English 7
English 7
English 7
I. VOCABULARY. Deduce the meanings of the italicized idiomatic expessions. !hade the coesponding
lette of "ou ans#e.
1. She was up to the ears in
ears in work.
a. full of b. abil
bility to catc
atch the rhyt
hythm qui
quickly c. ability to find news-worthy events
nts d. pretty
2. The girl who came in was an eyeful.
a. full of b. abil
bility to catc
atch the rhyt
hythm qui
quickly c. ability to find news-worthy events
nts d. pretty
3. good reporter must have a nose for news.
a. full of b. lose standing or reputation c. ability to find news-worthy events d. pretty
!. "e felt he would lose face if
face if he returned home without winning any reward.
a. full of b. lose standing or reputation c. ability to catch the rhythm quickly d. pretty
#. "is ear for music earned
music earned him a composers award.
a. full of b. lose standing or reputation c. ability to catch the rhythm quickly d. pretty
II. $RA%%AR. !tud" the follo#ing sentences. Identif" the simple and compound sentences. !hade A if
"ou ans#e is simple sentence& and B fo compound sentences.
$. The %balon had three heroes.
&. Sappia offered help to the people of 'ohol.
(. % will go and the land will be avenged.
). Sappia is the goddess of weaving.
1*. Sulayman looked on the land and villages+ but he could not see any living thing.
11. She gave rice and white rice.
12. Sulayman cut the creatures into pieces+ otherwise+ he would have been devoured.
13. The goddess of weaving told the girl to make a dress for herself.
1!. ,indanao was covered with water and the sea etended over the land.
1#. The ancient ilipinos filled their world with demigods and these spirits were supposed to direct their destiny.
3!. 0hich of the following statement do you disagree
a. "eroes have etraordinary powers.
b. "eroes help people.
c. "eroes are found only in epics+ comics+ and movies.
d. :rdinary people can be heroes.
3#. 0ho is the most heroic among the three characters
a. 'altog b. "andiong c. 'antong d. %balon
3$. %balon is a name of a //////.
a. person b. thing c. monster d. place
3&. The three heroes have the following characteristics except one.
a. strong b. silly c. smart d. brave
3(. To be a hero is to have a big ego.
a. yes b. no c. maybe d. % don;t know
IV. R(ADI)$ CO%0R(,()!IO). Read the follo#ing selection. 'hen ans#e the 1uestions that follo#.
1B s she walked around the huge department store+ Cita reflected how difficult it was to choose a
suitable 8hristmas present for her father. 2) She wished that he was to please her mother who was always
delighted with perfume.
3B 'esides+ shopping at this time of the year was a most disagreeable eperienceD people step on your
toes+ poke you with their elbows and almost knock you over in their haste to get bargain ahead of you.
4) To have some rest, Lita paused in front of a counter where some attractive ties were on d isplay.
5) “They are real sil,! the assistant assured her trying to tempt her. $B <0orth double the price.= &B 'ut
Cita knew from past eperience that her choice of ties hardly ever pleased her father.
(B She moved on reluctantly and the quite by chance stopped where a small crowd of men had gathered
round a corner. )B She found some good quality pipes on sale and the prices were very reasonable. "#) Lita did
not hesitate for long$ although her father only smoed a pipe occasionally, she new that this was a present
which was %ound to please him.
11B 0hen she got home with her small but well-chosen present concealed in her handbag+ her parents
were already at the table having supper. 12B "er mother was in a specially cheerful mood. 13B <?our father has
at last decided to stop smoking+= she ecitedly informed her daughter.
Compehensi2e Chec+
A. Liteal le2el
&dentifying referents
To what does each of the following words refer
1. 0ho Esentence 2B
a. mother b. Cita c. father d. assistant
2. They Esentence #B
a. pipe b. ties c. shopping bag d. perfume
3. 0here Esentence !B
a. mall b. house c. department store d. corner
'oting details
#. 0hat does Cita think about shopping at 8hristmas time
a. enFoyable b. unpleasant c. dangerous d. epensive
B. Intepetati2e Le2el
(aing references
&. Cita went shopping
a. alone b. with her assistant c. with friends d. with her mother
*iving a title
11. 0hich of the following is the best title for the selection
a. 0ell-8hosen @ift c. Gseless 7resent
b. Shopping for 8hristmas d. "ard to 7lease
+rawing conclusion
12. 0hat would Cita do with the pipe
a. @ive it to her father. c. 9eturn it to the store.
b. @ive it to her mother. d. Heep it.
C. (2aluati2e Le2el.
&dentifying facts and opinion. Shade if your answer is fact, - if opinion.
13. Ties are on sale today.
1!. They are worth double the price.
1#. %t was a present meant to please her father.
V. (!!AY. *ite a thee3paagaph essa". Include an intoduction& /od"& and conclusion. *ith at least 4
heoic acts. *ite in a sepaate sheet of pape. 567 points8