Financial Proposal For Opening New Polyt PDF
Financial Proposal For Opening New Polyt PDF
Financial Proposal For Opening New Polyt PDF
March 13 2007
Table of contents
1. Project Schedule ................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1. Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................... 7
2. Background of the project .................................................................................................................... 9
3. Project Initiation and Rationales ......................................................................................................... 10
4. Vision:.................................................................................................................................................. 11
5. Mission: .............................................................................................................................................. 11
6. Objective and scope of the project ..................................................................................................... 11
6.1. The Specific objectives: ............................................................................................................... 12
7. Beneficiaries ........................................................................................................................................ 12
8. Project Output .................................................................................................................................... 12
9. Target Market ..................................................................................................................................... 13
10. The first phase of the training started by giving services like:.................................................... 13
11. Project Team Members................................................................................................................... 14
12. Organizational structures the polytechnic...................................................................................... 15
13. Project Budget Estimation and Allocation ...................................................................................... 15
14. Project Controlling and Monitoring Activity ................................................................................... 16
15. Challenges of the Project ................................................................................................................ 16
16. Possible Solution ............................................................................................................................. 16
17. Implementation .............................................................................................................................. 16
18. Project Sustainability ...................................................................................................................... 17
19. Strategic Plan .................................................................................................................................. 17
20. Policy and stratégies Ethiopian on TVET ......................................................................................... 17
21. Financial strategy ............................................................................................................................ 19
22. Project Budget Estimation and Allocation and Source of financial summery ................................ 21
23. Project Time Management ............................................................................................................. 22
24. Project Cost Management .............................................................................................................. 23
25. Project Quality Management .......................................................................................................... 24
26. The three process associated with PQM are: ................................................................................. 24
27. Project Risk Management ............................................................................................................... 24
28. Source of Fund and Income ............................................................................................................ 24
29. Monitoring and Evaluation Procedure............................................................................................ 25
30. Handover Plan ................................................................................................................................. 25
Project Profile ---------
Tele. No:011-1-11085
Mobile 0911-086066
E-mail: [email protected]
Project Goals:
MekonnenHailesilasse; head
+251911061274 (Ethiopia)
-BerhanuTadesse;position advisor and assistant project head
I. Proposed training areas:
1. Agricultural sector; animal production, agric-cooperative services, animal
health, natural resources development and conservation,
2. Cultural, Tourism and sports sector; libraryand information, record and
archive, tourism; catering operation, confectionery, baking and pastry
making, sports; athletics officiating instruction; food ball officiating.
3. Health sector; advanced ambulance service and emergency care,
environmental health extension, cleaning, waste diversion, waste handling,
health extension management, health information administration,
4. Economic infrastructure sector; air transport, aircraft avionics
maintenance, basic aircraft hangar line maintenance customer service
management, energy; power generation operation, power generation and
system installation and maintenance, power system operationmanagement,
information and communication technology hardware and network
servicing,IT service management , industrial automation and control
technology management. Railway construction and transport management,
basic railway electrical and control works, railway tunnel construction and
maintenance;basic railway electrical and control works, rail communication
and maintenance works, sub grade and trackside civil works and
maintenance, road constructionand transport, basic infrastructure
operations, bridge construction and maintenance, automotive body repair,
automotive electrical/electronic, servicing automotive engine servicing;
urban development and construction bar bending and concreting, building
electrical installation,General metal manufacturing,carpentry,
construction management, purchasing and property management, greening
infrastructure, solid waste management, water and irrigation
5. Industry development sector;bamboo and bamboo products, cement
production, basic cement products metal engineering, sugar and sugar
products, textile and garments
6. Labour affairs and social service sector, community service work,
children and old age care service.
II. Proposed new departments
Since the project will have different activities such as the first on is three years
construction paired the second one is only one year delivery of special or tailor
made training programs, intend to offer training which is not available in our
country college and university like basic level of Railway technology highly
demanded in the current transportation service sector and supporting
airlines training bring trainees from all parts of African countries even from
other continent, now a days Ethiopia trains this sector sent to abroad, air
transport training has positive aspect by others because most of the trainers come
from African countries this best practice should be broaden in our educational
institute, in addition to providing evening courses offered to the general public,
consultancy service, testing of recruits (candidates for enterprises), organizing
trade fair, the student in the polytechnic will learn during training produce, such
as garments, wooden and metal furniture, tools, construction work, building
maintenance, furniture production, or service centre (for example a coffee shop
and restaurant ), Kab club practices, hair dressing service, automotive--garage
maintenance and driving license training service, pump car wheel (tyres),Key
outcome targets of this project increasing enrolments of both trainers and trainees.
