Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung

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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung




Yurika Novalia1, Akhmad Sutiyono2, Sri Wahyuningsih3

STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract: The research was aimed to know the influence of Critical Debate technique
towards students’ speaking ability and to know whether or not the average score of
students’ speaking ability which is taught by using Critical Debate technique is higher
than which is taught through Dialogue Memorzing. In conducting This research, the
writer used quasi experimental method. The population in this research was the
students at the second semester of eleventh grade at SMA N 5 Bandar Lampung, 214
students in 6 classes. The sample of this research was two classes, One class was XI
MIPA 4 as experimental there were 35 students, and another class was XI MIPA 3 as
the control class there were 35 students. In determining the sample, the writer used
cluster random sampling technique. In collecting the data, the writer used picture to
assess students’ speaking ability. The test consisted of 5 pictures with 10 backup
questions. In analyzing the data the writer used t test formula. Based on the data
analysis, the students who were taught by using Critical Debate technique get higher
score than those who were taught by using Dialogue Memorizing. It can be seen from
calculating of the result of the hypothesis testing and average score of the
experimental class that was higher than the control class. The average score of
experimental class is 70.8 and the average score of control class is 50.28. it also can be
seen at the significant level 0.01 and 0.05 the t test is higher than ttable(ttest > ttable ), that is
25,5> 2,40, for significant level 0.01 and 25,5> 1,67 for significant level 0.05. Therefore,
Critical Debate technique is effective technique which can be used by the teacher to
improve students' speaking ability.

INTRODUCTION understood well. Speaking is one of the

skills to be mastered which functions to
Speaking is an act of making vocal sounds. carry out conversation with others, give the
It is a means to converse or expressing idea and to exchange the information with
one’s thoughts and feelings in spoken others. Speaking is important for them to
language. To speak often implies conveying practice their capability and their
information. It means through speaking understanding, how to send idea, and how
people can communicate with others to to spell word well.
achieve certain goals or to express their
opinions, intentions, hopes and viewpoints. In learning and teaching process, teacher
The main objective of speaking is to and students communicate directly by
communicate. Communication is a sending speaking, so that teacher and students
and receiving of massage or news between need to have a good communication to
two or more people, so the message is convey their meaning easily. Speaking gives

the students opportunity to express their they are shy to pronounce it well. In
ideas, feelings, and information with addition, the students rarely use English in
others. During the learning process, their activity, they cannot reply when the
students are expected to participate teacher ask them in English. The fourth
actively in order to be able to speak problem relates to the limited teaching
naturally. techniques used in teaching speaking. In
this case, both of students’ ability of
Critical Debate is the way to development English and teaching technique in learning
the students in learning speaking. By activity influence them in learning English
applying Critical Debate, teacher can especially speaking.
increase the students’ motivation, enhance
research skills, promote critical thinking, Regarding the explanation above, the
and develop communication proficiency. writer is interested to apply Critical Debate
On the other hand, the debate exposes the as a technique in teaching speaking to
class to a focused, in depth, multiple- know whether it can influence students’
perspective analysis of issues. Critical speaking ability. Therefore, the writer will
debate has the added dimension of conduct the research entitle ‘The Influence
requiring students to assume a position of Critical Debate toward Students’
opposite to their own; they encourage Speaking Ability at the Eleventh Grade of
students to challenge their existing SMA Negeri 5 Bandar Lampung in
assumptions. This can move students 2018/2019.
beyond simple dualistic thinking, deepen
their understanding of an issue, and help The objective the research is to know
them to recognize the range of perspective whether there is or not an influence of
inherent in complex topics. In this case, Critical Debate technique towards students’
critical debate may also build appreciation speaking ability.
for diversity and develop for other
viewpoints. THEORIES

