Principle in Teaching Language, Learners and Teachers: Guidance Lecturer:Nurhidayah Sari M.PD
Principle in Teaching Language, Learners and Teachers: Guidance Lecturer:Nurhidayah Sari M.PD
Principle in Teaching Language, Learners and Teachers: Guidance Lecturer:Nurhidayah Sari M.PD
Arranged by:
Group 1
Feby Yolanda
Rinaldi Setiawan
Tia Monika
Thank to Almighty God who has given His bless to the writer for finishing the English paper
assignment entitled“Principle in teaching language,leraners and teachers”.
The writer also wish to express his deep and sincere gratitude for those who have guided in
completing this paper. This English paper contains some principle in teaching language,lerarners
and teachers
Those role also can be used as the guidance for those who want to teach English foreign
language Hopefully, this paper can help the readers to expand their knowledge about “Principle
in teaching language,leraners and teachers”.
TABLE OF CONTENT............................................................................................................i
CHAPTER ............................................................................................................................... 1
1. Defenitions .............................................................................................................. 4
REFERENCE .......................................................................................................................... 5
Teachers search basic information about their students’ families, languages, cultures, and
educational backgrounds to engage them in class and prepare to lessons more effectively..
The teacher collects information about the background and education of their students to
determine the correct placement for students. They also try to learn the cultural background and
residence of new students as a source of learning in the classroom.
The teacher embraces and utilizes the resources that students bring to class to improve learning.
Teachers create a classroom culture so students feel comfortable. The teachers creates teaching
to upgrade and support student motivation to learn languages
The teacher plans teaching to improve and support student motivation to learn languages.
Learning languages is difficult and requires a very long time. Learners may not see the benefits
of spending time and energy in learning English if the effort has no initial results or feels outside
their own comfort zone. However, we know that motivation is an important condition for
language learning, so teachers need to engage their students and motivate them to work
continuously in learning new languages.
The teacher design interesting learning and help students develop learning strategies and critical
thinking skills
The teacher uses language that can be understood to convey information to students.
Understanding feedback is very important for progress in the target language. Both oral and
written, can be understood to help English learners understand the meaning of communication.
The teacher chooses language in a variety of ways to aid student perceptions and enhance
The teacher continues to give a score when they teach,observe,and their student give a response
to determine whether student achieve learning goals or not.
The teacher often checks student understanding and adjusts instructions according to the learner's
To teach effectively, teachers need to evaluate what students know and what they don't know, in
real time. We do not want to wait until the end of the lesson or the end of the unit to find that our
students have misunderstood the main concept or have learned a critical vocabulary.
Student receive language learning at different level,so teacher reqularly monitor and assess their
language development tp advace their language effecientl,teacher also collect data to measure studens
languae growth
By interacting frequently with our students, we can get a lot of information about their progress.
Some teachers record the results of their interactions (e.g., correct and incorrect use of English
Teachers collaborate with the others teacher to provide the best support for their learners with
respect to programming, instruction, and advocacy. They also continue their own professional
Model teachers collaborate with other teachers in this profession to provide the best possible
support for their students. They meet with colleagues to plan together and share their expertise in
mastering a second language and teaching techniques that are appropriate for students at various
levels of proficiency.
In the process of learning, there are numerous things that play a significant role towards making
it a smooth, pleasurable and constructive process.
• First First,the Teachers Creates A Comfortable class situasion,but the class situation
depends on students receive the material
• Second, student must understand the type of lesson they are learning,like a visual,verbal
and ect and teacher guidance them.
A characteristic of the good learner is concentration, both in class and in the study place. A good
learner pays attention to the teacher while delivering the lesson and also to their classmates,
when they are asking a question about the lesson or answering the teacher’s questions.
(Naturally, the teacher has to be enthusiastic and make the lesson as interesting as possible so
that the students become engaged as well.) It is very constructive to pay attention when
classmates have questions, because for example it may be something they cannot comprehend.
Teachers need to encourage and remind this and try to engage a number of students when
someone asks a question. This is a very good opportunity for the others in class to learn
something new, something maybe they had not thought or about, or they can even answer the
questions themselves, if of course they can explain the unintelligible point in question.