History Matching of Three-Phase Flow Production Data

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History Matching of Three-Phase Flow Production Data

Ruijian Li, SPE, A.C. Reynolds, SPE, and D.S. Oliver, SPE, U. of Tulsa Summary Adjoint equations for 3D, three-phase flow problems are developed and implemented to calculate the sensitivity of production data to permeability fields and well skin factors. Typically, the development of adjoint equations is rather tedious, but the formulation given here makes the development and numerical solution of adjoint equations straightforward. The procedure for calculating sensitivity coefficients is coupled with a fully implicit finitedifference simulator to develop an automatic history-matching procedure. Even if one does not wish to fully automate history matching, sensitivity coefficients are useful for understanding the physics that control 3D multiphase flow and the influence of local reservoir properties on production data. Procedures to estimate the value of particular types of data [pressure, producing gas/oil ratio (GOR), and water/oil ratio (WOR)] for reducing the uncertainty in estimates of reservoir properties are applied and discussed. Introduction Automatic history matching is based on minimizing an objective function that includes a sum of production data mismatch terms squared. Minimization using conjugate gradient or variable metric methods requires computation of only the gradient of the objective function, but typically converge fairly slowly (see Makhlouf et al.,1 Yang and Watson,2 and Carrera and Neuman3). Despite their relatively slow convergence, such methods may prove to be the only feasible option for large-scale problems, where the number of data and model parameters are both so large that it is not feasible to compute all sensitivity coefficients. Our focus here, however, is on the Gauss-Newton and Levenberg-Marquardt methods, which typically converge in far fewer iterations. Although the gradient simulator method4 can be used to generate sensitivity coefficients for automatic history matching,5 this is not feasible if the number of model parameters is large. The gradient simulator method requires that we solve a matrix problem with multiple right sides at the end of each reservoir simulator timestep. The number of right sides is equal to the number of model parameters. If one can justify describing the reservoir using only a few model parameters (e.g., some form of zonation58 makes sense), then the gradient simulator is feasible. However, if the set of model parameters includes the porosities and permeabilities for every grid cell, computation of sensitivity coefficients with the gradient simulator method is not feasible. As discussed in Wu et al.,9 the adjoint method3,1012 also requires solving one matrix problem with multiple right sides at each simulator timestep. But, in the adjoint procedure, the number of right sides is no greater than the number of production data, and is independent of the number of model parameters. Thus, the procedure is applicable when the set of model parameters includes all gridblock permeabilities and porosities. In the examples considered here, the number of conditioning production data is small enough that we can afford to compute the sensitivity of all production data to the model parameters. If the number of data is large, the model can be reparameterized using the subspace method13 and then we can directly compute the sensitivity of each subspace vector to the model parameters.14 If the number of model parameters is very large, there will not be sufficient independent data to resolve all the model parameters. In this case, application of the Gauss-Newton method would fail because the Hessian would be ill conditioned unless some form of regularization is applied. In this work, we use a prior geostatistical model to provide regularization. With this approach, the historymatching problem is equivalent to a Bayesian estimation problem.9,1517 We calculate sensitivity coefficients with the adjoint method. The availability of sensitivity coefficients allows the application of the Gauss-Newton and Levenberg-Marquardt algorithms, which exhibit approximate quadratic convergence in a neighborhood of a minimum. Because sensitivity coefficients are calculated, the a posteriori covariance matrix can be generated; this matrix provides a measure of uncertainty in the estimates of reservoir model parameters. The adjoint solution and historymatching procedure presented here are based on a finite-difference formulation of the flow equations. As such, the method can be applied to single-phase oil or gas flow, or to multiphase flow problems; it is not restricted to physical problems where streamline simulators can be used to generate accurate results efficiently. Model Estimation and Simulation In this major section, we define the reservoir model parameters and the a posteriori probability density function (pdf) for these parameters. This pdf, which is conditional to production data, defines the the set of plausible reservoir descriptions. We discuss computation of the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate. The MAP estimate is the model that maximizes the a posteriori pdf and is thus sometimes referred to as the most probable model. Methods for sampling this pdf to characterize the uncertainty in model parameters and the uncertainty in performance predictions are discussed briefly. Model Parameters and the Prior PDF. For simplicity, the reservoir is assumed to be a rectangular parallelepiped that occupies the region = x,y,z|0 x Lx,0 y Ly,0 z Lz. . . . . . . . . . . . (1) The forward model is a fully implicit finite-difference simulator based on a block-centered grid. The principal permeability directions are assumed to be aligned with the coordinate directions, so that the permeability tensor is diagonal. Fluid properties are assumed to be known. Given two-phase oil/water and two-phase oil/gas relative permeabilities, the three-phase oil relative perme ability is constructed from Stones Model II (see Aziz and Settari18). Wellbore constraints are handled using Peacemans equation.19 In the general inverse code that has been developed, the model parameters may include horizontal permeability, vertical permeability, and porosity at each gridblock, a skin factor at each well, and parameters that define the two sets of two-phase relative permeability curves. For the specific example considered here, we only estimate horizontal and vertical permeability and well skin factors, so these are the only variables that appear in our vector of model parameters. Thus, if there are a total of N simulator gridblocks and Nw wells, the total number of model parameters is equal to M=2N+Nw. Specifically, our set of model parameters is given by
T T T T ,mk ,ms m = mk , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2) z

Copyright 2003 Society of Petroleum Engineers This paper (SPE 87336) was revised for publication from paper SPE 66351, presented at the 2001 SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium, Houston, 1114 February. Original manuscript received for review 23 March 2001. Revised manuscript received 26 June 2003. Manuscript peer approved 24 July 2003.


