Convergence-Confinement Method For Simulating NATM Tunnels Evaluated by Comparison With Full 3D Simulations
Convergence-Confinement Method For Simulating NATM Tunnels Evaluated by Comparison With Full 3D Simulations
Convergence-Confinement Method For Simulating NATM Tunnels Evaluated by Comparison With Full 3D Simulations
3 346
2 authors, including:
David Mašín
Charles University in Prague
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All content following this page was uploaded by David Mašín on 23 November 2015.
The convergence-confinement method (CCM) for simulating NATM tunnels using plane strain finite element method was
in the paper evaluated by comparison with fully 3D simulations. Three real shallow tunnels in urban environment in
different stiff clays were simulated. The soil behaviour was described by an advanced non-linear soil constitutive
model based on the hypoplasticity theory. It was shown that for an optimum value of the parameter λd the displacement
field predicted by the CCM method agrees well with the 3D simulations. The controlling parameter was, however, found
to be dependent on the problem simulated (for the same material) and also on the material properties (for the same
tunneling problem).
assumes that overconsolidation is caused by creep
phenomena with K0 = 0.66 obtained from Jáky (1944)
formula. Surface settlement troughs predicted by the
hypoplastic model for the two K0 values are shown in Fig.
Figure 3: The influence of the small-strain stiffness
characteristics on the predicted settlement trough for the
Heathrow express trial tunnel (from Mašín, 2009; monitoring
data from Deane and Basset 1995).
One of the consequences of this observation is that a axis. This is caused by high K0 conditions adopted in the
change of geological conditions during excavation of a Dobrovskeho case study analyses presented in this section
single tunnel might require appropriate modification of λd (K0 = 1.25). In the 3D analyses, this effect is not that
values used in the simulations. K0 does not appear to have significant and the method predicts more reasonable shape
substantial effect on λd. For the same soil type, the tunnel of the vertical displacement field in a close vicinity of the
size and geometry influences significantly appropriate adit.
values of λd . In the case of the Dobrovskeho study, λd ≈
0.5 was found for the exploratory adit, whereas λd ≈ 0.3
for the whole tunnel. Thus, if λd found on the basis of
results of an exploratory adit simulations was used for
predictions of the full tunnel response, it would lead to an
overestimation of the tunnel deformations. This is
demonstrated in Fig. 7, in which the Dobrovskeho tunnel
simulations are repeated with λd calibrated based on
simulations of exploratory adit. These simulations lead to
approximately 35% larger surface settlements.
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Proc. 2nd International Conference on Computational
The authors acknowledge the financial support by the Methods in Tunnelling EURO:TUN 2009, Volume 1, pp.
research grants GACR 205/08/0732, GAUK 134907 and 249–256.
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