Made in Skolkovo

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Sk | Foundation

he Skolkovo ecosystem is comprised of start- Entrepreneurs and researchers, businesspeo-

T ups, R&D centers belonging to industrial part-

ners, venture capitalists, the Technopark, the
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
ple and multinationals, venture capitalists and
business angels united in the ecosystem interact
organically with the aim of creating and delivering
(Skoltech), and diverse infrastructure of the innova- world-class innovations to Russian and interna-
tion city (Innograd). tional markets.

Sk Made in Сколково | 1
Sk | Foundation


1. Tax and customs benefits: • Common Use Centers

• Income tax 0% • Consultations in the application phase
• VAT 0% to become a Skolkovo resident
• Corporate property tax 0% • Office space lease
• Insurance premiums discount by 14% • National and international events
• Customs rates on imported research • Education and mentoring
equipment 0%
4. Assistance with raising finance and acceleration
2. Grant support • Venture capitalists and business angels
• Infrastructure and technologies
3. Access to infrastructure and consulting: of industrial partners
• R&D infrastructure

Skolkovo provides support for projects throughout their life cycle;

from the inception of the idea to going public and selling to
a strategic investor.

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Sk | Foundation
Targets for the Skolkovo ecosystem

Skolkovo ecosystem performance 2010-2014

• 6108 applications for participant status • 56% of financing from different

off-budget sources
• From 44 Russian regions
• RUB 23 bln in revenue from R&D activity
• 1065 resident companies
• 13,1 thousand working positions
• RUB 8.6 bln in private investments
• 1057 applications for registration
• RUB 3.3 bln obligations of intellectual property
of accredited investors
to finance participants • 434 patents and certificates in all R&D areas

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 3
Sk | Clusters

Strategic computer technologies

and software are on the list of
priority areas; their development
is encouraged and supported by
the Skolkovo Innovation Center in
accordance with the Federal Law
on Skolkovo. The main goal of the
Information Technologies cluster
is to create in Russia a fully
fledged ecosystem for the
development and
commercialization of Skolkovo
participants' projects in the field of
new technologies in the IT

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Sk | Clusters

Strategic areas:
• Development of communication and navigation technologies
• New search and recognition systems
• New development and testing tools
• New data storage, processing and transmission methods
• Development of new high performance computing
and data storage systems
• Secure Information technologies
• Ubiquitous and cloud computing
• Processing and analysis of Big Data
• Human–computer interaction

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Sk | Clusters

The Biomedical Techologies Cluster brings

together innovative companies carrying out
the projects in the field of development of
innovative pharmaceuticals, medical diagnos-
tic and therapeutic products, new biocompati-
ble materials and cell technology products.

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Sk | Clusters

Strategic areas:
• Cell technologies: therapy based on stem and mature cells
• Algorithms for analysis of image of cells, tissues and organs
• Computational systems and computer modelling tools in biology
• Diagnostic kits and drugs for cardiovascular pathology control
• Tools for DNA and protein sequencing and data analysis
• Materials, devices and products altering the structure
and function of biological tissues for therapeutic purposes
• Viral diagnostic kits and antiviral drugs
• Personalized and translational medicine
• Cancer diagnostic kits and anti-cancer drugs
• Anti-inflammatory drugs and products targeting
the immune system
• Devices for diagnosis and monitoring of the state
of physiological parameters, collection of patient information
and medical informatics
• Endocrinologic diagnostic kits and drugs

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Sk | Clusters

Solutions in the field of energy technologies are among the priority development
areas of the Skolkovo Innovation Center. The reduction of energy consumption
by industrial, housing and municipal infrastructures is one of the main goals
within the cluster. Companies here are engaged in the production of energy-
saving materials (insulation materials, high-quality and low-maintenance facade
materials, next-generation energy-efficient windows, LEDs for interior lighting)
and develop new techniques for using renewable resources. Much attention is
given to the efficiency and safety of power transmission.

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Sk | Clusters

Strategic areas:
• Oil and gas – exploration and production technologies
• Oil and gas – processing and petrochemistry technologies
• Energy accumulation
• New materials
• Fuel power generation
• Renewable energy sources
• Hydrogen energy
• Power transmission
• Solutions for housing and public utilities
• Solutions for industry

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Sk | Clusters

The Space Technologies and

Telecommunications Cluster seeks
and accelerates startups in the field
of space development and the diversification
of the aerospace industry. It supports their
interaction and creates conditions for the
formation of a full cycle of the innovation
process. Space Cluster participant
companies work in both the 'space-to-Earth'
and 'Earth-to-space' branches.

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Sk | Clusters

Strategic areas:
• Components and systems for ground and space segments
of space facilities
• Products and services using the capabilities of space facilities
• Industry and research technologies and software
for the aerospace industry
• Priority areas of telecommunications development
• Integrated aerospace technologies

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 11
The Nuclear Technologies Cluster develops applications of
technologies stemming from nuclear science and used, primarily,
when it comes to the creation and modification of new materials,
instrumentation and electronics, nuclear medicine, agriculture, and
the design and engineering of complex technological systems.
Within the nuclear industry, the Cluster also focuses on
technologies for decommissioning nuclear and radiation
hazardous facilities.

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Sk | Clusters

Strategic areas:
• Technologies of creation, modification
and certification of materials
• Technologies using nuclear science solutions
• Radiation technologies
• Mechanical engineering, instrumentation
and new microelectronics technologies
• Construction, designing, modelling and engineering technologies

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 13
Sk | Startup Village

If you are founding your own business and starting the way of technological
entrepreneurship in Russia, come to Startup Village!

tartup Village is an annual startup conference projects, and the pitch sessions, where the top

S for entrepreneurs and investors which is held at

the Innovation Center as an open-air festival.
The Innovation Center dedicates two summer
startups receive cash prizes and the opportunity
to become Skolkovo residents.
In 2014, Startup Village welcomed over 10,000
days to lively discussions directly with investors visitors in two days. These guests got a chance in
and innovators, an interactive exhibition of the the informal atmosphere to communicate with in-

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Sk | Startup Village

novators and investors, students and professors,

young scientists and governmental officials. With
no VIP areas, the event provided a meeting place
for relaxed and informative communication for all
Every year Startup Village sees a growing num-
ber of regional startups represented, including
teams from cities with a long history of scientific
research. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Med-
vedev said in his closing address to the Startup
projects competition, 'We had lots and lots of
project applications, almost 2,000, I believe, of
which slightly more than 20 were selected. We are
Pre-registration is open for the Interna-
now listening to these 20. I must admit, it is quite
tional Conference Startup Village 2015,
I hope that those who have presented their re- which will take place on June 2-3, 2015
ports today will receive the necessary commercial- at the Skolkovo Innovation Center.
ization and will be able to put their very interesting
solutions into practice and eventually make money +7 495 956 00 33
and help people. I certainly hope that you all will
achieve this result.' [email protected]
The goal of Startup Village is to promote the at-
titudes of young innovators and to establish a dia-
logue between them and venture businesses.

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Sk Made in Skolkovo | 17
Sk | Space

Andrey Mamontov | +7 (916) 158 06 03 | [email protected] |

s a Skolkovo Foundation resident, Aerob joint development work with other Russian in-

A is developing a promising next-genera-

tion, multi-purpose unified unmanned
aircraft system with the use of artificial intelli-
novators. In particular, it cooperates with the
company NEW TECHNOLOGIES, a developer
of a unique unmanned tiltrotor, on which Aerob
gence. The company claims that it will be able installed its electronics and software. In coop-
to improve the reliability of unmanned aerial ve- eration with an other participant of the cluster,
hicle (UAV or drone) control systems, making UVS-Yurion, Aerob is carrying out a project on
them comparable to manned aircraft. the creation of a modern digital telecommuni-
One of Aerob's latest developments is UAV cation system for UAVs.
Aerob-4D, which can stay aloft for up to 12 Aerob's solutions can potentially be used for
hours, fly at a cruising speed of 80-150 km/h and a wide range of tasks. For instance, UAVs can
cover distances of 1,200 km. Its take-off weight be used for aerial photography, monitoring of
is 30 kg, with a load capacity of about 5 kg. forests and such long-span facilities as oil and
One of its main advantages is the function of gas pipelines. UAVs can help in the search for
independent decision-making on implementa- faults and cracks, as well as illegal taps. More
tion of flight assignments. Aerob is engaged in exotic methods of application should not be ex-

The world market for unmanned aerial vehicles is experiencing rapid growth.
Low cost of operation, simplicity and efficiency of their practical use make
these aircraft attractive for governmental agencies and businesses.

18 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | Space

cluded either, such as UAV-delivery of orders However, achieving this goal will require
to customers. considerable efforts. Today, commercial UAVs
In Soviet times, we had a highly developed are not integrated into the airspace. Aerob
light aviation: its services were used for forest pro- hopes that in near future in Russia there will
tection, fire monitoring and crop field irrigation. be developed a regulatory framework enabling
This efficient system was destroyed in the 1990s. a broader use of UAVs in everyday life. The
Light aircraft may well be replaced with Russian Unmanned Systems Association, of
UAVs. Among their advantages are a relatively which Aerob is a member, is among those try-
low cost and ease of maintenance. ing to achieve this goal.

Aerob's solutions can potentially

be used for a wide range of tasks.
For instance, UAVs can be used
for aerial photography, monitoring
of forests and such long-span
facilities as oil and gas pipelines.
UAVs can help in the search for
faults and cracks, as well as illegal
taps. More exotic methods of
application should not be excluded
either, such as UAV-delivery
of orders to customers.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 19
Sk | IT

Sergey Gudyrin | +7 (495) 287 69 31 | [email protected] |

he first success for Agent Plus, a company Mobile devices help organize the
T originated in Astrakhan, came after the de-
velopment and market launch of the 'Auto-
mated mobile system Agent+', which is wholesale
job of mobile workers: sales
representatives, merchandisers,
waiters, storekeepers, couriers,
trade software. With the new program it is now
possible to schedule visits to points of sale and inventory keepers, delivery drivers
contracting parties, analyse the activities of sales and many others. The main thing is
representatives, reserve goods for received or- to find the right software solution
ders, keep records of orders for goods, cash that can automate routine tasks.
transactions and settlements with contracting par-
ties. 'Usually, a sales representative comes to the
office in the morning, takes a job for the day and
visits the shops. Only in the evening does he re-
turn to the office, hand over the documents, after
which data entry operators start entering all the
information into the database.
We offer a solution that allows the user to get
rid of unnecessary staff of operators as all orders

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Sk | IT

2011 was a breakthrough year for Agent Plus. In addition to obtaining

the status of a Skolkovo resident, the company launched the Agent Plus 2.0
platform, which made it possible to create business applications for mobile
devices. After that, the product line expanded rapidly.

received through a wireless Internet connection The innovative solutions of Agent Plus en-
are immediately transferred to the office. This able the user to record orders in mobile de-
greatly improves control over the job of sales vices and transfer them directly to the kitchen.
representatives, increases their productivity and Waiters' smartphones and tablets also display
reduces the number of errors in the transfer of relevant information about the availability of
information into the database,' the company rep- dishes, approximate time of their preparation
resentatives explain. and readiness of orders.
2011 was a breakthrough year for Agent This solution has noticeably increased the
Plus. In addition to obtaining the status of a speed of service and reduced the possibility
Skolkovo resident, the company launched of errors. The latter is also true for couriers
Agent Plus 2.0 platform which made it possible using the product developed by the resident
to create business applications for mobile de- of the Skolkovo Foundation. Moreover, the
vices. use of the application called Agent Plus: Fixed

After that, the product line expanded rapidly. Assets Inventory allows managers to identify
To date, the company has created 7 mobile ap- and prevent theft, damage or misuse of as-
plications: Agent Plus: Mobile Commerce; sets.
Agent Plus: Waiter; Agent Plus: Fixed Assets Agent Plus has an extensive partner network
Inventory; Storekeeper's Workplace; Courier in Russia and other countries which comprises
Service; Manager's Monitor; and Driver's Mo- over a thousand businesses that sell and im-
bile Seat. plement software products for end users. Sales
How do waiters in most cafés and restau- are carried out in all Russian regions as well as
rants work? The waiter writes down the order in the CIS and the Baltic states.
in his notebook, then enters it into the desktop Among the company's goals is strengthening
system through a fixed terminal, and then peri- its position in the CIS market and the expan-
odically makes enquires to the kitchen about sion to foreign markets, as well as further de-
the readiness of dishes. velopment of Agent Plus 2.0 platform.

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Sk | Space


Stanislav Teo | +7 (903) 796 00 66 | [email protected] |

Russia still has a lot of remote areas that can be reached only
by helicopters. The solution developed by Augur Aeronautical Center,
whose Atlant project received approval from the Skolkovo expert council
in 2012, can help solve the problem of efficient transportation of
passengers and cargo to hard-to-reach regions of Siberia,
the Far East and the High North.

he project involves the creation of an in- Being preliminary estimated, the cost of
novative device called Atlant, which is a transportation will vary between 7-25 Roubles
kind of a hybrid of airship, aircraft, helicop- per ton-km.
ter and aerostatic craft. The device will have a This aircraft can be used for the development
rigid hull made of composite materials. It can of deposits that are currently not connected to
take off from any surface, including water. the mainland or cut off from it during the winter
Atlant's characteristics will enable it to cover period. Atlant can also be used to transport and
up to 5,000 km without landing. The load ca- install oil and gas pipelines, large blocks of sta-
pacity, depending on the model, will be 15-250 tions and rigs, transport indivisible units of
tons. power plants and transmission lines, carry out

22 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | Space
geological prospecting and exploration opera- and load capacity, as well as the economic and
tions, soil irrigation and spraying pesticides. environmental efficiency. So this design devel-
Atlant will also find its place in the field of sci- oped by Augur stand a good chance of success.
entific research: scientists will be able to use it The first flight of the aircraft is planned for 2015.
to monitor the Earth from the stratosphere.
Particularly noteworthy is Atlant's ability to de-
liver military cargoes. The introduction of this
unique vehicle is fully consistent with the con-
cept of creating a mobile army and opens up
new possibilities for mobile use of the means of
radar surveillance, air and missile defence, and
delivery of airborne troops.
Unique opportunities are also opening up in
the travel industry. In the beginning of the XX
century the leading countries of the world, in-
cluding Russia, were engaged in the construc-
tion of slow-speed aircraft, many of which had
the level of comfort comparable to that of mod-
ern ocean liners. However, those airships had
a low level of security: damage to the outer
skin often caused hydrogen burning and ex-
Their 'great-grandson' Atlant does not have
the shortcomings of its ancestors and retains all
of their unique benefits; a greater flying range

This aircraft can be used for the development of deposits that are currently
not connected to the mainland or cut off from it during the winter period. Atlant
can also be used to transport and install oil and gas pipelines, large blocks of
stations and rigs, transport indivisible units of power plants and transmission
lines, carry out geological prospecting and exploration operations, soil irrigation
and spraying pesticides.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 23
Sk | Nuclear

Dmitry Kondrutsky | +7 (342) 253 07 67
[email protected] |

Today, mining and metallurgical

enterprises face the urgent task
of maximizing the efficiency
of the use of raw materials.
The solution by Axion – Rare and
Noble Metals, a company based
in Perm at the site of Perm
Chemical Company, LLC,
can help them achieve this goal.

t the heart of the developed technology is

А the use of the unique AXION ion-ex-

change materials that help extract from
complex liquid solutions ions of rare (indium,
scandium), rare earth (lanthanum, cerium,
neodymium, praseodymium, samarium, eu-
ropium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, er-
bium, ytterbium, holmium, lutetium and thulium),
precious metals (gold), and caesium radionu-
clides. The process is essentially as follows: at
first the material absorbs the metal ions which
then are transformed to the salts cleaned from
impurities and then reduced to the free metal.
The idea of this technology was suggested by
the founder of Axion-RNM Dmitry Kondrutsky
when he was still writing his PhD paper and ini-
tially did not go beyond the limits of theoretical sci-
ence. Then it was decided to implement the
solution in real economy. In December 2011,
Axion-RNM received a RUB 29 mln grant from the
Skolkovo Foundation. The money was given for
the completion of the commenced development
work. The founder, Perm Chemical Company,
also provided support by granting RUB 18 mln.

