Software Requirements Specification

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F. Aybike Avşaroğlu
Esra Gariboğlu
Osman Kaya
Önder Kalacı


Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1. Problem Definition and Purpose of the Project
1.2. Scope
1.3. Definitions and Abbreviations
1.4. References
2. Overall Description:
2.1. Product Perspective
2.2. Product Functions
2.3. User Characteristics
2.4. Constraints
2.5. Assumptions and Dependencies
2.6. Apportioning Requirements
3. System Requirements
3.1. Interface Requirements
3.2. Functional Requirements
3.2.1. Programming the Sensor Nodes Introduction/Purpose Stimulus/Response sequence Stimulus/Response Sequence for Sensor Nodes in Star
Topology Based Protocol Stimulus/Response sequence for Sensor Nodes in LEACH
Protocol Associated functional requirements Functional requirement 1 Functional requirement 2 Functional requirement 3
3.2.2. Programming the Gateway Introduction/Purpose of feature Stimulus/Response sequence Stimulus/Response sequence for Star Topology Based
Protocol of the Gateway Stimulus/Response sequence for LEACH Protocol of the
Gateway Associated functional requirements Functional requirement of Programming the Gateway -1 Functional requirement of Programming the Gateway -2
3.2.3. Developing Web Application Introduction/Purpose of feature Stimulus/Response sequence Associated functional requirements Functional requirement of Web Application - 1

2 Functional requirement of Web Application - 2
3.5. Software System Attributes / Non-Functional Requirements
3.5.1. Reliability
3.5.2. Availability
3.5.3. Security
3.5.4. Maintainability
3.5.5. Portability
3.5.6. Performance
4. Object Data Model
4.1. Data Description
4.1.1. Data Objects
4.1.2. Complete Data Model and Relationships
4.1.3. Data Dictionary
5. Behavioral Models and Description
5.2. State Transition Diagrams
5.1. Description for Software Behavior
6. Planning
6.1. Team Structure
6.2. Basic Schedule
6.3. Process Model

1. Introduction

1.1. Problem Definition and Purpose of the Project

The most important factors for the quality and productivity of plant growth are
temperature, humidity, light and the level of the carbon dioxide. Continuous monitoring
of these environmental variables gives information to the grower to better understand,
how each factor affects growth and how to manage maximal crop productiveness. The
optimal greenhouse climate adjustment can enable us to improve productivity and to
achieve remarkable energy savings - especially during the winter.
In modern greenhouses, several measurement points are required to trace down
the local climate parameters in different parts of the big greenhouse to make the
automation system work properly. Conventional monitoring systems using cabling would
make the measurement system expensive and vulnerable. Moreover, the cabled
measurement points are difficult to relocate once they are installed. Thus, a Wireless
Sensor Network (WSN) consisting of small-size wireless sensor nodes equipped with
radio and one or several sensors is an attractive and cost efficient option to build the
required greenhouse measurement system [3].
The purpose of the project is to construct a greenhouse monitoring system using
wireless sensor networks. The project's ultimate aim is to increase the amount of the
products produced in a greenhouse without observing it whole day. The system
periodically measures the temperature, light and humidity levels inside the greenhouse.
When a critical change in the temperature, humidity or light level is detected, the
greenhouse manager will be notified via e-mail and cell phone text message. Thus, the
greenhouse manager will be able to react to the critical change as fast possible and
may be able to prevent possible effects of the critical changes.

1.2. Scope
In the first part of the project, which is protocol based on the star topology [4], the
sensor nodes only need to communicate with the gateway, not each other. The gateway
takes the data packets from every node, construct them and send data to the database.
In the second part, which uses the LEACH protocol [2], firstly the sensor nodes
choose cluster heads. Each sensor nodes group has a CH and sends data to it, the
CHs does not make measurements. After a while the CHs should change dynamically,
the sensor nodes chooses some other nodes as CHs. Then, CHs take data from sensor
nodes, construct them (CHs clarify or ignore mistaken or corrupted data) and send the
packets to the gateway. The gateway also checks the packets, construct the data, then
send them to the database.
The web application part is common in the two parts. User logs into the web
page, can see all the greenhouses belongs to his/her, chooses one of them. Then, the
new page shows the instant measurements, user can choose past data, compare data,
some statistics. Furthermore, there is information about sensor nodes’ health status
such as battery levels, signal qualities, percentage of erroneous packets. About the
measurements and ratio of the dead sensors, there are different thresholds for different
greenhouses, if one of these thresholds is exceeded, the user keeps informed about
them via e-mail and/or SMS.

