Julia Stolyarova, IY18-03B Word List Unit #1. Learning Languages Word/Phrase Transcription Translation Examples

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Julia Stolyarova, IY18-03B

Unit #1. Learning Languages
№ Transcription Definition Translation Examples
1 Parrot-fashion /ˈpær.ətˌfæʃ.ən/ If you learn or repeat как попугай he repeats
a piece of text parrot- everything she says
fashion, you learn or in parrot-fashion
repeat the exact
words, usually
understanding them.
Come along /kʌm/ to be developing or продвигаться, how is your work
2 making progress преуспевать coming along?
3 Monolingual /ˌmɒnəʊˈlɪŋɡwəl/ using only one одноязычный He regrets being
language monolingual and
wishes he were
4 Bilingual |bʌɪˈlɪŋɡw(ə)l| using or able to двуязычный, He regrets being
speak two languages говорящий на monolingual and
двух языках, wishes he were
билингвист bilingual.
5 Get by( a /ɡet/ to be able to live or выживать, I don't know how
language) deal with a situation обходиться he gets by on so
with difficulty, little money.
usually by having
just enough of
something you need,
such as money
6 Rewarding /rɪˈwɔːdɪŋ/ making you feel приносящий Teaching is hard
satisfied that you удовлетворение, work but it's very
have done something вознаграждающий rewarding.
7 Mother tongue the first language that родной язык More than one-fifth
you learn when you of the population
are a child had German as their
mother tongue.
8 Pick (smth) up to learn a new skill научиться чему- He hadn't done any
or language by либо быстро skiing before, but
practising it and not he picked it up
by being taught it really quickly.
9 Accent /ˈæksənt/ the way in which акцент an American accent
someone pronounces a French accent
words, influenced by
the country or area
they come from, or
their social class
10 Multi-lingual /ˌmʌl.tiˈlɪŋ.ɡwəl/ (of people or groups) многоязычный a multilingual
able to use more than online dictionary
two languages for
communication, or
(of a thing) written or
spoken in more than
two different
11 Recycle /ˌriːˈsaɪkl/ to put used paper, перерабатывать, We recycle all our
glass, plastic, etc повторно newspapers and
through a process so использовать bottles.
that it can be used

12 Lingua franca /ˌlɪŋ.ɡwə a language used for лингва франка, The international
ˈfræŋ.kə/ communication общий язык business
between groups of community sees
people who speak English as a lingua
different languages franca.
13 Fluent /ˈfluː.ənt/ When a person is беглый, текучий, She's fluent in
fluent, they can плавный French.
speak a language He's a fluent
easily, well, and Russian speaker.
14 Pronunciation |prəˌnʌnsɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n| how words are произношение English
pronounced pronunciation is
15 Acquire / əˈkwaɪər/ to obtain or begin to приобретать, She acquired her
have something получать, love of the outdoors
овладевать, as a child.
16 Acquisition /ˌæk.wɪˈzɪʃ.ən/ the process of getting приобретение, The acquisition of
something сбор, овладение huge amounts of
data has helped our
Language acquisition
(= learning a
language without
being taught) starts at
a very young age.
17 Let down /let/ to disappoint подводить, You will be there
someone by failing разочаровывать tomorrow - you
to do what you won't let me down,
agreed to do or were will you?
expected to do
18 Fall behind to fail to do отставать, He was ill for six
something fast оставаться weeks and fell
enough or on time позади, behind with his
опаздывать schoolwork.
I've fallen behind
on the mortgage
19 Catch on /kætʃ/ to understand, понимать He doesn't take
especially after a hints very easily,
long time but he'll catch on
20(to what you're
saying) eventually.
20 Take up /ˈteɪk.ʌp/ how much people принимать, We are calling for
start to use or accept браться за government action
a service, or to improve the take-
sometimes a product, up of state benefits.
that has become
available to them
21 Keep up with /kip/ to continue to be держаться He’s never made an
informed about наравне с; effort to keep up
something держаться вместе; with current events.
идти в ногу с

