tbk. [S] 875 680 595 0.13 490 0.08
3. Asiaplast Industries Tbk. [S] 65 1,500 98 132 294 11
4. Berlina Tbk. 730 759 554 110 304 71
5. champion Pacific indonesia Tbk. [s] 224 972 218 22 389 6
6. Impack Pratama Industri Tbk. [S] 9,250 483 4,471 50 349 414
7. Indopoly Swakarsa Industry Tbk. [S] 72 6,443 464 596 197 65
8. Lotte Chemical Titan Tbk. [S] 92 5,566 512 3 447 0.23
9. Sekawan Intipratama Tbk. [S] 83 24,000 1,992 151,143 1 34,487
10. Siwani makmur Tbk. [S] 164 443 73 4,911 64 732
11. Trias Sentosa Tbk. [S] 310 2,808 870 101 309 32
12. Tunas alfin Tbk. 400 1,353 541 136 292 54
13. Yanaprima Hastapersada Tbk. [S] 800 668 534 0.03 502 0.02
36 AnImAL FEED 30,236 53,617 4,980 7,705
1. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Tbk. [S] 2,600 16,398 42,635 1,862 117 5,483
2. JAPFA Comfeed Indonesia Tbk. 635 10,661 6,769 1,405 128 916
3. malindo Feedmill Tbk. 1,525 2,239 3,414 381 216 616
4. Sierad Produce Tbk. [S] 850 939 798 1,333 131 690
37 WooD InDuSTRIES 4,123 209 599 33
1. SLJ Global Tbk. 51 3,111 159 565 201 31
2. Tirta mahakam Resources Tbk. [S] 50 1,012 51 35 367 2
38 PuLP & PAPER 25,644 11,038 8,029 2,743
1. Alkindo naratama Tbk [S] 735 550 404 62 337 45
2. Dwi Aneka Jaya Kemasindo Tbk. [S] 160 2,500 400 4,723 67 1,990
3. Fajar Surya Wisesa Tbk. [S] 1,040 2,478 2,577 123 299 177
4. Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Tbk. 955 5,471 5,225 322 230 304
5. Kedawung Setia Industrial Tbk. [S] 191 405 77 8 421 3
6. Kertas Basuki Rachmat Indonesia Tbk. 50 8,688 434 2,612 105 145
7. Pabrik Kertas Tjiwi Kimia Tbk. 495 2,671 1,322 63 335 43
8. Suparma Tbk. 103 1,492 154 66 331 10
9. Toba Pulp Lestari Tbk. [S] 320 1,389 444 49 350 27

4. MISCELLANEOUS INDUSTRY 131,251 303,425 75,013 93,413

41 mACHInERY AnD HEAVY EquIPmEnT 971 2,127 643 999
1. Ateliers mecaniques D'Indonesie Tbk. 132 1,080 143 106 305 14
2. Grand Kartech Tbk. 2,190 971 2,127 643 193 999
42 AuTomoTIVE AnD ComPonEnTS 68,245 276,163 14,258 74,072
1. Astra International Tbk. [S] 6,000 40,484 242,901 10,141 34 69,907
2. Astra otoparts Tbk. [S] 1,600 4,820 7,712 195 266 448
3. Gajah Tunggal Tbk. [S] 530 3,485 1,847 1,112 149 1,171
4. Garuda metalindo Tbk. [S] 1,195 2,344 2,801 1,232.13 140 1,225
5. Goodyear Indonesia Tbk. [S] 2,725 410 1,117 1.30 457 5
6. Indo Kordsa Tbk. [S] 4,680 450 2,106 0.06 495 0.33
7. Indomobil Sukses Internasional Tbk. 2,365 2,765 6,540 26 378 92
8. Indospring Tbk. [S] 350 656 230 100 310 61
9. multi Prima Sejahtera Tbk. [S] 5,375 21 114 1 471 3
10. multistrada Arah Sarana Tbk. [S] 351 9,183 3,223 183 269 56
11. nipress Tbk. [S] 425 1,487 632 1,071 152 584
12. Prima Alloy Steel universal Tbk. [S] 125 701 88 93 311 19
13. Selamat Sempurna Tbk. [S] 4,760 1,440 6,853 104 306 498
43 TEXTILE, GARmEnT 52,257 21,071 59,880 18,271
1. Apac Citra Centertex Tbk. 51 1,467 75 62 336 21
2. Argo Pantes Tbk. 900 336 302 1 467 1
3. asia Pacific fibers Tbk. 54 2,496 135 1,028 155 80
4. Century Textile Industry (PS) Tbk. 14,550 4 51 0.004 510 0.07
5. Century Textile Industry (Seri B) Tbk. 5,000 7 33 - 517 -
6. Eratex Djaja Tbk. 900 161 145 35 365 32
7. Ever Shine Textile Industry Tbk. 180 2,015 363 0.003 512 0.001
8. Indo-Rama Synthetics Tbk. [S] 760 654 497 3 440 3
9. nusantara Inti Corpora Tbk. 260 75 20 17 399 5
December 2015 Total Trading 2015
Freq., e
‘000 x Day
Rank Rank s
494 0.11 470 43
384 3 317 180
277 4 315 228
401 6 284 234
183 21 213 244
283 30 188 243
482 0.42 423 98
8 568 30 213
158 5 299 156
325 2 349 178
295 0.11 469 38
503 0.04 490 14
59 570 29 244
142 170 90 244
167 87 130 240
162 28 195 239
329 18 223 233
437 5 291 239
305 10 249 244
100 64 154 243
231 9 259 234
203 61 157 244
430 2 343 161
245 46 174 179
307 29 193 244
388 29 192 220
334 0.15 463 28

367 3 316 13
136 107 116 244
3 1,011 8 244
180 19 217 244
130 154 91 244
126 276.8 62 117
411 0.3 437 100
479 0.1 468 58
263 4 301 199
287 17 224 243
424 1 402 109
293 3 319 208
168 28 194 241
351 57 159 212
175 26 201 243
346 1 401 106
469 0 503 9
268 77 141 244
495 0.04 495 31
517 - 517 -
326 0.83 394 127
513 0.02 499 15
428 5 295 129
412 0.28 439 84
as of December 2015 T
Listed Market
Industry Classification/ Closing Shares, Cap., Volume,
Stock Name Price mn share bn IDR mn share Rank
10. Pan Brothers Tbk. [S] 560 6,478 3,628 5,481 60
11. Panasia Indo Resources Tbk. 885 3,601 3,187 200 264
12. Polychem Indonesia Tbk. [S] 89 3,889 346 616 196
13. Ricky Putra Globalindo Tbk. [S] 159 642 102 6 431
14. Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk. 389 18,593 7,233 47,178 4
15. Star Petrochem Tbk. [S] 50 4,800 240 4,019 75
16. Sunson Textile manufacturer Tbk. [S] 52 1,171 61 197 265
17. Tifico fiber indonesia Tbk. [s] 900 4,823 4,341 0.28 479
18. Trisula International Tbk. [S] 300 1,045 314 1,036 154
19. unitex Tbk. [S] * 3,700 - - 1 471
44 FooTWEAR 1,386 1,200 4.96
1. Primarindo Asia Infrastructure Tbk. 350 86 30 0.02 506
2. Sepatu Bata Tbk. [S] 900 1,300 1,170 5 433
45 CABLE 6,621 2,727 219
1. Jembo Cable Company Tbk. 1,350 151 204 0.07 493
2. Kabelindo murni Tbk. [S] 132 1,120 148 59 340
3. KmI Wire and Cable Tbk. [S] 119 4,007 477 142 286
4. Sumi Indo Kabel Tbk. [S] 1,040 306 318 0.40 475
Supreme Cable manufacturing & Commerce 3,725 206 766 11 411
Tbk. [S]
6. Voksel Electric Tbk. [S] 980 831 814 6 428
46 ELECTRonICS 1,771 136 8
1. Sat nusapersada Tbk. [S] 77 1,771 136 8 424

5. CONSUMER GOODS INDUSTRY 143,297 1,129,447 25,614

51 FooD AnD BEVERAGES 36,741 200,800 6,573

1. Davomas Abadi Tbk. * 50 - - 254


2. Delta Djakarta Tbk. 5,200 801 4,163 1 456

3. Indofood CBP Sukses makmur Tbk. [S] 13,475 5,831 78,572 734.75 180
4. Indofood Sukses makmur Tbk. [S] 5,175 8,780 45,439 2,765 101
5. mayora Indah Tbk. [S] 30,500 894 27,278 40 357
6. multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk. 8,200 2,107 17,277 25 381
7. nippon Indosari Corpindo Tbk. [S] 1,265 5,062 6,403 1,072 151
8. Prasidha Aneka niaga Tbk. [S] 122 1,440 176

9. Sekar Bumi Tbk. [S] 945 937 885 1 461
10. Sekar Laut Tbk. [S] 370 691 256

11. Siantar Top Tbk. [S] 3,015 1,310 3,950

12. Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food Tbk. [S] 1,210 3,219 3,895 1,016 157
13. Tri Banyan Tirta Tbk. 325 2,187 711 188

14. ultrajaya milk Industry & Trading Co. Tbk. [S] 3,945 2,888 11,395 19 392
15. Wilmar Cahaya Indonesia Tbk. [S] 675 595 402 2 454
52 ToBACCo mAnuFACTuRERS 15,917 547,776

1. Bentoel Internasional Investama Tbk. 510 7,240 3,692 7 426

2. Gudang Garam Tbk. 55,000 1,924 105,825 235

3. Hm Sampoerna Tbk. 94,000 4,653 437,356 223


4. Wismilak Inti makmur Tbk. 430 2,100 903 253


53 PHARmACEuTICALS 77,145 88,434
1. Darya-Varia Laboratoria Tbk. [S] 1,300 1,120 1,456 5 432
2. Indofarma (Persero) Tbk. [S] 168 3,099 521 160

3. Industri Jamu dan Farmasi Sido muncul Tbk. 550 15,000 8,250 1,558 124
4. Kalbe Farma Tbk. [S] 1,320 46,875 61,875 12,168
5. Kimia Farma (Persero) Tbk. [S] 870 5,554 4,832 181

6. merck Sharp Dohme Pharma Tbk. 29,000 4 104 - 517

7. merck Tbk. [S] 6,775 448 3,035

8. Pyridam Farma Tbk. [S] 112 535 60 252
9. Taisho Pharmaceutical Indonesia (PS) Tbk. 338,000 1 329

10. Taisho Pharmaceutical Indonesia Tbk. [S] 10,500 9 97 - 517
11. Tempo scan Pacific Tbk. [s] 1,750 4,500 7,875 210

54 CoSmETICS AnD HouSEHoLD 11,348 291,951


1. Akasha Wira International Tbk. [S] 1,015 590 599 23 385

cember 2015 Total Trading 2015

Value, Freq., T
bn IDR Rank ‘000 x Rank rD
### 83 236 72 a
### 248 2 355 s e
69 279 108 114
1 455 1 368
### 27 1,303 2
### 218 23 209
19 352 62 155
### 487 0.04 496
### 195 17.04 226
3 429 0.001 517
5 1
### 509 0.01 505
5 405 1 396
66 11
### 490 0.14 466
9 391 1 380
16 365 9 254
### 474 0.09 476
35 315 1 411

5 406 1 417
1 1
1 464 1 364

119,950 4,429
32,653 1,352
### 483 0.10 471
73 275 1 358
### 42 389 50
### 19 630 24
### 135 15 229
### 225 12 237
### 122 111 112
### 497 0.23 445
1 457 0.06 484
### 511 0.02 499
### 451 0.21 451
### 106 177 84
### 227 11 242
75 274 3 325
2 440 2 352
44,624 676
4 421 1 378
### 21 547 35
### 10 116 110
97 260 12 238
22,456 1,562
7 398 1 391
### 219 81 136
### 148 172 88
### 16 1,080 7
### 160 107 115
- 517 - 517 -
47 300 0.93 380
31 328 82 134
3 432 0.07 482
- 517 - 517 -
### 145 39 180
19,811 645
32 323 7.92 270
as of December 2015
Listed Market Volume,
Closing Shares, Cap.,
Industry Classification/ Stock Name mn
Price mn share bn IDR share Rank
2. Kino Indonesia Tbk. 3,840 1,429 5,486 80 319
3. mandom Indonesia Tbk. [S] 16,500 201 3,318 3 445
4. martina Berto Tbk. [S] 140 1,070 150 28 377
5. mustika Ratu Tbk. [S] 208 428 89 30 371
6. unilever Indonesia Tbk. [S] 37,000 7,630 282,310 505 206
55 HouSEWARE 2,147 486 1,367
1. Chitose Internasional Tbk. [S] 338 1,000 338 991 159
2. Kedaung Indah Can Tbk. [S] 250 138 35 0.42 474
3. Langgeng makmur Industri Tbk. [S] 113 1,009 114 376 217

6. PROPERTY, REAL ESTATE AND BUILDING 525,441 370,714 331,798

PRoPERTY AnD REAL ESTATE 462,352 280,043 304,517
1 Agung Podomoro Land Tbk. [S] 334 20,501 6,847 6,721 52
2 Alam Sutera Realty Tbk. [S] 343 19,649 6,740 18
3 Bakrieland Development Tbk. [S] 50 43,522 2,176 27
4 Bekasi Asri Pemula Tbk. [S] 50 662 33 8 425
5 Bekasi Fajar Industrial Estate Tbk. [S] 294 9,647 2,836 6,825 51
6 Bhuwanatala Indah Permai Tbk. [S] 88 4,670 411 195

7 Binakarya Jaya Abadi Tbk. 1,905 592 1,128 205


7 Bukit Darmo Property Tbk. [S] 90 7,315 658 220


8 Bumi Citra Permai Tbk. [S] 850 1,430 1,215 6,850 50

9 Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk. [S] 1,800 19,247 34,644 7,020 48
10 Ciputra Development Tbk. [S] 1,460 15,331 22,383 3,852 78
11 Ciputra Property Tbk. [S] 410 6,256 2,565 1,343 130
12 Ciputra Surya Tbk. [S] 2,240 2,005 4,490 255

13 Cowell Development Tbk. 600 4,871 2,923 2,621 104

14 Danayasa Arthatama Tbk. [S] 1,695 3,322 5,631

15 Duta Anggada Realty Tbk. [S] 420 3,141 1,319 69 328
16 Duta Pertiwi Tbk. [S] 6,400 1,850 11,840 16 403
17 Eureka Prima Jakarta Tbk. [S] 620 5,630 3,491 14
18 Fortune mate Indonesia Tbk. [S] 800 2,721 2,177 182

19 Gading Development Tbk. [S] 55 10,011 551 4,127 72

20 Gowa makassar Tourism Development Tbk. [S] 7,500 102 762 1 463
21 Greenwood Sejahtera Tbk. [S] 123 7,801 959 26 379
22 Indonesia Prima Property Tbk. [S] 300 1,745 524

23 Intiland Development Tbk. [S] 489 10,366 5,069 8,015 42
24 Jaya Real Property Tbk. [S] 745 13,750 10,244 1,374 129
25 Kawasan Industri Jababeka Tbk. [S] 247 20,662 5,104 23
26 Lamicitra nusantara Tbk. [S] 280 1,148 322 14 406
27 Lippo Cikarang Tbk. [S] 7,250 696 5,046 262

28 Lippo Karawaci Tbk. [S] 1,035 23,078 23,885 22
29 mega manunggal Property Tbk. [S] 800 5,714 4,571 162

29 megapolitan Developments Tbk. [S] 144 3,350 482 211


30 metro Realty Tbk. [S] 228 233 53


31 metropolitan Kentjana Tbk. [S] 16,875 948 16,001 17 398
32 metropolitan Land Tbk. [S] 215 7,655 1,646 218

33 modernland Realty Tbk. [S] 467 12,533 5,853 9,333 36

34 nirvana Development Tbk. [S] 109 22,199 2,420 11
35 Pakuwon Jati Tbk. [S] 496 48,160 23,887 9
36 Perdana Gapuraprima Tbk. [S] 199 4,277 851 263

37 Pikko Land Development Tbk. [S] 595 13,592 8,087 2,141 111
38 Plaza Indonesia Realty Tbk. [S] 4,000 3,550 14,200 1,080 150
39 PP Properti Tbk. [S] 178 14,044 2,500 24
40 Ristia Bintang mahkotasejati Tbk. 63 327 21 296

41 Roda Vivatex Tbk. [S] 6,000 269 1,613 8 422

42 Sentul City Tbk. [S] 58 34,537 2,003 25,765 13
43. Sitara Propertindo Tbk. [S] 560 10,045 5,625 26,157 12

44. Summarecon Agung Tbk. [S] 1,650 14,427 23,804 9,191 37

45. Suryamas Dutamakmur Tbk. [S] 95 4,772 453 38 358
as of December 2015 Total Trading 2015
Ran ‘000 Trade Days
k x Rank
307 202 5 293 12
54 296 1 413 107
8 396 3 330 216
8 395 5 300 224
19,403 17 624 25 244
407 194
345 196 18 222 244
0.11 491 0.34 428 110
61 288 176 85 244

212,105 10,175
154,753 7,216
2,566 88 281 61 244
11,426 35 578 27 244
518 172 9 256 233
0.38 477 1 387 144
3,236 78 289 60 244
59 291 4 302 236
939 141 120 107 112
40 312 13 235 153
5,415 61 184 82 244
13,220 31 584 26 244
4,779 65 347 51 244
811 150 125 102 244
576 169 49 169 244
1,501 112 110 113 244
0.02 502 0.05 488 20
41 309 1 369 168
76 272 0.51 415 70
12,582 34 123 104 244
349 194 1 389 146
209 226 9 258 204
5 413 0.42 422 113
3.60 423 4 312 222
0.03 501 0.01 510 6
4,601 68 253 67 244
1,242 124 7 277 193
4,706 66 342 53 244
4 422 6 288 143
1,916 103 176 86 244
22,149 14 664 20 244
784 152 53 163 116
72 276 18 220 232
0.04 500 0.10 472 42
281 206 0.22 448 65
99 257 15 228 227
3,930 74 141 96 244
5,364 63 237 71 244
13,785 29 892 10 244
51 299 4 313 213
960 140 0.26 442 84
2,710 85 1 366 90
3,043 79 272 63 151
12 377 48.13 170 219
45 302 0.02 501 15
2,736 84 259 66 244
12,663 33 76 244

15,247 22 769 14 244

5 408 23 208 207
as of December 2015
Listed Market Valu
Closin Volume,
Shares, Cap., e,
Industry Classification/ Stock Name g mn
Price mn share bn IDR share Rank IDR
62 BuILDInG ConSTRuCTIon 63,089 90,670 27,281 57,352
1. Acset Indonusa Tbk. [S] 3,020 500 1,510 372 219 1,365
2. Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk. [S] 2,140 3,561 7,620 5,887 55 15,087
3. Indonesia Pondasi Raya Tbk. 1,340 2,003 2,684 146 284 205
16. Jaya Konstruksi manggala Pratama Tbk. [S] 840 16,309 13,699 129 295 112
3. nusa Konstruksi Enjiniring Tbk. [S] 85 5,541 471 594 199 60
4. nusa Raya Cipta Tbk. [S] 625 2,496 1,560 1,148 147 1,230
5. PP (Persero) Tbk. [S] 3,875 4,842 18,764 2,716 102 10,233
6. Surya Semesta Internusa Tbk. [S] 715 4,705 3,364 3,150 96 2,620
7. Total Bangun Persada Tbk. [S] 615 3,410 2,097 980 161 847
8. Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk. [S] 1,670 13,572 22,666 8,503 39 14,184
9. Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk. [S] 2,640 6,149 16,234 3,655 81 11,409

7. INFRASTRUCTURE, UTILITIES & TRANSPORTATION 483,320 637,168 164,021 161,096

71 EnERGY 29,227 67,531 10,763 37,248
1. mitra Energi Persada Tbk. 710 697 495 64 332 44
1. Leyand International Tbk. [S] 50 3,966 198 647 192 25
2. Perusahaan Gas negara (Persero) Tbk. [S] 2,745 24,242 66,543 9,592 35 36,449
3. Rukun Raharja Tbk. [S] 775 1,019 790 525 203 774
72 ToLL RoAD, AIRPoRT, HARBoR & ALLIED PRoD. 24,786 43,354 28,094 18,157
1. Citra marga nusaphala Persada Tbk. [S] 2,435 2,750 6,696 1,296 135 3,739
2. Jasa marga (Persero) Tbk. [S] 5,225 6,800 35,530 1,720 122 10,211
3. nusantara Infrastructure Tbk. [S] 74 15,236 1,127 25,077 15 4,207
73 TELECommunICATIon 258,146 381,987 59,483 77,675
1. Bakrie Telecom Tbk. 50 30,585 1,529 24,599 16 744
2. Indosat Tbk. [S] 5,500 5,434 29,887 352 225 1,564
3. Inovisi Infracom Tbk. 117 9,990 1,169 3,545 84 501
4. Smartfren Telecom Tbk. [S] 51 102,796 5,243 5,524 59 384
5. Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. [S] 3,105 100,800 312,984 23,627 17 67,354
6. XL Axiata Tbk. 3,650 8,541 31,176 1,835 118 7,129
74 TRAnSPoRTATIon 126,450 49,137 62,957 15,535
1. Adi Sarana Armada Tbk. 100 3,398 340 1,020 156 169
2. Arpeni Pratama ocean Line Tbk. 58 8,670 503 3,453 89 276
3. Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk. 196 11,551 2,264 - 517 -
4. Blue Bird Tbk. [S] 7,100 2,502 17,765 165 273 1,417
5. Buana Listya Tama Tbk. [S] 66 2,427 160 740 179 116
6. Capitol nusantara Indonesia Tbk. [S] 264 833 220 0.18 488 0.05
7. Cardig Aero Services Tbk. [S] 1,130 2,087 2,358 51 347 62
8. Citra maharlika nusantara Corpora Tbk. 50 3,972 199 4,078 73 373
9. Eka Sari Lorena Transport Tbk. [S] 122 350 43 86 314 16
10. Express Transindo utama Tbk. 105 2,146 225 4,635 70 2,449
11. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. [S] 309 25,869 7,993 3,630 83 1,490
12. Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk. [S] 750 7,101 5,326 52 346 33
13. ICTSI Jasa Prima Tbk. [S] 94 587 55 63 334 31
14. Indo Straits Tbk. [S] 845 550 465 0.20 485 0.16
15. Indonesia Transport & Infrastructure Tbk. [S] 50 9,327 466 6,879 49 427
16. Logindo Samudramakmur Tbk. 136 2,577 350 647 190 500
17. mitra International Resources Tbk. [S] 50 3,961 198 239 245 12
18. mitrabahtera Segara Sejati Tbk. [S] 265 1,750 464 654 189 618
19. WEHA Transportasi Indonesia Tbk. 144 886 128 392 213 82
20. Pelayaran nasional Bina Buana Raya Tbk. [S] 51 5,367 274 18 397 2
21. Pelayaran nelly Dwi Putri Tbk. [S] 138 2,350 324 37 362 5
22. Pelayaran Tempuran Emas Tbk. [S] 1,950 1,141 2,225 186 268 365
23. Rig Tenders Indonesia Tbk. [S] 160 609 97 38 359 7
24. Samudera Indonesia Tbk. [S] 5,050 164 827 9 419 79.94
25. Sidomulyo Selaras Tbk. [S] 500 1,126 563 887 167 335
26. Soechi Lines Tbk. [S] 475 7,059 3,353 3,496 86 1,929
27. Steady Safe Tbk. 90 392 35 5 435 1
28. Tanah Laut Tbk. [S] 130 438 57 78 321 28
29. Trada maritime Tbk. 50 9,732 487 28,831 10 3,953
December 2015 Total Trading 2015
Freq., e
‘000 x Day
Rank Rank s
118 33 185 234
24 767 15 244
228 7 275 13
254 1 382 126
289 26 203 244
125 99 119 244
40 560 32 244
86 251 68 244
147 117 109 244
28 542 36 241
36 557 34 244

306 9 251 161
336 3 329 161
7 1,230 4 244
154 71 143 244
75 11 241 222
41 443 45 244
70195 79 244
156 0.40 426 166
110 53.8 162 244
173 105 117 30
188 41 177 242
4 1,341 1 244
50 452 43 244
235 49 168 244
207 68 150 62
517 - 517 -
115 46 173 243
252 47 172 196
499 0.01 507 3
286 2 345 196
191 87 129 242
366 26.48 199 239
93 292 59 229
114 226 73 244
322 8 264 236
327 6 282 184
486 0.22 449 34
182 48 171 234
174 85 132 244
380 6 287 148
166 29 191 244
266 41 178 244
441 4 311 206
414 0.03 497 18
192 23 210 242
400 1 384 184
269 10 246 240
197 90 126 204
101 201 77 244
466 1 397 81
333 16 227 243
73 641 22 243
as of December 2015 T
Listed Market
Industry Classification/ Closing Shares, Cap., Volume, Value,

Stock Name Price mn share bn IDR mn share Rank bn IDR

30. Trans Power marine Tbk. 238 2,633 627 2 450 1
31. Wintermar offshore marine Tbk. [S] 167 4,038 674 797 172 448
32. Zebra nusantara Tbk. [S] 84 856 72 1,789 120 312
75 non BuILDInG ConSTRuCTIon 44,712 95,158 2,692 12,459
1 Bali Towerindo Sentra Tbk. [S] 890 3,574 3,181 ###
258 216
2 Bukaka Teknik utama Tbk. 700 2,640 1,848 14 405 14
2 Indika Energy Tbk. 110 5,210 573 ###
175 261
3 Inti Bangun Sejahtera Tbk. 1,900 1,351 2,567 ###
477 1
4 Sarana menara nusantara Tbk. 4,750 10,203 48,464 ###
244 967
5 Solusi Tunas Pratama Tbk. 8,400 1,138 9,556 ###
271 1,245
6 Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk. 5,875 4,797 28,180 144 9,753
7 Truba Alam manunggal Engineering Tbk. 50 15,799 790 88 313 1

8 FINANCE 623,107 1,230,932 145,789 333,445

81 BAnK 466,122 1,131,577

1. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Agroniaga Tbk. 97 11,365 1,102 ###

212 40
2. Bank Agris Tbk. 85 5,190 441 138 174
3. Bank mnC Internasional Tbk. 70 18,938 1,326 103 228
4. Bank Capital Indonesia Tbk. 205 6,340 1,300 69 881
5. Bank Ekonomi Raharja Tbk. * 2,100 - - 3 441 20
6. Bank Central Asia Tbk. 13,300 24,408 324,633 71 61,044
7. Bank Bukopin Tbk. 700 8,996 6,297 95 2,536
8. Bank mestika Dharma Tbk. 1,560 4,049 6,317 24 383 32
9. Bank negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. 4,990 18,462 92,126 44 44,471
10. Bank nusantara Parahyangan Tbk. 1,860 670 1,246 1 462 1
11. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. 11,425 24,422 279,027 40 92,492
12. Bank Tabungan negara (Persero) Tbk. 1,295 10,476 13,567 43 8,900
13. Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk. 50 28,067 1,403 - 518 -
14. Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk. 3,200 9,489 30,364 ###
177 3,012
15. Bank Pundi Indonesia Tbk. 53 10,648 564 153 76
16. Bank Ina Perdana Tbk. 290 2,079 603 10 414 3
17. BPD Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk. 755 9,599 7,247 82 3,039
18. BPD Jawa Timur Tbk. 437 14,769 6,454 110 1,109
19. Bank qnB Indonesia Tbk. 290 8,670 2,514 34 368 11
20. Bank maspion Indonesia Tbk. 400 3,812 1,525 2 455 1
21. Bank mandiri (Persero) Tbk. 9,250 23,100 213,675 46 73,668
22. Bank Bumi Arta Tbk. 190 2,287 435 25 380 4
23. Bank CImB niaga Tbk. 595 24,880 14,804 116.57 301 85
24. Bank maybank Indonesia Tbk. 171 67,068 11,469 ###
285 29
25. Bank Permata Tbk. 945 11,765 11,118 ###
302 169
26. Bank Sinarmas Tbk. 394 14,007 5,519 ###
214 157
27. Bank of India Indonesia Tbk. 3,595 1,031 3,707 0.22 484 0.77
28. Bank Tabungan Pensiunan nasional Tbk. 2,400 5,782 13,877 143 6,609
29. Bank Victoria International Tbk. 105 7,074 743 76 322 9
30. Bank Dinar Indonesia Tbk. 113 2,228 252 12 410 2
31. Bank Artha Graha Internasional Tbk. 64 12,957 829 ###
239 22
32. Bank mayapada Internasional Tbk. 1,950 4,261 8,310 142 2,444
33. Bank Windu Kentjana International Tbk. 300 6,473 1,942 ###
186 216
34. Bank mega Tbk. 3,275 6,894 22,578 ###
308 264
35. Bank mitraniaga Tbk. 212 1,613 342 ###
289 23
36. Bank oCBC nISP Tbk. 1,275 11,358 14,481 54 344 69
37. Bank nationalnobu Tbk. 452 4,268 1,929 ###
228 249
38. Bank Pan Indonesia Tbk. 820 23,838 19,547 ###
198 662
39. Bank Panin Syariah Tbk. [S] 250 9,766 2,441 62 985
40. Bank Woori Saudara Indonesia 1906 Tbk. 1,100 5,022 5,524 ###
184 781
82 FInAnCIAL InSTITuTIon 28,749 17,017 1,296
1. Adira Dinamika multi Finance Tbk. 3,470 1,000 3,470 11 412 53
2. Buana Finance Tbk. 1,250 1,646 2,057 291 145
3. BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk. 2,800 1,566 4,385 71 325 184
4. Batavia Prosperindo Finance Tbk. 600 1,361 816 ###
222 200
5 T 2015
Total Trading
Freq., a
Rank ‘000 x Rank D e
### 467 1 399 a
### 179 69 147 s
### 201 123 105
### 223 2 347
### 371 8 262
### 211 86 131
### 452 0.20 454
### 139 4 314
### 123 1 361
### 43 323 56
### 450 0.14 465

### 310 72 142
### 233 5 289
### 216 81 135
### 144 79 137
### 348 0.04 492
### 5 881 11
### 91 56 161
### 324 0.34 430
### 6 1,105 6
### 446 0.02 503
### 1 1,264 3
### 46 396 48
518 - 518 -
### 81 347 52
### 273 25 204
### 433 0.31 433
### 80 270 64
### 134 153 93
### 385 2 337
### 465 0.22 450
### 2 967 9
### 417 1 376
### 265 28 196
### 331 8 267
### 236 3 327
### 240 9 252
### 462 0.21 452
### 55 6 286
### 389 2 338
### 442 2 350
### 345 89 128
### 94 8 268
### 222 11 240
### 210 1 365
### 343 0.37 427
### 278 0.42 425
### 213 8 265
### 165 42 176
### 138 10 244
### 153 0.30 435
### 297 6 278
### 244 0.33 431
### 230 2 346
### 229 0.18 460
as of December 2015
Closin Listed Market Volume,
Industry Classification/ Stock Shares, Cap.,
g mn
Name mn share bn IDR
Price share Rank
5. Clipan Finance Indonesia Tbk. 275 3,985 1,096 231 248
6. danasupra erapacific Tbk. 140 676 95 0.04 501
7. Radana Bhaskara Finance Tbk. 182 2,330 424 4 437
8. Intan Baruprana Finance Tbk. 190 3,174 603 1,322 133
9. Indomobil multi Jasa Tbk. 490 4,325 2,119 28 375
10. mandala multifinance Tbk. 870 1,325 1,153 61 339
11. magna Finance Tbk. 53 1,000 53 306 236
12. Tifa Finance Tbk 139 1,080 150 53 345
13. Trust Finance Indonesia Tbk. 198 800 158 19 394
14. Verena multi Finance Tbk. 159 1,002 159 156 277
15. Wahana ottomitra multiartha Tbk. 80 3,481 279 37 363
83 SECuRITIES ComPAnY 20,174 14,341 7,904
1. HD Capital Tbk. 50 2,120 106 338 226
2. Kresna Graha Investama Tbk. 2,120 3,642 7,720 4,720 68
3. majapahit Inti Corpora Tbk. 125 720 90 - 517
4. minna Padi Investama Tbk. 745 2,827 2,106 2,287 109
5. onix Capital Tbk. 432 273 118 0.03 503
6. Panca Global Securities Tbk. 205 708 145 84 316
7. Panin Sekuritas Tbk. 4,100 720 2,952 37 360
8. Reliance Securities Tbk. 400 1,800 720 207 260
9. Trimegah Securities Tbk. 51 7,109 363 231 249
10. Yulie Sekurindo Tbk. 81 255 21 0.06 497
84 InSuRAnCE 13,693 15,072 4,553
1. Asuransi Bina Dana Arta Tbk. 7,975 621 4,951 5 434
2. Asuransi Harta Aman Pratama Tbk. 220 840 185 24 382
3. Asuransi multi Artha Guna Tbk. 380 5,002 1,901 812 171
4. Asuransi Bintang Tbk. 440 174 77 1 470
5. Asuransi Dayin mitra Tbk. 1,145 192 220 2.96 446
6. Asuransi Jasa Tania Tbk. 157 600 94 153 278
7. Asuransi mitra maparya Tbk. 1,205 1,443 1,739 3,394 91
8. Asuransi Ramayana Tbk. 2,300 215 493 9 420
9. Lippo General Insurance Tbk. 5,250 150 788 3 448
10. maskapai Reasuransi Indonesia Tbk. 6,200 388 2,408 63 333
11. Paninvest Tbk. 545 4,068 2,217 86 315
85 InVESTmEnT FunD / muTuAL FunD
89 oTHERS 94,369 52,926 63,276
1. Arthavest Tbk. [S] 381 447 170 9 416
2. Batavia Prosperindo International Tbk. 3,350 514 1,722 1 466
3. Capitalinc Investment Tbk. 50 31,842 1,592 51,444 2
4. Equity Development Investment Tbk. 107 5,226 559 19 393
5. Lippo Securities Tbk. 88 2,588 228 84 317
6. mnC Kapital Indonesia Tbk. 1,685 4,689 7,902 816 170
7. Pacific strategic financial Tbk. 660 2,940 1,941 3,395 90
8. Panin Financial Tbk. 185 32,022 5,924 7,347 45
9. Sinar mas multiartha Tbk. 5,050 6,358 32,106 14 407
10. Victoria Investama Tbk. 101 7,742 782 147 282
9 TRADE, SERVICES & INVESTMENT 562,371 580,811 236,421
91 WHoLESALE (DuRABLE & non DuRABLE GooDS) 64,043 127,006
1. Akbar Indo makmur Stimec Tbk. [S] 420 110 46

2. AKR Corporindo Tbk. [S] 7,175 3,949 28,334 2,316 108
3. Ancora Indonesia Resources Tbk. 93 1,766 164 5 436
4. Arita Prima Indonesia Tbk. [S] 222 1,076 239 41 354
5. Bintang mitra Semestaraya Tbk. [S] 250 1,159 290 71 326
6. Colorpak Indonesia Tbk. [S] 645 306 198 32 370
7. Dian Swastatika Sentosa Tbk. [S] 12,100 771 9,324

8. Enseval Putra megatrading Tbk. [S] 3,000 2,709 8,126 9 418
9. Evergreen Invesco Tbk. [S] 150 4,694 704 2,369 106
10. Exploitasi Energi Indonesia Tbk. [S] 50 8,956 448 29
11. FKS multi Agro Tbk. [S] 1,600 480 768 29.60 372
12. Hexindo Adiperkasa Tbk. [S] 1,235 840 1,037 47 352
as of December 2015 Total Trading 2015
e, Freq.,
Trade Days
bn ‘000 x
IDR Rank Rank
###87 264 3 323
0.05 498 0.04 494
### 1 463 0.03 498
333 198 35 183
###14 372 1 373
214 224 3 333
###24 340 4 310
### 8 394 3 324
### 5 416 0.07 481
###25 337 6 281
### 4 418 5 292
8,531 471
###13 375 2 354
6,744 54 421 46
- 517 - 517 -
1,494 113 37 181
0.02 505 0.01 508
### 7 399 0.18 459
###164 239 8 266
###99 258 1 374
###11 381 2 348
0.005 510 0.04 490
3,194 109
###33 321 0.19 456
### 4 420 1 413
###272 208 21 212
0.34 478 0.10 473
### 3 431 0.19 456
###40 311 11 239
2,528 92 69 148
###10 387 1 399
###14 368 0.30 434
227 217 0.33 432
###62 285 6 285

15,909 530
### 3 435 1 383
### 1 453 0.48 418
### 39 95 121
### 2 439 10 247
###18 357 19 216
1,397 116 90 125
1,904 104 70 145
2,018 98 239 70
###59 290 1 407
###18 361 3 320
220,619 8,668
39,203 1,773
0.01 507 0.06 485 24
12,745 32 481 42 244
0.43 472 1 408 155
13 374 0.19 458 70
12 379 0.05 489 27
19 354 7 276 242
1 470 0.07 480 41
23 342 0.29 438 70
361 193 71 144 244
1,199 127 52 164 244
37 314 0.09 475 34
139 247 9 257 227
as of December 2015
Listed Market Valu
Closin Volume,
Shares, Cap., e,
Industry Classification/ Stock Name g mn
Price mn share bn IDR share Rank IDR
13. Inter Delta Tbk. [S] 380 118 45 18.001 396 5.4002
14. Intraco Penta Tbk. [S] 270 2,160 583 908 166 218
15. Kobexindo Tractors Tbk. [S] 147 2,273 334 23 388 3
16. Lautan Luas Tbk. [S] 500 1,560 780 205 261 143
17. Leo Investments Tbk. [S] 82 1,379 113 - 517 -
18. millennium Pharmacon International Tbk. [S] 69 728 50 16 401 1
19. mitra Pinasthika mustika Tbk. 489 4,463 2,182 647 191 483
20. modern Internasional Tbk. 150 4,575 686 1,434 127 434
21. multi Indocitra Tbk. [S] 370 600 222 89 312 30
22. Perdana Bangun Pusaka Tbk. 280 76 21 0.04 499 0.01
23. Renuka Coalindo Tbk. [S] 1,800 301 542 13 409 19
24. Rimau multi Putra Pratama Tbk. 107 216 23 3 443 0.41
25. Sigmagold Inti Perkasa Tbk. 438 5,502 2,410 13,642 28 5,998
26. Tigaraksa Satria Tbk. [S] 2,750 918 2,526 0.22 483 0.88
27. Tira Austenite Tbk. [S] 1,420 59 83 0.04 500 0.06
28. Triwira Insanlestari Tbk. [S] 50 1,200 60 793 173 22
29. Tunas Ridean Tbk. [S] 600 5,580 3,348 513 204 302
30. united Tractors Tbk. [S] 16,950 3,730 63,226 879 168 16,973
31. Wahana Pronatural Tbk. [S] 54 520 28 23 387 2
32. Wicaksana overseas International Tbk. [S] 51 1,269 65 227 251 19
93 RETAIL TRADE 117,397 140,608 29,353 60,895
1. Ace Hardware Indonesia Tbk. [S] 825 17,150 14,149 5,697 57 3,993
2. Catur Sentosa Adiprana Tbk. [S] 398 2,895 1,152 3,038 98 1,311
3. Centratama Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk. [S] 125 10,394 1,299 37 361 7
4. Electronic City Indonesia Tbk. [S] 850 1,334 1,134 194 267 242
5. Erajaya Swasembada Tbk. [S] 545 2,900 1,581 3,502 85 2,573
6. Global Teleshop Tbk. [S] 488 1,111 542 3 449 3
7. Golden Retailindo Tbk. [S] 300 286 86 1 465 0.17
8. Hero Supermarket Tbk. [S] 1,150 4,184 4,811 212 256 400
9. Kokoh Inti Arebama Tbk. [S] 290 981 284 50 348 18
10. matahari Department Store Tbk. [S] 17,600 2,918 51,355 1,775 121 28,863
11. matahari Putra Prima Tbk. [S] 1,825 5,378 9,815 3,867 77 13,339
12. midi utama Indonesia Tbk. 780 2,882 2,248 49 351 33
13. mitra Adiperkasa Tbk. [S] 3,795 1,660 6,300 546 202 2,542
14. Ramayana Lestari Sentosa Tbk. [S] 645 7,096 4,577 2,085 114 1,530
15. Rimo International Lestari Tbk. [S] 190 340 65 - 518 -
16. Skybee Tbk. [S] 420 585 246 0.07 495 0.02
17. Sona Topas Tourism Industry Tbk. [S] 4,050 331 1,341 0.27 480 1
18. Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk. 580 41,525 24,084 5,561 58 2,920
19. Supra Boga Lestari Tbk. [S] 340 1,564 532 210 259 69
20. Tiphone mobile Indonesia Tbk. 770 7,121 5,483 1,309 134 1,165
21. Trikomsel oke Tbk. 2,000 4,762 9,523 1,219 141 1,886
94 RESTAuRAnT, HoTEL & TouRISm 46,267 31,929 13,102 8,010
1. Bayu Buana Tbk. [S] 1,250 353 442 22 390 19
2. Bukit uluwatu Villa Tbk. 595 3,096 1,842 3,071 97 1,666
3. Destinasi Tirta nusantara Tbk. [S] 160 715 114 67 329 10
4. Fast Food Indonesia Tbk. [S] 1,150 1,995 2,294 6 430 9
5. Grahamas Citrawisata Tbk. 860 59 51 - 518 -
6. Hotel mandarine Regency Tbk. [S] 249 2,267 564 2,954 99 675
7. Hotel Sahid Jaya International Tbk. [S] 545 1,119 610 146 283 64
8. Indonesian Paradise Property Tbk. [S] 358 11,182 4,003 4 438 1
9. Island Concepts Indonesia Tbk. [S] 605 1,090 659 305 237 123
10. Jakarta International Hotels & Dev. Tbk. [S] 585 2,329 1,362 10 415 9
11. Jakarta Setiabudi Internasional Tbk. [S] 935 2,319 2,168 0.0004 513 0.0003
12. mas murni Indonesia Tbk. [S] 79 3,307 261 1,578 123 81
13. mas murni Tbk. (Preferred Stock) 600 6 4 - 518 -
14. mnC Land Tbk. [S] 1,410 6,890 9,716 3,270 93 4,673
15. Panorama Sentrawisata Tbk. 450 1,200 540 787 174 383
16. Pembangunan Graha Lestari Indah Tbk. [S] 69 488 34 127 297 11
17. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Tbk. [S] 2,025 1,600 3,240 74 324 165
18. Pioneerindo Gourmet International Tbk. [S] 8,500 221 1,877 3 444 24
December 2015 Total Trading 2015
Freq., e
‘000 x Day
Rank Rank s
404 0.004 511 4
221 18 219 230
425 1 371 166
246 24 206 243
517 - 517 -
447 1 360 185
177 69 146 244
181 26 202 237
330 8 271 232
506 0.01 506 7
350 0.17 462 30
476 1 395 144
57 149 94 244
456 0.21 453 41
496 0.10 473 23
344 3 326 190
204 15 230 244
20 808 12 244
444 3 332 171
355 25 205 244
71 210 75 244
121 94 123 244
397 1 405 151
214 18 221 197
87 195 80 244
434 2 353 157
485 0.15 464 67
186 4 305 216
358 0.47 420 101
11 806 13 244
30 516 39 244
320 1 404 135
90 153 92 244
111 137 98 244
518 - 518 -
505 0.002 515 2
449 0.06 485 21
82 11 243 239
280 4 308 215
131 61 156 244
105 1 406 82
353 0.47 419 112
108 5 294 241
386 0.08 477 43
390 2 339 188
518 - 518 -
164 51 166 223
284 27 197 228
448 0.26 441 94
250 0.08 479 30
393 2 356 182
514 0.003 512 3
267 5 298 72
518 - 518 -
67 37 182 243
189 79 139 244
382 1 372 134
238 2 340 180
339 0.04 493 31
as of December 2015
Listed Market Valu
Closin Volume,
Shares, Cap., e,
Industry Classification/ Stock Name g mn
Price mn share bn IDR share Rank IDR
39. Pudjiadi Prestige Tbk. 420 330 138 0.23 482 0.09
19. Pudjiadi & Sons Tbk. [S] 409 798 326 0.40 476 0.18
20. Red Planet Indonesia Tbk. [S] 895 1,353 1,211 7 427 5
21. Saraswati Griya Lestari Tbk. [S] 133 3,550 472 673 187 93
95 ADVERTISInG,PRInTInG & mEDIA 68,288 167,021 14,615 31,036
1. Elang mahkota Teknologi Tbk. 10,300 5,640 58,092 142 288 1,396
2. First media Tbk. [S] 1,875 1,742 3,267 35 366 79
3. Fortune Indonesia Tbk. 700 465 326 6 429 4
4. Graha Layar Prima Tbk. 4,500 338 1,519 0.24 481 1
5. Intermedia Capital Tbk. 3,325 3,922 13,039 104 307 321
6. Jasuindo Tiga Perkasa Tbk. [S] 232 1,713 397 170 272 47
7. Link net Tbk. [S] 4,000 3,043 12,171 1,293 137 6,835
8. mahaka media Tbk. [S] 50 2,755 138 239 246 12
9. media nusantara Citra Tbk. [S] 1,855 14,276 26,482 3,459 88 8,250
10. mnC Sky Vision Tbk. 1,335 1,413 1,886 674 185 1,332
11. star Pacific Tbk. 180 1,170 211 79 320 45
12. Surya Citra media Tbk. 3,100 14,622 45,327 3,374 92 10,697
13. Tempo Inti media Tbk. [S] 69 725 50 164 275 17
14. Visi media Asia Tbk. 250 16,464 4,116 4,877 65 2,000
96 HEALTH CARE 10,367 17,428 2,161 16,192
1. Sarana meditama metropolitan Tbk. 2,650 1,180 3,127 321 232 911
2. Sejahteraraya Anugrahjaya Tbk. [S] 370 8,030 2,971 675 183 146
3. Siloam International Hospitals Tbk. [S] 9,800 1,156 11,330 1,165 146 15,135
97 ComPuTER AnD SERVICES 20,506 22,338 1,263 1,288
1. Astra Graphia Tbk. [S] 1,800 1,349 2,428 83 318 156
2. Indoritel makmur Internasional Tbk. [S] 1,145 14,184 16,241 588 200 543
3. Limas Indonesia makmur Tbk. 50 788 39 9 417 0.44
4. metrodata Electronics Tbk. [S] 650 2,310 1,502 261 243 176
5. multipolar Technology Tbk. [S] 1,135 1,875 2,128 322 231 411
98 InVESTmEnT ComPAnY 205,308 61,822 87,632 44,509
1. ABm Investama Tbk. 2,900 2,753 7,984 61 338 169
2. Bakrie & Brothers Tbk. 50 93,722 4,686 20,560 20 704
3. Bumi Resources minerals Tbk. [S] 50 25,570 1,279 12,327 30 1,124
4. Global mediacom Tbk. [S] 1,100 14,199 15,618 3,669 79 4,969
5. Hanson International (Seri B) Tbk. 50 1,121 56 504 207 28
6. Hanson International Tbk. [S] 635 14,854 9,432 33,581 6 22,594
7. mnC Investama Tbk. 174 38,902 6,769 6,674 53 1,640
8. multipolar Tbk. [S] 257 10,065 2,587 3,211 94 2,306
9. Polaris Investama Tbk. 1,570 1,184 1,859 7,041 47 10,958
10. Pool Advista Indonesia Tbk. 2,990 225 673 0.0003 514 0.001
11. Saratoga Investama Sedaya Tbk. [S] 4,010 2,713 10,879 4 439 17
99 oTHERS 30,196 12,658 51,430 19,487
1. Dyandra media International Tbk. [S] 65 4,273 278 943 165 100
2. Gema Grahasarana Tbk. [S] 328 320 105 19 395 6
3. multifiling mitra indonesia Tbk. [s] 187 758 142 1 459 0.33
4. Sugih Energy Tbk. [S] 470 24,812 11,661 50,467 3 19,380
5. Sumber Energi Andalan Tbk. [S] 13,900 34 473 0.09 493 1

TOTAL 3,263,201 4,819,174 1,436,083 1,389,415

December 2015 Total Trading 2015
Fre Trad
q., e
‘00 Day
Rank 0x Rank s
493 0.23 447 90
484 0.26 444 85
407 1 398 180
262 23 211 230
117 1 370 145
270 3 318 196
419 1 358 140
461 0.26 443 76
199 1 412 147
301 20 214 231
53 215 74 244
378 6 283 212
47 713 17 244
119 40 179 244
303 8 263 237
38 675 19 244
362 69 149 242
99 89 127 244
143 120 106 244
243 24 207 242
23 174 87 244
241 10 248 237
170 7 273 244
471 0.34 429 59
232 14 233 243
184 17 225 231
234 1 367 135
161 2 351 237
132 129 101 244
64 525 38 244
332 5 297 206
13 711 18 244
109 324 55 244
96 198 78 244
37 118 108 244
512 0.003 512 2
364 1 362 135
256 50 167 244
402 2 342 196
480 1 416 126
18 171 89 244
455 0.01 509 7

Going Public anD Listing
Indonesia Stock Exchan
A company intending to go public (“The
Issuer/The company”) must fulfil the following
 Plan for going public must be proposed to a
general meeting of shareholders for approval, and for
the necessary amendments of the Articles of
 Company have to appoint the capital market
supporting professions and institutions to assist in
preparation as following:
- underwriter to support the offering and to assist the
issuing company in the process of going public.
- independent auditor to audit the company’s financial
- Legal Consultant to provide the relevant Legal
- Public notary to prepare the amendments of the
Articles of Association, the various agreements
underlying the public offering, and minutes of
- appraisal company to appraise the fixed assets
owned by the issuing company (if necessary/any).
- independent competent Person in the field of mining
and or geology, to value the resources indicated at
concession area (for mineral & coal mining company).
- Share Registrar/Securities Administration Bureau (for
stock issues).
- Custodian.

Initial Public Offering (IPO) in Indonesia

 Register to IDX
 Mini expose
 Site visit
 Preliminary listing agreement
 Approval for listing
 Listing in IDX

Supporting Profession Institutions:  First registration to OJK

 Underwriter  Changes and additional information for registration
 Independent auditor  Second registration to OJK
 Legal counsel  Third registration to OJK: final structure of the IPO
 Public notary
 Appraisal company
 Expert in mining/geology
 Share registrar
 etc.

 Register to KSEI
 Securities registration
Indonesia Stock Exchange  Payment agent agreement
Indonesia Stock Exchange

Company Preparation The Financial Service

Authority (OJK)

Indonesia Stock Exchange

ic anD Listing on
Stock Exchange
- Trustee to represent the bond holders’ interests (for bond issues).
- Guarantor (for bond issues).
- Payment Agent (for bond issues).
- Rating Agency (for bond issues).
 Prepare all the documents required for the public offering to IDX, KSEI and oJK.
 Register and arrange a Preliminary Listing Agreement with IDX and a
Registration Securities in KSEI.
 Register the Registration Statement and supporting documentation to oJK to
get Effective Statement from oJK.
General Terms of Listing
 Securities which can be listed at IDX :
- Stocks (Shares),
- Equity-based securities other than stock which include: pre-emptive
rights, warrant and its derivatives,
- Bonds and other debt-type securities include: Sukuk (Syariah Bonds) and Asset
Backed Securities (ABS),
- Exchange Traded Funds (ETF),
- Real Estates Investment Trust (REIT).
 To maintain orderly, fair and efficient securities trading, IDX is authorized to
approve or reject the listing application including its placement on the main
Board or the Development Board, by considering not only formal

 Register to IDX
 Mini expose
 Site visit
 Preliminary listing agreement
 Approval for listing
 Listing in IDX

 First registration to OJK

 Changes and additional information for registration
 Second registration to OJK
 Third registration to OJK: final structure of the IPO

Effective registration statement

from OJK
Effective registration statement
from OJK

Initial Public Offerings (IPO)

al Service

Listing and trading at IDX

aspects but also listing substance.
 The Listed Company must list all shares that are
issued and fully paid-in (Company Listing),
unless provided otherwise by prevailing laws and
 Listing of stock resulting from the exercise of
warrants, convertible bonds, ESoP/mSoP, pre-
emptive Rights, must be done through pre-Listing
process. This means that the approval of idX
should be sought first, prior to the issuance of
stock resulting from the exercise of securities. The
stock shall be effectively listed and traded at IDX
after the issue of new shares. Each 1 (one) equity-
type securities other than stock listed at IDX, shall
give the right to its holder to obtain 1 (one) stock.
 In the decision-making process related
to the implementation of listing regulation, IDX
may request any advice or consideration to the IDX’
Listing Committee.
 A listed company is prohibited to change the
nominal value of stock (stock split or reverse stock)
for a period of at least 12 months since the first
trading day for that particular stock.
 An additional period of at least 12 months is
required, if the listed company wishes to change the
par value through stock splits or reverse stock
Preliminary Application for Securities Listing (Before
Getting Effective Statement from OJK)
Refers to IDX Regulation number I-A Concerning The
Listing of Stocks And Equity-based Securities except
stock issued By The Listed Company, before
conducting the public offering, the issuer must do
the following steps:
 Issuer submits an application for stock exchange
listing (using the form as attached in IDX Regulation
no. I-A) and pays the registration fee for the listing
 Issuer conducts a company presentation to IDX,
called as mini Expose (not mandatory for Bonds
issuance in certain condition).
 idX conducts a site visit to issuer’s
office/manufacture/ mines/projects/assets (not
mandatory for Bonds issuance in certain
 IDX evaluates the application and supporting
documents according to the listing criteria. IDX
issues principal approval or rejection on listing
application within a period of 10 exchange days
from the date since the completed documents has
been received by IDX.
 If the application is approved, the company can
execute a Preliminary Listing Agreement that states
the company’s plan to list its shares in IDX. This
agreement is valid for up to 6 months since it
issued, and can be extended, subject to prior
approval from both parties.
 The Preliminary Listing Agreement with IDX
become one of the requirements to complete
checklist of document in the Registration
Statement to oJK and it must be submitted to
Application for Securities Listing (After Getting
Effective Statement from FSA)
Following the acceptance of the registration
statement by oJK, the next step is to conduct a
public offering (primary market) by the issuer and
the underwriter. Here are several steps to complete
the listing process in IDX:
the following steps:
 Issuer submits an application for stock exchange
listing (using the form as attached in IDX Regulation
no. I-A) and pays the registration fee for the listing
 Issuer conducts a company presentation to IDX,
called as mini Expose (not mandatory for Bonds
issuance in certain condition).
 idX conducts a site visit to issuer’s
office/manufacture/ mines/projects/assets (not
mandatory for Bonds issuance in certain
 IDX evaluates the application and supporting
documents according to the listing criteria. IDX
issues principal approval or rejection on listing
application within a period of 10 exchange days
from the date since the completed documents has
been received by IDX.
 If the application is approved, the company can
execute a Preliminary Listing Agreement that states
the company’s plan to list its shares in IDX. This
agreement is valid for up to 6 months since it
issued, and can be extended, subject to prior
approval from both parties.
 The Preliminary Listing Agreement with IDX
become one of the requirements to complete
checklist of document in the Registration
Statement to oJK and it must be submitted to
Application for Securities Listing (After Getting
Effective Statement from FSA)
Following the acceptance of the registration
statement by oJK, the next step is to conduct a
public offering (primary market) by the issuer and
the underwriter. Here are several steps to complete
the listing process in IDX:
 Issuer must submit information and
supporting documents to IDX (as regulated in IDX
Regulation no. I-A).
least 1 (one) year as of it is listed, with a purpose of  Pay listing proposal registration fee of Rp10 m
protecting the interest of non-controlling Listing Requirement for ABS
shareholders.  The Registration Statement submitted to o
 The listing of Additional shares derived from Employee  audited abs financial report with minimum of
Stock option Program (ESoP) and management Stock  Rating of securities with minimum grade o
option Program (mSoP) can be listed at IDX upon  Listing proposal submitted by investment man
fulfilment of the following requirements: Listing Requirement for REIT
- The implementation period of ESoP/mSoP is no  The Registration Statement submitted to F
more than twice in a year. The plan of the ESoP/ mSoP  minimum initial value of Rp50 billion;
implementation must be reported to IDX 5 (five)  minimum units owned by controller unit holde
exchange days before the date of the esoP/ mSoP  minimum 100 unit holders.
implementation.  Pay listing proposal registration fee of Rp10 m
- The price of the ESoP/mSoP implementation should be
at least 90% of the average closing price of the Listed
company’s share, during 25 (twenty-five) consecutive Initial Listing Fee (ILF) for Stock Listing
Exchange Days in the Regular market, before reporting to  The initial listing fee is fixed at rp1 millio
IDX. Rp1 billions of company’s stock capitalizati
- The ESoP/mSoP has been approved by the General - For prospective company which is going to be
meeting of Shareholders which agenda regarding the minimum ILF is at Rp25 million and the maximum
ESoP/mSoP. - For prospective company which is going to be
 a Listed company intending to list its warrants must the minimum ILF is at Rp25 million and the max
fulfil the following requirements: - This ILF is also applicable for relisting compan
- The warrants shall be issued by the Listed Company  In calculating company’s stock capitalizatio
whose shares have been listed at IDX; its value resulting less than Rp1 billion, it sha
- Each warrants which will be listed gives rights to its  In calculating ILF, the stock price used to
holder to purchase at least 1 (one) share; stock capitalization shall be as follows:
- The exercise price of warrants shall be determined at a - For an Issuer, it shall be calculated in accordan
maximum 125% (one hundred twenty five percent) of - For a Public Company, it shall be calculated in
the closing price on the day the issuance of warrants is price determined by an independent party.
resolved by the General meeting of Shareholders of the - For a relisting company, it shall be calcula
Listed Company. price which is determined by an independent pa
Transfer of Listing Board shares during the delisting from IDX, whichever
Transfer of Board from the Development Board to the Annual Listing Fee (ALF) for Stock Listing
main Board is possible. The requirements of the transfer  ALF fee is determined to be Rp500,000 fo
are as follows: billion of the amount of company’s recent stock
 The company has not made any changes to its of Rp50 million and at maximum of Rp250 milli
core business, at least during the last 36 (thirty-six)  In calculating company’s stock capitalizatio
months. its value resulting less than Rp1 billion, it sha
 The audited financial statement obtain an unqualified
opinion for the last 2 (two) financial years.
 The company has net Tangible Asset at least
Rp100 billion.
 The company is not exposed under a condition
and or occurrence and or lawsuit/legal case which
has materially adverse effect to the going concern of
the Listed Company.
Procedures for the transfer:
 IDX has authority to transfer from the Development
Board to the main board after evaluate the fullfillment of
the requirements.
 The transfer of board is conducted by IDX every may.
 The transfer of board becomes effective once it is
Listing Requirement for ETF
 The Registration Statement submitted to oJK has
become effective;
 Listing proposal submitted by Investment manager;
 minimum initial value of Rp5 billion and maximum as
stated in the prospectus;
 IDX will publish listing announcement about the new securities
at least 1 (one) exchange day prior to the commencement of
the shares trading.
 The securities are listed and ready to be traded in IDX.
Listing Company Continuous Obligation
Listed company should maintain following condition:
 must have minimum shares owned by non Controller
Shareholders and non main Shareholders at least 50 million
shares and at least 7.5% from paid-up capital.
 must have minimum 300 shareholders which have security
accounts in IDX members.
 must have at least 30% Independent Commissioner from the total
 must have at least 1 Independent Director.
 must have Audit Committee.
 must have Corporate Secretary.
 must have Board of Directors and Commissioners comply with
related regulations.
 must have Internal Audit.
Listing of Additional Shares through Rights, Warrants and Company
 The listing of Additional shares derived from the Capital Increase
Through Pre-emptive Rights, Stock Split, Bonus share, stock
Dividend, or shares resulted from the conversion of Equity-Type
Securities other Than Stock can be listed at idX upon fulfilment
of the following requirements:
- The new issued shares shall have similar classification
as the main share;
- The theoretical price of share resulted from the issuance of
the new share at least Rp100 (one hundred Rupiah);
- The theoretical price shall be calculated in accordance with
average closing price of the shares of the relevant Listed Company
for 25 (twenty five) consecutive exchange days at the regular
market prior to the Listed Company advertises an announcement
concerning the summons of the General meeting of
Shareholders of the Listed Company with an agenda concerning the
Stock Split, issuance of a bonus share and/or dividend share, or
issuance of Equity-Type Securities other Than Stock.
 The listing of Additional shares derived from the Capital Increase
Without Pre-emptive Rights excluding ESoP/ msoP can be listed at
idX upon fulfilment of the following requirements:
- The exercise price of the new issued share shall at least
equal to the average closing price of the shares of the relevant
Listed Company for 25 (twenty five) consecutive exchange days at
the regular market prior to the Listed Company advertises an
announcement concerning the summon of the General
meeting of Shareholders of the Listed Company with agenda
concerning the Capital Increase Without Pre-emptive Rights;
- The newly issued stocks shall be common stocks which have the
same right as a common stock of the Listed Company which has
already been listed at IDX;
- The newly issued stocks cannot be traded at IDX at
 Pay listing proposal registration fee of Rp10 million.
Listing Requirement for ABS
 The Registration Statement submitted to oJK has become effective;
 audited abs financial report with minimum of unqualified opinion;
 Rating of securities with minimum grade of BBB- (investment grade);
 Listing proposal submitted by investment manager.
Listing Requirement for REIT
 The Registration Statement submitted to FSA has become effective;
 minimum initial value of Rp50 billion;
 minimum units owned by controller unit holders at least 75% from unit issued.
 minimum 100 unit holders.
 Pay listing proposal registration fee of Rp10 million.
Initial Listing Fee (ILF) for Stock Listing
 The initial listing fee is fixed at rp1 million for each multiplication of
Rp1 billions of company’s stock capitalization, in condition as follows:
- For prospective company which is going to be listed on main Board, the
minimum ILF is at Rp25 million and the maximum is at Rp250 million.
- For prospective company which is going to be listed on Development Board,
the minimum ILF is at Rp25 million and the maximum is at Rp150 million.
- This ILF is also applicable for relisting company
 In calculating company’s stock capitalization, if the multiplication of the
its value resulting less than Rp1 billion, it shall be rounded up to Rp1 billion.
 In calculating ILF, the stock price used to calculate prospective company’s
stock capitalization shall be as follows:
- For an Issuer, it shall be calculated in accordance with the initial offering price.
- For a Public Company, it shall be calculated in the accordance with a fair
price determined by an independent party.
- For a relisting company, it shall be calculated in accordance with a fair
price which is determined by an independent party or last price of the company’s
shares during the delisting from IDX, whichever is higher.
Annual Listing Fee (ALF) for Stock Listing
 ALF fee is determined to be Rp500,000 for each multiplication of Rp1
billion of the amount of company’s recent stock capitalization and at minimum
of Rp50 million and at maximum of Rp250 million.
 In calculating company’s stock capitalization, if the multiplication of the
its value resulting less than Rp1 billion, it shall be rounded up to Rp1 billion.
Listing Requirement for Stocks and Bonds
No. Requirements for Stocks
1. Legal Entity in the form of Limited Liability Company (Perusahaan
Terbatas, “PT”)
2. The Registration Statement submitted to Financial Services Authority (oJK) has become effectiv
3. not applicable

4. Comply with Requirement of Chain Listing. If the Prospective Listed

Company is a subsidiary or a holding company of the Listed Company, then:
 upon termination of affiliation between a prospective Listed Company
and a Listed Company, each company can continue to perform its
operational activity pursuant to the appraisal of an independent party
 Pursuant to the proforma Financial Statement of a Listed Company,
without having consolidated with the Financial Statement of the
Prospective Listed company, can fulfill the listing requirement
 Pursuant to the proforma Financial Statement of the Prospective Listed
Company, without being consolidated with the Financial statement of the
Listed company, can fulfill the listing requirement

5. A minimum of 30% of the Board of Commissioners should be comprised

of Independent Commissioners, who may be appointed during the
Company’s General Shareholders’ meeting that is conducted just prior to the
Company’s listing. Such an appointment may become effective once the
company’s listing is finalized

6. a minimum of 1 unaffiliated director of the board of directors.

unaffiliated director is a director who fulfills the following criteria:
 unaffialiated with any of the controlling shareholders of the Listed
Company at least 6 months prior to the appointment.
 unaffiliated with any commissioners or members of the board of Directors
of the Listed Company.
 Does not hold any positions as a Director in any other companies.
 unaffiliated with any of the capital market supporting institutions or
professions that rendered services to the Listed Company, at least within 6
months prior to the appointment.
This Director may be appointed during the Company’s General meeting of
Shareholders, prior to the Company’s listing. Such an appointment may
become effective once the company’s listing is finalized.

7. The Company should have already appointed an Audit Committee. A prospective Listed Company that have not
Committee is obliged to declare in a written statement, that an Audit Committee would be appointed no later than 6 mon
listing at IDX.
8. The Company should have established an Internal Audit unit.
9. The Company should have already appointed a Corporate Secretary.

10. The minimum nominal value of a prospective Listed Company’s shares

is Rp100 (one hundred rupiah) or if no nominal value then the initial price
should be at least Rp100 (one hundred rupiah).
11. The underwriters who assist the Issuer to conduct IPo should have
prepared full commitment underwiting agreement subject to bookbuilding
12. The Directors and the Commissioners should have:
Have a good character, moral and integrity and legally competent;
 Within 5 (five) previous years before appointed:
- Have never been declared bankrupt;
- Have never been the director or commissioner who were responsible
for causing a company to go bankrupt;
- have never been convicted of a criminal offense that inflict the country’s
financial and / or relating to the financial sector loss; and
 Have never been the director or commissioner who were responsible for
causing problem during his/her tenure.
 Have committed to comply with laws and regulations; and
 have knowledge and/or expertise in the required field of Public


Requirements for Bonds
A Legal Entity

ment submitted to Financial Services Authority (oJK) has become effective

 Rating of securities with minimum grade of BBB- (investment grade)
 minimum equity of Rp20 billion
 Having been in operation for at least 3 (three) years
 generated profit for recent 1 year period
 audited financial report with minimum of qualified opinion

not applicable

 If the Board of Commissioners consist of 2 (two) persons, a

minimum of 1 of the Board of Commissioners should be comprised of
Independent Commissioners
 If the Board of Commissioners consist of more than 2 (two) persons, a
minimum of 30% of the Board of Commissioners should be
comprised of Independent Commissioners

not applicable

inted an Audit Committee. A prospective Listed Company that have not yet been appointed an Audit
ement, that an Audit Committee would be appointed no later than 6 months after the Company’s

ompany should have established an Internal Audit unit.

pany should have already appointed a Corporate Secretary.

not applicable

not applicable
not applicable


Listing Boards Requirement for Stocks Listing INDO
Requirements Main Board
Registration Fee for the listing application Rp25 million
General Listing requirements fulfill
operation period (in the same business core) 3 full consecutive years
(36 months)
Audited Financial Report The covering period is 3 years
Audit opinion of Financial Report standard unqualified opinion, for the last 3
financial years plus the latest interim audited Financial Statement

net Tangible Asset Rp100 billion

operating Income generate operating Profit for last financial year

Shares owned by the non-controlling and non- At least 300 million shares substantial
shareholder after IPo
minimum percentage of paid-up capital to be
Equity Value, bn ownership
IDR Percentage
< 500 20%
500 - 2,000 15%
> 2,000 10%
number of shareholders who has security 1,000 shareholders account

Additional Listing Boards for Mineral and Coal Mining Requirement for Stocks Listing
Production & Selling Stage Production, not yet Selling Stage
Requirements MB DB

net Tangible Assets and Deferred Exploration Costs Rp100 billion Rp5 billion Rp100 billi
Having mining Production operation Permit land use/utilization permit, and
other permits related to the mining business from the relevant authorities • • •
Having minimum 1 (one) Director of operation
• • • •
Having proven reserves and probable reserves based on the Report of the
Competent Person • • •
having a clear and clean certificate or other equivalent document on the
mining permit from the Directorate General of mineral and Coal or any other • • •
authorized agency stipulated by the Government of the Republic of
Having a Feasibility Study signed by the Competent Person
– – • •
Having a statement from the Competent Person about all data are still valid
and relevant – – •
Having a permit to carry out the production operation stage from the
relevant authorities – – •
have obtained operating profits and net profits at the end of the 4th (fourth)
financial year after having been listed – – •
Having a Business Feasibility Study Report signed by the Appraiser
registered in the oJK – –
Having a work plan and budget for the implementation of mineral or coal •
mining business which has been submitted to the relevant authorities.
– – •
MB: Main Board, DB: Development Board
Development Board
Rp25 million
1 full consecutive years (12 months)

12 months
standard unqualified opinion for the last financial
year Audited Financial Statement

Rp5 billion
For a Prospective Listed Company which is
suffering an operating loss or having negative
profit or conducting its operation for less than 2
years, must :
 generate operating profit and net profit in
financial projection at the end of the last 2nd
financial year of the listed date.
 For the prospective Listed Company whose
nature of business needs more time to reach a
break even point (infrastructure, hard plants
plantation, concession of the Forest
management Rights or Industrial Plantation, or
line of business which relates to the public
services), it should obtain operating profit and net
profit at the 6th financial years maximum.

At least 150 million shares

500 shareholders

ent for Stocks Listing


Rp100 billion Rp5 billion Rp100 billion Rp5 billion

• • • •
• • • •
• • • •
• • • •

• •
– – • •
– – • •
– – • •
– – • •
– – • •
MB: Main Board, DB: Development Board
Listing Fee for Additional Shares
 Listing fee of additional shares including
those conducted by a Pre-Listing is fixed at rp1
million for each multiplication of Rp1 billion of
company’s stock capitalization, and at least Rp10
million and at maximum of Rp150 million.
 In calculating the company’s stock capitalization:
- If the multiplication of its value resulting less than
Rp1 billion, it shall be rounded up to Rp1 billion.
- Stock price that used in calculating the
company’s stock capitalization is closing price at the
Regular market one Exchange Day prior to the
date of approval of the additional shares listing.
Payment of Listing Fee of Stocks
 Initial Listing Fee shall be imposed one time
to the Prospective Listed Company, and shall be
paid at the latest 2 (two) Exchange Days prior to
the stipulated listing date.
 Annual Listing Fee must be paid in advance for a
period of 12 months as of January to December, and
shall be received by IDX at the latest at the end of
business day on January, with an exception for a
Listed Company which has recently been listed:
- Annual Listing Fee shall be proportionally
calculated, as the month of the initial listing is
conducted to December in relevant year.
- Payment of the Annual Listing Fee shall be
conducted together with Initial Listing Fee at the
latest 2 (two) Exchange Days prior to the proposed
Listing date.
 Listing fee shall be subjected to tax in accordance
with the prevailing tax provisions.
 Listing fee of additional shares must be paid to
IDX at the latest 1 (one) Exchange Day prior to the
date of the intended listing.
 Late payment of Initial Listing Fee and Annual
Listing Fee shall be subject to 2% penalty per
month which proportionally calculated in
accordance with the total days late of the total
Listing Fee for Bonds and ABS
 Initial Listing Fee:
- 0.025% of the nominal value that up to Rp200
billion, with a minimum fee of Rp10 million.
- 0.024% of the nominal value more than Rp200
billion to Rp400 billion.
- 0.023% of the nominal value more than Rp400
billion to Rp600 billion.
- 0.022% of the nominal value more than Rp600
billion with a maximum fee of Rp150 million.
 Annual Listing Fee:
- 0.025% of the nominal value that up to Rp200
billion, with a minimum fee of Rp10 million.
- 0.024% of the nominal value more than Rp200
billion to Rp400 billion.
- 0.023% of the nominal value more than Rp400
billion to Rp600 billion.
- 0.022% of the nominal value more than Rp600
billion with a maximum fee of Rp150 million.
IDX at the latest 1 (one) Exchange Day prior to the
date of the intended listing.
 Late payment of Initial Listing Fee and Annual
Listing Fee shall be subject to 2% penalty per
month which proportionally calculated in
accordance with the total days late of the total
Listing Fee for Bonds and ABS
 Initial Listing Fee:
- 0.025% of the nominal value that up to Rp200
billion, with a minimum fee of Rp10 million.
- 0.024% of the nominal value more than Rp200
billion to Rp400 billion.
- 0.023% of the nominal value more than Rp400
billion to Rp600 billion.
- 0.022% of the nominal value more than Rp600
billion with a maximum fee of Rp150 million.
 Annual Listing Fee:
- 0.025% of the nominal value that up to Rp200
billion, with a minimum fee of Rp10 million.
- 0.024% of the nominal value more than Rp200
billion to Rp400 billion.
- 0.023% of the nominal value more than Rp400
billion to Rp600 billion.
- 0.022% of the nominal value more than Rp600
billion with a maximum fee of Rp150 million.

of document in the Registration Statement to oJK and it future. Payment of annual fee must be made on
will be submitted to oJK. year;
Application for Securities Registration (After Getting - A Securities Issuer registering Securities along
Effective Statement from OJK) book-year is obligated to pay an annual fee pr
Following the acceptance of the registration statement by month when registration is made in C-BEST unti
oJK, the next step is to conduct a public offering (primary year;
market) by the issuer and the underwriter. Here are - Payment of Securities Registration fee mus
several steps to complete the securities registration in determined by KSEI by no later than 15 (fifteen)
KSEI. of invoice from KSEI;
 once the Registration Statement submitted to oJK - In the case a Securities Issuer defaults on pay
has become effective, issuer must submit additional fee on due date, the concerned securities issu
information and supporting documents to KSEI; payment according to the List of Service Fees w
 KSEI will announce securities registration number in Rule.
their website; Issuer Listing Fee
 The securities are registered and ready for trading; Type Fee Information
 Registration for securities in Public offering process
must be made by no later than 25 (twenty five) exchange
Days prior to the distribution date of such Securities;
Listing Fee for ETF
 Initial listing fee of Rp25 million.
 Annual listing fee of Rp25 million.
Listing Fee for REIT
 Initial Listing Fee:
- iLf fee is fixed at rp250,000 for each multiplication of Rp1 billion of
net Asset Value (nAV), the minimum ILF is at Rp25million and
maximum Rp150 million.
- In calculating the nAV, the multiplication of nAV which is less
than Rp1 billion shall be rounded up to Rp1 billion.
 Annual Listing Fee:
- aLf is fixed at rp125,000 for each multiplication of Rp1 billion
of the total nAV, at minimum of Rp25 million and maximum of Rp100
- In calculation of ALF, if the multiplication of paid- up capital
resulting less than Rp1 billion, it shall be rounded up to Rp1 billion.
Preliminary Application for Securities Registration (Before Getting
Effective Statement from OJK)
Referring to KSEI Regulation Chapter II Securities Registration
in KSEI, simultaneously with registration to IDX, the issuer must do
the following steps:
 Issuer submits an application for the purpose of securities
registration. Issuer also obligated to sign on Agreement of Securities
Registration in KSEI standard contract, attached with supporting
documents which KSEI required.
 For the purpose of securities listing on IDX, the issuer should attach
supporting documents consisting of:
- Articles of Association and amendments thereof, including the
Reestablishment Act of the Structure of the Board of Directors and
Board of Commissioners;
- Copy of Agreement with Registrar or Registered Company’s
Power of Attorney for Registrar to conduct Securities administration
in Collective Custody (if applying a Registrar’s service);
- Copy of Tax Registration Card (nPWP);
- copy of certificate of domicile;
- Letter of Appointment and power of attorney for functionaries
or officers appointed by the applicant to handle matters with KSEI;
- Specimen of company seal, signature and approval marks of the
functionaries or officers appointed and delegated authority by the
- other documents required by KSEI.
- If the application is approved, the company can execute an
Agreement of Securities Registration in KSEI.
- The Agreement of Securities Registration in KSEI become one of
the requirement to complete checklist
- Copy of Agreement with Registrar or Registered Company’s
Power of Attorney for Registrar to conduct Securities administration
in Collective Custody (if applying a Registrar’s service);
- Copy of Tax Registration Card (nPWP);
- copy of certificate of domicile;
- Letter of Appointment and power of attorney for functionaries
or officers appointed by the applicant to handle matters with KSEI;
- Specimen of company seal, signature and approval marks of the
functionaries or officers appointed and delegated authority by the
- other documents required by KSEI.
- If the application is approved, the company can execute an
Agreement of Securities Registration in KSEI.
- The Agreement of Securities Registration in KSEI become one of
the requirement to complete checklist

future. Payment of annual fee must be made on the January of every consecutive
- A Securities Issuer registering Securities along the duration of the current
book-year is obligated to pay an annual fee proportionally calculated from the
month when registration is made in C-BEST until the December of the current
- Payment of Securities Registration fee must be deposited into an account
determined by KSEI by no later than 15 (fifteen) calendar days following receipt
of invoice from KSEI;
- In the case a Securities Issuer defaults on payment of Securities Registration
fee on due date, the concerned securities issuer will be imposed a fine for late
payment according to the List of Service Fees which is an inseparable part of this
Issuer Listing Fee
Type Fee Information
 Securities Issuer is obligated to issue a securities Joining Rp15 million  Charged once at the
registration confirmation under the name of ksei for Fee Securities Issuer registered its secu
the benefit of the account holder for the total amount of Annual which is after the execution of the
securities deposited in KSEI, using a template provisioned Fee Agreement at KSEI.
by KSEI;  Securities Issuer who has been
 It is compulsory that delivery of securities registration fee will no longer be charged with
confirmation under the name of ksei and other reports registers other type of Securities or if
regarding securities in the safekeeping of KSEI by Securities Issuer have matured.
Securities Issuer be made through C-BEST system; Rp10 million  Charged for every t
 KSEI will deliver a report regarding the ownership Securities registered by the Securitie
of securities in safekeeping of KSEI to Securities Securities and Sharia Bonds consisti
Issuer for the purpose of Corporate Action distribution or be calculated per Series of Debt Secur
other necessities through C-BEST, unless otherwise registered.
determined by ICSD;  The first charge will be made
 Registered Company has made amendments to its Securities Registration Agreement w
Articles of Association, incorporating Collective Custody in proportionally, afterward the chargin
compliance with prevailing laws governing the Capital beginning of every year on which t
market; at KSEI.
 The Registrar appointed by Registered Company which
conduct securities administration in KSEI, is obligated to
sign an agreement with KSEI concerning the Registrar’s
intention to abide by rules provisioned by KSEI regarding
Securities Administration Process in KSEI;
 In the event that the Registered Company has changed
or substituted the Registrar, the Registered Company is
obligated to deliver a written notification to ksei by no
later than 1 (one) Business Day prior to the effective
date of the change or the substitution. The Registered
Company is responsible for the activities and information
obtained and or required either by the former Registrar to
be substituted or by the new Registrar in accordance with
the securities administration management of the
Registered Company.
Securities Registration Fee
 Securities Issuer is obligated to pay securities

fee consisting of joining fee, annual fee and other fees as

stated in the List of Service Fees of KSEI.
 Conditions regarding the securities registration fee: AUTHORITY (OJK)
- Payment of Securities Registration’s initial fee Registration Statement to OJK
and annual fee for the first year is to be made Referring to oJK Regulation number IX.A.1 about
simultaneously. A Securities Issuer having paid joining Regarding Submission of a Registration State
fee for the registration of a certain securities will no Registration Procedures for Public offering, a
longer be charged a joining fee for the registration of administrative requirements, the Issuer should
any other securities in KSEI in the
 The issuer submits an application of
Registration Statement to oJK (1st Registration) and
pays the registration fee for the Registration
Statement application (Based on oJK Rule no.
 After receiving all required documents, oJK will
evaluates the application based on the following
- Completeness of documentation;
- Adequacy and clarity of information for these 3
(three) major aspects: Business Aspects, Financial
Aspects and Legal Aspects;
 In the process, oJK could asking for explanation
or additional information/documents through
comment from oJk. it should be fulfil in 10 days after
fsa request. if a company could not fulfil in 10 days,
the application will be consider discontinue;
 Issuer accompanied by all Capital market
Supporting Professions & Institutions have to
answer and clarify
Rp15 million  Charged once at the time the
Securities Issuer registered its securities for the first time at KSEI,
which is after the execution of the Securities Registration
Agreement at KSEI.
 Securities Issuer who has been charged with and paid joining
fee will no longer be charged with joining fee if in the future it
registers other type of Securities or if the Securities registered by the
Securities Issuer have matured.
Rp10 million  Charged for every type of
Securities registered by the Securities Issuer at KSEI. For Debt
Securities and Sharia Bonds consisting of several Series, they will
be calculated per Series of Debt Securities and or Sharia Bond being
 The first charge will be made after the execution of the
Securities Registration Agreement which will be calculated
proportionally, afterward the charging will be made at the
beginning of every year on which the Securities are still registered
at KSEI.


Registration Statement to OJK
Referring to oJK Regulation number IX.A.1 about General Requirements
Regarding Submission of a Registration Statement and number IX.A.2 about
Registration Procedures for Public offering, after fulfilling the
administrative requirements, the Issuer should proceed with following
Periodical reports and incidental reports both to oJK and IDX. All
reports will be immediately published through electronic reporting
Reporting Requirements for Stock & Bond Listing Company
Listed Companies, ETFs and REITs are required to submit periodical
reports and incidental reports both to oJK and IDX. All reports will
be immediately published through electronic reporting system.
Investors can obtain the reports directly from IDX website. Every
reports must be sent in the forms of printed original copy and
Electronic Document (pdf. file format).
Periodical Reports Requirement and Schedule
Reports Stocks Bonds
Financial Reports
all the comments from oJK before the times Annual Financial At the end
is due, then submit the document of Statement the Annual
responses orfor
information additional
comments from oJK                                     Statement         
registration; 2nd quarterly & mid-year  unaudited
 oJK will evaluates the document for financial statement date of the
responses or additional information from the  Limited R
Issuer and they could asking verbally for after the d
more explanation or additional  Audited:
information/documents to the Issuers and all Financial Sta
Capital market Supporting Professions & Issuer, 1 an st

 after oJk finished evaluating the registration
statement and approved all the information that
already complete, then oJK will announced or
published permit
prospectus for the
pursuant Issuer
to oJK to number
Rule conductIX.C.1.
a in the                                                
public offering and published abridged Advertised Annual and At least in 1 (on
public newspaper;
 The summary or preliminary prospectus shall mid-year financial newspaper
not be announced or published before oJK release statement
publication permit (including Public Expose). If
there is no response from oJK within 45 days, the
registration statement is automatically declared
 after book building period (7 working days ≤ x ≤
21 working days after the Issuer published abridged
Annual Reports maximum prospectus
4 maximum
in 5
months after end months after
of year book end of year book
for Debt Issuing
Other Reports

the public newspaper) which ends the public Exploration Report For
offering process, the Issuer accompanied by all mining Company or
Capital market Supporting Professions & Listed Company which
Institutions have to submit the final has subsidiary in the
registration statement to oJk completed with   mining industry                                   
share price, total proceeds and all final information in the prospectus & others
document through 3rd Registration; resulting quarterly, submitted to oJK
 oJk will evaluates additional information about the final from public offering IDX by the 15 d th

 Report                         month.                                         
structure of public offering and if its already cleared, FSA

will gives Effective Statement to the Convertible Periodically, af

Issuer; Bond, Warrant the conversion
Complete the Registration Statement and other
 converted stocks                                  
Following the effectiveness of the registration Action The following exchange da
statement by oJK, the next step is to conduct a the listed company has decided to
public offering (primary market) by the issuer and                                     take such action
the underwriter. Here are several steps to Report not applicable At least 14
complete the documentation for Registration days after rating
Statement in oJK:
Incidental Reports Requirement and S
 once the Registration Statement submitted to
Reports Stocks
FSA has become effective, issuer must submit
additional information and supporting documents
to FSA;
 The securities are ready to be listed and Each important As soon as p
traded. and

At the end of the 3 month after the date of

the Annual Financial

 unaudited: at the latest 1 month after the
date of the Financial Statement;
 Limited Review: at the latest 2 months
after the date of the Financial Statement;
 Audited: 3 months after the date of the
Financial Statement (for Bonds & Sukuk
Issuer, 1 and 3 quarter Report are not
st rd


At least in 1 (one) widely circulating national

monthly. At the not applicable

latest of the 12 th

day of the
following month

ustry                                                                  use of funds

quarterly, submitted to oJK and
offering IDX by the 15 day of the following

Periodically, after not applicable
the conversion
stocks                                                                Corporate
The following exchange day after
ompany has decided to
                 take such actions                             Rating update
ot applicable At least 14 th

                                            period started      
Reports Requirement and Schedule
Stocks Bonds

As soon as possible, after the

  relevant event                 occurrenc
e of the events                
Amendment to the At the latest on the following R
Articles of exchange day after the report of
the amendment to the articles of Replacement Investment maximum 2 (two) exch
                                      association                                   manages by oJK request

Plan for General The same Exchange Day as the                                          letter from oJK                        


meeting of Share/Bond advertisement c   

 Holders                                                                             e
 Resignation Plan : maximum
60 (sixty) exchange days
Change in Corporate Within 2 Exchange Days after the Resignation
m of before resignation date
Secretary, Public changes Investment
e managers  Resignation Letter : ma
Accountant and n
  Administration Buerau                                                                                                       resignation date         
Public Expose for Stock Listing Company Reporting Requirements for REIT
Public Expose Schedule Reports Schedule
Annual Public Expose At least once a year . Public expose
can be held on the same day as the f

                                      General Shareholders’ meeting.       

Mothly Net Asset Value

5 (five) days in the following u
                                         month                                       s

Annual Report
Maximum 3 (three) months
                                         after end of year book                
Incidental Report
Submission of the At the latest 10 (ten) Exchange y
annual public Days before the date of the Public
  plan                               Expose held                                   Changes of Portfolio
Submission of the At the latest 3 (three) Exchange   Composition                      Announcement of Genera
annual public expose Days before the date of the  meeting result                   
Public Changes of Contact Invesment Scheme or
  materials                        Expose held                                   other agreements               2 day after the occurrenc
Submission of the At the latest 3 (three) Exchange m
Public Expose Reports Days after the date of the Public a
Reporting Requirements for ETF
  to IDX                            Expose held                                   x
Planning of divestment
Reports Schedule i acquisition of real
 Daily net Asset Value             m
mResignation or
replacement of
Daily Reports manager or custody or
 Daily Portfolio Composition      special purpose company                                   
number of Traded unit of Proof
i of publication In the same day of pu
 Participation                       Every trading day at 16.30 regarding
v to General
   e meeting                                                                
Changes of names and
numbers of Participant Schedule of 2 day after dividend dete
Dealers dividend
x Changes unitholder
Monthly Report 5 (fifth) trading day in the c month
                                            following month                       h
Annual Report maximum 3 months after the a
anual financial statement date n
                                            ended                                     g
Incidental Report As soon as possible, after the e
occurrence of the events
 own 5% or more                                                    
IDX e-Reporting System
In December 2007, IDX implemented a new sys
or IDXnet. The system is an electronic- bas
accommodate monitoring and communication
the Listed Companies. The new version of IDXn
Reporting Requirements for ABS (1) 2013, accommodate all type of Issuer and
Reports Schedule
Bonds, ETF, and ABS).
Annual Financial Statement Audit Statement : At the
The purposes of IDX e-Reporting &
3 months after the end of fiscal year are:
mid-year financial statement unaudited: at the latest 1  Any information submitted to IDX e-Repor
month after the end date of published on-line in IDX Website;
the half of fiscal year                 As a facility for Listed Companies to keep tra
 monthly Report                     monthly base                      files;

Periodical Reports
Investment managers Audited statement by the end of  as a facility for idX to monitor the reporting fu
Annual Financial the third month after Companies;
Statement the date of Annual Financial
                                            Statement                                As a facility for IDX to submit electronic letters t
Reporting Requirements for ABS (2)
Reports Schedule

Incidental Reports
maximum 2 (two) exchange days after replacement

          letter from oJK                        
 Resignation Plan : maximum
60 (sixty) exchange days
before resignation date
 Resignation Letter : maximum 2 (two) exchange days
                        resignation date                    
uirements for REIT

                  Announcement of General
act Invesment Scheme or
ts               2 day after the occurrence of the


rpose company                                                   
In the same day of publication

2 day after dividend determined
Changes unitholder which 15 days in the following
ting System
r 2007, IDX implemented a new system called IDX e-Reporting
The system is an electronic- based reporting system to
te monitoring and communication activities between IDX and
Companies. The new version of IDXnet commenced in march
mmodate all type of Issuer and instruments (including Stocks,
and ABS).
ses of IDX e-Reporting & monitoring implementation

mation submitted to IDX e-Reporting will be simultaneously

n-line in IDX Website;
ty for Listed Companies to keep track of their reporting historical

for idX to monitor the reporting fulfilment of the Listed

or IDX to submit electronic letters to the Listed Companies.

