Land Preparation

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This Best Practice Guide

being reviewed.
The future of Best Practic
Guides will be decided
during 2015.

Best practice guidelines for

Land Preparation

He Mihi

Nga pakiaka ki te Rawhiti. Roots to the East.

Nga pakiaka ki te Raki. Roots to the North.

Nga pakiaka ki te Uru. Roots to the West.

Nga pakiaka ki te Tonga. Roots to the South.

Nau mai, Haere mai We greet you and welcome you.

ki te Waonui o Tane To the forest world of Tane.

Whaia te huarahi, Pursue the path,

o te Aka Matua, of the climbing vine,

i runga, I te poutama on the stairway,

o te matauranga. of learning.

Kia rongo ai koe So that you will feel,

te mahana o te rangimarie. the inner warmth of peace.

Ka kaha ai koe, Then you will be able,

ki te tu whakaiti, to stand humbler,
~ ~
ki te tu whakahi. Yet stand proud.

Kia Kaha, kia manawanui Be strong, be steadfast.

Tena koutou katoa.

First edition December 2002
Revised edition January 2005
This Best Practice Guideline is to be used as a guide to certain land preparation procedures and techniques.
It does not supersede legislation in any jurisdiction or the recommendations of equipment manufacturers.
FITEC believes that the information in the guideline is accurate and reliable; however, FITEC notes that
conditions vary greatly from one geographical area to another; that a greater variety of equipment and
techniques are currently in use; and other (or additional) measures may be appropriate in a given situation.

Other Best Practice Guidelines included in the series:

• Cable Logging
• Chainsaw Use
• Fire Fighting and Controlled Burnoffs
• Ground-based Logging
• Loading
• Maintenance inspections of Yarder Towers
• Manual Log-making
• Mechanised Harvesting and Processing
• Mobile Plant
• Personal Protective Equipment
• Road and Landing Construction
• Silvicultural Pruning
• Transport
• Tree Felling
• Tree Planting
• Working with Helicopters

© Copyright 2000, FITEC, New Zealand

ISBN 0-95821994-4-3
Best Practice Guidelines
Land Preparation
Introduction 1
Purpose of these guidelines 1
How to use these guidelines 1
Acknowledgements 2
About Best Practice Training material 2

Land preparation basics 3

What is land preparation 3
Types of land preparation operations 3

Environmental considerations 4
Cultural sites 4
Adverse environmental impacts 5

Job prescription 5
Training and supervision 6
Knowledge of hazards 6
Health hazards 6

Manual land clearing 9

Types of operation 9
Operational hazards 9
Personal protective equipment 11
Equipment requirements 11
Maintenance of equipment 11
General land clearing procedure 11

Motor-manual land clearing 12

Types of operation 12
Operational hazards 12
Personal protective equipment 15
Equipment and accessories 15
Chainsaw clearing procedures 16

Brush-cutter procedures 16
General 16
Brush-cutter safety 17
Sharpening the blade 17
Maintenance 18
Daily 18
Weekly 18
Monthly 18

Mechanical site preparation 19

Types of operations 19

Slash management 19
Windrowing (bulldozer and excavator) 19
Roller crushing (towed and gravity — bulldozer) 19
Mulching (slash — bulldozer or excavator) 20
Line raking (bulldozer or excavator) and line blading (bulldozer) 20

Soil cultivation and/or mounding 20

Continuous ripping/mounding (bulldozer) 20
Spot ripping/mounding (excavator) and spot mounding (excavator) 21
Skidder-based spot mounding 21
V-blading 21

Summary of operation capabilities 22

Operational hazards 22
Personal protective equipment 27
Equipment requirements 27

Other safety features and issues 27

General 27
Seat belts 27
Night work 27
Brakes 27
Noise 28
Operating parts of machine 28
Operating machinery 28

Environmental considerations 28

Agrichemical application 29
Use of agrichemicals 29

Application methods 29
Weed-a-metre 29
Spot gun 30
Knapsack sprayer 30
Brush guns 31
Aerial application by helicopters 31
Other application options 31

