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Liceo de Pagsanjan First Monthly Examination in English 8

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Liceo De Pagsanjan

Pagsanjan, Laguna
S.Y. 2020- 2021
Teacher: Ms. Hazelyn P. Sacop

I. VOCABULARY. Choose the letter of the best

meaning of the underlined word.
1. “They lived in this filth and instability for many III. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter of your
years.” What does instability mean in this answer.
a. Stable c. predictable 11. A vast continent rich in folktales. This continent
b. Unstable d. unpredictable is the proud owner of several stories.
2. “Alatangana, however, wooed Sa’s daughter, a. Africa c. Australia
and eventually they eloped to a distant region b. Asia d. South America
of earth.” What does eloped mean in this 12. It is a literature transmitted verbally or orally
sentence? through songs, poems, riddles, proverbs, and
a. Envelope c. ran off stories.
b. Errand d. revisit a. Orature c. Both A and B
3. “Alatangana was grateful for the gift that he b. Oral literature d. None of the above
now realized Sa had given to him and his 13. In the beginning, who’s the only one to live on
children.” What does grateful mean in this earth?
sentence? a. Life c. rooster
a. Angry with somebody b. Death d. Alatangana
b. Appreciative or kindness 14. What did Sa created to serve as his family’s
c. Honesty home?
d. Respect with other people a. A hut c. a sea of mud
4. “All descendants of Alatangana and his wife still b. a nest d. earth
lived in darkness, because although Alatangana 15. Who came to visit the family?
had made the life that covered the earth, he a. Sa c. Sa’s daughter
could not find a way to make light.” What does b. tou- tou d. Alatangana
descendants mean in this sentence? 16. Who became Alatangana’s wife?
a. Sun c. parents a. Sa c. Sa’s daughter
b. Offspring d. daughters-in-law b. Death d. Life
5. “When the two returned to Alatangana, he was 17. How many children did they have?
furious at the nonsense they reported about a a. 13 c. 15
song they had learned. What does furious mean b. 14 d. 16
in this sentence? 18. Stories that uses animals and inanimate objects
a. Happy c. excited as characters.
b. Glad d. angry a. Fables c. Poems
b. Myths d. Epic
II. TRUE OR FALSE. Read the following statements. 19. Which of the following is TRUE?
Identify whether it is true or false. a. Fables are true story.
6. A myth is a story or an account of an event or a b. Fables are stories of heroism.
series of events c. Fables are simply told forentertainment
a. True c. Maybe d. Fables are fictive in nature.
b. False d. Sometimes 20. Which of the following is TRUE about “The
7. A myth is a true-to-life story of a hero from Monkey’s Fiddle”?
ancient cities. a. The monkey is jealous of the wolf.
a. True c. Maybe b. The wolf is jealous of the monkey.
b. False d. Sometimes c. The tiger is jealous of the wolf.
8. A myth is a traditional story that teaches a d. The tiger is jealous of the lion.
moral. 21. Which of the following statement is TRUE.?
a. True c. Maybe a. “The monkey’s fiddle” is an example of
b. False d. Sometimes African chant.
9. A myth is made up of stories about prince and b. “The monkey’s fiddle” is an example of
princesses. African folktale.
a. True c. Maybe c. “The monkey’s fiddle” is an example of
b. False d. Sometimes African fable.
10. A myth relates the origin of things in the d. “The monkey’s fiddle” is an example of
universe. African folktale and fable.
a. True c. Maybe
b. False d. Sometimes
22. Which of the following questions is answerable a. IV, III, I II c. I, II, III, IV
by YES based on the story of “The monkey’s b. III, II, I, IV d. III, IV, I, II
a. Did the monkey stay on his land? 32. Why did Monkey’s great uncle give him a bow
b. Did the monkey forsake his land? and arrow and a fiddle?
c. Did the monkey accept his land? a. Because the monkey is very generous.
d. None of the above b. Because the monkey is very envious.
23. Which of the following questions is answerable c. Because the monkey is very
by YES based on the story of “The monkey’s hardworking.
Fiddle”? d. Because the monkey is very intelligent.
a. Is jackal a mammal that lives on the 33. This features an animal character who is often
ocean? childish, foolish, unpleasant and selfish. The
b. Is jackal a mammal that lays egg? character enjoys being boastful and playing
c. Is jackal a mammal that is closely tricks.
related to a cat? a. Fable c. Folktales
d. Is jackal a mammal that is closely b. Myth d. Trickster tales
related to a dog? 34. How did Brer Wolf prompt Monkey to give him
24. Which of the following enumerates the the bow and arrow?
characters in “The monkey’s Fiddle?” a. He threatened the monkey.
a. Monkey, Jackal, Brer Wolf, Lion, Cat b. He pleased the monkey.
b. Monkey, Jackal, Brer Wolf, Lion, Deer c. He did not ask for it.
c. Monkey, Jackal, Brer Wolf, Lion, Dog d. He told the whole village.
