On Site Safety Checklist: Instruction
On Site Safety Checklist: Instruction
On Site Safety Checklist: Instruction
1. Each item shall be checked, and check results shall be given (pass/fail for checked items, and NA for items not applicable).
2. Critical: Violation of critical items may potentially result in fatality or disabling Injury.
Major: Violation of major items may result in lost time Injury or property damage.
Minor: Violation of minor items may result in near miss, first aid or slight injury incidents.
The definitions of severity levels need to be confirmed with the customer.
On-site, no any force majeure condition that will affect the health and safty of constructors.I.e:
1.01 Observe
flooding\earthquake\war\ infectious diseases\riot\terrorist attack,etc.
Access road in safe condition, walkway routes free of tripping and slipping hazards, emergency exits
1.02 Observe, take photo
well visible and free of obstacles
Site clear of any hazardous substances (or under controlled storage) i.e. proper arrangement of
1.03 Observe, take photo
equipment/ Housekeeping. All goods & material are well managed.
Site Warning Signs are not missing/misplaced (like Do Not Enter, Danger Deep Excavation, Danger
1.04 High Voltage, PPE Use Signage, Fire Extinguisher Signage, Emergency Phone Numbers Signage, Observe, take photo
Radiation Signage ).
Working area is properly fenced /barricaded to prevent access to public where/when necessary( i.e.
1.05 Observe, take photo
barricade tape within the drop zone ).
As for night work, all points of exit, pathways, and muster points shall be clearly illuminated and
1.06 Observe, take photo
marked.Emergency light and Head Torch should be avaiable for night activity On-site
2 Documentation
2.01 SOP (Standard Operation Procedure ) indicating the tools & method is available on site. Observe
Risk assessment and Permit-to-work with ZTE's approval are available on site. Permit-to-work is
2.02 Observe, take photo
applicable for high risk operations like work-at-height, work-at-night, electronic work,welding work.,etc.
3 People
3.01 All operators are in good health condition,no drug, no drinking alcohol.,etc. Observe & talk
All operators are trained, competent (having CNIC/Company Cards and register with certification ID
3.02 Observe, take photo
issued by authorized agency or ZTE).
3.03 Subcontracor team leader or supervisor must be on site. Observe, take photo
3.04 Working alone is not allowed for tower climbing /work-at-height in the workig area. Observe, take photo
3.05 All operators are always wearing suitable PPE while on site. Observe, take photo
Always wearing body harness during working at height,Approved brand(Protecta First) Fall Protection
Equipment (4D-Full Body Harness, Y-Lanyard, Work positioning Lanyard & Cab-lock (Both IKAN Glide
3.06 Observe, take photo
Lock & SALA LAD Cab-lock) should be avaiable for all the workers(Riggers) involved in tower
3.07 All drivers including crane operators hold valid local driving licences. Observe, take photo
4.02 Ground Helmet is availabile and in good condition( no broken or damage) Observe, take photo
4.03 Visibility vest is availabile and in good condition( no broken or damage) Observe, take photo
4.04 Loose clothing is not allowed on-site like shalwar kameez Observe, take photo
4.05 Safety Shoes are availabile and in good condition( no broken or damage) Observe, take photo
4.06 Tower climbing PPE are availabile and in good condition( no broken or damage). Observe, take photo
Other PPE like ear-defenders/eye protection where necessary are available on site. I.e. eye protection
4.08 Observe, take photo
should be followed where necessary such as welding and drilling.
All tools including vehicle, crane, lifting equipment, hand-held power tools,.etc are in good working
5.01 Observe, take photo
Tools & Vehicle are well maintained, or periodical inspection/calibration is conducted as per
5.02 Observe, take photo
5.03 Drinking Water should be avaiable on-site during activity Observe, take photo
First aid kits contains commonly used drugs are available on site ,the list of items (inventory List)
5.04 Observe
should indicate the Expiry Date.
5.05 Fire extinguishers/fire gadgets/fire facility are in good condition and workable. Observe, take photo
6 Other
Iccidents are reported in the timely manner. (Reporting time limit please refer to "Incident definition"
6.01 Observe
Working area is free of hazards like High tension electrical lines, electrical cables are isolation in good
6.02 Observe, take photo
condition, connection points of the electrical cables are secured
6.03 It's not allowed to carry people on the truck trunk (open back side) Observe
6.04 Child Labor (or any other form of unsuitable Labor) is not allowed Observe, talk
ety Checklist
On-Site Inspection
Observe Minor
Observe Minor
Observe Minor
Observe Critical
Observe Minor
Observe Major