Operational hazards 31

Personal protective equipment 32

Protective clothing 33

Operator requirements 33

Spray additives 33
Surfactants 33
Dyes 33
Thickeners 33

Environmental considerations 34
Handling procedures 34
Storage procedures 34

Weed-a-metre procedure 35
Application 35
Care and maintenance 35

Spot gun spraying procedure 35

Calibration 35
Care and maintenance 35

Knapsack spraying procedure 36

Calibration 36
Mixing to required rate 36
Spraying 36
Care and maintenance 36
Brush gun spraying procedure 36
Calibration 36
Spraying 37
Care and maintenance 37

Helicopter spraying procedure 37

Calibration 37
Speed 37
Swath width 38
Effective swath width 38
Spray output 38
Spraying 39

Controlled burnoffs 40
Effects of fire 40
Operational hazards 40
Personal protective equipment 46
Worker requirements 46
Controlled burnoff procedures 46

Glossary of terms 47

Index to unit standards 50


Purpose of these guidelines

The Best Practice Guidelines for Land Preparation have been designed by FITEC to improve worker safety
and performance. They combine industry training standards and best practice information to provide a
valuable reference manual for people involved in land preparation.
These guidelines should be read in conjunction with:
• the Approved Code of Practice for Safety and Health in Forest Operations. In particular, these guidelines
provide direct support for Part 3 – Section 12 (Land Preparation and Establishment) of the code.
• New Zealand Standards Code of Practice for Management of Agrichemicals.
These Best Practice Guidelines are also a valuable reference document for the following Unit Standards
registered on the NZQA framework.
1221 - Demonstrate knowledge of job prescriptions for forest operations
1232 - Demonstrate knowledge of forest planting site quality
3285 - Demonstrate knowledge of personal safety at vegetation fires
6935 - Operate an excavator type tracked machine in a forestry situation
6936 - Operate a tracked machine in a forestry situation
6966 - Apply environmental management to mechanised land preparation operations
17761 - Demonstrate knowledge of quality determining factors in commercial plantation forestry
17772 - Demonstrate knowledge of enviromental requirements in forest operations
19955 - Prepare land for forest establishment using gravity roller crushing
19956 - Prepare land for forest establishment using a V-blade
19957 - Prepare land for forest establishment using towed roller and blade crushing
19958 - Prepare land for forest establishment using spot cultivation techniques
19959 - Prepare land for forest establishment using root and line rakes
19960 - Prepare land for forest establishment using cultivations methods
19961 - Prepare land for forest establishment using mulching
19962 - Prepare steep terrain for forest establishment using excavator windrowing
19767 - Clear vegetation for forest establishment using motor manual means

How to use these Guidelines

These guidelines have been arranged in six main sections:
• Land preparation basics • Manual land clearing
• Motor-manual land clearing • Mechanical site preparation
• Agrichemical application • Controlled burnoffs.

The Glossary of Terms gives the meaning of terms used throughout these guidelines.
The Index to Unit Standards allows the reader to locate information specific to each of the Unit Standards
listed above.

Introduction 1
FITEC acknowledges the assistance of the Occupational Safety and Health and Service, Liro Forestry
Solutions, and numerous forest industry trainers, forestry contractors, and forest company staff in the
development of these Best Practice Guidelines.

About best practice training material

FITEC has developed the material in this publication. It has been reviewed by representatives of the forest
industry. At the time of publication, FITEC considers the practices and approaches in this publication to
exceed accepted industry standards with regard to production and business management. In addition, the
practices recommended in the publication exceed all the New Zealand regulatory standards, in particular
those related to health and safety, environmental management, and human resources / employment as
This material is reviewed and reprinted regularly by FITEC.

2 Introduction
Land preparation basics

What is land preparation?

The objective of land (site) preparation is to improve potential tree growth, survival, and uniformity of a crop
about to be established (planted).
Through appropriate land preparation, factors that limit tree growth are reduced. These factors include:
• Poor drainage • Frost
• Weed competition • Heavy slash
• Compacted or naturally dense soils.