 Written warning;
SANCTIONS  Fine with maximum amount of Rp1
Stock Trading Suspensions  Temporary trading suspension for A
IDX can suspend shares and bonds of the Listed  Delisting of ABS.
Company for the following reasons: Sanctions for REIT
 The Listed company’s audited financial  Written warning;
statements receive a Disclaimer opinion for 2  Fine;
(two) consecutive years or 1 (one) year Adverse  Temporary trading suspension for R
opinion. In this situation, the Listed Company must
submit a written explanation to IDX, detailing the
reasons behind the audit opinions; Stocks and Bonds Delisting
 The Listed Company is declared bankrupt by its  Delisting could be occured due to :
creditors, or the Listed Company voluntarily - Listed company submitted delist
requests a Suspension of Debt Payment; (Voluntary Delisting);
 The Listed Company fails to properly disclose - Listed company violate IDX re
important and relevant information, which may - maturity of bonds or sukuks, pu
have materially significant impacts on share and converted/exchanged to ot
prices and investment decisions; repayment;
 The shares of the Listed Company show the  The requirements for voluntary del
following behaviour: the share price significantly - only for the Listed Companies who
increasing or decreasing, or, the shares years and approved by the Gener
indicating irregular trading patterns. - If there are minority sharehold
Sanctions for Stock & Bond Listing Company
 There are sanctions for any violations of IDX
Regulations. The hierarchy of the sanctions are as
Level Stocks Bonds
     1      First written warning                                         
     2      Second written warning                                    
     3      Third written warning                                        
4 Fine, at the Fine, at the highest Rp10
highest Rp500 million.
million. The fine
must be deposited to
IDX account at the
latest 15 calender
            is imposed                                                             value, the highest price at regula
days after the
  before the date of the General m
     5      Temporary suspension of shares trading              value based on the independent
        oJK) appointed by the listed com
 For the Listed Company who fails to submit the the General meeting of Shareho
Financial Reports on time, there are several - For bonds and sukuks, Listed C
stages of warning before sanctions:
Level Stocks Bonds
1 First written First written warning, for had approval from a Gene
warning, for
the first 30 days overdue     the first 3 days overdue       and had fulfilled all their obligat
2 Second written Second written warning, for
warning and rp50 the 15 days overdue ETF Delisting
million fine, after First written warning
for the second 30
           overdue                                                                ETF fails to meet listing requiremen
3 andays
Third written warning and     Rp150 million Third written warning for  Investment manager fails to
additional fine, for the the 15 days overdue after requirements in 30 (thirty) trading
Second written warning  Investment manager fails to me
           third 30 days overdue                                             after 3 (three) months overdue.
    4 Temporary Temporary trading
trading suspension suspension may be ABS Delisting
may be imposed imposed after 15 days  Delisting application submitted
after 90 days overdue after Third written
                                                  warning                         manager because of:
     Early repayment;
Sanctions for ETF  The nominal value of the securities
 Written warning to the Investment manager who first listed or the amount of the secu
fails to meet the fee obligation;  The delisting of shares by IDX in lin
 Temporary trading suspension for mutual fund REIT Delisting
that fails to submit the reporting requirements;  FSA has cancelled the efective
 Delisting of ETF.

 Dismissal and liquidation of REITs;
 Trading suspension in line with IDX regulation at least 12 month respectively;
 The application which is submitted by investment manager.
Voluntary Delisting Procedures
Listed Company must submit the delisting plan to IDX before publishing it to the public. The plan should
purposes of the delisting, and the buyback plan include the stocks buyers and the estimated prices for stock
Forced Delisting Procedures
For Forced Delisting, the procedure are as follows:
 If a Listed Company meets at least one of the delisting criterias, then IDX will held hearing session with
 If IDX decided to delist the Company, then:
- idX notifies the Listed company to delete the listing of its shares, including the time schedule, on the s
decision to delete is made, then copied CC to oJK.
- IDX announces the decision to delete a Listed Company’s shares, including the time schedule. Follow
announcement shall be conducted on the latest at the commencement of the session one of the next exchang
- If necessary, IDX may suspend the trading of the shares of the Listed Company. The suspension wi
the date of the announcement of the suspension. Then, the shares of the Listed Company may be traded on ID
exchange days since the date the suspension is terminated until prior of delisting date.
- Delisting is valid effectively on the date of IDX Decision Letter and shall be announced at IDX.
 Former delisted company, may submit an application for relisting of its shares at the earliest 6 (six) months
 Generally, all of the requirements and the procedures for relisting are the same as those for the listing.
will be treated in the same way as an application for the listing of new shares.
Sanctions for ABS
 Written warning;
 Fine with maximum amount of Rp10 million;
 Temporary trading suspension for ABS.;
 Delisting of ABS.
Sanctions for REIT
 Written warning;
 Fine;
 Temporary trading suspension for REIT.
Stocks and Bonds Delisting
 Delisting could be occured due to :
- Listed company submitted delisting application to IDX
(Voluntary Delisting);
- Listed company violate IDX regulation (Forced Delisting);
- maturity of bonds or sukuks, put or call option exercised
and converted/exchanged to other securities, or early
 The requirements for voluntary delisting:
- only for the Listed Companies who have been listed for at least 5
years and approved by the General meeting of Shareholders;
- If there are minority shareholders which are

disapprove the plan at the General meeting of

Shareholders, the Listed Company or the
representative must buy the shares from the minority
shareholders who disapprove the plan at least at
the highest price based on one of these prices: par
value, the highest price at regular market for the past 2 years
before the date of the General meeting of Shareholders, or fair
value based on the independent party valuation (registered in
oJK) appointed by the listed company (buyer) and approved by
the General meeting of Shareholders;
- For bonds and sukuks, Listed Company must have

had approval from a General meeting of Bondholders,

ue       and had fulfilled all their obligations to idX.

ETF Delisting

 ETF fails to meet listing requirements;

 Investment manager fails to meet the reporting
requirements in 30 (thirty) trading day;
 Investment manager fails to meet annual fee obligation
after 3 (three) months overdue.

ABS Delisting
 Delisting application submitted by the Investment
manager because of:
 Early repayment;
 The nominal value of the securities decrease as low as 5% from
first listed or the amount of the securities are Rp1 billion or less;
 The delisting of shares by IDX in line with IDX regulation.
REIT Delisting
 FSA has cancelled the efective of The Registration

month respectively;

before publishing it to the public. The plan should include any reasons and
stocks buyers and the estimated prices for stock buyback.

terias, then IDX will held hearing session with the Listed Company.

shares, including the time schedule, on the same exchange day when the

ny’s shares, including the time schedule. Following this decision, the
mencement of the session one of the next exchange day.
res of the Listed Company. The suspension will be for 5 exchange days since
shares of the Listed Company may be traded on IDX in a negotiated market for 20
d until prior of delisting date.
on Letter and shall be announced at IDX.

elisting of its shares at the earliest 6 (six) months after delisting.

for relisting are the same as those for the listing. Thus application for relisting
ng of new shares.
Stocks Initial Public Offering and Relisting in 2015
Established Shar IPO Listing Par Value,
No. Code Company Name Date es, Price, Date IDR
‘000 IDR
1 BBYB Bank Yudha Bhakti 19-Sep-1989 300,000 115 13-Jan-2015 100
2 mIKA mitra Keluarga 03-Jan-1995 261,913 17,000 24-Mar-2015 100
Karyasehat Tbk. [S]
3 KoPI r
mitra Energi 24-Apr-1981 - 395 04-May-2015 14,750
Persada Tbk. & 472
& 177
4 PPRo PP Properti Tbk. [S] 12-Dec-2013 4,912,346 185 19-May-2015 100

5 DmAS Puradelta Lestari 12-Nov-1993 4,819,811.1 210 29-May-2015 100

Tbk. [S]

6 mmLP mega manunggal 23-Aug-2010 1,714,285 585 12-Jun-2015 100

Property Tbk.
7 mDKA merdeka Copper 05-Sep-2012 419,650 2,000 19-Jun-2015 100
Gold Tbk.

8 BuKK r
Bukaka Teknik 25-Oct-1978 - 590 29-Jun-2015 388
utama Tbk

9 BoLT Garuda metalindo 15-Mar-1982 468,750 550 07-Jul-2015 100

Tbk. [S]

10 ATIC Anabatic 01-Nov-2001 375,000 700 08-Jul-2015 100

Technologies Tbk.
11 BIKA Binakarya Jaya 28-Nov-2007 150,000 1,000 14-Jul-2015 100
Abadi Tbk.

12 BBHI Bank Harda 21-Oct-1992 800,000 125 12-Aug-2015 100

Internasional Tbk.
13 VInS Victoria Insurance 11-May-1978 376,000 105 28-Sep-2015 100
14 mKnT mitra Komunikasi 14-Jul-2008 200,000 200 26-Oct-2015 100
nusantara Tbk. [S]

15 DPum Dua Putra utama 09-May-2012 1,675,000 550 08-Dec-2015 100

makmur Tbk. [S]

16 AmIn Ateliers 24-Mar-1972 240,000 128 10-Dec-2015 100

D'Indonesie Tbk. [S]
17 IDPR Indonesia Pondasi 21-Oct-1977 303,000 1,280 10-Dec-2015 100
Raya Tbk. [S]
18 KIno Kino Indonesia 08-Feb-1999 228,571.5 3,800 11-Dec-2015 100
Tbk. [S]

TOTAL 2015 12,428,005.1

Stocks Initial Public Offering and Relisting in January - June 2016
Lead Underwriter

PT Semesta Indovest Banking

PT Kresna Graha Sekurindo Public Health Services

Tbk. (Hospitals)
- Energy

PT CLSA Indonesia, Services, Developer, and

PT Danareksa Sekuritas, Trading
PT Bahana Securities,
PT mandiri Sekuritas,
PT CImB Securities
PT macquarie Capital Industrial, residential,
Securities Indonesia, and
commercial developer.
PT CLSA Indonesia,
PT Sinarmas Sekuritas
PT Indo Premier Securities Logistic property
developer and provider
PT Indo Premier Securities, mining of gold, silver,
PT Bahana Securities copper, and other
associated minerals
- Construction contract
electrical transmission,
energy and bridge
PT RHB oSK Securities Automotive tools,
Indonesia components, and sub-
components (nuts and
PT Bahana Securities IT system consultant,
integration and
PT RHB oSK Securities Property construction
Indonesia and development,
investment, trading,
manufacture, services
and land transportation
PT Lautandhana Securindo Banking

PT Victoria Securities General Insurance

indonesia (affiliated)
PT minna Padi Investama Smartphone and gadget
Tbk. trading, phone credit
PT DBS Vickers Securities Industry, Fishery and
Indonesia, Trading
PT Sucorinvest Central
PT BnI Securities
PT Panin Sekuritas Tbk. manufacturing and
assembly of industrial
PT Yuanta Securities Construction of
Indonesia, foundation, retaining
PT minna Padi Investama walls, ground
Tbk. improvement, pile test,
and others
PT Deutsche Securities Integrated consumer
Indonesia, goods manufacture and
PT Credit Suisse Securities distribution activities with
Indonesia, product
PT Indo Premier Securities

Note w: wtih warrant, r: relisting

Established Shares, IPO Price, Listing Par Value, Lead
No. Code Company Name Date ‘000 IDR Date IDR Underwriter Business
1. ARTo Bank Artos
01-may-92 241,250 132 12-Jan-2016 100
PT Binaartha Parama, Banking
PT Erdikh
Indonesia Tbk.
2. mTRA mitra Pemuda
21-Aug-80 170,000 185 10-Feb-2016 100 PT Lautandhana Securindo Constructio

105,052.9 750 11-Feb-2016 Investment, Consultant

3. mARI mahaka Radio
04-Jul-06 Integra 100
PT Trimegah Securities Services, Digita
Tbk. with Subsidiaries in the
field of radio
4. BGTG Bank Ganesha
15-may-90 5,372,320 103 12-May-2016 100 PT Indo Premier Securities Banking

5. PoWR
Cikarang Listrindo 28-Jul-90
Tbk. 1,608,716 1,500 14-Jun-2016 Industrial power plant
200 PT Indo Premier Securities center, marketing

distribution of electric

6. SHIP Sillo maritime

01-Jun-89 Perdana 500,000 140 16-Jun-2016 100
PT Lautandhana Securindo, maritime PT uoB K
Tbk. [S] Securities
7. DAYA Duta Intidaya
16-Jun-05 Tbk. [S] 478,041 180 28-Jun-2016 100
PT Trimegah Securities Health & Beaut
Developer and management of
Graha Andrasenta 100 PT Danatama makmur amusemen
8. JGLE 15-Jun-88
2,300,000 140 29-Jun-2016
Propertindo Tbk. [S]

Tbk. [S]

TOTAL 2016 (June) 5,888,622.9

Stocks Delisting in January 2015 - June 2016

Established Listing Delisting Number of Listed
No. Code Company Name Date Date Shares
1 BAEK Bank Ekonomi Raharja Tbk. 15-May-1989 08-Jan-2008 10-Sep-2015 2,643,300,000
2 unTX unitex Tbk. 14-May-1971 03-Dec-2007 07-Dec-2015 8,068,500
Right Offerings in 2015
Pri Fund
No. Code Company Name Ratio Shares Issued ce, Raised,
1 BSWD Bank of India Indonesia Tbk. 5:1 173,600,000 2,800
R 486,080
2 ARTI Ratu Prabu Energi Tbk. 1:4 6,272,000,000 117 733,824
3 SuPR Solusi Tunas Pratama Tbk. 125 : 54 343,165,024 7,000 2,402,155
4 mAYA Bank mayapada Internasional Tbk. 8:1 434,789,775 1,150 500,008
5 WomF Wahana ottomitra multiartha Tbk. 27 : 20 1,481,481,480 135 200,000
6 RELI Reliance Securities Tbk. 1:1 900,000,000 445 400,500
7 WSKT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk. 100,000 : 36,852 3,653,498,200 1,450 5,297,572
8 ToTo Surya Toto Indonesia Tbk. 24 : 1 41,280,000 3,600 148,608
9 InPP Indonesian Paradise Property Tbk. 100 : 337 8,623,168,132 325 2,802,530
10 CEnT Centratama Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk. 5:2 2,969,853,800 150 445,478
11 AHAP Asuransi Harta Aman Pratama Tbk. 25 : 17 340,000,000 150 51,000
12 AGRo Bank Rakyat Indonesia Agroniaga Tbk. 4:3 5,588,085,883 100 402,893
13 HDFA Radana Bhaskara Finance Tbk 100,000 : 64,080 986,831,999 190 150,037
14 BIPP Bhuwanatala Indah Permai Tbk. 100 : 54 1,994,661,150 140 229,237
15 mAYA Bank mayapada Internasional Tbk. 10 : 1 391,310,798 1,665 651,532
16 ADHI Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk 1,250 : 1,221 1,759,529,376 1,560 2,744,866
17 BCAP mnC Kapital Indonesia Tbk. 15 : 2 551,474,960 1,500 827,212
18 BABP Bank mnC Internasional Tbk. 5:2 6,012,931,227 100 405,626
19 AnTm Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk. 310 : 471 14,492,304,975 371 5,376,645
20 HmSP Hm Sampoerna Tbk. 65 : 4 269,723,076 77,000 20,768,677
21 mAIn malindo Feedmill Tbk. 4:1 447,750,000 1,200 537,300
Total 2015 57,727,439,855 45,561,782.3
er Business
Parama, PT Erdikha Elit Sekuritas

dhana Securindo Construction

Securities Services, Digital media Tbk.
with Subsidiaries in the

emier Securities Banking

emier Securities center, marketing and


na Securindo, maritime
PT uoB Kay Hian

Securities Health & Beauty Product Tbk.

nagement of
ama makmur amusement parks as well


Last Price Last Trade l

2,100 16-Feb-2015
3,700 21-Oct-2011 t
Recording e
Ex Date Date /
11-Dec-2014 15-Dec-2014 r
23-Dec-2014 29-Dec-2014 o
30-Dec-2014 05-Jan-2015 e
07-Jan-2015 09-Jan-2015 r
16-Feb-2015 18-Feb-2015 y
30-Apr-2015 05-May-2015 d
18-Jun-2015 22-Jun-2015 v
18-Jun-2015 22-Jun-2015 e
22-Jun-2015 24-Jun-2015 o
22-Jun-2015 24-Jun-2015 p
23-Jun-2015 25-Jun-2015 r
26-Jun-2015 30-Jun-2015
07-Jul-2015 09-Jul-2015
03-Jul-2015 07-Jul-2015
18-Sep-2015 22-Sep-2015
01-Oct-2015 05-Oct-2015

05-Oct-2015 07-Oct-2015

05-Oct-2015 07-Oct-2015
16-Oct-2015 20-Oct-2015

20-Oct-2015 22-Oct-2015

09-Nov-2015 12-Nov-2015
Right Offerings in January - June 2016
Pric Fund
No. Code Company Name Ratio Shares Issued e, Raised,
1 AGRS Bank Agris Tbk. 10 : 3 1,270,655,670 100 102,066
2 BACA Bank Capital Indonesia Tbk. 81 : 8 777,065,452 102 64,485
3 GSmF Equity Development Investment Tbk. 32 : 15 2,449,845,092 110 245,123
4 EXCL XL Axiata Tbk. 100 : 32 2,750,000,000 0 0
5 SIPD Sierad Produce Tbk. 100 : 46 400,000,000 1,000 399,992
6 BLTZ Graha Layar Prima Tbk. 3:1 110,000,000 8,560 941,600
7 BSIm Bank Sinarmas Tbk. 13 : 1 1,099,490,445 400 439,796
8 BBYB Bank Yudha Bhakti Tbk. 6:3 1,509,096,000 125 188,637
9 EXCL XL Axiata Tbk. 100 : 25 2,137,592,085 3,150 6,733,415
10 BnLI Bank Permata Tbk. 283 : 249 10,456,095,082 526 5,499,906
11 CSAP Catur Sentosa Adiprana Tbk. 5:2 1,158,015,120 425 492,156
12 AALI Astra Agro Lestari Tbk. 9:2 349,943,333 11,425 3,998,103
13 ACST Acset Indonusa Tbk. 5:2 200,000,000 3,000 600,000
14 RmBA Bentoel Internasional Investama Tbk. 36 : 145 29,161,131,250 480 13,997,343
15 mCoR Bank Windu Kentjana International Tbk. 100 : 154 11,260,539,938 100 1,126,054
16 BInA Bank Ina Perdana Tbk. 84 : 25 625,000,000 240 150,000
17 BHIT mnC Investama Tbk. 5:1 7,780,421,321 185 1,439,378
Total 2016 (June) 73,494,890,788 36,418,053.2
Government Bond New Issues, 2015
Listin Matur Volu
No. Issues Type g e Date me, Interest
Date bn
1 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn03150407 B 09-Jan-2015 07-Apr-2015 1,000
IDR Diskonto
2 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn12160107 B 09-Jan-2015 07-Jan-2016 7,000 Diskonto
3 Sukuk negara Seri PBS008 S 16-Jan-2015 15-Jun-2016 6,715 7.000%
4 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Syariah Seri SPn-S14072015 B 16-Jan-2015 14-Jul-2015 1,000 Diskonto
5 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn03150504 B 06-Feb-2015 04-May-2015 1,000 Diskonto
6 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn12160204 B 06-Feb-2015 04-Feb-2016 4,000 Diskonto
7 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Syariah Seri SPn-S 11082015 B 13-Feb-2015 11-Aug-2015 1,000 Diskonto
8 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn03150604 B 06-Mar-2015 04-Jun-2015 1,000 Diskonto
9 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn03150604 B 06-Mar-2015 04-Jun-2015 1,000 Diskonto
10 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn12160304 B 06-Mar-2015 04-Mar-2016 2,000 Diskonto
11 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Syariah Seri SPn-S 11092015 B 13-Mar-2015 11-Sep-2015 500 Diskonto
12 Sukuk negara Ritel Seri SR-007 S 12-Mar-2015 11-Mar-2018 21,965 8.250%
13 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn03150701 B 06-Apr-2015 01-Jul-2015 1,000 Diskonto
14 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn12160401 B 06-Apr-2015 01-Apr-2016 2,000 Diskonto
15 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Syariah Seri SPn-S 08102015 S 10-Apr-2015 08-Oct-2015 500 Diskonto
16 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Syariah Seri SPn-S 06112015 S 07-May-2015 08-May-2015 500 Diskonto
17 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn03150812 B 13-May-2015 15-May-2015 1,250 Diskonto
18 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn12160512 B 13-May-2015 15-May-2015 600 Diskonto
19 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Syariah Seri SPn-S04122015 S 08-Jun-2015 04-Dec-2015 500 Diskonto
20 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn03150910 B 12-Jun-2015 10-Sep-2015 1,000 Diskonto
21 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn12160610 B 12-Jun-2015 10-Jun-2016 900 Diskonto
22 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Syariah Seri SPn-S15012016 S 03-Jul-2015 15-Jan-2016 530 Diskonto
23 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0072 B 10-Jul-2015 15-May-1936 7,900 8.250%
24 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn03151008 B 10-Jul-2015 08-Oct-2015 1,000 Diskonto
25 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn12160708 B 10-Jul-2015 08-Jul-2016 2,000 Diskonto
26 Sukuk negara Seri PBS009 B 31-Jul-2015 25-Jan-2018 930 0.08
27 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0073 B 07-Aug-2015 15-May-1931 4,300 8.750%
28 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn12160805 B 07-Aug-2015 05-Aug-2016 1,500
29 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Syariah Seri SPn-S05022016 S 14-Aug-2015 05-Feb-2016 400
30 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn03151202 B 04-Sep-2015 02-Dec-2015 1,000
31 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn12160902 B 04-Sep-2015 02-Sep-2016 1,500
32 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Syariah Seri SPn-S 09032016 S 11-Sep-2015 09-Mar-2016 810
33 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Syariah Seri SPn-S07042016 S 09-Oct-2015 07-Apr-2016 900
34 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn03160115 B 19-Oct-2015 15-Jan-2016 650
35 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn12161015 B 19-Oct-2015 15-Oct-2016 1,300
36 Sukuk negara Seri PBS010 B 27-Oct-2015 25-Jan-2019 1,000
37 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Syariah Seri SPn-S04052016 S 06-Nov-2015 04-May-2016 1,250
38 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn03160211 B 13-Nov-2015 11-Feb-2016 800
39 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn12161111 B 13-Nov-2015 11-Nov-2016 950
40 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn121161202 B 04-Dec-2015 02-Dec-2016 900
Total 2015 86,050
Ex Date Date
17-Dec-2015 21-Dec-2015

29-Dec-2015 04-Jan-2016
09-Feb-2016 11-Feb-2016
16-May-2016 18-May-2016

05-Apr-2016 07-Apr-2016
02-Jun-2016 06-Jun-2016
09-May-2016 11-May-2016

12-May-2016 16-May-2016

16-May-2016 18-May-2016

27-May-2016 31-May-2016

03-Jun-2016 07-Jun-2016
07-Jun-2016 09-Jun-2016
09-Jun-2016 13-Jun-2016
10-Jun-2016 14-Jun-2016
30-Jun-2016 11-Jul-2016
11-Jul-2016 13-Jul-2016
11-Jul-2016 13-Jul-2016

Interest Tenure

Diskonto 3 months
Diskonto 12 months
7.000% 18 months
Diskonto 6 months
Diskonto 3 months
Diskonto 12 months
Diskonto 6 months
Diskonto 3 months
Diskonto 3 months
Diskonto 12 months
Diskonto 7 months
8.250% 3 Years
Diskonto 3 months
Diskonto 12 months
Diskonto 6 Years
Diskonto 6 Years
Diskonto 3 months
Diskonto 12 months
Diskonto 6 months
Diskonto 3 months
Diskonto 12 months
Diskonto 6 months
8.250% 21 Years
Diskonto 3 months
Diskonto 12 months
0.08 30 months
8.750% 16 Years
Diskonto 12 months
Diskonto 6 months
Diskonto 3 months
Diskonto 12 months
Diskonto 6 months
Diskonto 6 months
Diskonto 3 months
Diskonto 12 months
8.625% 39 months
Diskonto 6 months
Diskonto 3 months
Diskonto 12 months
Diskonto 12 months
Government Bond New Issues, January - June 2016
Listin Matur Volume, bn
No. Issues Type g e IDR/ mn USD
Date Date
1 Surat Berharga Syariah negara Seri PBS011 S 15-Jan-2016 15-Aug-2023 250
2 Surat Berharga Syariah negara Seri PBS012 S 29-Jan-2016 15-Nov-1931 220
3 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Syariah Seri SPn- S 15-Jan-2016 13-Jul-2016 1,000
4 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn12170106 B 08-Jan-2016 06-Jan-2017 1,750
5 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn03160503 B 05-Feb-2016 03-May-2016 1,000
6 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn12170203 B 05-Feb-2016 03-Feb-2017 2,000
7 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Syariah Seri SPn- S 12-Feb-2016 10-Aug-2016 500
8 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn03160602 B 04-Mar-2016 02-Jun-2016 2,000
9 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn12170302 B 04-Mar-2016 02-Mar-2017 2,000
10 Sukuk negara Ritel Seri SR-008 B 11-Mar-2016 10-Mar-2019 31,500
11 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Syariah Seri SPn- S 14-Mar-2016 06-Sep-2016 1,000
S09092016 08-Apr-2016
12 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Syariah Seri SPn- S 06-Oct-2016 500
S06102016 15-Apr-2016
13 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn03160713 B 13-Jul-2016 2,000
14 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn12170413 B 15-Apr-2016 13-Apr-2017 2,000
15 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Syariah Seri SPn- S 10-May-2016 04-Nov-2016 710
16 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn03160811 B 13-May-2016 11-Aug-2016 1,000
17 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn12170511 B 13-May-2016 11-May-2017 1,600
18 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Syariah Seri SPn- S 03-Jun-2016 01-Dec-2016 570
19 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn03160908 B 10-Jun-2016 08-Sep-2016 2,000
20 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn12170608 B 10-Jun-2016 08-Jun-2017 1,250
21 obligasi negara RI Seri uSDFR0002 B 27-Jun-2016 24-Jun-2026 uSD200
Total 2016 (June) IDR, bn 51,030

USD, mn 200
Interest Tenure

8.750% 91 months
8.875% 15 Years
Diskonto 6 months
Diskonto 12 months
Diskonto 3 months
Diskonto 12 months
Diskonto 6 months
Diskonto 3 months
Diskonto 12 months
8.300% 3 months
Diskonto 6 months
Diskonto 6 months
Diskonto 3 months
Diskonto 12 months
Diskonto 6 Years
Diskonto 3 Years
Diskonto 12 months
Diskonto 6 months
Diskonto 3 months
Diskonto 12 months
4.050% 10 months
Corporate Bond New Issues in 2015 - June 2016
Listi Mature Nominal, bn
Name Of Issuer and Name of Bond Type ng Date IDR
1. obligasi Subordinasi Bank Capital I Tahun 2014 B 14-Jan-2015 13-Jan-2022 200.00

obligasi Berkelanjutan Indonesia Eximbank II Tahap IV B
08-Jan-2015 07-Jan-2018 800.00

obligasi Berkelanjutan Indonesia Eximbank II Tahap IV B
08-Jan-2015 07-Jan-2020 700.00


obligasi Berkelanjutan I Greenwood Sejahtera Tahap I B
15-Jan-2015 14-Jan-2020 72.00

4. PT Bank oCBC nISP Tbk.

obligasi Berkelanjutan I oCBC nISP Tahap II Tahun 2015 B
11-Feb-2015 20-Feb-2016 1,095.00

obligasi Berkelanjutan I oCBC nISP Tahap II Tahun 2015 B
11-Feb-2015 10-Feb-2017 670.00

obligasi Berkelanjutan I oCBC nISP Tahap II Tahun 2015 B
11-Feb-2015 10-Feb-2018 1,235.00

5. PT PP (PERSERo) Tbk.
1. obligasi Berkelanjutan I PP Tahap II Tahun 2015 B 25-Feb-2015 24-Feb-2020 300.00

obligasi Berkelanjutan Indonesia Eximbank II Tahap V B
16-Mar-2015 23-Mar-2016 575.00

obligasi Berkelanjutan Indonesia Eximbank II Tahap V B
16-Mar-2015 13-Mar-2018 1,298.00

obligasi Berkelanjutan Indonesia Eximbank II Tahap V B
16-Mar-2015 13-Mar-2020 2,727.00

7. PT nIPPon InDoSARI CoRPInDo Tbk.

1. obligasi Berkelanjutan I RoTI Tahap II Tahun 2015 B 19-Mar-2015 18-Mar-2020 500.00

obligasi Berkelanjutan II BFI Finance Indonesia Tahap II B
20-Mar-2015 29-Mar-2016 345.00

obligasi Berkelanjutan II BFI Finance Indonesia Tahap II B
20-Mar-2015 19-Mar-2017 105.00

obligasi Berkelanjutan II BFI Finance Indonesia Tahap II B
20-Mar-2015 19-Mar-2018 550.00


obligasi Berkelanjutan II BCA Finance Tahap I Tahun 2015 B
23-Mar-2015 30-Mar-2016 438.00

obligasi Berkelanjutan II BCA Finance Tahap I Tahun 2015 B
23-Mar-2015 20-Mar-2017 140.00

obligasi Berkelanjutan II BCA Finance Tahap I Tahun 2015 B
23-Mar-2015 20-Mar-2018 422.00

10. PT AGunG PoDomoRo LAnD Tbk.

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Agung Podomoro Land Tahap IV B
26-Mar-2015 25-Mar-2020 99.00

11. PT BAnK uoB InDonESIA

1. obligasi I Bank uoB Indonesia Tahun 2015 Seri A B 02-Apr-2015 11-Apr-2016 400.00
2. obligasi I Bank uoB Indonesia Tahun 2015 Seri B B 02-Apr-2015 01-Apr-2018 600.00
3. obligasi I Bank uoB Indonesia Tahun 2015 Seri C B 02-Apr-2015 01-Apr-2020 500.00
1. obligasi I Brantas Abipraya Tahun 2015 B 09-Apr-2015 08-Apr-2018 300.00
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Federal International Finance B
27-Apr-2015 04-May-2016 939.00

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Federal International Finance B
27-Apr-2015 24-Apr-2018 2,061.00

14. PT SummARECon AGunG Tbk.

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Summarecon Agung Tahap III B
23-Apr-2015 22-Apr-2018 150.00

Tahun 2015 Seri A

Tahun 2015 Seri B
Tahun 2014
Seri A
Seri B
Seri C
Tahun 2015 Seri A
Tahun 2015 Seri B
Tahun 2015 Seri C
Tahun 2015 Seri A
Tahun 2015 Seri B
Tahun 2015 Seri C
Seri A
Seri B
Seri C
Tahun 2015
Tahap I Tahun 2015 Seri A
Tahap I Tahun 2015 Seri B
Tahun 2015
Rating Interest Tenure

BBB- 12.00% 7 Years

AAA 9.25% 3 Years

AAA 9.75% 5 Years

BBB+ 14.25% 5 Years

AAA 9.00% 370 Days

AAA 9.40% 2 Years

AAA 9.80% 3 Years

A 10.20% 5 Years

AAA 8.25% 370 Days

AAA 9.00% 3 Years

AAA 9.50% 5 Years

AA- 10.00% 5 Years

A+ 9.88% 370 Days

A+ 10.50% 2 Years

A+ 10.88% 3 Years

AAA 8.25% 370 Days

AAA 8.50% 2 Years

AAA 9.00% 3 Years

A 11.25% 5 Years

AAA 8.60% 370 Days

AAA 9.40% 3 Years
AAA 9.60% 5 Years

BBB+ 11.50% 3 Years

AAA 8.50% 370 Days

AAA 9.25% 36 months

A+ 10.50% 3 Years
Listi Mature Nominal, bn
Name Of Issuer and Name of Bond Type ng Date IDR Rating
Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I Summarecon Agung Tahap S
23-Apr-2015 22-Apr-2018 150.00 A+
III Tahun 2015


obligasi Berkelanjutan I Wom Finance Tahap III Tahun B
06-Apr-2015 12-Apr-2016 140.00 AA

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Wom Finance Tahap III Tahun B
06-Apr-2015 02-Apr-2018 860.00 AA


obligasi Berkelanjutan II Indomobil Finance Tahap I Tahun B
27-Apr-2015 04-May-2016 132.00 A

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Indomobil Finance Tahap I Tahun B
27-Apr-2015 24-Apr-2018 170.00 A

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Indomobil Finance Tahap I Tahun B
27-Apr-2015 24-Apr-2019 198.00 A


obligasi Berkelanjutan II Pegadaian Tahap III Tahun 2015 B
08-May-2015 17-May-2016 400.00 AA+

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Pegadaian Tahap III Tahun 2015 B
08-May-2015 07-May-2018 1,300.00 AA+

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Pegadaian Tahap III Tahun 2015 B
08-May-2015 07-May-2020 1,200.00 AA+


obligasi Berkelanjutan I Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tahap II B
11-May-2015 08-May-2018 600.00 AA-

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tahap II B
11-May-2015 08-May-2020 400.00 AA-


obligasi berkelanjutan ii mandala multifinance Tahap i B
11-May-2015 18-May-2016 232.00 A

obligasi berkelanjutan ii mandala multifinance Tahap i B
11-May-2015 08-May-2017 143.00 A

obligasi berkelanjutan ii mandala multifinance Tahap i B
11-May-2015 08-May-2018 125.00 A


obligasi Berkelanjutan I Panorama Sentrawisata Tahap II B
13-May-2015 12-May-2018 340.00 A-
2015 Seri A
2015 Seri B
2015 Seri A
2015 Seri B
2015 Seri C
Seri A
Seri B
Seri C
Tahun 2015 Seri A
Tahun 2015 Seri B
Tahun 2015 Seri A
Tahun 2015 Seri B
Tahun 2015 Seri C
Tahun 2015
1. Sukuk mudharabah Bank BnI Syariah I Tahun 2015 S 27-may-15 26-may-18 500.00 AA

22. PT InDoSAT Tbk.

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap II Tahun 2015 Seri
1. A
B 05-Jun-15 14-Jun-16 554.00 AAA 8.55% 370 Day
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap II Tahun 2015 Seri B 05-Jun-15 04-Jun-18 782.00 AAA 9.25% 3 Years
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap II Tahun 2015 Seri B 05-Jun-15 04-Jun-20 584.00 AAA 10.00% 5 Years
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap II Tahun 2015 Seri B 05-Jun-15 04-Jun-22 337.00 AAA 10.25% 7 Years
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap II Tahun 2015 Seri B 05-Jun-15 04-Jun-25 427.00 AAA 10.40% 10 Years

Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap II Tahun 2015 S 05-Jun-15 14-Jun-16 55.00 AAA
Seri A

Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap II Tahun S 05-Jun-15 04-Jun-18 76.00 AAA I

2015 Seri B Rp7.03 Bill.

Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap II Tahun S 05-Jun-15 04-Jun-20 67.00 AAA I
2015 Seri C Rp6.7 Bill.
Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap II Tahun Ijarah Fee
9. Seri D S 05-Jun-15 04-Jun-22 43.00 AAA

Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap II Tahun

S 05-Jun-15 04-Jun-25 175.00 A
2015 Seri E
Interest Tenure

Fee 3 Years
5 p.a.

9.25% 370 Days

10.25% 3 Years

9.10% 370 Days

10.00% 36 months

10.25% 48 months

8.50% 370 Days

9.25% 3 Years

8.50% 5 Years

9.70% 3 Years

10.00% 5 Years

10.50% 370 Days

11.00% 24 months

11.50% 36 months

11.00% 3 Years

-may-18 500.00 AA+ nisbah

3 Years
8.55% 370 Days
0 AAA 9.25% 3 Years
0 AAA 10.00% 5 Years
0 AAA 10.25% 7 Years
0 AAA 10.40% 10 Years

Seri A Ijarah Fee
Rp4.7025 370 Days
8 76.00 AAA Ijarah Fee
3 Years
5 Years
0 67.00 AAA Ijarah Fee

Rp4.4075 7 Years
04-Jun-25 175.00 AAA Ijarah Fee
10 Years
Rp18.2 Bill.
Listi Mature Nominal, bn
Name Of Issuer and Name of Bond Type ng Date IDR

obligasi Berkelanjutan I mandiri Tunas Finance Tahap III B
10-Jun-2015 09-Jun-2018 150.00


obligasi Berkelanjutan I Toyota Astra Financial Services B
12-Jun-2015 21-Jun-2016 698.00

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Toyota Astra Financial Services B
12-Jun-2015 11-Jun-2018 811.00


1. obligasi Berkelanjutan I Telkom Tahap I Tahun 2015 Seri A B 24-Jun-2015 23-Jun-2022 2,200.00
2. obligasi Berkelanjutan I Telkom Tahap I Tahun 2015 Seri B B 24-Jun-2015 23-Jun-2025 2,100.00
3. obligasi Berkelanjutan I Telkom Tahap I Tahun 2015 Seri C B 24-Jun-2015 23-Jun-1930 1,200.00

4. obligasi Berkelanjutan I Telkom Tahap I Tahun 2015 Seri D B 24-Jun-2015 23-Jun-1945 1,500.00

obligasi Berkelanjutan III Adira Finance Tahap I Tahun B
01-Jul-2015 30-Jun-2018 741.00

obligasi Berkelanjutan III Adira Finance Tahap I Tahun B
01-Jul-2015 30-Jun-2020 238.00

Sukuk mudharabah Berkelanjutan II Adira Finance Tahap I S
01-Jul-2015 10-Jul-2016 441.00
Tahun 2015 Seri A
Sukuk mudharabah Berkelanjutan II Adira Finance Tahap I S
01-Jul-2015 30-Jun-2018 59.00
Tahun 2015 Seri B
27. PT BAnK BuKoPIn Tbk.

obligasi Subordinasi Berkelanjutan II Bank Bukopin Tahap B
01-Jul-2015 30-Jun-2022 400.00


obligasi Berkelanjutan II Astra Sedaya Finance Dengan B
02-Jul-2015 12-Jul-2016 750.00

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Astra Sedaya Finance Dengan B
02-Jul-2015 02-Jul-2018 825.00


obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bank BRI Tahap I Tahun 2015 B
06-Jul-2015 07-Jul-2016 655.00

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bank BRI Tahap I Tahun 2015 B
06-Jul-2015 03-Jul-2018 925.00

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bank BRI Tahap I Tahun 2015 B
06-Jul-2015 03-Jul-2020 1,420.00


obligasi Berkelanjutan I modernland Reality Tahap I Tahun B
08-Jul-2015 07-Jul-2018 600.00

obligasi Berkelanjutan I modernland Reality Tahap I Tahun B
08-Jul-2015 07-Jul-2020 150.00


obligasi Berkelanjutan III Sarana multigriya Finansial B
08-Jul-2015 17-Jul-2016 415.00

obligasi Berkelanjutan III Sarana multigriya Finansial B
08-Jul-2015 07-Jul-2018 85.00


obligasi Berkelanjutan II Bank BTn Tahap I tahun 2015 B
09-Jul-2015 08-Jul-2018 900.00

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Bank BTn Tahap I tahun 2015 B
09-Jul-2015 08-Jul-2020 500.00

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Bank BTn Tahap I tahun 2015 B
09-Jul-2015 08-Jul-2022 800.00

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Bank BTn Tahap I tahun 2015 B
09-Jul-2015 08-Jul-2025 800.00
33. PT TIPHonE moBILE InDonESIA Tbk.
1. obligasi Berkelanjutan I Tiphone Tahap I Tahun 2015 B 13-Jul-2015 10-Jul-2018 500.00

obligasi Berkelanjutan III Adira Finance Tahap II Tahun B
26-Aug-2015 05-Sep-2016 492.00

obligasi Berkelanjutan III Adira Finance Tahap II Tahun B
26-Aug-2015 25-Aug-2018 668.00

Tahun 2015
Tahap II Tahun 2015 Seri A
Tahap II Tahun 2015 Seri B
2015 Seri A
2015 Seri B
I Tahun 2015
Tingkat Bunga Tetap Tahap V Tahun 2015 Seri A
Tingkat Bunga Tetap Tahap V Tahun 2015 Seri B
Seri A
Seri B
Seri C
2015 Seri A
2015 Seri B
Tahap I Tahun 2015 Seri A
Tahap I Tahun 2015 Seri B
Seri A
Seri B
Seri C
Seri D
2015 Seri A
2015 Seri B
Rating Interest
AA 9.75% 3

AAA 8.50% 3o
AAA 9.25% 0t
AAA 9.93% y7
AAA 10.25% n1
AAA 10.60% 1 e
AAA 11.00% s Y
AAA 9.50% 3 r
AAA 10.25% a 6
AAA nisbah 3 n
7 72.917%
AAA nisbah h
79.167% 6 s
A- 12.00% 7 o
AAA 8.50% 3 a
AAA 9.25% 3 0
AAA 8.40% 3 y
AAA 9.20% 3 0
AAA 9.50% Y 5
A 12.00% s 3
A 12.50% Y s
AA+ 8.60% s 3
AA+ 9.25% 0 s

AA y
9.63% 3
9.88% 5
AA 10.00% Y
AA 10.50% Y
A 11.00% 3

8.75% 3
AAA r3
9.50% 0
Listi Mature Nominal, bn
Name Of Issuer and Name of Bond Type ng Date IDR Rating
obligasi Berkelanjutan III Adira Finance Tahap II Tahun B
26-Aug-2015 25-Aug-2020 277.00 AAA


obligasi Berkelanjutan II Federal International Finance B
14-Sep-2015 21-Sep-2016 913.00 AAA

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Federal International Finance B
14-Sep-2015 11-Sep-2018 587.00 AAA


obligasi Berkelanjutan Indonesia Eximbank II Tahap VI B
17-Sep-2015 26-Sep-2016 757.00 AAA

obligasi Berkelanjutan Indonesia Eximbank II Tahap VI B
17-Sep-2015 16-Sep-2018 309.00 AAA

obligasi Berkelanjutan Indonesia Eximbank II Tahap VI B
17-Sep-2015 16-Sep-2020 913.00 AAA

37. PT Surya Artha nusantara Finance

obligasi Berkelanjutan I SAn Finance Tahap III Tahun B
07-Oct-2015 06-Oct-2018 500.00 AA-

38. PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk.

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Waskita Karya Tahap II Tahun B
19-Oct-2015 16-Oct-2018 350.00 A

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Waskita Karya Tahap II Tahun B
19-Oct-2015 16-Oct-2020 1,150.00 A

39. PT Indomobil Finance Indonesia

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Indomobil Finance tahap II tahun B
09-Nov-2015 16-Nov-2016 266.50 A

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Indomobil Finance tahap II tahun B
09-Nov-2015 06-Nov-2018 121.00 A

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Indomobil Finance tahap II tahun B
09-Nov-2015 06-Nov-2019 202.50 A

40. PT Toyota Astra Financial Services

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Toyota Astra Financial Services B
09-Nov-2015 16-Nov-2016 170.00 AAA

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Toyota Astra Financial Services B
09-Nov-2015 06-Nov-2018 1,498.00 AAA

41. PT BII Finance Center

obligasi Berkelanjutan I BII Finance Tahap I Tahun 2015 B
13-Nov-2015 12-Nov-2018 300.00 AA+

obligasi Berkelanjutan I BII Finance Tahap I Tahun 2015 B
13-Nov-2015 12-Nov-2020 200.00 AA+

42. PT Sarana multigriya Finansial (Persero)

obligasi Berkelanjutan III Sarana multigriya Finansial B
19-Nov-2015 28-Nov-2016 472.00 AA+

43. PT XL Axiata Tbk

Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I XL Axiata Tahap I Tahun 2015 S
03-Dec-2015 12-Dec-2016 494 AAA
Seri A

Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I XL Axiata Tahap I Tahun 2015 S
03-Dec-2015 02-Dec-2018 258 AAA
Seri B

Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I XL Axiata Tahap I Tahun 2015 S
03-Dec-2015 02-Dec-2020 323 AAA
Seri C

Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I XL Axiata Tahap I Tahun 2015 S
03-Dec-2015 02-Dec-2022 425 AAA
Seri D

44. PT Indosat Tbk.

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap III Tahun 2015 B
10-Dec-2015 08-Dec-2018 201 AAA

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap III Tahun 2015 B
10-Dec-2015 08-Dec-2020 301 AAA

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap III Tahun 2015 10-Dec-2015 08-Dec-2022 130 AAA
3. B

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap III Tahun 2015 B
10-Dec-2015 08-Dec-2025 162 AAA

2015 Seri C
Tahap II Tahun 2015 Seri A
Tahap II Tahun 2015 Seri B
Tahun 2015 Seri A
Tahun 2015 Seri B
Tahun 2015 Seri C
2015 Seri A
2015 Seri B
Tahap III Tahun 2015 Seri A
Tahap III Tahun 2015 Seri B
Seri A
Seri B
Tahap II Tahun 2015
Seri A
Seri B
Seri C
Seri D
Interest Tenure

10.25% 60 months

8.50% 370 Days

9.25% 36 months

8.40% 370 Days

9.20% 3 Years

9.50% 5 Years

10.50% 3 Years

10.40% 3 Years

11.10% 5 Years

10.25% 370 Days

10.75% 36 months

11.00% 48 months

8.75% 370 Days

9.50% 36 months

10.35% 3 Years

10.90% 5 Years

8.90% 370 Days

Rp87.5 mill.
per Bill. 370 Days

5 3 Years
mill. per
Bill. p.a.
Rp105 mill.
per Bill. 5 Years

Rp110 mill.
per Bill. 7 Years

10.00% 3 Years

10.25% 5 Years

10.60% 7 Years

11.20% 10 Years
Listi Mature Nominal, bn
Name Of Issuer and Name of Bond Type ng Date IDR
Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap III Tahun 2015 S
10-Dec-2015 08-Dec-2022 65
Seri A
Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap III Tahun 2015 S
10-Dec-2015 08-Dec-2025 41
Seri B
45. PT Summarecon Agung Tbk.

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Summarecon Agung Tahap I B
17-Dec-2015 16-Dec-2020 500

46. PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Tengah

1. obligasi Subordinasi I Bank Jateng Tahun 2015 B 21-Dec-2015 18-Dec-2022 500
47. PT mandiri Tunas Finance

obligasi Berkelanjutan II mandiri Tunas Finance Tahap I B
21-Dec-2015 18-Dec-2018 500

obligasi Berkelanjutan II mandiri Tunas Finance Tahap I B
21-Dec-2015 18-Dec-2020 100

48. PT Bima multi Finance

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bima multi Finance Tahap I Tahun B
23-Dec-2015 02-Jan-2017 108

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bima multi Finance Tahap I Tahun B
23-Dec-2015 22-Dec-2018 42

49. PT Wahana ottomitra multiartha Tbk.

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Wom Finance Tahap IV Tahun B
23-Dec-2015 02-Jan-2017 203

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Wom Finance Tahap IV Tahun B
23-Dec-2015 22-Dec-2018 397

50. PT Sarana multigriya Finansial (Persero)

obligasi Berkelanjutan III Sarana multigriya Finansial B
28-Dec-2015 03-Jan-2017 600

Total Fund Rised (2015) 62,570

Tahun 2015
Tahun 2015 Seri A
Tahun 2015 Seri B
2015 Seri A
2015 Seri B
2015 Seri A
2015 Seri B
Tahap III Tahun 2015
1. PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Sumatera Barat
1. obligasi VII Bank nagari Tahun 2015 B 11-Jan-16 08-Jan-21 500 A
2. PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Sumatera Barat
1. Sukuk mudharabah II Bank nagari Tahun 2015 S 11-Jan-16 08-Jan-21 100 A
3. PT Bank Capital Indonesia Tbk.

1. obligasi Subordinasi Bank Capital II Tahun 2015 B 18-Jan-16 15-Jan-23 250 BBB-
4. PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bank BRI Tahap II Tahun 2016

1. Seri A
B 05-Feb-16 08-Feb-17 808 AAA 8.50% 370 Day
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bank BRI Tahap II Tahun 2016 B 05-Feb-16 04-Feb-19 1,019 AAA 9.25% 3 Years
Seri B
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bank BRI Tahap II Tahun 2016 B 05-Feb-16 04-Feb-21 2,824 AAA 9.60% 5 Years
Seri C

5. Indonesia Eximbank
obligasi Berkelanjutan Indonesia Eximbank II Tahap VII
1. Tahun 2016 Seri A
B 22-Feb-16 01-mar-17 657 AAA 8.50% 370 Day
obligasi Berkelanjutan Indonesia Eximbank II Tahap VII B 22-Feb-16 19-Feb-19 1,647 AAA 9.25% 3 Years
obligasi Berkelanjutan Indonesia Eximbank II Tahap VII B 22-Feb-16 19-Feb-21 1,732 AAA 9.60% 5 Years
Tahun 2016 Seri C

6. PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk.

obligasi Berkelanjutan II BFI Finance Indonesia Tahap III
1. Tahun 2016 Seri A
B 26-Feb-16 05-mar-17 200 A+ 9.75% 370 Day
obligasi Berkelanjutan II BFI Finance Indonesia Tahap III B 26-Feb-16 25-Feb-18 142 A+ 10.25% 2 Years
obligasi Berkelanjutan II BFI Finance Indonesia Tahap III B 26-Feb-16 25-Feb-19 658 A+ 10.75% 3 Years
Rating Interest Tenure

AAA Ijarah Fee 7 Years

Rp6.89 Bill.
AAA Ijarah Fee 10 Years
Rp4.60 Bill.

A+ 11.25% 5 Years

A- 12.25% 7 Years

AA 10.20% 3 Years

AA 10.80% 5 Years

BBB 13.5% 370 Days

BBB 14.5% 3 Years

AA 9.35% 370 Days

AA 10.80% 3 Years

AA+ 9.25% 370 Days

-Jan-21 500 A 10.95% 5 Years

-21 100 A nisbah 5 Years

10.99% p.a.

23 250 BBB- 12.00% 7 Years

AA 8.50% 370 Days

1,019 AAA 9.25% 3 Years
Seri B
2,824 AAA 9.60% 5 Years
AAA 8.50% 370 Days
1,647 AAA 9.25% 3 Years
Tahun 2016 Seri B
1,732 AAA 9.60% 5 Years

A+ 9.75% 370 Days

142 A+ 10.25% 2 Years
Tahun 2016 Seri B
658 A+ 10.75% 3 Years
Tahun 2016 Seri C
Listing Mature
Name Of Issuer and Name of Bond Type Date Date
7. PT Adira Dinamika multi Finance Tbk.

obligasi Berkelanjutan III Adira Finance Tahap III B 03-mar-16 12-mar-17 73 AAA
Tahun 2016 Seri A B 03-mar-16 02-mar-19 331 AAA
obligasi Berkelanjutan III Adira Finance Tahap III B 03-mar-16 02-mar-21 698 AAA
Tahun 2016 Seri B
obligasi Berkelanjutan III Adira Finance Tahap III
8. PT Sarana multigriya Seri C(Persero)
obligasi Berkelanjutan III Sarana multigriya
B 14-mar-16 21-mar-17 330 AA+
Finansial Tahap IV Tahun 2016 Seri A B 14-mar-16 11-mar-19 300 AA+
obligasi Berkelanjutan III Sarana multigriya
9. PT Indomobil Finance Indonesia
Tahap IV Tahun 2016 Seri B

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Indomobil Finance Tahap B 17-mar-16 26-mar-17 592 A
III Tahun 2016 Seri A B 17-mar-16 16-mar-19 444 A
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Indomobil Finance Tahap B 17-mar-16 16-mar-20 464 A
III Tahun 2016 Seri B
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Indomobil Finance Tahap
Tahun Finance
10. PT Federal International 2016 Seri C

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Federal International B 06-Apr-16 15-Apr-17 868 AAA
Finance Tahap III Tahun 2016 Seri A B 06-Apr-16 05-Apr-19 2,507 AAA
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Federal International
11. PT Siantar Top Tbk.
Tahap III Tahun 2016 Seri B

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Siantar Top Tahap II Tahun B 13-Apr-16 12-Apr-19 300 A
2016 Seri A B 13-Apr-16 12-Apr-21 200 A
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Siantar Top Tahap II Tahun
12. PT BII Finance Center
Seri B
obligasi Berkelanjutan I maybank Finance Tahap II
B 14-Apr-16 13-Apr-19 750 AA+
Tahun 2016 Seri A B 14-Apr-16 13-Apr-21 350 AA+
obligasi Berkelanjutan I maybank Finance Tahap II
13. PT Astra Sedaya Finance
2016 Seri B

obligasi Berkelanjutan III Astra Sedaya Finance B 12-may-16 21-may-17 770 AAA
Tahap I Tahun 2016 Seri A B 12-may-16 11-may-19 1,230 AAA
obligasi Berkelanjutan III Astra Sedaya Finance
Tahap I
14. PT Bima multi Finance
Tahun 2016 Seri B

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bima multi Finance Tahap B 12-may-16 10-may-17 95 BBB
II Tahun 2016 Seri A B 12-may-16 10-may-18 35 BBB
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bima multi Finance Tahap B 12-may-16 10-may-19 20 BBB
II Tahun 2016 Seri B
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bima multi Finance Tahap
15. PT Bank oCBC nISPTahun
Tbk. 2016 Seri C
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Bank oCBC nISP Tahap I
B 12-may-16 21-may-17 837 AAA
Tahun 2016 Seri A B 12-may-16 11-may-18 380 AAA
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Bank oCBC nISP Tahap I B 12-may-16 11-may-19 783 AAA
Tahun 2016 Seri B
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Bank oCBC nISP Tahap I
2016 Seri
16. PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia C
(Persero) Tbk.

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bank BRI Tahap III Tahun B 26-may-16 30-may-17 1,212 AAA
2016 Seri A B 26-may-16 25-may-19 2,437 AAA
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bank BRI Tahap III Tahun B 26-may-16 25-may-21 701 AAA
2016 Seri B
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bank BRI Tahap III Tahun
Seri C
Total Fund Rised (June 2016) 27,242
bn IDR Rating Interest Tenure

12-mar-17 73 AAA 8.75% 370 Days

02-mar-19 331 AAA 9.50% 3 Years
02-mar-21 698 AAA 10.25% 5 Years

21-mar-17 330 AA+ 8.60% 370 Days

11-mar-19 300 AA+ 9.13% 3 Years

26-mar-17 592 A 9.60% 370 Days

16-mar-19 444 A 10.50% 3 Years
16-mar-20 464 A 10.65% 4 Years

6 15-Apr-17 868 AAA 8.50% 370 Days

6 05-Apr-19 2,507 AAA 9.15% 36 Years

12-Apr-19 300 A 10.50% 3 Days

12-Apr-21 200 A 10.75% 5 Years

13-Apr-19 750 AA+ 9.10% 3 Days

13-Apr-21 350 AA+ 9.35% 5 Years

21-may-17 770 AAA 7.95% 370 Days

11-may-19 1,230 AAA 8.50% 36 Years

10-may-17 95 BBB 13.50% 370 Days

10-may-18 35 BBB 14.00% 2 Years
10-may-19 20 BBB 14.50% 3 Years

21-may-17 837 AAA 7.50% 370 Days

11-may-18 380 AAA 8.00% 2 Years
11-may-19 783 AAA 8.25% 3 Years

30-may-17 1,212 AAA 7.50% 370 Days

25-may-19 2,437 AAA 8.20% 3 Years
25-may-21 701 AAA 8.70% 5 Years
Financial Data and Ratios, FS Date: December 2015, Fiscal Year: December, unless otherwise stated
Profit for the Period

Profit for the attr. to

Lia- Owner’s

Industrial Classification / Assets bilities Equities Sales EBT Period Entity EPS, Valu
Stock Name bn IDR IDR e,
11 CRo PS 88 605
1 Bisi International Tbk. [S] 2,142 326 1,815 1,438 332 264 264 88 605

1 Astra Agro Lestari Tbk. [S] 21,512 9,814 11,699 13,059 1,176 696 619 393 7,429
2 Austindo nusantara Jaya Tbk. [S] 6,489 1,793 4,696 1,839 8 -116 -113 -34 1,408
3 Bakrie Sumatera Plantations Tbk. 16,927 13,570 3,357 2,022 -1,391 -518 -515 -38 245
4 Dharma Satya nusantara Tbk. 7,853 5,346 2,507 4,425 427 303 270 25 237
5 Eagle High Plantation Tbk. 17,659 11,006 6,653 2,674 -204 -181 -180 -6 211
6 Golden Plantation Tbk.w 2,164 1,244 920 129 -20 -16 -13 -4 251
7 Gozco Plantations Tbk. [S] 4,964 2,294 2,670 492 -55 -32 -31 -5 445
8 Jaya Agra Wattie Tbk. 3,368 2,078 1,290 658 -3 -12 -12 -3 342
9 multi Agro Gemilang Plantation Tbk. 1,152 348 804 106 -96 -97 -97 -11 89
PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk. [S] 8,849 1,511 7,338 4,190 828 623 623 91 1,075
Provident Agro Tbk. 4,697 3,010 1,687 1,047 -59 -55 -55 -8 237
Salim Ivomas Pratama Tbk. [S] 31,697 14,466 17,231 13,835 678 365 264 17 1,089
Sampoerna Agro Tbk. [S] 7,295 3,878 3,417 2,999 396 256 248 131 1,808
Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk. [S] 6,974 3,940 3,034 2,372 775 559 561 59 319
SmART Tbk. 23,957 16,334 7,623 36,230 -207 -386 -386 -134 2,654
Tunas Baru Lampung Tbk. 9,284 6,405 2,878 5,331 263 201 197 37 539
14 FISH ERY -7 74
1 Central Proteina Prima Tbk. 9,087 7,104 1,982 8,975 -874 -1,202 -1,200 -30 49
2 Dharma Samudera Fishing Industries Tbk. [S] 302 159 143 557 22 14 24 13 77
3 Inti Agri Resources Tbk. [S] ❶ 332 13 319 20 -20 -16 -16 -5 95

1 Bumi Teknokultura unggul Tbk. ❶ 495 416 80 49 0.27 0.27 1 0.46 72

2 MINI NG 7 950
21 CoA L mInInG 41 1,186
1 Adaro Energy Tbk. [S] 82,193 35,941 46,252 37,030 3,862 2,083 2,103 66 1,446
2 Atlas Resources Tbk [S] 4,848 3,717 1,131 391 -366 -358 -347 -116 377
3 Bara Jaya Internasional Tbk. [S] 1,773 764 1,010 247 -164 -162 -162 -28 175
4 Baramulti Suksessarana Tbk. [S] 2,398 951 1,448 3,573 503 364 364 139 553
5 Bayan Resources Tbk. 12,937 10,562 2,375 6,414 -941 -1,128 -888 -267 712
6 Berau Coal Energy Tbk. ❹ 22,055 22,576 -521 16,993 -65 -1,056 -1,165 -33 -15
7 Borneo Lumbung Energi & metal Tbk. ❸ 14,499 20,334 -5,835 846 -2,078 -2,078 -2,078 -157 -330
8 Bumi Resources Tbk. ❻ 64,775 85,004 -20,230 491 -9,893 -9,393 -9,205 -335 -552
9 Darma Henwa Tbk. [S] 5,145 2,045 3,100 3,312 75 6 7 0.30 142
Delta Dunia makmur Tbk. 11,474 10,301 1,172 7,802 -80 -115 -115 -14 142
Garda Tujuh Buana Tbk. 830 104 726 20 -277 -221 -221 -89 290
Golden Eagle Energy Tbk. 713 314 399 29 -61 -61 -50 -16 127
Golden Energy mines Tbk. [S] ❶ 5,099 1,685 3,414 4,872 23 29 28 5 580
Harum Energy Tbk. [S] 5,251 513 4,737 3,439 -244 -262 -265 -98 1,752
Indo Tambangraya megah Tbk. [S] 16,254 4,742 11,512 21,924 1,924 870 870 770 10,188
mitrabara Adiperdana Tbk. [S] 1,506 487 1,019 3,022 654 478 478.14 390 830
Permata Prima Sakti Tbk. ❸ 6,024 5,579 445 632 -346 -283 -272.27 -359 440
Petrosea Tbk. [S] 5,868 3,408 2,459 2,853 -132 -175 -175 -174 2,438
Resource Alam Indonesia Tbk. [S] 1,359 300 1,059 1,531 125 78 79 79 1,059
Samindo Resources Tbk. [S] 2,224 936 1,288 3,122 462 341 341 154 584
Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk. [S] 16,894 7,606 9,288 13,734 2,664 2,037 2,036 884 4,031
Toba Bara Sejahtra Tbk. [S] 3,895 1,755 2,140 4,809 540 355 157 78 1,063
1 Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk. 9,715 9,080 635 3,397 392 272 272 102 239
2 Benakat Integra Tbk. 19,828 14,001 5,827 133 -572 -554 -522 -14 160
3 Elnusa Tbk. [S] 4,408 1,772 2,635 3,775 513 380 375 51 361
4 Energi mega Persada Tbk. 20,924 15,843 5,081 8,610 -4,362 -3,967 -3,015 -61 103
12 PLAnTATIon 32 1,149 -9.11 1.37 1.4
15 FoRESTRY 0.46 72 3,897 24.85 5.
22 CRuDE PETRoLEum & nATuRAL GAS PRoDuCTIon -49 780 22.27 1.46 2
otherwise stated

Annual Book


e, (x) , ,
IDR (x) (x)
918 -6.37 3.55 1.57
605 15.35 2.23 0.18
605 15.35 2.23 0.18

7,429 40.32 2.13 0.84

1,408 -47.37 1.14 0.38
245 -1.33 0.20 4.04
237 23.58 2.54 2.13
211 -24.20 0.65 1.65
251 -20.31 0.29 1.35
445 -18.56 0.21 0.86
342 -70.25 0.64 1.61
89 -4.63 0.56 0.43
1,075 14.45 1.23 0.21
237 -54.81 1.79 1.78
1,089 19.85 0.30 0.84
1,808 12.98 0.94 1.13
319 33.11 6.12 1.30
2,654 -31.24 1.58 2.14
539 13.83 0.95 2.23

74 3.34 13.70 1.58

49 -1.69 1.02 3.58
77 8.36 1.38 1.11
95 -765.21 38.69 0.04

72 3,897 24.85 5.20

950 0.60 1.26 0.42

1,186 -1.33 1.12 -0.58
1,446 7.83 0.36 0.78
377 -3.46 1.06 3.29
175 -6.92 1.11 0.76
553 7.98 2.01 0.66
712 -29.55 11.05 4.45
-15 -2.46 -5.49 -43.34
-330 -0.32 -0.15 -3.48
-552 -0.15 -0.09 -4.20
142 166.36 0.35 0.66
142 -3.90 0.38 8.79
290 -2.94 0.90 0.14
127 -11 1.35 0.79
580 296.03 2.41 0.49
1,752 -6.87 0.39 0.11
10,188 7.43 0.56 0.41
830 2.86 1.34 0.48
440 -5.02 4.09 12.53
2,438 -1.67 0.12 1.39
1,059 5.33 0.40 0.28
584 3.40 0.90 0.73
4,031 5.12 1.12 0.82
1,063 8.67 0.63 0.82
239 32.51 13.95 14.30
160 -3.49 0.31 2.40
361 4.80 0.68 0.67
103 -0.81 0.48 3.12
1,149 -9.11 1.37 1.43
72 3,897 24.85 5.20
9 780 22.27 1.46 2.31
Profit for
the Period
attr. to
Profit for the Owner’s

Industrial Classification / Assets bilities Equities Sales EBT Period Entity EPS, Valu
Stock Name bn IDR IDR e,
5 medco Energi Internasional Tbk. 40,138 30,460 9,678 8,669 -2,019 -2,568 -2,595 -779 2,904
6 Perdana Karya Perkasa Tbk. 171 87 84 20 -65 -62 -62 -103 139
7 Radiant utama Interinsco Tbk. 1,092 753 338 1,598 70 41 41 54 439
8 Ratu Prabu Energi Tbk. 2,524 807 1,717 212 16 16 14 2 219
9 Surya Esa Perkasa Tbk. [S] 3,833 1,307 2,526 559 94 67 72 66 2,296

1 Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk. [S] 30,357 12,040 18,317 10,532 -1,669 -1,441 -1,441 -60 762
2 Cakra mineral Tbk. [S] 983 41 942 22 -57 -55 -42 -8.2 185
3 Central omega Resources Tbk. 1,363 56 1,308 0.00 -44 -33 -30 -5 232
4 Cita mineral Investindo Tbk. 2,796 1,504 1,292 14 -341 -341 -341 -101 383
5 J resources asia Pasifik Tbk. [s] 11,441 7,065 4,377 3,953 797 431 334 63 827
6 merdeka Copper Gold Tbk. 2,457 257 2,200 0.00 -125 -72 -70 -20 616
7 SmR utama Tbk. [S] 2,798 1,424 1,374 393 -131 -110 -110 -9 110
8 Timah (Persero) Tbk. [S] 9,280 3,909 5,371 6,874 168 102 102 14 721
9 Vale Indonesia Tbk. [S] 31,577 6,279 25,298 10,894 963 697 697 70 2,546

1 Citatah Tbk. [S] 606 317 289 221 4 2 2 2 235

2 mitra Investindo Tbk. [S] 249 138 111 31 -193 -180 -175 -137 86

1 Alam Karya unggul Tbk. 8 5 3 5 -2 -1 -1 -5 10

31 CE EnT 405 2,554
m 1 Holcim Indonesia Tbk. [S] 17,322 8,872 8,450 9,239 350 175 175 23 1,103
2 Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk. [S] 27,638 3,772 23,866 17,798 5,645 4,357 4,357 1,183 6,483
3 Semen Baturaja (Persero) Tbk. [S] 3,269 319 2,949 1,461 443 354 354 36 300
4 Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. [S] 38,153 10,712 27,441 26,948 5,851 4,525 4,521 762 4,626
5 Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk. [S] 4,456 2,193 2,263 2,653 206 172 174 19.95 260

1 Arwana Citramulia Tbk. [S] 1,431 536 895 1,292 96 71 70 10 122

2 Asahimas Flat Glass Tbk. [S] 4,270 880 3,390 3,666 464 341 341 787 7,812
3 Intikeramik Alamasri Industri Tbk. [S] 390 321 69 141 -109 -109 -108 -136 87
4 Keramika Indonesia Assosiasi Tbk. [S] 2,124 311 1,813 800 -208 -164 -152 -10 121
5 mulia Industrindo Tbk. 7,126 6,011 1,115 5,714 -190 -156 -156 -118 843
6 Surya Toto Indonesia Tbk. [S] 2,440 948 1,492 2,279 382 285 285 276 1,445

1 Alakasa Industrindo Tbk. [S] 145 83 62 749 0.42 -1 -1 -12 611

2 Alumindo Light metal Industry Tbk. [S] 2,189 1,624 565 3,333 -74 -54 -54 -87 917
3 Betonjaya manunggal Tbk. [S] 183 34 149 68 8 6 6 35 828
4 Citra Tubindo Tbk. [S] 3,182 1,335 1,847 1,568 114 112 112 140 2,308
5 Gunawan Dianjaya Steel Tbk. [S] 1,184 380 804 914 -73 -55 -55 -7 98
6 Indal Aluminium Industry Tbk. [S] 1,330 1,090 240 1,385 57 29 29 90 757
7 Jakarta Kyoei Steel Works Tbk. [S] 265 706 -441 143 -23 -23 -23 -154 -2,937
8 Jaya Pari Steel Tbk. [S] 363 31 332 143 -27 -22 -22 -29 443
9 Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk. [S] 51,067 26,402 24,665 18,233 -4,598 -4,504 -4,414 -280 1,564
Lion metal Works Tbk. [S] 639 185 455 389 58 46 46 88 874
Lionmesh Prima Tbk. [S] 134 21 112 175 4 2 2 20 1,171
Pelangi Indah Canindo Tbk. [S] 606 359 247 699 17 15 15 26 435
Pelat Timah nusantara Tbk. [S] 1,569 1,052 517 1,895 -65 -83 -83 -33 205
Saranacentral Bajatama Tbk. 949 787 162 1,251 -12 -9 -9 -5 90
Steel Pipe Industry of Indonesia Tbk. [S] 5,448 2,895 2,553 3,584 195 159 159 22 355
Tembaga mulia Semanan Tbk. [S] 1,803 1,504 299 7,126 47 30 30 1,633 16,302

1 barito Pacific Tbk. [s] 31,079 14,583 16,496 19,396 479 70 -74 -11 2,363
2 Budi Starch & Sweetener Tbk. [S] 3,266 2,161 1,105 2,379 52 21 20 4 246
3 Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk. [S] 25,690 13,457 12,233 19,002 771 362 363 111 3,722
4 Duta Pertiwi nusantara Tbk. [S] 274 33 241 118 12 10 11 33 729
5 Ekadharma International Tbk. [S] 390 98 292 532 66 47 47 67 345
23 mETAL AnD mInERAL mInInG -6 709 -15.85 1.48 0.
24 LAnD / STonE quARRYInG -68 161 17.22 0.84 1.1
32 CERAmICS, GLASS, PoRCELAIn 135 1,738 12.00 2.07 1
33 mETAL AnD ALLIED PRoDuCTS 91 1,501 0.87 0.62 1
34 CHEmICALS 13 1,479 1.15 0.64 1.
Annual Book
e, (x) , R,
IDR (x) (x)
2,904 -1.02 0.27 3.15
139 -0.49 0.36 1.04
439 4.01 0.49 2.23
219 70.65 0.78 0.47
2,296 25.09 0.72 0.52

762 -5.24 0.41 0.66

185 -6.07 0.27 0.04
232 -74.36 1.71 0.04
383 -9.29 2.45 1.16
827 21.71 1.66 1.61
616 -102.62 3.27 0.12
110 -27.10 2.16 1.04
721 37.03 0.70 0.73
2,546 23.32 0.64 0.25

235 35.35 0.24 1.10

86 -0.91 1.43 1.24

10 -56.09 29.29 1.95

1,375 4.10 1.94 1.48
2,554 25.36 2.19 0.54
1,103 43.54 0.90 1.05
6,483 18.86 3.44 0.16
300 8.08 0.97 0.11
4,626 14.96 2.46 0.39
260 41.35 3.18 0.97

122 52.60 4.10 0.60

7,812 8.33 0.84 0.26
87 -0.84 1.31 4.65
121 -8.86 0.74 0.17
843 -4.37 0.61 5.39
1,445 25.15 4.81 0.64

611 -63.26 1.20 1.33

917 -2.27 0.22 2.87
828 12.38 0.53 0.23
2,308 37.29 2.26 0.72
98 -8.76 0.60 0.47
757 4.48 0.53 4.55
-2,937 -0.44 -0.02 -1.60
443 -4.09 0.27 0.09
1,564 -1.05 0.19 1.07
874 11.87 1.20 0.41
1,171 28.39 0.49 0.19
435 4.86 0.29 1.45
205 -1.52 0.24 2.04
90 -16.17 0.94 4.87
355 8.50 0.53 1.13
16,302 3.67 0.37 5.02

2,363 -12.28 0.06 0.88

246 14.46 0.26 1.95
3,722 31.17 0.93 1.10
729 11.69 0.53 0.14
345 5.93 1.16 0.41
709 -15.85 1.48 0.63
161 17.22 0.84 1.17

5 1,738 12.00 2.07 1.95

1 1,501 0.87 0.62 1.57
1,479 1.15 0.64 1.46
Profit for
Profit for the attr. to
Industrial Classification / Assets bilities Equities Sales EBT Period Entity EP Valu
Stock Name bn IDR S, e,
6. Eterindo Wahanatama Tbk. 1,333 1,257 76 396 -216 -224 -224 -231 78
7. Indo Acidatama Tbk. [S] 574 234 340 532 21 16 16 3 56
8. Intanwijaya Internasional Tbk. [S] 170 15 154 137 19 17 17 94 851
9. Sorini Agro Asia Corporindo Tbk. [S] ❽ 2,994 1,850 1,144 1,844 74 53 16 23 1,236
10. unggul Indah Cahaya Tbk. [S] 3,068 1,126 1,942 3,937 -1 -12 -4 -10 5,067

1. Argha Karya Prima Industry Tbk. [S] 2,883 1,776 1,108 2,017 51 28 28 41 1,629
2. Asiaplast Industries Tbk. [S] 309 87 222 261 2 2 2 1 148
3. Berlina Tbk. [S] 1,821 993 828 1,278 -2 -7 -12 -15 1,091
4. champion Pacific indonesia Tbk. [s] 384 73 310 677 63 51 30 31 319
5. Impack Pratama Industri Tbk. [S] 1,675 578 1,097 1,148 147 130 77 159 2,269
6. Indopoly Swakarsa Industry Tbk. [S] 3,873 1,760 2,113 2,766 93 37 32 5 328
7. Lotte Chemical Titan Tbk. [S] 3,216 1,890 1,325 6,308 98 41 41 7 238
8. Sekawan Intipratama Tbk. 278 254 24 243 -35 -37 -26 -1 1
9. Siwani makmur Tbk. ❻ 57 28 28 13 -3 -3 -3 -9 64
10. Trias Sentosa Tbk. [S] 3,357 1,400 1,957 2,457 51 25 25 9 697
11. Tunas alfin Tbk. 434 84 350 476 44 34 34 25 259
12. Yanaprima Hastapersada Tbk. [S] 279 129 150 277 -10 -10 -10 -15 225

1. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Tbk. [S] 24,685 12,123 12,561 30,108 2,282 1,833 1,837 112 766
2. Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk. [S] 17,159 11,050 6,110 25,023 698 524 468 44 573
3. malindo Feedmill Tbk. 3,962 2,413 1,549 4,775 -72 -62 -63 -28 692
4. Sierad Produce Tbk. 2,247 1,513 734 2,113 -444 -362 -352 -375 782

1. SLJ Global Tbk. 1,173 1,471 -298 887 -1 4 4 1 -96

2. Tirta mahakam Resources Tbk. [S] 763 672 91 85 -1 -1 -1 -1 90

1. Alkindo naratama Tbk [S] 366 195 171 538 32 24 14 25 311

2. Dwi Aneka Jaya Kemasindo Tbk. 1,998 1,225 773 1,006 -440 -439 -439 -176 309
3. Fajar Surya Wisesa Tbk. 6,994 4,548 2,445 4,960 -403 -309 -309 -125 987
4. Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Tbk. 97,088 60,905 36,183 39,096 3,171 3,073 3,073 562 6,614
5. Kedawung Setia Industrial Tbk. [S] 1,177 798 379 1,714 15 11 11 28 936
6. Kertas Basuki Rachmat Indonesia Tbk. 1,456 935 521 241 -132 -156 -156 -18 60
7. Pabrik Kertas Tjiwi Kimia Tbk. 37,021 23,833 13,189 14,657 -161 20 20 7 4,937
8. Suparma Tbk. 2,185 1,390 753 1,622 -57 -43 -43 -29 504
9. Toba Pulp Lestari Tbk. [S] 4,606 2,880 1,726 1,330 -40 -38 -38 -27 1,243
35 PLASTICS & PACKAGInG -12 7 -25.40 42.00 2
36 AnImAL FEED -62 703 -4.73 1.95 1.
37 WooD InDuSTRIES 0.26 -3 -10.71 0.01 1.2
38 PuLP & PAPER 28 1,767 8.50 0.63 1.
1. Ateliers mecaniques D'Indonesie Tbk. [S] 199 71 128 150 25 19 19 209 118
2. Grand Kartech Tbk. ❶ 534 357 177 283 -8 -8 -8 -8 182

1. Astra International Tbk. [S] 245,435 118,902 126,533 184,196 19,630 15,613 14,464 357 3,126
2. Astra otoparts Tbk. [S] 14,339 4,196 10,143 11,724 434 323 319 66 2,105
3. Gajah Tunggal Tbk. 17,510 12,115 5,394 12,970 -332 -313 -313 -90 1,548
4. Garuda metalindo Tbk. [S] 919 158 761 859 133 98 98 42 324
5. Goodyear Indonesia Tbk. [S] ❶ 1,646 881 765 2,130 21 -2 -2 -4 1,867
6. Indo Kordsa Tbk. [S] 4,026 1,502 2,523 2,867 252 173 144 319 5,608
7. Indomobil Sukses Internasional Tbk. 24,861 18,164 6,697 18,100 203 -22 -46 -17 2,422
8. Indospring Tbk. [S] 2,554 635 1,919 1,660 4 2 1 1 2,924
9. multi Prima Sejahtera Tbk. 324 208 116 78 -19 -18 -14 -665 5,482
10. multistrada Arah Sarana Tbk. [S] 8,255 3,490 4,765 3,269 -369 -370 -370 -40 519
11. nipress Tbk. [S] 1,548 939 609 988 42 31 31 21 410
12. Prima Alloy Steel universal Tbk. [S] 1,532 811 721 470 8 6 6 9 1,028
13. Selamat Sempurna Tbk. [S] 2,220 780 1,440 2,803 584 461 428 297 1,000

1. Apac Citra Centertex Tbk. 1,944 2,512 -568 1,891 -333 -264 -119 -81 -387
2. Argo Pantes Tbk. 1,797 2,233 -437 624 -162 -151 -151 -449 -1,301
42 AuTomoTIVE AnD ComPonEnTS -84 2,140 -4.99 1.42 1
43 TEXTILE, GARmEnT 151 1,043 -5.90 0.75 2
Annual Book
e, (x) V, ,
IDR (x) (x)
78 -0.34 1.00 16.59
56 19.41 0.89 0.69
851 3.26 0.36 0.10
1,236 82.98 1.54 1.62
5,067 -144.70 0.29 0.58

1,629 21.52 0.54 1.60

148 52.58 0.44 0.39
1,091 -47.21 0.67 1.20
319 7.21 0.70 0.24
2,269 58.22 4.08 0.53
328 14.69 0.22 0.83
238 12.46 0.39 1.43
1 -77 82.27 10.48
64 -18.45 2.55 0.99
697 34.39 0.44 0.72
259 16.06 1.55 0.24
225 -54.08 3.55 0.86

766 23.21 3.39 0.97

573 14.46 1.11 1.81
692 -54.33 2.20 1.56
782 -2.27 1.09 2.06

-96 37.04 -0.53 -4.93

90 -58.45 0.55 7.37

311 29.41 2.37 1.14

309 -0.91 0.52 1.58
987 -8 1.05 1.86
6,614 1.70 0.14 1.68
936 6.74 0.20 2.11
60 -2.79 0.83 1.79
4,937 66.02 0.10 1.81
504 -3.61 0.20 1.85
1,243 -11.71 0.26 1.67
7 -25.40 42.00 2.83
703 -4.73 1.95 1.60
-3 -10.71 0.01 1.22
1,767 8.50 0.63 1.72

1,338 0.95 1.23 1.67

118 0.63 1.12 0.56

182 -278.93 12.05 2.02

3,126 16.79 1.92 0.94

2,105 24.21 0.76 0.41
1,548 -5.89 0.34 2.25
324 28.67 3.68 0.21
1,867 -729.83 1.46 1.15
5,608 14.66 0.83 0.60
2,422 -143.02 0.98 2.71
2,924 243.47 0.12 0.33
5,482 -8.09 0.98 1.78
519 -8.72 0.68 0.73
410 20.60 1.04 1.54
1,028 13.61 0.12 1.13
1,000 16.03 4.76 0.54

-387 -0.63 -0.13 -4.42

-1,301 -2.01 -0.69 -5.12
2,140 -4.99 1.42 1.06
1,043 -5.90 0.75 2.60
Profit for
Profit for the attr. to
Industrial Classification / Assets bilities Equities Sales EBT Period Entit EPS, Value,
Stock Name bn IDR y IDR IDR

3. asia Pacific fibers Tbk. 3,207 15,972 -12,765 5,380 -161 -245 -245 -98 -5,115
4. Century Textile Industry (PS) Tbk. 452 429 23 341 5 5 5 1,544 6,651
5. Century Textile Industry (Seri B) Tbk. 452 429 23 341 5 5 5 1,544 6,651
6. Eratex Djaja Tbk. 731 495 236 954 73 73 73.40 456 1,470
7. Ever Shine Textile Industry Tbk. 784 604 180 510 -95 -145 -145 -72 89
8. Indo-Rama Synthetics Tbk. [S] 11,102 7,008 4,095 9,408 -152 139 136 207 6,257
9. nusantara Inti Corpora Tbk. 461 218 243 118 2 0.39 0.42 6 3,222
10. Pan Brothers Tbk. [S] 6,109 3,131 2,978 5,774 159 119 129 20 460
11. Panasia Indo Resources Tbk. 4,878 3,482 1,396 1,402 -361 -356 -303 -84 388
12. Polychem Indonesia Tbk. [S] 5,794 2,100 3,694 4,288 -399 -333 -333 -86 950
13. Ricky Putra Globalindo Tbk. [S] 1,198 798 400 1,111 22 13 11 17 623
14. Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk. 10,805 6,988 3,817 8,580 891 768 768 41 205
15. Star Petrochem Tbk. [S] ❶ 729 239 490 259 3 0.31 0.08 0.02 102
16. Sunson Textile manufacturer Tbk. [S] 722 478 244 506 -14 -10 -10 -9 208
17. Tifico fiber indonesia Tbk. [s] 4,345 409 3,936 2,547 -9 -23 -23 -5 816
18. Trisula International Tbk. [S] 574 245 329 860 50 37 23 22 315

1. Primarindo Asia Infrastructure Tbk. 100 302 -202 222 0.40 -1 -1 -9 -2,349
2. Sepatu Bata Tbk. [S] *) 795 248 547 1,029 142 130 130 100 421

1. Jembo Cable Company Tbk. 1,358 991 368 1,663 8 2 2 16 2,432

2. Kabelindo murni Tbk. [S] 654 358 296 968 21 13 13 11 265
3. KmI Wire and Cable Tbk. [S] 1,552 524 1,027 2,662 150 115 115 29 256
4. Sumi Indo Kabel Tbk. ❼ 1,053 195 858 1,424 25 18 18 80 2,803
5. Supreme Cable manufacturing & Commerce Tbk. 1,773 851 922 3,533 206 159 159 773 4,487
6. Voksel Electric Tbk. [S] ❶ 1,536 1,027 510 1,598 2 0.28 0.28 0.33 613

1. Sat nusapersada Tbk. [S] 876 199 677 1,188 -8 1 1 1 382

44 FooTWEAR 45 -964 -14.99 0.99 -0.
45 CABLE 152 1,809 23.14 0.72 1.
46 ELECTRonICS 1 382 91.04 0.20 0.2
51 FooD AnD BEVERAGES 251 1,449
1. Delta Djakarta Tbk. 1,038 189 850 1,573 250 192 190 238 1,061
2. Indofood CBP Sukses makmur Tbk. [S] 26,561 10,174 16,387 31,741 4,010 2,923 3,001 515 2,810
3. Indofood Sukses makmur Tbk. [S] 91,832 48,710 43,122 64,062 4,962 3,710 2,968 338 4,911
4. mayora Indah Tbk. [S] 11,343 6,148 5,194 14,819 1,640 1,250 1,220 1,364 5,808
5. multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk. 2,101 1,334 766 2,696 676 497 797 378 364
6. nippon Indosari Corpindo Tbk. [S] 2,706 1,518 1,189 2,175 378 271 271 53 235
7. Prasidha Aneka niaga Tbk. [S] 620 296 324 920 -33 -43 -47 -33 225
8. Sekar Bumi Tbk. [S] 764 420 344 1,362 54 40 42 44 367
9. Sekar Laut Tbk. [S] 377 225 152 745 27 20 20 30 220
10. Siantar Top Tbk. [S] 1,920 911 1,009 2,544 232 186 186 142 770
11. Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food Tbk. [S] 9,061 5,094 3,967 6,011 500 374 323 100 1,232
12. Tri Banyan Tirta Tbk. 1,180 673 507 302 -39 -24 -24 -11 232
13. ultrajaya milk Industry & Trading Co. Tbk. [S] 3,540 742 2,798 4,394 701 5,523 519 180 969
14. Wilmar Cahaya Indonesia Tbk. [S] 1,486 846 640 3,486 142 107 107 179 1,075

1. Bentoel Internasional Investama Tbk. 12,667 15,816 -3,149 16,814 -1,939 -1,639 -1,639 -226 -435
2. Gudang Garam Tbk. 63,505 25,498 38,008 70,366 8,635 6,453 6,436 3,345 19,754
3. Hm Sampoerna Tbk. 38,011 5,995 32,016 89,069 13,933 10,363 10,363 2,227 6,881
4. Wismilak Inti makmur Tbk. 1,343 399 944 1,839 178 131 131 62 449
1. Darya-Varia Laboratoria Tbk. [S] 1,376 403 974 1,306 144 108 108 96 869
2. Indofarma (Persero) Tbk. [S] 1,534 941 593 1,622 14 7 7 2 191
3. Industri Jamu dan Farmasi Sido muncul Tbk. 2,796 198 2,598 2,219 560 437 437 29 173
4. Kalbe Farma Tbk. [S] 13,696 2,758 10,938 17,887 2,721 2,058 2,004 43 233
5. Kimia Farma (Persero) Tbk. [S] 3,236 1,374 1,862 4,860 338 253 249 45 335
6. merck Sharp Dohme Pharma Tbk. 1,511 1,410 101 2,261 198 139 139 38,700 28,020
7. merck Tbk. [S] 642 168 474 983 194 143 143 318 1,057
52 ToBACCo mAnuFACTuRERS 1,352 6,662 15.82 0.86 -0.
53 PHARmACEuTICALS 19,100 39,499 20.12 2.38 1
Annual Book
Value, PER, PBV, DE
IDR (x) (x) R,
-5,115 -0.55 -0.01 -1.25
6,651 9.43 2.19 18.41
6,651 9.43 2.19 18.41
1,470 1.97 0.61 2.09
89 -2.51 2.02 3.36
6,257 3.66 0.12 1.71
3,222 47.01 0.08 0.90
460 28.02 1.22 1.05
388 -10.51 2.28 2.49
950 -1.04 0.09 0.57
623 9.24 0.26 1.99
205 9.42 1.89 1.83
102 2,878 0.49 0.49
208 -5.82 0.25 1.96
816 -192.49 1.10 0.10
315 13.93 0.95 0.74

-2,349 -39.02 -0.15 -1.49

421 9.03 2.14 0.45

2,432 82.22 0.56 2.69

265 11.57 0.50 1.21
256 4.13 0.46 0.51
2,803 12.97 0.37 0.23
4,487 4.82 0.83 0.92
613 2,939 1.60 2.01

382 91.04 0.20 0.29

-964 -14.99 0.99 -0.52
1,809 23.14 0.72 1.26
382 91.04 0.20 0.29

13,028 17.71 2.06 0.97

1,449 12.67 2.70 1.06
1,061 21.86 4.90 0.22
2,810 26.18 4.79 0.62
4,911 15.31 1.05 1.13
5,808 22.36 5.25 1.18
364 21.69 22.54 1.74
235 23.67 5.39 1.28
225 -3.74 0.54 0.91
367 21.25 2.57 1.22
220 12.52 1.68 1.48
770 21.26 3.92 0.90
1,232 12.04 0.98 1.28
232 -29.24 1.40 1.33
969 21.95 4.07 0.27
1,075 3.77 0.63 1.32

