GW 04 Hi Ho Squat Miner Gangs PDF
GW 04 Hi Ho Squat Miner Gangs PDF
GW 04 Hi Ho Squat Miner Gangs PDF
Squat Miner Gangs
TRADING Slaggers are generally young Squats and do all of the scutty iobs
Miners roll on the Outlaw - loading and pushing ore carts, cleaning mining equipment,
Trading Chart, provided in this and the gunk out of the bottom of the shafts. Strangely, there
article. never seems to be a shortage of off-world Squats, willing to do
this work.
Miners will only hire Bounty M lTS BS S T sr Ld
Hunters, and especially Pit
Fighters, if they can afford it.
Pit Slaves with Rock Drills are Initiaf Experience Pointsi 0
especially desirable and a
Miner gang will pay 15 credits Weapons: A Slaggeris equipped with a Miner's pick. He may
for a suitably equipped Hired also be given equipment chosenfrom the Close Combat section
Gun. Income generated from a of the specialMiner lists.
Mine Workings using a Pit Slave SPECIAL RULES
will be 4D6x10.
Resilient: Slaegersare remarkablyresilient to poisons
The gang's rating will increase
becauseof the harsh conditions in which they work. If a Miner
bv 75, instead of 50 for hiring
goes out ofaction due to poison, roll twice on the Serious
this type of Pit Slave.
Injuries Tableand choosewhich result to apply
STARVATION Encumbfance: The Slaggeris used to moving great loads,
Miners suffer the effects of and working with cumbersomedrilling equipment. The Slagger
starvation just like everybody does not have a penalty for fighting in hand-to-handcombat
else. whilst carrying a heary weapon. W'hena Slaggerbecomesa
Miner, he automaticallygains the abilities of a Heary and may
BOUNTY use healy weapons.A Miner Gang may still only contain two
Viners are often claim heary weapons. In addition, the Miner can wear Catapace
iumpers; roll a dice after you
armour without the Initiative penalty.
have formed your gang. On the Nerves of Steel: All SquatMiners have the Neruesof Steel
result of a '1' on a D6, the Ferocity skill.
Prospector has been reponed
to the Guilders. They then
become wofth a bounty equal
ro their cost, just like any other
-{nv captured Miner will add a
+j to your Dd roll for income
from Mine Workings.
\liners may choose from the
following scenarios: The Hit,
Loot and Pillage (defender
on-l-v), The Hunters, Caravan
(defender only), Scavengers,
Hit and Run (defender only),
i:J! ---; el9:..:Y: i^;
Musket 41,-50 Miner
61-80 Prospector
Stub Gun 10
Autopistol r5
101-120 Prospector
Laspistol t)
Boltpistol 20
14l--1,60 Prospector
Plasma Pistol )\
L81-200 Prospector
Chains 5
Clubs, Mauls and Bludgeons 5
Knife fuee/5
Massive Axe or Hammer t5
Mattock, Pick or Shovel free
4OI+ Master
Man-Stopper Shotgun Shells )
1. Stafting level for Slaqgers
Hot Shot Shotgun Shells 5
2. Starting level for Miners
Dum Dum bullets for Stub Gun 5
3. Starting level for
Demolition Charges 40
+*.:t-, j:;Ej.t:A.i:.:::ii:ii]i:!.i::]:;;.]iill/|?/46+1+:'e:.1a,i.F:..4e-
\{iner Y Y
Prospector Y Y
Mattock: The Miner's mattock
or pick axe is a useful tool and
a fearsome weapon. The
mattock must be used with two
hands, so it cannot be used in
conjunction with other close
combat weapons.
Dranas. Due to the ponderous
lurching swing required to
wield this weapon, any combat
which ends in a draw will
always be won by your
opponent, regardless of
Weapon Skill or Initiative level.
Your opponent catches you on
the upswing.
Shovel: The Miner's shovel
similaf to chainmail worn by Chainjack gives a 4+ save can also be useful as a weapon.
medieval warriors (Handy against blast template weapons It also must be used yrith two
when you are converting from ar'd a 4* save against low-tech hands. However a Mineq
Varhammer Dwarf Sappers!). hand-to-hand weapons trained in the 'Art of Shovel', is
It is not as sophisticated as (swords, clubs including Pit able to Parry attacks, as if
mesh armour, but in the case Slave shears, etc.) but affords wielding a sword. The shovel is
of blasts, it is much better than no save against any other not a good weapon however,
the alternative. Chainiack also weapons. This is a fairly so a Miner attacks at -L
offers some protection in close common item for Miners and is stfength.
combat against low-tech hand- available to Prospectors and
to-hand weapons, which is Miners only Slaqgers just have Lascutter: This is the
always a good thing. to be more careful. Chainiack industrial variant of the
costs 25 credits oer suit. lascannon. A lascutter can be
used as a ranged weapon. in a
pinch. It has almost no range,
MINING DEMOLITION CHARGES and is bulky to wield, but if ir
Short Long To Hit hits, well, this is why ir is a
Range Range Short Long Str Dam Save Ammo must have industrial tool in
UserSx2 -1 -2 5 D4 -2 5+ any mining colony or on any
merchant ship. These
occasionally find their way into
the Outlands where they are
Short Long To Hit
quickly snapped up by Miners
Range Raqge Short Long Str Darr Save Ammo
of all sorts. More than one life
Close Combat only As User 1 As User has been lost over this piece of
I.AS CUTTER Rock Drill: This is a two
Short Long To Hit handed version ofthe Pit Slave
Range Range Short Long Str Dam Save Ammo weapon, and cannot be used in
0-8 9-76 +2 -1 9 2D6 -2 +2 conjunction with any other
weapons except fof pistols.