Site preparation improves site conditions in one or more of the following ways:
• Reducing weed competition for light, nutrients • Improving soil, water, and air conditions through
and water cultivation
• Loosening tight or compacted soils to allow • Reducing frost susceptibility through mounding.
roots to grow through them

The need for land preparation generally occurs on two different types of land:
• Previously unforested land currently occupied • Harvested forest cutover.
with grass or woody scrub vegetation

Correctly performed, land preparation creates enough disturbance to reduce the limiting site factors without
causing excessive soil disturbance or degradation.
While the issues and problems faced in preparing these sites can be quite different, many of the machines
and techniques described here are applicable to both.

Types of land preparation operations

There is a range of operations used, which improve the physical characteristics of a site. Broadly, land
preparation operations can be divided into the following:

Desired site effect Land preparation operation

Reduced vegetation (weeds) competition • Manual land clearing

• Motor-manual land clearing
• Crushing
• Agrichemical application
• Oversowing

Improved access to planting spots • Mechanical raking, mulching and blading

• Windrowing
• Crushing
• Controlled burning

Improved soil physical conditions • Mechanical cultivation (ripping) and/or mounding

• Drainage, V-blading

Reduced frost risk • Mounding

Reduced erosion risk • Oversowing

• Spot cultivation or spot agrichemical application
• Stabilisation

Land preparation basics 3

These Best Practice Guidelines provide further knowledge and procedural information on the following land
preparation operations:
• Manual land clearing • Motor-manual land clearing
• Mechanical land preparation • Agrichemical application
In addition, the use of controlled burns for land preparation is briefly described here. A complete description
of equipment and procedures is presented in the Best Practice Guidelines for Fire Fighting and Controlled

Environmental considerations
Land preparation operations will have an impact on the environment. Through appropriate planning and
application, potential adverse impacts can be avoided, remedied, or mitigated.
The following section describes the management of environmental values, including cultural, soil, and water

Cultural sites
There are three main types of cultural sites. These
• Archaeological sites - are sites that show evidence
of human activity of an age greater than 100 years.
These sites are automatically protected whether
or not the site has been recorded under the
Historic Places Act (1980). This Act makes it an
offence to interfere with the site without consent
from the Historic Places Trust.
Examples of archaeological sites are:
Maori burial sites (urupa)
Pa sites (waahi tapu)
Kumara pits (rua)
Old roads and goldmining sites
Pa site

• Traditional sites - are places or sites that are

important for reasons of historical significance, or
spiritual and emotional association with Maori
people. They frequently have no physical
remnants of human activity and they may be
protected under the Historic Places Act (1980).
Examples of such sites are canoe landing points
(e.g., the landing point of the Te Arawa canoe at
Maketu) or sacred mountains (e.g., Putauaki/Mt

• Historic sites and buildings — have protection

orders issued by the Minister of Conservation if
they have the appropriate Historic Places Trust
classification. Forestry areas are unlikely to
contain such sites. However, examples include:
Kauri dams
Ruined buildings/sites
Kumara pits
Gold field remains.

4 Land preparation basics

Cultural sites may be already marked on maps. Forest planners should incorporate a search for cultural
sites into their planning process. An archaeologist may be employed to search formal records, interview
connected local people, and survey the site of the proposed operation.
Cultural sites may also be discovered during the land preparation operation. This is most likely where new
sites are being cleared for planting. If found, such sites should be marked and isolated to ensure they are not
interfered with. The contractor and/or landowner should be contacted as soon as possible. They will then
have the site assessed to determine cultural significance and any legal obligations.

Adverse environmental impacts

Operations that involve soil disturbance and/or vegetation removal may cause adverse environmental impacts.
This is especially so when the operation is up-slope of, or near a waterway.
There may be a requirement by the local Regional Council to manage the land preparation operation to
avoid, remedy, or mitigate such impacts. If so, the landowner will need consent from the council. This consent
will specify agreed management practices that must be followed. These conditions are usually specified in
the job prescription.

