Technical Evaluation of Tomotherapy Automatic Roll Correction
Technical Evaluation of Tomotherapy Automatic Roll Correction
Technical Evaluation of Tomotherapy Automatic Roll Correction
Highly conformal radiotherapy treatments necessitate a high degree of setup certainty in order
to accurately target the tumor while sparing healthy tissue. As past studies have shown, mis-
alignments in intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) treatments are not uncommon and
a Corresponding author: Steve Laub, Department of Medical Physics, CDH Proton Center, 4455 Weaver Pkwy,
Warrenville, IL 60555, USA; phone: (630) 821 6376; fax: (630) 821 6474; email: [email protected]
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81 Laub et al.: Evaluation of TomoTherapy roll correction 81
can result in clinically relevant dose delivery errors.(1,2) The TomoTherapy Hi·Art (Accuray
Inc., Sunnyvale, CA) treatment unit utilizes a megavoltage computed tomography (MVCT)
scan before each treatment fraction to ensure proper alignment. This MVCT is registered to
the planning CT and a correction vector is calculated for the patient’s position. The registration
process allows for six degrees of freedom: three translations, and three rotations — pitch, yaw,
and roll. Since this unit treats patients in a helical fashion, corrections for roll are relatively
easily implemented by rotating the delivery pattern about the central axis of the treatment
unit such that the dose distribution is rotated by the same amount as the patient. A roll correc-
tion feature is provided within the Hi·Art delivery system. However, there are currently no
manufacturer recommended tests or published studies devoted to end-to-end evaluation of the
TomoTherapy Hi·Art roll correction system. In this study, we intend to achieve three goals:
design a test sensitive to small rotations that can be used to perform an end-to-end evaluation
of TomoTherapy’s roll correction feature, evaluate TomoTherapy’s ability to detect roll, and
verify TomoTherapy’s ability to correct for rotational misalignment.
A treatment plan was designed for delivery on the TomoTherapy cylindrical “cheese” phantom
that would provide a very high gradient region in the film plane, thus making the measured
dose distribution in this plane most sensitive to rotations in the “roll” direction. A cylindrical
structure measuring 6 cm in diameter and 5 cm in length, designated as the target, was positioned
10 cm from the phantom’s central axis in the patient–right direction and 0.7 cm anterior to the
bisecting film plane. Another structure of the same length and diameter, also designated as a
target, was positioned 10 cm from the phantom’s central axis in the patient–left direction and
0.7 cm posterior to the bisecting film plane. Two structures designated as avoidance regions,
measuring 2 cm in diameter and 5 cm in length, were positioned coaxially within the target
structures. This geometry results in the centers of the structures receiving the lowest dose, with
progressively more dose delivered towards the periphery of the avoidance regions, and full
dose being delivered to the target structures. The dose gradient inside the avoidance region was
designed to be as steep as possible to provide the highest sensitivity to phantom roll. Figure 1
shows the designed structure set. The phantom was placed at the central axis of the treatment
Fig. 1. Structure set designed to detect rotational misalignment using Kodak EDR2 film measurements. Red circles denote
target stuctures. Yellow circles are designated avoidance regions. Structures are offset from the bisecting plane to maximize
baseline sensitivity by placing the highest gradient on the bisecting plane.
unit and the structures were placed as far from the central axis as possible to maximize their
movement with induced roll. However, care was also taken to assure that they are deep with
respect to the buildup region to allow accurate dose calculation within the structures. A treatment
plan was developed and optimized for these structures in the same manner as any clinical treat-
ment plan, with the primary goal being the maximization of the gradient across the film plane.