-435 -2.25 -1.17 -5.02

19,754 16.44 2.78 0.67
6,881 42.20 13.66 0.19
449 6.90 0.96 0.42
869 13.49 1.50 0.41
191 79.29 0.88 1.59
173 18.86 3.18 0.08
233 30.87 5.66 0.25
335 19.42 2.59 0.74
28,020 0.75 1.03 13.98
1,057 21.29 6.41 0.35
6,662 15.82 0.86 -0.94
0 39,499 20.12 2.38 1.73
Profit for
Profit for the attr. to
Industrial Classification / Assets bilities Equities Sales EBT Period Entity EPS Valu
Stock Name bn IDR , e,
8. Pyridam Farma Tbk. [S] 160 59 101 218 5 3 3 6 189
9. Taisho Pharmaceutical Indonesia (PS) Tbk. 464 110 354 515 199 150 150 154,534 364,253
10. Taisho Pharmaceutical Indonesia Tbk. [S] 464 110 354 515 199 150 150 16,207 38,202
11. Tempo scan Pacific Tbk. [s] 6,285 1,948 4,337 8,181 707 529 522 116 964

1. Akasha Wira International Tbk. [S] 653 325 328 670 44 33 33 56 557
2. Kino Indonesia Tbk. [S] 3,211 1,435 1,777 3,604 337 263 263 184 1,244
3. mandom Indonesia Tbk. [S] 2,082 367 1,715 2,315 583 544 544 2,708 8,529
4. martina Berto Tbk. [S] 649 215 434 695 -17 -14 -14 -13 406
5. mustika Ratu Tbk. [S] 497 120 377 428 2 1 1 2 881
6. unilever Indonesia Tbk. [S] 15,730 10,903 4,827 36,484 7,829 5,852 5,852 767 633

1. Chitose Internasional Tbk. [S] 383 68 315 315 41 29 28 28 315

2. Kedaung Indah Can Tbk. [S] 134 40 93 92 3 -13 -13 -94 677
3. Langgeng makmur Industri Tbk. [S] 793 392 401 453 7 4 4 4 398
54 CoSmETICS AnD HouSEHoLD 617 2,041 27.98 1.49 0
55 HouSEWARE -21 463 12.65 0.58 0.5
1. Agung Podomoro Land Tbk. [S] 24,559 15,487 9,073 5,972 1,139 1,117 809 39 443
2. Alam Sutera Realty Tbk. [S] 18,710 12,107 6,602 2,784 759 684 597 30 336
3. Bakrieland Development Tbk. ❻ 14,735 7,542 7,193 1,087 -45 -36 -38 -1 165
4. Bekasi Asri Pemula Tbk. [S] 176 75 101 24 1 1 1 2 153
5. Bekasi Fajar Industrial Estate Tbk. [S] 4,631 1,589 3,042 687 215 215 212 22 315
6. Bhuwanatala Indah Permai Tbk. [S] 558 127 431 58 94 109 109 23 92
7. Binakarya Jaya Abadi Tbk. 2,137 1,471 667 1,014 78 77 45 76 1,126
8. Bukit Darmo Property Tbk. [S] 791 218 573 60 -23 -28 -28 -4 78
9. Bumi Citra Permai Tbk. [S] ❶ 672 417 255 171 15 5 5 3 178
10. Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk. [S] 36,022 13,925 22,097 6,210 2,362 2,351 2,139 111 1,148
11. Ciputra Development Tbk. [S] 26,259 13,208 13,050 7,514 2,165 1,740 1,284 84 851
12. Ciputra Property Tbk. [S] 9,824 4,588 5,236 2,460 497 350 327 52 837
13. Ciputra Surya Tbk. [S] 6,981 3,328 3,653 1,909 759 660 597 298 1,822
14. Cowell Development Tbk. 3,541 2,366 1,174 583 -138 -179 -179 -37 241
15. Danayasa Arthatama Tbk. [S] 5,566 1,787 3,779 1,014 202 159 86 26 1,138
16. Duta Anggada Realty Tbk. [S] 5,740 2,311 3,428 843 240 178 178 57 1,091
17. Duta Pertiwi Tbk. [S] 9,015 2,184 6,831 1,687 672 671 535 289 3,692
18. Eureka Prima Jakarta Tbk. ❶ 1,712 93 1,619 42 1 -1 -1 -0.12 288
19. Fortune mate Indonesia Tbk. [S] 584 139 445 239 171 160 82 30 164
20. Gading Development Tbk. [S] 1,337 240 1,097 120 10 5 5 1 110
21. Gowa makassar Tourism Development Tbk. 1,274 720 554 319 119 118 119 1,171 5,459
22. Greenwood Sejahtera Tbk. [S] 6,805 536 6,269 84 1,269 1,264 1,261 162 804
23. Indonesia Prima Property Tbk. [S] 820 170 650 262 -22 -23 -23 -13 372
24. Intiland Development Tbk. [S] 10,289 5,518 4,771 2,201 419 419 401 77 460
25. Jaya Real Property Tbk. [S] 7,578 3,437 4,141 2,150 877 870 873 63 301
26. Kawasan Industri Jababeka Tbk. [S] 9,741 4,763 4,978 3,140 345 331 339 16 241
27. Lamicitra nusantara Tbk. [S] 641 89 552 256 154 154 96 84 480
28. Lippo Cikarang Tbk. [S] 5,477 1,843 3,633 2,121 931 915 911 1,308 5,220
29. Lippo Karawaci Tbk. [S] 41,327 22,410 18,917 8,910 1,285 1,024 535 23 820
30. mega manunggal Property Tbk. 3,204 653 2,551 163 131 115 114 20 446
31. megapolitan Developments Tbk. [S] 1,196 536 660 325 61 61 60 18 197
32. metro Realty Tbk. [S] 88 11 77 24 -2 -5 -5 -20 331
33. metropolitan Kentjana Tbk. [S] 5,709 2,880 2,829 2,094 890 890 890 938 2,984
34. metropolitan Land Tbk. [S] 3,621 1,408 2,213 1,089 242 240 214 28 289
35. modernland Realty Tbk. [S] 12,843 6,786 6,057 2,962 960 873 873 70 483
36. nirvana Development Tbk. [S] 3,142 383 2,758 505 -27 -28 -19 -1 124
37. Pakuwon Jati Tbk. [S] 18,778 9,323 9,455 4,625 1,425 1,401 1,262 26 196
38. Perdana Gapuraprima Tbk. [S] 1,574 627 947 416 74 73 90 21 221
39. Pikko Land Development Tbk. [S] 3,232 724 2,508 1,056 467 480 244 18 185
40. Plaza Indonesia Realty Tbk. [S] 4,671 2,265 2,407 1,645 272 280 272 77 678
Annual Book
e, (x) V, ,
IDR (x) (x)
189 19.41 0.59 0.58
364,253 2.19 0.93 0.31
38,202 0.65 0.27 0.31
964 15.09 1.82 0.45

557 18.23 1.82 0.99

1,244 20.86 3.09 0.81
8,529 6.09 1.93 0.21
406 -10.66 0.34 0.49
881 85.11 0.24 0.32
633 48.24 58.48 2.26

315 11.88 1.07 0.21

677 -2.65 0.37 0.43
398 28.72 0.28 0.98
7 2,041 27.98 1.49 0.85
463 12.65 0.58 0.54

852 13.36 1.83 0.91

888 11.53 1.65 0.74
443 8.46 0.75 1.71
336 11.30 1.02 1.83
165 -43.36 0.30 1.05
153 27.49 0.33 0.74
315 13.40 0.93 0.52
92 3.76 0.95 0.29
1,126 25.14 1.69 2.21
78 -23.33 1.15 0.38
178 256.30 4.77 1.64
1,148 16.19 1.57 0.63
851 17.44 1.72 1.01
837 7.83 0.49 0.88
1,822 7.52 1.23 0.91
241 -16.35 2.49 2.02
1,138 65.78 1.49 0.47
1,091 7.42 0.38 0.67
3,692 22.13 1.73 0.32
288 -5,336.71 2.16 0.06
164 26.47 4.89 0.31
110 108.24 0.50 0.22
5,459 6.41 1.37 1.30
804 0.76 0.15 0.09
372 -22.62 0.81 0.26
460 6.31 1.06 1.16
301 12 2.47 0.83
241 15.07 1.03 0.96
480 3.34 0.58 0.16
5,220 5.54 1.39 0.51
820 44.61 1.26 1.18
446 39.95 1.79 0.26
197 8.06 0.73 0.81
331 -11.36 0.69 0.14
2,984 17.99 5.66 1.02
289 7.68 0.74 0.64
483 6.70 0.97 1.12
124 -124.74 0.88 0.14
196 18.93 2.53 0.99
221 9.43 0.90 0.66
185 33.10 3.22 0.29
678 52.16 5.90 0.94
Profit for
Profit for the attr. to
Industrial Classification / Assets bilities Equities Sales EBT Period Entity EPS,
Stock Name bn IDR IDR

41. PP Properti Tbk. [S] 5,319 2,801 2,518 1,505 373 300 300 21
42. Puradelta Lestari Tbk. [S] 8,007 847 7,161 2,286 1,381 1,368 1,368 28
43. Ristia Bintang mahkotasejati Tbk. 182 14 168 17 0.00 -3 -3 -9
44. Roda Vivatex Tbk. [S] 1,872 283 1,590 422 256 259 259 962
45. Sentul City Tbk. [S] 11,146 4,596 6,550 560 62 62 50 1
46. Sitara Propertindo Tbk. [S] ❶ 1,310 266 1,044 112 2 2 5 0.47
47. Summarecon Agung Tbk. [S] 18,758 11,229 7,530 5,624 1,382 1,064 855 59
48. Suryamas Dutamakmur Tbk. [S] 3,155 702 2,452 578 77 75 67 14

1. Acset Indonusa Tbk. [S] 1,929 1,265 665 1,357 43 42 42 84

2. Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk. [S] 16,761 11,599 5,162 9,390 746 465 464 130
3. Indonesia Pondasi Raya Tbk. [S] 1,381 389 992 1,154 231 228 228 114
4. Jaya Konstruksi manggala Pratama Tbk. 3,776 1,832 1,944 4,656 291 237 234 14
5. mitra Pemuda Tbk. [S] ❷ 177 95 82 332 26 26 26 -
6. nusa Konstruksi Enjiniring Tbk. [S] 2,094 1,010 1,084 1,548 8 5 5 2
7. nusa Raya Cipta Tbk. [S] 1,995 908 1,087 3,601 198 198 198 79
8. PP (Persero) Tbk. [S] 19,129 14,010 5,119 14,217 1,288 846 740 153
9. Surya Semesta Internusa Tbk. [S] 6,464 3,126 3,338 4,868 392 383 302 64
10. Total Bangun Persada Tbk. [S] 2,846 1,980 866 2,266 197 191 191 56
11. Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk. [S] 30,309 20,605 9,704 14,153 1,398 1,048 1,048 77
12. Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk. [S] 19,602 14,164 5,438 13,620 1,098 703 625 102
62 BuILDInG ConSTRuCTIon 80 695 25.10 2.53 1.5
71 EnERGY 87
1. mitra Energi Persada Tbk. 169 61 109 198 26 17 17 25
2. Leyand International Tbk. [S] 862 307 555 158 -83 -82 -50 -13
3. Perusahaan Gas negara (Persero) Tbk. [S] 89,592 47,896 41,697 42,331 6,113 5,556 5,534 228
4. Rukun Raharja Tbk. [S] 2,088 930 1,158 2,670 209 127 109 106

1. Citra marga nusaphala Persada Tbk. [S] 6,187 2,015 4,172 1,524 569 453 454 165
2. Jasa marga (Persero) Tbk. [S] 36,725 24,356 12,369 9,848 2,068 1,319 1,449 213
3. nusantara Infrastructure Tbk. [S] 4,840 2,236 2,604 578 272 211 131 9

1. Bakrie Telecom Tbk. 2,412 14,925 -12,513 402 -8,506 -8,641 -8,641 -283
2. Indosat Tbk. [S] 55,389 42,125 13,264 26,769 -1,786 -1,163 -1,310 -241
3. Inovisi Infracom Tbk. ❸ 5,078 1,249 3,828 1,416 230 230 175 23
4. Smartfren Telecom Tbk. 20,706 13,857 6,849 3,026 -2,008 -1,565 -1,565 -15
5. Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. 166,173 72,745 93,428 102,470 31,342 23,317 15,489 154
6. XL Axiata Tbk. [S] ❶ 58,844 44,753 14,092 22,876 -631 -25 -25 -3

1. Adi Sarana Armada Tbk. 2,893 2,038 855 1,393 57 34 34 10

2. Arpeni Pratama ocean Line Tbk. 1,601 6,730 -5,129 663 -7,983 -786 -750 -87
3. Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk. **) 1,395 887 508 3,493 3,566 2,582 2,582 224
4. Blue Bird Tbk. [S] 7,153 2,825 4,328 5,472 1,105 829 824 329
5. Buana Listya Tama Tbk. 2,852 1,441 1,411 699 139 138 138 57
6. Capitol nusantara Indonesia Tbk. [S] 1,014 927 87 35 -55 -57 -57 -69
7. Cardig Aero Services Tbk. [S] 1,280 721 558 1,632 414 294 118 57
8. Citra maharlika nusantara Corpora Tbk. 378 444 -66 266 -263 -238 -238 -60
9. Eka Sari Lorena Transport Tbk. [S] 336 64 272 16 -2 -2 -2 -5
10. Express Transindo utama Tbk. 2,884 1,963 921 970 51 32 32 15
11. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. [S] 45,658 32,544 13,114 52,624 1,471 1,076 1,055 41
12. Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk. [S] 1,985 1,701 284 719 57 45 44 6
13. ICTSI Jasa Prima Tbk. 314 853 -538 43 -402 -402 -402 -685
14. Indo Straits Tbk. 814 396 417 93 -177 -178 -178 -323
15. Indonesia Transport & Infrastructure Tbk. 1,496 695 801 237 -176 -153 -153 -16
16. Logindo Samudramakmur Tbk. ❶ 3,686 1,936 1,750 650 1 1 1 -
17. mitra International Resources Tbk. [S] 481 161 319 147 -16 -14 -13 -3
18. mitrabahtera Segara Sejati Tbk. [S] 4,246 1,114 3,132 1,238 -141 -141 -167 -95
72 ToLL RoAD, AIRPoRT, HARBoR AnD ALLIED PRoDuCTS 129 1,169 15.95 1.64
73 TELECommunICATIon -40 870 -0.25 1.45 1.2
74 TRAnSPoRTATIon 7 1,151 6.39 2.10 1.5
Annual Book
Value, PER, PBV, DE
IDR (x) (x) R,
179 8.32 0.99 1.11
149 7.58 1.45 0.12
515 -7 0.12 0.08
5,914 6.24 1.01 0.18
190 40.38 0.31 0.70
104 1,182 5.39 0.25
522 27.84 3.16 1.49
514 6.80 0.18 0.29

1,330 36.02 2.27 1.90

1,450 16.43 1.48 2.25
495 11.79 2.70 0.39
119 58.64 7.05 0.94
- - - 1.15
196 50.32 0.43 0.93
435 7.87 1.44 0.84
1,057 25.35 3.67 2.74
709 11.12 1.01 0.94
254 10.96 2.42 2.29
715 21.63 2.34 2.12
884 25.97 2.99 2.60
0 695 25.10 2.53 1.59

1,115 9.49 2.35 1.61

788 10.95 1.80 0.77
156 29 4.55 0.56
140 -4 0.36 0.55
1,720 12.02 1.60 1.15
1,136 7.28 0.68 0.80

1,517 14.75 1.61 0.48

1,819 24.51 2.87 1.97
171 8.60 0.43 0.86

-409 -0.18 -0.12 -1.19

2,441 -22.81 2.25 3.18
383 5.02 0.31 0.33
67 -3.35 0.77 2.02
927 20.21 3.35 0.78
1,650 -1,230 2.21 3.18

252 9.95 0.40 2.39

-592 -0.67 -0.10 -1.31
44 0.88 4.46 1.75
1,730 21.56 4.10 0.65
581 1.16 0.11 1.02
104 -3.84 2.54 10.71
268 19.97 4.22 1.29
-17 -0.83 -3.01 -6.74
777 -25.78 0.16 0.24
429 6.99 0.24 2.13
507 7.58 0.61 2.48
40 121.90 18.73 5.98
-916 -0.14 -0.10 -1.58
759 -2.62 1.11 0.95
86 -3.05 0.58 0.87
679 515.45 0.20 1.11
81 -14.74 0.62 0.51
1,790 -2.78 0.15 0.36
129 1,169 15.95 1.64 1.10
0 870 -0.25 1.45 1.29
7 1,151 6.39 2.10 1.56
Profit for
Profit for the attr. to
Industrial Classification / Assets bilities Equities Sales EBT Period Entity EPS,
Stock Name bn IDR IDR

19. WEHA Transportasi Indonesia Tbk. 359 230 129 165 -51 -39 -40 -45
20. Pelayaran nasional Bina Buana Raya Tbk. 2,158 1,097 1,061 339 -377 -381 -381.46 -71
21. Pelayaran nelly Dwi Putri Tbk. [S] 422 61 361 193 29 28 28 12
22. Pelayaran Tempuran Emas Tbk. [S] 1,782 967 815 1,721 318 317 317 278
23. Rig Tenders Indonesia Tbk. [S] 1,776 582 1,194 317 -54 -58 -58 -96
24. Samudera Indonesia Tbk. [S] 7,906 3,869 4,037 6,223 214 137 112 683
25. Sidomulyo Selaras Tbk. [S] ❶ 404 193 211 143 3 1 1 1
26. Soechi Lines Tbk. [S] 7,075 3,231 3,844 1,956 585 565 564 80
27. Steady Safe Tbk. 10 86 -76 12 2 1 1 3
28. Tanah Laut Tbk. [S] 181 2 179 75 3 2 2 4
29. Trada maritime Tbk. 2,834 2,435 399 466 -1,046 -1,053 -955 -98
30. Trans Power marine Tbk. [S] 1,808 915 893 695 27 27 10
31. Wintermar offshore marine Tbk. [S] 6,147 2,646 3,501 1,378 -137 -135 -79 -19
32. Zebra nusantara Tbk. [S] 22 17 5 22 -8 -8 -8 -10

1. Bali Towerindo Sentra Tbk. [S] 1,205 704 501 170 164 121 121 34
2. Bukaka Teknik utama Tbk. [S] 1,993 792 1,202 1,189 82 59 59 22
3. Indika Energy Tbk. 29,663 18,193 11,470 15,136 -1,212 -1,060 -615 -118
4. Inti Bangun Sejahtera Tbk. [S] 4,177 1,196 2,981 506 411 315 315 233
5. Sarana menara nusantara Tbk. 21,417 13,738 7,679 4,470 3,958 2,965 2,958 290
6. Solusi Tunas Pratama Tbk. 13,739 8,924 4,815 1,786 242 137 137 120
7. Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk. 22,800 21,209 1,591 3,421 1,089 1,445 1,430 298
8. Truba Alam manunggal Engineering Tbk. 715 188 527 93 -605 -593 -593 -38
non 105 1,294 21.21 4.54 2.6
81 BAnK 122
1. Bank Agris Tbk. 4,217 3,650 567 415 6 4 4 1
2. Bank Artha Graha Internasional Tbk. 25,119 22,353 2,766 2,524 84 71 71 6
3. Bank Artos Indonesia Tbk. ❷ 746 638 107 99 0.08 -0.31 -0.31 -
4. Bank Bukopin Tbk. 94,367 86,831 7,535 9,482 1,179 964 960 107
5. Bank Bumi Arta Tbk. 6,567 5,333 1,234 687 78 57 57 25
6. Bank Capital Indonesia Tbk. 12,159 11,106 1,053 1,163 120 91 91 14
7. Bank Central Asia Tbk. 594,373 501,945 89,625 59,093 22,657 18,036 18,019 738
8. Bank CImB niaga Tbk. 238,849 210,170 28,679 24,005 570 428 428 17
9. Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk. 188,057 153,843 34,215 28,263 3,282 2,469 2,393 252
10. Bank Dinar Indonesia Tbk. 2,074 1,641 433 188 18 14 14 6
11. Bank Ganesha Tbk. ❷ 1,974 1,764 210 222 7 5 5 -
12. Bank Harda Internasional Tbk. 2,079 1,703 376 7,185 -60 -46 -46 -13
13. Bank Ina Perdana Tbk. 2,082 1,762 319 229 21 17 17 8
14. Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk. 13,184 12,185 998 1,158 -652 -676 -676 -24
15. Bank mandiri (Persero) Tbk. 910,063 736,199 119,492 99,496 26,369 21,152 20,335 880
16. Bank maspion Indonesia Tbk. 5,344 4,496 848 490 55 40 40 11
17. Bank mayapada Internasional Tbk. 47,306 42,719 4,587 5,051 878 652 652 153
18. Bank maybank Indonesia Tbk. 157,619 141,876 15,743 10,258 1,545 1,144 1,139 17
19. Bank mega Tbk. 68,225 56,708 11,517 8,393 1,239 1,053 1,053 153
20. Bank mestika Dharma Tbk. 9,410 7,146 2,264 717 322 241 241 59
21. Bank mitraniaga Tbk. 2,038 1,824 214 237 15 11 11 7
22. Bank mnC Internasional Tbk. 12,137 10,429 1,708 1,023 11 8 8 0.43
23. Bank nationalnobu Tbk. 6,703 5,514 1,190 508 23 18 18 4
24. Bank negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. 508,595 412,728 78,438 49,078 11,466 9,141 9,067 491
25. Bank nusantara Parahyangan Tbk. 8,613 7,418 1,195 1,049 90 67 67 100
26. Bank oCBC nISP Tbk. 120,480 104,069 16,411 10,075 2,001 1,501 1,501 132
27. Bank of India Indonesia Tbk. 6,087 4,973 1,115 578 -48 -45 -45 -43
28. Bank Pan Indonesia Tbk. 183,121 152,314 30,806 17,933 2,458 1,568 1,407 59
29. Bank Panin Syariah Tbk. [S] 7,134 841 1,155 734 75 54 54 5
30. Bank Permata Tbk. 182,689 163,877 18,813 8,406 294 247 247 21
31. Bank Pundi Indonesia Tbk. 5,967 5,657 311 1,100 -385 -331 -331 -31
32. Bank qnB Indonesia Tbk. 25,758 23,333 2,424 2,253 209 156 156 18
Annual Book
Value, PER, PBV, DE
IDR (x) (x) R,
145 -3.20 0.99 1.79
198 -0.72 0.26 1.03
154 11.41 0.90 0.17
714 7.02 2.73 1.19
1,960 -1.67 0.08 0.49
24,652 7.40 0.20 0.96
187 613.64 2.67 0.92
545 5.94 0.87 0.84
-193 27.61 -0.47 -1.14
409 31.01 0.32 0.01
41 -0.51 1.22 6.11
339 23.23 0.70 1.02
867 -8.59 0.19 0.76
5 -8.56 15.46 3.67

140 26.33 6.35 1.41

455 31.54 1.54 0.66
2,202 -0.93 0.05 1.59
2,207 8.15 0.86 0.40
753 16.38 6.31 1.79
4,232 69.81 1.98 1.85
332 19.71 17.71 13.33
33 -1.33 1.50 0.36
1,294 21.21 4.54 2.67

980 25.09 1.57 4.21

1,055 22.72 1.35 6.94
108 112.98 0.79 6.44
211 11.63 0.30 8.08
- - - 5.95
829 6.56 0.84 11.52
534 7.63 0.36 4.32
164 14.31 1.25 10.54
3,635 18.02 3.66 5.60
1,141 34.60 0.52 7.33
3,570 12.69 0.90 4.50
192 17.95 0.59 3.79
- - - 8.38
103 -9.43 1.16 4.53
152 35.72 1.91 5.52
35 -2.08 1.42 12.21
5,121 10.51 1.81 6.16
220 37.94 1.82 5.30
1,066 12.74 1.83 9.31
232 10.07 0.74 9.01
1,654 21.45 1.98 4.92
553 26.24 2.82 3.16
131 30.80 1.61 8.52
89 162.10 0.78 6.11
276 105.97 1.64 4.63
4,206 10.16 1.19 5.26
1,766 18.64 1.05 6.20
1,430 9.65 0.89 6.34
1,070 -82.99 3.36 4.46
1,279 13.89 0.64 4.94
117 45.57 2.13 0.73
1,583 44.99 0.60 8.71
29 -1.70 1.83 18.21
277 16.11 1.05 9.63
Profit for
the Period
attr. to
Profit for the Owner’s

Industrial Classification / Assets bilities Equities Sales EBT Period Entity EPS, Valu
Stock Name bn IDR IDR e,
33. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. 878,426 765,299 113,127 97,843 32,494 25,411 25,398 1,040 4,586
34. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Agroniaga Tbk. 8,365 7,012 1,352 842 111 80 80 7 118
35. Bank Sinarmas Tbk. 27,869 24,199 3,670 4,157 239 185 185 13 404
36. Bank Tabungan negara (Persero) Tbk. 171,808 157,947 13,860 16,073 2,542 1,851 1,851 177 1,310
37. Bank Tabungan Pensiunan nasional Tbk. 81,040 64,053 13,924 13,710 2,433 1,753 1,702 294 2,384
38. Bank Victoria International Tbk. 23,251 20,032 2,114 2,217 94 94 94 13 296
39. Bank Windu Kentjana International Tbk. 10,089 8,675 1,414 1,025 97 67 67 10.41 216.24
40. Bank Woori Saudara Indonesia 1906 Tbk. 20,020 15,884 4,136 1,753 362 265 265 53 815
41. Bank Yudha Bhakti Tbk. 3,418 3,052 365 411 34 25 25 9.99 145.31
42. BPD Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk. 88,697 76,068 7,757 10,650 1,766 1,381 1,377 143 800
43. BPD Jawa Timur Tbk. 42,804 36,508 6,295 5,043 1,261 885 885 60 422

1. Adira Dinamika multi Finance Tbk. 27,744 23,383 4,361 8,064 901 665 665 665 4,361
2. Batavia Prosperindo Finance Tbk. 982 483 499 250 55 41 41 30 367
3. BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk. 11,770 7,751 4,019 2,831 835 650 650 415 2,567
4. Buana Finance Tbk. 3,163 2,079 1,083 549 83 62 62 38 658
5. Clipan Finance Indonesia Tbk. 6,647 3,048 3,599 1,111 390 286 286 72 903
6. danasupra erapacific Tbk. 52 1 51 4 1 1 1 1 76
7. Radana Bhaskara Finance Tbk. 3,085 2,588 497 547 48 40 40 17 213
8. Indomobil multi Jasa Tbk. 11,135 9,251 1,884 2,145 134 82 81 19 436
9. Intan Baruprana Finance Tbk. ❶ 3,161 2,592 569 443 1 1 1 0.28 179
10. magna Finance Tbk. 458 319 140 132 4 2 2 2 140
11. mandala multifinance Tbk. 4,595 3,001 1,594 1,700 329 247 247 186 1,203
12. Tifa Finance Tbk 1,346 1,050 296 165 28 20 20 19 274
13. Trust Finance Indonesia Tbk. 289 27 224 35 11 9 9 12 280
14. Verena multi Finance Tbk. 1,894 1,610 284 379 6 2 2 2 284
15. Wahana ottomitra multiartha Tbk. 5,306 4,551 756 1,740 24 16 16 5 217

1. HD Capital Tbk. 293 128 165 15 -2 -2 -2 -1 78

2. Kresna Graha Investama Tbk. 685 168 517 183 56 56 56 15 142
3. majapahit Inti Corpora Tbk. 67 2 65 8 5 5 5 7 90
4. minna Padi Investama Tbk. ❶ 517 68 449 19 3 3 3 1 159
5. onix Capital Tbk. 113 189 -76 20 -35 -34 -34 -125 -277
6. Panca Global Securities Tbk. 282 75 207 24 26 23 23 33 292
7. Panin Sekuritas Tbk. 1,466 415 1,051 337 109 64 63 88 1,459
8. Reliance Securities Tbk. 1,111 350 761 98 33 31 31 17 423
9. Trimegah Securities Tbk. 1,292 699 593 323 50 33 33 5 83
10. Yulie Sekurindo Tbk. 54 4 50 1 1 1 0.77 3 197

1. Asuransi Bina Dana Arta Tbk. 2,847 1,625 1,222 1,633 279 269 269 433 1,969
2. Asuransi Bintang Tbk. 494 333 161 203 30 28 28 162 923
3. Asuransi Dayin mitra Tbk. 1,465 1,218 247 205 58 44 44 231 1,286
4. Asuransi Harta Aman Pratama Tbk. 469 283 186 252 11 8 8 10 221
5. Asuransi Jasa Tania Tbk. 390 224 166 220 22 18 18 30 277
6. Asuransi mitra maparya Tbk. 559 334 225 230 9 9 9 6 156
7. Asuransi multi Artha Guna Tbk. 2,628 1,119 1,509 757 212 194 194 39 302
8. Asuransi Ramayana Tbk. 1,422 1,148 274 707 79 64 64 298 1,279
9. Lippo General Insurance Tbk. 2,229 953 1,276 1,300 95 78 78 518 8,505
10. maskapai Reasuransi Indonesia Tbk. 1,439 815 624 1,115 163 136 136 349 1,606
11. Paninvest Tbk. 23,098 5,335 17,748 5,240 1,287 1,268 626 154 4,363
12. Victoria Insurance Tbk. 211 46 165 34 17 17 17 12 113
85 InVESTmEnT FunD / muTuAL FunD
89 oTHERS 14 691
1. Batavia Prosperindo International Tbk. 551 185 366 229 77 59 50 97 712
2. Capitalinc Investment Tbk. 3,072 1,630 1,442 150 -1,522 -1,573 -1,571 -49 45
3. Equity Development Investment Tbk. 4,281 3,298 983 1,153 112 93 76 15 188
4. Lippo Securities Tbk. 1,164 9 1,155 2 3 3 3 1 446
5. mnC Kapital Indonesia Tbk. 19,395 14,191 5,204 1,284 -51 -38 -43 -9 1,110
82 FInAnCIAL InSTITuTIon 93 776 27.62 1.03 2.83
83 SECuRITIES ComPAnY 4 265 22.95 2.56 0.1
84 InSuRAnCE 187 1,750 26.52 1.94 1.
Annual Book
e, (x) , ,
IDR (x) (x)
4,586 10.99 2.49 6.76
118 13.70 0.82 5.18
404 29.81 0.97 6.59
1,310 7.33 0.99 11.40
2,384 8.15 1.01 4.60
296 7.90 0.35 9.48
216.24 28.82 1.39 6.14
815 20.83 1.35 3.84
145.31 38.65 2.66 8.35
800 5.26 0.94 9.81
422 7.30 1.04 5.80

4,361 5.22 0.80 5.36

367 19.71 1.63 0.97
2,567 6.74 1.09 1.93
658 33.20 1.90 1.92
903 3.83 0.30 0.85
76 152.07 1.85 0.02
213 10.64 0.85 5.21
436 26.14 1.13 4.91
179 668.33 1.06 4.56
140 21.36 0.38 2.28
1,203 4.68 0.72 1.88
274 7.48 0.51 3.54
280 16.69 0.71 0.12
284 65.85 0.56 5.66
217 17.78 0.37 6.02

78 -55.34 0.64 0.78

142 137.38 14.92 0.32
90 18.16 1.39 0.03
159 682.91 4.69 0.15
-277 -3.45 -1.56 -2.49
292 6.28 0.70 0.36
1,459 46.72 2.81 0.39
423 22.97 0.95 0.46
83 10.92 0.61 1.18
197 27 0.41 0.07

1,969 18.43 4.05 1.33

923 2.72 0.48 2.07
1,286 4.97 0.89 4.93
221 22.70 0.99 1.52
277 5.29 0.57 1.35
156 189.57 7.72 1.48
302 9.81 1.26 0.74
1,279 7.73 1.80 4.18
8,505 10.14 0.62 0.75
1,606 17.77 3.86 1.31
4,363 3.54 0.12 0.30
113 8.89 0.92 0.28

691 0.38 1.61 1.06

712 34.53 4.70 0.51
45 -1.01 1.10 1.13
188 7.35 0.57 3.36
446 71.28 0.20 0.008
1,110 -182.70 1.52 2.73
776 27.62 1.03 2.83
265 22.95 2.56 0.13
1,750 26.52 1.94 1.69
Profit for
the Period
attr. to
Profit for the Owner’s

Industrial Classification / Assets bilities Equities Sales EBT Period Entity EPS, Valu
Stock Name bn IDR IDR e,
6. Pacific strategic financial Tbk. 655 114 542 83 29 27 26 9 184
7. Panin Financial Tbk. 19,870 4,215 15,640 4,512 1,048 1,048 905 28 488
8. Sinar mas multiartha Tbk. ❶ 56,778 38,402 18,376 14,098 -878 -993 -125 -20 2,890
9. Victoria Investama Tbk. 1,289 58 1,231 74 63 62 61 8 159
91 WHoLESALE (DuRABLE & non-DuRABLE GooDS) 58 1,411
1. Akbar Indo makmur Stimec Tbk. [S] 21 1 20 0.15 -3 -3 -2 -19 182
2. AKR Corporindo Tbk. [S] 15,203 7,917 7,286 19,765 1,317 1,059 1,034 262 1,845
3. Ancora Indonesia Resources Tbk. 2,585 2,308 277 2,219 -289 -243 -143 -81 157
4. Arita Prima Indonesia Tbk. [S] 422 201 221 20 26 18 17 15 205
5. Bintang mitra Semestaraya Tbk. 530 363 168 2,208 -7 -6 -7 -6 145
6. Rimau multi Putra Pratama Tbk. [S] 175 147 29 90 -5 -5 -3 -14 133
7. Colorpak Indonesia Tbk. [S] 544 166 378 653 60 42 42 136 1,234
8. Dian Swastatika Sentosa Tbk. [S] 23,912 11,267 12,645 6,882 -533 -92 -72 -94 16,411
9. Dua Putra utama makmur Tbk. [S] 1,575 336 1,209 732 92 78 78 19 290
10. Enseval Putra megatrading Tbk. [S] 6,748 2,678 4,070 17,476 737 547 547.12 202 1,503
11. Evergreen Invesco Tbk. [S] 643 177 466 114 -7 -11 -11 -2 99
12. Exploitasi Energi Indonesia Tbk. [S] 5,672 3,110 2,562 1,113 -610 -540 -506 -56 286
13. FKS multi Agro Tbk. [S] 4,249 3,379 870 13,885 192 139 138 287 1,813
14. Hexindo Adiperkasa Tbk. ❼ 4,054 916 3,138 2,851 94 70 70 112 3,736
15. Inter Delta Tbk. [S] 48 16 31 86 3 3 3 21 265
16. Intraco Penta Tbk. 5,802 5,107 695 1,324 -284 -315 -309 -143 322
17. Kobexindo Tractors Tbk. [S] 1,369 905 464 659 -79 -86 -86 -38 204
18. Lautan Luas Tbk. [S] 5,393 3,774 1,620 647 77 34 4 3 1,038
19. Leo Investments Tbk. [S] 104 4 100 21 7 7 7 5 72
20. millennium Pharmacon International Tbk. [S] 633 499 134 1,708 17 11 11 15 184
21. mitra Pinasthika mustika Tbk. 14,480 9,140 5,340 16,640 501 308 285 64 1,197
22. modern Internasional Tbk. 2,489 1,205 1,284 1,229 -36 -63 -58 -13 281
23. multi Indocitra Tbk. [S] 762 178 584 555 38 26 23 39 973
24. Perdana Bangun Pusaka Tbk. 128 102 26 119 -4 -4 -4 -51 341
25. Renuka Coalindo Tbk. [S] 215 239 -23 68 -25 -20 -20 -67 -77
26. Sigmagold Inti Perkasa Tbk. [S] 1,151 146 1,005 60 -24 -24 -24 -4 183
27. Tigaraksa Satria Tbk. [S] 2,646 1,803 843 9,527 267 196 184 201 918
28. Tira Austenite Tbk. [S] 217 135 82 254 3 1 2 29 1,396
29. Triwira Insanlestari Tbk. [S] 156 11 144 7 -8 -8 -8 -7 120
30. Tunas Ridean Tbk. [S] 4,362 1,981 2,380 10,157 342 292 291 52 427
31. united Tractors Tbk. [S] 61,715 22,465 39,250 49,347 4,193 2,792 3,853 1,033 10,522
32. Wahana Pronatural Tbk. [S] 108 92 15 86 1 0.27 0.27 1 30
33. Wicaksana overseas International Tbk. [S] 218 90 128 602 3 3 3 2 101

1. Ace Hardware Indonesia Tbk. [S] 3,268 639 2,629 4,695 737 585 588 34 153
2. Catur Sentosa Adiprana Tbk. [S] 3,523 2,669 854 7,285 52 43 41 14 295
3. Centratama Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk. [S] 1,293 215 1,078 105 -58 -53 -53 -5 104
4. Electronic City Indonesia Tbk. [S] 1,898 141 1,757 1,781 40 33 33 25 1,317
5. Erajaya Swasembada Tbk. [S] 7,800 4,595 3,205 20,008 320 230 226 78 1,105
6. Global Teleshop Tbk. ❻ 1,558 1,054 505 2,165 -61 -62 -62 -75 454
7. Golden Retailindo Tbk. [S] 93 17 76 53 -4 -4 -4 -15 267
8. Hero Supermarket Tbk. [S] 8,043 2,828 5,214 14,353 -91 -144 -144 -34 1,246
9. Kokoh Inti Arebama Tbk. [S] 689 565 124 1,471 20 14 14 15 126
10. matahari Department Store Tbk. [S] 3,889 2,783 1,106 9,007 2,245 1,781 1,781 610 379
11. matahari Putra Prima Tbk. [S] 6,294 3,519 2,776 13,929 233 183 183 34 516
12. midi utama Indonesia Tbk. 3,233 2,497 736 7,172 188 141 141 49 255
13. mitra Adiperkasa Tbk. [S] 9,483 6,508 2,975 12,833 148 30 37 22 1,792
14. mitra Komunikasi nusantara Tbk. [S] 137 11 126 608 6 5 5 5 126
15. Ramayana Lestari Sentosa Tbk. [S] 4,575 1,241 3,334 5,533 365 336 336 47 470
16. Rimo International Lestari Tbk. [S] 27 92 -65 0.10 -5 -5 -5 -14 -190
17. Skybee Tbk. ❻ 389 250 139 57 -6 -6 -4 -10 238
18. Sona Topas Tourism Industry Tbk. [S] 1,136 427 709 1,430 57 37 37 111 2,142
93 RETAIL TRADE 39 545 18.61 2.10 1.
Annual Book
e, (x) , ,
IDR (x) (x)
184 75.89 3.58 0.21
488 6.54 0.38 0.27
2,890 -255.85 1.75 2.09
159 12.75 0.64 0.05
2,151 14.53 1.94 1.20
1,411 6.77 1.23 1.52
182 -21.64 2.30 0.04
1,845 27.41 3.89 1.09
157 -1.14 0.59 8.33
205 14.44 1.08 0.91
145 -42.55 1.73 2.16
133 -7.48 0.81 5.11
1,234 4.75 0.52 0.44
16,411 -129.00 0.74 0.89
290 53.08 3.42 0.28
1,503 15 2.00 0.66
99 -66.04 1.51 0.38
286 -0.89 0.17 1.21
1,813 5.57 0.88 3.88
3,736 11.05 0.33 0.29
265 17.86 1.43 0.52
322 -1.89 0.84 7.34
204 -3.87 0.72 1.95
1,038 191.74 0.48 2.33
72 15.12 1.13 0.04
184 4.53 0.37 3.71
1,197 7.66 0.41 1.71
281 -11.75 0.53 0.94
973 9.51 0.38 0.30
341 -5.52 0.82 3.93
-77 -26.83 -23.39 -10.29
183 -102.41 2.40 0.15
918 13.71 3.00 2.14
1,396 49.02 1.02 1.64
120 -7.34 0.42 0.08
427 11.50 1.41 0.83
10,522 16.41 1.61 0.57
30 104.99 1.82 5.96
101 23.00 0.50 0.70

153 24.05 5.38 0.24

295 28.37 1.35 3.13
104 -24.34 1.21 0.20
1,317 34.32 0.65 0.08
1,105 6.99 0.49 1.43
454 -6.55 1.07 2.09
267 -19.78 1.12 0.22
1,246 -33.39 0.92 0.54
126 19.74 2.30 4.56
379 28.84 46.43 2.52
516 53.63 3.54 1.27
255 16.00 3.06 3.39
1,792 168.74 2.12 2.19
126 113.07 4.06 0.09
470 13.62 1.37 0.37
-190 -13.75 -1.00 -1.41
238 -41.42 1.76 1.79
2,142 36.38 1.89 0.60
545 18.61 2.10 1.43
Profit for
Profit for the attr. to
Industrial Classification / Assets bilities Equities Sales EBT Period Entity EPS,
Stock Name bn IDR IDR

19. Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk. 15,196 10,346 4,850 48,265 630 464 451 11
20. Supra Boga Lestari Tbk. [S] 721 333 388 1,916 -22 -20 -17 -11
21. Tiphone mobile Indonesia Tbk. 7,129 4,313 2,815 22,040 501 371 370 52
22. Trikomsel oke Tbk. ❻ 9,545 7,481 2,064 5,688 -391 -331 -324 -91

1. Arthavest Tbk. [S] 361 60 301 80 4 1 2 3

2. Bayu Buana Tbk. [S] 645 269 376 1,573 33 26 28 80
3. Bukit uluwatu Villa Tbk. 2,563 1,159 1,404 199 -39 -41 -39 -13
4. Destinasi Tirta nusantara Tbk. [S] 394 216 178 335 10 7 9 13
5. Fast Food Indonesia Tbk. [S] 2,311 1,196 1,115 4,475 133 105 105 53
6. Grahamas Citrawisata Tbk. 43 34 8 22 -4 -3 -3 -49
7. Hotel mandarine Regency Tbk. [S] ❶ 258 50 208 61 0.17 0.25 0.25 0.22
8. Hotel Sahid Jaya International Tbk. [S] ❶ 1,449 511 938 156 2 0.35 0.15 0.13
9. Indonesian Paradise Property Tbk. [S] 4,901 949 3,952 587 105 112 60 5
10. Island Concepts Indonesia Tbk. [S] ❶ 414 256 159 172 9 4 -1 -2
11. Jakarta International Hotels & Dev. Tbk. [S] ❶ 6,470 2,020 4,450 1,378 135 92 3 1
12. Jakarta Setiabudi Internasional Tbk. [S] 3,672 1,201 2,470 1,136 249 211 177 76
13. mas murni Indonesia Tbk. [S] 794 198 597 78 3 2 2 1
14. mas murni Tbk. (Preferred Stock) 794 198 597 78 3 2 2 347
15. mnC Land Tbk. [S] 11,127 2,252 8,875 1,139 262 240 228 33
16. Panorama Sentrawisata Tbk. 1,746 1,333 413 1,923 67 51 49 41
17. Pembangunan Graha Lestari Indah Tbk. [S] 65 8 57 19 0.48 0.47 0.47 1
18. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Tbk. [S] 3,130 1,342 1,789 1,131 379 289 291 182
19. Pioneerindo Gourmet International Tbk. [S] ❶ 288 154 134 402 1 -2 -3 -15
20. Pudjiadi Prestige Tbk. [S] 446 136 310 136 31 28 28 84
21. Pudjiadi & Sons Tbk. [S] 432 150 282 226 24 16 8 10
22. Red Planet Indonesia Tbk. [S] 514 361 153 66 -81 -80 -80 -59
23. Saraswati Griya Lestari Tbk. ❶ 953 571 382 114 0.24 -1 -1.40 -0.39

1. Elang mahkota Teknologi Tbk. 17,500 2,111 15,389 6,429 2,394 1,840 1,332 236
2. First media Tbk. [S] 13,712 5,248 8,464 1,063 -1,943 -1,514 -625 -359
3. Fortune Indonesia Tbk. 284 150 134 432 5 2 2 4
4. Graha Layar Prima Tbk. 799 316 482 399 -36 -36 -36 -107
5. mahaka Radio Integra Tbk. ❷ 156 68 88 102 51 32 32 -
6. Intermedia Capital Tbk. [S] 2,288 678 1,610 1,386 352 261 257 65
7. Jasuindo Tiga Perkasa Tbk. [S] 887 536 351 985 89 65 63 37
8. Link net Tbk. [S] 4,438 771 3,667 2,564 856 640 640 210
9. mahaka media Tbk. 404 271 133 291 -50 -45 -37 -14
10. media nusantara Citra Tbk. 14,475 4,908 9,566 6,445 1,681 1,277 1,186 83
11. mnC Sky Vision Tbk. 6,569 5,180 1,389 3,235 -824 -776 -776 -550
12. star Pacific Tbk. 2,443 343 2,100 98 -302 -307 -307 -262
13. Surya Citra media Tbk. [S] 4,566 1,152 3,414 4,238 2,038 1,522 1,524 104
12. Tempo Inti media Tbk. [S] 346 195 151 252 4 3 3 4
13. Visi media Asia Tbk. 6,206 4,049 2,157 2,109 -346 -482 -512 -31

1. mitra Keluarga Karyasehat Tbk. [S] 3,720 441 3,279 2,141 740 588 567 39
2. Sarana meditama metropolitan Tbk. [S] 1,203 462 741 5,151 68 57 557 472
3. Sejahteraraya Anugrahjaya Tbk. [S] 1,672 657 1,015 449 -127 -133 -132 -16
4. Siloam International Hospitals Tbk. [S] 2,986 1,246 1,740 4,144 106 62 70 61

1. Anabatic Technologies Tbk. [S] 2,280 1,578 701 2,957 91 60 36 19

2. Astra Graphia Tbk. [S] 1,810 750 1,060 2,655 348 265 265 197
3. Indoritel makmur Internasional Tbk. [S] 7,929 60 7,868 9 419 415 417 29
4. Limas Indonesia makmur Tbk. 459 360 99 209 -4 -8 -8 -10
5. metrodata Electronics Tbk. [S] 3,497 1,948 1,549 9,960 417 327 327 141
6. multipolar Technology Tbk. [S] 1,683 979 704 2,141 120 97 99 53

1. ABm Investama Tbk. 16,412 14,018 2,394 9,029 -424 -625 -525 -191
94 RESTAuRAnT, HoTEL AnD TouRISm 34 4,877 30.12 2.43 0
95 ADVERTISInG, PRInTInG AnD mEDIA -42 1,085 20.06 2.30
97 ComPuTER AnD SERVICES 72 481 17.71 1.78 1.
98 InVESTmEnT ComPAnY 4 1,381 -13.79 2.00 0.
Annual Book
Value, PER, PBV, DE
IDR (x) (x) R,
117 53.39 4.97 2.13
248 -30.99 1.37 0.86
395 14.81 1.95 1.53
433 -22.04 4.61 3.62

674 109.19 0.56 0.20

1,064 15.71 1.18 0.72
453 -47.12 1.31 0.83
249 12.57 0.64 1.21
559 21.85 2.06 1.07
140 -17.68 6.15 4.17
92 1,136 2.72 0.24
838 4,062 0.65 0.55
353 66.83 1.01 0.24
146 -286.09 4.16 1.61
1,911 442.98 0.31 0.45
1,065 12.28 0.88 0.49
180 125.48 0.44 0.33
99,453 1.73 0.01 0.33
1,288 42.57 1.09 0.25
344 11.02 1.31 3.23
117 71.57 0.59 0.14
1,118 11.14 1.81 0.75
608 -554.05 13.97 1.15
941 5 0.45 0.44
354 39.06 1.16 0.53
113 -15 7.92 2.36
108 -337 1.24 1.50

2,729 43.63 3.77 0.14

4,859 -5.23 0.39 0.62
288 159.31 2.43 1.12
1,428 -42.1 3.15 0.66
- - - 0.77
410 50.79 8.10 0.42
205 6.33 1.13 1.53
1,205 19.03 3.32 0.21
48 -3.68 1.04 2.04
670 22.34 2.77 0.51
983 -2.43 1.36 3.73
1,794 -0.69 0.10 0.16
233 29.75 13.28 0.34
209 19.12 0.33 1.29
131 -8.04 1.91 1.88

225 61.61 10.65 0.13

628 5.61 4.22 0.62
126 -22.48 2.93 0.65
1,505 160.94 6.51 0.72

374 37.22 1.91 2.25

786 9.16 2.29 0.71
555 38.98 2.06 0.01
125 -5.15 0.40 3.66
671 4.60 0.97 1.26
376 21.46 3.02 1.39

870 -15.21 3.34 5.86

4,877 30.12 2.43 0.99
2 1,085 20.06 2.30 1.03

481 17.71 1.78 1.54

1,381 -13.79 2.00 0.78
Profit for
Profit for the attr. to
Industrial Classification / Assets bilities Equitie Sales EBT Period Entity EPS,
Stock Name s bn IDR IDR

2. Bakrie & Brothers Tbk. 9,186 13,122 -3,935 4,662 -1,647 -1,719 -1,745 -19
3. Bumi Resources minerals Tbk. 27,489 12,366 15,123 173 -1,083 -845 -594 -23
4. Global mediacom Tbk. [S] ❶ 26,492 11,198 15,295 10,573 615 283 52 4
5. Hanson International (Seri B) Tbk. 8,299 1,977 6,322 82 -52 -14 20 18
6. Hanson International Tbk. ❶ 8,299 1,977 6,322 82 -52 -14 20 1
7. mnC Investama Tbk. 53,177 30,444 22,734 12,211 -445 -588 -864 -22
8. multipolar Tbk. [S] 22,734 13,821 8,913 17,867 -1,159 -1,247 -1,205 -120
9. Polaris Investama Tbk. 342 116 226 24 -10 -10 -11 -9
10. Pool Advista Indonesia Tbk. 171 24 147 7 9 9 9 40
11. Saratoga Investama Sedaya Tbk. [S] 16,701 5,221 11,481 4,282 1,676 1,452 923 340

1. Dyandra media International Tbk. [S] 1,649 833 816 774 -108 -120 -109 -25
2. Gema Grahasarana Tbk. [S] 448 260 188 837 31 25 25 78
3. multifiling mitra indonesia Tbk. [s] 185 22 163 85 22 16 16 22
4. Sugih Energy Tbk. ❶ 17,039 13,448 3,591 28 -466 -529 -529 -21
5. Sumber Energi Andalan Tbk. ❼ 1,572 0.21 1,572 1 311 311 311 12,194
99 oTHERS 2,454 9,478 2.85 0.95 0.
Average PER 11.72 Notes:
Weighted Average PER 11.59 ❶ These companies are excluded from
Average PBV 2.03 ❷ new Listed 2016
Weighted Average PBV 2.14 ❸ Financial Statement Date: Sep 2014
❹ Financial Statement Date: Dec 2014
❺ Financial Statement Date: Jun 2015
❻ Financial Statement Date: Sep 2015
❼ Fiscal Year End: march
❽ Fiscal Year End: may
Name Changes of Listed Companies, 2015 - June 2016
No. Code Former Name New Name Date
1 CmPP Centris multipersada Pratama Tbk. Rimau multi Putra Pratama Tbk. 15-Jan-2015
2 BWPT BW Plantation Tbk. Eagle High Plantation Tbk. 04-Feb-2015
3 SDRA Bank Himpunan Saudara Indonesia 1906 Bank Woori Saudara Indonesia 1906 05-Mar-2015
4 CPGT Tbk.
Cipaganti Citra Graha Tbk. Tbk.
Citra maharlika nusantara Corpora 13-May-2015
5 RImo Rimo Catur Lestari Tbk. Tbk.
Rimo International Lestari Tbk. 01-Jun-2015
6 BCIC Bank mutiara Tbk. Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk. 23-Jun-2015
7 WEHA Panorama Transportasi Tbk. WEHA Transportasi Indonesia Tbk. 10-Sep-2015
8 ATPK ATPK Resources Tbk. Bara Jaya Internasional Tbk. 15-Sep-2015
9 BnII Bank Internasional Indonesia Tbk. Bank maybank Indonesia Tbk. 05-Oct-2015
10 AKSI majapahit Securities Tbk. majapahit Inti Corpora Tbk. 25-Nov-2015
11 KREn Kresna Graha Sekurindo Tbk. Kresna Graha Investama Tbk. 03-Dec-2015
12 mYTX Apac Citra Centertex Tbk. asia Pacific investama Tbk. 15-Mar-2016
13 BIIF BII Finance Center maybank Indonesia Finance 12-Apr-2016
14 ASmI Asuransi mitra maparya Tbk. Asuransi Kresna mitra Tbk. 22-Jul-2016
15 TRIm Trimegah Securities Tbk. Trimegah Sekuritas Indonesia Tbk. 29-Jul-2016
16 BEKS Bank Pundi Indonesia Tbk. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Banten 02-Aug-2016
Annual Book
Value, PER, PBV, DER
IDR (x) (x) ,
-42 -2.69 -1.19 -3.33
591 -2.15 0.08 0.82
1,077 299.33 1.02 0.73
5,639 2.83 0.01 0.31
426 476 1.49 0.31
584 -7.84 0.30 1.34
886 -2.15 0.29 1.55
191 -176.65 8.21 0.51
655 74.75 4.57 0.16
4,232 11.78 0.95 0.45

191 (2.55) 0.34 1.02

588 4.22 0.56 1.38
215 8.60 0.87 0.14
145 -22 3.25 3.75
46,221 1.14 0.30 0.0001
4 9,478 2.85 0.95 0.67
hese companies are excluded from the Average PER computation
ew Listed 2016
nancial Statement Date: Sep 2014
nancial Statement Date: Dec 2014
nancial Statement Date: Jun 2015
nancial Statement Date: Sep 2015
scal Year End: march
scal Year End: may

Announcement Effective
Date Date
15-Jan-2015 16-Jan-2015
04-Feb-2015 05-Feb-2015
05-Mar-2015 06-Mar-2015
13-May-2015 15-May-2015
01-Jun-2015 03-Jun-2015
23-Jun-2015 24-Jun-2015
10-Sep-2015 11-Sep-2015
15-Sep-2015 16-Sep-2015
05-Oct-2015 06-Oct-2015
25-Nov-2015 26-Nov-2015
03-Dec-2015 03-Dec-2015
15-Mar-2016 16-Mar-2016
12-Apr-2016 13-Apr-2016
22-Jul-2016 25-Jul-2016
29-Jul-2016 29-Jul-2016
02-Aug-2016 02-Aug-2016
Listed Government Bonds, Fixed Rate

Listing Maturity Coupon Tenure, Outstanding,

No. Code Name of Bond Date Date Rate years mn IDR
1 FR0028 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0028 24-Feb-2005 15-Jul-2017 10.00% 13 12,706,744
2 FR0030 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0030 20-May-2005 15-May-2016 10.75% 11 9,085,710
3 FR0031 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0031 17-Jun-2005 15-Nov-2020 11.00% 16 17,890,000
4 FR0032 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0032 06-Sep-2005 15-Jul-2018 15.00% 13 918,492
5 FR0034 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0034 27-Jan-2006 15-Jun-2021 12.80% 16 16,286,400
6 FR0035 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0035 17-Feb-2006 15-Jun-2022 12.90% 16 11,023,750
7 FR0036 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0036 20-Apr-2006 15-Sep-2019 11.50% 14 9,422,500
8 FR0037 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0037 19-May-2006 15-Sep-2026 12.00% 20 2,450,000
9 FR0038 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0038 25-Aug-2006 15-Aug-2018 11.60% 12 2,477,862
10 FR0039 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0039 25-Aug-2006 15-Aug-2023 11.75% 17 4,175,000
11 FR0040 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0040 22-Sep-2006 15-Sep-2025 11.00% 19 26,002,090
12 FR0042 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0042 26-Jan-2007 15-Jul-2027 10.25% 21 14,774,100
13 FR0043 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0043 23-Feb-2007 15-Jul-2022 10.25% 16 14,417,000
14 FR0044 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0044 20-Apr-2007 15-Sep-2024 10.00% 18 18,014,000
15 FR0045 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0045 25-May-2007 15-May-1937 9.75% 30 6,400,000
16 FR0046 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0046 20-Jul-2007 15-Jul-2023 9.50% 16 16,855,000
17 FR0047 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0047 31-Aug-2007 15-Feb-2028 10.00% 21 20,385,000
18 FR0048 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0048 28-Sep-2007 15-Sep-2018 9.00% 11 5,043,570
19 FR0050 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0050 25-Jan-2008 15-Jul-1938 10.50% 31 15,661,000
20 FR0052 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0052 21-Aug-2009 15-Aug-1930 10.50% 21 23,500,000
21 FR0053 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0053 09-Jul-2010 15-Jul-2021 8.25% 11 59,527,793
22 FR0054 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0054 23-Jul-2010 15-Jul-1931 9.50% 21 27,096,000
23 FR0055 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0055 24-Sep-2010 15-Sep-2016 7.38% 6 13,340,300
24 FR0056 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0056 24-Sep-2010 15-Sep-2026 8.38% 16 55,114,000
25 FR0057 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0057 15-May-2011 15-May-1941 9.50% 30 13,550,000
26 FR0058 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0058 22-Jul-2011 15-Jun-1932 8.25% 21 42,798,000
27 FR0059 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0059 16-Sep-2011 15-May-2027 7.00% 16 26,630,000
28 FR0060 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0060 07-Oct-2011 15-Apr-2017 6.25% 6 9,850,000
29 FR0061 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0061 07-Oct-2011 15-May-2022 7.00% 11 31,200,000
30 FR0062 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0062 10-Feb-2012 15-Apr-1942 6.38% 30 12,000,000
31 FR0063 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0063 14-Aug-2012 15-May-2023 5.63% 11 34,416,000
32 FR0064 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0064 14-Aug-2012 15-May-2028 6.13% 16 29,895,000
33 FR0065 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0065 31-Aug-2012 15-May-1933 6.63% 21 47,850,000
34 FR0066 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0066 29-Oct-2012 15-May-2018 5.25% 6 17,856,000
35 FR0067 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0067 19-Jul-2013 15-Feb-1944 8.75% 31 16,250,000
36 FR0068 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0068 02-Aug-2013 15-Mar-1934 8.38% 21 92,400,000
37 FR0069 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0069 30-Aug-2013 15-Apr-2019 7.88% 6 60,696,000
38 FR0070 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0070 30-Aug-2013 15-Mar-2024 8.38% 11 132,032,000
39 FR0071 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0071 13-Sep-2013 15-Mar-2029 9.00% 16 92,102,000
40 FR0072 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0072 10-Jul-2015 15-May-1936 8.25% 21 12,650,000
41 FR0073 obligasi negara RI Seri FR0073 07-Aug-2015 15-May-1931 8.75% 16 11,455,000
42 uSDFR0001 obligasi negara RI Seri uSDFR0001 29-Oct-2013 15-May-2017 3.50% 4 1,040
Rp 1,086,196,311
USD 1,040
Trading Value, bn
Jan - Jun
2015 2016
34,785 9,233
29,978 3,803
19,567 6,536
616 15
15,153 5,482
24,947 3,113
8,147 4,175
739 238
2,080 686
960 728
8,765 4,950
4,036 6,814
10,241 3,229
15,170 6,812
2,893 3,044
27,562 4,795
5,564 3,992
2,009 3,621
2,324 625
19,985 9,996
147,169 157,346
48,860 11,835
27,718 21,027
153,127 297,625
3,488 1,322
61,124 16,074
28,638 16,700
17,812 14,150
64,071 19,534
16,484 2,372
47,109 20,775
37,028 20,721
43,419 16,609
26,001 18,111
8,752 8,101
375,549 105,249
286,399 71,410
632,170 123,590
310,227 83,969
67,345 102,536
53,247 180,056
- -
2,691,257 1,390,997
- -
Listed Government Bonds, Variable Rate

Listing Maturity Coupon Tenure, Outstanding,

No. Code Name of Bond Date Date Rate years mn IDR
1 VR0022 obligasi Pemerintah Tahun 2002 Seri VR0022 03-Dec-2002 25-Mar-2016 SPn 3 13 9,016,749
2 VR0023 obligasi Pemerintah Tahun 2002 Seri VR0023 03-Dec-2002 25-Oct-2016 SPn 3 14 8,652,056
3 VR0024 obligasi Pemerintah Tahun 2002 Seri VR0024 03-Dec-2002 25-Feb-2017 SPn 3 14 9,909,300
4 VR0025 obligasi Pemerintah Tahun 2002 Seri VR0025 03-Dec-2002 25-Sep-2017 SPn 3 15 3,209,300
5 VR0026 obligasi Pemerintah Tahun 2002 Seri VR0026 03-Dec-2002 25-Jan-2018 SPn 3 15 5,442,142
6 VR0027 obligasi Pemerintah Tahun 2002 Seri VR0027 03-Dec-2002 25-Jul-2018 SPn 3 16 5,442,142
7 VR0028 obligasi Pemerintah Tahun 2002 Seri VR0028 03-Dec-2002 25-Aug-2018 SPn 3 16 7,033,994
8 VR0029 obligasi Pemerintah Tahun 2002 Seri VR0029 03-Dec-2002 25-Aug-2019 SPn 3 17 12,212,320
9 VR0030 obligasi Pemerintah Tahun 2002 Seri VR0030 03-Dec-2002 25-Dec-2019 SPn 3 17 10,503,015
10 VR0031 obligasi Pemerintah Tahun 2002 Seri VR0031 03-Dec-2002 25-Jul-2020 SPn 3 18 25,322,354

Listed Government Bonds, Retail Bonds

Listing Maturity Coupon Tenure, Outstanding,

No. Code Name of Bond Date Date Rate years mn IDR
1 oRI010 obligasi negara RI Seri oRI010 10-Oct-2013 15-Oct-2016 8.50% 3 20,205,255
2 oRI011 obligasi negara RI Seri oRI011 23-Oct-2014 15-Oct-2017 8.50% 3 21,215,910

Listed Government Treasury Bills, Fixed Rate

Listing Maturity Coupon Tenure, Outstanding,

No. Code Name of Bond Date Date Rate month mn IDR
1 SPn03160115 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn03160115 19-oct-15 15-Jan-16 - 3 650,000
2 SPn03160211 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn03160211 13-nov-15 11-Feb-16 - 3 800,000
3 SPn12160107 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn12160107 09-Jan-15 07-Jan-16 - 12 8,750,000
4 SPn12160204 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn12160204 06-Feb-15 04-Feb-16 - 12 5,450,000
5 SPn12160304 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn12160304 06-mar-15 04-mar-16 - 12 7,850,000
6 SPn12160401 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn12160401 06-Apr-15 01-Apr-16 - 12 3,900,000
7 SPn12160512 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn12160512 15-may-15 12-may-16 - 12 2,600,000
8 SPn12160610 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn12160610 12-Jul-15 10-Jun-16 - 12 2,350,000
9 SPn12160708 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn12160708 10-Jul-15 08-Jul-16 - 12 3,450,000
10 SPn12160805 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn12160805 07-Aug-15 05-Aug-16 - 12 2,500,000
11 SPn12160902 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn12160902 04-Sep-15 02-Sep-16 - 12 1,500,000
12 SPn12161015 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn12161015 19-oct-15 15-oct-16 - 12 1,300,000
13 SPn12161111 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn12161111 13-nov-15 11-nov-16 - 12 950,000
14 SPn12161202 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Seri SPn121161202 04-Dec-15 02-Dec-16 - 12 900,000
Trading Value, bn
Jan - Jun
2015 2016
6,629 3,580
17,830 4,400
100 -
3,500 110
306.00 -
9,592 950
500 1,000
13,645 1,465
1,997 1,994
5,117 3,632
59,217 17,131

Trading Value, bn
Jan - Jun
2015 2016
40,288 21,460
54,486 14,183
94,773 35,643

Trading Value,
bn IDR

Outstanding, Jan - Jun

mn IDR 2015 2016
650,000 2,248 -
800,000 1,836 108
8,750,000 30,089 7
5,450,000 10,910 42
7,850,000 23,634 6,146
3,900,000 11,307 9,124
2,600,000 2,882 2,229
2,350,000 1,849 3,263
3,450,000 5,513 7,419
2,500,000 1,406 3,121
1,500,000 6,099 1,974
1,300,000 617 -
950,000 750 1,138
900,000 600 3,320
42,950,000 99,740 37,891
Listed Sovereign Sukuk, Fixed Rate

ListingMaturity Coupon Tenur Outstanding,

No. Code Name of Bond Date Date Rate e,
year mn IDR
1 IFR0002 Surat Berharga Syariah negara RI Seri IFR-0002 27-Aug-2008 15-Aug-2018 11.95% 10 1,985,000
2 IFR0005 Surat Berharga Syariah negara RI Seri IFR-0005 22-Jan-2010 15-Jan-2017 9.00% 7 1,171,000
3 IFR0006 Surat Berharga Syariah negara RI Seri IFR-0006 05-Apr-2010 15-Apr-1930 10.25% 20 2,175,000
4 IFR0007 Surat Berharga Syariah negara RI Seri IFR-0007 22-Jan-2010 15-Jan-2025 10.25% 15 1,547,000
5 IFR0008 Surat Berharga Syariah negara RI Seri IFR-0008 16-Apr-2010 15-Mar-2020 8.80% 10 252,000
6 IFR0010 Surat Berharga Syariah negara RI Seri IFR-0010 04-Mar-2011 15-Feb-1936 8.80% 25 4,110,000

Listed Sovereign Sukuk, Project Based

Listing Maturity Coupo Tenure, Outstanding Jan - Jun

No. Code Name of Bond Date Date Rate n year mn IDR, 2015 2016
1 PBS001 Sukuk negara Seri PBS001 17-Feb-2012 15-Feb-2018 4.45% 6 6,725,000 70 59
2 PBS002 Sukuk negara Seri PBS002 03-Feb-2012 15-Jan-2022 5.45% 10 1,218,000 115 17
3 PBS003 Sukuk negara Seri PBS003 03-Feb-2012 15-Jan-2027 6.00% 15 3,786,000 1,966 2
4 PBS004 Sukuk negara Seri PBS004 17-Feb-2012 15-Feb-1937 6.10% 25 10,149,000 4,641 674
5 PBS005 Sukuk negara Seri PBS005 03-May-2013 15-Apr-1943 6.75% 30 9,934,000 4,732 192
6 PBS006 Sukuk negara Seri PBS006 20-Sep-2013 15-Sep-2020 8.25% 7 14,399,000 17,977 5,584
7 PBS007 Sukuk negara Seri PBS007 30-Sep-2014 15-Sep-1940 9.00% 26 7,525,000 5,338 272
8 PBS008 Sukuk negara Seri PBS008 16-Jan-2015 15-Jun-2016 7.00% 1 19,630,000 40,159 10,560
9 PBS009 Sukuk negara Seri PBS009 31-Jul-2015 25-Jan-2018 7.75% 1 7,805,000 1,887 29,754
10 PBS010 Sukuk negara Seri PBS010 27-Oct-2015 25-Jan-2019 8.63% 39 1,000,000 - -
82,171,000 76,884 47,115

Listed Sovereign Sukuk, Retail Sukuk

Listing Maturity Coupo Tenure, Outstanding Jan - Jun

No. Code Name of Bond Date Date Rate n year mn IDR, 2015 2016
1 SR005 Sukuk negara Ritel Seri SR-005 28-Feb-2013 27-Feb-2016 6.00% 3 14,968,875 15,690 5,163
2 SR006 Sukuk negara Ritel Seri SR-006 06-Mar-2014 05-Mar-2017 8.75% 3 19,323,345 77,363 31,092
3 SR007 Sukuk negara Ritel Seri SR-007 12-Mar-2015 11-Mar-2018 8.25% 3 21,965,035 103,193 38,592
56,257,255 196,246 74,848

Listed Sovereign Sukuk, Project Based

Listing Maturity Coupon Tenure, Outstanding,

No. Code Name of Bond Date Date Rate month mn IDR
1. SPn-S05022016 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Syariah Seri SPn-S05022016 14-Aug-2015 05-Feb-2016 - 6 960,000
2. SPn-S09032016 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Syariah Seri SPn-S09032016 11-Sep-2015 09-Mar-2016 - 6 1,255,000
3. SPn-S15012016 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Syariah Seri SPn-S15042016 03-Jul-2015 15-Jan-2016 - 6 1,340,000
4. SPn-S07042016 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Syariah Seri SPn-S07042016 09-Oct-2015 07-Apr-2016 - 6 1,900,000
5. SPn-S04052016 Surat Perbendaharaan negara Syariah Seri SPn-S04052016 06-Nov-2015 04-May-2016 - 6 3,560,000
9,015,000 4,510
Trading Value, bn IDR

Jan - Jun
2015 2016
761 34
26 23
760 167
1,215 90
20 -
2,154 128
4,935 441

Trading Value, bn IDR

Jan - Jun
2015 2016
70 59
115 17
1,966 2
4,641 674
4,732 192
17,977 5,584
5,338 272
40,159 10,560
1,887 29,754
- -
76,884 47,115

Trading Value, bn IDR

Jan - Jun
2015 2016
15,690 5,163
77,363 31,092
103,193 38,592
196,246 74,848

Trading Value, bn IDR

Outstanding, Jan - Jun
mn IDR 2015 2016
960,000 822 470
1,255,000 627 76
1,340,000 1,151 49
1,900,000 1,066 742
3,560,000 844 2,026
9,015,000 4,510 3,364
Corporate Action of Government
Bonds 2015 Jan-Jun 2016

Type of Corporate Action Serie Value of Corporate

No. Action, IDR Series
1 Amortization 7 -209,882,750,288 -
2 Buyback 8 -1,401,290,000,000 -
3 Debt Switch 14 2,950,000,000,000 7
4 mature 59 -101,473,127,000,000 16
5 Reopening 139 268,970,500,000,000 -
Total 227 168,836,200,249,712 23
Corporate Action of Corporate
Bonds 2015 Jan-Jun 2016

Type of Corporate Action Serie Value of Corporate

No. Action, IDR Series
1 Amortization 27 -773,957,383,322 15
2 Buyback - - 6
3 Delisting - - -
4 mature 85 -35,291,500,000,000 50
5 option Buy - - -
6 Restructuring - - -
Total 112 -36,065,457,383,322 71
Jan-Jun 2016

Value of
Action, IDR

Jan-Jun 2016

Value of
Action, IDR
Listed Corporate Bonds and Sukuks Dat
Nominal, bn IDR Vo

C ur


Code Listing Maturity Issued standing

Listed Bond & Sukuk
1. AGRICuLTuRE 2,700 2,700 833

12. PLAnTATIon 2,700 2,700 833

1. PT PERKEBunAn nuSAnTARA X 700 700 362

1. obligasi I PTPn X Tahun 2013 PPnX01 B 08-Jul-2013 05-Jul-2018 ID 700 700

2. PT SInAR mAS AGRo RESouRCES AnD TECHnoLoGY (SmART) Tbk. 1,000 1,000

obligasi Berkelanjutan I SmART Tahap I SmAR01ACn1
B 04-Jul-2012 03-Jul-2017 ID 900 900

obligasi Berkelanjutan I SmART Tahap I SmAR01BCn1
B 04-Jul-2012 03-Jul-2019 ID 100 100

3. PT TunAS BARu LAmPunG Tbk. 1,000 1,000

obligasi II Tunas Baru Lampung Tahun TBLA02
B 06-Jul-2012 05-Jul-2017 ID 1,000 1,000
Tahun2012 Seri A
Tahun2012 Seri B
2. mInInG 6,500 6,500 2,310

22. CRuDE PETRoLEum & nATuRAL GAS PRoDuCTIon 3,500 3,500 1,002

1. PT mEDCo EnERGI InTERnASIonAL Tbk. 3,500 3,500 1,002

obligasi Berkelanjutan uSD medco Energi B 15-Jul-2011 14-Jul-2016 uSD 0.05 0.05 0.006
1. mEDC01Cn1uSD

obligasi Berkelanjutan uSD medco Energi B 14-Nov-2011 11-Nov-2016 uSD 0.03 0.03 -
2. mEDC01Cn2uSD

obligasi medco Energi Internasional III B 20-Jun-2012 19-Jun-2017 IDR 1,500 1,500 173
3. mEDC03

obligasi Berkelanjutan uSD medco Energi B 02-Aug-2012 01-Aug-2017 uSD 0.02 0.02 0.001
4. mEDC01Cn3uSD

obligasi Berkelanjutan I medco Energi B 20-Dec-2012 19-Dec-2017 IDR 500 500 18

5. mEDC01Cn1

obligasi Berkelanjutan I medco Energi B 18-Mar-2013 15-Mar-2018 IDR 1,500 1,500 811
6. mEDC01Cn2

Internasional I Tahap I Tahun 2011

Internasional I Tahap II Tahun 2011
Tahun 2012
International I Tahap III Tahun 2012
International Tahap I Tahun 2012
Internasional Tahap II Tahun 2013
23. mETAL AnD mInERAL mInInG 3,000 3,000 1,308 1,060
PT AnTAm (PERSERo) Tbk 3,000 3,000 1,308

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Antam Tahap I B 15-Dec-2011 14-Dec-2018 IDR 900 900 131
1. AnTm01ACn1

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Antam Tahap I B 15-Dec-2011 14-Dec-2021 IDR 2,100 2,100 1,177
2. AnTm01BCn1

Tahun 2011 Seri A

Tahun 2011 Seri B

3. BASIC InDuSTRY AnD CHEmICALS 3,599 3,599 576

Nominal, bn IDR Volume, bn IDR

Dec- Jun-16 Interest / Revenue Sharing Rating Tenure Trustee
833 311 Financial Fiscal Assets Liabilities Equity Sales operating Profit for
Statement Year Profit the period*
833 311 End

362 90 Sep- D 4,205 2,696 1,510 1,414 41 27

15 e
362 90 c idA+ 5 Years Bank CImB niaga Tbk.
150 201 Dec-15 Dec 23,957 16,334 7,623 36,230 -207 -386

113 121 idAA

9.000% 5 Years bank mega Tbk.
37 80 9,2 idAA 7 Years Bank mega Tbk.
5% stable

321 20 Dec-15 Dec 9,284 6,405 2,878 5,331 263 197

321 20 10.500% idA stable 5 Years bank sinarmas Tbk.

2,310 2,284 Financial Fiscal Assets Liabilities Equity Sales operating net
Statement Year Profit Incom
End e
1,002 1,224
1,002 1,224 Dec- D 40,138 30,460 9,678 8,669 -2,019
15 e
0.006 - 6.050% c idaa- stable 5 Years bank mega Tbk.

- 0.003 6.050% idaa- stable 5 Years bank mega Tbk.

173 311 8.750% idaa- stable 5 Years bank mega Tbk.

0.001 0.002 6.050% idaa- stable 5 Years bank mega Tbk.

18 16 8.800% idaa- stable 5 Years bank mega Tbk.

811 897 8.850% idaa- stable 5 Years bank mega Tbk.

00 1,308 1,060

1,308 1,060 Dec-15 De 30,357 12,040 18,317 10,532 -1,669 -1,441

131 171 8.375% idA negative 7 Years bank Permata Tbk.
889 9.050% idA negative 10 Years bank Permata Tbk.

Financial Fiscal Asset Sale operating net

576 2,448 Statement Year Liabilities Equity Profit Incom
s s
End e
Date Nominal, bn IDR Volume, b

C ur


Code Listing Maturity Issued standing

Listed Bond & Sukuk
34. CHEmICALS 2,099 2,099 1,127 409

1. PT AnEKA GAS InDuSTRI 400 400 233

1. obligasi Aneka Gas Industri II Tahun 2012 AGII02 B 19-Dec-2012 18-Dec-2017 IDR 200 200
Sukuk Ijarah Aneka Gas Industri II Tahun S 19-Dec-2012 18-Dec-2017 IDR 200 200

2. PT PuPuK InDonESIA (PERSERo) 1,699 1,699 894

obligasi I Pupuk Indonesia Tahun 2014 B 10-Jul-2014 08-Jul-2017 IDR 568 568 401
1. PIHC01A

obligasi I Pupuk Indonesia Tahun 2014 B 10-Jul-2014 08-Jul-2019 IDR 1,131 1,131 494
2. PIHC01B

Seri A
Seri B
36. AnImAL FEED 1,500 1,500 1,320 1,333

1. PT JAPFA ComFEED InDonESIA Tbk. 1,500 1,500 1,320

obligasi Berkelanjutan I JAPFA Tahap I JPFA01Cn1
B 13-Jan-2012 12-Jan-2017 IDR 1,250 1,250 732

obligasi Berkelanjutan I JAPFA Tahap II JPFA01Cn2
B 02-Feb-2012 01-Feb-2017 IDR 250 250 588

Tahun 2012
Tahun 2012


5. ConSumER GooDS InDuSTRY 7,115 7,115 3,392

51. FooD AnD BEVERAGES 7,115 7,115 3,392

1. PT InDoFooD SuKSES mAKmuR Tbk 4,000 4,000 1,817

obligasi Indofood Sukses makmur VI Tahun InDF06
B 01-Jun-2012 31-May-2017 IDR 2,000 2,000 374

obligasi Indofood Sukses makmur VII InDF07
B 16-Jun-2014 13-Jun-2019 IDR 2,000 2,000 1,443

2. PT mAYoRA InDAH Tbk 1,000 1,000 517

1. obligasi IV mayora Indah Tahun 2012 mYoR04 B 10-May-2012 09-May-2019 IDR 750 750 412

Sukuk mudharabah II mayora Indah Tahun SmKmYoR02
S 10-May-2012 09-May-2017 IDR 250 250 105

Tahun 2014
3. PT nIPPon InDoSARI CoRPInDo Tbk. 1,000 1,000 320

Tahun 2015
obligasi Berkelanjutan I RoTI Tahap I Tahun RoTI01Cn1
B 12-Jun-2013 11-Jun-2018 IDR 500 500 179
obligasi Berkelanjutan I RoTI Tahap II B 19-Mar-2015 18-Mar-2020 IDR 500 500 141
2. RoTI01Cn2

4. PT SIAnTAR ToP Tbk. 215 215

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Siantar Top STTP01BCn1 B 10-Apr-14 08-Apr-17 IDR 215 215 6
Tahap I
Tahun 2014 Seri B
Nominal, bn IDR Volume, bn IDR
Dec-15 Jun-16 Interest / Revenue Sharing Rating Tenure Trustee

99 1,127 409

233 196 Sep-15 De 3,929 2,604 1,158 998 58 38

26 80 9.800% A-(idn) stable 5 Years bank mega Tbk.
207 116 rp99 mill. per bill. p.a. a-(idn) stable 5 Years bank mega Tbk.

894 214 Jun-15 De 80,466 50,116 30,350 32,283 2,606 1,880

401 86 9.625% AAA 3 Years bank mega Tbk.

494 128 9.950% AAA 5 Years bank mega Tbk.

00 1,320 1,333

1,320 1,333 Dec-15 De 17,159 11,050 6,110 25,023 698 468

732 793 9.900% ida+ stable 5 Years bank cimb niaga
588 540 9.900% ida+ stable 5 Years bank cimb niaga


Financial Fiscal Equi operating net

3,392 2,195 Statement Year End Assets Liabilities Sales Profit Income
3,392 2,195

1,817 868 Dec- D 91,832 48,710 43,122 64,062 4,962 2,968

15 e
374 608 c idaa+ stable 5 bank mega Tbk.
1,443 260 10.125% idaa+ stable 5 bank mega Tbk.
517 518 Dec-15 De 11,343 6,148 5,194 14,819 1,640 1,220
412 335 8.500%
idaa- 7 bank cimb niaga Tbk.
stable Years
105 183 nisbah idaa-(sy) 5 bank cimb niaga Tbk.
39.29% stable Years

320 270 Dec-15 De 2,706 1,518 1,189 2,175 378
5 Years bank
A mega Tbk.
5 Years bank
A mega Tbk.
179 84 8.000% id
st e
141 186 10.000% A A
6 38 Dec-15 De 1,920 911 1,009 2,544 232 186

R 215 215 6 38 11.400% ida sTabLe 3 Years bank cimb niaga Tbk.
Date Nominal, bn IDR Volume,
Listed Bond & Sukuk Code Listing Maturity Issued standing Dec-15
5. PT TIGA PILAR SEJAHTERA FooD Tbk. 900 900 731

1. obligasi TPS Food I Tahun 2013 AISA01 B 08-Apr-2013 05-Apr-2018 IDR 600 600

2. Sukuk Ijarah TPS Food I tahun 2013 SIAISA01 S 08-Apr-2013 05-Apr-2018 IDR 300 300

5 mill. per bill. per 3 months

6. PRoPERTY, REAL ESTATE AnD BuILDInG ConSTRuCTIon 18,537 18,537 17,507

61. PRoPERTY AnD REAL ESTATE 12,612 12,612 13,130

1. PT AGunG PoDomoRo LAnD Tbk 4,575 4,575 6,019

obligasi I Agung Podomoro Land Tahun APLn01B
B 26-Aug-2011 25-Aug-2016 IDR 875 875 1,088

obligasi II Agung Podomoro Land Tahun APLn02
B 16-Aug-2012 15-Aug-2017 IDR 1,200 1,200 1,478

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Agung Podomoro APLn01Cn1
B 28-Jun-2013 28-Jun-2018 IDR 1,200 1,200 1,240

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Agung Podomoro APLn01Cn2
B 09-Jun-2014 06-Jun-2019 IDR 750 750 279

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Agung Podomoro APLn01Cn3
B 22-Dec-2014 19-Dec-2019 IDR 451 451 1,894

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Agung Podomoro APLn01Cn4
B 26-Mar-2015 25-Mar-2020 IDR 99 99 40

2. PT BumI SERPonG DAmAI Tbk 2,665 2,665 1,257

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bumi Serpong BSDE01BCn1
B 05-Jul-2012 04-Jul-2017 IDR 479 479 143

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bumi Serpong BSDE01CCn1
B 05-Jul-2012 04-Jul-2019 IDR 436 436 528

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bumi Serpong BSDE01Cn2
B 07-Jun-2013 05-Jun-2018 IDR 1,750 1,750 587

3. PT CIPuTRA RESIDEnCE 500 500 59

obligasi I Ciputra Residence Tahun 2014 CTRR01A
B 03-Apr-2014 02-Apr-2017 IDR 200 200 58

obligasi I Ciputra Residence Tahun 2014 CTRR01B
B 03-Apr-2014 02-Apr-2019 IDR 220 220 1

obligasi I Ciputra Residence Tahun 2014 CTRR01C
B 03-Apr-2014 02-Apr-2021 IDR 80 80 -

4. PT GREEnWooD SEJAHTERA Tbk. 72 72 51

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Greenwood GWSA01Cn1
B 15-Jan-2015 14-Jan-2020 IDR 72 72 51

2011 Seri B
Land Tahap I Tahun 2013
Land Tahap II Tahun 2014
Land Tahap III Tahun 2014
Land Tahap IV Tahun 2015
Damai Tahap I Tahun 2012 Seri B
Damai Tahap I Tahun 2012 Seri C
Damai Tahap II Tahun 2013
Seri A
Seri B
Seri C
Sejahtera Tahap I Tahun 2014
5. PT moDERnLAnD REALTY Tbk. 1,000 1,000 2,005
Nominal, bn IDR Volume, bn IDR
Out Jan-
standing Dec-15 Jun-16 Interest / Revenue Sharing Rating Tenure Trustee
731 500 Dec-15 De 9,061 5,094 3,967 6,011 500
459 366 10.250
Ijarah Fee : Rp25.62
273 135

idA- Stable 5 Years bank mega Tbk.

idA-(sy) stable 5 Years bank mega Tbk.

Financial Fiscal operating net

17,507 4,425 Statement Year End Assets Liabilities Equity Sales Profit Incom
13,130 3,013

6,019 1,390 Dec- D 24,559 15,487 9,073 5,972 1,139 809

15 e
1,088 349 11.000%
c ida 5 bri (Persero) Tbk.
negative Years
1,478 623 9.375%
ida 5 bri (Persero) Tbk.
negative Years
1,240 137 9.250%
ida 5 bri (Persero) Tbk.
negative Years

279 35 12.250% ida 5 bri (Persero) Tbk.

negative Years

1,894 204 12.500% a stable 5 bri (Persero) Tbk.


40 42 11.250% a 5 bri (Persero) Tbk.


1,257 395 Dec-15 Dec 36,022 13,925 22,097 6,210 2,362 2,139

143 23 9,25 idAA- 5 bank cimb niaga Tbk.

% stable Years
528 - 9,50 idaa- 7 bank cimb niaga Tbk.
% stable Years
587 373 idaa- 5 bank cimb niaga Tbk.
stable Years
59 85 Jun-15 Dec 5,444 3,091 2,353 910 319 267

58 60 11.400% a (idn) stable 3 bank Permata Tbk.

1 15 12.400% a (idn) stable 5 bank Permata Tbk.
- 10 13.000% a (idn) stable 7 bank Permata Tbk.
51 - Dec-15 Dec 6,805 536 6,269 84 1,269 1,261

51 - 14.250% bbb+ 5 bank cimb niaga Tbk.


2,005 148 Dec-15 De 12,843 6,786 6,057 2,962 960 873

Date Nominal, bn IDR Volum

Listed Bond & Sukuk Code Listing Maturity Issued

obligasi II modernland Realty Tahun mDLn02B B 28-Dec-12 27-Dec-17 IDR 250 250
2012 Seri B mDLn01ACn1 B 08-Jul-15 07-Jul-18 IDR 600 600
obligasi Berkelanjutan I modernland mDLn01BCn1 B 08-Jul-15 07-Jul-20 IDR 150 150
Reality Tahap I Tahun 2015 Seri A
obligasi Berkelanjutan I modernland
Tahap I Tahun 2015 Seri B
1. obligasi I Hutama Karya Tahun 2013 Seri A PTHK01A B 01-Jul-13 28-Jun-16 IDR 135 135
2. obligasi I Hutama Karya Tahun 2013 Seri B PTHK01B B 01-Jul-13 28-Jun-18 IDR 290 290
3. obligasi I Hutama Karya Tahun 2013 Seri C PTHK01C B 01-Jul-13 28-Jun-20 IDR 325 325

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Summarecon SmRA01Cn1 B 12-Dec-13 11-Dec-18 IDR 450 450 611
Agung Tahap I Tahun 2013 SISmRA01Cn1 S 12-Dec-13 11-Dec-18 IDR 150 150 15
Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I SmRA01Cn2 B 13-oct-14 10-oct-19 IDR 800 800 780
Summarecon Agung Tahap I Tahun 2013 SISmRA01Cn2 S 13-oct-14 10-oct-19 IDR 300 300 27
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Summarecon SmRA01Cn3 B 23-Apr-15 22-Apr-18 IDR 150 150 275
SISmRA01Cn3 S 23-Apr-15 22-Apr-18 IDR 150 150 45
Agung Tahap II Tahun 2014 SmRA02Cn1 B 17-Dec-15 16-Dec-20 IDR 500 500 35
Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I
Summarecon Agung Tahap II Tahun 2014
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Summarecon
Agung Tahap III Tahun 2015
Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I
Summarecon Agung Tahap III Tahun 2015
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Summarecon
Agung Tahap I Tahun 2015

8. PT SuRYA SEmESTA InTERnuSA Tbk 550 550 851

obligasi Surya Semesta Internusa I Tahun SSIA01B B 07-nov-12 06-nov-17 IDR 550 550 8
2012 Seri B
62. BuILDInG ConSTRuCTIon 5,925 5,925 4,377 1
1. PT ADHI KARYA (PERSERo) Tbk. 1,500 1,500 619

obligasi Bekelanjutan I ADHI Tahap I ADHI01ACn1 B 04-Jul-12 03-Jul-17 IDR 375 375 12
Tahun 2012 Seri A ADHI01BCn1 B 04-Jul-12 03-Jul-19 IDR 250 250 41
obligasi Bekelanjutan I ADHI Tahap I S 04-Jul-12 03-Jul-17 IDR 125 125 62 23 nisb
Tahun 2012 Seri B ADHI01ACn2 B 18-mar-13 18-mar-18 IDR 125 125 3
Sukuk mudharabah Berkelanjutan I ADHI
Tahap I Tahun 2012
obligasi Bekelanjutan I ADHI Tahap II
2013 Seri A
6. PT HuTAmA KARYA 75 750 306 86
(PERSERo) 0 Jun-15
7. PT SummARECon 2,500 2,500 2,582 725
AGunG Tbk. Dec-15
Nominal, bn IDR Volume, bn IDR
Out Jan-
standing Dec-15 Jun-16 Interest / Revenue Sharing Rating Tenure Trustee

IDR 250 250 406 6 11.000% ida- stable 5 Years bank Permata Tbk
8 IDR 600 600 1,551 37 12.000% a 3 Years bank Permata Tbk
20 IDR 150 150 48 105 12.500% a 5 Years bank Permata Tbk

IDR 135 135 119 45 8,75% ida- stable 3 Years bank cimb niaga Tbk.
IDR 290 290 67 - 9,1% ida- stable 5 Years bank cimb niaga Tbk
IDR 325 325 120 41 9,5% ida- stable 7 Years bank cimb niaga Tbk.

