Answer/jawapan: 1 6 11 16: Section A

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1 6 11 16

2 7 12 17

3 8 13 18

4 9 14 19

5 10 15 20


1. a) Cholera Typhoid fever



Typoid fever
Demam kepialu

2. a)





3. a) i) dry ii)an upright



(i) Tin became crushed. /

Tin menjadi kemik.
(ii) Air pressure outside is higher than air pressure inside /
Tekanan udara di luar lebih tinggi daripada tekanan udara di

4 a) Venus b) Marikh c) Zuhal d) Uranus

5 2. Heat 3.kinetic 4. Potential 5. Light
6 a) i) grass  deer  tiger
ii) fungus
iii) the Sun
b) i) prey-predator ii) rat: prey eagle: predator
c) the Sun, photosynthesis
7 a) (i) - Mimi and Dinesh
-He can only receive blood group A and O
Dia hanya boleh menerima kumpulan darah A dan 0 sahaja.
(ii) - Dinesh
- His blood can be donated to all recipients.
Darahnya boleh didermakan kepada semua penerima.
(iii) - The red blood cells will agglutinate/ Sel darah merahnya akan bergumpal (1m)
- The patient will die/Pesakit itu akan mati (1m)
(b) Blood vessel P (1m) P carries oxygenated blood (1m)
Sel darah P (1m) Sel darah P membawa darah beroksigen (1m)

8 (a) (i) Rain water//Spring water//Pond water

Air hujan//Mata airllAir kolam
(ii) It has bacteria and dirt/ Mempunyai bakteria dan kotoran
(b) (i) - Water is heated until it boils to steam (1m) - Then, it is condense by the condenser
to pure water.
Air dipanaskan sehingga mendidih menjadi stim (1m). Kemudian dikondensasi oleh
kondenser kepada air tulen (1m).
(ii) - Not suitable (1m) - There is no dissolved salts//No taste (1m).
Tidak sesuai/Tiada garam terlarut//Tiada rasa
(c) 1. Waste from industry/Buangan dari industri
2. Pesticides/Pestisid

9. (a) Current = power/voltage

(b) (i) 4.17 A

(ii) 5.0 A

(iii) 2.5 A

(c) (i) - prevent damage to an electrical appliance.

- A fuse melts and cuts off the electricity when there is too much current flowing
through it.
(ii) 5.0 A

(d) (i) Electrical energy = Power x Time

(ii) Electrical energy needed

= 0.6kW x 5/60 = 0.05kWh

(a) (i) Gizi seimbang mengandungi karbohidrat, protein, lemak, vitamin, mineral,
pelawas dan air dalam jumlah yang betul untuk memenuhi keperluan badan.
A balanced diet contains the right amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins,
minerals, fibre and water to meet the daily requirements of the body.
(ii) – Dianna
– Dia mengambil terlalu banyak lemak dalam menunya.
She is taking too much fat in her diet.
– Menu yang diambilnya kurang sayur-sayuran dan vitamin
Her menu lacks vegetables and vitamins.
(iii) Air mengangkut makanan tercerna ke sel-sel badan/Air mengawal suhu badan/Air
mengawal kepekatan darah
Water transports digested food to the body cells/Water controls the temperature of the
body/Water controls the concentrations of the blood
(b) – Makanan segera mengandungi banyak lemak yang mana boleh meningkatkan paras
kolesterol dan menyebabkan masalah jantung.
Fast food contains too much fat so it can increase the cholesterol level and lead to heart
– Kandungan gula yang terlalu tinggi dalam makanan dan minumannya boleh
menyebabkan diabetes dan pereputan gigi.
The high quality of sugar in foods and drinks can cause diabetes and tooth decay.
– Garam berlebihan dalam makanan boleh menyebabkan tekanan darah tinggi.
Excess salt in the foods can cause high pressure.
– Jika kita mengambil makanan segera secara kerap kita akan mengalami obesiti kerana
kandungan karbohidrat yang tinggi dalam makanan seperti burger, pizza dan lain-lain.
If we take fast food regularly we will become obese because of the high carbohydrate
in the foods such as burger, pizza and etc
11. (a) (i) - Short-sightedness/ Rabun jauh
(ii) - Can be corrected by using concave lenses (1m)
Boleh dibetulkan dengan menggunakan kanta cekung.
- Concaves lenses help to diverge the rays of light entering the eyes (1m)
Kanta cekung membantu mencapahkan sinar cahaya yang memasuki mata.
(b) (i)- Refraction of light (1m)
- Rays of light from the fish at the bottom of the aquarium are bent away from the
normal on reaching the surface of the aquarium. (1m)
- The fish appears to be nearer to the surface of the water by the observer (1m)
- Pembiasan cahaya (1m)
- Sinar cahaya daripada ikan yang berada pada bahagian bawah akuarium
dibengkokkan menjauhi normal apabila menembusi permukaan akuarium. (1m)
- Ikan itu kelihatan dekat dengan permukaan air oleh pemerhati.

(ii) A drinking straw in a glass of water appears to be bent/Formation of a rainbow/A pond

appears to be shallower than it really is. (1m) choose 1
Penyedut minuman dalam gelas berisi air kelihatan bengkok/Pembentukan pelangi/Kolam
kelihatan cetek daripada yang sebenar. Pilih 1

(c) Explanation: Penerangan:

- Light rays from an object falls on mirror 1/These ray are reflected on mirror 2. (1m)
The light is reflected again and enters the eyes of the observer. (1m)
Sinar cahaya daripada objek jatuh pada cermin 1 /Sinar ini dipantulkan pada cermin 2.
Cahaya itu dipantulkan semula dan memasuki mata pemerhati. (1m)

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