PI Controller Relay Auto-Tuning Using Delay and Phase Margin in PMSM Drives
PI Controller Relay Auto-Tuning Using Delay and Phase Margin in PMSM Drives
PI Controller Relay Auto-Tuning Using Delay and Phase Margin in PMSM Drives
School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100091, China
Material and Supervision Department, State Grid DC Project Construction Company Limited, Beijing 100052, China
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK
KEYWORDS Abstract This paper presents an auto-tuning method for a proportion plus integral (PI) controller
Auto-tuning; for permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drives, which is supposed to be embedded in
EMA; electro-mechanical actuator (EMA) control module in aircraft. The method, based on a relay feed-
Matrix converters; back with variable delay time, explores different critical points of the system frequency response.
PI control; The Nyquist points of the plant can then be derived from the delay time and filter time constant.
PMSM The coefficients of the PI controller can then be obtained by calculation while shifting the Nyquist
point to a specific position to obtain the required phase margin. The major advantage of the auto-
tuning method is that it can provide a series of tuning results for different system bandwidths and
damping ratios, corresponding to the specification for delay time and phase margin. Simulation
and experimental results for the PMSM controller verify the performance of both the current loop
and the speed loop auto-tuning.
ª 2014 Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of CSAA & BUAA.
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
1000-9361 ª 2014 Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of CSAA & BUAA. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
1528 L. Wang et al.
where ux and Ax are the phase and the margin of the point on
plant Nyquist curve.
Considering Eqs. (9), (10) and (12), it is calculated that
ux ¼ p þ sx þ arctanðTf xÞ Fig. 6 Sketch of the proposed auto-tuning with delay and filter.
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð13Þ
Ax ¼ pa
1 þ ðTf xÞ2
the effect of Tf. And the difference of the phase of point
Bringing the ultimate frequency xu of the oscillation test B and Acrit is ua by the effect of s and Tf.
into the formula, the plant Nyquist point can be derived. xu (4) Shift ANyq to the tuned point with proper phase margin
represents the frequency of the Nyquist point. Amarg and calculate the PI coefficients from Eq. (16) with
Consequently, with the plug of the delay time in the relay the required phase margin.
oscillation, Nyquist point is indirectly located. Likewise, (5) Repeat steps (1)–(4) until the required system bandwidth
repeating the test with different delay time, more than one crit- and the damping ratio are obtained.
ical point can be identified. In this way, the proposed method
can get more information of the plant than conventional tun- Another discussion is the auto-tuning sequence for the cas-
ing method. cade controllers. The PMSM drive system consists of the speed
The second step is to shift the Nyquist point to the position loop and the inner current loop. According to Hang et al.’s
on the unit circle with the specification of the phase margin, research,27 the current loop performs the relay auto-tuning first
through which the PI coefficients are calculated. and the speed loop is then placed on relay feedback with the cur-
The phase and the amplitude of the PI controller are rent loop closed. Retuning of the current loop is not necessary if
8 the inner loop response is sufficiently faster than the outer loop.
< upi ¼ 0:5p þ arctanðTi xÞ
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2ffi ð14Þ
: Api ¼ Kp 1þðTi xÞ 3.3. Definition and setting of the parameters
Ti x
The final effect of the PI controller is to provide the addi- (1) Filter time constant Tf
tional phase and the amplitude in order to shift the proper
Nyquist point to the required position. This is mathematically The employed first-order low-pass filter is
achieved by adding upi and multiplying Api to the Nyquist 1
point, to shift it to the position on the unit circle with a certain fðsÞ ¼ ð18Þ
Tf s þ 1
phase margin um.