24 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | Nuclear

The technology under development

makes it possible to reduce
the costs of the production
of rare and noble metals,
to increase processing and
manufacturing efficiency, avoid
the loss of expensive raw materials
and to reduce the amount of waste,
thereby minimizing damage
to the environment.

In 2013, funding was also received from the Bio- Among the consumers of the AXION ion-ex-
process Capital Ventures Foundation which is change materials are the leading Russian min-
established with the participation of the Russian ing and metallurgical companies and mineral
Venture Company. processors interested in extraction of rare and
The technology that is being developed makes rare earth metals, for instance, in production of
it possible to reduce the costs of production of fertilizers.
rare and noble metals, to increase processing The technology is also largely considered in
and manufacturing efficiency, avoid the loss of relation to nuclear energetics which explains its
expensive raw materials and to reduce the selection for Skolkovo's nuclear technologies
amount of waste, thereby minimizing damage to cluster. In this context it is also important that
the environment. Notably, the AXION ion-ex- Axion-RNM has already established contacts
change materials are reusable. They are devel- with enterprises of the state corporation
oped to suit individual customers' requirements. ROSATOM.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 25
Sk | IT

Yaroslav Gorodetsky | +7 (495) 212 02 46 | [email protected] |

Video plays an increasingly important role in the Internet

space. Millions of people watch on-line movies and live
broadcasts of various events daily. By 2016, according
to forecasts of some analysts, video content
will account for 86% of traffic.

t must be noted that the majority of existing load distribution between servers in a geo-

I content delivery networks are not optimized

for video information, that is, they do not dif-
ferentiate between different types of "heavy"
graphically distributed network, thereby guar-
anteeing reliable delivery of Internet-video to
users. CDN-video company was one of the
content. However, the project by a Skolkovo first in Russia to start working in this field and
resident company CDN-video is of specialized patented the developed algorithm a long time
nature: it is designed to provide the optimal ago. However, it can be developed and opti-

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The first major result achieved by CDN-video R&D centre operating in

Skolkovo is the entry to the market of TVLight platform designed to deliver
video content to different devices: mobile phones, tablets, computers and
TV-sets with SmartTV function.

mized for a long time to come. It is the cooper- the specific problems of the modern Internet,
ation with Skolkovo that allows to solve this for example, converting to different formats,
problem, as well as to implement the algorithm transcoding of video streams allowing for spec-
support into the widest possible range of tech- ifications of the end user device, ensuring sta-
nologies and services for different categories ble quality and so on. CDN-video also sets
of consumers. more challenging tasks, those almost of na-
The company notes: the foundation resident tional importance. It has launched an ambi-
status expanded monetization opportunities for tious program of developing the technical
video content delivery services and allowed to infrastructure of the Russian segment of its
communicate with companies which are as content delivery network. The project aims to
ambitious, who want to change the business significantly increase the CDN-video network
environment in Russia. bandwidth, localize inter-regional traffic to the
The first major result achieved by CDN- maximum and create a reserve capacity suffi-
video R&D centre operating in Skolkovo is the cient to meet the needs of the market for 3-4
entry to the market of TVLight platform de- years. According to the results of the program,
signed to deliver video content to different de- CDN-video network has become the largest in
vices: mobile phones, tablets, computers and Russia by the number of points of presence.
TV-sets with SmartTV function. The technol- Currently the company has more than 130
ogy is suitable both for TV channels and for large regular customers, including VGTRK,
multimedia web projects. Thanks to it, they can REN-TV, Chancon TV, Europa Plus, Big Cir-
quickly set up broadcasting on their websites cus, At the same time CDN-video
and provide Internet access to parts of its management pays attention to novice players
archive, run applications for different mobile as well: promising start-up projects are offered
platforms. At the same time TVLight solves all preferential terms.

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Sk | IT

Sergey Morozov | +7 (495) 781 60 88 | [email protected] |

Normally, modern equipment that is used in high-tech manufacturing

already has excellent performance characteristics. So, one must
try to make them even better.

chieving the maximum possible automa- each other. To do so, they can use the software

A tion of engineering calculations thereby

reducing their cost is an equally difficult
task. It is also necessary to take into account
developed by Datadvance, one of the first par-
ticipants of the Skolkovo Innovation Center.
The company founders come from the Insti-
the time factor and the 'multidisciplinary char- tute for Information Transmission Issues of the
acter' of the modern design process; today's Russian Academy of Sciences and the Interna-
designers and engineers must simultaneously tional Research Institute for Advanced Sys-
use a number of different approaches in their tems. In the course of a few years, scientists
work that previously had very little relation to completed over 20 projects for the European

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Aeronautic Defence and Space Company and course users are able to tackle quite complex
developed a number of data mining and opti- issues.
mization algorithms. It is particularly important that Datadvance's
The project was completed in September solutions can be integrated into the design sys-
2009 and in a couple of months Datadvance tems used in production – it is convenient and
was set up to commercialize its results. does not require additional investment.
The company's greatest pride is the The company has already completed
PSE/MACROS software package which is several major projects. In particular, PSE/MAC-
being successfully applied in the design of ROS was used for the construction of the new
cars, aircrafts, ships, turbines and electronic Airbus 350 airliner. The unique method of multi-
equipment. Until recently, designers and engi- criteria optimization has made it possible to find
neers had to spend months doing aerodynamic the ideal configurations for the aircraft that
and strength calculations. PSE/MACROS al- meet the design constraints. The result speaks
lows the designer to automate and significantly for itself: compared to the original configuration
speed up this process. 'Our software is de- the aircraft characteristics have been improved
signed to optimize products — it has a mathe- by 10-20%.

The company's greatest pride is the PSE/MACROS software package

which is being successfully applied in the design of cars, aircrafts,
ships, turbines and electronic equipment.

matical algorithm that allows us to calculate the In 2012-2013, the Datadvance implemented
geometry of the product in such a way as to a pilot project on the use of innovative tech-
meet a given criterion which is set by the client,' nologies for the engineering optimization of
we are told by Datadvance. AvtoVAZ. Among its clients are KAMAZ and
By using this software, designers can find The Ural Turbine Works. Datadvance makes
the optimal design parameters (e.g., the ideal no secret of the fact that its cooperation with a
shape and structure of an aircraft wing) several number of Russian companies was possible
times faster than usual. Notably, PSE/MAC- precisely thanks to Skolkovo which helps 'build
ROS training is not lengthy; after a two-day bridges' between innovators and businesses.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 29
Sk | Space


Only 20 years ago it was impossible to imagine that space exploration

would be conducted not only by the leading world powers, but by private
companies as well. Today, it has become commonplace. Skolkovo
resident Dauria Satellite Technology is among those engaged
in the development of space technology.

Sergey Ivanov | +7 (495) 280 07 26 | [email protected] |

auria Aerospace, which subsidiary is The Dauria – Satellite Technology project

D Dauria – Satellite Technology, is the first

Russian private company developing
and manufacturing low cost satellites. It was
within Skolkovo involves the development of a
universal standardized platform for the rapid
creation of new low cost satellites, as well as a
founded by the former owner of the Tekhnosila system of regular cluster launches of small
trading network Mikhail Kokorich. spacecraft.

30 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | Space
In December 2012, Dauria Aerospace won a In late 2013, Dauria – Satellite
Roscosmos corporation tender to launch two Technology presented the first
MKA-N nanosatellites before November 25,
2015. They must be equipped with photo-
of its kind DX-1 satellite which
graphic equipment for shooting of the Earth's is planned to be used as
surface at resolution of about 20 m. The mass a basis for the development
of the satellites will not exceed 10 kg and their of a whole platform of small
lifespan at the altitude of 450 km should be at
least 3 months. Beside the satellites, it is nec-
essary to develop a unified system of place-
ment and separation of devices from launch
vehicles. The total amount of the contract is
RUB 310 mln.
In addition to this, Dauria – Satellite Techno-
logy is also carrying out other activities. In late
2013, the company presented the first of its
kind DX-1 satellite which is planned to be used
as a basis for the development of a whole plat-
form of small spacecrafts. DX-1 weighs only
22 kg and is a cube with an antenna. Inside it
has a signal reception unit of the automatic
identification system installed to monitor ships
in the world's oceans.
Dauria Aerospace is actively developing co-
operation with European and US private space
companies which enables it to quickly adopt and
use the latest industry developments. This tactics
works successful: the company is at the forefront
of the private aerospace business, competing
with such serious and well-known players as
SpaceX, Virgin Galactic and XCOR Aerospace.
It has signed a USD 200 mln contract with Aniara
Communications (India) for the production of two
geostationary satellites.
In the long term, Dauria Aerospace plans to
shift its focus from the production of satellites
to the provision of a variety of services that will
be provided on their basis. With the current
number of equipment available in the orbit, the
Earth's surface can be shot from any selected
point only once a day.
Among Dauria Aerospace's plans is to create
its own constellation of satellites to be able to
substantially increase the frequency of moni-
toring, for instance, to conduct it every two
hours. The data will be uploaded to an Internet
cloud platform from where it can be down-
loaded by the company's clients for a fee.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 31
Sk | IT
Domestic software in the banking
sector is an important factor of
information security.

iasoft, a resident of the Skolkovo Foun- and an extendible package of business appli-
dation, needs no additional introduction cations, integration services and tools of instru-
to the Russian IT-market players. mental development.
Today the company is a leader in the devel- The classic J2EE applications (i.e. applica-
opment and implementation of software for fi- tions written in Java for medium and large en-
nancial institutions. However, it has no terprises) have a long time to market which
intention to rest on its laurels, and is engaged limits their application. With the Diasoft Frame-
in the development of new products within work the developers can shift the focus of their
Skolkovo which involve the creation of a activities from system-level design to the ap-
unique ecosystem of financial applications. plication level. This is important as the volume
This ecosystem consists of the base software of automation in the real sector economics is

Tatiana Krylova | +7 (495) 780 75 758 | [email protected] |

32 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
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The developers had the task to provide flexible integration with related
systems based on the principles of service-oriented and 'cloud'
extremely large and continuously growing with with local suppliers and potential customers on
the reducing average time of project imple- the basis of foreign development clusters and
mentation. As a result of the work on the de- partners of the innovation fund in Europe and
sign and development of the financial Asia than relying solely on one's own re-
applications ecosystem, Diasoft's specialists sources.
have created a number of business applica- The second area of interaction with Skol-
tions that meet the needs of Russian and for- kovo is through Techno Diasoft, a joint venture
eign customers (Risk Management, Liquidity founded in 2010 between Diasoft and Tech-
Management, etc.) and over 90 functional fi- nos-K and involved in the development of the
nancial business applications for inclusion in a ABS xBank-3L program for automation of
single ecosystem. The company has fine- banking retail services. The developers had
tuned the methods of delivery of business the task to ensure the operation of a product
products and services to customers through with very large centralized databases, high-
'cloud' services. speed performance, flexible integration with re-
Diasoft had a major breakthrough in Viet- lated systems based on the principles of
nam in 2013, when the HPT Vietnam Corpora- service-oriented and 'cloud' architecture.
tion licensed the Diasoft Framework platform A number of Russian banks are already
for the development of components of its front- using ABS xBank-3L. In 2014-2015, the com-
office IT solution for large corporate customers. pany plans to release new versions of ABS
Skolkovo has a share in this achievement too: xBank-3L with support of the advanced pay-
it is easier to establish business relationships ment technologies and banking services.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 33
Sk | Energy

Mikhail Rodionov | +7 (495) 545 08 65 | [email protected] |

Electrochemical capacitors play an increasingly important role in the market

of chemical current sources. They can be used in electric transport, at energy
providers and wherever continuous round-the-clock operation of computers
and other electrical equipment is required.

epresentatives of Elton Company which required operating voltage, power and re-

R has been a Skolkovo resident since 2010

are confident: such capacitors have a
great future.
served energy, as in the case of batteries.
Module modifications of Elton electrochemical
capacitors are designed to meet the require-
The specialists of the company have develo- ments of different application areas. There are
ped a device that has a number of competitive a lot of these areas, indeed. In particular, Elton
advantages: high energy and power density,
over 1 million cycles of "charge-discharge" re-
source, operating life of over 15 years, a wide
range of operating temperatures (from -50°C
to +70°C), low self-discharge, resistance to
high voltage and overcharge overload without
failure, safety and ecological compatibility.
During their operation Elton accumulation
systems based on electrochemical capacitors
do not require external voltage equalization de-
vices for capacitors (voltage self-equalization
of elements within modules occurs during op-
eration). The modular design of the system al-
lows to assemble energy blocks providing the

34 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | Energy
electrochemical capacitors are already used in Electrochemical capacitors can also find
hybrid urban transport: high specific energy their niche in sufficient energy systems oper-
and power of electrochemical capacitor ele- ating at the hazardous facilities (nuclear power
ments have made it possible to create an en- plants, chemical plants, electric transport), in
ergy storage device that can not only recover computer systems with 24-hour operation or
vehicle braking energy and return the accumu- enterprises with continuous technological
lated energy during acceleration, but also pro- process.
vide for a few extra kilometres of mileage as Most of the of the power failures are failures
well as powering own needs of the vehicle by in the network with the duration of less than
electric motor alone, without the internal com- five seconds.
bustion engine. The same applies to electric Compensation for short-term (up to one
transport (electric trains running on railways minute) energy failures may well be provided
and subways, trolleybuses and trams). by electrochemical capacitor elements.

Usage of electrochemical capacitor elements for transportation needs

(on railways and subways, in trolleybuses and trams) helps reduce the
load on the contact network and stabilize its voltage.

Elton has built a system for electric energy

recuperation which was used in 2014 in
Moscow metro.
The solution provided by Elton will be of use
in motor vehicles as well: capacitors can be
linked to the "start-stop" system (shutting off
the engine when the car stops and starting it
quickly on pressing the clutch pedal), which
provides for a significant fuel economy of up to
10% and lower emissions and noise due to re-
duced idle run of the engine.
It is possible to use electrochemical capaci-
tors for starter engine operation in internal
combustion engines – this is often a problem
in winter in cold climates.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 35
Sk | Energy

Alexander Lebedev | +7 (495) 972 38 44 | [email protected]

Improving the energy efficiency of heat exchangers that feed our radiators
with heat and our faucets with hot water is one of the main problems
in the energy sector. The shell-and-tube and plate constructions in use
today were developed 100 years ago and since then there have been
no major changes.

he breakthrough has been made by transfer agent (water) in the pipes of a special
EnergoTekhnika Company – a Skolkovo profile connected by cellular principle and in the
Foundation resident. The company spe- inter-pipe space. Due to improved process of
cialists have developed the Spin Cell heat ex- heat transfer dimensions of the heat ex-
changer in which the heat transfer coefficient changer, its production prime cost and, conse-
on each side of the heat transfer is 2-3 times quently, its commercial price have been
higher than in conventional heat exchangers. reduced. Due to flow turbulence and whirling,
So, what is so innovative about Spin Cell? In Spin Cell produces the self-cleaning effect and
conventional heat exchangers there is always is protected against scaling – this reduces the
laminar-flow water film – it is located at the very corrosion activity and operating costs.
wall of the pipe, has a near-zero velocity and The very principle of whirling in the multiple-
therefore it inhibits heat transfer very strongly. spin spiral-shaped pipes has been studied by
EnergoTekhnika specialists have managed to specialists in the field of energy efficiency for
solve this problem by whirling the flow of heat quite a long time.

