Well Model Building and Calibration.: Flosystem User Course

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FloSystem User Course Well

Model Building and Calibration.

Naturally Flowing Oil Well.

Entrada de Datos.

1. Datos del Pozo. • Perfil de Desviación del

• Estado Mecánico. Completamiento.
• Características de
2. Datos del Producción.
Fluido. • Propiedades PVT..

• Capacidad de
3. Datos del Afluencia.

4. Datos Medidos. • Pruebas Flujo.

• Registro de Presión de Flujo.
Cálculos del Simulador. • Caudal de Producción
Análisis Nodal.
• Curvas de Gradiente. Perfiles Presión.
• Análisis de Sensibilidad.
Well Details ∎ Información del Pozo ∎ Profundid
8500 pies
∎ Completamiento.
MD. OD. ID. ppf. 3460’ 5000’ 7000’
Elemento. 4.5” 4.0” 11.6
Tubing 3.5”3.0” 9.2
Tubing 2.875” 2.441” 6.4
∎ Información Fluidos.
8500’ 7.0” 6.3” 23.0
∎ Gravedad: Oil Agua. Gas. 38 API 1.1 0.82 ∎ PVT Pb lpc Bo 1
De Producción. Gor fw (%) ∎ De Yacimiento. 400 S

Presión. Temperatura Indice J

3800 lpc 187 °F
3.6 Bbl/ dia.pie

Dataprep General Select File - Ne

Select DataPrep - General

Report Labelling

○ Double-click on Xmas Tree

○ Enter Datum details
Rotary Kelly Bushing

Wellhead Elevation

Mean Sea Level

Sea Bed
Deviation Data.

• Select Dataprep - Deviation Data - Well Data

Insert three lines, enter MD, TVD pairs - edit last

to 8500, 7500
Well Components
Select Dataprep - Equipment Data - Well Data

Enter data. Node depth is BOTTOM of component.

Well Components.
∎ Select Config – Preferences. View Component name only.

∎ Try changing view from text to icons using View - Display as T

Display as icons.

∎ In Config-Preferences, view MD, component data, etc.

Completion Editing.
∎ Go Back to Deviation Data. ∎ Enter MD 6000 and TVD 5200

∎ Note that a new node has been inserted in ‘Tubing 3’

∎ Double-click on the lower section of ‘Tubing 3’. Re-label as ‘Tu

3b’. Call the upper part ‘Tubing 3a’.

∎ Select Configure - Preferences and include all the options in th


PVT Data Entry.

Select Dataprep - Reservoir Control - Fluid

❑Oil Gravity 38 API ❑ Gas Gravity 0.82 ❑ Water Grav
1.1 ❑ GOR 400 scf/STB ❑ Water Cut 17 %

∎ SelectCheck: Pressure 3800 psi, Temp 187 oF ∎ N

Glaso’s correlation results
Pb =1715 psi, Bo = 1.20129
PVT Data Matching

○ Select Match, change temp to 187 oF, enter 1850 psi beside

and ‘Calculate’. Note Pb = 1715 psi.

○ Press ‘Best Fit’. Note new Pb = 1850 PSI

○ Select Form. Vol. Factor as Match Property. Change pressu

3800 psi. Enter 1.20 as Bo beside 187 oF, 3800 psi field
○ Calculate - Best Fit to tune Bo

○ Glaso’s correlation is now tuned for use throughout the well

○ Glaso’s correlation is now tuned for use throughout the well

IPR Data Entry.

Select ‘Manual’ Entry model and ‘Edit Layer’.

∎ Enter layer pressure = 3800 psi, temp = 187 oF and PI = 3.6 ST


∎ Select Choose IPR and ‘Vogel’, then ‘Plot’

∎ Minimise graphing window

∎ Select Norm. Pseudo Pressure and ‘Plot’ ∎ Select Straight Line


∎ Note that all three IPR’s are plotted on the same graph

IPR Data Entry (contd.)

Opciones del Graficador. Maximise graphing window

•‘Double Click’ on Y axis, note that the ‘Round’ option is selecte

• Note the other options.

• Click ‘Edit’ .Observe options of changing axes, titles, activate

coordinates and add a description of the graph.

• You can save the graph configuration as a template (File - Sav

Template) and also print it. (File - Print).