SONIC CLEANSER Fortunately for Miners, this
Short Long type of Rock Drill is not
To Hit
Range Range Short Long Str Dam surgically attached. Use the
Save Amrno
weapon's profile listed in the
Close Combat only *Knock Down 4+ Pit Slave Weapon section for
this weaoon.
Sonic Cleanser: Nobody is
quite sure of the origin of the MINER'S MAP TABLE
Sonic Cleanser. It may have 1D6 Result
been part of the trappings of 1. Fake -You show this map to another Prospector and he
office of the rulers of an identifies it as a fake, and tells you the story behind it. You
ancient time, or simply have are out your money and a good bit of pride.
fallen out of the toolbox of an
errant spacefarer. The tool's 2. Worn and Incomplete -You find the mine but it has been
instruction manual has been completely worked through. You get norhing for all of
lost as well, so no one really youf toil.
knows it's true functions! The 3. Vague and Inaccurate - You didn't realise it when you
Sonic Cleanser can detect bought it, but you have worked this mine before. It does
faults in minerals, split them point out a section that you originally missed so you can
along the detected faults, un- scrape out another D6x5 credits for your trouble.
iam iammed machinery 1or jam
it) or realign that troublesome 4. Ancient and Fad.ed - Barely legible rhough it is, the map
crystalline power source. In a is a genuine Miner's Map. You can work out D6x10 credits
Miner's hands, it's mostly used before it is exhausted. and. it reveals the location of
for cleaning and splitting gems. ancient tunnels nearby You can swap a territory for
Howeveq by manipulating the Tunnels if you wish but this must be done now.
settings, it can deliver a sonic 5. Equipment Stasb - u/hile you find no ofes or gems in this
pulse that can knock an mine, you find a small stash of mining equipment instead.
opponent off his feet.
Roll a D6:
In game terms, the Sonic 1-2 - Mattocks and Shovels
Cleanser is a close combat
\r'eapon and can be used in I - a rusry but serviceable suit of Chainjack
conjunction with any close 4 - Explosives, enough for one Miner
combat or pistol weapon. A 5 - Rockdrill, it will take d5x5 credits to get it working
successful hit will knock the 6 - Sonic Cleanser. It looks like someone just dropped it
model back 2" and the model out of his tool box! The instruction manual is no where
must make an I check or fall to be found.
down. If the affected model is
6. Recent and AccurAte - The Prospector may add a Mine
s'ithin 1" of a building edge,
Workings to his teritory.
make the same I check with a
+1 modifier. A knock-down
qill end hand-to-hand combar
though any remaining hits in
th current combat, can be
resolved as normal.
-{ downed model must halve its
s-S, rounded up, if attacked in
funher rounds of hand-to-
hand. The model may stand up
normally during its nefi
recovery phase.
Technically, the Sonic Cleanser
is not a weapon, and it cannot
maintain the output needed to
srun opponents. For every hit
it makes, it requires an ammo
roll of 4+. If it fails the roll, the
device must be recharged and
OUTLAW TRADE CHART cannot be used until the next
Miner's Map: You have found
1L Gamble and Lose (Special)
an old Prospector's Map for
t2-13 Robbed (Special) sale in a secluded corner ofan
14-r5 Cheated (Special) Outlander bazaar. This could
16 Gamble and win (Special) be the ticket to get off of this
2t-22 Armour. Roll a D6 hell hole planet if it pans out.
l-4 - Chaigack There have always been
rumours of secret mines
5 - Carapace Armour
hidden in the wastes that have
6 - Mesh Armour tapped into rich veins of ores
23 Explosives: Roll a d6 and gems, and in your
1-3 - Enough for 1 Miner experience, they have always
4-5 - Enough for 2 Miners been just that - rumours, until
6 - Enough for 3 Miners now.
24 Grenades: Roll a d6 Every ounce ofwealth that you
1 - Melta Bomb assay in town has been
2-3 - Photon Flash Grenades drenched in your and your
gang's sweat and the Big Strike
4-6 - Smoke Bombs
always seems out of reach.
25 Gun Sight: Roll a d6
WeIl, the map seems cheap
1-2 - Red Dot Laser Sight enough....
3 - Mono Sight
If you decide to buy the map,
4 - Telescopic Sight roll to see how accurate it is
5-6 - Infrared Sight before you play your next
26 Archeotech Hoard game. If the map is accurate, it
31- Bionics. Choose one oi Bionic Arm, Bionic Eye, will enable you to earn (or
or Bionic Leg lose) some extra credits before
32 Bio-Scanner the next game. The map is only
good for one use.
33 Blindsnake Pouch
34 Bottle of Wild Snake
35 Icrotic Slime
This table is to be used to
36 Infra-Goggles determine what rare trade
4r Las-Cutter items are offered for sale to the
42 Kalma Fixer gang leader. D3 items are
43 Rad Counter offered automarically and a
44 Ratskin Map further f 1 for each ganger
+) sent to search them out. The
prices of rare items are given
46 Silencer
on the main trade charts and
51 Sonic Cleanser are indicated by an @).
52 Stinger Mould Patch
Well, tbat's about it. If you
53 Stummers
baue any comrnents do drop
54 Weapons Reload me a message on:
))-)o Inside Information (Special)
[email protected]
6r-62 Miners's Map (see chart)
63-64 Rumour (Special)
65-66 Tip-off (Special)