Oxford Idioms

22 First of all Before doing

anything else
23 Go Look at, check, or
over/through discuss sth carefully
24 Leave smth Not do sth, e.g an
out exercise(leave sb
out= not include sb)
25 Rub smth out Remove marks made
by a pencil, chalk,
etc, using rubber
26 Take it in So sth one after
turns another so that
everyone has an
opportunity to do
it(also take turns as
27 Swap Take sb’s
places(with seat/position so they
sb) can take yours
28 Finish sth off Do the last part of sth
29 Put sth away Put sth where you
usually keep it,
especially after using
30 Call it a day Decide to stop what
you are doing(often
31 Hand smth out Раздать
32 Take it Think that sth is
seriously important and should
be given careful
33 Look sth up Look for information
about sth in a
reference book or
34 In rough If you write sth in
rough, you do it for a
first time without
worrying about
mistakes because
you’ll write it
correctly later
35 It’s no In this sentence it’s
good(doing crossed out: Look it
sth) something up. =it
will have no positive
result (doing sth).
SYN its no
use(doing sth)
36 Crossed out
37 Go back(to…) Return to a person,
place, subject, or
38 Build sth up Increase or develop Build up
sth over a period of confidence/strength/
time a reputation.
39 The tip of the Only a small part of
iceberg at a much larger
home problem or matter in
your own house/flat.
40 Dos and Things you should
don’ts and shouldn’t do
41 Make yourself Speak in a way that
understood others can
42 Trial and error A way of solving a
problem by trying
several possibilities
and learning from
your mistakes
43 Make the most Enjoy sth or use as
of sth much as you can
44 Learn sth(off_ Learn sth by reading Выучить наизусть
by heart or hearing it
repeatedly until you
remember it exactly
45 (Say/read sth) (Say/read sth)so that
out loud others can hear it
46 Get behind Not do sth on time,
(with sth) and then have more
to do later
47 Catch up(with Reach the level of
sb) others who are more
48 Give up Stop trying to do sth,
or accept that you
cannot do sht
49 Stick at sth Continue with sth
even though it’s
50 Get there Achieve sth after a
period of work or
51 Brush up on Improve your
sth/brush sth knowledge or skill in
up sth, especially when
you have not used it
for a period of time
52 Make sense of Manage to
sth understand sth
53 Keep up(with Make progress at the
sb) same speed as others
54 Sink in (of info or
experience) be
remembered or
55 Keep your Continue to
mind on sth concentrate on sth
56 Pick sth up Learn sth without
making a big effort
57 Keep it up Continue to so sth as
well as you are doing
it now
58 Rack your Try hard to
brain(s) remember sth
59 On the tip of You are sure that you
your tongue know it but you can’t
remember it at the
60 (info) goes in You forget info
one ear and quickly
out the other
61 (info)Comes You remember it
62 Get on top of Manage to control or справиться с чем- Get to grips with
sth/ get to deal with sth то sth.
grips with sth
63 Get into the Develop a particular
habit of doing habit
64 Go through sth Look at study notes
65 Get bogged Become so involved
down(in sth) with the details of sth
that you can’t make
any progress
66 Work sth out Solve a problem by
considering the facts
67 Come up If a question,
number, name comes
up, it’s selected and
appears somewhere
68 Keep your Hope for good luck
fingers or success
69 It’s not the Its not the worst
end of the thing that could
world happen
70 Get down to Begin to so sth and
sth give serious attention
to it
71 Do/try your Try as hard as
best/do sth possible to achieve
best of your sth
72 Stay up Go to bed later than
73 Steer/stay Take care to avoid держаться Jo tried to steer
clear of sb/sth sb/sth подальше; clear of political
сторониться; issues.
74 Keep/have one Look at or watch sth
eye on sth while doing sth else
75 Run out of sth Use all of sth and
have no more left
76 Stick to sth Talk/write about one
particular thing only
77 Get stuck(on Not be able to
sth) continue with sth
because its too hard
78 Miss sth out Not include sth, or
fail to include sth
79 Go blank If your mind goes
blank you’re unable
to remember the
answer to a question
80 Breathe in/out Take air into your
81 Read through Read sth to check
sth details and look or
82 Make sense Have a clear
meaning, be logical
and easy to
83 Not be up to Not be very good
84 Go from bad (condition/situation)
to worse become even worse
85 Be better off Used to suggest that
sth sb should do sth
86 Drop out Leave school/college
without finishing
87 By Used for talking
comparison about ways in which
two people or things
are different
88 In your Doing what you’re
element good at and enjoy
89 Think on your Be able to think and
feet react to thong very
90 Go far Be successful in the
91 Its early days Its too soon to know
how sb/sth will
92 Sit back Relax, especially by
not doing anything or
not getting involved
93 Come up with Produce ideas or
sth solution to sth
94 Know your Know a lot about a
stuff particular stuff
95 Get on Make progress
96 Bring out the Make sb behave in
best/worst in the best or worst way
sb that they can
97 Be out of Not to
touch(with sb) know/understand
recent ideas in a
particular subject
98 Get/start off Make a bad start at a
on the wrong relationship
99 Pull your Work as hard as
weight everyone else in a
job or activity
100 Think ahead(t
Think for Think about a future
yourself event and plan for it
Talk it/sth From your own
over opinions rather than
simply believing
what other people
Think it/sth Discuss wth with sb
through especially to help
make a decision
On the spur of |spɜː| Suddenly, without
the moment planning in advance
Take it/sth in Fully understand and
remember what you
hear, see or read
Have got a Be naturally good at
(good) head doing calculations,
for sth remembering facts
Slip your Of sth slips your
mind mind, you forget it,
or forget to do it
Know sth like Know a place very
the back of well
your hand
Get the hang Learn or begin to
of sth understand how to do
Know what Have experience in
you’re doing doing sth and
understand it fully
Out of practice Less good at doing
sth than you used to
be because you
have’t dove it for
some time
Give sth a try Make an attempt to
so sth

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