DC Transformer
DC Transformer
DC Transformer
1. Introduction to AC Transformer:
In the presence of constant magnetic flux, an AC transformer is a basic component that
transforms an AC power at one voltage to another voltage. It actually contains more than one
coils of conducting wire that are enfolded in a mutual core (Main body of Transformer). These
conducting coils are not electrically attached with each other. The only connection among them
that they shared magnetic flux present within the core.
1.1 Transformer Winding:
One winding of the transformer is attached with the ac power supply and the other transformer
winding is connected with the electrical load. The primary winding or sometimes called input
winding is that winding which is connected to the ac power supply and the secondary winging or
may be called output winding is that winding which is connected to the electrical load. A tertiary
winding is that winding if a transformer has a third winding.
1.2 Need for a Transformer?
An AC transformer generally transforms one ac voltage to another voltage without changing the
main power provided to it. A transformer increases the output voltage of a particular case, at the
same condition it reduces the rated current to maintain the power into the circuit equal to the
output power from it. However, ac power should be generated at one crucial point, its voltage
boost up to transmit for long distance at negligible power losses, and its voltage decreases again
for some other application. The line losses in a power system is directly related to the square of
the current present in the transmission line. By increasing the amount of the transmission voltage
level which will reduce the transmission current by10 times. Image that if a transformer does not
exist, thein it is not be possible to utilize electrical power in different ways as we are using
1.3 Different types and structure of Transformers:
According to the one of two types of cores, some transformer are called as power transformer.
According to the construction, some type of transformer has a simple four-sided shaped covered
with the steel material of the transformer windings enveloped about the two sides of a rectangle.
The type of transformer is called core form transformer. Another type of transformer has a three-
legged coated piece of steel core with the windings draped round the center leg. This type of
body of transformer is called shell form Transformer. [1]
Power transformers are can be called for different names; it depends on different application in
the industry. A transformer is generally called unit transformer if it is directly connected to the
output of a transformer and used to increase the generated voltage (usually 110KV). On the other
hand, a transformer is called substation transformer, if it is used in the end side of transmission
lines and normally used to step down the voltage by an amount of 2-35KV. A distribution
transformer is one which is connected at the input of the distribution lines and usually stepping
down the voltage level so that it can be utilize for commercial use. These voltages may be 110,
210 or 220V.
All transformers have same basic fundamental electric components. However, their different use
in different application makes them different in the electrical power system.
More discussion about the transformers, there are various power transformer are available, two
special-purpose transformers are used within fundamental electrical conversions and power
systems. Among the list, first I will describe the special purpose transformers. The special
purpose transformer is an equipment which specifically constructed to deal high voltage and
convert it into a small output voltage which has direct relation to it. This transformer is known as
a potential transformer. It has also a special function that it also generates an output voltage
which could be directly proportional to its input voltage; the basic difference between both a
potential and power transformer, is that the potential transformer is constructed to deal only a
very low current levels. Another kind of special purpose transformers is designed to provide a
very small output current but it is directly proportional to its input current. This is known as a
current transformer.
1.4 The Ideal Transformer working:
An ideal transformer has both lossless winding (the primary winding and the secondary
windings). By the simple two equation, one can understand the relationship between the input
current and voltage to the output current and the voltage. Suppose that Np are turns of wire on its
input-side and Ns are turns of wire on its secondary output-side of a given transformer, the
general expression among the primary voltage Vp(t) which is supposed to be given to the
primary side of the transformer and the secondary voltage Vs(t) generated on the secondary
output-side is…[2]
𝑉𝑝(𝑡) 𝑁𝑝
= =a
𝑉𝑠(𝑡) 𝑁𝑠
Where small ‘a’ is defined as the turns ratio of the given transformer:
‘a’= 𝑁𝑠
Where 𝜃𝑝 is the angle among the primary input-side voltage and the input-side current. The
electrical power provided to the output side, which is given to the load is denoted as….
𝑃𝑜𝑢𝑡 =𝑉𝑠 𝐼𝑠 cos𝜃𝑠
Where θs is the position among the secondary output-side voltage and the secondary output-side
current. As the angles of current and voltages respectively have no effect in an ideal transformer,
𝜃𝑝 − 𝜃𝑠 =θ.
An ideal transformer has same power factor of its primary and secondary windings.
