Columna de Sotano

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Basement Column Supporting Lateral Resisting Frame Based on CBC 2001/ ACI 318-05


COLUMN SIZE c1 = 24 in
c2 = 24 in
LOADS, ASD (ft-kips, kips)
P V M Pground
DL 225 157.5
LL 270 90
E / 1.4 -333.3 131 0.1
( - P for uplift)

LEFT 5 # 10 5 # 10
(d = 21.37 in ) (d = 21.37 in )
( 1 Layer) ( 1 Layer)
RIGHT 5 # 10 5 # 10
( d = 21.37 in ) ( d = 21.37 in )


4 Legs # 4 @ 5 in, o.c., full height (ACI 318-05 4.4.5 / CBC 1921.4.4.5)

1. Since the column supported reaction from lateral resisting frame, CBC 1633.2.4 &1921.4.4.5 apply.
2. Since the column is not part of the lateral force resisting system, CBC 1921.7 apply.
3. Since the transverse reinforcement required 12" at least into footing per CBC 1921.4.4.5,
a condition of pinned top & fixed bottom should be used.


U1 = 1.2 D + f1 L +1.0 W0 Eh , (CBC 1630.8.2.1, 12-17 & 30-2) U2 = 0.9 D ± 1.0 W0 Eh , (CBC 1630.8.2.1, 12-18 & 30-2)
Pu = -432.6 kips Mu = 0.3 ft-kips Pu = -682.3 kips Mu = 0.3 ft-kips
Vu = 403.5 kips f1 = 0.5 Vu = 403.5 kips

U3 = 1.4 D + 1.7 L , (CBC 1909.2.1)

Pu = 994.5 kips Mu = 0.0 ft-kips
Vu = 0.0 kips

LOADING U1,top U1,bot U2,top U2,bot U3,top U3,bot

Pu (kips) -432.6 -422.5 -682.3 -674.8 994.5 1006.3
Mu (ft-kips) 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.0
dns = Cm/[1-Pu/(0.75Pc)] 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.168 1.170
dnsMu (ft-kips) 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.0
fMn (ft-kips) @ Pu 498.1 822.4 822.4 822.4 822.3 822.3
where EI = 0.4EcIg / (1+bd) = 0.25 EcIg
Pc = p2EI / (kLu)2
CAPACITY f Pn (kips) f Mn (ft-kips)
AT 0 % TENSION 1384 487
AT 25 % TENSION 1148 580
AT 50 % TENSION 941 648
AT e t = 0.002 605 743
AT e t = 0.005 258 943
f Pn (kips) (cont'd)




0.0 100.0 200.0 300.0 400.0 500.0 600.0 700.0 800.0 900.0 1000.0 f Mn (ft-kips)



All load points to be within capacity diagram. [Satisfactory]


3E c I c D M
MD   PDM  213.9712 ft-kips
where Ec = 57000 (fc')0.5 = 3824 ksi, ACI 318-05 8.5.1 / CBC 1908.5.1
Ig = c1 c23 / 12 = 27648 in4
Ic = 0.5 Ig = 13824 in4 , CBC 1633.2.4
R = 5.5
DM = MAX( 0.7 R Ds , 0.0025 h) = 0.42 in, CBC (30-17) & 1633.2.4
P = PDL + PLL = 495 kips, CBC 1633.2.4


Mu = 1.2 MDL + 1.0 MLL + MD = 213.9712 ft-kips, (CBC 1921.7.2, Mu = 1.4 MDL + 1.4 MLL + MD )
< f Mn = 822.3 kips [Satisfactory]
Pu, max = 1006.3 kips > 0.1Agfc' = 259.2 kips [Satisfactory]
Per ACI 318-05 / CBC 1921.7.3.3, the column shall satisfy ACI 318-05 21.4.4, 21.4.5 and

CHECK SECTION REQUIREMENTS (ACI 318-05 21.4.1 / CBC 1921.4.1)

cmin =MIN(c1, c2) = 24 in > 12 in [Satisfactory]
cmin / cmax = 1.00 > 0.4 [Satisfactory]

Ash = 0.80 in2 > MAX[ 0.09shcfc' / fyh , 0.3shc(Ag/Ach-1)fc' / fyh ] = 0.71 in2
[Satisfactory] where s = MAX[MIN(c1/4, 6db, 4+(14-hx)/3, 6), 4] = 5 in
hc = c1 - 2Cover - dt = 20.5 in
Ach = (c1-3)(c2-3) = 441.0 in2
rtotal = 0.040 > rmin = 0.010 [Satisfactory]
< rmax = 0.060 [Satisfactory]

CHECK SHEAR STRENGTH (ACI 318-05 21.4.5 / CBC 1921.4.5)

Ve = MAX[ (Mpr, left, top + Mpr, right,bot) / h , Vu,max] = 73.4 kips
< 8f(fc')0.5c2d = 206.4 kips [Satisfactory]
< f[2(fc')0.5c2d + Avfyd / s] = 205.4 kips [Satisfactory]
where rtop,left = 0.012 > rmin=MIN[3(fc')0.5/fy, 200/fy ]= 0.003 [Satisfactory]
rbot,left = 0.012 > rmin = 0.003 [Satisfactory]
Mpr, left, top = 0 ft-kips f = 0.75 (0.85, if CBC 1909.3.2.3)
Mpr, right, bot = 1.25Mn,col,max = 1028 ft-kips Av = 0.8 in2
Vu, max = 0.033 ft-kips


 db f 
L dh  MAX 
, 8d b , 6 in   14 db = 17 in, (ACI 318-05
 65 f ' 
 c 

L d  MAX  3.5L dhb , 12 in   48 db = 61 in, (ACI 318-05

where db = 1.27 in
b = 1.0 , (1.2 for epoxy-coated, ACI 318-05 & 12.2.4)
Concrete Column Design Based on ACI 318-02


REBAR YIELD STRESS fy = 60 ksi e
cy = 24 in
FACTORED MOMENT LOAD Mu,x = 0.308 ft-k
Mu,y = 0.0001 ft-k

Vu,y = 0 k
COLUMN VERT. REINF. 5 # 10 at x dir.
(Total 16 # 10)
5 # 10 at y dir.
SHEAR REINF. 4 legs,# 4 @ 4 in o.c., x dir. THE COLUMN DESIGN IS ADEQUATE.
2 legs,# 4 @ 4 in o.c., y dir.

2 0.85 f
C  '
eo  , E c  57 f C , E s  29000ksi
2000 Ec
   e   e 2
 c  c  ,
0.85 f C  2 
   for 0  e c  e o
1500 fC   e o   e o  
 '
0.85 f C , for e c  e o

e s E s , for e s  e y

f Pn (k) fS
 f , for e s  e y
 y
500 f Pn (kips) f Mn (ft-kips)
0 AT MAXIMUM LOAD 1739 281
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 AT 0 % TENSION 1384 487
AT 25 % TENSION 1148 580
AT 50 % TENSION 941 648
AT e t = 0.002 605 743
f Mn (ft-k) AT e t = 0.005 258 943
Mu = ( Mu,x2 + Mu,y2 )0.5 = 0.30801 ft-k, (combined bending load.) q = 0.02 o
, (the direction of combined load.)
f Pmax =0.80 f [ 0.85 fc' (Ag - Ast) + fy Ast] = 1739.2 kips., (at max axial load, ACI 318-02, Sec.
where f = 0.65 (ACI 318-02, Sec. > Pu [Satisfactory]
Ag = 576 in2. Ast = 20.32 in2.
a = Cbb1 = 10 in (at balanced strain condition, ACI 10.3.2)
f = 0.48 + 83 et = 0.652 (ACI 318-02, Fig. R9.3.2)

where Cb = d ec / (ec + es) = 13 in et = 0.002069 ec = 0.003

d = 21.3726 in, (ACI 7.7.1) b1 = 0.825 ( ACI 318-02, Sec. )
f Mn = 0.9 Mn = 822 ft-kips @ Pn = 0, (ACI 318-02, Sec. 9.3.2)
f Mn = 498 ft-kips @ Pu = -433 kips > Mu [Satisfactory]
rmax = 0.08 (ACI 318-02, Section 10.9) rprovd = 0.035
rmin = 0.01 (ACI 318-02, Section 10.9) [Satisfactory]

CHECK SHEAR CAPACITY (ACI 318-02 Sec. 11.1.1, 11.3.1, &
f Vn = f (Vs + Vc) (ACI 318-02 Sec. 11.1.1)
> Vu [Satisfactory]
where f = 0.75 (ACI 318-02 Sec. fy = 60 ksi
d A0 Av Vc = 2 (fc') A0
Vs = MIN (d fy Av / s , 4Vc) f Vn
x 21.37 512.8 0.80 68.8 256.4 244
y 21.37 512.8 0.40 68.8 128.2 148

smax = 12 (ACI 318-02, Section sprovd = 4 in

smin = 1 (ACI 318-02, Section [Satisfactory]
# 0 #REF!
3 0.38 0.11
4 0.50 0.20
5 0.63 0.31 Mu,x = 0.30801 ft-k
6 0.75 0.44 Mu,y = 0.00011 ft-k
7 0.88 0.60
8 1.00 0.79
9 1.13 1.00
10 1.27 1.27
11 1.41 1.56
14 1.69 2.25
18 2.26 4.00