Our goal was to create a test using the standard phantom and standard phantom geometry
used for TomoTherapy patient-specific delivery quality assurance, thus making it easy for others
to repeat this test on their own treatment units. The treatment plan was designed to place the
film plane in a region of very high-dose gradient, thus making it most sensitive to small rota-
tions of the phantom. We were able to achieve a dose gradient of roughly 15% per millimeter,
as measured in the planning system. To obtain this gradient, we allowed the maximum dose to
the PTV to be 120% of the prescribed dose, with a minimum dose of 75%. We put a maximum
dose restriction on the OAR structure of 75%, with a DVH restriction of no more than 55% of
the volume receiving 50% of the prescription dose. In addition, the symmetry of the structures
provides a redundancy check, as a phantom rotation will induce an identical change in delivered
dose to the film areas corresponding to either structure. Film measurements were made using
Kodak EDR2 film (Kodak, Rochester, NY).
Six films were irradiated with the phantom at 0° rotation. These measurements, taken at
the beginning and end of each measurement session, served both as a baseline data set for
comparison with the test data, and as a means to monitor output variations between measure-
ment sessions, which were found to be negligible.
Test films were irradiated with the phantom rotated 0.1°, 0.2°, 0.3°, 0.5°, 1.0°, 2.0°, 3.0°, and
5.0° clockwise (assuming the phantom is viewed from the foot of the couch) and -0.5°, -1.0°,
and -3.0° counterclockwise. The phantom was positioned at the virtual isocenter, using the room
lasers for translational positioning, and a Mitutoyo (Kawasaki, Japan) Digital Protractor Pro
360 digital level, accurate to 0.1° between ± 10°, was used for rotational positioning. Rotation
was verified inside the bore after the couch shifted into the bore.
Two film measurements of the treatment delivery were made at each angle, one with roll
correction applied and one without. The measurements made without roll correction will illus-
trate the effects of the induced rotational misalignment on the delivered dose distribution. We
intend to establish a threshold at which these misalignments result in a statistically significant
change in the delivered dose. The measurements made with roll correction applied will show
how well the TomoTherapy roll correction feature corrects for the induced rotational misalign-
ment through comparison with the baseline dose distribution.
Prior to irradiation, a full MVCT scan of the phantom was acquired at each angle. The
automatic registration feature was then used to calculate the rotational misalignment relative
to the planning CT. These measurements are intended to quantify the ability of the automatic
registration feature to detect roll. Measurements were made using the Bone, Bone + Tissue,
and Full Image settings. A combination of high-density and low-density plugs was inserted
into the cheese phantom to provide a reference for registration.
After irradiation, all films were processed with a Kodak M6-B film processor. Once pro-
cessed, films were digitized using a VXR-16 DosimetryPRO Vidar film scanner (Vidar Systems
Corp., Herndon, VA) and analyzed using RIT113 software (Radiological Imaging Technology,
Colorado Springs, CO).
Three points of interest were considered in each film: the central point in the film dose distri-
bution and the left and right dose minima. The left and right minima, considered independently,
are the test points. The central point in the dose distribution is used as a normalization point.
Since the phantom is aligned to the center of the TomoTherapy bore, this point falls on the
phantom’s central axis and the delivered dose is independent of phantom rotation. The ratio
of the minima to the normalization point in each film was used for analysis, in preference to
absolute values, to account for any potential variability in the TomoTherapy unit’s output and/
or in film response.(3,4,5) The described points are illustrated in Fig. 2, which shows an example
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Fig. 2. Dose distribution measured with film. The central axis serves as a normalization point, left and right crosses represent
test points. High-dose regions on the left and right side of the film contain the gradient where the test points are located.
film distribution. The central axis serves as the normalization point; the crosses on either side
of the film represent the locations of the test points. The specific test points used in each film
were found by creating a horizontal line profile across the center of the dose distribution and
finding the minimum dose value for the left and right aspects of the distribution.
To determine whether the test points are statistically distinct from the baseline readings,
Gaussian distributions were constructed using baseline measurements, again considering the
left and right structures independently. Both uncorrected and roll-corrected data were then
compared to these distributions. Test points falling within 3 SD of the baseline average are
considered to be statistically similar to the baseline data points. Points falling outside 3 SD of
the baseline average are not considered to be a part of the baseline dataset.