Based on the preliminary research at SMA 2.1.1 Speaking

Negeri 5 Bandar Lampung the writer
found that the students faced some Speaking is a communicative and
problems when they speak in English. The productive skill because it aims at assisting
first problem relates to the students’ students in interacting with others.
vocabulary mastery. Most of them did not Speaking gives the students opportunity to
know English words when they are going express their ideas, feelings, and
to say something by using English. In information with others. Speaking has
addition, low proficiency of vocabulary important contribution for students
used also influence students in because through speaking students can
understanding the meaning of spoken convey what their ideas and what their
language. The second problem is students wishes. Thornbury (2005:1) says that
have limited knowledge of English “Speaking is so much part of daily life that
grammar. Students will be able to construct we take it for granted”. It means that
English sentences, if they understand speaking is the daily activity that happen in
English grammar well, because of English our life. It can influence our life in intereact
grammar contain about the role of with each other. Furthermore, Nunan in
sentence structure. The third problem is Maximillian and Ajeng (2014:1) states that
due to the students’ interest in learning “Speaking is the same as oral interaction
speaking. Based on the factor above, which are conventional ways of speaking
students think that English is difficult information, expressing our idea, and
subject. Therefore, they feel that learning thought have in our mind”. It means that
English is bored and they feel afraid to speaking is a tool to convey our idea or
express their own idea. The students giving information. Richards (2008:19)
cannot pronounce the English words well; states that “Speaking is an activity used by
someone to communicate with other”. In instruction to (a person): give a person
this case, speaking is important in daily life (knowledge skill, so on), while speaking
to give information or knowledge, means to make use of words in a ordinary
expressing her or his feeling and idea. voice”. It means that speaking is giving
“Speaking is the verbal use of language to instruction to other person use ordinary
communicate with other (Fulcher, voice. The aim of teaching speaking to build
2003:23)”. In line with this theory on students’ dexterity in talking (Hughes in
speaking is a tool to communicate with Desta, 2017:37-46). Teaching speaking is to
other orally. In our daily life, we produce provide knowledge to students in the form
thousand words to convey our ideas, of communication to the target audience
information or knowledge we have known through voice system of the mouth. As
orally and it cannot be separated from our stated by Brown & Yule in Hasanah et.al
daily life. (2013: 87-96) “The main goal of teaching
speaking is to make students enable to
There are functions of speaking stated by express himself in the target language”. It
Richard in Wahyuni (2014:18); "The first means that in teaching speaking the
speaking use for interaction with someone, students should be more active so they can
the second on is speaking as transaction express themselves. In addition, Hughes in
refers to situations where the focus is on Hasanah et.al (2013:87-96) states that
what is said, and the third is speaking that “Objective of teaching spoken language is
can usefully be distinguished has been the development of the ability to interact
called speaking as performance”. Based on successfully in that language and that
the theory above, speaking as interaction involves comprehension as well and
refers to what we normally mean by production”. In this case, the teacher
“conversation” and describes interaction should know the technique which can
that serve as social function. When people appropriate with the classroom and can
meet, they exchanges greetings engage make interesting environment, so the
small talk because they wish to be friendly students can feel enjoy during the lesson.
and to establish a comfortable zone of According to Hornby in Agung (2012 :13)
interaction to other and speaking as “Teaching means giving the instruction to
performance refers to public speaking that (a person): give a person (knowledge, skill,
transmits information before an audience, etc). While speaking means to make use of
such as classroom presentations, public words in an ordinary voice.” It means that
announcement and speeches. teaching speaking is the way for teacher to
teach their students to produce the English
From the explanation above the writer can speech sounds and sounds patterns.
conclude that speaking is one of the skills
in which the speaker is asked to produce Teaching speaking is giving instruction to
utterances orally to create a students in order to comminucate. The goal
communication with other people. It is of teaching speaking is to communicate
considered as an important skill in efficiency. Students should be able to make
communication to express and convey the themselves understood, using their current
ideas, meaning, information, one’s thoughts proficiency to the fullest. They should try
in spoken language and it cannot be to avoid confusion in the message due to
separated from human life. faulty pronunciation, grammar or
vocabulary, and to observe the social and
cultural rules that apply in each
communication situation. As stated by
Nunan (2003: 3-4) states that “Teaching
speaking involved providing students with
2.1.2 Teaching Speaking the components of language, in hopes that
they would eventually put them all
According to Hornby in Maximillian and together and speak”.
Ajeng (2014:3) “Teaching means giving the