36 | Sk Made in Сколково
Sk | Enrgy
Due to flow turbulence and
whirling, Spin Cell heat exchanger
produces the self-cleaning effect
and is protected against scaling –
this reduces the corrosion activity
and operating costs.

However, the proposed technology of man- was a breakthrough: implementation agree-

ufacturing the heat transfer surface was very ments concerning Spin Cell were signed with
costly. OJSC Moscow Unified Energy Company and
The solution by EnergoTekhnika, however, Samaraneftegaz. In 2014 pilot tests in the
was destined to fare differently. The company companies IES-Holding, OJSC Samaranef-
began to develop methods of heat exchange tegaz, and Moscow Unified Energy Company
intensification in 2005. They have carried out were conducted. The company is also cur-
numerous tests on their own thermophysical rently in the process of intensive negotiations
bench and on the bench at ZiO-Podolsk. The with the Russian and foreign companies
experimental results have confirmed that the RusHydro, Lukoil, Areva, UTP Engineering,
flow whirling technology is quite promising. In and others. The project of construction of a
2010, EnergoTekhnika received private invest- production facility has been developed, the
ment for RD, using which it developed the de- company is selecting its site at the moment.
sign and technical documentation, selected the The solution by EnergoTekhnika has great
design of the heat exchanger and its produc- prospects in the market: a significant portion of
tion process. The major stimulus to develop- the heat exchanging equipment used in Russia
ment, however – in terms of attracting the has worn out or is close to it. Replacing aging
attention of the major players in the industry – devices with EnergoTekhnika products will
was given to the project in 2012 after winning allow energy companies to reduce costs and
the contest of energy-efficient solutions, which will offer consumers better services at the tar-
was carried out by Skolkovo Foundation. 2013 iffs which are lower than at the moment.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 37
Sk | Space



Svetlana Buzadzhi | +7 (962) 622 38 04 | [email protected] | http://сухэ.рф

Extending the life of the lithium-ion batteries and ensuring their more
effective use is a critical task, including for the development
of space industry
nergy Storage Management Systems, a stations). Using the technology proposed by the

E Saratov-based company, is working on

solving this problem. It is a Skolkovo
Foundation resident with the project "Creating
company during modernization of physical infra-
structure will create the basis for Russia's com-
petitive advantage in the telecommunications
a distributed control system of autonomous en- industry. Technology developed by Energy Stor-
ergy storage devices." age Management Systems can be used in more
The company notes that its solutions are down-to-earth areas.
relevant both for manned space programme Currently R&D Centre BelKommunMash and
and for unmanned spacecrafts (artificial satel- KAMAZ are among the company partners. In
lites of various purposes, interplanetary research January 2013, KAMAZ announced the start of

38 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | Space

R&D works in the field of hybrid and electric ve- Petersburg) and Central Design Bureau on Hy-
hicles. Energy Storage Management Systems drofoil Ships named after R. Alekseev (Nizhny
Company was offered to take part in the creation Novgorod) it started work on the creation
of four prototypes of a Li-Ion management sys- ground-based instrumentation for an un-
tem. In addition, a project on the creation of a manned aerial vehicle based on a distributed
prototype management system of Li-ion bat- control system for autonomous energy storage
teries for electric buses is being implemented to- devices. Solutions in the field of energy stor-
gether with a Saratov-based Trolza Company. age based on high-capacity Li-ion batteries are
In 2013, the company received established innovative products while the market is still in
connection with several new partners. In par- the stage of formation and growth. A company
ticular, together with GlobalAutomatica Com- which offers manufacturers complete standard
pany it started preparation to launch a new solutions, becomes the system integrator and
energy storage device, together with Radar can actually manage the idea commercializa-
MMS Research and Production Enterprise (St. tion process will become the market leader.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 39
Sk | Nuclear

Artem Krotov | +7 (985) 217 88 00 | а[email protected] |

A key technology for the development of microelectronics and observance

of "Moore's Law" (the number of transistors placed on a chip of the integrated
circuit doubles every 24 months), is projection photolithography – the formation of
the desired image set on a silicon substrate to obtain the required topology of the
chip. Today, modern projection lithography is considered that which is produced
using laser radiation at the wavelength of 193 nm and the next generation
will use the radiation with the wavelength of 13.5 nm.

t present, the technology Extreme Ultra Institute of Spectroscopy within the Russian

A Violet Lithography (EUV-lithography) is

owned by three companies only: ASML,
Nikon, and Canon, as well as several research
Academy of Sciences where Konstantin
Koshelev worked, who would become the
founder of the EUV Labs Company. In 2000,
centres in the United States and Russia. Along the scientist was invited for consultations to the
with that, the path to the EUV-lithography research unit of ASML. The problem faced by
started long ago. the corporation was insufficient power in short-
Back in the 1990-s research in this sphere wave radiation emitters which existed at that
was conducted by the Institute of Microstruc- time. Koshelev was offered to create and lead
ture Physics within the Russian Academy of a laboratory for the development of new types
Sciences located in Nizhny Novgorod and the of emitters.

40 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | Nuclear

He put forward one condition: laboratory had ing in the range of 6.5-6.7 nm – and this is a
to be located Troitsk, a Moscow satellite town. step towards the next generation of mi-
ASML management gave its consent and after crochips. In addition, EUV-Labs develops one
a couple of years, scientists led by Konstantin of the old solutions by RnD-ISAN – a method
Koshelev made a discovery. They proved that of protection for multilayer optics used in EUV-
it is possible to increase the power of EUV-ra- lithography.
diation by several times by exciting radiation in In turn, EUV Labs has become the founda-
the plasma of tin instead of xenon which had tion for a new technological engineering com-
been previously used. pany in Troitsk. The company notes that
A few years ago RnD-ISAN Company was initially they saw themselves in the role of an
created in Troitsk within the Institute of Spec- R&D-supplier of a global corporation, but at
troscopy at the Russian Academy of Sciences some point they came to the conclusion: in
in order to conduct research and engage in im- order to create independently industrial sam-
plementation activities in the field of EUV- ples and not test specimens of EUV-radiation
lithography. Its president was Konstantin sources, the respective industry, infrastructure
Koshelev. Later, EUV Labs Company was set and market existing in Russia must be re-
up on the basis of RnD-ISAN. In the summer formed.
of 2012 it became a Skolkovo Foundation res- The path to this is only through working with
ident. global partners, by integrating into their solu-
Experts of the company are involved in the tions and workflows, by learning and importing
creation of a new EUV-source capable of work- that experience.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 41
Sk | Energy

Denis Shabratov | +7 (499) 732 93 38 | [email protected] |

Mobile phones, tablets, laptops and other gadgets are getting more
advanced every year. However, the developers and scientists have
achieved the least progress in the area where it is most needed. This is
the issue of increasing the capacity of the batteries. With increased
performance, many mobile devices, in fact, cease to be mobile:
they must be recharged at least once a day.

he problem is that the technology of the due to accumulator overheating in the new

T lithium-ion accumulators has reached its

limit. Moreover, it is still impossible to get
rid of some of its shortcomings: toxicity, fire
Boeing 787 Dreamliner there were several
cases of smoke and fire. The solution may be
presented by the use of lithium-air batteries
hazard, poor tolerance to below-zero tempe- which generate electric current through lithium
ratures, considerable expansion when heated. oxidation by oxygen contained in the air. This
The cases of battery explosions in phones and technology is considered extremely promising:
laptops are not uncommon. There are re- lithium is the strongest reducing agent and be-
corded cases of fires in electric vehicles. Even sides it is very light, and oxygen is an oxidant
Boeing Corporation has faced this problem: which is practically free.

42 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | Energy

The solution may be presented by the use of lithium-air batteries

which generate electric current through lithium oxidation by oxygen
contained in the air. This technology is considered extremely promising.

In Russia the projects in this field are imple- trolytes characterized by good conductivity.
mented by a Skolkovo Foundation resident, Development prospects are almost boundless.
FM Lab Company – it is developing lithium-air For example, nowadays electric cars are for
batteries of ultra-high capacity for mobile ap- the most part just expensive toys. With the in-
plications and vehicles. troduction of lithium-air batteries, however,
The company intends to use pure lithium in everything can change: it might be possible to
its innovative accumulators (this will allow to drive as long as 800 km or more after a single
avoid security-related problems), and the prob- charging. Now electric vehicles are powered
lem of even lithium sedimentation during by lithium-ion accumulators featuring only 180-
recharging will be solved through the applica- 190 watt hours per 1 kg of body weight in the
tion of new electrolytes. Now FM Lab staff models with the highest capacity (1 kg of petrol
faces the challenge of reconciling the work of produces about 10 kilowatt hours). FM Lab sci-
an air electrode with lithium – air contains entists are confident that lithium-air accumula-
moisture which prevents the normal course of tors can compete with petrol engines in terms
the oxidation-reduction reaction. It is planned of efficiency. It is needless to say which of the
to overcome this problem by creating polymer- two technologies is more environmentally
ceramic plates which are essentially elec- friendly.

Charging lithium-air
Lithium is the strongest reducing agent and
besides it is very light, and oxygen is an
oxidant which is practically free.

Discharging lithium-air

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 43
Sk | Biomed

Ghermes Chilov | +7 (499) 135 53 13 | [email protected]

Exposure to radiation and chemicals,

genetic anomaly, chromosomal translocation
can result in chronic myeloid leukaemia
and other oncological diseases of blood.
Target therapy is the main way
of their treatment.

usion Pharma, a Skolkovo Foundation as well as the results of testing on animals

F resident company, is developing an inno-

vative drug PF-114, intended for the treat-
ment of patients with such oncological
proved high efficiency of the drug, selective
activity and safety. Fusion Pharma Company
was established by a graduate of Chemistry
diseases of blood as chronic granulocytic Department at Lomonosov Moscow State Uni-
leukaemia and Ph+ acute lymphoblastic versity Ghermes Chilov. From 2003 to 2010
leukaemia. Preclinical research data concern- the young scientist worked at the Research In-
ing PF-114 involving in vitro models of disease stitute of physico-chemical biology of Lomo-

44 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | Biomed
nosov Moscow State University. Under his Skolkovo Foundation played a special role in
leadership, the molecular modelling group the formation and development of Fusion
was established, which was engaged in the Pharma project on the development of PF-114
research of biocatalysis and design of target drug.
drugs. At first the Foundation awarded the com-
In 2007, Ghermes Chilov, jointly with seve- pany with a mini-grant of 1.5 million Roubles
ral colleagues set up the innovative MolTekh and then with a grant of 27 million Roubles.
Company which has developed software The company representatives admit that with-
product for pharmaceutical design featured by out the help of Skolkovo Foundation they
unique accuracy — Lead Finder. would not have achieved the current level of
In 2010, using the ingenious computing the project development.
technologies, Chilov's team designed a poten- It is also important that Skolkovo specialists
tial drugs for treating chronic granulocytic provide Fusion Pharma as well as its other
leukaemia, including its resistant forms. To im- residents with expertise in decision-making in
plement this idea, Fusion Pharma Company areas where their own expertise is not
was set up. enough: conducting large-scale preclinical and
By 2013, Fusion Pharma had managed to clinical research, commercialization of phar-
prove the viability of the concept drug and its maceuticals, finding interested investors, pro-
high potential at the international level. tection of intellectual property.

Skolkovo specialists provide Fusion Pharma as well as its other

residents with expertise in decision-making in areas where their
own expertise is not enough: conducting research, commercialization
of pharmaceuticals, finding interested investors, protection
of intellectual property.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 45
Sk | Biomed

Igor Pivovarov | +7 (495) 258 25 38 | [email protected] |

1994 was a breakthrough year for researchers studying the mode of action
of the human blood coagulation system: a hypothesis of the autowave
nature of blood clotting was proposed and substantiated. Since then,
scientists have been carrying out scientific research, followed by clinical
research; and with each finding, the diagnostic value of this fundamentally
new method has been increasingly evident.

octor of Biological Sciences Fazly The device is based on the method of

D Ataullakhanov is one of the leading sci-

entists who conducted fundamental sci-
entific research in this field. In 2010, he set up
thrombodynamics. It takes into account the
physiological characteristics of the coagulation
process: the test simulates the local damage
Hema- Core, a company which took up the de- of the vascular wall and records the process of
velopment, production and implementation of fibrin clot formation (thrombus) in real time in
a new unique medical device called Thrombo- a small volume of a patient's blood plasma
dynamics Registrar T-2. It can be used for sample. During the test, the blood plasma is in
early diagnostics and prevention of thrombo- static state and the growth of the clot occurs in
sis, which are statistically a number one cause conditions most closely resembling in vivo clot
of death in the world. formation.

46 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | Biomed

Thrombodynamics Registrar
T-2 can be used to get information
about the coagulation system
which cannot be obtained in
principle with any other known
tests; for instance, to quantify
all the physiological stages
of clotting.