Axial load fPn / f = 2676 k
Distance to neutral axis c= 24 in
Beta factor b= 0.83
Compression block a= 20 in
E= 29000 ksi d= 21.373 in
fy = 60 ksi D= 24.01 in
fc' = 5 ksi q= 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.003 60 0 9 0 qcritial = 45
2 1.27 2.64 0.003 60 71 9 56 dx = 21.365
3 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111 dy = 21.365
4 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111 sx = 18.730
5 2.54 7.32 0.002 60 143 5 56 sy = 18.730
6 2.54 12.00 0.002 44 101 0 0 Asx = 0.271 in2 / in
7 2.54 16.69 0.001 27 58 -5 -22 Asx = 0.271 in2 / in
8 1.90 21.37 0.000 10 11 -9 -9 cx = 24.0
9 1.27 21.37 0.000 10 7 -9 -6 cy = 24.0
10 1.27 21.37 0.000 10 7 -9 -6 20.320
11 1.27 21.37 0.000 10 7 -9 -6 576
12 0.64 21.37 0.000 10 4 -9 -3
CONC 1732 298
S 20.320 2426 582
Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1 case 2
conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end b to end
1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.0064284 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 6.00 0.00
2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.0192851 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 12.00 0.00
3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.0321418 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 18.00 0.01
4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.0449985 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 24.00 0.01
5 6.00 6.01 24.00 143.94857 0.002624 3.825 551 9 413 6.01 24.00 4.01
6 6.00 12.00 24.00 143.94857 0.001875 3.809839 548 3 137 12.00 24.00 8.01
7 6.00 18.00 24.00 143.94857 0.001125 3.092667 445 -3 -111 18.00 24.00 12.01
8 6.00 24.00 24.00 143.94857 0.000376 1.301994 187 -9 -141 24.00 24.00 16.01
9 0.00 24.00 12.00 0.0771404 8.03E-07 0.003071 0 -12 0 24.00 12.00 20.01
10 0.00 24.01 0.00 0.0257135 2.68E-07 0.001024 0 -12 0 24.01 0.00 24.01
S 24.01 576 1732 298
Axial load fPn / f = 2676 k
Distance to neytral axis c= 27 in
Beta factor b= 0.83
Compression block a= 22 in
E= 29000 ksi d= 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D= 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q= 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.003 60 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.003 60 71 9 56
3 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
4 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
5 2.54 7.32 0.002 60 143 5 56
6 2.54 12.00 0.002 48 113 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 0.001 33 74 -5 -29
8 1.90 21.37 0.001 18 27 -9 -21
9 1.27 21.37 0.001 18 18 -9 -14
10 1.27 21.37 0.001 18 18 -9 -14
11 1.27 21.37 0.001 18 18 -9 -14
12 0.64 21.37 0.001 18 9 -9 -7
CONC 1893 201
S 2669 437
Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1 case 2
conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end b to end
1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.0064284 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 6.00 0.00
2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.0192851 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 12.00 0.00
3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.0321418 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 18.00 0.01
4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.0449985 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 24.00 0.01
5 6.00 6.01 24.00 143.94857 0.002665 3.825 551 9 413 6.01 24.00 4.49
6 6.00 12.00 24.00 143.94857 0.001996 3.824982 551 3 138 12.00 24.00 8.98
7 6.00 18.00 24.00 143.94857 0.001328 3.392343 488 -3 -122 18.00 24.00 13.46
8 6.00 24.00 24.00 143.94857 0.000659 2.105635 303 -9 -227 24.00 24.00 17.95
9 0.00 24.00 12.00 0.0771404 0.000325 1.14124 0 -12 0 24.00 12.00 22.43
10 0.00 24.01 0.00 0.0257135 0.000324 1.13971 0 -12 0 24.01 0.00 26.92
S 24.01 576 1893 201
Axial load fPn / f = 2676 k
Distance to neutral axis c= 27 in
Beta factor b= 0.83
Compression block a= 22 in
E= 29000 ksi d= 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D= 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q= 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.003 60 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.003 60 71 9 56
3 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
4 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
5 2.54 7.32 0.002 60 143 5 56
6 2.54 12.00 0.002 48 113 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 0.001 33 75 -5 -29
8 1.90 21.37 0.001 18 27 -9 -21
9 1.27 21.37 0.001 18 18 -9 -14
10 1.27 21.37 0.001 18 18 -9 -14
11 1.27 21.37 0.001 18 18 -9 -14
12 0.64 21.37 0.001 18 9 -9 -7
CONC 1897 199
S 2676 433
Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1 case 2
conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end b to end
1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.0064284 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 6.00 0.00
2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.0192851 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 12.00 0.00
3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.0321418 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 18.00 0.01
4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.0449985 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 24.00 0.01
5 6.00 6.01 24.00 143.94857 0.002666 3.825 551 9 413 6.01 24.00 4.51
6 6.00 12.00 24.00 143.94857 0.002 3.824999 551 3 138 12.00 24.00 9.01
7 6.00 18.00 24.00 143.94857 0.001334 3.400057 489 -3 -122 18.00 24.00 13.51
8 6.00 24.00 24.00 143.94857 0.000668 2.12719 306 -9 -230 24.00 24.00 18.01
9 0.00 24.00 12.00 0.0771404 0.000334 1.172026 0 -12 0 24.00 12.00 22.51
10 0.00 24.01 0.00 0.0257135 0.000334 1.17051 0 -12 0 24.01 0.00 27.01
S 24.01 576 1897 199
Axial load fPn / f = 2676 k
Distance to neutral axis c= 27 in
Beta factor b= 0.83
Compression block a= 22 in
E= 29000 ksi d= 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D= 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q= 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.003 60 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.003 60 71 9 56
3 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
4 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
5 2.54 7.32 0.002 60 143 5 56
6 2.54 12.00 0.002 48 113 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 0.001 33 75 -5 -29
8 1.90 21.37 0.001 18 27 -9 -21
9 1.27 21.37 0.001 18 18 -9 -14
10 1.27 21.37 0.001 18 18 -9 -14
11 1.27 21.37 0.001 18 18 -9 -14
12 0.64 21.37 0.001 18 9 -9 -7
CONC 1897 199
S 2676 433
Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1 case 2
conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end b to end
1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.0064284 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 6.00 0.00
2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.0192851 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 12.00 0.00
3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.0321418 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 18.00 0.01
4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.0449985 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 24.00 0.01
5 6.00 6.01 24.00 143.94857 0.002666 3.825 551 9 413 6.01 24.00 4.51
6 6.00 12.00 24.00 143.94857 0.002 3.824999 551 3 138 12.00 24.00 9.01
7 6.00 18.00 24.00 143.94857 0.001334 3.400059 489 -3 -122 18.00 24.00 13.51
8 6.00 24.00 24.00 143.94857 0.000668 2.127194 306 -9 -230 24.00 24.00 18.01
9 0.00 24.00 12.00 0.0771404 0.000334 1.172032 0 -12 0 24.00 12.00 22.51
10 0.00 24.01 0.00 0.0257135 0.000334 1.170516 0 -12 0 24.01 0.00 27.01
S 24.01 576 1897 199


Stress at last row of bars fs = 0 ksi
Distance to neutral axis c= 21 in
Beta factor b= 0.83
Compression block a= 18 in
E= 29000 ksi d= 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D= 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q= 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.003 60 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.003 60 71 9 56
3 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
4 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
5 2.54 7.32 0.002 57 135 5 53
6 2.54 12.00 0.001 38 87 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 0.001 19 39 -5 -15
8 1.90 21.37 0.000 0 -7 -9 6
9 1.27 21.37 0.000 0 -5 -9 4
10 1.27 21.37 0.000 0 -5 -9 4
11 1.27 21.37 0.000 0 -5 -9 4
12 0.64 21.37 0.000 0 0 -9 0
CONC 1532 417
S 2129 750
Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1 case 2
conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end b to end
1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.0064284 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 6.00 0.00
2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.0192851 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 12.00 0.00
3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.0321418 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 18.00 0.01
4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.0449985 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 24.00 0.01
5 3.56 3.57 24.00 85.456236 0.002749 3.825 327 10 278 6.01 24.00 3.57
6 3.56 7.13 24.00 85.456236 0.002249 3.825 327 7 181 12.00 24.00 7.13
7 3.56 10.69 24.00 85.456236 0.001749 3.764608 322 3 83 18.00 24.00 10.69
8 3.56 14.25 24.00 85.456236 0.001249 3.285769 281 0 -11 24.00 24.00 14.25
9 3.56 17.81 24.00 85.456236 0.00075 2.32952 199 -4 -67 22.69 3702.44 17.81
10 3.56 21.37 24.00 85.456236 0.00025 0.895859 77 -8 -48 21.37 7380.87 21.37
S 21.37 513 1532 417
Stress at last row of bars fs = 30 ksi
Distance to neutral axis c= 16 in
Beta factor b= 0.83
Compression block a= 13 in
E= 29000 ksi d= 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D= 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q= 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.003 60 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.003 60 71 9 56
3 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
4 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
5 2.54 7.32 0.002 47 109 5 43
6 2.54 12.00 0.001 21 44 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 0.000 -4 -11 -5 4
8 1.90 21.37 -0.001 -30 -57 -9 45
9 1.27 21.37 -0.001 -30 -38 -9 30
10 1.27 21.37 -0.001 -30 -38 -9 30
11 1.27 21.37 -0.001 -30 -38 -9 30
12 0.64 21.37 -0.001 -30 -19 -9 15
CONC 1139 523
S 1448 997
Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1 case 2
conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end b to end
1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.0064284 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 6.00 0.00
2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.0192851 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 12.00 0.00
3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.0321418 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 18.00 0.01
4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.0449985 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 24.00 0.01
5 2.65 2.66 24.00 63.53559 0.002749 3.825 243 11 216 6.01 24.00 2.66
6 2.65 5.30 24.00 63.53559 0.002249 3.825 243 8 163 12.00 24.00 5.30
7 2.65 7.95 24.00 63.53559 0.001749 3.764491 239 5 107 18.00 24.00 7.95
8 2.65 10.60 24.00 63.53559 0.001249 3.285521 209 3 47 24.00 24.00 10.60
9 2.65 13.25 24.00 63.53559 0.00075 2.329272 148 0 1 19.95 11374.91 13.25
10 2.65 15.89 24.00 63.53559 0.00025 0.895744 57 -3 -12 15.89 22725.82 15.89
S 15.89 381 1139 523
Stress at last row of bars fs = 60 ksi
Distance to neutral axis c= 13 in
Beta factor b= 0.83
Compression block a= 10 in
E= 29000 ksi d= 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D= 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q= 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.002 60 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.002 60 71 9 56
3 2.54 2.64 0.002 60 143 9 111
4 2.54 2.64 0.002 60 143 9 111
5 2.54 7.32 0.001 37 83 5 32
6 2.54 12.00 0.000 4 2 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 -0.001 -28 -70 -5 27
8 1.90 21.37 -0.002 -60 -114 -9 89
9 1.27 21.37 -0.002 -60 -76 -9 59
10 1.27 21.37 -0.002 -60 -76 -9 59
11 1.27 21.37 -0.002 -60 -76 -9 59
12 0.64 21.37 -0.002 -60 -38 -9 30
CONC 907 516
S 897 1152
Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1 case 2
conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end b to end
1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.0064284 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 6.00 0.00
2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.0192851 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 12.00 0.00
3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.0321418 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 18.00 0.01
4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.0449985 0.002998 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 24.00 0.01
5 2.11 2.12 24.00 50.561802 0.002748 3.825 193 11 176 6.01 24.00 2.12
6 2.11 4.22 24.00 50.561802 0.002248 3.825 193 9 142 12.00 24.00 4.22
7 2.11 6.33 24.00 50.561802 0.001749 3.764375 190 7 107 18.00 24.00 6.33
8 2.11 8.44 24.00 50.561802 0.001249 3.285273 166 5 64 24.00 24.00 8.44
9 2.11 10.54 24.00 50.561802 0.000749 2.329024 118 3 25 18.32 15915.88 10.54
10 2.11 12.65 24.00 50.561802 0.00025 0.895628 45 0 2 12.65 31807.77 12.65
S 12.65 303 907 516

STRESS-STRAIN COMPUTATIONS AT Pu = 0.1 * f'c * Ag < = = Not used

Axial load Pn = 259 k
Distance to neutral axis c= 13 in
Beta factor b= 0.83
Compression block a= 10 in
E= 29000 ksi d= 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D= 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q= 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.002 60 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.002 60 71 9 56
3 2.54 2.64 0.002 60 143 9 111
4 2.54 2.64 0.002 60 143 9 111
5 2.54 7.32 0.001 37 83 5 32
6 2.54 12.00 0.000 4 2 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 -0.001 -28 -70 -5 27
8 1.90 21.37 -0.002 -60 -114 -9 89
9 1.27 21.37 -0.002 -60 -76 -9 59
10 1.27 21.37 -0.002 -60 -76 -9 59
11 1.27 21.37 -0.002 -60 -76 -9 59
12 0.64 21.37 -0.002 -60 -38 -9 30
CONC 907 516
S 897 1152
Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1 case 2
conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end b to end
1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.0064284 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 6.00 0.00
2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.0192851 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 12.00 0.00
3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.0321418 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 18.00 0.01
4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.0449985 0.002998 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 24.00 0.01
5 2.11 2.12 24.00 50.561802 0.002748 3.825 193 11 176 6.01 24.00 2.12
6 2.11 4.22 24.00 50.561802 0.002248 3.825 193 9 142 12.00 24.00 4.22
7 2.11 6.33 24.00 50.561802 0.001749 3.764375 190 7 107 18.00 24.00 6.33
8 2.11 8.44 24.00 50.561802 0.001249 3.285273 166 5 64 24.00 24.00 8.44
9 2.11 10.54 24.00 50.561802 0.000749 2.329024 118 3 25 18.32 15915.88 10.54
10 2.11 12.65 24.00 50.561802 0.00025 0.895628 45 0 2 12.65 31807.77 12.65
S 12.65 303 907 516

