Interface Computer College, Inc. Davao City Campus Corner Rizal St. and F. Iñigo St. Davao City Tel. No.: (82) 221-8843

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Davao City Campus

Corner Rizal St. and F. Iñigo St. Davao City
Tel. No.: (82) 221-8843
MISSION To produce graduates equipped with the competence, excellence, and character necessary to achieve a transformative impact on society.
VISION We are the premier learning institution providing holistic and innovative education that empowers our students to be globally competitive and
responsible members of society.
ICC GOALS The Institution shall produce scientifically and technologically oriented human capital equipped with appropriate knowledge, skills and
attitudes. It should likewise pursue relevant research strengthen linkages with the industry, community and other institutions and maintain
sustainable technology.
IILO Outcomes To transform students into professionals with full of competences, excellence and possess work values in their field of study in response to
the needs of the society.
a. Higher levels of comprehension (textual, visual, ect.)
b. Proficient and effective communication (writing, speaking, and use of new technologies)
c. Understanding of basic concepts across the domains of knowledge
d. Critical, analytical, and creative thinking
e. Application of different analytical modes (quantitative and qualitative, artistic and scientific, textual and visual, experimental, observation, etc.)
in tackling problems methodically.
f. Appreciation of the human condition
g. Capacity to personally interpret the human experience
GENERAL h. Ability to view the contemporary world from both Philippine and global perspectives
EDUCATION i. Self-assuredness in knowing and being Filipino
OUTCOMES (GEO) j. Capacity to reflect critically on shared concerns and think of innovative, creative solutions guided by ethical standards
k. Ability to reflect on moral norms/imperatives as they affect individuals and society
l. Ability to appreciate and contribute to artistic beauty
m. Understanding and respect for human rights
n. Ability to contribute personally and meaningfully to the country’s development
o. Working effectively in a group
p. Application of computing and information technology to assist and facilitate research
q. Ability to negotiate the world of technology responsibly
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r. Problem-solving (including real-world problems)
s. Basic work-related skills and knowledge
Name CLARICE JOY P. NEMENZO Contact Number/s 09281575323
Email Address [email protected] Consultation Hours
Course Code NSTP Course Title National Service Training Program 2 Type Credit Units 3
Course Description The civic welfare training service 2 (CWTS 2) is a sequel to CWTS 1. It is designed to immerse students in activities that
will arm them the capability to contribute in the upliftment of the general welfare and the quality of life of the community and the
enhancement of its facilities especially those that are devoted to improving the health, environment, entrepreneurship, safety,
recreation and morale of the citizen.
Course Pre-requisites NSTP 11 Course Schedule (OPTIONAL)
By the end of the course, the students are expected to: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s
CO1 Recognize the role of youth in nation building as well as their role in one’s L L L L L L L
self and in the community.
CO2 Inculcate patriotism and love through stewardship and resources P P P P P P P P P O
CO3 Value life and other life forms as part of the community they lived O O O O O
Legend: L – Learned, P – Practiced, O - Opportunity to learn

Course Outcome Exam Period Assessment Task Time Frame

Theory-based Performance-based
CO1 Prelim Exam Written Examination Week 1 to
Week 5
Course Outcome and Midterm Exam Field Work / Project Week 6 to
Assessment Task Week 10
CO2 Pre-final Exam Field Work / Project Week 11 to
Week 15
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CO3 Final Exam Field Work / Project Week 16 to
Week 18

CO1 Recommend an appropriate operating system based on given system requirements
Time Intended Learning Outcomes Contents Learning Activities Course Resources Assessment
Frame Tasks
Week 1 At the end of the lesson, students Lesson 1:  Books  Quiz
are expected to:  Journal  Recitation
1. gain insights on community The community immersion Articles  Assignment
immersion as requirement requisite of NSTP: An Overview.  Internet  Case Study
of NSTP; Sources  Research
2. explain the significance of
the community immersion in
the overview of NSTP and
national development; and
3. internalize the significance
of community immersion as
an effective tool in
addressing concerns of both
the NSTP trainees and the
communities served.

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Week 2 At the end of the lesson, students Lesson 2:  Books  Quiz
are expected to:  Journal  Recitation
Understanding the concepts and Articles  Assignment
1. explain the concepts and principles of community  Internet  Case Study
principles underpinning immersion Sources  Research
community and community
2. realize the importance of
understanding the dynamics
of the community and
community immersion as a
way to realize the objectives
of NSTP; and
practice the standard
operating procedures and
establish protocols
governing community
Week 3 At the end of the lesson, students Lesson 3:  Books  Quiz
are expected to: .  Journal  Recitation
The process of community Articles  Assignment
1. verbalize the process of immersion  Internet  Case Study
immersion as a guide for Sources Research
rendering service to the
2. design a community
immersion plan of
implementation following
the process; and

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internalize the importance of
carrying out the steps of community
immersion in series.

Week 4 At the end of the lesson, students Lesson 4:  Books  Quiz

are expected to:  Journal  Recitation
Management of NSTP Articles  Assignment
1. define project proposal as Community-based Projects  Internet  Case Study
basis of implementation of Sources  Research
the NSTP activities in the
immersion area;
2. apply the process of making
effective project proposal
based on the identified
needs of the target clientele;
3. appreciate the value of
making effective project
proposal in the NSTP
program following the
suggested format.


