Self Talk: 25 Questions To Ask Yourself Instead of Beating Yourself Up
Self Talk: 25 Questions To Ask Yourself Instead of Beating Yourself Up
Self Talk: 25 Questions To Ask Yourself Instead of Beating Yourself Up
Why it works:
This cheatsheet is meant to help you reprogram negative self depreciating
thoughts as they come in to your conscious awareness.
As human being we have about 80,000 conscious thoughts per day and many
more unconscious.
Maybe right now your negative thoughts are hard to overcome because they
just feel true.
Rather than attempt to convince your conscious mind that these thoughts are
bullshit (which they are), you can ask a question.
Self Talk Cheat Sheet
How it works:
When we ask a question our subconscious mind automatically goes to work
looking for the answer.
Many times you will not have an answer and that is fine. This is more about
the energy created by asking the question.
A conscious awareness of the answer may pop into your mind immediately or
while you are doing the dishes a week later.
Or there may not be an answer that can be perceived in words and concepts.
You will see this is true with a few of the questions on the list.
The point here is to feel the energy of the answer rather than identifying
anything specific.
Self Talk Cheat Sheet
Self Talk Cheat Sheet
6. Who am I?
I can tell you right now you are an infinite being who is beyond definition. You are
so many things and always changing. You are the universe. Feel the energy of the
unique being that you are beyond words.
8. How strong am I?
You have been through so many things in this life already. This question invites you
to remember how far you have come and all you have made it through.
Self Talk Cheat Sheet
Self Talk Cheat Sheet
Self Talk Cheat Sheet
Self Talk Cheat Sheet
In the Self Talk Challenge you will be guided step by step to more confidence, self
belief, and inner freedom!