1.6 Transformer voltage regulation and efficiency:
In spite of that the input voltage remain constant, the ideal transformer has variable output
voltage because in the practical transformer impedance is connected in series. By compare an
ideal transformer is in this respect, it is normal to describe an important quantity which is called
voltage regulation. At the full-load, an entity that relates transformer output voltage at no load to
the output voltage at full load is called the voltage regulation. That can be defined with the
following given equation below…..
Voltage Regulation=(𝑉𝑠,𝑛𝑙 -𝑉𝑠,𝑓𝑙 )/𝑉𝑠,𝑓𝑙 *100%
Normally, that is a very nice rehearsal to maintain a small value of voltage regulation that may
possible. With an ideally transformer case, Voltage Regulation = 0%. But it’s always not a nice
habit to have a very low regulation, though it is sometimes very high impedance and great
voltage regulation occurs. The ideal transformers intentionally is applied to minimize the faulty
currents in a device.
By their efficiencies, transformers are analyzed and evaluated. A device’s efficiency is calculated
by the following equation…..
η= 𝑃𝑖𝑛 *100.0%
There are many kinds of losses in the transformers but I discussed only three main losses in the
1. In Copper (PR) losses. By the resistance in series within the equivalent circuit, the losses are
called PR losses.
2. The Hysteresis losses. The transformer losses are very famous and are accounted for by
resistor Rc.
3. Eddy current losses. These losses are also very important with respect to the transformer
efficiency and are accounted for by resistor Rc.
For a given load, the efficiency of a transformer is calculated. The overall losses is the sum of
resistances and applied the Pout. The Pout is calculated as….
𝑃𝑜𝑢𝑡 =𝑉𝑠 𝐼𝑠 cos𝜃𝑠
The efficiency of the transformer is expressed by…
2. Dc Converters/Choppers:
In the many industrial application, it is, mostly required that to change the one fixed dc voltage
to another variable dc voltage level. A circuit which is generally used to convert a fixed voltage
to another voltage is generally known as dc converter circuit or chopper circuit. A dc chopper
circuit is consider as an AC transformer that provides a variable ac voltage level. A dc converter
or chopper circuit is also used to increase or decrease the voltage level by using some kind of
semiconductor switches.
2.1 Application of chopper circuits:
It is used in electrical vehicles, the hybrid electric cars, the submarines, heavy duty trucks, and in
regenerative braking system, the dc converters have wide application specially used for traction
motor control. The most important application of dc converters is to use in braking system which
is used to recover the energy back to the power system, and the aspect results in great amount of
energy savings for transportation systems. The dc choppers are also widely used in voltage
regulation process and may be attached with an inductor L, to produce a dc current supplier,
particularly for the current supplier inverter.
2.2 Performance parameters of DC to dc Converters:
In case of dc to dc choppers, the input and output voltages are purely dc. A dc converter can
produce a variable output dc voltage to a fixed dc input voltage which is shown in fig. below.
The generated output dc voltage surely contains some harmonics as we know that due to the ac
component but the dc input voltage is purely dc. The given converter withdraws current from the
dc source only if the converter connects to the load to supply source and the input current is
The dc output power is
Pdc = Ia*Va
Where Va and Ia are called average voltage and current levels.
AC output power is….
Pac = IoV
Where Vo and Io; the rms voltage and current level.
Now, Dc-converter efficiency will be…
The rms ripple content of the output voltage is…
Ir= √𝐼𝑖 2 − 𝐼𝑠 2
Where Ii and Is are the rms and average values of the dc supply current.
The ripple factor of the output voltage is
The efficiency is measured by the relation of the power output to the power input, which is
mainly depend on the switching losses, which depends on the switching frequency of the
converter. The switching frequency f must be very high to reduce the values and sizes of
capacitances and inductances respectively. The designer has to negotiation on these contradictory
requirements. In general, fs > 18Hz of audio frequency.
part of the motor. The above given equation is about the electric field equation for current loop.
The emf is produced by the rotating disc is explained in the half of the equation part and the
source voltage is described in the second half. The radial electric field is Er and the Faraday’s
law is evaluated it for the current path among inner and outer disc radii. Without taking into
account the losses of brush and conductor can be written to and also ignore the friction:
Where σ is a constant and called conductivity, ω is called angular velocity and rin and rout are
the ‘inner and outer radii’ of the shaft where‘d’ denoted the thickness of the disc, Ir is the radial
current of the rotor and B0 is the uniform magnetic field. The second part of the equation is
describe the open circuit voltage (Voc) which is measured by the current in the rotor will be set
to zero:
And the short circuited current (Isc) is measured as the following equation:
Homopolar machines typically operate at small voltages and high currents which can be shown
by solving these equations for different supposed parameters. The magnetic field strength, the ω
and the outer and inner radii measured the homopolar machine voltage. In order to reduce
electrical losses and friction in the brushes, higher voltages would be suitable and allows a very
small conductor area of cross sectional. Superconducting magnets produce a solider and uniform
magnetic field, will lead to high voltages and to smaller and lighter weight machines size are.
