Ingliz Tili 8-Sinf Konspekt 2018
Ingliz Tili 8-Sinf Konspekt 2018
Ingliz Tili 8-Sinf Konspekt 2018
Tight-rope walker - Dorboz Illuminations - yoritish, illuminatsiy
To tell jokes - hajviyalar aytmoq To walk stilts - cho‘p oyoqda yurmoq
II. Pre-activity
Activity la Read and Say True, False, or Don‘t know
Objectives: to stimulate PP ideas about the topic. PP
PP read the sentences and write ‗true‘, ‗false‘ ‗I don‘t know‘E g - America celebrates Independence Day true)
I. Organizational part:
- greeting
- checking up the register
- checking up the homework: Ex 1 P. 13 (write a letter)
Activity 1 b Read and listen to the first part of the text and check answers
Objectives: to practise reading/listening for detail to check predictions
PP read and listen to the first part of the text and check their answers
to Activity la. @ See Classbook for CD script.
II. Pre-activity
II. Pre-activity
Activity lb Read and say which things you do Activities 3 Objective: to read for main ideas
Objective: to read for detail, present cultural True/false activity Answer key: 1-true 2-false 3-true
information. PP read the text and say which thing their
family does. IV. Post – activities
Culture and Language Note
Mistletoe is a plant with small leaves and white berries. Activity 4 Objective: to introduce some cultural
It is a parasite, which grows on apple and other trees. information and practice saying dates
Between Christmas and New Year traditionally English Key: Western New Year on 1 st January and Eastern
people hang it in the doorway. Boys can kiss anyone New Year or Navro'z, on 21 st March.
they meet under it. Activity 5
Objective: to give freer practice on talking about
III. Main Part Christmas and New Year traditions
Activities 2 Read and find things in bold in the picture PP make groups and say which Christmas or New Year
Objective: to practice reading for detail, food or tradition they like best
present cultural information. PP read the text and find E.g I like the tradition about hiding a silver coin in the
the things in bold in pictures. pudding best. It's a good idea. I'd like to fin d a coin
Answer key: a turkey b Christmas cake c nuts d silver coin
e tangerines f Christmas pudding g mince pies
Have yetakchi fe‘l sifatida
VI. Evaluation
III. Pre-activity
Activity 2 Do the quiz about National holidays in the UK and the USA.
Write True or False
Objective: to stimulate PP ideas about the topic
True /false activity Teacher gives PP test list
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
+ + + + + + +
- - - - -
V. Post – activity
Activity 3a Read and match
Objectives: to practice reading for specific information
PP read the text and match them with the cards
VI. Giving homework: Ex l(read and say which custom you loke best),2 (prepare 3 valentine cards for people in the class)
P 13
VII. Evaluation
Deputy director on educational affairs: ____________________ Signature _________
Dates English Teacher:
V. Giving homework:
To make up 10 sentences
VI. Evaluation
I. Organizational part:
- greeting
- checking up the register
- checking up the homework (To make up 10 sentences)
II. Pre -activity
Work with words from the text Gratitude ['grastit(j)u:d ], [-tfu:d] minnatdorchilik
adult ['asd/vlt ], [o'dAlt] 1. Voyaga etgan
To express [ik'spres ], [ek-] ifodalamoq
British Holidays
There are a number o f holidays, which are celebrated in Great Britain every year.
One of them is the New Year's Day on the first of January. On that day people usually visit their friends and there is a lot o
f dancing and eating.
The next holiday of the year is St. Valentine's Day. It is on the 14th o f February. People buy or make Valentine
cards and send them to the people they love. In March there is Mother's Day. All the children and adults, come to their
mothers on that day to express their love and gratitude.
In April there is Easter. At Easter children eat chocolate Easter eggs. In June there is Father's Day. On Father's
Day children give or send their fathers and grandfathers cards and presents. On the 31 st o f October there is a Halloween.
People make lanterns out o f pumpkins. The 25th of December is Christmas Day. People put Christmas trees in their houses
and decorate them. There are beautiful Christmas decorations in the streets. The traditional Christmas meal is turkey and
Christmas pudding.
V. Conclusion
The results of the lesson
I. Organizational part:
- greeting
- checking up the register
Latest news - so‘ngi yangiliklar Interesting facts - qiziqarfi faktlar
Crossword - krossvordlar Interesting things - qiziqarli narsalar
Horoscope - munajjimlar bashorati Anecdotes - anekdotlar, hajviyalar
True stories - hayotiy voqealar Sports news - sport yangiliklari
Jokes - hazillar
II. Warming-up
Activity 1 a, 1 bObiectives: to raise awareness about the types of newspapers in Uzbekistan;
to practise expressing opinions and giving reasons Ask PP to make a list of newspapers in Uzbekistan.
When they finish ask them to choose the best newspaper from their list and say why they have chosen it. PP can use
the words in the word cloud to give reasons. Write the names of the newspapers and PP reasons on the BB. Use this table
Each time PP tell the class their choices, you should tick the name of the newspapers. At the end count the ticks. The
one which has the most ticks is the most popular newspaper.
V. Post - activity
Activity 5
Objectives: to compare the front and back pages of Uzbek, English and American newspapers; to give further practice
in using the words for comparison
V. Giving home task ex la,b
VI. Evaluation
Theme: Magazines
Write the names of the magazmes and the reasons that PP give on the BB. Use this table.
Name of magazine Reason for choosing
Each time PP tell the class their choices, you should tick the name of the magazine. At the end count the ticks.
The one which has the most ticks is the most popular magazine.
Activity 3b Read your questions to the class. With the class make one questionnaire.
Objectives: to practise writing a questionnaire, to give an opportunity to
work cooperatively; to teach PP to reach consensus Each pair reads their questions to the class. PP listen to them
and choose one best question from their list. Assign one P to write the selected questions on the BB during this
process. When the questionnaire is ready ask PP to copy it.
VI. Evaluation
To raise awareness of the structure of reported speech of facts which are still true
―The population of London is around 9million‖
He said the population of London is around 9million
I live in Brighton
She said that she lives in Brighton
Activity lc Oblective: to raise awareness of the structure of reported speech of facts which are still true
Ask PP to compare the report with the interview in la. PP must notice the following changes which are marked as bold
in the key. If they can't see the difference at once give some hints.
Answer key; Kaylee said she reads two newspapers everyday. One is a quality newspaper, the Guardian, and the other is a
tabloid, the Sun, a kind of gossip newspaper. She said she reads the Guardian for information and for opinions. And she
said she reads the Sun for entertainment.
After that explain that the first text is the real interview, and the second one is the reported text of the interview. Also
explain that in the reported speech reporting verbs are used which are usually in the past (e.g. said, told, answered, etc.)
and the pronouns change too. If the facts are still true and the situation hasn't changed, the verbs after reporting verbs
are used in the Present Simple. Draw PP attention to the changes o f pronouns and verbs in the Remember Box.
