Types of Emotions and Feelings
Types of Emotions and Feelings
Types of Emotions and Feelings
The word emotion means energy in motion. Your unconscious mind is the
source of emotional states, even though you are aware of them and
experience them consciously.
There is also some confusion about whether emotions and feelings are the
same thing. We often use the words interchangeably, showing just how
intertwined the mindbody connection is.
Emotions have played a vital role in our survival. For the most part, they are
encoded in our genes and similar from person to person and between
species. They are physical and instinctual. You recognize expressions of
happiness, sadness, anger and fear in others because you respond the same
way. They help us respond biochemically to our environment including threats
and rewards.
Feelings in turn bring up other emotions, and the cycle continues. You can,
however, consciously interrupt this cycle by choosing to respond consciously
in a way that alters the types of emotions and feelings you experience in a
given situation.
When you say, "I feel anxious, angry, happy...", you are interpreting emotion
by how it feels in your body. When I imagine public speaking, my 'energy in
motion' feels like butterflies in my stomach. I translate that sensation as
apprehension or fear.
For example, you see a car speeding towards you (trigger). This causes you
to perceive a threat (thought) that induces fear (emotion). Unpleasant feelings,
such as taking a sharp breath and a pounding heart follow. You respond by
slamming on the brakes or veering out of the way (action). You see he missed
you (trigger), you mutter under your breath (thought), feel a mixture of anger
and joy that you escaped unharmed (emotion), breathe a sigh of relief
(feeling) and continue on your way (action).
The eight sectors of Plutchik's Wheel show the primary emotions. Each state
has an opposite. Emotions are related and increase in intensity as you move
toward the center of the circle. Annoyance is a mild form of anger. Rage is
intense anger. The white areas show the emotion that is related to the two
emotions near it. For example, serenity and acceptance combine as love.
Of course, humans are not this simple. You are always experiencing and
expressing emotions, and can experience several in close succession. You
easily move up and down the intensity scale in a matter of seconds. Each
emotion can be accompanied by different types of feelings.
Just watch infants or very young children who have yet to learn how to hide
their feelings to see the range of emotion in action. They express emotions in
rapid succession with every changing thought and it shows just as
instantaneously in their faces and bodies.
Intense emotions and feelings take a lot of energy and are often short-lived.
Ecstatic love and its rush of happy love hormones fade to serenity and
acceptance. Some people confuse this with falling out of love, but really this is
just a calm, more natural, enduring state.
Using the wheel you can see which types of emotions are a 'step up' the
scale. You can not easily move up the scale too fast, but you can easily shift
one or two steps to a more pleasant feeling. So if you are expressing rage,
shifting to anger would be a positive shift. You can say you feel terror or calm
it down by choosing the word fear or apprehension instead.
Likewise, you can increase your long term level of optimism by learning to
move up the scale from serenity to joy. Healthy self love grows as you move
up the scale from acceptance to trust and finally true admiration.
The wheel is also a good tool for measuring your progress. For example, if
your thoughts about a past trauma typically induced feelings of terror, and
now it routinely evokes feelings of mild fear, you can see you are moving in a
positive direction.
You use this scale the same way as the wheel to reach for a better feeling
emotion one or two levels up from how you are feeling now. For example, if
you are bored, you can aim for contentment. If you are feeling hatred, you can
move up to anger. From there you can reach for another slight improvement.
Robert Plutchik's theory says that the eight basic emotions are:
(Many other recognized institutions and researchers also refer to the 'unconscious mind'
which is usually concerned with regulating the automated processes of the physical body.
For the purposes of this article and also the school of belief that Mind Motivations and The
Australian Academy of Hypnosis subscribes to, the subconscious mind encompasses the
'unconscious' mind also.)
These different states are classified according to the speed of the predominant brainwave
signals from one neurological point to another at any one point in time. This speed and
frequency is measured in 'Hertz' and the figures are obtained using an Electrocardiogram
(EEG) machine.
For the purposes of this article from a hypnosis perspective we are not covering the
'Gamma' ranges which exist beyond 40Hz...
