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Risafoundation: User'S Guide

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Rapid Interactive Structural Analysis – Foundation Analysis and Design

User’s Guide

26632 Towne Centre Drive, Suite 210

Foothill Ranch, CA 92610

(949) 951-5815
(949) 951-5848 (FAX)
Copyright ©2012, RISA TECHNOLOGIES, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of
RISAFoundation is a trademark of RISA TECHNOLOGIES, LLC. RISA, as applied to structural engineering
software, is a trademark of RISA TECHNOLOGIES, LLC.
All other trademarks mentioned in this publication are the property of their respective owners.
Every effort has been made to make this publication as complete and accurate as possible, but no
warranty of fitness is implied. The concepts, methods, and examples presented in this publication are for
illustrative and educational purposes only, and are not intended to be exhaustive or to apply to any
particular engineering problem or design. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable
for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. RISA TECHNOLOGIES, LLC,
assumes no liability or responsibility to any person or company for direct or indirect damages resulting
from the use of any information contained herein.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Introduction...................................................................................................... 1
How to Use this Book ....................................................................................................1
Using the Online Help ...................................................................................................3
Technical Support Information .....................................................................................4
RISA Technologies Online .............................................................................................4
Before You Begin .............................................................................................. 5
RISAFoundation Overview ............................................................................................5
Hardware Requirements ...............................................................................................5
Program Limits ..............................................................................................................6
License Agreement .......................................................................................................7
Installation ....................................................................................................................8
Maintenance .................................................................................................................8
First Look at RISAFoundation ............................................................................ 9
Starting RISAFoundation ...............................................................................................9
Windows and Dialog Boxes ...........................................................................................9
Menus and Toolbars ...................................................................................................11
Managing Windows, Model Views, and Spreadsheets ...............................................15
Working in Spreadsheets ............................................................................................16
Part A: Building a Model from Scratch .............................................................17
Part A: Tutorial 1 – Modeling ......................................................................................19
Starting a New File ........................................................................................................... 19
Set Global Parameters...................................................................................................... 20
Drawing Slabs ................................................................................................................... 23
Pedestals .......................................................................................................................... 28
Footings ............................................................................................................................ 30
Grade Beams .................................................................................................................... 32
Soil Regions ...................................................................................................................... 35
Part A: Tutorial 2 – Modifying .....................................................................................37
Getting Started ................................................................................................................. 37
Model Manipulation ........................................................................................................ 38
Modifying the Model........................................................................................................ 45
Design Rules ..................................................................................................................... 50
Circular Slabs .................................................................................................................... 51
Part A: Tutorial 3 – Loading.........................................................................................55
Getting Started ................................................................................................................. 55
Adding Loads .................................................................................................................... 56
Load Combinations........................................................................................................... 61
Part A: Tutorial 4 – Solving & Results..........................................................................65
Getting Started ................................................................................................................. 65

Table of Contents

Solve the Model ............................................................................................................... 66

Slab Results ...................................................................................................................... 66
Printing ............................................................................................................................. 72
DXF Export ........................................................................................................................ 78

Part B: RISA-3D Integration ..............................................................................81

Part B: Tutorial 1 – Importing from RISA-3D ...............................................................83
Opening a RISA-3D File ..................................................................................................... 83
Assign Loads to Load Categories ...................................................................................... 84
Part B: Tutorial 2 – Modeling ......................................................................................87
Getting Started ................................................................................................................. 87
Global Parameters............................................................................................................ 88
Modify the Drawing Grid.................................................................................................. 91
Slabs ................................................................................................................................. 93
Pedestals .......................................................................................................................... 97
Footings .......................................................................................................................... 102
Grade Beams .................................................................................................................. 105
Soil Regions .................................................................................................................... 107
Part B: Tutorial 3 – Modifying ...................................................................................109
Getting Started ............................................................................................................... 109
Modifying the Model...................................................................................................... 110
Selection Tools ............................................................................................................... 117
Part B: Tutorial 4 – Loading .......................................................................................129
Getting Started ............................................................................................................... 129
Apply Loads .................................................................................................................... 131
Part B: Tutorial 5 – Solving & Results ........................................................................141
Getting Started ............................................................................................................... 141
Solve the Model ............................................................................................................. 142
Slab Results .................................................................................................................... 143
Printing ........................................................................................................................... 149
DXF Export ...................................................................................................................... 157

Appendix A – RISAFoundation Toolbar Button Quick Reference ....................159

RISA Toolbar ..............................................................................................................159
Window Toolbar .......................................................................................................161
Drawing Toolbar........................................................................................................165
Selection Toolbar ......................................................................................................166


How to Use this Book
Welcome to the RISAFoundation User’s Guide. If you are a first-time user of RISAFoundation, we
recommend that you start with this book.
Begin by reviewing First Look at RISAFoundation on page 9 to familiarize yourself with the
RISAFoundation menus, toolbars, and shortcuts. Appendix A – RISAFoundation Toolbar Button Quick
Reference has also been included on page 159 to help you reference toolbar buttons.
Following the introductory sections, notice that the book is divided into two parts: Part A and Part B, as
described below. The two parts are independent, full tutorials, so you may go straight to the part that
best suits your current design needs.
Part A – Building a Model from Scratch will guide you step-by-step through the RISAFoundation modeling
process to build and analyze a model from scratch; Part B – RISA-3D Integration will guide you through
using RISAFoundation as integrated with RISA-3D. In each part, you will create a real-world example of
building and solving a model, making changes, and optimizing the model. Tips and shortcuts will also be
demonstrated along the way.
To complete all the tutorials will take only a few hours. However, you can speed up the process even
further if you skip the supporting text and concentrate only on the action steps, which are indicated with
diamond-shaped bullets, as shown below:
In order for you to achieve accurate results, it is important that you do not miss any of these
action steps while performing the tutorials.
The tutorials build upon themselves from start to finish. You have the option of performing them all at
one time, or performing each one separately. To make this possible, RISA provides model files for you to
load at the beginning of each tutorial. These starter files are located in the RISA folder under Tutorials,
and are named Tutorial A2 Starter.fnd, Tutorial A3 Starter.fnd, etc.
After you have completed the tutorials in this guide, you can use the Help Menu and RISAFoundation
General Reference for complete, detailed information on every topic relating to RISAFoundation. The
topics are thoroughly indexed for quick reference.
If you are a more experienced user and are not sure which book will be most helpful for your situation,
consider that this User’s Guide covers how and when to apply RISAFoundation features such as slab
design strips, but the specifics of how those strips effect the design of your reinforcement are covered in
the Help Menu and the RISAFoundation General Reference.

Where to Download RISAFoundation Book Updates

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this book at the time of publication. The latest
edition of all books and documents relating to this product are available in Adobe PDF format at
http://www.risa.com. Click Downloads, Product Documentation, then RISAFoundation.


Document Conventions
The following conventions are used throughout this book:
This convention: Indicates:
CAPITAL LETTERS Names of keys on the keyboard – for example, SHIFT, CTRL, or ALT.
KEY+KEY One key should be held down and then another key pressed – for example,
Bold text User interface options – for example, File menu.
Boxed text Notes or modeling tip information.
Bulleted text Action item for building the tutorial model.
Tutorial action item for building the model.


Using the Online Help

Whether you need help on general topics, specific features, or toolbars, it is all built in to the extensive
RISAFoundation online Help system. The RISAFoundation Help was designed to enable you to pinpoint
the Help information you need quickly, by offering different ways for you to access and locate that Help,
as described below:

Help on On the RISA toolbar, click the Help button . This is the fastest way to get
general topics help on general topics. You can also go to the main menu and click Help,
then select Help Topics.
Once you enter the Help, notice the three tabs on the left: Contents, Index,
and Search. You can explore the Help by topic using either Contents or
Index, or explore the Help using your own specific keywords using Search.

Help on a specific As you work, notice the Help buttons at the bottom of many of the dialog
feature (context- boxes. These provide direct access to the Help information related to the
sensitive help) task you are performing.
This context-sensitive help may be accessed by pressing the Help button on
the dialog box or by pressing the F1 key.

Help on toolbar Are you uncertain what a toolbar button is for? Simply hold your mouse
buttons pointer over that button (without clicking), and a description of that button
will be displayed.


Technical Support Information

Technical support is an integral part of the software packages offered by RISA Technologies, and is
available to all registered licensees at no additional charge for the life of the program. The “life of the
program” is defined as the time period for which that version of the program is the current version or
until the program is discontinued. In other words, whenever a new version of RISAFoundation is released,
the life of the previous version is considered to be ended. Technical support is a limited resource; first
priority will always be given to those clients who are current on their maintenance. For more
information, please see Maintenance on page 8.
RISA Technologies will only support the current version of RISAFoundation. For a list of your support
options, visit our website: www.risa.com/support.
Before contacting technical support, you may want to take a few minutes to do the following:
Search the Help menu and all user documentation available for the product.
Search our FAQ database by visiting our website at http://www.risa.com. Click Support, then
Frequently Asked Questions, and then choose RISAFoundation.
When you are ready to make a support request, please be prepared to send us your model, and include
the following information:
Your name, company name, and phone number;
Product name and serial number or Key ID;
A detailed problem description; and
Your model (filename.fnd) as an e-mail attachment, or on disc if sending via mail. If your
model contains multiple members, or load combinations, please specify which ones we
should look at.
You can contact Technical Support by e-mail, phone, or by mail, as follows:
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail is usually the best way to communicate with us when sending a model. Please include all the
information listed above.
Phone: (949) 951-5815 or (800) 332-RISA (7472)
Technical support personnel are available from 6:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, Monday
through Friday.
If you prefer support via mail, please enclose all information listed above, and mail to:
RISA Technologies, Technical Support
26632 Towne Centre Drive, Suite 210
Foothill Ranch, CA 92610

RISA Technologies Online

Visit RISA Technologies online at http://www.risa.com for:
Answers to frequently asked questions
Downloads of user documentation and tutorials
Software updates – Any known problems are posted on the website, along with possible
work-around procedures and/or service releases to update your software

Before You Begin

Before You Begin

RISAFoundation Overview
RISAFoundation has been developed to make the definition, design, and modification of foundation
systems fast and easy. Analysis (including calculation of deflections and stresses) may be performed on
simple foundations or on larger multi-element foundations. Plus, element design optimization is provided
for slabs, footings, and grade beams.
Because of its unique ability to define the model and make revisions both graphically (using the drawing
tools) and numerically (using the customized spreadsheets), RISAFoundation is able to significantly speed
up the design process.
In RISAFoundation, these two methods of entering and editing data work seamlessly together. Everything
designed or drawn graphically is automatically recorded in the spreadsheets (which may be viewed and
edited at any time)—and everything entered in the spreadsheets may be viewed and edited graphically
at any time. The model can be rapidly edited, solved, viewed, modified, re-solved, etc. As you perform
the step-by-step tutorials in this guide, you will be exploring both methods using the drawing tools and
the spreadsheets.
All model editing, model solution and results browsing is accomplished through the same interface, all
within RISAFoundation. This interactive approach offers several unique advantages, such as the ability to
do quick error checking of your model data, the ability to do rapid model editing, solution, editing, and
re-solution without jumping from one program to another.

Hardware Requirements

Any Windows compatible computer with a Pentium 3 or better processor
Windows XP/Vista/7
256MB of RAM
200MB of hard disk space
Two or three button mouse
USB port (required for Stand-Alone version or Network Host computer)

Windows XP/Vista/7
As much extended RAM as possible
As much free disk space as possible
Two button mouse with wheel

Before You Begin

Note: The amount of space required by RISAFoundation to solve a structural model is dependent on the
size of the model. In general, 500 MB of RAM is adequate to solve most problems, but the more the
better, especially for large models. RISAFoundation will use as much available RAM as possible. If there is
not enough RAM, RISAFoundation will use hard drive space until enough memory is obtained to solve the
problem (causing the solution to run much slower).

Program Limits
Points 32000
Beams 32000
Plates 32000
Materials 500
Point Loads 2000
Line Loads 2000
Area Loads 200
Load Combinations 1000
Slabs 100
Soil Regions 100
Supports/Footings 1000
Design Strips 200

Demonstration Version: While you can open and solve a larger model, the largest model that can be
saved to disk with the demonstration version is limited to 10 supports/footings, 5 beams, and 1 soil

Before You Begin

License Agreement
The RISAFoundation software product (SOFTWARE PRODUCT) includes computer software, the associated media,
any printed materials, and any electronic documentation. By installing, copying or otherwise using the SOFTWARE
PRODUCT, you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree with the terms of this
agreement RISA Technologies is unwilling to license the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to you. In such event you must delete
any installations and destroy any copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and return the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to RISA
Technologies within 60 days of purchase for a full refund.
Copyright 2012 by RISA Technologies, LLC. All rights reserved. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is protected by United
States copyright laws and various international treaties. All rights not specifically granted under this agreement are
1. SOFTWARE LICENSE. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed, not sold. All right, title and interest is and remains
vested in RISA TECHNOLOGIES. You may not rent, lease, or lend the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. You are specifically
granted a license to the use of this program on no more than one CPU at any given time. The Network Version of
the SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed for simultaneous use on a certain maximum number of network stations that
varies on a per license basis. As part of the license to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, the program user acknowledges
the reading, understanding and acceptance of all terms of this agreement. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT may not be
reviewed, compared or evaluated in any manner in any publication without expressed written consent of RISA
Technologies. You may not disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer or modify in any way the SOFTWARE
PRODUCT. If the SOFTWARE PRODUCT was purchased at a discounted price for educational purposes it may in no
event be used for professional design purposes. The terms of this license agreement are binding in perpetuity.
2. DISCLAIMER. We intend that the information contained in the SOFTWARE PRODUCT be accurate and reliable, but
it is entirely the responsibility of the program user to verify the accuracy and applicability of any results obtained
from the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is intended for use by professional engineers and
architects who possess an understanding of structural mechanics. In no event will RISA Technologies or its officers
be liable to anyone for any damages, including any lost profits, lost savings or lost data. In no event will RISA
Technologies or its officers be liable for incidental, special, punitive or consequential damages or professional
malpractice arising out of or in connection with the usage of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, even if RISA Technologies or
its officers have been advised of or should be aware of the possibility of such damages. RISA TECHNOLOGIES' entire
liability shall be limited to the purchase price of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.
3. LIMITED WARRANTY. RISA Technologies warrants that the SOFTWARE PRODUCT will operate but does not
warrant that the SOFTWARE PRODUCT will operate error free or without interruption. RISA Technologies sole
obligation and your exclusive remedy under this warranty will be to receive software support from RISA
Technologies via telephone, e-mail or fax. RISA Technologies shall only be obligated to provide support for the most
recent version of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. If your version of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT is not the most recent
version RISA Technologies shall have no obligation to provide support in any form. Except as stated above the
SOFTWARE PRODUCT is provided without warranty, express or implied, including without limitation the implied
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
4. PROTECTION DEVICE. In the event the SOFTWARE PRODUCT requires the use of a PROTECTION DEVICE to
operate, you are specifically prohibited from attempting to bypass the functionality of the PROTECTION DEVICE by
any means. If the PROTECTION DEVICE becomes broken or inoperable it should be returned to RISA TECHNOLOGIES
for a replacement. The replacement will not be provided if RISA TECHNOLOGIES can not affirm that the broken
PROTECTION DEVICE was originally provided by RISA TECHNOLOGIES for use with the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. A lost
or stolen PROTECTION DEVICE will not be replaced by RISA TECHNOLOGIES.
5. TERMINATION. RISA TECHNOLOGIES may terminate your right to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT if you fail to
comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement. In such event you must delete any installations and
destroy any copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and promptly return the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to RISA

Before You Begin

6. CHOICE OF LAW. By entering into this Agreement in accordance with Paragraph 1, above, you have agreed to the
exclusive jurisdiction of the State and Federal courts of the State of California, USA for resolution of any dispute you
have relating to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT or related goods and services provided by RISA Technologies. All disputes
therefore shall be resolved in accordance with the laws of the State of California, USA and all parties to this
Agreement expressly agree to exclusive jurisdiction within the State of California, USA. No choice of law rules of any
jurisdiction apply.
"RISA" as applied to structural engineering software is a trademark of RISA Technologies, LLC.


Installation Instructions
To install RISAFoundation, please follow these instructions:
Place the RISAFoundation CD in your computer CD drive. If the CD starts automatically, skip
the remaining steps, and follow the on-screen instructions.
If the CD does not start after 10 seconds, click the Windows Start button and click Run.
In the Run dialog box, type “d:\launchsetup” (where “d” is the label of your CD drive), and
then click OK.
Follow the on-screen instructions.

RISAFoundation Customization–Important Assumption!

Please ensure that when performing these tutorials, RISAFoundation has not been customized in any
way, and is in the default, installed state. If the installation of RISAFoundation has been customized, you
may reset the program defaults as follows: on the Tools menu, click Reset All Program Defaults.