December 2003 SPE Journal


where mkan N-dimensional column vector with its jth entry equal to the horizontal permeability for gridblock j, mkzan Ndimensional column vector with its jth entry equal to the vertical permeability for gridblock j, and ms an Nw-dimensional column vector with its jth entry given by the skin factor at the jth well. These reservoir parameters are modeled as random variables, so m is a random vector. From a purely history-matching point of view, we wish to construct an estimate of m from production data (dynamic data) and static data. However, there are an infinite number of models which will give equally reasonable matches of the data, and it is desirable to define a procedure for generating a particular estimate or to characterize the uncertainty in reservoir descriptions. From both the philosophical and practical points of view (see Tarantola16 and Omre et al.20), the most challenging part of the inverse problem is the determination of a representative pdf for reservoir parameters. Similar to the recent work on automatic history matching by He et al.17 and Wu et al.,9 we follow ideas that can be found in Tarantola16 and simply assume that a prior geoT statistical model for mr[mT k ,mkz]T, can be constructed from static data. In our work, we assume this prior geostatistical model can be represented by a multivariate Gaussian distribution for mr. If semivariograms are available and horizontal, vertical permeability can be modeled as stationary random functions, and the Xu et al.21 screening hypothesis is applied, then the prior covariance matrix for mr can be easily constructed (see Chu et al.22). In the prior model, each well skin factor is treated as an independent Gaussian variable with specified mean and variance. If the skin factor was estimated by fitting pressure data with a classical well-testing model solution using nonlinear regression, then the estimate of the skin factor would be its prior mean, and its variance can be constructed directly from the same information used to construct confidence intervals. The vector of prior means is given by mprior =

mean zero and variance 2 p. GOR measurement errors are modeled as independent, identically distributed Gaussian random variables with mean zero and variance 2 g. WOR ratio measurement errors are modeled by the procedure introduced by Wu et al.9 In this model, the WOR measurement error depends on the magnitude of the measurement. Specifically, the variance of a particular measurement error is defined as
2 VareWOR = WORobs o +

2 qo ,obs

2 2 2 maxw qw,obs,w ,min, . . . . . . . (6)

where eWOR denotes the error in the measurement of WOR constructed from the observed oil and water rates, qo,obs and qw,obs. Here, m denotes the relative measurement error for the flow rate of phase m. For example, if the relative measurement error in the water flow rate is 2%, then w0.02. In our examples, we specify constant values of w and o. Note that Eq. 6 effectively requires that wqw,obsw,min. The three diagonal matrices, CD,p, CD,w, and CD,g, respectively, denote the data covariance matrices for pressure data, WOR data, and GOR data. If the total number of conditioning data is Nd, then the overall data covariance matrix is given by the following NdNd diagonal matrix: CD =

CD,p O O O DD,w O , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (7) O O CD,g

We of course do not need to use all types of data as conditioning data. For example, if we wish to history match only pressure data, dobs,w and dobs,g are deleted from dobs and we set CDCD,p. For a given model m, d denotes the predicted, true, or calculated data corresponding to dobs. If m is the true reservoir from which dobs was obtained and there are no measurement errors, then d=dobs. As d depends on the model, we write d = gm, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (8) to represent the operation of calculating d given m. In our work, Eq. 8 represents the operation of running the reservoir simulator to calculate d. Bayes theorem (see Tarantola16) indicates that the a posteriori pdf (conditional to observed data) for the model variables is proportional to the product of the prior pdf and the likelihood function for the model, and is given by

Ck O

mk,prior mkz,prior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) ms,prior

We let Ck denote the prior covariance matrix for mk, Ckz denote the prior covariance for kz, Ck,kz denote the cross-covariance matrix between k and kz and let Cs denote the NwNw model covariance matrix for the vector of well skin factors. Then, the prior model covariance matrix is given by CM =

Ck,kz O O Cs

Ck,kz Ckz O

m = c expOm, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (9)
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (4) where Om = 1 2

where the Os denote null submatrices of the appropriate size. If horizontal and vertical permeability are not correlated, then Ck,kz is also a null matrix. The prior pdf for m is then given by 1 1 pm = c exp m mpriorT C M m mprior , . . . . . . . . . . (5) 2 where c is the normalizing constant. Note the model which maximizes the prior pdf of Eq. 5 is mmprior; therefore, it is convenient to think of mprior as the best estimate of the model based on static data. Production Data and the a Posteriori PDF. We wish to determine the conditional pdf for m given observed production data. Here, we consider only three types of production data: Wellbore pressure (pwf), producing WOR, and producing GOR. The WOR and GOR data are not actually measured directly but are constructed from rate measurements. Nevertheless, we will refer to the values of WOR and GOR as measured or observed data. The column vector dobs;w contains all observed WOR data that will be used as conditioning data. The column vector dobs;g contains the set of GOR conditioning data, and dobs;p contains all conditioning pressure data. Pressure measurement errors are modeled as independent identically distributed Gaussian random variables with
December 2003 SPE Journal

1 m mpriorT C M m mprior 1 + gm dobsT C M gm dobs

. . . . . . . . . . . . (10)

Construction of the MAP Estimate and Realizations. The MAP estimate is denoted by m and is defined to be the model that maximizes the pdf of Eq. 9, or equivalently minimizes the objective function of Eq. 10. Although gradient-based methods appear to be the only feasible way to construct a minimum of O(m), there is no guarantee that Eq. 10 has a unique global minimum, or that a gradient-based optimization procedure will converge to a global minimum. In fact, if a gradient method is applied to minimize O(m), it is important to check the results to ensure that the method did not converge to a local minimum which yields an unacceptable match of production data, or unreasonable reservoir properties. The Gauss-Newton method with restricted step has often been used to minimize O(m) (see Chu et al.23). However, if the initial guess for the model yields a very poor match of the observed production data, a straightforward application of the method may converge extremely slowly or may converge to a model which yields an unacceptable match of production data. Wu et al.9 overcame this problem by using an artificially high value for the variance of data measurement errors. Here, we show that a form of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm introduced by Bi24 provides a natural way to avoid the convergence difficulties that are sometimes encountered by the Gauss-Newton method. For the problems


of interest here, the number of conditioning production data is less than the number of model parameters, so we use the following form of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm:

ml+1 =

ml mprior + CMGlT 1 + l Glml mprior gml dobs , 1 + l

1 + lCD + GlGMGlT1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (11)

will simply use the diagonal entries of CMP divided by the corresponding prior variances (diagonal entries of CM) to measure the reduction in model uncertainty. Similarly, to understand the effect that data will have on the reduction in different types of model parameters, one should construct dimensionless sensitivity coefficients.33 Following Zhang et al.,33 the dimensionless sensitivity of the ith data, gi, to the jth model parameter is defined by si,j = gi mj , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (15) mj d,i

