JFR Ratings Available PDF

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s Siemens Power Transmission

& Distribution, Inc.

Apparatus Division
P.O. Box 6289
Jackson, MS 39288-6289
(601) 939-0550

Type JFR Single
Single Phase
Phase Distribution
Distribution Voltage Regulators
Voltage Regulators

Catalog Number Application Line BIL Vari-Amp Ratings

(Includes kVA) Amps (kV) Current
(Percent) (Percent)
10-02.5-100.0 Rated 400 60
10-02.5-167.0 2500V/4330V Grd Y 668 +10 100
10-02.5-250.0 For: 1000 +8.75 110
10-02.5-333.0 2500-2400 volt circuits 1332 +7.5 120
10-02.5-416.3 1665 +6.25 135
+5.0 160
10-05.0-167.0 Rated: 334 75
10-05.0-250.0 5000V/8600V Grd Y 500
10-05.0-333.0 For: 668 Notes:
11-05.0-416.3 5000-4800-4330-4160 volt circuits 835
1) Units with catalog number
starting with:
10-07.6-038.1 Rated: 50 95 10 are self cooled
10-07.6-057.2 7620V/13200V Grd Y 75 11 are forced air cooled
10-07.6-076.2 For: 100 2) 10-07.6-167.0 through
10-07.6-114.3 8000-7620-7200-6930 volts circuits 150 10-07.6-887.0 are capable of
carrying current correspond-
10-07.6-167.0 219 ing to rated kVA when operated
10-07.6-250.0 328 at 7200/12470 volts grounds wye
10-07.6-333.0 438 3) Regulators can be modified at
10-07.6-416.3 548 factory for 50 Hz operation with
appropriate derating of voltage.
10-07.6-509.0 668
10-07.6-667.0 875
11-07.6-887.0 1164
10-13.8-069.0 Rated: 50 95
10-13.8-138.0 13800V 100
10-13.8-207.0 For: 150
10-13.8-276.0 12000-13800 volt circuits 200

10-14.4-072.0 Rated: 50 150

10-14.4-144.0 14400V/24940V Grd Y 100
10-14.4-288.0 For: 200
10-14.4-333.0 14400 or 7200 volt circuits 231
10-14.4-432.0 300
10-14.4-576.0 400
10-14.4-720.0 500
10-14.4-833.0 578

10-19.9-100.0 Rated: 50 150

10-19.9-200.0 19920V/34500V Grd Y 100
10-19.9-333.0 For: 167
10-19.9-400.0 19900 volt circuits 200
10-19.9-667.0 335
10-19.9-833.0 418

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