Axial load Pu = 259 k
Distance to neytral axis c= 8 in
Beta factor b= 0.83
Compression block a= 7 in
E= 29000 ksi d= 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D= 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q= 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.002 60 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.002 60 71 9 55
3 2.54 2.64 0.002 60 142 9 111
4 2.54 2.64 0.002 60 142 9 110
5 2.54 7.32 0.000 11 18 5 7
6 2.54 12.00 -0.001 -38 -95 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 -0.003 -60 -152 -5 59
8 1.90 21.37 -0.005 -60 -114 -9 89
9 1.27 21.37 -0.005 -60 -76 -9 59
10 1.27 21.37 -0.005 -60 -76 -9 59
11 1.27 21.37 -0.005 -60 -76 -9 59
12 0.64 21.37 -0.005 -60 -38 -9 30
CONC 601 429
S 344 1070
Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1 case 2
conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end b to end
1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.0064284 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 6.00 0.00
2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.0192851 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 12.00 0.00
3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.0321418 0.002998 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 18.00 0.01
4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.0449985 0.002997 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 24.00 0.01
5 1.40 1.40 24.00 33.495234 0.002747 3.825 128 11 121 6.01 24.00 1.40
6 1.40 2.80 24.00 33.495234 0.002248 3.825 128 10 106 12.00 24.00 2.80
7 1.40 4.20 24.00 33.495234 0.001748 3.764084 126 9 89 18.00 24.00 4.20
8 1.40 5.59 24.00 33.495234 0.001249 3.284653 110 7 65 24.00 24.00 5.59
9 1.40 6.99 24.00 33.495234 0.000749 2.328405 78 6 37 16.19 21889.38 6.99
10 1.40 8.38 24.00 33.495234 0.00025 0.895339 30 4 11 8.38 43754.75 8.38
S 8.38 201 601 429
Axial load Pu = 259 k
Distance to neutral axis c= 8 in
Beta factor b= 0.83
Compression block a= 6 in
E= 29000 ksi d= 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D= 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q= 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.002 58 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.002 58 69 9 53
3 2.54 2.64 0.002 58 137 9 107
4 2.54 2.64 0.002 58 137 9 107
5 2.54 7.32 0.000 6 5 5 2
6 2.54 12.00 -0.002 -46 -117 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 -0.003 -60 -152 -5 59
8 1.90 21.37 -0.005 -60 -114 -9 89
9 1.27 21.37 -0.005 -60 -76 -9 59
10 1.27 21.37 -0.005 -60 -76 -9 59
11 1.27 21.37 -0.005 -60 -76 -9 59
12 0.64 21.37 -0.005 -60 -38 -9 30
CONC 562 412
S 259 1038
Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1 case 2
conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end b to end
1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.0064284 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 6.00 0.00
2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.0192851 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 12.00 0.00
3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.0321418 0.002998 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 18.00 0.01
4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.0449985 0.002997 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 24.00 0.01
5 1.31 1.31 24.00 31.34965 0.002747 3.825 120 11 113 6.01 24.00 1.31
6 1.31 2.62 24.00 31.34965 0.002248 3.825 120 10 100 12.00 24.00 2.62
7 1.31 3.93 24.00 31.34965 0.001748 3.764025 118 9 86 18.00 24.00 3.93
8 1.31 5.23 24.00 31.34965 0.001249 3.284528 103 7 64 24.00 24.00 5.23
9 1.31 6.54 24.00 31.34965 0.000749 2.32828 73 6 37 15.92 22640.36 6.54
10 1.31 7.85 24.00 31.34965 0.00025 0.895281 28 5 11 7.85 45256.71 7.85
S 7.85 188 562 412

Axial load Pu = 259 k
Distance to neutral axis c= 8 in
Beta factor b= 0.83
Compression block a= 6 in
E= 29000 ksi d= 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D= 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q= 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.002 58 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.002 58 69 9 53
3 2.54 2.64 0.002 58 137 9 107
4 2.54 2.64 0.002 58 137 9 107
5 2.54 7.32 0.000 6 5 5 2
6 2.54 12.00 -0.002 -46 -117 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 -0.003 -60 -152 -5 59
8 1.90 21.37 -0.005 -60 -114 -9 89
9 1.27 21.37 -0.005 -60 -76 -9 59
10 1.27 21.37 -0.005 -60 -76 -9 59
11 1.27 21.37 -0.005 -60 -76 -9 59
12 0.64 21.37 -0.005 -60 -38 -9 30
CONC 562 412
S 259 1038
Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1 case 2
conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end b to end
1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.0064284 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 6.00 0.00
2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.0192851 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 12.00 0.00
3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.0321418 0.002998 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 18.00 0.01
4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.0449985 0.002997 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 24.00 0.01
5 1.31 1.31 24.00 31.35378 0.002747 3.825 120 11 113 6.01 24.00 1.31
6 1.31 2.62 24.00 31.35378 0.002248 3.825 120 10 100 12.00 24.00 2.62
7 1.31 3.93 24.00 31.35378 0.001748 3.764025 118 9 86 18.00 24.00 3.93
8 1.31 5.23 24.00 31.35378 0.001249 3.284528 103 7 64 24.00 24.00 5.23
9 1.31 6.54 24.00 31.35378 0.000749 2.32828 73 6 37 15.92 22638.91 6.54
10 1.31 7.85 24.00 31.35378 0.00025 0.895281 28 5 11 7.85 45253.82 7.85
S 7.85 188 562 412


Axial load Pu = 0 k
Distance to neutral axis c= 14 in
Beta factor b= 0.83
Compression block a= 12 in
E= 29000 ksi d= 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D= 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q= 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.002 60 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.002 60 71 9 56
3 2.54 2.64 0.002 60 143 9 111
4 2.54 2.64 0.002 60 143 9 111
5 2.54 7.32 0.001 42 98 5 38
6 2.54 12.00 0.000 14 25 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 -0.001 -15 -38 -5 15
8 1.90 21.37 -0.001 -43 -83 -9 65
9 1.27 21.37 -0.001 -43 -55 -9 43
10 1.27 21.37 -0.001 -43 -55 -9 43
11 1.27 21.37 -0.001 -43 -55 -9 43
12 0.64 21.37 -0.002 -44 -28 -9 22
CONC 1021 526
S 1187 1072
Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1 case 2
conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end b to end
1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.0064284 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 6.00 0.00
2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.0192851 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 12.00 0.00
3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.0321418 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 18.00 0.01
4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.0449985 0.002998 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 24.00 0.01
5 2.37 2.38 24.00 56.959396 0.002748 3.825 218 11 196 6.01 24.00 2.38
6 2.37 4.76 24.00 56.959396 0.002249 3.825 218 8 153 12.00 24.00 4.76
7 2.37 7.13 24.00 56.959396 0.001749 3.764439 214 6 108 18.00 24.00 7.13
8 2.37 9.50 24.00 56.959396 0.001249 3.285409 187 4 58 24.00 24.00 9.50
9 2.37 11.88 24.00 56.959396 0.00075 2.32916 133 1 15 19.12 13676.65 11.88
10 2.37 14.25 24.00 56.959396 0.00025 0.895692 51 -1 -4 14.25 27329.31 14.25
S 14.25 342 1021 526
Axial load Pu = 0 k
Distance to neytral axis c= 6 in
Beta factor b= 0.83
Compression block a= 5 in
E= 29000 ksi d= 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D= 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q= 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.002 50 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.002 50 58 9 45
3 2.54 2.64 0.002 50 116 9 91
4 2.54 2.64 0.002 50 116 9 91
5 2.54 7.32 -0.001 -17 -42 5 -16
6 2.54 12.00 -0.003 -60 -152 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 -0.005 -60 -152 -5 59
8 1.90 21.37 -0.007 -60 -114 -9 89
9 1.27 21.37 -0.007 -60 -76 -9 59
10 1.27 21.37 -0.007 -60 -76 -9 59
11 1.27 21.37 -0.007 -60 -76 -9 59
12 0.64 21.37 -0.007 -60 -38 -9 30
CONC 441 348
S 3 916
Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1 case 2
conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end b to end
1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.0064284 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 6.00 0.00
2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.0192851 0.002998 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 12.00 0.00
3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.0321418 0.002997 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 18.00 0.01
4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.0449985 0.002996 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 24.00 0.01
5 1.02 1.03 24.00 24.558928 0.002746 3.825 94 11 90 6.01 24.00 1.03
6 1.02 2.06 24.00 24.558928 0.002247 3.825 94 10 82 12.00 24.00 2.06
7 1.02 3.08 24.00 24.558928 0.001748 3.76377 92 9 73 18.00 24.00 3.08
8 1.02 4.10 24.00 24.558928 0.001248 3.283986 81 8 57 24.00 24.00 4.10
9 1.02 5.13 24.00 24.558928 0.000749 2.327739 57 7 35 15.07 25017.19 5.13
10 1.02 6.15 24.00 24.558928 0.00025 0.895029 22 6 12 6.15 50010.37 6.15
S 6.15 147 441 348
Axial load Pu = 0 k
Distance to neutral axis c= 6 in
Beta factor b= 0.83
Compression block a= 5 in
E= 29000 ksi d= 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D= 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q= 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.002 50 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.002 50 58 9 45
3 2.54 2.64 0.002 50 116 9 91
4 2.54 2.64 0.002 49 116 9 90
5 2.54 7.32 -0.001 -17 -43 5 -17
6 2.54 12.00 -0.003 -60 -152 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 -0.005 -60 -152 -5 59
8 1.90 21.37 -0.007 -60 -114 -9 89
9 1.27 21.37 -0.007 -60 -76 -9 59
10 1.27 21.37 -0.007 -60 -76 -9 59
11 1.27 21.37 -0.007 -60 -76 -9 59
12 0.64 21.37 -0.007 -60 -38 -9 30
CONC 439 347
S 0 914
Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1 case 2
conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end b to end
1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.0064284 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 6.00 0.00
2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.0192851 0.002998 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 12.00 0.00
3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.0321418 0.002997 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 18.00 0.01
4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.0449985 0.002996 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 24.00 0.01
5 1.02 1.03 24.00 24.469235 0.002746 3.825 94 11 90 6.01 24.00 1.03
6 1.02 2.05 24.00 24.469235 0.002247 3.825 94 10 82 12.00 24.00 2.05
7 1.02 3.07 24.00 24.469235 0.001748 3.763766 92 9 73 18.00 24.00 3.07
8 1.02 4.09 24.00 24.469235 0.001248 3.283977 80 8 56 24.00 24.00 4.09
9 1.02 5.11 24.00 24.469235 0.000749 2.327729 57 7 35 15.06 25048.58 5.11
10 1.02 6.13 24.00 24.469235 0.00025 0.895024 22 6 12 6.13 50073.16 6.13
S 6.13 147 439 347
Axial load Pu = 0 k
Distance to neutral axis c= 6 in
Beta factor b= 0.83
Compression block a= 5 in
E= 29000 ksi d= 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D= 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q= 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.002 50 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.002 50 58 9 45
3 2.54 2.64 0.002 50 116 9 91
4 2.54 2.64 0.002 49 116 9 90
5 2.54 7.32 -0.001 -17 -43 5 -17
6 2.54 12.00 -0.003 -60 -152 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 -0.005 -60 -152 -5 59
8 1.90 21.37 -0.007 -60 -114 -9 89
9 1.27 21.37 -0.007 -60 -76 -9 59
10 1.27 21.37 -0.007 -60 -76 -9 59
11 1.27 21.37 -0.007 -60 -76 -9 59
12 0.64 21.37 -0.007 -60 -38 -9 30
CONC 439 347
S 0 914
Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1 case 2
conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end b to end
1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.0064284 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 6.00 0.00
2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.0192851 0.002998 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 12.00 0.00
3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.0321418 0.002997 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 18.00 0.01
4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.0449985 0.002996 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 24.00 0.01
5 1.02 1.03 24.00 24.469222 0.002746 3.825 94 11 90 6.01 24.00 1.03
6 1.02 2.05 24.00 24.469222 0.002247 3.825 94 10 82 12.00 24.00 2.05
7 1.02 3.07 24.00 24.469222 0.001748 3.763766 92 9 73 18.00 24.00 3.07
8 1.02 4.09 24.00 24.469222 0.001248 3.283977 80 8 56 24.00 24.00 4.09
9 1.02 5.11 24.00 24.469222 0.000749 2.327729 57 7 35 15.06 25048.58 5.11
10 1.02 6.13 24.00 24.469222 0.00025 0.895024 22 6 12 6.13 50073.17 6.13
S 6.13 147 439 347