1.3. Definitions and Abbreviations

WSN: Wireless Sensor Network
GWSN: Greenhouse Wireless Sensor Network
CH: Cluster Head
LEACH: Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy
IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

1.4. References

[1] IEEE Std 830-1998: IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements

[2] Heinzelman, WRH, Chandrakasan, AC, & Balakrishnan, HB. (2000). Energy-efficient
communication protocol for wireless microsensor networks

[3] Ahonen, TA, Virrankoski, RV, & Elmusrati, ME. Greenhouse monitoring with wireless
sensor network.

[4] Greenhouse guide. (Referred 28 11 2010). [Online]. Available:

[5] M. Mancuso and F. Bustaffa, “A Wireless Sensors Network for Monitoring

Environmental Variables in a Tomato Greenhouse,” presented at 6th IEEE International
Workshop on Factory Communication Systems in Torino, Italy, June 28-30, 2006

[6] USB Gateway Interface Data Sheet(Referred 29.11.2010)[Online].Available:

[7] H. Liu, Z. Meng and S. Cui, “ A Wireless Sensor Network Prototype for Environmental
Monitoring in Greenhouses,” presented at Wireless Communications, Networking and
Mobile Computing 2007 (WiCom 2007), International Conference on 21-25 Sept. 2007
Page(s): 2344 – 2347.

2. Overall Descriptions

2.1. Product Perspective

In this project, there are three main tasks to be accomplished. Firstly,

programming the sensor nodes, then programming the gateway, where all the
information is gathered from the sensor nodes, and lastly informing the manager of the
greenhouse with the information at the gateway, via both a user friendly web site and
sending SMS.

Programming the Sensor Nodes:
It involves periodically measuring the temperature, light and humidity levels and
sending these measurements to the gateway. However, this task should be completed
in such a way that the sensor nodes use least possible energy. Thus, in this task, we
will be implementing power conservative routing algorithms for sensor networks [7].
Programming the Gateway:
This task consists of three major operations. Firstly, if there is an error in the data
coming from the sensor nodes, fix it. Then, consolidate the data. Lastly, save the data to
an SQL database on the computer which the gateway is connected.
Develop a web application:
This application will provide a user friendly interface to the greenhouse manager,
such that the manager will be able to see meaningful information about his/her
greenhouse almost instantly. The manager will also be able to see the past information
and the comparisons of them with the current information.

Figure 1 - Wireless Sensor Network

Figure 2 - Star Topology

Figure 3 - LEACH Protocol

2.2. Product Functions
● Accurately measuring the environment’s temperature, light and humidity.
● Transmitting the measured data to the gateway.
● Evaluating the data and warning the user in an unexpected situation.
● Storing the collected data in a database.
● Making it reachable through a user friendly website.

2.3. User Characteristics

The users are greenhouse managers who are supposed to have domain
knowledge, such as knowing the optimal and critical temperature, light and humidity
levels for specific crops. Other than that basic computer knowledge will be enough.

2.4. Constraints
The most important constraint is hardware related. Generally, a WSN consists of
hundreds or maybe thousands of sensors. We will not be able to test our software on
such a level since we have 30 Processor/radio boards and 20 Sensor boards for
this project. However, these are absolutely enough for proof of concept

2.5. Assumptions and Dependencies

No assumptions are made.

2.6. Apportioning Requirements

Some enhancement to the LEACH protocol or an entire new protocol can be
made after final product is finished. Except from defined website, some design and
functionality for the website can be delayed.

3. System Requirements

3.1. Interface Requirements

The gateway and sensors will be programmed using MIB520CB IRIS / MICA
USB PC Interface. This interface is specified in [6].

3.2. Functional Requirements

3.2.1. Programming the Sensor Nodes Introduction/Purpose

Sensor nodes are programmed according to two different routing protocols. First
one is the LEACH protocol and the second one is a protocol based on star topology.
The algorithms identify sensor nodes’ communications with gateway or/and each other.
Since the implementation of the second protocol is less complicated compared to
the implementation of LEACH protocol, firstly, we will be implementing it in order to gain
experience with sensor nodes. Then, we will implement the LEACH protocol.
Communication between the sensor nodes and the base station is expensive, and there
are no “high-energy” nodes through which communication can proceed. Therefore,
automated methods of combining or aggregating the data into small set of meaningful
information, combining several unreliable data measurements to produce a more
accurate signal by enhancing the common signal, and reducing the uncorrelated noise
is required. In addition to these, LEACH is able to distribute energy dissipation evenly
throughout the sensors, doubling the useful system lifetime for the network [5].
In LEACH implementation, some of the sensor nodes will be CHs, which will
have direct communication with the gateway, and the other sensors will communicate
with the gateway through these CHs. The clusters and the CHs will be decided
dynamically in all given time intervals. Each node makes its decision about whether to

be a cluster-head independently of the other nodes in the network and thus no extra
negotiation is required to determine the CHs. Stimulus/Response sequence