V. Evaluation
VI. Giving home task Ex 1 P 21(write a report for school newspaper)
VII. Conclusion Results of the lesson
Deputy director on educational affairs: ____________________ Signature _________
Dates English Teacher:
Theme: Project
II. Warm up
Have a short discussion with PR Ask what they thought about the 'problem letter1 in the homework. Ask if they have a lot
of homework sometimes, if they find it difficult to do all their homework sometimes, if they think about what to do first,
next etc. and how they think they could manage it better. This discussion can be in mother tongue. If PP do not have ideas
you can help them by suggesting some things e.g. they should organise a place at home where they have a space to write;
they could set aside a particular time, preferably at the same time everyday; they could stay at school to do their homework
if there is no place at home, etc.
Activity 2 b Write your section. Ask your teacher for help if necessary. When you finish ask your teacher to help
you edit your work.
Obiectives: to practise writing information for the sections; to practise editing writing
Groups write their section. Monitor the groupwork. Help with vocabulary, corrections, etc. as necessary. When PP finish,
help them to edit their work (corrections, extra sentences to make it clearer, title if it is missing, etc). PP make a final copy
on a sheet of paper. When they finish copying, collect and display the mini-newspaper on the wall or on a desk.
V. Post - activity
Activity 3,4 Stick your section on a poster and hang it on the wall.
Objective: to read for pleasure PP read their mini-newspaper.
II. Pre-activity
Teacher writes new words on the blackboard and says the headline of the article A GOOD LESSON
A Good Lesson
Once a rich Englishwoman called Mrs Johnson decided to have a birthday party. She invited a lot of guests and a
singer. The singer was poor, but he had a very good voice. The singer got to Mrs Johnson's house at exactly six o'clock as
he had been asked to do, but when he went in, he saw through a door that the dining-room was already full of guests, who
were sitting round a big table in the middle o f the room. The guests were eating, joking, laughing, and talking loudly. Mrs
Johnson came out to him, and he thought she was going to ask him to join them, when she said, "We're glad, sir, that you
have come. You will be singing after dinner, I'll call you as soon as we're ready to listen to you. Now will you go into the
kitchen and have dinner, too, please?" The singer was very angry, but said nothing. At first he wanted to leave Mrs
Johnson's house at once, but then he changed his mmd and decided to stay and teach her and her rich guests a good lesson.
When the smger went mtothe kitchen, the servants were having dinner, too. He joined them. After dinner, the singer
thanked everybody and
said, "Well, now I'm going to sing to you, my good friends." And he sang them some beautiful songs.
Soon Mrs Johnson called the singer "Well, sir, we're ready." "Ready?" asked the singer. "What are you ready for?" "To
listen to you," said Mrs Johnson in an angry voice."Listen to me? But I have already sung, and I'm afraid I shan't be able to
sing any more tonight." "Where did you sing?" "In the kitchen. I always sing for those I have dinner with."
To retell the text, discuss whether they were right with their predictions or not. to make up 5 different questions according
to the text for checking comprehension
V. Giving homework
VII. Conclusion Results of the lesson
Activity 5 Work in groups. You are going to find out about TV viewing habits. Write your questions.
Objectives: to give freer practice in writing questions; to write a survey questionnaire; to practise the topic vocabulary Tell
PP they are going to do a survey about TV viewing habits. Monitor their work to see if they need your help E.g. 1. Do you
watch TV?
2 . What kind of programmes do you watch?
V. Evaluation
VI. Giving home task Ex 1P29 (Interview 5 pupils from Class 9)
VII. Conclusion Results of the lesson
V. Evaluation
VI. Giving home task
Ex 1 P 29 (put the verbs in the right column)
VII. Conclusion
Results of the lesson
Activity 5b Work in pairs. Tell your partner something similiar which has happened to you.
Objectives: to give freer practice m using the Past Perfect; to give PP an
opportunity to work creatively PP tell each other stories similar to the story in
V. Evaluation
VI. Giving home task Make up 10 sentences
studio - studiya applause - qarsak. qo‘llab-quwatlash
audience - tomoshabin theme - mavzu, masala
stage - saxna, saxnalashtirmoq music - musiqa
II. Pre-activity
Objective: to practise writing to reinforce the new structure PP write three things they did last week/month/year.
Then they swap Ex.Bks and write a question for their partner. Remind them to use the Past Perfect. They swap Ex Bks
again and answer their partner's questions. They can use Activity 5 for help.
VI. Evaluation
VIII. Conclusion
Activity 1 a Work in pairs. Write questions for your partner about the television and radio programmes s/he
watched in the last week.
Objectives: to revise and practise writing questions; to revise the Past Simple PP write questions for each other about the
television and radio programmes they watched last week on the basis of the questionnaire.
Activity 2a Eliana answered the same questions about her TV and radio habits. This is what she said. Listen.
Objectives: to present cultural information; to prepare for the next activity PP read Eliana's answers.
Activity 2b This is what the interviewer wrote in his report. Say what changes he has made.
Objectives: to practise inferring a new structure from the context (Past Perfect in Reported Speech) Ask PP what changes
they notice in the sentences. Draw their attention to the Remember box.
V. Evaluation
VI. Giving home task
Ex 1 P 29 (read and answer the questions)
VII. Conclusion
II . Pre – activity
Activity 3a Look at the notes about your partner‘s TV and radio habits. Write a similar report.
Objective: to practise writing to reinforce the new structure
PP look at their notes in Activity 1 about their partner's TV and radio habits
and write a similar report as in 2c.
III. Main Part
Activity 3b Make new pairs. Tell your new partner about your first partner.
Objective: to give oral practice using the Past Perfect in Reported Speech PP talk to their new partner about their previous
partner's TV and radio habits.
Activity 4 Eliana said some more things. Read what she said and what the reporter reported. Say what changes he
Objectives: to practise inferring a new structure from the context (Present Perfect in Reported Speech) The same procedure
as in Activity 2b. Suggestion: Grammar Exercise 4 could be done now, at home, or later in the unit for consolidation.
V. Evaluation
VI. Giving home task Make up dialogue
Activity 3c On the left is the British spelling. Find and write the American words in the text.
Objective: compare British and American spelling PP compare British and American spelling.They find the American
words in the text and write them in the table.
Realise – realize Programme – show
V. Evaluation
VI. Giving home task. Ex 1 P 29 (write 5 names of stations in Uzbekistan)
PP present m turn information about their radio stations. Other PP listen and ask questions if they have any.
E.g. What music do the put?
When can we hear the news?
Can we take part in different radio-competitions?
IV. Post – activity
Advantages disadvantages
No wasting time for sitting in front o f TV No opportunity to watch
Relaxing Distracts from driving
Differences between US and UK words
American English British English Russian
Apartment Flat kvaftira
baggage luggage bagaj
busy engage zaynit
PP make up own sentences and read them to the whole class. Teacher walks around the class and helps if there is need.
V. Evaluation
VI. Giving home task. Retell text
VII. Conclusion
Theme: Project
Activity 1
Objectives: to introduce the different roles and jobs involved in making a radio programme
PP read the names of the jobs in radio and match them with the definitions. Key: lc 2e 3a 4h 5g 6d 7b
Note: T is extra
Activity 2a Objectives: to prepare for the next activity; to revise topic vocabulary Tell PP they are going to make a radio
programme. Ask them to prepare short interviews and/or commentaries on current events, advertisements and music if it is
possible. If not, PP can improvise something.