Axial load Pu = -433 k
Distance to neutral axis c= 24 in
Beta factor b= 0.83
Compression block a= 20 in
E= 29000 ksi d= 21.373 in
fy = 60 ksi D= 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q= 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.003 60 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.003 60 71 9 56
3 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
4 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
5 2.54 7.32 0.002 60 143 5 56
6 2.54 12.00 0.002 44 101 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 0.001 27 58 -5 -22
8 1.90 21.37 0.000 10 11 -9 -9
9 1.27 21.37 0.000 10 7 -9 -6
10 1.27 21.37 0.000 10 7 -9 -6
11 1.27 21.37 0.000 10 7 -9 -6
12 0.64 21.37 0.000 10 4 -9 -3
CONC 1732 298
S 2426 582
Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1 case 2
conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end b to end
1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.0064284 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 6.00 0.00
2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.0192851 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 12.00 0.00
3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.0321418 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 18.00 0.01
4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.0449985 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 24.00 0.01
5 6.00 6.01 24.00 143.94857 0.002624 3.825 551 9 413 6.01 24.00 4.01
6 6.00 12.00 24.00 143.94857 0.001875 3.809839 548 3 137 12.00 24.00 8.01
7 6.00 18.00 24.00 143.94857 0.001125 3.092667 445 -3 -111 18.00 24.00 12.01
8 6.00 24.00 24.00 143.94857 0.000376 1.301994 187 -9 -141 24.00 24.00 16.01
9 0.00 24.00 12.00 0.0771404 8.03E-07 0.003071 0 -12 0 24.00 12.00 20.01
10 0.00 24.01 0.00 0.0257135 2.68E-07 0.001024 0 -12 0 24.01 0.00 24.01
S 24.01 576 1732 298
Axial load Pu = -433 k
Distance to neytral axis c= 25 in
Beta factor b= 0.83
Compression block a= 21 in
E= 29000 ksi d= 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D= 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q= 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.003 60 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.003 60 71 9 56
3 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
4 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
5 2.54 7.32 0.002 60 143 5 56
6 2.54 12.00 0.002 46 106 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 0.001 30 65 -5 -25
8 1.90 21.37 0.000 13 18 -9 -14
9 1.27 21.37 0.000 13 12 -9 -10
10 1.27 21.37 0.000 13 12 -9 -10
11 1.27 21.37 0.000 13 12 -9 -10
12 0.64 21.37 0.000 13 6 -9 -5
CONC 1811 251
S 2543 512
Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1 case 2
conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end b to end
1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.0064284 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 6.00 0.00
2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.0192851 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 12.00 0.00
3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.0321418 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 18.00 0.01
4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.0449985 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 24.00 0.01
5 6.00 6.01 24.00 143.94857 0.002643 3.825 551 9 413 6.01 24.00 4.22
6 6.00 12.00 24.00 143.94857 0.001931 3.820359 550 3 137 12.00 24.00 8.43
7 6.00 18.00 24.00 143.94857 0.001219 3.241123 467 -3 -117 18.00 24.00 12.64
8 6.00 24.00 24.00 143.94857 0.000507 1.693068 244 -9 -183 24.00 24.00 16.85
9 0.00 24.00 12.00 0.0771404 0.000151 0.554833 0 -12 0 24.00 12.00 21.06
10 0.00 24.01 0.00 0.0257135 0.00015 0.553035 0 -12 0 24.01 0.00 25.27
S 24.01 576 1811 251
Axial load Pu = -433 k
Distance to neutral axis c= -13 in
Beta factor b= 0.83
Compression block a= -11 in
E= 29000 ksi d= 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D= 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q= 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.004 60 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.004 60 71 9 56
3 2.54 2.64 0.004 60 143 9 111
4 2.54 2.64 0.004 60 143 9 111
5 2.54 7.32 0.005 60 143 5 56
6 2.54 12.00 0.006 60 143 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 0.007 60 143 -5 -56
8 1.90 21.37 0.008 60 107 -9 -83
9 1.27 21.37 0.008 60 71 -9 -56
10 1.27 21.37 0.008 60 71 -9 -56
11 1.27 21.37 0.008 60 71 -9 -56
12 0.64 21.37 0.008 60 36 -9 -28
CONC 602314 967320
S 603455 967320
Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1 case 2
conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end b to end
1 -1.30 -1.30 -3640.60 0.00 2366.699 0.00285 3.825 9053 13 9546 0.00 6.00 0.00
2 -1.30 -2.60 -7281.19 0.01 7100.097 0.00255 3.825 27158 14 31581 0.00 12.00 0.00
3 -1.30 -3.90 ### 24.00 11833.495 0.00225 3.825 45263 15 57540 0.01 18.00 0.01
4 -1.30 -5.20 ### 24.01 16566.893 0.00195 3.822544 63328 17 87365 0.01 24.00 0.01
5 -1.30 -6.50 ### 23666.99 0.00165 3.707477 87745 18 130557 6.01 24.00 -2.16
6 -1.30 -7.80 ### 28400.388 0.00135 3.420403 97141 19 155063 12.00 24.00 -4.33
7 -1.30 -9.10 ### 33133.786 0.00105 2.961324 98120 20 167257 18.00 24.00 -6.50
8 -1.30 -10.40 ### 37867.184 0.00075 2.330239 88240 22 159975 24.00 24.00 -8.66
9 -1.30 -11.70 ### 40233.883 0.00045 1.527148 61443 23 118051 5.50 51828.07 -10.83
10 -1.30 -13.00 ### 44967.281 0.00015 0.552051 24824 24 50385 -13.00 103632.14 -13.00
S -13.00 246137 602314 967320
Axial load Pu = -433 k
Distance to neutral axis c= 27 in
Beta factor b= 0.83
Compression block a= 22 in
E= 29000 ksi d= 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D= 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q= 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.003 60 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.003 60 71 9 56
3 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
4 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
5 2.54 7.32 0.002 60 143 5 56
6 2.54 12.00 0.002 48 113 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 0.001 33 75 -5 -29
8 1.90 21.37 0.001 18 28 -9 -22
9 1.27 21.37 0.001 18 18 -9 -14
10 1.27 21.37 0.001 18 18 -9 -14
11 1.27 21.37 0.001 18 18 -9 -14
12 0.64 21.37 0.001 18 9 -9 -7
CONC 1899 198
S 2679 431
Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1 case 2
conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end b to end
1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.0064284 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 6.00 0.00
2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.0192851 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00 12.00 0.00
3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.0321418 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 18.00 0.01
4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.0449985 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01 24.00 0.01
5 6.00 6.01 24.00 143.94857 0.002667 3.825 551 9 413 6.01 24.00 4.52
6 6.00 12.00 24.00 143.94857 0.002002 3.825 551 3 138 12.00 24.00 9.03
7 6.00 18.00 24.00 143.94857 0.001337 3.403516 490 -3 -122 18.00 24.00 13.53
8 6.00 24.00 24.00 143.94857 0.000672 2.136874 308 -9 -231 24.00 24.00 18.04
9 0.00 24.00 12.00 0.0771404 0.000339 1.185863 0 -12 0 24.00 12.00 22.55
10 0.00 24.01 0.00 0.0257135 0.000338 1.184353 0 -12 0 24.01 0.00 27.06
S 24.01 576 1899 198

f Pn (kips) f Mn (ft-kips)
-1097 0 0
0 822 258
258 943 585
585 751 605
605 743 941
941 648 1148
1148 580 1384
1384 487 1739
1739 281 1739
1739 0

f Pn (kips) f Mn (ft-kips)
-1097 0
-433 498
0 822

f Pn (kips) f Mn (ft-kips)
-1097 0 0
0 822 258
258 943 585
585 751 605
605 743 941
941 648 1148
1148 580 1384
1384 487 1739
1739 281 1739
1739 0

f Pn (kips) f Mn (ft-kips)
POINT 1 -1097 0
-433 498
0 822
f Pn (kips) f Mn (ft-kips)
POINT 2 0 822
0 822
258 943