ml+1 = ml + lml+1, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (12) where l1; see Zhang et al.25 for additional discussion. Here l, as either a subscript or superscript, refers to the iteration index. The matrix Gl denotes the NdM sensitivity coefficient matrix evaluated at ml. The entry in the ith row and jth column of Gl represents the sensitivity of the ith calculated data gi to the jth model parameter evaluated at ml (i.e., this entry is gi(ml)/mj, where mj is the jth entry of m). If O(ml+1)<O(ml), we set l+1l/ 10, and if the objective function does not decrease, we increase the Levenberg-Marquardt parameter by a factor of 10. For the problems we have considered to date, this simple procedure works well. To obtain the Gauss-Newton procedure with restricted step, we set l0 in Eq. 11, and use the restricted step method26 to calculate the damping factor l in Eq. 12. Although we focus on the generation of the MAP estimate in this work, it is possible to use a similar procedure to generate a realization with the randomized maximum likelihood method introduced by Kitanidis27 and Oliver et al.28 To generate a realization by the randomized maximum likelihood method, we mimimize Orm = 1 2

where mj denotes the prior variance in model parameter mj, and d,i denotes the variance of the measurement error for the ith observed data. Sensitivity Coefficients In this work, individual sensitivity coefficients are evaluated by the adjoint procedure. We show that the system of adjoint equations can be written in a very compact form. The Reservoir Simulator. The simulator used is based on a fully implicit, finite-difference formulation of the three-phase flow, black-oil equations expressed in an x-y-z coordinate system which apply on ; see Eq. 1. At every gridblock, three finite-difference equations apply. These 3N equations represent the mass balances for each of the three components. In addition, a constraint is applied at each of the Nw wells to yield Nw additional equations. At each well at each timestep, either an individual phase flow rate, the total flow rate, or the wellbore pressure may be specified as a well constraint. In the results considered here, capillary pressures are assumed to be negligible. For gridblock i, the primary variables are pi, Sw,i, and Sg,i. In addition, the flowing wellbore pressure, pwf,j at the jth well is a primary variable. We let yn denote a column vector which contains the set of primary variables at timestep n. At gridblock i, the finite-difference equation for component u can be written as
n+1 fu,iyn+1, yn, m = f u ,i = 0, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (16)

1 m mucT C M m muc 1 + gm dobs,ucTCD gm dobs,uc

, . . . . . . . (13)

where dobs,uc is obtained by adding noise to dobs and mucan unconditional realization of the model obtained by sampling the prior pdf of Eq. 5. To generate n realizations, we repeat the process n times. Evaluation of Uncertainty. The best way to evaluate uncertainty in reservoir properties would be to construct a large suite of realizations by sampling the pdf of Eq. 9; see, for example, Hegstad and Omre,29 Omre et al.,30 He,31 or Wu.32 Although sampling the pdf is preferable, to do so rigorously may be difficult, and the computational expense of generating a large set of realizations can be significant. For the case where we simply construct the MAP estimate of the model, the a posteriori covariance matrix can be used to provide an approximate evaluation of uncertainty in individual model parameters. Tarantola16 has shown that the a posteriori covariance matrix can be written as CMP = CM CMGTGCMGT + CD1 GCM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (14) In this equation, Gthe matrix of sensitivity coefficients evaluated at the MAP estimate of the model. The matrix CMP gives the exact characterization of the uncertainty in model parameters if the relationship between data and model parameters is linear. In this case, the diagonal elements of this matrix give the a posteriori variances of the model parameters, which represents one measure of the uncertainty in the model parameters. One should note, however, that the ith diagonal element of CMP gives only the variance of the marginal distribution of mi, and neglects the effect that the correlation between parameters has on the reduction in uncertainty. For 3D problems, conditioning to production data may yield a negligible reduction in the uncertainty in individual model parameters, but may significantly reduce the uncertainty in predicted performance (see He31 and He et al.17). As model parameters have dimensions, and the differences in variances between different types of parameters may be large, one should scale the a posteriori variances to evaluate the relative reduction in uncertainty.17 For the problems considered here, we

for u=o,w,g and i1,,N. The well constraints are represented by

n+1 fwf,jyn+1, yn, m = f wf ,j = 0, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (17)

for j1,2,,Nw. If the flowing wellbore pressure at Well j at time +1 tn+1 is specified to be equal to pn wf,j,0, then Eq. 17 is given by
n+1 n+1 fwf,j yn+1, yn, m = pwf ,j pwf,j,0 = 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (18)

Eqs. 16 and 17 represent the system of 3N + Nw equations that are solved to obtain the values of the primary variables at time tn+1tn+tn. For wells at which the flowing bottomhole pressure is specified, phase flow rates at each well are computed by Peacemans equation.19 The complete system of equations can formally be written as


= fy , y , m =


+1 fn o,1 n+1 fw ,1 +1 fn g,1 +1 fn o,2 n+1 fg ,N n+1 f wf ,1

= 0, . . . . . . . . . . . . (19)

n+1 f wf ,Nw

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yn+1 =

Eq. 19 is solved by the Newton-Raphson method,18 which can be written as J yn+1,+1 = f n+1yn+1,, yn, m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (21) yn+1,+1 = yn+1, + yn+1,+1, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (22) where the iteration index and J =
T yn+1f n+1Tyn+1,,

+1 pn 1 n+1 Sw ,1 n+1 Sg,1 +1 pn 2

it follows that BT0. Using this result and Eq. 29 in Eq. 27 and rearranging the resulting equation gives dJ = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (20)


n T

yn f nTT + n+1Tyn f n+1TT

n+1 Sg ,N n+1 pwf ,1

+ ynTdyn + mT +

f dm.
n T n T T n=1 m

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (32)

n+1 pwf ,Nw

To obtain the adjoint system, the coefficients multiplying dyn in Eq. 32 are set equal to zero; in other words, we require that the adjoint variables satisfy
nTyn f nTT + n+1Tyn f n+1TT + ynT = 0. . . . . . . (33)

Taking the transpose of Eq. 33 gives the adjoint system

yn f nTn = yn f n+1Tn+1 yn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (34)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (23)

is the Jacobian matrix evaluated at yn+1,, which represents the th approximation for yn+1. Adjoint Equations. We define a general scalar function by

= y1, . . . , yL,m, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (24)

where L corresponds to the last time tL at which one wishes to compute sensitivity coefficients. The objective is to compute the sensitivity coefficients for . As is well known, the adjoint functional J is obtained by adjoining Eq. 19 to the function to obtain J=+


n+1 T

f n+1, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (25)

where n+1the vector of adjoint variables at timestep n+1, and is given by

n+1 T +1 n+1 n+1 = n 1 ,2 , . . . , 3N+Nw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (26)

Taking the total differential of Eq. 25, and doing some simple rearranging, gives dJ = d +

