Cross Contamination:The Hidden Determinant of Food Borne Illness in Kitchen
Cross Contamination:The Hidden Determinant of Food Borne Illness in Kitchen
Cross Contamination:The Hidden Determinant of Food Borne Illness in Kitchen
Cross Contamination causes food poisoning when harmful bacteria e.g. Salmonella, Yersinia,
Campylobacter, E. coli, Clostridium, Norovirus etc. are transferred to food products. Most
common is the Campylobacter. Certain mycotoxins are also responsible for food poisoning.
Certain food borne diseases are diarrhoea, typhoid, enteritis including symptoms like nausea,
vomiting, fatigue, fever, bloody stool etc.
1) Storage of food: storing of RTE food above or next to the high risk food i.e. milk,
meat, poultry, sea food etc. facilitates the transfer of micro-organisms from these to
RTE food. e.g. raw meat kept near cooked food cause cross contamination through
blood drip and transfer of Salmonella.Unpasteurized milk facilitates transfer bovine
E.coli to other food.
2) Contaminated equipments: dirty clothes, knives, chopping boards, unwashed
utensils, fridge handle etc. act as the mode of transmission of microbes from
contaminated food to fresh food causing food borne diseases.
3) Food handlers or the cook: food handlers not allowing Good Manufacturing
Practices (GMPs) are the chief mode of cross contamination. Handling raw food
carrying microbes and then handling cooked food by not washing hands properly
allows microbes to pass through hand and equipments.
4) Other agents: improper cleaning of kitchen, poor drainage system helps in
developing cross contamination by facilitating growth of flies, insects, rats,
cockroaches, moles etc. Soiled uniforms and gloves as well as soiled fruits and
vegetables facilitates microbial infestation in food.