R 450 450 611 318 10.850% idA+ stable 5 Years bank cimb niaga Tbk.
DR 150 150 159 9 rp16.275 bill. p.a. ida+(sy) stable 5 Years bank cimb niaga Tbk.
R 800 800 780 47 11.500% a+ 5 Years bank cimb niaga Tbk.
DR 300 300 272 83 rp34.5 mill. per bill. p.a. A+(SY) 5 Years bank cimb niaga Tbk.
R 150 150 275 - 10.500% a+ 3 Years bank cimb niaga Tbk.
DR 150 150 450 8 ijarah fee rp15.75 bill. p.a. a+ 3 Years bank cimb niaga Tbk.
R 500 500 35 260 11.250% a+ 5 Years bank Permata Tbk.

550 550 851 184 Dec-15 Dec 6,464 3,126 3,338 4,868 392 302
DR 550 550 851 184 9.300% ida stable 5 Years bank Permata Tbk

5,925 5,925 4,377 1,412

1,500 1,500 619 287 Dec-15 Dec 16,761 11,599 5,162 9,390 746 464
R 375 375 122 5 9,35% ida stable 5 Years bank mega Tbk.
R 250 250 41 18 9,80% ida stable 7 Years bank mega Tbk. ADHISm1Cn1
125 62 23 nisbah of revenue sharing: 73.50% ida(sy) stable 5 Years bank mega Tbk.
DR 125 125 36 4 8.100% ida stable 5 Years bank mega Tbk.

Dec 6,027 4,565 6 1

10,592 2,345 4 1
Dec 18,758 11,229 7,530 1,38 85
5,624 2 5
Date Nominal, bn IDR Volume, b

Listed Bond & Sukuk
Listing Maturity Issued standing

obligasi Bekelanjutan I ADHI Tahap II Tahun ADHI01BCn2
B 18-Mar-2013 18-Mar-2020 IDR 500 500

Sukuk mudharabah Berkelanjutan I ADHI ADHISm1Cn2
S 18-Mar-2013 18-Mar-2018 IDR 125 125

2. PT DuTA AnGGADA REALTY Tbk. 250 250

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Duta Anggada DART01Cn1
B 09-Oct-2013 08-Oct-2018 IDR 250 250

3. PT InTILAnD DEVELoPmEnT Tbk. 500 500

obligasi Intiland Development Tahun 2013 DILD01A
B 10-Jul-2013 09-Jul-2016 IDR 346 346

obligasi Intiland Development Tahun 2013 DILD01B
B 10-Jul-2013 09-Jul-2018 IDR 154 154

4 PT PP (Persero) Tbk. 1,000 1,000

obligasi Berkelanjutan I PP Tahap I Tahun PTPP01Cn1
B 20-Mar-2013 19-Mar-2018 IDR 700 700

obligasi Berkelanjutan I PP Tahap II Tahun PTPP01Cn2
B 25-Feb-2015 24-Feb-2020 IDR 300 300

5 PT WASKITA KARYA (PERSERo) Tbk. 2,675 2,675

obligasi II Waskita Karya Tahun 2012 Seri WSKT02B
B 06-Jun-2012 05-Jun-2017 IDR 675 675

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Waskita Karya WSKT01Cn1
B 19-Nov-2014 18-Nov-2017 IDR 500 500

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Waskita Karya

3. WSKT01ACn2
B 19-Oct-2015 16-Oct-2018 IDR 350 350
Tahap II Tahun 2015 Seri A

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Waskita Karya

4. WSKT01BCn2
B 19-Oct-2015 16-Oct-2020 IDR 1,150 1,150
Tahap II Tahun 2015 Seri B

2013 Seri B
Tahap II Tahun 2013
Realty Tahap 1 Tahun 2013
Seri A
Seri B
Tahap I Tahun 2014

7. InFRASTRuCTuRE, uTILITIES & TRAnSPoRTATIon 49,520 49,445 21,280

71. EnERGY 14,049 14,049 4,052

1. PT PERuSAHAAn LISTRIK nEGARA (PERSERo) 13,268 13,268 3,348

1. obligasi PLn VIII Tahun 2006 Seri A PPLn08A B 22-Jun-2006 21-Jun-2016 IDR 1,335 1,335 1,146
2. obligasi PLn VIII Tahun 2006 Seri B PPLn08B B 22-Jun-2006 21-Jun-2021 IDR 865 865 15
3. obligasi Syariah Ijarah PLn I Tahun 2006 PPLn08C S 22-Jun-2006 21-Jun-2016 IDR 200 200 117

4. obligasi PLn IX Tahun 2007 Seri A PPLn09A B 11-Jul-2007 10-Jul-2017 IDR 1,500 1,500 397

5. obligasi PLn IX Tahun 2007 Seri B PPLn09B B 11-Jul-2007 10-Jul-2022 IDR 1,200 1,200 29
Nominal, bn IDR Volume, bn IDR
Jan- Jun- Interest / Revenue
Dec-15 16 Rating Tenure Trustee

118 159 8.050% 7 Years bank mega Tbk.

239 77 floating ida(sy) 5 Years bank mega Tbk.

540 - Dec-15 Dec 5,740 2,311 3,428 843 240 178

540 - 12.250% ida- stable 5 Years bank mega Tbk.

103 172 Dec-15 Dec 10,289 5,518 4,771 2,201 419 401

103 92 9.750% ida 3 Years bank mega Tbk.

- 80 10.000% ida 5 Years bank mega Tbk.
621 157 Dec-15 Dec 19,129 14,010 5,119 14,217 1,288 740

561 105 8.375% idA 5 Years Bank Permata Tbk

60 52 10.200% a 5 Years bank Permata Tbk

2,495 797 Dec-15 Dec 30,309 20,605 9,704 14,153 1,398 1,048

582 69 9.750% idA 5 Years bank cimb niaga Tbk.

523 173 10.400% A stable 3 Years bank cimb niaga Tbk.

Bahana Securities
(afiliation), danareksa
496 302 10.400% A stable 3 Years
sekuritas (afiliation),

Bank mandiri Sekuritas

Bahana Securities
(afiliation), danareksa
894 253 11.100% A stable 5 Years
sekuritas (afiliation),

Bank mandiri Sekuritas


Financial Fiscal operating net

21,280 11,093 Statement Year Assets Liabilities Equity Sales Profit Incom
End e
4,052 2,082

3,348 1,465 Sep- D 632,987 520,563 112,424 206,506 -31,737 -27,453

15 e
1,146 13.600% c idAAA stable 10 Years bTn (Persero) Tbk.

15 - 13.750% idAAA stable 15 Years BTn (Persero) Tbk.

117 89 Ijarah Fee Rp6.8 bill. quarterly idAAA(sy) stable 10 Years BTn (Persero) Tbk.

397 139 10.400% idAAA stable 10 Years Bank CImB niaga Tbk.

29 - 10.900% idAAA stable 15 Years Bank CImB niaga Tbk.

Date Nominal, bn IDR Volum

Listed Bond & Sukuk Code Listing Maturity Issued

6. Sukuk Ijarah PLn II Tahun 2007 SIKPPLn01 S 11-Jul-07 10-Jul-17 IDR 300 300 5
7. obligasi PLn XI Tahun 2010 Seri A PPLn11A B 13-Jan-10 12-Jan-17 IDR 920 920 2
8. obligasi PLn XI Tahun 2010 Seri B PPLn11B B 13-Jan-10 12-Jan-20 IDR 1,783 1,783 3
9. Sukuk Ijarah PLn IV Tahun 2010 Seri A SIKPPLn03A S 13-Jan-10 12-Jan-17 IDR 130 130
10. Sukuk Ijarah PLn IV Tahun 2010 Seri B SIKPPLn03B S 13-Jan-10 12-Jan-20 IDR 167 167
11. Sukuk Ijarah PLn V Tahun 2010 Seri B SIKPPLn04B S 09-Jul-10 08-Jul-22 IDR 340 340
12. obligasi PLn XII Tahun 2010 Seri B PPLn12B B 09-Jul-10 08-Jul-22 IDR 1,855 1,855

obligasi Berkelanjutan I PLn Tahap I PPLn01ACn1 B 08-Jul-13 05-Jul-20 IDR 182 182 25
Tahun 2013 Seri A PPLn01BCn1 B 08-Jul-13 05-Jul-23 IDR 697 697 5
obligasi Berkelanjutan I PLn Tahap I S 08-Jul-13 05-Jul-20 IDR 121 121 11 61 Rp8
Tahun 2013 Seri B 10-Dec-18 IDR 593 593 282 207 9.000%
Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I PLn Tahap I IDR 651 651 197 - 9.600% id
SIPPLn01ACn2 S 11-Dec-13 10-Dec-18 IDR 321 321 12
Tahun 2013 SIPPLn01BCn2 S 11-Dec-13 10-Dec-23 IDR 108 108 48
obligasi Berkelanjutan II PLn Tahap I
Tahun 2013 Seri A
obligasi Berkelanjutan II PLn Tahap I
Tahun 2013 Seri B
Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan II PLn Tahap I
Tahun 2013 Seri A
Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan II PLn Tahap I
Tahun 2013 Seri B

2. PT SumBERDAYA SEWATAmA 781 781 704

obligasi Sumberdaya Sewatama I Tahun SSmm01A B 03-Dec-12 30-nov-15 IDR - - 30
2012 Seri A SSmm01B B 03-Dec-12 30-nov-17 IDR 581 581 3
obligasi Sumberdaya Sewatama I Tahun SISSmm01 S 03-Dec-12 30-nov-17 IDR 200 200
2012 Seri B
Sukuk Ijarah Sumberdaya Sewatama I
Tahun 2012
72. ToLL RoAD, AIRPoRT, HARBoR & ALLIED PRoD. 5,900 5,900 3,321
1. PT JASA mARGA (PERSERo) Tbk 5,900 5,900 3,321
1. obligasi Jasa marga XII Seri q Tahun 2006 JmPD12q B 07-Jul-06 06-Jul-16 IDR 1,000 1,000 594
2. obligasi Jasa marga XIII Seri R Tahun 2007 JmPD13R B 22-Jun-07 21-Jun-17 IDR 1,500 1,500 823

obligasi Jasa marga XIV Seri Jm-10 JmPD14Jm10 B 13-oct-10 12-oct-20 IDR 1,000 1,000 15
Dengan Tingkat Bunga Tetap JSmR01BCn1S B 30-Sep-13 27-Sep-16 IDR 400 400 12
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Jasa marga JSmR01CCn1S B 30-Sep-13 27-Sep-18 IDR 1,000 1,000 91
Tahap I Tahun 2013 Seri S Seri B JSmR01Cn2T B 22-Sep-14 19-Sep-19 IDR 1,000 1,000 71
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Jasa marga
Tahap I Tahun 2013 Seri S Seri C
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Jasa marga
Tahap II Tahun 2014 Seri T
Nominal, bn IDR Volume, bn IDR
Out Jan-
standing Dec-15 Jun-16 Interest / Revenue Sharing Rating Tenure Trustee

DR 300 300 59 13 Ijarah Fee Rp31.2 bill. p.a. idAAA(sy) stable 10 Years Bank CImB niaga Tbk.
IDR 920 920 236 458 11.950% idAAA stable 7 Years Bank CImB niaga Tbk.
IDR 1,783 1,783 372 16 12.550% idAAA stable 10 Years Bank CImB niaga Tbk.
IDR 130 130 95 8 ijarah fee rp119.5 mill./bill. p.a. idAAA(sy) stable 7 Years Bank CImB niaga Tbk.
IDR 167 167 125 - ijarah fee rp125.5 mill./bill. p.a idAAA(sy) stable 10 Years Bank CImB niaga Tbk.
IDR 340 340 142 11 nisbah 10.4% idAAA(sy) stable 12 Years Bank CImB niaga Tbk.
DR 1,855 1,855 35 148 10.400% idAAA stable 12 Years Bank CImB niaga Tbk.

182 182 25 23 8.000% idAAA stable 7 Years Bank Permata Tbk.

697 697 5 41 8.250% idAAA stable 10 Years Bank Permata Tbk. SIPPLn01Cn1
1 11 61 Rp80 mill./bill. p.a. idAAA stable 7 Years Bank Permata Tbk. PPLn01ACn2 B 11-Dec-13
07 9.000% idAAA stable 5 Years Bank Permata Tbk. PPLn01BCn2 B 11-Dec-13 10-Dec-23
9.600% idAAA stable 10 Years Bank Permata Tbk.
321 321 12 - Rp90 mill./bill. p.a. idAAA stable 5 Years Bank Permata Tbk.
108 108 48 - Rp96 mill./bill. p.a. idAAA stable 10 Years bank Permata Tbk.

781 781 704 617 Sep-15 Dec 3,771 3,084 687 1,178 -56 -42
IDR - - 303 - 8.600% idA stable 3 Years bank cimb niaga Tbk.
IDR 581 581 340 433 9.600% idA stable 5 Years bank cimb niaga Tbk.
IDR 200 200 62 184 Ijarah Fee Rp19.2 bill. p.a. idA stable 5 Years bank cimb niaga Tbk.

5,900 5,900 3,321 758

5,900 5,900 3,321 758 Dec-15 Dec 36,725 24,356 12,369 9,848 2,068 1,449
1,000 1,000 594 48 13.500% idaa stable 10 Years bank mega Tbk.
1,500 1,500 823 129 10.250% idAA stable 10 Years bank mega Tbk.

R 1,000 1,000 158 91 9.350% idAA stable 10 Years bank mega Tbk.
R 400 400 121 47 8,70% idAA stable 3 Years bank mega Tbk.
DR 1,000 1,000 912 338 8,90% idAA stable 5 Years bank mega Tbk.
R 1,000 1,000 714 105 9.850% idAA stable 5 Years bank mega Tbk.
Date Nominal, bn IDR Volume,

C ur


Code Listing Maturity Issued standing

Listed Bond & Sukuk
73. TELECommunICATIon 22,812 22,740 11,919 7,085
PT XL AXIATA Tbk. 1,500 1,500 1,167

Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I XL SIEXCL01ACn1 S 03-Dec-15 12-Dec-16 IDR 494 494
Axiata Tahap I Tahun 2015 Seri A
Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I XL Axiata
2. Tahap I Tahun 2015 Seri B
SIEXCL01BCn1 S 03-Dec-15 02-Dec-18 IDR 258 258 300 151 R
3. Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I XL Axiata
SIEXCL01CCn1 S 03-Dec-15 02-Dec-20 IDR 323 323 110 212
Seri C
4. Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I XL Axiata
SIEXCL01DCn1 S 03-Dec-15 02-Dec-22 IDR 425 425 61 85
Tahap I Tahun 2015 Seri D

1. obligasi Indosat V Tahun 2007 Seri B ISAT05B B 30-may-07 29-may-17 IDR 1,370 1,370
2. obligasi Indosat VII Tahun 2009 Seri B ISAT07B B 09-Dec-09 08-Dec-16 IDR 600 600
3. Sukuk Ijarah Indosat IV Tahun 2009 Seri B SIKISAT04B S 09-Dec-09 08-Dec-16 IDR 172 172
4. obligasi Indosat VIII Tahun 2012 Seri A ISAT08A B 28-Jun-12 27-Jun-19 IDR 1,200 1,200
5. obligasi Indosat VIII Tahun 2012 Seri B ISAT08B B 28-Jun-12 27-Jun-22 IDR 1,500 1,500
6. Sukuk Ijarah Indosat V Tahun 2012 SIKISAT05 S 28-Jun-12 27-Jun-19 IDR 300 300
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap I

7. Tahun 2014 Seri A ISAT01ACn1 B 15-Dec-14 12-Dec-17 IDR 950 950 1,236 536 nisbah =
8. obligasi Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap I ISAT01BCn1 B 15-Dec-14 12-Dec-19 IDR 750 750 1,048 667 nisbah =
9. Tahun 2014 Seri B
10. obligasi Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap I ISAT01CCn1 B 15-Dec-14 12-Dec-21 IDR 250 250 10 202
11. Tahun 2014 Seri C
12. obligasi Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap I
ISAT01DCn1 B 15-Dec-14 12-Dec-24 IDR 360 360 66 215
13. Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap I SIISAT01ACn1 S 15-Dec-14 12-Dec-17 IDR 64 64 99 15 Ijarah
Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap I
SIISAT01BCn1 S 15-Dec-14 12-Dec-19 IDR 16 16 - 4 Ijarah
Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap I
SIISAT01CCn1 S 15-Dec-14 12-Dec-21 IDR 110 110 106 13 Ijarah
Tahun 2014 Seri C

14 obligasi Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap II ISAT01ACn2 B 05-Jun-15 14-Jun-16 IDR 554 554 1,068 76
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap II

Tahun 2015 Seri B
ISAT01BCn2 B 05-Jun-15 04-Jun-18 IDR 782 782 1,365 338
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap II
ISAT01CCn2 B 05-Jun-15 04-Jun-20 IDR 584 584 1,135 -
Tahun 2015 Seri C
1 Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap II
ISAT01DCn2 B 05-Jun-15 04-Jun-22 IDR 337 337 55 3
Tahun 2015 Seri D
2. PT InDoSAT 7 11,642 11,642 8,978 5,477
Tbk. . Dec-15
Nominal, bn IDR Volume, bn IDR
Dec-15 Jun-16 Interest / Revenue Sharing Rating Tenure Trustee

40 11,919 7,085
831 -25
1,167 Dec-15 De 58,844 44,753 14,092 22,876 -631
IDR 494 494 696 383 Rp87.5 mill. per Bill. p.a. AAA 370
Bank mega Tbk.

258 300 151 Rp102.5 mill. per Bill. p.a. AAA 3 Years bank mega Tbk.
323 110 212 Rp105 mill. per Bill. p.a. AAA 5 Years bank mega Tbk. Tahap I Tahun 2015

425 61 85 Rp110 mill. per Bill. p.a. AAA 7 Years bank mega Tbk.

IDR 1,370 1,370 276 143 10.650% idaaa stable 10 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.
DR 600 600 93 539 11.750% idAAA stable 7 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.
IDR 172 172 120 10 Ijarah Fee Rp20.21 bill. quarterly idAAA(sy) stable 7 Years bri (Persero)

DR 1,200 1,200 312 487 8.625% idAAA stable 7 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.
DR 1,500 1,500 572 657 8.875% idAAA stable 10 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.
DR 300 300 - - Ijarah Fee Rp25.875 bill. p.a. idAAA stable 7 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.

1,236 536 nisbah = 80%, equivalent 9.6% AA stable 3 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.
1,048 667 nisbah = 80%, equivalent 10.5% AA stable 5 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.

10 202 10.500% AA stable 7 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.

66 215 10.700% AA stable 10 Years bri (Persero) Tbk. Tahun 2014 Seri D
99 15 Ijarah Fee Rp6.40 Bill. p.a. AA stable 3 Years bri (Persero) Tbk. Tahun 2014 Seri A
- 4 Ijarah Fee Rp1.5 Bill. p.a. AA stable 5 Years bri (Persero) Tbk. Tahun 2014 Seri B
106 13 Ijarah Fee Rp11.55 Bill. p.a. aa stable 7 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.

1,068 76 8.550% AAA Tahun 2015 Seri A 370

bri (Persero) Tbk. Days

1,365 338 9.250% AAA 3 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.

1,135 - 10.000% AAA 5 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.

55 3 10.250% AAA 7 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.

Dec 55,389 42,125 13,264 - -

26,769 1,78 1,31
6 0
Date Nominal, bn IDR Volume
Listed Bond & Sukuk Code standing Dec-1
Listing Maturity Issued
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap II

18. Tahun 2015 Seri E

ISAT01ECn2 B 05-Jun-15 04-Jun-25 IDR 427 427 781 82 nisba
Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap
S 05-Jun-15 14-Jun-16 IDR 55 55 56 - Ijarah
Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap

20. II Tahun 2015 Seri B SIISAT01BCn2 S 05-Jun-15 04-Jun-18 IDR 76 76 5 39 Ijarah

21. Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap SIISAT01CCn2 S 05-Jun-15 04-Jun-20 IDR 67 67 35 54 Ijara
22. Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap SIISAT01DCn2 S 05-Jun-15 04-Jun-22 IDR 43 43 - - Ijarah
23. Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap SIISAT01ECn2 S 05-Jun-15 04-Jun-25 IDR 175 175 112 119 Ijara
24. II Tahun 2015 Seri E
25. obligasi Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap III ISAT01ACn3 B 10-Dec-15 08-Dec-18 IDR 201 201 281 1,096
26. Tahun 2015 Seri A
27. obligasi Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap III ISAT01BCn3 B 10-Dec-15 08-Dec-20 IDR 301 301 130 128
28. Tahun 2015 Seri B
29. obligasi Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap III ISAT01CCn3 B 10-Dec-15 08-Dec-22 IDR 130 130 - -
Tahun 2015 Seri C
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap III
ISAT01DCn3 B 10-Dec-15 08-Dec-25 IDR 162 162 20 9
Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap
SIISAT01ACn3 S 10-Dec-15 08-Dec-22 IDR 65 65 - 45 Ijara
Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I Indosat Tahap
SIISAT01BCn3 S 10-Dec-15 08-Dec-25 IDR 41 41 - - Ijara
III Tahun 2015 Seri B

1. obligasi I mobile-8 Telecom Tahun 2007 FREn01 B 16-mar-07 15-Jun-17 IDR 675 603

1. obligasi II Telkom Tahun 2010 Seri B TLKm02B B 07-Jul-10 06-Jul-20 IDR 1,995 1,995
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Telkom Tahap I
2. Tahun 2015 Seri A
TLKm01ACn1 B 24-Jun-15 23-Jun-22 IDR 2,200 2,200 429 65
3. obligasi Berkelanjutan I Telkom Tahap I
TLKm01BCn1 B 24-Jun-15 23-Jun-25 IDR 2,100 2,100 216 46
4. obligasi Berkelanjutan I Telkom Tahap I
TLKm01CCn1 B 24-Jun-15 23-Jun-30 IDR 1,200 1,200 72 13
5. obligasi Berkelanjutan I Telkom Tahap I
TLKm01DCn1 B 24-Jun-15 23-Jun-45 IDR 1,500 1,500 437 636
Tahun 2015 Seri D

74. TRAnSPoRTATIon 5,269 5,266 1,866 867

1. PT ARPEnI PRATAmA oCEAn LInE Tbk. 600 597

1. obligasi APoL II Tahun 2008 Seri A APoL02A B 19-mar-08 30-Jun-21 IDR 276 275 1
3. PT SmARTFREn 67 603 5 Dec-
TELECom Tbk. 5 277 15
4. PT TELEKomunIKASI InDonESIA 8,995 8,995 1,497 772
(PERSERo) Tbk. Dec-15

Date Nominal, bn IDR Volume

Nominal, bn IDR Volume, bn IDR
Out Jan- Jun-
standing Dec-15 16 Interest / Revenue Sharing Rating Tenure Trustee

27 781 82 nisbah = 80%, equivalent 10.5% AAA 10 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.
56 - Ijarah Fee Rp4.7025 Bill. AAA II Tahun 2015 Seri A 370
bri (Persero) Tbk. Days

5 39 Ijarah Fee Rp7.03 Bill. AAA 3 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.

35 54 Ijarah Fee Rp6.7 Bill. AAA 5 Years bri (Persero) Tbk. II Tahun 2015 Seri C
- - Ijarah Fee Rp4.4075 Bill. AAA 7 Years bri (Persero) Tbk. II Tahun 2015 Seri D
112 119 Ijarah Fee Rp18.2 Bill AAA 10 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.

281 1,096 10.000% AAA 3 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.

130 128 10.250% AAA 5 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.

- - 10.600% AAA 7 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.

20 9 11.200% AAA 10 Years bri (Persero) Tbk. Tahun 2015 Seri D

- 45 Ijarah Fee Rp6.89 Bill. AAA 7 Years bri (Persero) Tbk. III Tahun 2015 Seri A
- - Ijarah Fee Rp4.60 Bill. AAA 10 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.

DR 675 603 277 5% (8 period from 15-9-09); 8%

(12 period from 15-9-11); 18% (12 CC(idn) stable 5 Years Bank Permata Tbk.
period from 15-9-14)
R 1,995 1,995 343 12 10.200% idAAA stable 10 Years Bank CImB niaga Tbk.

200 429 65 9.925% AAA 7 Years Bank Permata Tbk.

100 216 46 10.250% AAA 10 Years Bank Permata Tbk. Tahun 2015 Seri B
200 72 13 10.600% AAA 15 Years Bank Permata Tbk. Tahun 2015 Seri C
500 437 636 11.000% AAA 30 Years Bank Permata Tbk.

1,866 867
244 49 Dec-15 De 1,601 6,730 -5,129 663 -7,983
R 276 275 114 1 12.000% Withdrawn 9 Years BRI (Persero) Tbk.
Dec 20,706 13,857 6,849 - -
3,026 2,00 1,56
Dec 166,173 72,745 93,428 8 15,4
102,470 31,342 89

Nominal, bn IDR Volume, bn IDR


Listed Bond & Sukuk Code Listing Maturity Issued standing

2. obligasi APoL II Tahun 2008 Seri B APoL02B B 19-Mar-2008 30-Jun-2021 IDR 324 322

2. PT BERLIAn LAJu TAnKER Tbk. 1,340 1,340

1. obligasi Berlian Laju Tanker III Tahun 2007 BLTA03 B 06-Jul-2007 31-Mar-2023 IDR 700 700

Sukuk Ijarah Berlian Laju Tanker Tahun SIKBLTA01 S
06-Jul-2007 31-Mar-2023 IDR 200 200

obligasi Berlian Laju Tanker IV Tahun 2009 29-May-2009 31-Mar-2023 IDR 150 150
3. BLTA04B B

obligasi Berlian Laju Tanker IV Tahun 2009 29-May-2009 31-Mar-2023 IDR 190 190
4. BLTA04C B

Sukuk Ijarah Berlian Laju Tanker II Tahun 29-May-2009 31-Mar-2023 IDR 45 45


Sukuk Ijarah Berlian Laju Tanker II Tahun 29-May-2009 31-Mar-2023 IDR 55 55


3. PT GARuDA InDonESIA (PERSERo) Tbk. 2,000 2,000

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Garuda Indonesia GIAA01Cn1 B
08-Jul-2013 05-Jul-2018 IDR 2,000 2,000

4. PT InDomoBIL WAHAnA TRADA 181 181

obligasi Indomobil Wahana Trada I Tahun ImAT01C B
20-Jun-2012 19-Jun-2017 IDR 181 181

5. PT EXPRESS TRAnSInDo uTAmA Tbk 1,000 1,000

obligasi I Express Transindo utama Tahun TAXI01 B
25-Jun-2014 24-Jun-2019 IDR 1,000 1,000

6. PT SERASI AuToRAYA 148 148

obligasi Serasi Autoraya III Tahun 2014 TRAC03D B
06-Jul-2012 05-Jul-2016 IDR 148 148

Seri B
Seri C
2009 Seri A
2009 Seri B
Tahap 1 Tahun 2013
2012 Seri C
Seri D
75. non-BuILDInG ConSTRuCTIon 1,490 1,490 123 302

1. obligasi I Brantas Abipraya Tahun 2015 BRAP01 B 09-Apr-15 08-Apr-18 IDR 300 300

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Tower Bersama TBIG01BCn1 B 13-Dec-13 12-Dec-16 IDR 190 190 65
Infrastructure Tahap I Tahun 2013 Seri B
1. obligasi Protelindo I Tahun 2014 PRTL01 B 03-mar-14 28-Feb-17 IDR 1,000 1,000
3. PT PRoFESIonAL TELEKomunIKASI 1,000 1,000 27 77
InDonESIA mar-15
8. FInAnCE 153,998 153,998 125,219

81. BAnK 89,590 89,590 71,670

1. PT BAnK CAPITAL InDonESIA Tbk 200 200 2,380

Jan- Jun-
Dec-15 16 Interest / Revenue Sharing Rating Tenure Trustee

130 48 12.500% Withdrawn 9 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.

223 - Dec-15 Dec 1,395 887 508 3,493 3,566 2,582

12 - 10.350% idD 10 Years Bank CImB niaga Tbk.

33 - Ijarah Fee Rp20.60 bill. quarterly idD 10 Years Bank CImB niaga Tbk.

109 - 15.500% idD 10 Years Bank CImB niaga Tbk.

51 - 16.250% idD 10 Years Bank CImB niaga Tbk.

- - Ijarah Fee Rp150 mill. per bill. idD(sy) 10 Years Bank CImB niaga Tbk.
18 - Ijarah Fee Rp162 mill. per bill. idD(sy) 10 Years Bank CImB niaga Tbk.
141 712 Dec-15 Dec 45,658 32,544 13,114 52,624 1,471 1,055

141 712 9.250% A(idn) 5 Bank CImB niaga

stable Years Tbk.

8 0.25 Sep-15 Dec 6,168 4,606 1,562 7,637 -60 -22

8 0.25 8.750% idBBB 5 Bank CImB niaga
negative Years Tbk.
1,089 78 Dec-15 Dec 2,884 1,963 921 970 51 32

1,089 78 12.250% A 5 BRI (Persero)

stabl Years Tbk.
161 27 Sep-15 Dec 7,504 5,432 e
2,072 4,957 79 48

161 27 8.750% idA+ stable 4 Years Bank mega Tbk.

0 123 302

31 10 Jun-15 De 1,750 1,358 393 830 72

IDR 300 300 31 10 11.500% bbb+ 3 Years bank cimb niaga Tbk.
65 215 Dec-15 De 22,800 21,209 1,591 3,421 1,089 1,430
190 190 65 215 10.000% AA-(idn) stable 3 Years BRI (Persero) Tbk.

DR 1,000 1,000 27 77 10.500% AA- stable 3 Years Bank Permata Tbk.

Dec 17,995 13,164 4,830 23 16
1,069 1 6
Financial Fiscal operatin net
125,219 44,093 Statement Year Assets Liabilities Equity Sales g Incom
End Profit e
71,670 22,961

2,380 91 Dec- D 12,159 11,106 1,053 1,163 120

15 e
Date Nominal, bn IDR Volume,
Listed Bond & Sukuk Code standing Dec-15
Listing Maturity Issued
obligasi Subordinasi Bank Capital I Tahun

1. 2014
BACA01SB B 14-Jan-15 13-Jan-22 IDR 200 200 2,380 91
PT BAnK uoB InDonESIA 2,500 2,500

obligasi Subordinasi I Bank uoB Indonesia B 30-May-2014 28-May-2021 IDR 1,000 1,000

obligasi I Bank uoB Indonesia Tahun 2015 BBIA01A
Seri A B 02-Apr-2015 11-Apr-2016 IDR 400 400

obligasi I Bank uoB Indonesia Tahun 2015 BBIA01B
B 02-Apr-2015 01-Apr-2018 IDR 600 600

obligasi I Bank uoB Indonesia Tahun 2015 BBIA01C
B 02-Apr-2015 01-Apr-2020 IDR 500 500

PT BAnK BuKoPIn Tbk. 1,900 1,900

obligasi Subordinasi Berkelanjutan I Bank BBKP01SBCn1
B 07-Mar-2012 06-Mar-2019 IDR 1,500 1,500
Bukopin Tahap I Tahun 2012

obligasi Subordinasi Berkelanjutan II Bank BBKP02SBCn1
B 01-Jul-2015 30-Jun-2022 IDR 400 400
Bukopin Tahap I Tahun 2015

Sukuk Subordinasi mudharabah

Tahun 2014
Seri B
Seri C

Tahun 2012

Tahun 2013

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bank BRI Tahap I
BBRI01ACn1 B 06-Jul-2015 07-Jul-2016 IDR 655 655
Tahun 2015 Seri A
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bank BRI Tahap I BBRI01BCn1
B 06-Jul-2015 03-Jul-2018 IDR 925 925

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bank BRI Tahap I BBRI01CCn1
B 06-Jul-2015 03-Jul-2020 IDR 1,420 1,420


1. obligasi I Bank Riau Kepri Tahun 2011 BBRK01 B 11-Jul-2011 08-Jul-2016 IDR 500 500

7. PT BAnK BnI SYARIAH 500 500

Sukuk mudharabah Bank BnI Syariah I S 27-May-2015 26-May-2018 IDR 500 500
1. SmBBSY01

8. PT BAnK TABunGAn nEGARA (PERSERo) Tbk. 10,950 10,950

1. obligasi XII Bank BTn Tahun 2006 BBTn12 B 20-Sep-2006 19-Sep-2016 IDR 1,000 1,000

2. obligasi XIV Bank BTn Tahun 2010 BBTn14 B 14-Jun-2010 11-Jun-2020 IDR 1,650 1,650

4. PT BAnK SYARIAH muAmALAT InDonESIA 1,500 1,500

1. Berkelanjutan I Tahap I Bank muamalat BBmISmSB1Cn1 S 02-Jul-12 29-Jun-22 IDR 800 800 653 176

Sukuk Subordinasi mudharabah nisbah : ye

2. Berkelanjutan I Tahap II Bank muamalat BBmISmSB1Cn2 S 01-Apr-13 28-mar-23 IDR 700 700 928 166
5. PT BAnK RAKYAT InDonESIA (PERSERo) Tbk. 3,000 3,000

Tahun 2015 Seri B

Tahun 2015 Seri C
Tahun 2015
Nominal, bn IDR Volume, bn IDR
Out Jan-
standing Dec-15 Jun-16 Interest / Revenue Sharing Rating Tenure Trustee

200 2,380 91 12.000% BBB- 7 Years Bank mega Tbk.

2,553 1,426 Jun-15 De 83,634 73,543 10,091 3,774 233 180

281 601 11.350% AA 7 Years Bank Permata
865 76 8.600%
AAA 370
Bank Permata Tbk

833 359 9.400%

AAA 3 Years Bank Permata

574 390 9.600%

AAA 5 Years Bank Permata
2,145 353 Dec- D 94,367 86,831 7,535 9,482 1,179
15 ec
1,859 321 9.25 % idA Bank mandiri (Persero)
10 Years
sta Tbk.
285 32 9.25 % idA Bank mandiri (Persero)
10 Years
sta Tbk.

Year 1-5 = 17.12%, Year 6-7 =

27 8.400% AAA 370

BnI (Persero) Tbk.
565 10 9.200%
AAA 3 BnI (Persero) Tbk.

226 46 9.500%
AAA 5 BnI (Persero) Tbk.

68 30 Jun-15 Dec 28,162 25,890 2,272 1,290 241 176

68 30 10.400% A(idn) 5 Bank mega Tbk.

stable Years
130 6 Jun-15 Dec 20,854 2,939 2,050 1,231 134 100

130 6 nisbah AA+ 3 BRI (Persero) Tbk.

15.35% Years

2,541 1,010 Dec-15 Dec 171,808 157,947 13,860 16,073 2,542 1,851

863 414 12.750% idAA 5 bank mega Tbk.

stable Years
234 96 10.250% idAA 10 Bank mega Tbk.
stable Years 107
1,581 342 Jun-15 De 55,860 9,332 4,136 2,776 142
00 800 653 176 34.25%
idA+(sy) stable 10 Years BnI (Persero) Tbk.

nisbah : year 1 - 5 = 15.79%,

10 Years BnI (Persero) Tbk.
00 700 928 166 year 6 - 10 = 31.58%
idA+(sy) stable
1,683 83 Dec-15 De 878,426 765,299 113,127 97,843 32,494 25,398
Date Nominal, bn IDR Volume,

Listed Bond & Sukuk Code Listing Maturity Issued standing
3. obligasi XV Bank BTn Tahun 2011 BBTn15 B 30-Jun-2011 28-Jun-2021 IDR 1,300 1,300

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bank BTn Tahap I 06-Jun-2012 05-Jun-2022 IDR 2,000 2,000
4. BBTn01Cn1 B

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bank BTn Tahap II 28-Mar-2013 27-Mar-2023 IDR 2,000 2,000
5. BBTn01Cn2 B

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Bank BTn Tahap I BBTn02ACn1 B
09-Jul-2015 08-Jul-2018 IDR 900 900

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Bank BTn Tahap I BBTn02BCn1 B
09-Jul-2015 08-Jul-2020 IDR 500 500

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Bank BTn Tahap I BBTn02CCn1 B
09-Jul-2015 08-Jul-2022 IDR 800 800

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Bank BTn Tahap I BBTn02DCn1 B
09-Jul-2015 08-Jul-2025 IDR 800 800

Tahun 2012
Tahun 2013
tahun 2015 Seri A
tahun 2015 Seri B
tahun 2015 Seri C
tahun 2015 Seri D
PT BAnK DKI 625 625 332

1. obligasi VI Bank DKI Tahun 2011 Seri B BDKI06B B 20-Jun-2011 17-Jun-2016 IDR 325 325 60

obligasi Subordinasi II Bank DKI Tahun B 20-Jun-2011 17-Jun-2018 IDR 300 300 272

10. LEmBAGA PEmBIAYAAn EKSPoR InDonESIA 21,579 21,579 23,275

obligasi Bank Ekspor Indonesia IV Tahun BEXI04D
B 19-Jun-2009 18-Jun-2016 IDR 1,427 1,427 243

obligasi Indonesia Eximbank I Tahun 2010 Seri D B 09-Jul-2010 08-Jul-2017 IDR 1,075 1,075 101
2. BEXI05D

obligasi Berkelanjutan Indonesia Eximbank

3. I Dengan Tingkat Bunga Tetap Tahap I B 21-Dec-2011 20-Dec-2016 IDR 243 243 -
BEXI01BCn1 Tahun 2011 Seri B
obligasi Berkelanjutan Indonesia Eximbank
4. I Dengan Tingkat Bunga Tetap Tahap I B 21-Dec-2011 20-Dec-2018 IDR 2,805 2,805 200
BEXI01CCn1 Tahun 2011 Seri C
obligasi Berkelanjutan Indonesia Eximbank BEXI01BCn2
B 28-Nov-2012 27-Nov-2015 IDR - - 1,894

obligasi Berkelanjutan Indonesia Eximbank B 24-May-2013 23-May-2016 IDR 1,940 1,940 5,308
6. BEXI01BCn3

obligasi Berkelanjutan Indonesia Eximbank BEXI02BCn1
II B 06-Jun-2014 05-Jun-2016 IDR 134 134 196
Tahap I Tahun 2014 Seri B

obligasi Berkelanjutan Indonesia Eximbank BEXI02CCn1
II B 06-Jun-2014 05-Jun-2017 IDR 1,594 1,594 393
Tahap I Tahun 2014 Seri C

obligasi Berkelanjutan Indonesia Eximbank BEXI02DCn1
II B 06-Jun-2014 05-Jun-2019 IDR 1,469 1,469 402
Tahap I Tahun 2014 Seri D

obligasi Berkelanjutan Indonesia Eximbank BEXI02Cn2
II B 21-Jul-2014 18-Jul-2017 IDR 500 500 27
Tahap II Tahun 2014
2009 Seri D
I Tahap II Tahun 2012 Seri B
I Tahap III Tahun 2013 Seri B
Nominal, bn IDR Volume, bn IDR
Dec- Jan-
Jun-16 Interest / Revenue Sharing Rating Tenure Trustee
594 - 9.500% idAA stable Bank mandiri (Persero)
10 Years
141 24 7.900% idAA stable 10 Years Bank mega Tbk.

398 128 7.900% idAA stable 10 Years Bank mega Tbk.

216 266 9.625% AA 3 Years Bank mega Tbk.

5 40 9.875% AA 5 Years Bank mega Tbk.

- 42 10.000% AA 7 Years Bank mega Tbk.

90 - 10.500% AA 10 Years Bank mega Tbk.

332 91 Sep-15 De 40,362 36,381 3,981 2,695 218 142

60 80 9.900% idAA- stable 5 Years
Bank mandiri (Persero)
272 11 11.000% idA+ stable 7 Years
Bank mandiri (Persero)

23,275 3,719 Sep-15 De 83,451 71,917 11,534 4,277 1,698 1,341
243 313 12.750% idaaa stable 7 Years bank mega Tbk.

101 85 10.000% idAAA stable 7 Years

Bank mandiri (Persero)
5 Years
Bank mandiri (Persero)
- 5 7.750% idAAA stable Tbk.

7 Years
Bank mandiri (Persero)
200 80 8.500% idAAA stable Tbk.

1,894 - 6.500% idaaa stable 3 Years bank cimb niaga Tbk

5,308 222 6.400% idaaa stable 3 Years bank cimb niaga Tbk

196 122 8.500% idaaa stable 2 Years

Bank mandiri (Persero)
393 301 9.250% idaaa stable 3 Years
Bank mandiri (Persero)
402 70 9.750% idaaa stable 5 Years
Bank mandiri (Persero)
27 105 9.250% aaa 3 Years
Bank mandiri (Persero)
Date Nominal, bn IDR Volume,
Listed Bond & Sukuk Code Listing Maturity Issued standing Dec-15

obligasi Berkelanjutan Indonesia BEXI02BCn3 B 17-oct-14 16-oct-17 IDR 1,485
Eximbank II Tahap III Tahun 2014 Seri B
obligasi Berkelanjutan Indonesia BEXI02CCn3 B 17-oct-14 16-oct-19 IDR 828
Eximbank II Tahap III Tahun 2014 Seri C
obligasi Berkelanjutan Indonesia BEXI02ACn4 B 08-Jan-15 07-Jan-18 IDR 800
Eximbank II Tahap IV Tahun 2015 Seri A BEXI02BCn4 B 08-Jan-15 07-Jan-20 IDR 700
obligasi Berkelanjutan Indonesia
II Tahap IV Tahun 2015 Seri B

obligasi Berkelanjutan Indonesia BEXI02ACn5 B 16-mar-15 23-mar-16 IDR 575 575
Tahap V Tahun
obligasi 2015 SeriIndonesia
Berkelanjutan A BEXI02BCn5 B 16-mar-15 13-mar-18 IDR 1,298 1,298 2,72
Eximbank II Tahap V Tahun 2015 Seri B Tbk.
obligasi Berkelanjutan Indonesia BEXI02CCn5 B 16-mar-15 13-mar-20 IDR 2,727 2,727 4,66
Eximbank Tbk.
II Tahap V Tahun 2015 Seri C
obligasi Berkelanjutan Indonesia BEXI02ACn6 B 17-Sep-15 26-Sep-16 IDR 757 757
II Tahap
VI Tahun
obligasi 2015 Seri
Berkelanjutan A
Indonesia BEXI02BCn6 B 17-Sep-15 16-Sep-18 IDR 309 309 870
Eximbank II Tahap VI Tahun 2015 Seri B Tbk.
obligasi Berkelanjutan Indonesia BEXI02CCn6 B 17-Sep-15 16-Sep-20 IDR 913 913 35
Eximbank Tbk.
II Tahap VI Tahun 2015 Seri C
1. obligasi VII Bank BJB Tahun 2011 Seri B BJBR07B B 10-Feb-11 09-Feb-16 IDR 601 601
2. obligasi VII Bank BJB Tahun 2011 Seri C BJBR07C B 10-Feb-11 09-Feb-18 IDR 1,123 1,123


1. obligasi Subordinasi I Bank Jateng Tahun

BJTG01SB B 21-Dec-15 18-Dec-22 IDR 500 500 19 90
13. PT BAnK LAmPunG (BPD LAmPunG) 500 500 76
1. obligasi III Bank Lampung Tahun 2012 BLAm03 B 10-oct-12 09-oct-17 IDR 500 500 76
14. PT BAnK PEmBAnGunAn DAERAH mALuKu DAn mALuKu uTARA 210 210 16

1. obligasi I Bank maluku Tahun 2011 Seri C BmLK01C B 16-Jan-12 13-Jan-17 IDR 210 210
15. PT BAnK mAnDIRI (PERSERo) Tbk 3,500 3,500 1,353

obligasi Subordinasi Rupiah Bank BmRI01 B 14-Dec-09 11-Dec-16 IDR 3,500 3,500 1,3
16 I Tahun
Tbk. 6,865 6,865 5,435

obligasi Subordinasi I Bank CImB niaga

BnGA01SB B 09-Jul-10 08-Jul-17 IDR 1,380 1,380 1,71
Tahun 2010
11. PT BAnK JABAR BAnTEn (BPD 1,724 1,724 825 108
JABAR) Tbk Dec-15
Nominal, bn IDR Volume, bn IDR
Out Jan-
standing Dec-15 Jun-16 Interest / Revenue Sharing Rating Tenure Trustee

-oct-17 IDR 1,485 1,485 557 318 9.250% aaa 3 Years Bank mandiri (Persero)

6-oct-19 IDR 828 828 94 70 9.750% aaa 5 Years Bank mandiri (Persero)

7-Jan-18 IDR 800 800 1,600 - 9.250% aaa 3 Years Bank mandiri (Persero)

7-Jan-20 IDR 700 700 1,400 - 9.750% aaa 5 Years Bank mandiri (Persero)


IDR 575 575 1,945 163 8.250% aaa 370

Bank mandiri (Persero)
Days Tbk.
1,298 1,298 2,723 738 9.000% aaa 3 Years Bank mandiri (Persero)

2,727 2,727 4,669 969 9.500% aaa 5 Years Bank mandiri (Persero)

IDR 757 757 620 57 8.400% aaa 370

Bank mandiri (Persero)
Days Tbk.
309 309 870 101 9.200% aaa 3 Years Bank mandiri (Persero)

913 913 35 - nisbah 80%, equivalent 10,5% aaa 5 Years Bank mandiri (Persero)

DR 601 601 582 - 10.200% idAA- stable 5 Years bank mega Tbk.
DR 1,123 1,123 243 108 10.400% idAA- stable 7 Years Bank mega Tbk.
19 90 Jun-15 D 46,130 42,899 3,230 2,305 607
500 19 90 12.250% A- 7 Years Bank mandiri (Persero)
500 500 76 18 Sep-15 Dec 8,145 7,482 663 595 210 158
500 500 76 18 9.450% idA- stable 5 Years Bank mandiri (Persero)
210 210 16 51 Jun-15 Dec 6,261 5,680 581 358 104 76
Bank mandiri (Persero)

IDR 210 210 16 51 10.700% A(idn) stable 5 Years Tbk.

1,353 2,089 Dec-15 D 910,063 736,199 119,492 99,496 26,369 20,335
R 3,500 3,500 1,353 2,089 11.850% idaa+ stable 7 Years bank Permata Tbk.

5,435 2,817 Dec-15 D 238,849 210,170 28,679 24,005 570
1,380 1,380 1,713 695 11.300% aa(idn) stable 7 Years bank Permata Tbk.

Dec 88,697 76,068 7,757 1,76 1,37

10,650 6 7
Date Nominal, bn IDR Volume,

Listed Bond & Sukuk Code Listing Maturity Issued standin
obligasi Subordinasi II Bank CImB niaga BnGA02SB B
27-Dec-2010 23-Dec-2020 IDR 1,600 1,600

obligasi I Bank CImB niaga Tahun 2011 BnGA01B B
27-Dec-2011 23-Dec-2016 IDR 1,320 1,320

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bank CImB niaga 31-Oct-2012 30-Oct-2017 IDR 1,400 1,400
4. BnGA01BCn1 B

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bank CImB niaga

5. Tahap II Tahun 2013 Dengan Tingkat Bunga BnGA01ACn2 21-Nov-2013 20-Nov-2015 IDR - -
B Tetap Seri A
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bank CImB niaga
6. Tahap II Tahun 2013 Dengan Tingkat Bunga BnGA01BCn2 21-Nov-2013 20-Nov-2016 IDR 315 315
B Tetap Seri B
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bank CImB niaga
7. Tahap II Tahun 2013 Dengan Tingkat Bunga BnGA01CCn2
21-Nov-2013 20-Nov-2018 IDR 850 850
Tahun 2010
Dengan Tingkat Bunga Tetap Seri B
Tahap I Tahun 2012 Seri B

Tetap Seri C
17. PT BAnK InTERnASIonAL InDonESIA Tbk. 7,380 7,380 4,571

1. obligasi Subordinasi I Bank BII Tahun 2011 BnII01SB B 20-May-2011 19-May-2018 IDR 1,500 1,500 1,496

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bank BII Tahap I BnII01BCn1
B 07-Dec-2011 06-Dec-2016 IDR 1,560 1,560 536
Tahun 2011 Seri B
3. obligasi Subordinasi Berkelanjutan I Bank
BnII01SBCn1 B 07-Dec-11 06-Dec-18 IDR 500 500 1,43

BII Tahap I Tahun 2011

4. obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bank BII Tahap II
BnII01BCn2 B 01-nov-12 31-oct-17 IDR 1,020 1,020 4

Tahun 2012 Seri B

5. obligasi Subordinasi Berkelanjutan I Bank
BnII01SBCn2 B 01-nov-12 31-oct-19 IDR 1,000 1,000 5

BII Tahap II Tahun 2012

6. obligasi Subordinasi Berkelanjutan II Bank
BnII02SBCn1 B 10-Jul-14 08-Jul-21 IDR 1,500 1,500

BII Tahap I Tahun 2014

7. Sukuk mudharabah Berkelanjutan I Bank BII
SmBnII01Cn1 S 10-Jul-14 08-Jul-17 IDR 300 300 43

Tahap I Tahun 2014

18 PT BAnK PERmATA Tbk. 6,482 6,482 4,638

obligasi Subordinasi II Bank Permata Tahun BnLI02SB
B 30-Jun-2011 28-Jun-2018 IDR 1,750 1,750 1,675

obligasi Subordinasi Berkelanjutan I Bank BnLI01SBCn1
B 18-Jun-2012 15-Jun-2019 IDR 700 700 670

obligasi Subordinasi Berkelanjutan I Bank B 20-Dec-2012 20-Dec-2019 IDR 1,800 1,800 1,806
3. BnLI01SBCn2

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bank Permata B 27-Dec-2013 24-Dec-2016 IDR 672 672 146
4. BnLI01BCn1

obligasi Subordinasi Berkelanjutan II Bank BnLI02SBCn1
B 27-Dec-2013 24-Dec-2020 IDR 860 860 161

Permata Tahap I Tahun 2012
Permata Tahap II Tahun 2012
Tahap I Tahun 2013
Permata Tahap I Tahun 2013
Nominal, bn IDR Volume, bn IDR
Dec- Jan-
Jun-16 Interest / Revenue Sharing Rating Tenure Trustee
1,798 845 10.850% aa(idn) stable 10 Years bank Permata Tbk.

389 615 8.300% idaaa stable 5 Years bank Permata Tbk.

846 161 7.750% idaaa stable 5 Years bank Permata Tbk.

271 - 8.750% idaaa stable 2 Years bank Permata Tbk.

104 138 9.150% idaaa stable 3 Years bank Permata Tbk.

316 362 9.750% idaaa stable 5 Years bank Permata Tbk.

4,571 3,271 Dec-15 D 157,619 141,876 15,743 10,258 1,545 1,139

1,496 2,020 10.750% idAA+ stable Bank mandiri (Persero)
7 Years
536 509 8.750% idAAA stable 5 Years
Bank mandiri (Persero)
1,437 74 10.000% idAA+ stable 7 Years Bank mandiri (Persero)

488 341 8.000% idAAA stable 5 Years Bank mandiri (Persero)

521 276 9.250% idAA+ stable 7 Years Bank mandiri (Persero)

50 30 11.350% idAA stable 7 Years Bank mandiri (Persero)

43 22 Rp93 mill. per Bill. p.a. idAAA stable 3 Years Bank mandiri (Persero)

4,638 3,054 Dec- D 182,689 163,877 18,813 8,406 294 247

15 e
1,675 628 11.000% idAA 7 Bank CImB niaga Tbk.
stable Years
670 486 idaa+ 7 bank cimb niaga Tbk.
stable Years
1,806 1,600 idaa+ 7 Bank CImB niaga Tbk.
stable Years

146 19 10.500% idaaa 3 bank cimb niaga Tbk.

stable Years

161 214 12.000% idaa 7 bank cimb niaga Tbk.

stable Years
Date Nominal, bn IDR Volume, b
Listed Bond & Sukuk Code standing Dec-15
Listing Maturity Issued
obligasi Subordinasi Berkelanjutan II Bank

6. Permata Tahap II Tahun 2014

BnLI02SBCn2 B 27-oct-14 24-oct-21 IDR 700 700 179 107
19. PT BAnK PEmBAnGunAn DAERAH nuSA TEnGGARA TImuR 365 365 4
1. obligasi I Bank nTT Tahun 2011 Seri C BnTT01C B 11-Jul-11 08-Jul-16 IDR 230 230 4

2. obligasi I Bank nTT Tahun 2011 Seri D BnTT01D B 11-Jul-11 08-Jul-18 IDR 135 135


1. obligasi VI Bank nagari Tahun 2010 BSBR06 B 14-Jan-2011 13-Jan-2016 IDR 500 500

obligasi Subordinasi I Bank nagari Tahun 2010 B 14-Jan-2011 13-Jan-2018 IDR 81 81


Sukuk mudharabah I Bank nagari Tahun 2010 S 14-Jan-2011 13-Jan-2016 IDR 100 100
3. SmKBSBR01

obligasi Subordinasi II Bank nagari Tahun B 27-Jun-2012 26-Jun-2019 IDR 225 225


obligasi V Bank Sulut Tahun 2014 Dengan

BSLT05 B 09-oct-14 08-oct-19 IDR 750 750 5
Tingkat Bunga Tetap

1. obligasi III Bank Sumut Tahun 2011 BSmT03 B 07-Jul-2011 05-Jul-2016 IDR 600 600

obligasi Subordinasi I Bank Sumut Tahun B 07-Jul-2011 05-Jul-2018 IDR 400 400
2. BSmT01SB

23 1. obligasi Bank Sulselbar I Tahun 2011 Seri B BSSB01B B 12-May-2016 IDR 350 350

23 2.
Sukuk mudharabah Bank Sulselbar I Tahun SmKBSSB01
S 12-May-2016 IDR 100 100

PT BAnK TABunGAn PEnSIunAn nASIonAL Tbk. 2,610 2,610

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bank BTPn Dengan

1. Tingkat Bunga Tetap Tahap I Tahun 2011 BTPn01BCn1 B 30-Jun-2011 28-Jun-2016 IDR 335 335

Seri B
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bank BTn Dengan
2. Tingkat Bunga Tetap Tahap II Tahun 2012 BTPn01BCn2 B 06-Aug-2012 03-Aug-2017 IDR 725 725

Seri B
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bank BTPn Dengan
3. Tingkat Bunga Tetap Tahap III Tahun 2013 BTPn01ACn3 B 06-Mar-2013 05-Mar-2016 IDR 350 350

Seri A
Nominal, bn IDR Volume, bn IDR
Out Jan-
standing Dec-15 Jun-16 Interest / Revenue Sharing Rating Tenure Trustee

700 179 107 11.750% idaa stable 7 Years bank cimb niaga Tbk.
365 365 4 - Jun-15 Dec 11,591 10,459 1,132 592 185 138
230 230 4 - 10.800% ida- stable 5 Years Bank mandiri (Persero)
Bank mandiri (Persero)

IDR 135 135 - - 11.500% idA- stable 7 Years Tbk.

490 12 Sep-15 De 20,203 17,551 1,924 1,741 297
305 - 9.875% idA stable Bank mandiri (Persero)
5 Years
- 9 10.900% idA- stable 7 Years
Bank mandiri (Persero)
143 3 nisbah 32.9% ida(sy) stable Bank mandiri (Persero)
5 Years
42 - 10.150% ida- stable 7 Years
Bank mandiri (Persero)

570 80 Sep-15 De 12,021 11,235 789 685 29 22

IDR 750 750 570 80 11.900% idA stable 5 Years bni (Persero) Tbk.

328 14 Jun-15 De 27,944 26,126 1,818 1,529 334
56 12 10.125% idA stable 5 Years
Bank mandiri (Persero)
272 2 11.350% ida- stable 7 Years
Bank mandiri (Persero)

193 32 Jun-15 De 14,170 12,429 1,741 813 309
81 4 10.400% idA stable 5 Years
Bank mandiri (Persero)
112 28 nisbah 72.5% idA(sy) stable 5 Years
Bank mandiri (Persero)

1,445 846 Dec-15 De 81,040 64,053 13,924 13,710 2,433 1,702

258 25 9.900% aa-(idn) stable 5 Years bank Permata Tbk.

313 128 8.250% AA-(idn) stable 5 Years bank Permata Tbk.

157 0.20 7.650% AA-(idn) stable 3 Years bank Permata Tbk.

Date Nominal, bn IDR Volume,

Listed Bond & Sukuk Code Listing Maturity Issued standing

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bank BTPn Dengan

4. Tingkat Bunga Tetap Tahap III Tahun 2013 BTPn01BCn3 B 06-Mar-2013 05-Mar-2018 IDR 400 400
Seri B
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Bank BTPn Tahap BTPn02ACn1 B
05-Jul-2013 04-Jul-2016 IDR 450 450

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Bank BTPn Tahap BTPn02BCn1 B
05-Jul-2013 04-Jul-2018 IDR 350 350

25. PT BAnK VICToRIA InTERnATIonAL Tbk. 1,000 1,000

1. obligasi Bank Victoria III Tahun 2012 BVIC03 B 28-Jun-2012 27-Jun-2017 IDR 200 200

obligasi Subordinasi II Bank Victoria Tahun BVIC02SB B
28-Jun-2012 27-Jun-2019 IDR 300 300

obligasi Bank Victoria IV Tahun 2013 BVIC04 B
28-Jun-2013 27-Jun-2018 IDR 200 200

obligasi Subordinasi Bank Victoria III Tahun BVIC03SB B
28-Jun-2013 27-Jun-2020 IDR 300 300

26. PT BAnK mAYAPADA InTERnASIonAL Tbk. 956 956

obligasi Subordinasi Bank mayapada III mAYA03SB B
08-Jul-2013 05-Jul-2020 IDR 700 700

obligasi Subordinasi Bank mayapada IV mAYA04SB B
18-Dec-2014 17-Dec-2021 IDR 256 256

I Tahun 2013 Seri A

I Tahun 2013 Seri B
Dengan Tingkat Bunga Tetap
2013 Dengan Tingkat Bunga Tetap
Tahun 2013
Tahun 2014
27 PT BAnK oCBC nISP Tbk. 5,378 5,378 8,722

obligasi Subordinasi III Bank oCBC nISP nISP03SB
B 01-Jul-2010 30-Jun-2017 IDR 880 880 522

obligasi Berkelanjutan I oCBC nISP Tahap I nISP01CCn1
Tahun B 20-Feb-2013 19-Feb-2016 IDR 1,498 1,498 1,295
2013 Seri C

obligasi Berkelanjutan I oCBC nISP Tahap nISP01ACn2
II Tahun
2015 Seri A B 11-Feb-2015 20-Feb-2016 IDR 1,095 1,095 3,538

obligasi Berkelanjutan I oCBC nISP Tahap nISP01BCn2
B 11-Feb-2015 10-Feb-2017 IDR 670 670 1,448

obligasi Berkelanjutan I oCBC nISP Tahap nISP01CCn2
B 11-Feb-2015 10-Feb-2018 IDR 1,235 1,235 1,918

28. PT BAnK PAn InDonESIA Tbk. 5,460 5,460 5,001

1. obligasi Bank Panin IV Tahun 2010 PnBn05 B 10-Nov-2010 10-Nov-2015 IDR - - 363

obligasi Subordinasi Bank Panin III Tahun PnBn04SB
2010 B 10-Nov-2010 10-Nov-2017 IDR 2,460 2,460 3,152

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bank Panin Tahap PnBn01Cn1
I Tahun B 21-Dec-2012 20-Dec-2017 IDR 1,000 1,000 335
Tahun 2010
II Tahun 2015 Seri B
II Tahun 2015 Seri C
Nominal, bn IDR Volume, bn IDR
Jan- Jun-
Dec-15 16 Interest / Revenue Sharing Rating Tenure Trustee

281 106 8.250% AA-(idn) stable 5 Years bank Permata Tbk.

214 568 7.750% AA-(idn) stable 3 Years bank Permata Tbk.

223 19 8.250% AA-(idn) stable 5 Years bank Permata Tbk.

587 331 Dec-15 Dec 23,251 20,032 2,114 2,217 94 94

14 10 10.000% ida- stable 5 Years bank mega Tbk.

- - 11.000% idbbb+ stable 7 Years bank mega Tbk.

102 30 9.500% ida- stable 5 Years bank mega Tbk.

471 291 10.50% idbbb+ stable 7 Years bank mega Tbk.

315 103 Dec-15 Dec 47,306 42,719 4,587 5,051 878 652

260 70 11.000% idBBB+ stable 7 Years Bank mega Tbk.

55 33 12.500% idBBB+ stable 7 Years bank mega Tbk.

8,722 1,285 Dec-15 D 120,480 104,069 16,411 10,075 2,001 1,501

522 117 11.350%
c aa(idn) stable 7 Years bank mega Tbk.

1,295 10 7.400% idAAA stable &

3 Years bank mega Tbk.
aaa(idn) stable
9.000% aaa 370
bank mega Tbk.
3,538 87 Days

1,448 484 9.400% aaa 2 Years bank mega


1,918 587 9.800% aaa 3 Years bank mega


5,001 1,570 Dec- Dec 183,121 152,314 30,806 17,933 2,458 1,407
363 -

idAA 5 Years
Bank mandiri (Persero)
stable Tbk.
3,152 1,249 10.500%
idAA- 7 Years
Bank mandiri (Persero)
stable Tbk.
335 63

idAA 5 Years
Bank mandiri (Persero)
stable Tbk
Date Nominal, bn IDR Volume
Listed Bond & Sukuk Code standing Dec-15
Listing Maturity Issued
obligasi Subordinasi Berkelanjutan I Bank

4. Panin Tahap I Tahun 2012

PnBn01SBCn1 B 21-Dec-12 20-Dec-19 IDR 2,000 2,000 1,152 258
1. obligasi Bank Saudara II Tahun 2012 SDRA02 B 30-nov-12 29-nov-17 IDR 100 100
obligasi Subordinasi Bank Saudara I Tahun
2. 2012
SDRA01SB B 30-nov-12 29-nov-16 IDR 200 200 395 33
82. FInAnCIAL InSTITuTIon 62,749 62,749 53,240 21,101

1. PT ADIRA DInAmIKA muLTIFInAnCE Tbk. 9,936 9,936

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Adira Dinamika ADmF01CCn1 B 19-Dec-11 16-Dec-16 IDR 1,533 1,533 1,3
1. multi Finance Dengan Tingkat Bunga ADmF01CCn3 B 28-Sep-12 27-Sep-17 IDR 673 673 26
Tetap Tahap I Tahun 2011 Seri C
obligasi berkelanjutan I Adira Dinamika
2. multi Finance Dengan Tingkat Bunga
Tetap Tahap III Tahun 2012 Seri C

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Adira Finance ADmF02CCn1 B 04-mar-13 01-mar-16 IDR 553 553
Tahap I Tahun 2013 Seri C
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Adira Finance ADmF02DCn1 B 04-mar-13 01-mar-18 IDR 851 851
Tahap I Tahun 2013 Seri D
Sukuk mudharabah Berkelanjutan I SmADmF01CCn1 S 04-mar-13 01-mar-16 IDR 286 286
Adira Finance Tahap I Tahun 2013 Seri C ADmF02BCn2 B 25-oct-13 24-oct-16 IDR 880 880
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Adira Finance
Tahap II Tahun 2013 Seri B ADmF02CCn2 B 25-oct-13 24-oct-18 IDR 490 490
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Adira Finance
Tahap II Tahun 2013 Seri C ADmF02BCn3 B 16-may-14 14-may-17 IDR 363 363
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Adira Finance
Tahap III Tahun 2014 Seri B ADmF02CCn3 B 16-may-14 14-may-19 IDR 450 450
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Adira Finance
Tahap III Tahun 2014 Seri C ADmF02ACn4 B 13-nov-14 22-nov-15 IDR -
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Adira Finance
ADmF02BCn4 B 13-nov-14 12-nov-17 IDR 808 808
Tahap IV Tahun 2014 Seri A
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Adira Finance
11. ADmF02CCn4 B 13-nov-14 12-nov-19 IDR 88 8
Tahap IV Tahun 2014 Seri B
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Adira Finance ADmFSm1ACn2 S 13-nov-14 22-nov-15 IDR -
Tahap IV Tahun 2014 Seri C
Sukuk mudharabah I Adira Finance ADmFSm1BCn2 S 13-nov-14 12-nov-17 IDR 45 4
Tahap II Tahun 2014 Seri A
Sukuk mudharabah I Adira Finance
Tahap II
Tahun 2014 Seri B

29. PT BAnK WooRI SAuDARA InDonESIA 30 300 395 41

1906 Tbk. 0 Dec-15
Nominal, bn IDR Volume, bn IDR
Out Jan-
standing Dec-15 Jun-16 Interest / Revenue Sharing Rating Tenure Trustee
Bank mandiri (Persero)

2,000 1,152 258 9.400% idaa- stable 7 Years Tbk.

IDR 100 100 - 8 11.750% idA- positive 5 Years bank Permata Tbk

200 395 33 12.625% idBBB+ positive 7 Years bank Permata Tbk

49 53,240 21,101
10,878 5,206 Dec-15 De 27,744 23,383 4,361 8,064 901
R 1,533 1,533 1,370 868 9.000% idaaa stable 60
bni (Persero) Tbk. months
R 673 673 268 411 8.750% idAAA stable 60
BnI (Persero) Tbk. months

16 IDR 553 553 722 600 7.850% idAAA stable 36

bni (Persero) Tbk. bni
months (Persero) Tbk. bni
18 IDR 851 851 367 351 8.900% idAAA stable 60
(Persero) Tbk. bni
months (Persero) Tbk. bni
16 IDR 286 286 113 74 nisbah 7.85% idAA+ stable 36
(Persero) Tbk. bni
months (Persero) Tbk. bni
6 IDR 880 880 840 398 10.500% idAAA stable 36
(Persero) Tbk. bni
months (Persero) Tbk. bni
18 IDR 490 490 97 403 11.000% idAAA stable 60
(Persero) Tbk. bni
months (Persero) Tbk. bni
17 IDR 363 363 632 389 10.500% idAAA stable 36
(Persero) Tbk.
months bni (Persero) Tbk.
-19 IDR 450 450 - 97 10.750% idAAA stable 60

v-15 IDR - - 208 - 9.600% idaaa stable 370

17 IDR 808 808 1,177 355 10.500% idaaa stable 36

-19 IDR 88 88 25 94 10.750% idaaa stable 60

v-15 IDR - - 197 - nisbah 9.6% aaa stable 370

v-17 IDR 45 45 - - nisbah 10.5% aaa stable 36


Dec 20,020 15,884 4,136 36 26

1,753 2 5
Date Nominal, bn IDR Volume,
Listed Bond & Sukuk Code Listing Maturity Issued standing Dec-15

obligasi Berkelanjutan III Adira Finance ADmF03ACn1 B 01-Jul-15 30-Jun-18 IDR 741 741
Tahap I Tahun 2015 Seri A
obligasi Berkelanjutan III Adira Finance ADmF03BCn1 B 01-Jul-15 30-Jun-20 IDR 238 238
Tahap I Tahun 2015 Seri B
Sukuk mudharabah Berkelanjutan II SmADmF02ACn1 S 01-Jul-15 10-Jul-16 IDR 441 441
Adira Finance Tahap I Tahun 2015 Seri A SmADmF02BCn1 S 01-Jul-15 30-Jun-18 IDR 59 59
Sukuk mudharabah Berkelanjutan II
Adira Finance Tahap I Tahun 2015 Seri B ADmF03ACn2 B 26-Aug-15 05-Sep-16 IDR 492 492
obligasi Berkelanjutan III Adira Finance
Tahap II Tahun 2015 Seri A ADmF03BCn2 B 26-Aug-15 25-Aug-18 IDR 668 668
obligasi Berkelanjutan III Adira Finance
Tahap II Tahun 2015 Seri B ADmF03CCn2 B 26-Aug-15 25-Aug-20 IDR 277 277
obligasi Berkelanjutan III Adira Finance
Tahap II Tahun 2015 Seri C

2. PT ASTRA SEDAYA FInAnCE 9,465 9,465

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Astra Sedaya

1. Finance Dengan Tingkat Bunga Tetap ASDF01CCn1 B 22-Feb-2012 21-Feb-2017 IDR 2,250 2,250
Tahap I Tahun 2012 Seri C
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Astra Sedaya Finance B 25-Feb-2013 22-Feb-2016 IDR 1,120 1,120
2. ASDF01BCn3
Tahap III Tahun 2013 Seri B
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Astra Sedaya
3. Finance Dengan Tingkat Bunga Tetap ASDF02CCn1 B 28-Jun-2013 27-Jun-2016 IDR 950 950
Tahap I Tahun 2013 Seri C
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Astra Sedaya
4. Finance Dengan Tingkat Bunga Tetap ASDF02BCn2 B 27-Nov-2013 26-Nov-2016 IDR 870 870
Tahap II Tahun 2013 Seri B
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Astra Sedaya
5. Finance Dengan Tingkat Bunga Tetap ASDF02CCn2 B 27-Nov-2013 26-Nov-2017 IDR 385 385
Tahap II Tahun 2013 Seri C
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Astra Sedaya
6. Finance Dengan Tingkat Bunga Tetap ASDF02BCn3 B 07-Apr-2014 04-Apr-2017 IDR 740 740
Tahap III Tahun 2014 Seri B
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Astra Sedaya
7. Finance Dengan Tingkat Bunga Tetap ASDF02CCn3 B 07-Apr-2014 04-Apr-2018 IDR 75 75
Tahap III Tahun 2014 Seri C
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Astra Sedaya
8. Finance Dengan Tingkat Bunga Tetap ASDF02ACn4 B 30-Oct-2014 09-Nov-2015 IDR - -
Tahap IV Tahun 2014 Seri A
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Astra Sedaya
9. Finance Dengan Tingkat Bunga Tetap ASDF02BCn4 B 30-Oct-2014 29-Oct-2017 IDR 1,500 1,500
Tahap IV Tahun 2014 Seri B
Nominal, bn IDR Volume, bn IDR
Out Jan-
standing Dec-15 Jun-16 Interest / Revenue Sharing Rating Tenure Trustee

18 IDR 741 741 1,798 389 9.500% aaa 36

bni (Persero) Tbk. bni
months (Persero) Tbk. bni
20 IDR 238 238 145 144 10.250% aaa 60
(Persero) Tbk. bni
months (Persero) Tbk. bni
6 IDR 441 441 600 94 nisbah 72.917% aaa 370
(Persero) Tbk. bni
months (Persero) Tbk.
18 IDR 59 59 72 8 nisbah 79.167% aaa 36
bni (Persero) Tbk.
16 IDR 492 492 869 93 8.750% aaa 370

18 IDR 668 668 1,300 118 9.500% aaa 36

-20 IDR 277 277 78 320 10.250% aaa 60


7,415 3,311 Sep-15 De 33,577 27,729 5,848 4,144 953

745 1,174 8,60% idaaa stable months

bri (Persero) Tbk.

1,592 260 7.500% idaaa stable 36

bri (Persero) Tbk.

idaaa stable 36
BRI (Persero) Tbk.
288 149 7.750% months

idaaa stable 36
BRI (Persero) Tbk.
202 162 9.500% months

idaaa stable 48
bri (Persero) Tbk.
113 184 9.750% months

541 274 10.500% aaa 3 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.

10 40 10.600% aaa 4 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.

aaa 370
bri (Persero) Tbk.
496 - 9.600% Days

aaa 36
bri (Persero) Tbk.
601 307 10.500% months
Date Nominal, bn IDR Volume,

C ur

Listed Bond & Sukuk Code Listing Maturity Issued standing

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Astra Sedaya
10. Finance Dengan Tingkat Bunga Tetap ASDF02ACn5 B 02-Jul-2015 12-Jul-2016 IDR 750 750 1,487
Tahap V Tahun 2015 Seri A
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Astra Sedaya
11. Finance Dengan Tingkat Bunga Tetap ASDF02BCn5 B 02-Jul-2015 02-Jul-2018 IDR 825 825 1,341
Tahap V Tahun 2015 Seri B
3 PT BCA FInAnCE 2,425 2,425 2,211

obligasi Berkelanjutan I BCA Finance Tahap BCAF01DCn1
I Tahun B 10-May-2012 09-May-2016 IDR 600 600 111
2012 Seri D
obligasi Berkelanjutan I BCA Finance
2. Dengan Tingkat Bunga Tetap Tahap II BCAF01BCn2 B 17-Jun-2013 14-Jun-2016 IDR 350 350 201
Tahun 2013 Seri B
obligasi Berkelanjutan I BCA Finance
3. Dengan Tingkat Bunga Tetap Tahap II BCAF01CCn2 B 17-Jun-2013 14-Jun-2017 IDR 200 200 25
Tahun 2013 Seri C
obligasi Berkelanjutan I BCA Finance Tahap BCAF01BCn3
B 28-Mar-2014 27-Mar-2017 IDR 275 275 161

obligasi Berkelanjutan II BCA Finance BCAF02ACn1
Tahap I
Tahun 2015 Seri A B 23-Mar-2015 30-Mar-2016 IDR 438 438 927

obligasi Berkelanjutan II BCA Finance BCAF02BCn1
B 23-Mar-2015 20-Mar-2017 IDR 140 140 220

obligasi Berkelanjutan II BCA Finance BCAF02CCn1
B 23-Mar-2015 20-Mar-2018 IDR 422 422 566

4 PT BFI FInAnCE InDonESIA Tbk 1,430 1,430 1,092

obligasi Berkelanjutan I BFI Finance BFIn01CCn2
B 20-Feb-2013 19-Feb-2016 IDR 155 155 204

obligasi Berkelanjutan II BFI Finance BFIn02BCn1
B 10-Mar-2014 07-Mar-2016 IDR 55 55 12

obligasi Berkelanjutan II BFI Finance BFIn02CCn1
B 10-Mar-2014 07-Mar-2017 IDR 220 220 8

obligasi Berkelanjutan II BFI Finance BFIn02ACn2
B 20-Mar-2015 29-Mar-2016 IDR 345 345 601
Indonesia Tahap II Tahun 2015 Seri A

obligasi Berkelanjutan II BFI Finance BFIn02BCn2
B 20-Mar-2015 19-Mar-2017 IDR 105 105 -

obligasi Berkelanjutan II BFI Finance BFIn02CCn2
B 20-Mar-2015 19-Mar-2018 IDR 550 550 267

5 PT BII FInAnCE CEnTER 1,943 1,943 1,281

1 obligasi I BII Finance Tahun 2012 Seri C BIIF01C B 08-Jun-2012 07-Jun-2016 IDR 143 143 35

III Tahun 2014 Seri B

Tahap I Tahun 2015 Seri B
Tahap I Tahun 2015 Seri C
Indonesia Tahap II Tahun 2013 Seri C
Indonesia Tahap I Tahun 2014 Seri B
Indonesia Tahap I Tahun 2014 Seri C
Indonesia Tahap II Tahun 2015 Seri B
Indonesia Tahap II Tahun 2015 Seri C
Nominal, bn IDR Volume, bn IDR
Dec-15 Jun-16 Interest / Revenue Sharing Rating Tenure Trustee
1,487 276 nisbah = 80%, equivalent 10,5% aaa Days
bri (Persero) Tbk.

aaa 36
bri (Persero) Tbk.
1,341 486 9.250% months

2,211 547 Sep-15 Dec 6,301 4,376 1,925 1,776 1,043 786

111 23 7.700% idaaa stable 48

bank mega Tbk.

idAAA stable 36
bank mega Tbk.
201 7 7.500% months

idAAA stable 48
bank mega Tbk.
25 94 7.600% months

161 154 10.000% idAAA stable 3 Years bank mega Tbk.

AAA 370
bank mega Tbk.
927 67 8.250% Days

220 20 8.500% AAA 2 Years bank mega Tbk.

566 181 9.000% AAA 3 Years bank mega Tbk.

1,092 203 Dec-15 Dec 11,770 7,751 4,019 2,831 835 650

204 - 9.000% A+(idn) stable 3 Years bank mega Tbk.

12 - 11.000% a+(idn) stable 2 Years bank mega Tbk.

8 65 11.500% a+(idn) stable 3 Years bank mega Tbk.

601 134 nisbah = 80%, equivalent 10.5% a+ 370 bank mega Tbk.

- - 10.500% a+ 2 Years bank mega Tbk.

267 4 10.875% a+ 3 Years bank mega Tbk.

1,281 773 Sep-15 Dec 4,420 3,412 1,008 608 265 198

35 - 8.000% AA+(idn) stable 48

bank Permata Tbk.
Date Nominal, bn IDR Volume, b
Listed Bond & Sukuk Code Listing Maturity Issued standing Dec-15

obligasi II BII Finance Tahun 2013 Dengan BIIF02A B 20-Jun-13 19-Jun-16 IDR 775 775 83
Tingkat Bunga Tetap Seri A months
obligasi II BII Finance Tahun 2013 Dengan BIIF02B B 20-Jun-13 19-Jun-18 IDR 525 525
Tingkat Bunga Tetap Seri B months

obligasi Berkelanjutan I BII Finance Tahap BIIF01ACn1 B 13-nov-15 12-nov-18 IDR 300 300
I Tahun 2015 Seri A
obligasi Berkelanjutan I BII Finance Tahap I B

5. Tahun 2015 Seri B

BIIF01BCn1 B 13-nov-15 12-nov-20 IDR 200 200 126 42
6. PT BImA muLTI FInAnCE 240 240

obligasi I Bima multi Finance Tahun 2013 B 10-Jan-2012 09-Jan-2016 IDR 90 90 15

1. BImF01B

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bima multi Finance BImF01ACn1
Tahap I Tahun 2015 Seri A B 23-Dec-2015 02-Jan-2017 IDR 108 108 -

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Bima multi Finance BImF01BCn1
B 23-Dec-2015 22-Dec-2018 IDR 42 42 -

Seri B
Tahap I Tahun 2015 Seri B
7. PT BATAVIA PRoSPERInDo FInAnCE Tbk. 230 230

obligasi Batavia Prosperindo Finance I

BPFI01C B 04-Jul-13 03-Jul-16 IDR 230 230 35
Tahun 2013 Seri C
8. PT CImB nIAGA AuTo FInAnCE - - 164

obligasi I CImB niaga Auto Finance Tahun CnAF01B B 23-nov-12 22-nov-15 IDR - - 164
2012 Seri B
9. PT FEDERAL InTERnATIonAL FInAnCE 6,935 6,935 7,962
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Federal

1. International Finance Tahap II Tahun FIFA01BCn2 B 05-Apr-13 04-Apr-16 IDR 1,690 1,690 1,068
2013 Seri B FIFA01BCn3 B 17-mar-14 14-mar-17 IDR 745 745 167
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Federal FIFA02ACn1 B 27-Apr-15 04-may-16 IDR 939 939 1,614
2. International Finance Dengan Tingkat FIFA02BCn1 B 27-Apr-15 24-Apr-18 IDR 2,061 2,061 2,661
Bunga Tetap Tahap III Tahun 2014 Seri B FIFA02ACn2 B 14-Sep-15 21-Sep-16 IDR 913 913 1,066
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Federal
3. International Finance Tahap I Tahun
2015 Seri A
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Federal
4. International Finance Tahap I Tahun
2015 Seri B
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Federal
5. International Finance Tahap II Tahun
2015 Seri A
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Federal

6. International Finance Tahap II Tahun FIFA02BCn2 B 14-Sep-15 11-Sep-18 IDR 587 587 1,387
Seri B

10. PT InDomoBIL FInAnCE InDonESIA 2,559 2,559 2,861

Nominal, bn IDR Volume, bn IDR
Out Jan-
standing Dec-15 Jun-16 Interest / Revenue Sharing Rating Tenure Trustee

R 775 775 832 509 7.750% AA+(idn) stable 36

Bank Permata Tbk.
Bank Permata Tbk.
DR 525 525 7 32 8.250% AA+(idn) stable 60

IDR 300 300 281 190 10.350% AA+ 3 Years Bank mandiri (Persero)

Bank mandiri (Persero)

200 126 42 10.900% AA+ 5 Years Tbk.

15 156 Sep-15 De 1,109 870 238 261 29 22

15 - 7.90% BBB STABLE 3 Years Bank mega Tbk.

370 Bank Tabungan negara
- 156 13,5% Days (Persero) Tbk.

BBB 3 Years
Bank Tabungan negara
- - 14,5%

(Persero) Tbk.
35 4 Dec-15 De 982 483 499 250 55 41

R 230 230 35 4 10.750% idbbb stable 3 Years bank mega Tbk.

164 - Jun-15 De 6,233 5,310 924 619 23 24

- - 164 - 8.100% AA+(idn) stable 3 Years Bank mega Tbk.

6,935 6,935 7,962 1,661 Sep-15 Dec 29,162 23,488 5,673 5,399 1,423 1,061

1,690 1,690 1,068 105 7.750% idAAA stable months

BRI (Persero) Tbk.
745 745 167 166 10.500% idAAA stable 36
BRI (Persero) Tbk. months
939 939 1,614 236 8.500% AAA 370
BRI (Persero) Tbk. Days
2,061 2,061 2,661 445 9.250% AAA 36
BRI (Persero) Tbk. months
913 913 1,066 531 8.500% AAA 370
BRI (Persero) Tbk. months

587 587 1,387 179 9.250% AAA 36 Days BRI (Persero) Tbk.

2,861 1,371 Jun-15 De 8,462 7,159 1,303 669 87 62

Date Nominal, bn IDR Volume,

Listed Bond & Sukuk
Listing Maturity Issued

Code standin
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Indomobil Finance ImFI01CCn1
B 14-May-2012 11-May-2016 IDR 518 518
Tahap I Tahun 2012 Seri C

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Indomobil Finance ImFI01BCn2
B 10-May-2013 08-May-2016 IDR 295 295
Tahap II Tahun 2013 Seri B

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Indomobil Finance ImFI01CCn2
B 10-May-2013 08-May-2017 IDR 208 208
Tahap II Tahun 2013 Seri C

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Indomobil Finance ImFI01BCn3
B 12-Dec-2013 11-Dec-2016 IDR 73 73

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Indomobil Finance ImFI01CCn3
B 12-Dec-2013 11-Dec-2017 IDR 86 86

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Indomobil Finance ImFI01BCn4
B 23-Apr-2014 22-Apr-2017 IDR 231 231
Tahap IV Tahun 2013 Seri B

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Indomobil Finance ImFI01CCn4
B 23-Apr-2014 22-Apr-2018 IDR 58 58
Tahap IV Tahun 2013 Seri C

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Indomobil Finance ImFI02ACn1
B 27-Apr-2015 04-May-2016 IDR 132 132
Tahap I Tahun 2015 Seri A

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Indomobil Finance ImFI02BCn1
B 27-Apr-2015 24-Apr-2018 IDR 170 170
Tahap I Tahun 2015 Seri B

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Indomobil Finance ImFI02CCn1
B 27-Apr-2015 24-Apr-2019 IDR 198 198
Tahap I Tahun 2015 Seri C

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Indomobil Finance ImFI02ACn2
B 09-Nov-2015 16-Nov-2016 IDR 267 267
tahap II tahun 2015

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Indomobil Finance ImFI02BCn2
B 09-Nov-2015 06-Nov-2018 IDR 121 121
tahap II tahun 2015

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Indomobil Finance ImFI02CCn2
B 09-Nov-2015 06-Nov-2019 IDR 203 203

Tahap III Tahun 2013 Seri B

Tahap III Tahun 2013 Seri C
tahap II tahun 2015
PT PERmoDALAn nASIonAL mADAnI (PERSERo) 1,933 1,933 438

1. obligasi I Pnm Tahun 2012 PnmP01 B 15-Oct-2012 12-Oct-2017 IDR 500 500 28
2. obligasi II Pnm Tahun 2013 PnmP02 B 10-Jul-2013 09-Jul-2018 IDR 1,000 1,000 37

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Pnm Tahap I Tahun PnmP01BCn1
B 22-Dec-2014 19-Dec-2017 IDR 187 187 373

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Pnm Tahap I Tahun PnmP01CCn1
B 22-Dec-2014 19-Dec-2019 IDR 246 246 -

12 PT PEGADAIAn (PERSERo) 7,959 7,959 2,179

obligasi X Perum Pegadaian Tahun 2003 PPGD10BXBVTW
B 15-Jul-2003 11-Jul-2018 IDR 64 64 -
Seri B

2014 Seri B
2014 Seri C
Nominal, bn IDR Volume, bn IDR
Dec- Jan-
Jun-16 Interest / Revenue Sharing Rating Tenure Trustee
360 298 8.250% idA stable 48
Bank mega Tbk.

943 131 8.250% idA stable 36

Bank mega Tbk.

431 244 8.500% idA stable 48

Bank mega Tbk.

2 71 10.750% idA stable 36 Years Bank mega Tbk.

- - 11.000% idA stable 48 Years Bank mega Tbk.

25 22 11.250% ida stable 36

bank mega Tbk.

- 25 11.400% idA stable 48

bank mega Tbk.

108 9 9.100% A 370

bank mega Tbk.

159 149 10.000% A 36

Bank mega Tbk.

54 104 10.250% A 48
Bank mega Tbk.

535 305 10.250% A 370

Bank mega Tbk.

202 - 10.750% A 36
Bank mega Tbk.

42 15 11.000% A 48
Bank mega Tbk.

438 31 Sep-15 De 5,083 4,371 711 881 89 48

28 4 9.100% idA stable 5 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.
37 - 9.200% idA stable 5 Years Bank mega Tbk.

373 27 10.500% A stable 3 Years Bank mega Tbk.

- - 10.750% A stable 5 Years Bank mega Tbk.

2,179 586 Sep-15 De 38,560 26,281 12,279 6,943 2,120 1,564

13.125% (Year 1-3) SBI 3 months 15
- - + 1.00% (max. 15.5%, min. idAA+ stable BnI (Persero) Tbk.
(Year 4-15)
Date Nominal, bn IDR Volume,
Listed Bond & Sukuk Code standing Dec-15
Listing Maturity Issued
obligasi XI Perum Pegadaian Tahun 2006

2. Seri A
PPGD11A B 24-may-06 23-may-16 IDR 400 400 294 65
3. PPGD11B
obligasi XI Perum Pegadaian Tahun 2006
B 24-may-06 23-may-16 IDR 100 100 35 -
Seri B
obligasi XII Perum Pegadaian Tahun 2007

4. Seri A
PPGD12A B 05-Sep-07 04-Sep-17 IDR 370 370 76 92
5. PPGD12B
obligasi XII Perum Pegadaian Tahun 2007
B 05-Sep-07 04-Sep-17 IDR 230 230 11 -
Seri B
obligasi XIII Perum Pegadaian Tahun 2009

6. Seri B
PPGD13B B 02-Jul-09 01-Jul-17 IDR 650 650 88 71
7. obligasi XIII Perum Pegadaian Tahun 2009
PPGD13C B 02-Jul-09 01-Jul-19 IDR 400 400 25 -
Seri C
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Perum Pegadaian

8. Tahap I Tahun 2011 Dengan Tingkat PPGD01BCn1 B 12-oct-11 11-oct-16 IDR 250 250 40
Bunga Tetap Seri B PPGD01CCn1 B 12-oct-11 11-oct-21 IDR 500 500 3
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Perum Pegadaian
9. Tahap I Tahun 2011 Dengan Tingkat
Bunga Tetap Seri C
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Perum Pegadaian

10. Tahap II Tahun 2012 Seri C PPGD01CCn2 B 15-Feb-12 14-Feb-17 IDR 200 200 4 17
11. obligasi Berkelanjutan I Perum Pegadaian PPGD01DCn2 B 15-Feb-12 14-Feb-19 IDR 500 500 33 46
12. Tahap II Tahun 2012 Seri D
13. obligasi Berkelanjutan II Pegadaian Tahap I PPGD02BCn1 B 10-Jul-13 09-Jul-16 IDR 17 17 25 30
14. Tahun 2013 Seri B
15. obligasi Berkelanjutan II Pegadaian Tahap I PPGD02CCn1 B 10-Jul-13 09-Jul-18 IDR 177 177 - -
16. Tahun 2013 Seri C
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Pegadaian Tahap I
PPGD02DCn1 B 10-Jul-13 09-Jul-20 IDR 601 601 26 5
Tahun 2013 Seri D
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Pegadaian Tahap
PPGD02BCn2 B 14-Jul-14 11-Jul-17 IDR 202 202 37 -
II Tahun 2014 Seri B
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Pegadaian Tahap
PPGD02CCn2 B 14-Jul-14 11-Jul-19 IDR 398 398 25 -
II Tahun 2014 Seri C

obligasi Berkelanjutan II Pegadaian PPGD02ACn3 B 08-may-15 17-may-16 IDR 400 400
Tahap III Tahun 2015 Seri A
obligasi Berkelanjutan II Pegadaian Tahap
18. III Tahun 2015 Seri B
PPGD02BCn3 B 08-may-15 07-may-18 IDR 1,300 1,300 579 137
19 obligasi Berkelanjutan II Pegadaian Tahap
PPGD02CCn3 B 08-may-15 07-may-20 IDR 1,200 1,200 283 55
III Tahun 2015 Seri C
13. PT SuRYA ARTHA nuSAnTARA FInAnCE 1,891 1,891

obligasi Berkelanjutan I SAn Finance SAnF01BCn1 B 26-Sep-13 25-Sep-16 IDR 391 391
I Tahun 2013 Seri B
Nominal, bn IDR Volume, bn IDR
Out Jan-
standing Dec-15 Jun-16 Interest / Revenue Sharing Rating Tenure Trustee

400 294 65 13.10% idAA+ stable 10 Years BnI (Persero) Tbk.

