Job Describtions
Job Describtions
Job Describtions
Normal working hours are eight hours per day for six days a week. Work in
excess of 48 hours per week must be compensated at overtime rates.
Women may be employed, but work permits for non-Saudi women tend to
be restricted to the health, education and air transport sectors. There are
no restrictions on the employment of Saudi women, provided that the
appropriate working environment is provided.
Business operations:
You must keep all registrations for your business structure up to date.
Taxation requirements of businesses include GST and PAYG.
If you go into a partnership, your solicitor should draw up a written
contract before you begin trading or make any financial commitments.
Protecting your intellectual property (IP) gives you the legal
entitlement to that IP. You can protect your IP using trademarks,
patents and designs.
You will need to review and, if appropriate, renew IP protection
regularly (e.g. trademarks must be renewed every 10 years).
You should make offers of employment in writing, including conditions
of awards, agreements and the employment contract.
Getting your agreements with suppliers in writing will minimise
misunderstandings and disagreements. Agreements may include
creditor terms.
Your business must have a responsible attitude to HSE issues.