Activity 2b, 2c, 2d Work in groups. You are going to make a radio programme. Your programme should include
the following:
Objectives: to teach how to reach consensus; to raise awareness about
designing a programme PP should decide who will do each thing, the order o f items and a title for the programme. See if
your PP need your help to reach consensus.
Activity 2e Objective: to rehearse the programme
Monitor the process and see if your PP need your help.
V. Evaluation
VI. Giving home task. Prepare for the progress check
VII. Conclusion
Theme: Revision
I. Organizational part: 3 He had not finished when suddenly the host came
- greeting back and the show began
- checking up the register 4 We enjoyed the show - it was great.
5 The applause had not finished when we heard the
II. Pre - activity theme music for the chat show and our wonderful
PP revise Past Perfect experience was over.
Grammar Exercise 2 6 Had you ever been in a studio audience before?
Complete the gaps with the correct form o f the verb 71 had been in a studio audience but 1 had never been
I remember when I went to school for the first time. on a camera before.
1 1 had never been in such a big room before.
21 had never been along before. IV. Post – activity
31 had never spent all day with other children before.
41 had never sat quietly before. Grammar Exercise 4
51 had always played when I wanted to. Finish the report about Eliana‘s TV likes and dislikes
61 had always laughed, sung when I wanted to. She said that she had begun to watch another one,
Crossroads, and that was really good too. She said that
III. Main Part she had begun to know the characters. She said that she
had written to their fan club. She said that she had
Grammar Exercise 3 logged on to their website a few times. She said that
Complete the gaps with the correct form o f the verb she had talked to some other fans on-line. She said that
A talk show host came onto the stage and explained she had ordered a Crossroads T-shirt. She said that she
that first there was a comedian. had already received the first edition of the Crossroads
1 The main show was going to be after that when we magazine.
had relaxed and begun to enjoy ourselves.
The comedian was not very funny.
V. Evaluation
VI. Giving home task Consolidate
VII. Conclusion
Objective: to practise reading for detailed information PP look at the pictures. You could ask them if they have read
anything by any of the authors, whether they have heard of the authors or know the names of any of the books they have
Then PP read the texts and match them and the portraits of the six authors. You may wish to ask your PP whether:
1 Robert Frost is an American or British poet (The right answer is' American')
2 Arthur Conan Doyle is American or British writer (British)
Key: lb 2d 3 f 4e 5c 6a
IV. Post - activity
Activity 3b
Objective: to practise talking about the authors and their books
In pairs PP talk about the authors in Activity 3a and their works. They can discuss books they have read or films they have
seen. After they have finished, ask several PP to tell the class about their partners.
V. Evaluation
VI. Giving home task Ex 1 P 37 (fill in the gaps)
Teacher writes on the blackboard two headlines of two short stories and ask PP to think what the stories will be about
The teacher gives words on the blackboard (tea and coffee)
Twins - egizaklar To commit a crime - jinoyat sodir etmoq To sentence to death - o‘limga mahkum qilmoq
To prove - isbotlamoq Harmful - zararli (the king and the critic) to criticize - tanqid qilmoq
well known critic - mashhur tanqidchi prison - qamoqhona pardon - kechirmoq palace - saroy guard qoriqchi I
Teacher gives PP texts on the desk but texts are divided in to pieces. PP must put them in order.
Coffee and tea were not known in Europe two hundred years ago. People were afraid to drink them because they
thought that coffee or tea could kill a person. Once the king of Sweden decided to find out whether it was true or not. At
that time two brothers were in prison. They were twins and were much alike. They had committed a crime and had been
sentenced to death. The king said: ―I shall let them live but they must drink coffee or tea every day‖. They both lived
many years. At last one died when he was 83 years old. The other died a few years later. In this way it was proved that
neither tea nor coffee was harmful to man.
The king used to write stories which he thought were very good. The people to whom he showed his stories were afraid to
criticize him. They said his stories were good. One day he showed some of his stories to a well known critic who said that
his stories were bad. The king got angry with him and sent him to prison. After some time the king pardoned the critic.
When he returned he invited him to his palace for dinner. Again he showed him some of his stories and again asked him
what he thought of them. The critic turned to the guards who were standing behind him and said: ―Take me back to the
IV. Post - activity
After putting pieces in order and checking their answers PP change pairs and telf their stories to each other.
After some time teacher ask questions according to the text.
1. Why were people afraid to drink tea or coffee? 1. What did the king like to do?
2. How did king decide to check whether it was true 2. What did people say to him and why?
or not? 3. What did critic say?
3. What happened to these brothers? 4. How did king react to his critic?
5. Did king pardon the critic?
6. Did the critic praise him?
VI. Giving home task Ex 2 P 37 (write 4-5 sentences about the writer or poet)
V. Evaluation
VI. Giving home task Ex 2 P 37 (write 4-5 sentences about the writer or poet)
VII. Conclusion
Activity 2b Read again and find sentences with information about Cooper and Chandra Coomaraswamy.
Obiective: to practise reading for specific information Draw PP attention to the numbers 1, 5, 10, 15, 20 at the beginning o f
the lines. They are helpful when PP look for information and then tell you in which line they have found it. After they have
finished reading, they should be able to say something like the following:
Key Henry Cooper's job was to send daily reports to the UNSA. It was his second visit to the Moon. He was interested in
the future, etc., or you could actually ask to read the right sentences aloud.
Activity 2 c
Objective: to enable PP to express opinions about the characters of the story This is a normal 'answer the questions' activity
and it is up to you how you organise it: with the whole class or in groups/pairs. When PP answer the second question, draw
their attention to the structure and write on the BB the phrase 'I would be worried if I were you.'Translate the phrase for PP,
explain its meaning and the
structure. Tell them that this structure is the focus of the next lesson and they will practise it there.
IV. Giving the homework
Ex 1 P 37 (read the poem and answerthe questions)
VI. Evaluation
Teacher starts the lesson with the following questions to remind PP about the second part of the story.
1 What did Cooper think about the Moon?
2 What kind of building did the Medical Research Group work in?
3 What animal did Dr Hastings show Cooper?
4 What was unusual about this animal?
Activity 1 a
Objectives: to practise reading for detailed information; to help pupils develop prediction skills
PP read the last part of the story trying to guess the phrases. They write their answers in their Ex.Bks.
Activity 1 b
Objective: to practise listening for specific information PP listen to the story and check their answers.
Activity lc
Obiective: to practise talking about the story
Teacher discusses answers to the questions with the whole class.
Key: la
2people on earth
4that if they lived on the Moon they could live for much longer than usual
5Because if people knew, they would want to live on the Moon. But in order for them to live on the Moon, a lot of research
work would need to be done. The scientists are worried too that their research work will be disturbed and spoilt. Questions
3,6 and 7 are matters of opinion. Accept all reasonable answers.