100 35 - 13.1% (Year 1) SBI 1 month idAA+ stable 10 Years BnI (Persero) Tbk.
+ 1.25% (max.16.00%,
min. 10.00%) (year 2-10)

370 76 92 10.03% idAA+ stable 10 Years BnI (Persero) Tbk.

230 11 - 10.025% (Year 1) SBI idAA+ stable 10 Years BnI (Persero) Tbk.
+ 1% (max. 12%, min. 8%)
(Year 2-10)

50 88 71 12.65% idAA+ stable 8 Years Bank mega Tbk.

400 25 - 12.88% idAA+ stable 10 Years Bank mega Tbk.

250 250 40 - 8.00% idAA+ stable 5 Years Bank mega Tbk.

R 500 500 3 20 9.00% idaa+ stable 10 Years Bank mega Tbk.

4 17 7.50% idaa+ stable 5 Years bank mega Tbk.

33 46 7.75% idAA+ stable 7 Years bank mega Tbk.

25 30 7.40% idAA+ stable 3 Years bank mega Tbk.

- - 7.75% idAA+ stable 5 Years bank mega Tbk.

26 5 8.00% idAA+ stable 7 Years bank mega Tbk.

37 - 9.35% AA+ 3 Years bank mega Tbk.

25 - 9.75% AA+ 5 Years bank mega Tbk.

16 IDR 400 400 595 48 8.50% AA+ 370

bank mega Tbk.

1,300 579 137 9.25% AA+ 3 Years bank mega Tbk.

283 55 8.50% AA+ 5 Years bank mega Tbk.

1,233 138 Sep-15 De 6,520 5,101 1,418 522 121
6 IDR 391 391 411 69 9.750% idAA- stable 36
BRI (Persero) Tbk.
Date Nominal, bn IDR Volume
Listed Bond & Sukuk Code standing Dec-15
Listing Maturity Issued
obligasi Berkelanjutan I SAn Finance Tahap

2. II Tahun 2014
SAnF01Cn2 B 17-Dec-14 16-Dec-17 IDR 1,000 1,000 809 69
3. obligasi Berkelanjutan I SAn Finance Tahap
SAnF01Cn3 B 07-oct-15 06-oct-18 IDR 500 500 13 -
III Tahun 2015

14. PT SARAnA muLTI InFRASTRuKTuR (PERSERo) 1,000 1,000 426

obligasi I Sarana multi Infrastruktur Tahun
1. 2014 Seri A
SmII01A B 12-Jun-14 11-Jun-17 IDR 100 100 135 93
2. obligasi I Sarana multi Infrastruktur Tahun
SmII01B B 11-Jun-14 11-Jun-19 IDR 900 900 291 37
2014 Seri B

1. obligasi sinar mas multifinance ii Tahun

SmmF02 B 11-Apr-13 10-Apr-18 IDR 500 500 98 35
16. PT SARAnA muLTIGRIYA FInAnSIAL (PERSERo) 4,789 4,789 2,066
obligasi Berkelanjutan I SmF Tahap II

1. Tahun 2012 Berjaminan Seri C

SmFP01CCn2 B 26-Apr-12 20-Apr-17 IDR 838 838 115 53
2. obligasi Berkelanjutan II Sarana multigriya
SmFP02BCn1 B 28-Dec-12 27-Dec-17 IDR 255 255 39 35
2012 Seri B
3. obligasi Berkelanjutan II Sarana multigriya
SmFP02CCn1 B 28-Dec-12 27-Dec-19 IDR 175 175 - -
2012 Seri C
4. obligasi Berkelanjutan II Sarana multigriya
SmFP02BCn2 B 22-mar-13 21-mar-16 IDR 123 123 - -
2013 Seri B
5. obligasi Berkelanjutan II Sarana multigriya
SmFP02CCn2 B 22-mar-13 21-mar-18 IDR 736 736 80 -
2013 Seri C
6. obligasi Berkelanjutan II Sarana multigriya
SmFP02DCn2 B 22-mar-13 21-mar-20 IDR 100 100 - -
2013 Seri D
7. obligasi Berkelanjutan II Sarana multigriya
SmFP02BCn3 B 28-mar-14 27-mar-17 IDR 237 237 - 40
Tahun 2014 Seri B
8. obligasi Berkelanjutan II Sarana multigriya
SmFP02BCn5 B 17-Dec-14 16-Dec-17 IDR 753 753 692 41
Finansial Tahap V Tahun 2014 Seri B

9. obligasi Berkelanjutan III Sarana multigriya

SmFP03ACn1 B 08-Jul-15 17-Jul-16 IDR 415 415 720 -
Finansial Tahap I Tahun 2015 Seri A
obligasi Berkelanjutan III Sarana SmFP03BCn1 B 08-Jul-15 07-Jul-18 IDR 85
11 obligasi Tahap I Tahun 2015
Berkelanjutan III Sarana multigriya
Seri B
SmFP03Cn2 B 19-nov-15 28-nov-16 IDR 472 472 235 40
Finansial Tahap II Tahun 2015
¸ 12.
obligasi Berkelanjutan III Sarana SmFP03Cn3 B 28-Dec-15 03-Jan-17 IDR 600 600
Finansial Tahap III Tahun 2015

15. PT SInAR mAS 50 500 98 35

muLTIFInAnCE 0 Jun-15

17. PT mAnDALA muLTIFInAnCE Tbk 564 564

Nominal, bn IDR Volume, bn IDR
Out Jan-
standing Dec-15 Jun-16 Interest / Revenue Sharing Rating Tenure Trustee

,000 809 69 10.500% idAA- stable 3 Years BRI (Persero) Tbk.

500 13 - 10.500% AA- stable 3 Years mandiri Sekuritas

1,000 1,000 426 130 Jun-15 Dec 10,034 5,129 4,906 336 168 134

00 135 93 9.600% idAA+ stable 3 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.

900 291 37 10.000% idaa+ stable 5 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.

500 98 35 10.750% A- stable 5 Years bank Permata Tbk.

4,789 4,789 2,066 955 Sep-15 Dec 8,951 4,795 4,156 621 238 131

838 115 53 7.550% aa+(idn) sTabLe 5 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.

255 39 35 7.500% idAA+STABLE 5 Years bri (Persero) Tbk. Finansial Tahap I Tahun

175 - - 8.000% idaa+sTabLe 7 Years bri (Persero) Tbk. Finansial Tahap I Tahun

123 - - 7.300% idAA+STABLE 3 Years bri (Persero) Tbk. Finansial Tahap II Tahun

736 80 - 7.600% idAA+STABLE 5 Years bri (Persero) Tbk. Finansial Tahap II Tahun

100 - - 7.800% idAA+STABLE 7 Years bri (Persero) Tbk. Finansial Tahap II Tahun

237 - 40 10.000% idAA+STABLE 3 Years bri (Persero) Tbk. Finansial Tahap III

753 692 41 10.000% AA+ 3 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.

415 720 - 8.600% AA+ 370 Bank mandiri (Persero)

Days Tbk.
07-Jul-18 IDR 85 85 135 70 9.250% AA+ 3 Years Bank mandiri (Persero)

235 40 8.900% AA+ 370 Bank mandiri (Persero)
Days Tbk.
17 IDR 600 600 50 676 9.250% AA+ 370
Bank mandiri (Persero)
Days Tbk.

Dec 2,048 33 1 7
3,151 1,104 2 1

1,128 477 Dec-15 De 4,595 3,001 1,594 1,700 329
Date Nominal, bn IDR Volume,
Listed Bond & Sukuk Code standing Dec-15
Listing Maturity Issued
obligasi Berkelanjutan mandala

1. multifinance i Tahun 2014 Tahap ii seri b

mFIn01CCn2 B 04-Jun-14 03-Jun-17 IDR 64 64 - -

obligasi Berkelanjutan II mandala mFIn02ACn1 B 11-may-15 18-may-16 IDR 232 232 8
multifinance Tahap i Tahun 2015 seri a Days
obligasi Berkelanjutan II mandala mFIn02BCn1 B 11-may-15 08-may-17 IDR 143 143 18
multifinance Tahap i Tahun 2015 seri b month
obligasi Berkelanjutan II mandala 36

4. multifinance Tahap i Tahun 2015 seri c

mFIn02CCn1 B 11-may-15 08-may-18 IDR 125 125 137 14

obligasi Toyota Astra Financial Services III

1. Tahun 2013 Dengan Tingkat Bunga Tetap TAFS03B B 20-may-13 17-may-16 IDR 700 700 1,062

Seri B
obligasi Toyota Astra Financial Services III
2. Tahun 2013 Dengan Tingkat Bunga Tetap TAFS03C B 20-May-2013 17-May-2017 IDR 100 100
Seri C
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Toyota Astra
3. Financial Services Dengan Tingkat Bunga TAFS01BCn1 B 14-Feb-2014 13-Feb-2017 IDR 512 512
Tetap Tahap I Tahun 2014 Seri B
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Toyota Astra
4. Financial Services Tahap II Tahun 2015 TAFS01ACn2 B 12-Jun-2015 21-Jun-2016 IDR 698 698
Seri A
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Toyota Astra
5. Financial Services Tahap II Tahun 2015 TAFS01BCn2 B 12-Jun-2015 11-Jun-2018 IDR 811 811
Seri B
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Toyota Astra
6. Financial Services Tahap III Tahun 2015 TAFS01ACn3 B 09-Nov-2015 16-Nov-2016 IDR 170 170
Seri A
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Toyota Astra
7. Financial Services Tahap III Tahun 2015 TAFS01BCn3 B 09-Nov-2015 06-Nov-2018 IDR 1,498 1,498
Seri B

obligasi Berkelanjutan I mandiri Tunas TuFI01ACn1 B 07-Jun-13 05-Jun-16 IDR 425 425
Finance Tahap I Tahun 2013 Seri A month
obligasi Berkelanjutan I mandiri Tunas TuFI01BCn1 B 07-Jun-13 05-Jun-17 IDR 75 75
Finance Tahap I Tahun 2013 Seri B month
obligasi Berkelanjutan I mandiri Tunas TuFI01ACn2 B 26-may-14 23-may-17 IDR 425 425 2
Finance Tahap II Tahun 2014 Seri A TuFI01BCn2 B 26-may-14 23-may-18 IDR 175 175
obligasi Berkelanjutan I mandiri Tunas month
Finance Tahap II Tahun 2014 Seri B 36
obligasi Berkelanjutan I mandiri Tunas

5. Finance Tahap III Tahun 2015

TuFI01Cn3 B 10-Jun-15 09-Jun-18 IDR 150 150 135 -

19. PT mAnDIRI TunAS 1,850 1,850 483 1,030

FInAnCE Sep-15
Nominal, bn IDR Volume, bn IDR
Out Jan-
standing Dec-15 Jun-16 Interest / Revenue Sharing Rating Tenure Trustee

64 - - 12.000% ida stable 3 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.

DR 232 232 806 454 10.500% a 370
bri (Persero) Tbk.
Days bri (Persero) Tbk.
DR 143 143 185 10 nisbah 80%, equivalent 10.5% a 24


125 137 14 11.500% a months

bri (Persero) Tbk.
7,145 2,585 Sep-15 De 18,857 16,598 2,260 1,623 301
bri (Persero) Tbk.
R 700 700 1,062 16 7.600% AAA(idn) stable months

AAA(idn) stable 48
bri (Persero) Tbk.
14 12 7.650% months

AAA(idn) stable 36
bri (Persero) Tbk.
312 247 10.500% months


bri (Persero) Tbk.
999 4446 8.500% months

aaa sTabLe 36
bri (Persero) Tbk.
2,494 495 9.250% months

AAA 370
bri (Persero) Tbk.
135 80 8.750% days

AAA 36
bri (Persero) Tbk.
2,130 1,289 9.500% months

DR 425 425 66 165 7.750% idaa sTabLe 36

bank mega Tbk. bank
months mega Tbk. bank
DR 75 75 - - 7.800% idAA STABLE 48
mega Tbk.
months bank mega Tbk.
DR 425 425 252 162 10.700% idAA STABLE 36

DR 175 175 - - 10.850% idAA STABLE 48


150 135 - 9.750% AA months

bank mega Tbk

Dec 7,180 1,089 30 22

8,269 1,420 1 5
Date Nominal, bn IDR Volume, b
Listed Bond & Sukuk Code standing Dec-15
Listing Maturity Issued
obligasi Berkelanjutan II mandiri Tunas

¸ TuFI02ACn1
Finance Tahap I Tahun 2015 Seri A
B 21-Dec-15 18-Dec-18 IDR 500 500 29 673 1
obligasi Berkelanjutan II mandiri Tunas
B 21-Dec-15 18-Dec-20 IDR 100 100 1 30 1
6 Finance Tahap I Tahun 2015 Seri B
20. PT VEREnA muLTI FInAnCE Tbk 308 308

obligasi7Berkelanjutan I Verena multi VRnA01CCn1
B 12-Dec-2012 11-Dec-2016 IDR 23 23 -
Finance Tahap I Tahun 2012 Seri C
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Verena multi Finance B 27-Dec-2013 24-Dec-2016 IDR 113 113 10
2. VRnA01ACn2
Tahap II Tahun 2013 Seri A
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Verena multi Finance B 27-Dec-2013 24-Dec-2017 IDR 40 40 40
3. VRnA01BCn2
Tahap II Tahun 2013 Seri B

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Verena multi VRnA01BCn3
Finance B 20-Mar-2014 19-Mar-2017 IDR 132 132 25
Tahap III Tahun 2014 Seri B
21. PT WAHAnA oTTomITRA muLTIARTHA Tbk. 2,303 2,303 4,056

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Wom Finance WomF01BCn1
Tahap I B 26-Jun-2014 25-Jun-2017 IDR 203 203 39
Tahun 2014 Seri B
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Wom Finance Tahap II B 08-Dec-2014 05-Dec-2017 IDR 500 500 1,136
2. WomF01BCn2
Tahun 2014 Seri B

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Wom Finance WomF01ACn3
Tahap III B 06-Apr-2015 12-Apr-2016 IDR 140 140 404
Tahun 2015 Seri A

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Wom Finance WomF01BCn3
Tahap III B 06-Apr-2015 02-Apr-2018 IDR 860 860 1,981
Tahun 2015 Seri B
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Wom Finance Tahap IV B 23-Dec-2015 02-Jan-2017 IDR 203 203 20
5. WomF01ACn4
Tahun 2015 Seri A
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Wom Finance B 23-Dec-2015 22-Dec-2018 IDR 397 397 478
6. WomF01BCn4

Tahap IV Tahun 2015 Seri B

83. SECuRITIES ComPAnY 59 59 2 3
1. PT mnC SECuRITIES 59 59

obligasi mnC Securities II Tahun 2011 BSEC02B B 06-Jul-11 05-Jul-16 IDR 59 59 2
Seri B
89. oTHERS 1,600 1,600 307 27

1. PT DAnAREKSA (PERSERo) 1,375 1,375 299

1. obligasi V Danareksa Tahun 2010 Seri B DnRK05B B 12-Jan-2011 11-Jan-2016 IDR 375 375 194

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Danareksa Tahap I DnRK01ACn1
B 10-Jan-2012 09-Jan-2016 IDR 125 125 21

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Danareksa Tahap I DnRK01BCn1
B 10-Jan-2012 09-Jan-2018 IDR 375 375 23

Tahun 2012 Seri A

Tahun 2012 Seri B
Date Nominal, bn IDR Volume, b
Nominal, bn IDR Volume, bn IDR
Out Jan-
standing Dec-15 Jun-16 Interest / Revenue Sharing Rating Tenure Trustee

29 673 10.200% AA 3 Years Bank mega Tbk.

1 30 10.800% AA 5 Years bank mega Tbk.

75 9 Dec-15 De 1,894 1,610 284 379 6 2

- 8 ida stable 48
bank sinarmas Tbk.
10 - 11.840% idA stable 36
bank mega Tbk.

40 - 12.150% ida stable 48

bank mega Tbk.

25 0.60 12.55% 36 Bank mega Tbk.

ida stable
4,056 1,892 Dec- De 5,306 756 1,740 24
15 c
39 266 11.000% aa(idn) sTabLe 3 Years
Bank mandiri (Persero)
1,136 64 11.250% AA 3 Years
Bank mandiri (Persero) Tbk.

404 37 9.250% 370 Bank mandiri (Persero)

Days Tbk.
1,981 497 10.250% aa
3 Bank mandiri (Persero)
months Tbk.
20 275 9.350% 370 Bank mandiri (Persero)
Days Tbk.
478 753 10.800% aa 3 Years
Bank mandiri (Persero)

59 2 3
2 3 Sep-15 De 657 298 358 68 21
59 59 2 3 13.250% idbbb stable 5 Years bank mega Tbk.

0 307 27

299 20 Jun-15 De 4,552 3,807 746 277 39


194 - 10.200% ida stable 5 Years bank mega Tbk.
21 - 8.200% ida stable 3 Years bank mega Tbk.

23 20 8.800% ida stable 5 Years bank mega Tbk.

Nominal, bn IDR Volume, bn IDR

Listed Bond & Sukuk Code Listing Maturity Issued

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Danareksa DnRK01ACn2 B 17-Dec-14 16-Dec-17 IDR 250 250 53
Tahap II Tahun 2014 Seri A DnRK01BCn2 B 17-Dec-14 16-Dec-19 IDR 250 250 8
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Danareksa
Tahap II
Tahun 2014 Seri B
obligasi Berkelanjutan I mnC Kapital BCAP01Cn1 B 08-Jul-13 05-Jul-18 IDR 225 225 8
Indonesia Tahap I Tahun 2013
1. obligasi I AKR Corpindo Tahun 2012 Seri A AKRA01A B 26-Dec-12 21-Dec-17 IDR 623 623
2. obligasi I AKR Corpindo Tahun 2012 Seri B AKRA01B B 26-Dec-12 21-Dec-19 IDR 877 877

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Lautan Luas LTLS01Cn1 B 20-Jun-13 19-Jun-18 IDR 700 700 230
I Tahun
93. RETAIL 2013
TRADE 3,947 3,947 3,658 2
1. PT mITRA ADIPERKASA Tbk 1,447 1,447 1,336

obligasi Bekelanjutan mitra Adiperkasa mAPI01BCn1 B 13-Dec-12 12-Dec-17 IDR 447 447 381
Tahap I Tahun 2012 Seri B mAPI01ACn2 B 21-Feb-14 20-Feb-17 IDR 370 370 13
obligasi Berkelanjutan I mitra mAPI01BCn2 B 21-Feb-14 20-Feb-19 IDR 280 280 621
Adiperkasa Tahap II Tahun 2014 Seri A mAPI01ACn3 B 22-Sep-14 19-Sep-17 IDR 150 150 72
obligasi Berkelanjutan I mitra mAPI01BCn3 B 22-Sep-14 19-Sep-19 IDR 200 200 249
Adiperkasa Tahap II Tahun 2014 Seri B
obligasi Berkelanjutan I mitra
Adiperkasa Tahap III Tahun 2014 Seri A
obligasi Berkelanjutan I mitra
Tahap III Tahun 2014 Seri B

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Sumber Alfaria AmRT01Cn1 B 27-Jun-14 26-Jun-17 IDR 1,000 1,000 7
Trijaya Tahap I Tahun 2014 AmRT01ACn2 B 11-may-15 08-may-18 IDR 600 600 9
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Sumber Alfaria AmRT01BCn2 B 11-may-15 08-may-20 IDR 400 400 1
Trijaya Tahap II Tahun 2015 Seri A
obligasi Berkelanjutan I Sumber Alfaria
Trijaya Tahap II Tahun 2015 Seri B

2. PT mnC KAPITAL 22 22 8 7 Dec-

InDonESIA Tbk. 5 5 15
7,987 7,987 5,368 3,442 Fiscal
Financial Year
91. WHoLESALE (DuRABLE & non Statement
2,200 2,200 1,029 598
DuRABLE GooDS) 1,500 1,500 799 542
1. PT AKR CoRPoRInDo Tbk. Dec-15
2. PT LAuTAn LuAS 70 700 230 56
Tbk. 0 Dec-15

2. PT SumBER ALFARIA 2,000 2,000 1,796 763

TRIJAYA Tbk Dec-15
Out Jan-
standing Dec-15 Jun-16 Interest / Revenue Sharing Rating Tenure Trustee

R 250 250 53 - 10.500% a 3 Years bank mega Tbk.

R 250 250 8 - 11.000% a 5 Years bank mega Tbk.

R 225 225 8 7 12.000% idbbb stable 5 Years Bank CImB niaga Tbk.

IDR 623 623 275 185 8.400% idaa- stable 5 Years bank mega Tbk.
IDR 877 877 524 357 8.750% idaa- stable 7 Years bank mega Tbk.

R 700 700 230 56 9.750% ida- stable 5 Years bank mega Tbk.

3,947 3,947 3,658 2,467

1,447 1,447 1,336 841 Dec-15 Dec 9,483 6,508 2,975 12,833 148 37
R 447 447 381 159 8.450% idAA- stable 5 Years bank cimb niaga Tbk.
R 370 370 13 248 10.900% idAA- stable 3 Years bank cimb niaga Tbk.
R 280 280 621 87 11.500% idAA- stable 5 Years bank cimb niaga Tbk.
R 150 150 72 80 10.300% AA- stable 3 Years bank cimb niaga Tbk.
R 200 200 249 268 10.900% AA- stable 5 Years bank cimb niaga Tbk.

DR 1,000 1,000 709 573 10.500% AA- 3 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.
IDR 600 600 922 80 9.700% AA- 3 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.
IDR 400 400 165 110 10.000% AA- 5 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.

Dec 19,395 14,191 5,204 - -

1,284 51 43
Fiscal Assets Liabilities Equity Sales net
Year operating Inco
End me

Dec 7,917 7,286 1,31 1,03

15,203 19,765 7 4
Dec 3,774 64 7 4
5,393 1,620 7 7

Dec 15,196 10,346 4,850 63 45

48,265 0 1
Date Nominal, bn IDR Volume, b

Listed Bond & Sukuk
Listing Maturity Issued standing

3. PT TIPHonE moBILE InDonESIA Tbk. 500 500

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Tiphone Tahap I TELE01Cn1
B 13-Jul-2015 10-Jul-2018 IDR 500 500

Tahun 2015
94. TouRISm, RESTAuRAnT AnD HoTEL 840 840 442 180

1. PT FAST FooD InDonESIA Tbk 200 200

1 obligasi Fast Food Indonesia I Tahun 2011 FAST01 B 07-Oct-2011 06-Oct-2016 IDR 200 200
2. PT PEmBAnGunAn JAYA AnCoL Tbk. 200 200

1 obligasi II Jaya Ancol Tahun 2012 Seri B PJAA02B B 28-Dec-2012 27-Dec-2017 IDR 200 200

3. PT PAnoRAmA SEnTRAWISATA Tbk. 440 440 329

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Panorama PAnR01Cn1
B 10-Jul-2013 09-Jul-2018 IDR 100 100 -

obligasi Berkelanjutan I Panorama B 13-May-2015 12-May-2018 IDR 340 340 329

2. PAnR01Cn2

Sentrawisata Tahap I Tahun 2013

Sentrawisata Tahap II Tahun 2015
98. InVESTmEnT ComPAnY 1,000 1,000 239 199

1. PT GLoBAL mEDIACom Tbk 1,000 1,000 239

obligasi Global mediacom I Tahun 2012 BmTR01B
B13-Jul-2012 12-Jul-2017 ID 1,000 1,000 239
TOTAL Rp 249,956 249,880 178,355

USD 0.10 0.10 0.007

Seri B
Nominal, bn IDR Volume, bn IDR R
Jan- Jun- a
Interest / Revenue
Dec-15 16 ti Tenure Trustee
n 370
527 863 Dec-15 Dec 7,129 4,313 g 2,815 22,040 501

527 863 11.000% A 3 Years bank mega Tbk.

840 442 180

82 Dec-15 De 2,311 1,196 1,115 4,475 133
82 71 9.500% idaa 5 bri (Persero) Tbk.
stable years 291
31 59 Dec- De 3,130 1,342 1,789 1,131 379
15 c
31 59 8.400% idaa- 5 bank Permata Tbk.
stable Years
329 50 Dec-15 De 1,746 1,333 413 1,923 67 49

- 50 11.500% idA- stable 5 Years bank mega Tbk.

329 - 11.000% A- 3 Years Bank mega Tbk.

000 239 199

199 26,492 11,198 15,295 10,573
239 Dec-15 De 615 52

239 199 10,5% ida+ stable 5 Years bri (Persero) Tbk.

0.007 0.005

Jakarta Stock Industrial

The sectoral classification system used to categorize
companies listed at the Indonesia Stock Exchange is the
Jakarta stock industrial classification (Jasica). This
classification is useful for the capital market participants
as a tool in making an investment decision. Indonesia
Stock Exchange also calculates sectoral indices as a
performance indicator for each industrial group.
JASICA business segmentation is generally based on
indonesia business classification, which is
published by Statistics Indonesia (BPS) made under
International standard industrial classification (isic).
Thus, variety of business cores in Indonesia requires
adjustments from international standard classification.
The goals of JASICA are:
 Give the capital market participants basic knowledge of
the listed company in IDX;
 standardize the industry classification, in order to
enable comparisons among listed companies;
 Assisting investors in analyzing and evaluating
listed companies.
The group sectors within the Jasica are classified as
Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary, depending on the
main economic activities of each listed company.
 Primary Sectors (Extractive)
- Agriculture
- mining
 Secondary Sectors (Industry and manufacturing)
- Basic Industry and Chemical
- miscellaneous Industry
- Consumer Goods Industry
 Tertiary Sectors (Service)
- Property, Real Estate and Building Construction
- Infrastructure, utilities and Transportation
- Finance
- Trade, Services and Investment
Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) will conduct
evaluation for sectoral classification of all listed company
every June. Therefore, JASICA will be renewed every July.
The evaluation is using information from the latest
audited Financial Report.
For the new listed companies, IDX will assigned its
sectoral classification since the first day it listed its
 Tertiary Sectors (Service)
- Property, Real Estate and Building Construction
- Infrastructure, utilities and Transportation
- Finance
- Trade, Services and Investment
Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) will conduct
evaluation for sectoral classification of all listed company
every June. Therefore, JASICA will be renewed every July.
The evaluation is using information from the latest
audited Financial Report.
For the new listed companies, IDX will assigned its
sectoral classification since the first day it listed its
ock Industrial
Codes in JASICA are written in common numbers (1 – 9). These numbers are used to
Sector: 1 (one) digit code (1 – 9). This grouping comprises 9 sectors which are marked
in 1 digit number.
sub sector: 2 (two) digit code (11 – 99). give more specific information about each
group of categories. Each sector comprises subsectors which have similar business
cores. Sub sector ending with 9 (i.e 19, 29, 39, etc.) are categorized as others.
Sector and Sub Sector of JASICA
Sector Sub Sector Sector Sub Sector

8. Finance
1. Agriculture
11. Crops 81. Bank
12. Plantations 82. Financial Institution
13. Animal Husbandary 83. Securities Company
14. Fishery 84. Insurance
15. Forestry 85. Investment Fund or m
19. others 89. others

9. Trade, Services and Investment

2. mining
21. Coal mining
22. Crude Petroleum and natural Gas Production
23. metal And mineral mining
24. Land or Stone quarrying
29. others
31. Cement
32. Ceramics, Glass, Porcelain
33. metal And Allied Products
34. Plastics and Packaging
35. Animal Feed
36. Wood Industries
37. Pulp and Paper
38. others

3. Basic Industry and Chemicals

4. miscellaneous Industry
41. machinery and Heavy Equipment
42. Automotive and Components
43. Textile and Garment
44. Footwear
45. Cable
46. Electronics
49. others

5. Consumer Goods Industry

51. Food And Beverages
52. Tobacco manufacturers
53. Pharmaceuticals
54. Cosmetics and Household
55. Houseware
59. others

6. Property, Real Estate and Building Construction

61. Property and Real Estate
62. Building Construction
69. others

7. Infrastructures, utilities and Transportation

71. Energy
72. Toll Road, Airport, Harbor and Allied Products
73. Telecommunication
74. Transportation
75. non-building Construction
79. others

Securities Indexes on
Indonesia Stock Exchan
Sector Sub Sector

81. Bank
82. Financial Institution
83. Securities Company
84. Insurance
85. Investment Fund or mutual Fund
89. others

91. Wholesale (Durable and non-Durable Goods)

93. Retail Trade
94. Tourism, Restaurant and Hotel
95. Advertising, Printing and media
96. Healthcare
97. Computer and Services
98. Investment Company
99. others
ed Products

Indexes on
Stock Exchange
Price indexes for securities listed in IDX was created to  Sminfra18 Index, which consists of 18 stocks l
give information for the investors about the performance infrastructure and supporting infrastructure;
of a securities or its market as a whole. on a recent  mnC36 Index, which consists of 36 selected st
development, creation of index was intended to be used big market capitalization, and positive financial r
as an underlying for derivatives product, such as mutual  Investor33 Index, which consist of 33 leading
fund, ETFs, etc. from 100 best listed companies according to Inv
until now, IDX has been listed 14 stock indexes, 1 sector  Sector Indexes Family, which consists of 9
index family, 1 listing board index family and 5 indexes in Jakarta Stock Industrial classification (Jasica
for each of 3 bonds categories; government bonds, its corresponding sector;
corporate bonds, and composite (using both government  Listing Board Indexes Family, which consist
and corporate bonds). Development Board Index (DBX), both indexes a
For index creation which required certain expertise to do its corresponding listing board;
selection of constituent, IDX conduct a cooperation  Indonesia Bond Indexes (InDoBeX) consist of 1
with external counterpart. using 5 different method to measure performanc
IDX main resposibilities regarding to the listed government bonds, corporate bonds, and com
securities indexes is to disseminate them through corporate bonds);
printed and electronic media. Investor could obtain real-
time index data stream by subsribing directly to IDX or
The JCI was introduced on 1 April 1983 as the ind
through IDX data vendors.
stocks listed in the IDX, both for the regular and
Securities Indexes listed on IDX are as follows:
the JCI’s calculation is 10 August 1982, with a ba
 Jakarta Composite Index (JCI/IHSG), which use all listed
100. At that time, the number of listed stocks wa
stocks as the constituents for its index calculation;
 Individual Index, which is the price index of individual INDIVIDUAL INDEX
stock compared to its IPo prices as the base price; This index is an indicator of changes in individua
 Lq45 Index, which consist of 45 selected offering price. Every single stock has an individu
stocks according to trading liquidity and market size; listed at the IDX.
 IDX30 Index, which consists of 30 selected stocks
according to trading liquidity and market size;
Lq45 Index was established to provide the marke
 KomPAS100 Index, which consists of 100 selected
the most liquid stocks. To date, the Lq45 Index
stocks according to trading liquidity and market size;
market capitalization and transaction values in t
 Indonesia Sharia Stock Index (ISSI), which uses all
for the calculation of Lq45 Index is July 13, 1994
listed stocks included in the List of Sharia Securities
Below are some of the factors for a stock to be in
(Daftar Efek Syariah) issued by oJK;
 The stocks should have been listed at the IDX
 Jakarta Islamic Index (JII), which consists of 30 selected
 The performance of the stock in the regul
stocks according to trading liquidity and market size
value, volume and frequency of transactions.
included in the List of Sharia Securities (Daftar Efek
Syariah) issued by oJK;
 BISnIS-27 Index, which consists of 27 stocks
chosen based on Fundamental Criteria and Technical
Criteria or Trading Liquidity;
 PEFInDo25 Index, which consists of 25 stocks of Small
and medium Enterprise (SmE) chosen based on their
financial and liquidity performances, as well as their high
number of public ownerships;
 SRI-KEHATI Index, which consists of 25 listed
stocks with excellent practices on supporting their
sustainability through methods that concern about the
environment, social and good corporate governance;
 infobank15 Index, which consists of 15 leading stocks
of the banks listed on IDX;
 The number of trading days in the regular market. December, or whenever there is any
 The stock’s market capitalization at a certain time The selection criteria of sharia st
period. Regulations no. II.K.1 concerning Cri
 Besides the liquidity and market capitalization List, item 1.b.7. The regulation state
factors, the stocks selection for Lq45 Index is also shares, including sharia rights and s
based on the financial condition and the prospect Public Company who does not decla
of growth of the companies. management are conducted based o
 Indonesia Stock Exchange regularly monitors issuer or Public company fulfills the
the performance of the component stocks included The Company does not conduct any
in the calculation Lq45 Index. Replacement stock sharia Principles, such as:
will be conducted every 6 months, at the beginning  Gambling and games considered
of February and August.  Trading that is prohibited accordin
IDX30 INDEX  Trading that is not followed by
The IDX30 Index was launched on 23 April 2012.
 Trading with manipulated/fake offe
IDX30 Index is expected to be a reference for
 interest-based financial services, s
investors in investing in high liquidity and large cap
 Interest-based bank; and
shares. In the future, IDX30 is projected to be a
 interest-based financial company;
reference for capital market products such as
 Buying and selling of risks that
mutual funds, ETF and other derivatives products.
gambling (maisir);
The index consists of 30 leading stocks that its
 Producing, distributing, trading, an
derived from Lq45 index.
 Products or services that are forbi
Basic criteria for IDX30 membership selection are
trading value, frequency, total trading days, as
 Products or services that are forbi
well as market capitalization. In addition, IDX
because they are stated forbidden b
also consider qualitative aspects such as the
 Products or services that can depr
financial condition, growth prospect, as well as other
 Transactions that contain element
factors related to the fundamental condition of a
fullfils/meets the following financial
 Ratio of interest-based liabilities t
Indonesia Stock Exchange conduct periodic
(fourty five percent);
reviews of IDX30 every 6 months, at the beginning
 Ratio of interest income and other
of February and August every year. The base date
is no more than 10% (ten percent).
for index calculation is 30 December 2004, with an
base value of 100. JAKARTA ISLAMIC INDEX
KOMPAS100 INDEX Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) was establ
of stocks that are in line with the Isla
KomPAS100 Index launched under cooperation
was initially launched by IDX in colla
between Indonesia Stock Exchange and KomPAS
Investment management on 3 July 2
daily newspaper. The calculation of KomPAS100 is
of JII is 2 January 1995 with index ba
started on base date of 2 January 2002 with a base
Sharia compliance stocks that bec
value of 100. KomPAS100 Index will be renewed
most liquid sharia that have large
every six months or every February and August.
the index every six months, adjus
KomPAS100 Index covers 100 stocks that are
Securities (DES) issuance by oJK.
chosen based on the following criteria:
The JII selection process performed b
 Listed at the IDX for at least 3 months;
 Selection universe are must includ
 Trading performance in the regular market,
 Among the sharia stocks, IDX sele
which includes its value, volume and frequency of
 From previous 60 stocks, IDX w
 number of trading days in the regular market;
 market capitalization at a certain time period.
on 12 may 2011, IDX launched Indonesia Sharia
Stock Index (ISSI) which is an index consisting of
stocks included in the List of Sharia Securities
(Daftar Efek Syariah - DES) issued by oJK once every
6 months (may and november) or other time set by
ISSI was issued as a reference for investors to invest
in stocks, especially sharia compliance stock. ISSI is
a leading indicator of all sharia compliance stock.
ISSI is calculated using the base value in December
2007. ISSI renewed every 6 months in the beginning
of June and
stocks based on trading liquidity in the regular market. their sustainability through methods concerning
BISNIS-27 INDEX good corporate governance. The new Index is e
Listed Companies that have performed their
on 27 January 2009, IDX and Bisnis Indonesia Daily join
responsibilities as well as good corporate govern
together to launch the BISnIS-27 Index which has goal to
IDX and SRI-KEHATI will routinely monitor
be one of indicators for Indonesian capital market.
included in the index calculation. The index’s con
BISnIS-27 Index consists of 27 stocks chose based
renewed every 6 months, on may and november
on fundamental and technical criteria. Some
fundamental factors considered in the selection of the INFOBANK15 INDEX
stocks are the operating revenue, net Profit, roa, roe and on 7 november 2012, IDX cooperated with P
der, as well as the LDR and CAR for Issuers in the magazine publisher) launched a new share pr
banking sectors. Furthermore, technical criteria that index measures the performance of stock prices
will be taken into consideration are the number of listed on IDX.
transaction days in a year, trading value, volume, infobank15 index components are selected fr
frequency, and market capitalization. financial sector. The constituent selection us
To ensure the fairness of the stocks selection includes Good Corporate Governance score an
process, Bisnis-27 Index Committee was established. The rated by Infobank magazine. Furthermore, the se
committee consists of capital market experts and liquidity such as transaction value, frequency of
professionals. transaction days, market capitalization, and free
The base date of the index is 28 December 2004 with a IDX and Infobank magazine will conduct periodic
base value of 100. IDX and Bisnis Indonesia Daily will infobank15 every 6 months on may and novemb
routinely monitor the stock components that are included of the infobank15 index will be updated every m
in the index calculation. The list of Issuers included in infobank15 index calculation use base date on 3
the BISnIS-27 Index will be reviewed and renewed every of 100.
6 months, in early may and november. SMINFRA18 INDEX
PEFINDO25 INDEX IDX incooperated with PT Sarana multi Inf
PEFInDo25 Index was launched on 18 may 2009 under January 2013 launched Sminfra18 Index. Smin
the cooperation between IDX and PT Pemeringkat Efek performance of 18 stocks listed on IDX which a
Indonesia (PEFInDo). The Index represents the stocks of infrastructure supporting company.
listed Small and medium Enterprises (SmEs) with good Sminfra18 index comprises of 18 stocks selected
fundamental performances and liquidity. The base date infrastructure sector that can be financed by Sm
of the index is 29 December 2005, with a base value of minister of Finance of the Republic of Indones
100 Infrastructure Financing Company.
PEFInDo25 Index consists of 25 stocks chose based on Sminfra18 index was also consider liquidity f
their financial and liquidity performances, as well as their transaction, frequency of transactions, the numb
public ownerships. Every six months, or every February capitalization, and free float ratio.
and August the stocks listed in PEFInDo 25 Index will be IDX and SmI will renew the index twice a year, a
renewed. The stocks have to undergo the stages of november. The base date of Sminfra18 index cal
selection below. base index of 100.
 Have a total asset of less than Rp1 trillion, based on its Sminfra18 has a different method of calculat
annual audited financial report; number of listed stock used among infrastructur
 Have same or higher Return on Equity’s (RoE) level supporting company. The index only used
from the average RoEs of all Listed Companies in IDX; supporting company, while for infrastructure com
 receive unqualified opinion by a Public accountant on
its audited financial report;
on 28 August 2013, IDX cooperated with media n
 Have been listed in IDX for at least 6 (six) months;
 The list of 25 stocks will be chosen by considering the
liquidity aspect and the number of shares owned by
public (floating shares).
on 8 June 2009, IDX cooperated with
Yayasan Keanekaragaman Hayati Indonesia (Indonesian
Biodiversity Foundation – KEHATI), an organization
that is engaged with nature conservation efforts and
sustainability of of biodiversity resources, to launch a
new Index that refers to the implementation of
sustainable and responsible investment (SRI). The index
named SRI-KEHATI Index.
The index was established as an additional
investment guideline for investors by establishing a
benchmark on of Listed Companies with excellent
practices on supporting
Citra Group media company (mnC) launched a
new index named mnC36 Index. The mnC36 index
consists of 36 selected stocks which has been
recorded positive performance from all stocks listed in
The criteria used to select stocks included in mnC36
index is market capitalization, trading liquidity, as well
as other fundamental criteria such as Price Earnings
Ratio (PER), operating Profit margin (oPm),
revenue growth, net Income, and Price to Book
Value (PBV) and Debt to Equity Ratio (DER).
IDX and Index Committee of mnC36 will renew the
index every may and november every year. The base
date for index calculation is December 2007 with base
value of 100.
on 21 march 2014, IDX along with PT media
Investor Indonesia (Investor magazine publisher - mII)
launched a new index named Investor33. 33
components of Investor33 Index are selected from 100
Best Listed Companies according to Investor magazine.
The selection process of constituents involving the
Index Committee established by mII.
IDX and Investor33 Index Commitee will renew the
index every 6 (six) months, June and December.
The base calculation date of Investor33 Index is 30
December 2008 with base value of 100.
IDX’ Sector Indexes family comprise 9 sector indexes
and 1 supersector index classified by Jakarta stock
exchange industrial classification (Jasica).
The 9 sector indexes are:
 Agriculture;
 mining;
 Basic Industry and Chemicals;
 miscellaneous Industry;
 Consumer Goods Industry;
 Property, Real Estate and Building Construction;
 Infrastructure, utilities and Transportation;
 Finance;
 Trade, Services and Investment.
IDX also calculates the manufacturing Index
which represents the manufacture supersector which
include all stocks classified into asic industry and
chemicals sector, miscellaneous Industry sector
and Consumer Goods Industry sector.
The sector indexes was introduced on 2 January 1996
with the base index value of 100 for each sector and
use the base date of 28 December 1995.
on 13 July 2000, IDX launched Two Board Listing
System to stimulate the Indonesian Capital market and
also to restore public confidence for the exchange
through the arrangement of good corporate
The listing board indexes includes:
 Agriculture;
 mining;
 Basic Industry and Chemicals;
 miscellaneous Industry;
 Consumer Goods Industry;
 Property, Real Estate and Building Construction;
 Infrastructure, utilities and Transportation;
 Finance;
 Trade, Services and Investment.
IDX also calculates the manufacturing Index
which represents the manufacture supersector which
include all stocks classified into asic industry and
chemicals sector, miscellaneous Industry sector
and Consumer Goods Industry sector.
The sector indexes was introduced on 2 January 1996
with the base index value of 100 for each sector and
use the base date of 28 December 1995.
on 13 July 2000, IDX launched Two Board Listing
System to stimulate the Indonesian Capital market and
also to restore public confidence for the exchange
through the arrangement of good corporate
The listing board indexes includes:

Index =
Market Value x 100
Base Value

The adjustment will be done if there is an addition of new issuers, rights offerings, partial/company listing, add
warrants and convertible bond and delisting. In the case of stock split, stock dividend or bonus issue, the Bas
market value is not influenced. The stock price used for calculating the index is from the regular market, in w
on the continuous auction market.
The formula for adjusting the Base Value is :

Old Market + New Stock

New Base
Value Market Value Old Base
Value = x
Old Market
 Sminfra18 Index, which consists of 18 stocks listed on IDX which is engaged in
nfrastructure and supporting infrastructure;
 mnC36 Index, which consists of 36 selected stocks that have a good performance,
big market capitalization, and positive financial ratio;
 Investor33 Index, which consist of 33 leading stocks with good stock performance
from 100 best listed companies according to Investor Daily news company;
 Sector Indexes Family, which consists of 9 (nine) index for sectors included
n Jakarta Stock Industrial classification (Jasica). each index use all listed stocks from
ts corresponding sector;
 Listing Board Indexes Family, which consist of main Board Index (mBX) and
Development Board Index (DBX), both indexes are using all of the listed stocks from
ts corresponding listing board;
 Indonesia Bond Indexes (InDoBeX) consist of 15 bond indexes . This index family is
using 5 different method to measure performance for each of 3 bonds categories;
government bonds, corporate bonds, and composite (using both government and
corporate bonds);
The JCI was introduced on 1 April 1983 as the indicator of the prices movement of all
stocks listed in the IDX, both for the regular and preferred stocks. The base date for
the JCI’s calculation is 10 August 1982, with a base index value of
100. At that time, the number of listed stocks was 13 stocks.
This index is an indicator of changes in individual stock price compares to its initial
offering price. Every single stock has an individual index of 100 when it was initially
isted at the IDX.
Lq45 Index was established to provide the market with an index that represents 45 of
the most liquid stocks. To date, the Lq45 Index covers at least 70% of the stock
market capitalization and transaction values in the Regular market. The based date
for the calculation of Lq45 Index is July 13, 1994, with a base value of 100.
Below are some of the factors for a stock to be included in the Lq45 Index:
 The stocks should have been listed at the IDX for at least 3 months.
 The performance of the stock in the regular market, which includes its trading
value, volume and frequency of transactions.
December, or whenever there is any recent List of Sharia Securities (DES).
The selection criteria of sharia stocks are based on Bapepam-LK
Regulations no. II.K.1 concerning Criteria and Issuance of Sharia Securities
List, item 1.b.7. The regulation states that Securities in the form of
shares, including sharia rights and sharia warrant, issued by Issuer or
Public Company who does not declare that its business activities and
management are conducted based on Sharia Principles, as long as the
issuer or Public company fulfills the following criteria.
The Company does not conduct any business activities that conflict with
sharia Principles, such as:
 Gambling and games considered as gambling;
 Trading that is prohibited according to sharia, such as:
 Trading that is not followed by delivery/transfer of products and or
 Trading with manipulated/fake offer or demand;
 interest-based financial services, such as:
 Interest-based bank; and
 interest-based financial company;
 Buying and selling of risks that involve speculation (gharar) and
gambling (maisir);
 Producing, distributing, trading, and or providing:
 Products or services that are forbidden because of its contents (haram
 Products or services that are forbidden not because of its contents but
because they are stated forbidden by DSn-muI;
 Products or services that can deprave ones morals and are harmful;
 Transactions that contain elements of bribery (risywah). The company
fullfils/meets the following financial ratios:
 Ratio of interest-based liabilities to total assets is not more than 45%
(fourty five percent);
 Ratio of interest income and other non-sharia income to total revenue
is no more than 10% (ten percent).
Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) was established to provide the market with a list
of stocks that are in line with the Islamic Sharia investment guidelines. JII
was initially launched by IDX in collaboration with PT Danareksa
Investment management on 3 July 2000. The base date for the calculation
of JII is 2 January 1995 with index base number of 100.
Sharia compliance stocks that became JII constituents are the 30
most liquid sharia that have large market capitalization. IDX reviews
the index every six months, adjusting to the issuance of List of Sharia
Securities (DES) issuance by oJK.
The JII selection process performed by IDX based on the followings:
 Selection universe are must included in DES;
 Among the sharia stocks, IDX select 60 top stocks based on the market
 From previous 60 stocks, IDX will then select 30 top
their sustainability through methods concerning about the environment, social and
good corporate governance. The new Index is expected to enhance the exposure on
Listed Companies that have performed their environmental and social
responsibilities as well as good corporate governance.
DX and SRI-KEHATI will routinely monitor the stock components that are
ncluded in the index calculation. The index’s constituent will be reviewed and
renewed every 6 months, on may and november.
on 7 november 2012, IDX cooperated with PT Infoarta Pratama (Infobank
magazine publisher) launched a new share price index named infobank15. This
ndex measures the performance of stock prices of 15 leading stocks of the banks
isted on IDX.
nfobank15 index components are selected from banking stocks listed in the
financial sector. The constituent selection use fundamental factors which
ncludes Good Corporate Governance score and Bank Rating which are both
rated by Infobank magazine. Furthermore, the selection also consider transaction
iquidity such as transaction value, frequency of transactions, number of
transaction days, market capitalization, and free float ratio.
DX and Infobank magazine will conduct periodic reviews of the index components
nfobank15 every 6 months on may and november each year so that the components
of the infobank15 index will be updated every month of June and December.
nfobank15 index calculation use base date on 30 December 2004 with an base index
of 100.
DX incooperated with PT Sarana multi Infrastructure (Limited) (SmI) on 31
anuary 2013 launched Sminfra18 Index. Sminfra18 Index measures the
performance of 18 stocks listed on IDX which are engaged in infrastructure and
nfrastructure supporting company.
Sminfra18 index comprises of 18 stocks selected from listed companies in
nfrastructure sector that can be financed by SmI according to the Regulation of the
minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia no. 100/PmK.10/2009 on
nfrastructure Financing Company.
Sminfra18 index was also consider liquidity factor which includes value of
transaction, frequency of transactions, the number of days of transactions, market
capitalization, and free float ratio.
DX and SmI will renew the index twice a year, at the beginning of may and
november. The base date of Sminfra18 index calculation is 30 December 2004 with an
base index of 100.
Sminfra18 has a different method of calculating index which is differentiate
number of listed stock used among infrastructure company and infrastructure
supporting company. The index only used 80% listed stock of infrastructure
supporting company, while for infrastructure company it use all of listed stock.
on 28 August 2013, IDX cooperated with media nusantara
 main Board Index, and
 Development Board Index.
The base date used for calculation is 28 December 2001 with base value
of 100.
Indonesia Bond Indexes (InDoBeX) is launched on 21 november 2014
after the initiative of oJK to provide indonesia capital market with a
guidance for bond market. InDoBeX was join operation of IDX and
Indonesia Bond Pricing Agency (IBPA).
InDoBeX is an indicator to measure the movement of Indonesian
bond price or yield which includes 15 bond indexes. These indexes
can be used as a benchmark to illustrate the trend of the general
bond market movements on certain conditions.
The bond index calculated 3 groups of bonds as follows:
 Government Bonds and Sukuk;
 Corporate Bonds and Sukuk;
 Government and Corporate Bonds and Sukuk (Composite)
Each group was calculated by 5 methodologies which produce 5
indexes from each group. These methodologies covers 3 approaches to
calculate price index and 2 approaches to calculate yield index as
Price Index:
 Total Return Index
 Clean Price Index
 Gross Price Index Yield Index:
 Effective Yield Index
 Gross Redemption Yield Index
The base value for the index which set on 10 August 2009 is 100.
meanwhile, the composition of bonds that include to the calculation of
InDoBeX will be reviewed and rebalanced at the end last business day of
every month.
market Capitalization Weighted Average
methodology for most stock price index in IDX use market Capitalization
as a weight for indexing, except for Sminfra18 Index which capped the
number of share of particular stocks used in calculation.
Thus, the calculation formula is as follows:
In order to ensure that the index calculation still represents the
movement of the stock price in the market occuring in a continuous
auction trading system, the Base Value is immediately adjusted if there
is a change in the issuer’s capital or other factors which do not relate
to the stock price.
market Capitalization Weighted Average
methodology for most stock price index in IDX use market Capitalization
as a weight for indexing, except for Sminfra18 Index which capped the
number of share of particular stocks used in calculation.
Thus, the calculation formula is as follows:
In order to ensure that the index calculation still represents the
movement of the stock price in the market occuring in a continuous
auction trading system, the Base Value is immediately adjusted if there
is a change in the issuer’s capital or other factors which do not relate
to the stock price.

ers, rights offerings, partial/company listing, additional stock listing originating from
ock split, stock dividend or bonus issue, the Base Value is not adjusted because the
lating the index is from the regular market, in which the occuring transaction is based
Derivative Products on
Indonesia Stock Exchan
Criterias of an Underlying Stock
 The stock has been listed on IDX for at least 12
 For the last 12 months, the stock must have:
- 2,000 transactions per month;
- 0.5% of intraday volatility.
 market Capitalization minimum: Rp500 billion;
 minimum stock price of Rp500;
 IDX has the right to choose and decide any listed
stocks that comply all the requirements to be an
underlying stock.
List of Underlying Stock
No. Stock Code Company’s Name
  1.      ASII                    Astra International Tbk.          
  2.      BBCA                  Bank Central Asia Tbk.           
  3.      InDF                   Indofood Sukses makmur Tbk.
4. TLKm Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk.
General Information Related to Stock Options Trading
 Stock options trading is processed through a
facility called JoTS;
 Stock options can only be traded by Exchange
members who have also become the Stock option
Clearing members of the Indonesian Clearing and
Guarantee Corporation (KPEI);
 Exchange members are obliged to deposit a
collateral fund to KPEI (based on the regulations of
 Exchange members have to open settlement
accounts (sub accounts) for all of their customers at a
Payment Bank;
 Suspended Exchange members must:
- Conduct offsetting transaction;
- Transfer open position to the other
Exchange members in accordance to the regulations
of KPEI;
- Perform Exercise on the same day as the
suspension’s effective day.
Type in Stock Options Contract
Type of Stock options series are Call options and
Put options with American style as exercise style in
which is the Taker can execute position every time
until the maturity date of Stock options Contract.
Period of Stock options contract are 1 month, 2
months and 3 months.
Issuance of a Stock Option Series
 At the beginning of the trading period, 7 series of
call options and 7 series of put options of 1
underlying stock
Payment Bank;
 Suspended Exchange members must:
- Conduct offsetting transaction;
- Transfer open position to the other
Exchange members in accordance to the regulations
of KPEI;
- Perform Exercise on the same day as the
suspension’s effective day.
Type in Stock Options Contract
Type of Stock options series are Call options and
Put options with American style as exercise style in
which is the Taker can execute position every time
until the maturity date of Stock options Contract.
Period of Stock options contract are 1 month, 2
months and 3 months.
Issuance of a Stock Option Series
 At the beginning of the trading period, 7 series of
call options and 7 series of put options of 1
underlying stock

m n n n n 9 9 9 9 9
D R April
E S may
F T June
G u July
H V August
I W September
J X october

DLKm8000 RTLKm7000 April

ETLKm8000 STLKm7000 may
FTLKm8000 TTLKm7000 June
oducts on
ock Exchange
are issued;
 The seven series consists of 3 series of out-the-money options, 3 series
of in-the-money options, and 1 at-the- money options;
 The Exchange can issue a new Stock option Series (KoS) before the end
of a stock options’ period if:
- Automatic Exercise is performed on the stock option series;
- The Issuer performs Corporate Action.
Coding in Stock Option Series
code for a stock option series is defined in 10 digits as follows:
M = KoS type (call or put) and maturity date (last exchange date)
NNNN = Code for underlying stock (4 digits)
9999 = Strike price
Call/Put Options Code and Maturity Date
Call Options Put Options Maturity Date
             A                          o                     January        
             B                          P                     February        
             C                          q                      march         
             K                          Y                    november        L
Z December
Example Call/Put Options Code for TLKM Stocks
Call Options Put Options Exercise Month
      ATLKm8000           oTLKm7000              January        
      BTLKm8000           PTLKm7000             February        
     CTLKm8000           qTLKm7000               march         
From the example table above, each KoS underlying stock
has 24 KoS series code, 12 call option series and 12 put
option series that have maturity date every month with
the strike price of Rp8,000 per stock for call option and
Rp7,000 per stock for put option.
The Schedule of Options Trading
 JoTS time is uTC +7
 monday to Thursday:
- Session I starts from 09:30 to 12:00, JoTS time
- Session II starts from 13:30 to 16:00, JoTS time
 Friday:
- Session I starts from 09:30 to 11:30, JoTS time
- Session II starts from 14:00 to 16:00, JoTS time
 Exercise and Automatic Exercise are executed
every Exchange Day at 10:00 - 16:15.
Weighted Moving Average Price
 WmA indicator will appear every 15 minutes, and
is based on the last 30 minutes transactions data.
WMA Schedule (UTC +7)
 monday to Thursday:
- Session I starts from 10:00 to 12:00, JoTS time
- Session II starts from 13:45 to 16:00 , JoTS time
 Friday:
- Session I starts from 10:00 to 11:30, JoTS time
- Session II starts from 14:15 to 16:00, JoTS time
Sell and Purchase Orders
 All orders, along with their types (Short/Long) and
positions (open/Close), must be registered in the sales
division of Exchange members;
 Types of order: open Short, open Long, Close
Short, Close Long.
Trading Unit & Premium Fraction
 1 KoS (Stock option Contract) is equal to 10,000 stock
 The Premium Fraction of an option is Rp1.
Termination of a Single Stock Option Series
A stock option will be terminated if:
 WmA exceeds the WmA’s limit; or
 Validity Period has expired; or
 Issuer holds a Corporate Action (the stock option’s
position will be liquidated).
Interval (Strike Price Range)
Closing Price Interval
≤ rp1,000                               Rp50                 
       > Rp1,000 – Rp5,000                       Rp100                
      > Rp5,000 – Rp10,000                      Rp200                
> Rp10,000 Rp500
Bid-Offer and the Exchange Transaction
 Every order must be validated by the KPEI;
 The process of stock option trading is the same as the
equities trading in the Regular market.
Exercise, Automatic Exercise and Liquidation
 The Premium Fraction of an option is Rp1.
Termination of a Single Stock Option Series
A stock option will be terminated if:
 WmA exceeds the WmA’s limit; or
 Validity Period has expired; or
 Issuer holds a Corporate Action (the stock option’s
position will be liquidated).
Interval (Strike Price Range)
Closing Price Interval
≤ rp1,000                               Rp50                 
       > Rp1,000 – Rp5,000                       Rp100                
      > Rp5,000 – Rp10,000                      Rp200                
> Rp10,000 Rp500
Bid-Offer and the Exchange Transaction
 Every order must be validated by the KPEI;
 The process of stock option trading is the same as the
equities trading in the Regular market.
Exercise, Automatic Exercise and Liquidation

Price Reference Determination and Bid Price Limit

 Price reference used for the initial trading day of new contracts refers to the closing price
trading day using 2 (two) decimals.
 Bid price limit for Lq45 Futures trading is 1 (one) point from the previous price. This limit o
Initial Margin and Transaction Fee
 Initial margin: Rp3,000,000;
 Exchange member, who makes a transaction, is obliged to pay a transaction fee of Rp8,00
every transaction.
 The settlement process of Exercise and Automatic Exercise transactions are
carried out by the KPEI on the next Exchange Day after the trade (T+1), in accordance
to the KPEI Regulations;
 automatic exercise is executed by the kPei for the benefit of the Taker;
 KPEI performs liquidation to all positions of stock options if their validation periods
have expired.
Stock Options Settlement
The settlement of stock option transaction is carried out by the KPEI on the next
Exchange Day after the trade (T+1).
Suspension of the Stock Option Trading
 IDX can suspend the trading of a stock option if:
- JATS and/or JoTS are not functioning as they should have;
- There is a written inquiry form the KPEI regarding the malfunctioning of the Risk
management System and/or the KPEI’s clearing system;
- There is a Force majeure;
- The underlying stock of the option is suspended;
- There is an Automatic Exercise on the stock option series;
 If a stock options is suspended due to its underlying’s suspension, the Exchange
members will still be able to perform Exercises by referring to the prevailing WmA;
 If suspension occurs due to the malfunctioning of JoTS and the underlying of the
option is still traded in IDX, then:
- IDX will issue the WmA until the expiration date of the stock option trading period;
- IDX members can still perform Exercises.
Transaction Fees
 Exchange member who conduct transaction are obliged to pay for the transaction,
clearing and settlement fees amounted to Rp2,000 per option;
 Transaction fee of Exercise and Automatic Exercise (Rp2,000 per options), will
be subjected only to the Taker;
 The transaction fee of an options should be at least of Rp2,000,000 per month;
 The Exchange member must deposit guarantee fund, amounted to 0.01% of
the total transaction value, to the KPEI for every transaction. By doing so, the
KPEI will guarantee all transactions made by the Exchange members.
Types of LQ45 Futures Contracts
 monthly Contracts: Contracts that expire in the last trading day in one month
 Two months Contracts: Futures contracts that expire in the last trading day in two
months period.
 quarterly Contracts: Futures contracts that expire in the last trading day in three
months period.
Multipliers and Price Movements
 multipliers used for one LqFSX contract is Rp500,000 for every point of index.
 Price movement for Lq45F is 0.05 point of index.
Types of LQ45 Futures Contracts
 monthly Contracts: Contracts that expire in the last trading day in one month
 Two months Contracts: Futures contracts that expire in the last trading day in two
months period.
 quarterly Contracts: Futures contracts that expire in the last trading day in three
months period.
Multipliers and Price Movements
 multipliers used for one LqFSX contract is Rp500,000 for every point of index.
 Price movement for Lq45F is 0.05 point of index.

n and Bid Price Limit

e initial trading day of new contracts refers to the closing price of the Lq45 index in the previous
ures trading is 1 (one) point from the previous price. This limit only occurs for a two month contract.
akes a transaction, is obliged to pay a transaction fee of Rp8,000 and a clearing fee of Rp7,000 for
Stock Options Trading Activities, 2004-Jun 2016
Year/                 Call Options                                 Put Options                
Month                        Total                       
Days Contract Value Freq. Contract Value Freq. Contract Value
2004 56 150 236,500,000 104 34 41,030,000 15 184 277,530,000 119
2005 243 149 101,840,000 131 6 1,490,000 4 155 103,330,000 135
2006 242 - - - - - - - - -
2007 246 281 1,363,060,000 163 90 312,560,000 61 371 1,675,620,000 224
2008 120 87 495,800,000 84 30 103,290,000 30 117 599,090,000 114
Jan 20 8 62,120,000 7 1 4,070,000 1 9 66,190,000 8
Feb 19 6 62,660,000 6 1 1,050,000 1 7 63,710,000 7
mar 18 16 72,980,000 16 4 12,600,000 4 20 85,580,000 20
Apr 22 13 58,960,000 13 12 51,490,000 12 25 110,450,000 25
may 20 9 41,710,000 9 5 12,950,000 5 14 54,660,000 14
Jun 21 3 5,960,000 3 1 2,700,000 1 4 8,660,000 4
Jul 22 24 167,560,000 23 5 13,540,000 5 29 181,100,000 28
Aug 20 4 14,410,000 3 - - - 4 14,410,000 3
Sep 21 2 2,360,000 2 - - - 2 2,360,000 2
oct 18 - - - - - - - - -
nov 20 - - - - - - - - -
Dec 19 2 7,080,000 2 1 4,890,000 1 3 11,970,000 3
2009 241 - - - - - - - - -
2010 245 - - - - - - - - -
2011 247 - - - - - - - - -
2012 246 - - - - - - - - -
2013 244 - - - - - - - - -
2014 242 - - - - - - - - -
2015 244 - - - - - - - - -
2016 124 - - - - - - - - -
Jan 20 - - - - - - - - -
Feb 20 - - - - - - - - -
mar 21 - - - - - - - - -
Apr 21 - - - - - - - - -
may 20 - - - - - - - - -
Jun 22 - - - - - - - - -
 IDX Members for Options Trading                                                                                                             
No. Code IDX Members No. Code IDX Members
1 KC majapahit Securities Tbk. 17 YJ Lautandhana Securindo
2 EP mnC Securities 18 DD makindo Securities
3 nI BnI Securities 19 CC mandiri Sekuritas
4 RF Buana Capital 20 CD mega Capital Indonesia
5 ZR Bumiputera Capital Indonesia 21 LH nC Securities
6 oD Danareksa Sekuritas 22 IH Pacific 2000 securities
7 PF Danasakti Securities 23 PG Panca Global Securities Tbk.
8 Bq Danpac Sekuritas 24 KK Phillip Securities Indonesia
9 TX Dhanawibawa Arthacemerlang 25 PK Pratama Capital Indonesia
10 HP Henan Putihrai 26 DH Sinarmas Sekuritas
11 PD Indo Premier Securities 27 LG Trimegah Securities Tbk.
12 BD Indomitra Securities 28 TF universal Broker Indonesia
13 BF Inti Fikasa Securindo 29 CP Valbury Asia Securities
14 WW Jakarta Securities 30 An Wanteg Securindo
15 YB Jasa utama Capital 31 RS Yulie Sekurindo Tbk.
16 ZP Kim Eng Securities

Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) Trading Activities, 2007-Jun 2016
                          Tota l Trading                                   Average  Daily Trading     
Year Number
Month Days Volume Value Freq. Volume Value Freq. of ETF
2007 246 17,806,000 10,877,737,000 320 72,382 44,218,443 1
2008 240 211,475,000 100,840,381,000 10,267 881,146 420,168,254 43
2009 241 6,105,400 1,936,633,500 442 25,334 8,035,824 2
2010 245 8,698,500 4,991,952,000 1,086 35,504 20,375,314 4
2011 247 3,559,000 2,346,940,000 491 14,409 9,501,781 2
2012 246 11,269,500 7,641,371,000 2,055 45,811 31,062,484 8
2013 244 12,523,000 8,318,956,500 5,149 51,324 34,094,084 21
Jan 21 491,000 302,345,500 274 23,381 14,397,405 13
Feb 20 465,000 225,420,000 225 23,250 11,271,000 11
mar 19 477,500 268,228,500 275 25,132 14,117,289 14
Apr 22 160,000 99,006,500 113 7,273 4,500,295 5
may 22 2,876,000 2,363,742,500 546 130,727 107,442,841 25
Jun 19 2,910,500 2,085,597,000 942 153,184 109,768,263 50
Jul 23 337,500 259,385,000 147 14,674 11,277,609 6
Aug 17 659,500 336,531,500 484 38,794 19,795,971 28
Sep 21 1,976,500 1,173,596,500 868 94,119 55,885,548 41
oct 21 698,500 417,815,000 304 33,262 19,895,952 14
nov 20 830,000 488,571,000 659 41,500 24,428,550 33
Dec 19 641,000 298,717,500 312 33,737 15,721,974 16
2014 242 4,051,400 2,262,103,400 14,449 48,542 33,642,250 134
Jan 20 338,700 203,103,200 1,540 16,935 10,155,160 77
Feb 20 890,100 528,967,000 3,684 44,505 26,448,350 184
mar 20 1,019,000 520,043,000 4,837 50,950 26,002,150 242
Apr 20 993,000 528,094,800 1,690 49,650 26,404,740 85
may 18 810,600 481,895,400 2,698 45,033 26,771,967 150
Jun 21 503,200 337,329,600 2,382 23,962 16,063,314 113
Jul 18 901,900 551,126,200 3,285 50,106 30,618,122 183
Aug 20 657,600 444,822,600 2,290 32,880 22,241,130 115
Sep 22 583,800 410,914,900 2,443 26,536 18,677,950 111
oct 23 3,824,800 3,295,737,000 3,182 166,296 143,292,913 138
nov 20 828,300 594,209,400 2,021 41,415 29,710,470 101
Dec 20 396,100 245,181,300 2,292 19,805 12,259,065 115
2015 123 12,645,300 11,032,479,500 8,849 102,807 89,694,955 72
Jan 21 550,700 332,940,200 3,534 26,224 15,854,295 168
Feb 19 479,300 385,680,900 2,932 25,226 20,298,995 154
mar 22 9,864,100 9,115,404,800 1,563 448,368 414,336,582 71
Apr 21 664,100 426,953,900 328 31,624 20,331,138 16
may 19 247,300 175,976,600 204 13,016 9,261,926 11
Jun 21 839,800 595,523,100 288 39,990 28,358,243 14
Jul 19 717,500 450,514,100 287 37,763 23,711,268 15
Aug 20 837,500 483,998,800 406 41,875 24,199,940 20
Sep 21 1,006,300 611,436,000 300 47,919 29,116,000 14
oct 21 1,082,800 637,506,700 389 51,562 30,357,462 19
nov 21 512,300 285,744,700 246 24,395 13,606,890 12
Dec 19 5,410,700 1,512,832,000 180 284,774 79,622,737 9
2016 102 2,476,700 1,464,782,600 1,125 24,281 14,360,614 11
Jan 20 368,500 218,051,300 230 18,425 10,902,565 12
Feb 20 606,500 441,742,300 269 30,325 22,087,115 13
mar 21 778,800 445,152,500 274 37,086 21,197,738 13
Apr 21 450,800 227,904,500 187 21,467 10,852,595 9
may 20 272,100 131,932,000 165 13,605 6,596,600 8
Jun 22 869,000 573,427,500 284 39,500 26,064,886 13
of ETF
Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) Trading Activities, 2013-Jun 2016
Year Total Trading Average Daily Trading Number of
Month Volume Value Freq. Volume Value Freq.
2013 98 127,627,275 13,579,034,200 120 1,302,319 138,561,573 1.22
2014 792 4,206,882,070 389,621,687,835 801 6,141,859 582,806,446 0.93
Jan 20 200,900 20,090,800 21 10,045 1,004,540 1.05
Feb 20 76,507,595 7,650,759,500 33 3,825,380 382,537,975 1.65
mar 20 172,200 17,220,000 25 8,610 861,000 1.25
Apr 20 10,060,400 1,006,022,500 22 503,020 50,301,125 1.10
may 18 9,080,600 908,056,600 5 504,478 50,447,589 0.28
Jun 21 99,900 9,994,000 11 4,757 475,905 0.52
Jul 18 17,800 1,779,000 7 989 98,833 0.39
Aug 20 570,900 55,410,200 32 28,545 2,770,510 1.60
Sep 22 32,838,900 3,022,173,700 16 1,492,677 137,371,532 0.73
oct 23 10,700 1,065,900 3 465 46,343 0.13
nov 20 843,909,300 82,701,864,900 14 42,195,465 4,135,093,245 0.70
Dec 20 512,860,595 45,644,722,755 37 25,643,030 2,282,236,138 1.85
2015 448 1,418,974,290 130,173,347,790 440 15,676,955 1,426,173,111 1.28
Jan 21 523,972,995 46,132,001,160 24 24,951,095 2,196,761,960 1.14
Feb 19 17,900 1,796,200 13 942 94,537 0.68
mar 22 504,181,895 47,390,999,730 21 22,917,359 2,154,136,351 0.95
Apr 21 273,014,500 24,847,571,100 48 13,000,690 1,183,217,671 2.29
may 19 390,700 36,812,000 29 20,563 1,937,474 1.53
Jun 21 658,200 62,452,100 16 31,343 2,973,910 0.76
Jul 19 31,140,300 2,833,858,000 8 1,638,963 149,150,421 0.42
Aug 20 83,600 7,963,800 14 4,180 398,190 0.70
Sep 21 218,300 20,867,500 14 10,395 993,690 0.67
oct 21 20,136,700 2,316,219,800 25 958,890 110,296,181 1.19
nov 21 19,400 2,120,000 13 924 100,952 0.62
Dec 19 50,000 50,000 1 2,632 2,632 0.05
2016 102 32,544,900 3,260,318,200 107 319,068 31,963,904 1.05
Jan 20 19,100 2,464,200 9 955 123,210 0.45
Feb 20 119,500 12,455,400 20 5,975 622,770 1.00
mar 21 32,252,900 3,229,271,700 41 1,535,852 153,774,843 1.95
Apr 21 46,000 4,838,600 13 2,190 230,410 0.62
may 20 107,400 11,288,300 24 5,370 564,415 1.20
Jun 22 239,300 23,996,100 34 10,887 1,090,732 1.55
Value Freq. REIT
LQ45 Index Futures Trading Activities, 2013-Jun 2016
Year Value, IDR Freq., Year Value, IDR
Month Volume x Month Volume

2001 64,036 525,914,035,000 26,179 2006 3,674 573,448,125,000

2002 47,839 1,461,543,325,000 26,631 Jan 777 113,951,090,000
Jan 8,681 77,798,729,000 4,932 Feb 590 84,799,600,000
Feb 15,410 147,847,501,000 5,172 mar 670 100,391,260,000
mar 4,626 237,251,875,000 2,380 Apr 469 75,182,625,000
Apr 4,525 259,369,970,000 2,935 may 241 40,270,735,000
may 2,901 169,337,395,000 2,218 Jun 167 24,729,720,000
Jun 2,541 145,311,195,000 1,755 Jul 70 10,495,985,000
Jul 2,464 129,654,085,000 1,850 Aug 76 12,258,730,000
Aug 1,989 97,299,810,000 1,497 Sep 106 17,885,380,000
Sep 1,681 76,399,915,000 1,316 oct 45 7,647,320,000
oct 1,565 62,206,465,000 1,274 nov 259 47,932,255,000
nov 1,174 46,673,445,000 1,041 Dec 204 37,903,425,000
Dec 282 12,392,940,000 261 2007 215 45,429,925,000
2003 8,671 509,028,300,000 8,228 Jan 83 16,159,600,000
Jan 463 20,147,850,000 445 Feb 14 2,638,825,000
Feb 221 9,322,935,000 209 mar 14 2,663,650,000
mar 243 10,170,165,000 238 Apr 13 2,712,550,000
Apr 720 33,677,350,000 655 may 5 1,065,300,000
may 727 37,812,955,000 650 Jun 1 220,000,000
Jun 901 51,235,005,000 882 Jul 85 19,970,000,000
Jul 921 52,540,350,000 909 Aug - -
Aug 624 34,384,550,000 613 Sep - -
Sep 1,452 91,857,365,000 1,304 oct - -
oct 1,119 78,119,625,000 1,089 nov - -
nov 651 44,454,365,000 643 Dec - -
Dec 629 45,305,785,000 591 2008 - -
2004 18,642 2,224,627,860,000 17,313 2009 479 22,917,725,000
Jan 1,471 121,930,595,000 1,433 Jan - -
Feb 1,060 88,302,190,000 1,054 Feb - -
mar 1,651 134,111,045,000 1,641 mar - -
Apr 1,563 174,736,845,000 1,457 Apr - -
may 2,087 327,439,505,000 1,819 may - -
Jun 1,799 254,291,300,000 1,622 Jun - -
Jul 1,678 212,571,870,000 1,553 Jul - -
Aug 1,348 168,645,475,000 1,271 Aug 2 92,560,000
Sep 1,652 190,621,700,000 1,559 Sep 417 19,912,740,000
oct 1,519 196,847,630,000 1,445 oct 60 2,912,425,000
nov 1,137 144,819,305,000 1,033 nov - -
Dec 1,677 210,310,400,000 1,426 Dec - -
2005 13,283 1,661,498,075,000 10,894 2010 - -
Jan 1,073 129,494,740,000 929 2011 - -
Feb 1,185 144,201,800,000 998 2012 - -
mar 1,903 245,039,185,000 1,464 2013 - -
Apr 1,822 229,614,455,000 1,247 2014 - -
may 1,071 128,176,750,000 885 2015 - -
Jun 1,156 144,140,535,000 1,021 2016 - -
Jul 1,109 141,989,480,000 936 Jan - -
Aug 1,079 136,143,550,000 965 Feb - -
Sep 749 87,241,880,000 721 mar - -
oct 650 79,501,605,000 587 Apr - -
nov 536 66,381,600,000 445 may - -
Dec 950 129,572,495,000 696 Jun - -

Exchange Members and
EXCHANGE MEMBERS REQUIREMENT Trading system from Independent Reviewer or de
Remote Trading System uses the mediator’s serv
The requirements for any Securities Company to become
 Has Securities Account opening Agreement wi
a Securities Exchange member on the IDX, are as follows:
provision as stipulated in Bapepam dan LK Rul
 Has obtained the operating license to conduct activities
Control of Securities that Conduct Business Activ
of broker dealer from Financial Services Authority (FSA)
provision concerning:
and not in a condition of being imposed of restrictions
- Saving and recording of fund and or secur
and or freezing of its business activities as broker-dealer
client-owned Security;
by The FSA.
- Guarantee that the fund and or client-
 Has IDX’s share.
the interest of the client in accordance with clien
 has iT officer rT candidate.
- Implementation and requirement of client’s or
 Has Board of Directors whose meet the
communication facilities;
requirements as stipulated in oJK Rule number 20 (PoJK
- delivery of client’s transaction confirmation
20) (was Bapepam dan LK Rule number V.A.1)
Exchange day with the implementation of Excha
concerning Securities Company Licenses.
- Procedures of Securities Transaction settlemen
 Has Board of Commissioners whose meet the
client fail to meet its obligation on determined ti
requirements as stipulated in oJK Rule number 20
- Transaction cost, commission, sales tax on sec
(PoJK 20) (was Bapepam dan LK Rule number V.A.1)
on the delaying of the client in depositing fund o
concerning Securities Company Licenses.
- Reporting to client on the fund and or client se
 Has “manual of Implementation of the Know Your
time in accordance with client written request;
Client Principle” in compliance with oJK Rule number
- Restricting the activity of client’s securities ac
22 (PoJK 22) (was Bapepam dan LK Rule number V.D.10.)
active for particular time period and blocking o
concerning Know Your Client Principle by The Financial
Account by virtue of order from authorized agen
Service Provider in Capital market.
- Reactivation of the clients securities Acc
 Has a short, middle and long term working plan.
client has met the requirement as stipulated b
 Has parts or functions as stipulated in Bapepam
authorized agency officer;
and LK Rule number V.D.3. concerning Internal Controls of
- Termination of agreement may be performe
Securities Company that Conduct Business Activity as
submitting written notification in prior;
Broker Dealer.
- Force majeure condition that cause una
 Has a reliable risk control system.
postponement of obligation stipulated in the ag
 has brokerage office system that support the
- Proxy granted by the client with respect t
implementation of Remote Trading. The system at least
- Any dispute settlement shall be proposed by o
- front office that has function as marketing, order
Capital market Arbitration Board (BAPmI), upo
management and transaction monitoring;
resolution mechanism;
- back office that has function as bookkeeping/
- obligation of the Securities Exchange mem
accountancy, custodian and settlement;
Reference (AKses) to
- Real time integrated risk control system between
front office and back office.
 Has a set of tools and infrastructure, such as:
- The Securities Exchange member Remote Trading
Equipment and the Securities Exchange member
Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Remote Trading;
- Room to keep server and provisions for party given
authority to enter such room;
- Standard operating procedures for operation of the
Remote Trading Equipment and Remote Trading BCP.
 Has net Adjusted Working Capital (nAWC) at least at
the amount required in Bapepam dan LK Rule number
V.D.5 concerning maintenance and Reporting of nAWC.
 Had reviewed the result on the readiness of
Capital market Arbitration Board (BAPmI), upo
management and transaction monitoring;
resolution mechanism;
- back office that has function as bookkeeping/
- obligation of the Securities Exchange mem
accountancy, custodian and settlement;
Reference (AKses) to
- Real time integrated risk control system between
front office and back office.
 Has a set of tools and infrastructure, such as:
- The Securities Exchange member Remote Trading
Equipment and the Securities Exchange member
Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Remote Trading;
- Room to keep server and provisions for party given
authority to enter such room;
- Standard operating procedures for operation of the
Remote Trading Equipment and Remote Trading BCP.
 Has net Adjusted Working Capital (nAWC) at least at
the amount required in Bapepam dan LK Rule number
V.D.5 concerning maintenance and Reporting of nAWC.
 Had reviewed the result on the readiness of

its client at KSEI so that the client is able to monitor

his/her Securities account that exists at KSEI.
 The manual for Securities account opening
Agreement that may become reference for the
Securities Exchange member pursuant to provision
II.14. of this Rule, will be issued by IDX through
Decision of the Board of Directors of the IDX.
 Has procedures of transaction data retention
and log file, client data base, transaction data base
(list of order including its changes and time
record of the event) performed electronically.
Retention of transaction data and log file shall be
performed for 5 (five) years.
In the event that the Exchange member
candidate will become Indirect Connected
Securities Exchange member, then it must fulfil the
requirements as follows:
 using the Remote Trading mediator that has
executed facility and infrastructure provision
contract with the Exchange;
 Executing contract with Remote Trading mediator
at least contains:
- Scope of services provided by Remote Trading
mediator, including the provision of BCP;
- Development and implementation plans;
- Data security system guarantee and
data communication network between Remote
Trading mediator and Indirect Connected Securities
Exchange member;
- Data ownership and utilization;
- Service Level Agreement (SLA) guarantee;
- Trading continuity guarantee through Remote
Trading upon the occurrence of termination of
- operation responsibility;
- Settlement in the event that dispute
occurred between the Securities Exchange
member and Remote Trading mediator.
All Securities Exchange members must submit a
daily report of the availability of the minimum
net Adjusted Working Capital (nAWC). The deadline
for submission is 08.30 WIB every day.
exchange members must fulfil naWc requirement.
securities Exchange member who fails to submit
nAWC report or fails to fulfil naWc requirement will
- operation responsibility;
- Settlement in the event that dispute
occurred between the Securities Exchange
member and Remote Trading mediator.
All Securities Exchange members must submit a
daily report of the availability of the minimum
net Adjusted Working Capital (nAWC). The deadline
for submission is 08.30 WIB every day.
exchange members must fulfil naWc requirement.
securities Exchange member who fails to submit
nAWC report or fails to fulfil naWc requirement will
be suspended from trading activities.
oJK will revoke operational license of a Securities
Exchange member that fails to fulfil the naWc
requirement for more than 30 consecutive days or
more than 60 days within a 12 months period.
The requirement of nAWC for Exchange members
are Rp25 billion or 6.25% from total liabilities
without subordinated debt and initial
public/limited offering debt and ranking liabilities
(whichever is higher).


 Participant must reports securities transaction through PLTE at least thirty minutes after the transaction is m
 Trade between participant is reported (input) by selling party and confirmed by buying party;
 Trade between participant and non-participant are reported by participant;
 The transaction is reported to IDX at working days between 09.30–17.00;
 The transaction on IDX (transactions at the exchange) are reported automatically by IDX to the PLTE.
mbers and

Trading system from Independent Reviewer or declaration from mediator if the

Remote Trading System uses the mediator’s service.
 Has Securities Account opening Agreement with client that at least specifies the
provision as stipulated in Bapepam dan LK Rule number V.D.3. concerning Internal
Control of Securities that Conduct Business Activity as Broker Dealer in addition to
provision concerning:
- Saving and recording of fund and or securities separated from fund and or
client-owned Security;
- Guarantee that the fund and or client-owned Securities will only be used for
the interest of the client in accordance with client instruction;
- Implementation and requirement of client’s order or instruction by using various
communication facilities;
- delivery of client’s transaction confirmation must be performed on the same
Exchange day with the implementation of Exchange Transaction;
- Procedures of Securities Transaction settlement and matters can be performed if the
client fail to meet its obligation on determined time;
- Transaction cost, commission, sales tax on securities transaction selling and penalty
on the delaying of the client in depositing fund or submitting the securities;
- Reporting to client on the fund and or client securities either periodically or at any
time in accordance with client written request;
- Restricting the activity of client’s securities account temporarily if the client is in
active for particular time period and blocking or confiscation of client’s Securities
Account by virtue of order from authorized agency officer;
- Reactivation of the clients securities Account may only be performed if the
client has met the requirement as stipulated by or upon written order from the
authorized agency officer;
- Termination of agreement may be performed by the client or the company by
submitting written notification in prior;
- Force majeure condition that cause unable to be implemented or
postponement of obligation stipulated in the agreement;
- Proxy granted by the client with respect to the settlement of the Exchange
- Any dispute settlement shall be proposed by one of the disputing parties to
Capital market Arbitration Board (BAPmI), upon failure of internal dispute
resolution mechanism;
- obligation of the Securities Exchange member is opening Securities ownership
Reference (AKses) to
Capital market Arbitration Board (BAPmI), upon failure of internal dispute
resolution mechanism;
- obligation of the Securities Exchange member is opening Securities ownership
Reference (AKses) to


Securities Exchange members are also required to submit the following
 Daily Transaction Report and Daily Clients’ Portfolio Report.
Deadline of submission: at the deadline of submission of nAWC Report;
 monthly Business Activity Report. Deadline of submission: at
the latest 12 (twelve) Exchange days of the subsequent month;
 Accountant report on annual nAWC. Deadline of submission
concurrently with Annual Financial Statements;
 unaudited quarterly Financial Statements. Deadline of submission: at
the latest at the end of the 1st (first) month after the date of unaudited
quarterly Financial Statements;
 Audited Annual Financial Statements. Deadline of submission: at
the latest at the end of the 3rd (third) month after the date of Audited
Annual Financial Statements;
 Changes related to the company report. Deadline of submission: at
the latest 5 (five) days after the occurrence of the events;
 Articles of Association Amendments Report. Deadline of submission: at
the latest 7 (seven) days after following the acceptance of approval proof
or notification receipt of Articles of Association amendment from
authorized institution in compliance with Law number 40/2007
concerning Limited Liability Companies;
 over The Counter Transaction Report. Deadline of submission: at the
latest on the following day after the performance;
 Reports when one or several functions fail to operate properly must be
submitted to IDX with a copy to FSA, for submission deadline and report
content refer to Bapepam-LK Rule number V.D.3 concerning Internal
Control of Securities Company Carrying on Business as securities broker
 outsourcing Written Report:
- Implementation Report. Deadline of submission: at the latest 3 (three)
days after the implementation;
- Reports when outsourcing function cannot operate properly. Deadline of
submission: at the latest on the following day after the occurrence of the
- Termination Report. Deadline of submission: at the latest on the
following day after the termination.
 The company must obtain an active operating license to conduct the
activities of broker-dealer/bank or approval letter from FSA in case of not
having license to conduct the activities of broker-dealer/bank.
 The company must possess at least two personnel that have completed
training by IDX to operate PLTE SYSTEm (beneficiary of securities
Transaction report).
 Provide computer hardware and network communication facility to
conduct transaction reporting.
 The company has completed PLTE reporting system fee obligation.
days after the implementation;
- Reports when outsourcing function cannot operate properly. Deadline of
submission: at the latest on the following day after the occurrence of the
- Termination Report. Deadline of submission: at the latest on the
following day after the termination.
 The company must obtain an active operating license to conduct the
activities of broker-dealer/bank or approval letter from FSA in case of not
having license to conduct the activities of broker-dealer/bank.
 The company must possess at least two personnel that have completed
training by IDX to operate PLTE SYSTEm (beneficiary of securities
Transaction report).
 Provide computer hardware and network communication facility to
conduct transaction reporting.
 The company has completed PLTE reporting system fee obligation.

