705 2019 Article 4266
705 2019 Article 4266
705 2019 Article 4266
Received: 12 November 2018 / Accepted: 13 February 2019 / Published online: 17 May 2019
© The Author(s) 2019
A large-scale dengue fever (DF) outbreak occurred in Chaozhou, Guangdong province, China 2015. In our study, 528 dengue-
positive patient samples were collected for clinical and laboratory data analysis. 491 cases (93.0%) were primary dengue
fever (PDF), 22 cases (4.2%) were dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and 15 cases (2.8%) were diagnosed with severe dengue
fever (SDF). All cases were infected by dengue virus serotype 2 (DENV-2), and the isolated strains belonged to cosmopolitan
genotype, which were grouped closely with Malaysia strains from 2010 to 2014. Moreover, the study showed that laboratory
indices have significantly difference in PDF, DHF and SDF patients. A comprehensive analysis of these data could assist and
guide the clinical diagnosis for DF, which has an important significance for the control of dengue virus infection.
2132 F. Lin et al.
Clinical and molecular characteristics of dengue fever in Chaozhou 2133
Table 1 Comparsion of laboratory indices among SDF and PDF, can cause acute damage to these organs and raised AST
DHF groups levels may not only be due to liver involvement. One study
Index PDF DHF SDF in Thailand found DF may be an important cause of acute
liver failure in children [11]. Since the majority of our
WBC (109/L) 3.72±0.091 3.22±0.241 5.41±1.100★▲
patients were adults, additional studies in pediatric popula-
PLT (g/L) 81±2.307 39±6.584 19±5.037 ★
tions will be useful for confirming this observation
HCT (male) 0.385±0.003 0.397±0.007 0.380±0.022
Previously, the study by van Gorp et al. reported higher
HCT (female) 0.386±0.003 0.386±0.010 0.409±0.016
serum TG levels and lower serum CHO, HDL and LDL
CRP (mg/L) 16±1.248 11±2.325 22±1.170
levels in SDF disease, which suggested that these levels
ALT (U/L) 39±1.745 43±11.921 85±28.648★▲
could be used as prognostic markers to predict clinical
AST (U/L) 52±2.439 59±16.950 188±65.812★▲
outcome [12]. The reason for these lipoproteins changes in
TG (mmol/L) 1.46±0.052 1.67±0.291 1.82±0.360
dengue infection is unclear. In vitro studies of the patho-
CHO (mmol/L) 3.83±0.046 3.76±0.191 3.93±0.217
physiology of DENV and other flavivirus infections sug-
HDLC (mmol/L) 1.17±0.015 1.18±0.072 1.09±0.077
gest that lipids and lipoproteins may play a role in modi-
LDLC (mmol/L) 2.04±0.038 1.89±0.180 2.02±0.214
fying virus infectivity in target cells [13]. In our study,
CK (U/L) 262±26.165 128±20.057 800±248.577★▲
we found no association between CHO level and dengue
CK-MB (U/L) 16.89±0.378 16.48±1.466 22.79±3.22★▲
severity. In the two previous studies that used multivari-
LDH (U/L) 268±6.273 276±23.117 485±126.123★▲
able models for examining the relationship between CHO
★: severe dengue versus primary dengue, P<0.05 and SDF, HDL-C, LDL-C and SDF outcome, a link was
▲: severe dengue versus dengue hemorrhagic fever, P<0.05 observed in one of these studies, but not in the other [14,
15]. The relationship between development of SDF and
serum lipoproteins components such as CHO, LDL, HDL,
Discussion VLDL and TG in the pathogenesis of dengue infection,
and its underlying mechanism requires further studies.
Historically, DF has re-emerged in the Southern prov- Notably, DEVN-2 was the cause of the 2015 epidemic
inces of China. Chaozhou, belonging to Chaoshan region while previously only DEVN-1 had been reported in this
of Guangdong, it is well known as the hometown of Chi- region. Earlier studies have shown that secondary infec-
nese and Ceramic Capital of China. Chaozhou has fre- tion with different DENV serotypes increases the risk of
quent interactions with many East Asia countries that have developing SDF [16, 17]. In the case of a new circulating
DENV epidemics. In 2015, hot weather and rain prevailed serotype, individuals may be more susceptible to infec-
in Chaozhou, and mosquitoes multiplied wildly, which con- tion and may progess to a serious condition that requires
tributed to the spread of dengue virus. During September to further public health attention.
October, 1372 dengue cases were reported in this city, and Our molecular epidemiological study showed that the
528 confirmed DENV infections were collected from our DENV-2 isolated in Chaozhou belongs to the cosmopoli-
hospital for clinical and laboratory data analysis. tan genotype, clustering with those from Southeast Asia
Majority of the patients admitted to our hospital showed countries. These findings indicate that southern China
typical but mild dengue fever. There were 15 patients who is closely linked to Southeast Asia DENV transmis-
developed SDF, most of them were elderly (>75 years) and sion. In fact, there are frequent occurrences of DENV-1
had underlying diseases like diabetes. The reason why only and DENV-2 in Southeast Asian countries [4] whereas
few DENV infected individuals progressed to severe dengue the DENV-2 cosmopolitan genotype has also spread to
disease is poorly understood. the Indian subcontinent, the South Pacific islands, Latin
As expected, PLT in patients with SDF was significantly America, and Somalia [18]. Previous studies have shown
lower than that of PDF and DHF patients. Moreover, DHF/ that separate groups exist within the Cosmopolitan Geno-
DSS with prolong and profound shock and organ failure, type [19]. Future phylogenetic analyses based on entire
especially liver failure were commonly observed. This was genome sequences are needed to provide more robust data
confirmed in this study by higher degree of ALT, AST on the nature of Chinese endemicity.
elevation and CK, LDH values in DF patients, and was Interestingly, we observed that the strain from this out-
pronounced in SDF where it reached a 3~4-fold increase. break were closely related to the strains observed in Malay-
This observation was in accordance with many previous sia from 2010 and 2014, but not to the strains from China in
studies [9, 10]. Our data indicated that elevated AST and the same years. The phylogenetic analysis was supported by
ALT occurred in 50.6% and 29.9% of DF patients, respec- the finding that the first confirmed dengue infected patient in
tively. AST is not only expressed in liver but also in the Chaozhou had visited Malaysia early that year. It is possible,
heart, skeletal muscle, brain, and kidneys. DF infection therefore, that this year epidemic in Chaozhou may have
2134 F. Lin et al.
Fig. 1 Phylogenetic tree of
DENV-2. The DENV-2 isolated
in this study were marked with
asterisk (*)
Clinical and molecular characteristics of dengue fever in Chaozhou 2135
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and approved the final manuscript. aling during early stages of Japanese encephalitis virus infection
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Compliance with ethical standards 14. Suvarna JC, Rane PP (2009) Serum lipid profile: a predictor
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Conflict of interest All authors declare no conflict of interest. 14(5):576–585
15. Villar-Centeno LA, Díaz-Quijano FA, Martínez-Vega RA (2008)
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