Disturbance caused by tracking, cultivation, and mounding, and desiccation or clearing of vegetation may
result in the following adverse impacts:
• Erosion of tracks and fill slopes • Reduced slope stability
• Reduction in water quality, and sediment build-up • Visual impacts, especially if on steep slopes.

Methods for reducing adverse impacts associated with soil disturbance and vegetation removal include:
• Identify unstable areas • Avoid cultivation on steep slopes
• Locate access tracks on terraces, ridges, and • Carefully mark the proposed locations of access
away from waterways and unstable areas where tracks to ensure machine operators put them in
appropriate the right place
• Work around the contour where possible • Leave undisturbed strips around waterways
• Avoid working in wet conditions • Avoid steep tracks
• Form water tables and install sufficient culverts, • Use excavator-based machines rather than
flumes, and cut-offs to control run-off on to tractors or skidders
stable ground
• Use excavator-based machines rather than • Install sediment traps and soak-holes
tractors or skidders
The storage, handling, and application of agrichemicals near waterways may increase the risk of contamination
of the water (this is in addition to potential impacts on stock and people).

Methods for reducing adverse impacts associated with agrichemical application include:
• Comply with the Code of Practice for • Advise the public, neighbours, and other
Management of Agrichemicals workers of the application operation.
• Use only licensed operators • Spray in appropriate weather conditions
• Choose the correct chemical and application rate • Use effective, well-maintained equipment
• Store and handle chemicals away from waterways

Job prescription
A job prescription is a written instruction from the forest owner detailing the requirements for the land
preparation operation. It may include:
• Type of land preparation operation • Anticipated timing of the operation
• Map showing the location and boundaries of • Any legal requirements or rules affecting the
the site to be treated and any special features operation (e.g., Resource Management Act or
of the site (e.g., protected or hazardous areas) Historic Places Act)

Land preparation basics 5

• Quality requirements, including intensity/depth • Safety requirements including a list of hazards
of treatment, agrichemical application rates identified by the forest owner or their
It is important that all workers are briefed on the content of the job prescription and if possible they have a

Having no job prescription or an inadequate job prescription may result in poor land preparation and conflict
over the actual standards required. This can lead to:
• The forest owner may end up with a lower value • The employer may suffer penalties and damage
forest, re-assessment costs, and extra the relationship with the forest manager
supervision costs.
• Individual operators and crews may lose income

Training and supervision

Accidents and incidents can result in injury or death.
Employers may incur added costs through increased accident insurance levies, potential loss of jobs, and
loss of contracts.
The Approved Code of Practice for Safety and Health in Forest Operations requires that new employees be
supervised by a competent person until the employer is sure the employee can work safely and is not likely
to harm themselves or anyone else.
All operators should be under a documented training programme and should be aiming to pass the relevant
NZQA Units that apply to land preparation.

Knowledge of hazards
Before starting in a new area all operators must be involved in identifying any significant hazards on the site
and the way those hazards will be controlled. There must be documented evidence on site listing the hazards
and controls, and showing that all operators have been run through those hazards and controls.
The two main hazard categories are Health Hazards and Operational Hazards.
• Health Hazards and control measures will be discussed below.
• Operational Hazards will be specific to each operation being performed. Thus, operational hazards
and control measures are listed in subsequent sections of these guidelines

Health hazards
Land preparation (particularly manual land preparation) can be a physically demanding job. To maintain
peak performance and prevent accidents through fatigue, you must take special care of your body. This
includes your physical fitness, diet, water intake, personal hygiene, sleep, and how you treat your body
away from work.

6 Land preparation basics

Health hazards
Hazard Control

Lack of rest/sleep • Build short frequent rest breaks into your work routine.
• Take at least two evenly spaced 30 minute rest breaks during
the working day.

Early starts • Go to bed earlier to replace the sleep you lose in the morning.
• Once early starts have finished allow time for your body to

Alcohol abuse • Avoid drinking alcohol at least 24 hours before carrying out
any hard physical work.

