Fighting Bullying Through The Collaborative Efforts of The School and Parents
Fighting Bullying Through The Collaborative Efforts of The School and Parents
Fighting Bullying Through The Collaborative Efforts of The School and Parents
Bullying is an issue which persist in many schools, nay, many schools aren’t even aware
that this problem exist in their midst because most of the time it is treated merely as unimportant
or a quibbling among children. By doing so, these schools fail to rectify the problem and thus
play a factor in its perpetuation. That being said, school as the second home for the children
should be more than willing to address this problem and thus break the tradition of neglect and
fulfill its role in building security and confidence among the learners. Bullying is not a problem
which one can say to be easy-peasy; it needs involvement of the school administration, school
The school should resolve the issue of bullying in a reasonable manner. It should be the
leading example of justice and fairness. In cases, where the bullying is only mild, the child can
be helped through taking with the school guidance counselor or be penalized through doing
chores like cleaning the toilet, arranging books in the library and cleaning halls; but if the
bullying has come to a severe degree, then the school can employ the three- tier policy where in
a first offense will be a warning to the child; the second offense will need immediate notice to
parents and the third offense means expulsion from the school. The school should be firm in
implementing this policy; otherwise, bullies will continue with their aggression and the victims
will continue to suffer. There could also be a time when parents of a bully child might ingratiate
themselves with the teacher or the principal; the school should remain firm on the punitive
The school guidance counselor on the other hand, should be in cooperation with the
teachers in order to know who among the students needs advising and supervising. Basically,
those students who are the subjects of complain by their teachers and classmates are the top
priority for the school guidance counselors. Students who are bully need understanding and a
realistic, helpful criticism of their attitude. The school counselor needs to build rapport with
these students in order to wrought positive outcomes and realistic expectation from them.
The class teacher, being the school captain needs to have the hawk eye to see the hints of
bullying inside the classroom as sometimes the students who are being bullied are scared of
reporting to their teachers; hence teacher should at all times show a friendly attitude and play the
role of a good confidant to the students. The teacher by showing a concerned gesture will be able
to win the students’ confidence thereby allowing them to talk about the cause of their problems
The parents are encouraged to help their children from being victimized or being a bully
through listening to their children, giving them the affection and warmth that they need. Parents
should refrain from being judgmental and being naggers because it only backfires on them as the
child will feel unsupported and alone; it will encourage the child to become more rebellious.
Moreover, lack of interest in going to school could mean a serious underlying problem like fear
of bullies which the parent needs to talk with the child. It is therefore required that the parents
Student bodies like SSG should be aware of cases of bullying inside the school campus.
They should work with other students to prevent cases of hazing and harassment. They should
report cases of bullying to the school principal and other authorities in the school. And together
with the school authorities they should give information regarding bullying, like the anti-bully
cameras or CCTVs to monitor students’ whereabouts and activities. But for public schools that
cannot afford such luxurious item, the mere presence of school administration and the techers’