Activity 2
Objectives: to present the concept of a moral; to practise talking about the moral of the story "The Secret"
Teacher asks PP to discuss their answers in groups and then writes their ideas on the BB and discuss the answers with the
whole class. The moral could be considered as something like: 'Scientists take the responsibility for their discoveries'
Suggestion: If you have a strong class you could do the following activity:
Activity 3
Objective: to practise talking about important discoveries and scientists' responsibility
After PP have finished discussing the questions in groups, teacher asks them for their ideas. Teacher writes these on the BB
and asks PP to say which discovery of the past they consider to be the most important, which discovery that may change
the life of people they like most of all, and what is the worst thing that might happen if scientists are dishonest. The class
can decide these things by voting.
V. Giving the homework Ex i P 37 (ask questions)n
Theme: Project
Type and
Aims Competences methods of
the lesson
Educational: to revise and Learning outcomes for English competence C1, C2, Type of the Textbook,
consoidate the material of the Unit C3, C4: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able: lesson: handouts
Developing: to know conditionals for actions that are unlikely standart
to develop PP ability to work to happen, Present Simple, Past Simple Methods of
independently to make up Conditionals sentences the lesson:
Upbringing: to develop thinking to practise using conditionals idvidual
I. Organizational part:
- greeting
- checking up the register
1. I'd go to bed early if I were you. You look sleepy. 5. I'd have a drink of water if I were you. You look hot.
2. I'd wash that cut if I were you. It looks nasty. 6. I'd have a rest if I were you. You look tired.
3. I'd do some extra maths work if I were you. We've got a 7. I'd join a Language Centre if I were you. You can
test tomorrow. watch videos in English.
4. I'd see a doctor if I were you. You've got a temperature. 8. I'd put a sweater on if I were you. You look frozen.
hadn't been, had laughed, had been; had dreamt
Unit 5 Cinema
Theme: Goodies and baddies
Main Part
One group is describing heroes and the second group is trying to guess the hero.
he is very brave, handsome, young, saves pp from bad people; punishes bad
people, he is unordinary, he has a special true way, he is......
PP in whole class discuss the following questions
❖ Why are there good and bad characters in films?
❖ Does goodness always win evil?
❖ Have you ever felt sympathy to baddies?
V. Giving the homework ex 2 p 45
comedy - komediya love story - sevgi qissasi
adventure film - sarguzasht film war film - urush xaqida film
historical film - tarixiy film science fiction film - ilimiy ommabob film
thriller - daxshatli film, o‘tkir syujetli film,triller feature film - badiiy film
cartoon - multfilm
Activity 1 b Obiective: to revise vocabulary and introduce some new words PP will need to talk about films If PP cannot
guess the meaning of the words, explain the words to them. Say the words and let
PP repeat after you in chorus, in rows and individually.
Activity 2a Obiective: to prepare for the next activity PP quickly write down the names of five films they have seen.
Activity 2b Obiective: to listen for detailed information PP work in groups. Explain that they should think of a famous
film. PP take turns to describe what they have thought. The others guess the film.
e.g. it‘s a cartoon film made by Disney. It‘s about an animal who is a king. ..
Activity 2c Objective: to talk about films and why PP like them PP report to the class about the most popular films in their
group. Explain the task. Give PP a couple of minutes to organise their reports Then ask each group to report about the most
popular film in their group. Have a second round and ask them to report about the second most popular film in their group.
Activity 3 Objective: to practise asking for and giving information PP work in pairs.This is a normal information gap
activity. Check the answers.
Aims Competences Type and methods of the lesson
Educational: to introduce and practice Learning outcomes for English Type of the lesson: Pictures of film
possession with competence C1, C2, C3, C4: At the mixed, traditional stars, tape
Developing: to describe films using a end of the lesson pupils will be Methods of the recorder
range of positive and negative descriptive lesson: frontal, group
adjectives; work
to practise reading for To know possession: with, positive
detailed information; and negative adjectives, Past
to practise listening for specific Simple
information and for detailed To make up sentences with
information possession with, to describe films
Upbringing: to talk about film stars from using adjectives
Uzbekistan and from foreign countries
Activity la Objective: to use the information in the picture to prepare for listening In pairs PP work with the names an
pictures and try to work out who is who and name a film s/he appeared in. It doesn't matter if PP cannot do everything.
They will find the answers when they listen to the cassette.
Activity 1 b
Objective: to practise listening for specific information PP listen to the tape and check their
answers to 1 a.
III. Main Part
Activity 2a, 2b
Objective: to practise reading and listening for detailed information; to learn
more about Charlie Chaplin Ask PP what they know about Charlie Chaplin. Then let them read the text and write the
missing words in their Ex Bks Wien they are ready, play or read the last pait o f the tapescript in activity 1 b about Charlie
Chaplin and let PP check their answers.
Activity 3
Objective: to give longer descriptions of appearance using prepositional phrases
PP take turns to describe one of the stars in 1 a. They should not give the name, only the description. Their partner should
look at the pictures, listen to the description and guess the person being described.
IV. Post – activity Activity 4a
Objective: to revise/extend the range of positive and negative descriptive adjectives PP use
Help PP with any words they have forgotten. When you check the exercise ask PP to say the words so that you can check
they can pronounce them correctly.
Activity 4b
Objective: to describe films using a range o f positive and negative descriptive adjectives
PP take turns to use the adjectives to describe films they have seen. Their partner should agree or diagree with their view as
m the example. Suggestion: You could remind your PP about the words they learned in class 7 for qualifying adjectives (not
very, a bit, quite, very) and they could use these in their descriptions too, if appropriate. NOTE: In the project lesson PP
will write a review of a film they have seen,
might be a good idea to tell them this a week before the lesson so that they can
1 Watch a film if they need to
2 Bring information about the film with them, ready for the project.
See the project lesson activity 2a for a list of the kind o f information they will need.
Activity 2b
Objective to practise inviting, and refusing invitations politely Then help PP to work in open pairs using the examples in
II. Pre-activity
1. My colleagues usually______ four days a week, and tills 11. Where_____ you fly, if y o u ______a bird?
week they______ five days. A) w ill... turn into B) would ... turn into
A) work, work B) are working, are working C) are working, C) would . turned into D) would ... would turn
work D) work, are working 12. My wife is ... than your wife.
2. Why did she always ... to see Jim at the worst possible A) the most beautiful B) more beautiful
moment? C) beautifuller D) more beautifuller
A) come B) came C) comes D) to come 13 . Very often people behave as though they______ alone
Theme: Revision
I. Organizational part:
- greeting
- checking up the register
II. Pre-activity
Activity la
Objectives: to practise writing acronyms; to be creative In 2a PP will write a review of a film they have seen. When you
make the groups, it would be helpful if PP who know and like the same films are grouped together. PP work in groups and
design and draw a film award and give it a name and an acronym. You may want to do a little work with acronyms - you
could ask PP what acronyms they know - UN, NASA, WWF, UNICEF (United Nations, National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, World Wildlife Fund, United Nations Children's Fund)
Activity 2,2b
Objective: to write a review o f a film PP have seen PP work together to make as full a report as possible. Go round and
monitor the work. Help PP with language where necessary. Leave 10-15 minutes at the end of thelesson for the Oscar
Activity 3
In turn a P from each group reads aloud the group's review and makes their nommation and shows their Oscar. At the end
of each review and nomination you could ask the class if they agree, if they would also nominate the film Teach PP how to
read aloud well. Here are some instructions you could give PP. Let them practise before the Oscar ceremony.