1. Project Schedule
1.1.Executive Summary
Sustainable economic development and TVET are interdependent. Economic
growth is a basic condition for the reduction of unemployment and poverty.
However, it does not automatically lead to more jobs and less poverty. It can only
contribute to poverty reduction if broad sections of society find productive work
which offers a decent wage (BMZ, 2005). This can be achieved only if different
policies and mechanisms, which focus on employment and broad access to work
and TVET, can be implemented. Economic development cannot take place without
the development of human resources. Therefore, well-qualified professionals must
be trained in order to raise the competitiveness of companies, countries, and
According to Ethiopian Sector Development Plan IV (ESDPIV) the main objective
of the TVET sub-sector is to train middle level human power and transfer
demanded technologies, and by doing so, to contribute to poverty reduction and
sustainable development. The main challenges such as Society in general and
implementing bodies in particular have low awareness about the benefits of TVET,
Stakeholders’ participation in the management and delivery of TVET is
inadequate, TVET trainers lack capacity and competence, There is lack of capacity
by TVET experts to implement the new TVET strategy, The monitoring and
evaluation systems is inadequate,
technologies will be 1000 in 2007, Copied/imitated 950 in 2007, Improved 50 in
2007. No of incubated MSEs for technology transfer will increase from 600 to
3000 in 2007, 2670 micro-enterprises with capital acquired up to 20,000 Birr, 300
small scale enterprises from 20,000 to 500,000 Birr, 30 medium size entreprises
above 500,000 Birr, Number of technologies transferred will be 1000 in 2007
(Copied/imitated 950 in 2007 Improved 50 in 2007). Number of trainees organized
in MSEs will increase from 78,248 in 2002 to 563,665 in 2007, Number of new
MSEs established will increase from 7,771 in 2002 to 56,367 in 2007, Number of
occupations with occupational standards increases from 250 in 2002 to 390 in
2007, Number of occupations with assessment tools will increase from 211 in 2002
to 390 in 2007, Number of accredited assessment centers will increase from 174 in
2002 to 500 in 2007. % of competent/certified candidates will increase from 20 %
in 2002 to 60 % in 2007, Number of accredited assessors will increase from 1860
in 2002 to 5000 in 2007, Number of enterprises involved in co-operative training
will increase from 1208 in 2002 to 9,174 in 2007, Share of trainees accommodated
by co-operative training will increase from 206,945 in 2002 to 1,127,330 in 2007.
Number of enterprises conducting in-company training will increase from 13 in
2002 to 293 in 2007. Share of TVET managers at national, regional and
institutional level in modern management techniques trained will be 100 %, Share
of enrolments of females will increase from 46 % in 2001 to 50 % in 2007,
Number of institutions in rural areas will increase by 100 % in 2007, Share of
enrolments of students with special needs will increase by 100 % in 2007, Number
of TVET trainees placed in MSEs will increase to 23,920 in 2007.Hence, Railway
construction and air transport management highly demand in labour market hence
government and private institution should open satisfy their customers.
equitable distribution of incomes, the development of a competent and open
economy, and long-term reduction of the country’s dependence on ODA (official
development assistance).
Ethiopia has made considerable progress towards universal primary education and
continues to work hard to ensure relevance and quality at each educational level.
As an increasing number of young people graduate from general education, it is of
utmost importance to provide them with options for further education and training
which increase their employability. In this context it is important to build a
demand-driven, flexible, integrated and high quality TVET system.
The Government of Ethiopia (GoE) recognises the need to involve all stakeholders
in the planning, policy making, training delivery and monitoring and evaluation of
the TVET system. The on-going reform seeks to increase the engagement of the
private sector – both of private TVET providers and enterprises as future
employers of TVET graduates – and to provide students and trainees with
knowledge, skills and abilities relevant for the world of work.
One of the biggest challenges ahead is the sustainable financing of the reform
process and of the actual operation of the TVET system. Based on the core
principles for financing laid out in the National TVET Strategy, The principles are
laid down in the draft Financing Framework for TVET in Ethiopia (September
2006). These principles are not intended to reduce public spending, but to share the
burden and readjust the roles that the public sector, the private sector and
households play in TVET financing. The main principles of the new TVET
Financing Framework are diversification of funding sources, increased
involvement of the private sector, and increased efficiency.