Program maintenance provides all upgrades to RISAFoundation, discounts on new products, and top
priority for technical support.
When your maintenance expires, you will be given the opportunity to continue program maintenance on
an annual basis. You are under no obligation to continue program maintenance, of course, but if you
decide to discontinue maintenance you will no longer receive RISAFoundation program upgrades and you
will not be eligible for technical support once the version of the program you ended with becomes

First Look at RISAFoundation

First Look at RISAFoundation

Starting RISAFoundation
This section describes the RISAFoundation user interface, the toolbars, and shortcuts. We recommend
that you review this section before you begin the tutorials.
Start RISAFoundation as follows:
On the Start button, click All Programs, select RISA, then select RISAFoundation.

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Title bar Main menu RISA toolbar Minimize Maximize Close

Status Bar Starting a Model dialog box Workspace

First Look at RISAFoundation

Title bar The title bar at the top of your RISAFoundation window can be very useful. Besides containing
the name of the file that is currently open, it can also be used to move the window and
minimize, maximize, and resize the window.

To move the window, press and hold the title bar with your mouse, then drag to the desired
Minimize, The three buttons on the right of the title bar control the RISAFoundation window as
Maximize, follows:
Click Minimize to minimize the window to a button on the taskbar.
Click Maximize to maximize the window to full screen. Once it is full screen, click
Restore Down to restore the window down to its original size.
Click Close to close the window.
Workspace The actual work that you do in RISAFoundation will be in the main area on the screen, the
workspace. Currently the workspace is empty except for the Starting a New Model dialog box.
As you create new model views and spreadsheets they will also appear in the workspace.
Status bar The Status bar at the bottom of your screen will report information about your model as you
If the letter “S” is dimmed, a solution has not been performed. After a solution has been
performed, the letter “S” will become blue in color with a red checkmark (as shown below). If
the “S” is yellow, this means you have solution results but there have been modifications via the
Member Redesign dialog box.

To the right of the “S” are 3 status boxes:

The first status box displays general information relative to the task you are
The second (middle) status box reports the units of the current spreadsheet cell. As
you move from cell to cell, look to the middle status box for the appropriate units.
This box is empty if you are not working in a spreadsheet.
The third status box (on the far right) reports the cursor coordinates as you work in
the model view. This will be demonstrated throughout the tutorial.
Dialog Dialog boxes are windows that help you perform a specific function within RISAFoundation. For
boxes example, the Starting a Model dialog box is presented when you first open RISAFoundation,
which helps you find the file you wish to open.

First Look at RISAFoundation

Menus and Toolbars

Main Menu

The Main menu and its submenus provide access to all features RISAFoundation has to offer, as
summarized below:
File Provides access to file operations such as opening, saving, and exporting files.

Edit Provides editing tools that help you modify and manipulate the spreadsheets.
You may use this menu to add or remove information from the spreadsheets or
to sort and mathematically manipulate current spreadsheet data.
Global Provides access to the Global Parameters dialog box which may be used to
modify global solution and design settings.
Units Allows you to set units or convert existing units.

View Allows you to open a new model view or adjust the current model view.

Insert Used to insert drawing grids, slabs, beams, footings, and loads into the model.
All of these items may be drawn graphically or entered in the spreadsheets.
This menu provides access to the graphical methods that RISAFoundation
provides, while the Spreadsheets menu gives you access to the spreadsheets.
Modify Allows access to the graphic editing features and may be used to modify
existing model elements.

Spreadsheets Opens the spreadsheets.

Solve Solves the model.

Results Allows access to all analysis result spreadsheets. This button is dimmed when
no results are available, such as before you run a solution.

Tools Provides tools to help you organize, identify, and correct problems as you
model the structure. Program Preferences are also located here.
Window Manages all of the windows that you have open in RISAFoundation, whether
they are spreadsheets or model views. Special tiling options are also available
that relate to specific modeling tasks.

Help Provides access to the RISAFoundation online Help menu. For more
information on Help, see Using the Online Help on page 3.

First Look at RISAFoundation

The most commonly used features available on the Main menu are also available on the toolbars as
toolbar buttons. The toolbars are designed to speed up your workflow by placing these tools close to
your workspace and making them easily visible.
Unlike some of the other toolbars, the RISA toolbar never changes.The other toolbars change, depending
on whether you are in model (graphical) view or spreadsheet view.

RISA toolbar – provides access to file operations,

Main menu printing, changing design parameters, etc.

Window toolbar
(in Model View) – contains
viewing commands

Drawing toolbar -
Toggle on with (CTRL+G) Data Entry toolbar - provides quick
access to spreadsheets (then toolbars
switch to spreadsheet view)
Selection toolbar – -AND/OR-
provides tools to help Results toolbar - After the model is
make selections solved, the results are displayed here
In Model View

Window toolbar – any time a

spreadsheet is open, notice
the window toolbar changes

Selection toolbar -
is not visible in
spreadsheet view

In Spreadsheet View

If you are not sure what a particular toolbar button does, simply position your mouse over the button
and a short definition will display.

Note: You will discover many methods of accessing the tools available in RISAFoundation. The methods
you choose—whether menus, toolbars, or keyboard shortcuts—will simply be a matter of personal

First Look at RISAFoundation

RISA Toolbar

The RISA toolbar is located directly below the Main menu. Unlike some of the other toolbars, the RISA
toolbar never changes. These buttons perform general actions such as opening and closing files, changing
design parameters, printing, and solving the model.

Window Toolbar
…in Model View

The Window toolbar is located directly below the RISA toolbar. When working in a graphic model view,
the buttons provide model viewing tools, such as rotate and zoom, and others.
…in Spreadsheet View

When you are working in a spreadsheet, this toolbar provides spreadsheet editing tools, such as Sort,
Block Fill and Block Math.

Drawing Toolbar

The Drawing toolbar provides tools to assist with creating and modifying your model graphically. This
toolbar may be turned on and off (CTRL+G) as needed.

Selection Toolbar
…only visible in Model View
The Selection toolbar is the vertical toolbar along the left side of the screen.
It provides tools to help you select and unselect parts of the model.
You will need to make selections when you do things like graphically edit a
part of the model or print only part of the results.

First Look at RISAFoundation

Spreadsheet Toolbars

(Data Entry and Results Toolbars)

These two toolbars provide access to the spreadsheets. You can
turn them on and off on the RISA toolbar by clicking the Data
Entry button or the Results button .
The Data Entry toolbar is a vertical toolbar on the right of your
screen. It looks different than the other toolbars because its
buttons consist of text instead of images.
The Results toolbar is very similar. It appears after the model
has been solved and provides quick access to the results
Both toolbars allow you to access the spreadsheets very quickly
while building and solving your model. The buttons appear in
the general order as you may need them.

First Look at RISAFoundation

Managing Windows, Model Views, and Spreadsheets

Managing Windows
As you work in RISAFoundation, you will be working within model views and spreadsheets, each in their
own window that may be moved around the workspace and resized as you wish. A powerful feature of
RISAFoundation is the ability to have multiple model views and spreadsheets open at one time. The
Window menu provides many options to help manage the display of these windows.

Maximize, and
Close buttons

arrows &
scroll bar

Scroll bar - to view information

outside of the window’s viewing
area, click the scroll arrows or drag
the scroll bar to move the display one
way or the other.

Managing Model Views

You may open as many model view windows as you like. This is especially helpful when working zoomed
in on large models. You might have one overall view and a few views zoomed in and rotated to where
you are currently working. You may have different information plotted in each view.
Remember that the toolbars displayed by RISAFoundation vary depending on which window is active (the
window with a colored title bar is the active window).
For example, if your active window is a
spreadsheet, and you are looking for the
zoom toolbar, you will not be able to
locate it until you click your model,
switching to model view. Then you will be
able to access the zooming tools, and all
the other tools related to modeling.

First Look at RISAFoundation

Working in Spreadsheets
Spreadsheets are comprised of rows and columns of data cells. To add or edit data in a cell, click the cell,
making it the active cell, then type. Only one cell can be active at a time, and it is denoted in green. You
can change which cell is active using the LEFT ARROW, RIGHT ARROW, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN, HOME
keys, etc.
You may also select blocks of cells to work on. To select a block of cells, click and hold the mouse button
in the first cell in the block, drag to the last cell in the block, then release the mouse. To select an entire
row or column, simply click the row or column label. To select multiple rows or columns, click and drag
the mouse across multiple row or column buttons.

Column label – Click

the column label to
select the entire

Scroll bar

Row of cells – Click

the row label (at left)
to select the entire

Column of cells

Click any cell. Notice the

status bar displays an
explanation of the current

Part A: Building a Model from Scratch

Part A: Building a Model from Scratch

This first part of this book (Part A) will focus on building RISAFoundation models from scratch. With the
guidance of the following four tutorials, you will build, solve, and modify a typical industrial foundation
system comprised of several different types of foundations.
The tutorials build upon themselves from start to finish. You have the option of performing them all at
one time, or performing each one separately. To make this possible, RISA provides model files for you to
load at the beginning of each tutorial. These starter files are located in the RISA program folder under
Tutorials, and are named Tutorial A2 starter.fnd, Tutorial A3 starter.fnd, etc.
When you finish all four tutorials, the final product will look like this:

Part A: Building a Model from Scratch

To complete all four tutorials will take only a few hours. However, you can speed up the process even
further if you skip the supporting text and concentrate only on the action steps, which are indicated with
diamond-shaped bullets, as shown below:
In order for you to achieve accurate results, it is important that you do not miss any of these
action steps while performing the tutorials.

Part A: Tutorial 1 - Modeling

Part A: Tutorial 1 – Modeling

This first tutorial will introduce the various drawing features that RISAFoundation has to offer. You will
model a project grid, a slab, several footings and grade beams, and explore the Global Parameters of the

Starting a New File

When you are ready to begin, start RISAFoundation if you have not already done so:
Double-click the RISAFoundation icon to start the program. The Starting a Model dialog box will
display, which allows you to create a new model or open an existing file.

Note: The appearance of your

menus and toolbars may look
slightly different, depending on
your computer screen resolution
and font sizes.

You have several startup options: you can choose to start drawing your model (either by defining beams
or slabs, or using a template to generate it automatically), you can open an existing model, or you can
click Close to work on your own.
You will now begin your model by drawing the slabs:
Under Create a New Model, select the Open the Global Parameters window also check box. This
will save you a step by opening the Global Parameters dialog box after you make your starting

Select Click here to immediately start drawing slabs.

Because you selected the Open Global Parameters check box option, the Global Parameters dialog box
opens first. This dialog box provides access to global settings that apply to the model as a whole.

Part A: Tutorial 1 - Modeling

Set Global Parameters

Set the Global Parameters as follows:
Type a model title, company name, and your name, as shown below.
Click Apply. The dialog box will remain open.
The Global Parameters dialog box:

Press TAB to advance to
the next field.

Type any notes you

would like to keep with
the model in the Notes

Global Parameters are

settings that apply to the
entire model.

Review the Solution settings.

In the Global Parameters dialog box, click the Solution tab. Review the Solution settings, as
summarized below.
Number of Sections Defines the number of beam force, stress, and deflection results will be reported for
each member.
INTERNAL Sections Defines the number of places along each beam the software calculates and stores
results (such as deflections and code checks). The beam force diagrams displayed in
the model view and the detail plot are also drawn from these results.

Subgrade Modulus Defines the global Subgrade Modulus magnitude to apply to the entire model. This
can be overridden with a local soil region with a different Subgrade Modulus if you
require varying soil types in your model.
Mesh Size Defines the coarseness or fineness of the slab mesh when RISA auto-meshes slabs
during solution.
Allowable Bearing Defines the global Allowable Bearing Pressure magnitude to apply to the entire
model. This can be overridden with a local soil region with a different Allowable
Bearing Pressure if you require varying soil types in your model.

Part A: Tutorial 1 - Modeling

Max Iterations Defines the maximum number of iterations RISA will perform during a solution.

Coeffcient of Defines the value used to calculate the resistance against sliding in the slab sliding
Friction check.
Merge Tolerance Defines the maximum distance two points can be apart and still be merged together.
It is also used when scanning for crossing members and for unattached joints along
the spans of beams.
Solver Defines which solver will be used.
Save As Defaults Saves all the modified information in this tab as the default settings for all future

Modify the Solution parameters:

Under Beam Section Options, in the Number of Sections box, type 7 (or you may use the
up/down arrows to increase/decrease the value). In the INTERNAL Sections box, select 100.
In the Mesh Size box, type 36.
Click Apply (the settings will be applied and the dialog box will remain open).

Part A: Tutorial 1 - Modeling

Review the Design settings.

Click the Design tab. Review the Design settings, as summarized below:
# Shear Regions Allows you to control the number of regions to be used when
detailing a beam span.
Region Spacing Incr. Used to increase or decrease the spacing of shear ties during
design optimization.
Optimize Footings for Defines whether or not you want the program to optimize
OTM / Sliding footings based on overturning and sliding.
Min 1 Bar Dia Spacing Defines a minimum spacing of one bar diameter between
(for Beams Only) parallel bars. Otherwise, RISA will default to a two-bar diameter
or one-inch clear spacing (whichever is greater) to allow for lap
splices and continue to maintain adequate spacing between
parallel bars.

Concrete Stress Options Defines the type of stress block to consider in your analysis.
Concrete Rebar Set Defines which reinforcement standard set will be used in your
Parme Beta Factor This value is used to approximate the column’s 3D interaction
surface when using the PCA Load Contour Method.
Code Defines the concrete design code for your solution.
Modify the Design settings. Because the Parabolic Stress Block is more accurate, select this option:
Under Concrete Stress Options, click Parabolic Stress Block.
Uncheck the Optimize Footings for OTM/Sliding checkbox.

Click OK to save your settings and close the Global Parameters dialog box.

Part A: Tutorial 1 - Modeling


Drawing Slabs
Now that you have defined the Global Parameters, the Draw Slabs dialog box will display, as shown

The Material Set list contains six material types

available as a default in RISAFoundation. If you
would like to use a different material, add it as a
new entry in the Materials spreadsheet (by
adding a new line or row).

For now, use one of the default materials and define a 30 inch, 4 ksi NW slab.
In the Material Set list, click Conc4000NW.
In the Thickness box, type 30.
Click Apply to begin drawing.

Note: Your cursor changes to , indicating that you are now in drawing mode. To exit this mode at any
time, right-click your mouse or press ESC.

Drawing Grid vs. Project Grid

Every time you start a new model, RISAFoundation automatically opens a 30x30 drawing grid. Although
you can use this grid for your model, it is preferable to define a Project Grid. The benefit of using a
Project Grid is that this grid will actually be linked to your model. For example, if you have a row of
footings on a gridline, and decide to move that gridline, the footings move right along with it.
First, toggle off the display of the Drawing Grid:

On the Drawing toolbar, click Drawing Grid to turn off the display of the grid.
Now, draw the Project Grid:
On the Data Entry toolbar, click Project Grid. (If the Data Entry toolbar is not visible on the right
side of your screen, you may need to turn it on. On the RISA toolbar, click the Data Entry toolbar
button to turn it on or off.)

Part A: Tutorial 1 - Modeling

The foundation you will be modeling is shown below. You will use the dimensions from this drawing to
create your Project Grid. Start by generating simple equal increments and then adjust the values in the
spreadsheet to match the exact dimensions.

Define the Grid Locations:

Click the Z Axis tab.
Under Grid Generation, in the Increments box, type 9@25.

Part A: Tutorial 1 - Modeling

Click Generate.
When you click Generate, nine horizontal project gridlines will be generated on the spreadsheet, each
spaced at 25 feet. Because these are not the exact dimensions, you will need to modify these entries by
manually adjusting the spreadsheet.

Tips for Typing Data in Spreadsheets: The

green highlighted cell is the active cell. You
can change the active cell by clicking in a
new cell, or use the TAB key or arrow keys
to move around in the spreadsheet.
You may use the keyboard or the numeric
keypad for typing numbers.

To view all 10 rows, you may

need to lengthen your
spreadsheet. Click and drag the
right corner of the spreadsheet
in a downward motion.

Change the Increment value in the spreadsheet section of the dialog box:
In the row labeled 2, in the Increment column, type 3, then press the ENTER key.

Notice that when you press

ENTER, the values in the
Distance column also

Modify a few more values in the Increment column, as follows:

In the row labeled 5, in the Increment column, type 3.
In the row labeled 6, in the Increment column, type 22.
In the row labeled 9, in the Increment column, type 3.
In the row labeled 10, in the Increment column, type 12.