The filter is used to eliminate the high-frequency noise in
ux þ upi ¼ p þ um the feedback signal. The bandwidth of the filter must be nar-
Api Ax ¼ 1 row enough to permit the oscillation recognition, but wide
Considering Eqs. ((13)–(15)), the PI coefficients can be enough to reserve the whole information of the critical point
derived as at a frequency higher than the main process dynamics. A good
compromise appears to be an automatic determination of Tf so
tanð0:5p þ um sx arctanðTf xÞÞ that the corresponding pole in the discrete filter implementa-
Ti ¼ ð16Þ
x tion is set to be a chosen real value pd, that is
4uTi x Ts
Kp ¼ rhffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ih iffi ð17Þ Tf ¼ ð19Þ
pa 1 þ ðTf xÞ2 1 þ ðTi xÞ2 lg pd
where the value of pd adopted is 0.5 and Ts is the sampling
To sum up, the proposed auto-tuning is performed as time.
described in Fig. 6: In this case, the discrete filter implementation of Eq. (18)
employs the same equation in z-domain independent of Ts
(1) Start the tuning and carry out the relay oscillation test 0:1304ðz 1Þ
with a specific delay time. fðzÞ ¼ ð20Þ
z 0:7391
(2) Drive the plant to the steady state and obtain a and Tu,
locating the critical point Acrit. (2) Delay time s
(3) Calculate the Nyquist point ANyq from Eq. (13) with the
corresponding delay time and the filter time constant. B The transfer function of the delay is
point shows that the amplitude of ANyq is changed by sðsÞ ¼ ess ð21Þ
PI controller relay auto-tuning using delay and phase margin in PMSM drives 1531
The effect of the delay can be explained in both the real- the amplitude is, except that there may be a small area on
time domain and the s-domain. In the real-time domain, it the left side of line l where the jODj is longer than jPDj and this
delays a length of s and then output the set-point after the is the area containing the resonance frequency. Thus the
moment the feedback signal crosses zero. Obviously the longer bandwidth point, whose amplitude is 3 dB, is within the unit
the delay, the bigger the oscillation amplitude becomes, and circle and has a higher frequency than point D.
the slower the oscillation frequency goes, which means, a lower Therefore, the frequency of the recognized point can be
frequency Nyquist point is recognized. considered as a guarantee that the bandwidth is wider than
In the s-domain, the absolute value of ua is proportional to this. The delay time s can be changed until the frequency of
the delay time s in Eq. (9). The recognized Nyquist point goes the Nyquist point gets closed to the required system
counterclockwise on P(s) when ua increases, which means a bandwidth.
Nyquist point ANyq of bigger oscillation amplitude and slower
frequency is identified. This conclusion accords with the time- (3) Phase margin um
domain analysis above.
A further discussion is the relationship between Nyquist The phase margin of the system determines the stability of
point frequency and the system bandwidth xn. The bandwidth the dynamic performance. According to the control theory, the
is the frequency at which the transfer function has 3 dB bigger the phase margin, the bigger the system damping is, and
amplitude. Considering Eqs. (6) and (16), it is derived that the smaller overshot the step response is. It can be qualitatively
4kux analyzed in Fig. 7 as follows.
x2n ¼ rhffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ih iffi ð22Þ The auto-tuning algorithm moves the recognized point to
pa 1 þ ðTf xÞ2 1 þ ðTb xÞ2 the position on unit circle. \POD is the phase margin. Con-
sider the case that \POD is 30, the division of jODj and
where Tb = KpTi. jPDj is bigger than the case when \POD is 60. It is obvious
This equation shows a connection between xn and the that the amplitude of the area of the natural frequency on
Nyquist point frequency. However, the relationship between the Nyquist curve turns bigger. It will be found in the simula-
these frequencies is not immediately evident as it is a transcen- tion that the amplitude Bode diagram gets bigger at the
dental equation. However it can be analyzed geometrically in frequency area near the natural frequency. Hence the system
the s-domain. has a bigger overshoot and a smaller damping ratio in this
Consider G(s) as the open-loop system transfer function case. The system response vibrates stronger but rises faster.
which includes the PI controller, the closed-loop system trans- The phase margin is mostly set between 30 and 60. The
fer function is bigger the phase margin, the more stable the system becomes
but a longer rising time is expected.