f Pn (kips) f Mn (ft-kips)
POINT 3 0 822
0 822
258 943

f Pn (kips) f Mn (ft-kips)
POINT 4 0 822
0 822
258 943

f Pn (kips) f Mn (ft-kips)
POINT 5 0 822
0 822
258 943

f Pn (kips) f Mn (ft-kips)
POINT 6 0 822
0 822
258 943
Axial load fPn / f = 2676 k
Distance to neutral axis c = 26 in
Beta factor b = 0.83
Compression block a = 22 in
E= 29000 ksi d = 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D = 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q = 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.003 60 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.003 60 71 9 56
3 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
4 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
5 2.54 7.32 0.002 60 143 5 56
6 2.54 12.00 0.002 48 111 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 0.001 32 72 -5 -28
8 1.90 21.37 0.001 17 25 -9 -19
9 1.27 21.37 0.001 17 16 -9 -13
10 1.27 21.37 0.001 17 16 -9 -13
11 1.27 21.37 0.001 17 16 -9 -13
12 0.64 21.37 0.001 17 8 -9 -6
CONC 1873 214
S 2638 455
case 2 case 3 Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1
b to end b conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end
6.00 2.40 6722.62 1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.006428 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
12.00 4.80 13445.24 2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.019285 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
18.00 7.20 20167.86 3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.032142 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 9.60 26890.47 4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.044999 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 12.00 33613.09 5 6.00 6.01 24.00 143.9486 0.002659 3.825 551 9 413 6.01
24.00 14.41 40335.71 6 6.00 12.00 24.00 143.9486 0.00198 3.824576 551 3 138 12.00
24.00 16.81 47058.33 7 6.00 18.00 24.00 143.9486 0.0013 3.355865 483 -3 -121 18.00
24.00 19.21 53780.95 8 6.00 24.00 24.00 143.9486 0.00062 2.00446 289 -9 -216 24.00
24.00 21.61 60503.57 9 0.00 24.00 12.00 0.07714 0.00028 0.996948 0 -12 0 24.00
24.00 24.01 67226.19 10 0.00 24.01 0.00 0.025713 0.00028 0.995351 0 -12 0 24.01
S 24.01 576 1873 214
Axial load fPn / f = 2676 k
Distance to neutral axis c = 27 in
Beta factor b = 0.83
Compression block a = 22 in
E= 29000 ksi d = 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D = 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q = 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.003 60 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.003 60 71 9 56
3 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
4 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
5 2.54 7.32 0.002 60 143 5 56
6 2.54 12.00 0.002 48 113 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 0.001 33 75 -5 -29
8 1.90 21.37 0.001 18 27 -9 -21
9 1.27 21.37 0.001 18 18 -9 -14
10 1.27 21.37 0.001 18 18 -9 -14
11 1.27 21.37 0.001 18 18 -9 -14
12 0.64 21.37 0.001 18 9 -9 -7
CONC 1897 199
S 2676 433
case 2 case 3 Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1
b to end b conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end
6.00 2.69 7536.91 1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.006428 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
12.00 5.38 15073.82 2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.019285 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
18.00 8.07 22610.72 3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.032142 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 10.77 30147.63 4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.044999 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 13.46 37684.54 5 6.00 6.01 24.00 143.9486 0.002666 3.825 551 9 413 6.01
24.00 16.15 45221.45 6 6.00 12.00 24.00 143.9486 0.002 3.824999 551 3 138 12.00
24.00 18.84 52758.36 7 6.00 18.00 24.00 143.9486 0.001334 3.399803 489 -3 -122 18.00
24.00 21.53 60295.27 8 6.00 24.00 24.00 143.9486 0.000667 2.126478 306 -9 -229 24.00
24.00 24.22 67832.17 9 0.00 24.00 12.00 0.07714 0.000334 1.171009 0 -12 0 24.00
24.00 26.92 75369.08 10 0.00 24.01 0.00 0.025713 0.000334 1.169493 0 -12 0 24.01
S 24.01 576 1897 199
Axial load fPn / f = 2676 k
Distance to neutral axis c = 27 in
Beta factor b = 0.83
Compression block a = 22 in
E= 29000 ksi d = 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D = 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q = 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.003 60 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.003 60 71 9 56
3 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
4 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
5 2.54 7.32 0.002 60 143 5 56
6 2.54 12.00 0.002 48 113 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 0.001 33 75 -5 -29
8 1.90 21.37 0.001 18 27 -9 -21
9 1.27 21.37 0.001 18 18 -9 -14
10 1.27 21.37 0.001 18 18 -9 -14
11 1.27 21.37 0.001 18 18 -9 -14
12 0.64 21.37 0.001 18 9 -9 -7
CONC 1897 199
S 2676 433
case 2 case 3 Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1
b to end b conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end
6.00 2.70 7564.17 1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.006428 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
12.00 5.40 15128.33 2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.019285 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
18.00 8.10 22692.50 3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.032142 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 10.81 30256.66 4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.044999 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 13.51 37820.83 5 6.00 6.01 24.00 143.9486 0.002666 3.825 551 9 413 6.01
24.00 16.21 45384.99 6 6.00 12.00 24.00 143.9486 0.002 3.824999 551 3 138 12.00
24.00 18.91 52949.16 7 6.00 18.00 24.00 143.9486 0.001334 3.400059 489 -3 -122 18.00
24.00 21.61 60513.32 8 6.00 24.00 24.00 143.9486 0.000668 2.127194 306 -9 -230 24.00
24.00 24.31 68077.49 9 0.00 24.00 12.00 0.07714 0.000334 1.172032 0 -12 0 24.00
24.00 27.01 75641.65 10 0.00 24.01 0.00 0.025713 0.000334 1.170516 0 -12 0 24.01
S 24.01 576 1897 199
Axial load fPn / f = 2676 k
Distance to neutral axis c = 27 in
Beta factor b = 0.83
Compression block a = 22 in
E= 29000 ksi d = 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D = 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q = 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.003 60 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.003 60 71 9 56
3 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
4 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
5 2.54 7.32 0.002 60 143 5 56
6 2.54 12.00 0.002 48 113 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 0.001 33 75 -5 -29
8 1.90 21.37 0.001 18 27 -9 -21
9 1.27 21.37 0.001 18 18 -9 -14
10 1.27 21.37 0.001 18 18 -9 -14
11 1.27 21.37 0.001 18 18 -9 -14
12 0.64 21.37 0.001 18 9 -9 -7
CONC 1897 199
S 2676 433
case 2 case 3 Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1
b to end b conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end
6.00 2.70 7564.17 1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.006428 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
12.00 5.40 15128.34 2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.019285 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
18.00 8.10 22692.51 3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.032142 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 10.81 30256.68 4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.044999 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 13.51 37820.85 5 6.00 6.01 24.00 143.9486 0.002666 3.825 551 9 413 6.01
24.00 16.21 45385.03 6 6.00 12.00 24.00 143.9486 0.002 3.824999 551 3 138 12.00
24.00 18.91 52949.20 7 6.00 18.00 24.00 143.9486 0.001334 3.400059 489 -3 -122 18.00
24.00 21.61 60513.37 8 6.00 24.00 24.00 143.9486 0.000668 2.127194 306 -9 -230 24.00
24.00 24.31 68077.54 9 0.00 24.00 12.00 0.07714 0.000334 1.172032 0 -12 0 24.00
24.00 27.01 75641.71 10 0.00 24.01 0.00 0.025713 0.000334 1.170516 0 -12 0 24.01
S 24.01 576 1897 199


Stress at last row of bars fs = 15 ksi
Distance to neutral axis c = 18 in
Beta factor b = 0.83
Compression block a = 15 in
E= 29000 ksi d = 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D = 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q = 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.003 60 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.003 60 71 9 56
3 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
4 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
5 2.54 7.32 0.002 52 122 5 48
6 2.54 12.00 0.001 30 66 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 0.000 7 9 -5 -4
8 1.90 21.37 -0.001 -15 -29 -9 22
9 1.27 21.37 -0.001 -15 -19 -9 15
10 1.27 21.37 -0.001 -15 -19 -9 15
11 1.27 21.37 -0.001 -15 -19 -9 15
12 0.64 21.37 -0.001 -15 -10 -9 7
CONC 1307 495
S 1766 892
case 2 case 3 Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1
b to end b conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end
6.00 2.14 5984.53 1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.006428 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
12.00 4.27 11969.06 2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.019285 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
18.00 6.41 17953.59 3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.032142 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 8.55 23938.12 4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.044999 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 10.69 29922.66 5 3.04 3.05 24.00 72.8841 0.002749 3.825 279 10 243 6.01
24.00 12.82 35907.19 6 3.04 6.08 24.00 72.8841 0.002249 3.825 279 7 173 12.00
24.00 14.96 41891.72 7 3.04 9.12 24.00 72.8841 0.001749 3.76455 274 4 101 18.00
24.00 17.10 47876.25 8 3.04 12.16 24.00 72.8841 0.001249 3.285645 239 1 27 24.00
24.00 19.24 53860.78 9 3.04 15.19 24.00 72.8841 0.00075 2.329396 170 -2 -24 21.11
24.00 21.37 59845.31 10 3.04 18.23 24.00 72.8841 0.00025 0.895801 65 -5 -26 18.23
S 18.23 437 1307 495
Stress at last row of bars fs = 58 ksi
Distance to neutral axis c = 13 in
Beta factor b = 0.83
Compression block a = 11 in
E= 29000 ksi d = 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D = 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q = 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.002 60 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.002 60 71 9 56
3 2.54 2.64 0.002 60 143 9 111
4 2.54 2.64 0.002 60 143 9 111
5 2.54 7.32 0.001 37 85 5 33
6 2.54 12.00 0.000 6 4 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 -0.001 -26 -67 -5 26
8 1.90 21.37 -0.002 -58 -110 -9 86
9 1.27 21.37 -0.002 -58 -74 -9 57
10 1.27 21.37 -0.002 -58 -74 -9 57
11 1.27 21.37 -0.002 -58 -74 -9 58
12 0.64 21.37 -0.002 -58 -37 -9 29
CONC 919 518
S 931 1143
case 2 case 3 Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1
b to end b conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end
6.00 1.59 4450.04 1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.006428 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
12.00 3.18 8900.07 2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.019285 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
18.00 4.77 13350.11 3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.032142 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 6.36 17800.14 4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.044999 0.002998 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 7.95 22250.18 5 2.14 2.14 24.00 51.26003 0.002748 3.825 196 11 179 6.01
24.00 9.54 26700.22 6 2.14 4.28 24.00 51.26003 0.002248 3.825 196 9 144 12.00
24.00 11.12 31150.25 7 2.14 6.42 24.00 51.26003 0.001749 3.764383 193 7 107 18.00
24.00 12.71 35600.29 8 2.14 8.55 24.00 51.26003 0.001249 3.285289 168 5 63 24.00
24.00 14.30 40050.32 9 2.14 10.69 24.00 51.26003 0.000749 2.32904 119 2 24 18.41
24.00 15.89 44500.36 10 2.14 12.82 24.00 51.26003 0.00025 0.895636 46 0 1 12.82
S 12.82 308 919 518
Stress at last row of bars fs = 145 ksi
Distance to neutral axis c = 8 in
Beta factor b = 0.83
Compression block a = 7 in
E= 29000 ksi d = 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D = 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q = 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.002 58 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.002 58 69 9 54
3 2.54 2.64 0.002 58 139 9 108
4 2.54 2.64 0.002 58 138 9 108
5 2.54 7.32 0.000 8 9 5 4
6 2.54 12.00 -0.001 -43 -110 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 -0.003 -60 -152 -5 59
8 1.90 21.37 -0.005 -60 -114 -9 89
9 1.27 21.37 -0.005 -60 -76 -9 59
10 1.27 21.37 -0.005 -60 -76 -9 59
11 1.27 21.37 -0.005 -60 -76 -9 59
12 0.64 21.37 -0.005 -60 -38 -9 30
CONC 574 418
S 287 1048
case 2 case 3 Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1
b to end b conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end
6.00 1.26 3541.84 1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.006428 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
12.00 2.53 7083.68 2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.019285 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
18.00 3.79 10625.52 3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.032142 0.002998 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 5.06 14167.37 4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.044999 0.002997 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 6.32 17709.21 5 1.33 1.34 24.00 32.02466 0.002747 3.825 122 11 116 6.01
24.00 7.59 21251.05 6 1.33 2.68 24.00 32.02466 0.002248 3.825 122 10 102 12.00
24.00 8.85 24792.89 7 1.33 4.01 24.00 32.02466 0.001748 3.764044 121 9 87 18.00
24.00 10.12 28334.73 8 1.33 5.35 24.00 32.02466 0.001249 3.284569 105 7 64 24.00
24.00 11.38 31876.57 9 1.33 6.68 24.00 32.02466 0.000749 2.328321 75 6 37 16.01
24.00 12.65 35418.41 10 1.33 8.01 24.00 32.02466 0.00025 0.8953 29 5 11 8.01
S 8.01 192 574 418

