8.821 F2008 Lecture 20: The Wider World of Gauge/Gravity Duality

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821 F2008 Lecture 20: The Wider World of Gauge/Gravity


Lecturer: McGreevy Scribe: Swingle

February 13, 2009

1 Introduction

Today we’re going to talk more about other examples of gauge gravity duality besides the N = 4
SYM theory. The first half of the discussion will be very survey like in which we attempt to get
some feel for the possibilities beyond the N = 4 theory. In the second half we will focus on a
particularly simple extension of what we know so far that will lead to a breaking of the conformal
symmetry, confinement, and a mass gap.

Once we finish up our discussion of confinement we’ll be moving on to black hole mechanics:
thermodynamics and hydrodynamics.

2 The Wide World In Brief

2.1 ”Non-Spherical Horizons”

In the N = 4 case the gravity dual had the form AdS5 × S 5 . A natural generalization would be to
consider spaces of the form AdS5 × X where X is some compact space. The AdS isometry group
was responsible for the conformal invariance in the dual field theory while the isometry group of
S 5 related to the R-symmetry in the N = 4 theory. We can consider ”non-spherical horizons” by
replacing the sphere S 5 with a non-spherical manifold X. This should correspond to a change in
the global symmetries of the dual field theory. Such non-spherical X’s arise as the locus of points
equidistant from a singularity (such as orbifolds) and the dual field theory can be obtained by
studying D3-branes probing these singularities. The coupling can even be made to run (changing
the AdS part of the gravity dual) with the addition of fluxes and fractional branes (but don’t ask
what this means).

2.2 Dp-branes, p 6= 3

We’ve focused a lot on D3-branes so far, but there are other branes in string theory and they
have interesting world volume theories as well. Based on our experience with the D3-brane, we
might not be too surprised to learn that the world volume theory of a Dp-brane is the dimensional
reduction of ten dimensional N = 1 SYM on a 10− (p + 1) torus with periodic boundary conditions.
The result is a p + 1 dimensional Yang-Mills theory with 16 supercharges. Now there is a very
important difference between the 3 + 1 dimensional Yang-Mills theory and Yang-Mills theory in
any Rother dimension. To  see this difference remember that the Yang-Mills action contains a term
p+1 2 2
like d x 1/g Tr F (gauge kinetic term). This term allows us to figure out the mass dimension
of g2 since the dimension of A is always 1 and the dimension of F 2 is therefore 4 regardless of space-
time dimension. Requiring the action to be dimensionless means that g2 has mass dimension 3 − p
so that g2 is dimensionful whenever p 6= 3.

2 (E) = g 2 /E 3−p we find that gauge theory perturbation

In terms of a running effective coupling gef f
2 2
theory is good when gef f ≪ 1. The behavior of gef f depends strongly on dimension. When p < 3
2 2
then gef f is big in the IR, and when p > 3 we find the opposite situation where gef f is large in the

In the large N limit there exists a type II SUGRA solution with near horizon limit given by
r s
gs N 2 u7−p µ p
ds2 /α′ = 7−p
du + dx dxµ + gs N up−3 dΩ28−p (1)
u gs N

where dΩ28−p is the metric on a unit S 8−p and µ runs from 0 to p for the p + 1 directions on the
brane world volume. When p = 3 this metric is just that of our old friend AdS5 × S 5 , but in
general the ten dimensional manifold doesn’t have such a simple product structure. In addition to
the metric we must also specify a flux condition
F8−p = 2πN (2)
S 8−p

where F8−p is the field strength of some appropriate RR form. Also, the dilaton has a non-trivial
profile given by
Φ gs N 4
e = gs . (3)
The fact that the dilaton depends on u is essentially the statement that the Yang-Mills coupling
runs when p 6= 3.

It’s important to note that both the dilaton and the curvature blow up for some values u when
p 6= 3. When the dilaton grows large we can no longer trust perturbative string theory and when the
curvature grows large corrections to supergravity become important. Conservation of evil demands
that no two different descriptions of the system should be valid simultaneously, and indeed it was
observed in hep-th/9802042 that the blow up occurs precisely where another description becomes

As an example of this important point let’s consider the case of D2-branes.

ln N
near−horizon ????? strong−coupling limit
limit of D2’s of IIA strings


this way to IR −−−−−> ln(g eff = gp /u )

Figure 1: Regimes of validity of various descriptions of N D2-branes, from [1].

2.3 M-theory

M-theory also provides further examples of gauge gravity duality. Let’s recall the basics of M-
theory very briefly. The theory has a vacuum with eleven non-compact dimensions forming R10,1
and no coupling. The low energy limit of the theory is eleven dimensional supergravity with 32
supercharges which is the mother of all supergravity theories. The theory also has a massless 3-form
potential with field strength G4 = dC3 . This field is coupled minimally to branes in the theory
called M 2-branes. The dual of the 4-form field strength is a 7-form field strength G7 = dC6 which
strongly suggests that the theory also has M 5-branes that source G7 electrically and hence G4

What does M-theory have to do with string theory? Compactifying the theory on a circle of radius
R10 gives IIA string theory with string coupling gs ∼ (R10 MP11 )3/2 . This claim can be fleshed
out by identifying the IIA fields in terms of M-theory objects. The Kaluza-Klein gauge boson
G11 µ becomes the RR 1-form. The D0-branes that source the √ RR 1-form arise as Kaluza-Klein
excitations. They have a mass given by m ∼ n/R10 ∼ n/(gs α′ which agrees with the mass
of KK excitations and the result from IIA which is protected by supersymmetry. M 2-branes
perpendicular to the circle become D2-branes in IIA, and thus the M-theory 3-form C3 becomes
the IIA RR 3-form when it is perpendicular to the circle. An M 2-brane wrapped on the circle
becomes a fundamental string, and so the M-theory 3-form when pointing along the circle becomes
the NS-NS 2-form B2 as C3 = B2 ∧ dx10 .

