Cheat The Sims
Cheat The Sims
Cheat The Sims
Input the cheat code testingcheats true first before entering the
cheats below.
Cheat Code Result
FreeRealEstate {on/off} All lots are free when you enter this cheat when in neighborhood/world
bb.moveobjects Combine objects by ignoring placement rules (Move Objects on)
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement Unlock all career rewards (including styled rooms)
Shift + ] Increase the size of objects
Shift + [ Decrease the size of objects
Click roof and use Shift + C Add more options to manipulate roofs
bb.showhiddenobjects Buy Debug mode (adds extra objects)
bb.showliveeditobjects Unlocks over 1000 extra world environment objects to your game (you’ll also have to use
the bb.showhiddenobjects cheat before they show up)
bb.enablefreebuild Edit the Hospital, Police Station and the Science Lab in The Sims 4 Get To Work and the Magic
Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the cheat code testingcheats true first before entering the
cheats below. These cheats can be used to max out your skill level. If you don’t want to max your skill level you can
change the number 10 with the preferred skill level from 1 to 9.
Cheat Code Result
stats.set_skill_level Major_Acting 10 Max out Acting skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Archaeology 10 Max out Archaeology skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Baking 10 Max out Baking skill
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Bowling 5 Max out Bowling skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_HomestyleCooking 10 Max out Cooking skill
stats.set_skill_level Minor_Dancing 5 Max out Dancing skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_DJ 10 Max out DJ skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Charisma 10 Max out Charisma skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Comedy 10 Max out Comedy skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Fishing 10 Max out Fishing skill
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Fitness 10 Max out Fitness skill
stats.set_skill_level statistic_skill_AdultMajor_FlowerArranging 10 Max out Flower Arranging skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Gardening 10 Max out Gardening skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_GourmetCooking 10 Max out Gourmet Cooking skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Guitar 10 Max out Guitar skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Handiness 10 Max out Handiness skill (Woodworking, Pumpkin Carving)
stats.set_skill_level Major_Herbalism 10 Max out Herbalism skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Logic 10 Max out Logic skill
stats.set_skill_level Minor_Media 5 Max out Media Production skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Mischief 10 Max out Mischief skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Bartending 10 Max out Mixology skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Painting 10 Max out Painting skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Parenting 10 Max out Parenting skill
stats.set_skill_level skill_Dog 5 Max out Pet Training skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Photography 10 Max out Photography skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Piano 10 Max out Piano skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_PipeOrgan 10 Max out Pipe Organ skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Programming 10 Max out Programming skill
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Hidden_TreadMill 5 Max out Rock Climbing skill (This is a hidden skill)
stats.set_skill_level Major_RocketScience 10 Max out Rocket Science skill
stats.set_skill_level Minor_LocalCulture 5 Max out Selvadoradian Culture skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Singing 10 Max out Singing skill
stats.set_skill_level Hidden_Skating 5 Max out Skating skill (This is a hidden skill)
stats.set_skill_level VampireLore 15 Max out Vampire Lore skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Vet 10 Max out Vet skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_VideoGaming 10 Max out Video Gaming skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Violin 10 Max out Violin skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Wellness 10 Max out Wellness skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Writing 10 Max out Writing skill
stats.set_skill_level retail_workethic 5
stats.set_skill_level retail_maintenance 5
stats.set_skill_level retail_sales 5 Max out Retail Skills
Child Skill Cheats
Cheat Code Result
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Creativity 10 Max out Creativity skill for kids
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Mental 10 Max out Mental skill for kids
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Motor 10 Max out Motor skill for kids
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Social 10 Max out Social skill for kids
Toddler Skill Cheats
Cheat Code Result
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Toddler_Communication 5 Max out Communication skill for toddlers
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Toddler_Imagination 5 Max out Imagination skill for toddlers
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Toddler_Movement 5 Max out Movement skill for toddlers
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Toddler_Potty 3 Max out Potty skill for toddlers
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Toddler_Thinking 5 Max out Thinking skill for toddlers
Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the cheat code testingcheats true first before entering the
cheats below. If you want to promote your Sims in their careers, use these cheats! When you want to demote your
Sims in their career or job, just replace promote for demote.
