Higaonon, Mamanwa, Mandaya, Manobo, Mansaka, Sangir, Subanen, Tagabawa, Tagakaulo, Tasaday, and T'boli. Their Tribe
Higaonon, Mamanwa, Mandaya, Manobo, Mansaka, Sangir, Subanen, Tagabawa, Tagakaulo, Tasaday, and T'boli. Their Tribe
Higaonon, Mamanwa, Mandaya, Manobo, Mansaka, Sangir, Subanen, Tagabawa, Tagakaulo, Tasaday, and T'boli. Their Tribe
Originally from the islands of Sulu in Mindanao, they’re
known as the sea tribes living on houseboats. They try to
make ends meet by depending on the sea as divers,
fishermen, and navigators. Because of conflicts in the region,
the majority of them have migrated to neighboring countries
such as Malaysia and Indonesia, whereas those who stayed
in the Philippines moved to some areas in Luzon.
TheMangyans of Mindoro are well-known clans in the
Philippines because they have the biggest populace.
Comprising eight different Mangyan groups, they have a
peaceful reputation, unlike the headhunting tribes of the North
and warrior tribes from the South. While some has already
converted into Christianity, there are still a large percentage of
those who practice animistic religious beliefs.
TheAetas(orAgtaorAyta)areoneof theearliest
knowninhabitnatsof thePhilippineswhoarenowlivingin
scatteredmountainousareasof thecountry.Theywerecalled
bytheSpanishcolonizersasthe‘Negritos’becauseof their
darktodark-brownskin.Theyarenomadicbut areveryskilled
expertsinherbal medicine
northernpart of thecountry,aremostlyresidinginthemountain
rangesof theCordilleraRegion.Theyarepopularlyknownfor being
ricecultivators.Anassortment of thegroupcalledtheIfugaosbuilt
theBanaueRiceTerraces–frequentlycalledthe‘eighthwonder of
theworld’.Theancestorsof thisindigenoustribecarvedasystem
means‘native’or ‘indigenous’.ThereLumadtribescompriseabout
Mamanwa, Mandaya, Manobo, Mansaka, Sangir, Subanen,
Tagabawa, Tagakaulo, Tasaday,andT’boli.Their tribeisgenerally
knownfor tribal musicproducedbymusical instrumentsthey’ve
TheMangyansof Mindoroarewell-knownclansinthe
Philippinesbecausetheyhavethebiggest populace.
Comprisingeight differentMangyangroups,theyhavea
peaceful reputation,unliketheheadhuntingtribesof theNorth
andwarrior tribesfromtheSouth.Whilesomehasalready
convertedintoChristianity,therearestill alargepercentage
The Mangyans of Mindoro are well-known clans in the
Philippines because they have the biggest populace. Comprising
eight different Mangyan groups, they have a peaceful reputation,
unlike the headhunting tribes of the North and warrior tribes
from the South. While some has already converted into
Christianity, there are still a large percentage of those who
practice animistic religious beliefs.
The Aetas (or Agta or Ayta) are one of the earliest known
inhabitnatsof the Philippines who are now living in scattered
mountainous areas of the country. They were called by the Spanish
colonizers as the ‘Negritos’becauseof their dark to dark-brown
skin. They are nomadic but are very skilled in weaving and
plaiting, and Aeta women are considered experts in herbal
Originally from the islands of Sulu in Mindanao, they’re
known as the sea tribes living on houseboats. They try to make
ends meet by depending on the sea as divers, fishermen, and
navigators. Because of conflicts in the region, the majority of them
have migrated to neighboring countries such as Malaysia and
Indonesia, whereas those who stayed in the Philippines moved to
some areas inLuzon.
Indigenous People
Indigenous People