Comparing uncorrected data with the baseline Gaussian distribution shows the minimum
detectable rotational misalignment, which establishes the sensitivity of the test. The same
analysis of the roll-corrected data demonstrates the TomoTherapy unit’s ability to correct for
rotational misalignment and reproduce baseline readings.
For further statistical analysis, the data were tested for normality and a t-test was used to
compare corrected data with baseline data.(6) Based on the average standard deviation and
sample of size of each population, a test statistic was calculated to compare the null hypoth-
esis to an alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis is that the mean values of the corrected
dataset and the baseline dataset are equal. The test statistic is then compared to a rejection
region, which is determined by the degrees of freedom and level of the test. If the test statistic
falls within the rejection region, the null hypothesis is rejected at that level. This test was used
to further statistically confirm whether the TomoTherapy unit is able to accurately correct for
roll. There should be no significant differences between the baseline dataset and the corrected
data if TomoTherapy’s roll correction feature accurately accounts for rotational misalignments.
Finally, gamma analysis was used to compare test films with a baseline film, using both 3%
dose difference and 3 mm distance to agreement and 2%/2 mm as acceptance criteria.(7) This
test mimics typical patient-specific delivery quality assurance tests, and is a redundant check
of the sensitivity of this test procedure to rotations and the ability of the roll correction feature
to correct for these rotations within the detection capability of this gamma analysis.
The results for the automatic registration evaluation are presented first, followed by the evalu-
ation of the dose distributions with and without induced roll and the discussion of the results
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of the roll correction evaluation. Tables 1 and 2 show the results of the automatic registration
calculation performed before each test measurement. The data are organized to show the angle
of rotation and the result from each scan setting.
Table 2. Induced roll and roll calculated using TomoTherapy’s automatic registration at each tested angle.
Induced Roll
(°) Bone Bone + Tissue Full Image
0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2
0.2 0.5 0.6 0.2
0.3 0.5 0.4 0.3
0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7
1.0 1.3 1.3 1.3
2.0 2.2 2.3 2.3
3.0 2.7 2.7 2.7
5.0 5.3 5.3 5.3
-0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
-1.0 -1.1 -0.5 -0.7
-3.0 -2.9 -3.0 -3.1
A. Automatic registration
Table 1 shows an average baseline rotation of approximately 0.26°. This offset is found system-
atically across multiple measurement sessions and is observed in the induced roll measurements,
as well. It could potentially be due to phantom rotation or couch roll at the time of the initial
CT scan. However, since this offset cannot be definitively explained, no correction to the data
is made. Table 3 shows the difference between roll calculated using TomoTherapy’s automatic
registration feature and the induced roll. The average difference between the calculated and
induced roll is 0.23°, 0.26°, and 0.22° for each of the imaging settings: Bone, Bone + Tissue,
and Full Image, respectively. While there appears to be a systematic error in the relative rotation
of the phantom between the simulation kVCT and the TomoTherapy MVCT, TomoTherapy’s
automatic registration feature is able to calculate roll to within the sensitivity of the test for
nearly all imaging settings.
Table 3. Differences between induced roll and roll calculated using TomoTherapy’s automatic registration at each
tested angle.
Table 4. Baseline films: normalization values, measurements, and ratios for left (L) and right (R) test points.
Film Norm (cGy) (cGy) L/Norm R/Norm
1 54.33 113.06 109.17 2.08 2.01
2 53.46 110.90 111.88 2.07 2.09
3 53.97 114.08 115.09 2.11 2.13
4 54.10 109.58 112.83 2.03 2.09
5 54.92 116.45 114.10 2.12 2.08
6 55.46 118.21 114.59 2.13 2.07
Average 54.37 113.71 112.94 2.09 2.08
SD 0.71 3.26 2.19 0.04 0.04
Table 5. Normalization values, measurements, and ratios for films irradiated with roll correction applied.