This system is solved backwards in time for nL,L1,,1. The matrix multiplying n+1 in Eq. 34 is a diagonal band matrix, which is only related to the accumulation terms in the reservoir-simulation equations, and can be directly computed. Note that the coefficient matrix [yn ( f n)T] in the adjoint system is simply the transpose of the Jacobian matrix of Eq. 23 evaluated at yn. This is an important result, as it means that one can directly extract the matrices involved in the adjoint equations directly from the Jacobian matrices used in the simulator. This avoids the tedious process of directly deriving the individual adjoint equations. In this sense, our derivation shows that the adjoint method is somewhat similar to the gradient simulator method4 in that the coefficient matrices that appear in both problems can be formed directly from Jacobian matrices used in solving the finite-difference equations by the Newton-Raphson method. As the adjoint system is solved backward in time, information needed to compute the transpose of the Jacobian matrices must be saved from the simulation run, whereas, in the gradient simulator method, the desired sensitivity coefficients are computed at each timestep during the simulation run. Considering J as a function of m, we can write its total differential as dJ = mJT dm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (35) By comparing Eq. 32 and Eq. 35, it follows that the desired sensitivity coefficients for J, or, equivalently, , are given by mJ = m +


n+1Tyn+1f n+1TT dyn+1

+ mf n+1TT dm +

n=0 n T n

n+1 T

yn f n+1TT dyn

= d + BT + +
n+1 T

n=1 n+1 T T

f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (36)
n T n n=1 m

ynf nTT

yn f


+ nT m f nTT dm, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (27) where BT = L+1T yL+1 f L+1TT dyL+1 + m f L+1TT dm + 1T y0 f 1TT dy0. . . . . . . . . . . . (28) The total differential of can be written as d=

n=1 y

In Eq. 36, the gradient m involves the partial derivatives of with respect to the model parameters. If the jth model parameter does not explicitly appear in the expression for , then /mj0. For example, if pn wf, then we set m0 in Eq. 36. For the results considered here, the choices of are restricted to the wellbore pressure, GOR, and WOR at timesteps where observed data for these variables are used as conditioning data. If one wishes to use a conjugate gradient1 or variable metric method, then one needs only compute the gradient of the objective function, and this can be done by setting O(m) in the adjoint procedure. In this case, one only needs to solve the adjoint system Eq. 34 once to obtain the gradient. Dimensionless Sensitivity Coefficients: An Example The example presented here is one that is sufficiently complex to be instructive, but small enough so that we were able to check the sensitivity coefficients computed by the adjoint method with those computed by the finite-difference method. Although some of the sensitivity coefficient results presented are not easy to explain

dyn + mT dm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (29)

The initial conditions are fixed, so dy0 = 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (30) Choosing

L+1 = 0, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (31)
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from a purely physical viewpoint, all of them have been compared with results generated with the finite-difference method. (In some previous publications, the finite-difference method was referred to as the direct method; see, for example, Chu and Reynolds34 or He et al.17). For all cases considered in this paper, the adjoint method and finite-difference method gave results that agreed to two significant digits. The areal extent of the reservoir is 600600 ft and contains two layers. Layer 1 refers to the top layer, and Layer 2 refers to the bottom layer. The thickness of each layer is uniform and equal to 30 ft. A uniform 15152 finite-difference grid with xy40 ft and z30 ft is used in all reservoir simulation runs. Each layer of the true model consists of three permeability regions. Fig. 1 shows the distribution of values of horizontal log permeability in Layer 1. For Layer 1, ln(k)5.2 (k181 md) in the lower left quadrant, ln(k)5.8 (k330 md) in the lower right quadrant, and ln(k)5.5 (k245 md) in the upper half. For Layer 2, ln(k)3.7 (k40 md) in the lower left quadrant, ln(k)4.3 (k74 md) in the lower right quadrant, and ln(k)4.0 (k55 md) in the upper half. In the truth case, vertical permeability is equal to 1/10 horizontal permeability in the top layer, and is equal to 2/10 of horizontal permeability in the bottom layer. Thus, for Layer 1, ln(kz)2.9 (kz18 md) in the lower left quadrant, ln(kz)3.5 (kz33 md) in the lower right quadrant, and ln(kz)3.2 (kz24.5 md) in the upper half. For Layer 2, ln(kz)2.1 (kz8 md) in the lower left quadrant, ln(kz)2.7 (kz15 md) in the lower right quadrant, and ln(kz)2.4 (kz11 md) in the upper half. Here, reservoir porosity is assumed to be uniform with 22. Even though the truth case consists of zones, permeabilities of each grid cell are estimated. The simplicity of the example chosen allows one to easily visualize the quality of estimates. Capillary effects are not included. Initial reservoir pressure at the depth corresponding to the center of the top layer is specified as pi4,500 psi, which is a few psi greater than initial bubblepoint pressure. Initial water saturation is equal to irreducible water saturation, which is equal to 0.2. Initial oil saturation is So,i0.8. As mentioned previously, Stones second model is used to calculate the three-phase oil relative permeability from the two sets of twophase relative permeability curves. For the two-phase oil/water system, residual oil saturation is 0.2. For the two-phase gas/oil system, residual oil saturation is 0.3, and critical gas saturation is equal to 0.05.

The reservoir contains four producing wells that are completed only in the top layer. The white gridblocks in Fig. 1 show the location of the gridblocks that contain wells. These wells are located near the four corners of the reservoir. Well 1 is completed in gridblock (3, 3, 1), Well 2 is completed in gridblock (13, 3, 1), Well 3 is completed in gridblock (13, 13, 1), and Well 4 is completed in gridblock (3, 13, 1). Each of the wells is produced at a total flow rate of 350 RB/D. A single water injection well (Well 5) completed in gridblock (8, 8, 2) is used to inject water into the bottom layer at a rate of 1,100 STB/D. At initial reservoir pressure, this is equivalent to an injection rate of 1,107 RB/D. Note that the injection well (Well 5) is located in the lower right quadrant of the bottom layer, which corresponds to the highest permeability zone [ln(k)4.3] of the bottom layer. The true skin factors at Wells 1 through 5, respectively, are specified as 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 2.0, and 0.0. By running the simulator using data from the truth case as input, the production response shown in Figs. 2 and 3 were obtained. As the injection rate in RB/D is less than the producing rate, the pressure at all four producing wells (not shown) continually decreases with time. Except at very early times, the pressure at the injection well also decreases with time. For the example considered, wells produce from only one gridblock, so the WOR and GOR, respectively, are given by WOR = and GOR = Rs + krgoBo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (38) krogBg krwoBo , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (37) krowBw