Thrombodynamics Registrar T-2 can be thrombotic therapy approved by the Federation

used to get information about the coagulation of Anaesthesiologists and Resuscitationists.
system which cannot be obtained in principle The next project implemented by HemaCore
with any other known tests; for instance, to Labs (a HemaCore subsidiary) with the sup-
quantify all the physiological stages of clotting. port from the Skolkovo Foundation is the de-
HemaCore's device was launched to the velopment of the new Thrombodynamics-4D
market in November 2012. The company technology for whole-blood tests. The existing
states that their device 'allowed to predict the method of Thrombodynamics registration
onset of adverse events associated with working only in the plasma makes it impossible
thrombosis and choose the treatment specifi- to conduct a test without a blood separation
cally for each individual patient.' This state- centrifuge. On the other hand, implementation
ment is shared by many experts. In January of the Thrombodynamics-4D project will allow
2014 it was announced that the Thrombody- to conduct tests in situ. The test can be per-
namics test was included into the clinical formed, for instance, in intensive care units, at
recommendations on perioperative manage- birth or in an emergency ambulance vehicle.
ment of patients receiving long-term anti- This will allow doctors to save many lives.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 47
Sk | Biomed

Andrey Leonov | +7 (495) 974 74 01 | [email protected] |

Cancer cells are generally similar his principle works as the basis for the
to normal cells, however, due to
the damage to the genetic
information, they acquire the ability
T Curaxin class drugs (from the English
'cure' ) which are being developed by In-
curon. The development of Curaxin class
drugs began 10 years ago. The molecular bi-
of uncontrolled division, growth ologist Andrey Gudkov, who is based in the
and immortality. Effective treatment USA, has focused his work on the p53 protein.
of one of the most dangerous It is this protein that decides, in the case of cell
diseases requires a method failure, whether it is worthwhile to try to recover
to quickly identify cancer cells it or better to destroy it in order to prevent the
proliferation of mutant cells. Andrey Gudkov
and then hit them simultaneously was interested why the p53 protein is some-
in several target points. times 'asleep' and is not killing cancer cells.
Research established that the p53 protein is
activated by quinacrine (CBL0102), a drug for
malaria, osteoarthritis and autoimmune dis-

48 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | Biomed
Another molecule with a similar mechanism
of action – CBL0137 – was discovered there-
In 2003, Andrei Gudkov set up Cleveland Bi-
oLabs in the USA, and 7 years later the com-
pany decided to transfer all rights to Curaxin to
the Russian startup Incuron. In 2013, the com-
pany that is a resident of Skolkovo Foundation,
completed phase I clinical trial of CBL0102
molecules in patients with primary liver cancer
and liver metastases caused by other tumours.
At this stage the task was to determine a safe
dose of the drug.
However, in the course of research qui-
nacrine also showed antitumour activity. The
next stage involved a study of the drug's effi-
A substantial progress has been reached for
the CBL0137 molecule which is currently un-

dergoing Phase I trials. In Russia, the studies

are at the fifth dose level and have only
reached the second level in the US. The Russ-
ian startup has received an approval from the
US regulator FDA to carry out clinical trials for
a brand new drug candidate in the US.
In addition, Incuron has obtained many
promising preclinical data on the application of
CBL0137 in combination with known antitu-
mour agents. The company puts special em-
phasis on the findings in neuroblastoma, a
cancer that occurs in infants and young chil-
'The American professional community of
neuroblastoma specialists is already expecting
from us doses of the drug to commence a full-
fledged clinical study in children. They believe
in our drug and have even found money to
study it in trials,' says Andrey Leonov.
In addition, the world's largest pharmaceu-
tical companies are also interested in the re-
search. As soon as phase I is completed,
some of them will take the decision on
whether to purchase the product developed
by Incuron.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 49
Sk | Energy

Alexander Sachkov | +7 (343) 310 33 00 | [email protected]

nnovation Development Centre STM designs

There are over 17 thousand

shunting and clean-up
I TEM9N, a shunting locomotive with a hybrid
power unit SinaraHybrid. This solution which
received a grant from Skolkovo Foundation
locomotives on the Russian contains a number of innovative ideas. In par-
railways nowadays, of which 10.5 ticular, SinaraHybrid makes use of a unique
thousand diesel locomotives with combined energy storage device consisting of
the traditional layout of the power a lithium-ion accumulator and a supercapaci-
equipment fill the park of shunting tor. Joint work of the battery and supercapaci-
locomotives of the Russian tor allows to use the recuperation energy in the
most effective way possible. This newly-de-
Railways Company. There are
signed product also features the microproces-
additional 7-8 thousand clean-up
sor control system developed in-house on the
locomotives with the diesel engine basis of GLONASS, which plans the resource
at the Russian industrial consumption while driving in the optimal way.
enterprises. Their average age Among TEM9N features is the use of energy-
is over 30 years (operational life saving LED technology for lighting fixtures,
is 40 years) and the average wear overall design with the undersize hood (pro-
of the fleet is over 70%. vides the driver with an all-round view), the use
of external surveillance cameras, the use of a

50 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | Energy

A parktronic system has been used on the diesel locomotive for the first time
in the world, allowing the operator to evaluate the distance to the rolling stock,
driving up to it with the utmost care and precision.

diesel engine exhaust system (excludes the locomotive shut down, and all internal needs
possibility of the exhaust gases getting onto on are provided through the use of the battery.
the windscreens of the driver's cabin or inside) as This is especially important when taking into
well as Webasto system of the engine standby consideration the fact that 65-80% of fuel is
heating during the cold stack of the diesel loco- consumed by shunting diesel locomotives dur-
motive at temperatures reaching -50°C. ing the idle run of the power unit when the lo-
A parktronic system has been used on the comotive is merely standing with the running
diesel locomotive for the first time in the world, engine. According to experts, the use of
allowing the operator to evaluate the distance TEM9N SinaraHybrid will reduce the amount
to the rolling stock, driving up to it with the ut- of harmful emissions by 55% compared with
most care. conventional diesel locomotives. By the end of
In 2013-2014, the solution provided by the 2014, the hybrid locomotive will have received
Innovation Development Centre STM passed the type certificate.
the main block of acceptance tests on the ex- Activities of Innovation Development Centre
perimental railway ring in the Moscow satellite STM found support from the Russian Railways
town of Shcherbinka. Diesel locomotive Company planning to replace its fleet of diesel
TEM9N SinaraHybrid has proved its effective- locomotives in the coming years. TEM9N
ness, efficiency and environmental friendli- SinaraHybrid will be just fit for that purpose.
ness. The latter is particularly due to the fact The company representatives claim that the
that, in case of the stop, the engine of a hybrid cost will have paid off in 10 years.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 51
Sk | Nuclear

Vladimir Elin | +7 (985) 762 70 22 | [email protected] |

In March 2011, the world was watching, transfixed, the unfolding of the
Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster caused by a major earthquake.
Residents of Japan were closely examining the data of their radiation
counters. It was then that the Russian scientist Vladimir Elin came
up with an innovative idea to combine the dosimeter-radiometer
with a mobile phone.

ew people know that ionizing radiation helps achieve excellent results. In late 2011,

F can be measured with the help of a

photo or video camera of an ordinary
smartphone and a special program installed
the company became a resident of the Nu-
clear Technologies Cluster of Skolkovo Foun-
dation and the mobile dosimeter-radiometer
on it. However, the accuracy of such meas- project, which was named 'DO-RA', received
urement is low. But the invention of Intersoft a RUB 1.35 mln mini-grant from the Skolkovo
Eurasia, a company founded by Vladimir Elin, Foundation.

52 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | Nuclear
Nowadays, however, Intersoft Eurasia is
ready for new achievements. In October 2013,
Skolkovo Foundation made a decision to grant
the company RUB 22.5 mln for the creation of
a prototype of the wide-range cross-platform
DO-RA device for household use with the
DO-RA.Si dosimeter-radiometer function on a
solid-state silicon detector. This device must
have an inductive charging and work via the
Bluetooth Low Energy and NFC wireless pro-
tocols with all mobile devices. Obviously, the
innovative design will be a success with con-
sumers. According to experts, the biggest mar-
kets are the US with the annual demand of
10 mln of these devices and Japan (6 mln a
year). Intersoft Eurasia's product is also of in-
terest for 3-5 mln Europeans and 1mln resi-
dents of the CIS countries. Many people today
want to be sure that the background radiation
around them is within the norm.

The first DO-RA prototype was the size of a

pencil case.
These products are represented by a whole
family of stylish and small devices. DO-RA.
Classic is designed for Apple devices: it is con-
nected via the audio input and works without
additional power supply. DO-RA.Chups is suit-
able for Apple devices as well. It is a dosime-
ter-radiometer made in the shape of a small
apple. The latest version of the DO-RA. Uni
device is able to connect to any modern mobile
gadget: a cell phone, laptop, tablet working on
any operating system. The company has plans
to develop 'smart watch' DO-RA. Watch.
The devices have a unique hard α-, β- and
γ-radiation detector. DO-RA is operated by
means of specially developed software pack-
ages and a licensed operating system used in
a mobile device. The sensor is based on a
semiconductor detector.
Intersoft Eurasia's devices are very easy to
read. If the background radiation is normal, the
phone screen displays the word 'norm' in
green colour. The user is also offered a wide
range of data, such as information on the pres-
ence of isotopes in his internal organs.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 53
Sk | IT

Ivan Zaev | +7 (499) 704 25 81 | [email protected] |

or instance, the specialists of Saturn com- Until recently, there was only
pany made 36 prototypes during the de-
velopment of engines for Su-27 fighter jet.
one way to develop new materials
However, it has now become possible to mini- and technologies: the researcher
mize the number of repetitions of this cycle by conducted tests of the prototype,
using the technologies developed by Kintech analysed the results, made
Lab, a resident of the IT Cluster of Skolkovo
adjustments and made more
Kintech Lab was founded in 1998 by a group tests until the desired result
of scientists from the leading Russian univer- was achieved.
sities and research institutes. Its goal is to de-
velop a technology of predictive multilevel
modelling and analysis of the properties of new
materials, processes and devices. It is for this
purpose that the company received a USD 1.3
mln grant from Skolkovo in January 2012.

54 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | IT
Chemical Workbench is the flagship product aries); MD-kMC (a versatile package for the
of the company. This program allows the user simulation of atomistic processes using mole-
to simulate a variety of physical, chemical and cular mechanics or dynamics and/or the kinetic
plasma-chemical processes with a user-friendly Monte Carlo method); and KintechDB (an in-
graphical interface. First, a user creates his own tegrated network information system to store
model, building it from individual reactors, which and manage physical and chemical data in the
are simulating a particular chemical or physical research groups).
process. After that, the initial data for the re- In addition to the development and commer-
quired process is set. The program then does cialization of scientific software, Kintech Lab is
the calculations and displays the results on the also involved in other work. The company is
screen as graphs or tables. implementing research projects under govern-
Other Kintech Lab solutions are also worth ment contracts and for major Western compa-
mentioning: Khimera (a tool for the calculation nies. The scope of these projects varies from
of the microscopic parameters of kinetic phys- microelectronics and nanotechnology to new
ical and chemical mechanisms of processes in energy systems (solar panels, fuel cells) and
gases, plasma, liquids and interphase bound- petrochemicals.

In addition to the development and commercialization of scientific

software, Kintech Lab is also involved in other work. The company is
imple-menting research projects under government contracts and for
major Western companies.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 55
Sk | IT

Sergey Beketov | +7 (495) 685 92 96 | [email protected] |

Each house has its own information space. And the owner can assess
it at any time from any location via any Internet-connected device:
to observe what is going on while the owner not there, to design his
own subsystems, to determine the operation mode of his
equipment, and 'sense' his house.
s a resident of Skolkovo Foundation, used, for instance, in the creation of a geo-

A Maxet Line is developing different classes

of software at all stages from the incep-
tion of the idea to final testing and providing
graphically distributed telemedicine systems or
automatic collection of data on power con-
sumption in the housing and utilities sector.
technical support. Maxet Line's team is capa- The company also pays a lot of attention to
ble of solving the whole cycle of problems re- the development of 'Smart House' solutions. As
lated to the design and commissioning of the its main achievement in 2013 Maxet Line
created technological solutions. names the completion of stage I of the project
One of the major areas of the solutions pro- on the Development of Integrated Solutions
vided by the company is firmware for telecom- Based on the GRON Optical Access Technolo-
munications equipment (i.e. broadband Inter- gies. During this stage, the company created a
net access user equipment). The company prototype of the Feelin' Home technology plat-
also specializes in system and application soft- form which is designed to provide both tradi-
ware that includes the full range of solutions tional IT-services by the telecommunication

56 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | IT
The company also pays a lot of
attention to the development of 'Smart
House' solutions. As its main
achievement in 2013 Maxet Line
names the completion of stage
of the project on the Development of
Integrated Solutions Based on the
GRON Optical Access Technologies.
During this stage, the company
created a prototype of the Feelin'
Home technology platform which is
designed to provide both traditional
IT-services by the telecommunication
operators and new 'cloud' services
without changing the existing
communications infrastructure.

operators and new 'cloud' services without munication operators have already expressed
changing the existing communications infra- their interest in testing and commercialization
structure. This solution can be used to unify the of this product. The next step will involve trial
service provision scheme and to enable operation of this solution using the networks of
telecommunication operators to provide serv- Federal telecommunication operators and its
ices 'from one socket = from one device', which further scaling. In addition, the company con-
significantly simplifies the maintenance of the tinues to develop its other areas of specializa-
equipment and increases customer loyalty. tion that have a very high market potential.
With the Feelin' Home platform operators and Maxet Line recognizes the important role of
their customers can easily expand smart 'cloud' Skolkovo in its activities. In particular, the
video surveillance systems, wireless alarm sys- Foundation provides advice in the field of pro-
tems, management, event information and alert tection of intellectual property rights, assists in
systems when users simply install the devices the promotion of products among potential
they need, and all configuration is done auto- customers and helps in the organization of in-
matically. teraction with other residents and investment
In 2014, Maxet Line set the goal to actively funds and in establishment of contacts with re-
further the development of the Feelin' Home gional authorities and large corporate cus-
platform. A number of major regional telecom- tomers.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 57
Sk | IT

Anton Svyatkin | +7 (495) 229 00 22 | [email protected] |

The issue of protecting secret information has always existed, but with
the development of Internet technologies, the problem has reached a new
level. Until recently it was considered that the problem of information
leaks does not affect small and medium-sized businesses.

owever, according to the analytical Cen- ployees of the companies, and paper-based

H tre of InfoWatch Company headed by

Natalya Kaspersky, the percentage of
personal data leakage in the segment of small
documentation remains the main channel of
leakage. This being said, the level of informa-
tion security in such companies is usually
and medium-sized businesses is 95 per cent, lower than in large ones.
12 per cent higher than in big business. Origi- Due to the loss of confidential information
nators of leaks are more likely to be the em- the company reputation seriously suffered

58 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | IT
quite a number of times. Therefore, the steady Developers are trying to ensure that the plat-
growth of the software market for data security form under development can produce auto-
is not accidental. Studies conducted by Na- matic classification and structuring of all
talya Kaspersky Innovations Center (NKIC) are information by the combination of parameters
becoming especially relevant. provided by applied analysis technologies, re-
The development of advanced technologies view the documents in the document manage-
in the field of information security is a key area ment systems, records and widely-spread
of activity for NKIC. In January 2013, the proj- repositories, automatically generate customi-
ect of the Innovations Centre aimed to provide zed glossaries and be able to self-learn.
a platform for the analysis, management and The project by Natalya Kaspersky Innovations
control of information in modern information Center has a number of competitive advantages
environment of enterprises received a positive compared to the world analogues and a high po-
assessment from the experts of Skolkovo tential both in Russia and abroad.

Natalya Kaspersky Innovations Center presented a unique project of

a platform to protect corporate information, regardless of where it is
physically located – within the protected perimeter or outside it. This
approach is seen as the most promising on the scale of the information
security industry as a whole. Controlling the data itself instead of data
channels or perimeter – that is the key to the effectiveness of future
information security protection systems.

Foundation. Natalya Kaspersky Innovations

Center presented a unique project of a plat-
form to protect corporate information, regard-
less of where it is physically located – within
the protected perimeter or outside it.
"I consider this approach as the most prom-
ising on the scale of the information security
industry as a whole. Controlling the data itself
instead of data channels or perimeter – that is
the key to the effectiveness of future informa-
tion security protection systems," remarks Na-
talya Kaspersky. The new development is
designed to help combat both occasional and
intentional leaks – their share is currently
roughly equal.
The project implementation involves a num-
ber of tasks to be fulfilled. In particular, it is
necessary to link in one solution the systems
of internal and external monitoring, technolo-
gies for dynamic analysis and categorizing of
information, multilingual linguistic analysis

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 59
Sk | Space

Alexander Kuznetsov | [email protected] |

Atomic clock in which atoms act as the 'pendulum', can achieve record-
breaking accuracy: in billions of years only a 1-second error is accumulated.
Such accuracy is required for wireless and satellite communications, for
operation of 'cloud' networks and smart grids, for locating spacecrafts and
aircrafts, and for driving cars in automatic mode via satellite communication.