Part A: Tutorial 1 - Modeling

The dialog box should now look like this:

To define the X Axis gridlines, you will use a different method to enter the data into this spreadsheet. You
will type all the values at once under the Grid Generation section, in the Increments box (separated by
Click the X Axis tab.
Under Grid Generation, in the Start Label box, type I (capital i).
In the Increments box, type 3,20,17,3,3@20,3 (including the commas).
In the Label Order area, click Z to A.
Click Generate.
Your spreadsheet should look like this:

Close the spreadsheet:

Click Close to close the spreadsheet.

Part A: Tutorial 1 - Modeling

On the Window toolbar, click Redraw to redraw the grid in the current window.
Your Project Grid will now be displayed in light blue, as shown below:

Note: The Project Grid

displays in light blue while a
Drawing Grid would be
displayed in grey.

Notice that you are no longer in drawing mode, and the cursor has returned to (this occurs any time
you open a spreadsheet).
Resume the drawing mode:
Press CTRL+D to recall the Draw Slabs dialog box (no setting changes are necessary, as the
settings you made a few steps earlier for Material Set and Thickness are still present on the
dialog box).
Click Apply to begin drawing the slab.
Use the grid intersections you just created (above) as pick points to draw the slab.
Click the following grid intersections (in this order): A1, A9, F9, F5, I5, I1, then click A1 a second
time to close the polygon.

Note: Once you close the polygon, by clicking the first grid intersection a second time (in this case A1),
the slab will appear.

If you make any mistakes as you draw, use the Undo or Redo buttons to undo or redo your last
step (they are located on the RISA toolbar).

Part A: Tutorial 1 - Modeling

Your model should now look like this:

The slab edge is

displayed as a
thick blue line

The Pedestal feature in RISAFoundation allows you to draw rectangular or circular pedestals anywhere on
a slab. For your foundation, you will use both types of pedestals. You will start with circular pedestals,
and then later modify a few of those to rectangular (in Tutorial 2).
On the Insert menu, select Pedestals to open the Draw Pedestals dialog box.
In the Draw Pedestals tab, click Circular. In the D (Diameter) box, type 24.
In the Material Set list, click Conc4000NW. In the Height box, type 12.

Click Apply.

Part A: Tutorial 1 - Modeling

Rather than click each grid intersection one at a time to place each pedestal, you can use the box select
function of the drawing tool to select a group of grid intersections. Use the “box” method to select all the
grid intersections between B2 and E4 (shown below):
Box the grid intersections between B2 and E4. To do this, click your mouse slightly above and to
the left of grid intersection B2, hold and drag the mouse slightly beyond grid intersection E4, then
Box the grid intersections, as shown.

Note: It may be helpful to zoom in a bit on your

model. On the Window toolbar, click Zoom In or
use the zooming shortcut by rolling your mouse
wheel in an upward motion.

Once you release the mouse, you will see 12 pedestals drawn onto your slab.

Make two more box selections to complete the pedestal layout:

Box the grid intersections between G2 and H4.
Box the grid intersections between B6 and E8.

Part A: Tutorial 1 - Modeling

When finished, your model should look like this:

Next, you will draw the six footings. Start by defining a footing layout and then apply that layout to the
project grid.
On the Spreadsheets menu, click Footing Definitions.
This opens a spreadsheet that contains all the design parameters for footing design. To create additional
footing designs, simply add as many additional rows to this spreadsheet as you like.

Browse through the various tabs in the spreadsheet to explore the contents. You will use the default
entries so, when finished reviewing, close the spreadsheet.
Browse through the various tabs in this spreadsheet.
Click Close to close the spreadsheet.

Note: If you need help while in a spreadsheet, simply hit the F1 key. The Help will open to a description of
that spreadsheet.

Now that you have defined your footing, you may apply it to your model.
On the Insert menu, click All Support Types. This dialog box allows you to apply typical supports
(Reaction, Spring, etc.), footings, and pile caps.

Part A: Tutorial 1 - Modeling

In the Assign Footing list, select Footing 1 (this is the one you just reviewed in the Footings
spreadsheet). (Notice that you can also apply a rotation angle to your footing. But in this case,
you will use the default of 0 degrees.)

Click Apply.

Note: After you click Apply, your mouse changes to indicating that you are now in drawing mode.

In the next few steps, you will be defining six footings for your model. Only two of the six footings fall on
grid intersections (B10 and C10). Begin by drawing those two footings:
Click grid intersections B10 and C10.
Because four of the footings are not on grid intersections, you must use coordinates and snap options to
define their exact location.

On the Drawing toolbar, click Modify Drawing Grid . Click the Snap to Options tab.
Under Universal Snap Increments, make sure that the Z Axis Increments and X Axis Increments
are both set to 1 ft. Select the Use Universal Increments check box.
Click Ok.

As you move your cursor around your model, notice a red star will appear at every 1 ft increment, as
specified above. To see it more clearly, you may need to zoom in on the model by rolling the mouse
wheel forward (away from you).
Also, as you move your mouse, notice the coordinates of the grid intersections are displayed in the lower
right corner of the status bar, as shown below.

Status bar.
Coordinates of the current
grid intersection location of
the mouse.
Part A: Tutorial 1 - Modeling

Assign the final four footings by defining their coordinate locations, as shown below.
Click the following coordinate locations:
(88, 13) (108, 13) (88, -7) (108, -7)
Right-click the mouse or press ESC to exit the drawing mode.
When finished, your model should look like this:

Grade Beams

Note: RISAFoundation treats beams as physical members. This means that the beams will provide fixity to
all joints that occur along the span of the member. Therefore, to be able to later connect the beams to
intermediate elements, it is not necessary to break them into individual members.

To give additional stability to the footings at grid intersections B10 and C10, you will draw some grade
beams. First, turn off the snap points and zoom in on your model so you can view those grid intersections

On the Drawing toolbar, click Universal Snap Points to turn off the snap points.

On the Window toolbar, click Zoom In (or roll the mouse wheel forward). Use the scroll bars
to reposition the model so that grid points B8 and B10 are in clear view.

Part A: Tutorial 1 - Modeling

Next, you will define the material to be used for the beams:
On the Insert menu, click Beams.
In the Material Set list, select Conc4000NW. In the Depth(D) box, type 24. In the Width(W) box,
type 18.

Click Apply.
Now, draw the first beam:
Click grid intersections B8 and B10. Notice that your cursor remains linked to the node at B10,
allowing you to continue drawing a second beam without interruption (which you will do in the
next step).

After drawing a beam, your cursor

remains linked until you either draw
another beam or terminate drawing.
To terminate drawing beams, right-click
the mouse or press ESC.
To exit the drawing mode completely,
right-click the mouse or press ESC a
second time.

Continue drawing the remaining beams:

Click grid intersection C10 to create the second beam; and finally C8 to create the third beam.

Part A: Tutorial 1 - Modeling

Now that you are finished drawing your beams, right-click the mouse or press ESC two times to
terminate drawing and exit the drawing mode.
Now that you have completed drawing your foundation elements, render the view:

On the Window toolbar, click Redraw to resize the model within the window.

On the Window toolbar, click Rendering to view your model with a color fill.

Part A: Tutorial 1 - Modeling

Soil Regions
Soil regions may be applied to your model in individual areas if you want them to vary from the default
soil properties you entered in Global Parameters. For your model, you will use both options to apply
different soil regions under different parts of your model. Start by setting a global Subgrade Modulus.

On the RISA toolbar, click Set Global Parameters to re-open the Global Parameters dialog
Click the Solution tab.
In the Subgrade Modulus box, type 120.

Execute the changes and close the dialog box:

Click OK.
Now, this will be the default subgrade modulus for the model and it will be used to establish the elastic
stiffness of the soil for the entire model. Because you want to establish an area with a different Subgrade
Modulus and Allowable Bearing Pressure, you will do so with the Draw Soil Regions tool.
On the Insert menu, select Soil Regions.
In the Allowable Bearing Pressure box, type 2.

Part A: Tutorial 1 - Modeling

Click Apply to begin drawing the region.

To draw the soil region over the four footings you created earlier (at the bottom of the model), you will
need to turn Universal Snaps back on and draw your soil region as follows:

On the Drawing toolbar, click Universal Snap Points to turn on the snap points.
Click grid intersections G6, G8, then coordinates (128, -16), (78, -16), and finally click grid
intersection G6 a second time to close the polygon.

Note: If you had drawn your soil region under just a portion of a footing, the footing would be designed
for the soil type under the defining footing joint. They will not be designed for half one soil region, half

This completes your initial foundation design. You may now change to rendered, isometric view and
review your model for accuracy:

On the Window toolbar, click Isometric to view the model in isometric view.

On the Window toolbar, click Rendering once more to view the full rendered view.

This is the end of Tutorial A1.

You can save your model to be used as the starting point for the next tutorial, or begin the next tutorial
using the .fnd starter file in the RISAFoundation Tutorials folder. To save the model:
Select Save As from the File menu. Enter in a file name and click Save.

Part A: Tutorial 2 - Modifying

Part A: Tutorial 2 – Modifying

Now that you have laid out your RISAFoundation model, it is inevitable that modifications or changes will
need to be made. One of the most powerful features of RISA software is the ability to quickly and
effectively make changes to an existing model without having to recreate the model—this tutorial will
demonstrate how.

Getting Started
This tutorial continues where the previous tutorial ended, if you are continuing from the previous
On the Main menu, select Single View from the Window menu.

On the Window toolbar, click the Graphic Editing Toolbar button to activate the Drawing
Skip ahead to the next section titled Model Manipulation.
-OR- If you are starting here from scratch, follow the steps below to load the starter file provided by RISA
Double-click the RISAFoundation icon to start the program.

Click Open File from the Starting a Model dialog box.

Double-click the Tutorials folder, select Tutorial A2 Starter.fnd and click Open.
Click Close (or Cancel) to exit the Global Parameters dialog box.

On the Window toolbar, click the Graphic Editing Toolbar button to activate the Drawing
Your model should now look like this:

Part A: Tutorial 2 - Modifying

The first part of this tutorial will guide you through some of the basic graphical functions of
RISAFoundation. As you build larger, more complex models, the view manipulation features (such as
zooming, panning, and rotating) will help you ensure model building precision during every step of the
The Window toolbar provides these view manipulation features:

Model Manipulation

The Rotate buttons are used to rotate the model in respect to the global axes of the
model. Display the global axes icon so that you can see how the model rotates in reference to these axes.

Click Plot Options to open the Set Options for Current View dialog.
Click on the Misc tab.
Select Display the Axes and then click OK.
The global axes icon will appear in the upper left hand corner of your model view.

Experiment using some of these view manipulation buttons:

Click each of the Rotate buttons a few times. Watch the global axes icon to
see the effect of each.
Click Isometric to snap the model into isometric view.

Part A: Tutorial 2 - Modifying

Now that you are in isometric view, click the Rotate buttons once again to
see how the model rotates in 3D.
When you are finished, click the Isometric button once more to bring your model back into
isometric view.
Your model should now look like this in isometric view:

The Zoom buttons are also located on the Window toolbar, just to the right of the Rotate
buttons. These are used to zoom in or zoom out of your model.
Try clicking on these buttons to experiment with them.

The last zoom button, the Box Zoom button allows you to use your cursor to draw a box around the
area you would like to zoom in on. Try this by adjusting your model view, then zoom in on the four
footings in the lower portion of the model:

On the Window toolbar, click Redraw to redraw the model in full model view. Then, click
Planar to snap back to a XZ planar view.

On the RISA toolbar, click the Data Entry toolbar button to close the Data Entry toolbar (or
click Close on the Data Entry toolbar itself).

On the Window toolbar, click Box Zoom and then draw a box around the lower four footings
by clicking and dragging your mouse. When you release the mouse, the boxed area will zoom in
to the full size of the window.

Part A: Tutorial 2 - Modifying

You may also zoom in and out using

the wheel button on your mouse. Roll
the wheel forward to zoom in, and
back (towards you) to zoom out.

If your mouse has a wheel, you will also be able to zoom using the mouse wheel:
Roll the mouse wheel forward and backward a few times to see the zooming effect.

On the Window toolbar, click Redraw to redraw the model within your window.

With the mouse wheel, you will also be able to use RISAFoundation’s panning feature:
Simply press down the mouse wheel anywhere on your model, then hold and drag to the desired
location. This will drag your model to the new location.
When you are finished, return to your original, full model view:

On the Window toolbar, click Planar , then Redraw .

Your window should now look like this:

Part A: Tutorial 2 - Modifying

Multiple Views
RISAFoundation provides the ability to display multiple views of your model using two powerful tools:
Clone View and New Model View . These tools allow you to keep your original model view
(window) intact in one view, then create additional views to display different views of the model.

Clone View - opens a new window containing the New Model View - opens a new window
current model view (including any rendering or containing the current model view (but does not
viewing changes you have made). include any rendering or view modifications).

Example 1. Notice the current model view is Example 2. Even though the original model
in XY view and rendered--the cloned view is view is rendered and in XY view, the New
identical. Model View opens in wireframe, isometric
view (the RISAFoundation default view).

Listed below are some scenarios in which you may want to use these tools:
To isolate specific parts of your model to see how those parts are affected by your modifications.
If you do not want to change your existing view, but need to view a different side of the model,
simply open a new window to view the other side.
When viewing results, you can plot different results information in each view.

Note: Each view, whether created with Clone View or New Model View, is independent and can be
rotated, rendered, zoomed, selected, etc., without affecting the other model views. However, any
modeling changes you make in any view will be automatically updated in the other views.

You will now explore this feature a bit. Before you create a new model view, turn the joint labels off, so
you will be able to visually see the difference between this view and the newly created view:

On the Window toolbar, click Joint Labels to turn off the joint labels.
Now, create a new model view:

On the RISA toolbar, click New Model View .

Part A: Tutorial 2 - Modifying

Compare the two model views you now have open. On the newly created model view, notice the node
labels are turned on (even though you turned the node labels off on the original window; remember
viewing changes are not reflected when using the New Model View tool).

The new model view is

now the active view. To
move back and forth
between the views, click
in the windows. Or, on
the Window menu,
select the view you
want to make active.

Render your new model view, then compare again:

Place your cursor in the newly created model view to make sure it is the active window.
On the Window toolbar, click Rendering two times to render the new model view. Notice the
original view remains unchanged.

Part A: Tutorial 2 - Modifying

Next, you will modify the model a bit so you can see the effect on each view:
Make sure your newly created model view is the active window.
Press CTRL+G to open the Drawing toolbar.

On the Drawing toolbar, click Delete .

The Delete Items dialog box will display:

Specify the four footings you want to delete, then compare the views:
Click Delete LOADS/ITEMS by Clicking Individually, then click Apply.
Click to delete the four footings at the base of the model.
Click the title bar and drag the window to the right so you can see both model views.

Part A: Tutorial 2 - Modifying

Notice that the four footings have also been deleted from the other model view.

Since you actually want to keep these footings in your model, undo the last four deletions:

On the RISA toolbar, click Undo four times to return the footings back to the model.
On the Window menu, select Single View to return to the original, full size model view.
Your model should now look like this:

Part A: Tutorial 2 - Modifying

Modifying the Model

Selection Tools
In this section, you will explore how to combine the viewing options you just learned about with the
selection tools to make those inevitable model design changes in RISAFoundation.
Next, you will modify your model to look like this:

The entire model is currently selected, so start by unselecting the entire model, then select only the parts
you want modified (in this case, the pedestals in the front, lower region of your slab):

On the Selection toolbar, click Unselect All (the Selection toolbar is located on the left side
of your screen).

Note: When you unselect elements, they will display in grey. Any modifications you make to the model
will only apply to “selected” elements. Therefore, selecting and/or unselecting elements enables you to
isolate various portions of your model. For example, any elements that are selected will be modified; any
elements that are unselected will be excluded.

Part A: Tutorial 2 - Modifying

Next, you will use the Criteria Selection tool to select the pedestals (and exclude all the other

On the Selection toolbar, click Criteria Selection . Click the Pedestals/Walls tab.
Under Pedestal Properties, in the Shape list, click CRND24.
Select the Use checkbox in the upper right corner.
Under Selection Options, click Select Items?
Next, define the X and Z coordinates:
Click the Coordinates tab.
Under Coordinate Bounds, enter these values:
In the X Coordinate row, in the Maximum column, type 23 (leave the Minimum column blank).
In the Z Coordinate row, in the Minimum column, type 3. In the Maximum column, type 53.
Pay close attention to the selection options near the bottom of the dialog box:
Under Selection Options, click Select Items?
Select the Include Criteria On Other Pages? check box (if it is not already selected).

Click OK.

Part A: Tutorial 2 - Modifying

Only the lower six pedestals will be selected, as shown below.

Now that you have selected the pedestals to be modified, use the modify tool to quickly update your
On the Modify menu, select Pedestals.
In the Pedestal Shape and Dimensions area, select the Use? check box. Then, click Rectangular.
In the D (diameter) box, type 30. In the W (width) box, type 24.
Under What happens when Apply is pressed? select Apply Entries to All Selected Pedestals.
The dialog box should look like this:

Once you verify the entries are correct:

Click Apply.

