Real Mathematical Analysis: Charles Chapman Pugh

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Charles Chapman Pugh

With 133 Illustrations


1 Real Numbers 1
1 Preliminaries 1
2 Cuts 10
3 Euclidean Space 21
4 Cardinality 28
5* Comparing Cardinalities 34
6* The Skeleton of Calculus 36
Exercises 40

2 A Taste of Topology 51
1 Metric Space Concepts 51
2 Compactness 76
3 Connectedness 82
4 Coverings 88
5 Cantor Sets 95
6* Cantor Set Lore 99
7* Completion 108
Exercises 115
x Contents

3 Functions of a Real Variable 139

1 Differentiation 139
2 Riemann Integration 154
3 Series 179
Exercises 186

4 Function Spaces 201

1 Uniform Convergence and C°[a, b] 201
2 Power Series 211
3 Compactness and Equicontinuity in C° 213
4 Uniform Approximation in C° 217
5 Contractions and ODE's 228
6* Analytic Functions 235
7* Nowhere Differentiable Continuous Functions 240
8* Spaces of Unbounded Functions 248
Exercises 251

5 Multivariable Calculus 267

1 Linear Algebra 267
2 Derivatives 271
3 Higher derivatives 279
4 Smoothness Classes 284
5 Implicit and Inverse Functions 286
6* The Rank Theorem 290
7* Lagrange Multipliers 296
8 Multiple Integrals 300
9 Differential Forms 313
10 The General Stokes' Formula 325
11* The Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem 334
Appendix A: Perorations of Dieudonne 337
Appendix В: The History of Cavalieri's Principle 338
Appendix C: A Short Excursion into
the Complex Field 339
Appendix D: Polar Form 340
Appendix E: Determinants 342
Exercises 345
Contents xi

6 Lebesgue Theory 363

1 Outer measure 363
2 Measurability 367
3 Regularity 371
4 Lebesgue integrals 376
5 Lebesgue integrals as limits 383
6 Italian Measure Theory 387
7 Vitali coverings and density points 391
8 Lebesgue's Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 396
9 Lebesgue's Last Theorem 401
Appendix A: Translations and Nonmeasurable sets 407
Appendix В: The В anach-Tarski Paradox 409
Appendix C: Riemann integrals as undergraphs 409
Appendix D: Littlewood's Three Principles 411
Appendix E: Roundness 412
Appendix F: Money 413
Suggested Reading 414
Bibliography 415
Exercises 417

Index 431

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