These equations are applied at each producing well and are evaluated using the pressure and saturations of the gridblock containing the well. For 3D multiphase flow problems, sensitivity coefficients are difficult to understand physically. If one wishes to perform history matching by manually adjusting parameters instead of using a fully automated procedure, the availability of a procedure to compute sensitivity coefficients should prove valuable in those cases where we are unable to apply physical intuition to predict how a change in a model parameter will change production data. The sensitivity of GOR to the permeability field is particularly hard to predict. The reason for this difficulty is that the gas production rate consists of two parts, gas dissolved in the oil phase (reflected by Rs) and the free gas flow rate, which is largely controlled by gas relative permeability. If, as should be expected, an increase in permeability in the wells gridblock results in an increase in gridblock pressure, then Rs increases, but gas saturation will typically decrease, resulting in a decrease in the production rate of free gas. If the incremental increase in the production rate of dissolved gas is greater than the incremental decrease in the rate of production of free gas, then the increase in permeability will result in an increase

Fig. 1True model of horizontal log permeability, Layer 1. 332

Fig. 2The gas/oil ratio. December 2003 SPE Journal


Fig. 3The water/oil ratio.

Fig. 4Dimensionless sensitivity of WOR at Well 1 to horizontal log permeability of Layer 1.

in GOR, so the sensitivity of GOR to gridblock permeability is positive. On other hand, if the incremental decrease in the production rate of free gas is greater than the increase in the production rate of dissolved gas, then the sensitivity will be negative. The interpretation of sensitivity coefficients is further complicated when injected water is displacing both oil and gas, and flow occurs in both the horizontal and vertical directions. In this case, the sensitivity of WOR or GOR to a gridblock permeability depends on gridblock pressure, water saturation, and gas saturation, and changes in these variables depend on how a change in permeability affects flow of each phase in all three directions. Sensitivity to Horizontal Permeability. Fig. 4 shows a plot of the dimensionless sensitivity of the producing WOR at Well 1 to the horizontal log permeability field of Layer 1 at two times after breakthrough. In this figure, and in similar ones presented later, dimensionless sensitivities are shown along a diagonal line of gridblocks from the upper left corner to the lower right corner of the reservoir as oriented in Fig. 1. Thus, Gridblock 3 pertains to the areal location of Well 1, and Gridblock 8 pertains to the areal location of the injection well. As shown in Fig. 4, the sensitivity of the WOR at Well 1 to Layer 1 horizontal log permeability is negative at gridblocks that are near the injection well, and between Well 3 and the injection well. This makes sense, because increasing these permeabilities causes more of the injected water to flow toward Well 3, thereby decreasing the WOR at Well 1. On the other hand, increasing the permeability in the interwell region between Well 1 and the injector causes more of the injected water to flow toward Well 1, and increases the velocity of flow. Thus, the water saturation and WOR at Well 1 increase. The sensitivity of the producing GOR to these permeabilities (Fig. 5) is not so easily explained, and the behavior of the dimensionless sensitivity of GOR to horizontal log permeability in Layer 2 (Fig. 6) would be

extremely difficult to predict a priori solely from physical intuition. The results shown in Fig. 6 pertain to the diagonal row of gridblocks in Layer 2 that correspond to the Layer 1 diagonal row of gridblocks shown in Fig. 5. Sensitivity to Vertical Permeability. Fig. 7 shows a plot of the dimensionless sensitivity of the producing GOR at Well 1 to Layer 2 vertical log permeability at four times. (The results pertain to the same diagonal row of gridblocks as the results of Fig. 6.) Increasing kz in Gridblock 3 increases flow from Layer 2 to Layer 1 at the areal location of Well 1, which produces only from Layer 1. As this gridblock vertical permeability is increased, a greater percentage of the fluid flowing into the Layer 1 gridblock containing Well 1 comes from Layer 2; at times after breakthrough, this results in a lower gas saturation in the wellblock and a lower GOR. This explains why the sensitivity of GOR to ln(kz) for Gridblock 3 is negative at 210 and 300 days. Note at the same times, the sensitivity of GOR to ln(kz) at the injection well (Gridblock 8) is positive. Although increasing this vertical permeability would cause more of the injected water to flow into the top layer and thus increase the producing WOR at Well 1, we do not believe that one could predict a priori that this would also increase the GOR for the specific problem under consideration. The reservoir model under consideration contains only two layers, and the layer thicknesses coincide with the height of the two vertical gridblocks used in the finite-difference model. Therefore, the reservoir simulators involve only the value of the harmonic average vertical permeability at the boundary between layers. Thus, even though we later present results on the estimates of layer vertical permeabilities, one should recognize that any two sets of layer vertical permeabilities that result in the same value of the harmonic average vertical permeability will yield the same production data.

Fig. 5Dimensionless sensitivity of GOR at Well 1 to horizontal log permeability of Layer 1. December 2003 SPE Journal

Fig. 6Dimensionless sensitivity of GOR at Well 1 to horizontal log permeability of Layer 2. 333


Fig. 7Dimensionless sensitivity of GOR at Well 1 to vertical log permeability of Layer 2.