Part A: Tutorial 2 - Modifying

Notice that all selected pedestals have become rectangular. Select the remaining pedestals so you can
compare the two pedestal types:

On the Selection toolbar, click Criteria Selection . Click the Pedestals/Walls tab.
Under Pedestal Properties, in the Shape list, select CRND24.
Select the Use checkbox in the upper right corner.
Click OK.
Now, all your slab pedestals are selected as shown below:

Before you re-select the entire model, save this selected state so that you may access it for later
modeling and/or modifications:
On the View menu, select Save or Recall Selection States.
Click Save. A dialog box will appear asking for a description name.
Type: Slab Pedestals.

Click Ok. Then click Close.

Now you have saved this selection state and may retrieve it any time by coming back to this tool (on the
View menu, select Save or Recall Selection States, then clicking the Retrieve button).

Part A: Tutorial 2 - Modifying

Return to your model view and select the entire model.

Place your cursor anywhere in the model view, and right-click your mouse. A shortcut menu will
appear, click Select, then click All.
The shortcut menu appears:

Now the entire model will be selected again, as shown in the image below:

Part A: Tutorial 2 - Modifying

Design Rules
The Design Rules spreadsheet allows you to define or change the parameters for your solution, as you
will do next:
Verify that the Data Entry toolbar is visible on the right side of your workspace. If not, on the
RISA toolbar, click the Data Entry toolbar button .This toolbar provides quick access to the
On the Data Entry toolbar, click Design Rules to open the Design Rules spreadsheet.

Review the General and Beam parameters:

Click the General and Beam tabs to scan through the available options. There is no need to
change any of the default parameters for these two tabs.
Modify the Slab parameters:
Click the Slab tab. Modify the parameters so that your spreadsheet matches the image below.

Modify the Footing parameters:

Click the Footing/Pile Cap tab. Modify the parameters so that your spreadsheet matches the
image below.

Modify the Pedestal parameters:

Click the Pedestal tab. Modify the parameters so that your spreadsheet matches the image

When finished, close the spreadsheet:

Click Close .

Part A: Tutorial 2 - Modifying

Circular Slabs
Now that all the existing elements have been modified, add the circular slab in the lower right hand
corner using the Circular Slab Generator.

Note: This generator can be a very useful tool. Besides generating the slab, it will also add loads to the
slab, and add the design strips within the slab. Loads and design strips will be explained in more detail in
later tutorials.

On the Insert menu, select Circular Foundation This will open the Circular Slab Generator dialog
Complete the dialog box so that it matches the image below.

When finished, apply the changes and close the dialog box:
Click OK.

Part A: Tutorial 2 - Modifying

Notice the slab is now drawn on your model.

Notice that the circular slab overlaps the soil region you drew earlier. So, next, you will modify the soil
region to extend completely under the new slab. The best way to do this is to simply change the
coordinates of the four nodes that define the corners of the soil region.
First, zoom in for better viewing of this region:
Zoom in on the lower right corner of your model using zooming and panning techniques.
Zoom in on this region of your model:

Zooming shortcut: Zoom in by

rolling the mouse wheel forward.
Panning: To move the model
around in the window, press the
mouse wheel down, hold and drag
in any direction.

Get information on the node that defines the upper right corner of the soil region:
Double click the upper right corner node N44 (at coordinates 128,23) of the soil region.

Part A: Tutorial 2 - Modifying

This opens the Information dialog box for that point.

Change the coordinates to extend beneath the new slab:

Under Coordinates, in the Z Coordinate box, type 165. In the X Coordinate box, type 40.
Click OK.
Now, extend the node that defines the lower right corner of the soil region:
Double click the node N45 (at coordinates 128,-16).
Under Coordinates, in the Z Coordinate box, type 165. In the X Coordinate box, type -35.
Click OK.

Click Redraw to view the entire model again.

Your soil region has now expanded beyond and lies beneath the new circular slab. You can also view your
model in isometric, rendered view.

Click Iso to place the model into isometric view.

Click Rendering twice to place the model into a full rendered view.

Part A: Tutorial 2 - Modifying

This is the end of Tutorial A2.

You can save your model to be used as the starting point for the next tutorial, or begin the next tutorial
using the .fnd starter file in the RISAFoundation Tutorials folder. To save the model:
Select Save As from the File menu. Enter in a file name and click Save.

Part A: Tutorial 3 - Loading

Part A: Tutorial 3 – Loading

With the model layout complete, you can now explore the many ways to apply loading in
RISAFoundation. In the previous tutorial, you applied both a line load and an area load to your circular
slab with the circular slab load generator. In this tutorial, you will be expanding on this by adding some
additional line loads and point loads.

Getting Started
This tutorial continues where the previous tutorial ended, so follow these steps to get your model up and
If you are continuing from the previous tutorial:
On the Main menu, select Single View from the Window menu.

On the Window toolbar, click the Graphic Editing Toolbar button to activate the Drawing
Skip ahead to the next section titled Adding Loads.
-OR- If you are starting here from scratch, follow the steps below to load the starter file provided by RISA
Double-click the RISAFoundation icon to start the program.

Click Open File from the Starting a Model dialog box.

Double-click the Tutorials folder, select Tutorial A3 Starter.fnd and click Open.
Click Close (or Cancel) to exit the Global Parameters dialog box.

On the Window toolbar, click the Graphic Editing Toolbar button to activate the Drawing
Your model should look like this:

Part A: Tutorial 3 - Loading

Adding Loads
You will find that whenever you define a load in RISAFoundation, you will also immediately assign it to a
load category. The load categories are then used to combine the loads into load combinations (along with
multiplier factors) for solution.

Line Loads
Line loads in RISAFoundation are all applied with positive magnitude signifying a downward force. You
can use line loads to model the equipment bearing on the foundation.

On the Drawing toolbar, click Draw Line Loads .

In the Load Category Code list, click LL-Live Load. Then, in the Start Magnitude box (and the End
Magnitude box), type 20.

Click Apply.
To ensure accurate grid selections, turn on the snap points and zoom in on your model view:

On the Drawing toolbar, click Universal Snap Points . When selected, the button will appear
pressed in .

On the Window toolbar, click Zoom In a few times (or roll the mouse wheel forward). This
will enlarge your model making it easier to view.

Note: Once you zoom in, you may need to move your model around on the screen to reposition the
model. Use the panning technique described earlier (press the mouse wheel down, hold, then drag the
model view in any direction).

Part A: Tutorial 3 - Loading

Now, make your grid selections by defining their coordinate locations, as shown below.
Click the coordinate location (3, 75), then (53,75). Right click (or press ESC) to release the mouse.
Click the coordinate location (3, 71), then (53,71). Right click (or press ESC) two times to release
the mouse and exit the drawing mode.
Now that you have made your grid selections, zoom back out to full model view.

On the Window toolbar, click Redraw .

When you are finished, your model should like this:

Point Loads
Point load direction is the same as for line loads; a positive force signifies a downward force. You can use
these to model loads to the pedestals, or apply them anywhere on the slab.
Start by applying load to the slab pedestals. You can do this easily by unselecting the entire model, then
retrieving your Slab Pedestals selection state from the previous tutorial:

On the Selection toolbar, click Unselect All .

Also on the Selection toolbar, click Save/Recall Selection . Make sure that Slab Pedestals is
selected, and click Retrieve.

Part A: Tutorial 3 - Loading

Now that your pedestals are selected, you are ready to apply load.

On the Drawing toolbar, click Draw Point Loads .

In the Load Category Code list, click DL-Dead Load. In the Magnitude box, type 20.
Under What happens when Apply is pressed?, click Apply Load to All Selected Points.

Verify the dialog box settings, then apply:

Click Apply.
Notice the loads have been added, and your model should now look like this:

Part A: Tutorial 3 - Loading

Next, apply the live loads:

On the Drawing toolbar, click Draw Point Loads (or press CTRL+D to recall the last dialog
In the Load Category Code list, select LL-Live Load. In the Magnitude box, type 15.
Under What happens when Apply is pressed?, click Apply Load to All Selected Points.

Verify the dialog box settings, then apply:

Click Apply.

Note: As soon as you apply this load, notice

the Window toolbar loads display button
switches to display only the LL-Live Load
category loads (this will be
explained in more detail later in this tutorial).

Part A: Tutorial 3 - Loading

Lastly, apply loading to your footings.

On the Selection toolbar, click Unselect All to unselect the entire model.

Also on the Selection toolbar, click Criteria Selection . Click the Supports/Beams tab.
In the Point Selection Criteria area, select the Use? check box. Under Point Properties, in the
Footing list, click Footing 1.

Verify the dialog box settings, then apply:

Click OK.
Continue adding loads, but this time use the Insert menu to access the Point Loads dialog box:
On the Insert menu, click Loads, then click Point Load.
In the Load Category Code list, click DL-Dead Load. In the Magnitude box, type 15.
Under What happens when Apply is pressed?, click Apply Load to All Selected Points. Also,
select the Keep this dialog open check box.
Click Apply.

Part A: Tutorial 3 - Loading

Verify that the load was properly applied on your footings. (If you need to move the Draw Point Loads
dialog box, click the title bar and hold, then drag the dialog box to the new location.)
Finish adding your loads:
In the Load Category Code list, click LL-Live Load. In the Magnitude box, type 10.
Click Apply.
Then, click Close to close the dialog box.
Now that you have finished applying your loads, you can verify their accuracy by viewing them in the
On the Spreadsheets menu, click Load Categories.

This spreadsheet displays the total number of each type of load you have applied to each load category.
This may be used as a quick check to make sure your loads are assigned to the appropriate categories.
Close the spreadsheet and return to the model view:
Click Close .

Load Combinations
Now that you have applied all your loads, you can combine them with multiplying factors to create load
combinations. RISAFoundation offers two ways to do this: you can either enter your load combinations
manually into the spreadsheets, or use the Load Combination Generator to generate your load
combinations automatically.
For this tutorial, you will generate your load combinations automatically using the Load Combination
On the Spreadsheets menu, click Load Combinations.
The Load Combination spreadsheet will display:

This spreadsheet contains two default load combinations. To accurately generate all the appropriate
combinations per the design code, you must first delete any load combinations currently in the
On the Window toolbar, click Delete Line two times to delete both rows (or use the shortcut
by pressing the F4 key two times).

Part A: Tutorial 3 - Loading

Now, generate the load combinations:

On the Window toolbar, click LC Generator .
In the Region list, click United States. In the Code list, click 2005 ACI Strength.
Under Wind Load Options, click None.
Under Seismic Load Options, click None.

Note: These are specified as none because you have not applied any loads in these categories.

Verify the dialog box settings, then generate:

Click Generate.
The spreadsheet contains 7 load combinations and looks like this (you may need to resize the
spreadsheet to view them all):

Generate additional load combinations, this time specifying a different code:

On the Window toolbar, click LC Generator again.

In the Load Combination Code list, click 2012 IBC ASD.
Click Generate.

Part A: Tutorial 3 - Loading

The new load combinations will be appended to the 7 previously generated. Now, your Load
Combinations spreadsheet contains 15 combinations, as shown below.

Close the spreadsheet and return to the model view:

Click Close .

Loads Display
Until this point, you have been able to view your loads graphically, but you have only seen them
displayed by load category. RISAFoundation also allows you to view your loads by load combination. This
option allows you to view your loads, as magnified or reduced per your multiplying factors.

The Loads Display buttons help view the load categories and load combinations, as shown below:

Loads List – Lists the

available loads.

Display Loads – Switch Loads – Switch loads display

Toggles display of between load categories or load
the loads on or off. combinations.

Experiment by “switching” to display load combinations (instead of categories):

On the Window toolbar, click Switch Loads . Notice that the Loads List will now change to
display the 15 load combinations you generated earlier.
Now, display one of the load combinations:

On the Selection toolbar, click Select All .

Part A: Tutorial 3 – Loading

On the Window toolbar, in the Loads List, click LC 13: IBC 16-11(a).

Your model view will show the displayed loads, as multiplied by the load combination factors in the
model view.

This is the end of Tutorial A3.

You can save your model to be used as the starting point for the next tutorial, or begin the next tutorial
using the .fnd starter file in the RISAFoundation Tutorials folder. To save the model:
Select Save As from the File menu. Enter in a file name and click Save.

Part A: Tutorial 4 – Solving & Results

Part A: Tutorial 4 – Solving & Results

The last step in the modeling process is to solve the model and review the results. RISAFoundation
presents results in several ways. You may view the data in the spreadsheets, view a member detail
report, or view the results graphically.

Getting Started
This tutorial continues where the previous tutorial ended, so follow these steps to get your model up and
If you are continuing from the previous tutorial:
On the Main menu, select Single View from the Window menu.

On the Window toolbar, click the Graphic Editing Toolbar button to activate the Drawing
Skip ahead to the next section titled Solve the Model.
-OR- If you are starting here from scratch, follow the steps below to load the starter file provided by RISA
Double-click the RISAFoundation icon to start the program.

Click Open File from the Starting a Model dialog box.

Double-click the Tutorials folder, select Tutorial A4 Starter.fnd and click Open.
Click Close (or Cancel) to exit the Global Parameters dialog box.

On the Window toolbar, click the Graphic Editing Toolbar button to activate the Drawing
Your screen should now look like this:

Part A: Tutorial 4 – Solving & Results

Solve the Model

Start by solving the model.

On the RISA toolbar, click Solve .

When the solution is complete, two new items will display: the Results toolbar and the Warning Log

The Results toolbar

contains links to each
of the results

The Warning Log spreadsheet

reports the various warnings
related to your solution.

The two warnings associated with this model are in reference to a limitation in the pedestal design. These
can be ignored because, while they limit the design checks performed by the program, they do not cause
erroneous results in the design checks that were completed.
Click Close to close the Warning Log spreadsheet.

Slab Results
When your model is solved, slab elements are automatically submeshed into plate elements. Therefore,
RISAFoundation displays two plate result spreadsheets: Plate Forces and Plate Corner Forces. Review the
data in both spreadsheets to get specific force data for each submeshed plate:
On the Results toolbar, click Plate Forces.
On the Results toolbar, click Plate Corner Forces.
Notice that both spreadsheets are organized by Load Combination and then by Plate Label. To view the
results by Plate Label and then Load Combination, change your Preferences settings:
On the Tools menu, click Preferences. Click the Solution and Results tab.
Click Batch results displayed by ITEM.

Part A: Tutorial 4 – Solving & Results

If this parameter is selected, the

spreadsheet will list the results by ITEM.
All other spreadsheets will reflect the
change (it is not necessary to perform
another solution).

Verify the settings, then accept the changes:

Click OK.
Briefly review several of the other results spreadsheets.
On the Results menu, click Point Reactions.
On the Results menu, click Point Deflections.
When you are finished reviewing the spreadsheets, close the spreadsheets and return to the original
model view:
On the Window menu, click Single View.

Design Strips
Design strips are used to create design regions within a slab. Each design strip will contain automatically
defined design cuts which will control the reinforcement design for that design strip. The results for the
entire design strip will be determined by the maximum moment demand of the governing design cut
within that design strip. Because one governing design cut controls the entire design strip, it is critical
that good engineering judgment is used to determine an appropriate width for the design strip.
You will draw design strips under your two line loads, as this is the most likely place for maximum
moment. Because the design strip designs reinforcement in only one direction, you must add at least two
strips: one in each direction.
Start by turning off the loads and point labels:
From the View menu, click Loads.
From the View menu, click Point Labels.
Now draw your Design Strip.

On the Selection toolbar, click Design Strip .

Part A: Tutorial 4 – Solving & Results

First, draw the strip to design the horizontal (Z axis direction) reinforcement:
Under Rebar Orientation, click Plan Horizontal.

Verify the settings, then accept the changes:

Click Apply.
You will enter the drawing mode. Draw the strip by clicking the following grid intersections (you may
need to zoom in a bit and reposition your model view so that you can see the entire area):
Click grid intersections D1, D9, C9, C1, then close the strip by clicking D1 again.

Note: To close off the strip perimeter, you must make your last click the same as your first (D1); or, you
can double click the last point in the strip (C1).

This strip will display with the reinforcement design as the labeling.

Part A: Tutorial 4 – Solving & Results

Next, draw the second strip in the perpendicular direction:

On the Selection toolbar, click Design Strip (or press CTRL+D to recall the last dialog
Under Rebar Orientation, click Plan Vertical.
In the Design Cuts Per Strip box, type 50.

Verify the settings, then accept the changes:

Click Apply.
Draw the strip by clicking the following grid intersections:
Click grid intersections A1, I1, I4, A4, then close the strip by clicking A1 again.
The strip will display perpendicular to the first strip:

Part A: Tutorial 4 – Solving & Results

Re-solve the model by clicking Solve on the RISA toolbar.

A message will display notifying you that the results will be cleared:

Select Yes.