Angle L R
(°) Norm (cGy) (cGy) L/Norm R/Norm
0.1 53.95 114.35 111.44 2.12 2.07
0.2 53.42 116.21 112.20 2.18 2.10
0.3 53.81 114.53 114.66 2.13 2.13
0.5 53.48 111.13 112.52 2.08 2.10
1.0 54.31 113.78 113.02 2.10 2.08
2.0 54.47 116.03 115.21 2.13 2.12
3.0 54.48 110.53 113.33 2.03 2.08
5.0 55.21 114.13 110.44 2.07 2.00
-0.5 54.97 117.23 114.32 2.13 2.08
-1.0 55.14 118.08 112.58 2.14 2.04
-3.0 55.15 116.61 116.02 2.11 2.10
Average 54.40 114.78 113.25 2.11 2.08
SD 0.67 2.39 1.67 0.04 0.04
Table 6. Normalization values, measurements, and ratios for films irradiated without roll correction applied.
Angle L R
(°) Norm (cGy) (cGy) L/Norm R/Norm
0.1 53.16 113.39 109.88 2.13 2.07
0.2 53.32 108.92 106.44 2.04 2.00
0.3 53.93 107.83 105.07 2.00 1.95
0.5 53.31 96.24 97.27 1.81 1.82
1.0 53.72 84.15 83.97 1.57 1.56
2.0 53.75 65.48 65.57 1.22 1.22
3.0 54.61 54.14 54.11 0.99 0.99
5.0 54.61 58.23 59.61 1.07 1.09
-0.5 53.73 123.88 124.12 2.31 2.31
-1.0 54.49 139.59 141.46 2.56 2.60
-3.0 54.83 193.79 190.20 3.53 3.47
Average 53.95 - - - -
SD 0.59 - - - -
Numbers below the 90% pass rate commonly used for clinical patient-specific quality assur-
ance measurements are noted. The uncorrected data points begin to fall below this threshold at
0.5° rotation. All subsequent positive rotations fall below 90%. The only negative rotation to
produce a gamma pass rate above 90% was -0.5°; all other pass rates were below this tolerance.
All gamma pass rates corresponding to corrected data points exceed 96%, with an average of
99.1% for the left side and 99.4% for the right.
Table 7. Deviation of left and right test points from the respective baseline average. Numbersa fall outside 3 SD from
the baseline value.
Uncorrected Corrected
Angle Angle
(°) Left Right (°) Left Right
0.1 0.04 -0.01 0.1 0.03 -0.01
0.2 -0.05 -0.08 0.2 0.08 0.02
0.3 -0.09 -0.13a 0.3 0.04 0.05
0.5 -0.29a -0.25a 0.5 -0.01 0.03
1.0 -0.52a -0.51a 1.0 0.00 0.00
2.0 -0.87a -0.86a 2.0 0.04 0.04
3.0 -1.10 a -1.09 a 3.0 -0.06 0.00
5.0 -1.02a -0.99a 5.0 -0.02 -0.08
-0.5 0.21a 0.23a -0.5 0.04 0.00
-1.0 0.47a 0.52a -1.0 0.05 -0.04
-3.0 1.44a 1.39a -3.0 0.02 0.03
Left Right
Average 2.09 2.08
SD 0.04 0.04
Table 8. 3%/3 mm gamma pass rates. Numbersa are below 90% pass rate commonly used for clinical measurements.
Uncorrected rotations show a clear trend in decreasing gamma pass rate. All rotations greater
than 0.3° would result in films that would be considered clinically unacceptable by these criteria
if they were measured for patient-specific quality assurance, with the counterclockwise rotation
of -0.5° being the only exception. However, this is likely the result of the region of interest
(ROI) used for the measurement. If a larger ROI was used that encompassed both aspects of
the distribution, it is likely that the gamma pass rate at this angle would fall below 90%. After
applying roll correction, all failing points were brought up to a passing level near 100%. As
we found with our previous statistical tests, this suggests that TomoTherapy’s roll correction
feature accurately corrects for our induced rotations.