60 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | Space
ew Energy Technologies has been a ergy Technologies' atomic clock will be com-

N resident of Skolkovo since 2011 and is

involved in developing solutions in a
number of fields. The company specialises in
parable to that of crystal oscillators which is
about RUB 15,000.
Such companies as Russian Space Sys-
medical equipment, laser technologies and tems, Almaz-Phasotron, Rostec Corporation,
solar energy. As a Skolkovo resident, New En- United Aircraft Corporation and Rosatom have
ergy Technologies is implementing a project on expressed their interest in the project by New
the creation of a small-scale atomic (quantum) Energy Technologies.
clock. The Foundation has granted to the The company has obtained an expert opin-
company a record high sum of RUB 136 mln ion from the Centre of Testing and Verification
for the development of this project. of Measuring Instruments (VNIIFTRI) on the
Nowadays telecommunications industry nor- possibility of using small atomic clocks in time
mally uses precision quartz oscillators. How- and frequency solutions.
ever, they have a number of shortcomings: Interestingly, a prototype atomic clock with
they consume a lot of energy and require a similar characteristics has already been cre-
long time period to achieve the standard oper- ated in the US (including the participation of
ating mode. That is why navigation devices, Russian scientists), but as part of a closed mili-
for example, need a few minutes to start dis- tary R&D work. They have no plans to launch
playing the location of the object. it to the market. Research is being conducted
The clock developed by New Energy Tech- in Europe as well. However, the New Energy
nologies is free from these shortcomings. Most Technologies has been able to achieve higher
notably, it is a miniature device: it is hardly as stability of the signal frequency compared to
large as a matchbox. Thanks to its small size, its European competitors.

The clock developed by New Energy Technologies is a miniature device:

it is hardly as large as a matchbox. Thanks to its small size, the clock can
be installed on modern energy efficient and portable equipment.

the clock can be installed on such modern en-

ergy efficient and portable equipment as net-
work switches, spacecraft on-board equipment
or on conventional navigators. Many people
will appreciate the fact that the Skolkovo resi-
dent's atomic clock will help to create more
noise-resistant receivers of GLONASS and
GPS signals with low starting time and high ac-
curacy of navigation, including in dense urban
areas. The price of a mass-produced New En-

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 61
Sk | Energy

Oil and gas is the key industry for the Russian economy. In this regard,
it is important to develop technologies that are aimed at improving
the efficiency of oil and gas production. One way to achieve the desired
result is to use horizontal wells. However, until now it has not been
possible to create effective and environmentally friendly technologies
that could bring these wells to the optimal mode of operation.

Nikita Ageev | +7 (495) 225 62 40 | [email protected] |

he plasma pulse technology can be used bile system). The potential market for the tech-

T to significantly improve the efficiency of

the production of oil and shale gas while
minimizing negative impacts on the environ-
nology being developed by Novas Sk is quite
Currently, there are about 110,000 horizon-
ment. This technology is being developed by tal wells, including 6,000 in Russia and over
Novas Sk, a Skolkovo resident. Its application 70,000 in the United States. As such, the US
can significantly increase permeability and re- market is of particular interest to the Skolkovo
duce oil viscosity. As a result, it becomes pos- resident. In this regard, the opening of the
sible to resume production in the well which is company representative office in Houston in
considered to have dried out. February 2013 became a milestone event for
In the US, where Novas Sk's experts tested Novas Sk. In March of the same year the tech-
their technology on depleted fields originating
from the mid-20th century, the average in-
crease of oil production exceeded 150%. This In December 2012, Novas Sk
technology is distinguished by its versatility: became a resident of Skolkovo
the solution developed by the Skolkovo resi-
and received a grant that
dent can be used for completely different types
of deposits regardless of their composition.
allowed the project to evolve.
In December 2012, Novas Sk became a Recently, the laboratory proto-
resident of Skolkovo and received a grant that type of the plasma pulse tool
allowed the project to evolve. Recently, the was tested in a well located in
laboratory prototype of the plasma pulse tool
Saratov Region.
was tested in a well located in Saratov Region,
after which the field owner sent a request to
treat two more wells. The next step by Novas
Sk will involve the development of a system
for delivering a plasma pulse tool to the hori-
zontal section of a well (an autonomous mo-

62 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | Energy
nology by Novas Sk was successfully tested in The company is attracting new customers in
several oil wells in Kansas, Louisiana and other parts of the world. In 2013, Vietsovpetro
Oklahoma. included in its budget the implementation of
The Canadian venture fund Technovita the pilot project to increase oil recovery pro-
Technologies invested USD 6 mln in the devel- posed by Novas Sk. In October 2014, the com-
opment of the company and is expecting to pany agreed to conduct pilot work in China.
launch the plasma pulse tool in the North By preliminary estimates, the plasma pulse
American market by 2016 to increase the pro- technology market volume will have reached
ductivity of horizontal wells. USD 960 mln by 2015.

The plasma pulse technology improves

permeability of the well bottom-hole zone,
increases the hydrodynamic connectivity
of the oil reservoir with the well bottom by
cleaning up the old and creating new
filtration channels, purifies the pore space
and forms new microfractures in
bottom-hole zone of the well and
reservoir’s filtration channels.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 63
Sk | Nuclear

Anna Chernikova | +7 (499) 196 98 19 | [email protected]

Contamination of soil with natural and artificial radionuclides is one of the

most serious problems of our time. The consequences of the Chernobyl
disaster will be noticeable in the territory of Ukraine and its neighbouring
states for decades. Less noticeable, but also substantial environmental
damage is often caused by maintenance work on nuclear ships and
building of nuclear weapons, as well as various scientific studies.
The level of radioactive contamination is often higher than normal in
industrial waste landfills and enterprises that work with radioactive
substances. This problem is particularly acute for residents of large cities.

64 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | Nuclear

The development
of the project will help
solve this global challenge:
to make Russia a leader
oday, scientists around the world are in the radionuclide
T conducting research aimed at solving the
problems of soil decontamination and re-
mediation of contaminated areas. A number of
decontamination practice.

methods and solutions were proposed in the

past: various methods of electrochemical de- Within Skolkovo Foundation, it is engaged
contamination, extraction techniques involving in a project on the creation of a mobile pilot
the use of chemicals, phytoremediation, soil demonstration plant for the decontamination of
sorbents and so on. Many of these methods soils and subsoils from radionuclides, mercury
are not working today and some of new meth- and other heavy metals.
ods are still in the development stage. This plant will apply the method of hydraulic
Today, the most common soil decontamina- classification, which is one of the methods of
tion method involves removal of the top layer mechanical classification of solid materials by
and its long-term controlled storage. At the particle size, under which the separation takes
same time, however, a large volume of ra- place in a specially prepared aqueous suspen-
dioactive waste is being accumulated during sion of soil in the upward flow of water.
this process and the fertile soil layer is often The method developed by the Nuclear Con-
completely removed. A Skolkovo resident, the tainers Corporation can effectively purify large
Nuclear Containers Corporation, offers an in- amounts of soils and subsoils to sanitary stan-
novative method in this field. dards. Further development of the project may
The company was founded in 2008 with the help solve the global challenge faced by the
aim of developing new technologies, design so- country: to make Russia a leader in the ra-
lutions and materials for the nuclear industry. dionuclide decontamination practice.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 65
Sk | Biomed

Ekaterina Ivanova | +7 (495)726 52 53 | [email protected] |

In recent years, the incidence

of kidney cancer in most
developed countries has been
steadily increasing. In the past,
immune therapy was the standard
treatment for kidney cancer.
Scientists engaged in the fight
against this disease, doctors
and patients have high hopes
for a new treatment – targeted

oday's market of drugs for the treatment

T of renal cell carcinoma offers two basic

types of agents: cytokines (immunother-
apy) and targeting agents. The innovative
method involves binding of the agent with the
'target'; it blocks receptors in the tumour cell
and prevents its division. Thus, the tumour
stops growing.
OncoMax, a resident of Skolkovo Founda-
tion, is one of the developers of this type of tar-
geting agents. The company was founded in
2010 and received investment from the Maxwell
Biotech Venture Fund and the RVC Seed Fund.
In late 2011, OncoMax received a RUB 30 mln
grant from Skolkovo Foundation.
OM-RCA-01 is the first agent developed by
OncoMax. It is a therapeutic monoclonal an-

66 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | Biomed

The solution developed by OncoMax has received many Russian and

foreign awards. The company also has significant commercial prospects.
Today's main markets for drugs for the treatment of renal cell carcinoma
(USA, Japan and EU) are estimated at over USD 950 mln. The Russian
market capacity is approximately RUB 5 bln.

tibody for patients suffering from kidney can- many Russian and foreign awards. The com-
cer. The agent inhibits the activity of the re- pany also has significant commercial pro-
ceptor of type 1 fibroblast growth factor which spects. Today's main markets for drugs for the
is expressed in over 80% of cases of kidney treatment of renal cell carcinoma (USA,
cell cancer and leads to tumour resistance to Japan and EU) are estimated at over USD
current therapies. 950 mln. The Russian market capacity is ap-
After the completion of studies in mice, it proximately RUB 5 bln (USD 150 mln)
was decided to humanize the antibodies to re- OncoMax emphasizes its hope that ОМ-
duce the toxic load of the OM-RCA-01 agent RCA-01 will be used for the treatment of other
on the patients' body. As a result, the drug's types of cancer as well. Non-small cell lung
efficacy was confirmed by in vitro and in vivo carcinoma, bladder cancer, melanoma, breast
trials on models of kidney cancer. The solu- cancer and stomach cancer seem most inter-
tion developed by OncoMax has received esting for further study of ОМ-RCA-01.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 67
Sk | Nuclear

Pavel Smirnov | +7 (495) 233 23 08 | [email protected] |

All industries face the challenge ptogard Nanotech is developing a
of increasing the wear resistance,
impact resistance, and chemical
O unique technology of obtaining super-
hard coatings and metal surface mod-
ification by means of the innovative laser-
and corrosion resistance of plasma method. Optogard Nanotech expert
machine parts and mechanisms. team was formed in 2011 on the basis of the
Traditional methods produce Academy Town in Novosibirsk; in June 2012
the company became a resident of the Nuclear
short-lived result, are energy
Technologies Cluster of Skolkovo Foundation.
and cost intensive. The company's know-how is not in the coat-
ings themselves but in the method of their ap-
plication. Today, most of the coating process
occur in a vacuum, being rather slow. By con-
trast, Optogard Nanotech obtains the coatings
at atmospheric pressure and a hundred times
faster, at a rate of about 100 cm2/s. As a result,
the Skolkovo resident's cost of a square metre
of silicon carbonitride coating is RUB 1,500-

68 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | Nuclear
2,000, while its rivals spend approximately Such interest can be easily explained: an-
RUB 10,000 on the production of a square nual losses of the Russian railway sector re-
decimetre of coating. sulting from reserve maintenance periods
The developed technologies are unique for caused by friction exceed RUB 9 bln. The ser-
the market. They help to significantly reduce vice life of wheel sets in Russia is 4-5 years
the cost of the product, multiply its wear resist- compared to 12 years in Europe. The products
ance, impact resistance, and chemical and developed by Optogard Nanotech will allow
corrosion resistance. In addition, Optogard Russia to level this gap.
Nanotech's technology provides a new level of In addition, Optogard Nanotech intends to
production safety due to the lack of environ- take on the markets of shipbuilding and ship
mentally harmful and explosion hazardous repair, aircraft and machine tool engineering,
components in the production process. chemical, defence and special mechanical en-
Optogard Nanotech's products have many gineering as well as the production of pumps
applications, mechanical engineering being a and compressors (including for the production
key one. This, in particular, refers to surface and transportation of oil and gas).

The Skolkovo resident company does not intend to be limited

to the Russian market. China, India, Europe and North America are
among the priority markets for the technology of obtaining superhard
coatings and metal surface modification.

hardening of steels and alloys for increasing Production of oil in the shelf area is worth
the wear and corrosion of parts of internal particular mentioning: 'black gold' comes along
combustion engines, pumps, as well as car with quartz sand, the hardness of which is
and tractor components in general. around 9-10 GPa.
The technology will also be useful for the Naturally, it destroys pump components and
production of locomotive engines and wheel mechanisms. Optogard Nanotech's coating
sets of rail cars. It is no coincidence that one (with membrane hardness of about 30 GPa)
of the company's first customers is JSC minimizes these negative effects.
Russian Railways; in October 2012, the inno- The Skolkovo resident company does not in-
vative project was approved by its Joint tend to be limited to the Russian market.
Scientific Council for a deeper study and im- Among its priority markets are China, India,
plementation. Europe and North America.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 69
Sk | Energy

Supercapacitors or ultracapacitors store and release high-capacity
electric energy extremely quickly and with the necessary frequency.
Unlike traditional batteries, they have low cost and long operating life.
According to analysts, the market for these devices will have reached
3.5 billion dollars by 2020.

Anatoliy Dolgolaptev | +7 (495) 786 41 63 | [email protected] |

artnership for Energy and Electric Auto- TEEMP was created in 2011 in partnership

P mobile Projects (TEEMP), a resident of

the Energy Efficiency Technologies
Cluster of Skolkovo Foundation, develops
with Renova Group (investor and co-owner).
The power supply systems developed by
TEEMP use recuperators based on pulse su-
acid pulse supercapacitors that surpass percapacitors developed in-house.
world analogues by 2 times in terms of spe- They allow to re-use at least 90% of the
cific energy intensity and have the cost which braking energy and descent energy of the ve-
is at least 2 times lower. hicle.

70 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | Energy
High-efficiency electric drives motor-wheel A number of players in the automotive in-
developed by TEEMP are also used. dustry market have already expressed their in-
Autonomous electric recuperation systems terest in solutions provided by TEEMP, as well
based on pulse supercapacitors allow Partner- as Japanese, Korean and Chinese manufac-
ship for Energy and Electric Automobile Proj- turers of supercapacitors. However, it is more
ects to design energy-efficient next-generation profitable to sell the imple-
electric vehicles which can be decent competi- mented technology and it
tors to vehicles with conventional internal com- is even more profitable
bustion engines. to sell products.

A number of other players in the automotive

industry market have already expressed their
interest in solutions provided by TEEMP,
as well as Japanese, Korean and Chinese
manufacturers of supercapacitors.

Partnership for Energy and Electric Auto- In addition, the power companies can also
mobile Projects Company is finalizing the become interested in the project: results of im-
technical documentation for the construction plementing Partnership for Energy and Electric
of a factory on the production of supercapa- Automobile Projects Company solutions allow
citors. It is theoretically possible to sell the for significant reduce of the overall prime cost
patent to foreign players of the electric and of the alternative energy systems (wind, solar,
hybrid vehicles market (innovation rights be- hydro and other), improve their reliability and
long to TEEMP). significantly increase the operating term.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 71
Sk | Biomed

Maxim Kholin | +7 (499) 156 15 61 | [email protected] |

Representatives of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS claim

that, theoretically, 'the plague of the 20th century' can be defeated by 2030.
If this prediction proves true, the scientific community's success
will certainly be shared by Quantum Pharmaceuticals, a Russian
developer of advanced molecular modelling technology.

he existing drugs for the treatment of HIV veloping a project on the creation of a drug

T infections have some serious side effects.