The torque may be determined by the ‘Lorentz force’ experiences by the rotor which is given
During the experiments, ‘M. Faraday’ first invented the homopolar generator in 1830s. In his
majesty, it is normally known as ‘Faraday disk’. It was the start of the modern era of generators,
A magnetic field phenomenon based electrical generators. By using the phenomenon of
magnetism, it was incompetent and not fully utilize in the industry as a power supplier, but it was
the first indication of generating electricity and gave an ideal of a dc power full generator and
after that an alternating current.[9]
A homopolar generator can be converted into the homopolar motor by placing the battery that
drove in a homopolar motor. While a homopolar motor produces a mechanical energy and it
takes electrical energy at the input. The principle of homopolar generator is reverse as the motor:
In it the conducting disk is rotated by means of some mechanical energy and as a result it induces
some emf and if the circuit is completed then it draws electrical current.
Within the disk, a small charge carrier q which is travelling with some velocity ‘v’. The Lorentz
force (qv ×B) is influencing the charge carrier that is directed towards the axle of the disk which
is attached with the conductor. This produces an emf as that is shown by a voltmeter indicator (if
the circuit is closed then current is appeared).
As compare to other multi pole generators, a homopolar generator is theoretically very simple
but, only one current path is possible in it. That’s why it’s generated a low voltage. (By the way,
a large amount of current is provided by the brushes.)
4.1 Application of Homopolar machine?
Although a marvelous quality of attempt is made to the way of research on the phenomenon of
homopolar machine. Since by the ‘Faraday’ recognition since he invented the idea of homopolar
generation, only a small amount of its theory is published with the world but its application is
still unclear in our daily practical life.
Homopolar generation is an extra efficient way of generation. It is a bitter fact that embarrassed
the whole scientific community. While it tapping the freely energy, the generation process has
not been changed inspite of many engineering confronts. [10]
Unipolar motors is also a famous name of homopolar motors. In both alternating and direct
current generation, the electric motors of non-commutation are applied. They mostly precede
energy that travels in unidirectional.
They are mostly installed in the electroplating plants. This is the most important application of
the homopolar generator. They mostly provides low voltage and supply high current. A duty
machines can easily be drive by the current producing by these machines.
Wind turbines of high torques are also utilize the homopolar machines. As there is no need of
multidirectional gears, the operating cost of wind turbine for converting the wind into electrical
energy is very small. As compare to the bidirectional machines, they require less maintenance
Prototypes models or toys that utilize small engines, may be constructed using these types of
machines. A magnetic field is produced and magnet is made to spin when a force is exerting on
the rotating wheel. The generated electrical power is uni-direction, which emparts power to the
There are many other application where the homopolar phenomenon is used if one think and
observe about it. [11]
5. Homopolar Transformer:
It is similar to the dc machine (can be a generator or motor) but the body of stator winding
consists of rotor windings as well. The stator and rotor windings remain in direction of a
discretely generated magnetic field. The rotor windings are linked to analogous stator’s winding
with the help of slip rings. While positioned in a shared magnetic field, many isolated windings
may be constructed which are not electrically in contact with each other. The stator that
producing torque on the rotor windings, transmit power to only one winding of the machine. This
type of rotor torque is changed into current into the secondary windings and it also responded to
the electrical load with the stator additional terminals. [12]
The homopolar transformer has an input winding in which in the presence of a constant magnetic
field current flows that create a torque in the rotor windings which generates a current in a
secondary winding a in the presence of shared magnetic field effect. There is another
personification, only one winding linked with the voltage taps of the transformer coupled to the
terminals of the stator, different levels of output voltages are transferred to selector switch
terminals for measuring the ratio of voltage at the time of providing to the load.
5.1 Background of the Invention:
Basic structure and working operation of homopolar transformer for the electrical woking of the
weapons of marines systems is very famous in its working as broke out. In “U.S. Pat. No.