Gamma analysis was also performed using 2%/2 mm pass criteria, the results of which
are shown in Table 9. We typically use 3%/3 mm criteria for our clinical patient-specific QA
measurements, as is used in TG-119.(8) However, 2%/2 mm provides a more sensitive test with
which to test these films. Most of the corrected films result in pass rates greater than 90%, even
at 2%/2 mm, but some are slightly lower.
TG-119 reports a composite film confidence limit of 87.6% when using 3%/3 mm gamma
pass criteria. Our uncorrected data begin to fall below this limit at 0.3° induced rotation, with
no passing points at negative rotations. It is clearly observed that the uncorrected results drop
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Table 9. 2%/2 mm gamma pass rates. Numbersa are below 87.6% pass rate, the composite confidence limit stated
in TG-119.
very quickly below the corrected data past 0.2°. The corrected data all exceed the TG-119
confidence limit even at 2%/2 mm, with an average pass rate of 96.2%. The favorable passing
rates, even at 2%/2 mm, indicate a robust testing method, and demonstrate the ability of the
roll correction feature to accurately correct for induced rotations.
To put this test sensitivity in context, TG-148 recommends a tolerance of 1° for gantry angle
accuracy and consistency.(9) In the experience of the authors, field service engineers will adjust
the position of the gantry if it falls outside of a 0.2° tolerance. With respect to patient treatment,
a 0.2° roll would result in a rotational movement of approximately 0.2 mm on the surface of a
patient’s head or slightly less than 1 mm on the surface of the pelvis, abdomen, or thorax of a
very large patient. Such movements are within the strictest recommended tolerances for patient
alignment. Furthermore, most targets and OARs are closer to the center of the patient where
alignment uncertainty due to roll is even smaller. Thus the sensitivity of this test is adequate to
assure accuracy of roll corrections to within clinically relevant tolerances. It should be noted that
the 3%/3 mm pass criteria was used to assess the roll correction feature for clinical feasibility.
Applying more stringent pass criteria may yield different results.
In summary, the automatic registration system is capable of accurately detecting induced roll
at the level of 0.2 degrees–0.30 degrees, and the automatic roll correction system is capable of
accurately correcting for induced roll to within the accuracy of the test described here. After
roll correction, all point measurements at the tested angles fall within 2 SD of the baseline
average, with the majority falling within 1 SD. Gamma analysis shows that using roll correction
brings gamma pass rates to greater than 96% for all measured rotations using 3% difference
and 3 mm distance to agreement criteria, and greater than 94% when using 2%/2 mm criteria.
Should a prospective TomoTherapy user wish to incorporate the method described here into
routine QA (e.g., monthly QA), we recommend performing this procedure at the time of com-
missioning and establishing baseline data with a standard DQA plan. Thereafter, one would
only need to run the DQA plan twice on a rolled phantom, once with roll correction enabled
and once without. This allows a periodic check of roll-correction functionality while minimally
increasing the QA workload.
It should be noted that the location of the treatment couch with respect to the patient changes
as the patient rotates in the roll direction. This results in minor deviations in the calculated dose
distribution due to the inaccurate representation of the location of the couch with respect to the
patient. Such small deviations were not observable in this study.
A roll-sensitive test plan utilizing a common phantom that can be easily reproduced by any
TomoTherapy user was designed to perform an end-to-end evaluation of TomoTherapy’s roll
detection and correction capability. TomoTherapy is able to detect rotational misalignments at
the level of 0.2°–0.3° using the automatic registration system, and this system showed good
agreement with measured induced rotations. Statistical analysis of point data and gamma
analyses both show that TomoTherapy’s roll correction feature is able to accurately correct
for rotational misalignment to within the sensitivity of the test described here. The sensitiv-
ity of this test was found to be 0.3° using the ratio of point doses to a normalization point of
nonvarying dose. This is the limit at which statistical differences occur between the planned
and delivered doses and this level of sensitivity is considered adequate for roll corrections to
within clinically relevant tolerances.
While this study provides a technical evaluation of the capabilities of TomoTherapy’s roll
correction feature, further work is required to evaluate the efficacy of roll correction in clinical
circumstances where anatomical deformations accompany rotation.
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