Note: Whenever you solve the model, RISAFoundation will display a message notifying you that the
results will be cleared (this alleviates the possibility of you having results data that does not match the
input data). If you prefer to disable the warning message, you may do so in the Preferences settings (on
the Tools menu, click Preferences).

Now you can review the design data contained in the spreadsheets for the design strips.
On the Results toolbar, click Strip/Cut Results to open the Strip Reinforcing spreadsheet.
The Strip Reinforcing spreadsheet will display:

Part A: Tutorial 4 – Solving & Results

Also, review the detail reports:

On the Window toolbar, click Detail Report for Current Item .
This opens the Design Strip Detail Report where you can view the envelope force diagrams and the code
check information.

Use the arrow buttons to quickly advance

through the different design strips.

Close both the detail report and the spreadsheet:

On the Window menu, click Single View.

Design Cuts
Design cuts may be used to examine an area of interest and may also be used to double check design
strip results. While design strips automatically contain design cuts, you may also draw design cuts
Draw a design cut over the line loads to investigate that particular area of interest.

On the Selection toolbar, click Design Cut . Your cursor will change to the saw tool .
Click grid intersections C3, then D3.
Notice a green line appears showing the location of the design cut (you may have to zoom in to see it).
Next, view a detail report of that cut:

On the Selection toolbar, click Detail . Your cursor will change to .

Click the green line indicating the design cut.

Part A: Tutorial 4 – Solving & Results

This will open the Design Cut Detail Report:

You may also get detail reports for

pedestals, beams, and footings.
Experiment by clicking Detail , then
click any element.
Close the detail report:
Click Close .

RISAFoundation offers several ways to display and print your results as follows: graphics printing,
spreadsheet printing, and/or report printing.

Graphics Printing
Because RISAFoundation offers a number of ways to view your results graphically, you may want to print
some of those views to view along with your spreadsheet results.
Using Plot Options, explore some of the ways you can quickly review your results on your model.
On the View menu, select Plot Options.
This displays all the viewing options in RISAFoundation.

Part A: Tutorial 4 – Solving & Results

Edit the Design Strips/Cuts/Soil Regions properties:

Click the Design Strips/Cuts/Soil Regions tab.
Click to clear the Show Design Strips check box.
Click to clear the Show Custom Design Cuts check box.

Edit the Slab properties:

Click the Slabs tab.
Under Show Slabs As, click Rendered.

Part A: Tutorial 4 – Solving & Results

Edit the Deflection properties:

Click the Deflection tab.
In the Show Deflected Shape For section, click Load Combination (pick from list at bottom). In
the Magnification Factor box, type 1000.
In the Combination To Use For Results Display list, click 6: ACI 9-3 (b).

Verify the settings, then accept the changes:

Click OK.

Part A: Tutorial 4 – Solving & Results

If you have zoomed in, you may want to redraw to the full model view. Then, change the display an
isometric view:

On the Window toolbar, click Redraw . On the Window toolbar, click Isometric .

Toggle off the loads view by clicking on the Toggle Load Display button and the Joint Labels
button .

Now that you have your model in the correct view, print an image of this display to include with your
On the File menu, click Print.
In the Additional comments to include in the title bar box, type Deflected Shape.

Part A: Tutorial 4 – Solving & Results

Click Continue.
The print dialog box for your printer will display.
Select your printer name and click OK.

Spreadsheet Printing
You may also want to print information directly from a spreadsheet. Try this with the beam results.
On the Results toolbar, click Beam Results.

On the RISA toolbar, click Print (shortcut: CTRL+P).

Click Print Current Spreadsheet.

Click OK.
The print dialog box for your printer will display.
Select your printer and click OK.

Report Printing
Sometimes you may want to print multiple spreadsheets to create a model report. Rather than print each
spreadsheet individually, you can create and print a report combining and sorting the output.
Click anywhere in the model view, making it the active window.
On the File menu, click Print.
Click Print a Report Instead.

Part A: Tutorial 4 – Solving & Results

The Report Printing dialog box will appear. Specify the type of report you would like printed:
In the Report Name list, click All Input and Output.

Next, designate the criteria you would like included in your report:
In the Sections in Current Report list, double-click the following sections:
Point Reactions
Point Deflections
Soil Pressures
Plate Forces
Plate Corner Forces

Part A: Tutorial 4 – Solving & Results

Double-clicking these sections will remove them from the Sections in Current Report column (on the
right) and place them in the Available Report Sections column (on the left).

Now you can print the report:

Click Print and select your printer.
Close the Report Printing dialog box and the spreadsheets.
Click Close to close the Report Printing dialog window .
On the Window menu, click Single View.

DXF Export
Another useful tool that RISAFoundation provides is the ability to export a drawing of your foundation
plan, footing details, or slab reinforcing to a DXF file. This can then be opened in any standard drafting
software program.
Now that your model is solved, you can utilize this export functionality to create some detailed drawings.
On the File menu, click DXF Export, then click Foundation Plot Plan.
In the File Name box, type Tutorial A4.dxf.
Click Save.

Part A: Tutorial 4 – Solving & Results

The Export DXF File dialog box will display, which allows you to specify export options and control the
naming of the DXF layers.

Accept the default names and click OK.

Part A: Tutorial 4 – Solving & Results

This will create a DXF of the foundation plot plan similar to the one pictured below:

This completes Part A: Building From Scratch.

Part B: RISA-3D Integration

Part B: RISA-3D Integration

This part (Part B) of the User’s Guide will demonstrate how to build a RISAFoundation model around
loads imported from a RISA-3D model. With the guidance of these tutorials, you will open a RISA-3D
model and import it into RISAFoundation, where you will build, solve, and modify a typical industrial
foundation system comprised of several different types of foundations.
The tutorials build upon themselves from start to finish. You have the option of performing all the
tutorials at one time, or performing each one separately. To make this possible, RISA provides model files
for you to load at the beginning of each tutorial. These starter files are located in the RISA program folder
under Tutorials, and are named Tutorial B2 starter.r3d, Tutorial B3 starter.r3d, etc.
When you finish all five tutorials, the final product will look like this:

Part B: RISA-3D Integration

To complete all five tutorials will take only a few hours. However, you can speed up the process even
further if you skip the supporting text and perform only the action steps, which are indicated with
diamond-shaped bullets, as shown below:
In order for you to achieve accurate results, it is important that you do not miss any of these
action steps while performing the tutorials.

Part B: Tutorial 1 – Importing from RISA-3D

Part B: Tutorial 1 – Importing from RISA-3D

This first tutorial demonstrates how to import loads into RISAFoundation from an existing RISA-3D model.
A basic knowledge of RISA-3D is helpful when performing the RISAFoundation tutorials. So, if you would
like more information on RISA-3D operation, please refer to the RISA-3D User’s Guide. This document is
available for download on the RISA Technologies website: http://www.risa.com, click Downloads, then
click Product Documentation.

Opening a RISA-3D File

Because you want to import your loads from an existing RISA-3D model (rather than enter them
manually), start by opening the model in RISA-3D and reviewing the superstructure before importing into
Double click the RISA-3D icon to start the program.

Click the File Open button from the Starting a Model dialog box. Double click the Tutorials
folder, select Tutorial B1 Starter.r3d and click Open.
Click Close (or Cancel) to close the Global Parameters dialog box.
Your screen should now look like this:

Note: The appearance of your menus

and toolbars may look slightly different
than shown here, depending on your
computer screen resolution and font

Part B: Tutorial 1 – Importing from RISA-3D

Assign Loads to Load Categories

You have now opened a complete structural model in RISA-3D. In order to export the reaction forces
from the model into RISAFoundation for foundation design, you will need to assign the loads to Load
Categories and then solve at least one Load Combination.
Start by assigning the Load Cases to Load Categories.
On the Spreadsheets menu, click Basic Load Cases.
This will open the Basic Load Cases spreadsheet, as shown below:

Notice that the wind and seismic load cases have already been assigned to load categories (indicated by
WLZ, ELZ, etc., in the Category column), but the Dead and Live loads are not assigned to load categories
(indicated by None in the Category column). Unless you assign a load category to these loads, they will
not transfer into RISAFoundation during the import process.
Assign a load category for the Dead load:
In column 1 (labeled Dead), under Category, click the down arrow to display the list of available
load categories. Select DL (Dead Load) from the list.

Part B: Tutorial 1 – Importing from RISA-3D

Repeat for the Live load:

In column 2 (labeled Live), under Category, click the down arrow to display the list of available
load categories. Select LL (Live Load) from the list.
When finished, your spreadsheet should have categories assigned to all load cases, and match the image

Note: Assigning basic load cases to load categories is not required for the RISA-3D solution; however,
they must be assigned in order for the loads to be transferred into RISAFoundation.

Close the Basic Load Cases spreadsheet:

Click Close .
Next, you must solve at least one load combination in order to calculate the reaction loads:

On the RISA toolbar, click Solve .

The Solution Choices dialog box will display:

Indicate the type of solution you want to perform:

Click Single Combination and select 1:ASCE 1 from the list.
Click Solve.

Part B: Tutorial 1 – Importing from RISA-3D

After RISA-3D completes the analysis, it automatically presents you with the Joint Reactions spreadsheet.
Feel free to browse through these results and any others before moving into RISAFoundation.
You are now ready to export the model into RISAFoundation. Use the Director tool to export the model
into RISAFoundation.
On the Director menu (upper right corner of the Main menu), click RISAFoundation.

Your model will automatically be exported from RISA-3D into RISAFoundation.

Click Close (or Cancel) to close the Global Parameters dialog box.

Note: Once in RISAFoundation, notice that the file name still has the .r3d extension. This is because,
when you use the Director tool to transfer your model between RISA-3D and RISAFoundation, the
exported file remains in the original RISA-3D format and the original file name is maintained--even after a
number of changes have been made in RISAFoundation. Because of this, every time you want to reopen
the file, you will need to perform the same steps you did in this tutorial: open it in RISA-3D, run a single
solution, and then use the Director tool to export the model into RISAFoundation.

This is the end of Tutorial B1.

You can continue on to the next tutorial, or exit RISAFoundation now, and resume Tutorial B2 later. If you
would like to save the changes you made to the model:
On the File menu, click Save As. Enter a unique file name and click Save.

Part B: Tutorial 2 – Modeling

Part B: Tutorial 2 – Modeling

This tutorial will focus on drawing the foundation elements around the points (and point loads) brought
in to RISAFoundation from your RISA-3D file. This tutorial will demonstrate how to model slabs,
pedestals, footings, grade beams, and soil regions in RISAFoundation.

Getting Started
You may continue with the model created in the previous tutorial, or with the starter file located in the
RISAFoundation Tutorials folder.
If you are continuing from the previous tutorial:
On the Main menu, select Single View from the Window menu.
Open Global Parameters by clicking on Global from the Main menu.
Skip ahead to the next section titled Modeling.
-OR- If you are starting here from scratch, follow the steps below to load the starter file provided by RISA

Note: Remember that because these files were originally created within RISA-3D, they have an .r3d file
name extension and must be first opened in RISA-3D, solved, and brought in to RISAFoundation using the
Director tool.

Double-click the RISA-3D icon to start the program.

Click Open Model .

Double-click the Tutorials folder, select Tutorial B2 Starter.r3d and click Open.
Click Close (or Cancel) to exit the Global Parameters dialog box.

On the RISA toolbar, click Solve to solve the model. The Solution Choices dialog box will
appear. Click Single Combination and select 1:ASCE 1 from the list. Click the Solve button.
Now, import the RISA-3D model into RISAFoundation:
On the Director menu, click RISAFoundation.

Part B: Tutorial 2 – Modeling

Your model will automatically be exported from RISA-3D into RISAFoundation. Your model should now
look like this:


Global Parameters
Start by exploring the RISAFoundation Global Parameters dialog box.
Click the Solution tab.

Part B: Tutorial 2 – Modeling

The Solution parameters are described below:

Subgrade Modulus Defines the global Subgrade Modulus magnitude to apply to the entire model.
This can be overridden with a local soil region with a different Subgrade Modulus
if you require varying soil types in your model.
Mesh Size Controls the coarseness or fineness of the slab mesh when RISA auto-meshes
slabs during a solution.
Allowable Bearing Defines the global Allowable Bearing Pressure magnitude to apply to the entire
model. This can be overridden with a local soil region with a different Allowable
Bearing Pressure if you require varying soil types in your model.
Max Iterations Controls the maximum number of iterations RISA will perform during a solution.

Coefficient of Defines the values used in the slab sliding check to calculate the reisting force
Friction against sliding.
Merge Tolerance Used as the maximum distance two points can be apart and still be merged
together. It is also used when scanning for crossing members and for unattached
joints along the spans of beams.
Solver Specifies which solver to use. See the Help menu for more information.
Save As Defaults Saves all modified information on this tab as the default settings.

Modify the Global Parameters

Change the default Subgrade Modulus and the slab Mesh Size:
In the Subgrade Modulus box, type 120.
In the Mesh Size box, type 60.
Click Apply.
When finished, your dialog box should look like this:

Part B: Tutorial 2 – Modeling

Review the Design parameters of the Global Parameters dialog box:

Click the Design tab.

The Design parameters are described below:

# Shear Regions Allows you to control the number of regions to be used when
detailing a beam span.
Region Spacing Incr. Used to increase or decrease the spacing of shear ties during
design optimization.
Optimize Footings for Defines whether or not you want the program to optimize
OTM / Sliding footings based on overturning and sliding.
Min 1 Bar Dia Spacing Defines a minimum spacing of one bar diameter between
(for Beams Only) parallel bars. Otherwise, RISA will default to a two-bar diameter
or one-inch clear spacing (whichever is greater) to allow for lap
splices and continue to maintain adequate spacing between
parallel bars.
Concrete Stress Options Defines the type of stress block to consider in your analysis.
Concrete Rebar Set Defines which reinforcement standard set will be used in your
Parme Beta Factor This value is used to approximate the column’s 3D interaction
surface when using the PCA Load Contour Method.
Code Defines the concrete design code for your solution.

Specify which Concrete Stress Option you would like considered in your analysis. Because the Parabolic
Stress Block is more accurate, select this option:
Under Concrete Stress Options, click Parabolic Stress Block.
Click OK to save your settings and close the Global Parameters dialog box.

Part B: Tutorial 2 – Modeling

Modify the Drawing Grid

Before you begin drawing your foundation elements, you will need to generate a drawing grid to assist
you in your modeling. The drawing grid is different than your project grid (which was imported from
RISA-3D, and displayed in blue). The drawing grid is independent of your model.
Create a drawing grid for this model:
On the Modify menu, click Drawing Grid.

The default settings (30@1 in

the Z and X directions) will
create a 30’x30’ grid divided
into 1’ increments.
For this tutorial, you will
redefine the drawing grid to
facilitate the drawing of the
slabs in the next step.

Modify the drawing grid as follows:

Under Drawing Grid Origin, in the Z Axis and X Axis boxes, type -3.
Click Rectangular Grid Increments. In the first column under Z, highlight and delete any current
data and type: 3,3@20,3 (including the commas).
In the first column under X, highlight and delete any current data and type: 3,2@20,3 (including
the commas).

Part B: Tutorial 2 – Modeling

When finished, your dialog box should look like this:

Review your edits, then proceed:

Click Ok.
Notice the drawing grid now appears on the lower portion of your model:

Drawing Grid

Now that you have your drawing grid in place, you are ready to draw your slab.

Part B: Tutorial 2 – Modeling

You may draw a slab as one large polygon, or you may define smaller portions of the slab by drawing
multiple polygons. If the border of your slab region aligns with an existing slab, the two slabs will be fully
connected as if they were a single slab.
Using the drawing grid you just created, draw a single slab:

On the Drawing toolbar, click Draw Slabs . (If the Drawing toolbar is not visible, press CTRL+G
to turn it on.)
This opens the Draw Slabs dialog box:

Notice that the Material Set list

contains six default materials.
You may add additional materials by
adding new entries in the Materials

For this tutorial, you will model a 30 inch, 4 ksi NW slab.

In the Material Set list, click Conc4000NW.
In the Thickness box, type 30.
Click Apply.

Note: Your cursor changes to , indicating that you are now in slab drawing mode. To exit this mode at
any time, right-click your mouse or press ESC.

Notice that when your cursor passes over a grid intersection or a node, the coordinates are displayed on
the Status Bar (on the lower right corner of your screen). Because the drawing grid does not have nodes
at the grid intersections, you will need to use these coordinates to accurately draw your slab.

Grid coordinates are

displayed here.

Part B: Tutorial 2 – Modeling

Draw the polygon for the slab:

Click the following coordinates to draw the polygon:
When you are done, your model will look like this:

If you make any

mistakes, click
Undo or Redo
(located on the
RISA toolbar).

When you have finished the polygon, you may

close it by clicking the first coordinate a second
time (or you can simply double-click the final
To exit the drawing tool, right-click or press
ESC to exit the drawing tool.