Moreover, Louma in Wahyuni (2014: 14) talking and the teacher should understand
states that “Speaking skills are important the principle of teaching speaking in
part of the curriculum in language teaching teaching learning process. According to
and this makes them as important object of Nunan (2003:54) there are five principles
assessment as well”. It means that of teaching speaking, as follow:
speaking skill has big influence in teaching
learning process and it must be mastered 1. Be aware of the differences between
by students. second language and foreign
According to Nunan in Maximillian and language leaning contexts. It means
Ajeng (2014:4) what is meant by teaching that the teacher should know the
speaking is to teach English language differences when he or she teach
learners to: English lesson. They should know
how to teach English as a second
language and how to teach English as
1) Produce the English speech sounds a foreign language. Teach English as a
and sound patterns foreign language, it means that the
2) Use words and sentence stress, teacher should give the attention
intonation patterns and the rhythm more for students in classroom
of the second language. because in foreign language do not
3) Select appropriate words and use the language for communication
sentences according to the proper in the society.
social setting, audience, situation and 2. Give students practice with both
subject matter. fluency and accuracy. It means that in
4) Organize their thoughts in a teaching learning process the teacher
meaningful and logical sequence. cannot interrupting the students to
5) Use language as means of expressing correct their error orals, so here the
values and judgements. teacher gives the students freedom to
6) Use the language quickly and speak English and teacher must
confidently with few unnatural provide students with fluency-
pauses, which called fluency. building practice and realize that
making mistakes is a natural part of
Based on the explanation above, the writer learning a new language.
can be concluded that teaching speaking is 3. Provide opportunities for students to
process which the teacher give instruction talk by using group work pair work,
by orally in teaching learning process. In and limiting teacher talk. It means
teaching speaking the teacher should make that when teacher using group work
the students more active in speaking or pair work in teaching learning
English. Moreover, the teacher should know speaking process it will make the
the condition and atmosphere of the students more active to speak
classroom so the students enjoy in learning English with their friends and it will
teaching process. make the teacher have not a lot of to
2.1.3 Principle of Teaching Speaking 4. Plan speaking tasks that involve
negotiation for meaning. Negotiation
The goal of teaching speaking skills is for meaning, it means that the
communicative efficiency. Learners should students make progress by
be able to make themselves understood, communication because interaction
what they are talking. They should try to necessarily involves trying to
avoid confusion in the message due to understand and make their-self
faulty pronunciation, grammar, or understood. It involves checking to
vocabulary, and to observe the social and see if you’ve understood what
cultural rules that apply in each someone has said, clarifying your
communication situation, in addition the understanding, and confirming that
students should understand what they are someone has understood your
meaning. By asking fro clarification, express idea well, it shows that she
repetition, or explanations during or he have a good comprehension.
conversations, learners get the 2. Vocabulary
people they are speaking. People can not communicate
5. Design classroom activities that effectively or express their ideas both
involve guidance and practice in both orally and in written form if they do
transactional and interactional not have enough vocabulary since
speaking. Interactional speech vocabulary means that suitable
involves communicating to get articulation which is used to
something done, including the communicate.
exchange of good and/or services. It 3. Grammar
means that the teacher should make Grammar is needed for students in
classroom activities to practice order to arrange a correct sentence
transactional and interactional in conversation. Heaton (1978)
speaking so, the students can know explains that it is important for
the different both. students to use a correct structure
and appropriate grammatical in
According to Brown (2001:275-276) there speaking. The function of grammar is
are some principles foe designing speaking also used to learn the correct way in
techniques as follow: order to gain expertise in a language
1. Use techniques that cover the in oral and written form.
spectrum of learners, from language 4. Pronunciation
based focus on accuracy to message- Pronunciation is the way of
based focus on interaction, meaning, producing certain sounds. In process
and fluency. of communication, students need to
2. Provide intrinsically motivating able to pronounce and produce
techniques. phonemes clearly and correctly in
3. Encourage the use authentic order to avoid misunderstanding.
language in meaningful contexts. They must be able to articulate
4. Provide appropriate feedback and words and create the physical sounds
correction. that carry the correct meanings.
5. Capitalize on the natural link 5. Fluency
between speaking and listening. The last component in speaking is
6. Give students opportunities to fluency. Riddel (2001) stated that
initiate oral communication. fluency is the ability to speak freely
7. Encourage the development of without too much stopping and
speaking strategies. hesitating. Similarly, Gower, et al.
(1995) believed that fluency can be
thought as the ability to keep
2.1.4 Compenent of Speaking speaking spontaneously. When
students speak fluently, they should
To know that the students have good be able to get the message from the
speaking, the teacher should know the speaker resources and the abilities
component of speaking. According to they have learned, regardless of
Syakur in Mizra, Asrifal (2016:9) that there grammatical or other mistakes
are five components of speaking as follows:
1. Comprehension According Venderkevent in Maximillian and
Comprehension focused on students’ Ajeng (2014:2) there are three components
understanding of conversation and it in speaking, as follows:
measures how much explanations a. The speakers; speakers are people
are required to understand students’ who produce the sound
responses. In other word, it means b. The listeners; listeners are people
that if a person can answer or who receive or get the speaker’s
opinion or feeling