3,657,580 to Doyle”. It is a super combination of a homopolar generator and motor where in a
super conducting material is placed and current flows through it in the presence of madnetic
field. The current will exert a rotational force perpendicular to the direction of the conductor and
the magnetic field, it is a homopolar motor principle. While in the working principle of a
homopolar generator, within the magnetic field a voltage is produce by the movement of
conductor. Speed of the moving conductor and the no. of moving turns of the conductor and the
magnetic field magnitude is directly proportional to the armature voltage in the homopolar
generator. The torque produced has direct relation to current and the no. of turns of the
conductor. It’s the principle of motor.
By ignoring the equipment weight and size, distortion of voltage and losses are currently viewed
in the solid state power electronics conversion application of different voltage levels, when we
supply the electrical energy to the homopolar transformers for the DC electrical ‘propulsion’
systems, It is thereby, an important goal to convert a fixed dc voltage level to another dc voltage
level by utilizing a homopolar machine of the current development to more clearly and
competently. [13]
6. Flywheels:
From one cycle to another cycle, pure mechanical flywheels where mainly applied exclusively to
keep smoothly machines running, thereby make possible the industrial revolution in several
years ago. Many structures and strategies where proposed and instigated during that era, but it in
the 20th century, the structures and rotational designs were completely analyzed of flywheels
rotor. In 1970, flywheel energy storage idea was suggested as a key objective for hybrid electric
vehicles and static backup power. Fiber made material rotors where also built at the same time,
and till the1980s “magnetic bearings” were invented. Thus, by extensive research, the
prospective for an electric energy storage element by using flywheels has been recognized.
For numerous energy storage industrial applications, most recent improvements in the
constructing staff, magnetically bearings and solid state electronics make flywheels a spirited
option. In the power electronics development, the switches like IGBTs and FETs are the
superconducting, makes it achievable to for the flywheel work at very high power, it is
analogous in size to the flywheel or even small in size. By using the “composite” (a mixture of
materials) materials make possible to achieve with the power density at high rotational velocity
that should be superior to that of dc batteries. Magnetically formed bearings produce negligible
friction that allows it having very small losses when it is storing energy. The energy stored is
directly proportional to the square wheel speed. Higher speed is required, but it directly related to
the mass. [14]
A huge number of qualities that enables flywheels for attraction in the applications as a storing
units where they are now utilized easily.
1) Very high power density.
2) Huge amount of energy density.
3) Very small capacity limits, the lifetime of the flywheel does not dependent on the discharging
and discharging time period. It operates very efficiently both in conditions of small and on high
discharging. It is optimized device such as dc power bank structure for varying load is complex.
4) As it is available in the rotational velocity, the quantity and position of charge carrier simply
5) Periodically maintenance is not even necessary.
6) Recharge time is very small.
7) It is “Scalable technology” and universally available.
8) Composite with environmental friendly materials.
One of the most advantages of flywheels is that it is capable of handling the high power
variations. That is a required feature in an electric vehicle, where during acceleration a large
power is needed and, if by reversing the direction of motor, which are called electrical brakes are
applied, then a huge quantity of power is created for an instant, which results an additional
competent saving of energy, that resulting in lower fuel consumption.
Individually up to 500 MJ at pulsed power applications, the flywheels are capable of storing and
high ranges of power levels from kilowatt to Gigawatt, with the high powers models. To
maintain the grid frequency, the flywheels are appropriate due to their response time. The
irregular renewable sources contribute more production of energy, this is the most important
quality that is growing with the time in the world energy market. [15]
A real representation of induction process is indicated by the apparatus which can be a generator
or motor is used in the process. The electromagnetic complex measurements programs with the
help of supercomputer are possible. That’s why at any practical structure of devices have been
overcome the many restrictions and different constraints. By keeping in mind the constraints of
energy sources to the electrical load so that they can match with the generating system. All type
of technical association also reviewed for example in the case of voltage generator. The
efficiency of all new designed machines can improved very significantly.
In the stator windings, considerable amount of resistive power loss is produce due to the high
current. By increasing the size of the conductor, the cable resistance will significantly improve.
Rectangular shaped conductors are used in conventional generators. As the resistive power loss
in the windings of the stator is directly proportional to the square of the current produced,
theoretically it would be beneficial to design a generator that generates low current and high
voltage levels. Insulated conductors are required in such a generator, conventionally high voltage
solid dielectric materials for is it example. The generators of this new type is called Power
The main objective of the above paragraph is to discuss about the importance about the flywheel
designs specifications, its performance in industries and some recent improvement. Furthermore,
why high voltage motor/generators are used in flywheels is also briefed.