LTE at least thirty minutes after the transaction is made;
arty and confirmed by buying party;
reported by participant;
between 09.30–17.00;
e reported automatically by IDX to the PLTE.
Name of Changes of Exchange Members
No. Ann. Date Code
1 06-Feb-2015 BJ
2 23-Feb-2015 XA

3 13-Jul-2015 FS
4 18-Nov-2015 DR
5 30-Jun-2016 IT
List of Participant, Banks
   No.  Bank                                                                       No.  Bank                                             
      1.  Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS)                                      20.  Bank  CImB niaga Tbk             
      2.  Bank AnZ Indonesia                                                   21.  Bank  oCBC nISP Tbk                
      3.  Bank Rakyat Indonesia Agroniaga Tbk                           22.  Bank Pan Indonesia Tbk        
      4.  Bank Artha Graha Internasional Tbk                              23.  Bank Permata Tbk                 
      5.  Bank Tabungan Pensiunan nasional Tbk                       24.  Bank Rabobank International 
      6.  Bank Capital Indonesia Tbk                                         25.  Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Perser
      7.  Bank Central Asia Tbk                                                 26.  Bank Tabungan negara (Perser
      8.  Bank CTBC Indonesia                                                 27.  Bank uoB Indonesia Tbk           
      9.  Bank Commonwealth                                                 28.  Bank Victoria International Tbk
    10.  Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk                                      29.  Citibank nA                            
    11.  Bank DBS Indonesia                                                   30.  Deutsche Bank AG Jakarta Bran
    12.  Lembaga Pembiayaan Ekspor Indonesia                        31.  HSBC Bank                            
    13.  Bank Woori Saudara Indonesia 1906 Tbk                       32.  JP morgan Chase Bank nA    
    14.  Bank maybank Indonesia Tbk                                       33.  Bank of Tokyo-mitsubishi uFJ J
    15.  Bank Ina Perdana                                                       34.  Standard Chartered Bank         
    16.  Bank qnB Indonesia Tbk                                             35.  Bank mnC International Tbk     
17. Bank mandiri (Persero) Tbk 36. Bank Bukopin Tbk
18. Bank mega Tbk 37. Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk
19. Bank negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk 38. Bank of America

List of Participant, Custodians

   No.  Custodians                                                              No.  Custodians                                   
      1.  Bank negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Kustodian             11.  Bank Pan Indonesia Tbk Kust
      2.  Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Kustodian             12.  Bank Permata Tbk Kustodian
      3.  Bank Bukopin Tbk Kustodian                                       13.  Citibank n.A Kustodian            
      4.  Bank Central Asia Tbk Kustodian                                  14.  Deutsche Bank AG Jakarta Kus
      5.  Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk Securities Services          15.  HSBC Bank Securities Servic
      6.  Bank DBS Indonesia Kustodian                                    16.  Standard Chartered Bank Secu
      7.  Bank Woori Saudara Indonesia 1906 Tbk Kustodian        17.  Bank uoB Indonesia Kustodi
      8.  Bank maybank Indonesia Tbk Kustodian                        18.  Bank BJB & Banten Tbk Kusto
      9.  Bank mandiri (Persero) Tbk Custodial Services               19.  Bank mega Tbk Kustodian   
    10.  Bank CImB niaga Tbk Kustodian                            
List of Participant, Security Companies
   No.  Security Companies                                                  No.  Security Company                      
      1.  Amantara Securities                                                   30.  maybank Kim Eng Securities    
      2.  Anugerah Securindo Indah                                          31.  mega Capital Indonesia           
      3.  Artha Securities Indonesia                                           32.  millenium Danatama Sekuritas
      4.  Asjaya Indosurya Securities                                         33.  minna Padi Investama            
      5.  Bahana Securities                                                      34.  mnC Securities                         
      6.  Batavia Prosperindo Sekuritas                                     35.  nC Securities                           
      7.  BCA Sekuritas                                                           36.  net Sekuritas                             
      8.  Binaartha Parama                                                      37.  nH Korindo Securities Indonesia
      9.  BnI Securities                                                            38.  nikko Securities Indonesia         
    10.  Bumiputera Capital Indonesia                                      39.  nISP Sekuritas                         
    11.  Bosowa Sekuritas                                                      40.  RHB Securities Indonesia          
    12.  Capital Bridge Indonesia                                             41.  oCBC Sekuritas Indonesia        
    13.  Ciptadana Securities                                                  42.  Pacific 2000 securities              
    14.  CImB Securities Indonesia                                           43.  Pacific capital                          
    15.  DBS Vickers Securities Indonesia                                 44.  Panca Global Securities Tbk    
    16.  Danareksa Sekuritas                                                   45.  Panin Sekuritas Tbk                 
17. Danpac Sekuritas 46. Peak Securities
18. Equator Securities 47. Pratama Capital Indonesia
19. Erdhika Elit Sekuritas 48. Recapital Securities
20. Evergreen Capital 49. Reliance Securities Tbk
21. Henan Putihrai 50. Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia
22. Indo Premier Securities 51. Sinarmas Sekuritas
23. Indomitra Securities 52. Sucorinvest Central Gani
24. Investindo nusantara Sekuritas 53. Trust Securities
25. Kresna Securities 54. Trimegah Securities Tbk
26. Lautandhana Securindo 55. uoB Kay Hian Securities
27. madani Securities 56. Valbury Asia Securities
28. makinta Securities 57. Victoria Securities Indonesia
29. mandiri Sekuritas 58. Yuanta Securities Indonesia
Name of Changes of Exchange Members
Former Name New Name
Andalan Artha Advisindo Sekuritas Inti Kapital Sekuritas
nonghyup Korindo Securities Indonesia
Woori Korindo Securities Indonesia
(nH Korindo Securities Indonesia)
AmCapital Indonesia Yuanta Securities Indonesia
RHB oSK Securities Indonesia RHB Securities Indonesia
Intiteladan Arthaswadaya Inti Teladan Sekuritas
List of Participant, Banks
   No.  Bank                                                                       No.  Bank                                                                
      1.  Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS)                                      20.  Bank  CImB niaga Tbk                                         
      2.  Bank AnZ Indonesia                                                   21.  Bank  oCBC nISP Tbk                                         
      3.  Bank Rakyat Indonesia Agroniaga Tbk                           22.  Bank Pan Indonesia Tbk                                      
      4.  Bank Artha Graha Internasional Tbk                              23.  Bank Permata Tbk                                              
      5.  Bank Tabungan Pensiunan nasional Tbk                       24.  Bank Rabobank International Indonesia                 
      6.  Bank Capital Indonesia Tbk                                         25.  Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk                    
      7.  Bank Central Asia Tbk                                                 26.  Bank Tabungan negara (Persero) Tbk                    
      8.  Bank CTBC Indonesia                                                 27.  Bank uoB Indonesia Tbk                                     
      9.  Bank Commonwealth                                                 28.  Bank Victoria International Tbk                             
    10.  Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk                                      29.  Citibank nA                                                       
    11.  Bank DBS Indonesia                                                   30.  Deutsche Bank AG Jakarta Branch                        
    12.  Lembaga Pembiayaan Ekspor Indonesia                        31.  HSBC Bank                                                        
    13.  Bank Woori Saudara Indonesia 1906 Tbk                       32.  JP morgan Chase Bank nA                                  
    14.  Bank maybank Indonesia Tbk                                       33.  Bank of Tokyo-mitsubishi uFJ Jakarta                   
    15.  Bank Ina Perdana                                                       34.  Standard Chartered Bank                                     
    16.  Bank qnB Indonesia Tbk                                             35.  Bank mnC International Tbk                                 
17. Bank mandiri (Persero) Tbk 36. Bank Bukopin Tbk
18. Bank mega Tbk 37. Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk
19. Bank negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk 38. Bank of America

List of Participant, Custodians

   No.  Custodians                                                              No.  Custodians                                                        
      1.  Bank negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Kustodian             11.  Bank Pan Indonesia Tbk Kustodian                       
      2.  Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Kustodian             12.  Bank Permata Tbk Kustodian                               
      3.  Bank Bukopin Tbk Kustodian                                       13.  Citibank n.A Kustodian                                        
      4.  Bank Central Asia Tbk Kustodian                                  14.  Deutsche Bank AG Jakarta Kustodian                    
      5.  Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk Securities Services          15.  HSBC Bank Securities Services                             
      6.  Bank DBS Indonesia Kustodian                                    16.  Standard Chartered Bank Securities Services         
      7.  Bank Woori Saudara Indonesia 1906 Tbk Kustodian        17.  Bank uoB Indonesia Kustodian                            
      8.  Bank maybank Indonesia Tbk Kustodian                        18.  Bank BJB & Banten Tbk Kustodian                        
      9.  Bank mandiri (Persero) Tbk Custodial Services               19.  Bank mega Tbk Kustodian                                   
    10.  Bank CImB niaga Tbk Kustodian                            
List of Participant, Security Companies
   No.  Security Companies                                                  No.  Security Company                                              
      1.  Amantara Securities                                                   30.  maybank Kim Eng Securities                                
      2.  Anugerah Securindo Indah                                          31.  mega Capital Indonesia                                       
      3.  Artha Securities Indonesia                                           32.  millenium Danatama Sekuritas                             
      4.  Asjaya Indosurya Securities                                         33.  minna Padi Investama                                         
      5.  Bahana Securities                                                      34.  mnC Securities                                                  
      6.  Batavia Prosperindo Sekuritas                                     35.  nC Securities                                                     
      7.  BCA Sekuritas                                                           36.  net Sekuritas                                                     
      8.  Binaartha Parama                                                      37.  nH Korindo Securities Indonesia                          
      9.  BnI Securities                                                            38.  nikko Securities Indonesia                                   
    10.  Bumiputera Capital Indonesia                                      39.  nISP Sekuritas                                                   
    11.  Bosowa Sekuritas                                                      40.  RHB Securities Indonesia                                    
    12.  Capital Bridge Indonesia                                             41.  oCBC Sekuritas Indonesia                                   
    13.  Ciptadana Securities                                                  42.  Pacific 2000 securities                                        
    14.  CImB Securities Indonesia                                           43.  Pacific capital                                                    
    15.  DBS Vickers Securities Indonesia                                 44.  Panca Global Securities Tbk                                 
    16.  Danareksa Sekuritas                                                   45.  Panin Sekuritas Tbk                                            
17. Danpac Sekuritas 46. Peak Securities
18. Equator Securities 47. Pratama Capital Indonesia
19. Erdhika Elit Sekuritas 48. Recapital Securities
20. Evergreen Capital 49. Reliance Securities Tbk
21. Henan Putihrai 50. Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia
22. Indo Premier Securities 51. Sinarmas Sekuritas
23. Indomitra Securities 52. Sucorinvest Central Gani
24. Investindo nusantara Sekuritas 53. Trust Securities
25. Kresna Securities 54. Trimegah Securities Tbk
26. Lautandhana Securindo 55. uoB Kay Hian Securities
27. madani Securities 56. Valbury Asia Securities
28. makinta Securities 57. Victoria Securities Indonesia
29. mandiri Sekuritas 58. Yuanta Securities Indonesia
sia Tbk                                      
nternational Indonesia                 
nesia (Persero) Tbk                    
gara (Persero) Tbk                    
a Tbk                                     
national Tbk                             
 Jakarta Branch                        
e Bank nA                                  
tsubishi uFJ Jakarta                   
d Bank                                     
ional Tbk                                 


esia Tbk Kustodian                       
bk Kustodian                               
G Jakarta Kustodian                    
urities Services                             
ed Bank Securities Services         
esia Kustodian                            
en Tbk Kustodian                        
ma Sekuritas                             
es Indonesia                          
urities Tbk                                 




Name of Changes of Participant Companies

No. Ann. Date Code Former Name

1 23-Feb-2015 S-XA Woori Korindo Securities Indonesia

2 26-Feb-2015 B-HSDR Bank Himpunan Saudara 1906 Tbk.

3 26-Feb-2015 C-HSDR Bank Himpunan Saudara 1906 Tbk.
4 24-Jun-2015 B-muTI Bank mutiara Tbk.
5 14-Jul-2015 S-FS AmCapital Indonesia
6 10-Nov-2015 B-BII Bank Internasional Indonesia Tbk.
7 10-Nov-2015 C-BII Bank Internasional Indonesia Tbk.
8 18-Nov-2015 S-DR RHB oSK Securities Indonesia

   No.   Code   IDX Member                                                   No.    Code    ID
      1.     nI     BnI Securities                                                  16.      DD      ma
      2.     RF     Buana Capital                                                  17.      CC      m
      3.     ZR     Bumiputera Sekuritas                                        18.      ZP      ma
      4.    oD    Danareksa Sekuritas                                         19.      CD      me
      5.     PF     Danasakti Securities                                         20.      EP      m
      6.    Bq    Danpac Sekuritas                                             21.      LH      n
      7.    HD    HD Capital Tbk.                                                22.      IH      Pa
      8.    HP    Henan Putihrai                                                 23.      PG      Pan
      9.     PD     Indo Premier Securities                                     24.      KK      Phi
    10.     BD     Indomitra Securities                                          25.      PK      Pra
    11.     BF     intifikasa securindo                                          26.      DH      Si
    12.    WW    Jakarta Securities                                            27.      LG      Trim
    13.     YB     Jasa utama Capital                                          28.      TF      un
    14.     YJ     Lautandhana Securindo                                     29.      CP      Val
    15.     XL     mahakarya Artha Securities                               30.      An      W
     31.      RS      Yu

New Participant Companies

No. Announcement Date Code Participant Name
1. 11-Jan-2016 S-TP oCBC Sekuritas Indonesia
2. 2-mei-2016 B-BoFA Bank of America

Revoked Participant Companies

No. Announcement Date Code Participant Name
1. 01-Apr-2016 S-AD oSo Securities

New Name
nonghyup Korindo Securities Indonesia (nH Korindo
Securities Indonesia)
Bank Woori Saudara Indonesia 1906 Tbk.
Bank Woori Saudara Indonesia 1906 Tbk. Kustodian

Bank Jtrust Indonesia Tbk

Yuanta Securities Indonesia
Bank maybank Indonesia Tbk.
Bank maybank Indonesia Tbk. Kustodian

RHB Securities Indonesia

IDX Members for Options Trading
X Member                                                   No.    Code    IDX Member                                          
Securities                                                  16.      DD      makindo Securities                                 
na Capital                                                  17.      CC      mandiri Sekuritas                                   
utera Sekuritas                                        18.      ZP      maybank Kim Eng Securities                    
reksa Sekuritas                                         19.      CD      mega Capital Indonesia                           
nasakti Securities                                         20.      EP      mnC Securities                                      
npac Sekuritas                                             21.      LH      nC Securities                                         
Capital Tbk.                                                22.      IH      Pacific 2000 securities                            
n Putihrai                                                 23.      PG      Panca Global Securities Tbk.                    
Premier Securities                                     24.      KK      Phillip Securities Indonesia                      
mitra Securities                                          25.      PK      Pratama Capital Indonesia                       
kasa securindo                                          26.      DH      Sinarmas Sekuritas                                
rta Securities                                            27.      LG      Trimegah Securities Tbk.                         
 utama Capital                                          28.      TF      universal Broker Indonesia                      
ndhana Securindo                                     29.      CP      Valbury Asia Securities                            
akarya Artha Securities                               30.      An      Wanteg Securindo                                  
     31.      RS      Yulie Sekurindo Tbk.                               

Participant Name
CBC Sekuritas Indonesia
ank of America

Participant Name
oSo Securities

Listed Companies                                                                                                            
Astra Agro Lestari Tbk. S 1 |1|

12 |
ADES Akasha Wira International Tbk. S 2 | 5 | 54 |

1 [ ] 7

Jln. Pulo Ayang Raya Blok OR - I

Kawasan Industri Pulogadung, Jakarta 13930
Phone : (021) 461-6555
Fax : (021) 461-6682, 461-6689
e-mail : [email protected]
Web : www.astra-agro.co.id
CS : Rudy Limardjo
SAB : PT Raya Saham Registra
PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan
ABBA Mahaka Media Tbk.
2 | 9 | 95 |

2. 8.
[ ]
Sahid Office Boutique Blok G Jln. Raya Pasar Minggu Km.18 Jakarta 12510
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 86, Jakarta 12190 Phone : (021) 579-9203 Phone : (021) 797-5312

AD HI Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk. S 1 | 6 | 62 |

Fax : (021)
579-9210 Fax : (021)
11e-mail : corsec@m

PA : Aria Kanaka & Rekan

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

ABDA Asuransi Bina Dana Arta Tbk.

2 | 8 | 84 |

ADMF Adira Dinamika Multi Finance Tbk.

1 | 8 | 82 |

3. 9.
Plaza ABDA 27th Fl. The Landmark I Building, 26th - 31st Fl.
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 59, Jakarta Selatan Jln. Jenderal Sudirman No. 1, Jakarta 12910

Phone : (021)
88, ext. 1200, 570-8157, 570-816
7 Phone : (021)
2, 529-6

PA : Paul Hadiwinata, Hidajat, Arsono, Achmad, Suharli & Rekan

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

ABMM ABM Investama Tbk.

1 | 9 | 98 |

4. 10 [ ]
TMT Building 1, 18th Fl. Wisma 46 Kota BNI, 20th Fl.
ADMG Po lychem Indonesia Tbk. S 1 | 4 | 43 |

Jln. Cilandak KKO No. 1, Jakarta 1256

0 Jln. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 1, Jakarta 10220Pho

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

ACES Ace Hardware Indonesia Tbk. S 1 | 9 | 93 |

ADRO Adaro Energy Tbk. S 1 | 2 | 21 |

[ ] 11 [ ]
Kawan Lama Building 5th Fl. Menara Karya 23rd Fl.
Jln. Puri Kencana No. 1 Meruya Kembangan, Jakarta 116
10 Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said, Blok X-5, Kav. 1 - 2, Jakart

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan

ACST Acset Indonusa Tbk. S 1 |6|

62 |

6 [ ] 12
Acset Building, Jln. Majapahit No. 26
Kel. Petojo Selatan, Kec Gambir, Jakarta 10160
Phone : (021) 351-1961
Fax : (021) 344-1413
e-mail : [email protected];
Web : www.acset.co
CS : Maria Cesilia Hapsari
SAB : PT Sinartama Gunita
PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan

[ ]
Perkantoran Hijau Arkadia Tower C 15th Fl.
Jln. TB. Simatupang Kav. 88, Jakarta 12520
Phone : (021) 275-45000
Fax : (021) 788-45549, 788-45547
e-mail : [email protected]
Web : www.akashainternational.com
CS : Thomas Maria Wisnu Adjie
SAB : PT Raya Saham Registra
PA : Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi & Rekan

[ ]
Jln. Raya Pasar Minggu Km.18 Jakarta 12510
Phone : (021) 797-5312

Fax : (021)
11e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : [email protected]

The Landmark I Building, 26th - 31st Fl.
Jln. Jenderal Sudirman No. 1, Jakarta 12910

Phone : (021)
2, 529-6
22Fax : (021)
98, 514-016
99, 570-816
, 570-8159 Fax : (0

[ ]
Wisma 46 Kota BNI, 20th Fl.

Jln. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 1, Jakarta 10220Phone : (021)

7 Phone

[ ]
Menara Karya 23rd Fl.
Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said, Blok X-5, Kav. 1 - 2, Jakarta 12950 Phone : (021)

AGRO Bank Rakyat Indonesia Agroniaga Tbk.

1 | 8 | 81 |
Plaza GRI
Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X 2 No. 1, Jakarta 12950
Phone : (021) 526-2570
Fax : (021) 526-2559
e-mail : [email protected]
Web : www.bankagro.co.id
CS : Hirawan Nur Kustono
SAB : PT Datindo Entrycom
PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja
AGRS Bank Agris Tbk.
2 | 8 | 81 |

13 Wisma GKBI Suite UG-01Jln. Jend. Sudirman No. 28, Jakarta 10210 19
Phone : (021)
5790 - 8888Fax : (021)
5790 - 6

AKRA AKR Corporindo Tbk. S 1 |9|

91 |
AHAP Asuransi Harta Aman Pratama Tbk. 2 | 8 | 84 |
AKSI Majapahit Inti Corpora Tbk. 2 | 8 | 83 |
14 20
Menara Imperium 12X Fl., Suite C, Metropolitan Kuningan Superblok, Jln. HR Rasu
Jln. Balikpapan Raya No. 9 Jakarta 10130
1A, Jakarta 12980

Phone : (021)
0, 3
84 56
78 Phone : (021)
5-4120, 83
1-7488Fax : (

PA : Doli, Bambang, Sulistiyanto, Dadang & Ali

PA : Doli, Bambang, Sulistiyanto, Dadang & Ali

AIMS Akbar Indo Makmur Stimec Tbk. S 2 | 9 | 91 |

ALDO Alkindo Naratama Tbk S 2

15 [ ] 38 |
[ ]
Plaza Chase 20th Fl. Kawasan Industri Cimareme

Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 21, Jakarta Selatan 12920 Jln. Industri Cimareme II No. 14, Padalarang, Band

PA : Bambang Sudaryono & Rekan

PA : Arsyad & Rekan

AISA Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food Tbk. S 1 | 5 | 51 |

ALKA Alakasa Industrindo Tbk. S 2 | 3 | 33 |
16 [ ] 22 [ ]
Plaza Mutiara Building 16th Fl., Suite 1601 Jln. Pulo Gadung No. 4
Jln. DR. Ida Anak Agung Gde Agung Kav. E.1.2 No. 1 & 2, Jakarta 12850 Kawasan Industri Pulogadung, Jakarta 13
0 Pho

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

PA : Johannes Juara & Rekan

AKKU Alam Karya Unggul Tbk.

2 | 2 | 29 |

17 23
Indosurya Plaza 13th Fl. (Penthouse), Jln. MH. Thamrin Kav. 8-9 Kel. Kebon Melati, Kec. Maspion Building 7th Fl.
Tanah Abang Jakarta Pusat 10230 Jln. Kembang Jepun 38-40, Surabaya 60162
I l i [ ]
AL A um ndo L ight Metal Industry Tbk. S 2 | 3 | 33 |

M Phone : (021)
99 Phone : (03
1, 853
-2994Fax :

PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny

PA : Paul Hadiwinata, Hidajat, Arsono, Achmad, Suharli & Rekan
AKPI Argha Karya Prima Industry Tbk. S 2 | 3 | 35 |

ALTO Tri Banyan Tirta Tbk. 1 | 5 | 51 |

18 [ ] 24
Jln. Pahlawan, Karang Asem Citeureup 16810 , Bogor Kp. Pasir Dalem RT. 02 RW. 09
Desa Babakan Pari, Kec. Cidahu, Kabupaten Sukabumi, Jawa Barat

Phone : (021)
875-2707, ext. 3
700 Phone : (026
, 53
89Fax :

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Gideon Adi & Rekan
Listed Companies 25.
[ ]
Wisma AKR 7th - 8th Fl., Jln. Panjang No. 5, Kebon Jeruk, JakartaPhone : (021)
1-1110Fax : (021)
1-1185, 53
88, 53

Menara Imperium 12X Fl., Suite C, Metropolitan Kuningan Superblok, Jln. HR Rasuna Said Kav.
1A, Jakarta 12980

Phone : (021)
5-4120, 83
1-7488Fax : (021)
4480; (021)
4545; (021)
52; Fax :

ng & Ali

[ ]
Kawasan Industri Cimareme

Jln. Industri Cimareme II No. 14, Padalarang, Bandung Barat 40553

Phone : (021)

[ ]
Jln. Pulo Gadung No. 4
, Jakarta 12850 Kawasan Industri Pulogadung, Jakarta 13
0 Phone : (021)
5 Ph

Maspion Building 7th Fl.

Jln. Kembang Jepun 38-40, Surabaya 60162

Phone : (03
1, 853
-2994Fax : (021)
98 Fax

Achmad, Suharli & Rekan

Kp. Pasir Dalem RT. 02 RW. 09
Desa Babakan Pari, Kec. Cidahu, Kabupaten Sukabumi, Jawa Barat

Phone : (026
, 53
89Fax : (021)
875-2248, 879-02024, 876
-4155 Fax :
25. 3
1.The City Centre Tower One, 17h Fl.
AMAG Asuransi Multi Artha Guna Tbk.
2 | 8 | 84 |

APEX Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk.

2 | 2 | 22 |

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

AMFG Asahimas Flat Glass Tbk. S 1 | 3 | 32

APIC Pacific Strategic Financial Tbk. 2 | 8 | 89 |

26 [ ] 32
Jln. Ancol IX/5, Ancol Barat Jakarta 14430
Phone : (021) 690-4041

Fax : (021)
91-8820 Fax : (021)
1, 293

PA : Siddharta Widjaja & Rekan

PA : Warnoyo S.E., M.Si

AMIN Ateliers Mecaniques D'Indonesie Tbk. S 2 | 4 | 41 |

APII Arita Prima Indonesia Tbk. S 2 |9|

91 |
27 [ ] 33
Jln. Sei Belumai Km. 2,4 No. 30-38, Desa Dagang Kelambir Tanjung Marowa, Deli Serdang,
Sumatera Utara 20362
Phone : (06
794-7751 Phone : (021)
51-9188Fax : (06

PA : Rama Wendra
PA : S. Mannan, Ardiansyah & Rekan

AMRT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk. 1 | 9 | 93 |

APLI Asiaplast Industries Tbk. S 1 | 3 | 35 |

28 34
Jln. M.H. Thamrin No. 9

Cikokol, Tangerang 15117 Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. 1, Jakarta 12980Phon

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

ANJT Austindo Nusantara Jaya Tbk. S 1 | 1 | 12 |

29 [ ] 35
Atrium Mulia, 3A Fl., Suite 3A-02
[ ]
A LN Agung Podomoro Land Tbk. S 1 | 6 | 61 |

P Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. B 10-11, Jakarta 12910 Jln. Letjen. S. Parman Kav. 28, Jakarta 11470Pho

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

ANTM Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk. S 1 | 2 | 23 |

APOL Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Tbk. 1 | 7 | 74 |

30 [ ] 36
Aneka Tambang Building
Jln. Letjen TB. Simatupang No. 1 , Jakarta 1253
0 Jakarta 1016
0Phone : (021)
780-5119, 789-123

PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan

PA : Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & Rekan
Office 8 Building 5th Fl., SCBD Lot 28
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Phone : (021) 252-4930, 293-33740

Fax : (021)
1, 293
741e-mail : [email protected] e-mail

[ ]
Kompleks Ruko Sunter Permai, Jln. Danau Sunter Utara Blok C No. 9 Sunter Agung, Tanjung Priuk,
Jakarta 14350
Phone : (021)
51-9188Fax : (06
794-7755 Fax : (021)

[ ]
Menara Imperium 10th Fl. Suite A

Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. 1, Jakarta 12980Phone : (021)


Podomoro City - APL Tower, 45 th Fl.

Jln. Letjen. S. Parman Kav. 28, Jakarta 11470Phone : (021)

5-1777 Pho

Jln. Abdul Muis No. 50

Jakarta 1016
0Phone : (021)
780-5119, 789-123
4, 781-26
5 Phone : (021)
50Fax :

hjo & Rekan

ARGO Argo Pantes Tbk.
2 | 4 | 43 |

AS Asuransi Bintang Tbk.

2 | 8 | 84 |

37 43
Jln. M.H. Thamrin Km. 4 Cikokol, Tangerang 15117

Phone : (021)
8, ext. 3
025 Phone : (021)
759-02777Fax : (021)

PA : Anwar & Rekan

PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny

ARII Atlas Resources Tbk S 2 | 2 | 21

ASDM Asuransi Dayin Mitra Tbk. 1 | 8 | 84 |

38 [ ] 44
Sampoerna Strategic Square, South Tower Level 18 Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 45-46, Jakarta
Selatan 12930

Phone : (021)
Phone : (021)
570-8989Fax : (021)

PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

ARNA Arwana Citramulia Tbk. S 1 | 3 | 32

ASGR Astra Graphia Tbk. S 1 | 9 | 97 |

39 [ ] 45
Sentra Niaga Puri Indah Blok T2 No. 6 & 7 Kembangan Selatan, , Jakarta 11610

Phone : (021)
Phone : (021)
90-9190, 23
0-2429Fax :

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan

ARTA Arthavest Tbk. S 2 | 9 | 94 |

ASII Astra International Tbk. S 1 | 4 | 42

40 [ ] 46
Komplek Ruko Atap Merah Blok B1 Jln. Pecenongan 72
Kel. Kebon Kelapa, Kec. Gambir, Jakarta Pusat 10120 Jln. Gaya Motor Raya No. 8 Sunter II, Jakarta 14

PA : Teramihardja, Pradhono & Chandra

PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan

ARTI Ratu Prabu Energi Tbk.

1 | 2 | 22 |
ASJT Asuransi Jasa Tania Tbk.
2 | 8 | 84 |
41 47
Ratu Prabu I Building, 9th Fl.
Jln.TB Simatupang Kav. 20, Jakarta 12560

Phone : (021)
Phone : (021)
10-1850Fax : (021)
PA : Sudin & Rekan
PA : Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi & Rekan

ARTO Bank Artos Indonesia Tbk.

2 | 8 | 81 |

ASMI Asuransi Mitra Maparya Tbk.

2 | 8 | 84 |

42 48
Bank Artos Building
Jln. Otto Iskandardinata No. 18, Bandung 40171

Phone : (022)
420 - 0202 Phone : (021)
1-1150Fax : (022)

PA : Kanaka Puradiredja, Suhartono

PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny
Jln. RS Fatmawati No. 32 Jakarta Selatan

Phone : (021)
759-02777Fax : (021)
557-74458 Fax : (021)

Wisma Sudirman Annex

Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 34, Jakarta 10220

Phone : (021)
570-8989Fax : (021)
717-92708 Fax : (021)

[ ]
Jln. Kramat Raya No. 43 Jakarta 10450

Phone : (021)
90-9190, 23
0-2429Fax : (021)
1 Fax :


[ ]
AMDI Building
Jln. Gaya Motor Raya No. 8 Sunter II, Jakarta 143
0 Phone : (021)
80-0888, 6


Wisma Jasa Tania

Jln. Teuku Cik Di Tiro No. 14, Jakarta 10350

Phone : (021)
10-1850Fax : (021)
7 Fax : (021)
Graha Kirana, 6th Fl.
Jln. Yos Sudarso No. 88, Sunter, Jakarta

Phone : (021)
1-1150Fax : (022)
420 - 0401 Fax : (021)
Listed Companies                                                                                                            
ASI Alam Sutera Realty Tbk.[ ]
    S 1 |6|

BABP Bank MNC Internasiona Tbk.
2 | 8 | 81 |
61 |

49 55 l
Wisma Argo Manunggal 18th Fl. MNC Financial Center Building, 8th Fl.
Jln. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 22, Jakarta 12930 Jln. Kebon Sirih Raya No. 27, Jakarta 10340

Phone : (021)
-8888, 252-3
8 Phone : (021)
2980-5555Fax : (021)

PA : Paul Hadiwinata, Hidajat, Arsono, Achmad, Suharli & Rekan

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

ASRM Asuransi Ramayana Tbk.

2 | 8 | 84 |

BACA Bank Capital Indonesia Tbk.

2 | 8 | 81 |

50 Jln. Kebon Sirih No. 49 Jakarta 103

40Phone : (021)
7148Fax 56 : (021)
4825e-mail : parlindungan.manurung@ram

ASSA Adi Sarana Armada Tbk.

1 | 7 | 74 |

BAJA Saranacentral Bajatama Tbk.

2 | 3 | 33 |

51 Graha Kirana Building 6

th Fl.Jln. Yos Sudarso No. 88, Sunter, Jakarta 57
50 Phone : (021)
0-8811Fax : (021)

ATIC Anabatic Technologies Tbk. S 1 | 9 | 97 |

BALI Bali Towerindo Sentra Tbk. S 2 | 7 | 75 |

52 [ ] 58 [ ]
Graha BIP 7th Fl. Jln. Sunset Road, Lingkungan Abianbase
Jln. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 23
, Jakarta Selatan 1293
0 Kel. Kuta, Kec. Kuta, Badung, BaliPhone : (021)

PA : Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & Rekan

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

ATPK Bara Jaya Internasional Tbk. S 2 | 2 | 21 |

BAPA Bekasi Asri Pemula Tbk. S 2 |6|

61 |
53 [ ] 59 [ ]
AXA Tower, Kuningan City 29th Fl. Suite 01 Tomang Tol Building 2nd Fl.
JIn. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. 18, Setiabudi -Kuningan, Jakarta 12940 Jln. Arjuna No. 1, Tanjung Duren Selatan, Jakarta
PA : Hertanto, Grace, Karunawan
PA : Tjahjadi & Tamara

AUTO Astra Otoparts Tbk. S 1

BATA Sepatu Bata Tbk. S 1 | 4 | 44 |
42 |

54 [ ] 60 [ ]
Jln. Raya Pegangsaan Dua Graha Bata
Km. 2,2
Kelapa Gading, Jakarta 14250 Jln. R.A. Kartini Kav. 28 Cilandak Barat, Jakarta

PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

MNC Financial Center Building, 8th Fl.
Jln. Kebon Sirih Raya No. 27, Jakarta 10340

Phone : (021)
2980-5555Fax : (021)
252-5050 Fax : (021)

Sona Topas Tower 16

th Fl.Jln. Jend Sudirman Kav. 26
, Jakarta 12920 Phone : (021)
8Fax : (021)
9e-mail : maxen

Jln. Pangeran Jayakarta No. 55 Jakarta Pusat 1073

0Phone : (021)
47Fax : (021)
e-mail : [email protected] W

[ ]
Jln. Sunset Road, Lingkungan Abianbase
Kel. Kuta, Kec. Kuta, Badung, BaliPhone : (021)
84 Phone : (03


[ ]
Tomang Tol Building 2nd Fl.
2940 Jln. Arjuna No. 1, Tanjung Duren Selatan, Jakarta Barat 11470 Phone : (021)
[ ]
Graha Bata
Jln. R.A. Kartini Kav. 28 Cilandak Barat, Jakarta Selatan 1243
0Phone : (021)
BAYU Bayu Buana Tbk. S 2 | 9 | 94 |

BB Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.

1 | 8 | 81 |

61 [ ] 67 I
Jln. Ir. H. Juanda III No. 2A Jakarta 10210 BNI Building 24th Fl.
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 1, Jakarta 10220

Phone : (021)
5-09999 ext. 9941 Phone : (021)
, 572-83
87Fax :

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan

BBCA Bank Central Asia Tbk.

1 | 8 | 81 |

BBNP Bank Nusantara Parahyangan Tbk.

1 | 8 | 81 |

62 Menara BCA, Grand IndonesiaJln. M.H. Thamrin No. 1, Jakarta 103

10 68
Phone : (021)
58-8000Fax : (021)

BBHI Bank Harda Internasional Tbk.

2 | 8 | 81 |

BBRI Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.

1 | 8 | 81 |

63 69
Asean Tower 2nd - 3rd Fl. BRI I Building, 20th Fl.
Jln. K.H. Samanhudi No. 10, Jakarta 10710 Jln. Jend. Sudirman No. 44 - 46, Jakarta 10210

Phone : (021)
84-1178 Phone : (021)
251-0244, 250-0124, 251-03

PA : Gani Sigiro & Handayani

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

BBKP Bank Bukopin Tbk.

1 | 8 | 81 |

BBRM Pelayaran Nasional Bina Buana Raya Tbk.

1 | 7 | 74 |

64 Bank Bukopin BuildingJln. M.T. Haryono Kav. 50 - 51, Jakarta 12770Phone

70 : (021)
, 798-983
7Fax : (021)

BBLD Buana Finance Tbk.

2 | 8 | 82 |
BBTN Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk.
1 | 8 | 81 |
65 71
Plaza Chase 17th Fl. Menara Bank BTN
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 21, Jakarta 12920 Phone : (021) 520-8066, ext. 2302 Jln. Gajah Mada No. 1, Jakarta 10130 Phone : (021) 633-6789, 633-2666

Fax : (021)
520-8055, 525-143
4 Fax : (021)
704e-mail : yohanna.o

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja
BBMD Bank Mestika Dharma Tbk.
1 | 8 | 81 |

BBYB Bank Yudha Bhakti Tbk.

1 | 8 | 81 |

66 Mestika BuildingJln. H. Zainul Arifin No. 118, Medan, Sumatera Utara 72

Phone : (06
452-5800Fax : (06
, 452-73

BNI Building 24th Fl.
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 1, Jakarta 10220

Phone : (021)
, 572-83
87Fax : (021)
2, 3
-1955 Fax : (0

Jln. Ir. H. Juanda No. 95 Bandung 4013

2Phone : (022)
2, 255-0100Fax : (022)
251-4580e-mail : [email protected]; ra

BRI I Building, 20th Fl.

Jln. Jend. Sudirman No. 44 - 46, Jakarta 10210

Phone : (021)
251-0244, 250-0124, 251-03
15, 575-196
Fax : (021)
84-1022, 3

The City Center Batavia Tower One 8th Fl., Suite 08-09 Jln. K.H. Mas Mansyur Kav. 126
, Jakarta Pusat 10220 Phone : (021)

Menara Bank BTN

Jln. Gajah Mada No. 1, Jakarta 10130 Phone : (021) 633-6789, 633-2666

Fax : (021)
704e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : eko.waluyo@
Gozco BuildingJln. Raya Pasar Minggu Kav. 3
2, Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan 12780 Phone : (021)
2975-2975, 2975-2999Fax : (021)
BCAP MNC Kapita Indonesia Tbk.
1 | 8 | 89 |

73 l 79
MNC Financial Centre 21st Fl. BFI Tower - Sunburst CBD Lot .1.2, 5th Fl., Jln. Kapt. Soebijanto Djojohadikusumo
Jln. Kebon Sirih 21 - 27, Jakarta 10340 Tangerang Selatan 15322
Phone : (021) 2970-9700 Phone : (021) 2965-0300, 2965-0500

B IN B I Finance Indonesia Tbk.

2 | 8 | 82 |

F FFax : (021)
Fax : (021)
-0757, 296

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

PA : Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi & Rekan

BCIC Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk.

2 | 8 | 81 |
BGTG Bank Ganesha Tbk.
2 | 8 | 81 |
74 80
Sahid Sudirman Center Building, Corporate Secretary 33rd Fl. Jln. Jend. Sudirman No. 86,
Graha Ganesha
Jakarta Pusat 10220
Jln. Hayam Wuruk No. 28, Jakarta Pusat Phone : (021) 385-5345 (ext. 235)
Phone : (021) 2926-1111

Fax : (021)
70 Fax : (021)
45-4880e-mail : 0

PA : Tjahjadi & Tamara

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

BCIP Bumi Citra Permai Tbk. S 2 | 6 | 61

BHIT MNC Investama Tbk. 2 | 9 | 98 |

75 [ ] 81
Jln. Kramat Raya No. 32 - 34 Jakarta 10450 MNC Financial Center 21st Fl.
Jln. Kebon Sirih 17 - 19, Jakarta 10340

Phone : (021)
8 Phone : (021)
92-5000, 3
92-2949Fax :

PA : Jamaludin, Ardi, Sukimto & Rekan

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

BDMN Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk.

1 | 8 | 81 |

BIKA Binakarya Jaya Abadi Tbk.

2 | 6 | 61 |

76 82
Menara Bank Danamon 17th Fl.
Mall Taman Palem 3rd Fl. Blok D No. 9A, Jln. Kamal Raya Outer Ringro RT 006/R
Jln. HR. Rasuna Said, Blok C No. 10, Jakarta Selatan Phone : (021) 579-91001, 579-
Cengkareng Timur, Cengkareng Jakarta Barat 11730 Phone : (021) 5436-0381
91002, 57991003

Fax : (021)
, 579-9116
0, 579-9116
1 Fax : (021)
91e-mail : corpsec@

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Tjahjadi & Tamara

BEKS Bank Pundi Indonesia Tbk.

2 | 8 | 81 |
BIMA Primarindo Asia Infrastructure Tbk.
2 | 4 | 44 |
77 Jln. RS Fatmawati No. 12 Jakarta Selatan 12140Phone : (021)
83 723
Fax : (021)
-5212e-mail : corporate.s

CS : Lungguk Gultom CS : Mohamad Al Hadi

SAB : PT Sirca Datapro Perdana SAB : PT Raya Saham Registra
PA : Hendrawinata Eddy Siddharta & Tanzil
PA : Koesbandijah, Beddy Samsi & Setiasih

BEST Bekasi Fajar Industrial Estate Tbk. S 1 | 6 | 61 |

BINA Bank Ina Perdana Tbk. 2 | 8 | 81 |

78 [ ] 84.

Kawasan Industri MM2100 Wisma BSG

Jln. Sumatera Desa Gandari, Kec. Cikarang Barat, Bekasi Jln. Abdul Muis No. 40, Jakarta Pusat 1016
0 Pho

PA : Paul Hadiwinata, Hidajat, Arsono, Achmad, Suharli & Rekan

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja
BFI Tower - Sunburst CBD Lot .1.2, 5th Fl., Jln. Kapt. Soebijanto Djojohadikusumo, BSD City,
Tangerang Selatan 15322
Phone : (021) 2965-0300, 2965-0500

Fax : (021)
-0757, 296
-0758e-mail : [email protected] e-mail

Graha Ganesha
Jln. Hayam Wuruk No. 28, Jakarta Pusat Phone : (021) 385-5345 (ext. 235)

Fax : (021)
45-4880e-mail : 0 e-mail : corpsect@

MNC Financial Center 21st Fl.

Jln. Kebon Sirih 17 - 19, Jakarta 10340

Phone : (021)
92-5000, 3
92-2949Fax : (021)
5557 Fax :

Mall Taman Palem 3rd Fl. Blok D No. 9A, Jln. Kamal Raya Outer Ringro RT 006/RW 014,
Cengkareng Timur, Cengkareng Jakarta Barat 11730 Phone : (021) 5436-0381

Fax : (021)
91e-mail : [email protected]; e-mail : corpsec@b

Dana Pensiun Building - Bank Mandiri 3

A Fl. Jln. Tanjung Karang No. 3
-4 A, Jakarta 1023
0 Phone : (022)
-0555Fax : (022)

CS : Mohamad Al Hadi
SAB : PT Raya Saham Registra

Wisma BSG

Jln. Abdul Muis No. 40, Jakarta Pusat 1016

0 Phone : (021)
4 Phon
Listed Companies                                                                                                            
Benakat ntegra Tbk. 2 | 2 | 22 |
I I I 91.
[ ]
BKDP Bukit Darmo Property Tbk. S 2 | 6 | 61

Menara Anugrah 12th Fl., Kantor Taman E.3
Jln. Tanah Abang III/6
Jakarta - 1016
0Jln. Mega K

PA : Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi & Rekan

PA : Doli, Bambang, Sulistiyanto, Dadang & Ali

BIPP Bhuwanatala Indah Permai Tbk. S 2 | 6 | 61 |

BKSL Sentul City Tbk. S 1 | 6 | 61 |

86 [ ] 92.
[ ]
Graha BIP 6th Fl. Sentul City Building

Jln. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 23

, Jakarta Jln. M. H. Thamrin Kav. 8 , Bogor 16

PA : Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & Rekan

PA : Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi & Rekan

BIRD Blue Bird Tbk. S 1 | 7 | 74 |

### [ ] 93
Jln. Bojong Indah Raya No. 6, Kel. Rawabuaya,
Kec. Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat 11740
Phone : (021) 543 - 94000
Fax : (021) 543 - 94802
e-mail : [email protected]
Web : www.bluebirdgroup.com
CS : Jusuf Salman
SAB : PT Datindo Entrycom
PA : Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & Rekan
BISI Bisi International Tbk. S 1 |

1 | 11 |
BLTA Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk. 1 | 7 | 74 |

88 [ ] 94
Jln. Raya Surabaya - Mojokerto Km. 19 Bringinbendo, Taman, Sidoarjo 61257 Wisma BSG 10th Fl.
Jln. Abdul Muis No. 40, Jakarta

Phone : (03
788-2528 Phone : (021)
00, 3

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & Rekan

BJBR BPD Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk.

1 | 8 | 81 |

BLTZ Graha Layar Prima Tbk.

2 | 9 | 95 |

89 95
Menara Bank Jabar Banten Menara Karya 25th Fl.
Jln. Naripan No.12-14, Bandung 40111 Phone : (022) 423-4868 Jln. HR. Rasuna Said Blok X-5 Kav. 1-2, Jakarta 12950 Phone : ()21) 2253-6090
Fax : (022)
099 Fax : ()
020e-mail : ir@bank

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & Rekan

BJTM BPD Jawa Timur Tbk.

1 | 8 | 81 |

BMAS Bank Maspion Indonesia Tbk.

2 | 8 | 81 |

90 96
Jln. Basuki Rachmat No. 98 - 104 Surabaya 60271
Jln. Basuki Rahmat No. 50-54 Surabaya 60262, , Jawa Timur Phone : (031) 535-
Phone : (031) 531-0090

Fax : (03
8 Fax : (03
122e-mail : corsec@b

PA : Hendrawinata Eddy Siddharta & Tanzil

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

[ ]

Jln. Tanah Abang III/6

Jakarta - 1016
0Jln. Mega Kuningan Lot. 8.6
8.7, Jakarta Selatan 12950 Jln. Bukit Darmo

[ ]
Sentul City Building

Jln. M. H. Thamrin Kav. 8 , Bogor 16

810Phone : (021)
5 Phone : (0

BKSW Bank QNB Indonesia Tbk. 2 | 8 | 81 |

Office Park Tower D, Lot. 18 SCBD
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190
Phone : (021) 515-5155
Fax : (021) 515-5388
e-mail : [email protected]
Web : www.bankqnbkesawan.co.id
CS : Lina
SAB : PT Adimitra Jasa Korpora
PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

Wisma BSG 10th Fl.

Jln. Abdul Muis No. 40, Jakarta

Phone : (021)
00, 3
90Fax : (03
8 Fax : (0


Menara Karya 25th Fl.

Jln. HR. Rasuna Said Blok X-5 Kav. 1-2, Jakarta 12950 Phone : ()21) 2253-6090
Fax : ()
020e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : corpsec@cg


Jln. Basuki Rahmat No. 50-54 Surabaya 60262, , Jawa Timur Phone : (031) 535-6123

Fax : (03
122e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : corsec@bank
BM Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk.
1 | 8 | 81 |

BNI I Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk.
1 | 8 | 81 |

97 I 103
Plaza Mandiri
Jln. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 36 - 38, Jakarta 12190

Phone : (021)
21, 3
Phone : (021)
292-28888Fax : (021)

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

BMSR Bintang Mitra Semestaraya Tbk.

1 | 9 | 91 |

BNLI Bank Permata Tbk.

1 | 8 | 81 |

98 104
Panin Tower - Senayan City 10th Fl. Jln. Asia Afrika Lot. 19, Jakarta 10270

Phone : (021)
727-82151, 727-8176
0 Phone : (021)
-7788, 523
-7899Fax :

PA : Hendrawinata Eddy Siddharta & Tanzil

PA : Siddharta Widjaja & Rekan

BMTR Global Mediacom Tbk. S 1 |

9 | 98
BOLT Garuda Metalindo Tbk. S 2 | 4 | 42 |

99 [ ] 105
MNC Tower 27th - 29th Fl.
Jln. Kebon Sirih 17 - 19, Jakarta

Phone : (021)
90-9211 Phone : (021)
Fax : (021)

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

PA : Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & Rekan

BNBA Bank Bumi Arta Tbk.

1 | 8 | 81 |

BORN Borneo Lumbung Energi & Metal Tbk.

2 | 2 | 21 |

100 Jln. Wahid Hasyim No. 23

4 - 23
Jakarta 10250Phone : (021)
106 23
Fax : (021)
2e-mail : lyvinia_sa

BNBR Bakrie & Brothers Tbk.

2 | 9 | 98 |

BPFI Batavia Prosperindo Finance Tbk.

2 | 8 | 82 |

101 107
Bakrie Tower 35th-37th Fl., Rasuna Epicentrum Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said, Jakarta 12920
Phone : (021)
-99999 Phone : (021)
4Fax : (021)

PA : Handoko Tomo Samuel Gunawan & Rekan

PA : Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & Rekan

BNGA Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk.

1 | 8 | 81 |

BPII Batavia Prosperindo International Tbk.

2 | 8 | 89 |
102 108
Graha Niaga 15th Fl.
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 58, Jakarta

Phone : (021)
2505151, 250-5252, 250-53
Phone : (021)
520-0180Fax : (021)

PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan

PA : Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & Rekan
Sentral Senayan III, 26th Fl.
Jln. Asia Afrika No. 8, Gelora Bung Karno Senayan, Jakarta 10270

Phone : (021)
292-28888Fax : (021)
0 Fax : (021)

World Trade Center II Building

Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29-31, Jakarta 12920

Phone : (021)
-7788, 523
-7899Fax : (021)
4, 751-1025, 727-82152 Fax : (02

[ ]
Jln. Kapuk Kamal Raya No. 23 Jakarta 14470

Phone : (021)
Fax : (021)
90-9207, 23
0-5281, 3
92-7859 Fax : (021)


Menara Merdeka 29th -3

0th Fl.Jln. Budi Kemulyaan I No. 2, Jakarta Pusat 10110 Phone : (021)
7Fax : (021)

Plaza Chase 12th Fl.

Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav.21, Jakarta 12920
Phone : (021)
4Fax : (021)
1 Fax : (021)


Chase Plaza Building, 12th Fl.

Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 21, Jakarta 12920

Phone : (021)
520-0180Fax : (021)
749, 250-5205, 250-5202 Fax : (021)

Listed Companies                                                                                                            
     Kordsa Tbk.
BRAM Indo S 1 | 4 | 42 |

BM Bank Sinarmas Tbk.

1 | 8 | 81 |

109 [ ] 115
Jln. Pahlawan, Desa Karang Asem Timur, Citeureup Bogor 16810
Phone : (021) 875-2115

Fax : (021)
4, 8791-2252 Fax : (021)
19-90401e-mail : deassy.ar

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny

BRAU Berau Coal Energy Tbk.

1 | 2 | 21 |

110 Sampoerna Strategic Square, North Tower, 15th Fl. Jln. Jend. Sudirman
116Kav. 45-46
, Jakarta 1293
0 Phone : (021)
-9700, 296

BSSR Baramulti Suksessarana Tbk. S 2 | 2 | 21 |

BRMS Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk. 2 | 9 | 98 |

BSWD Bank of India Indonesia Tbk. 2 | 8 | 81 |

111 Bakrie Tower 6

th & 10th Fl., Komplek Rasuna Epicentrum Jln. H.R Rasuna
117 Said, Jakarta 12940Phone : (021)

BRNA Berlina Tbk. S 2 | 3 | 35 |

BTEK Bumi Teknokultura Unggul Tbk. [ ]S 2 | 1 | 19 |

112 [ ]
Jln. Jababeka Raya Blok E 12-17, Kawasan Industri Jababeka - Cikarang
118 Desa Wangunharja, Kec. Cikarang Utara, Bekasi 17520 J

BRPT Barito Pacific Tbk. S 2 | 3 | 34 |

B EL Bakrie Telecom Tbk. 1 | 7 | 73 |

113 [ ] 119
Wisma Barito Pacific Tower B, 9th Fl.
Jln. Letjen S. Parman Kav. 62-63, Jakarta 11410

Phone : (021)
711 Phone : (021)
9110-1112Fax : (021)
PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny
PA : Y. Santosa & Rekan

BSDE Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk. S 1 |6|

61 |
BTON Betonjaya Manunggal Tbk. S 2 |3|
33 |
114 [ ] 120
Sinar Mas Land Plaza
Grand Boulevard, BSD Green Office Park, Tangerang 153
45 Driyorejo, GresikPhone : (021)

PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

Sinar Mas Land Plaza - Menara I, 8th Fl. Jln. M.H. Thamrin No.51, Jakarta 10350 Phone :
(021) 319-90101

Fax : (021)
19-90401e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : dodo.suyan

[ ]
Sahid Sudirman Centre 56
th Fl., Suite C-D Jln. Jend. Sudirman No. 86
, Jakarta 10220 Phone : (021)
90, 13
92Fax : (021)

Jln. H. Samanhudi No. 3

7 Jakarta Pusat 10710Phone : (021)
50-0007Fax : (021)
80-8178e-mail : [email protected]

Komplek Permata Senayan, Rukan Blok E No. 3

8 Jln. Tentara Pelajar , Jakarta Selatan 12210Phone : (021)
579-40929, 53

Wisma Bakrie 2nd Fl.

Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav B-1, Jakarta 12920

Phone : (021)
9110-1112Fax : (021)
80 Fax : (021)
[ ]
Jln. Raya Krikilan No. 434 Km. 28
5 Driyorejo, GresikPhone : (021)
8 Phone : (03

Listed Companies                                                                                                            
Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasiona Tbk.
1 | 8 | 81 |

B C Bank Victoria Internationa l Tbk. 1 | 8 | 81 |

121 l 127
Menara Cyber 2, 24th - 25th Fl. Panin Tower 15th Fl., Senayan City

Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-5 No.13

, Jakarta 12950 Jln.Asia Afrika Lot. 19, Kel. Gelora, Kec. Tanah A

PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan

PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan

BUDI Budi Starch & Sweetener Tbk. S 1 | 3 | 34 |

BWPT Eagle High Plantation Tbk. 1 | 1 | 12 |

122 [ ] 128
Wisma Budi 8th-9 th Fl. Menara Batavia 22nd Fl.
Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav.C-6, Jakarta Jln. K.H. Mas Mansyur Kav. 126, Jakarta 10220

Phone : (021)
Phone : (021)
574-7428Fax : (021)

PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

BUKK Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk. S 2 |7|

123 75 |
[ ] 129
Bukaka Industrial Estate, Jln. Raya Narogong - Bekasi Km. 19.5
Cileungsi, Bogor, Jawa Barat 16820
Phone : (021) 823-2323
Fax : (021) 823-1150
e-mail : [email protected];
Web : www.bukaka.com
CS : Devindra Ratzarwin
SAB : 0
PA : Rama Wendra
BULL Buana Listya Tama Tbk.
1 | 7 | 74 |

124. 130.
I [ ]
CA Capitol Nusantara Indonesia Tbk. S 2 | 7 | 74 |

N Danatama Square II, Jln. Mega Kuningan Timur APL Tower 3

5th Fl., Suite T3
, Jln. Letjen. S. Parm

PA : Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi & Rekan

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

BUMI Bumi Resources Tbk.

2 | 2 | 21 |

125 131 [ ]
Bakrie Tower 12th Fl., Kompleks Rasuna Epicentrum Menara Cardig, 3rd Fl.

CASS Cardig Aero Services Tbk. S 2 |7|

74 |
Jln. H.R Rasuna Said , Jakarta 1296
0 Jln. Protokol Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta 13

PA : Y. Santosa & Rekan

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

BUVA Bukit Uluwatu Villa Tbk.

2 | 9 | 94 |

126 Talavera Office Park 12th Fl.Jln. T.B. Simatupang Kav. 22 - 26

, Jakarta
[ ]
Jln. Industri
: (021)

Blok GG 1, Kawasan
: (021)



CEKA Wilmar Cahaya Indonesia Tbk. S 1 | 5 | 51 |

CS : Benita Sofia CS : Emmanuel Dwi Iriyadi

SAB : PT EDI Indonesia SAB : PT Adimitra Jasa Korpora
PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja
PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

Panin Tower 15th Fl., Senayan City

Jln.Asia Afrika Lot. 19, Kel. Gelora, Kec. Tanah Abang, Jakarta 10270 Phone : (021)
200, (022)
520-2822; 520-2822

Menara Batavia 22nd Fl.

Jln. K.H. Mas Mansyur Kav. 126, Jakarta 10220

Phone : (021)
574-7428Fax : (021)
9, 521-3
92 Fax : (021)

BYAN Bayan Resources Tbk. 1 | 2 | 21 |

Office 8 Building, 37th Fl. SCBD Lot. 28
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190
Phone : (021) 2935-6888
Fax : (021) 2935-6999
e-mail : [email protected]
Web : www.bayan.com.sg
CS : Jenny Quantero
SAB : PT Raya Saham Registra
PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan

[ ]

APL Tower 3
5th Fl., Suite T3
, Jln. Letjen. S. Parman No. 28 Blok C.6
Kav.12A Kawasan Mega Kuningan, Jakarta 12950

[ ]
Menara Cardig, 3rd Fl.
Jln. Protokol Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta 13
50Phone : (021)
579-42080 Ph

[ ]
Jln. Industri Selatan Blok GG 1, Kawasan Industri Jababeka Desa Pasir Sari,, Kec. Cikarang Selatan, Kab. Bekasi 17550 Phone : (021)

: Emmanuel Dwi Iriyadi

: PT Adimitra Jasa Korpora
Listed Companies                                                                                                            
Centratama Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk. S2 | 9 | 93 |

133 [ ] 139
Pinang 22 Building 8th Fl.
Jln. Ciputat Raya No.22A, Jakarta Selatan 12310

CMNP Citra Marga Nusaphala Persada Tbk. S 1 | 7 | 72 |

Phone : (022)
422-0818, (021)
Phone : (021)
0, 428-85282Fax

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & Rekan

CFIN Clipan Finance Indonesia Tbk.

1 | 8 | 82 |

134 140
Wisma SLIPI 6th Fl.
Jln. Letjen. S. Parman Kav. 12, Jakarta 11480 Phone : (021) 530-8005

CMPP Rimau Multi Putra Pratama Tbk. S]

2 | 9 | 91 |

Fax : (021)
, 53
0-8027 Fax : (021)
-4524e-mail : corporate

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

PA : Achmad, Rasyid, Hisbullah & Jerry

CINT Chitose Internasional Tbk. S 2 |5|

55 |
CNKO Exploitasi Energi Indonesia Tbk. S 1 | 9 | 91 |

135 [ ] 141
Jln. Industri III No. 5
Kecamatan Cimahi Selatan, Kota Cimahi, Jawa Barat Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29-3
1, Jakarta 12920Pho

PA : Gideon Adi & Rekan

PA : Hendrawinata Eddy Siddharta & Tanzil

CITA Cita Mineral Investindo Tbk.

2 | 2 | 23 |

CNTB Century Textile Industry (Seri B) Tbk.

2 | 4 | 43 |

136 142
Ratu Plaza Office Tower 22nd Fl.
Jln. Jend. Sudirman No. 9, Jakarta Pusat 10270 Phone : (021) 725-1344

Fax : (021)
728-01978 Fax : (021)
870-4294e-mail : corsec@c

PA : Budiman, Wawan, Pamudji & Rekan

PA : Budhi Taufik, Achmad Zalafik

CKRA Cakra Mineral Tbk. S 2 | 2 | 23 |

CNTX Century Textile Industry (PS) Tbk. 2 | 4 | 43 |

137 [ ] 143
Komplek Perkantoran Red Top E 7-9
Jln. Raya Pecenongan No.72 , Kebon Kelapa, Jakarta Pusat 10120 Phone : (021) 351-
Fax : (021)
704 Fax : (021)
870-4294e-mail : corporate

PA : Johan Malonda Mustika & Rekan

PA : Siddharta Widjaja & Rekan

CLPI Colorpak Indonesia Tbk. S 2 |9

| 91 |
COWL Cowell Development Tbk. 2 | 6 | 61 |

138 [ ] 144
Jln. Industri II Blok F No. 7, Pasir Jaya Jatiuwung - Tangerang 15135

Phone : (021)
2 Phone : (021)
8Fax : (021)

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Teramihardja, Pradhono & Chandra

[ ]
CMNP Building
Jln. Yos Sudarso Kav. 28, Jakarta 14350

Phone : (021)
0, 428-85282Fax : (022)
422-0821 Fax

o & Rekan

Rimau Group Building
Jln. A.M. Sangaji No. 11 L-M, Jakarta 10130 Phone : (021) 6386-3768, 6386-4524

Fax : (021)
-4524e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : corsec@rm

[ ]
Wisma Metropolitan I 16th Fl.
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29-3
1, Jakarta 12920Phone : (022)
-1900 Pho


Jln. Raya Bogor Km. 27 Ciracas, Jakarta Timur

Phone : (021) 877-11907, 871-6624

Fax : (021)
870-4294e-mail : [email protected]; e-mail : achmad_za

Jln. Raya Bogor Km. 27 Ciracas, Jakarta Timur

Phone : (021) 877-11907, 871-6624
Fax : (021)
870-4294e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : achmad_za

Graha Atrium 3rd Fl.

Jln. Senen Raya No. 135, Jakarta 10410

Phone : (021)
8Fax : (021)
Fax : (021)

Listed Companies                                                                                                            
CPGT     2 | 7 | 74 |
Citra Maharlika Nusantara Corpora Tbk.

145 151
Graha Wijaya Puri Blok A/3-4
Jln. Wijaya II, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12160

CTRP Ciputra Property Tbk. S 1 |6

| 61 |
Phone : (021)
2 Phone : (021)
2988-8898Fax : (021)

PA : Hendrawinata Eddy Siddharta & Tanzil

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

C N Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Tbk. S 1 | 3 | 36 |

CTRS Ciputra Surya Tbk. S 1 | 6 | 61 |

146 I [ ] 152
Jln. Ancol VIII/1 Jakarta 14430
Phone : (021) 692-7068, 691-9999

Fax : (021)
24 Fax : (021)
2988-8585e-mail : hadijanto

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

CPRO Central Proteina Prima Tbk.

1 | 1 | 14 |

CTTH Citatah Tbk. S 2 | 2 | 24 |

147 Wisma GKBI, 19th Fl.Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 28, Jakarta 10210 Phone
153 : (021)
578-51788Fax : (021)
578-51808e-mail :

CSAP Catur Sentosa Adiprana Tbk. S 1 | 9 | 93 |

DAJK Dwi Aneka Jaya Kemasindo Tbk. 1 | 3 | 38 |

148 [ ]
Jln. Daan Mogot Raya No. 23
4 Jakarta 11510Phone : (021)
154 56
22Fax : (021)
-9445e-mail : corsec@c

CTBN Citra Tubindo Tbk. S 1 | 3 | 33 |

DART Duta Anggada Realty Tbk. S 1 | 6 | 61

149 [ ] 155
Wisma Metropolitan I, 11th Fl.
Jln. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 29, Jakarta Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 21, JakartaPhone : (02

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

CTRA Ciputra Development Tbk. S 1 | 6 | 61

DAYA Duta Intidaya Tbk. 2 | 9 | 93 |

150 [ ] 156
Ciputra World 1 DBS Bank Tower 39th Fl. Jln. Prof. DR. Satrio Kav. 3-5, Jakarta 12940
Phone : (021) 2988-5858, 2988-6868, 2988-7878

Fax : (021)
2988-5858 Fax : (021)
2e-mail : investor@

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Tanudireja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan

[ ]
DBS Bank Tower 38th Fl., Ciputra World
Jln. Prof. DR. Satrio Kav. 3-5, Jakarta 12940

Phone : (021)
2988-8898Fax : (021)
Fax : (021)

[ ]
Ciputra World 1, DBS Bank Tower 39th Fl. Jln. Prof. DR. Satrio Kav. 3-5, Jakarta 12940
Phone : (021) 2988-5858, 2988-6868, 2988-7878

Fax : (021)
2988-8585e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : investor@

[ ]
Menara Prima Building 12th Fl.Jln. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Kav 6
.2, Jakarta Phone : (021)
579-48098Fax : (021)

Jln. Industri Raya No. II/5Kel. Pasir Jaya, Kec. Jatiuwung, Tangerang 1513
5 Phone : (021)
Fax : (021)
0-5801, 593

[ ]
Chase Plaza Tower 21st Fl.
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 21, JakartaPhone : (021)
-18447 Phone : (02

Wisma Argo Manunggal 14th Fl., Jln. Jend Gatot Subroto Kav. 22 Karet Semanggi, Setiabudi,
Jakarta Selatan, 12930
Phone : (021) 252-1131

Fax : (021)
2e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : corporate.s

157 163
Equity Tower 49th Fl., Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD) Lot. 9
DMAS Purade ta Lestari Tbk. S 1
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav 52-53
,Jakarta Selatan 1219061 | Kel. Roa Malaka, Kec. Tambora, Jakarta BaratPhon

PA : Bambang Sudaryono, Drs. & Rekan

PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny

DEWA Darma Henwa Tbk. S 1 | 2 | 21 |

DNAR Bank Dinar Indonesia Tbk. 1 | 8 | 81 |

158 [ ]
Bakrie Tower Building 8th Fl., Rasuna Epicentrum Jln. Rasuna Said,
164 Kuningan, Jakarta 12940 Phone : (021)

CS : Mukson Arif Rosyidi CS : Idham Aziz

SAB : PT Ficomindo Buana Registrar SAB : PT Ficomindo Buana Registrar
PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan
PA : Hendrawinata Eddy Siddharta & Tanzil

DGIK Nusa Konstruksi Enjiniring Tbk. S 1 | 6 | 62 |

DNET Indoritel Makmur Internasional Tbk. [ ]S 2 | 9 | 97 |

159 [ ] 165
Jln. Sunan Kalijaga No. 64

Kel. Melawai Kec. Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 1216

0 Jln. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 70-71, Jakarta 12910P

PA : Johan Malonda Mustika & Rekan

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

DILD Intiland Development Tbk. S 1 |6|

61 |
DOID Delta Dunia Makmur Tbk. 2 | 2 | 21 |

160 [ ] 166
Intiland Tower, Penthouse Fl.
Jln. Jend. Sudirman 32, Jakarta 10220
Phone : (021) 570-1912, 570-8088

Fax : (021)
570-0014, 570-0015 Fax : (021)
e-mail : theresia.r

PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny

PA : Aria Kanaka & Rekan

DKFT Central Omega Resources Tbk. 2 | 2 | 23 |

DPNS Duta Pertiwi Nusantara Tbk. S 1 | 3 | 34 |

161 Plaza Asia 6

th Fl.Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 59, Jakarta 12190 Phone 167
: (021)
Fax : (021)
e-mail : corsec@
PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny
PA : Paul Hadiwinata, Hidajat, Arsono, Achmad, Suharli & Rekan

DLTA Delta Djakarta Tbk.

1 | 5 | 51 |

162 168
Jln. Inspeksi Tarum Barat
Desa Setiadharma, Kec. Tambun, Bekasi Timur, Jawa Barat 17510 Phone : (021) 882-

DPUM Dua Putra Utama Makmur Tbk S 1 | 9 | 91 |

Fax : (021)
881-9424 . Fax : (021)
1084e-mail : avfernande

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

PA : Hadori Sugiarto Adi & Rekan

DEFI Danasupra Erapacific Tbk. 2 | 8 | 82 |

[ ]
Jln. Kali Besar Barat No. 8

Kel. Roa Malaka, Kec. Tambora, Jakarta BaratPhone : (021)


Jln. Ir. H. Juanda No. 12 Jakarta Pusat 10120Phone : (021)

Fax : (021)
04e-mail : idham0556
@yahoo.com Web

CS : Idham Aziz
SAB : PT Ficomindo Buana Registrar

Wisma Indoncement, 10th Fl.

Jln. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 70-71, Jakarta 12910Phone : (021)

, 726

Cyber 2 Tower, 28th Fl.

Jln. HR Rasuna Said Blok X-5 No 13, Jakarta Selatan 12950 Phone : (021) 290-21352

Fax : (021)
e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : ir@deltad

[ ]
Sudirman Tower 12C Fl.Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 6
0, Jakarta Phone : (021)
728 - 29Fax : (021)
779e-mail : dpns_id
chmad, Suharli & Rekan

[ ]
Nariba Office Suites & Pavilion Building, 6th Fl.
Jln. Mampang Prapatan Raya No. 30, Jakarta Selatan - 12790 Phone : (021) 7231081,

Fax : (021)
1084e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : corsec@d
Listed Companies                                                                                                            
Dharma Samudera Fishing Industries Tbk. [S ] 1 | 1 | 14 |
FECI I Electronic City Indonesia Tbk. [ ]
S 2 | 9 | 93 |

169 I 175
Jln. Laks. RE Martadinata I (Industri II) Tanjung Priok, Jakarta 14310

Phone : (021)
0-1001, 43
7-1010, 43
5 Phone : (021)
515-5577, ext. 5578Fax : (

PA : Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi & Rekan

PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny

DSNG Dharma Satya Nusantara Tbk.

1 | 1 | 12 |

170 Sapta Mulia Center, Jln. Rawa Gelam V Kav.OR/3

B Kawasan Industri176
Pulo Gadung, Jakarta 13
0 Phone : (021)

EKAD Ekadharma International [ ] Tbk. S 1 | 3 | 34 |

DSSA Dian Swastatika Sentosa Tbk. S 1 | 9 | 91 |
ELSA lnusa Tbk. S 1 | 2 | 22 |
E [ ]
171 177
Sinar Mas Land Plaza, Tower II, 27th Fl.
Jln. M.H. Thamrin No. 51, Jakarta 103
50 Jln. T.B. Simatupang Kav. 1B, Jakarta 1256

PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

DUTI Duta Pertiwi Tbk. S 2 | 6 | 61 |

ELTY Bakrieland Development Tbk.

1 | 6 | 61 |

172 [ ] 178
Sinar Mas Land Plaza

Grand Boulevard, BSD Green Office Park, Tangerang 153

45 Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. B-1, Jakarta 12920 P

PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny

PA : Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & Rekan

DVLA Darya-Varia Laboratoria Tbk. S 1 |5|

53 |
EMDE Megapolitan Developments Tbk. S 2 | 6 | 61 |

173 [ ] 179
Talavera Office Park 8th-10th Fl.
Jln. Letjen. T.B. Simatupang No. 22-26
, Jakarta 1243
0 Jln. Mega Kuningan Barat Kav. E4 No. 3
, Jakarta

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Jansen Ramdan

DYAN Dyandra Media International Tbk. S 1 | 9 | 99 |

EMTK Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk. 1 | 9 | 95 |

174 180
The City Tower 7th Fl.
Jln. M.H Thamrin 81, Jakarta Pusat 10310 Phone : (021) 319-96077, ext 245

Fax : (021)
277 Fax : (021)
, 7278-2194e-mail

PA : Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & Rekan

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

[ ]

Jln. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 52-53 Lot. 22

Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD), Jakarta Selatan 12190

Phone : (021)
515-5577, ext. 5578Fax : (021)
412, 492-820 Fax :

Galeri Niaga Mediterania 2 Blok L8 F-G Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta Utara 1446
0 Phone : 021-588-3
090Fax : 021-588-3

[ ]
Graha Elnusa
Jln. T.B. Simatupang Kav. 1B, Jakarta 1256
0Phone : (021)
19-90258 Pho

Wisma Bakrie 1, 6th & 7th Fl.

5 Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. B-1, Jakarta 12920 Phone : (021)
8 P

hjo & Rekan

[ ]
The Bellagio Residence - Management Office
Jln. Mega Kuningan Barat Kav. E4 No. 3
, Jakarta 12950 Phone : (021)
759-24500, 729-24500

SCTV Tower 18th Fl. - Senayan City Jln. Asia Afrika Lot. 19, Jakarta 10270 Phone : (021) 7278-

Fax : (021)
, 7278-2194e-mail : [email protected] e-mail
ENRG Energi Mega Persada Tbk.
2 | 2 | 22 |

ETWA Eterindo Wahanatama Tbk.

1 | 3 | 34 |

181 Bakrie Tower, 3

2nd Fl. Rasuna Epicentrum Jln. HR Rasuna Said, Jakarta
187 1296
0 Phone : (021)
2994-1540Fax : (021)

CS : Riri Hosniari Harahap CS : Sussy Nurikafitri

SAB : PT Ficomindo Buana Registrar SAB : PT Sirca Datapro Perdana
PA : Y. Santosa & Rekan
PA : Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & Rekan

EPMT Enseval Putra Megatrading Tbk. S 2 | 9 | 91 |

EXCL XL Axiata Tbk. S 1 | 7 | 73 |

182 [ ] 188 [ ]
Pulo Lentut No.10 Grha XL, Jln. DR. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung
Kawasan Industri Pulo Gadung, Jakarta 13920 Lot. E4 - 7 No. 1, Kawasan Mega Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950

Phone : (021)
8-22422 Phone : (021)
-1881Fax : (021)

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan

ERAA Erajaya Swasembada Tbk. S 1 |9|

93 |
FAST Fast Food Indonesia Tbk. S 2 | 9 | 94 |

183 [ ] 189 [ ]
Jln. Gedong Panjang No. 29 - 31 Jakarta 11240 Jln. M.T. Haryono Kav. 7 Jakarta 12810

Phone : (021)
90-5050 Phone : (021)
1-0919, 829-83
90, 83

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

ERTX Eratex Djaja Tbk.

2 | 4 | 43 |

FASW Fajar Surya Wisesa Tbk.

1 | 3 | 38 |

184 190
Jln. Abdul Muis No. 30, Kampung Gardu Sawah RT 001/ RW 01 No. 1 Desa Kali
Spazio Building 3rd Fl., Unit 319 - 321, Graha Festival Kav. 3 - Graha Family, Jln. Mayjen
Barat Bekasi, Jakarta 10160
Yono Soewoyo, Surabaya 60216 Phone : (021) 5288-0055, (031) 9900-1101
Phone : (021) 344-1316

Fax : (021)
5288-0111, (03
9900-1115 Fax : (021)
e-mail : juliarti@er

PA : Paul Hadiwinata, Hidajat, Arsono, Achmad, Suharli & Rekan

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

ESSA Surya Esa Perkasa Tbk. S 1 |2|

22 |
FISH FKS Multi Agro Tbk. S 2
185 [ ] 191 [ ]
DBS Bank Tower 18th Fl., Ciputra World 1 Jakarta Jln. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. 3-5, Jakarta
Sampoerna Strategic Square North Tower 3rd Fl. Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 45-46
Selatan 12940 |

Phone : (021)
00 Phone : (021)
579-50889Fax : (021)

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja
ESTI Ever Shine Textile Industry Tbk.
1 | 4 | 43 |

186 192 [ ]
Jln. H. Fachruddin No. 16 Bank Yudha Bhakti Building, 5th Fl.

FMI I Fortune Mate Indonesia Tbk. S 2 | 6 | 61 |

Jakarta 10250 Jln. Raya Darmo No. 54-56

, Surabaya 6
5, Jaw

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Supoyo, Sutjahjo, Subyantara & Rekan
Chase Plaza, 11th Fl.Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 21, Jakarta 12920 Phone : (021)
8Fax : (021)
9e-mail : corsec@e

CS : Sussy Nurikafitri
AB : PT Sirca Datapro Perdana
& Rekan

[ ]
Grha XL, Jln. DR. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung
Lot. E4 - 7 No. 1, Kawasan Mega Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950

Phone : (021)
-1881Fax : (021)
9 Fax : (021)

[ ]
Jln. M.T. Haryono Kav. 7 Jakarta 12810

Phone : (021)
1-0919, 829-83
90, 83
82, 83
Fax : (021)

Jln. Abdul Muis No. 30, Kampung Gardu Sawah RT 001/ RW 01 No. 1 Desa Kalijaya Cikarang
Barat Bekasi, Jakarta 10160
Phone : (021) 344-1316

Fax : (021)
e-mail : [email protected]; [email protected] e-mail : legalfasw@f

[ ]
Sampoerna Strategic Square North Tower 3rd Fl. Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 45-46, Jakarta 12190

Phone : (021)
579-50889Fax : (021)
01 Fax : (021)
[ ]
Bank Yudha Bhakti Building, 5th Fl.

Jln. Raya Darmo No. 54-56

, Surabaya 6
5, Jawa TimurPhone : (021)

FORU Fortune Indonesia Tbk.
2 | 9 | 95 |

193 199
Galaktika Building

GEMA Gema Grahasarana Tbk. S 2 |9|

99 |
Jln. Harsono R.M. No. 2, Jakarta 12550 Jln. Letjen. S. Parman No. 6
, Jakarta 11480Phone

PA : Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & Rekan

PA : Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi & Rekan

FPNI Lotte Chemical Titan Tbk. S 2 | 3 | 35

GEMS Golden Energy Mines Tbk. [S ] 1 | 2 | 21

194 [ ] 200
Setiabudi Building 2, 3rd Fl. Suite 306 - 307 Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. 62, Jakarta 12920

Phone : (021)
529-07008 Phone : (021)
888Fax : (021)

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

FREN Smartfren Telecom Tbk.

1 | 7 | 73 |

GGRM Gudang Garam Tbk.

1 | 5 | 52 |

195 201
Kantor Smartfren
Jln. H. Agus Salim No. 45 Menteng - Sabang, Jakarta 10340 Phone : (021) 319-22255

Fax : (021)
Fax : (021)
, (03

PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny

PA : Siddharta Widjaja & Rekan

GAMA Gading Development Tbk. S 1 | 6 | 61 |

GIAA Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. S 1 | 7 | 74 |

196 [ ] 202
Office 8, 5th Fl. Unit F, SCBD Lot. 28
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53
, Jakarta 12190 Bandara Udara Internasional Soekarno Hatta , Cen

PA : Herman, Dody Tanumihardja & Rekan

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

GDST Gunawan Dianjaya Steel Tbk. S 2 | 3 | 33 |

GJTL Gajah Tunggal Tbk. 1 | 4 | 42 |

197 [ ] 203
Jln. Margomulyo 29A Surabaya 60183, Jawa Timur
Phone : (03
749-0598 Phone : (021)
Fax : (03

PA : Hadori Sugiarto Adi & Rekan

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

GDYR Goodyear Indonesia Tbk. S 1 | 4 | 42 |

GLOB Global Teleshop Tbk. 2 | 9 | 93 |

198 [ 204

. e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : [email protected] :
u PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan
PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja




[ ]
Graha Vivere, 8th Fl.

Jln. Letjen. S. Parman No. 6

, Jakarta 11480Phone : (021)
782-7989 Phone

Sinar Mas Land Plaza, Menara II, 6th Fl. Jln. MH Thamrin No 51, Jakarta 10350

Phone : (021)
888Fax : (021)
529 07281 Fax : (021)

Jakarta: Jln. Jend. A. Yani No. 79, Jakarta - 10510 Kediri: Jln. Semampir II/1 Kediri 64121
Phone : (021) 420-2460, (0354) 682-091

Fax : (021)
, (03
81-555e-mail : [email protected] e-mai

[ ]
Management Building, Garuda City
Bandara Udara Internasional Soekarno Hatta , Cengkareng 19120Phone : (021)

Wisma Hayam Wuruk 14th Fl. Jln. Hayam Wuruk No. 8, Jakarta
Phone : (021)
Fax : (03
749-0581 Fax : (021)

Jln. Kebon Sirih Raya Kav. 63 Jakarta Pusat 10340

Phone : (021) 391-5677
Fax : (021) 799-0912, 391-5671

e-mail : [email protected] : www.goodyear.com Web :

GMCW Grahamas Citrawisata Tbk.
2 | 9 | 94 |

205 211
Medco II Building, 4th Fl.

GS F Equity Development nvestment Tbk.

2 | 8 | 89 |

M Jln. Ampera Raya No. 20, Jakarta 1256

0 Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 3
4, JakartaPhone : (02

PA : Bayudi Watu & Rekan

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

GMTD Gowa Makassar Tourism Development Tbk. [S]

2 | 6 | 61 |

GTBO Garda Tujuh Buana Tbk.

2 | 2 | 21 |

206 212
Jln. Metro Tanjung Bunga, Mall GTC GA-9 No. 1B Tanjung Bunga Makassar, Sulawesi
Selatan Phone : (0411) 811-3456

Fax : (0411)
494 Fax : (021)
50e-mail : andy.guna

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

PA : Ellya Noorlisyati & Rekan

GOLD Golden Retailindo Tbk. S 2

GWSA Greenwood Sejahtera Tbk. S 2 |6|
93 |
61 |
207 [ ] 213
Jln. Gunung Sahari No. 59 Jakarta Pusat 10610
Phone : (021) 421-6989 ext. 217

Fax : (021)
420-9795 Fax : (021)
008e-mail : corporat

PA : Anwar & Rekan

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

GOLL Golden Plantation Tbk.

2 | 1 | 12 |

208 214
Alun Graha Building, 1st Fl.

GZCO Gozco Plantations Tbk. S 1 | 1 | 12

Jln. Prof. DR. Soepomo, SH, No. 23
, Tebet, Jakarta Selatan Jln. Raya Pasar Minggu 3
2C/10, Jakarta 12780 Ph

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

PA : Doli, Bambang, Sulistiyanto, Dadang & Ali

GPRA Perdana Gapuraprima Tbk. S 1 |6|

61 |
HADE HD Capital Tbk. 2 | 8 | 83 |

209 [ ] 215
Bellezza Arcade 2nd Fl., The Bellezza Permata Hijau
Jln. Letjen. Soepeno No. 34, Arteri Permata Hijau, Jakarta 12210
Phone : (021)
-71717, 53
0 Phone : (021)
7Fax : (021)

PA : Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & Rekan

PA : Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi & Rekan

GREN Evergreen Invesco Tbk. S 1 | 9 | 91

HDFA Radana Bhaskara Finance Tbk. 1 | 8 | 82 |

210 [ ] 216
Graha CIMB Niaga Building, 22th Fl.

Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 58, Jakarta 12190 Jln. Lingkar Luar Barat Kav. 88, Jakarta 116

PA : Achmad, Rasyid, Hisbullah & Jerry

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja
Wisma Sudirman 6th Fl.

Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 3

4, JakartaPhone : (021)
782-2057 Phone : (02

Menara Hijau Building 5th Fl. Suite 501A

Jln. MT Haryono Kav. 33 Pancoran, Jakarta 12770 Phone : (021) 794-3947

Fax : (021)
50e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : corporate.se

[ ]
The City Tower, 30th Fl.
Jln. M.H. Thamrin No. 81, Jakarta Phone : (021) 319-96000

Fax : (021)
008e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : pr@greenw

[ ]
Graha Permata Pancoran Building

n Jln. Raya Pasar Minggu 3

2C/10, Jakarta 12780 Phone : (021)
7-8775 Pho

& Ali

Sona Topas Tower 11th Fl.

Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 26, Jakarta 12920
Phone : (021)
7Fax : (021)
59 Fax : (021)

The Blugreen Boutique Office 5th Fl.

Jln. Lingkar Luar Barat Kav. 88, Jakarta 116

10Phone : (021)
250-5025 Pho
HDTX Panasia Indo Resources Tbk.
1 | 4 | 43 |

HOTL Saraswati Griya Lestari Tbk.

1 | 9 | 94 |

217 223
Jln. Moh. Toha KM 6 Kabupaten Bandung

Phone : (022)
0 Phone : (021)
-75505Fax : (022)

PA : Bambang Sudaryono, Drs. & Rekan

PA : Gideon Adi & Rekan

HERO Hero Supermarket Tbk. [ ] S 1 |9|

93 |
HRUM Harum Energy Tbk. S 1 | 2 | 21 |

218 224
Graha Hero, CBD Bintaro Jaya Sektor 7 Blok B7/A7

Pondok Jaya, Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan 15224 Jln. Imam Bonjol No. 80, Jakarta Pusat, 103

PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

HEXA Hexindo Adiperkasa Tbk.

1 | 9 | 91 |

219 225
Jln. Pulo Kambing II Kav. 1 - 2 No. 33 Kawasan Industri Pulo Gadung, Jakarta 13930
Phone : (021) 461-1688

IA TA Indonesia Transport & Infrastructure Tbk. S[ ]2 | 7 | 74 |

Fax : (021)
Fax : (021)
91-2941e-mail : maryati@

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Noor Salim, Nursehan & Sinarahardja

HITS Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk. S 1 | 7 | 74 |

IBFN Intan Baruprana Finance Tbk. 2 | 8 | 82 |

220 [ ] 226.

Granadi Building 7th & 8th Fl.

Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X-1 No. 8 - 9, Jakarta 12950 Jln. Raya Cakung Cilincing KM. 3
.5, Jakarta 141

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

HMSP HM Sampoerna Tbk.

1 | 5 | 52 |

221 227
One Pacific Place 18th Fl., SCBD
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190
[ ]
BS T Inti Bangun Sejahtera Tbk. S 1 |7|

75 |
Phone : (021)
4 Phone : (021)
5919Fax : (021)

PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan

PA : Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi & Rekan

HOME Hotel Mandarine Regency Tbk. S 2 | 9 | 94 |

ICBP Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk. S 1 | 5 | 51 |

222 [ ] 228
Goodway Hotel

Jln. Imam Bonjol No. 1, Nagoya, Batam 2943

2 Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 76
- 78, Jakarta 12910P

PA : Herman, Dody Tanumihardja & Rekan

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja
The Bellezza Shopping Arcade 1st Fl., No. 130-131
Jln. Letjen Soepeno No. 34, Arteri Permata Hijau, Jakarta 12210

Phone : (021)
-75505Fax : (022)
520-5881 Fax : (021)

[ ]
Deutsche Bank Building, 9th Fl.

Jln. Imam Bonjol No. 80, Jakarta Pusat, 103

10Phone : (021)
88 Ph

MNC Tower 22nd Fl., Jln. Kebon Sirih No.17-19 Kebon Sirih, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10340
Phone : (021) 391-2935

Fax : (021)
91-2941e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : corporat


INTA Building, Ground Floor

Jln. Raya Cakung Cilincing KM. 3

.5, Jakarta 1413
0 Phone : (021)

Jln. Riau No. 23, Menteng Jakarta 10350
Phone : (021)
5919Fax : (021)
4 Fax : (021)

[ ]
Sudirman Plaza, Indofood Tower 25th Fl.

Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 76

- 78, Jakarta 12910Phone : (0778)
Listed Companies                                                                                                            
CON       Concepts Indonesia Tbk.
Island [ ] S 2 | 9 | 94 |

IMAS Indomobil Sukses Internasiona lTbk. 1 | 4 | 42 |

229 IPermata Senayan B20-21 (via B10-11)

Jln. Tentara Pelajar, Patal Senayan,
235 Jakarta
Fl.Jln. MT.
: (021)

Kav. 8, Jakarta

IDPR Indonesia Pondasi Raya Tbk. S 1 |6|

62 |
IMJS Indomobil Multi Jasa Tbk. 2 | 8 | 82 |
230 [ 236 Wisma Indomobil 6th Fl.
Jln. MT. Haryono Kav. 8, Jakarta 13330
] Phone : (021) 856-4850, 856-4860, 856-4870
J Fax : (021) 856-4833
e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : [email protected]
n PA : Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi & Rekan PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja
IGARs Champion Pacific Indonesia Tbk. S 1 | 3 | 35 |
IMPC Impack Pratama Industri Tbk.
a S 2 | 3 | 35 |
231 [ ]
Jln. Sultan Agung Km. 28.5 Bekasi 1713
Phone : (021)
884-0040Fax 237 [ ]
: (021)

Tower 3
8th Fl.,:Altira
[email protected]
Business Park JL Yo



I IKP 5 Inti Agri Resources Tbk. S 2 |1|

14 |
INAF Indofarma (Persero) Tbk. S 1 | 5 | 53 |

232 a [ ] 238 [ ]
k Britania Blok T7 No. B27 - 29 Jln. Indofarma No. 1
r Kembangan Selatan - Kembangan, Jakarta Barat 116
10 Cikarang Barat, Bekasi 1753
0Phone : (021)


0 PA : Asep Rianita Manshur & Suharyono (Member of IECnet Networks) PA : Husni, Mucharam & Rasidi

IKAI Intikeramik Alamasri Industri Tbk. S 1 | 3 | 32 |

INAIo Indal Aluminium Industry Tbk. S 2 | 3 | 33 |

[ ] 239
Jln. Pangeran Jayakarta No. 133
Jakarta 10730
: Phone : (021) 624-2727
Fax : (021) 625-3059
e-mail : [email protected]
2 Web : www.essenza.com
CS : Vincentius An Eng
SAB : PT Sinartama Gunita
PA : Hadori Sugiarto Adi & Rekan
IKBI Sumi Indo Kabel Tbk.
2 | 4 | 45 |

234. 240.
NC Intanwijaya Internasional Tbk.[ ] S 1 | 3 | 34 |

Jln. Gatot Subroto Km. 7,8 Wisma IWI 5th Fl.Desa Pasir Jaya Jatiuwung , T

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Hendrawinata Eddy Siddharta & Tanzil
Listed Companies                                                                                                            

Wisma Indomobil 6
th Fl.Jln. MT. Haryono Kav. 8, Jakarta 13
0 Phone : (021)
-4850Fax : (021)
-4891e-mail : csimg@indom

Wisma Indomobil 6th Fl.

Jln. MT. Haryono Kav. 8, Jakarta 13330
Phone : (021) 856-4850, 856-4860, 856-4870
Fax : (021) 856-4833

e-mail : [email protected] : www.indopora.com Web : ww

[ ]
Altira Office Tower 3
8th Fl., Altira Business Park JL Yos Sudarso No. 85 , Jakarta 143
50Phone : (021)
-11045, 6
958Fax : (0

[ ]
Jln. Indofarma No. 1

Cikarang Barat, Bekasi 1753

0Phone : (021)
, 4808 Phone : (021)

[ ]
Desa Sawotratap
Gedangan (Kawasan Maspion Unit I), Sidoarjo , Surabaya
Phone : (031) 853-1531
Fax : (031) 853-2812
e-mail : [email protected]
Web : www.indalcorp.com
CS : Ariawan Wiradinata
SAB : PT Adimitra Jasa Korpora
PA : Paul Hadiwinata, Hidajat, Arsono, Achmad, Suharli & Rekan

Wisma IWI 5th Fl.Desa Pasir Jaya Jatiuwung , Tangerang Jln. Arjuna Selatan Kav. 75 Kebon
NCO Val e Indonesia Tbk. [ ] S 1
NKP Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Tbk.
1 | 3 | 38 | 2|
241 IThe Energy Building 3
1st Fl.SCBD Lot 11 A, Jln. Jend.23Sudirman, Kav.
247 52-53
, Jakarta 12190 Phone : (021)
524-9000, 524-9002F

INDF Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk. S 1 | 5 | 51 |

INPC Bank Artha Graha Internasional Tbk. 1 | 8 | 81 |

242 [ ] 248
Sudirman Plaza, Indofood Tower 27th Fl.

Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 76

- 78, Jakarta 12190 Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52 - 53
, Jakarta 12190Ph

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Tjahjadi & Tamara

INDR Indo-Rama Synthetics Tbk. S 1 |4|

43 |
INPP Indonesian Paradise Property Tbk. S 2 | 9 | 94 |

243 [ ] 249
Graha Irama 17th Fl.
Jln. HR. Rasuna Said, Blok X-1 Kav. 1 & 2, Jakarta Jakarta Selatan 12820Phone : (021)

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

PA : Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi & Rekan

INDS Indospring Tbk. S 1 | 4 | 42 |

INRU Toba Pulp Lestari Tbk. S 2

244 [ ] 38 |
Jln. Mayjend.
Soengkono No.10
Segoromadu, Gresik , Jawa Timur Jln. Letjen. MT. Haryono No.A-1, Medan 2023

PA : Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi & Rekan

PA : Budiman, Wawan, Pamudji & Rekan

INDX Tanah Laut Tbk. S 2 | 7 | 74 |

INTA Intraco Penta Tbk. 2 | 9 | 91 |

245 [ ] 251
Landmark Center Tower I, 16th Fl.
Jln. Jend. Sudirman No. 1, Jakarta 12910 Phone : (021) 2941-0662, 2941-0664
Fax : (021)
5 Fax : (021)
e-mail : agungprih

PA : Johan Malonda Mustika & Rekan

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

INDY Indika Energy Tbk.

1 | 7 | 75 |

246. 252.
I I l [ ]
N TD nter De ta Tbk. S 2 | 9 | 91 |

Mitra Building 11th Fl. Jln. Gaya Motor Barat, Sunter IIJln. Jend. Gato

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

PA : Arsyad & Rekan
ISinar Mas Land Plaza, Tower II, 5th Fl. Jln. M.H. Thamrin No. 51, Jakarta 103
50 Phone : (021)
, 3
9Fax : (021)

Artha Graha Building 5th Fl.

Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52 - 53

, Jakarta 12190Phone : (021)
5795-8822 P

[ ]
Jln. Tebet Timur Raya No. 10 C
Jakarta Selatan 12820Phone : (021)
-1555, 526
-1552 Phone : (021)

[ ]
Uniplaza East Tower, 7th Fl.
Jln. Letjen. MT. Haryono No.A-1, Medan 2023
1, SumateraPhone : (03
5, 3
98-2524, 3


Jln. Raya Cakung Cilincing Km. 3,5 Jakarta 14130

Phone : (021) 440-1408
Fax : (021)
e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : corpsec@

Jln. Gaya Motor Barat, Sunter IIJln. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 21, Jakarta 1293
0 Tanjung Priok, J
Listed Companies                                                                                                            
NTP Indocement
     Tungga l Prakarsa Tbk. [ ] S 1 | 3 | 31 |

ITMG ndo I Tambangraya Megah Tbk. [S ] 1 | 2 | 21 |

253 I 259
Wisma Indocement 8th Fl. Pondok Indah Office Tower III, 3rd Fl.
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 70 - 71, Jakarta Phone : (021) 251-0057, 570-3817 Jln. Sultan Iskandar Muda, Pondok Indah Kav. V-TA, Jakarta Selatan 1 Phone :

Fax : (021)
, 251-006
Fax : (021)
-27999e-mail : corpsec@

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan

INVS Inovisi Infracom Tbk.

2 | 7 | 73 |

ITTG Leo Investments Tbk. [ ]S 2 |9

| 91 |
254 Patra Jasa Office Tower, 21st Fl.Jln. Jendral Gatot Subroto Kav. 3
Jakarta 12950 Phone : (021)
, 529-013

IPOL Indopoly Swakarsa Industry Tbk. S 1 | 3 | 35 |

JAWA Jaya Agra Wattie Tbk. 1 | 1 | 12 |

255 [ ] 261
Wisma Indosemen 5th Fl. Wisma BSG 8th Fl.
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 70-71, Jakarta 12910 Phone : (021) 251-0088 Jln. Abdul Muis No. 40, Jakarta 10160 Phone : (021) 350-5410

Fax : (021)
522-4001 Fax : (021)
50-5415e-mail : corpsec@

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

PA : Doli, Bambang, Sulistiyanto, Dadang & Ali

ISAT Indosat Tbk. S 1 | 7 | 73 |

JECC Jembo Cable Company Tbk. 2 | 4 | 45 |

256 [ ] 262
Jln. Medan Merdeka Barat No. 21 Jakarta Mega Glodok Kemayoran, Office Tower B 6th Fl.
Jln. Angkasa Kav. B-6, Kemaryoran, Jakarta Pusat 10610

Phone : (021)
001, 3
14, 3
Phone : (021)
8Fax : (021)

PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan

PA : Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi & Rekan

ISSP Steel Pipe Industry of Indonesia Tbk. [ ] S 1 | 3 | 33 |

JGLE Graha Andrasenta Propertindo Tbk. 2 | 9 | 94 |

257 263
Jln. Pangeran Jayakarta No. 55 Jakarta 10730 Marketing Office - Bogor Nirwana Residence
Phone : (021) 626-0456 Jln. Bogor Nirwana Raya (Derede - Pahlawan), Bogor 16132 Phone : (0251) 82
Fax : (021)
Fax : (0251)
821-2050, 821-1295e-mail

PA : Hadori Sugiarto Adi & Rekan

PA : Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & partners

ITMA Sumber Energi Andalan Tbk.

2 | 9 | 99 |

258 264 [ ]
Prince Centre Building, 8th Fl. Suite #806 Artha Graha Building 15th Fl.
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 3-4, Jakarta Pusat 10220 Phone : (021) 570-0435 Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52 - 53, Jakarta 12190
Phone : (021) 515-2555, ext. 505

J HD Jakarta International Hotels & Dev. Tbk. S 2 | 9 | 94 |

I Fax : (021)
-8057 Fax : (021)
e-mail : energi.and

PA : Hendrawinata Eddy Siddharta & Tanzil

PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny

Pondok Indah Office Tower III, 3rd Fl.

Jln. Sultan Iskandar Muda, Pondok Indah Kav. V-TA, Jakarta Selatan 1 Phone : (021) 293-28100

Fax : (021)
-27999e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : roslini_o@


Jln. Imam Bonjol No. 6

8 - 70 Jakarta 103
10Phone : (021)
505Fax : (021)
982e-mail : corsec@leo_investments.com W

Wisma BSG 8th Fl.

Jln. Abdul Muis No. 40, Jakarta 10160 Phone : (021) 350-5410

Fax : (021)
50-5415e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : bambang_

g & Ali

Mega Glodok Kemayoran, Office Tower B 6th Fl.

Jln. Angkasa Kav. B-6, Kemaryoran, Jakarta Pusat 10610

Phone : (021)
8Fax : (021)
80-4045 Fax : (021)

Marketing Office - Bogor Nirwana Residence

Jln. Bogor Nirwana Raya (Derede - Pahlawan), Bogor 16132 Phone : (0251) 821-1290
Fax : (0251)
821-2050, 821-1295e-mail : [email protected] e-mail

jo & partners

[ ]
Artha Graha Building 15th Fl.
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52 - 53, Jakarta 12190
Phone : (021) 515-2555, ext. 505

Fax : (021)
e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : f_liga@jih
Listed Companies                                                                                                            
Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Pratama Tbk. S1 | 6 | 62 |

265 [ ] 271 [ ]
Kantor Taman Bintaro Jaya, B Building Jln. Bintaro Raya, Jakarta 12330 Setiabudi 2 Building, 3rd A Fl.
Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. 62, Jakarta 12920

JS T Jakarta Setiabudi Internasional Tbk. S 2 | 9 | 94 |

P Phone : (021)
9, 73
0 Phone : (021)
8, 252-053
4Fax :

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

JKSW Jakarta Kyoei Steel Works Tbk. S 2 | 3 | 33 |

JTPE Jasuindo Tiga Perkasa Tbk. S 2 | 9 | 95 |


[ ] 272
Jln. Rawa Teratai II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulo Gadung, Jakarta
Phone : (021) 460-2832
Fax : (021) 460-2831
e-mail : [email protected]
Web :-
CS : Muhammad Djauhari
SAB : PT Adimitra Jasa Korpora
PA : Abubakar Usman & Rekan
JPFA Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk. S 1 | 3 | 36 |

KAEF Kimia Farma (Persero) Tbk. [ S] 1 | 5 | 53 |

267 [ ] 273
Wisma Millenia 7th Fl. Jln. Veteran No. 9 Jakarta 10110
Jln. MT Haryono Kav. 16, Jakarta 12810 Phone : (021) 285-45680 Phone : (021) 384-7709

Fax : (021)
09 Fax : (021)
81-4441e-mail : mayap@j

PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny

PA : Hendrawinata Eddy Siddharta & Tanzil

JPRS Jaya Pari Steel Tbk. S 2

KARW ICTSI Jasa Prima Tbk. 2 | 7 | 74 |
268 [ 33 274 Graha Kirana 7th Fl. Suite 701
| Jln. Yos Sudarso No.88, Jakarta Utara 14350 Phone : (021) 6531-4710
] Fax : (021) 6531-4711
. e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : [email protected] : www
g PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja
JRPTm Jaya Real Property Tbk. S 1 |6

| 61 |
269 u[ ] 275 [ ]
CBD Emerald Blok CE/A No. 01 Jln. Raya Bekasi KM 23,1
KB Io KMI Wire and Cable Tbk. S 1 |4

L | 45 |


Boulevard Bintaro Jaya, Tangerang 15227 Cakung, Jakarta Timur 13
910Phone : (021)

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

JSMR Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk. S 1 |7|

72 |
KBLM Kabelindo Murni Tbk. S 2 |

4 | 45
270 [ ] |
276 [ ]
Plaza Tol Taman Mini Indonesia Indah Jakarta 13550 Kawasan Industri Pulogadung Jln. Rawa Girang No. 2, Jakarta

Phone : (021)
0 Phone : (021)
5, 46
0-9550Fax :

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Doli, Bambang, Sulistiyanto, Dadang & Ali

[ ]
Setiabudi 2 Building, 3rd A Fl.
Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. 62, Jakarta 12920

Phone : (021)
8, 252-053
4Fax : (021)
959 Fax : (02

[ ]
Jln. Raya Betro No. 21, Sedati
Sidoarjo 61253
Phone : (031) 891-0919, 891-0640 (Hunting)
Fax : (031) 891-0928
e-mail : [email protected]
Web : www.jasuindo.co.id
CS : Lukito Budiman
SAB : PT Blue Chip Mulia
PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

Jln. Veteran No. 9 Jakarta 10110

Phone : (021) 384-7709

Fax : (021)
81-4441e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : corsec@kimiaf

Graha Kirana 7th Fl. Suite 701

Jln. Yos Sudarso No.88, Jakarta Utara 14350 Phone : (021) 6531-4710
Fax : (021) 6531-4711

e-mail : [email protected] : www.jayaparisteel.co.id Web : www.ict

[ ]
Jln. Raya Bekasi KM 23,1
Cakung, Jakarta Timur 13
910Phone : (021)
745-8888 Phone : (021)

[ ]
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung Jln. Rawa Girang No. 2, Jakarta

Phone : (021)
5, 46
0-9550Fax : (021)
, 841-3
540 Fax : (02
Listed Companies                                                                                                            
First Media Tbk. S 2 | 9 | 95 |

KNO Kino Indonesia Tbk. [ S] 2

277 [ ] 283 I
Citra Graha Building 4th Fl., Suite 401 54
Datascrip 9th Fl., Jln. Selaparang Blok B-15 Kav. 9 Komplek Kemayoran , Jakarta
Jln. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 35 - 36, Jakarta 12950 Phone : (021) 557-7727,| 527-8811 Phone : (021) 654-5422, 0812-90005350

Fax : (021)
, 527-8822 Fax : (021)
780e-mail : corporate.

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

PA : Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & Rekan

KBRI Kertas Basuki Rachmat Indonesia Tbk.

2 | 3 | 38 |

278 284 I [ ]
Antam Office Park Tower B, 11th Fl. Bumi Raya Utama Group Building

KK Resource Alam Indonesia Tbk. S 1 | 2 | 21 |

G Jln. Letjen T.B. Simatupang No. 1 RT.010/04, Tanjung Barat - Jagakarsa, Jaka Jln. Pembangunan I No. 3
, Jakarta Pusat 1013
0 Phon

PA : Hendrawinata Eddy Siddharta & Tanzil

PA : Johan Malonda Mustika & Rekan

KDSI Kedawung Setia Industrial Tbk. S 2 | 3 | 38 |

KLBF Kalbe Farma Tbk. S 1 | 5 | 53 |

279 [ ] [ ]
Jln. Mastrip 862 Kalbe Building 3rd Fl.

Warugunung-Karangpilang, Surabaya
285. 6
0221 Jln. Let. Jend. Suprapto Kav. 4, Cempaka Putih, J

PA : Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & Rekan

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

KIAS Keramika Indonesia Assosiasi Tbk. S 2 | 3 | 32 |

KOBX Kobexindo Tractors Tbk. S 1 |9

280 | 91 |
[ ] 286
Graha Atrium 5th Fl.
Jln. Senen Raya 135, Jakarta 10410
Phone : (021) 386-2322
Fax : (021) 352-2071
e-mail : [email protected]
Web : www.kiaceramics.com
CS : Verawaty Trisno Hadijanto
SAB : PT Adimitra Jasa Korpora
PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny
KICI Kedaung Indah Can Tbk. S 1 |5

| 55 |
281 [ ] 287 I [ ]
Jln. Raya Rungkut 15 - 17 Graha Atrium, 2nd Fl. Suite 201 - 202
K N Kokoh Inti Arebama Tbk. S 2 | 9 | 93 |

Surabaya 6
Jln. Senen Raya No. 13
5, Jakarta 10410Phone

PA : Paul Hadiwinata, Hidajat, Arsono, Achmad, Suharli & Rekan

PA : Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & Rekan

KIJA Kawasan Industri Jababeka Tbk. S 1 | 6 | 61 |

KONI Perdana Bangun Pusaka Tbk. 2 | 9 | 91 |

282 [ ] 288
Menara Batavia 25th Fl. Konica Building 6th & 7th Fl.
Jln. K.H. Mas Mansyur Kav. 126, Jakarta 10220 Jln. Gunung Sahari No. 78, Jakarta 10610

Phone : (021)
7, 893
-4580 Phone : (021)
422-1888, 421-6
Fax :

PA : Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi & Rekan

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

Datascrip 9th Fl., Jln. Selaparang Blok B-15 Kav. 9 Komplek Kemayoran , Jakarta Pusat 10610
Phone : (021) 654-5422, 0812-90005350

Fax : (021)
780e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : peter.chayson@


I [ ]
Bumi Raya Utama Group Building

Jagakarsa, Jaka Jln. Pembangunan I No. 3

, Jakarta Pusat 1013
0 Phone : (021)
-4985 Phone

[ ]
Kalbe Building 3rd Fl.

Jln. Let. Jend. Suprapto Kav. 4, Cempaka Putih, Jakarta 10510Phone : (03

[ ]
Kobexindo Tower
Jln. Pasir Putih Raya Blok E-5-D, Ancol, Pademangan, Jakarta 14430
Phone : (021) 6470-0800, 6470-0808
Fax : (021) 6470-0900, 6470-0909
e-mail : [email protected]
Web : www.kobexindo.com
CS : Martio
SAB : PT Datindo Entrycom
PA : Arsyad & Rekan

I [ ]
Graha Atrium, 2nd Fl. Suite 201 - 202
Jln. Senen Raya No. 13
5, Jakarta 10410Phone : (03
870-0088; 870-0006
Phone : (0


Konica Building 6th & 7th Fl.

Jln. Gunung Sahari No. 78, Jakarta 10610

Phone : (021)
422-1888, 421-6
Fax : (021)
572-7279, 890-3
721 Fax : (02
KO Mitra Energi Persada Tbk.
2 | 7 | 71 |

289 I 295
Graha Krama Yudha 2nd Fl. Panin Tower 11th Fl., Senayan City Jln. Asia Afrika Lot. 19, Jakarta 10270
Jln. Warung Jati Barat No. 43, Jakarta Selatan

LAPD Leyand International Tbk. S[ ] 2 | 7 | 71 |

Phone : (021)
8 Phone : (021)
727-81895Fax : (021)

PA : Soejatna, Mulyana & Rekan

PA : Hendrawinata Eddy Siddharta & Tanzil

KPIG MNC Land Tbk. S 2 | 9 | 94 |


[ ] 296
MNC Tower 17th Fl.
Jln. Kebon Sirih 17 - 19, Jakarta 10340
Phone : (021) 392-9828
Fax : (021) 392-1227
e-mail : [email protected]
Web : www.mncland.com
CS : Daniel Yuwono
SAB : PT BSR Indonesia
PA : Anwar & Rekan
KRAH Grand Kartech Tbk.
2 | 4 | 41 |
LEAD Logindo Samudramakmur Tbk.
1 | 7 | 74 |
291 297
Jln. Rawa Bali II No. 7 Graha Corner Stone
Pulogadung Industrial Estate , Jakarta 13920 Jln. Rajawali Selatan II No. 1, Jakarta Pusat 10720 Indonesia

Phone : (021)
701, 46
Phone : (021)
088Fax : (021)

PA : Hendrawinata Eddy Siddharta & Tanzil

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

KRAS Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk. S 1 | 3 | 33 |

LINK ink Net Tbk. S 1 | 9 | 95 |
L292 [ ]
Jln. Industri No.5, Cilegon Cilegon 4243
5Phone : (0254)
298 [ ]
: (0254)
4th Fl.
Suite 401Jln. Jendral
: iipa.budiman@
Gatot Sub

CS : Iip Arief Budiman CS : Maria Clarissa F. Joesoep

SAB : PT BSR Indonesia SAB : PT Sharestar Indonesia
PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja
PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

KREN Kresna Graha Investama Tbk.

2 | 8 | 83 |

293 299 [ ]
Kresna Tower, 6th Fl. Parc 18 SCBD Jln. Raya Bekasi Km. 24,5 Cakung, Jakarta
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52 - 53, Jakarta 12190 Phone : (021) 460-0784
Phone : (021) 515-2889

L ION Lion Metal Works Tbk. S 1 |

3 | 33
Fax : (021)
515-5280 |
Fax : (021)
0-0785e-mail : info@kre
PA : Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & Rekan
PA : Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & Rekan

LAMI Lamicitra Nusantara Tbk. S 2 | 6 | 61 |

LMAS imas Indonesia Makmur Tbk. 2 | 9 | 97 |

L294 [ ] 300
Jembatan Merah Plaza, 5th Fl. Plaza Asia 22nd Fl.

Jln. Taman Jayengrono 2 - 4, Surabaya 6

0175 Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 59, Jakarta 12190Phone

PA : Paul Hadiwinata, Hidajat, Arsono, Achmad, Suharli & Rekan

PA : Gani Sigiro & Handayani
Listed Companies 3
Panin Tower 11th Fl., Senayan City Jln. Asia Afrika Lot. 19, Jakarta 10270

Phone : (021)
727-81895Fax : (021)
9 Fax : (021)

LCGP Eureka Prima Jakarta Tbk. 2 | 6 | 61 |

Equity Tower, 19th Fl., Suite 19B SCBD Lot 9
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190
Phone : (021) 290-35117
Fax : (021) 290-35116
e-mail : [email protected]
Web : www.eurekaland.com
CS : Danny Boestami
SAB : PT Sinartama Gunita
PA : Budiman, Wawan, Pamudji & Rekan

Graha Corner Stone

Jln. Rajawali Selatan II No. 1, Jakarta Pusat 10720 Indonesia

Phone : (021)
088Fax : (021)
702 Fax : (021)

[ ]
BeritaSatu Plaza 4th Fl. Suite 401Jln. Jendral Gatot Subroto Kav. 3
, Jakarta Selatan, 12950 Phone : (021)
527 - 8811Fax : (021)

: Maria Clarissa F. Joesoep

: PT Sharestar Indonesia

[ ]
Jln. Raya Bekasi Km. 24,5 Cakung, Jakarta
Phone : (021) 460-0784

Fax : (021)
0-0785e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : [email protected]

Plaza Asia 22nd Fl.

Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 59, Jakarta 12190Phone : (03

400 Phone :
01. 3
07.Jln. Letjen Sutoyo No. 256

LM I Langgeng Makmur Industri Tbk. [ ]S 2 | 5 | 55 |

L I Star Pacific Tbk.
2 | 9 | 95 |
P PA : Doli, Bambang, Sulistiyanto, Dadang & Ali
PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

LLMSH Lionmesh Prima Tbk. S 2 |3|

33 |
LPPF Matahari Department Store Tbk. S 1 | 9 | 93 |

302 [ ] 308
Jln. Raya Bekasi Km. 24,5
Cakung , Jakarta Jln. Bulevar Palem Raya No. 7, Lippo Karawaci

PA : Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & Rekan

PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan

LPCK Lippo Cikarang Tbk. S 1

LPPS Lippo Securities Tbk. 2 | 8 | 89 |
61 |

303 [ ] 309
Easton Commercial Centre

Jln. Gunung Panderman Kav. 05, Lippo Cikarang , Bekasi 17550 Lippo Karawaci, Tangerang 1513
9 Phone : (02

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

PA : Paul Hadiwinata, Hidajat, Arsono, Achmad, Suharli & Rekan

Lippo General Insurance Tbk. | 8 | 84 |

LRNA Eka Sari Lorena Transport Tbk. S 2 | 7 | 74 |

304 310
Lippo Kuningan Building 27th Fl. Unit A & F
Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav.B-12, Kuningan., Jakarta 12940

Phone : (021)
1, 5579-06
, 5579-06
72 Phone : (021)
4 - 116
, 6
- 886

PA : Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & Rekan

PA : Doli, Bambang, Sulistiyanto, Dadang & Ali

LPIN Multi Prima Sejahtera Tbk.

2 | 4 | 42 |

305 311
Karawaci Office Park Blok M No. 39 - 50 Lippo Karawaci, Tangerang 15139
Phone : (021) 558-9767, 558-9823, 552-0407

LS P PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk. [S ] 1 | 1 | 12 |

Fax : (021)
558-9810 Fax : (021)
5795-7719e-mail : hery.soe

PA : Paul Hadiwinata, Hidajat, Arsono, Achmad, Suharli & Rekan

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

LPKR Lippo Karawaci Tbk. S 1 |6|

61 |
LTLS Lautan Luas Tbk. S 1 | 9 | 91 |
306 [ ] 312
Menara Matahari 22nd Fl., Jln. Boulevard Palem Raya No. 7
Lippo Karawaci - Tangerang 15811 Jln. AIP II K.S. Tubun Raya No. 77, JakartaPhon

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

[ ]
Menara Matahari 15th Fl.
Jln. Bulevar Palem Raya No. 7, Lippo Karawaci - 1200, Tangerang 158Phone : (021)

Ruko Pinangsia, Karawaci Office Park Blok M No. 38 - 39

7550 Lippo Karawaci, Tangerang 1513

9 Phone : (021)
897-2488 Phone : (021

hmad, Suharli & Rekan

[ ]
Jln. K.H. Hasyim Ashari No. 15 C Jakarta Pusat 10139

Phone : (021)
4 - 116
, 6
- 886
Fax : (021)
1 Fax

& Ali

Prudential Tower 15th Fl.
Jln. HR. Rasuna Said Blok X-2 Kav. 5, Jakarta 12950 Phone : (021) 5795-7718

Fax : (021)
5795-7719e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : endah.res

[ ]
Graha Indramas
Jln. AIP II K.S. Tubun Raya No. 77, JakartaPhone : (021)
9000 Phon
MAGP Multi Agro Gemilang Plantation Tbk.
2 | 1 | 12 |

313 319
Senayan City - Panin Tower 11th Fl.

MASA Multistrada Arah Sarana Tbk. S 1 | 4 | 42 |

Jln. Asia Afrika Lot. 19, Jakarta 10270 Desa Karang Sari, Kec. Kedung Waringin, Cikar

PA : Doli, Bambang, Sulistiyanto, Dadang & Ali

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

MAIN Malindo Feedmill Tbk.

2 | 3 | 36 |

MAYA Bank Mayapada Internasional Tbk.

1 | 8 | 81 |

314 320
Jln. R.S. Fatmawati No. 39, Komplek Duta Mas Fatmawati
Blok A1 No. 30-31-32 Cipete Utara, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12150 Phone : (021) 766-
1727, 722-8383

Fax : (021)
-1728, 723
-7778 Fax : (021)
521-1985, 521-1995e-mail :

PA : Anwar & Rekan

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

MAMI Mas Murni Indonesia Tbk. S 2 | 9 | 94 |

MBAP Mitrabara Adiperdana Tbk. S 2 |2|

21 |
315 [ ] 321
Jln. Yos Sudarso No. 11
Surabaya 6
0271 Jln. Suryopranoto No. 2, Jakarta Pusat 1013

PA : Santoso & Rekan

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

MAMIP Mas Murni Tbk. (Preferred Stock)

2 | 9 | 94 |

316 322
Jln. Yos Sudarso No. 11

MBSS Mitrabahtera Segara Sejati Tbk. S 1 | 7 | 74 |

Surabaya 6
0271 Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-5 Kav 1-2, Kunin

PA : Santoso & Rekan

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

MAPI Mitra Adiperkasa Tbk. S 1 |

9 | 93
MBTO Martina Berto Tbk. S 1 | 5 | 54 |

317 [ ] 323
Sahid Sudirman Center Building 29th
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 86
, Jakarta 10220 Kawasan Industri Pulo Gadung, Jakarta 13

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

PA : Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi & Rekan

MARI Mahaka Radio Integra Tbk.

2 | 9 | 95 |

MCOR Bank Windu Kentjana International Tbk.

1 | 8 | 81 |
318 324
Menara Imperium P11 Fl., Metropolitan Kuningan Superblok Kav. No. 1, Jln. H.R. Rasuna
Said, Jakarta 12880

Phone : (021)
70-7171 Phone : (021)
5140-1707Fax : (021)

PA : Aria Kanaka & Rekan

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja
Listed Companies 3
[ ]
Jln. Raya Lemahabang Km. 58,3

Desa Karang Sari, Kec. Kedung Waringin, Cikarang TimurPhone : (021)


Mayapada Tower, 1st Fl.

Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 28, Jakarta 12920 Phone : (021) 521-2288, 521-2300

Fax : (021)
521-1985, 521-1995e-mail : [email protected] e-mail :

[ ]
Grha Baramulti, Komp. Harmoni Blok 8A
Jln. Suryopranoto No. 2, Jakarta Pusat 1013
0Phone : (03
2-1001, 526
-1151 Pho

[ ]
Menara Karya 12th Fl.

Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-5 Kav 1-2, Kuningan, Jakarta 12950Phone : (03
2-1001, 526

[ ]
Jln. Pulo Kambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulo Gadung, Jakarta 13
0Phone : (021)
574-5808, 575-0755 Pho

Equity Tower 9th Fl., SCBD Lot. 9

Jln. Jend Sudirman Kav. 52 - 53, Jakarta 12910

Phone : (021)
5140-1707Fax : (021)
70-7172 Fax : (021)
25. 3
1.Komplek Rasuna Epicentrum Lot. 9
MI A Intermedia Capital [ ]
Tbk. S 1 |9|
MERK Merck Tbk. [S ]
95 |
2 | 5 | 53 |
PA : Handoko Tomo Samuel Gunawan & Rekan
PA : Siddharta Widjaja & Rekan

Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk. | 2 | 23 |

META Nusantara Infrastructure Tbk. S[ ] 1 | 7 | 72 |

326 International Finance Centre Building 12th A Fl.Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav.
332 22-23
, Jakarta Selatan 12920 Phone : (021)
2941 - 0806

MDLN Modernland Realty Tbk. S 1 |6|

61 |
MFIN Mandala Multifinance Tbk. 2 | 8 | 82 |

327 [ ] 333
Green Central City, Commercial Area 5th Fl. Jln. Gajah Mada No. 188, Jakarta Barat 11120
Phone : (021) 293-65888

Fax : (021)
9999 Fax : (021)
292-59950e-mail : corporat

PA : Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi & Rekan

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

MDRN Modern Internasional Tbk.

1 | 9 | 91 |

328 334
Jln. Matraman Raya No. 12

MF Multifiling Mitra Indonesia Tbk. S 2 | 9 | 99 |

M Jakarta 13
150 Jln. Akasia II Blok A7-4A, Lippo Cikarang, Bek

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

MEDC Medco Energi Internasional Tbk.

1 | 2 | 22 |

MGNA Magna Finance Tbk.

2 | 8 | 82 |

329 The Energy Building 52nd - 55th Fl., SCBD Lot. 11A Jln. Jend. Sudirman,
335 Senayan , Jakarta 12190 Phone : (021)

CS : Fakhrini Nilamsari CS : Andrew Hernando

SAB : PT Sinartama Gunita SAB : PT Ficomindo Buana Registrar
PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja
PA : Tjahjadi & Tamara

MEGA Bank Mega Tbk.

1 | 8 | 81 |

330 336
Menara Bank Mega 14th Fl.
Jln. Kapten Tendean No.12 - 14A, Jakarta Selatan 12970 Phone : (021) 7917-5000

MCE Mul ti Indoc i tra Tbk. S[ ] 2
91 |
Fax : (021)
791-75014, 75015, 87100, 577-23
, 0020 Fax : (021)
-79212e-mail : christiana

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Arsyad & Rekan
Listed Companies 3
Equity Tower 3
8th Fl., SCBD Lot. 9Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52 - 53
, Jakarta 12190Phone : (021)
515-0100Fax : (021)

Jln. Menteng Raya No. 24 A-B Jakarta Pusat 10340

Phone : (021) 293-68888

Fax : (021)
292-59950e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : corsec@

I [ ]
Delta Silicon Industrial Park

Jln. Akasia II Blok A7-4A, Lippo Cikarang, Bekasi 17550Phone : (021)

280-1000, 858-0050

& Rekan

Rukan Permata Senayan Blok E-50, 52-55Jln. Tentara Pelajar, Grogol Utara, Jakarta Selatan 12210 Phone : (021)
579 - 4093
Fax : (

CS : Andrew Hernando
SAB : PT Ficomindo Buana Registrar

Green Central City Commercial Area 6th Fl. Jln. Gajah Mada No. 188, Jakarta Pusat 11120
Phone : (021) 293-68888
0 Fax : (021)
-79212e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : corp.sec@
7. 3
.Jln. M.H. Thamrin No. 9
MD Midi Utama Indonesia Tbk.
2 | 9 | 93 |

I MLl Mu ti Bintang Indonesia Tbk.

1 | 5 | 51 |

B PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

MIKA Mitra Keluarga Karyasehat Tbk. S 2 | 9 | 96 |

MLIA Mulia Industrindo Tbk. 2 | 3 | 32 |

338 [ ] 344
Jln. Letjen. Suprapto Kav. 4 Jakarta Pusat 10510
Phone : (021) 424-3908

Fax : (021)
Fax : (021)
e-mail : corporate

PA : Tjahjadi & Tamara

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

MIRA Mitra International Resources Tbk. S 2 | 7 | 74 |

MLPL Multipolar Tbk. S 1 | 9 | 98 |

339 [ ] 345
Grha Mitra, Jln. Pejaten Barat No.6
Jakarta Selatan 12510 Jln. Bulevar Palem Raya No.7, Lippo Karawaci 1

PA : Johan Malonda Mustika & Rekan

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

MITI Mitra Investindo Tbk. S 2 |2

| 24 |
MLPT Multipolar Technology Tbk. S 1 | 9 | 97 |

340 [ ] 346
Menara Palma 6th Fl.
Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-2 Kav. 6
, , Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950 Jln. Jenderal Gatot Subroto Kav. 3
, Jakarta 1

PA : Paul Hadiwinata, Hidajat, Arsono, Achmad, Suharli & Rekan

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

MKNT Mitra Komunikasi Nusantara Tbk. [ ] S 2 | 9 | 93 |

MMLP Mega Manunggal Property Tbk.

2 | 6 | 61 |
341 347
Axa Tower, 32nd Fl. Suite 2-5
Jln. Prof. Dr. Satrio, Kav. 18, Jakarta Selatan 12940

Phone : (021)
255 Phone : (021)
7- 9058Fax : 021-3

PA : Herman, Dody Tanumihardja & Rekan

PA : Hendrawinata Eddy Siddharta & Tanzil

MK Metropolitan Kentjana Tbk. S 2 | 6 | 61 |

MNCN Media Nusantara Citra Tbk.
1 | 9 | 95 |

342 I [ ] 348
Jln. Metro Duta Niaga Blok B-5 Pondok Indah, Jakarta 12310
Phone : (021)
750-5757 Phone : (021)
90-0885Fax : (021)

PA : Hendrawinata Eddy Siddharta & Tanzil

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny
Wisma Mulia 53rd Fl.
Jln. Jend. Gatot Subroto 42, Jakarta 12710 Phone : (021) 520-0959

Fax : (021)
e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : nila@muli

[ ]
Menara Matahari 21st Fl.
Jln. Bulevar Palem Raya No.7, Lippo Karawaci 1200, Tangerang 15811Phone : (021)
1, 719-3

& Rekan

[ ]
BeritaSatu Plaza, 7th Fl.
a Selatan 12950 Jln. Jenderal Gatot Subroto Kav. 3
, Jakarta 12950 Phone : (021)

& Rekan

Grha Intirub, 2nd Fl., Intirub Business Park

Jln. Cililitan Besar No. 454, Jakarta Timur 13650

Phone : (021)
7- 9058Fax : 021-3
Fax : (021)


MNC Tower 26th Fl.

Jln. Kebon Sirih Kav. 17 - 19, Jakarta 10340
Phone : (021)
90-0885Fax : (021)
9-4989 Fax : (021)
MPMX Mitra Pinasthika Mustika Tbk.
1 | 9 | 91 |

MTFN Capitalinc nvestment Tbk.

2 | 8 | 89 |

349 Lippo Kuningan 26

th Fl.Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. B-12 Kuningan, Jakarta
355 12920 Phone : (021)
570-4070Fax : (021)

MPPA Matahari Putra Prima Tbk. S 1 | 9 | 93

MTLA Metropolitan Land Tbk. S 1 | 6 | 61 |

350 [ ] 356
Menara Matahari- Lippo Life 20th Fl., Jln. Boulevard Palem Raya No. 7
Lippo Karawaci 1200, Tangerang 15811 Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-2, Kav. 5, Jakarta 1

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

MRAT Mustika Ratu Tbk. S 1 | 5 | 54 |

MTRA Mitra Pemuda Tbk. S 2 | 6 | 62 |

351 [ ] 357
Graha Mustika Ratu Lt PH
Jln. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav 74-75, Jakarta 12870 Jln. P. Tubagus Angke 170, Jakarta 14450Phone

PA : Paul Hadiwinata, Hidajat, Arsono, Achmad, Suharli & Rekan

PA : Teramihardja, Pradhono & Chandra

MREI Maskapai Reasuransi Indonesia Tbk. 2 | 8 | 84 |

MTSM Metro Realty Tbk. S 2 | 6 | 61 |

352 358
Plaza Marein, 18th Fl.

Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 76

-78, Jakarta 12910 Jln. H. Samanhudi, Pasar Baru, Jakarta PusatPhon

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

PA : Maksum, Suyamto, Hirdjan & Rekan

MSKY MNC Sky Vision Tbk.

1 | 9 | 95 |


Wisma Indovision

MY H Samindo Resources Tbk. S 1 | 2 | 21 |

O Jln. Raya Panjang Blok Z/III, Green Garden, Jakarta Barat 11520 Jln. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 9 - 11, Jakarta 1293

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan

MTDL Metrodata Electronics Tbk. S 1 | 9 | 97 |

MYOR Mayora Indah Tbk. S 1 | 5 | 51 |

354 [ ] 360
APL Tower 37th Fl.
Jln. Letjen S. Parman Kav. 28, Jakarta 11470 JakartaPhone : (021)

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny
IMenara Jamsostek, North Tower 19th Fl.Jln. Jend. Gatot Subroto No. 3
8, Jakarta 12710 Phone : (021)
529-02270Fax : (021)

[ ]
Ariobimo Sentral Building 10th Fl.
Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-2, Kav. 5, Jakarta 12940Phone : (021)
, 547-53
, 5478

[ ]
Permata Kota Blok E 11
Jln. P. Tubagus Angke 170, Jakarta 14450Phone : (021)
754, 83
759 Phone :

[ ]
Metro Building 9th - 10th Fl.

Jln. H. Samanhudi, Pasar Baru, Jakarta PusatPhone : (021)

588, 579-3
575 Phone

[ ]
Menara Mulia Building 16th Fl.

1520 Jln. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 9 - 11, Jakarta 1293

0 Phone : (021)
[ ]
Jln. Tomang Raya No. 21 - 23
JakartaPhone : (021)
4-5888 Phone : (021)
11Fax : (021)
Listed Companies                                                                                                            
MYRX Hanson Tbk.
2 | 9 | 98 |

l 367.
I [ ]
NPS Ni press Tbk. S 2 | 4 | 42 |

Mayapada Tower 21st Fl. Jln. Raya Narogong Km. 26

CileungsiJln. Jend.

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Supoyo, Sutjahjo, Subyantara & Rekan

MYRXP Hanson International (Seri B) Tbk.

2 | 9 | 98 |

362 368
Mayapada Tower 21st Fl.

NRO Nirvana Development Tbk. S 2 | 6 | 61

Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 28, Jakarta Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53
, Jakarta 12190Pho

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi & Rekan

MYTX Asia Pacific Investama Tbk.

1 | 4 | 43 |
1 | 8 | 81 |
363 369
Graha BIP Building 6th &10th Fl.
Jln. Gatot Subroto Kav. 23, Jakarta 12930 Phone : (021) 525-8180, 522-8888

Fax : (021)
00 Fax : (021)
579-44000, 579-43

PA : Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & Rekan

PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan

NAGA Bank Mitraniaga Tbk.

1 | 8 | 81 |

NOBU Bank Nationalnobu Tbk.

1 | 8 | 81 |

364 Wisma 77Jln. Letjen S. Parman Kav 77, Slipi, Jakarta Barat 11410 Phone
370 : (021)
548-1877Fax : (021)
548-1848, 548-13

NELY Pelayaran Nelly Dwi Putri Tbk. S 2 | 7 | 74 |

NRCA Nusa Raya Cipta Tbk. S 1 |6

| 62 |
365 [ ] 371
Jln. Majapahit No. 28 A
Jakarta 1016
0 Jln. D.I. Panjaitan No. 40, Jakarta 13

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

NIKL Pelat Timah Nusantara Tbk. S 1 | 3 | 33 |

OCAP Onix Capital Tbk. 2 | 8 | 83 |

366 [ ] 372
Krakatau Steel Building 3rd Fl.

Jln. Jend Gatot Subroto Kav 54, Jakarta 12950 Jln. Imam Bonjol No. 72, Jakarta 103
10Phone :

PA : Siddharta Widjaja & Rekan

PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny

[ ]

Jln. Raya Narogong Km. 26

CileungsiJln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 28, Jakarta BogorPhon


I [ ]
Office 8 Building, 33rd Fl. SCBD Lot 28

Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53

, Jakarta 12190Phone : (021)
555 Ph


Jln. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. 25, Jakarta 12940 Phone : (021) 255-33888

Fax : (021)
579-44000, 579-43
9e-mail : [email protected] e-mail


Plaza Semanggi, UG Fl.Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 50, Jakarta 1293

0 Phone : (021)
- 5128Fax : (021)
- 513
0e-mail : cor

[ ]
Graha Cipta Building 2nd Fl.
Jln. D.I. Panjaitan No. 40, Jakarta 13
50Phone : (021)
49 Phone

& Rekan

Harmoni Limarga Building 4th Fl.

Jln. Imam Bonjol No. 72, Jakarta 103

10Phone : (021)
Phone :
OKAS Ancora Indonesia Resources Tbk.
2 | 9 | 91 |

373 379 [ ]
Equity Tower 41st Fl. Suite A, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD) Jln. Siliwangi No. 178

PBRX Pan Brothers Tbk. S 1 | 4 | 43 |

Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53

Lot. 9, Jakarta 12190 Alam Jaya, Jatiuwung, Tangerang 1513
Phone :

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Doli, Bambang, Sulistiyanto, Dadang & Ali

OMRE Indonesia Prima Property Tbk. S 2 | 6 | 61 |

PDES Destinasi Tirta Nusantara Tbk. S 2 | 9 | 94 |


[ ] 380
Wisma Sudirman 11th Fl.
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 34, Jakarta
Phone : (021) 570-6745
Fax : (021) 570-0635
e-mail : [email protected]
Web : www.ipp.co.id
CS : Neneng Nurdjanah
SAB : PT Datindo Entrycom
PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny
PADI Minna Padi Investama Tbk.
1 | 8 | 83 |

PEGE Panca Global Securities Tbk.

2 | 8 | 83 |

375 381
Equity Tower 11th Fl., SCBD Lot. 9 Indonesia Stock Exchange Building Tower I Suite 1706 A Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav.
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52 - 53, Jakarta 12190 Jakarta 12109

Phone : (021)
525-5555, 525-6
Phone : (021)
Fax : (021)

PA : Johan Malonda Mustika & Rekan

PA : Bambang Sudaryono, Drs. & Rekan

PALM Provident Agro Tbk.

2 | 1 | 12 |

376 382 [ ]
Barclays House, 9th Fl. Jln. K.H. Zainul Arifin No. 20 Jakarta 11140
Jln. Jend Sudirman Kav. 22-23, Jakarta 12920 Phone : (021) 522-4878 Phone : (021) 633-4838

PGAS Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk S 1 | 7 | 71 |

Fax : (021)
522-4770 . Fax : (021)
2e-mail : investor.re

PA : Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi & Rekan

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PANR Panorama Sentrawisata Tbk.

1 | 9 | 94 |

377 383
Panorama Building 6th Fl. Jln. T. Amir Hamzah No. 68
Jln. Tomang Raya No. 63, Jakarta 11440 Phone : (021) 255-65000 Komplek Ruko Mega Ria No.17 M-N, Medan 20124 Phone : (061) 845-1069, 84

PG I Pembangunan Graha Lestari Indah Tbk. S[ ]2 | 9 | 94 |

Fax : (021)
5055 Fax : (06
8e-mail : corsec.pan

PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny

PA : Heliantono & Rekan

PANS Panin Sekuritas Tbk.

1 | 8 | 83 |

378 Indonesia Stock Exchange Building Tower II, 17th Fl. Suite 1705 Jln.384
Daan Mogot
- 53
No. 70012190Phone
JakartaPhone: (021)

: (021)


PCO Pe lang i Indah Canindo Tbk. [S ] 2 | 3 | 33 |

CS : Prama Nugraha CS : Rubianto

SAB : PT Sinartama Gunita SAB : PT Sirca Datapro Perdana
PA : Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi & Rekan
PA : Abubakar Sidik, Drs., & Rekan
[ ]
Jln. Siliwangi No. 178

Alam Jaya, Jatiuwung, Tangerang 1513

Phone : (021)
5011 Phone : (0

[ ]
Panorama Building 4th Fl.
Jln. Tomang Raya No. 63, Jakarta 11440
Phone : (021) 569-58585
Fax : (021) 569-58586
e-mail : [email protected]
Web : www.panorama-tours.com
CS : Hie Luang Kiauw
SAB : PT Blue Chip Mulia
PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny

Indonesia Stock Exchange Building Tower I Suite 1706 A Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52 - 53,
Jakarta 12109

Phone : (021)
Fax : (021)
527-1527 Fax : (021)

[ ]
Jln. K.H. Zainul Arifin No. 20 Jakarta 11140
Phone : (021) 633-4838

Fax : (021)
2e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : heri.yusup@p

Jln. T. Amir Hamzah No. 68

Komplek Ruko Mega Ria No.17 M-N, Medan 20124 Phone : (061) 845-1069, 847-6469
Fax : (06
8e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : [email protected]

IJln. Daan Mogot Km. 14 No. 700 JakartaPhone : (021)

19-2222, 544-23
, 552-073
Fax : (021)
, 540-6
215, 552-7456

: Rubianto
B : PT Sirca Datapro Perdana
Listed Companies                                                                                                            
l [ ] Pembangunan
PJAA     Jaya Anco Tbk. S 1 | 9 | 94 |

P N Paninvest Tbk.
1 | 8 | 84 |

385 391
Ecovention Building - Ecopark
Jln. Lodan Timur No. 7, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, Jakarta 14430 Phone : (021) 645-4567,

Fax : (021)
, 6
Fax : (021)
548-4047e-mail : faridakusu

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

PA : Anwar & Rekan

PKPK Perdana Karya Perkasa Tbk.

2 | 2 | 22 |

PNLF Panin Financial Tbk.

1 | 8 | 89 |

386 392
Graha Perdana, Jln. Sentosa 56 Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur

Phone : (021)
Phone : (021)
888Fax : (021)

PA : Maruli & Frans

PA : Anwar & Rekan

PLAS Polaris Investama Tbk.

2 | 9 | 98 |

PNSE Pudjiadi & Sons Tbk. [ S] 2 |9|

94 |
387 Mayapada Tower 11th Fl.Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 28, Jakarta 12920 Phone
393 : (021)
7, 5289-7418Fax : (021)

CS : Taffy Tjahja Indra CS : Dadang Suwarsa

SAB : PT Ficomindo Buana Registrar SAB : PT EDI Indonesia
PA : Warnoyo S.E., M.Si
PA : Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & Rekan

PLIN Plaza Indonesia Realty Tbk. S 1 | 6 | 61 |

POLY Asia Pacific Fibers Tbk. 2 | 4 | 43 |

388 [ ] 394
Plaza Indonesia 10th Fl.

Jln. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 28 - 3

0, Jakarta 103
50 Jln. DR. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung Kav.E3
2 N

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

PA : Hendrawinata Eddy Siddharta & Tanzil

PNBN Bank Pan Indonesia Tbk.

1 | 8 | 81 |

POOL Pool Advista Indonesia Tbk.

2 | 9 | 98 |

389 395
Panin Bank Centre
Jln. Jend. Sudirman, Jakarta
Phone : (021)
270-0545, 270-093
Phone : (021)
104, 6
92-8248, 6

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

PA : Tjahjadi & Tamara

PNBS Bank Panin Syariah Tbk. S 2 |8|

81 |
POWR Cikarang Listrindo Tbk. 2 | 7 | 71 |

390 [ ] 396
Panin Life Center Building 3rd Fl.

Jln. Letjend S. Parman Kav. 91, Jakarta Barat 11420 Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29-3
1, Jakarta 12920Pho

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

Panin Bank Plaza 6th Fl.
Jln. Palmerah Utara No. 52, Jakarta Barat Phone : (021) 548-1974

Fax : (021)
548-4047e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : pnin@panin

Panin Life Center 7th Fl.

Jln. Letjen. S. Parman Kav. 91, Jakarta 11420

Phone : (021)
888Fax : (021)
118 Fax : (021)

Jayakarta Tower HotelJln. Hayam Wuruk 126

, Jakarta 11180Phone : (021)
29-4408, 6
0Fax : (021)
95e-mail : pnse@

CS : Dadang Suwarsa
SAB : PT EDI Indonesia
o & Rekan

THE EAST 35th Fl. Unit 5, 6, 7

Jln. DR. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung Kav.E3

2 No.1, Jakarta Selatan 12Phone : (021)


Jln. Kali Besar Timur No. 28A Jakarta 11220

Phone : (021)
104, 6
92-8248, 6
424Fax : (021)
40 F

World Trade Center 1, 17th Fl.

Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29-3

1, Jakarta 12920Phone : (021)
100 Phon
Listed Companies                                                                                                            
PPRO     PP Properti Tbk. S 2 | 6 | 61 |

P S Indo Straits Tbk. 1 | 7 | 74 |

T397 [ ] 403
Plaza PP - Wisma Subiyanto, 2nd Fl.
Jln. Letjend. TB. Simatupang No. 57, Pasar Rebo, Jakarta 13760 Phone : (021) 8779-

Fax : (021)
Fax : (021)
5e-mail : headoffi

PA : Soejatna, Mulyana & Rekan

PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan

PRAS Prima Alloy Steel Universal Tbk. S 1 | 4 | 42 |

PTPP PP (Persero) Tbk. S 1 | 6 | 62 |

398 [ ] 404.

Jln. Muncul No. 1

Gedangan, Sidoarjo Jln. Letjend. T.B. Simatupang No. 57, , Pasar Re

PA : Krisnawan, Busroni, Achsin & Alamsyah

PA : Soejatna, Mulyana & Rekan

PSAB J Resources Asia Pasifik Tbk. S 2 | 2 | 23 |

399 [ ] 405
Equity Tower, 48th Fl., SCBD, Lot.. 9
PTRO Petrosea Tbk. S 1 | 2 | 21 |

Jln. Jenderal Sudirman Kav 52-53

, Jakarta Selatan 12190 Kav B7/A6
, Pondok Jaya, Pondok Aren, Tangerang

PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

PSDN Prasidha Aneka Niaga Tbk. S 2 | 5 | 51 |

PTSN Sat Nusapersada Tbk. S 1 |

4 | 46
400 [ ] |
Plaza Sentral 20th Fl.
Jln. Jend. Sudirman No. 47, Jakarta 12950 Batam 2943
2Phone : (021)
579-04478, 5790-44

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Johan Malonda Mustika & Rekan

PSKT Red Planet Indonesia Tbk. S 2 | 9 | 94

PTSP Pioneerindo Gourmet International Tbk. S 2 | 9 | 94 |

401 [ ] 407
Sona Topas Tower 15A Fl.
Jln. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 26
, Jakarta Selatan Jakarta Barat 11480Phone : (021)

PA : Kanaka Puradiredja, Suhartono

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

PTBA Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk. [S] 1 | 2 | 21 |

PUDP Pudjiadi Prestige Tbk. S 1 |

9 | 94
402 |
Menara Kadin Indonesia 15th Fl. & 9th Fl.

Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said X-5, Kav. 2 & 3

, Jakarta 12950 Jln. Hayam Wuruk 126
, Jakarta 11180Phone :

PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan

PA : Doli, Bambang, Sulistiyanto, Dadang & Ali

Graha Kirana Building, 15th Fl.
Jln. Yos Sudarso Kav. 88, Jakarta 14350 Phone : (021) 653-11285

Fax : (021)
5e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : anton.sa


[ ]
Plaza PP

Jln. Letjend. T.B. Simatupang No. 57, , Pasar Rebo, Jakarta 13

0Phone : (03

[ ]
Indy Bintaro Office Park, Jln. Boulevard Bintaro Jaya, CBD, Bintaro

Kav B7/A6
, Pondok Jaya, Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan, Banten Phone : (021)

[ ]
Jln. Pelita VI No. 99
Batam 2943
2Phone : (021)
579-04478, 5790-4488 Phone : (0778)

[ ]
Jln. Palmerah Utara No. 100
Jakarta Barat 11480Phone : (021)
2949-8880 Phone : (021)

ar & Rekan

[ ]
Hotel Jayakarta 21st Fl.

Jln. Hayam Wuruk 126

, Jakarta 11180Phone : (021)
525-4014 Phone :

ang & Ali

Listed Companies                                                                                                            
Pakuwon Jati Tbk. S 1 | 6 | 61 |

RDTX Roda Vivatex Tbk. S 1 | 6 | 61 |

409 [ ] 415
EastCoast Center 5th Fl., Pakuwon Town Square - Pakuwon City, Jln. Kejawan Putih
Mutiara No. 17, Surabaya
Phone : (031) 582-08788

Fax : (03
582-08798 Fax : (021)
2255e-mail : minarto@

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

PA : Johan Malonda Mustika & Rekan

PYFA Pyridam Farma Tbk. S 2

RELI Reliance Securities Tbk. 1 | 8 | 83 |
53 |

410 [ ] 416
Ruko Villa Kebon Jeruk Blok F3

Jln. Raya Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta 1153

0 Jln. Pluit Kencana No. 15A, Jakarta 14450Phone

PA : Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi & Rekan

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

RAJA Rukun Raharja Tbk. S 1

RICY Ricky Putra Globalindo Tbk. S 1 | 4 | 43 |
71 |

411 [ ] 417
Office Park Thamrin Residences Blok A. No. 01-05
Jln. Thamrin Boulevard, Kebon Melati, Tanah Abang, Jakarta 10220 Phone : (021) 2929-
Fax : (021)
Fax : (021)
42e-mail : cindy.bud

PA : Husni, Mucharam & Rasidi

PA : Joachim Poltak Lian Michell & Rekan

RALS Ramayana Lestari Sentosa Tbk. S 1 | 9 | 93 |

RIGS Rig Tenders Indonesia Tbk. S 2 | 7 | 74 |

412 [ ] 418
Jln. KH. Wahid Hasyim No. 220 A-B
Jakarta 10250 Jln. Buncit Raya Kav. 100, Jakarta Selatan 12510

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Siddharta Widjaja & Rekan

RANC Supra Boga Lestari Tbk. S 1 |9|

93 |
RIMO Rimo International Lestari Tbk. S 2 | 9 | 93 |

413 [ ] 419
Ranch Market Headquarter
Jln. Raya Pesanggrahan No. 2, Kembangan, Jakarta Barat 116
10 Grogol Utara, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan 12

PA : Teramihardja, Pradhono & Chandra

PA : Jamaludin, Ardi, Sukimto & Rekan

RBMS Ristia Bintang Mahkotasejati Tbk.

1 | 6 | 61 |

RMBA Bentoel Internasional Investama Tbk.

1 | 5 | 52 |

414 Ribens Autocars BuildingJln. Fatmawati No. 188, Jakarta 12420Phone420 : (021)
751-1441, 750-5000Fax : (021)

[ ]
Menara Standard Chartered 32nd Fl.
Jln. Prof. Dr. Satrio No. 164, Jakarta Selatan Phone : (021) 255-32222

Fax : (021)
2255e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : geno@ro

Reliance Capital Building

Jln. Pluit Kencana No. 15A, Jakarta 14450Phone : (021)

0-7551, 53
0-7552 Phone


[ ]
Jln. Sawah Lio II No. 29-37
Jembatan Lima, Tambora, Jakarta Barat Phone : (021) 634-2330

Fax : (021)
42e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : agnes.cors

[ ]
Tetra Pak Building, Suite 104 1st Fl.
Jln. Buncit Raya Kav. 100, Jakarta Selatan 12510Phone : (021)
, 3
, 3

[ ]
Jln. Palmerah Barat No. 32 B RT 001 RW 003,
10 Grogol Utara, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan 12210 Phone : (021)

Capital Place Office Tower 6

th Fl.Jln. Gatot Subroto Kav. 18, Jakarta Selatan 12710 Phone : (021)
88Fax : (021)
89, 2
Listed Companies                                                                                                            
Pikko Land Development Tbk. S 2 | 6 | 61 |

SCCO Supreme Cable Manufacturing & Commerce Tbk. [ S]

1 | 4 | 45 |

421 [ ]
Sahid Sudirman Residence 3
rd Fl.Jln. Jend. Sudirman No. 86
, Jakarta
42710220 Phone : (021)
529-70288Fax : (021)

ROTI Nippon Indosari Corpindo Tbk. S 1 | 5 | 51 |

SCMA Surya Citra Media Tbk. S 1 |9|

95 |
422 [ ] 428
Kawasan Industri MM2100, Jln. Selayar Blok A9
Desa Mekarwangi, Cikarang Barat, Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17520 Jln. Asia Afrika Lot. 19, Jakarta 10270 Phone :

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

RUIS Radiant Utama Interinsco Tbk.

2 | 2 | 22 |

SCPI Merck Sharp Dohme Pharma Tbk.

2 | 5 | 53 |

423 429
Radiant Utama Building, 3rd Fl.
Jln. Kapten Tendean No. 24, Jakarta 12720

Phone : (021)
719-1020 Phone : (021)
578-97000Fax : (021)

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan

SAFE Steady Safe Tbk.

2 | 7 | 74 |

SDMU Sidomulyo Selaras Tbk. S 2 |7|

74 |
424 I 430
e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : [email protected]
PA : Budiman, Wawan, Pamudji & Rekan
PA : Morhan & Rekan

SAME B Sarana Meditama Metropolitan Tbk. S 2 | 9 | 96 |

SDPC Millennium Pharmacon International Tbk. S1 | 9 | 91 |
425 l[ ] 431
d Alam Sutera Boulevard Kav. 25 Serpong Tangerang


Phone : (021)
12-9184, 2977-9999 Phone : (021)
727-88907, 727-88906

PA : Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & Rekan

PA : Tjahjadi & Tamara

SCBD Danayasa Arthatama Tbk. S 2 | 6 | 61

SDRA Bank Woori Saudara Indonesia 1906 Tbk. 1 | 8 | 81 |

426 [ ] 432
Artha Graha Building 12th Fl.

Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52 - 53

, Jakarta 12190 Jln. Diponegoro No. 28, Bandung 40115Phone :

PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny

PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan

Jln. Kebon Sirih No. 71 Jakarta 103

40Phone : (021)
10-0525Fax : (021)
1119e-mail : [email protected] Web : www.s

[ ]
SCTV Tower -Senayan City
0 Jln. Asia Afrika Lot. 19, Jakarta 10270 Phone : (021)
Phone : (

Wisma BNI 46, 27th Fl.

Jln. Jend.Sudirman Kav. 1, Jakarta 10220

Phone : (021)
578-97000Fax : (021)
719-1002, 719-106
1 Fax : (021)

[ ]
Jln. Gunung Sahari III No. 12 A Jakarta 10610
Phone : (021) 426-6002
Fax : (021) 426-6020

e-mail : [email protected] :- Web :

[ ]
Bank Panin Center Building 9th Fl.
Jln. Jend. Sudirman – Senayan, Jakarta 10270
Phone : (021)
727-88907, 727-88906
Fax : (021)

Bank Woori Saudara Building

Jln. Diponegoro No. 28, Bandung 40115Phone : (021)

90 Phone :
Listed Companies                                                                                                            
       Agro Tbk.
SGRO Sampoerna S 1 |

1 | 12 |
SMA Siwani Makmur Tbk.
2 | 3 | 35 |

433 [ ]
Sampoerna Strategic Square, North Tower, 28th Fl. Jln. Jend. Sudirman
439 IJln.
45, Jakarta
Baru 1293
No. 12 B Jakarta
: (021)

577-1711,: 577-0886


CS : Eris Ariaman CS : Sjonanto Widjaya

SAB : PT Datindo Entrycom SAB : PT Ficomindo Buana Registrar
PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja
PA : Achmad, Rasyid, Hisbullah & Jerry

SHID Hotel Sahid Jaya International Tbk. S 2 | 9 | 94 |

SIMP Salim Ivomas Pratama Tbk. S 1 | 1 | 12 |

434 [ ] 440 [ ]
Sahid Building 2nd Fl. Southwing Sudirman Plaza, Indofood Tower, 11th Fl.
Jln. Jend. Sudirman No. 86
, Jakarta 10220 Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 76
-78, Jakarta 12910Pho

PA : Doli, Bambang, Sulistiyanto, Dadang & Ali

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

SHIP Sillo Maritime Perdana Tbk. S 2 | 7 | 74 |

SIPD Sierad Produce Tbk. 2 | 3 | 36 |

435 [ ] 441
The City Tower Building, 6th Fl. TCC Batavia Tower One, 7th Fl.
Jln. M.H. Thamrin No. 81, Jakarta 10310 Phone : (021) 3199-6196 Jln. KH. Mas Mansyur Kav. 126, Jakarta Pusat 10220 Phone : (021) 2981-9999

Fax : (021)
9 Fax : (021)
2981-9997e-mail : corpsec@

PA : Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & Rekan

PA : Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi & Rekan

SIAP Sekawan Intipratama Tbk.

2 | 3 | 35 |

SKBM Sekar Bumi Tbk. S 2 | 5 | 51 |

436 442 [ ]
Menara Global, 15th Fl. Plaza ABDA, 2nd Fl.

Jln. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 27, Jakarta Selatan 12950 Jln. Jendral Sudirman Kav 59, Jakarta 12190 Phone

PA : Junaedi, Chairul dan Subyakto

PA : Paul Hadiwinata, Hidajat, Arsono, Achmad, Suharli & Rekan

SIDO Industri Jamu dan Farmasi Sido Muncul Tbk. [S]

1 | 5 | 53 |

437 443 [ ]
Menara Suara Merdeka Building, 16th Fl. Jln. Pandanaran No. Jln. Jenggolo II/17 Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur Phone : (031) 892-1605
30, Semarang 50134
Phone : (0224) 7692-8811

SK T Sekar Laut Tbk. S 2 | 5 | 51 |

Fax : (0224)
92-8815 Fax : (03
894-1244e-mail : tiur.simam

PA : Anwar & Rekan

PA : Paul Hadiwinata, Hidajat, Arsono, Achmad, Suharli & Rekan

SILO Siloam International Hospitals Tbk. S 1 | 9 | 96 |


[ ] 444
Siloam Hospitals, 5th Fl.
Jln. Siloam No. 6, Lippo Village, Tangerang 15811
Phone : (021) 256-68000
Fax : (021) 546-0075
e-mail : [email protected]
Web : www.siloamhospitals.com
CS : Cindy Riswantyo
SAB : PT Sharestar Indonesia
PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

IJln. Muara Baru No. 12 B Jakarta 14440Phone : (021)

0-2257; 6
; 3
91-7555Fax : (021)
0-0011, 3
14-1597e-mail : syonan

: Sjonanto Widjaya
B : PT Ficomindo Buana Registrar

[ ]
Sudirman Plaza, Indofood Tower, 11th Fl.
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 76
-78, Jakarta 12910Phone : (021)
2, 570-4444 Phone

TCC Batavia Tower One, 7th Fl.

Jln. KH. Mas Mansyur Kav. 126, Jakarta Pusat 10220 Phone : (021) 2981-9999

Fax : (021)
2981-9997e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : awi.tantra@

[ ]
Plaza ABDA, 2nd Fl.

Jln. Jendral Sudirman Kav 59, Jakarta 12190 Phone : 021- 29110771, 29110772 Phone :

Suharli & Rekan

[ ]
Jln. Jenggolo II/17 Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur Phone : (031) 892-1605
Fax : (03
894-1244e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : jimmy@sekar

Suharli & Rekan

SKYB Skybee Tbk. 2 | 9 | 93 |
Jln. Kebon Sirih Raya Kav. 63
Jakarta Pusat 10340
Phone : (021) 390-7882
Fax : (021) 390-7883
e-mail : [email protected]
Web : www.skybee.com
CS : Meiliana Widjaja
SAB : PT Sirca Datapro Perdana
PA : Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi & Rekan
Listed Companies 445.


2 | 1 | 12 |
SMMA Sinar Mas Multiartha Tbk.
1 | 8 | 89 |
PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny
PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny

SMBR Semen Baturaja (Persero) Tbk. S 1 | 3 | 31 |

SMMT Golden Eagle Energy Tbk.

2 | 2 | 21 |
446 [ ] 452
Jln. Abikusno Cokrosuyoso Kertapati, Palembang 30258

Phone : (0711)
1 ext. 1502 Phone : (021)
-0808Fax : (0711)

PA : Doli, Bambang, Sulistiyanto, Dadang & Ali

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

SMCB Holcim Indonesia Tbk. S 1 |

3 | 31
SMRA Summarecon Agung Tbk. S 1 | 6 | 61 |

447 [ ]
Talavera Suite 15th Fl., Talavera Office ParkJln. Letjen. TB Simatupang
453 No. 22-26
, Jakarta 1243
0 Phone : (021)

SMDM Suryamas Dutamakmur Tbk. S 2 | 6 | 61 |

SMRU SMR Utama Tbk. S 2 | 2 | 23 |
448 [ 454

SMDR Samudera Indonesia Tbk. S 1 | 7 | 74 |

SMSM P Selamat Sempurna Tbk. S 1 |4|

l 42 |
449 a [ ] 455
z Samudera Indonesia Building, 2nd Fl.


Jln. Letjen S. Parman Kav. 3
5, Jakarta 11480 Jln. Pluit Raya I No. 1, JakartaPhone : (021)

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

SMGR Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. S 1 | 3 | 31 |

SOBI Sorini Agro Asia Corporindo Tbk. S 1 | 3 | 34 |

450 [ ] 456
Semen Gresik Main Building Jln. Veteran, Gresik 61122

Phone : (021)
-11745, (03
12 Phone : (021)
2924-0100Fax : (021)

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

PA : Siddharta Widjaja & Rekan
445. 451.Sinar Mas Land Plaza, Menara II, 3

Menara Rajawali 21st Fl., Jln. DR. Ide Anak Agung Gede Agung Lot #5.1, Kawasan Mega
Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950

Phone : (021)
-0808Fax : (0711)
80 Fax : (021)

[ ]
Plaza Summarecon, Jln. Perintis Kemerdekaan No. 42 Jakarta Timur 13
210Phone : (021)
7Fax : (021)

[ ]
Citicon Building, 9th Fl., Jln. Letjen S. Parman Kav. 72 Kel. Slipi, Kec. Palmerah, Jakarta Barat 11410Phone : (021)
5, Ext. 9

[ ]
Wisma ADR
Jln. Pluit Raya I No. 1, JakartaPhone : (021)
955, 548-0088 Phone : (021)

[ ]
Wisma 46 Kota BNI, 26th Fl.
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 1, Jakarta 10220

Phone : (021)
2924-0100Fax : (021)
, (03
209 Fax : (021)
Listed Companies                                                                                                            
Soechi Lines Tbk. S 1 | 7 | 74 |

SRAJ Sejahteraraya Anugrahjaya Tbk. S 1 | 9 | 96 |

I [ ] 463.
[ ]
Plaza Marein 21st Fl., Sudirman Plaza Jln. Honoris Raya Kav. 6
, Kota Modern (Modern

PA : Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & Rekan

PA : Gani Sigiro & Handayani

SONA Sona Topas Tourism Industry Tbk. S 1 | 9 | 93 |

SRIL Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk. 1 | 4 | 43 |

458 [ ] 464
Menara Sudirman, 20th Fl. Jln. K.H. Samanhudi 88
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 60, Jakarta Jetis, Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah

Phone : (021)
, 521-3
058, 522-76
57, 522-76
58, 521-2521 Phone : (0271)
-188, 593
-888, 593

PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny

PA : Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi & Rekan

SPMA Suparma Tbk.

1 | 3 | 38 |

459 465 [ ]
Jln. Mastrip No. 856 Graha Kencana 9th Fl. Suite A

SRSN Indo Acidatama Tbk. S 1 |3|

34 |
Karangpilang, Surabaya Jln. Raya Perjuangan 88, Jakarta 1153

PA : Paul Hadiwinata, Hidajat, Arsono, Achmad, Suharli & Rekan

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

SQBB Taisho Pharmaceutical Indonesia Tbk. S 2 | 5 | 53 |

SRTG Saratoga Investama Sedaya Tbk. S 2 | 9 | 98 |


[ ] 466
Wisma Tamara 10th Fl.
Jln. Jend.Sudirman Kav. 24, Jakarta 12920
Phone : (021) 528-9600, 528-96230
Fax : (021) 520-6735, 520-650
e-mail : [email protected]
Web : www.taisho.co.id
CS : Dyah Eka Budiastuti
SAB : PT Blue Chip Mulia
PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan
SQBI Taisho Pharmaceutical Indonesia (PS) Tbk.
2 | 5 | 53 |

461 467
Wisma Tamara 10th Fl. Tempo Scan 20th Fl., Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. 3-4 Kel. Kuningan Timur, Kec. Se
Jln. Jend.Sudirman Kav. 24, Jakarta 12920 12950
I I [ ]
S A Surya Semesta nternusa Tbk. S 1 | 6 | 62 |

Phone : (021)
00, 528-96
0 Phone : (021)
-2121, 527-2121Fax :

PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

SQMI Renuka Coalindo Tbk. S 2 |

9 | 91 |
SSMS Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk. S 1 | 1 | 12 |

462 [ ] 468 [ ]
Wisma Nugra Santana Building, 8th Fl., Suite 810 Equity Tower 43rd Fl., Suite 43 D, SCBD Lot. 9
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 7 - 8, Jakarta Pusat 10220 Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53
, Jakarta 12190Pho

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

[ ]
Jln. Honoris Raya Kav. 6
, Kota Modern (Modernland)
Jln. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 76
-78, Jakarta 12910

Jln. K.H. Samanhudi 88

Jetis, Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah

1-2521 Phone : (0271)

-188, 593
-888, 593
-488Fax : (021)
, 522-76

[ ]
Graha Kencana 9th Fl. Suite A

Jln. Raya Perjuangan 88, Jakarta 1153

0Phone : (03
Phone : (0

[ ]
Menara Karya, 15th Fl.
Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X5 Kav. 1-2, Jakarta 12950
Phone : (021) 5794-4355
Fax : (021) 5794-4365
e-mail : [email protected]
Web : www.saratoga-investama.com
CS : Putri Ira Chaerani Dompas
SAB : PT Datindo Entrycom
PA : Siddharta Widjaja & Rekan

Tempo Scan 20th Fl., Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. 3-4 Kel. Kuningan Timur, Kec. Setiabudi Jakarta
Phone : (021)
-2121, 527-2121Fax : (021)
5, 520-6
50 Fax : (02

[ ]
Equity Tower 43rd Fl., Suite 43 D, SCBD Lot. 9
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53
, Jakarta 12190Phone : (021)
2 Phone
Listed Companies                                                                                                            
SSTM    Sunson Textile Manufacturer Tbk. S 2 | 4 | 43 |

TALF Tunas A fin Tbk. 2 | 3 | 35 |

469 [ ] 475
Jln. Raya Rancaekek Km. 25,5 Sumedang, Bandung

Phone : (022)
779-8289 Phone : (021)
22Fax : (022)

PA : Doli, Bambang, Sulistiyanto, Dadang & Ali

PA : Tjahjadi & Tamara

STAR Star Petrochem Tbk. S 1 |4|

43 |
TARA Sitara Propertindo Tbk. S 1 |6|

61 |
470 [ ] 476
Menara BCA 45th Fl. Grand
Jln. MH. Thamrin No. 1 Menteng, Jakarta 103
10 Jln. Letjend S. Parman Kav.77, Jakarta Barat 114

PA : Noor Salim, Nurseha & Sinarahardja

PA : Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi & Rekan

STTP Siantar Top Tbk. S 2 | 5 | 51 |

TAXI Express Transindo Utama Tbk. 1 | 7 | 74 |

471 [ ] 477
Jln. Tambak Sawah No. 21 - 23 Waru, Sidoarjo 61256

Phone : (03
82, 86
480 Phone : (021)
5-07000Fax : (03

PA : Hadori Sugiarto Adi & Rekan

PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny

SUGI Sugih Energy Tbk.

2 | 9 | 99 |

TBIG Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk.

1 | 7 | 75 |

472 478
Graha Ortus, 8th Fl.
Jln. K.H. Wahid Hasyim No. 4-4A, Jakarta Pusat 10340

Phone : (021)
-8878 Phone : (021)
, 292-48900Fax

PA : Anwar & Rekan

PA : Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi & Rekan

SULI SLJ Global Tbk.

1 | 3 | 37 |

TBLA Tunas Baru Lampung Tbk.

1 | 1 | 12 |

473 479
Menara Bank Danamon 19th Fl.
Jln. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav E IV/6, Mega Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950
Phone : (021)
-1188, 576
-1199 Phone : (021)
Fax : (021)

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny

Solusi Tunas Pratama Tbk. | 7 | 75 |

TBMS Tembaga Mulia Semanan Tbk. S 2 | 3 | 33 |

474 Rukan Permata Senayan Blok C01-02Grogol Utara, Kebayoran Lama,480

Jakarta Selatan Phone : (021)
88Fax : (021)

Menara Imperium 28th Fl., Metropolitan Kuningan Superblok Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. 1,
Jakarta 12980

Phone : (021)
22Fax : (022)
, 779-83
01, 779-83
02 Fax : (021)

[ ]
Wisma 77, 19th Fl.
Jln. Letjend S. Parman Kav.77, Jakarta Barat 11410Phone : (021)

Express Building
Jln. Sukarjo Wiryopranoto No. 11, Jakarta 11160

Phone : (021)
5-07000Fax : (03
80, 86
2 Fax : (021)

Barclays House Building, 6th Fl.

Jln. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 22 - 23, Jakarta 12920

Phone : (021)
, 292-48900Fax : (021)

Wisma Budi 8th - 9th Fl.

Jln. HR. Rasuna Said Kav.C-6, Jakarta
Phone : (021)
Fax : (021)
577-1818 Fax : (021)

[ ]
Jln. Daan Mogot Km. 16
Jakarta BaratPhone : (021)
1Fax : (021)
19-2890e-mail : [email protected] Web : ww
Listed Companies                                                                                                            
T D    
Mandom Indonesia Tbk. [ ] S 1 |5

TRA Tira Austenite Tbk. [ S] 2
| 54 |
| 9 | 91 |

481 I 487
Kawasan Industri MM2100 Jln.Irian Blok PP, Bekasi 17520 Phone : (021) 2980-9500

Fax : (021)
2980-9501 Fax : (021)
e-mail : corporate

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

PA : Handoko Tomo Samuel Gunawan & Rekan

T EL E Tiphone Mobile Indonesia Tbk.

1 | 9 | 93 |

TIRT Tirta Mahakam Resources Tbk.

1 | 3 | 37 |

482 488
Telesindo Tower
Jln. Gajah Mada No. 27 A Krukut - Tamansari, Jakarta Barat - 11140

Phone : (021)
-7888 Phone : (021)
7-5717Fax : (021)

PA : Anwar & Rekan

PA : Pieters, Uway & Rekan

TFCO Tifico Fiber Indonesia Tbk. [ ] S 2 |4|

43 |
TKGA Permata Prima Sakti Tbk. 2 | 2 | 21 |
483 Jln. M.H. Thamrin, PO BOX 485, TangerangKel. Panunggangan, Kec.489
Pinang, Kota Tangerang, Banten Phone : (021)

TGKA Tigaraksa Satria Tbk. S 2 |9

| 91 |
TKIM Pabrik Kertas Tjiwi Kimia Tbk. 1 | 3 | 38 |
484 [ ] 490
Graha Sucofindo 13th Fl.

Jln. Raya Pasar Minggu Kav.3

4, Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan Jln. MH. Thamrin No. 51, Jakarta 103
50 Phone :

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Y. Santosa & Rekan

TIFA Tifa Finance Tbk

2 | 8 | 82 |

485 491
Tifa Building, 4th Fl.
Jln. Kuningan Barat 26, Jakarta 12710
Phone : (021) 525-2029, 520-0667

T Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. [S 1 | 7 | 73 |
Fax : (021)
, 526
-2425 Fax : (021)
522-0500e-mail : corporate-

PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

TINS Timah (Persero) Tbk. S 1 |2

| 23 |
TMAS Pelayaran Tempuran Emas Tbk. S 1 | 7 | 74 |

486 [ 492

. e-mail : [email protected]; [email protected] e-mail : [email protected] :-
a PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan
PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja





Listed Companies 493

Jln. Pulo Ayang R.1

Kawasan Industri Pulogadung, Jakarta Phone : (021) 460-2594

Fax : (021)
e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : soeseno.adi


Gapura Prima Office Tower (The Bellezza) 20th Fl. Arteri Permata Jln. Let.Jend. Soepeno No.34,
Jakarta Selatan 12210

Phone : (021)
7-5717Fax : (021)
-7887, 6
484, 6
9 Fax : (021)

Mayapada Tower, 6
th Fl.Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 28, Jakarta 12920 Phone : (021)
515-0055Fax : (021)
515-0704e-mail : corsec@

Sinar Mas Land Plaza, Tower II, 5th Fl.

Jln. MH. Thamrin No. 51, Jakarta 103

50 Phone : (021)
798-1000, ext. 3
75 Phone :

Graha Merah Putih 5th Fl.
Jln. Gatot Subroto No. 52, Jakarta Phone : (021) 521-5109
Fax : (021)
522-0500e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : andi.setiaw

[ ]
Jln. Yos Sudarso Kav. 33
Sunter Jaya, Jakarta Utara 14350 Phone : (021) 430-2388
Fax : (021) 439-38658

e-mail : [email protected] :- Web : ww

. 499.Menara Duta Building 1st Fl., Jln. H
TM I Sigmagold Inti Perkasa Tbk. [ ]S 1 | 9 | 91 |

T IA Chandra Asri Petrochemica l Tbk.[ ] S 2 | 3 | 34 |

P PA : Achmad, Rasyid, Hisbullah & Jerry

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

TMPO Tempo Inti Media Tbk. S 2

TPMA Trans Power Marine Tbk. S 2 | 7 | 74 |
95 |

494 [ ] 500
TEMPRINT Building 4th Fl.
Jln. Pamerah Barat No. 8, Jakarta 12210 Jln. Jend. Sudirman 52 - 53
, Jakarta 12190Phone

PA : Herman, Dody Tanumihardja & Rekan

PA : Teramihardja, Pradhono & Chandra

TOBA Toba Bara Sejahtra Tbk. S 1 |2

| 21 |
TRAM Trada Maritime Tbk. 1 | 7 | 74 |

495 [ ] 501
Wisma Bakrie 2 16th Fl.

Jln. HR Rasuna Said Kav. B-2, Jakarta 12920 Jln. Kyai Maja No. 4, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 1

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Arman Hendiyanto & Rekan

TOTL Total Bangun Persada Tbk. S 1 | 6 | 62 |

TRIL Triwira Insanlestari Tbk. S 2 |9

| 91 |
496 [ ] 502
Jln. Letjen. S. Parman No. 106
Jakarta 11440 Jln. Pangeran Jayakarta No. 93
BC, Jakarta Pusa

PA : Hadori Sugiarto Adi & Rekan

PA : Doli, Bambang, Sulistiyanto, Dadang & Ali

TOTO Surya Toto Indonesia Tbk. S 2 | 3 | 32

TRIM Trimegah Securities Tbk. 1 | 8 | 83 |

497 [ ] 503
Jln. Tomang Raya No. 18 Jakarta 11430
Phone : (021) 292-98686

Fax : (021)
8-2282, 56
Fax : (021)
515-4922, 515-5414e-mail :

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

TOWR Sarana Menara Nusantara Tbk.

2 | 7 | 75 |

TRIO Trikomsel Oke Tbk.

1 | 9 | 93 |

498 504
Menara BCA, 55th Fl.
Jln. M.H. Thamrin No. 1, Jakarta 10310 Phone : (021) 235-85500
Fax : (021)
Fax : (021)
91-5808, 3
91-5710e-mail :

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja
[ ]
Artha Graha Building, 20th Fl., Suite 20-01
Jln. Jend. Sudirman 52 - 53
, Jakarta 12190Phone : (021)
-0242, 53
-0409 Phone

Trada Building 3rd Fl.

Jln. Kyai Maja No. 4, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12120Phone : (021)


[ ]
Jln. Pangeran Jayakarta No. 93
BC, Jakarta PusatPhone : (021)

& Ali

Artha Graha Building 19th Fl.

Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52 - 53, Jakarta 12190
Phone : (021) 2924-9088

Fax : (021)
515-4922, 515-5414e-mail : [email protected] e-mail :

Jln. Kebon Sirih Raya Kav. 63 Jakarta Pusat 10340

Phone : (021) 3190-5997
Fax : (021)
91-5808, 3
91-5710e-mail : [email protected] e-mail :
Listed Companies                                                                                                            
    l a International
T S Trisu [ ]
Tbk. S 2 | 4 | 43 |

ULTJ Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Co. Tbk. S 1 | 5 | 51 |

505 I 511
Trisula Center
Jln. Lingkar Luar Barat Blok A No. 1, Jakarta 11740 Phone : (021) 583-57377

Fax : (021)
Fax : (022)
12e-mail : corporate

PA : Gideon Adi & Rekan

PA : Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi & Rekan

TRST Trias Sentosa Tbk. S 1 | 3 | 35 |

506 [ ] 512
Desa Keboharan, Km 26 Krian, Sidoarjo 61262
Altira Business Park, Jln. Yos Sudarso Kav. 85 Blok A01-07 5th Fl. Sunter Jakarta Utara 14350

U C Unggu l Indah Cahaya [ ]S

Tbk. 1 | 3 | 34

N Phone : (03
897-5825; (021)
Phone : (021)
579-05100Fax : (03

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

TRUB Truba Alam Manunggal Engineering Tbk. S 1 | 7 | 75 |

UNIT Nusantara Inti Corpora Tbk. 2 | 4 | 43 |

507 [ ] 513
Rukan Permata Senayan Blok B No. 3 & 5
Jln. Tentara Pelajar, Patal Senayan, Jakarta 12210

Phone : (021)
58 Phone : (021)
9-1242Fax : (021)

PA : Noor Salim, Nursehan & Sinarahardja

PA : Achmad, Rasyid, Hisbullah & Jerry

TRUS Trust Finance Indonesia Tbk.

2 | 8 | 82 |

UNSP Bakrie Sumatera Plantations Tbk.

1 | 1 | 12 |

508 Artha Graha Building 21st Fl.Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52 - 53

, Jakarta51412190 Phone : (021)
515-5477Fax : (021)

TSPC Tempo Scan Pacific Tbk. S 1 | 5 | 53 |

UNTR United Tractors Tbk. S 1 |9|

91 |
509 [ ] 515
Tempo Scan Tower Building
Jln.H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. 3
-4, Jakarta 12950 Jakarta 13
910Phone : (021)

PA : Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi & Rekan

PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan

TURI Tunas Ridean Tbk. S 1 | 9 | 91 |

UNVR Unilever Indonesia Tbk. S 1 |5|
54 |
510 [ ] 516
Tunas Toyota Building 2nd Fl.
Jln. Raya Pasar Minggu No. 7, Jakarta 12740 Jln. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 15, Jakarta 1293

PA : Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan

PA : Siddharta Widjaja & Rekan

[ ]
Jln. Raya Cimareme 131, Padalarang - 40552 Kab. Bandung Barat PO.Box 1230, Bandung
40012, Jawa Barat
Phone : (022) 867-00700

Fax : (022)
12e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : eddikur@u

Wisma UIC 2nd Fl.
Jln. Gatot Subroto Kav. 6-7, Jakarta

Phone : (021)
579-05100Fax : (03
897-2998; (021)
90 2552 Fax : (021)

Menara Palma Building 12th Fl.

Jln. H.R. Rasunan Said Blok X2 Kav. 6, Kuningan, Jakarta 12950

Phone : (021)
9-1242Fax : (021)
1 Fax : (021)

Komplek Rasuna Epicentrum, Bakrie Tower 18th-19th Fl. Jln. HR. Rasuna Said, Jakarta 1296
0Phone : (021)
Fax : (021)

[ ]
Jln. Raya Bekasi Km. 22
Jakarta 13
910Phone : (021)
292-18888 Phone : (021)
0-5959 - 79Fax

[ ]
Graha Unilever
Jln. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 15, Jakarta 1293
0Phone : (021)
794-4788, 794-0555 Ph
Listed Companies                                                                                                            
Victoria Investama Tbk.
1 | 8 | 89 |
WEHA WEHA Transportasi Indonesia Tbk.
1 | 7 | 74 |

517 I 523
Victoria Suites, Senayan City, Panin Tower 8th Fl.
Jln. Asia Afrika Lot. 19, Gelora, Tanah Abang, Jakarta 10270 Phone : (021) 7278-2287

Fax : (021)
7278-2287 Fax : (021)
7-5005e-mail : corsec@

PA : Tjahjadi & Tamara

PA : Mulyamin Sensi Suryanto & Lianny

VINS Victoria Insurance Tbk.

2 | 8 | 84 |

518 524
The Victoria 3rd B Fl.
Jln. Tomang Raya Kav. 33-37, Tomang, Jakarta Barat 11440 Phone : (021) 566-3788

WICO Wicaksana Overseas International Tbk.[ ] S 2 | 9 | 91 |

Fax : (021)
789 Fax : (021)
, 6
e-mail :

PA : Tjahjadi & Tamara

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

VIVA Visi Media Asia Tbk.

1 | 9 | 95 |

WIIM Wismilak Inti Makmur Tbk.

1 | 5 | 52 |

519 525
Wisma Bakrie 2, 7th Fl.
Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. B2, Jakarta 12920 Phone : (021) 579-45711

Fax : (021)
579-45715 Fax : (03
295-2800e-mail : corsec@v

PA : Handoko Tomo Samuel Gunawan & Rekan

PA : Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Mulyadi, Tjahjo & Rekan

VOKS Voksel Electric Tbk. S 1

WIKA Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk. S 1 | 6 | 62 |
520 [ ] 45 526
Jln. Raya Narogong Km. 16 Cileungsi, Bogor 16820 |

Phone : (021)
-0525 Phone : (021)
819-2808, 850-86
40, 850-86

PA : Gani Sigiro & Handayani

PA : Hadori Sugiarto Adi & Rekan

Verena Multi Finance Tbk. | 8 | 82 |

WINS Wintermar Offshore Marine Tbk. S 1 | 7 | 74 |

521 527
Bank Panin Building 3rd Fl.
Jln. Pecenongan Raya No. 84, Jakarta 10120 Phone : (021) 350-4890
Fax : (021)
50-4891 Fax : (021)
e-mail : andi_harj

PA : Osman Bing Satrio & Eny

PA : Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan

WAPO Wahana Pronatural Tbk. S 2 |9

| 91 |
WOMF Wahana Ottomitra Multiartha Tbk.
1 | 8 | 82 |

522 [ ] 528
Bumi Mandiri Building Tower II 4th Fl. Suite 406 - 407 Jln. Panglima Sudirman No. 66 - 68,
Surabaya 60127

Phone : (03
5-2705 Phone : (021)
00, 93
7-21088, 93

PA : Supoyo, Sutjahjo, Subyantara & Rekan

PA : Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja
Listed Companies 529. [ ]
Waskita Buildin

Grha White Horse, Jln. Husein Sastranegara No. 175 Jln. Husein Sastranegara No.175,
Tangerang 15125 Phone : (021) 2967-5555

Fax : (021)
7-5005e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : sudjasmi

Jln. Ancol Barat VII Blok A 5d No. 2 Jakarta 14430

Phone : (021) 692-7293, 690-9244

Fax : (021)
, 6
e-mail : [email protected] e-mail :

Grha Wismilak
Jln. Dr.Sutomo 27, Surabaya 60264
Phone : (031) 295-2899

Fax : (03
295-2800e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : surjanto@

hjo & Rekan

[ ]
WIKA Building
Jln. D.I. Panjaitan Kav. 9, Jakarta 13340

Phone : (021)
819-2808, 850-86
40, 850-86
50Fax : (021)
49, 823

[ ]
Jln. Kebayoran Lama No. 155 Jakarta 11560
Phone : (021) 530-5201, 530-5202
Fax : (021)
e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : nely.layan

& Rekan

Mega Glodok Kemayoran Office Tower B 2nd Fl.

Jln. Angkasa Kav. B-6 Bandar Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat 10610

Phone : (021)
00, 93
7-21088, 93
7-25001Fax : (03
529. [ ]
Waskita Building 9th Fl. Note:Jln. M.T. H
Note 1 | 9 | 99 |

WS T Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk. S 1 | 6 | 62 |

1. Main
2. Development
Code for Sector and

WTON Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk. S 1 |3|

31 |
[ ]
Graha Irama Building 15th-G Fl.
YPAS Yanapr i ma Hastapersada Tbk. S 2 | 3 | 35 |

Jln. HR Rasuna Said Blok X-1 Kav 01/02, Jakarta 12950 Phone : (021)
-1172, 526
Fax : (021)

YULE Yulie Sekurindo Tbk.