• Close the graphing window and select Vogel model for use in
of the exercise.

• Select OK until returned to the icon display.

Measured Data.

∎ Use Notepad to view the file EX1.RVP (ASCII File).

This file contains one line - ‘5900 2200’ - the first number is obs
surface flowrate in STB and the second is well flowing pres

that rate - this is the measured data to which we will match

∎ Return to WellFlo. Select File - Load Measured Data - Flowrate

versus Pressure.

∎ Load EX1.RVP - note one pair of values reported as read , it is

possible to load multiple pairs.

∎ Display on the Choose IPR plot.

Estimación del Punto de

Well Model Tuning.

∎ Select Analysis - Operating point.

∎ Select Edit Rates. Select ‘Rate’ in lower left of screen / 1000 / 1

and 9 steps, select Fill and ‘OK’.

∎ Top node Xmas Tree. Pwh = 200 Psia. Tatm. = 60oF

∎ Check Sensitivity ‘Off’ (both).

∎ Set Correlation to Duns and Ros (std).

∎ Select Calculate and on completion of calculation ‘Results’ an

∎ Selecting ‘Measured Data on’ then ‘Plot’ to see the Inflow /Out

∎ Note that the model represents a reasonable match to observe

Well Model Tuning.
∎ On Nodal Analysis screen select Sensitivities. ∎ and Select Br

(std). Correlation (3) Hagedorn as sensitivity and Brown 1 (st

edit. (4) Orkizewski (1) Duns and Ros (std); (2) Beggs ∎ Return
Nodal Analysis. Switch Sensitivity 1 ‘on’ and Calculate.
∎ again. On completion, select ‘Results’ and ‘Plot’ and ‘All Value
sensitivity 1 and ‘Plot’ ∎ The four outflow curves are plotted with
IPR. ∎ Zoom on the region of the plot where the intersections an
observed data are.
∎ Return to the Fluid Parameters section and re-tune the formati
volume factor to 1.3.
∎ operating Switching point. on Iterate This option To Exact s
Operating always Point be used. will give a more accurate ∎ No
Hagedorn & Brown (std) comes closest to the observed data.
∎ as L is To a 0.9 sensitivity. get to a 1.1.
better L match, modifies tune the the computed correlation pr

to the gradients. measured An data acceptable using the rang

factor for

Well Model Tuning.

∎ How should the productivity index be changed to obtain a mat

the inflow curve?.

∎ Whatother reservoir parameter could be the cause of the sligh


∎ What else could be at fault?.

Well Model Tuning

○ Repeat the calculation with the same sensitivity values and no

the observed data now plots closer to the Duns and Ros

correlation outflow curve.

○ Return the Bo tuning to 1.2 and select the Hagedorn and Brow


○ Switch off sensitivity and calculate and plot the inflow/outflow

○ Note the well flowrate reported on the graph

○ Return to graphical editor.

Curva de Gradiente.
∎ Estimar la Curva de Gradiente para el caudal de operación.
∎ Estimar la Curva de Gradiente para el un caudal de interés.
Pressure vs Depth.
∎ Select File - Load Measured Data - Depth (MD) vs. Pressure (an
Temp), & load EX1.DVP.

∎ Select Analysis and Pressure Drop and enter the operating rat
just obtained. Start node is Xmas Tree at 200 psia. Solution node

node) is Casing (mid- perfs).

∎ Calculate and plot results as Pressure vs. Measured Depth, inc

measured data.

∎ Try Operating Point calculation mode with Iterate to exact swit

on. This will automatically provide you with a pressure-dept

at the appropriate operating rate.

∎ Return to Pressure-Drop Calculation, switch on sensitivity 1 (f
correlations) and Calculate. Now plot pressure versus depth

All values set in the sensitivity option.

∎ The Hagedorn and Brown (std) correlation gives the best matc
whole flowing gradient survey. ∎ Switch off Sensitivity 1. Reve
Pressure-Drop calculation with start node as casing (what

pressure?), and solution node as Xmas tree.

∎ Compare the computed and measured data, especially the THP


∎A naturally flowing oil well was used to demonstrate model bu


∎ The same procedures can be applied to oil wells on artificial li

lift or ESP), gas and condensate producers and gas or wate


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