Levels of Mathematical Anxiety of Senior High Students in Statistics Inparada National High School

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A Quantitative Research
Presented to the Faculty of
Senior High School
Parada National High School

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for


Azucena, Federico N.
Bonabon, GeiselleA.
Gabrintina, JosuaA.
Sim, Angeline A.
Tuason, Alex V.

Grade 12- SELENIUM

Oct 2019
Chapter 1

Math is all around us, it is the building block for everything in

our daily lives including money, science, architectures, or even

sports.Not every person likes math. In truth, a few people report

pressure, trepidation, and dread when looked with the need to perform

numerical errands as a piece of regular life. But what if a person is

suffering from math anxiety? As we all know math anxiety is a

phenomenon in which a person is experiencing extreme nervousness

and tension when facing a problem that involves solving numerical and

mathematical problems.

The researchers also experienced math anxiety, it feels so tense

and anxious when performing or solving mathematical problems,

there’s this thought that we won’t be able to perform well because of

the pressure we feel. As anybody may anticipate, these very math

nervous individual perform more inefficient on math related

assignments compared to those with low math uneasiness. Regardless,

researchers are searching for ways to solve this problem and help

those with math anxiety overcome their fear of math.

Background of the Study

The students academic performance plays an important role in

producing the best quality graduates and manpower for a country.

Therefore, students performance occupies a very important place in

education as well as in learning process (Ali et.al 2009)

Academic performance is the extent to which the student,

teacher or institution has achieved their short or long-term educational

goals, cumulative GPA and completion of educational benchmarks such

as senior high school diplomas and bachelor degrees represent

academic achievement.

This U.K Publication studied the levels of statistics and

mathematics anxiety found within undergraduate students, with and

without dyslexia, in addition to examining their overall mental health

71% of students where psychology majors, while 13% where nursing

majors; both requiring a certain level of understanding of mathematics

and statistics.The study found that while all of the students seemed to

have similar state of mental health those dyslexia showed higher

levels of math anxiety than those without it. The aspect of diagnosis

was also taken into consideration when looking at confidence levels of

those who were aware of the problems that their dyslexia may cause

them in the classroom.This study stresses the importance of university

staff keeping an eye out of correlation between students with dyslexia

and elevated math anxiety. (Jewett, 2017)

Significance of the Study

Administration. This study will benefit the administration for

having a basis for the future implementations or guidelines of

programs that will help the situations of students having math anxiety.

Teachers. For the teacher's to be aware that there are some

situations like math anxiety to their students for them to have an idea

and understand the situations of some students.

Students. To be inform that there are some factors to be

considered in having this kind of situation.

Parents. For parents to be aware also that as a parent they will

help their sons/daughters having this kind of situations and they can

help through continuous support.

Researchers. For researchers to be inform that the

mathematical anxiety is the one giving them difficulty to make their

decisions in mathematics class.

Theoretical Framework

Deficit Theory

In education, we often talk about the deficit perspective—defining

students by their weaknesses rather than their strengths. Deficit

theory takes this attitude a step further, suggesting that poor people

are poor because of their own moral and intellectual deficiencies

(Collins, 1988).

Conceptual Framework

Participants Profile

*Gender Mathematics Anxiety Rating *Handbooks to overcome math

*Students GPA in General Scale(MAR-S) anxiety
*Level of Students Math *Reduced math anxiety and
Anxiety improved math performance

Figure of paradigm of a Mathematical Anxiety of Grade 11 Students in

General Mathematics in Parada National High School.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of the study is to determine the relation of

mathematics and anxiety of students in Parada Senior High School.

Specifically, it sought answers to ;

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of :

1.1 Gender

1.2 SHS Strand

1.3 Grade of the student in Statistics

2. How do the following mental health factors relate to the students

mathematics performance :

2.1 Self-Esteem

2.2 Feelings

2.3 Difficult Behavior

3. How do these environmental factors contribute to students

mathematical anxiety?

3.1 Experience in teacher

3.2 Experience in families

Research Hypotheses

There is no significant relation about levels of mathematical

anxiety and performance of the students in Parada National High

Definition of Terms

Mathematical Anxiety- A type of anxiety that a student have when

they are on mathematics class.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The coverage of this study is to determine the relationship of

statistics mathematical anxiety and performance of 100 senior high

school students in Parada National High School each strand under

General Academic Strand and Accountancy Business and Management

in the second semester of the academic year 2019-2020.The

researcher only uses one method of gathering data which is survey.

Although the researchers reached its goal there are some

limitation. First of all the respondents the students are only limited for

senior high school students of Parada National High School.

The sample size of this research was selected only in the small

size of population which is 100 respondents from senior high school.

The students who are not senior high is not in range at this study.

Another limitation is the limited time of the researchers to conduct this



According to the organization of (NCTM, 2014) emphasizing the

importance of mathematics has set forth Principles to Actions - the

conditions, structures, and policies that must exist for all students to

learn mathematics. However, teaching challenging mathematics to

school students gets impeded by mathematics anxiety.