c. The utterances; the utterances are tool for learning analytic thinking skills,
words or sentences, which are thus students are asked to find their own
produced by the speaker to state the idea for a topic that relates to the material,
opinion. and then student can deliver their own
ideas to other students in class.
2.1.5 Critical Debate
Based on the explanation above, the writer
Debate is process of presenting idea or concluded that debate is competition of
opinion which two opposing parties try to argument or ideas or opinion involving
defend their idea or opinion. According to critical thinking process and speaking skill
Barkey, et.al (2005:126), “Debates can in which there are two opposing parties
increase motivation, enhance research face to face and each other defend their
skills, promote critical thinking , and ideas or opinion or argument by rational
develop communication proficiency”. It reason. Debate technique could not
means that critical debates can help overcome the entire students’ problem in
students’ motivation to think critically and speaking, but through debate the students
help student to convey or to communicate were not afraid and more confident to
their ideas proficiency. deliver their opinion and in performing
their speaking. By applying this technique
Debating is formal method of interactive in the classroom, the students who were
and representational argument aimed at passive during teaching and learning
persuading judges and audience. It is a process, being forced to be more active
rhetoric practice in which different because they need to talk to complete their
strategies of logic buildings as well as task. Through debate, the students were
delivery are used to put in the target enthusiast to speak in the class. The
audience to a conclusion on a controversial students can deliver what opinion they
issue. Debating can be used in English have to respond to another opinion. The
foreign language classes as tool to make above description show that debate
students practice skills of English language technique can improve students’ speaking
in real-life situations. Krieger (2005:25) ability especially in accuracy of used the
says that “Debate is an excellent activity for expression of giving opinion and fluency. In
language learning because it engages addition, this technique can help students
students in a variety of cognitive and to overcome their problem of being
linguistic ways. In addition to providing nervous and ashamed
meaningful listening, speaking, and writing
practice, debate is also highly effective for
developing argumentation skills for 2.2 Frame of Thinking
persuasive speech and writing” it means
that by using debate technique in teaching Based on the theory and explanation above,
and learning process, it can help students the writer assumes that speaking is one of
to increase three of four skills in English, the important skill which must be able to
those are speaking, listening, and writing. mastery by the students, but speaking also
Debate ask students to deliver their difficult skill for the students because
argumentation in a variety of cognitive and students should know vocabulary, form the
linguistic ways, it can make students more sentence and how students pronounce it.
easily to increase their speaking. In teaching learning process especially in
Nisbett (2003:210) states “Debate is an speaking skill, the teacher should make the
important educational tool for learning students feel comfortable and enjoy during
analytic thinking skills and for forcing self- the lesson. Here the teacher should know
conscious reflection on the validity of one ’s the condition and atmosphere in the class,
ideas”. It means that when teacher uses so the teacher can choose the technique
this technique in teaching and learning precisely. Teacher should create an
process, it can help teacher to explain the interesting environment, topic, and provide
material easily. It is because debate is as a suitable teaching technique in the
teaching and learning process in order to quickly and cofidently with few unnatural
make students able to speak with good pauses which are called as fluency and to
motivation and good understanding. overcome the problem face in learning
Students will feel fun to learn speaking, if teaching process.
the teacher uses an appropriate technique
to teach them. The teacher, who always METHODOLOGY
uses a conventional technique, will make
students get bored easily. In this case, 3.1 Method of the Research
teachers are suggested to apply some
suitable techniques in speaking class by This research is descriptive quantitative
giving interesting technique. By giving the research. To conduct the research, the
interesting technique, it can make the writer used quasi experimental design.
classroom more active and the atmosphere According to Mackey and Gass (2005:363)
in the classroom will be enjoyable. Thereby, quasi experimental research is a type of
teacher and students can do the teaching experimental research but without random
and learning process easily. There so many assignment of individuals. In doing the
techniques in teaching speaking, one of research, the writer took two classes which
them is Critical Debate. are chosen randomly to know the effect
that occurs from a variable after the
Critical debate is a technique to increase treatment. The writer used two classes in
the students’ speaking ability. This this research. The first is experimental
technique ask the students to be more class in which the writer used Critical
active and thinking deeply, moreover Debate technique in teaching speaking and
Critical Debate technique can improve the second class is a control class in which
students’ confidence because the students the writer used conventional technique in
asked to share their idea or opinion with teaching speaking. The writer applied
their friend in their group of debate. Critical Debate in teaching speaking to
In a Critical Debate, individual students know the effect of Critical Debate towards
select the side of an issue that is contrary students’ speaking
to their own views. They then form teams
and discuss, present, and argue the issue 3.2 Variable of the Research
against an opposing team. Preparing for,
participating in and listening to debates In this research there are two variables, as
offers many benefits to students. Debate follows:
can increase motivation, enhance research 1. The Independent variable is Critical
skill, promote critical thinking, and develop Debate(X)
communication proficiency. Debate expose 2. The Dependent variable is speaking
the class to a focused, in-depth, multiple- ability (Y)
perspective analysis of issues. Because
critical debate have the added dimension of 3.3 Population, Sample, and Sampling
requiring .students to assume a position Technique
opposite to their own, they encourage 3.3.1 Population
students to challenge their existing Population is a group of elements or cases,
assumptions. whether individuals object, or events, that
conform to specific criteria and to which
By using critical debate technique, it can we intend to generalize the result of the
activate the students’ speaking class, research (Mcmilan and Schumacher,
improve the students’ achievement- 2001:169). The population of the research
speaking ability such as to produce the is the eleventh grade students of SMA N 5
English speech sounds and sound pattern, Bandar Lampung in 2018/2019. The detail
to select appropriate words and sentence number of population is shown in the table
according to the proper social setting, to below:
organize their thoughts in meaningful and
logical sequence, to use the language Table of