1 Hold the paper in one hand and with the other keep one finger under the line you are reading, moving the finger down the
page as necessary. Hold the paper nearly at the same height as your eyes.
2 At the end of each sentence pause, look at the audience, and then look down and read the next sentence.
3 Do not read too fast.
II. Warm - up
Ask PP these questions. PP learned about musical instruments and music in class 5 so they should be able to answer
1 Do you like to listen to music?
2 What kind of music do you like to listen to?
3 When and why do you like to listen to music?
III. Pre - activity
Activity la
Obiective: to revise the vocabulary and infer the new word 'opera' from the context
Ask PP to read the texts and try to guess the meaning of the new words. Check understanding by matching. Then say
the words and ask PP to repeat them.
Key: lb 2a 3d 4c 5e
Activity lb, lc
Objective: to give freer practice in using the new words
PP work in pairs. They ask and answer about their favourite music. After working in pairs they should report what
music they like or do not like.
IV. Main Part
Activity 2a Objectives: to prepare for the next activity; to introduce some famous singers from around the world Ask
PP to look at the photos and match them with the names. Check the answers by asking these questions. Help PP if they
don't know some of the photos.
1 Do you know these people in the photos?
2 Do you know what country they are from?
3 Have you ever heard or seen them in real life or on TV?
4 Do you know whatType of music they perform?
If your PP do not know the answer to question 4, make sure you tell them.
a The Beatles, the UK, a pop group b Ella Fitzgerald, the USA, a jazz singer c Pavarotti, Italy, an opera singer d Nasiba
Abdullayeva, Uzbekistan, a pop singer e Alia Pugacheva, Russia, a pop singer
V. Post - activity
Activity 2b Objective: to practise listening for gist
Ask PP to write the numbers 1 -5 in their Ex.Bks. Explain PP will hear some people talking about singers or kinds
of music that they like. They should listen and write which singer or kind of music the person is talking about, play
the first bit of the tape, ask PP to write their answers, check that they all understand what to do (you could check
they have got the right answer) then play the rest of the tape.
Key: 1 Ella Fitzgerald
* NasibaAbdullaeva
2 doesn't like opera but likes some songs sung by opera stars
Alla Pugachevab The Beatles
VI. Giving the homework Consolidate
Activity 2a Objectives: to prepare for the next activity; to practise using the Wordlist When PP have found out
the meaning o f the words say the words and ask PP to repeat after you.
Soloist - solist Film score - filmga musiqa
Ensemble - ansambl Inheritance - merso
Composer - kompozitor Roots - kelib chiqishi
Conservatoire - konservatoriya Flute - fleyta
III. MainPart
Activity 2b Objective: to listen for main ideas. PP listen and answer the question. You could check that PP
realise that the music at the beginning and end of the programme is by Burxonov.
(a couple o f bars of a the National Anthem o f Uzbekistan) .. Welcome to our programme Great Musicians o f
Uzbekistan. Today we are going to hear about Mutal (Mutavakkil) Burxonov, one of the great musicians of
Uzbekistan. He was bom in 1916 in Bukhara. In 1949 he graduated from the Moscow Conservatoire. He
composed many, many pieces of music in a number of different styles, including the National Anthem o f the
Republic of Uzbekistan and the opera 'Alisher Navoi'. His other compositions include the film score for many
films and many songs. His works form a large part of the musical inheritance of modem Uzbekistan, (a few bars
of a film score by Burxono
It is about Mutal Burxonov. He came from Bukhara and he is famous fo r composing the National Anthem o f
Uzbekistan, the opera 'Alisher Navoi', music fo r films and many songs.
Activity 3a
Objectives: to read for main ideas; to inform PP of the existence of music festivals in Uzbekistan and to encourage
them to participate in the festivals Ask PP for their suggestions for a title, and ask PP to explain why they suggest
the title. Accept all reasonable answers.
Activity 3 b
Objectives: to practise expressing opinions and giving reasons, to encourage PP to consider the purpose of such
festivals and how it might be helpful for their development
Give PP a minute to think about their answers. You could let PP discuss in pairs first, before answering
Pre - activity
Activity la
Objectives: to give PP practice in talking about music festivals
PP answer the questions individually and then compare their answers with partners
I. Do you like music festivals?
II. Have you ever been to a music festival?
II . Pre – activity
A music festival is a festival oriented towards music that is sometimes presented with a theme such as musical
genre, nationality or locality o f musicians, or holiday. They are commonly held outdoors, and are often inclusive of other
attractions such as food and merchandise vending machines, performance art, and social activities. Many festivals are
annual, or repeat at some other interval. Some, including many rock festivals, are held onlyonce. Some festivals are
organized as for-profit concerts and others are benefits for a specific cause.
AnotherType of music festival is the educativeType, organised annually in local communities, regionally or
nationally, for the benefit o f amateur musicians of all ages and grades o f achievement. While entrants perform
prepared pieces in the presence of an audience which includes competitors, the essential feature of thisType of
festival is that each participant receives verbal and written feedback, there and then, from a highly qualified,
professional adjudicator — someone whom they might never meet in any other way. They also usually receive a
certificate, classified according to merit, and some may win trophies. The competitive element is often played
down, however, as the important aspect is that participants can learn from one another Such festivals aim to
provide a friendly and supportive platform for musicians to share in the excitement of making music. For many
they provide a bridge between lessons & examinations and performing confidently in public.
IV . Post - activity
Ask PP to look at the photo. Ask them: Have you seen this person before? Do you know his name? What do you think he
does? What sort of person do you think he is?
Activity 1 b Read the interview with Usher. Match the questions and answers.
Obiective: to read for detail Ask PP to read the interview with Usher and to match the questions and answers. When they
have finished, let them compare their answers in pairs.
Activity 2a
Objective: to read for gist Ask PP to read about the people and then to read and find a suitable concert for each of them.
When they have finished, check the answers. Let PP explain why they think a particular thing is appropriate for a particular
1 Ailey 2 National Philharmonic 3 Madame Butterfly 4 Spartacus
Activity 2b
Ob jective: to revise and extend PP knowledge of classical art PP do the quiz in groups. When they have finished, check the
answers. You could give one point for every correct answer. At the end find out which group got the most marks. Ask them
who is good at music or likes music in their group, if they know works by any of the composers or have seen any of the
ballets and operas on TV or in the theatre. Ask them if they enjoyed what they saw. Key:
1 Pushkin - poet, Tchaikovsky - composer, Byron - poet, Mozart - composer, MacDonald - artist, Liszt - composer,
Rachmaninov - composer
2 Beethoven - Germany, Chopin -Poland, Liszt - Hungary, Shostakovich - Russia
3 Swan lake - ballet, Carmen - opera, Rigoletto - opera, Cindrella - opera/ ballet, Aida - opera, the Nutcracker - opera,
Traviatta - opera, Sleeping Beauty - ballet
4 Maia Plisetskaya - ballet dancer, Luchiano Pavarotti - singer, Bemara Karieva - ballet singer
Activity 3a, 3b
Objectives: to listen for gist; to write an opinion and give a reason for it PP listen to the different opinions about classical
music and say which is nearest to their own. Then they can write their own opinion.