Since the implementation of the sensor nodes in star topology based protocol
and LEACH protocol are fairly different from each other, the stimulus/response
sequences of them will be examined separately. Stimulus/Response Sequence for Sensor Nodes in Star Topology

Based Protocol
● The sensors measure at regular intervals and send the data to the gateway.
● Then the sensor sleeps until the next time it sends data to gateway.
● Loops forever. Stimulus/Response sequence for Sensor Nodes in LEACH

● Some of the sensor nodes elect themselves as CH for this round (There are
some constraints and randomization algorithm about who can elect itself as a
● Each node that elects itself a cluster-head for the current round broadcasts an
advertisement message to the rest of the nodes
● The non-cluster-head nodes must keep their receivers on during this phase of
set-up to hear the advertisements of all the cluster-head nodes
● Each non-CH decides the cluster to which it will belong for this round and informs
the CHs that it is a member of that cluster (This decision is based on the received
signal strength of the advertisement).
● The CHs receive all the messages for sensor nodes that would like to be
included in the cluster. Based on the number of nodes in the cluster, the CHs
create a schedule telling each sensor node when it can transmit.
● The CHs must keep its receiver on to receive all the data from the nodes in the
cluster , however , the non-CH nodes can sleep for the next time it sends data to

CH. Then, CHs send compressed and consolidated data, which is free of error,
to gateway. The data also includes the total number of alive sensor nodes
associated with this CH.
● After each election, CHs put battery level information of each sensor to the
● After a certain amount of time, which is determined a priori, the next round
begins with each node determining if it should be a CH for this round and
advertising this information.
● Loops forever. Associated functional requirements Functional requirement 1

Accurately measuring the environment’s temperature, light and humidity. Functional requirement 2
Sending the data to the gateway. Functional requirement 3
Sending the battery level information.

3.2.2. Programming the Gateway Introduction/Purpose of feature

Gateway gets data coming from any sensor nodes (CHs for LEACH), and checks
the data. If there is not any problem about the measurements, and packets, data is
saved to an SQL database. Otherwise, if the data is unrealistic, packet is corrupted or a
sensor does not send any packets, gateway handles the problems in different ways.

12 Stimulus/Response sequence Stimulus/Response sequence for Star Topology Based Protocol

of the Gateway
● Gateway gets the data at any time.
● Then, gateway checks the data, if there is not any problematic data, saves it to
an SQL database.
● If there is some problematic data, gateway handles it. There could be 3 possible
problematic data types. Firstly, the data could be unrealistic, such that the
temperature is 200 C degrees. Secondly, the data that should have come may
not have been received. In both cases, greenhouse manager is informed, for the
repeated occurrences. (i.e. if the total number of working sensor nodes goes
below a threshold). Thirdly, the data packet that has been received may be
corrupted (i.e. missing bytes in the packet). In this case, the gateway discards
that packet.
● Loops forever. Stimulus/Response sequence for LEACH Protocol of the Gateway

● Gateway gets the data at any time.
● Then, the gateway further checks the data, which has already been checked at
the CHs. If there is not any problematic data, saves the data to an SQL
● If there is a problematic data, the gateway handles it. There could be 1 possible
problematic data type. The data packet, that has been received, may be
corrupted (i.e. missing bytes in the packet). The gateway discards that packet.
● Loops forever. Associated functional requirements Functional requirement of Programming the Gateway -1

Getting the data coming from the CHs/sensor nodes.

13 Functional requirement of Programming the Gateway -2
Consolidating the data and saving them to an SQL database.

3.2.3. Developing Web Application Introduction/Purpose of feature

Greenhouse managers can choose one of their greenhouses, and see the instant
measurements. Furthermore, the managers can see the past measurements, averages,
and comparisons. If there is an abrupt change in the measurements (temperature,
humidity, light), manager would be informed via e-mail and/or SMS. User can view the
battery levels, signal qualities, percentage of erroneous packets of the sensor nodes.
Moreover, when the dead sensor nodes ratio exceeds a threshold, the manager is
informed via an e-mail and/or an SMS. The aim is to provide real-time greenhouse
environment observation to the managers. Stimulus/Response sequence

● User shall log in to the main page with User ID and Password, to see his/her
greenhouse list.
● User shall click one of the greenhouses, then the new page loads, on which,
instant temperature, humidity and lightening measurements are shown.
● User shall enter a date, and see the average measurements for the date, can
make some comparisons.
● User shall check the health statuses of the sensor nodes, such as their battery
levels, signal qualities.
● User is informed via an e-mail and/or an SMS when the ratio of dead sensor
nodes exceeds a threshold. Associated functional requirements Functional requirement of Web Application - 1

Showing the greenhouses list for the user.

14 Functional requirement of Web Application - 2
Showing the instant and past measurements, their comparisons, and health
statuses of sensor nodes, of the chosen greenhouse. Functional requirement of Web Application - 3
Sending an alert message to the user via e-mail or SMS, whenever the instant
measurements or the ratio of dead sensor nodes exceeds a threshold.