UðsÞ ¼ ð23Þ
1 þ GðsÞ
4. Simulation and experimental results
As illustrated in Fig. 7, the amplitude of U(s) is the division
of the amplitudes of |G(s)| and |1 + G(s)|. |1 + G(s)| can be 4.1. Proposed auto-tuning method simulation results
further expressed as |G(s) (1)|, which is the length of PD.
|G(s)| equals the length of OD. Thus the system transfer func- The auto-tuning method has been studied in Simulink in terms
tion is of the transfer function. Two groups of auto-tuning results
GðsÞ jODj have been analyzed under the variation of the delay time and
UðsÞ ¼ ¼ \PDO ð24Þ the phase margin respectively. Identification of the Nyquist
1 þ GðsÞ jPDj
curve verifies the correctness of the auto-tuning theory. The
Considering the case where the tuning phase margin is Bode diagram as well as the step response shows the influence
specified as 60, the length of jODj is equal to jPDj. Thus at on tuning result when the parameters change.
the frequency of the Nyquist point obtained in the oscillation The plant model in the simulation is the first-order model
test, the amplitude of U(s) is 1. Also, it is obvious that the which includes the dead time
higher frequency of the point on Nyquist curve, the smaller
PðsÞ ¼ ð25Þ
where p and k are the parameters of the plant, which are set at
250 and 500, respectively.
First, five oscillation tests are carried out with five different
delay time. All the auto-tuning results are calculated when the
phase margin is 60. The data of auto-tuning results with
different delay time is shown in Table 1. The frequency of
the critical point, the amplitude and the phase of the Nyquist
point are listed. The frequency of the critical point is also the
frequency of the corresponding Nyquist point. The system
bandwidth xn is obtained by finding the 3 dB point in Bode
diagram. The damping ratio is calculated from Eq. (10). It can
be seen that with the increase of the delay time, the frequency
Fig. 7 Illustration of vector on Nyquist curve. of the Nyquist point identified gets smaller. The bandwidth
1532 L. Wang et al.
motor is a high-inertia and low-speed motor. The limitation of Fig. 14. The rising time is around 0.25 s when the speed
the speed is 500 r/min. reaches 500 r/min and is around 0.10 s when the speed reaches
Figs. 17(a) and (b) show the step response of the auto-tun- 50 r/min.
ing results when the PMFSM is not connected to the DC Figs. 17(c) and (d) show the tuning results when the
motor. The speed reference is set to 500 r/min. The oscillations PMFSM is connected to the DC motor. The speed reference
are greater and settling time longer when the delay time is set to 50 r/min, because of the limitation of the DC motor.
increases, and it oscillates larger and rises faster as the phase The rising time is up to 0.25 s when the speed reaches
margin reduces, the same conclusion as in PMSM tuning in 50 r/min, longer than rising time of 0.10 s when the DC motor
is not connected. It is because the highest torque of the
PMFSM is constant due to the current limitation of the IGBT
and the armature, but the inertia increases when the DC motor
is connected. The changing of rising time and vibration is
similar to the trend in Fig. 17(a) and (b) for different delay
time and different phase margins. The auto-tuning method
successfully tuned the PI controller with DC motor connected
or disconnected to the PMFSM.
Fig. 18 shows the speed response of 1000 r/min, 2000 r/min
and 3000 r/min, at the same PI auto-tuning parameters. The
slope of the rising speed is concerned with the saturation of
the current limit. This figure verifies the auto-tuning results
for a wide speed range.
The above discussion leads to the conclusion that the
experimental results agree with the simulation analysis. The
proposed auto-tuning method finds valid PI coefficients and
provides different results for 1 and xn with the specification
Fig. 18 Response of speed loop auto-tuning with different of s and um. The most satisfactory tuning result can be chosen
speeds. from the result presented in Fig. 17.
1536 L. Wang et al.
Construction Company Limited. His main research interests are high- Pat Wheeler received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering for his
voltage direct current (HVDC) and power electronics. work on Matrix Converters at the University of Bristol, England in
1993. In 1993, he moved to the University of Nottingham and worked
Liliana de Lillo is a senior research fellow in faculty of engineering, as a research assistant in the School of Electrical and Electronic
University of Nottingham. Her area of research includes matrix Engineering. In 1996, he became a lecturer in power electronic systems
converters, power electronics and power device. with the Power Electronics, Machines and Control Group at the
University of Nottingham, UK, became a senior lecturer in 2003, and a
Lee Empringham is a senior research fellow in faculty of engineering, professor in January 2008. He now works as the director of the
University of Nottingham. His research area includes power institute for aerospace technology and professor of power electronic
electronics and power device. systems, faculty of engineering, University of Nottingham.