Next, create the slabs representing your combined footings over gridlines PB, PC, and PD. Rather than use
the drawing grid to create new snap points for drawing, you will draw these slabs using the Snap Options.

Part B: Tutorial 2 – Modeling

First, turn off the display of the loads, then turn on the Snap To Options:
On the View menu, click Loads.
On the Modify menu, click Drawing Grid. Click the Snap To Options tab.

Specify the settings for the snap:

Under Universal Snap Increments, in the Z Axis Increment and X Axis Increment boxes, type 1.
Select the Use Universal Increments check box.
Click OK.
Specify the material to be used for your slab:
On the Drawing toolbar, click Draw Slabs .
In the Material Set list, click Conc4000NW.
In the Thickness box, type 30.

Part B: Tutorial 2 – Modeling

Verify the dialog box settings, then apply:

Click Apply. You will now resume the drawing mode.
Draw your first, second, and third combined footing slabs:
Click the following coordinates to draw the first combined footing slab:
(-3,114) (-3,124) (24,124) (24,114) double-click this coordinate to close the slab polygon.

Draw the second and third combined footing slab:

Click the following coordinates to draw the second combined footing slab:
(-3,95) (-3,105) (24,105) (24,95) double-click this coordinate to close the slab polygon
Click the following coordinates to draw the third combined footing slab:
(-3,70) (-3,80) (24,80) (24,70) double-click this coordinate to close the slab polygon
Right-click your mouse, or press ESC to exit the drawing mode.

Part B: Tutorial 2 – Modeling

When finished, your model should look like this:

Your next step is to draw pedestals on the slabs. To make this easier, start by turning off the display of
the project grid and the Data Entry toolbar. Then, use the selection tools to select just the nodes on the
lower slab.
On the Data Entry toolbar, click Close .
On the View menu, click Project Grid to turn off the Project Grid display.

On the Selection toolbar, click Unselect All to unselect the entire model. Then, click Criteria
Selection .
The Select Items for Current View dialog box will display:

Part B: Tutorial 2 – Modeling

Select only the nodes on the slab:

Click the Coordinates tab.
Under Coordinate Bounds, in the X Coordinate row, under Minimum, type 0, and under
Maximum, type 40.
The dialog box should now look like this:

Verify the dialog box settings, then apply:

Click OK.
Now, only the nodes on the interior of the slab are selected:

Part B: Tutorial 2 – Modeling

Before you continue drawing, save this selected state so that you may access it later.
On the View menu, click Save or Recall Selection States.
Click Save. Enter the description Slab Pedestals.
Click OK. Then click Close.

Finally, draw the pedestals:

On the Drawing toolbar, click Draw Pedestals .

Click Rectangular. In the D box (for depth), type 24. In the W box (for width), type 20.
In the Material Set list, click Conc4000NW.

Verify the settings, then apply:

Click Apply.

Note: Your cursor will change to , indicating that you are now in the pedestal drawing mode. To exit
this mode at any time, right-click your mouse or press ESC.

Part B: Tutorial 2 – Modeling

To draw the pedestals, you may click each node individually--but you may find it much faster to “box” the
nodes you just selected:
Draw a box around the selected nodes, as shown below:

Once you draw the box (and

release the mouse), notice that
pedestal icons appear over all
the nodes that were selected.

Exit the drawing mode, reselect the entire model, and turn on the project grid display:
Right-click the mouse (or press ESC) to exit the drawing mode.

On the Selection toolbar, click Select All to reselect the entire model.
On the View menu, click Project Grid to turn on the project grid display.
Then apply pedestals to your combined footings. To make drawing easier, turn off the Snap To Options
and zoom in on these footings.

On the Drawing toolbar, click Universal Snap Points to turn it off.

Press the PLUS SIGN (+) on your numeric keypad three times to zoom in. You may need to adjust
the scroll bars (or use the panning technique) to position the combined footings in clear view.

Part B: Tutorial 2 – Modeling

When finished, your model should look similar to this:

Prepare to draw some more pedestals:

Press CRTL+D to recall the last dialog box (Draw Pedestals).
Click Rectangular.
In the D box (for depth), type 20. In the W box (for width), type 20.

Verify the settings, then apply:

Click Apply.

Part B: Tutorial 2 – Modeling

Draw the pedestals, then return to full view:

Click the following grid locations to draw your pedestals:
PB-1.1 PB-1.9
PC-1.1 PC-1.9
PD-1.1 PD-1.9

When finished, click Redraw to return to the full view.

Your model should look like this:

Next, you will draw your footings. First, enter the footing parameters and then apply that footing to a
point (similar to how you would apply a boundary condition).
To provide quick access to the spreadsheets, display the Data Entry toolbar.

On the RISA toolbar, click the Data Entry toolbar button.

Then, on the Data Entry toolbar, click Footing Definitions.
This opens a spreadsheet that contains all the design parameters for footing design. You may add rows to
this spreadsheet to create as many footing designs as you like.

Part B: Tutorial 2 – Modeling

Explore the contents of the spreadsheet. For now, you will use the default entries so, after reviewing, you
may close the spreadsheet:
Browse through the various tabs in this spreadsheet and review the contents for Footing 1.
Then click Close .

Note: To access help on a spreadsheet, click the F1 key while the spreadsheet is open. The Help menu will
open directly to that topic.

Now that you have defined your footing, apply it to your model.

On the Drawing toolbar, click Assign Footings/Supports/Piles . This dialog box allows you to
apply either typical supports (Reaction, Spring, etc.), footings, or piles.
In the Assign Footing list, click Footing 1 to assign the footing you reviewed earlier.

Notice that you can also apply a

rotation angle to your footing
(although for this model, you will
use the default of 0 degrees).

Verify the settings, then apply:

Then click Apply.

Note: The cursor will change to , indicating you are in footing drawing mode.

Begin drawing the footings:

Click the following grid locations to draw the first two footings:
PA-1.1 PA-1.9

Part B: Tutorial 2 – Modeling

Similar to the method you used to draw pedestals on the lower slab nodes, use the “box” method to
draw footings on the lower four nodes:
Box the four grids located in the PE section of the model (shown below).
The clicking and boxing methods of drawing the footings are shown below:

Click on each of these two nodes to

apply these two footings.

“Box” these four nodes

to draw these four
footings, as shown.

For a better view of your footings, render your model in color fill view:

On the Window toolbar, click Rendering .

Part B: Tutorial 2 – Modeling

The color fill rendered model will look like this:

You may now exit the drawing mode:

Right-click your mouse or press ESC exit the drawing mode.

Grade Beams
To complete the strap footings, add in some grade beams. In RISAFoundation, beams are treated as
physical members, in that the beams will provide fixity to all joints that occur along the span of the
member. Therefore, it is not necessary to break up your beams into individual members to be able to
connect them to intermediate elements.
Start by drawing a beam:
On the Insert menu, click Beams.
In the Material Set list, click Conc4000NW.
In the Depth box, type 24, and in the Width box, type 18.

Part B: Tutorial 2 – Modeling

Verify the settings, then apply:

Click Apply. You are now in beam drawing mode.
Zoom in on the upper left portion of your model:

On the Window toolbar, click Zoom In .

Draw the first beam by clicking the following grid locations: R3D_N1 and R3D_N2. Right-click the
mouse or press ESC to release the mouse.

Notice that your cursor remains attached

to the node at R3D_N2. If you do not wish
to continue drawing beams, right-click the
mouse or press ESC to release the mouse.
(Right-click or press ESC an additional
time to exit the drawing mode

Draw a second beam.

Scroll down, so that you are now zoomed in on the middle of the model.
Draw the second beam by clicking the following grid locations: R3D_N5, then R3D_N8. Right-click
the mouse or press ESC to release the mouse.
Now that you are finished drawing your beams:
Right-click your mouse or press ESC a second time to exit the drawing mode completely.

On the Window toolbar, click Redraw to resize the model to full view.

Part B: Tutorial 2 – Modeling

Your model should now look like this:

Soil Regions
Lastly, you will model a soil region. Because you want to establish an area with different soil properties
than those set in Global Parameters (subgrade modulus and allowable bearing pressure), you will do so
with the Draw Soil Regions tool:
On the Insert menu, select Soil Regions.
In the Subgrade Modulus box, type 140.

Verify the settings, then apply:

Click Apply. You are now in the soil region drawing mode.

Part B: Tutorial 2 – Modeling

Draw the soil region under the slab:

Click nodes N25, N26, N27, then click N28 twice to close the polygon.

Note: If you had drawn your soil region under just a portion of a footing, the footing would be designed
for the soil type under the defining footing joint. They will not be designed for half one soil region, half
another. However, if you model a soil region under a portion of a slab, the slab will be deisgned for half
one soil region, half another.

This completes your initial foundation design. You may now review the rendered, isometric view of your
model to ensure that everything looks correct:

On the Window toolbar, click Redraw to redraw the model in full model view.

On the Window toolbar, click Isometric to view the model in isometric view.

On the Window toolbar, click Rendering one more time to view the full rendered view.

This is the end of Tutorial B2.

You can save your model to be used as the starting point for the next tutorial, or begin the next tutorial
using the .r3d starter file in the RISAFoundation Tutorials folder. To save the model:
Select Save As from the File menu. Enter in a file name and click Save.

Part B: Tutorial 3 - Modifying

Part B: Tutorial 3 – Modifying

Now that you have completed your initial RISAFoundation model, it is inevitable that modifications or
changes will need to be made. In this tutorial, you will explore one of the most powerful features of RISA
software—the ability to quickly and effectively make changes to an existing model without having to
completely redraw your model.

Getting Started
You may continue with the model created in the previous tutorial, or with the starter file located in the
RISAFoundation Tutorials folder.
If you are continuing from the previous tutorial:
On the Main menu, select Single View from the Window menu.
Skip ahead to the next section titled Modifying the Model.
-OR- If you are starting here from scratch, follow the steps below to load the starter file provided by RISA

Note: Remember that because these files were originally created within RISA-3D, they have an .r3d file
name extension and must be first opened in RISA-3D, solved, and brought in to RISAFoundation using the
Director tool.

Double-click the RISA-3D icon to start the program.

Click Open Model .

Double-click the Tutorials folder, select Tutorial B3 Starter.r3d and click Open.
Click Close (or Cancel) to exit the Global Parameters dialog box.

On the RISA toolbar, click Solve to solve the model. The Solution Choices dialog box will
appear. Click Single Combination and select 1:ASCE 1 from the list. Click the Solve button.
Now, import the RISA-3D model into RISAFoundation:
On the Director menu, click RISAFoundation.
Click Close (or Cancel) to exit the Global Parameters dialog box.

Part B: Tutorial 3 - Modifying

Your model will automatically be exported from RISA-3D into RISAFoundation. Your model should now
look like this:

Modifying the Model

The first part of this tutorial will guide you through some of the basic graphical functions of the program.
As you move towards building larger and more detailed models, it becomes necessary to manipulate the
view of your model to ensure that it is modeled properly. This is made possible through RISAFoundation’s
Window toolbar. The Window toolbar contains all the buttons to help you manipulate your graphic view
of the model, including zoom, pan, and rotation functions:

Part B: Tutorial 3 - Modifying


The Rotate buttons are used to rotate the model in respect to the global axes
of the model. Be sure the global axes icon is visible in order to view model rotation in reference to these
Select Axes from the View menu to display the global axes icon.
The global axes icon should appear in the upper left corner of your model view.

Experiment with some of the model manipulation tools:

On the Window toolbar, click each rotate button a few times.
On the Window toolbar, click Isometric for an isometric view. Then click the Rotate buttons
once again to see how the model rotates in isometric view.
When you are finished, click the Isometric once more to bring your model back into
isometric view.

Part B: Tutorial 3 - Modifying

The zoom buttons are used to zoom in or zoom out of your model.

On the Window toolbar, click Zoom In and Zoom Out to see how they affect the model

Another zoom button, the Box Zoom button allows you to zoom in on a specific area by drawing a
box around the area. Try this by first resuming a planar full model view, then box zooming the upper two
footings of your model:

On the Window toolbar, click Planar to return to an XZ planar view. Then, click Redraw
to resume full model view.

On the RISA toolbar, click the Data Entry toolbar button to close it.

On the Window toolbar, click Box Zoom . Then, using the mouse, draw a box around the
upper two footings, as shown below.
Box the upper two footings as shown below:

If your mouse has a wheel, you can use it as a shortcut to zoom in and out by rolling the mouse wheel
forward and/or backward. Practice this zooming technique:
Roll the mouse wheel forward and backward to zoom in and out.

On the Window toolbar, click Redraw to resume full model view.

Part B: Tutorial 3 - Modifying

With the mouse wheel, you will also be able to use RISAFoundation’s panning feature:
Simply press down the mouse wheel anywhere on your model, hold and drag to the desired
location. RISAFoundation will drag or your model to the new location.
When you are finished, return to the original, full model view:

On the Window toolbar, click Planar , then click Redraw .

Your window should now look like this:

Part B: Tutorial 3 - Modifying

Multiple Views
RISAFoundation provides the ability to display multiple views of your model using two powerful tools:
Clone View and New Model View . These tools allow you to keep your original model view
(window) intact in one view, then create additional views to display different views of the model.

Clone View - opens a new window containing the New Model View - opens a new window
current model view (including any rendering or containing the current model view (but does not
viewing changes you have made). include any rendering or view modifications).

Example 1. Notice the current model view is Example 2. Even though the original model
in XY view and rendered--the cloned view is view is rendered and in XY view, the New
identical. Model View opens in wireframe, isometric
view (the RISAFoundation default view).

Listed below are some scenarios in which you may want to use these tools:
To isolate specific parts of your model to see how those parts are affected by your modifications.
If you do not want to change your existing view, but need to view a different side of the model,
simply open a new window to view the other side.
When viewing results, you can plot different results information in each view.

Note: Each view, whether created with Clone View or New Model View, is independent and can be
rotated, rendered, zoomed, selected, etc., without affecting the other model views. However, any
modeling changes you make in any view will be automatically updated in the other views.

You will now explore this feature a bit. Before you create a new model view, turn the joint labels off, so
you will be able to visually see the difference between this view and the newly created view:
On the Window toolbar, click Display Loads to turn off the loads display.
Then, click Joint Labels to turn off the joint labels.

Part B: Tutorial 3 - Modifying

Now, create a new model view:

On the RISA toolbar, click New Model View .

Compare the two model views you now have open. On the newly created model view, notice the loads
display and the node labels are turned on (even though you turned them off on the original window—
remember viewing changes are not reflected when using the New Model View tool).

The new model view is

now the active view. To
move back and forth
between the views, click
in the windows. Or, on
the Window menu,
select the view you
want to make active.

Render your new model view, then compare again:

Click your cursor in the newly created model view to make sure it is the active window.

On the Window toolbar, click Rendering two times to render the new model view.
Notice the original model view remains unchanged:

Part B: Tutorial 3 - Modifying

Next, you will temporarily delete a footing from the new model view, so that you can see the effect on
each view:
Make sure your newly created model view is the active window.
Press CTRL+G to open the Drawing toolbar.
On the Drawing toolbar, click Delete .
The Delete Items dialog box will appear:

Specify the method you will use to delete the footing, then delete it:
Click Delete LOADS/ITEMS by Clicking Individually, then click Apply.
Click the footing on grid intersection PA-1.9 two times to delete it and the loads applied to it.
Notice that this model change was automatically updated on the other model view.

Part B: Tutorial 3 - Modifying

Since you want to keep this footing in your model, undo the last operation:
On the RISA toolbar, click Undo two times to bring the footing and its loads back.
On the Window menu, select Single View to return to the original, full size view of your model.
Your model should now look like this:

Selection Tools
Model modifications are inevitable with every design. Now that you have experimented with several of
the viewing options in RISAFoundation, you can now explore how those viewing options can be combined
with the selection tools help you make those model modifications quickly and easily.
In the previous tutorial, you used the Criteria Selection feature to save a selection state. You will now
retrieve this saved state to modify your slab pedestals.

On the Selection toolbar, click Unselect All .

On the Selection toolbar, click Save/Recall Selection .

This dialog box will appear:

Any selections states you have saved will be displayed:

Select Slab Pedestals.
Then, click Retrieve.

Part B: Tutorial 3 - Modifying

Now your model will show only the slab pedestals selected:

Turn off the loads display and the joint labels:

On the Window toolbar, click Display Loads to turn off loads display.
On the Window toolbar, click Joint Labels to turn off the joint labels.
Next, modify the properties of the pedestals:

On the Window toolbar, click the Graphic Editing Toolbar (shortcut: CTRL+G) to turn on the
Drawing toolbar if it is not already on.

On the Drawing toolbar, click Draw or Modify Pedestals to reopen the Draw Pedestals dialog
Click the Modify Properties tab to access the modify options.