Therefore, it is crucial for the scientists
to develop innovative drugs devoid of these
based on a low molecular weight compound
with a mechanism of action based on inhibi-
tion of the activity of the p17/MA protein of the
shortcomings. In this regard, it is also neces- HIV.
sary to remember that the immunodeficiency Such a mechanism helps prevent the virus
virus is extremely volatile and quickly be- from entering the human body cells and in-
comes resistant to drugs. Within Skolkovo hibits virus assembly in cells which are already
Foundation, Quantum Pharmaceuticals is de- infected.

72 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | Biomed

The distinctive feature of Quantum Pharmaceuticals research work is that

the development of the drugs takes place exclusively on the computer.
For this purpose, the company uses the QUANTUM innovative platform
which works on the basis of virtual screening.

Quantum Pharmaceuticals claims that the substances — are significantly less efficient.
inhibitors of the p17/MA protein developed by Notably, the studies conducted by them cost
the company are several hundred times millions of dollars. Virtual modelling of drugs
stronger than those developed by its interna- with the Quantum Pharmaceuticals method
tional competitors. saves time as well as money.
The distinctive feature of Quantum Pharma- The promising prospects of Quantum Phar-
ceuticals research work is that the develop- maceuticals are recognized by the leading
ment of the drugs takes place exclusively on players in the pharmaceutical market. Back in
the computer. For this purpose, the company late 2012, the Board of Directors of Valenta, a
uses the QUANTUM innovative platform which major Russian producer of drugs, approved
works on the basis of virtual screening. During the acquisition of a 24.5% in the authorized
the analysis of a 5 mln substance base, a spe- capital of the resident company of Skolkovo
cial algorithm selects most active substances Foundation. Before that, Valenta invested RUB
to ultimately determine what kind of molecule 3.5 mln in the venture company's authorized
can become the perfect remedy. In most capital. As a result, it received a priority right
cases, search success rates exceed 30%; to Quantum Pharmaceuticals' drugs. To date,
while the competitors of the QUANTUM plat- nothing indicates that Valenta made the wrong
form – robots for high throughput screening of decision.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 73
Sk | Nuclear

Alexandr Vankov | +7 (496) 522 40 44
[email protected] |

Is it possible to determine the composition of a substance without opening

the package? It is, with the help of the so-called Raman spectroscopy. A ray
with a certain wavelength is transmitted through a sample of the substance
under analysis, it is then scattered and the rays are collected with the help
of a lens into one beam and are passed through a colour filter that separates
the weak Raman rays (0.001% intensity) from more intensive (99.999%)
Reyleigh rays. "Clear" Raman rays are amplified and sent to the detector,
which records their oscillation frequency.

he development of devices allowing to de- RamMics Company has ventured to over-

T termine the composition of substances in

such an innovative way and their introduc-
tion to the market has been carried out for a long
come these shortcomings. The company was
founded in the town of Chernogolovka, Mos-
cow region, by scientists from the Institute of
time. However, some devices are very cumber- Solid State Physics RAS.
some, or too slow, or do not provide the required It appeared in Skolkovo in 2011. Currently,
resolution. All of them are extremely expensive RamMics is working on several simultaneous
and are designed for the experienced user. projects. Firstly, it is a compact complex Ram-

74 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
EnSpectr R532®
Raman Analyser
is designed to identify
chemical substances
as well as to conduct

Mics aimed to define the composition of sub- have found their buyers in more than 15 coun-
stances in low concentrations and in heteroge- tries around the world. However, these are still
neous mixtures. mainly large companies. But RamMics team
The device consists of a scanning micro- hope that in the near future ordinary people will
scope, a unique Raman-luminescent spectral take the innovation spectrum analyser along
analyser and software system for splitting with the money before going shopping in order
Raman and luminescent components, com- to check the quality of sold products on the
paring them with reference spectra and identi- spot.
fication of substances. Secondly, it is a com-
pact spectrum analyser RaPort that can in-
stantly identify the substance composition
under field conditions. Thirdly these are nanos-
tructured SERS-adaptive wafers which are de-
signed to identify organic and chemical
substances in ultra-small concentrations (from
several hundred to several thousand mole-
RamMics solutions can be used, for exam-
ple, to determine the chemical composition of
medicines, identify counterfeit goods, search
for explosives and drugs, determine the au-
thenticity of jewellery gemstones, as well as
quality control, medical analyses of body fluids
(e.g., blood).
Both RamMics and RaPort have already en-
tered the overseas markets successfully. They

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 75
Sk | Biomed
Multiple sclerosis is one of the most common autoimmune diseases. More
than 3 million people suffer from it all over the world, about 150 thousand
of which live in Russia. The disease affects the brain and the spinal cord,
leading to the loss of muscle control, sensitivity, vision and balance.
Scientists around the world are working on the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

REGENEX Svetlana Bykovskaia | +7 (916) 436 22 91

[email protected] |

ne of the innovative ways is offered by research and pilot tests. For understanding the

O Regenex company – a Skolkovo Foun-

dation resident which has previously
received a grant from the Foundation to file a
solutions offered by Regenex it is necessary to
clarify the essence of autoimmune diseases.
Those who suffer from such illnesses have, for
patent for its solution and to conduct marketing some reasons which are unclear to modern

76 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | Biomed
science, their immune cells activated and "at- The second area of Regenex company ac-
tacking" certain tissues of different organs. tivity is the fight against the "graft versus host
These attacks are opposed by the so-called reaction," which sometimes occurs when
regulatory T-cells, however, patients with au- bone marrow is transplanted from one person
toimmune diseases lack their sufficient to another. The transplanted cells do not al-
amount. Technologies currently in use allow to ways adapt well and often begin to attack the
reduce acute periods of diseases. cells of the host. Intensive chemotherapy and
Alongside with that, Regenex solutions hold radiation can help to eliminate this behaviour,
out a hope of transferring the fight to a new but these procedures are far from being
level. This entails the prospect of treating pa- harmless.

tients with their own regulatory T-cells. Blood Regenex solution allows to act much less
of the patient with autoimmune diseases is radically and yet scarcely less effectively. It is
drawn off, "scarce" regulatory T-cells are ex- suggested that transplant patients are injected
tracted, replicated and then injected to the pa- regulatory T-cells grown in the laboratory. It is
tient. After a couple of weeks, the level of this they that must keep the transplanted graft cells
type of cells in the blood of the patient rises. under control.
Regenex achievement is that scientists have The technique designed by a resident of
learned how to quickly grow huge populations Skolkovo Foundation can be effective in the
of regulatory T-cells: approximately within a treatment of other autoimmune diseases –
week their number increases by more than a nonspecific ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease,
thousand. Research conducted by the com- type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis,
pany shows that the technique is effective, Sjogren disease, allergic diseases, bronchial
safe and well tolerated by patients. asthma.

Blood of the patient with autoimmune diseases is drawn off, "scarce"

regulatory T-cells are extracted, replicated and then injected to the patient.
After a couple of weeks, the level of this type of cells in the blood of the patient
rises. Regenex achievement is that scientists have learned how to quickly
grow huge populations of regulatory T-cells.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 77
Sk | Space

Dmitry Smirnov | +7 (926) 378 53 76 | [email protected] |

“Computers can’t write poetry. They can’t make a movie or a drawing.

Fortunately, they will never master things only a human can do. Their task is
only to make the world more comfortable. For example, to run machines
instead of us.” These are the words explaining the need for their work by
RoboCV Company representatives who developed the X-MOTION autopilot.

he goal stated by RoboCV is to give dif-

T ferent vehicles artificial intelligence suffi-

cient to move independently in any
environment. This goal has already been partly
achieved: the developed X-MOTION serial au-
topilots (a set of sensors and devices with
special software) have learned to drive ware-
housing equipment successfully. The main
know-how of the company is in the unique
mathematical apparatus that is used in the de-
velopment process. Onе can see the practical
example of the innovative technology at the
Russian Samsung factory – the company com-
pleted its first large project of warehousing
equipment automation there in late 2013.
X-MOTION is based on computer vision
technology which enables the system to see

78 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | Space

and evaluate the environment. The system opment of driverless cars. All of them are de-
makes independent decisions as to where the veloping their autopilot systems for a specific
equipment should go and by which route, how robot or car. RoboCV intends to create a com-
to bypass unexpected obstacles. pleted product that can be used on any vehi-
RoboCV Company has signed a strategic cle. However, it is insufficient to create a new
partnership agreement with Still company product, it will also be necessary to certify it. It
(Germany), one of the largest manufacturers is a challenging task to achieve the introduc-
of warehousing equipment in the world. tion of legislative changes which does not yet
The next stage of the company develop- provide for the possibility of driving a car with
ment will be the introduction of X-MOTION the help of robots.
system in passenger transportation used in in- The prospect of RoboCV project is visible
dustrial areas and on campuses. In 2015, it is with the naked eye. It stands to reason that the
planned to introduce the technology in heavy jury of the "Startup of the year" competition or-
trucks, working in quarries. Finally, in 2016 the ganized by the business incubator of the
company intends to start the expansion into Higher School of Economics named the com-
the most promising car market. Nowadays pany as the winner in the nomination "Best
several companies are involved in the devel- technological Russian startup-2013".

X-MOTION is based on
computer vision technology
which enables the system
to see and evaluate the
environment. The system
makes independent decisions
without the operator's
interference as to where the
equipment should go and by
which route, how to bypass
unexpected obstacles
in its way.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 79
Sk | IT

Dmitry Eidinov
| +7 (499) 129 35 00
| [email protected]

It is becoming increasingly complex to extract oil — there are fewer and

fewer "blank spots" on the map and proven oil fields are gradually depleted.
In this regard, the following question is particularly relevant to oil
companies: "Where to drill another well not to miscalculate?"

80 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | IT
n the pre-computer era, the answer to this before. Among the advantages of tNavigator

I question could be found only under field con-

ditions. A few decades ago there appeared
the first programs for hydrodynamic modelling
there is also ease of use (engineers can use
the program without any special training), in-
stant twenty-four hours technical support and
of oil fields. Some of them are still in use. response to customer's needs.
"Products by other market leaders were de- In the first years of its existence, Rock Flow
veloped 25-30 years ago and nowadays they Dynamics focused on the domestic market –
are wonderful but outdated software products. its customers included Lukoil, Novatek, TNK-
In comparison, our product meets all modern BP, Rosneft, Bashneft. However, 2013 wit-
requirements as regards its usability and inter- nessed a qualitative leap: after the single
face beauty. In addition, we apply new, ad- "raids" on foreign markets the company "was
vanced methods for solving differential ripe" for corporate agreements with the leading
equations, which allows calculations to be international companies. Rock Flow Dynamics
made much faster than analogues of the pro- entered the Japanese market, signed a major

This solution allows to create

interactive 3D-field models
using a variety of parameters,
where engineers can work out
various development scenarios:
determine the methods of drilling,
well placement, and so on.
At the same time, data for
analysis is prepared in a matter
of minutes and not hours,
as before.

duct," says Dmitry Eidinov, Business Develop- contract with one of the world's largest oil and
ment Director of a Skolkovo resident company gas companies Occidental Petroleum and with
Rock Flow Dynamics. the British corporation BG Group.
In 2005 Vasily Shelkov and Kirill Bogachev The latter operates in 25 countries around
set an ambitious goal - to break into the soft- the world, and now tNavigator is used to build
ware market dominated for decades by such models of fields in all parts of the world except
giants as Roxar and Schlumberger. As a result, Antarctica.
they could steal quite a portion of competitive The company representatives name coop-
advantage from the established leaders thanks eration with Skolkovo among the factors con-
to the unique solution called tNavigator. It al- tributing to the success of Rock Flow
lows to create interactive 3D-field models Dynamics. The company became a foundation
using a variety of parameters, where engi- resident in August 2011 and then received a
neers can work out various development sce- grant for the development of their brainchild.
narios: determine the methods of drilling, well "It allowed us to strengthen the group of devel-
placement, and so on. opers and quickly add the options that were
At the same time, data for analysis is pre- needed for the entry into foreign markets,"
pared in a matter of minutes and not hours, as says Dmitry Eidinov.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 81
Sk | Energy

Oleg Giyazov | +7 (812) 702 52 88 | [email protected] |

The Russian oil refining market

is characterized by a high degree
of conservatism – core technologies
were developed as far back
as 30-40 years ago. Along with that,
every rule has its exceptions.
One of them is the work of the
specialists from a Skolkovo resident
company – RRT, who managed
to pass the way from an idea
concept to industrial implementation
of the technology.

RT company made a breakthrough in the

R technology of receiving components of

Euro-5 gasoline. The essence of the in-
novation which was called PRIS is in placing
the isomerization unit, hydroisomerization unit
and the gas-processing system in one device.
RRT technology is developing a technology of
receiving high-octane gasoline from low-oc-
tane fractions by isomerization. An isomer is a
chemical compound with the same molecular
composition as that of the original but with dif-
fering properties. For example, with a different
octane number. The difference is achieved, as
a rule, by changing the atomic positions.
Demand for this technology is provided by
constant toughening of requirements to the en-
vironmental friendliness of cars and, conse-
quently, to gasoline. Currently an environmental
standard Euro-5 adopted in 2009 is in force in
Europe. The United States are gradually moving
towards MSAT 2 standard, which is even more
stringent. India is preparing to switch to Euro-4
by 2017.

82 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | Energy
Russia switched to Euro-3 on January 1, hope that the solution by RRT Company meet-
2013, and the introduction of Euro 5 should ing Euro-5 and MSAT 2 standards will find its
only be expected in 2016. niche in the market.
The trend is clear: year by year environmen- The main advantage of the Skolkovo resi-
tal standards will become more stringent dents' technology is in the physical incorpora-
hence the demand for high-octane gasoline tion of all the equipment involved in the
will continue to rise. In this regard, one can process within one assembly. These are four
fractionating columns and two reactor units.
The use of such a scheme has allowed to com-
PRIS technology bine the equipment components in such a way
as to use the drawn-off heat required for heat-
ing where necessary. This allows to decrease
CAPEX by 3.2 times and OPEX by 5 times for
the unit construction.
The first clients of RRT were an Indian pro-
cessing company Indian Oil and a small Russ-
ian private oil processing company. The
company has planned to expand its sales in
Russia and even the expansion into the global
market for 2015. This Skolkovo resident will
have to compete with a real giant - UOP Cor-
poration with 100-year history, employing
about 1000 people. However, the ambitious
Russians are sure that they are up to the task.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 83
Sk | IT

Sergey Rozinsky | +7 (495) 514 84 19 | [email protected] |

Skolkovo resident, Automated Machine “Store Roof Collapses Under

A Design Research and Development
Centre (APM) specializes in this area of
activity, among other things.
Snow", "Building Design Errors
Cause Destruction of Wall".
APM originated from the Bauman Moscow We see such headlines in the
State Technical University (MSTU). Initially, it press from time to time. There
was a division of the MSTU's Innovation Cen-
are ways to minimize the
tre, but in October 1992 APM became an inde-
pendent company. Its main declared goal was
possibility of such accidents
the development of software in the field of au- by doing a preliminary strength
tomated machine design. In the early stages calculation for the structures
of its operation, APM's staff was using Pascal under construction.
as the basic programming language and MS
DOS as the operating environment. However,
in 1992 the company already began to use MS
Windows for its development work.
The company chose C, and then C++, as
the programming language. This is how the