d. Monkey, Jackal, Brer Wolf, Lion, Rabbit 35. Where did Anansi put the doll used to catch the
25. Which of the following enumerates the traits of fairy?
Brer Wolf in “The Monkey’s Fiddle?” a. Odim, the tree of life
a. Full of hatred, Envious, Selfish b. Odum, the lifeless tree
b. Selfish, Generous, Tricky c. Odum, the tree of life
c. Lovable, Envious, Selfish d. Odim, the garden of peace
d. Envious, Tricky, Genius 36. What did the spider make to catch the fairy?
26. Which of the following is the CORRECT definiton a. trap c. calabash
of OVERMASTERED? b. palm branch d. doll
a. Overpowered by a superior forced. 37. Who said the lines, “Please, stop! My whole
b. Overjoyed of the little things. kingdom is yours!”
c. Superior to other. a. Tiger c. Monkey
d. Overly attracted. b. Lion d. Jackal
27. Which of the following is the CORRECT definiton 38. The time and place where the story happened is
of SLAUGHTER? called __________.
a. The act of hurting. a. Characters c. Plot
b. The act of killing. b. Settings d. Theme
c. The act of laughing. 39. _____________ is what the story is all about.
d. The act of torturing. a. Characters c. Plot
28. Which of the following is the CORRECT definiton b. Settings d. Theme
of YAM? 40. Skilled storytellers are called ____________.
a. Honey glazed a. Groots c. Groot
b. sticky glue b. Griots d. Groto
c. Edible starchy from plants 41. A type of text that tells a story.
d. White fluid of trees a. Narrative c. Persuasive
29. Which one belongs to the following SIMILAR b. Expository d. Instructional
item? 42. A text that explains of informs.
Hornets, Leopard, Fairy, _________________ a. Narrative c. Persuasive
a. Phyton c. Sting b. Expository d. Instructional
b. Cobra d. Tiger 43. A reading strategy where the reader finds a
30. Which one correctly identifies the possible specific fact or information quickly from within
REPLACEMENT to the indicated odd-one in the an enormous amount of text.
following items? a. Scanning c. Scanner
Osebo, Onano, Mmotia, Mmoboro b. Skimmer d. Skimming
a. Nunu c. Onani 44. This requires the reader to get a general
b. Onini d. Olipo overview and the main ideas of a text or
31. Which of the following is arranged in material by swiftly going over the content of a
CHRONOLOGICAL order? text.
I. Brer wolf stalked the dear but was in vain. a. Scanning c. Scanner
II. Monkey met brer wolf. b. Skimmer d. Skimming
III. They made a good meal together. 45. A text that gives a series or a sequence.
IV. Brer wolf wanted the monkey’s fiddle. a. Narrative c. Persuasive
b. Expository d. Instructional b. The crowd that had gathered outside
the court was loud and angry.
c. Examples of aerobic exercises are
distance running, swimming, cycling,
B. GRAMMAR. and walking.
46. “Jasmine is laughing, answering the telephone, d. It is a truism that to give is more
and working at the computer.” Is this sentence rewarding than getting.
a. Yes c. Maybe “Be honest, for God is the helper of honest
b. No d. Sometimes people. Avoid telling lies since it will ruin your
47. “Jasmine has to be very organized, efficient, and faith. Know that honest people are on the verge
disciplined.” Is this sentence parallel? of nobility and honor, while liars are on the
a. Yes c. Maybe verge of collapse and destruction.”
b. No d. Sometimes -Imam Ali RA
48. “Jasmine is shown with Sally on the left, Julio in
the middle, and on the right is Kimberly.” Is this
sentence parallel?
a. Yes c. Maybe
b. No d. Sometimes
49. “At times he loves feeling independent, grown-
up, and having a sense of responsibility.” Is this
sentence parallel?
a. Yes c. Maybe
b. No d. Sometimes
50. Choose the correct form of the word to make
the sentence parallel. “Amos chose a bouquet
of white roses, red carnations, and ____.”
a. Yellow tulips c. Both A and B
b. Tulips that were yellow d. None
51. Choose the correct form of the word to make
the sentence parallel. “Smoking and ____ are
both prohibited on the subway.”
a. To spit c. Both A and B
b. spitting d. None
52. Choose the correct form of the word to make
the sentence parallel. “Laura usually either
braids her hair or ____ it up in a French twist.”
a. putting c. Both A and B
b. puts d. put
53. Which of the following sentences is NOT in
parallel form?
a. School lunches are nutritious,
economical, and taste delicious.
b. Government of the people, by the
people, and for the people shall not
perish from the earth.
c. I come to bury Caesar, not to praise
d. Football, baseball, and basketball can all
be considered very American sports.
54. Which of the following sentences is NOT
a. The escaped prisoner was wanted, dead
or alive.
b. Whether in class, at work, or at home,
she was always busy.
c. It was the best of times, it was the
worst of times, it was the age of
wisdom, it was the age of foolishness...
d. To err is human; forgiving is divine.
55. Which of the following sentences is NOT
a. Annie's dress was old, faded, and

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