V. Giving the homework
Ex IP 53
Theme: Project
I. Organizational part:
o. greeting
p. checking up the register
q. checking up the homework
Ex IP 53
Activity la Work in groups. Interview your classmates about their favourite singers or dancers. Write their answers
in your exercise book.
Obiective: to give pupils opportunity to work creatively Make groups of 3-4. One P is in the 'hot' seat.The others ask
him/her questions about his/her favourite singer or dancer. One P should be the time keeper. After 2 minutess/he says 'Your
time is up' (finished) and another P is in the 'hot' seat. Tell PP to note down their friends' answers quickly after each round
of'hotseat'. When PP have finished they should write a report of the interviews. PP should do this individually, following
the example injictivity lb in the Classbook.
Activity 2a Work in groups. You are going to prepare a big concert for Navroz. It must be interesting for your
schoolmates. Make a concert programme and give a short description of each piece of music you include in it.
Objectives: to leam how to write a concert programme, to raise awareness of the need to plan a balanced concert
programme; to write short descriptions of pieces of music, to stimulate PP creativity Ask PP to work in groups to prepare a
concert program. They should write a short description of each piece of music in their concert and write the programme out
neatly, as in the examples in the picture.
Activity 2b
Objectives: to practise presenting information to the class; to get feedback
on the concert programme Ask groups to present their concert programme to the class in turns.
II. Pre-activity
Theme: Project
I. Organizational part:
checking up the register
checking up the homework
To make dialogue
The History of Cinema An American Thomas Edison made the first machine with Moving pictures in 1891. It was called a
kinetoscope. Then in 1895 machine that projected pictures on to a screen was built by two french brothers, August and
Louis Lumiere. They called their machine a cinematographe The pictures from this machine were shown after the other
very quickly. The Lumiere brothers gave the world‘s first film show in 1896, m America the world‘s first cinema was built
in Pittsburgh 1905. In the beginning films were made to show news, but by 1902 filmmakers began to write stories for film
and use actors. These films are very popular in America, and Hollywood became important in the film-making industry.
The first ―talkie‖ (film and sound) was shown in America in 1927. It was
called ―The Jazz Singer‖.
I love music, I think people can not live without it. The first thing I do in the morning I switch on my tape - recorder. We
can hear music everywhere: in the streets, in the shops, on TV, over the radio, in the cars, in the parks, everywhere. I think
it really doesn't matter what kind of music you prefer: rock, pop, classical, jazz. A lot of people are fond of music. They
buy tapes, go to the concerts, visit Concert Halls and Opera Theatres. 1 enjoy listening music because it reflects my moods
and emotions. Very often when I'm sad, I play my favourite merry songs and feel much better. Sometimes I attend music
halls and the concerts, when popular groups and singers are there. I like watching music programs on TV. I like to know
more and more about popular talented groups and singers I like. Some people go to music schools, they play different
musical instruments, sing in the chorus, try to compose music.
After PP have written the dictation they try to tell what was the text about (they translate it with the help of the teacher).
Teacher may read the sentences one by one and PP translate them
X. Conclusion
The results of the lesson
Read and find the right title for each part. Key: lb 2d 3a 4c
Read again and answer the questions.
Possible answers:
1 Because she liked the dance class she visited.
2 They had a small performance.
3 She was very impressed and wanted to learn to do the same.
4 Watching movies and reading.
Read and choose the right word.
Key: 1 succesfiil 2 pop 3song 4 top 5 melodic 6 beautiful 7 greatest 8 happy GRAMMAR
6 Complete the sentences. (10 marks)
Key: lme angry 2 me excited 3 me happy 4 us nervous
VI. Evaluation
VIIConclusion The results of the lesson
Teacher shows the picture and PP give words or word-combinations according to the picture
An occasion Concert Hall
Interesting performance
A lot of people
Good mood
Positive emotions
Meeting friends
Loud music
Tasty meals
III. Main Part
PP make a story according to a picture, giving a title
IV. Evaluation:
giving marks
V. Giving homework
To make dialogue
VI. Conclusion
The results o f the lesson
Activity 1 Work in pairs. Point, ask and answer about the pictures on pages 65-66.
Objective: to revise the interrogative form of the Past Passive Voice PP ask each other questions about the picture they
brought from home. This activity could also be done in groups.
Activity 2
Objective: to mtroduce and practise the negative form of the Past Passive This is a usual True/False activity. If the sentence
is false, PP should correct it as in the example.
Activity 3a, 3b Look at the picture by Kandinsky on page 69. Answer the questions.
O nbjective: to describe a painting and a piece of sculpture
Activity 4 Work in pairs/threes. Ask and answer about the person in the picture.
Objective: to enable PP to talk about pictures PP talk about the picture. They may want
to write down their answers. They can use the answers for the review they write in 5.
Suggestion: If your class is big, this activity and 5 could be done in bigger groups of 4
Activity 5
Objective: to write a review of a picture
PP write about the picture using the plan. They can use the adjectives from the Lesson 2.
'Mother's Portrait' wasn't painted by Robert Holmes.
Maxsus so‘roq gaplar
Special questions
Maxsus so‘roq gaplar where, when, why, who, whom, what, which, whose, how so‘roq
so‘zlari yordamida hosil qilinib, maxsus javob talab etilad.
Where does Aziza live? - Aziza qayerda yashaydi?
In Tashkent. - Toshkentda.
V. Evaluation: giving marks
VI. Giving homework Ex 1,2 P 71
VII. Conclusion The results of the lesson
Activity 1 Work in pairs. Read the statements and say which you agree with and which you disagree with. Add one
more statement of your own.
Objectives: to practise expressing opinions; to enable PP to talk about art;
to prepare for the next activity PP read the statements, say their opinions and add one of their own.
Theme: Project
Activity 1
Objectives: to give freer practice in talking about paintings
PP take turns to talk about the picture they brought to class. Monitor their work to see if they need your help. They
should choose one of the paintings to present to the class.
Activity 2
Objectives: to give a freer practice in talking about painting and preparing a presentation
PP prepare to present the painting they have chosen to the class. Encourage them to prepare/write really full
descriptions of the painting they are going to present and the reasons that they like it.
Activity 3
Objectives: to give a talk about a painting and to explain to others why you like it; to listen for main ideas and for detail; to
teach how to reach consensus PP listen to the presenters talk about the paintings and make notes. PP can give the paintings
e.g. 1=1 like it very much; 2 = I like it; 3 = I don't like it.
When all the groups have finished hold a vote. PP can vote for two pictures. Find the three most popular paintings in die
class. It would also be good to talk to PP and ask them what they feel they have learned from this unit
V. Evaluation:
giving marks
VI. Giving homework
VII. Conclusion
The results o f the lesson
Theme: Revision
Grammar Exercise 1
1 "Mill in the wood" was painted in 1870. It was painted by Shishkin.
2 "Still life' was painted in 1820. It was painted by Peale.