Poor nutrition • Start each day with a high carbohydrate breakfast like
porridge, cereal, toast, bananas, pasta, or potatoes.
• Eat high protein foods like lean meat, chicken, eggs, milk
and cheese at night.
• Eat at the start of a break and rest to allow digestion.
• Always eat a high carbohydrate snack straight after work.

Drugs • Avoid all non-prescription drugs as they seriously affect both

your mental and physical ability to work.
• Inform the boss if you are on any medication that may affect
your work. Stay home if necessary.
• Before receiving any medication, tell your doctor what you
do for a living.
• If you are on long-term medication for a serious health
complaint inform the boss or crew of your condition in case
you are involved in an emergency at work.

Over-exertion/sprains and strains • Start each day with a 10–15 minute warm-up and then a few
• Start the day slowly until muscles are warmed up properly.
• Do some stretches at the end of the day.
• Take particular care when starting back at work after the

Hypothermia/chills (shivering, • Wear rain wear to protect yourself from rain/water (be careful
coldness, numbness of not to overheat).
extremities, pale skin
• Put on warm clothes when you stop for a break.
colour, clumsiness and
irrational behaviour) • Carry spare dry clothing even on fine days. The weather can
turn bad very quickly.
• If anyone shows signs of hypothermia, they must be removed
from the operational area and warmed.

Land preparation basics 7

Health hazards (cont...)
Hazard Control

Lack of hygiene/infection • Clean and dress any cuts or scratches received on the job as
soon as possible and keep them covered.
• Make sure the first aid kit is kept fully stocked.
• Carry water and soap on the job to wash hands before
• Bath or shower every night.
• Eat a balanced diet to keep your body healthy.
• Wear clean clothes against the skin every day.

Exposure to sun • Wear sun block.

• Wear a light shirt on hot days.
• Wear a hat or helmet with a flap to cover your neck.
• Carry out regular health checks of moles, freckles, etc.

Occupational Overuse Syndrome • Use the correct operating techniques.

• Maintain hand and power tools in good working order, with
sharp blades/chains.
• Use pre-work warm up and stretching techniques throughout
the day.

Heat stress (flushed face, • Dress appropriately to the level of physical activity you are
sweating, weakness, doing.
tiredness, dizziness,
• Wear loose fitting clothing that allows air circulation (open
trouser legs and wrist cuffs).
• Move to the shade until body temperature drops and

Dehydration • Regularly drink fluids at a rate of 0.5 litres per hour and up to
1 litre per hour in hot conditions.
• Drink before you feel thirsty.
• Do not drink fluids, like soft drinks and cordials that have more
than 8% carbohydrate content.
• Drink high carbohydrate drinks after work to replace energy
• Drink plenty of water at night to recharge the body.
• Drink a couple of glasses of water before leaving for work.

8 Land preparation basics

Manual land clearing

Types of operation
The use of hand tools is a very labour-intensive way
of clearing a site. Generally, manual methods are
used only on small areas where it is not practical,
environmentally acceptable, or safe to use a machine.
These operations may include land clearing by scrub
cutting or preparation by line cutting or spot clearing/
These operations are typically carried out by groups
of workers using slashers, but they may also use
spades or mattocks.
Using a slasher to clear vegetation

Operational hazards
Manual land preparation can be physically
demanding. The use of cutting tools, such as a
slasher, and the working environment will pose
operational hazards for workers. These may be
worsened if there are additional health hazards
(Health Hazards, page 6).


Manual land clearing 9

Operational hazards
Hazard Control

Ineffective personal protective • Do not perform operation if PPE is ineffective.

equipment (PPE)
• Clean dirty hi-vis garments and oil-soaked protective legwear.
• Replace any worn, damaged, or expired PPE.
• Routinely check the condition of your PPE.

Slasher, spade, or mattock blade • Wear safety work boots.

• Ensure you have a stable stance before using your slasher,

Fragments of dirt/wood in eyes • Wear safety glasses.

Other slasher operators • Work at least 3 m away from other workers, or if in scrub over
2 m tall work at least two times the height of the scrub away
from other workers.
• Wear hi-vis clothing.