Requirements for them to work are; type in testingcheats true first, own a retail store and have at least 1 item ‘set for
sale’. To see if they worked open up your Retail Perk rewards list and hover over the shopping basket. When the cheat
worked it will say: Your Sim does not meet the proper age requirements or this item has already been claimed.
Requirements for them to work are; type in testingcheats true first and own a restaurant. To see if they worked open
up your Perk rewards list and hover over the shopping basket. When the cheat worked it will say: Your Sim does not
meet the proper age requirements or this item has already been claimed.
The vampire rank required for the reward must be unlocked first.
40961 tells the game it’s a Vampire Power Perk.
{targetsim} is the Sim ID of the sim you’d like to unlock the perk for.
Cheat Code Result
bucks.unlock_perk DetectPersonality true 40961 {targetsim} Power: Detect Personality
bucks.unlock_perk BatForm true 40961 {targetsim} Power: Bat Form
bucks.unlock_perk Hallucinate true 40961 {targetsim} Power: Cast Hallucination
bucks.unlock_perk AlwaysWelcome true 40961 {targetsim} Power: Eternally Welcome
bucks.unlock_perk PotentPower_3 true 40961 {targetsim} Power: Occult Student/Occult Disciple/Occult Master
bucks.unlock_perk AlluringVisage_3 true 40961 {targetsim} Power: Vampiric Charm/Vampiric Allure/Vampiric
bucks.unlock_perk VampiricStrength_Level3 true 40961 {targetsim} Power: Vampiric Strength/Vampiric
Brawn/Vampiric Might
bucks.unlock_perk Command true 40961 {targetsim} Power: Command
bucks.unlock_perk GarlicImmunity true 40961 {targetsim} Power: Garlic Immunity
bucks.unlock_perk VampireCreation true 40961 {targetsim} Power: Vampire Creation
bucks.unlock_perk Mesmerize true 40961 {targetsim} Power: Mesmerize
bucks.unlock_perk NocturnalAffinity_Level3 true 40961 {targetsim} Power: Child Of The Moon/Creature of the
Night/Master of Darkness
bucks.unlock_perk IrresistibleSlumber true 40961 {targetsim} Power: Irresistible Slumber
bucks.unlock_perk ManipulateLifeSpirit true 40961 {targetsim} Power: Manipulate Life Spirit
bucks.unlock_perk VampiricSlumber_Level3 true 40961 {targetsim} Power: Vampiric Slumber/Greater Vampiric
Slumber/Vampiric Trance
bucks.unlock_perk EmotionalDampening_Level3 true 40961 {targetsim} Power: Dampened Emotions/Suppressed
Emotions/Deadened Emotions
bucks.unlock_perk VampireRun true 40961 {targetsim} Power: Supernatural Speed
bucks.unlock_perk NeedsNaughtiness true 40961 {targetsim} Power: Deprive Needs
bucks.unlock_perk ResistanceSolis_Level3 true 40961 {targetsim} Power: Sun Resistance/Greater Sun
Resistance/Perfect Sun Resistance
bucks.unlock_perk LoseHumanity_Hygiene true 40961 {targetsim} Power: Odorless
bucks.unlock_perk EmotionalBurst_3 true 40961 {targetsim} Power: Influence Emotion/Alter Emotion/Control
bucks.unlock_perk MistForm true 40961 {targetsim} Power: Mist Form
bucks.unlock_perk LoseHumanity_Social true 40961 {targetsim} Power: Beyond The Herd
bucks.unlock_perk TameTheThirst true 40961 {targetsim} Power: Tamed Thirst
bucks.unlock_perk LoseHumanity_Fun true 40961 {targetsim} Power: Immortal Pleasures
Reset Vampire Powers
This requires a Sim ID, you can use the sims.get_sim_id_by_name {Firstname} {Lastname} cheat to get your Sim ID
from your Sims. {simID} is the ID of the sim you want to reset.
The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs – Perk Points Cheats for the Vet Clinic
Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + C. Input the cheat codes into the text input field that appears at the
top of the screen. Input the cheat code testingcheats true.
To see if the cheat worked you can hover over the basket icon in the Vet Perk list, it will tell you ‘You have already
purchased this perk’.
How to install
Step 1 – Download the Tmex-AllCheats.ts4script (found on the bottom op the page)
Step 2 – Place it in Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods
Step 3 – Enable mods in you game options (Gameplay options > Other, and check both the “Enable Mods” and ” Enable
Script Mods” options)
Step 4 – Restart your game (If the mod is loaded properly a popup will confirm it was loaded.)