(explain/demonstrate here the requirements how you assess the students for Preliminary exam)
Week 6- At the end of the lesson, students Lesson 5: COMMUNITY  Books  Quiz
8 are expected to: EMERSSION 1.  Journal  Recitation
1. apply the process of making Articles  Assignment
effective project proposal  Feeding Program.  Internet  Case Study
based on the identified Sources  Research
needs of the target clientele.
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Week 9 At the end of the lesson, students Lesson 5: COMMUNITY  Books  Quiz
are expected to: EMERSSION 2  Journal  Recitation
1. apply the process of making Articles  Assignment
effective project proposal  SYMPOSIUM  Internet  Case Study
based on the identified Sources  Research
needs of the target clientele.


(explain/demonstrate here the requirements how you assess the students for Preliminary exam)
Week 11 At the end of the lesson, students Lesson 5: COMMUNITY  Books  Quiz
are expected to: EMERSSION 3  Journal  Recitation
1. apply the process of making Articles  Assignment
effective project proposal  Community Sports league.  Internet  Case Study
based on the identified Sources  Research
needs of the target
Week At the end of the lesson, students Lesson 6: COMMUNITY  Books  Quiz
12-13 are expected to: EMERSSION 4  Journal  Recitation
1. apply the process of making Articles  Assignment
effective project proposal  Coastal Clean Up  Internet  Case Study
based on the identified Sources  Research
needs of the target clientele.

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Week 14 At the end of the lesson, students Lesson 6: COMMUNITY  Books  Quiz
are expected to: EMERSSION 5  Journal  Recitation
Articles  Assignment
1. apply the process of making  Visit house of hope.  Internet  Case Study
effective project proposal Sources  Research
based on the identified
needs of the target


(explain/demonstrate here the requirements how you assess the students for Preliminary exam)
CO2 Plan and write a simple assembly-language program
Week 16 At the end of the lesson, students Lesson 6: COMMUNITY  Books  Quiz
are expected to: EMERSSION 6  Journal  Recitation
Articles  Assignment
1. apply the process of making  Gift giving.  Internet  Case Study
effective project proposal Sources  Research
based on the identified
needs of the target

CO3 Perform a cost benefit analysis for a proposed server solution

Week 17 At the end of the lesson, students Lesson 7:   Books  Quiz
are expected to:  Journal  Recitation
Documentation, monitoring Articles  Assignment
1. identify the documents, and evaluation of NSTP  Internet  Case Study
monitoring and evaluation Community-based projects Sources  Research
instruments needed in
measuring the success of
NSTP community immersion
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2. make use of the
documentation technique,
monitoring guides and
evaluation instruments to
ensure meaningful program
implementation of NSTP;
appreciate the values of
having proper
documentation, monitoring
and evaluation of the
project for community
Students are required to attend all the community emersion activities.
Major Course Requirements
Learning Outcomes Required Output Due Date
CO1/CO2 MCO1: Provide an appropriate project in every community emissions. November 2019
CO3 MCO2: Submit a comprehensive documentation of all the lessons and performances taken during the March 2019
semester, this includes:
 Topics discussed during the semester.
 Narrative Reports/Reflection.
 Pictures/ learning evidence.
Course Each student is required to:
Requirements 1. Attend at least 80% of the class hours
2. Participate during class discussion
3. Submit all the necessary requirements like quizzes, assignments, examinations and projects
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Class Policy
1. The required minimum number of quizzes for a 3-unit course is 3, and 4 for 4-unit course. No part of the final exam may be considered as one quiz.
2. Cancellation of the lowest quiz is not allowed even if the number of quizzes exceeds the required minimum number of quizzes.
3. As general policy, no special or make-up tests for missed exams other than the final examination will be given. However, a faculty member may give
special exams for
a. Approved absences (where the student concerned officially represented the School at some function or activity).
b. Absences due to serious illness which require hospitalization, death in the family and other reasons which the faculty member deems meritorious.
4. If a student missed two (2) examinations, then he/she will be required to take a make up for the second missed examination.
5. If the student has no valid reason for missing an exam (for example, the student was not prepared to take the exam) then the student receives 0% for
the missed quiz.
6. Students who get at least 89% in every quiz are exempted from taking the final examination. Their final grade will be based on the average of their
quizzes and other pre-final course requirements. The final grade of the exempted students who opt to take the final examination will be based on the
prescribed computation of final grades inclusive of a final examination. Students who missed and/or took any special/ make-up quiz will not be eligible
for exemption.
7. Learning outputs are required and not optional to pass the course.
8. Mobile phones and other forms of communication devices should be on silent mode or turned off during class.
9. Students are expected to be attentive and exhibit the behavior of a mature and responsible individual during class. They are also expected to come to
class on time and prepared.
10. Sleeping, bringing in foods and drinks, and wearing a cap and sunglasses in class are not allowed.
11. Students who wish to go to washroom must politely ask permission and, if given such, they should be back in class within three (3) minutes only one
(1) student at a time may be allowed to leave the classroom for this purpose.
12. Students who are absent from the class for more than five (5) meetings will get a final grade of 0.0 in the course.
13. Only students who are officially enrolled in the course are allowed to attend the class meetings.
A. Class Standing (40%) includes:
Quizzes 20%
Assignment 10%
Attendance 5%
Recitation 5%
B. Performance/Project (60%)
Performance 30%
Project 30%__
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Total 100%

PG = PE (50%) + CSP (50%)

MG = (30%) PG + 70% (ME (50%) + CSM (50%))
PFG = (30%) MG + 70% (PFE (50%) + CSPF (50%))
FG = (30%) PFG + 70% (FE (50%) + CSF (50%))

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

_____________________ MARVIN C. TEJOL MARVIN C. TEJOL

Faculty Program Head School Administrator

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Academic Department
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