Axial load Pn = 259 k
Distance to neutral axis c = 4 in
Beta factor b = 0.83
Compression block a = 3 in
E= 29000 ksi d = 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D = 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q = 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.001 24 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.001 24 26 9 20
3 2.54 2.64 0.001 24 52 9 40
4 2.54 2.64 0.001 24 52 9 40
5 2.54 7.32 -0.003 -60 -152 5 -59
6 2.54 12.00 -0.007 -60 -152 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 -0.011 -60 -152 -5 59
8 1.90 21.37 -0.015 -60 -114 -9 89
9 1.27 21.37 -0.015 -60 -76 -9 59
10 1.27 21.37 -0.015 -60 -76 -9 59
11 1.27 21.37 -0.015 -60 -76 -9 59
12 0.64 21.37 -0.015 -60 -38 -9 30
CONC 262 229
S -447 627
case 2 case 3 Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1
b to end b conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end
6.00 1.26 3541.84 1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.006428 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
12.00 2.53 7083.68 2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.019285 0.002997 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
18.00 3.79 10625.52 3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.032142 0.002996 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 5.06 14167.37 4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.044999 0.002994 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 6.32 17709.21 5 0.61 0.62 24.00 14.58761 0.002744 3.825 56 12 54 6.01
24.00 7.59 21251.05 6 0.61 1.22 24.00 14.58761 0.002245 3.825 56 11 52 12.00
24.00 8.85 24792.89 7 0.61 1.83 24.00 14.58761 0.001746 3.762962 55 10 48 18.00
24.00 10.12 28334.73 8 0.61 2.44 24.00 14.58761 0.001247 3.282275 48 10 39 24.00
24.00 11.38 31876.57 9 0.61 3.05 24.00 14.58761 0.000748 2.326032 34 9 26 13.83
24.00 12.65 35418.41 10 0.61 3.66 24.00 14.58761 0.000249 0.894233 13 9 9 3.66
S 3.66 88 262 229

Axial load Pu = 259 k
Distance to neutral axis c = 8 in
Beta factor b = 0.83
Compression block a = 6 in
E= 29000 ksi d = 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D = 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q = 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.002 58 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.002 58 69 9 54
3 2.54 2.64 0.002 58 137 9 107
4 2.54 2.64 0.002 58 137 9 107
5 2.54 7.32 0.000 6 6 5 2
6 2.54 12.00 -0.002 -46 -116 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 -0.003 -60 -152 -5 59
8 1.90 21.37 -0.005 -60 -114 -9 89
9 1.27 21.37 -0.005 -60 -76 -9 59
10 1.27 21.37 -0.005 -60 -76 -9 59
11 1.27 21.37 -0.005 -60 -76 -9 59
12 0.64 21.37 -0.005 -60 -38 -9 30
CONC 564 413
S 264 1040
case 2 case 3 Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1
b to end b conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end
6.00 0.84 2347.14 1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.006428 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
12.00 1.68 4694.29 2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.019285 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
18.00 2.51 7041.43 3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.032142 0.002998 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 3.35 9388.57 4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.044999 0.002997 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 4.19 11735.71 5 1.31 1.32 24.00 31.46433 0.002747 3.825 120 11 114 6.01
24.00 5.03 14082.86 6 1.31 2.63 24.00 31.46433 0.002248 3.825 120 10 101 12.00
24.00 5.87 16430.00 7 1.31 3.94 24.00 31.46433 0.001748 3.764028 118 9 86 18.00
24.00 6.71 18777.14 8 1.31 5.25 24.00 31.46433 0.001249 3.284535 103 7 64 24.00
24.00 7.54 21124.28 9 1.31 6.56 24.00 31.46433 0.000749 2.328287 73 6 37 15.94
24.00 8.38 23471.43 10 1.31 7.87 24.00 31.46433 0.00025 0.895284 28 5 11 7.87
S 7.87 189 564 413
Axial load Pu = 259 k
Distance to neutral axis c = 8 in
Beta factor b = 0.83
Compression block a = 6 in
E= 29000 ksi d = 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D = 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q = 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.002 58 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.002 58 69 9 53
3 2.54 2.64 0.002 58 137 9 107
4 2.54 2.64 0.002 58 137 9 107
5 2.54 7.32 0.000 6 5 5 2
6 2.54 12.00 -0.002 -46 -117 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 -0.003 -60 -152 -5 59
8 1.90 21.37 -0.005 -60 -114 -9 89
9 1.27 21.37 -0.005 -60 -76 -9 59
10 1.27 21.37 -0.005 -60 -76 -9 59
11 1.27 21.37 -0.005 -60 -76 -9 59
12 0.64 21.37 -0.005 -60 -38 -9 30
CONC 562 412
S 259 1038
case 2 case 3 Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1
b to end b conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end
6.00 0.78 2196.95 1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.006428 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
12.00 1.57 4393.89 2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.019285 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
18.00 2.35 6590.84 3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.032142 0.002998 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 3.14 8787.79 4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.044999 0.002997 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 3.92 10984.73 5 1.31 1.31 24.00 31.35379 0.002747 3.825 120 11 113 6.01
24.00 4.71 13181.68 6 1.31 2.62 24.00 31.35379 0.002248 3.825 120 10 100 12.00
24.00 5.49 15378.63 7 1.31 3.93 24.00 31.35379 0.001748 3.764025 118 9 86 18.00
24.00 6.28 17575.58 8 1.31 5.23 24.00 31.35379 0.001249 3.284528 103 7 64 24.00
24.00 7.06 19772.52 9 1.31 6.54 24.00 31.35379 0.000749 2.32828 73 6 37 15.92
24.00 7.85 21969.47 10 1.31 7.85 24.00 31.35379 0.00025 0.895281 28 5 11 7.85
S 7.85 188 562 412

Axial load Pu = 259 k
Distance to neutral axis c = 8 in
Beta factor b = 0.83
Compression block a = 6 in
E= 29000 ksi d = 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D = 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q = 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.002 58 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.002 58 69 9 53
3 2.54 2.64 0.002 58 137 9 107
4 2.54 2.64 0.002 58 137 9 107
5 2.54 7.32 0.000 6 5 5 2
6 2.54 12.00 -0.002 -46 -117 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 -0.003 -60 -152 -5 59
8 1.90 21.37 -0.005 -60 -114 -9 89
9 1.27 21.37 -0.005 -60 -76 -9 59
10 1.27 21.37 -0.005 -60 -76 -9 59
11 1.27 21.37 -0.005 -60 -76 -9 59
12 0.64 21.37 -0.005 -60 -38 -9 30
CONC 562 412
S 259 1038
case 2 case 3 Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1
b to end b conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end
6.00 0.78 2197.24 1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.006428 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
12.00 1.57 4394.47 2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.019285 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
18.00 2.35 6591.71 3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.032142 0.002998 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 3.14 8788.94 4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.044999 0.002997 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 3.92 10986.18 5 1.31 1.31 24.00 31.35378 0.002747 3.825 120 11 113 6.01
24.00 4.71 13183.42 6 1.31 2.62 24.00 31.35378 0.002248 3.825 120 10 100 12.00
24.00 5.49 15380.65 7 1.31 3.93 24.00 31.35378 0.001748 3.764025 118 9 86 18.00
24.00 6.28 17577.89 8 1.31 5.23 24.00 31.35378 0.001249 3.284528 103 7 64 24.00
24.00 7.06 19775.12 9 1.31 6.54 24.00 31.35378 0.000749 2.32828 73 6 37 15.92
24.00 7.85 21972.36 10 1.31 7.85 24.00 31.35378 0.00025 0.895281 28 5 11 7.85
S 7.85 188 562 412

Axial load Pu = 0 k
Distance to neutral axis c = 7 in
Beta factor b = 0.83
Compression block a = 6 in
E= 29000 ksi d = 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D = 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q = 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.002 55 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.002 55 65 9 51
3 2.54 2.64 0.002 55 129 9 101
4 2.54 2.64 0.002 55 129 9 101
5 2.54 7.32 0.000 -2 -6 5 -2
6 2.54 12.00 -0.002 -60 -151 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 -0.004 -60 -152 -5 59
8 1.90 21.37 -0.006 -60 -114 -9 89
9 1.27 21.37 -0.006 -60 -76 -9 59
10 1.27 21.37 -0.006 -60 -76 -9 59
11 1.27 21.37 -0.006 -60 -76 -9 59
12 0.64 21.37 -0.006 -60 -38 -9 30
CONC 510 387
S 143 993
case 2 case 3 Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1
b to end b conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end
6.00 1.42 3989.69 1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.006428 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
12.00 2.85 7979.37 2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.019285 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
18.00 4.27 11969.06 3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.032142 0.002998 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 5.70 15958.75 4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.044999 0.002997 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 7.12 19948.44 5 1.19 1.19 24.00 28.46256 0.002747 3.825 109 11 103 6.01
24.00 8.55 23938.12 6 1.19 2.38 24.00 28.46256 0.002247 3.825 109 10 93 12.00
24.00 9.97 27927.81 7 1.19 3.57 24.00 28.46256 0.001748 3.763931 107 9 81 18.00
24.00 11.40 31917.50 8 1.19 4.75 24.00 28.46256 0.001248 3.284329 93 8 61 24.00
24.00 12.82 35907.19 9 1.19 5.94 24.00 28.46256 0.000749 2.328081 66 7 37 15.56
24.00 14.25 39896.87 10 1.19 7.12 24.00 28.46256 0.00025 0.895188 25 5 12 7.12
S 7.12 171 510 387
Axial load Pu = 0 k
Distance to neutral axis c = 6 in
Beta factor b = 0.83
Compression block a = 5 in
E= 29000 ksi d = 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D = 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q = 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.002 50 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.002 50 58 9 45
3 2.54 2.64 0.002 49 116 9 91
4 2.54 2.64 0.002 49 116 9 90
5 2.54 7.32 -0.001 -17 -43 5 -17
6 2.54 12.00 -0.003 -60 -152 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 -0.005 -60 -152 -5 59
8 1.90 21.37 -0.007 -60 -114 -9 89
9 1.27 21.37 -0.007 -60 -76 -9 59
10 1.27 21.37 -0.007 -60 -76 -9 59
11 1.27 21.37 -0.007 -60 -76 -9 59
12 0.64 21.37 -0.007 -60 -38 -9 30
CONC 439 347
S 0 914
case 2 case 3 Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1
b to end b conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end
6.00 0.61 1721.58 1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.006428 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
12.00 1.23 3443.16 2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.019285 0.002998 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
18.00 1.84 5164.74 3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.032142 0.002997 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 2.46 6886.32 4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.044999 0.002996 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 3.07 8607.90 5 1.02 1.03 24.00 24.4627 0.002746 3.825 94 11 90 6.01
24.00 3.69 10329.49 6 1.02 2.05 24.00 24.4627 0.002247 3.825 94 10 82 12.00
24.00 4.30 12051.07 7 1.02 3.07 24.00 24.4627 0.001748 3.763765 92 9 72 18.00
24.00 4.92 13772.65 8 1.02 4.09 24.00 24.4627 0.001248 3.283976 80 8 56 24.00
24.00 5.53 15494.23 9 1.02 5.10 24.00 24.4627 0.000749 2.327729 57 7 35 15.06
24.00 6.15 17215.81 10 1.02 6.12 24.00 24.4627 0.00025 0.895024 22 6 12 6.12
S 6.12 147 439 347
Axial load Pu = 0 k
Distance to neutral axis c = 6 in
Beta factor b = 0.83
Compression block a = 5 in
E= 29000 ksi d = 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D = 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q = 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.002 50 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.002 50 58 9 45
3 2.54 2.64 0.002 50 116 9 91
4 2.54 2.64 0.002 49 116 9 90
5 2.54 7.32 -0.001 -17 -43 5 -17
6 2.54 12.00 -0.003 -60 -152 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 -0.005 -60 -152 -5 59
8 1.90 21.37 -0.007 -60 -114 -9 89
9 1.27 21.37 -0.007 -60 -76 -9 59
10 1.27 21.37 -0.007 -60 -76 -9 59
11 1.27 21.37 -0.007 -60 -76 -9 59
12 0.64 21.37 -0.007 -60 -38 -9 30
CONC 439 347
S 0 914
case 2 case 3 Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1
b to end b conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end
6.00 0.61 1715.30 1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.006428 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
12.00 1.23 3430.60 2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.019285 0.002998 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
18.00 1.84 5145.91 3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.032142 0.002997 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 2.45 6861.21 4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.044999 0.002996 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 3.06 8576.51 5 1.02 1.03 24.00 24.46922 0.002746 3.825 94 11 90 6.01
24.00 3.68 10291.81 6 1.02 2.05 24.00 24.46922 0.002247 3.825 94 10 82 12.00
24.00 4.29 12007.12 7 1.02 3.07 24.00 24.46922 0.001748 3.763766 92 9 73 18.00
24.00 4.90 13722.42 8 1.02 4.09 24.00 24.46922 0.001248 3.283977 80 8 56 24.00
24.00 5.51 15437.72 9 1.02 5.11 24.00 24.46922 0.000749 2.327729 57 7 35 15.06
24.00 6.13 17153.02 10 1.02 6.13 24.00 24.46922 0.00025 0.895024 22 6 12 6.13
S 6.13 147 439 347
Axial load Pu = 0 k
Distance to neutral axis c = 6 in
Beta factor b = 0.83
Compression block a = 5 in
E= 29000 ksi d = 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D = 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q = 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.002 50 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.002 50 58 9 45
3 2.54 2.64 0.002 50 116 9 91
4 2.54 2.64 0.002 49 116 9 90
5 2.54 7.32 -0.001 -17 -43 5 -17
6 2.54 12.00 -0.003 -60 -152 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 -0.005 -60 -152 -5 59
8 1.90 21.37 -0.007 -60 -114 -9 89
9 1.27 21.37 -0.007 -60 -76 -9 59
10 1.27 21.37 -0.007 -60 -76 -9 59
11 1.27 21.37 -0.007 -60 -76 -9 59
12 0.64 21.37 -0.007 -60 -38 -9 30
CONC 439 347
S 0 914
case 2 case 3 Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1
b to end b conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end
6.00 0.61 1715.30 1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.006428 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
12.00 1.23 3430.60 2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.019285 0.002998 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
18.00 1.84 5145.90 3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.032142 0.002997 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 2.45 6861.21 4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.044999 0.002996 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 3.06 8576.51 5 1.02 1.03 24.00 24.46922 0.002746 3.825 94 11 90 6.01
24.00 3.68 10291.81 6 1.02 2.05 24.00 24.46922 0.002247 3.825 94 10 82 12.00
24.00 4.29 12007.11 7 1.02 3.07 24.00 24.46922 0.001748 3.763766 92 9 73 18.00
24.00 4.90 13722.41 8 1.02 4.09 24.00 24.46922 0.001248 3.283977 80 8 56 24.00
24.00 5.51 15437.71 9 1.02 5.11 24.00 24.46922 0.000749 2.327729 57 7 35 15.06
24.00 6.13 17153.01 10 1.02 6.13 24.00 24.46922 0.00025 0.895024 22 6 12 6.13
S 6.13 147 439 347