Step 5 – You can now use every cheat from this page!
A big thanks to TwistedMexican for finding most cheats and creating the mod!
Lightning Cheats
Cheat Code Result
Sims.get_sim_id_by_name {Firstname} {Lastname} Retrieve SimsID
weather.lightning_strike_object {simID} This will trigger a lightning strike on a sim of your choosing.
weather.summon_lightning_strike This will trigger a random lightning strike in your neighborhood
Extreme Weather Cheats
Cheat Code Result
weather.start_weather_event weather_Snow_Storm Changes the weather to Blizzard and Freezing
weather.start_weather_event weather_Rain_Storm_Cool Changes the weather to Thunderstorm and Cool.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Rain_Storm_Cold Changes the weather to Thunderstorm and Cold.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Rain_Storm_Warm Changes the weather to Thunderstorm and Warm.
weather.start_weather_event Weather_Heatwave Changes the weather to Sunny and Heatwave.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Windy_Burning Changes the weather to Windy and Heatweave.
Mysterious Weather Cheats
Cheat Code Result
weather.start_weather_event weather_Snow_Thundersnow Changes the weather to Thundersnow and Freezing.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Cloudy_DryLightning Changes the weather to Cloudy and Warm and it will
show you a beautiful sunlight through the trees.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Sunsnow Changes the weather to Sunsnow and Cool.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Snow_Test Changes the weather to Sunsnow and Cold.
Rain Cheats
Cheat Code Result
weather.start_weather_event weather_Rain_Heavy_Cold Changes the weather to Heavy Rain and Cold.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Rain_Heavy_Cool Changes the weather to Heavy Rain and Cool.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Rain_Heavy_Warm Changes the weather to Heavy Rain and Warm.
weather.start_weather_event weather_debug_fastrain Changes the weather to Heavy Rain and Hot.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Rain_Light_Cold Changes the weather to Light Rain and Cold.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Rain_Light_Cool Changes the weather to Light Rain and Cool.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Rain_Light_Warm Changes the weather to Light Rain and Warm.
Snow Cheats
Cheat Code Result
weather.start_weather_event weather_Snow_Heavy_Freezing Changes the weather to Heavy Snow and Freezing.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Snow_Light_Freezing Changes the weather to Light Snow and Freezing.
Sunny Cheats
Cheat Code Result
weather.start_weather_event weather_Sunny_Hot Changes the weather to Sunny and Hot.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Sunny_Warm Changes the weather to Sunny and Warm.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Sunny_Cool Changes the weather to Sunny and Cool.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Sunny_Cold Changes the weather to Sunny and Cold.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Sunny_Freezing Changes the weather to Sunny and Freezing.
weather.start_weather_event weather_SunShower_Hot Changes the weather to Sun Shower and Hot.
weather.start_weather_event weather_SunShower_Warm Changes the weather to Sun Shower and Warm.
weather.start_weather_event weather_SunShower_Cool Changes the weather to Sun Shower and Cool.
Windy Cheats
Cheat Code Result
weather.start_weather_event weather_Windy_Freezing Changes the weather to Windy and Freezing.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Windy_Cold Changes the weather to Windy and Cold.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Windy_Warm Changes the weather to Windy and Warm.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Windy_Hot Changes the weather to Windy and Hot.
Cloudy Cheats
Cheat Code Result
weather.start_weather_event weather_Cloudy_Hot Changes the weather to Cloudy and Hot.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Cloudy_Warm Changes the weather to Cloudy and Warm.
weather.start_weather_event Weather_Cloudy_Cool Changes the weather to Cloudy and Cool.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Cloudy_Cold Changes the weather to Cloudy and Cold.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Cloudy_Freezing Changes the weather to Cloudy and Freezing.
weather.start_weather_event weather_PartlyCloudy_Hot Changes the weather to Partly Cloudy and Hot.
weather.start_weather_event weather_PartlyCloudy_Warm Changes the weather to Partly Cloudy and Warm.
weather.start_weather_event weather_PartlyCloudy_Cool Changes the weather to Partly Cloudy and Cool.
weather.start_weather_event weather_PartlyCloudy_Cold Changes the weather to Partly Cloudy and Cold.
weather.start_weather_event weather_PartlyCloudy_Freezing Changes the weather to Partly Cloudy and Freezing.