an acceptable match of the single observed data will be smaller, and we expect the uncertainty in the model parameter to be smaller. Also, if the prior variance is very small, then the model parameter is resolved well before history matching the data. Thus, even if the particular data is highly sensitive to the model parameter, we should not expect history matching to yield a big reduction in the uncertainty. The dimensionless sensitivity coefficients introduced by Zhang et al.33 (see Eq. 15) attempt to scale sensitivity coefficients to account for measurement errors and the prior variances in model parameters. Qualitatively, we expect that the higher dimensionless sensitivity coefficients correspond to a greater reduction in the uncertainty in model parameters. This simple concept ignores the correlation between model parameters, however. For example, if vertical permeability were nonzero, but no vertical flow occurred in a particular region of the reservoir, production data would be insensitive to kz in that region. If, however, kz were strongly correlated to k in that region and the data reduced the uncertainty of k, we would expect the uncertainty in kz to be reduced also. Automatic History-Matching Example The Truth Case. The truth case is the same one for which sensitivity coefficients were previously calculated. The true skin factor at each well is given by the values recorded in the second row of Table 1. The observed data consists of data obtained by running the reservoir simulator for the truth case to predict reservoir perfomance for a 300-day time period. At each producing well, we selected 10 WOR data, 10 GOR data, and 10 pressure data to use as conditioning data. At the injection well, we selected 10 pressure data to use as conditioning data. The data are uniformly distributed throughout the 300-day time period, with the earliest time conditioning data corresponding to t30 days. We assumed pressure measurement errors to be independent, identically distributed, normal random variables with mean zero and variance equal to 1 psi2. GOR measurement errors were modeled similarly except the variance was set equal to 100 (scf/STB)2. The variances of WOR measurement errors were specified by Eq. 6, with w,min2.0 STB/STB, o0.01, and w0.02. For the top layer, the prior means for ln(k) and ln(kz), respectively, were specified as 5.5 and 3.2, with the variances of both random variables equal to 0.5. For the second layer, the prior means for ln(k) and ln(kz), respectively, were specified as 4.0 and 2.4, with the variances of both random variables equal to 0.5. The same semivariogram was used for each of the four log permeability fields. The semivariogram is an isotropic spherical semivariogram with range equal to 160 ft and sill equal to 0.5. As the areal dimensions of simulation gridblocks are xy40 ft, if the distance between the centers of two gridblocks at the same elevation is greater than or equal to 4x, the two gridblock permeabilities are uncorrelated. There is no correlation between Layer 1 permeabilities and Layer 2 permeabilities. In each layer, the correlation coefficient between ln(k) and ln(kz) is set equal to 0.7. Each well skin factor is modeled as an independent random variable, with mean equal to 2.0 and variance equal to 25. The MAP Estimate. As discussed previously, the MAP estimate was generated using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm to minimize the objective function of Eq. 10. The vector of prior means was used as the initial guess. Note that even though each layer

Sensitivity to Skin Factor. The flowing wellbore pressure of producing well j is highly sensitive to the skin factor for well j, but is insensitive to the skin factor at all other producing wells. Increasing the skin factor at a flowing well results in a decreased wellbore pressure pwf,j/sj<0, but has a negligible effect on the wells gridblock pressure. Because producing GOR and WOR are based on the wells gridblock pressure, GOR and WOR are insensitive to the wells skin factor. This indicates that history matching only to GOR or only to WOR data cannot resolve well skin factors. Reasonable estimates of well skin factors can be obtained only by history matching pressure data. Because the injection rate is fixed at the water injection well, the flow rate at the water injection well is insensitive to the skin factor at the injection well. It follows that the wellbore pressure at each producing well is insensitive to the skin factor at the injection well. (This would not be the case if the wellbore pressure was specified as the well constraint at the injection well.) The injection wellbore pressure is highly sensitive to the skin factor at the injection well. This sensitivity coefficient is positive, because as the skin factor increases, a higher wellbore pressure is required to maintain the specified injection rate. The injection well pressure is insensitive to the skin factors of all producing wells because the total flow rate is specified as a well constraint at the producing wells. Comments. The sensitivity of a specific production data (e.g., GOR at a specified time) to a particular model parameter (e.g., Layer 1 vertical log permeability for a gridblock containing a producing well) gives a measure of the magnitude of the change in this data that will result from a change in this model parameter. If this sensitivity is small, then we expect that the particular model parameter will not be reliably determined by the particular observed data (i.e., we expect the uncertainty in the model parameter will not be significantly reduced by history matching the model to this single data point). However, to compare how different types of data affect the estimates of different model parameters, sensitivity results must be scaled properly. If the measurement error is very small, then the range of values of the model parameter that yield


December 2003 SPE Journal


Fig. 8Maximum a posteriori estimate of horizontal log permeability, Layer 1.

actually consists of three zones, horizontal and vertical log permeability are estimated at each gridblock. This simple model is used only because it makes it easy to evaluate the quality of the estimate. We consider results obtained by history matching only pressure data, pressure plus WOR data, pressure plus GOR data, and all three types of data. The left plot in Fig. 8 shows the MAP estimate of Layer 1 horizontal log permeability obtained by history matching only pressure data, and the right plot shows results obtained by conditioning to pressure, GOR, and WOR data. Comparing results to the truth case shown in Fig. 1, we see that the MAP estimate obtained by conditioning to all three types of data is closer to the truth case. The estimates of Layer 2 ln(k) are not shown, but qualitatively look very similar to those shown in Fig. 8. Conditioning to pressure, WOR, and GOR data gave a better estimate of the Layer 2 horizontal log permeability field than was obtained by conditioning only to pressure. Fig. 9 confirms the preceding results, and also shows results obtained by conditioning to pressure and WOR data only, and pressure and GOR data only. The results in Fig. 9 pertain to results along the line of gridblocks in Layer 1 that pass through Wells 3 and 4, and along the corresponding line of gridblocks in Layer 2. Fig. 10 shows the corresponding estimates of ln(kz). In Figs. 9 and 10 and in similar figures, curves through solid triangular data points refer to results obtained by conditioning only to pressure

data, curves through data points denoted by an asterisk refer to results obtained by conditioning only to pressure and WOR data, curves through solid circular data points refer to results obtained by conditioning only to pressure and GOR data, and curves through solid square data points represent results obtained by conditioning to all observed data, pressure, GOR, and WOR. Considering the overall results, it is clear the worst estimates of the true permeability fields are obtained when only pressure data is history matched, and the best estimates are obtained when the estimate is obtained by history matching all the pressure, WOR, and GOR data. History matching only GOR data plus pressure data gives better estimates of vertical permeability than history matching pressure and WOR data. On a visual basis, it does not appear that history matching pressure plus WOR data gives significantly better results than matching only pressure data. This conclusion is similar to one reported by Landa and Horne35 and Wu et al.9 Conclusions qualitatively similar to those shown in Figs. 9 and 10 were obtained by examining estimates along a diagonal line of gridblocks in Layer 1 that passes through Wells 1, 5, and 3, and the corresponding diagonal row of gridblocks in Layer 2. Figs. 11 and 12 show the corresponding normalized a posteriori variances constructed from the a posteriori covariance matrix, CMP. These variances pertain to the same diagonal rows of gridblocks considered in the sensitivity coefficient plots of Figs. 4 through 7. In these figures, Gridblock 3 pertains to the areal location of Well 1, Grid-

Fig. 9MAP estimate of horizontal log permeability along the line from Well 4 to Well 3. December 2003 SPE Journal