M-theory is useful here in part because it provides the answer to the question, what happens to the
D2-branes at strong coupling? The answer according to M-theory is that we should think about
M 2-branes on a large circle instead of D2-branes when the gauge theory effective coupling is large.
The world volume theory on the M 2-branes should flow in the IR to some superconformal field
theory that fills in the blank in our diagram above.

There is one limit in particular in which we know how to make much more sense of this statement. In
the limit of a large number N of M 2-branes we expect a supergravity solution (in eleven dimensions)
that takes back reaction of the branes
R into account. Taking the near horizon limit of this solution
we find the space AdS4 × S 7 with S 7 G7 = 2πN which describes the IR limit of many M 2-branes
in the gravity dual language. Without the large N limit the IR limit of the M 2-brane theory is a
superconformal field theory with N = 8 and an SO(8)R R symmetry. This theory is just the IR
limit of three dimensional super Yang-Mills (which we remember can be obtained by dimensionally
reducing N = 4 SYM on a circle). This theory has 7 scalars X i representing transverse fluctuations
of the M 2-branes leading to a visible SO(7) symmetry. To make the SO(8) symmetry manifest we
must somehow find another coordinate. The belief is that this coordinate is related to the three
dimensional dual of a U (1) gauge field da = ⋆3 dφ with φ essentially the eighth coordinate on the

Recently, there has been progress in formulating a Lagrangian description of the theory of M 2-
branes. The theory has a discrete parameter related to a Chern-Simons coupling, and indeed the
theory looks like a Chern-Simons theory with special matter content.

ln N
limit of D2’s

M theory
on AdS_4 x S^7
array of M2’s

3d N=8 SCFT

this way to IR −−−−−> ln(g eff = gp /u )

Figure 2: Regimes of validity of various descriptions of N D2-branes, after incorporating the fact
that the strong-coupling limit of type IIA is M-theory.

A similar story applies for M 5-branes, where at low energy the theory becomes some superconformal
field theory in six dimensions. Very little is known about this theory. For a large number of M 5-
branes some information about the theory can be obtained from black holes. The free energy goes
as FM 5 ∼ T 6 V NM 3
5 suggesting that the theory is not best formulated in terms of the matrices of
SYM! It is tempting to mumble words about fields which are N × N × N objects, but not much
progress has been made with that idea.

3 Confinement

To motivate our picture of confinement let’s remember that the radial coordinate behaves like a
spectrograph separating the theory into energy scales. In the case of AdS we know that z = 0 is
like the UV while z → ∞ is like the IR. The fact that AdS goes forever in the z direction seems to
be related to the fact that the dual theory is a conformal field theory with degrees of freedom at
all energies. We can make this more precise using the ”warp factor” W (z) which is defined to be
W in
dz 2
ds2 = 2 + W 2 (z)dxµ dxµ .
The warp factor for AdS is simply 1/z, and we can interpret the existence of modes at arbitrarily
low energy as the statement that the warp factor has a zero at z = ∞. More precisely, there are
O(N 2 ) degrees of freedom at every energy scale in the CFT.

What would we expect for a theory exhibiting confinement? We might expect the theory to have
a mass gap as in pure Yang-Mills theory. On the other hand, there may be Goldstone bosons
from symmetry breaking caused by the strong dynamics. Such ”pions” would represent low energy
degrees of freedom, but the important point is that we wouldn’t expect the number of pion modes
to scale with N (they are color neutral). Thus a confining large-N gauge theory might reasonably
have a mass gap except for a few low energy modes. The absence of modes at low energy should
therefore be reflected in the bulk geometry and the warp factor. In particular, we would like to
interpret a minimum of the warp factor as a signal of a mass gap in the dual field theory.

The simplest realization of this idea [2] is the N = 4 theory in four dimensions with one direction
compactified into a circle. Call the coordinate along the circle y and identify y ∼ y + 2πRy .
We give the fermions anti-periodic boundary conditions around the circle so that Ψ(y + 2πRy ) =
−Ψ(y). To the bosons and gauge fields we give periodic boundary conditions. Such boundary
conditions are called ”Scherk-Schwarz” or ”thermal” boundary conditions. Indeed, if the direction
we compactify is Euclidean time then we are considering precisely the N = 4 theory at finite
temperature. Alternatively, if we compactify some other spatial direction then we get Yang-Mills
theory in one lower dimension (for energies lower than 1/Ry )

The boundary conditions treat bosons and fermions differently so supersymmetry is broken. The
fermionic modes begin at energies of order 1/Ry because they are required to have non-zero angular
momentum around the circle. The bosons also get a mass from fermions running in loops because
the protection from supersymmetry is lost at low energy. All that remains therefore are the gauge
fields at energies small compared to 1/R and we might expect that we have essentially Yang-Mills
theory in three dimensions at low energy. However, we should be a little careful since there are
factors of λ floating around and because the energy scale of the bosonic and fermionic modes isn’t
separated from the scale at which the theory looks four dimensional again.


[1] N. Itzhaki, J. M. Maldacena, J. Sonnenschein and S. Yankielowicz, “Supergravity and the large
N limit of theories with sixteen supercharges,” Phys. Rev. D 58, 046004 (1998) [arXiv:hep-


[2] E. Witten, “Anti-de Sitter space, thermal phase transition, and confinement in gauge theories,”
Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 2, 505 (1998) [arXiv:hep-th/9803131].

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