84 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
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current ARM WinMachine CAD software origi- DMZ (Demikhovo Machine-building

nated which is now sold successfully in the
software market. APM's software is used not
Plant) has been using the company's
only as a machine design tool, but also for civil solutions for over 15 years in order to
engineering and various devices and mecha- manufacture electric train carriages;
nisms. before proceeding to the production
APM has over 1,500 customers, which in-
clude large state-controlled enterprises and or-
of an important component, the
ganizations such as subdivisions of the engineers create its virtual model,
Russian Ministry of Defence, Rosatom, thereby significantly reducing the
Roscosmos, and the Sarov Nuclear Center. cost of expensive tests.
Many of these organizations have long-term
business relations with APM. For instance,
Demikhovo Machine-building Plant has been
using the company's solutions for over 15
years; before proceeding to the production of APM has participated in the preparation for
an important component, the engineers create the Sochi 2014 Olympics: strength calculation
its virtual model, thereby significantly reducing of the ice palace structure and expertise of
the cost of expensive tests. dozens of overhead crossings, bridges and
Among the projects implemented by RSDC exit roads of the Adler — Alpika Service (Kras-
APM experts being of particular interest and naya Polyana) Route.
importance are the technical expertise of the For APM, its participation in Skolkovo
Sayano-Shushenskaya Dam after the 2009 means an opportunity to expand the bound-
accident and the establishment of the causes aries of its activities and to take the advantage
of the collapse of the roof of the Krylatskoye offered by the unique ecosystem of the Inno-
Skating Hall in Moscow. grad.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 85
Sk | Energy

Anna Bleyer | +7 (495) 984 80 64 | [email protected] |

During the long-term use of heating equipment pipe choking and deposits
inevitably appear. This causes reduced heat transfer of heat exchange
and heating devices, increased losses of the heat conductor and heat
energy, uneven heating of the radiators. As a result, communal electricity
costs for circulation of the heat conductor increase, temperature in the
apartments becomes uncomfortable and the standard term of operation
of the heat equipment is reduced to 10 years (having the operational life
of 30 years and more).

he company Savant Research and De-

T velopment is engaged in the issues of re-

liability, durability, efficiency and effecti-
veness of the in-house heating systems and
heat exchangers. In particular, it is looking for in-
novative methods of dealing with unwanted
choking and deposits in the heating equipment.
The technology developed by the company
with the support of Skolkovo Foundation al-
lows to flush the heating systems and heat ex-
changers by treating them with an agent based
on surface-active substances.
Deposits are removed from the surface of
the pipes "gently", without choking the system
with corrosion products. Among the advan-
tages there is the fact that the agent does not
react with the metal of the system and is safe
for biological wastewater treatment facilities.
After removing a layer of deposits from the
internal pipe surface there appears a dense
monomolecular protective film.

86 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | Energy

Before treatment

The technology is based on

mechanochemical destruction of deposits,
or Rehbinder's effect (adsorption
reduction of strength). This mechanism
allows to remove the deposits "gently",
without choking the system with corrosion
After treatment

The company representatives lay particular The company has implemented a project on
emphasis to the fact that their technology is flushing heat exchangers of the refrigeration
applicable to any type of in-house heating sys- units on the graphitization furnace stack recti-
tems, to buildings and constructions of various fiers at Novocherkassk electrode plant. As a
height and area – from cottages to apartment result, the temperature parameters have im-
buildings. proved by 2 times, which allowed to decrease
It can be used all year round without break- purchases of expensive equipment and re-
ing the heating cycles throughout Russia. duce downtime.
Savant carries out work on objects in differ- Savant Research and Development repre-
ent regions of Russia, including Moscow and sentatives are ready to cooperate with all
Moscow Region, Tambov Region, Novosibirsk those who are interested in enhancing the ef-
Region, Rostov Region, Komi Republic, etc. ficiency of the Russian housing and public
For example, in Ukhta flushing of heating sys- utilities on the basis of innovative technolo-
tems was required to remove sludge, improve gies: leaders of municipal entities and heads
energy efficiency and extend the operating life of operating divisions, managing companies,
of the systems. Savant engineers conducted homeowners associations and housing asso-
surveys and flushed the heating systems in 32 ciations, expert organizations conducting re-
buildings. search in the field of housing and public
As a result, pressure loss decreased, de- utilities as well as energy service companies
posits were fully removed, efficiency of heat- providing services in the field of energy effi-
ing systems operation grew by 6-22%. ciency of buildings and facilities.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 87
Sk | Nuclear

Stepan Polikhov | +7 (495) 737 15 65 | [email protected] |

There are few international companies that have been operating in Russia for
as long and as productively as Siemens. The first project implemented in 1851
by the German company was the delivery of 75 switch telegraph instruments
for the railway line under construction Moscow – Saint Petersburg. The telegraph
used to be the latest development at that time that struck people's minds. Today
Siemens AG is equally attentive to innovation.

n this regard, it is logical that in June 2011 its future Russian R&D centre that will be lo-

I there was founded and has since been ac-

tive a subsidiary company Siemens R&D
Centre (Siemens RDC), whose purpose is the
cated in Skolkovo innovation city.
Currently the so-called solid-state micro-
wave generator is being developed there. At
R&D projects implementation in close collabo- the moment, the market of high frequency am-
ration with Skolkovo and the Russian scientific plifiers/pulse generators with the peak power
and educational institutions. of 100 kW and above, as well as a continuous
A significant event took place in summer wave generators of 10 kW and above is occu-
2013: Siemens opened the first laboratory of pied by vacuum devices, such as klystrons,

88 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | Nuclear

The main consumers of generators that are being developed by Siemens RDC
within the project are R&D institutions. In particular, the generators are required
for operation of particle accelerators.

travelling-wave tubes, tetrodes etc. Siemens generators for particle accelerators. There are
RDC project is intended to demonstrate the already potential customers. In particular Euro-
possibility of using modern semiconductor pean Spallation Source which is the world's
transistor technologies for the manu- most powerful particle accelerator is being
facture of high-power HF generators/ampli- constructed in the Swedish city of Lund. The
fiers. Scientists hope that they will be able to second market is presented by devices for the
create a more efficient, reliable and compact production of isotopes for positron emission to-
product that will in addition be offered at an af- mography. They are necessary for early detec-
fordable price. The main consumers of gener- tion of cancer.
ators that are being developed by Siemens Development of solid-state microwave gen-
RDC within the project are R&D institutions. In erators is only a first project implemented by
particular, the generators are required for op- Siemens RDC company in Skolkovo-based
eration of particle accelerators. For isotope laboratory.
production cyclotrons are used, and for pow- The magnitude of future plans is demon-
ering cyclotrons – common generators. strated by the fact that by the year 2018, Sie-
The new solution is now being tailored for mens RDC is expected to expand its staff to
two markets. The former is the market of HF 130-150 people.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 89
Sk | Space

Dmitry Tseitlin | +7 (495) 540 53 28 | [email protected] |

pectralaser is an example of the fact that In November 2013 a breakthrough

S private business is exploring space and
space technology in an increasingly ac-
tive way. The company that was founded in
occurred in the Russian space
industry: for the first in history stable
2011 and received a Skolkovo Foundation ignition of rocket engine fuel (oxygen-
grant in October 2012 is developing an array kerosene) with a laser beam was
of laser ignition modules for different types of achieved in a test bed of the Scientific
The scope of technology developed by Production Association EnergoMash
Spectralaser varies from thrusters for orbital named after Academician V. Glushko.
manoeuvring to engine start systems of upper Work was carried out on the basis of
engines and launch vehicle stages. It was de-
the laser ignition device with the key
cided to start the technology implementation
with the emerging segment of laser ignitions of module developed by Spectralaser
engines. Innovative approaches used by a Company.

90 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | Space

Skolkovo Foundation resident allow to create The company Spectralaser intends

compact modules designed for use in laser ig-
to further develop its second
nition systems of single and multiple use.
In the future, they will provide for multiple product – a multiple laser ignition
launches of rocket engines in flight or in orbit, module for the oxygen-hydrogen
thus replacing the traditional pyro-cartridges. booster engine of Angara rocket.
It is expected that laser ignition modules for The first launch is scheduled
liquid rocket engines will be used on the Soyuz
for 2018.
launch vehicle as soon as in 2015. Launch is
planned to be produced from Vostochny cos-
modrome. The company Spectralaser also in-
tends to further develop its second product –
a multiple laser ignition module for the oxygen-
hydrogen booster engine of Angara rocket.
The first launch is scheduled for 2018.
The pumping laser segment to which the
technology developed by Spectralaser belongs
occupies 4% of the world laser market but is
characterized by steady growth. The potential
volume of the world market of laser ignition
modules for liquid rocket engines is more than
$100 million a year. The goal of Spectralaser
is to take the lead in this market.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 91
Sk | Space

Ruslan Budnik | +7 (985) 967 49 26 | [email protected] |

Weak signal reception is one of the main drawbacks of navigation

systems. Satellite detection often fails in bad weather conditions as well
as in the centre of dense urban areas, to say nothing of the use of satellite
navigation systems inside buildings.

ccording to statistics, more than 75% of situation. The company is developing the proj-

A all map search queries from mobile

users is generated indoors but there are
no complete reliable products for positioning in
ect of a hybrid navigation receiver for seamless
positioning using geo-information services in-
doors and outdoors. Positioning via Wi-Fi is
such conditions. Spirit Navigation Company practically useless within buildings. Technology
which has been a Skolkovo Foundation resi- offered by Spirit Navigation allows to determine
dent since summer 2012 intends to rectify the the location with the precision of up to 1 metre.

92 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
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The designed receiver can provide remote

monitoring of transport in complex conditions
(in enclosed and underground parkings, urban and
natural canyons, mountains), and solves the problem
of navigation under strong industrial and specially
induced noise waves.

It is based on data from embedded sensors Nowadays, every mobile device is equipped
(gyroscope, accelerometers, magnetometer, with a positioning function. It means that the
barometer, navigation receiver, telecommuni- volume of the market for hybrid navigation so-
cations radio module, microphone, etc.) and lutions is, in fact, equal to the volume of the
their co-processing with determination of their market for mobile devices.
navigation value for specific conditions. According to forecasts by IE Market Re-
The designed receiver can provide remote search Corporation, GISA and Berg Insight,
monitoring of transport in complex conditions more than 1 billion devices with navigation
(in enclosed and underground parkings, urban function will be sold annually by 2015. By
and natural canyons, mountains), and solves 2020, the market will reach 220 billion euro.
the problem of navigation under industrial and Research in the field of indoor navigation is
specially induced noise waves. In addition, the conducted by both little-known start-ups con-
device will help in determining the optimal sisting of small teams and by giants like
routes for people and cargo at airports and Google, Apple, Qualcomm, Broadcom, CSR,
train stations. It can also be useful in everyday and Sony. Spirit Navigation Company intends
life: for example, it can be of assistance in find- to be a serious competitor for them and to oc-
ing the needed product in a large shopping cupy a prominent position in the promising
centre or the desired picture in the museum. market.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 93
Sk | Space

Andrey Potapov | +7 (910) 408 06 64 | [email protected] |

he project of Sputnix Company (Satellite

Despite their low weight –

12 to 50 kilograms, microsatellites
T innovative space systems) is dedicated
to the development and commercializa-
tion of integrated solutions and individual prod-
can perform quite serious ucts for small spacecrafts intended for applied
and educational use. Sputnix is the first Russ-
functions. They can be used ian company to use the principle of standardi-
for earth remote sensing, zation and unification of service systems and
batch communications, components when designing microsatellites,
automatic vessel identification, as well as the integration of on-board systems
and payload by “plug and play” principle.
conducting scientific and
technological experiments,
organizing educational

94 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | Space

monitoring of fires and emergencies for the

Ministry of Civil Defence, Emergencies and
Disaster Relief of the Russian Federation by
2018. In 2015 it is planned to launch an earth
remote sensing microsatellite TabletSat-4U-
Microsatellites of the Skolkovo resident are EO "Transparent World". It is being developed
assembled from modular blocks on the princi- by Sputnix in partnership with the Engineering
ple of Lego tinker toy: one base unit – hexag- and Technology Centre ScanEx and is de-
onal TabletSat – can connect with other similar signed to capture the earth's surface on a
ones. Solutions by Sputnix are relatively low multi-spectral camera. Another development,
priced due to unification. microsatellite technology demonstrator Tablet-
Among the company's plans is the creation Sat-2U-EO, is designed for testing a set of
of low-orbit satellite system for retransmission service systems: three-axis attitude control
and data exchange between mobile sub- and stabilization, on-board GPS/GLONASS
scribers and ground control and data process- navigator, on-board telecommand and teleme-
ing centres. To this end, it is planned to use try module etc.
microsatellites of type TabletSat-1U weighing Sputnix Company offers students of engi-
10-12 kg. The system is based on the principle neering universities to undergo a practical
of data exchange known as "store-and-forward course on creating a small spacecraft on the
messaging." It is assumed that such a system TabletSat platform. This course can result not
could be used, for example, by small and only in the mark in the student's credit book,
medium-sized businesses to exchange data but also in the launch of the student-designed
with remote subscribers located in areas that equipment into space and then the real work
are hard to access. with it. It must be noted that students can take
In addition to this, Sputnix is considering the an active part in the creation of elements of the
possibility of setting up a space system for fast small spacecraft and its payload.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 95
Sk | Nuclear

Sergey Samoilenko | +7 (495) 669 79 95 | [email protected] |

he first 2G-based cable was used as an in- Quantum phenomenon of

T sert in the 350-metre cable from HTSC 1G

in Albany (United States). The project
started in 2001 with simultaneous participation
superconductivity was discovered 100
years ago. At low temperature, electrical
resistance of some materials drops to
of several companies including Superpower and
Sumitomo. In 2006, American Superconductor zero, and the current is passed over the
Company – the then producer of about 80% of wire without any loss. The so-called high-
the world total of HTSC – completely switched temperature superconductors (HTSC)
to the development of HTSC 2G. Now HTSC 2G were discovered in the 1980's – in them,
are used in an increasing number of supercon- the above-mentioned phenomenon is
ducting products with every passing year. observed at the temperature of the liquid
In Russia, the only company that develops
nitrogen, and not helium.
HTSC 2G technology differing from foreign
In the near future, the world will be won
analogues is SuperOx-Innovations, a resident
of Nuclear Technologies Cluster at Skolkovo by their second generation, HTSC-2G.
Foundation. At the heart of solutions by CJSC
SuperOx-innovations lies the work of the re-
search group led by Professor Andrey Kaul at
the Department of Chemistry of Lomonosov
Moscow State University.

96 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | Nuclear
The company identified two fundamental di- well, in creating the fastest of all types of sur-
rections of 2G use: non-magnetic (cable) and face public transport – maglev trains (mag-
magnetic (engine). netic levitation trains).
SuperOx-Innovations intends to become a The essence of the system is that the mag-
vertically integrated company, to enter the mar- nets being a part of the train equipment levi-
ket not only as a supplier of HTSC 2G-bands, tate above the "carpet" made of HTSC-
but also as a producer of the end equipment. 2G-bands cooled with liquid nitrogen. The
Owing to the hybrid technology suggested by most famous example of such a system is the
the company, it is possible to produce a spe- Japanese line Yamanashi Maglev, which es-
cific type of superconductor for a specific type tablished a world speed record for trains (581
of equipment, such as rotors of generators, km/h). And there is more to come, the scien-
current limiting circuit breakers, cables – all tists note.
with appropriate technological and economic SuperOx Innovations has several competi-
characteristics. tors in the world market. In Russia, however,
In particular, the solution by SuperOx-Inno- there is no such thing: our country mainly im-
vations can be used in for wind power gener- ports American products.
ators: it is possible to reduce weight by 8 However, in the short term, the company will
times, and the price by 40-50% through the be able to cover the Russian needs in HTSC-
use of superconducting materials. The tech- 2G-bands of its own production almost com-
nology can be useful in the transport sector as pletely.