Axial load Pu = -433 k
Distance to neutral axis c = -4 in
Beta factor b = 0.83
Compression block a = -4 in
E= 29000 ksi d = 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D = 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q = 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.005 60 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.005 60 71 9 56
3 2.54 2.64 0.005 60 143 9 111
4 2.54 2.64 0.005 60 143 9 111
5 2.54 7.32 0.008 60 143 5 56
6 2.54 12.00 0.011 60 143 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 0.015 60 143 -5 -56
8 1.90 21.37 0.018 60 107 -9 -83
9 1.27 21.37 0.018 60 71 -9 -56
10 1.27 21.37 0.018 60 71 -9 -56
11 1.27 21.37 0.018 60 71 -9 -56
12 0.64 21.37 0.018 60 36 -9 -28
CONC 65277 78315
S 66418 78315
case 2 case 3 Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1
b to end b conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end
6.00 2.40 6722.62 1 -0.43 -0.43 -1198.51 0.00 256.4954 0.00285 3.825 981 12 999 0.00
12.00 4.80 13445.24 2 -0.43 -0.86 -2397.02 0.01 769.4863 0.00255 3.825 2943 13 3102 0.00
18.00 7.20 20167.86 3 -0.43 -1.28 -3595.52 24.00 1282.477 0.00225 3.825 4905 13 5345 0.01
24.00 9.60 26890.47 4 -0.43 -1.71 -4794.03 24.01 1795.468 0.00195 3.822544 6863 14 7723 0.01
24.00 12.00 33613.09 5 -0.43 -2.14 -5992.54 2564.954 0.00165 3.707477 9510 14 11039 6.01
24.00 14.41 40335.71 6 -0.43 -2.57 -7191.05 3077.945 0.00135 3.420403 10528 14 12597 12.00
24.00 16.81 47058.33 7 -0.43 -3.00 -8389.56 3590.936 0.00105 2.961324 10634 15 13103 18.00
24.00 19.21 53780.95 8 -0.43 -3.42 -9588.06 4103.927 0.00075 2.330239 9563 15 12125 24.00
24.00 21.61 60503.57 9 -0.43 -3.85 ### 4360.422 0.00045 1.527148 6659 16 8680 9.86
24.00 24.01 67226.19 10 -0.43 -4.28 -11985.08 4873.413 0.00015 0.552051 2690 16 3603 -4.28
S -4.28 26676 65277 78315
Axial load Pu = -433 k
Distance to neutral axis c = 27 in
Beta factor b = 0.83
Compression block a = 22 in
E= 29000 ksi d = 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D = 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q = 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.003 60 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.003 60 71 9 56
3 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
4 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
5 2.54 7.32 0.002 60 143 5 56
6 2.54 12.00 0.002 48 112 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 0.001 33 73 -5 -28
8 1.90 21.37 0.001 17 26 -9 -20
9 1.27 21.37 0.001 17 17 -9 -13
10 1.27 21.37 0.001 17 17 -9 -13
11 1.27 21.37 0.001 17 17 -9 -13
12 0.64 21.37 0.001 17 9 -9 -7
CONC 1881 209
S 2650 448
case 2 case 3 Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1
b to end b conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end
6.00 2.53 7076.50 1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.006428 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
12.00 5.05 14153.00 2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.019285 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
18.00 7.58 21229.50 3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.032142 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 10.11 28306.00 4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.044999 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 12.64 35382.50 5 6.00 6.01 24.00 143.9486 0.002661 3.825 551 9 413 6.01
24.00 15.16 42459.00 6 6.00 12.00 24.00 143.9486 0.001986 3.8248 551 3 138 12.00
24.00 17.69 49535.50 7 6.00 18.00 24.00 143.9486 0.001311 3.370496 485 -3 -121 18.00
24.00 20.22 56612.00 8 6.00 24.00 24.00 143.9486 0.000636 2.044894 294 -9 -221 24.00
24.00 22.75 63688.50 9 0.00 24.00 12.00 0.07714 0.000298 1.054573 0 -12 0 24.00
24.00 25.27 70765.00 10 0.00 24.01 0.00 0.025713 0.000298 1.053003 0 -12 0 24.01
S 24.01 576 1881 209
Axial load Pu = -433 k
Distance to neutral axis c = 27 in
Beta factor b = 0.83
Compression block a = 22 in
E= 29000 ksi d = 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D = 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q = 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.003 60 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.003 60 71 9 56
3 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
4 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
5 2.54 7.32 0.002 60 143 5 56
6 2.54 12.00 0.002 48 112 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 0.001 33 74 -5 -29
8 1.90 21.37 0.001 18 27 -9 -21
9 1.27 21.37 0.001 18 18 -9 -14
10 1.27 21.37 0.001 18 18 -9 -14
11 1.27 21.37 0.001 18 18 -9 -14
12 0.64 21.37 0.001 18 9 -9 -7
CONC 1890 203
S 2665 439
case 2 case 3 Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1
b to end b conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end
6.00 -1.30 -3640.60 1 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.006428 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
12.00 -2.60 -7281.19 2 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.01 0.019285 0.003 3.825 0 12 0 0.00
18.00 -3.90 -10921.79 3 0.00 0.01 18.00 24.00 0.032142 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 -5.20 -14562.39 4 0.00 0.01 24.00 24.01 0.044999 0.002999 3.825 0 12 0 0.01
24.00 -6.50 -18202.98 5 6.00 6.01 24.00 143.9486 0.002664 3.825 551 9 413 6.01
24.00 -7.80 -21843.58 6 6.00 12.00 24.00 143.9486 0.001994 3.824956 551 3 138 12.00
24.00 -9.10 -25484.18 7 6.00 18.00 24.00 143.9486 0.001324 3.387207 488 -3 -122 18.00
24.00 -10.40 -29124.78 8 6.00 24.00 24.00 143.9486 0.000654 2.091315 301 -9 -226 24.00
24.00 -11.70 -32765.37 9 0.00 24.00 12.00 0.07714 0.000318 1.120796 0 -12 0 24.00
24.00 -13.00 -36405.97 10 0.00 24.01 0.00 0.025713 0.000318 1.119256 0 -12 0 24.01
S 24.01 576 1890 203
Axial load Pu = -433 k
Distance to neutral axis c = -18 in
Beta factor b = 0.83
Compression block a = -15 in
E= 29000 ksi d = 21 in
fy = 60 ksi D = 24 in
fc' = 5 ksi q = 0.02
STA A dist strain stress force arm moment
to end
1 0.00 2.64 0.003 60 0 9 0
2 1.27 2.64 0.003 60 71 9 56
3 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
4 2.54 2.64 0.003 60 143 9 111
5 2.54 7.32 0.004 60 143 5 56
6 2.54 12.00 0.005 60 143 0 0
7 2.54 16.69 0.006 60 143 -5 -56
8 1.90 21.37 0.006 60 107 -9 -83
9 1.27 21.37 0.006 60 71 -9 -56
10 1.27 21.37 0.006 60 71 -9 -56
11 1.27 21.37 0.006 60 71 -9 -56
12 0.64 21.37 0.006 60 36 -9 -28
CONC 1211583 ###
S 1212724 ###
case 2 case 3 Ec = 3824 ksi eo = 0.0020 case 1
b to end b conc sec thick to end b control DA ec fc force arm moment to end
6.00 2.71 7576.53 1 -1.84 -1.84 -5163.42 0.00 4760.728 0.00285 3.825 18210 13 19615 0.00
12.00 5.41 15153.06 2 -1.84 -3.69 ### 0.01 14282.18 0.00255 3.825 54629 15 67241 0.00
18.00 8.12 22729.60 3 -1.84 -5.53 ### 24.00 23803.64 0.00225 3.825 91049 17 126060 0.01
24.00 10.82 30306.13 4 -1.84 -7.38 ### 24.01 33325.1 0.00195 3.822544 127387 18 195946 0.01
24.00 13.53 37882.66 5 -1.84 -9.22 ### 47607.28 0.00165 3.707477 176503 20 298619 6.01
24.00 16.23 45459.19 6 -1.84 -11.06 ### 57128.74 0.00135 3.420403 195403 22 360623 12.00
24.00 18.94 53035.73 7 -1.84 -12.91 ### 66650.19 0.00105 2.961324 197373 24 394588 18.00
24.00 21.65 60612.26 8 -1.84 -14.75 ### 76171.65 0.00075 2.330239 177498 26 382130 24.00
24.00 24.35 68188.79 9 -1.84 -16.60 ### 80932.38 0.00045 1.527148 123596 28 285078 2.78
24.00 27.06 75765.32 10 -1.84 -18.44 ### 90453.83 0.00015 0.552051 49935 30 122851 -18.44
S -18.44 495116 1211583 ###
case 1 case 2 case 3
b to end b to end b
6.00 0.00 6.00 2.65 7413.69
12.00 0.00 12.00 5.30 14827.39
18.00 0.01 18.00 7.94 22241.08
24.00 0.01 24.00 10.59 29654.77
24.00 4.42 24.00 13.24 37068.46
24.00 8.83 24.00 15.89 44482.16
24.00 13.24 24.00 18.53 51895.85
24.00 17.65 24.00 21.18 59309.54
12.00 22.07 24.00 23.83 66723.23
0.00 26.48 24.00 26.48 74136.93
case 1 case 2 case 3
b to end b to end b
6.00 0.00 6.00 2.70 7563.26
12.00 0.00 12.00 5.40 15126.52
18.00 0.01 18.00 8.10 22689.78
24.00 0.01 24.00 10.80 30253.04
24.00 4.51 24.00 13.51 37816.30
24.00 9.01 24.00 16.21 45379.56
24.00 13.51 24.00 18.91 52942.82
24.00 18.01 24.00 21.61 60506.08
12.00 22.51 24.00 24.31 68069.34
0.00 27.01 24.00 27.01 75632.60