To fill the gap for the skilled manpower demand of the concerned industry.
These kinds of graduates shall play a pivotal role in the industry, regional
and national efforts of poverty reduction.
Governmental and private organizations can find qualified labour for easily
from the local labour market.
7. Beneficiaries
The immediate beneficiaries of the project would be industries, service sectors, on
one hands and youth (trainees,), adult, special needs any citizen who have been
suffering from skill gaps resulting in incompetence, under employment as well as
unemployment will acquire employable skills from the project, also trainers,
families, community surrounding the sub-city, the city government, the private
industry sector getting skilled manpower in the market, government and the society
at large.
8. Project Output
Since the project will have different activities such as delivery of special or tailor
made training programs, evening courses offered to the general public,
consultancy service, testing of recruits (candidates for enterprises), organizing
trade fair, Sale of products produced by students during the training, such as
garments, wooden and metal furniture, tools, construction work, building
maintenance, furniture production, Sale of wood trees, sewing of school uniforms,
typing services, etc), or service centre (for example a coffee shop and restaurant ),
Kab club practices, hair dressing service, automotive--garage maintenance and
driving license training service, Letting and lending out of buildings, equipment
and machinery, Commercial use of equipment (e.g. Internet facilities in computer
lab), Special events, such as Cultural celebration and opening days with
fundraising activities, dancing evenings, film show, out- door and in-door games
etc. all these activities will result in different out puts. But out puts can be
categorized as tangible items and intangible services.
9. Target Market
Railway construction and air transport management highly demand in labour
market hence government and private institution should open satisfy their
customers.Since the tangible goods and intangible services are intended to be
offered to the marker, it requires need assessment even before producing such
products and incurring costs of producing. So much so that, the trainees, trainers,
administrative workers of the college, and the surrounding community, are
qualified as potential market.
10. The first phase of the training started by giving services like:
Formal education by level 1up to 5 including degree level and international
Evening course
Renting machineries
Renting buildings/blocks
Cafeteria service for outsiders.
Others could be preparing trade fairs and special events, asking voluntary
fund raisers and also by selling scraps (unneeded metals, woods etc).
1) Project managers
MekonnenHailesilasse; head
+251911061274 (Ethiopia)
2) Team members
Project manager, whose job is to manage the project to success. He/she is in charge
of the project, responsible and often accountable for the success of the project.
Project team members are professionals and well experienced. They are believed to
be interested, energetic and helpful. The team members of this project are recruited
from Gulele TVET office and they are 7 in number.
12. Organizational structures the polytechnic
According to the international polytechnic and universityOrganizational strictures
shall be matrices organization hence this polytechnic is at initial stage the next
14. Project Controlling and Monitoring Activity
17. Implementation
The implementation of the project is undertaken through participatory approach
which involves society, government and other sectors from the start up to the end of
the project.
18. Project Sustainability
The project is being implemented under favorable policy environment and
government and community commitment. The government has established strong
organizational structures to manage and administer the various aspects of the
project and educational functions. There is also high control over the construction
of new buildings and proper usage of funds that found from government allocation
giving responsibility for each department and have internal audit section that will
control all financial activities of each department.
evaluation of the TVET system. Labor market intelligence, research capacity and
EMIS will need to be strengthened so that national and regional authorities can
fully play their role in policy development and systems coordination.
TVET programs will be modularized and institutions equipped with ICT in order
to make the TVET offer more flexible in its delivery in terms of entry and exit
levels, Career guidance structures will be strengthened so as to obtain a better
match between individual aspirations, the available TVET offer and labor market
prospects, The TVET system will expand its offer via public and private provision
of training programs. An increasing number of TVET trainers will be trained in
line with the new TVET trainers qualifications framework and TVET trainers will
be provided opportunities for professional development. Private providers of
TVET will play a stronger role in the delivery of the TVET system. Incentives will
be provided by the government and support through access to occupational
standards, certification guidelines and model curricula and material. Regional
accreditation systems for private TVET providers will also be strengthened, TVET
institutions are expected to become agents of technology capability and transfer to
micro- and small enterprises (MSEs). With this in mind, it will be necessary to
include this new function in the pre-service and in-service training of TVET
trainers, taking care of females’ participation.
Equity will receive greater attention under ESDP IV. In particular the participation
of females in management and training positions needs to be strengthened so as to
ensure an increasing number of role models for female students. Females will be
encouraged to join non-traditionally female professional training. Preferential
access will be provided to students from disadvantaged regions and students with
special needs.In order to ensure a sustainable system of financing, income
generating schemes and cost sharing by users will be enhanced and an effective
utilization of training machines and equipment promoted.