The Population of the Eighth Grade class and the control class, the writer used
at SMA N 5 Bandar Lampung coin.
In 2018/2019
Tota 3.4 Data Collecting Technique
Name Femal
No Male l
e Heaton (1988:89-96) mentions “There are
1 XI A 1 15 21 36 some techniques that can be used as a
2 XI A 2 16 19 35 speaking test such as reading aloud,
3 XI A 3 13 23 36 conversational exchanges, using picture to
4 XI A 4 13 23 36 assessing oral production, the oral
interview and some other techniques for
5 XI A 5 14 21 35
oral examining like the short talk, group
6 XI A 6 17 19 36 discussion and role playing”. In this
Total 88 126 214 research, the writer used picture to assess
students’ speaking ability. The detail
3.3.2 Sample of Research information of using picture in this
research will be explained in the next
Sample is subject involve in a research. section.
Bacon (2015:34) states that sample is the
respondents selected from population for 3.5 Research Instrument
study. In this research, the writer took two In this part of research instrument, the
classes as the sample of the research. The writer presents about research measuring
first is used as an experimental class in instrument, validity of the test and
which the writer applied Critical Debate in readability of the test.
teaching speaking and the second is control
class in which the writer used conventional 3.5.1 Research Measuring Instrument
technique in teaching speaking.
As has been stated in previous part, the
3.3.3 Sampling Technique writer used picture to assess the students’
speaking ability. The writer used a picture
Walter (2003:170) mention four types of of scene or an incident (Heaton, 1988:92).
probability sampling namely: simple “It can be used for examining the total oral
random sampling, systematic, stratified skills. This section will concentrate to the
sampling and cluster sampling. In this use of pictures for description and
research the writer used cluster random narration”. Based on the explanation
sampling as a technique to take the above, the writer gave the students a
research sample. Walter (2003:174) said picture to study for a few minutes, and then
that “In cluster sampling, the unit of they were asked to discuss their
sampling is a naturally occurring group of argumentation in their group and they
individuals. Cluster sampling is used when conveyed their argumentation, then did the
it is more feasible to select groups of debate with other group
individuals rather than individuals from a
defined population. It means that cluster 3.5.2 Validity of Test
sampling used to specific sample. In cluster
sampling, the writer might draw a random Validity is a judgment of the
sample of the class which used as the appropriateness of a measure for specific
sample of the research. In this case, the inferences, decision, consequences, or uses
writer took two classes randomly as the that result from the scores that are
sample from the population of eleventh generated (Mcmillan and Schumacher
grade of SMA Negeri 5 Bandar Lampung. In 2001:181). The test item was said valid if
addition, to determine the experimental they could investigate the data correctly.
Furthermore, Khotari (2004:74) state that
“One can certainly consider three types of desired behavior stated by Hughes
validity in this connection: content validity, (1989:40). To know the readability of the
criterion related validity and construct item test, the writer gave the item test and
validity”. In this research, to measure command the students to choose one of the
whether the test had good validity or not, picture to discuss with a pairs to express
the writer used content and construct their idea by orally or spoken form. And the
validity. test was evaluated based on grammar,
vocabulary, pronunciation, fluency and
Content Validity comprehension.
Khotari states that “Content validity is the
extent to which a measuring instrument Readability of speaking test contains:
provides adequate coverage of the topic a. Whether the instruction are
under study” (2004:74). It means that the understandable or not
items of the test should present the b. Whether the kind of picture is clear or
material being discussed. not
c. Whether speaking indicators to be
Construct Validity evaluated are clear or not
Therefore Khotari states that “Construct d. Whether the pictures are interesting or
validity is the degree to which scores on a not.
test can be accounted for by explanatory
construct of a sound theory (2004:74). It Readability of the test items:
means that construct validity to the degree a. Do you understand the instruction of
that it confirms to predicted correlations the test?
with other theoretical propositions. Heaton b. Is the kind of the picture test in this test
(1989:161) state that “construct validity is understandable?
capable of measuring certain specific c. Are the speaking indicators to be
characteristics in accordance with a theory evaluated in this test clear?
of language behavior and learning”. It d. Are the topics interesting?
means that construct validity is only To know are the test readable or not, try
measure the ability which should be out is given to order students out of sample
measured. In speaking test have five having the same level as the sample. If the
components or characteristic there are result is more than 75% of respondents
pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, gave “yes” answer to each item of
fluency and comprehension. In this case, readability test. It can be concluded that
the speaking test used in this research the items of speaking test is readable.
could measure the ability of the students
which focus on those five components. The Tb 71,5
oral test is said to have high construct N 35
validity, if each component have high score F 16
although the performance not good. f9
3.5.3 Readability of Test 71,5.
In administering test, it is important to set 4.1 Report of the Research
and determine an understandable
instruction. It is necessary since there have In this part, the writer would like to
been some cases in which students field to explain about the data normality test of
do the test due to their in ability to experimental class, the data of
understand the given instruction. First, the normality test in control class, the
interaction should be clear and explicit.
homogeneity test of variance, and the
Second, it should avoid the supposition that
students all know what is intended. Third, hypothesis test.
the test writer should not rely on the
students’ power of telepathy to elicit the

