Vocabulary Test TEST I. (SYNONYMS) - Select The Letter of The Word or Phrase That Is The Closest in Meaning To

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TEST I. (SYNONYMS). Select the letter of the word or phrase that is the closest in meaning to
the word in capital (big) letters. Write the letter of your answer in your paper.

1. ABSORB a. carry out b. dislike c. take in d. give back

2. ACUTE a. dull b. uninterested c. dense d. keen
3. AFTERTHOUGHT a. plan b. afternoon c. addition d. subject
4. APTITUDE a. altitude b. attitude c. talent d. requirement
5. BAFFLE a. puzzle b. waffle c. pancake d. battle
6. BASIC a. funny b. fundamental c. beautiful d. careful
7. ENROLL a. question b. register c. quit d. teach
8. CONTENT a. subject matter b. camping c. continent d. capability
9. CRAM a. develop b. cough c. crumb d. squeeze
10. DEMONSTRATE a. sleep b. record c. show d. avoid
11. ANNUAL a. monthly b. yearly c. daily d. weekly
12. DEFER a. put off b. deploy c. direct d. put on
13. AFTERMATH a. consequences b. geometry c. preface d. realization
14. BANTER a. fear b. teasing c. crying d. laughter
15. ACE a. expert b. failure c. loser d. loner
16. PURSUIT a. clothing b. discovery c.. search d. purchase
17. JUBILANT a. fruity b. ecstatic c. sneaky d. juicy
18. GLOAT a. feel glory b. complain c. feel sad d. feel defeated
19. DECOY a. coin b. decision c. lure d. activity
20. BUNT a. eat food b. spin a top c. run away d. hit lightly
21. PRECEDE a. shrink b. lead c. follow d. recede
22. ABUT a. clash b. remember c. border d. interrupt
23. LATTER a. gone b. earlier c. only d. final
24. MERE a. meager b. reflective c. ample d. excessive
25. CONCEIVE a. remember b. think of c. receive d. deceive
26. EMBELLISH a. elaborate b. realize c. criticize d. understate
27. IMPLAUSIBLE a. paused b. implanted c. unbelievable d. believable
28. ALIBI a. magician b. explanation c. greeting d. gun
29. INCOGNITO a. disguise b. money c. cool thing d. cog
30. BARREN a. full b. plentiful c. forbidden d. bare
31. BOLSTER a. pill b. run c. strengthen d. protect
32. CONVALESCE a. deteriorate b. rest c. gather d. sicken
33. FORTIFY a. construct b. buy c. weaken d. strengthen
34. DETER a. neglect b. discourage c. require d. look after
35. PRECIPICE a. cliff b. principle c. practice d. valley
36. INVINCIBLE a. easily won b. cowardly c. unbeatable d. feeble
37. BROTH a. vegetable b. soup c. meat d. carrot
38. HUSK a. outer covering b. inner structure c. smooth texture d. bright color
39. RIND a. tough skin b. stem c. garden d. dessert
40. ARDENT a. dedicated b. feeble c. careless d. hardly
TEST II. (ANTONYMS). Select the letter of the word or phrase that is the opposite of the word
in capital (big) letters. Write the letter of your answer in your paper

41. BREAKNECK a. healthy b. fit c. slow d. beautiful

42. CARLOAD a. full-sized b. large-sized c. cargo-free d. part
43. CAUTIOUS a. intelligent b. funny c. sleepy d. reckless
44. HAUL a. lift b. pull c. carry d. leave
45. SKID a. drive downhill b. swerve while driving c. drive in snow d. drive in control
46. SMOGGY a. clean b. smoky c. dirty d. polluted
47. BANISH a. invite b. allow to eat c. push out d. expel
48. BARBARIC a. civilized b. bear-like c. savage d. grumpy
49. BETRAY a. joke around b. carry food c. remain loyal d. tell a secret
50. CAPTIVITY a. hat store b. freedom c. soldiers d. quite
51. COURTLY a. kindly b. hungry c. barbaric d. happy
52. ARMORY a. weaponry b. safe place c. comfort d. joy
53. CONDEMN a. be mean b. be rude c. insult d. praise
54. ACQUIRE a. ask b. need c. lose d. own
55. AFFLUENT a. rich b. wealthy c. poor d. healthy
56. ALLURE a. repulsion b. pull c. lure d. attraction
57. ECONOMICAL a. wasteful b. greedy c. generous d. careful
58. FRUGAL a. spendthrift b. economical c. thrifty d. special
59. PEDDLE a. buy b. sell c. wander d. compare
60. BARTER a. eat at a counter b. pay taxes c. pay money for d. save money on
61. ALLY a. enemy b. friend c. companion d. supporter
62. OPTIMISTIC a. cheerful b. pessimistic c. kind d. caring
63. UNIQUE a. individual b. common c. original d. first
64. CANDID a. honest b. truthful c. dishonest d. trustworthy
65. SANE a. smart b. boring c. cautious d. unreliable
66. BASHFUL a. shy b. timid c. bold d. afraid
67. ECSTATIC a. despairing b. happy c. joyful d. delighted
68. FRETFUL a. angry b. worried c. calm d. musical
69. IMPETUOUS a. flighty b. impulsive c. controlled d. curious
70. INDIFFERENT a. different b. same c. uninterested d. passionate
71. RESTLESS a. undisciplined b. unfocused c. fidgety d. relaxed
72. DIVERSE a. same b. different c. universal d. happy
73. PRELUDE a. music b. auditorium c. postlude d. introduction
74. HARMONIZE a. write b. blend c. play d. clash
75. PERFORM a. play b. dance c. sing d. listen
76. MUTINY a. remorse b. regret c. change d. allegiance
77. CONFRONT a. back down b. meet head on c. fight d. argue
78. DEFIANCE a. pride b. arrogance c. humility d. insolence
79. INITIATE a. start b. begin c. end d. sleep
80. ALLIANCE a. union b. bond c. disunity d. agreement

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