3 "Mother's Portrait' was painted m 1989. It was painted by Akhmedov.
4 "Mother and Child' was painted in 1953. It was painted by Moore.
5 "Lake George" was painted in 1869. It was painted by Kensett.
"Flatford Mill' was painted in 1816. It was painted by Constable.
V. Giving Homework Ex 1 P
VI. Evaluation
VII. Conclusion The results of the lesson
Grammar Exercise 2
The National Gallery of Art in Washington was created for the people of America. The American Congress accepted art
collector A. W. Mellon's gift °f his collection for the nation. Mellon hoped that the National Gallery would attract gifts
from other collectors. This hope was realized. But the paintings and sculpture which were given by Mellon are the centre of
the growing collection. Tours of the collection are offered in many different languages and the museum is open all year
Uzbek Washmgtondagi Milliy San'at Galleriyasi Amerika xalqi uchun yaratilgan. Bu umid ushaldi.
Lekin Mellon tomomdan beriigan sur'at va haykailar o'sib borayotgan koJIeksiyaning markazidir.
Kolleksiya turlari har xil tillarda olib boriladi va muzey yil davomida ochiq. Russian
Grammar Exercise 3
The greatest names are often connected with an unhappy life. Rembrandt was bom in the 17th century in a little town in
Holland. His talent for art was seen when he was still a boy; and for a few years he was taught by wellknown masters of art.
He was asked to paint many portraits of rich people. In those days people expected painters to make them beautiful. But
Rembrandt refused to tell lies. So fewer people asked Rembrandt to paint their portraits. He became poorer. Many years
passed before Rembrandt's work was discovered. But today the name of Rembrandt is known all over Ihe world
I. Organizational part:
checking up the register
checking up the homework
Ex 1 P 77
II. Pre —activity
Q B Find the mistake in each sentence and correct it. 4 If Karla studied more, she would passed her exams.5 If I
If I got stuck in a lift, I‘d to be scared. would had Pete‘s address, I‘d send him a birthday card.
If I got stuck in a lift, I’d be scared, I‘d do things differently 6 People would understand me more easily if my English is
if I have my life again. better.
2 I‘d buy a dog if I wouldn‘t live in a city. 7 What would you take you went on a cycling holiday in
3 What you do if you saw an accident in the street? France?
8 If you would had more time, would you read more?
III. Main Part
V. Evaluation:
VL VI. Giving homework
w o rd s
VII. Conclusion The results of the lesson
Activity 2a Read, listen and complete the diagram. Use the words in the cloud.
Objectives: to read for detail; to work with a diagram Ask PP to look at the diagram and try and understand it first without
reading. Then tell them to read and see if they have understood correctly In general this procedure is the best way to read
complex text which has a diagram to make the teXi easier to understand. When they have done this, PP can complete the
labels on the diagram in their Ex.Bks.
IV. Evaluation
VI. Giving homework write sent, using ―must be‖
Conclusion The results of the lesson
Activity 1
Objectives: to stimulate PP ideas; to talk about PP own experience; to work with a map
PP look at the map and discuss the questions. If necessary, help them to understand the map
IV. Evaluation
VI. Giving homework write sent, using ―must be‖
Conclusion The results of the lesson
II. Pre-activity
Activity 1 a
Objective: to present and practise new vocabulary This is a normal Wordlist activity.
Raw materials - xomashyo
to chop - kesmoq
pulp - pulpa, maydalangan narsa
wood chips -y o g ‘och qipiqlari
to throw away - otib yubormoq
Ex 1 P 79
Activity 1 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and say what is wrong,
Objectives: to introduce the topic; to raise awareness of how to save energy and reduce pollution PP work in pairs and
make sentences about what is wrong in the pictures. Many answers are possible e.g. A farmer shouldn't bum straw because
it is useful for the earth, it causes pollution, etc. Accept all reasonable answers.
Ill Consolidation
1 are stored 2 fall 3 are eaten 4 are eaten 5 fall 6 breakdown 7 are taken
Objective: to talk about what should be done to protect the land from desertification
PP do the task in groups. Go round and check that all groups understand what to do and can manage the task.
After a while hold a short round up session and go through possible suggestions. Give a chance to all groups to contribute.
II. Pre-activity
Activity la
Obiective: to introduce the topic, to raise awareness of causes of
desertification PP look at the picture and do the task.
Activity 1 b
Obiective: to read for main ideas
Before PP begin check that they understand the word 'desertification' (good land becoming dry and difficult to use). They
know the word 'desert' from class 5. Help them to pronounce the word 'desertification'. Check the answers with PP.
Activity lc
Obiective: to talk about what can be done to protect the land from desertification
PP do the task in groups. Go round and check that all groups understand what to do and can manage the task. After a while
hold a short round up session and go through the answers with the class.
Activity 1 d
Obiective: to introduce the Present Passive with Modal Verb 'to be able/ can'
Ask PP to look at the words in bold and answer the questions. Language Note
The meaning is close to 'may be done'. The difference is that ‘may be done' only indicates possibility, not ability. The
meaning of'can be done* is 'it is possible to' and 'we are able to'.
Activity le
Objectives: to practise writing about ways of preventing desertification using the Present Passive with Modal verb
'can' Ask PP to look Activity lc and write five sentences
V. Giving homework
Complete the sentences
VI. Conclusion
a. giving marks the results of the lesson
3 Read and answer the question. (20 marks) Which fact do you think is the most interesting? Why?
Do you know
... that there once was another animal like kangaroo or koala on Earth? It was a wolf which also carried its baby in
a bag of skin. It lived on the island of Tasmania, near Australia. It was a strong and frightening animal. All the
wolves of this kind were killed. However some people believe that a few of them are still living in the thick
forests of Tasmania.
.. that Singapore is probably the cleanest place on Earth? Its streets are washed with special shampoo every day.
The thing that makes streets in other places untidy is chewing gum. There is a rule which says that in Singapore
people must not use chewing gum, and tourists who bring it there must be punished.
... which bird has the longest neck and legs? It is the flamingo. Pink flamingoes in nature are pink because of
certain ingredients in the food they eat. If in some zoos pink flamingoes get wrong food, they can lose their colour
and become dirty-white.
4 Write questions and answer them. (24 marks for questions, 4 for each correct question + 24 marks for answers :48 marks)
1 the wolf/which carried/did/in a bag of skin/live/its baby/where?
2 washed/streets/how often/are/in Singapore?
3 pink flamingoes/why/pmk/in nature/are?
4 kind of/are/what/forests/in Tasmania/there?
5 say/what/the rule/does/about chewing gum?
6 in/what/to pink flamingoes/some zoos/happens?
Theme: Project
Activity 2c
Objective: to listen for detailed information PP Listen again and answer the questions. Key:
1 The day in the year when the night and the day are of equal length.
2 Because it symbolises balance and Earth Day is about man living in harmony or balance with nature
Activity 3a
Objectives: to read for detailed information; to infer information which is
not explicitly stated in the text Ask PP to look at the notes. Draw this table on the BB and let PP copy it. Then ask them to
read the text and complete the notes for each country mentioned. Warn PP that not all the answers for 'purpose' are in the
text. They will have to think and interpret to complete this information. Check the answers with PR
Activity 3 b
Objective: to talk about a topic using the notes made from the listening text
PP use the notes in the table to help them talk about what some people have done to raise awareness about the need to
protect the environment.