3.5. Software System Attributes / Non-Functional Requirements

3.5.1. Reliability
A reliable network protocol is one that provides reliability properties with
respect to the delivery of data to the intended recipient. The protocol we
implement will be reliable in terms of data accuracy and time accuracy. Data accuracy
is checked to make sure sensors do not send wrong data. Time accuracy is achieved by
programming the hardware, sensor nodes.

3.5.2. Availability
The web interface and SMS request interface will always be available. For
network to be available, batteries of sensors should be replenished when 50% of the
network is unavailable.

3.5.3. Security
The only security constraint will be user information security. Greenhouse
managers will be able to choose sharing or not sharing their data. Also, when the user
does not remember his log in password, a request for a new password can be made.
Since an attack to the greenhouse network is not expected we do not need to
implement security constraints on the network.

3.5.4. Maintainability
After some time, the batteries of sensors will run out. The power a sensor
consumes is inversely proportional to the square of distance to the gateway. In star
topology, this will cause farther sensors to go down sooner than the closer sensors. In
LEACH topology, batteries will almost finish at the same time. In our case, batteries
should be replaced yearly.

3.5.5. Portability
Though there are portability issues with embedded programming, the code
written for sensors will be mostly portable, being written in nesC. There are no issues
with the other parts of the project.

3.5.6. Performance
The project mostly focuses on energy consumption and availability of the network
as a whole. Therefore, the performance is not the most important constraint.
Performance is mostly not considered for the sake of power saving.

4. Object Data Model

4.1. Data Description

The data collected from sensors are stored in an SQL database. These data includes
temperature, humidity, light measurements, battery condition and erroneous data transmission
rates of each sensor node, and broken or dead sensor information. In order to implement a
robust system an object data model system for the database is needed.

4.1.1. Data Objects

Figure 4 - Data Objects

4.1.2. Complete Data Model and Relationships

Since there are a few data objects in this project, the complete data model is
equivalent to this single level relation among the objects.

Figure 5 - Complete data model and relationships

4.1.3. Data Dictionary

isAlive: Boolean value which keeps the information whether the sensor is alive.
UserId: A unique id for each greenhouse manager.
GreenHouseId: A unique id for each greenhouse.
SensorId: A unique id for each sensor node.

5. Behavioral Models and Description

5.1. Description for software behavior

Figure 6 – Data flow diagram of greenhouse monitoring with WSN

A prototype greenhouse monitoring system will be implemented using wireless

sensor networks. Pre-programmed sensor nodes will be placed in several points of a
greenhouse. These sensors will periodically measure the temperature, light and
humidity levels inside the greenhouse and send this information to the main server in a
remote control center. When a critical change in the temperature, humidity or light level
is detected, the greenhouse manager will be notified via e-mail or cell phone text

5.2. State Transition Diagrams

Figure 7 – Data flow diagram for Star Topology Protocol

Star topology includes a single hop to the gateway. Gateway serves to

communicate between nodes. Nodes cannot send data to each other directly. Its
advantages are the lowest power consumption and easily scalable. On the other hand,
there are some disadvantages that cannot be ignored. It is not very reliable as one point
of failure and in addition to this, there is no alternate communication paths.

Figure 8 - Data flow diagram of LEACH protocol

Sensors elect themselves to be local cluster-heads at any given time with a

certain probability. These cluster-head nodes broadcast their status to the other sensors
in the network. Each sensor node determines to which cluster it wants to belong by
choosing the cluster-head that requires the minimum communication energy. Once all
the nodes are organized into clusters, each cluster-head creates a schedule for the
nodes in its cluster. This allows the radio components of each non-cluster-head node to
be turned off at all times except during its transmit time, thus minimizing the energy
dissipated in the individual sensors. Once the CH has all the data from the nodes in its
cluster, the cluster-head node aggregates the data and then transmits the compressed
data to the gateway.

6. Planning

6.1. Team Structure

We are 4 people working on this project: F.Aybike Avşaroğlu, Osman Kaya, Esra
Gariboğlu and Önder Kalacı. We are all senior students at Middle East Technical
University, Computer Engineering department.
6.2. Basic Schedule

December 5th SRS completion

January SDD completion and learning the tools

February Start of star topology based protocol implementation

March Finishing and testing the star topology based protocol


March Start of LEACH protocol.

April Finishing the phase and testing.

April Implementing the website and other user interface tools.

May Final testing and finishing the project.

6.3. Process Model

Our process model is the “Waterfall Model”, since we distinguished all the
development phases such as requirements analysis and definition, system and software
design, implementation and testing. The documentations will be produced at each
phase. This document is the first one, for the requirements analysis.

Figure 9 - Waterfall Process Model


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