Fig. 10MAP estimate of vertical log permeability along the line from Well 4 to Well 3. 335


Fig. 11The normalized a posteriori variance of horizontal log permeability along a diagonal line from Wells 1 to 3.

block 8 pertains to the areal location of Well 5, and Gridblock 13 represents the areal location of Well 3. The normalized variances at well locations are roughly equal to 0.2, which may be interpreted to mean that we have reduced the uncertainty of these log permeabilities by 80%. Except at the areal location of the injection well (Gridblock 8), history matching WOR and/or GOR data plus pressure data reduced the uncertainty (as measured by the normalized a posteriori variance) below the uncertainty obtained by history matching only to pressure data. Note that this occurs even at Layer 1, Gridblock 3, which contains Well 1 (see Fig. 11a), even though the pressure at Well 1 is highly sensitive to this gridblock permeability and largely insensitive to other Layer 1 ln(k) values. Note, however, that well gridblock ln(k) and the well skin factor are both unknown, and must be resolved by the data. We believe that the fact that both the WOR (Fig. 4) and the GOR (Fig. 5) are highly sensitive to this gridblock ln(k) at certain times, but insensitive to the well skin factor, explains why adding observed GOR and WOR data as conditioning data reduces the uncertainty in ln(k) at the gridblock containing Well 1. As the WOR and GOR (Figs. 4 and 5) are insensitive to the horizontal gridblock permeability for Gridblock 8 of Layer 1, it is not completely surprising that conditioning to WOR and/or GOR plus wellbore pressures does not significantly reduce the uncertainty below that obtained by conditioning only to pressure data. Any additional reduction in uncertainty in ln(k) obtained at this gridblock by adding WOR and/or GOR as conditioning data must come from the correlation between this ln(k) random variable and

the log permeabilities in neighboring gridblocks where the GOR and WOR sensitivity coefficients are nonnegligible. It is interesting to note, however, that even though at later times, the GOR (Fig. 6) and WOR (not shown) are relatively sensitive to ln(k) for Gridblock 8 of Layer 2, the reduction in uncertainty in this horizontal log permeability is essentially independent of which type of data is history matched, as long as pressure data is included as conditioning data. This may be because the injection wellbore pressures (not shown) and flowing wellbore pressures at all producing wells are quite sensitive to this gridblock permeability, but flowing wellbore pressures are insensitive to the skin factor at the injection well. Thus, using GOR and WOR data in addition to pressure data as conditioning data, does not reduce the uncertainty in this gridblock ln(k) below the level obtained by conditioning only to pressure data. Estimates of well skin factors obtained by matching various combinations of production data are shown in Table 1. Note the best estimates are obtained by history matching pressure, WOR, and GOR data. The history matches of some of the observed GOR and WOR data are shown in Fig. 13. (Matches of similar quality were obtained for all wells.) Solid circular and triangular data points represent the observed data used as conditioning data. Curves through the cross data points indicate the data predicted from the initial guess (mprior) of the model parameters. Matches of comparable quality were obtained for all pressure data, even though some initial pressure mismatches exceeded 400 psi. The predicted data

Fig. 12The normalized a posteriori variance of vertical log permeability along diagonal line from Wells 1 to 3. 336 December 2003 SPE Journal


Fig. 13The GOR match (left) and WOR match (right) for the model conditioned to pwf, GOR, and WOR data.

shown are based on the model obtained by simultaneously matching pressure, WOR, and GOR data. Remarks. The results and discussion of this history-matching example serve to illustrate the the following observations. If particular production data are completely insensitive to a model parameter, changing this model parameter does not change the values of production data predicted by reservoir simulation. (i) Thus, conditioning to these data can reduce the uncertainty in this model parameter only by reducing the uncertainty in the parameters that are correlated with this model parameter. The reduction in uncertainty caused by either a prior correlation (determined by CM) or a posterior correlation (determined by CMP) cannot be predicted by examining sensitivity coefficients. (ii) If a set of model parameters is well resolved by a given data set, adding a second set of conditioning data to the first may not give an additional reduction in uncertainty, even if the second set of data is highly sensitive to the model parameters. Regarding observation (i), one might guess that the good estimates of ln(kz) obtained (see Fig. 10) are partially caused by a high correlation between the random functions ln(k) and ln(kz) (correlation coefficient equal to 0.7) and the fact that horizontal log permeability is fairly well resolved by the data. However, in dimensionless form, the sensitivity of production data to horizontal log permeability, and the sensitivity of production data to vertical log permeability variables, show peaks of similar magnitude; compare, for example, Fig. 6 with Fig. 7. Thus, it is reasonable to

conjecture that the good estimates of ln(kz) obtained in Fig. 10 are not solely caused by the correlation between ln(k) and ln(kz). To investigate this conjecture, we generated the MAP estimate, assuming that horizontal and vertical permeability are not correlated in the prior model. The resulting corresponding MAP estimate of ln kz did not provide a significantly worse estimate of the true ln(kz) field than the MAP estimate shown in Fig. 10. Optimization Algorithm As noted before, the MAP estimate that was presented was obtained using a Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. A limited set of experiments indicates that the Levenberg-Marquardt method has better convergence properties than the standard Gauss-Newton method, especially for cases where the initial data mismatch is large. Here, we compare these two algorithms for a 2D, two-phase (oil/water) flow problem. The true model for the 2D example is shown in Fig. 14. The value of log permeability is 3.7 (40.4 md) in the lower left quadrant, 4.3 (73.7 md) in the lower right quadrant, and 3.9 (49.4 md) in the upper part. The porosity is constant throughout the model with 0.22. A 21211 grid is used for reservoir simulation. Well 5 is a water injection well, which is located at the center of the reservoir [in gridblock (11,11)]. Wells 1 through 4 are producing wells and are located, respectively, in gridblocks (4, 4), (18,4), (18,18), and (4,18). At Well 5, water is injected at a rate of 785 STB/D. Each producing well produces at a total fluid rate of 200 RB/D. We generated eight pwf observed data for each producing well, uniformly spaced in a 320-day period. The MAP estimate is conditioned to the pwf data only. Fig. 15 compares the rate of convergence of the LevenbergMarquardt and Gauss-Newton algorithms. Note that the GaussNewton method converges very slowly, and converges to a local