4.1.1 Data Normality Test of
Experimental Class Data of Frequency Distribution in
The data of experimental class of the Control Class
students who are taught using Critical Class
Class Fre Perc
Debate technique shows that the scores Boun Midp Ta
Limit que enta
are 60 for the lowest score and 80 for the darie oint lly
s ncy ge
highest score. s

The Data of Frequency Distribution in 41.5 III 17.1

40- – 42 II 6 4
Experimental Class
44 44.5 I
Cla 45.5 III 37.1
ss Class – II 4
Midp Ta Frequ Perce
Li Bound 45- 49.5 47 III 13
oint lly ency ntage
mit aries 49 II
60- 61.5 – I 02.85 50.5 III 28.5
62.5 61 1
62 – II 7
50- 52 10
54 54.5 III
63- 64.5 – III 08.57
64 3 II
65 65.5
55.5 III 08.5
66- 67.5 – III 34.28 55- – 57 3 7
68 68.5 II 59 59.5
67 III 12
II 60.5 II 05.7
II 60- – 62 2 1
64 64.5
69- 70.5 – - -
71.5 - - 65.5 I 02.8
65- – 67 1 5
72- 73.5 – III 25.71 69 69.5
74 74.5 II
73 9 35 100
75- 76.5 – III 25.71
77 77.5 II 4.1.3 Result of Homogeneity Test
74 9
78- 79,5 – 79 I 02.85
80,5 1 1. Highest variance that is the value of
standard deviation from control
35 class ( s12 = 17.67)
2. lowest variance that is the value of
standard deviation from
experimental class ( s22 = 37.18)
4.1.2 Data Normality Test of Control
The descriptive analysis of the students F=
who are taught using dialogue memorizing
technique shows that the scores are 40 for
the lowest score and 69 for the highest F=2,10
With the criterion test:
ttest =

Reject H0if Fhit ≥ F α (v1.v2) with V1 = n1- 1 With:

and V2= n2 - 1 and significance level of 0.01 =

and 0.05

For α=0,05 obtained from =

N1 : total number of students of
experimental class
N2 : total number of students of control
34)(34) = 1,74 1 : the average score of experimental
For α=0,01 obtained from = 2 : the average score of control class
S12 : the variance of experimental class
) S22 : the variance of control class
From calculating above, it was got:

=2,21 = 35

After analyzing the normality of the data, = 35

the researcher analyzed th homogeneity of
the data can be seen that Fratio1.80 is lower
than Ftable at significant level 0.05 = 1.74 and
at significant level 0.01 = 2,21. It was done
to know wether the data were =49,86
homogeneous or not. If Fratio is lower that
Ftable at level of significance ⍺ = 0,05 and ⍺ =
0,01, it can be concluded that the data are
= 37,18
4.1.4 Hypothesis Testing
The researcher’s hypothesis in chapter III
is formulated below. Based on applying the
Ttest. There is significant influence of Critical
Debate technique students’Speaking ability. =
To test whether the hypothesis is accepted
or not, the writer uses t-test formula to
analyze the data. The data which are
analyzed in this research are post-test =
scores of the two clasess, experimental
class and control class.
4.1.5 Applying the ttest

The formula of ttest as follows: =

result compared with the control class test
= result.

Statiscally, the hypothesis can be
formulated as Ho Hypothesis
Ho: µ1 = µ1. (it means that there is no
influence of Critical Debate
= 3,32
technique towards students’
Then the result above was included into ttest speaking ability at the
formula as follows: eleventh grade of SMA
Negeri 5 Bandar Lampung
in 2018/2019)
Statiscally, the hypothesis can be
formulated as Alternative Hypothesis
Ha : µ1≠ µ1 (there is an influence of
Critical Debate technique
towards students’
= speaking ability at the
eleventh grade of SMA
Negeri 5 Bandar Lampung
in 2018/2019 )
4.2 Discussion of Research Finding

Based on the preliminary research at SMA

= Negeri 5 Bandar Lampung in 2018/2019,
the writer found that the students faced
some problems when they speak in
English. The first problem relates to the
= students’ vocabulary mastery. Most of them
did not know English words when they are
going to say something by using English. In
addition, low proficiency of vocabulary
= used also influence students in
understanding the meaning of spoken
language. The second problem is students
=25,5 have limited knowledge of English
grammar. Students will be able to construct
The result of the calculation is 25,5 and the
English sentences, if they understand
hypothesis test with the criterion 1
English grammar well, because of English
(α=0,05). It is got grammar contain about the role of
sentence structure. The third problem is
=2,00. So, Ho is accepted and the
due to the students’ interest in learning
hypothesis test with criterion 2(α=0,01), it speaking. Based on the factor above,
students think that English is difficult
is got got =2,40. It
subject. Therefore, they feel that learning
means that Ho is accepted. It can be said English is bored and they feel afraid to
that teaching speaking by using critical express their own idea. The students
debate has positive influence. It can be cannot pronounce the English words well;
known according to the experimental class they are shy to pronounce it well. In
addition, the students rarely use English in
their activity, they cannot reply when the those are speaking, listening, and writing.
teacher ask them in English. The fourth Debate ask students to deliver their
problem relates to the limited teaching argumentation in a variety of cognitive and
techniques used in teaching speaking. In linguistic ways, it can make students more
this case, both of students’ ability of easily to increase their speaking.
English and teaching technique in learning
activity influence them in learning English Nisbett (2003:210) states “Debate is an
especially speaking. In this research the important educational tool for learning
writer focus on the students difficulty to analytic thinking skills and for forcing self-
speak English well, beside that the writer conscious reflection on the validity of one ’s
used Critical Debate to improve students’ ideas”. It means that when teacher uses
speaking ability. this technique in teaching and learning
process, it can help teacher to explain the
Critical Debate is a technique which is material easily. It is because debate is as
developed by Barkley et.al. this technique tool for learning analytic thinking skills,
is a technique to increase students’ thus students are asked to find their own
speaking ability and to ask the students to idea for a topic that relates to the material,
be more active and thinking deeply, and then student can deliver their own
moreover Critical Debate technique can ideas to other students in class
improve students’ confidence because
students asked to share their idea or In this research, the writer used quasi
opinion with their friend in their group of experimental design. According to Mackey
debate. According to Barkey, et.al and Gass (2005:363) quasi experimental
(2005:126), “Debates can increase research is a type of experimental research
motivation, enhance research skills, but without random assignment of
promote critical thinking , and develop individuals. The writer also used picture to
communication proficiency”. It means that assess students’ speaking ability. The
critical debates can help students’ scoring system in speaking test supported
motivation to think critically and help by Harris, D. P (1969:84), and to know the
student to convey or to communicate their normality of the test the writer used
ideas proficiency. liliefors test.