2 | 8 | 83 |

Plaza ABDA 5th Fl.
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 59, Jakarta 12190 Phone : (021) 514-02180, 514-02181

Fax : (021)
514-02182e-mail : [email protected] Web : www.yuliesekurindo.com CS : RohatiSAB

ZBRA Zebra Nusantara Tbk. S 2 |

7 | 74 |
[ ]
Citra Graha Building 6 Fl.
Jln. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 3
5 - 3
, Jakarta 12950 Phone : (021)
522-2777, 841-6
, (03
7257-8289Fax : (03
akarta 12950 Phone : (021)
-1172, 526
Fax : (021)
-1427e-mail : [email protected] Web : www.yanaprima.comCS

0, 514-02181

[email protected] Web : www.yuliesekurindo.com CS : RohatiSAB : PT Adimitra Jasa KorporaPA : Achmad, Rasyid, Hisbull

a 12950 Phone : (021)

522-2777, 841-6
, (03
7257-8289Fax : (03
847-0772, 841-53
70e-mail : [email protected] Web : - CS
Indonesia Stock Exchange Members
No Code IDX Members, Address Note *          N Code IDX Members, Address Note
. OT JV IM UW o.  
PP Aldiracita Corpotama
DX Bahana Securities
1.      7.

Sinarmas Land, Menara III, 11th Fl. Graha Niaga, 18th Fl.
Jln. M.H. Thamrin No. 51 Kav. 22, Jakarta - 10350 Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 58, Jakarta - 12190
Phone : 3983-4551 Phone : 250-5080
Fax : 3983-4559, 4560 Fax : 250-5070, 250-5071
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015 %
Volume (Shares) : 1,423,767,990 0.05 93 Volume (Shares) : 33,630,885,319 1.16
Value (Rupiah) : 1,532,640,019,900 0.05 88 Value (Rupiah) : 64,604,122,006,317 2.30
Frequency (X) : 41,635 0.04 91 Frequency (X) : 2,454,127 2.27
YO Amantara Securities
BZ Batavia Prosperindo Sekuritas
2.      8.
Plaza BII Menara III, 11th Fl. Plaza Chase, 12th Fl.
Jln. M.H. Thamrin No. 51Kav 22 Jakarta - 10350 Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 21, Jakarta - 12920
Phone : 392-9601, 392-9218 Phone : 520-7374
Fax : 392-9638, 392-9588 Fax : 520-6936, 570-3691
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015
Volume (Shares) 1,494,740,308 0.05 92 Volume (Shares) : 9,233,159,850
Value (Rupiah) 1,830,536,925,540 0.07 86 Value (Rupiah) : 11,208,666,919,400
Frequency (X) 66,095 0.06 87 Frequency (X) : 421,931
FS Yuanta Securities Indonesia
SQ BCA Sekuritas
     9.

Equity Tower 10th Fl. Suite 10F SCBD Lot 9 Menara BCA, Grand Indonesia 41st Fl. Suite 4101
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta Selatan Jln. M.H. Thamrin No. 1, Jakarta 10310
Phone : 515-3608 Phone : 2358-7222
Fax : 515-0205, 515-0208 Fax : 2358-7300, 2358-7250
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015 %
Volume (Shares) : 50,038,007,771 1.73 18 Volume (Shares) : 2,964,905,394 0.10
Value (Rupiah) : 24,817,269,257,340 0.88 34 Value (Rupiah) : 7,336,010,112,820 0.26
Frequency (X) : 721,017 0.67 37 Frequency (X) : 106,863 0.10
D Anugerah Securindo Indah
AR Binaartha Parama
4.   10.
 
I Komplek Ruko Cempaka Mas Jl. Letjend. Suprapto  5th Fl., Suite 502A-503 Jln. Letjend. Suprapto-Cempaka Mas Blok M 1 No
Setiabudi Atrium Building,

Jakarta - 10640 Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. 62, Jakarta - 12920 Phone : 4287-2794,  4280-0433
 Phone : 52
Fax : 4280-0432 Fax : 521-0325

Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015 %

Volume (Shares) : 29,682,307,943 1.03 35 Volume (Shares) : 1,861,588,286 0.06
Value (Rupiah) : 12,752,197,071,174 0.45 47 Value (Rupiah) : 1,952,531,621,258 0.07
Frequency (X) : 292,334 0.27 65 Frequency (X) : 102,360 0.09
S H Artha Securities Indonesia
GA Bloom Nusantara Capita
     11 l   
Artha Building Mangga Dua Square Blok F No. 40 Wisma KEIAI 26th Fl.  
Jln. Gunung Sahari Raya, Jakarta - 10730 Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 3, Jakarta - 12190
Phone : 6231-2626 Phone : 2188-8999
Fax : 6231-2525 Fax : 5785-0300
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015 %
Volume (Shares) : 5,625,962,138 0.19 79 Volume (Shares) : 13,411,826,225 0.46
Value (Rupiah) : 4,406,513,883,490 0.16 79 Value (Rupiah) : 8,962,707,289,353 0.32
Frequency (X) : 145,600 0.13 77 Frequency (X) : 371,108 0.34
P Asjaya Indosurya Securities
N BNI Securities
6.  12. 
I Graha Surya, 7th Fl., Taman Perkantoran Kuningan I Indofood Tower, 16th Fl.
Sudirman Plaza

Jln. Setiabudi Selatan I Kav. 9, Jakarta - 12920  76-78, Jakarta - 10220
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav.
Phone : 5790-5068 Phone : 2554-3946

Fax : 5790-4898 Fax : 5793-5828

 Total Trading 2015 % Rank  Total Trading 2015 %

Volume (Shares) : 10,074,470,046 0.35 67 Volume (Shares) : 55,883,914,803 1.93

Value (Rupiah) : 5,681,472,889,782 0.20 75 
Value (Rupiah) : 41,527,039,193,863 1.48
Frequency (X) : 336,418 0.31 61 Frequency (X) : 2,792,093 2.58
Note *) OT: Online Trading, JV: Joint Venture, IM: Investment Manager, UW: Underwriter, SB: Securities Broker **) suspend ***) revoked
Note *        

    

% Rank
1.16 30
2.30 15
2.27 13

    

Total Trading 2015 % Rank

9,233,159,850 0.32 70
11,208,666,919,400 0.40 55
421,931 0.39 53

   
uite 4101

% Rank
0.10 86
0.26 65
0.10 84

end. Suprapto-Cempaka Mas Blok M 1 No. 1,2,3,

Phone : 520-6678

% Rank
0.06 89
0.07 85
0.09 85

% Rank
0.46 62
0.32 61
0.34 57
% Rank
1.93 15
1.48 23
2.58 11
suspend ***) revoked
Indonesia Stock Exchange Members
No. Code IDX Members, Address Note *          No. Code IDX Members, Address Note *
BW BNP Paribas Securities Indonesia
K Ciptadana Securities
13 Menara BCA, 35th Fl., Grand Indonesia Jln. M.H.      19
I 
Thamrin No. 1, Jakarta - 10310 Phone : 2358-6586 Plaza ABDA (Plasa Asia), Office Park 2
(General) Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 59, Jakarta - 12190 Phone : 2557-
Fax : 2358-7587 (General), 2358-6860 (Corporate Finance) Fax : 2557-4842
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015 %
Volume (Shares) : 4,326,634,379 0.15 82 Volume (Shares) : 63,098,262,876 2.18
Value (Rupiah) : 15,930,626,556,212 0.57 38 Value (Rupiah) : 49,257,557,089,867 1.75
Frequency (X) : 413,989 0.38 54 Frequency (X) : 1,082,155 1.00
SA Bosowa Sekuritas
CG Citigroup Securities Indonesia
14      20

Equity Tower, 15th Fl., Suite 15 D Bapindo Plaza - Citibank Tower, 5th Fl.

Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52 - 53, SCBD Lot 9, Jakarta 12190 Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 54 - 55, Jakarta 12190
Phone : 2903-5177 Phone : 2924-9223
Fax : 2903-5166 Fax : 2924-9238
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015
Volume (Shares) 21,702,752,180 0.75 48 Volume (Shares) : 27,821,652,536
Value (Rupiah) 13,909,172,571,132 0.49 43 Value (Rupiah) : 95,489,570,623,763
: (X)

Frequency 0.38 56 Frequency (X) : 2,496,118

HK Brent Securities **) :

15      21. KZ
CLSA Indonesia     

Jln. Cibulan VII No. 8 Kebayoran, Jakarta Wisma GKBI, Suite 901
Phone : 526-6628 Jln. Jend. Sudirman No. 28, Jakarta - 10210 Phone : 2554-8888

Fax : 527-7259 Fax : 574-6922, 574-1555

Total Rank Total Trading 2015
Volume (Shares) Trading- 111 Volume (Shares) : 35,700,956,468
: 2015
Value (Rupiah) - 111 Value (Rupiah) : 100,640,555,255,020
% -
Frequency (X) - 111 Frequency (X) : 2,419,089
: -
R F Buana Capita l
CS Credit Suisse Securities Indonesia
16   
Indonesia Stock Exchange Building Tower II, 26th Fl.  Square Building Tower B, 23rd Fl.
Sampoerna Strategic
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta - 12190  Kav. 45-46, Jakarta - 12930
Jln. Jend. Sudirman
Phone : 515-0203 Phone : 2553-7900
 Fax : 515-0241 Fax : 2553-7999

22. Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015 %

Volume (Shares) : 7,604,942,442 0.26 72 Volume (Shares) : 43,969,486,978 1.52
Value (Rupiah) : 11,986,419,028,526 0.43 49 Value (Rupiah) : 138,052,624,611,246
Frequency (X) : 290,501 0.27 66 Frequency (X) : 5,217,321

ZR Bumiputera Sekuritas
YP Daewoo Securities Indonesia
17      23

Wisma Bumiputra, 17th Fl. Equity Tower 50th Fl. Unit A, SCBD Lot 9

Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 75 Jakarta Selatan Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52 - 53, Jakarta - 12190
Phone : 5296-0155 (Hunting), 5296-0150 (Dealer) Phone : 515-1140
Fax : 5296-0148, 571-2711 Fax : 515-1141
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015 %
Volume (Shares) : 5,918,850,019 0.20 78 Volume (Shares) : 152,441,228,954 5.27
Value (Rupiah) : 3,854,936,693,440 0.14 80 Value (Rupiah) : 85,965,446,845,011 3.06
Frequency (X) : 123,721 0.11 81 Frequency (X) : 7,907,820 7.31
YU CIMB Securities Indonesia
OD Danareksa Sekuritas
18  24
 
Indonesia Stock Exchange Building Tower II, 20th Fl.  3rd Fl.
Danareksa Building,
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta - 12190  Selatan No. 14, Jakarta - 10110
Jln. Medan Merdeka
Phone : 515-1330 Phone : 2955-5777, 5888, 350-9888, 9777, 2230

Fax : 515-1335, 515-4661 Fax : 350-1724,350-1725

Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015 %

Volume (Shares) : 120,212,708,335 4.16 3 Volume (Shares) : 139,359,845,324 4.82
Value (Rupiah) : 133,850,094,292,748 4.76 4 Value (Rupiah) : 59,518,557,462,290 2.12
Frequency (X) : 4,111,966 3.80 7 Frequency (X) : 2,048,696 1.89
Note *) OT: Online Trading, JV: Joint Venture, IM: Investment Manager, UW: Underwriter, SB: Securities Broker **) suspend ***) revoked
Note *       

   

2190 Phone : 2557-

% Rank
2.18 12
1.75 20
1.00 29

    

Total Trading 2015 % Rank

27,821,652,536 0.96 38
95,489,570,623,763 3.39 9
2,496,118 2.31 12

    

Jakarta - 10210 Phone : 2554-8888

Total Trading 2015 % R

35,700,956,468 1.23 a 29
100,640,555,255,020 3.58 7
2,419,089 2.24 15

% Rank
1.52 23
052,624,611,246 4.91 2
5,217,321 4.82 3

    

% Rank
5.27 1
3.06 12
7.31 1
% Rank
4.82 2
2.12 17
1.89 20
*) suspend ***) revoked
Indonesia Stock Exchange Members
No. Code IDX Members, Address Note *          No. Code IDX Members, Address No
FP Danasakti Securities
TS Dwidana Sakti Sekurindo
25      31
Jln. Tanah Abang III No. 6 Wisma Slipi 15th Fl.

Jakarta Pusat - 10160 Jln. Let. Jend. S. Parman Kav. 12, Jakarta Barat - 11480
Phone : 231-2345 (General) Phone : 530-7133
Fax : 231-4880 (General) Fax : 530-5877
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015
Volume (Shares) : 4,804,275,960 0.17 81 Volume (Shares) : 9,763,765,997
Value (Rupiah) : 3,741,594,954,600 0.13 81 Value (Rupiah) : 5,911,894,367,415
Frequency (X) : 251,358 0.23 67 Frequency (X) : 208,233
II Danatama Makmur
E Ekokapital Sekuritas
S 26      32 
Danatama Square, Jln. Mega Kuningan Timur Grha BANK MAS 5th Fl. (formerly Graha GAWI)
Blok C-6/Kav.12 Kawasan Mega Kuningan, Jakarta Jln. Setiabudi Selatan Kav. 10, Jakarta - 12920
Phone : 5797-4288 (General) Phone : 5790-4588, 5790-4580
Fax : 5797-4289 (General) Fax : 5790-4593, 5790-4919
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015
Volume (Shares) : 11,593,908,856 0.40 65 Volume (Shares) : 1,629,047,542
Value (Rupiah) : 1,114,571,052,040 0.04 92 Value (Rupiah) : 1,305,214,694,258
Frequency (X) : 21,610 0.02 100 Frequency (X) : 79,995
BQ Danpac Sekuritas
MK Equator Securities
27      33
Equity Tower, 9th Fl. Suite A Wisma KEIAI, 21st Fl.

Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta - 12190 Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 3, Jakarta - 10220
Phone : 299- 11888 Phone : 572-3828
Fax : 299- 11999 Fax : 572-3475
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015
Volume (Shares) : 16,109,227,666 0.56 57 Volume (Shares) : 273,914,300
Value (Rupiah) : 10,612,490,788,970 0.38 57 Value (Rupiah) : 119,684,363,200
Frequency (X) : 453,087 0.42 51 Frequency (X) : 1,562
DP DBS Vickers Securities Indonesia
BS Equity Securities Indonesia
28  34  
DBS Bank Tower Building, Ciputra World 1, 32nd Fl.  
Wisma Sudirman, 14th Fl.
Jln. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. 3 – 5, Jakarta - 12940 Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav.34, Jakarta - 10220
Phone : 3003-4900 Phone : 570-0738

Fax : 3003-4994 Fax : 570-3379, 570-3380

Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015

Volume (Shares) : 6,580,370,892 0.23 75 Volume (Shares) : 19,142,174,440
Value (Rupiah) : 6,399,510,149,867 0.23 69 Value (Rupiah) : 6,032,881,924,494
Frequency (X) : 197,812 0.18 70 Frequency (X) : 131,860
DB Deutsche Securities Indonesia
AO Erdikha Elit Sekuritas
29      35
Deutsche Bank Building, 6th Fl. SUCACO Building, 3rd Fl.
Jln. Imam Bonjol No. 80, Jakarta - 10310 Jln. Kebun Sirih No. 71, Jakarta Pusat

Phone : 2964-4477, 4169, 4555, 4547 Phone : 3983-6420

Fax : 2964-4058, 4191, 4076 Fax : 315-2841, 3983-6422
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015
Volume (Shares) : 45,991,430,679 1.59 20 Volume (Shares) : 20,505,454,040
Value (Rupiah) : 120,279,081,820,600 4.28 5 Value (Rupiah) : 11,328,744,435,190
Frequency (X) : 6,048,722 5.59 2 Frequency (X) : 829,729
TX Dhanawibawa Arthacemerlang
LE Evergreen Capita
30  36.
l     
Indonesia Stock Exchange Building, Tower I, 17th Fl., Suite 1705 Panin Bank Centre, 1st Fl.
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta - 12190 Jln. Jend. Sudirman No. 1, Senayan, Jakarta - 10270
Phone : 515-1678, 515-1679 Phone : 573-9510

Fax : 515-1226 Fax : 573-9508

Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015

Volume (Shares) : 8,872,464,436 0.31 71 Volume (Shares) : 13,282,626,800
Value (Rupiah) : 5,250,390,569,980 0.19 77 Value (Rupiah) : 8,945,197,642,840
Frequency (X) : 169,302 0.16 74 Frequency (X) : 352,006
Note *) OT: Online Trading, JV: Joint Venture, IM: Investment Manager, UW: Underwriter, SB: Securities Broker **) suspend ***) revoked
Note *         

    


% Rank
0.34 68
0.21 73
0.19 69

   
aha GAWI)

% Rank
0.06 90
0.05 91
0.07 86

    

% Rank
0.01 106
0.004 106
0.001 108

% Rank
0.66 51
0.21 72
0.12 79

    

% Rank
0.71 50
0.40 53
0.77 34
    

% Rank
0.46 63
0.32 62
0.33 58
*) suspend ***) revoked
Indonesia Stock Exchange Members
No. Code IDX Members, Address Note *          No. Code IDX Members, Address Note
PC First Asia Capita
PD Indo Premier Securities
37 l      43
Panin Bank Centre, 4th Fl. Wisma GKBI, 7th Fl., Suite 718

Jln. Jend. Sudirman No. 1, Senayan, Jakarta - 10340 Jln. Jend. Sudirman No. 28, Jakarta - 10210
Phone : 7279-9888 (Hunting) Phone : 5793-1168 (Hunting)
Fax : 571-0895 Fax : 5793-1167
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015 %
Volume (Shares) : 31,885,771,889 1.10 32 Volume (Shares) : 62,383,601,229 2.16
Value (Rupiah) : 13,007,830,149,758 0.46 46 Value (Rupiah) : 51,104,744,014,665 1.82
Frequency (X) : 1,063,706 0.98 30 Frequency (X) : 5,034,492 4.66
FO Forte Mentari Securities
BD Indomitra Securities
38      44
Komp. Graha Kencana Blok CK Wira Usaha Building, 4th Fl.

Jln. Raya Perjuangan No. 88 Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat 11530 Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. C-5, Jakarta - 12940 Phone : 532-5894, 536-53690
Phone : 522-9073
Fax : 532-5895 Fax : 522-9081
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015 %
Volume (Shares) : 386,301,000 0.01 102 Volume (Shares) : 6,977,206,588 0.24
Value (Rupiah) : 336,920,481,600 0.01 98 Value (Rupiah) : 6,743,300,512,580 0.24
Frequency (X) : 56,546 0.05 89 Frequency (X) : 344,069 0.32
FA Harita Kencana Securities
U Inovasi Utama Sekurindo
39      45 I
Bank Panin Building, 2nd Fl. Jln. Persatuan Guru 41 A
Jln. Jend. Sudirman - Senayan, Jakarta Pusat - 10270 Petojo Selatan, Jakarta - 10160
Phone : 573-5610 Phone : 385-3363
Fax : 573-5611 Fax : 385-3362
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015 %
Volume (Shares) : 2,603,724,791 0.09 87 Volume (Shares) : 2,500,119,900 0.09
Value (Rupiah) : 1,424,242,911,800 0.05 89 Value (Rupiah) : 961,655,952,300 0.03
Frequency (X) : 60,706 0.06 88 Frequency (X) : 41,574 0.04
HD Hasta Dana Sekuritas Indonesia
B Inti Kapital Sekuritas **)
J 40      46
Sona Topas Tower, 11th Fl. Rukan Crown Palace A15-C
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 26, Jakarta 12920 Phone :
Jln. Soepomo 231, Tebet, Jakarta - 12810 Phone : -
250-6337 (Hunting)
Fax : 250-6351, 250-6352 Fax :
Total Trading 2015

Total Trading 2015 %

Volume (Shares) : Rank 18,075,379,657 0.62 53 Volume (Shares) :
Value (Rupiah) : 9,827,019,431,465 0.35 58 Value (Rupiah) :
Frequency (X) : 612,622 0.57 42 Frequency (X) :

41      47
HP Henan Putihrai
FB Intifikasa Securindo
Penthouse @ 18, Tamara Centre Menara Batavia, 23rd Fl.
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 24, Jakarta 12920 Jln. K.H. Mas Mansyur Kav. 125-126, Jakarta - 10220
Phone : 520-6464 Phone : 5793-0080
Fax : 520-6797 Fax : 5793-0090

Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015 %

Volume (Shares) : 27,667,086,052 0.96 40 Volume (Shares) : 426,530,794 0.01
Value (Rupiah) : 13,384,888,119,727 0.48 44 Value (Rupiah) : 172,559,518,248 0.01
Frequency (X) : 497,460 0.46 48 Frequency (X) : 12,422 0.01
GW HSBC Securities Indonesia
42      48
World Trade Center Building, 4th Fl. Berca Indonesia Building, 4th Fl., Suite 402

I T Intiteladan Arthaswadaya
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29-31, Jakarta - 12920 Jln. Palmerah Utara No. 14, Jakarta - 11480
Phone : 524-6452 Phone : 532-4985, 532-4987
Fax : 521-1043 Fax : 534-7587
T otal Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015 %
Volume (Shares) : 129,974 0.000004 110 Volume (Shares) : 300,259,200 0.01
Value (Rupiah) : 227,104,626 0.00001 110 Value (Rupiah) : 234,577,343,500 0.01
Frequency (X) : 278 0.0003 109 Frequency (X) : 24,521 0.02
Note *) OT: Online Trading, JV: Joint Venture, IM: Investment Manager, UW: Underwriter, SB: Securities Broker **) suspend ***) revoked
Note *        

    

% Rank
2.16 13
1.82 19
4.66 4

    

: 532-5894, 536-53690

% Rank
0.24 73
0.24 68
0.32 59

    

% Rank
0.09 88
0.03 93
0.04 92

    

Total Trading 2015 % Rank

- - 111
- - 111
- - 111

    

% Rank
0.01 100
0.01 105
0.01 102

    

% Rank
0.01 104
0.01 102
0.02 98
suspend ***) revoked
Indonesia Stock Exchange Members
No. Code IDX Members, Address Note *          No. Code IDX Members, Address Not
Y Lautandhana Securindo
J 49. IN Investindo Nusantara Sekuritas      55
Wisma KEIA Prince, 15th Fl.
Plaza ASIA, 17th Fl.
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 3, Jakarta - 10220 Phone :
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 59, Jakarta - 12190 Phone : 515-0817
5785-1818, 5785-1888

Fax : 5140-1616 Fax : 5785-1717

Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015 %
Volume (Shares) : 17,394,058,993 0.60 54 Volume (Shares) : 46,405,992,652 1.60
Value (Rupiah) : 10,950,691,432,796 0.39 56 Value (Rupiah) : 25,622,872,606,444 0.91
Frequency (X) : 410,305 0.38 55 Frequency (X) : 1,525,297 1.41
WW Jakarta Securities **)
50  56. RX  
Ruko The Green Manhattan Forum B1 No. 8 Indonesia Stock Exchange Building Tower I, 8th Fl. 
BSD City Tangerang Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta - 12190
Phone : - Phone : 515-1818, 515-7360, 515-7370

Fax : - Fax : 515-1212

Total Trading Rank Total Trading 2015

Volume (Shares) : - 2015
- 111 Volume (Shares) : 32,721,985,238
% 111
Value (Rupiah) : - - Value (Rupiah) : 96,358,702,193,814
Frequency (X) : - - 111 Frequency (X) : 1,830,300
YB Jasa Utama Capita
KW Madani Securities **)
l     57  
Kospin Jasa Building 7th - 8th Fl., Jln. Jend. Gatot 
Subroto Kav.1 Jln. DR. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung Kel. Menteng Dalam, Kec. Tebet, J
Menara Prima 25th Fl.,
Selatan 12870 Blok 6.2 Kawasan Mega Kuningan Jakarta - 12950  
Phone : 8378-9000 Phone : 5794-8170
Fax : 8378-8908 Fax : 5794-8171

Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015 %

Volume (Shares) : 40,344,793,309 1.39 24 Volume (Shares) : - -
Value (Rupiah) : 21,558,040,183,612 0.77 35 Value (Rupiah) : - -
Frequency (X) : 1,010,987 0.93 32 Frequency (X) : - -
P Magenta Kapital Indonesia
BK J.P. Morgan Securities Indonesia      58 I
The Energy Building 6th Fl. SCBD Lot 11 A Menara Batavia, 23rd Fl.
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta - 12920 Jln. K.H. Mas Masyur Kav. 126, Jakarta - 10220
Phone : 5291-8181 Phone : 5793-0078
Fax : 5291-8833 Fax : 5793-0079
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015 %
Volume (Shares) : 16,473,403,112 0.57 56 Volume (Shares) : 589,665,801 0.02
Value (Rupiah) : 77,248,627,151,152 2.75 13 Value (Rupiah) : 571,350,194,934 0.02
Frequency (X) : 1,817,293 1.68 22 Frequency (X) : 33,413 0.03
AG Kiwoom Securities Indonesia
53  59
Graha Irama Building, 6th D Fl. Magnu
AXA Tower Building 39th Fl. Suite 3902, Kuningan City
Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-1 Kav. 1 - 2, Jakarta - 12950 Jln. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav.s 18 Kuningan Setiabudi, Jaksel - 12940 Phone : 526-1326
 Phone : 501-00780, 501-00798 Capital

Fax : 526-1320 Fax **)
: 501-00795
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015 %

Volume (Shares) : 22,426,789,081 0.78 47 Volume (Shares) : 6,332,304,200 0.22
Value (Rupiah) : 12,684,239,092,120 0.45 48 Value (Rupiah) : 5,047,625,191,500 0.18
Frequency (X) : 740,752 0.69 35 Frequency (X) : 301,243 0.28
KS Kresna Securities
54      60 Mahakarya Arthasecurities 
Kresna Tower, 6th Fl., 18 PARC SCBD Menara Batavia, 9th Fl.
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta - 12190 Jln. Kyai Haji Mas Mansyur Kav. 126 Jakarta - 10220
Phone : 2555-7000 (General) Phone : 572-4770
Fax : 515-5280 Fax : 572-7184
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015 %
Volume (Shares) : 39,783,168,046 1.38 25 Volume (Shares) : 25,372,837,771 0.88
Value (Rupiah) : 30,279,727,698,202 1.08 27 Value (Rupiah) : 11,306,009,137,436 0.40
Frequency (X) : 992,782 0.92 33 Frequency (X) : 516,355 0.48
Note *) OT: Online Trading, JV: Joint Venture, IM: Investment Manager, UW: Underwriter, SB: Securities Broker **) suspend ***) revoked

Macquarie Capital Securities Indonesia

Note *        
    

% Rank
1.60 19
0.91 33
1.41 24

   

Total Trading 2015 % R

32,721,985,238 1.13 a 31
96,358,702,193,814 3.43 8
1,830,300 1.69 21

g Kel. Menteng Dalam, Kec. Tebet, Jakarta

Total Trading 2015 % Rank

- - 111
- - 111
- - 111

    

% Rank
0.02 99
0.02 97
0.03 95

   

12940 Phone : 526-1326

% Rank
0.22 76
0.18 78
0.28 63

   

% Rank
0.88 43
0.40 54
0.48 47
suspend ***) revoked
Indonesia Stock Exchange Members
No. Code IDX Members, Address Note *          No. Code IDX Members, Address No
G Mahastra Capita
CD Mega Capital Indonesia
61. I
l      67  
Wisma Budi, 7th Fl., Room 701 Menara Bank Mega,  2nd
 Fl.
Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. C-6, Jakarta - 12190 Jln. Kapten P. TendeanKav. 12-14A, Jakarta - 12790
Phone : 522-5690, 526-8185 Phone : 7917-5599
Fax : 526-5758, 526-2970 Fax : 7919-3900

Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015

Volume (Shares) : 880,428,900 0.03 97 Volume (Shares) : 16,807,467,909
Value (Rupiah) : 277,323,654,800 0.01 101 Value (Rupiah) : 13,928,546,883,313
Frequency (X) : 30,107 0.03 96 Frequency (X) : 535,177

DD Makindo Securities
M L Merri l Lynch Indonesia
62  68  
Wisma GKBI, 38th Fl.   Building Tower I, 18th Fl.
Indonesia Stock Exchange
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 28, Jakarta - 10210 52-53, Jakarta - 12190
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav.
Phone : 572-2111 Phone : 515-0888

Fax : 572-2751, 572-2766 Fax : 515-0939

Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015

Volume (Shares) : 208,306,773 0.01 107 Volume (Shares) : 24,994,617,944
Value (Rupiah) : 208,338,113,100 0.01 103 Value (Rupiah) : 92,072,441,250,422
Frequency (X) : 10,699 0.01 104 Frequency (X) : 4,354,045
63     69.
SM Millenium Danatama Sekuritas 
MakinPlaza ABDA, 23rd Fl. DBS Bank Tower 24th Fl. Suite 2402, Ciputra World I
ta Jend. Sudirman Kav. 59, Jakarta - 12190
Jln. Jln. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. 3-5, Jakarta - 12940
SecurPhone : 5140-1133, 5140-2533 Phone : 2988-5800
itiesFax : 5140-1599, 5140-2535 Fax : 2988-5801

Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015

Volume (Shares) : 402,303,851 0.01 101 Volume (Shares) : 85,122,382,729
Value (Rupiah) : 186,628,855,950 0.01 104 Value (Rupiah) : 35,143,803,312,044
Frequency (X) : 4,907 0.00 106 Frequency (X) : 193,316
CC Mandiri Sekuritas
MU Minna Padi Investama
64      70
Plaza Mandiri, 28th Fl. Equity Tower 11th Fl. SCBD Lot 9

Jln. Gatot Subroto Kav. 36-38, Jakarta - 12190 Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta - 12190
Phone : 526-3445 (General) Phone : 525-5555, 525-6666
Fax : 526-3448 (General), 572-7184 (Compliance) Fax : 527-1527
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015
Volume (Shares) : 100,677,403,576 3.48 4 Volume (Shares) : 27,112,082,742
Value (Rupiah) : 116,520,981,019,166 4.14 6 Value (Rupiah) : 7,162,756,300,092
Frequency (X) : 4,854,204 4.49 5 Frequency (X) : 161,079
DM Masindo Artha Securities
65 Jln. Sisingamangaraja No. 12 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta -      71 MNC Securities 
MNC Financial
12110 Phone : 7279-2999 Center Building, 14th - 16th Fl. Jln. Kebon Sirih No. 17-19,
Jakarta Pusat - 10340
Phone : 2980-3111
Fax : 739-8250 Fax : 3983-6868, 6857
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015
Volume (Shares) : 3,895,142,783 0.13 84 Volume (Shares) : 58,632,445,492
Value (Rupiah) : 1,963,275,019,995 0.07 84 Value (Rupiah) : 42,909,279,839,883
Frequency (X) : 24,723 0.02 97 Frequency (X) : 2,214,826
ZP Maybank Kim Eng Securities
66  72.
MS Morgan Stanley Asia Indonesia 

Sentral Senayan III Building, 15th, 20th & 22nd Fl. World Trade Center II, 20th Fl., Metropolitan Complex
Jln. Asia Afrika No. 8, Jakarta Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29-31, Jakarta - 12190
Phone : 8066-8500 Phone : 3048-8100
Fax : 8066-8501, 2903-9464 Fax : 3048-8172

Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015

Volume (Shares) : 45,814,640,641 1.58 22 Volume (Shares) : 36,877,162,712
Value (Rupiah) : 94,813,368,924,482 3.37 10 Value (Rupiah) : 149,896,918,148,668
Frequency (X) : 2,808,683 2.60 10 Frequency (X) : 2,450,009
Note *) OT: Online Trading, JV: Joint Venture, IM: Investment Manager, UW: Underwriter, SB: Securities Broker **) suspend ***) revoked
Note *         

% Rank
0.58 55
0.50 41
0.49 46

% Rank
0.86 44
3.27 11
4.03 6

ritas     

% Rank
2.94 7
1.25 25
0.18 71

    

% Rank
0.94 42
0.25 66
0.15 76

MNC Financial    
Kebon Sirih No. 17-19,

% Rank
2.03 14
1.53 22
2.05 18

nesia     
% Rank
1.27 28
5.33 1
2.27 14
**) suspend ***) revoked
Indonesia Stock Exchange Members
No. Code IDX Members, Address Note *          No. Code IDX Members, Address Not
L H NC Securities
73      79.
OCBC Sekuritas Indonesia 
Menara Karya 6th Fl. Indonesia Stock Exchange Tower 2, 29th Fl.
Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-5 Kav. 1-2, Jakarta 12950 Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52 - 53, Jakarta - 12190 Phone : 2554-6700
Phone : 2970-9300
Fax : 5794-4700 Fax : 2970-9393
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015
Volume (Shares) : 3,476,921,599 0.12 85 Volume (Shares) : 31,294,245,146
Value (Rupiah) : 1,737,480,127,530 0.06 87 Value (Rupiah) : 21,477,845,971,013

Frequency (X) : 0.13 78 Frequency (X) : 659,951

74      80 Onix Sekuritas 
Sudirman Plaza - Indofood Tower 17th Fl. Deutsche Bank Building #1504-1505

Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 76-78, Jakarta - 12910 Jln. Imam Bonjol No. 80, Jakarta 10310
Phone : 5793-9929 Phone : 3190-1777, 3190-1555
Fax : 5793-9919 Fax : 3190-1616
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015 %
Volume (Shares) : 1,265,805,058 0.04 95 Volume (Shares) : 5,974,828,556 0.21
Value (Rupiah) : 1,353,552,110,180 0.05 90 Value (Rupiah) : 6,282,378,093,694 0.22
Frequency (X) : 39,748 0.04 93 Frequency (X) : 338,698 0.31
XA NH Korindo Securities Indonesia      81. CM  
Wisma KORINDO, 7th Fl. Patra Jasa Officer 16th Fl., Room 1621 
Jln. M.T. Haryono Kav. 62, Jakarta - 12780 Jln. Gatot Subroto Kav. 32 -.34, Jakarta Selatan
Phone : 797-6202 (Hunting) Phone : 529-00626
Fax : 797-6206 Fax : 529-00866

Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015 %

Volume (Shares) : 68,420,322,899 2.37 10 Volume (Shares) : - -
Value (Rupiah) : 29,510,708,900,739 1.05 28 Value (Rupiah) : - -
Frequency (X) : 592,065 0.55 43 Frequency (X) : - -
RB Nikko Securities Indonesia
AD OSO Securities
76      82
Wisma Indocement, 3rd Fl. Cyber 2 Tower, 22th Fl. Unit A-D

Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 70-71, Jakarta - 12910 Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-5 No. 13, Jakarta 12950
Phone : 251-0125 Phone : 2991-5300
Fax : 251-0126 Fax : 2902-1497
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015 %
Volume (Shares) : 361,979,245 0.01 103 Volume (Shares) : 27,708,661,885 0.96
Value (Rupiah) : 326,412,483,658 0.01 99 Value (Rupiah) : 13,288,937,781,029 0.47
Frequency (X) : 11,620 0.01 103 Frequency (X) : 561,901 0.52
RO NISP Sekuritas
BM Overseas Securities **)
77      83
Bank OCBC NISP Building, 21st Fl. STC Senayan 2nd Fl. No. 103 - 106

Jln. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. 25, Karet Kuningan, Setiabudi, Jakarta 12940 Jln. Asia Afrika Pintu IX Gelora Senayan, Jakarta - 10270 Phone : 2935-2888
Phone : 5793-9060
Fax : 5794-4095 Fax : 5793-9061
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015 %
Volume (Shares) : 6,609,614,918 0.23 74 Volume (Shares) : 275,409,067 0.01
Value (Rupiah) : 5,592,928,098,641 0.20 76 Value (Rupiah) : 95,889,745,390 0.00
Frequency (X) : 296,181 0.27 64 Frequency (X) : 7,279 0.01
I H Pacific 2000 Securities
78 Nomura Indonesia 
    84
Sentral Senayan II Building, 9th Fl. Suite 209A ANZ Tower 18th Fl.

Jln. Asia Afrika No. 8, Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta 10270 Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 33 A, Jakarta - 10220 Phone : 2991-3300
Phone : 573-2000, 573-2635, 573-2636
Fax : 2991-3333 Fax : 573-2639
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015 %
Volume (Shares) : 15,756,254,138 0.54 58 Volume (Shares) : 5,194,747,881 0.18
Value (Rupiah) : 38,605,988,781,794 1.37 24 Value (Rupiah) : 3,730,976,255,675 0.13
Frequency (X) : 2,360,401 2.18 16 Frequency (X) : 165,195 0.15
Note *) OT: Online Trading, JV: Joint Venture, IM: Investment Manager, UW: Underwriter, SB: Securities Broker **) suspend ***) revoked

OK Net Sekuritas

Optima Kharya Capital Securities **)

Note *        

   
: 2554-6700

Total Trading 2015 % Rank

: 31,294,245,146 1.08 33
: 21,477,845,971,013 0.76 36
: 659,951 0.61 39

   

% Rank
0.21 77
0.22 70
0.31 60
   

Total Trading 2015 % Rank

- - 111
- - 111
- - 111

    

% Rank
0.96 39
0.47 45
0.52 44

    

hone : 2935-2888

% Rank
0.01 105
0.00 107
0.01 105
    


% Rank
0.18 80
0.13 82
0.15 75
suspend ***) revoked
Indonesia Stock Exchange Members
No. Code IDX Members, Address Note *          No. Code IDX Members, Address No
AP Pacific Capita
PO Pilarmas Investindo
85 l      91
Office 8 Building, 5th Fl., SCBD Lot. 28 Sona Topas Tower 10th Fl.

Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52 - 53, Jakarta - 12190 Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 26, Jakarta 12920
Phone : 2933-3740 Phone : 250-6233
Fax : 2933-3741 Fax : 2250-6232
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015
Volume (Shares) : 53,690,359,600 1.86 16 Volume (Shares) : 28,421,309,192
Value (Rupiah) : 9,467,636,244,600 0.34 59 Value (Rupiah) : 13,928,113,339,700
Frequency (X) : 13,810 0.01 101 Frequency (X) : 302,262
PG Panca Global Securities Tbk.
PK Pratama Capital Indonesia
86  92  
Indonesia Stock Exchange Tower I, 17th Fl. Suite 1706A  12th
Equity Tower Building,  Fl. Unit A & E, SCBD Lot. 9 Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52 - 53, Jakar
 Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52 - 53, Jakarta - 12190 
Phone : 515-5456 Phone : 2903-5880

Fax : 515-5466 Fax : 2903-5890
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015
Volume (Shares) : 18,599,738,379 0.64 52 Volume (Shares) : 23,174,870,895
Value (Rupiah) : 11,970,760,310,860 0.43 50 Value (Rupiah) : 9,101,425,279,294
Frequency (X) : 192,377 0.18 72 Frequency (X) : 181,405
GR Panin Sekuritas Tbk.
XC Primasia Securities
87  93  
Indonesia Stock Exchange Building, Tower 2, Suite 1705  
Wisma Argo Manunggal Building, 6th Fl.
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52 - 53, Jakarta - 12190 Jln. Jend. Gatot SubrotoKav. 22, Jakarta - 12930
Phone : 515-3055 Phone : 252-0032, 252-0117, 252-1538

Fax : 515-3061 Fax : 252-0127

Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015

Volume (Shares) : 38,932,903,064 1.35 26 Volume (Shares) : 1,550,105,682
Value (Rupiah) : 32,722,429,799,701 1.16 26 Value (Rupiah) : 908,291,493,600
Frequency (X) : 1,407,807 1.30 25 Frequency (X) : 37,770
PS Paramitra Alfa Sekuritas
QA Prime Capital Securities
88      94.
Cyber 2 Tower 20th Fl., Suite 2001 Permata Kuningan Building 11th Fl.

Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-5 No. 13, Jakarta 12950 Jln. Kuningan Mulia Kav. 9C Guntur Setia Budi, Jakarta Phone : 3002-6700
Phone : 835-5678, 837-80797
Fax : 3002-6710 Fax : 835-2000
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015
Volume (Shares) : 11,187,701,632 0.39 66 Volume (Shares) : 12,456,155,748
Value (Rupiah) : 7,444,763,128,654 0.26 64 Value (Rupiah) : 6,276,514,801,600
Frequency (X) : 459,555 0.42 50 Frequency (X) : 536,272
KK Phillip Securities Indonesia
89      95.
RG Profindo International Securities 
ANZ Tower level 23B Permata Kuningan Building 19th Fl.
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 33A, Jakarta - 10220 Jln. Kuningan Mulia Kav. 9C Guntur Setia Budi, Jakarta
Phone : 5790-0800 Phone : 8378-0888, 8378-0860, 8378-0900
Fax : 5790-0809 Fax : 8378-0889
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015
Volume (Shares) : 37,890,876,520 1.31 27 Volume (Shares) : 13,847,478,122
Value (Rupiah) : 28,637,686,475,065 1.02 30 Value (Rupiah) : 11,756,021,681,130
Frequency (X) : 2,343,632 2.17 17 Frequency (X) : 623,819
90     96
East Tower 16th Fl. Jln.DR. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung Recapital Building Recapi
10th Fl.
Kav. E3.2 No. 1, Jakarta 12950 Jln. Adityawarman No. tal
55 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta
Phone : 2555-6138 Phone : 270-2277 Securiti
ties Fax : 2555-6139 Fax es
: 724-6881

Total Trading 2015 % Rank  Total Trading 2015

Volume (Shares) : 1,391,317,179 0.05 94 Volume (Shares) : 4,062,127,924
Value (Rupiah) : 670,537,526,045 0.02 96 Value (Rupiah) : 2,165,861,403,306
Frequency (X) : 111,412 0.10 83 Frequency (X) : 124,037
Note *) OT: Online Trading, JV: Joint Venture, IM: Investment Manager, UW: Underwriter, SB: Securities Broker **) suspend ***) revoked
Note *         

    

% Rank
0.98 37
0.50 42
0.28 62

Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52 - 53, Jakarta - 12190

% Rank
0.80 45
0.32 60
0.17 73

% Rank
0.05 91
0.03 94
0.03 94

    

a Phone : 3002-6700

% Rank
0.43 64
0.22 71
0.50 45

rities     

% Rank
0.48 61
0.42 52
0.58 41
   

% Rank
0.14 83
0.08 83
0.11 80
*) suspend ***) revoked
Indonesia Stock Exchange Members
No. Code IDX Members, Address Note *          No. Code IDX Members, Address Note
DU Redialindo Mandiri
97      103 Sinarmas Sekuritas 
Asean Tower 6th Fl.
Plaza BII Tower III, 5th Fl. Room 501
Jln. K.H. Samanhudi No. 10, Jakarta 10710 Phone :
Jln. M.H. Thamrin No. 51, Jakarta - 10350 Phone : 392-
384-0645, 384-1387
Fax : 384-0646 Fax : 392-5540, 5579, 7177, 5539
Total Trading 2015 Total Trading 2015
Volume (Shares) : % Rank 109
632,500 0.00002 Volume (Shares) : 97,481,082,360
Value (Rupiah) : 925,310,100 0.00003 109 Value (Rupiah) : 63,123,169,006,059
Frequency (X) : 80 0.0001 110 Frequency (X) : 1,323,997
LS Reliance Securities Tbk.
AZ Sucorinvest Central Gani
98      104.

Reliance Building Sahid Sudirman Centre 12th Fl.

Jln. Pluit Putra Kencana No.15A, Jakarta Utara - 14450 Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 86, Jakarta Selatan - 10220 Phone : 6617-7668
Phone : 8067-3000
Fax : 661-9884 Fax : 2788-9288
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015 %
Volume (Shares) : 75,691,264,181 2.62 8 Volume (Shares) : 53,480,734,951 1.85
Value (Rupiah) : 29,046,910,178,609 1.03 29 Value (Rupiah) : 26,149,852,811,202 0.93
Frequency (X) : 1,054,485 0.98 31 Frequency (X) : 1,174,445 1.09
DR RHB Securities Indonesia
S Supra Securinvest
S 99   105 
Wisma Mulia Building 20th Fl. Menara Imperium, 
19th Fl. Suite A Metropolitan Kuningan Superblok
 
Jln. Gatot Subroto No. 42, Jakarta - 12710  Kav. 1, Jakarta - 12980
Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said
Phone : 2783-0888 Phone : 835-6151  (Hunting)
Fax : 2783-0777 Fax : 835-6160
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015 %
Volume (Shares) : 66,513,592,339 2.30 11 Volume (Shares) : 1,101,540,325 0.04
Value (Rupiah) : 72,024,529,946,436 2.56 14 Value (Rupiah) : 756,817,951,740 0.03
Frequency (X) : 2,904,535 2.69 9 Frequency (X) : 52,587 0.05
IF Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia
LG Trimegah Securities Tbk.
100      106
Menara Imperium, 25th Fl. Artha Graha Building, 18th & 19th Fl.

Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. 1, Kuningan, Jakarta - 12980 Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52 - 53, Jakarta - 12190 Phone : 8370-1608
Phone : 2924-9088
Fax : 831-7473, 8370-1610 Fax : 2924-9150
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015 %
Volume (Shares) : 30,342,004,290 1.05 34 Volume (Shares) : 75,446,097,723 2.61
Value (Rupiah) : 19,775,468,224,495 0.70 37 Value (Rupiah) : 54,359,918,149,563 1.93
Frequency (X) : 663,191 0.61 38 Frequency (X) : 1,564,713 1.45
MG Semesta Indovest
BR Trust Securities
101     107.

Menara Imperium, 18th Fl., Metropolitan Kuningan Superblok  Blok B 10 - 11 Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. 1, Kuningan, Jakarta - 1298
Rukan Permata Senayan
Jln. Tentara Pelajar X , Jakarta - 12210 
Phone : 8370-3808 
Phone : 5794-0678
Fax : 8370-3787 Fax 
: 5794-0676
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015
Volume (Shares) : 29,156,560,037 1.01 36 Volume (Shares) : 23,018,966,676
Value (Rupiah) : 15,066,718,821,498 0.54 39 Value (Rupiah) : 11,781,120,897,013

Frequency (X) : 0.68 36 Frequency (X) : 421,982

AK UBS Securities Indonesia
102      108     
Wisma GKBI, 38th Fl. Suite 3801 Wisma GKBI 22nd Fl. Room 2202
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 28, Jakarta - 10210 Phone : 572- Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 28, Jakarta - 10210 Phone : 2554-7000
Fax : - Fax : 251-1662
Total Trading 2015 % Rank Total Trading 2015
Volume (Shares) 14,241,000 0.0005 108 Volume (Shares) : 45,938,816,876
Value (Rupiah) : 31,298,523,700 0.001 108 Value (Rupiah) : 135,728,677,633,826
Frequency (X) : 2,495 0.002 107 Frequency (X) : 4,096,816
Note *) OT: Online Trading, JV: Joint Venture, IM: Investment Manager, UW: Underwriter, SB: Securities Broker **) suspend ***) revoked

SC Senni Cahaya
Note *         

   

50 Phone : 392-

Total Trading 2015 % R

97,481,082,360 3.37 a 6
63,123,169,006,059 2.24 16
1,323,997 1.22 26

    

one : 6617-7668

% Rank
1.85 17
0.93 32
1.09 28

an Superblok

% Rank
0.04 96
0.03 95
0.05 90

    

e : 8370-1608

% Rank
2.61 9
1.93 18
1.45 23

a Said Kav. 1, Kuningan, Jakarta - 12980

Total Trading 2015 % Rank

: 23,018,966,676 0.80 46
: 11,781,120,897,013 0.42 51
: 421,982 0.39 52
0210 Phone : 2554-7000

Total Trading 2015 % R

: 45,938,816,876 1.59 a 21
728,677,633,826 4.83 3
4,096,816 3.79 8
) suspend ***) revoked
Indonesia Stock Exchange Members
No. Code IDX Members, Address Note *          No. Code IDX Members, Address
RS Yulie Sekurindo Tbk.
109      115.
    
Sona Topas Building 20th Fl. Plaza ASIA, 5th Fl.
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 26, Jakarta - 12920 Phone : 250- Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 59, Jakarta - 12190 Phone : 5140-2181 (General)
T F Universal Broker Indonesia
Fax : 250-6617 (general), 250-6616 Fax : 5140-2182
Total Trading 2015 %
Total Trading 2015 %
Volume (Shares) : Rank14,158,239,669 0.49 60 Volume (Shares) : 593,405,754
Value (Rupiah) : 6,912,122,888,586 0.25 67 Value (Rupiah) : 312,162,461,340
Frequency (X) : 212,818 0.20 68 Frequency (X) : 24,489 0.02
A UOB Kay Hian Securities
I     
UOB Plaza Thamrin Nine, 36th Fl.
Jln. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 8 - 10, Jakarta 10230
Phone : 2993-3888

Fax : 3190-7608
Total Trading 2015 % Rank
Volume (Shares) : 27,383,889,849 0.95 41
Value (Rupiah) : 27,891,861,629,152 0.99 31
Frequency (X) : 1,275,832 1.18 27
CP Valbury Asia Securities
111     
Menara Karya, 10th Fl.

Jln. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-5 Kav. 1 - 2, Jakarta - 12950

Phone : 2553-3600
Fax : 2553-3700
Total Trading 2015 % Rank
Volume (Shares) : 97,682,420,279 3.38 5
Value (Rupiah) : 45,074,845,775,264 1.60 21
Frequency (X) : 2,200,574 2.04 19
M Victoria Securities Indonesia
I     
Victoria Suites, Senayan City, Panin Tower 8th Fl. Jln. Asia Afrika Lot 19, Jakarta - 10270
Phone : 7278-2310

Fax : 7278-2280 (General)

Total Trading 2015 % Rank
Volume (Shares) : 14,424,103,361 0.50 59
Value (Rupiah) : 7,869,551,221,920 0.28 63
Frequency (X) : 463,562 0.43 49
AN Wanteg Securindo
113     
Graha Kencana Building, 7th Fl., Room B7

Jln. Raya Perjuangan No. 88, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat 11530
Phone : 5367-1517, 5367-1518
Fax : 5367-1519
Total Trading 2015 % Rank
Volume (Shares) : 9,283,303,696 0.32 69
Value (Rupiah) : 5,720,750,477,448 0.20 74
Frequency (X) : 120,410 0.11 82
114     
Sona Topas Tower 15th A
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 26, Jakarta - 12920 Phone : 250-6355
FZ Waterfront Securities Indonesia
Fax : 250-6322
Total Trading 2015 % Rank
Volume (Shares) : 20,865,616,502 0.72 49
Value (Rupiah) : 14,026,853,859,387 0.50 40
Frequency (X) : 646,403 0.60 40
Note *) OT: Online Trading, JV: Joint Venture, IM: Investment Manager, UW: Underwriter, SB: Securities Broker **) suspend ***) revoked
Note *         

karta - 12190 Phone : 5140-2181 (General), 5140-2180

593,405,754 0.02 98
312,162,461,340 0.01 100
24,489 0.02 99
er **) suspend ***) revoked

President Director

Internal Audit

Corporate Secretary

Corporate Communication

Director of Trading and Director of Surveillance and

Director of Listing Membership Compliance
President Director

Special Project


Strategic Management Office

Director of Business Director of IT and Risk Director of Finance dan Human

Development Management Capital
Rating Agency in Indonesia
PT PEFINDO (Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia)
Panin Tower Senayan City, 17th
PT Fitch
Jl. AsiaIndonesiaDBS
Afrika Lot.19Jakarta
Bank Tower,

Self Regulating Organization

PT Bursa Efek Indonesia(Indonesia Stock Exchange - BEI/IDX)
Indonesia Stock Exchange Building, Tower I, 6
th Floor J

PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia(Indonesia Central Securities Depository - KSEI)

Indonesia Stock Exchange Buildin

Government Organization
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (Financial Service Authority - OJK)
Gedung Soemitro
Jenderal Pengelolaan
Banteng T
PT Fitch Ratings IndonesiaDBS Bank Tower, 24th Floor, Suite 2403
Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. 3
-5Jakarta 12940, IndonesiaWebs

PT Kliring Penjamin Efek Indonesia(Indonesia Central Clearing and Settlement - KPEI)

Indonesia Stock Exchange Building, To

sia Central Securities Depository - KSEI)

Indonesia Stock Exchange Building, Tower I, 5th Floor Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 52-53
Jakarta 12190, Indonesia

Direktorat Jenderal Pengelolaan Pembiayaan dan Risiko -Kementerian Keuangan RI(Directorate General of Budget Financin
Supporting Organization
PT Penilai Harga Efek Indonesia (Indonesia Bond Pricing Agency - IBPA)
19th FloorJl.
Subroto Kav.Investor
27 Jakarta

PT Indonesian Capital Market Electronic Library (TICMI - The Indonesia Capital Market Institute)
Indonesian Stock Exchange Building, To

IDX Representative Office

IDX Representative Offices/Kantor Perwakilan BEI (provide consultation and education service to the Business community and general public who are interested in any informati
market. The Representative Offices also provide special consultation for company that are interested in going public. The main activity consist of trading transaction with real-time
and seminars.
Address : Jln. Tengku Imeum Leung Bata No. 84, Jln. Asia No. 182, Medan Banda Aceh 23247
Phone : (06
5-101 (06
-2920Fax : (06
YOGYAKARTA SURABAYAAddress : Jln. P. Mangkubumi No. 111
PT Penyelenggara Program Perlindungan Investor Efek Indonesia(Indonesia Securities Investor Protection Fund - Indonesia S

IDX Channel
Indonesian Stock Exchange Building, Tower II, 1 Floor Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 52-

Jakarta 12190, Indonesia

ovide consultation and education service to the Business community and general public who are interested in any information regarding the capital
al consultation for company that are interested in going public. The main activity consist of trading transaction with real-time information,

g Bata No. 84, Jln. Asia No. 182, Medan Banda Aceh 23247
-2920Fax : (06
5-102 (06
SURABAYAAddress : Jln. P. Mangkubumi No. 111 Jln. Basuki Rachmat No. 46
Yogyakarta 5523
[email protected]
IDX Gallery
No. Name of University Address

1 Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh Faculty of EconomicsJln. T. Nyak Arief, Darussalam Banda Aceh 23
111 P

2 Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh Jln. Muhammadiyah 91, Bathoh, Kec. Lueng Bata, Banda AcehPh. & Fax


Universitas Andalas, Padang Gedung Magister Manajemen FE U

No. Name of University

10 IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang – Fakultas Ekonomi dan

Bisnis Islam

11 Universitas Dharma Andalas Jln. Sawahan No. 103 A Simpang Haru, Padang, Sumatera Barat
Brokerage : PT MNC Securities

Faculty of EconomicsJln. T. Nyak Arief, Darussalam Banda Aceh 23

111 Ph. & Fax. (06
5Contact Person: Jeliteng Priba

ah Aceh Jln. Muhammadiyah 91, Bathoh, Kec. Lueng Bata, Banda AcehPh. & Fax. (06
,Contact Person : Amelia Rahmi (08126

Universitas Andalas, Padang Gedung Magister Manajemen FE Universitas Andalas 3
rd Fl.Jln. Perintis Kemerdekaan No.


Jln. Prof. M. Yunus No. 1, Lubuk Lintah, Padang

Contact Person : Huriyatul Akmal (081227158427, 082284561022) Brokerage : PT Indo Premier Securities

Jln. Sawahan No. 103 A Simpang Haru, Padang, Sumatera Barat

No. Name of University Address

12 Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Kasim, Riau

– Faculty of Economic

Politeknik Caltex Riau (PCR)
, Riau Jln. Umbansari No. 1, Rumbai - Pekanbaru 2826
5Ph. (076

15 UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau - Fakultas Jl. H. R. Soebrantas Km. 18, No. 155, Simpang Baru Panam Pekanbaru 28293
Syariah Brokerage : PT Phintraco Securities
Universitas Sumatera Utara Jln. TM. Hanafiah, Gedung Pascasa

No. Name of University Address

18 Universitas HKBP Nommensen Medan - Fakultas Hukum Fakultas Hukum Jurusan Hukum Bisnis - Universitas HKBP Nommensen, Jln. Sutomo No. 4, Medan 20234
Jurusan Hukum Bisnis (FHHB UHN) Ph. (061) 452-2922; Fax. (061) 452-2831
Contact Person : Roida Nababan Brokerage : PT MNC Securities

BATAM REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE19 STIE IBEK Pangkal Pinang Jln. Usman Ambon No. 4, Pangka

No. Name of University Address


Jln. H.R. Soebrantas Km. 15, Simpangbaru - Tampan Pekanbaru 28923

Ph. (076
589-819; Fax. (076
589-818Contanct Person : Umi R

, Riau Jln. Umbansari No. 1, Rumbai - Pekanbaru 2826
5Ph. (076
2-8071; Fax. (076
554-224Contact Person: Hamdani Arifulsyah (

Jl. H. R. Soebrantas Km. 18, No. 155, Simpang Baru Panam Pekanbaru 28293
Brokerage : PT Phintraco Securities
Universitas Sumatera Utara Jln. TM. Hanafiah, Gedung Pascasarjana Ekonomi, Kampus USU MedanPh. & Fax. (06


Fakultas Hukum Jurusan Hukum Bisnis - Universitas HKBP Nommensen, Jln. Sutomo No. 4, Medan 20234
Ph. (061) 452-2922; Fax. (061) 452-2831
Contact Person : Roida Nababan Brokerage : PT MNC Securities

19 STIE IBEK Pangkal Pinang Jln. Usman Ambon No. 4, Pangkalpinang, Bangka BelitungPh. (0717)
5, 43
; Fax

No. Name of University Address

21 Universitas Jambi - Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Jambi

22 Universitas Bengkulu, Bengkulu Jln. W.R. Supratman No. 1 BengkuluPh. (073

Contact Person:

25 IAIN Sulthan Thaha Syaifuddin Jambi - Fakultas Ekonomi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam IAIN Sultan Thaha Syaifuddin Jln. Arif Rahman Hakim No. 01 Telana
dan Bisnis Islam Contact Person: Nofrianto (081366021341)
Brokerage : PT First Asia Capital


No. Name of University Address

26 Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas (formerly STIE MUSI),


27 STIE Multi Data, Palembang Jln. Rajawali No. 14, Palembang 3

Ph. (0711)
-400; Fax. (0711

BANDUNG REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE28 Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung Jln. Dipatiukur 3

5, Bandung 401
No. Name of University Address

Kampus Pinang Masak Universitas Jambi Mendalo Darat Jambi, Km. 15, Jln. Jambi – Muara BulianPh. & Fax. (0741)
17Contact P

kulu Jln. W.R. Supratman No. 1 BengkuluPh. (073

Contact Person: Iskandar (08153
Email: iskandar_firstname@ymail.

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam IAIN Sultan Thaha Syaifuddin Jln. Arif Rahman Hakim No. 01 Telanaipura, Jambi
Contact Person: Nofrianto (081366021341)
Brokerage : PT First Asia Capital


Jln. Bangau No. 6

0, Palembang 3
Ph. (0711)
9-728, 3
47; Fax. (0711)
78-170Contact Person: M.Y. Dedi Haryanto (08117104

Jln. Rajawali No. 14, Palembang 3

Ph. (0711)
-400; Fax. (0711)
0Contact Person: Idham Cholid (0817186

CE28 Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung Jln. Dipatiukur 3

5, Bandung 4013
2Ph. & Fax. (022)
250-9522Contact Person : Dika Jatnika (
No. Name of University Address

2 Universitas Telkom Jln. Telekomunikasi, Terusan Buah Batu Bandung, Gedung C GF Fakul

36 Institut Teknologi Harapan Bangsa, Bandung Kampus Harapan Bangsa, Jln. Dipatiukur 80-84, Bandung 4013
2 Ph. (022)

7 STIE TAZKIA, Bogor Jln. Ir. H. Juanda 78, Sentul City, Bogor 16
810 Ph. (021)


No. Name of University Address

41 Universitas Diponegoro, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis,


Jln. Telekomunikasi, Terusan Buah Batu Bandung, Gedung C GF Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Bandung 40257Ph. (022)

Kampus Harapan Bangsa, Jln. Dipatiukur 80-84, Bandung 4013

2 Ph. (022)
04, 250-6
; Fax. (022)
250-7901Contact Person: Me

Jln. Ir. H. Juanda 78, Sentul City, Bogor 16

810 Ph. (021)
; Fax. (021)
-2294 Contact person: Faried Kurnia R. (


Faculty of EconomicsJln. Hayam Wuruk No. 5-7, SemarangPh. (024)

844-9211, 844-6
409, 83
8; Fax. (024)
844-9212Contact Perso
42 Universitas Diponegoro, Magister Management, Jln. Erlangga Tengah No. 17, Semarang 50241 Ph. (024)
; Fax. (024
43 Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata, Semarang

44 Universitas Semarang Jln. Soekarno Hatta, Semarang 50196

Ph. (024)
70-2757; Fax. (024)

46 Universitas Dian Nuswantoro - Fakultas Ekonomi dan Jln. Nakula 1 No. 5 - 11 SemarangPh. & Fax. (024)
-5441Contact perso

47 Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang Jln. Pawiyatan Luhur Bendan Duwur, SemarangPh. & Fax. (024)

50 Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana - Fakultas Ekonomika dan


51 Universitas Muria Kudus Jln. Gondang Manis, Kudus BAE PO BOX 53

Ph. (0291)
8-229, Fax

53 UIN Walisongo Semarang (formerly IAIN Walisongo Jln. Walisongo No. 3

-5, SemarangPh. (024)
4, 76
91; Fax. (024)
Jln. Erlangga Tengah No. 17, Semarang 50241 Ph. (024)
; Fax. (024)
8Contact Person: Irene Rini Demi Pangestuti (0812

Jln. Soekarno Hatta, Semarang 50196

Ph. (024)
70-2757; Fax. (024)
70-2272Contact Person: Paulus Wardoyo (0816
, Ed

Jln. Nakula 1 No. 5 - 11 SemarangPh. & Fax. (024)

-5441Contact person: Bambang Minarso (081127026
Email : auditor_fe@yah

Semarang Jln. Pawiyatan Luhur Bendan Duwur, SemarangPh. & Fax. (024)
Contanct Person: Giyah Yuliari (0812283
Email : giya

Jln. Diponegoro No. 52-6

0, Salatiga 50711Ph. (0298)
11-811, Fax. (0298)
777Contact person : Linda Ariany Mahastanti (08156

Jln. Gondang Manis, Kudus BAE PO BOX 53

Ph. (0291)
8-229, Fax. (0291)
7-198 Contact person : Dwi Soegiarto (081226

Jln. Walisongo No. 3

-5, SemarangPh. (024)
4, 76
91; Fax. (024)
, 76
91Contact person : Rahman El Junusi (0813
54 Akademi Entrepreneurship Terang Bangsa Semarang

55 Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara Jln. Taman Siswa (Pekeng) Tahunan, Jepara, Jawa Tengah
Ph. (0291) 59-5320, Fax. (0291) 59-2630
Contact person : Aan Zainul Anwar (Kaprodi Ekonomi Islam) Brokerage : PT MNC Securities


56 Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sebelas Gedung V, 2 Fl., Faculty of Economics


Maret, Solo Jln. Ir. Sutami 36-A, Surakarta

Ph. (0271) 638-142; Fax. (0271) 638-143
Contact person: Heru Agustanto (08122970462), Emi Indrawati (08562819394)
Email : [email protected]; [email protected]
Brokerage : PT Mandiri Sekuritas
57 Universitas Sebelas Maret - Fakultas Jln. Ir. Sutami No. 36 A Kentingan, Surakarta
Hukum (Ph). (0271) 66-4989, (Fax). (0271) 66-4989
Contact Person: Yudho Taruno
Brokerage : PT Danareksa Sekuritas
58 UPN Veteran Yogyakarta - Fakultas Jln. SWK No. 104 (Lingkar Utara), Condongcatur, Yogyakarta 55281
Ekonomi Ph. & Fax. (0274) 487-275
Contact Person: Sri Isworo Ediningsih (085228413191)
Email : [email protected]
Brokerage : PT Danareksa Sekuritas
59 UPN Veteran Yogyakarta - Fakultas Ilmu Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politk,
Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIP) Jln. Babarsari 21, Tambak Bayan, Yogyakarta
Ph. (0274) 485-268; Fax. (0274) 487-147
Contact Person: Adi Suprapto (08164231482)
Email : [email protected]
Brokerage : PT Reliance Securities
60 Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta Kampus Fakultas Ekonomi, Gedung Sayap Utara, 3rd Fl., Ringroad Utara, Condong Catur,
Sleman, Yogyakarta
Ph. (0274) 883-525; Fax. (0274) 883-526
Contact Person: Erni Triwahyuni (087838674836)
Email: [email protected]
Brokerage : PT CIMB Securities Indonesia
61 Universitas Islam Indonesia - Fakultas Ilmu Jln. Kaliurang Km.14,5 Yogyakarta
Agama Islam (FIAI) Ph. (0274) 898-462; Fax. (0274) 898-463
Contact Person: Koordinator Galeri Investasi Syariah BEI-PS-UII
Brokerage: PT Phintraco Securities
62 Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Faculty of Economics
Yogyakarta Jln. Kusumanegara 157, Yogyakarta
Ph. (0274) 543-944; Fax. (0274) 557-455
Contact Person: Sri Hermuningsih (081328741963)
Email: [email protected]
Brokerage : PT First Asia Capital
63 Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta, Library Building UTY
Yogyakarta Jln. Glagahsari No. 63, Yogyakarta 55164
Ph. (0274) 373-955, 941-5253; Fax. (0274) 381-212
Contact Person: Herschel Fosther (085719687748)
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Brokerage : PT Valbury Asia Sekurities
Jln. Arteri Utara, Kompleks Grand Marina, Semarang 50144 (024)
, (024)
0Contact person : Gunadi La

Jln. Taman Siswa (Pekeng) Tahunan, Jepara, Jawa Tengah

mi Islam) Brokerage : PT MNC Securities

Gedung V, 2 Fl., Faculty of Economics


Jln. Ir. Sutami 36-A, Surakarta

Ph. (0271) 638-142; Fax. (0271) 638-143
Contact person: Heru Agustanto (08122970462), Emi Indrawati (08562819394)
Email : [email protected]; [email protected]
Brokerage : PT Mandiri Sekuritas
Jln. Ir. Sutami No. 36 A Kentingan, Surakarta
(Ph). (0271) 66-4989, (Fax). (0271) 66-4989
Contact Person: Yudho Taruno
Brokerage : PT Danareksa Sekuritas
Jln. SWK No. 104 (Lingkar Utara), Condongcatur, Yogyakarta 55281
Ph. & Fax. (0274) 487-275
Contact Person: Sri Isworo Ediningsih (085228413191)
Email : [email protected]
Brokerage : PT Danareksa Sekuritas
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politk,
Jln. Babarsari 21, Tambak Bayan, Yogyakarta
Ph. (0274) 485-268; Fax. (0274) 487-147
Contact Person: Adi Suprapto (08164231482)
Email : [email protected]
Brokerage : PT Reliance Securities
Kampus Fakultas Ekonomi, Gedung Sayap Utara, 3rd Fl., Ringroad Utara, Condong Catur,
Sleman, Yogyakarta
Ph. (0274) 883-525; Fax. (0274) 883-526
Contact Person: Erni Triwahyuni (087838674836)
Email: [email protected]
Brokerage : PT CIMB Securities Indonesia
Jln. Kaliurang Km.14,5 Yogyakarta
Ph. (0274) 898-462; Fax. (0274) 898-463
Contact Person: Koordinator Galeri Investasi Syariah BEI-PS-UII
Brokerage: PT Phintraco Securities
Faculty of Economics
Jln. Kusumanegara 157, Yogyakarta
Ph. (0274) 543-944; Fax. (0274) 557-455
Contact Person: Sri Hermuningsih (081328741963)
Email: [email protected]
Brokerage : PT First Asia Capital
Library Building UTY
Jln. Glagahsari No. 63, Yogyakarta 55164
Ph. (0274) 373-955, 941-5253; Fax. (0274) 381-212
Contact Person: Herschel Fosther (085719687748)
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Brokerage : PT Valbury Asia Sekurities
4 Universitas Atmajaya, Yogyakarta Jln. Babarsari 43
, Yogyakarta 55281Ph. (0274)
487-711 ext. 213
, 487-2

65 Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana, Yogyakarta Faculty of EconomicsJln. Dr. Wahidin 5–25, Yogyakarta 55224Ph. (0274)

Universitas Janabadra Jln. Tentara Rakyat Mataram No. 55 - 57, Yogyakarta Ph : (0274)

68 Universitas Gajah Mada - Magister Manajemen MM UGM Library - Bagian Fasilitas Akademik, Jln. Teknika Utara, Yogyaka

9 UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta Jln. Marsda Adisucipta, YogyakartaPh. (0274)
512-474, 589-6
21; Fax. (

77 IAIN Surakarta - Fakultas Ekonomi dan

Bisnis Islam
yakarta Jln. Babarsari 43
, Yogyakarta 55281Ph. (0274)
487-711 ext. 213
, 487-26
2Fax. (0274)
487-748, 485-224Contact person: Andreas S

Faculty of EconomicsJln. Dr. Wahidin 5–25, Yogyakarta 55224Ph. (0274)

02, 56
-929 ext. 209; Fax. (0274)
1Contact p

Jln. Tentara Rakyat Mataram No. 55 - 57, Yogyakarta Ph : (0274)

552-209, 56
9; Fax : (0274)
Contact Person: Siti Roc

MM UGM Library - Bagian Fasilitas Akademik, Jln. Teknika Utara, YogyakartaPh. (0274)
01; Fax. (0274)
88, 518-787Cont

akarta Jln. Marsda Adisucipta, YogyakartaPh. (0274)

512-474, 589-6
21; Fax. (0274)
117Contact Person : Achmad Ghafur Email : gus

Jln. Pandawa, Pucangan, Kartasura, Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah

Brokerage : PT Danareksa Sekuritas
78 STIE YKPN, Yogyakarta Kampus STIE YKPN, Lantai Dasar UPT PerpustakaanJln. Seturan, Ca

80 STIM YKPN (Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Manajmen YKPN)

81 STIE Yayasan Karya Pendidikan (YKP) Yogyakarta

82 STIE AAS Jln. Slamet Riyadi No.3

1 Windan, Makamhaji, Kartasura, Jawa Tenga

88 Universitas Widya Mataram Yogyakarta - Fakultas Ekonomi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Widya Mataram Yogyakarta - Dalem Mangkubumen KT III / 237, Yogyakarta
89 Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta – Fakultas Ekonomi Ph. (0274) 419-653
90 Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta - Fakultas Ekonomi Contact Person: Syamsul Bakhri Brokerage : PT Phintraco Securities
Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Jln. Karang Malang, Yogyakarta 55281
Ph. & Fax. (0274) 554-902
Contact Person: M. Andryzal Fajar Brokerage : PT Sucorinvest Central Gani
Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta Jln. Wates Km. 10, Sedayu, Yogyakarta 55753
Ph. (0274) 649-8211; Fax. (0274) 6498-213
Contact Person: Mushawir Brokerage: PT Phintraco Securities
Kampus STIE YKPN, Lantai Dasar UPT PerpustakaanJln. Seturan, Caturnunggal, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55281 Ph. (0274)

Jln. Palagan Tentara Pelajar Km. 7 Utara Monumen Jogja Kembali Sleman DI Yogyakarta 55581
Brokerage : PT Phintraco Securities
Jln. Godean Km 3, Ngestiharjo, Kasihan, Yogyakarta 55182 Brokerage : PT Phintraco Securities

Jln. Slamet Riyadi No.3

1 Windan, Makamhaji, Kartasura, Jawa Tengah Brokerage : PT Reliance Securities Tbk.83

Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Widya Mataram Yogyakarta - Dalem Mangkubumen KT III / 237, Yogyakarta 55132
Ph. (0274) 419-653
Contact Person: Syamsul Bakhri Brokerage : PT Phintraco Securities
Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Jln. Karang Malang, Yogyakarta 55281
Ph. & Fax. (0274) 554-902
Contact Person: M. Andryzal Fajar Brokerage : PT Sucorinvest Central Gani
Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta Jln. Wates Km. 10, Sedayu, Yogyakarta 55753
Ph. (0274) 649-8211; Fax. (0274) 6498-213
Contact Person: Mushawir Brokerage: PT Phintraco Securities
No. Name of University Address

91 Universitas Lampung - Fakultas Ekonomi

dan Bisnis
No. Name of University Address

92 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Jln. Terompong No. 24 Tanjung Bungkak, Denpasar Ph. (03
-858, Fa

93 Universitas Pendidikan Nasional, Denpasar Jln. Bedugul No. 39, Sidakarya, Denpasar 80225
Ph. (0361) 727-433; Fax. (0361) 723-077
Contact Person: IGAA. Pradnya Dewi Brokerage : PT Phillip Securities

94 Faculty of Economics Universitas Mahasaraswati Jln. Kamboja No. 11A, Denpasar Ph. (03
227-019, Pojok 23

95 Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa Jln. Olat Maras Batu Alang, Moyo Hulu Sumbawa Provinsi Nusa Tengga

98 Universitas Muhammadiyah Kupang - Jln. KH Ahmad Dahlan No.17, Fatufeto, Alak, Kota Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur
Fakultas Ekonomi Brokerage : PT Phintraco Securities
PONTIANAK REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE99 Universitas Tanjung Pura Jln. Ahmad Yani - Pontianak 7

No. Name of University Address

102 Universitas Panca Bhakti Pontianak - Jln. Komodor Yos Sudarso, Pontianak - Kalimantan Barat
Fakultas Ekonomi Contact Person: PT Indo Premier Securities

Jln. Prof. Dr. Soemantri Brodjonegoro No. 1, Bandar Lampung, 35141

Brokerage: PT MNC Securities


Jln. Terompong No. 24 Tanjung Bungkak, Denpasar Ph. (03

-858, Fax. (03
244-450Contact Person: I Made Artawan (08123

ar Jln. Bedugul No. 39, Sidakarya, Denpasar 80225

PT Phillip Securities

Jln. Kamboja No. 11A, Denpasar Ph. (03

227-019, Pojok 23
Contact Person: I Kadek Satria Nova (083
Email : sa

bawa Jln. Olat Maras Batu Alang, Moyo Hulu Sumbawa Provinsi Nusa Tenggara BaratPh. (03
2-9009Contact Person: Abdul Hadi Ilm

Jln. KH Ahmad Dahlan No.17, Fatufeto, Alak, Kota Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur
Brokerage : PT Phintraco Securities
FICE99 Universitas Tanjung Pura Jln. Ahmad Yani - Pontianak 78124Ph. (056
5, 76
-840; Fax. (056


Jln. Komodor Yos Sudarso, Pontianak - Kalimantan Barat

Contact Person: PT Indo Premier Securities
No. Name of University Address

103 Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (UNLAM), Banjarmasin

104 Universitas Darwan Ali Jln. Batu Berlian No.10 Sampit Kotawaringin Timur Ph. (053

107 Universitas Islam Kalimantan - Fakultas Ekonomi Fakultas Ekonomi

108 IAIN Antasari Banjarmasin - Fakultas Syariah dan Jln. Adiyaksa No. 2, Kayu Tangi, Banjarmasin Ph. & Fax. (0511) 330-3871
Ekonomi Islam Contact Person: Hairul Brokerage: PT Reliance Securites
109 Universitas Palangka Raya - Fakultas Ekonomi Jln. Ahmad Yani Km. 4.5, Banjarmasin 70235 Ph. (0511) 326-5783
Contact Person: Ahmadi Hasan Brokerage: PT Reliance Securites
Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Palangkaraya
Jln. H. Timang, Komplek Universitas Palangkaraya Brokerage : PT Phintraco Securities

110 STIE Pancasetia Banjarmasin Jln. Ahmad Yani KM 5.5, Banjarmasin

Ph. 0511-325-6560
Contact Person: Freedy Jayen
Brokerage : PT Phillip Securities Indonesia
111 STIA Bina Banua Jln. Pramuka No. 17, Banjarmasin – Kalimantan Selatan Brokerage : PT Phintraco Securities


No. Name of University Address

112 Universitas Negeri Makassar - Fakultas Ekonomi Jln. A.P. Pettarani Kampus UNM Gunungsari Makassar Ph. (0411)

113 Universitas Hasanudddin - Fakultas Ekonomi

114 Yayasan Pendidikan Fajar, Ujung Pandang

Faculty of EconomicsJln. Brigjen. H. Hasan Basry, Banjarmasin 70123

Ph. (0511)
, 749-6
9; Fax. (0511)
5, 3

Jln. Batu Berlian No.10 Sampit Kotawaringin Timur Ph. (053

42 / 3
Contact Person: HeriEmail: [email protected]

Fakultas Ekonomi
Jln. Adiyaksa No. 2, Kayu Tangi, Banjarmasin Ph. & Fax. (0511) 330-3871
Contact Person: Hairul Brokerage: PT Reliance Securites
Jln. Ahmad Yani Km. 4.5, Banjarmasin 70235 Ph. (0511) 326-5783
Contact Person: Ahmadi Hasan Brokerage: PT Reliance Securites
Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Palangkaraya
Jln. H. Timang, Komplek Universitas Palangkaraya Brokerage : PT Phintraco Securities

Jln. Ahmad Yani KM 5.5, Banjarmasin

Jln. Pramuka No. 17, Banjarmasin – Kalimantan Selatan Brokerage : PT Phintraco Securities


Jln. A.P. Pettarani Kampus UNM Gunungsari Makassar Ph. (0411)

4Contact Person: Ihsan Said (0813
Email : ihsan_
115 STIE Bongaya YPBUP (STIEM Bongaya Makassar)

116 STIE Nobel Indonesia Jln. Sultan Alauddin No. 212, Makassar Ph. (0411) 887-978; Fax. (0411) 887-948 Contact Person: Abdullah Abidin Brokera
117 Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar Jln. Sultan Alauddin No. 259, Makassar - Sulawesi Selatan
Brokerage : PT Phintraco Securities

MANADO REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE118 Universitas Klabat (Airmadidi)

Jln. Arnold Mononu

No. Name of University Address

Jln. Mappaoddang No. 28, Makassar Ph. (0411) 873-797
Contact Person: Yuna Fajriah
Brokerage : PT Danareksa Sekuritas

Jln. Sultan Alauddin No. 212, Makassar Ph. (0411) 887-978; Fax. (0411) 887-948 Contact Person: Abdullah Abidin Brokerage : PT First Asia

Jln. Sultan Alauddin No. 259, Makassar - Sulawesi Selatan

CE118 Universitas Klabat (Airmadidi)

Jln. Arnold Mononutu, Gedung Administrasi Base Fl., Manado 953
71 - Sulawe

JAYAPURA REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE127 Universitas Cenderawasih Gedung Magister Akuntansi Kam

No. Name of University Address

2 Universitas Balikpapan Jln. Pupuk Raya, Gunung Bahagia, Balikpapan 76
114 Ph. (0542)


Universitas Jember Faculty of EconomicsJln. Kalim

No. Name of University Address

135 Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang


ICE127 Universitas Cenderawasih Gedung Magister Akuntansi Kampus Uncen Abepura, JayapuraPh. (096
572-108; Fax. (0


Jln. Pupuk Raya, Gunung Bahagia, Balikpapan 76

114 Ph. (0542)
Contact Person: Ronny Thomas (085246

Universitas Jember Faculty of EconomicsJln. Kalimantan 3
7, Kampus Tegal Boto, Jember Ph. (03


Center of Laboratory & ICT (CLICT)

, Gedung Sosial Fakultas Ekonomi UIN Maliki, 3
rd Fl Jln. Gajayana No. 50, MalangPh. & Fax.
Universitas Ma Chung, Malang Villa Puncak Tidar No. 1, Malang 6
5151Ph. (03
550-171; Fax. (03

142 Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jatim, FISIP, Jln. Raya Rungkut Madya, Surabaya 6
0294 Ph. (03
879-4257; Fax.

Universitas Ciputra, Surabaya UC Town, Citraland, Surabaya 6
0219Ph. (03
99 ext 4022; Fax

144 Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala, Surabaya Jln. Dinoyo 42-44, SurabayaPh. (03
7-8478; Fax. (03

145 Universitas Surabaya Departments of Economis, Management & Accounting, Faculty of Eco

146 Universitas Negeri Surabaya - Fakultas Ekonomi

147 Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya Jln. Semolowaru No. 45 SurabayaPh.& Fax. (03
592-5289Contact Per
alang Villa Puncak Tidar No. 1, Malang 6
5151Ph. (03
550-171; Fax. (03
550-175Contact Person: Dian Wijayanti (081796

FISIP, Jln. Raya Rungkut Madya, Surabaya 6

0294 Ph. (03
879-4257; Fax. (03
778Contac Person: Lia Nirawati (0815501496

aya UC Town, Citraland, Surabaya 6

0219Ph. (03
99 ext 4022; Fax. (03
98Contact Person: Wendra Hartono (0856

Jln. Dinoyo 42-44, SurabayaPh. (03

7-8478; Fax. (03
1-0818Contact Person: Siprianus S. Sina (082143
Email: pojokb

Departments of Economis, Management & Accounting, Faculty of Economics Jln. Ngagel Jaya Selatan No. 16
9, Surabaya 6

Jln. Ketintang, Surabaya 6

1Ph. (03
2; Fax. (03
Contact Person: Ulil Hartono (0813
Email: ulilhart

45 Surabaya Jln. Semolowaru No. 45 SurabayaPh.& Fax. (03

592-5289Contact Person: Sri Hadijono (0813
Email: s.hadijono56
148 Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri Jln. KH. Akhmad Dahlan No. 76
, KediriPh. (03
, 774-776

152 Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo – Sidoarjo

153 Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul’Ulum Jombang

154 STIE Asia – Malang Jln. Soekarno Hatta Rembuksari 1A, Malang Ph. (03
414-828; Fax.
I Kediri Jln. KH. Akhmad Dahlan No. 76
, KediriPh. (03
, 774-776
; Fax. (03
. 771-576
Contact Person : Subagyo (08

Jln. Mojopahit 6
B SidoarjoPh. (03
894-5444; Fax. (03
Contact Person: Wisnu (08223
Email : gibei.umsida@gm

Jln. Soekarno Hatta Rembuksari 1A, Malang Ph. (03

414-828; Fax. (03
414-829 Contact Person: Teguh Widodo (08113
0 Politeknik Negeri Kediri Jln. Mayor Bismo No. 27, Kediri 6
4121 Ph. & Fax. (03

161 Universitas Islam Malang - Fakultas Ekonomi

162 Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia - Gresik
163 Institut Ilmu Keislaman Annuqayah (INSTIKA) - Fakultas

164 STIE Mahardika Jln. Raya Wisata Menanggal No. 42A, Surabaya - Jawa Timur
Brokerage : PT Phintraco Securities
165 Universitas Merdeka Madiun - Fakultas Jln. Serayu No.79, Tromol Pos 12, Madiun - Jawa Timur
Ekonomi Brokerage : PT Bahana Securities
166 Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Madiun Jln. Manggis No.15-17, Madiun - Jawa Timur
Brokerage : PT Indo Premier Securities
167 Universitas Bhayangkara Jln. Ahmad Yani 114, Surabaya - Jawa Timur Brokerage : PT Phintraco Securities


168 Universitas Halu Oleo Jln. H.E.A. Mokodompit No. 1 Kampus Hijau Bumi Tridharma, Andounohu, Kendari
Brokerage : PT Mega Capital Indonesia

No. Name of University Address


No. Name of University Address

9 Presiden University, Bekasi Jln. Ki Hajar Dewantara Raya, Cikarang Baru, Kecamatan Cikarang Ut
Jln. Mayor Bismo No. 27, Kediri 6
4121 Ph. & Fax. (03
-128Contact Person : Wiwik Asmoro (085856
Email : gibei

Jln. Mayjen Haryono 193 Malang 65144

Ph. (0341) 571-996, 582-366; Fax. (0341) 582-366, 552-249
Contact Person: Junaidi
Brokerage : PT Indo Premier Securities
Kompleks PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Jln. Veteran, Gersik – 61122
Brokerage : PT Mandiri Sekuritas
Bukit Lancaran Pondok Pesantren Annuqayah Guluk-Guluk, Sumenep, Madura - Jawa Timur 69463
Brokerage : PT Phintraco Securities

Jln. Raya Wisata Menanggal No. 42A, Surabaya - Jawa Timur

Jln. Serayu No.79, Tromol Pos 12, Madiun - Jawa Timur

Brokerage : PT Bahana Securities
n Jln. Manggis No.15-17, Madiun - Jawa Timur

Jln. Ahmad Yani 114, Surabaya - Jawa Timur Brokerage : PT Phintraco Securities

Jln. H.E.A. Mokodompit No. 1 Kampus Hijau Bumi Tridharma, Andounohu, Kendari



Jln. Ki Hajar Dewantara Raya, Cikarang Baru, Kecamatan Cikarang Utara, Kabupaten Bekasi Jawa Barat 17550Ph. (021)

174 Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang Jln. M.H. Thamrin Boulevard 1100, Lippo Village, Tangerang 15811, Ind

176 Faculty of Law & Sharia Jln. Ir. H. Juanda No. 95, Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15412 Ph. (02
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

177 Universitas Bunda Mulia Jln. Lodan Raya No. 2, Ancol, Jakarta 1443
0 Ph. (021)
92-9090; Fax.

181 UPN Veteran Jakarta - Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

182 Universitas Tarumanagara Jln. Tanjung Duren Utara No. 1, Jakarta 11470 (Ph)
. (021)
5-5508, (Fa
Tangerang Jln. M.H. Thamrin Boulevard 1100, Lippo Village, Tangerang 15811, IndonesiaPh. (021)
-0901 ext 2213
; Fax. (021 546

Jln. Ir. H. Juanda No. 95, Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15412 Ph. (021)
7; Fax. (021)
749-1821Contact Person : Aini M

Jln. Lodan Raya No. 2, Ancol, Jakarta 1443

0 Ph. (021)
92-9090; Fax. (021)
90-9712 Contact Person : Lelly Christin (0816

Faculty of EconomicsJln. RS. Fatmawati, Pondok Labu, Jakarta Selatan 12450Ph. (021)
971 ext. 197/150; Fax. (021)
971 ext

Jln. Tanjung Duren Utara No. 1, Jakarta 11470 (Ph)

. (021)
5-5508, (Fax)
. (021)
5-5508Contact Person : Halim Putera Siswanto
IPMI International Business School Jln. Rawajati Timur 1/1, Kalibata JakselContact Person : Yulita Fairina S

187 Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia (STEI) Jakarta

188 Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi (STIA) Mandala

189 STIE Trisakti Jln. Kiyai Tapa No. 20 Grogol, Jakarta 11440Ph. (021)
717 ext. 2

196 Universitas Surya - Fakultas Sosial dan Ekonomi

s School Jln. Rawajati Timur 1/1, Kalibata JakselContact Person : Yulita Fairina Susanti (08128906
Email : [email protected]

Jln. Kayu Jati Raya No. 11 A, Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur Ph. (021)
21; Fax. (021)
71Contact Person: Mariah Ulfa (0

Jln. Kiyai Tapa No. 20 Grogol, Jakarta 11440Ph. (021)

717 ext. 271; Fax. (021)
-5480Contact Person: Emir Kharismar (

Gedung 01 Scientia Business ParkJln. Boulevard Gading Serpong Blok O/1, Summarecon Serpong, Tangerang 15810 Ph. (021)
197 Universitas Al Azhar

198 Universitas Darma Persada

199 Universitas Matana

199 Universitas Trisakti - Fakultas Ekonomi

(Kampus F)

200 Institut Teknologi Indonesia

Kompleks Mesjid Agung Al Azhar
Jln. Sisingamangaraja, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan
Contact Person: Sisca (081298836646)
Email : [email protected]
Brokerage : PT MNC Securities
Jln. Radin Inten II, Pondok Kelapa, Jakarta Timur
Ph. (021) 864-9051 Ext. 1019; Fax. (021) 864-9052
Contact Person: Sukardi (08128090154)
Email : [email protected]; [email protected]
Brokerage : PT Sucorinvest Central Gani
ARA Center, Matana University Tower
Jln. CBD Barat Kav.1, Gading Serpong, Tangerang
Contact Person: Yandi (0818696343)
Email: [email protected]
Brokerage : PT MNC Securities
Universitas Trisakti (Faculty of Economics) - Kampus F
Jln. Jend. Ahmad Yani No. 107, Kelurahan Cempaka Putih Timur, Cempaka Putih, Jakarta
Pusat 10510
Ph. (021) 2955-5777; Fax. (021) 386-6106
Contact Person: Susy Muchtar (081585996078)
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Brokerage : PT MNC Securities
Jln. Raya Puspiptek Serpong Kota Tangerang Selatan 15320
Contact Person: Rida (081315117473)
Email: [email protected]
Brokerage : PT Indo Premier Securities

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