Fig. 14The true log permeability field. December 2003 SPE Journal

Fig. 15The convergence rate of LM and GN. 337


minimum, which gives a higher final value of the objective function. Using the Levenberg-Marquardt method (Fig. 16b), we obtained a reasonable estimate of the true log permeability field of Fig. 14. The MAP estimate generated from the Gauss-Newton method (Fig. 16a) is very rough and far from the the true model. For example, in the lower left quadrant of the reservoir, the true value of log permeability is 3.7, but in the results obtained from the Gauss-Newton method, gridblock values of log permeability range from 2.5 to 5.0 in this quadrant. Important Note Since this paper was written, a limited-memory BFGS algorithm has been successfully implemented to do automatic history matching for large-scale problems where it is not feasible to compute the sensitivity coefficients needed for the Gauss-Newton and Levenberg-Marquardt alrgorithms used to generate the results shown here. This algorithm (Zhang and Reynolds36) has proven to more robust and computationally efficient than we anticipated. Conclusions We have presented a general formulation for generating sensitivity coefficients that is compatible with a fully implicit, finitedifference solution of the three-phase flow black-oil equations. The method can be applied to single-phase oil or gas flow, or to multiphase flow problems, and is not restricted to cases in which the physical assumptions necessary in order to employ highly efficient streamline simulators apply. The formulation given here allows one to construct the adjoint equations directly from information computed in solving the finite-difference equations using the Newton-Raphson algorithm. The advantage of the adjoint method is that the number of matrix solutions required to compute the sensitivity coefficients is independent of the number of reservoir model parameters to be estimated. Computation of these sensitivities allows one to perform history matching using the Levenberg-Marquardt or Gauss-Newton methods, which are approximately quadratically convergent, as opposed to more slowly converging conjugate gradient or variable metric methods. With these sensitivity coefficients, one can calculate the a posteriori covariance matrix, evaluate the reduction in uncertainty obtained by conditioning to production data, and evaluate the information content of different types of data. A cornerstone result is that the coefficient matrix that appears in the adjoint system is simply the transpose of the Jacobian matrix that appears in the Newton-Raphson solution of the purely implicit, finite-difference equations. Thus, the tedious process of deriving adjoint equations can be avoided.

Dimensionless sensitivity coefficients allow one to determine which model parameters have the greatest influence on production data. Dimensionless sensitivity coefficients by themselves, however, do not always clearly indicate the value of a particular data type (i.e., do not always give a clear indication of the reduction in the uncertainty in model parameters that will be achieved by conditioning to the particular data). This is mainly because of the fact that dimensionless sensitivity coefficients do not consider the correlation between model parameters in either the prior or a posteriori model. Examination of the a posteriori variances gives one measure of the reduction in uncertainty achieved by history matching production data using the prior model for regularization. Based on this measure of uncertainty, conditioning to all production data (pressure, GOR, and WOR) gives a greater reduction in uncertainty than is obtained by conditioning to only pressure, only pressure and GOR, or only pressure and WOR. One should bear in mind, however, that these a posteriori variances only provide an approximation of the value of conditioning data, in that they represent the variances of the marginal distributions of individual variables and ignore the a posteriori correlation between model parameters. For complex problems where there are a large number of model parameters and the initial model results in large data mismatches, construction of the MAP estimate by applying the Gauss-Newton method to history match production data may lead to unrealistically rough models and relatively poor matches of production data. The modified Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm applied in this work is more reliable for obtaining good estimates of model parameters that give acceptable matches of observed production data. The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is successful because we use a very large value of the Levenberg-Marquardt parameter at early iterations so that changes in model parameters are damped. Nomenclature C covariance matrix (units depend on model parameters) d vector of data (units depend on data type) G matrix of sensitivity of data to changes in model parameters (units depend on parameters and data) GOR producing gas/oil ratio, scf/STB H Hessian matrix J adjoint functional J Jacobian matrix k permeability, md m vector of model parameters, dimensionless p pressure, psi

Fig. 16Comparison of MAP estimate of log permeability using Gauss-Newton and Levenberg-Marquardt algorithms. 338 December 2003 SPE Journal



saturation, dimensionless producing water/oil ratio, STB/STB vector of adjoint variables viscosity, cp

Subscripts D g M o obs prior w data gas model oil observed prior model water iteration index

Superscripts T transpose 1 inverse Acknowledgments This work was supported by the TUPREP member companies and a grant from Schlumberger Foundation, Inc. The reservoir simulator used in this study was provided by Chevron Petroleum Technology Co. References
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SI Metric ft md psi

Conversion Factors 3.048* E01 m 9.869 E16 m2 6.894 757 E+00 kPa

*Conversion factor is exact.

Ruijian Li is a Research Engineer for Shell Intl. E&P Inc. in Houston. e-mail: [email protected]. He has worked both in seismic exploration and reservoir engineering, and has work experience with CNPC, Mobil, Unocal, and Schlumberger. He has been an SPE member since 1996. His interests include dynamic and static reservoir modeling, well testing, optimization problems, and subsurface integration studies. Li holds a BS degree in geophysics from Peking U., an MS degree in applied geophysics from Petroleum U., and a PhD degree in petroleum engineering from the U. of Tulsa. Albert C. Reynolds is professor of petroleum engineering and mathematics at the U. of Tulsa, where he also serves as Director of the U. of Tulsa Petroleum Reservoir Exploitation Projects, an industrial consortium dedi-

cated to research in well testing, reservoir characterization, and reservoir simulation. e-mail: [email protected]. Reynolds holds a BA degree from the U. of New Hampshire, an MS degree from Case Inst. of Technology, and a PhD degree from Case Western Reserve U., all in mathematics. The Distinguished Member was the recipient of the 1983 Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum Engineering Faculty, and also received the 2003 SPE Reservoir Description and Dynamics Award. He has served on the Formation Evaluation Award Committee, on the SPEREE Editorial Review Committee, and on Annual Meeting technical committees. Dean S. Oliver is the Eberly Family Chair Professor and Director of the Mewbourne School of Petroleum and Geological Engineering. e-mail: [email protected]. Prior to joining the U. of Oklahoma, he worked 5 years as a professor in the Dept. of Petroleum Engineering at the U. of Tulsa and 17 years for Chevron as a research geophysicist, as a staff reservoir engineer for Chevron USA and for Saudi Aramco, and as a research scientist in reservoir characterization. His research interests are in inverse theory, reservoir characterization, and optimization. Oliver holds a BS degree in physics from the Harvey Mudd College and a PhD degree in geophysics from the U. of Washington.


December 2003 SPE Journal


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