Cuts to hands when sharpening • Always have a handle on the file or wear protective leather
• File away from the cutting edge.
• Clamp the slasher firmly when sharpening.
• Use a draw file.

Defective tools • Replace or repair defective or damaged tools before using

• Have spare tools available.
• Do not use blunt tools.

Slips and falls • Take care to find firm footing before cutting.
• Wear spiked soled boots.
• Work uphill or across the slope to avoid overbalancing when
• Carry hand tools in such a way that they can be thrown clear
if necessary during a fall.

10 Manual land clearing

Personal protective equipment
The approved Code of Practice for Safety and Health in Forest Operations requires operators to have and
use the following protective equipment.
• Hi-vis helmet • Hi-vis shirt, vest, or coat
• Protective eyewear, unless it creates a greater • Safety footwear providing ankle support.

In addition, workers or crews should have available:

• Means of communication in an emergency (such • First Aid kit
as RT, cell phone, whistle).

Equipment requirements
A Slasher is a simple tool with a wooden handle and
a sharp metal blade, which may be hooked or straight.
Hooked blades are best suited to light vegetation
such as grass, bracken, and blackberry.
Slashers with straight blades are best suited to scrub Straight blade and hooked blade slashers
such as gorse, broom, and manuka.
When using a slasher for land clearing, the workers
must wear safety boots with steel toecaps. Spiked
soles improve footing. It is also a good idea to wear
eye protection (safety glasses). If the scrub being
cut is over 2 m tall, a hard hat should be worn. A hi-
vis shirt or vest should be worn at all times.

Maintenance of equipment
• The cutting edge of the slasher should be kept
sharp and in serviceable condition.
• The handle should be free of splits and splinters
and the head should be firmly fixed to the handle
by a bolt or pin.
• A small tool kit consisting of files (with handles)
and spare bolts should be available.
• The slasher blade should be sharpened on the
away stroke of the file.
Sharpening the slasher
General land clearing procedure
• Walk into the designated work area. Take water, • Tools should be carried in one hand, below
First Aid kit, and file with you. shoulder level.
• Maintain secure footing at all times. • If tree releasing, cut away from the tree.
• Decide on your plan of work. • Use a wrist action rather than a stiff arm action.
• Cut scrub and slash with controlled blows. • Avoid leaving sharp stakes.
• Maintain communication with other crew

Manual land clearing 11

Motor-manual land clearing

Types of operation
The most common method of motor-manual land
clearing involves the use of brush-cutters or
chainsaws. Brush-cutters can be used for light and
medium vegetation, up to a maximum diameter of
approximately 10 cm. Chainsaws are suited to larger
woody vegetation.

Operational hazards
Motor-manual land preparation can be physically
demanding. The use of motorised cutting tools and
the working environment will pose operational
hazards for workers.
Presented below are operational hazards related to
motor-manual land preparation. These hazards are
in addition to operator Health Hazards covered
previously (Health Hazards, page 6).
For further details on chainsaw hazards, maintenance
and operation refer to the Best Practice Guidelines
for Chainsaw Use and Best Practice Guidelines
for Tree Felling.

Using a brush-cutter (top)

and a chainsaw (bottom) to clear vegetation

12 Motor-manual land clearing

Operational hazards
Hazard Control

Ineffective personal protective • Do not perform operation if PPE is ineffective.

equipment (PPE)
• Clean dirty hi-vis garments and oil-soaked protective legwear.
• Replace any worn, damaged, or expired PPE.
• Routinely check the condition of your PPE.

Carrying a chainsaw • Carry the chainsaw in both hands in a position where it can
be thrown clear if you slip.
• Turn the saw off or activate chain brake when walking any
distance or over obstacles.

Carrying a brush-cutter • Carry the brush-cutter in a position where it can be thrown

clear if you slip.

Starting chainsaws/ • If cold starting, place saw/cutter on ground, have left arm
brush cutters straight and in mitt, right foot in rear handle or knee on handle.
• If warm starting, use step-over method with the bar to your
left (not in front in case of kickback).