Part B: Tutorial 3 - Modifying

Change the pedestals from 24”x 20” rectangular to 24” diameter circular pedestals.
Under Pedestal Shape and Dimensions, click Circular. Be sure to select the Use? check box on
the right. In the D (diameter) box, type 24.
Under What happens when Apply is pressed?, click Apply Entries to All Selected Pedestals.

Select the Use? check box to apply that

parameter to your model. Any unselected
Use? check boxes will be ignored.

Click Apply.
Your model view will resume. Verify that the 12 pedestals have been modified by zooming in for a closer

On the Window toolbar, click Box Zoom , then draw a box around the slab pedestals as
shown below.
Your box should look similar to this:

Part B: Tutorial 3 - Modifying

Next, use the selection tools to modify the Footing Definitions and Design Rules and apply these to the
various pedestals:

On the Window toolbar, click Redraw to resume the full model view.

On the Selection toolbar, click Select All to select the entire model again.

On the RISA toolbar, click the Data Entry toolbar button to reopen the Data Entry toolbar.
Now, create a new Design Rule to govern the reinforcement of the footings:
On the Data Entry toolbar, click Design Rules.
This spreadsheet will appear.

Edit the spreadsheet:

Press ENTER to create a new row in the spreadsheet.
This new row will be automatically labeled R2. Change the label:
In row 2, under Label, type Combined Footings.
Your spreadsheet should now look like this:

Resizing columns: Some column headings are narrow, and the

complete name is not visible.
To lengthen a column, place your cursor on the bar to the right of
the heading. When it changes to , click and drag to the right.

Now that you have created your second Design Rule, modify the footing rebar.
On the same spreadsheet, click the Footing/Pile Cap tab.
In row 2, labeled Combined Footings, in the Top Bar column, select #5 from the list.
In row 2, labeled Combined Footings, in the Bottom Bar column, select #5 from the list.

Note: When selecting cells in a spreadsheet, you may click directly in the cell or press the TAB to advance
from cell to cell.

Part B: Tutorial 3 - Modifying

When finished, your spreadsheet should match the image below:

Tip: To move around in a

spreadsheet, click directly in
a cell to make it active, or
press the TAB key to
advance from cell to cell.

Close the spreadsheet:

Click Close .
Next, create a new Footing Definition.
On the Data Entry toolbar, click Footing Definitions.
This spreadsheet will open:

While this first entry, Footing 1, is appropriate for the two footings below grid point PE, you will enter a
second row to limit the size of those on grid points PA and PE.
Press ENTER to add a new row to the spreadsheet. This new row will be automatically labeled
Footing 2.
In row 2, labeled Footing 2, in the Design Rules column, click the down arrow to view the list
of available rules. Select Combined Footings.

If the columns are

narrow, it may be helpful
to lengthen some of the
column headings so they
are more clearly visible.

Part B: Tutorial 3 - Modifying

Modify the geometric properties:

Click the Geometry tab to review the options for limiting the size optimization of the footings.
In row 2, labeled Footing 2, in the Max Thickness column, type 30.
Lastly, select the Force Square checkbox for line 2 (Footing 2).
Your spreadsheet should now look like this:

Close the spreadsheet:

Click Close .
Now that you have finished creating your new Design Rules and Footing Definitions, you can now apply
these to some of your footings.
First, you will select the footings you want to modify. Since your model is currently entirely selected, it
will save time to unselect the footings, then invert the selection (which will leave the footings selected,
and everything else unselected).

On the Selection toolbar, click Polygon Unselect .

Draw a polygon around the slabs and footings on grid points 1.1 and 1.9. Double-click the final
point to close off the polygon.
Draw the polygon similar to this:

Note: Your cursor changes to ,

indicating that you are in the
polygon selection mode.
To close off the polygon, double-
click the last point.

Part B: Tutorial 3 - Modifying

When finished, all the elements within the polygon will be unselected.

Next, invert the selection.

On the Selection toolbar, click Invert Selection .

Your selections will now be inverted. The ten footings are now selected and everything else is unselected:

Part B: Tutorial 3 - Modifying

Lastly, unselect the grade beams using the line selection tool:

On the Selection toolbar, click Line Unselect .

Draw a line through the top grade beam to unselect it, as shown below:

Note: Your cursor changes to ,

indicating that you are in the line
selection mode.

Repeat for the lower grade beam, then render so that you can view the footings more clearly:
Draw a line through the lower grade beam, to unselect it.

On the Window toolbar, click Rendering . Then, click Redraw .

Part B: Tutorial 3 - Modifying

The rendered, full model view should look like this:

Lastly, unselect the three slabs:

On the Selection toolbar, click Box Unselect . Your cursor will change and you will be in box
selection mode.
Draw a box around the three slabs to unselect them. Right-click or press ESC to exit the selection

Part B: Tutorial 3 - Modifying

When finished, your model should look like this:

Once you verify that only these footings are selected, you are ready to apply the footing designation and
design rule you created earlier:

On the Drawing toolbar, click Assign Footings/ Supports/ Piles .

In the Assign Footing list, click Footing 2.
Under What happens when Apply is pressed?, click Apply Entries to All Selected Points.

Verify the settings and apply:

Click Apply, then click Close.

Part B: Tutorial 3 - Modifying

This is the end of Tutorial B3.

You can save your model to be used as the starting point for the next tutorial, or begin the next tutorial
using the .r3d starter file in the RISAFoundation Tutorials folder. To save the model:
Select Save As from the File menu. Enter in a file name and click Save.

Part B: Tutorial 4 - Loading

Part B: Tutorial 4 – Loading

Although your RISA-3D importation already brought over a number of loads, this tutorial will explore the
other ways to apply loads to your RISAFoundation model. You will then learn how to combine these loads
in load combinations which will be used later (in Tutorial B5) for solution.

Getting Started
You may continue with the model created in the previous tutorial, or with the starter file located in the
RISAFoundation Tutorials folder.
If you are continuing from the previous tutorial:
On the Main menu, select Single View from the Window menu.
Skip ahead to the next section titled Apply Loads.
-OR- If you are starting here from scratch, follow the steps below to load the starter file provided by RISA

Note: Remember that because these files were originally created within RISA-3D, they have an .r3d file
name extension, and must be first opened in RISA-3D, solved, and brought in to RISAFoundation using
the Director tool.

Double-click the RISA-3D icon to start the program.

Click Open Model .

Double-click the Tutorials folder, select Tutorial B4 Starter.r3d and click Open.
Click Close (or Cancel) to exit the Global Parameters dialog box.

On the RISA toolbar, click Solve to solve the model. The Solution Choices dialog box will
appear. Click Single Combination and select 1:ASCE 1 from the list. Click the Solve button.
Now, import the RISA-3D model into RISAFoundation:
On the Director menu, click RISAFoundation.
Click Close (or Cancel) to exit the Global Parameters dialog box.

Part B: Tutorial 4 - Loading

Your model will automatically be exported from RISA-3D into RISAFoundation. Your model should now
look like this:

Part B: Tutorial 4 - Loading

Apply Loads

Load Categories
To verify that your loads imported properly from RISA-3D, review the Load Categories spreadsheet. In
RISAFoundation, all applied loads must be assigned a load category. These are then listed in the Load
Categories spreadsheet.
On the Spreadsheets menu, click Load Categories.

This spreadsheet displays the number of

each type of load that was imported from
RISA-3D. This may be used to verify that all
loads were imported, and that they are
assigned to the appropriate categories.

Note: All loads from RISA-3D import into RISAFoundation as unfactored point loads. In other words, the
load magnitudes are independent of the load combination(s) run in RISA-3D, and they are sorted only by
category. When solving in RISAFoundation, this allows you to apply the full load magnitude when running
your foundation-specific load combinations.

Although this spreadsheet only lists the number of each load type applied to each category, you can click
an item to “link” to a more detailed load spreadsheet. There you can review the specific location,
direction, and magnitude of your loads.
Try clicking the WLX entry to open the Point Loads spreadsheet:
In row 5, labeled WLX, in the Point Loads column, click 77.

Part B: Tutorial 4 - Loading

This automatically opens the Point Loads- Wind Load X spreadsheet:

Click an item to “link” to and open a

more detailed spreadsheet.

Review the Point Loads- Wind Load X spreadsheet, then close both spreadsheets:
Scroll down to review the point load location Label, load Direction, and load Magnitude
Click Close to close the Point Loads spreadsheet.
Click Close to close the Load Categories spreadsheet.

Area Loads
In addition to the point loads that were imported, draw some additional area loads over the slab.
Press CTRL+G to open the Drawing toolbar (if it is not already open).

On the Drawing toolbar, click Draw Area Loads .

Part B: Tutorial 4 - Loading

The Draw Area Loads dialog box will display:

Note: Unlike RISA-3D, the positive

vertical direction in RISAFoundation
is assumed to be downward.
Therefore, to apply a downward
force, simply enter a positive value
as the magnitude.

Enter the values representing the slab overburden.

In the Load Category Code list, select DL-Dead Load (if not already selected).
In the Magnitude box, type 0.1.
Click Apply and you are ready to draw your additional load.
To make it easier to draw the load, first select only the corner nodes of the slab:

On the Selection toolbar, click Unselect All . Then, click Selection Criteria . The
Supports/Beams tab should already be selected.
In the Point Selection Criteria section, select the Use? check box on the right.
Under Point Range, in the From box, type N25. In the To box, type N28.

Verify the settings, then apply:

Click OK.

Part B: Tutorial 4 - Loading

Note: Your cursor changes to , indicating that you are now in drawing mode. To exit this mode at any
time, right-click your mouse or press ESC.

Now you are ready to draw the load:

On the Window toolbar, click Joint Labels to turn them on (if they are not already on).
Click the following nodes: N25, N26, N27, then double-click N28.
Right-click your mouse or press ESC to exit the drawing mode.
On the Selection toolbar, click Select All to select the entire model again.
The graphic view of the model will now show hatch marks over the slab indicating the area load. If this
does not show, you may need to (on the Window toolbar) click Display Loads .

Part B: Tutorial 4 - Loading

You can also review the Load Categories spreadsheet once more to ensure the area load was applied
properly to the DL-Dead Load category.
On the Data Entry toolbar, click Load Categories.

The 1 in this column indicates

that you have now successfully
added 1 Area Load to your DL

Once you have verified the load was properly applied:

Click Close to close the spreadsheet.

Load Combinations
Now that you have completed reviewing and applying your loads, you can combine them with multiplying
factors to create load combinations. You can create these load combinations by either typing them into
spreadsheets manually, or generating them automatically using the load combination generator.
For this tutorial, generate the Load Combinations automatically:
On the Spreadsheets menu, click Load Combinations.
This opens a blank spreadsheet. You may choose to click ENTER and manually enter your load
combinations, or you may use the Load Combination Generator, as we will do next:
On the Window toolbar, click LC Generator .
Specify the type of loads you want to generate:
In the Region list, click United States as your Region.
In the Code list, click 2005 ACI Strength.
Under Wind Load Options, click X + Z with Eccentric.
Under Seismic Load Options, click X + Z with Eccentric, as these categories were automatically
assigned by the Wind and Seismic Load Generators in RISA-3D.

Part B: Tutorial 4 - Loading

The LC Generator dialog box should now look like this:

Verify the settings and generate:

Click Generate.
Notice that this creates 73 load combinations. However, many of these can be deleted since snow loads,
rain loads, hydrostatic loads, and roof live loads do not apply to this model. Delete the load combinations
that do not apply:
Click the first cell of row 3, labeled ACI 9-2 (b).
Now active, this cell should be highlighted in green.

Delete this row and the one underneath it:

Press the F4 key two times to delete rows 3 and 4, labeled ACI 9-2 (b) and ACI 9-2 (c).
After you delete these two rows, notice that the remaining rows move up and are automatically
renumbered. Delete the next group of rows that do not apply:
Press ENTER to move the active (green highlighted) cell down to the newly renumbered row 4,
now labeled ACI 9-3 (b).
Press the F4 key two times to delete rows 4 and 5, labeled ACI 9-3 (b) and ACI 9-3 (c).

Part B: Tutorial 4 - Loading

Next, you will delete rows 10 through 21. Instead of using the F4 key to delete them one by one, try this
method to delete them all at once. First, select the rows to be deleted:
Select rows 10 – 21, labeled ACI 9-3 (e) (a) through ACI 9-3 (f) (f). Select the rows by clicking
directly on row 10 (the row label), then drag down to row 21. Release the mouse.

Click the row

label to
highlight the
entire row

Then hold
and drag
down to
highlight Note: The selected rows should be highlighted in
the other yellow. If they are magenta, you have
rows. inadvertently selected cells from within the
spreadsheet—not the row label.

Once the rows are selected (and highlighted in yellow), delete the rows:
On the Window toolbar, click Delete Lines . The remaining rows will move up again.
Repeat this procedure to delete rows 16-27, labeled ACI 9-4 (b) (a) through ACI 9-4 (c) (f).
Repeat this procedure to delete rows 22-27, labeled ACI 9-6 (a) (a) through ACI 9-6 (a) (f).
Repeat this procedure to delete rows 28-33, labeled ACI 9-7 (a) (a) through ACI 9-7 (a) (f).

Part B: Tutorial 4 - Loading

When finished, you should have 33 load combinations remaining, as shown below:

Finally, use the LC Generator again to generate your service level load combinations:
On the Window toolbar, click LC Generator again.
In the Code list, click 2010 ASCE ASD. Click Generate.
Once the spreadsheet opens with the generated load combinations:
Repeat the highlight and delete procedure for rows 36-38, labeled ASCE 3(a) through ASCE 3(c).
Then delete the following load combinations:
ASCE 4 (b) through ASCE 4 (c),
ASCE 6 (c) (a) through ASCE 6 (f) (f),
ASCE 7 (b) (a) through ASCE 7 (b) (f), and
ASCE 8 (b) (a) through ASCE 8 (b) (f).
When finished, your spreadsheet should contain 72 load combinations:
Click Close to close the spreadsheet.

Part B: Tutorial 4 - Loading

Displaying Loads Graphically

RISAFoundation provides simple ways to view your loads using the loads display buttons
located on the Window toolbar.

Display Loads -
Turns the display of
loads on and off

Loads List – Lists available loads

The loads can be
displayed as:
Load Combinations Switch Loads - Alternates
between the two display
Load Categories
modes shown here

Experiment with these buttons by switching to display the load combinations:

On the Selection toolbar, click Select All .

On the Window toolbar, click the Switch Loads button once.

On the Window toolbar, click the Loads List , then select LC 10: ACI 9-4 (a)(a)
from the list. If the loads do not appear on your model, click Display Loads to turn them on.

Part B: Tutorial 4 - Loading

Using these tools, you will be able to view the displayed loads graphically, as multiplied by the load
combination factors.

This is the end of Tutorial B4.

You can save your model to be used as the starting point for the next tutorial, or begin the next tutorial
using the .r3d starter file in the RISAFoundation Tutorials folder. To save the model:
Select Save As from the File menu. Enter in a file name and click Save.

Part B: Tutorial 5 – Solving & Results

Part B: Tutorial 5 – Solving & Results

The last step is to solve the model and review the results. RISAFoundation presents results in several
ways. You may view the data in the spreadsheets, view a member detail report, or view the results
graphically. You will explore all of these options in this final tutorial.

Getting Started
You may continue with the model created in the previous tutorial, or with the starter file located in the
RISAFoundation Tutorials folder.
If you are continuing from the previous tutorial:
On the Main menu, select Single View from the Window menu.
Skip ahead to the next section titled Solve the Model.
-OR- If you are starting here from scratch, follow the steps below to load the starter file provided by RISA

Note: Remember that because these files were originally created within RISA-3D, they have an .r3d file
name extension, and must be first opened in RISA-3D, solved, and brought in to RISAFoundation using
the Director tool.

Double-click the RISA-3D icon to start the program.

Click Open Model .

Double-click the Tutorials folder, select Tutorial B5 Starter.r3d and click Open.
Click Close (or Cancel) to exit the Global Parameters dialog box.

On the RISA toolbar, click Solve to solve the model. The Solution Choices dialog box will
appear. Click Single Combination and select 1:ASCE 1 from the list. Click the Solve button.
Now, import the RISA-3D model into RISAFoundation:
On the Director menu, click RISAFoundation.
Click Close (or Cancel) to exit the Global Parameters dialog box.

Part B: Tutorial 5 – Solving & Results

Your model will automatically be exported from RISA-3D into RISAFoundation. Your model should now
look like this:

Solve the Model

Start by solving the model in RISAFoundation:

On the RISA toolbar, click Solve .

Upon solution, you will be presented with the Point Reactions spreadsheet and the Results toolbar. The
Results toolbar displays on the top right of your screen, just above the Data Entry toolbar. It provides
quick access to each of the results spreadsheets.