case 1 case 2 case 3

b to end b to end b
6.00 0.00 6.00 2.70 7564.17
12.00 0.00 12.00 5.40 15128.34
18.00 0.01 18.00 8.10 22692.51
24.00 0.01 24.00 10.81 30256.68
24.00 4.51 24.00 13.51 37820.85
24.00 9.01 24.00 16.21 45385.03
24.00 13.51 24.00 18.91 52949.20
24.00 18.01 24.00 21.61 60513.37
12.00 22.51 24.00 24.31 68077.54
0.00 27.01 24.00 27.01 75641.71
case 1 case 2 case 3
b to end b to end b
6.00 0.00 6.00 2.70 7564.17
12.00 0.00 12.00 5.40 15128.34
18.00 0.01 18.00 8.10 22692.51
24.00 0.01 24.00 10.81 30256.68
24.00 4.51 24.00 13.51 37820.85
24.00 9.01 24.00 16.21 45385.03
24.00 13.51 24.00 18.91 52949.20
24.00 18.01 24.00 21.61 60513.37
12.00 22.51 24.00 24.31 68077.54
0.00 27.01 24.00 27.01 75641.71
case 1 case 2 case 3
b to end b to end b
6.00 0.00 6.00 1.82 5104.45
12.00 0.00 12.00 3.65 10208.91
18.00 0.01 18.00 5.47 15313.36
24.00 0.01 24.00 7.29 20417.81
24.00 3.05 24.00 9.11 25522.27
24.00 6.08 24.00 10.94 30626.72
24.00 9.12 24.00 12.76 35731.17
24.00 12.16 24.00 14.58 40835.62
8102.83 15.19 24.00 16.41 45940.08
### 18.23 24.00 18.23 51044.53

case 1 case 2 case 3

b to end b to end b
6.00 0.00 6.00 1.28 3590.72
12.00 0.00 12.00 2.56 7181.44
18.00 0.01 18.00 3.85 10772.16
24.00 0.01 24.00 5.13 14362.87
24.00 2.14 24.00 6.41 17953.59
24.00 4.28 24.00 7.69 21544.31
24.00 6.42 24.00 8.98 25135.03
24.00 8.55 24.00 10.26 28725.75
### 10.69 24.00 11.54 32316.47
### 12.82 24.00 12.82 35907.19
case 1 case 2 case 3
b to end b to end b
6.00 0.00 6.00 0.80 2244.20
12.00 0.00 12.00 1.60 4488.40
18.00 0.01 18.00 2.40 6732.60
24.00 0.01 24.00 3.21 8976.80
24.00 1.34 24.00 4.01 11221.00
24.00 2.68 24.00 4.81 13465.19
24.00 4.01 24.00 5.61 15709.39
24.00 5.35 24.00 6.41 17953.59
### 6.68 24.00 7.21 20197.79
### 8.01 24.00 8.01 22441.99

case 1 case 2 case 3

b to end b to end b
6.00 0.00 6.00 0.37 1023.57
12.00 0.00 12.00 0.73 2047.13
18.00 0.01 18.00 1.10 3070.70
24.00 0.01 24.00 1.46 4094.26
24.00 0.62 24.00 1.83 5117.83
24.00 1.22 24.00 2.19 6141.40
24.00 1.83 24.00 2.56 7164.96
24.00 2.44 24.00 2.92 8188.53
### 3.05 24.00 3.29 9212.09
### 3.66 24.00 3.66 10235.66

case 1 case 2 case 3

b to end b to end b
6.00 0.00 6.00 0.79 2204.97
12.00 0.00 12.00 1.57 4409.95
18.00 0.01 18.00 2.36 6614.92
24.00 0.01 24.00 3.15 8819.90
24.00 1.32 24.00 3.94 11024.87
24.00 2.63 24.00 4.72 13229.85
24.00 3.94 24.00 5.51 15434.82
24.00 5.25 24.00 6.30 17639.80
### 6.56 24.00 7.09 19844.77
### 7.87 24.00 7.87 22049.75
case 1 case 2 case 3
b to end b to end b
6.00 0.00 6.00 0.78 2197.24
12.00 0.00 12.00 1.57 4394.47
18.00 0.01 18.00 2.35 6591.71
24.00 0.01 24.00 3.14 8788.95
24.00 1.31 24.00 3.92 10986.18
24.00 2.62 24.00 4.71 13183.42
24.00 3.93 24.00 5.49 15380.66
24.00 5.23 24.00 6.28 17577.89
### 6.54 24.00 7.06 19775.13
### 7.85 24.00 7.85 21972.37

case 1 case 2 case 3

b to end b to end b
6.00 0.00 6.00 0.78 2197.24
12.00 0.00 12.00 1.57 4394.47
18.00 0.01 18.00 2.35 6591.71
24.00 0.01 24.00 3.14 8788.94
24.00 1.31 24.00 3.92 10986.18
24.00 2.62 24.00 4.71 13183.42
24.00 3.93 24.00 5.49 15380.65
24.00 5.23 24.00 6.28 17577.89
### 6.54 24.00 7.06 19775.12
### 7.85 24.00 7.85 21972.36
case 1 case 2 case 3
b to end b to end b
6.00 0.00 6.00 0.71 1994.84
12.00 0.00 12.00 1.42 3989.69
18.00 0.01 18.00 2.14 5984.53
24.00 0.01 24.00 2.85 7979.37
24.00 1.19 24.00 3.56 9974.22
24.00 2.38 24.00 4.27 11969.06
24.00 3.57 24.00 4.99 13963.91
24.00 4.75 24.00 5.70 15958.75
### 5.94 24.00 6.41 17953.59
### 7.12 24.00 7.12 19948.44

case 1 case 2 case 3

b to end b to end b
6.00 0.00 6.00 0.61 1714.84
12.00 0.00 12.00 1.22 3429.69
18.00 0.01 18.00 1.84 5144.53
24.00 0.01 24.00 2.45 6859.38
24.00 1.03 24.00 3.06 8574.22
24.00 2.05 24.00 3.67 10289.07
24.00 3.07 24.00 4.29 12003.91
24.00 4.09 24.00 4.90 13718.76
### 5.10 24.00 5.51 15433.60
### 6.12 24.00 6.12 17148.45
case 1 case 2 case 3
b to end b to end b
6.00 0.00 6.00 0.61 1715.30
12.00 0.00 12.00 1.23 3430.60
18.00 0.01 18.00 1.84 5145.90
24.00 0.01 24.00 2.45 6861.21
24.00 1.03 24.00 3.06 8576.51
24.00 2.05 24.00 3.68 10291.81
24.00 3.07 24.00 4.29 12007.11
24.00 4.09 24.00 4.90 13722.41
### 5.11 24.00 5.51 15437.71
### 6.13 24.00 6.13 17153.01

case 1 case 2 case 3

b to end b to end b
6.00 0.00 6.00 0.61 1715.30
12.00 0.00 12.00 1.23 3430.60
18.00 0.01 18.00 1.84 5145.90
24.00 0.01 24.00 2.45 6861.21
24.00 1.03 24.00 3.06 8576.51
24.00 2.05 24.00 3.68 10291.81
24.00 3.07 24.00 4.29 12007.11
24.00 4.09 24.00 4.90 13722.41
### 5.11 24.00 5.51 15437.71
### 6.13 24.00 6.13 17153.01
case 1 case 2 case 3
b to end b to end b
6.00 0.00 6.00 -0.43 -1198.51
12.00 0.00 12.00 -0.86 -2397.02
18.00 0.01 18.00 -1.28 -3595.52
24.00 0.01 24.00 -1.71 -4794.03
24.00 -0.71 24.00 -2.14 -5992.54
24.00 -1.42 24.00 -2.57 -7191.05
24.00 -2.14 24.00 -3.00 -8389.56
24.00 -2.85 24.00 -3.42 -9588.06
### -3.57 24.00 -3.85 -10786.57
### -4.28 24.00 -4.28 -11985.08

case 1 case 2 case 3

b to end b to end b
6.00 0.00 6.00 2.66 7462.03
12.00 0.00 12.00 5.33 14924.06
18.00 0.01 18.00 7.99 22386.09
24.00 0.01 24.00 10.66 29848.12
24.00 4.45 24.00 13.32 37310.15
24.00 8.89 24.00 15.99 44772.18
24.00 13.33 24.00 18.65 52234.21
24.00 17.77 24.00 21.32 59696.24
12.00 22.21 24.00 23.98 67158.27
0.00 26.65 24.00 26.65 74620.30

case 1 case 2 case 3

b to end b to end b
6.00 0.00 6.00 2.69 7519.00
12.00 0.00 12.00 5.37 15038.00
18.00 0.01 18.00 8.06 22557.00
24.00 0.01 24.00 10.74 30076.01
24.00 4.48 24.00 13.43 37595.01
24.00 8.96 24.00 16.11 45114.01
24.00 13.43 24.00 18.80 52633.01
24.00 17.90 24.00 21.48 60152.01
12.00 22.38 24.00 24.17 67671.01
0.00 26.85 24.00 26.85 75190.01
case 1 case 2 case 3
b to end b to end b
6.00 0.00 6.00 -1.84 -5163.42
12.00 0.00 12.00 -3.69 -10326.85
18.00 0.01 18.00 -5.53 -15490.27
24.00 0.01 24.00 -7.38 -20653.70
24.00 -3.07 24.00 -9.22 -25817.12
24.00 -6.14 24.00 -11.06 -30980.54
24.00 -9.22 24.00 -12.91 -36143.97
24.00 -12.29 24.00 -14.75 -41307.39
### -15.37 24.00 -16.60 -46470.81
### -18.44 24.00 -18.44 -51634.24

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