Self Talk: 25 Questions To Ask Yourself Instead of Beating Yourself Up

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Self Talk Cheat Sheet

25 Questions To Ask Yourself

Instead Of Beating Yourself Up

How to use this cheat sheet:

When you find yourself experiencing negative self talk ask a question to
interrupt your auto pilot and redirect your thinking.

Why it works:
This cheatsheet is meant to help you reprogram negative self depreciating
thoughts as they come in to your conscious awareness.

As human being we have about 80,000 conscious thoughts per day and many
more unconscious.

I'm not good enough. I messed up again. I can't do anything right...

Maybe right now your negative thoughts are hard to overcome because they
just feel true.

Rather than attempt to convince your conscious mind that these thoughts are
bullshit (which they are), you can ask a question.

By asking a question you immediately get your

whole mind moving in a different direction.
Self Talk Cheat Sheet

25 Questions To Ask Yourself

Instead Of Beating Yourself Up

How it works:
When we ask a question our subconscious mind automatically goes to work
looking for the answer.

Ask the question.

You do not need to have an answer.

Many times you will not have an answer and that is fine. This is more about
the energy created by asking the question.

A conscious awareness of the answer may pop into your mind immediately or
while you are doing the dishes a week later.

Or there may not be an answer that can be perceived in words and concepts.
You will see this is true with a few of the questions on the list.

The point here is to feel the energy of the answer rather than identifying
anything specific.

Asking the question allows your mind and body to

shift into a new state of being.
Self Talk Cheat Sheet

1. What's right about me that I'm not getting?

Feel into the energy of this moment. In this moment, what is right about you? If you
do not find anything at first just feel into the energy and let it be.

2. What can I acknowledge myself for right now?

By acknowledging yourself in the moment you can shift your attention away from
what is not working and back to what is.

3. If I was anyone else right now, what would I think of me?

Sometimes the fastest way to see yourself in a positive light is to see yourself
through someone else's eyes. Also, sometimes we judge ourselves much more
harshly than we do anyone else. If you were someone else what would you think of

4. What’s possible for me that I have not allowed to be possible?

There is a version of your life in which you are happy, confident, and feel free to
simply be who you are without apology. What would that be like? Get the energy.

5. What gift am I right now?

You are unique and because you are unique the energy you bring into the world by
your very existing is a gift. Don't try to answer this with your thoughts. Just feel the
energy of the question.
Self Talk Cheat Sheet

6. Who am I?
I can tell you right now you are an infinite being who is beyond definition. You are
so many things and always changing. You are the universe. Feel the energy of the
unique being that you are beyond words.

7. What am I grateful for?

You may have an awareness of some aspect of you or your body that you are truly
grateful for in this moment.

8. How strong am I?
You have been through so many things in this life already. This question invites you
to remember how far you have come and all you have made it through.

9. If I could feel anything right now, what would I want to be

Sometimes simply asking this question and feeling the energy that comes up can
allow you to change the state that you are in. Remember, how you feel is a choice,
but only when you can be aware of it.

10. How loving can I be to myself right now?

This is such a powerful question that you can ask yourself over and over again. Each
time you ask this question notice what awareness you may have about what truly
loving and caring for yourself right now might look like.

11. Do I need this judgment right now?

Whenever you are judging yourself, or when you are feeling judged, you can ask this
question and notice what awareness you get in answer. If it feels light to do so, you
can let the judgment go.
Self Talk Cheat Sheet

12. Who would I be without judgment and expectation?

You can ask this question to quickly shift a feeling of judgment to one of
possibility. Ask this question to replace judgment, especially if you are having
trouble with question 11.

13. Whose expectations and judgments am I living from right

now? Can I just be me now please?
This question is a great one to ask when you are feeling small and limited in your
choices. Try this one in social settings if you feel yourself becoming nervous.

14. How perfect am I?

This question is designed to get you out of self judgment. If you are feeling
resistance to this question you may benefit from the Quiet Your Inner Critic course.
You can be of the greatest service to others only when you are willing to accept
yourself fully.

15. What would it be like to just be me?

This is my favorite question. Similarly to question 6, this question is designed to
bring up the energy or the feeling sense of who you truly are beyond expectation
and judgment. You may even experience an awareness of how you truly desire to
behave and act in this life.

16. What is an example of a time I figured it out?

This question brings up the remembrance of how awesome you actually are. If
nothing comes up right away, know that you are very practiced at neglecting these
examples. The more you ask this question the more examples you will find and
Self Talk Cheat Sheet

17. What is an example of a time I just knew?

This question brings up the remembrance of all the times in your life you have
experienced wisdom and intuition. Similarly to question 16, the more you ask the
more awareness you can receive.

18. Remember that one time I...?

Similar to questions 16 and 17, the more you ask these questions, you will begin to
recall more and more experiences where you have been the kind of person you truly
wish to be.

19. How many different things have I handled already in my life?

I only need to be confident in my ability to handle it. Ask this question and
remember all the things you have handled even when you didn't know how.

20. What is one thing I can feel proud of today?

Feeling proud of yourself is such an important part of self care. When you feel
proud of you, you stop seeking validation from others. You don't need to be perfect
to feel proud. Ask this question and notice how many little things you already have
to feel good about each day.

21. Who do I want to be today?

Because you are an infinite being beyond labels and description you can choose to
be anything in the universe on any given day. Who do you want to be today? Feel
the energy of this question as you ask it.

22. What if I don't have to be like them/him/her?

Sometimes we try to fit ourselves into the molds of the people around us and end
up feeling trapped in our own skin. Ask this question to get a sense of who you
might be if there were no one else to impress, reflect, fit, or be like.
Self Talk Cheat Sheet

23. Is there more about me that I’m not seeing?

Anytime you are feeling limited it is a sign that there is far more to you than you
are seeing. Ask this question and get the energy of the unlimited potential of you.

24. How do I want them/him/her to see me? What do I need to do

to see myself this way?
I This dual question is great when you find yourself ruminating about what
someone else thinks of you. We all do this. We decide what other people think
about us and judge ourselves accordingly. With this question you are offering
yourself a different possibility.

25. What is positive that I can focus on right now?

Sometimes we just need to turn our attention away from ourselves are think about
something else.
Self Talk Cheat Sheet

Meet Jennifer Davoust

Hello! I am Jennifer Davoust, Self Love Specialist. I am passionate about sharing the
tools that worked to completely transform my self worth and confidence.

These tools come from training in NLP, Hypnotherapy, Emotional Intelligence,

Psychology, Neuroscience, as well as my own personal insights along my journey.

Here are some of the ways to work with me:

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In the Self Talk Challenge you will be guided step by step to more confidence, self
belief, and inner freedom!

Starts Feb 1st 2020

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