6.1 Flywheel basics:
Due to the rotating mass, energy is stored in a flywheel. A substantial amount of kinetic energy
in flywheels is stored as rotational energy, depending on the speed of the rotating wheel and the
inertia. For a stable operation, to minimize the friction-loss from the air and balanced by
bearings, the flywheel is situated inside a vacuum container. Depending on the phase angle, with
an electrical machine that can work either as a motor or generator kinetic energy is transmitted to
and out of the flywheel. Electric energy supplied to the winding of stator which is converted into
rotating torque and when it is supplied to the rotor winding, causes it to rotate faster and achieve
kinetic energy. This is the working principle how it is acting as motor. When it is acted like a
generator, electrical energy is produced when the kinetic energy is stored in the rotor is
converted by the production of torque. By the way, to control the power input and output, speed
and frequency etc. power electronics is obligatory.
In a flywheel, according to equation below, the mass and the square of its rotational speed is
directly related to the stored kinetic energy.
𝑒𝑘 = I𝜔2
Where 𝑒𝑘 is the stored kinetic energy that is in the flywheel, where ‘I’ denotes as “moment of
inertia” and ω is called the “angular velocity” in the flywheel. The “moment of inertia” is a
related to its shape and mass of an object. For the case of rotors made with steel materials are the
main shape in a cylinder solid which is described in the the following expression for Inertia:
𝐼𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑎 = ∗ 𝑟 2 ∗m=0.5 ∗ 𝑟 4 a*p*pi
In case the failure of a catastrophic, circumferential cracks are build up by the flywheels as they
are more probable, which are very less likely to produce free flying projectile pieces by making
fiber resistant composite rotors with circumferentially directed fibers. Rotational speed drop is
50% allowed in the most structures, the total stored energy is the amount of available energy is
75%. Depth of discharging in general is 75%. While, the power capabilities of the
motor/generator examine by power electronics. [16]
6.2 Magnetic bearings:
Due to the friction and electrical losses and short life period, mechanical bearings that were used
in the modern high-speed flywheels in the past cannot be utilized. Magnetic bearing system is
applied instead of it a permanent magnet or electro permanent magnet. The shaft of the Electro
permanent magnetic bearings are isolated, have no movable parts, involvement a little bit apparel
and need not a lubricant agent. When it includes of permanent magnet, by the forces of
repulsions bears the weight of the flywheel and to balance the flywheel, electromagnets are used,
it will become a very complex “guiding system”. Mechanical bearings at the end of the flywheel
axle is an easier way to balance it. It is possible since the permanent magnet levitate the flywheel
and thus, it will reduce friction. Without need of electricity or positioning control system, the
flywheel automatically directed by the high-temperature super-conducting (HTS) magnetic
bearing are the best performing of bearing. However, liquid nitrogen based cooling process is
used in HTS magnets. [17]
6.3 Flywheel technical considerations:
For smoothly working operation, most designers have applied the theory of storing kinetic
energy in a rotating mass for many years. Till now, the motor/generator is connected with the
huge majority consist of steel wheels, where the flywheel rotational speed without considerably
decrease in the high rotating inertia permitted long ride-through time. The electrical frequency is
directly reacted to the change in rotational speed and total stored energy hardly exceeded 5% of
the power delivery of those flywheels.
6.4 Motor/generator:
The most flywheel system designer choose specifications for standardized the electric power
have prepared are the variable speed AC (alternating current) alternators (to provide
accommodation the steady slowing during discharge of the flywheel) and diodes to distribute in
DC generation. The axial-flux and the radial-flux permanent magnet machines (AFPM and
RFPM respectively) are the two typical kinds of machines used. Internal rotor (shaft), internal
stator, multidisc, slotted or slot-less stator, rotors with interior or surface-mounted magnets are
the number of choices for the design structure of an AFPM machine that are available. By the
way, axial machines have two working surfaces instead of radial machines. Either one rotor
combined with two stators or two rotors combined with one stator and vice versa. The output
power is increases by using a two surface working machine. This is its advantage. There are
many advantages of the axial machines over the radial machines for example, an easy cooling
mechanism and have a planar adjustable air gap, significantly working under low-pressure
circumstances. A single-rotor combined with the two-stator (AFPM) arrangement without
connecting the winding of the stator. It is to be observed that the permanent type magnets are a
constitute fragment of the rotor of the flywheel and the stators are set to the main body of it. [18]
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