Fee Comm 0.1800% All In: B05 - Sales Yogyakarta B05
Fee Comm 0.1800% All In: B05 - Sales Yogyakarta B05
Fee Comm 0.1800% All In: B05 - Sales Yogyakarta B05
Please transfer to the following Investor Bank Account before Settlement Date (in good fund)
Settlement Date : Thursday, 03-Oct-2019
This transaction is taken as confirmed, if no discrepancies are reported within 24 hours. For further information
please call our call center at: 1500 899 (Press 3) or Fax: +6221-39836867 or email: [email protected]
This document is generated by new system using the new customer code
* R=Remote; O=Online
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MNC Financial Center 14-16 Floor, Jl. Kebon Sirih No. 21-27, Jakarta 10340, Indonesia
Tel: (62-21) 2980 3111 (Hunting), 2980 3222 (Equity), 2980 3123 (CS) Fax: (62-21) 3983 6899 (General)
Website: www.mncsekuritas.id