Levels of Biological Organization: Be Panmictic
Levels of Biological Organization: Be Panmictic
Levels of Biological Organization: Be Panmictic
1. An atom is the smallest component of an element that still has the properties of that element.
Atoms are made of three particles. protons, neutrons, and electrons.
2. The epithelial tissues are formed by cells that cover the organ surfaces, such as the surface of
skin, the airways, the reproductive tract, and the inner lining of the digestive tract. ... Inside the
body, epithelial cells form the lining of the mouth and alimentary canal and protect these
3. There are four main types of tissue: muscle, epithelial, connective and nervous.
4. Organization of Your Body: Cells, Tissues, Organs. Cells are grouped together to carry out
specific functions. A group of cells that work together form a tissue. Your body has four main
types of tissues, as do the bodies of other animals.
5. Circulatory (heart, arteries, veins) Respiratory (lungs, diaphragm, larynx) Digestive (stomach,
intestines, liver) Urinary (kidneys, ureters, bladder)
6. Organism ,life will be formed .
7. An organism is any living thing. There are millions of organisms, so how do scientists organize
them all ...
8. In biology, a population is all the organisms of the same group or species, which live in a ...
alleles are uniformly distributed by the gametes within it, the Gamo deme is said to
be panmictic.
9. The main difference between population and community is that a population is a group of
individuals of a particular species living in a particular ecosystem at a particular time whereas
a community is a collection of populations living in a particular ecosystem at a particular time.
10. An ecosystem is a community of living organisms interacting with one another and their non-
living environment within a particular area. The biosphere is that part of the earth inhabited by
living organisms, including land, ocean and the atmosphere in which life can exist.May 11, 2018