Cuts when sharpening • Work on a firm base.

chain or blade
• Use file handle and file guide.
• Replace file(s) if worn.
• Always rotate chainsaw chain towards the tip of the bar.
• File brush-cutter blades in the direction away from you.

Moving chainsaw chain or • Wear all required PPE, and ensure it is in good condition.
brush-cutter blade
• Use correct stance and work techniques.
• Make sure you hold the chainsaw or brush-cutter with both
• Take appropriate action if low in energy, dehydrated, or

Chainsaw kickback • Hold the saw firmly with two hands.

• Make sure your left hand is wrapped around the front handle
and in the mitt.
• Be aware of the guide bar nose at all times.
• Do not let the guide bar nose come into contact with any
• Be especially careful when cutting small or light material that
may catch in the chain.
• Do not over-reach or cut above shoulder height.
• Correctly maintain your chainsaw.
Motor-manual land clearing 13
Operational hazards
Hazard Control

Chainsaw kickback (cont...) • Ensure that all safety devices are operable.
• Make sure the chain is correctly tensioned and sharpened.

Burns from exhaust/muffler • Keep bare skin away from exhaust and muffler.

Engine exhaust fumes • Do not operate saw in poorly ventilated or confined areas.

Vibration injuries • Ensure the vibration damping mounts on the brush-cutter are
in good condition.

Fires • Carry a fire extinguisher.

• Ensure the motor is fitted with a spark arrester.
• Do not leave a hot motor in contact with dry litter.
• Do not smoke when refuelling.
• Clean up or cover any fuel spills.
• Move at least 3 m away from refuelling area before restarting.

A poorly maintained chainsaw • If any part of the chainsaw or brush-cutter is not working
or brush cutter correctly due to damage or wear it should be repaired,
replaced, or sharpened.

Other operators • You need to be aware of where the other people are and
what they are doing.
• Work at a distance away from other operators equal to at
least two times the height of the vegetation being cut.
• If two operators are working together, only one may make
chainsaw cuts at a time.

14 Motor-manual land clearing

Personal protective equipment
The approved Code of Practice for Safety and Health
in Forest Operations requires operators to have and
use the following protective equipment:
• Hi-vis helmet fitted with Grade 4 (or higher)
• Hi-vis shirt, vest, or coat
• Protective legwear, chainsaw chaps, or trousers
• Protective eyewear, unless it creates a greater
• Safety footwear providing ankle support
• First Aid kit with at least two large sterile wound

In addition, each operator should:

• Carry a fire extinguisher
• Carry a means of communication (such as radio,
pager, or whistle) and/or have arranged for regular
communication with other workers on site (such Operator wearing PPE for motor-manual clearing
as a regular a 2-hourly visit)
Chainsaw operators felling trees over 20 cm in diameter must carry at least three wedges and a driving tool.

Equipment and accessories

• Chainsaw or brush cutter of suitable size in good working order, sharp chain or blade.
• Adequate fuel and oil supply in appropriate containers.
• Water bottle - for drinking water to keep operator’s fluid level up.

Method Suggested tools Suggested spare parts

Chainsaw • bar wrench, combination spanner • sharp chain

• round file and flat file (including • starter cord
file handles) • starter spring
• file guide with depth gauge setter • air and fuel filters, spark plug
• sprocket and clutch grease gun • chain breaking/joining tool and
• tuning screw driver spare links
• cleaning cloth • casing and cover screws
• operators’ manual • side cover nuts
• feeler gauge

Brush-cutter • spanners • spare blades

• screw drivers • spark plug
• allen keys • starter cord
• round file and holder • nuts, bolts, and screws
• flat file
• setting gauge
• lubricant

Motor-manual land clearing 15

Brush-cutters can be fitted with a range of blade types
according to the material being cut. The two main
types are:
• Circular saw blades designed for heavy scrub and
small trees
• 3- or 4-blade brush blades designed for light to
moderate scrub and grass.