According to (Colquhoun and Bourne, 2012) in 2005, only 62%

of the students who sat the fourthgrade literacy and numeracy

standardized examination performed satisfactorily.

In addition, they posited that less than 40% of local students

failed the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) math test between

the years 2000 and 2009.

According to (Young, Wu, & Menon, 2013) A neuroimaging study

of highly math anxious second and third-graders found increased

activation in areas of the brain associated with fear and reduced

activation of areas associated with mathematical reasoning.

According to (Ramirez, Gunderson, Levine, &Beilock,2014)well

as in a task presenting increasingly difficult math-related word

problems (although only for children with high working memory


(Solowoski and Ansari, 2017) Mathematics could be a necessary

talent that individuals use throughout their lives, like after they travel,

use money, or keep track of your time. Therefore, arithmetic is a vital

talent to be told in school. Sadly, several kids and adults feel stressed

and anxious after they ought to do maths. those who expertise

feelings of stress once two-faced with math-related things could also

be experiencing what's known as “math anxiety.” maths anxiety

affects many of us and is said to poor maths ability in class and later

throughout adulthood. Researchers have studied however maths

anxiety initial seems, what's happening within the brain once folks

expertise maths anxiety, and the way to best facilitate those who

square measure suffering with maths anxiety.


(Philippine Basic Education, 2017) stated that being anxious

concerning science correlates with lower performance in science. This

can be apparently true across completely different countries as

rumored in an exceedingly paper revealed within the journal Current

Directions in science. The negative relationship between anxiety and

performance is, of course, not exclusive to science. In martial arts, for

example, each physical and psychological feature anxiety will turn out

concerning eighty percent discrimination between winners and losers.

a decent martial art master just like the one my kids have

acknowledges the importance of inculcation confidence in martial arts

students. After all, either cooling or closing one's eyes throughout a

match will simply spell defeat. A positive and growth mental attitude is

clearly necessary and a master will this best by example.

Apparently, analysis powerfully suggests a affiliation "between

adult role models and children’s science anxiety and science

achievement". Kids United Nations agency oldsters are anxious

concerning science are possible to exhibit anxiety in science and

youngsters schooled by lecturers who are anxious concerning science

learn less in science.

(Generalao, 2012) stated mathematics needs not to be

stressing, even if it is not easy as perceived by majority, this can still

be appreciated. Enjoyment of the subject relies on its meaningfulness

and dynamics of concept illustrated. It is the essential role of the

teachers to guide and direct the students on getting knowledge, thus

right ground on methods, strategies and techniques must be

considered in giving a comprehensive environment which causes to

arouse the interest and challenge the students to the higher level of

learning mathematical.

According to Nambatac, (2011), among the 41 participant

countries, Filipinos performed poorly in Mathematics. Moreover, it is

reported that Filipino students have poor performance in Science and

Mathematics subjects. In fact, the National Mean Percentage Score in

Math on 2012 was only 48.90 which is described as below the national

standard and the it is among the lowest in the five subjects in the

National Achievement Test (NETRC, 2012). Furthermore, in Magpet

National High School in North Cotabato, it gained the following MPS in

National Achievement Test (NAT) which is administered nationwide

yearly: in SY: 2012- 2013- 61.56, SY: 2013- 2014- 55.26, SY: 2014-

2015- 45.65. Hence, the MPS for Mathematics in 2015 is only 50.55.

As observed in the statistics, the MPS for the past years of the school
were diminishing. The result is below the passing percentage which is

75% and this means that students had difficulty in dealing the subject

which is alarming and recurring situations. Moreover, the study of

(Pagtulon- an and Tan, 2018) states that students perform poorly in

mathematics as reflected in their scores.

Andamon (2015), that mathematics is the second most difficult

subject in both elementary and high school level. Thus, Senator

Angara, chairman of the Senate Committee on Education, Arts and

Culture stressed the insufficiency of competence and skills in

mathematics, science and technology which are the major causes of

the country’s poverty and distress.

Dagaylo-an & Tancinco (2016) concluded that the teaching

approach used by the teachers in Mathematics has nothing to do with

the Math anxiety of the students. Furthermore, they concluded that

there is no significant relationship between the level of mathematics

anxiety and the mathematics performance of the students.


Ayatollah Karimi & S. Venkatesan (2009) Mathematics Anxiety,

Mathematics Performance and Academic Hardiness in High School

Students, International Journal of Educational Sciences. The paper has

demonstrated the connection between Mathematics nervousness,

Mathematics execution and Academic toughness in secondary school

understudies. The example contained 284 (144 guys and 140 females)

tenth grade secondary school understudies from Karnataka state.

Pearson relationship examination and two autonomous examples T-

test are utilized to investigate the information. The outcomes have

uncovered that science uneasiness has huge negative relationship with

arithmetic execution however no critical connection is distinguished

with scholarly solidness. It is likewise discovered that the sex contrasts

in arithmetic tension are critical, while no noteworthy contrasts are

recognized among young men and young ladies in science execution

and scholarly toughness. This investigation has set up the way that the

presentation of understudies in science can be seen by arithmetic

nervousness and females scored somewhat higher on this variable

however this connection has not seen with scholastic toughness.