The Ethiopian government sees education and training as an important factor in the
process of human resource development in order to break the vicious cycle of
poverty that the country has been entangled in. Cognizant of this fact, the
government promulgated a number of social and economic policies since it came
to power in 1991. One of these policies is the current Education and Training
Policy (hereafter ETP) that came into effect as of 1994.
In its new financing framework for TVET, the Ethiopian government seeks to
recover a substantial share of recurrent costs of public institutions through more
systematic income-generating activities. Furthermore, unit cost in public TVET
institutions is rather high, because institutions are under-utilized and often run
under capacity. On the other hand, some – particularly urban – TVET institutions
are overcrowded, which compromises the quality of training provided.
The new financing framework therefore calls for increased capacity utilization
through non-formal training activities, and increased efforts by the management of
public training institutions to develop tailor-made TVET offers for industry and
businesses and to deepen the relationship with the private sector. The issue of
overcrowded TVET institutions is proposed to be addressed through introduction
of performance-based budgeting and through improved management capacity of
institutions at all levels of the TVET system.
Following the TVET Proclamation and the TVET Financing Strategy published by
MoE tuition fees (cost-sharing) and improved financial management regulations
for public TVET institutions were introduced in many states. As a result, cost
recovery through tuition fees and income generating activities has increased. Yet,
proceeds are rather limited. It appears that on average, fees may contribute some 5-
10% and IGA some 10% of the overall institutions budget. Another mechanism to
improve the resource base is cost-saving through increased efficiency in the
delivery of training. Studies have shown a substantial potential for increasing
efficiency in TVET institutions by modernizing management structures and
procedures, granting more financial autonomy to the institutions, and income
generating effort. It must be noted that internal revenue generation shall be the
main source of finance for TVET institutes and to transfer their technological
development to consumers with continuity. The system will need to generate
sufficient resources for public TVET provision and for the intended reinforcement
of its governance and management structures, as well as to develop necessary
support services. This diversification will be approached in a way that government
budgetary allocations and funds provided by foreign donors are gradually
supplemented by contributions from direct beneficiaries of TVET without putting
too much burden. Incentives will be developed to encourage employers to
contribute to the cost of TVET through scholarships, donation of equipment, and
other means.
22. Project Budget Estimation and Allocation and Source of financial
Total amounts of budget Governmental 351,216,141. Ethiopian Birr
a Constructions 18 129,000,000 --
b Purchasing Equipment 147,705,423 --
and machineries
c Other capital --
d Contingency 15% 45,000,000 --
2 Recurrent expediter 29,509,718
1) Time estimate drive the setting of deadlines for delivery and planning of
projects and hence will impact on other people’s assessment of your
reliability and competence as a project manager.
2) Time estimate often determine the pricing of contracts and hence the
profitability of the contract (project in commercial terms).
Often people under estimate the amount of time needed to implement projects.
This is true particularly where the project is not familiar with the task to be
carried out. Unexpected events or unscheduled high priority work may not be
taken in to account.
A. Cost estimation: it is the project cost management process step when the
project manager cooperates with the financial department to estimate costs
required for purchasing all necessary good/services and undertaking
necessary activities to deliver the project. Project cost estimation is
conducted at the planning phases. The project manager uses project costs
management software to develop spread sheets and make calculation in
order to reach correct decision.
25. Project Quality Management
Project quality management is all about the energy of continuous
improvement of the project and the principal of project delivery using a
quality management approach play a key role in assuring the project meets
the customer requirements.
Youth Work TVET College assumes a risk from both physical and natural
hazards. Physical risks could be shortage of raw materials suppliers for
production, theft, machinery blockage. Natural hazards like flood fire, etc. In
order to avoid such risks the company set optional way (contingency plan). To
avoid these problems the college enters an insurance policy and settles an
optional sup0plier of raw materials.
government, MIDROC, UNICEF, other local and international donors that have
strong goal of assisting development activities in Ethiopia.
Internal control system extends beyond cash; it includes physical and record
keeping controls over all the assets of the TVET. One part of this system
assures that appropriate planned acquisitions are made, received in good
condition billed at correct amounts and paid for all time. In the TVET what we
mentioned in the organizational structure top executive are usually involved
directly in controlling generating income in each of these activity. Thus, in
safeguarding the TVET internal control.