1. Beta: This is where our mind usually operates in daily life. In such a state we have full
conscious awareness and attention of everything around us and usually only one side of
brain is operating. Beta is usually typified by brainwave cycles of 15 to 40 Hz (cycles per
second) Higher cycles of Beta Frequency usually equate to stress, anxiety and 'over
thinking' as the conscious mind becomes misguided or reacts negatively to a given
situation. High brainwave beta frequency also equates to hypertension, increased heart
rate, increased blood flow, cortisone production and glucose consumption. Generally
speaking, you do not want to experience the high beta state too often if you are concerned
about your health. (Some techniques are included below to ensure this does not happen)
3. Theta: Deep relaxation where the conscious mind is, for the most part, 'switched off',
and the subconscious mind is left to flourish. This is usually typified by sleep, dreaming,
very deep relaxation and is where most hypnotists aim at taking their clients down to. Theta
shows brainwave cycles operating at 5hz to 8hz. Theta is where ideas, visualizations and
suggestion are more likely to enter the subconscious mind and consciously we become less
aware of what is going on around us.
Although the human mind naturally switches between the different states of mind according
to the current environment, situation, people or happenings of the individual, it is possible to
artificially stimulate the brain into the different levels. As an extreme example when we are
involved in a serious accident or injury, people sometimes enter into coma state. This is the
brain's way of performing an emergency response to automatically enter into the deepest
realms of delta for heightened physical recovery, trauma protection and mental recovery.
This is a very good example of the brain's natural response to a situation where it lowers
brainwave activity for instinctual protection means.
On the other hand, we can artificially induce a change in mental state for both positive and
at times, not beneficial purposes. Stage hypnotists often invoke a sudden shift in brainwave
frequency through a rapid hypnotic induction in the person to enter theta for entertainment
purposes. Although many people find this funny and it does illustrate the power of hypnosis,
there is no real positive purpose in doing this other then to have a laugh. There are many
examples of irresponsible use of these techniques for Mass Manipulation, and these are
simply a tragic use of something that can be so powerful for positive change.
There are many ways to artificially invoke a person to operate at different brainwave
frequency states. These include hypnosis, meditation, music and audio, massage, drugs,
alcohol, yoga, pilates, video games, TV, driving, reading and many more just to name a few.
This can be very useful indeed. By learning the best way to lower your mind state to Alpha,
Theta and even Delta, it is possible create numerous positive emotional, mental and
physical benefits. For instance hypnosis is fantastic to instate the client into theta and then
responsibly use direct suggestion, which is more fully absorbed by one's subconscious
mind, to create permanent and lasting changes in the mind and body.
Meditation is also useful to achieve a light Alpha state wherein you can consciously process
information and self suggestion to help change your emotions and feelings. Music and
audio such as binaural beats, white noise, theta rhythm, nature recordings and other slow,
repetitive trance inducing sounds can help you overcome insomnia and sleep better,
perform self meditation, self hypnosis and achieve deep relaxation in the alpha, theta and
at times, delta realms.
In any case, if you are constantly stressed and operating in the high Beta levels, or if you
never truly relax and hit Alpha and Theta except for a few hours a night when you sleep,
then it is recognized that you will not be emotionally or physically reaching your optimum
level of health. Worse still it really can have significant effects on your overall health. This is
important to note. Therefore if you are too busy, stressed or have developed certain
conditions which affect you from achieving consistent deep relaxation, you will benefit
immensely from using some of the aforementioned techniques to help lower your brainwave
frequency and achieve some relaxation. This really could change your life for the better in
ways you never thought were possible.
Mind Motivations is a hypnosis organization and website, therefore it may seem that we are
biased in our opinion, however it is our belief and that of many other respected bodies, that
hypnosis, and more importantly hypnotherapy, is the best way to achieve deep relaxation
and benefit from the ability to artificially stimulate the mind into lower activity levels for a
variety of mental, physical and emotional advantages.
Hypnosis is a very powerful means to take the mind of the client or listener into the different
levels of consciousness and brainwave activity. The spoken voice using professional
hypnotic deepenings, inductions and confusion techniques is able to artificially induce
lowered brain wave frequency into the Alpha, Theta and Delta realms. The special audio
frequencies (Neurosonic Frequencies) contained in the background of all of Rick
Collingwood's CDs and MP3s also contains special audio to further this transition. This
means that the transition from Beta to Theta when using Rick's CDs or MP3s is all the more
powerful and perfect to assist people who find it hard to be hypnotized.
So as you can see, the different frequencies at which the brain operates can not only be
artificially induced for positive results but can also be directly targeted to produce more
specific changes in shorter times. If you are interested in hypnotizing yourself and taking
advantage of self visualization or more effective affirmations, then you can use this
knowledge and apply it your own self improvement processes. Armed with this knowledge
you can make more of a conscious effort to understand where your mind is at any point in
time and to control it to your advantage. This is a very powerful skill if you can master it
correctly. In the meantime if you are just beginning, then there are many Self Hypnosis CDs
or MP3s will help you begin to make changes and learn more about how your mind works
on a personal experience.