The technology can be useful in the transport sector as well, in creating the fastest of all
types of surface public transport – maglev trains (magnetic levitation trains). The essence
of the system is that the magnets being a part of the train equipment levitate above the
"carpet" made of HTSC-2G-bands cooled with liquid nitrogen.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 97
Sk | IT

The steady growth of traffic
volumes (in Russia it doubles
almost every year) is forcing
operators to engage in continuous
modernization of existing
fibre-optic networks, increasing
the data transfer speed
of the lines.

Vladimir Treschikov | +7 (495) 585 80 96 | [email protected] |

ne of the most effective ways to in-

O crease their bandwidth is Dense

Wavelength Division Multiplexing,
DWDM, which allows to transmit several inde-
pendent channels in parallel within a single
pair of fibres. The key advantage of this tech-
nology is the ability to boost speed in already
existing fibre-optic lines, thus relieving the op-
erators from unnecessary upgrade costs. In
addition, it is important to note that the transfer
of a high-speed signal through DWDM-sys-
tems over large distances occurs without the
use of intermediate amplifiers — this allows to
develop the network in the sparsely populated
and remote areas.

98 | Sk Made in Skolkovo
Sk | IT
T8 Company scientific and technical centre
which is a Skolkovo Foundation resident has
achieved considerable success in the develop-
ment of DWDM technology. At the moment
T-8 is the only domestic company that has de-
veloped a coherent DWDM-system that sup-
ports channel speed of 100 Gbit/s and a
maximum capacity of 9.6 TBit/s. The system
named Volga, allows to use most of the lines telecommunications equipment by T8 for
used for 10Gbit/s networks. What's more, the trusted communication channels in Konstanti-
signal quality is superior to all foreign ana- novsky Palace, the residence of the President
logues. T8 Company specialists have set sev- of Russia during the G20 Summit in St. Peters-
eral simultaneous world records in speed and burg. In 2013, the company received a 40 mil-
distance of data transfer over optical fibre. "We lion Roubles grant from Skolkovo Foundation
are the only company in Russia of that level for the development and batch production of
and, indeed, we compete only with large for- next-generation systems with a maximum ca-
eign companies," claim T8 representatives. pacity of 25 Tbit/s.
T8 has deployed more than 50 thousand The funds provided by the Foundation en-
kilometres of trunk DWDM networks, that is abled the company to purchase expensive
more than 7% of the total volume of this mar- components of the future model of the system
ket in Russia. and lease modern measuring instruments. The
The main clients of the company are Rost- creation of the system prototype is expected
elecom along with mobile and agency commu- by the end of 2014. The 25 Tbit/s system is
nications service providers. The company needed not only because of increased traffic
participated in the construction of DWDM net- volumes. The question is in the implementation
work for the Olympics-2014 in Sochi, and also of the Government's programme for the elimi-
introduced a network of 9 thousand kilometres nation of digital inequality as well as the na-
in Kazakhstan. In addition, Rostelecom used tional security strategy.

In 2013, the company received

a 40 million Roubles grant from
Skolkovo Foundation for the
development and batch
production of next-generation
systems with a maximum capacity
of 25 Tbit/s. The funds provided
by the Foundation enabled
the company to purchase
expensive components of the
future model of the system
and lease modern measuring

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 99
Sk | Biomed

Dmitry Tyrsin | +7 (495) 974 74 01 |

Disadvantages of chemotherapy in cancer treatment are widely known.

In fact, it is a "carpet bombing" method in which not only sick cells but
healthy ones are affected as well. In contrast, a new class of anti-tumour
drugs, monoclonal antibodies, attack the protein molecules in tumour
cells selectively.
heraMAB pharmaceutical company that

T is a Skolkovo Foundation resident is en-

gaged in the development of an innova-
tive, highly effective, therapeutic monoclonal
antibody TABO8. Its use in therapy would allow
to cure some serious autoimmune diseases
and oncological diseases, in particular B-cell
chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and rheuma-
toid arthritis. The unique mechanism of TABO8
molecule action is that it normalizes the func-
tional balance of the various types of cells,
thus affecting the cause of the disease rather
than its consequences.

100 | Sk Made in Skolkovo

Sk | Biomed
TABO8 should radically affect the inflamma- ber 2011 the permit for phase I clinical test of
tory process: stop it completely and not just the monoclonal antibody under research. Dur-
slow it down for a short period of time. It is this ing the project implementation employees of
latter effect that is caused by most existing TheraMAB Company combine the advan-
monoclonal antibodies. tages of Russia in the field of clinical research
The development process for new mono- and registration of medicines with the experi-
clonal antibodies is far from being easy: it re- ence in the development and production of
quires the use of the whole complex of antibodies accumulated in the West in order
modern achievements in the field of molecu- to enhance the efficiency of their work. The
lar and cell biology, biotechnology, genetic en- representatives of TheraMAB assure that
gineering. Russian businesses that develop their work is in line with the national interests
original products in the segment of mono- of Russia. The successful project implemen-
clonal antibodies design to fight autoimmune tation will reduce the import of drugs against
diseases and cancer can be counted on the cancer and autoimmune diseases, replacing
fingers of one hand. TheraMAB in some ways them not with generics but with the original in-
pioneered in their field, received in Septem- novative domestic product.

The development process for new monoclonal antibodies is far from

being easy: it requires the use of the whole complex of modern
achievements in the field of molecular and cell biology, biotechnology,
genetic engineering.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 101

Sk | Nuclear

Victor Lobtsov | [email protected] |

The volume of the pressure sensors market is extremely big. They are used in the
petrochemical industry, nuclear industry, power generation, medicine, aviation and
in many other spheres. Currently there is no batch production in the world of high
sensitivity pressure sensors designed to operate in extremely harsh conditions.
For example, sensors that can operate at -182°C are required for space exploration
and those operating at +350°C are needed in petrochemical industry.

ensor LLC is the national leader in the tion of work processes. In the West, these are

S development of innovative sensors and

their detector elements. Its subsidiary
company Thin Film Technology has been a
usually fields explored by different companies.
For example, if there about 15-20 detector el-
ement developers in the United States there
Skolkovo Foundation resident since 2012. The are dozens of thousand sensor manufacturers
company is "tripersonal": it develops and pro- by comparison.
duces not only its own detector elements, but Employees of the Sensor company have
also pressure sensors based on the embed- been developing sensitive pressure elements
ded technology, as well as engages in automa- since 2006. The development of thin film nano-
Sk | Nuclear

technology for forming tensometric sensitive that will increase the working temperature
elements is among their achievements. range of end products up to 320-550°C. In
The company uses a special semiconductor 2010, Sensor started supplies of pressure sen-
material of its own design, distinguished in sors for gas turbine engines.
part by high radiation resistance. This is im- Today the company's client portfolio in-
portant for products used in space and at nu- cludes major players in nuclear energy, space
clear power plants. The peculiarity of the technology, aviation markets. In particular,
technology developed by Sensor is also a products by Sensor and Thin Film Technology
possibility of creating sensor instruments re- were used in RD-33MK aircraft engines for
sistant to intensive destabilizing factors, such MiG-29. In addition, products by Sensor are
as high shock and vibration loads, as well as used to manufacture helicopter engines TV7-
large temperature variations (from -196°C to 117V, VK-2500, VK-800, power stations AI-
+350°C). Among the company's goals for the 222-25 for training aircraft/combat-capable
near future is the development of technology trainer aircraft Yak-130.

The peculiarity of the technology developed by Sensor is a possibility of creating

sensor instruments resistant to intensive destabilizing factors, such as high shock
and vibration loads, as well as large temperature variations.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 103

Sk | Nuclear

Anton Ryadinskiy | +7 (913) 916 42 83 | [email protected] |

Firefighters, relief workers and EMERCOM personnel during rescue and firefighting
missions are subject to various risks, so the issues of personal safety are
of paramount importance. Foreign and domestic solutions are characterized
by a number of drawbacks, including limited sphere of their application, low
degree of unification and a small number of parameters which can be monitored.

obile wireless communication system smooth transfer of any information up to the

M that can be deployed within a division

or a subdivision and combine a num-
ber of units should become the "backbone" of
video stream. It is expected that each fighter
will be equipped with a two-way radio-transmit-
ter, interchanged with the required sensors.
the system developed by Uniscan Research In particular, they can capture data on physio-
Company with the support of Skolkovo Foun- logical state of a person: blood pressure, CO
dation. Data transfer channel should provide a concentration in blood etc. In addition, the sen-

104 | Sk Made in Skolkovo

Sk | Nuclear
sors for firefighters and quite a different one for
relief workers. That is why the versatility of the
system under development is so important.
In addition to working on this project, Uniscan-
Research has developed a small-size X-ray ma-
chine, an automated production testing system
Scanfex, MeltFAT device for rapid analysis of
melting temperature of solid fats and waxes, a
mobile device for measuring the speed of blood
flow DISKmed, a radio channel thermal imaging
complex for security systems as well as a grav-
itational energy storage device characterized by
high efficiency and low unit cost.

Uniscan Research has developed a small-size X-ray machine, an automated

production testing system Scanfex, MeltFAT device for rapid analysis of melting
temperature of solid fats and waxes, a mobile device for measuring the speed
of blood flow DISKmed.

sors can warn about the possible threat, for ex-

ample, of being dangerously close to sources
of high voltage. When working in complex with
the breathing units or with other means of in-
dividual protection, linking with blocks installed
on these devices to control the parameters of
their work such as the tank pressure in breath-
ing units is provided. The system assumes that
all collected parameters are passed to the re-
mote control centre that is installed, e.g. in a
fire truck, and from there – to the headquar-
ters. Feedback communication is also pro-
vided – it is necessary to be able to warn the
fighters of a possible threat.
Uniscan Research system is in the form of a
puzzle, i.e. it allows to create a unique set of
sensors required to ensure the safety of the spe-
cific unit in accordance with the conditions of its
operation. That is, for this may be one set of sen-

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 105

Sk | Space

Vitaly Ponomarev | +7 (495) 280 76 97 | [email protected] |

ayRay is involved in the development In recent years, we have been

W of technology that goes beyond the
understanding of what driving is by
making it safer and more efficient. For several
hearing more often about the
concept of 'augmented reality'
decades, supersonic aircraft have been using in the media and in our everyday life.
the so-called collimators, i.e. devices for pro- However, more often than not
jecting the flight information to the windscreen.
it is about the entertainment industry.
WayRay intends to diversify this technology
and adapt it for other commercial markets (i.e. As a resident company of the
transport vehicles). Skolkovo Foundation, WayRay
The device developed by WayRay is a head proves that solutions in the
block built into the dashboard and a transparent
film attached with electrostatics to the inner sur-
field of 'augmented reality' can
face of the windscreen. The film consists of two bring real benefits and even
polymer layers and a coating of jelly-like sub- save many lives.
stance of proprietary composition between them.
The inner layer of the film is polymerized
under the influence of a powerful light source –
it has a diffraction image 'burnt' in it with a
laser. Different cars need different kinds of film,
but the head unit remains the same.

106 | Sk Made in Skolkovo

Sk | Space

The image above is a line which follows the

trajectory of the vehicle. Notably, the driver
gets the impression that the image is applied
directly onto the road.
With the help of the WayRay system the
driver can receive up-to-date information about
the traffic situation and quickly optimize his
route. Necessary data comes both from rele-
vant municipal services and from ordinary
users of the device. Geographical information
about the location and direction of the route is
transmitted from the GLONASS and GPS
satellite systems.
The WayRay system is capable of augment-
ing urban infrastructure with digital one. Based
on the user profile, it loads the information that
might be of interest to a specific person. As
soon as the car slows down, the windscreen
begins to show information about nearby build-
ings and organizations located there, as well
as other useful information.
In addition, WayRay is also a social network:
when the car is stopped, the user of the device
can connect to other drivers going the same
The expected retail prices of the developed is also expected that WayRay will be installed
device in the Russian market should not ex- not only in cars, but also in public transport.
ceed RUB 17,000. There are plans to create special versions of
It is comparable to the prices of traditional the device for river and sea transport, as well
Class A and Class B+ navigation systems. It as special software for emergency services.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 107

Sk | IT

Vladimir Gorbunov | +7 (499) 703 20 28 | [email protected] |

Russian authorities often say that creation of new jobs is among the main
priorities of their work. All Skolkovo resident companies make their
contribution to combating unemployment.

owever, nothing comes near to the on- the Internet and get officially declared and

H line service Workle that joined Skolkovo

in summer 2011. It is not exaggeration
to say that Workle has in fact formed an inno-
steady income.
What is this service about? Anyone can reg-
ister on the website, choose a profession (the
vative market for Internet work in Russia. The currently available options include tourism or
idea to set up Workle came to its founder, financial services consultant, insurance agent,
Vladimir Gorbunov, by accident. He was gifts sales manager or security systems sales
working at a large investment company, and manager), get free training, examine the offers
was going to a deal closing meeting, but got from partner companies and start working.
stuck in the elevator. The deal was on the The site is designed both for newcomers
verge of collapse. But Vladimir was up to the and experienced professionals; not only can
task and closed the deal via Skype. It was the latter increase their income significantly,
then that the idea was born to set up a web- but also get rid of the necessity to come to the
site that would allow people to work through office.

108 | Sk Made in Skolkovo

Sk | IT

Anyone can register on the website, choose a profession from those

represented there, get free training, examine the offers
from partner companies and start working.

All this is possible thanks to the innovative Over 60 leading Russian companies work
online environment developed by Workle: the with Workle today.
online office which is available to the users has Among its major achievements for 2013 the
search and product comparison modules, the company sees the 8.5-fold increase in rev-
option for maintenance of a client data, an or- enues and engaging of 400,000 job seekers.
ganizer, and samples of required documents. The company hopes to have increased the
As its mission, Workle declared 'improving number of online workplaces to 1.5 mln and
the quality of life and material well-being of the number of Internet professions to 20 by
people'. The website has provided actual 2015. Thus, the message made by Workle's
assistance to lots of people. Thousands of top managers that 'work should be available to
young mothers on maternity leave, pension- every person living in our country' will sound
ers and people with disabilities have started more realistic.
getting paid thanks to Workle. They get a That said, not only does the company in-
commission from sales made with the media- tend to develop its activities in Russia but also
tion of Workle. The authors of the website expand its business abroad.
claim that the average monthly income of
tourism managers is from 25,000 to 50,000
Roubles and sales managers of security alarm
systems are paid 2.5 times that amount.
Companies can also benefit from
the service developed by the
Skolkovo Foundation resident: by
offering their services through
Workle they significantly expand the
number of their representatives in var-
ious Russian regions and, hence, can
avoid enlarging their staff.

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 109




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Sk | Table of contents
RRT 82
T T8 98

Sk Made in Skolkovo | 111

Sk | Directions

The non-profit organization
"The Fund for Development of the
Center for Elaboration and Commer-
cialization of New Technologies"

4, Lugovaya Str, territory of Skolkovo

Innovation Center, Moscow, Russian
Federation, 143026

Telephone: +7 (495) 956 00 33

Fax: +7 (495) 739 53 06

E-mail address
for incoming correspondence:
[email protected]

112 | Sk Made in Skolkovo

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