IV. Post – activity Activity 4,5
Objectives: to talk about what PP can do to promote protection of the environment in their own communities; to raise
awareness of how PP can be active and work as catalysts in their own communities through organizing activities; to give an
opportunity for PP to express their own ideas; to give an opportunity to work creatively, to practise presentation skills This
is a normal project activity and can be handled m the usual way. When PP have finished, draw their attention to the website
addresses at the bottom of the page, where they can find more information about Earth Day. If you have access to the
internet in your school, you could ask them to contact the sites and find out what events are planned around the world to
celebrate Earth Day this year, whether there is any
mention of Uzbekistan on the sites, etc.
IV. Giving homework Consolidation
V. Conclusion a. Evaluation b. the results of the lessons
Deputy director on educational affairs: ____________________ Signature _________
Dates English Teacher:
Environmental protection
Our earth our home, so if we want to protect our home we should protect our environment from harmful effects ofhuman
activity. Some of these activities cause pollution. Pollution now is very important problem are: the ozone holes, global
warming (or green - house effect), acid rain... . The ozone layer is a layer of gases which stopharmful radiation from the
sun protectmg the earth. Acid rain is rain that contains dangerous chemicals, this iscaused by smoke from factories.
Another problem is poisons in food. Farmers often spray chemicals in crops tosafe them from pests. Scientists have found
that pesticides often end up in our food and they can cause health problems - especially for kids. The seas are in danger.
They are filled with poison: industrial, chemical, nuclear waste. Every tenminutes one kind of animal, plant or insect dies
out for ever. And if nothing is done our earth will die in about 30 years from now. So what can we do to protect our
environment? I think that we should recycle our used things, we should plant more trees, we should not waste resources but
try save them, we must notdump industrial waste to seas and rivers. Everyday millions people from all over the world do
everything to prefect our environment, and they need for our help. I think we ought to help them, just to make our future
Change the verb to the passive voice and rewrite the IV. Post - activity
sentence. Be sure to keep Use the correct voice (active or passive) and the correct
the same tense. tense of the verb each sentence.
1 He signed the letter. The letter was signed by him. 1 Everyone {shock) by the terrible news yesterday.
2 The secretary opens the mail every morning. 2 Almost everyone (enjoy) the lecture last night.
3 The committee is considering that proposal right now. 3 English (teach) in the schools of almost every nation.
4 The army will complete that project next year. 4 That proposal (consider) by the members right now.
5 His boss has transferred him to another department. 5 The accident (happen) right here at 6:30 last night.
6 Will the company distribute the announcements ? 6 Smith (teach) at the University of Washington since 1948.
7 An artist wrote that interesting article about Paris. 7 Mr. Harris (divide) the class into two sections tomorrow.
8 Today a large number of people speak English. 8 Wilson (borrow) the money from Brown two weeks ago.
9 Didn't they return those books to the library? 9 Not much (say) about the matter since that time.
10 The government has not changed that regulation yet. 10 My friend (write) to me about it several times now.
11 Someone stole all her valuable jewelry last night. 11 Davis (promote) to the rank of sergeant last week.
12 Miss Peters wrote all of the reports for Mr. Johnson 12 That event (occur) shortly after the meeting last week.
13 Bad weather has delayed Flight 202 from Miami. 1} All the students (bring) guests to the party tomorrow
14 Did the court divide the money among the children? night.
15 Many scholars have translated that famous Greek epic. 14 Less than half of the cans of paint (use) up to now.
V. Giving homework
VI. Conclusion
d. evaluation
e. the results of the lessons
V. Giving homework
Without h/w
VI. Conclusion
f evaluation
g. the results of the lessons
Theme: Pygmalion
I. Organizational part:
checking up the register
checking up the home task Ex 1 P 87
II. Pre-activity
V. Giving homework Ex 1 P 85
II. Pre-activity
Activity 3b
Objective: to practise expressing opinions
PP can do this activity in pairs or as a whole class.
• Would you like to see plays with men acting all the parts?
Activity 4b
Objective: to practise talking about the three Shakespeare's plays
In pairs PP answer the questions.
Key: I William Shakespeare 2 'The Comedy o f Errors 3 King Lear 4 Answers will vary.
I I . Pre-activity
Activity 1 Play Guess the Character.
Obiective: to get PP warmed up
Give PP some time to think which character they would like to be. Ask as many PP to show their character as time allows.
Obiective: to give PP an opportunity to work with the Wordlist
PP work independently finding the words in the Wordlist. They write the meaning in their exercise books.
booth [bu:5] - butka, Palatka, kiosk high-pitched [.hal'pltft] — yuqori, xavotirlangan
puppeteer [,pApl'tl3] - qo‘g‘irchoq o‘ynatuvchi priest [priist] - ruhoniy
responsive [rl'sp3n(t)siv] - kuyunchak unlike [An'lalk] - turli, o‘xshamas
Objectives: to practise talking about theatres for young people; to practise expressing opinions
In groups PP discuss the two questions. If time allows ask speakers from each group to report what their groups have said
• Do you think the work of actors and actresses is important? Why?/Why not?
• Do you think theatres for young children and young people are important? Why?/Why not?
Ex 1,2,3 P 87
Theme: Project
II . Pre-activity
Activity la
Objective: to give PP an opportunity to work collaboratively, to teach PP
to see pluses in each other's work In groups PP compare their homework. Ask them to choose the best in everybody's work.
These things can be used in their play.
Activity 1 b
Objective: to teach PP to reach consensus
Tell PP that they should decide whose play is the best and get ready to stage it. They can certainly add things, like clever
remarks and interesting stage directions, from different plays into their joint version. The next step is to decide who will
play which role. We suggest the following roles: the wise old man, two or three merchants, three or four people of the
village. Then comes the most difficult part of the activity: PP must have some space to rehearse their play. They will also
need quite a lot of time. If it is not possible to do this during the lesson, you could ask them to stay after classes for a
rehearsal. In this case it will be easier to find empty classrooms and time will not be pressing. Then activity 2a will take
place some other time, maybe next lesson.
Activity 2a
Objective: to teach PP to be a good audience Groups take turns in showing their plays. Make sure everybody in the
audience is listenmg and watching and doing this with respect.
Activity 2b
Objective: to practise talking about the moral of the play and the way plays were performed
After all the plays have been shown, PP discuss them according to the suggested pJan.Tiy to connect the moral of the play
to present day life, e.g.' The play teaches people not to smoke and not to believe tobacco companies' advertising1. Then PP
should choose the best play, the best actor or actress and the best props. This can be done by voting.
V. Giving homework
Prepare for the test
VI. Conclusion
the results of the lessons
Direct speech: He said to me, "Slop talking!" He said to me, "Don't touch it!‖
Reported speech: He told me to stop talking. He told me not to touch it.
IV. Evaluation
V. Giving homework Consolidation
VI. Conclusion the results of the lessons
Theme: Revision