According to (Aarnos and Perkilla,2012) study mathematics

anxiety can be caused by environmental factor. They stated that

negative experience with parents or teachers in viewing mathematical

might affect their children as negative attitudes and beliefs.

As mentioned by (Nunez-Pena et al. 2013) in their study

assessed that the effect of mathematical anxiety and negative

attitudes towards mathematics in academic performance found that

the students who experienced mathematical anxiety will badly affected

their performance in mathematics.


In the study of (Erin et al. 2012) they demonstrated evidence

that the relation between sex and mathematical anxiety is mediated by

spatial processing ability. In their study, female students have the

higher level of mathematics anxiety. They found out that mathematical

anxiety have different level of mathematical anxiety among male and

female students.

As stated by (Brian and Jeffrey 2012) demonstrated that

emotional self-efficacy appears practical in mitigate the negative

impact of Mathematical Anxiety.

Saileela K, (2012) had conducted “A self-regulation, self efficacy

and attitude towards mathematics of higher secondary students in

relation to achievement”. The purpose of the study was to compare

self-regulation scale, self efficacy scale and attitude towards

mathematics scale in relation to achievement test in mathematics .

Investigator administered to a random sample of 1000 first year

higher secondary students. The result of the study reveals that there is

achievement in mathematics of boys is significantly greater than girls

and there is exists positive and significant correlation between

achievement and self efficacy.

Parvathamma and Sharanamma (2010) had conducted “A study

on anxiety level and level of self- confidence and their relation with

academic achievement”. The objective of the study were to find out

the relation between anxiety level and level of academic achievement

of IX standard students; to find out relation between level of self-

confidence and level of academic achievement of IX standard

students; to find out the difference between anxiety level of boys and

girls students of IX standard; to find out the difference between level

of self-confidence of boys and girls students of IX standard. The

investigator has adopted the tools and personal information data sheet

were administered on the selected sample. The findings of the study

were there is significant co-relation between anxiety and academic

achievement; there is a significant co-relation between self-confidence

and academic achievement; there is a significant difference between

anxiety level of boys and girls; there is a significant difference between

self-confidence levels of boys and girls.

Hlanganipai Ngirande (2014) had investigated “The Exploring

Mathematics Anxiety: Mathematics Students’ Experiences”. The

purpose of this research was to explore students’ mathematics anxiety

levels at a selected tertiary institution in South Africa. The results also

show high levels of mathematics anxiety among female students. The

t-test showed that the mean difference between mathematics anxiety

and gender is significant. Based on the findings of this study, it is

worth noting that mathematics anxiety is one psychological factor that

affects students’ achievement and their general practices.



Research Design

This research is a quantitative descriptive research design.

Descriptive research design is the type of non- probability research

method, that primary focuses on describing the nature of a

demographic segment without focusing on “why” a certain

phenomenon occurs. In the other words, it “describes” the subject of

the research without covering “why” it happens. This design helps the

researchers describe the mathematical anxiety of Grade 11 students in

terms of math performance, socio-demographic profile and mental

health factors by the students of Parada National High School. The

focus of the study is to determine if there is significant relationship

between socio- demographic profile and mathematical anxiety of

Sampling and Participants

The researchers will use stratified sampling to identify the

different strands of respondents. Stratified sampling is a process used

in market research that involves dividing the populations of interest

into smaller group (Foley, 2018).

The researchers will choose Grade 11 students in Senior High

School from different strand, GAS and ABM respectively. The

researchers divided the population into two groups where _ students

are GAS and _ students are ABM.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers request a permit from the principal of Parada

National High School before the data collection. When the permit is

approved, the researchers will conduct the survey using the

questionnaires. The Grade 11 senior high students will be the

participants. In this research the researchers will conduct a survey in 4

days. After the collection of the data, the researchers will analyze and

interpret the result.


The instrument use by the researchers is the Reseacher- Made

Students’ Survey Questionnaire. It consist’s 20 items in coding form

about socio- demographic factors and students mathematical anxiety.

It will be check and validate by the three expert in their fields.

To interpret the result the table shown below:

Scale Verbal Interpretation

1.00 – 1.49 Strongly Disagree

1.50– 2.49 Disagree

2.50 – 3.49 Neutral

3.50 – 4.49 Agree

4.50 – 5.00 Strongly Agree

Data Analysis

The researchers used Chi Square test to analyze the gathered

data. A chi square (χ2) statistic is a test that measures how

expectations compare to actual observed data (or model results). The

data used in calculating a chi square statistic must be random,

raw, mutually exclusive, drawn from independent variables, and drawn

from a large enough sample.

Formula for Chi Square is




C = degrees of freedom

O = observed value(s)

E = expected value(s)

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