Debating is formal method of interactive Based on the normality and homogeneity

and representational argument aimed at of the data, for the experimental class is got
persuading judges and audience. It is a = 1,0310 for the
rhetoric practice in which different
strategies of logic buildings as well as significance level of 0,01 and also
delivery are used to put in the target
audience to a conclusion on a controversial for the
issue. Debating can be used in English significant level of 0,05. So, Ho is accepted,
foreign language classes as tool to make it means that the data has normal
students practice skills of English language distribution. And for the control class the
in real-life situations. Krieger (2005:25) normality and homogeneity of the data is
says that “Debate is an excellent activity for
language learning because it engages got = 1,0310 for the
students in a variety of cognitive and significance level of 0,01 and also
linguistic ways. In addition to providing
meaningful listening, speaking, and writing = 0,8860. So, Ho is
practice, debate is also highly effective for
developing argumentation skills for accepted, it means that data has normal
persuasive speech and writing” it means distribution. In homogeneity test , it is got
that by using debate technique in teaching
and learning process, it can help students = 1,47 ≤ = 1,80 for the
to increase three of four skills in English,

requiring .students to assume a position
significant level of α= 0,05 and = 1,47
opposite to their own, they encourage
students to challenge their existing
≤ = 2,21 for the significant level of
α=0,01. So, Ho is accepted, it means that
the data have homogenous variance. By using critical debate technique, it can
activate the students’ speaking class,
The last the writer did the hypothesis test, improve the students’ achievement-
result of the calculation is 25,5 and the speaking ability such as to produce the
hypothesis test with the criterion 1 English speech sounds and sound pattern,
(α=0,05). It is got to select appropriate words and sentence
according to the proper social setting, to
=2,00. So, Ho is accepted and the organize their thoughts in meaningful and
hypothesis test with criterion 2(α=0,01), it logical sequence, to use the language
quickly and confidently with few unnatural
is got got =2,40. It pauses which are called as fluency and to
means that Ho is accepted. It can be said overcome the problem face in learning
that teaching speaking by using critical teaching process.
debate has positive influence. It can be
known according to the experimental class In this research the writer concluded that
result compared with the control class test using critical debate has influence and also
result. can improve students’ ability in learning
English especially in speaking ability.
By using critical debate has influence
towards students’ speaking ability, based CONCLUSION
on the equality test of the averages. It was
After analyzing the data, the writer would
got and =2,00 at like to take the conclusion that there is
significant level (0,05) and 2,40 at different in achievement of students’
significant level (0,01). It means that speaking ability between the students who
learn by using critical debate and the
(2,00<25,5>2,40). Beside the student who learn by using conventional
technique at the eleventh grade of SMA
average score was taught by critical debate Negeri 5 Bandar Lampung. The writer can
is higher than the average score by using conclude that:
conventional technique. It was got = 1. There is an influence of Critical Debate
Technique towards students’ speaking
25,5 and =1,67 at significant level ability at the eleventh grade of SMA
Negeri 5 Bandar Lampung in
(0,05) and 2,40 at significant level (0,01). 2018/2019. It can be seen at the
significant level 0,01 and 0,05 the ttest
In a Critical Debate, individual students is higher than ttable(ttest > ttable ), that is
select the side of an issue that is contrary 25,5> 2,40, for significant level 0.01
to their own views. They then form teams and 25,5> 1,67 for significant level
and discuss, present, and argue the issue 0.05. Therefore, Critical Debate
against an opposing team. Preparing for, technique is effective technique which
participating in and listening to debates can be used by the teacher to improve
offers many benefits to students. Debate students' speaking ability.
can increase motivation, enhance research 2. The average score of students’
skill, promote critical thinking, and develop speaking ability who learn through
communication proficiency. Debate expose Critical Debate is higher than students
the class to a focused, in-depth, multiple- who learn through conventional
perspective analysis of issues. Because technique. by using Critical Debate
critical debate have the added dimension of
Technique, it can improve students’ Lombok Timur in 2011/2012. Faculty
speaking ability especially in accuracy Education Sebelas Maret University.
of used the expression of giving
opinion and fluency. It can be seen Kothari, C.R. (2004). Research
from calculating of the average score Methodology: Methods and Techniques. New
result of the experimental class that Delhi: New Age International.
was higher than the control class. The
average score of experimental class is Kothari, C.R.(2004). Research Methedology:
70.8 and the average score of control Methods and Techniques. New Delhi: New
class is 50.28. In addition, this Age International.
technique can help students to Li, Wei. (2011). Validity Considerations in
overcome their problem of being
Designing an Oral Test .2011 ACCADEMY
nervous and ashamed.
PUBLISHER, Vol.2, No.1, hal267-269,
January 2011.
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