Part B: Tutorial 5 – Solving & Results

Slab Results
When your model is solved, slab elements are automatically submeshed into plate elements.
RISAFoundation then displays two plate results spreadsheets: Plate Forces and Plate Corner Forces. You
can review the data in each of these to obtain specific force data for each submeshed plate.
On the Results toolbar, click Plate Forces.
On the Results toolbar, click Plate Corner Forces.
Notice that these spreadsheets are organized by Load Combination and then by Plate Label. To view the
results by Plate Label first, and then Load Combination, change your Preferences settings:
On the Tools menu, click Preferences.
Click the Solution and Results tab.
Click Batch results displayed by ITEM.

Once you click OK, your results will be grouped by Plate Label:
Click OK.

Note: You can change your preference settings at any stage of your modeling process and the
spreadsheets will automatically be updated—a re-solve is not necessary.

Briefly review several of the other results spreadsheets, this time access them on the Results menu:
On the Results menu, click Point Deflections.
When you are finished reviewing these spreadsheets, close the extra windows and return to the original
model view:
On the Window menu, click Single View.

Part B: Tutorial 5 – Solving & Results

Design Strips
Design strips are used to create design regions within a slab. Each design strip will contain automatically
defined design cuts that will control the reinforcement design for that design strip. The results for the
entire design strip will be determined by the maximum moment demand of the governing design cut
within that design strip. Because one governing design cut controls the entire design strip, it is critical
that good engineering judgment is used to determine an appropriate width for the design strip.
Because the design strip designs reinforcement in only one direction, you must enter at least two strips--
one in each direction.
Near the bottom of the Selection toolbar, click the Design Strip button.
The Draw Design Strips dialog box will appear:

First, draw the strip to design the horizontal (Z axis direction) reinforcement.
Under Rebar Orientation, click Plan Horizontal.
In the Design Cuts per Strip box, type 50.
Click Apply.
Turn off the load display to get a better view of the slab area, then draw the strip:
On the Window toolbar, click Display Loads .
Click the following grid intersections to define the strip:
VC-1.0, VA-1.0, VA-4.0, double-click VC-4.0 to close the strip

Note: To close off the strip perimeter, either: (1) double-click the last point (VC-4.0); or (2) make your last
click the same as your first (VC-1.0).

Part B: Tutorial 5 – Solving & Results

Zoom in on the slab for a better view of the design strip:

On the Selection toolbar, click Box Zoom and zoom in on the slab.
Box the slab as shown below. This strip will display on your model with the reinforcement design as the

Next, draw the second strip in the perpendicular direction.

Press CTRL+D to recall the last dialog box.
Under Rebar Orientation, click Plan Vertical.
In the Design Cuts per Strip box, type 50.

Part B: Tutorial 5 – Solving & Results

Click Apply.
Click the following grid intersections to define the strip:
VC-2.0, VA-2.0, VA-3.0, double-click VC-3.0 to close the strip
Your two new design strips should look like this:

Click on Solve from the RISA toolbar to re-solve your model.

A message will display notifying you that the results will be cleared. Select Yes.

Note: Whenever you solve the model, RISAFoundation will display a message notifying you that the
results will be cleared (this alleviates the possibility of you having results data that does not match the
input data). If you prefer to disable the warning message, you may do so in the Preferences settings (on
the Tools menu, click Preferences).

Part B: Tutorial 5 – Solving & Results

Now you can display the detail reports of these strips to review the design data:
On the Results toolbar, click Strip/Cut Results.
The Strip Reinforcing spreadsheet will display.

Next, open the Design Strip Detail Report:

On the Window toolbar, click the Detail Report for Current Item button.
This report allows you to view the envelope force diagrams and the code check information.

Use the the arrow buttons to

quickly advance through the different
design strips in the detail report.

When you are finished, close both the Detail Report and the spreadsheet:
On the Window menu, click Single View.

Part B: Tutorial 5 – Solving & Results

Design Cuts
While Design Strips automatically contain Design Cuts, you may also draw an individual Design Cut at any
location as a means of isolating and examining a specific area of interest. These Design Cuts can also be
used to double check design strip results.
You can draw a design cut over the line loads to investigate that particular area of interest:

Near the bottom of the Selection toolbar, click the Design Cut button .

Note: Your cursor will change to the saw tool .

Click grid intersection VA-1.0, then VA-2.0.

Notice a green line appears, indicating the location of the design cut. You can also view a detail report of
the cut.
Near the bottom of the Selection toolbar, click the Detail button.

Once your cursor changes to , click anywhere along the green design cut.
This will open the Design Cut Detail Report:

Close the Detail Report:

Click Close .

Note: In addition to Design Cuts and Design Strips, you can also view detail reports for Pedestals, Beams,
and Footings.

Experiment by displaying other detail reports of various elements:

Before closing out of the Detail button, try clicking on other elements. Press ESC when you are
done to exit the detail tool.

Part B: Tutorial 5 – Solving & Results

RISAFoundation offers several ways to print your results: graphically, individual spreadsheets, or
combined reports.

Graphics Printing
Because RISAFoundation offers a variety of ways to view your results graphically, it can be beneficial to
print those views along with your spreadsheet results. Start by exploring some of the ways to quickly
review your results on your model:
On the View menu, click Plot Options.
This displays the Set Options for Current View dialog box which gives you access to all the viewing
options in RISAFoundation:

Part B: Tutorial 5 – Solving & Results

Start by modifying the design strips/cuts/soil regions parameters:

Click the Design Strips/Cuts/Soil Regions tab.
Select to clear the Show Design Strips check box.
Select to clear the Show Custom Design Cuts check box.

Note: it is not necessary to

click OK or Apply until
completely finished editing
all tabs on the dialog box.

Render the slabs:

Click the Slabs tab.
Under Show Slabs As, click Rendered.

Part B: Tutorial 5 – Solving & Results

Modify the deflection settings:

Click the Deflection tab.
Under Show Deflected Shape For, click Load Combination (pick from list at bottom). Also, in the
Magnification Factor box, enter 1000.
In the Combination To Use For Results Display box, select 16: ACI 9-5 (a).

Execute the changes and close the dialog box:

Click OK.
View the model in isometric view:

On the Window toolbar, click Isometric to view the model in isometric view.

On the Window toolbar, click Redraw to view the full model view.
Also turn off the view of the loads:

Click on the Toggle Loads button.

Part B: Tutorial 5 – Solving & Results

Your model should now look like this:

Now that you have your model in the correct view, you can print an image of this display to include with
your report.
Right-click your mouse anywhere on the graphic, and click Print.

Part B: Tutorial 5 – Solving & Results

The Graphic Print Options dialog box will appear:

You may specify a title or comment to be included in the title bar:

Select the Draw the title bar? check box (if it is not already selected).
In the Additional Comments to include in the title bar, type Deflected Shape.
Click Continue.
Your normal print dialog box will appear (specific to your computer):
Select your printer and print.

Part B: Tutorial 5 – Solving & Results

Spreadsheet Printing
You may also want to print information directly from a spreadsheet. You can open and review any
spreadsheet and print its results. Try this with the beam results:
On the Results toolbar, click Beam Results.
Press CTRL+P.
The Data Printing dialog box appears:

Make your data printing selections:

Click Print Current Spreadsheet.
Click OK.
Your normal print dialog box will appear (specific to your computer):
Select your printer and click OK to print the spreadsheet.
Close the spreadsheet:
Click Close .

Part B: Tutorial 5 – Solving & Results

Report Printing
Many times, you will want to print multiple spreadsheets to create a model report. Rather than print
each spreadsheet separately, you can opt to print a report.
On the File menu, click Print.
The Graphic Print Options dialog box appears:

Specify that you would like a report printed:

Click Print a Report Instead.
The Report Printing dialog box will appear:

Part B: Tutorial 5 – Solving & Results

Specify the type of report you would like printed:

In the Report Name list, click All Input and Output.
Next, designate the criteria you would like included in your report:
In the Report Sections area, under Sections in Current Report, double-click the following
Point Coordinates
Point Reactions
Point Deflections
Soil Pressures
Plate Forces
Plate Corner Forces
Double-clicking these sections will remove them from the Sections in Current Report column (on the
right) and place them in the Available Report Sections column (on the left).

Now you can print the report:

Click Print and select your printer.
This will create a printed report containing all the sections listed in the Sections in Current Report
column. When finished, close the Report Printing dialog box and the Beam Forces spreadsheet.
Click Close to close the Report Printing dialog box
Click Close to close the Beam Forces spreadsheet.

Part B: Tutorial 5 – Solving & Results

DXF Export
Another useful tool that RISAFoundation provides is the ability to export a drawing of your foundation
plan, footing/pedestal/pile details, or slab reinforcing to a DXF file. This can then be opened in any
standard drafting software for drafting purposes.
Now that your model is solved, utilize this export functionality to create some detailed drawings:
On the File menu, click DXF Export, then click Foundation Plot Plan.
In the File Name box, type: Tutorial B5.dxf. Click Save.
This Export DXF File dialog box displays. Here you can specify DXF options and naming conventions for
the DXF layers.

Accept the default settings and names:

Click OK.

Part B: Tutorial 5 – Solving & Results

This will create a DXF of the foundation plot plan similar to the image below.

This completes Part B: RISA-3D Integration.

Congratulations on completing your introductory tour of RISAFoundation! The time you invested in
performing these tutorials is time well spent. We are confident that the knowledge gained by taking the
time to step through these tutorials will increase your productivity, and allow you to complete future
projects more quickly and efficiently.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact us by phone at (800) 332-7472, fax at (949) 951-
5848, or email at [email protected].

Appendix A – RISAFoundation Toolbar Button Quick Reference

Appendix A – RISAFoundation Toolbar

Button Quick Reference
RISA Toolbar

Button Title Label in RISAFoundation Shortcut

New Model Start a new model (CTRL+N)
Start a new model
Open Model Reload from disk a previous (CTRL + O)
Open an existing model model

Save Save the current model (CTRL+S)

Save current model to disk data to disk

Copy Copy to the clipboard (Ctrl+C)

Copy to the clipboard
Print Print a report or graphic (Ctrl+P)
Print a report or graphic image image
Undo Undo the last operation (Ctrl+Z)
Undo the last operation
Redo Reverse the most recent (Ctrl+Y)
Reverse the most recent undo undo operation

Set Global Parameters Set Global Parameters

Define Units Define units to be used

Define units to be used

Rebar Layout Create and edit a custom

Create and edit a custom rebar rebar layout
Project Grid Opens the Project Grid
Open the Project Grid spreadsheet

Template Create a circular slab from

Create a circular slab from a a template

Appendix A – RISAFoundation Toolbar Button Quick Reference

New Model View Create a new model view (CTRL + F2)

Create a new model view

Open Spreadsheets Select spreadsheets to

Select spreadsheets to open open

Refresh Refresh all open windows

Refresh all windows with current with the most current data
Load Combinations Open the Load
Open the load combinations Combinations Spreadsheet

Solve Perform the analysis and (F7)

Perform the analysis and design design calculations

Browse Results Select results to browse

Select results to browse

Erase Results Erase all solution results

Erase all solution results

Data Entry toolbar Turn the Spreadsheet

Turn the spreadsheet shortcuts Shortcuts menu off or on
menu on or off

Results toolbar Turn the Results Shortcuts

Turn the results shortcuts menu menu off or on
on or off

Help View Help menu topics (CTRL + F1)

View help topics

Appendix A – RISAFoundation Toolbar Button Quick Reference

Window Toolbar
…in Model View

Button Title Label in RISAFoundation Shortcut

Plot Options Bring up the Plot Options dialog F2

Display plot options
Rotate buttons Rotate the view counter-
clockwise about the X axis

Rotate the view clockwise

about the X axis
Rotate the view counter-
clockwise about the Y axis
Rotate the view clockwise
about the Y axis
Rotate the view counter-
clockwise about the Z axis
Rotate the view clockwise
about the Z axis
Isometric Snap to an Isometric View
Display an isometric view
Planar Snap to an XZ Planar View
Display an XZ planar view
3 buttons below are collectively
called Zoom buttons

Zoom In Zoom IN (closer view) on the PLUS (+)


Zoom Out Zoom OUT (view farther away) MINUS (-)

on the model

Box Zoom Draw a box around the part of

the model to be zoomed

Redraw Redraw full model view

Redraw full model view

Graphic Editing Activate the Graphic Editing Ctrl+G

Activate the Graphic Editing (AKA (Drawing) toolbar
Drawing) toolbar

Appendix A – RISAFoundation Toolbar Button Quick Reference

Save or Recall View Save or recall view states

Save or recall view states

Clone View Clone (make an exact copy of)

Make an exact copy of current the current model view
model view
3 buttons below collectively refer
to Loads Display

Display Loads Toggle display of the loads (LC

Toggle display of the loads (LC or or CAT)
Loads List – lists the available loads

Switch Loads Switch loads display between

Switch loads display (combinations combinations and categories
or categories)
Rendering Toggle between wireframe and
Toggle between wireframe and rendering of beams and plates
rendering of beams and plates
Joint Labels Toggle the joint labels
Joint labels toggle
Beam Labels Toggle the beam labels
Beam labels toggle

Member Color Basis Member color display toggle

Member color display toggle

Plate Labels Toggles on the display of the

Plate labels toggle plate labels

Show Plate Contours Toggles on the display of the

plate force/stress contours
Show Plate Contours-Forces

Design Strips Toggles on the display of the

design strips
Show Design Strips

Pile Caps Toggles on the display of the

pile caps
Show Pile Caps

Appendix A – RISAFoundation Toolbar Button Quick Reference

Soil Regions Toggles on the display of the

soil regions
Show Soil Regions

Deflected Diagram Toggles on the display of the

deflected shape
Show Deflected Diagram

Distance Tool Accesses the distance tool- F5

Click two points and the
Distance Tool distance between them will
display in the Status Bar

…in Spreadsheet View

Button Title Label in RISAFoundation Shortcut

New Line Insert a new line before the F3

Insert a new line before the current line
current line

Delete Line Delete the current line F4

Delete the current line
Repeat Line Repeat the current line F8
Repeat the current line
Sort based off the F9
information in the current
Find an item F5

Fill Fill the currently marked Ctrl+F

Fill the currently marked block

Math Perform math on the Ctrl+M

Perform math on the currently marked block
currently marked block

Mark Lines Mark all the lines

Mark all the lines

Delete Lines Delete the currently marked Ctrl+D

Delete the currently marked

Appendix A – RISAFoundation Toolbar Button Quick Reference

lines lines

Unmark Lines UnMark all the lines Ctrl+L

Unmark all the lines
Paste Paste from the clipboard Ctrl+V
Paste from the clipboard

Save as Defaults Save the current data as the

Save the current data as the
Help Help for the current window SHIFT+F1
Help on the current window

Appendix A – RISAFoundation Toolbar Button Quick Reference

Drawing Toolbar

Button Title Label in RISAFoundation Shortcut

Draw or Modify Slabs Draw or modify slabs

Create a circular slab from

Create a Slab from Template

Draw or Modify Beams Draw or modify beams

Draw or modify soil regions

Draw or Modify Soil Regions

Assign Footings/Supports/Piles Assign footings and supports

Draw or Modify Pedestals Draw or modify pedestals

Draw Retaining Walls Draw or modify retaining walls

Draw Point Loads Draw point loads

Draw Line Loads Draw line loads point to point
Draw line loads point to point

Draw Area Loads Draw area loads

Delete Delete parts of the model

Delete parts of the model

Modify Drawing Grid Modify the drawing grid and

Modify the drawing grid and snap snap points

Drawing Grid Toggle the drawing grid on or

Toggle the drawing grid on or off off

Universal Snap Points Toggle the universal snap

Toggle the universal snap points on points on or off
or off

Appendix A – RISAFoundation Toolbar Button Quick Reference

Selection Toolbar

Button Title Label in RISAFoundation Shortcut

Select All Make the entire model CTRL+A

Select the entire model selected

Box Select Draw a box around the part

Draw a box around the part to of the model to be selected
be selected

Polygon Select Draw a polygon around the

Draw a polygon around the part part to be selected (double
to be selected (double click to click to end)
Line Select Draw a line through the
Draw a line through the beams beams and plates to be
and plates to be selected selected

Unselect All Make the entire model Ctrl+U

Unselect the entire model UNselected

Box Unselect Draw a box around the part

Draw a box around the part to of the model to be
be unselected UNselected

Polygon Unselect Draw a polygon around the

Draw a polygon around the part part to be UNselected
to be unselected (double click to (double click to end)
Line Unselect Draw a line through the
Draw a line through the beams beams and plates to be
and plates to be unselected UNselected

Invert Selected Invert the selected state of Ctrl+I

Invert the selected areas of the the model
Criteria Selection Select or Unselect based on
Select or unselect other criteria

Save/Recall Selection Save or recall selection

Save or recall selections of the states for the model

Lock Unselected Lock the unselected part of Ctrl+L

the model


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