Julia Stolyarova, IY18-03B Word List Unit #1. Learning Languages Word/Phrase Transcription Translation Examples
Julia Stolyarova, IY18-03B Word List Unit #1. Learning Languages Word/Phrase Transcription Translation Examples
Julia Stolyarova, IY18-03B Word List Unit #1. Learning Languages Word/Phrase Transcription Translation Examples
Unit #1. Learning Languages
№ Transcription Definition Translation Examples
1 Parrot-fashion /ˈpær.ətˌfæʃ.ən/ If you learn or repeat как попугай he repeats
a piece of text parrot- everything she says
fashion, you learn or in parrot-fashion
repeat the exact
words, usually
understanding them.
Come along /kʌm/ to be developing or продвигаться, how is your work
2 making progress преуспевать coming along?
3 Monolingual /ˌmɒnəʊˈlɪŋɡwəl/ using only one одноязычный He regrets being
language monolingual and
wishes he were
4 Bilingual |bʌɪˈlɪŋɡw(ə)l| using or able to двуязычный, He regrets being
speak two languages говорящий на monolingual and
двух языках, wishes he were
билингвист bilingual.
5 Get by( a /ɡet/ to be able to live or выживать, I don't know how
language) deal with a situation обходиться he gets by on so
with difficulty, little money.
usually by having
just enough of
something you need,
such as money
6 Rewarding /rɪˈwɔːdɪŋ/ making you feel приносящий Teaching is hard
satisfied that you удовлетворение, work but it's very
have done something вознаграждающий rewarding.
7 Mother tongue the first language that родной язык More than one-fifth
you learn when you of the population
are a child had German as their
mother tongue.
8 Pick (smth) up to learn a new skill научиться чему- He hadn't done any
or language by либо быстро skiing before, but
practising it and not he picked it up
by being taught it really quickly.
9 Accent /ˈæksənt/ the way in which акцент an American accent
someone pronounces a French accent
words, influenced by
the country or area
they come from, or
their social class
10 Multi-lingual /ˌmʌl.tiˈlɪŋ.ɡwəl/ (of people or groups) многоязычный a multilingual
able to use more than online dictionary
two languages for
communication, or
(of a thing) written or
spoken in more than
two different
11 Recycle /ˌriːˈsaɪkl/ to put used paper, перерабатывать, We recycle all our
glass, plastic, etc повторно newspapers and
through a process so использовать bottles.
that it can be used
12 Lingua franca /ˌlɪŋ.ɡwə a language used for лингва франка, The international
ˈfræŋ.kə/ communication общий язык business
between groups of community sees
people who speak English as a lingua
different languages franca.
13 Fluent /ˈfluː.ənt/ When a person is беглый, текучий, She's fluent in
fluent, they can плавный French.
speak a language He's a fluent
easily, well, and Russian speaker.
14 Pronunciation |prəˌnʌnsɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n| how words are произношение English
pronounced pronunciation is
15 Acquire / əˈkwaɪər/ to obtain or begin to приобретать, She acquired her
have something получать, love of the outdoors
овладевать, as a child.
16 Acquisition /ˌæk.wɪˈzɪʃ.ən/ the process of getting приобретение, The acquisition of
something сбор, овладение huge amounts of
data has helped our
Language acquisition
(= learning a
language without
being taught) starts at
a very young age.
17 Let down /let/ to disappoint подводить, You will be there
someone by failing разочаровывать tomorrow - you
to do what you won't let me down,
agreed to do or were will you?
expected to do
18 Fall behind to fail to do отставать, He was ill for six
something fast оставаться weeks and fell
enough or on time позади, behind with his
опаздывать schoolwork.
I've fallen behind
on the mortgage
19 Catch on /kætʃ/ to understand, понимать He doesn't take
especially after a hints very easily,
long time but he'll catch on
20(to what you're
saying) eventually.
20 Take up /ˈteɪk.ʌp/ how much people принимать, We are calling for
start to use or accept браться за government action
a service, or to improve the take-
sometimes a product, up of state benefits.
that has become
available to them
21 Keep up with /kip/ to continue to be держаться He’s never made an
informed about наравне с; effort to keep up
something держаться вместе; with current events.
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