Circular saw blade (left)

and 3-blade brush blade (right)

Chainsaw-clearing procedures
For details on use and maintenance of chainsaws see the Best Practice Guidelines for Chainsaw Use
and Best Practice Guidelines for Tree Felling.
• On sloping ground it is easier to start work at the bottom of the hill and work up. As scrub typically leans
downhill it will fall that way when cut from the stump.
• When working in small-diameter material, the chain can drag the material towards the operator after it is
cut. This can be a hazard, especially if the scrub is a spiny plant such as gorse.
This can be overcome by:
Using a high chain speed Cutting the material close to the ground
Using the upper part of the cutter bar, so that
the chain pushes the material away from the operator
• When cutting small-diameter scrub it is often tempting to try to cut several stems at once, using the saw
in a sweeping motion. If this technique is used, care must be taken to ensure the tip of the bar does not
Other stems, causing kickback The ground, blunting the chain
Other stems, causing pinching of the bar in Exposed rocks, which can blunt or break the
partly cut stems chain.
• The operator should always be aware of the position of the tip of the bar in relation to obstacles.
• Unit standards 6916, 6917 and 43 are prequisites for chainsaw use.

Brush-cutter procedures
• Brush-cutters can be used for both grass and fern, or for clearing woody scrub.
• The blade should be at maximum speed before it is used to cut anything.
• All of the unguarded part of the blade can be used.
• Try to cut several stems in one pass. Swinging
the brush-cutter from side to side is possible in
light material.
• Cutting with the left-hand half of the blade tends
to pull the brush-cutter towards the stem and away
from the operator.
• Cutting with the right-hand half tends to push the
blade away from the stem,towards the operator.
• When cutting larger diameter stems (>3 cm), think
of the circular blade as a clock face. Use the
Using the left side of the blade pulls the section between 10 o’clock and 11 o’clock as it
brush-cutter away from the operator gives most control over the blade.

16 Motor-manual land clearing

Using the right side of the blade pushes the Cut larger vegetation using 10–11 o’clock
brush-cutter towards the operator section of the blade

Brush-cutter safety
• Harnesses for supporting the brush-cutter need • The blade must not be sharpened while the engine
to be fitted and used according to the is running.
manufacturer’s recommendations. • The blade must be inspected regularly during the
• The emergency release system for the harness day for cracks.
must work effectively. • The brush-cutter must not be used without a blade
• The operator shall make sure that no other person guard.
comes closer than 3 m (or twice the height of • The brush-cutter must not be used if the silencer
material being cut) whilst he is operating the is damaged or emitting sparks.
brush-cutter. When working in heavy and/or
difficult scrub or on slopes, this distance will need • When refuelling:
to increase. Do not smoke
• Only blades designed for the brush-cutter may Make sure the engine is switched off
be used. Move 3 m from the refuelling site before
• The blade must be properly secured to the head. restarting the motor.
• The blade must be kept properly sharpened.

Sharpening the blade

A correctly sharpened blade is essential for effective
use. It avoids wear on the blade, drive mechanism,
and engine. It also reduces operator effort and
The type of file and the filing action used will depend
on the blade being used. Round files are used to
sharpen circular saw blades; a flat file is used on the
brush blade. For both sorts of blades, follow the
sharpening instructions specified by the
Circular saw blades can be easily sharpened without
removing the blade from the head.
Make sure the head of the cutter is firmly supported
when sharpening. One means of doing this is to cut
a small tree at about waist height. Cut a notch in the
top of the severed tree to support the bar. Lean the
brush-cutter against the support and hold it in position
by trailing one leg over the motor and handles, and
applying weight on the cutter head. Sharpening a circular blade

Motor-manual land clearing 17

Three- or four-blade brush blades should be removed or the blade secured from spinning when being

• Clean the exterior of the saw and check for • Check the blade and blade guard -
loose nuts and bolts. replace if they are cracked or damaged.
• Clean the air filter.
• Lubricate the linkages and bearing points of the • Clean the cylinder cooling fins and cooling air
throttle control with thin lubricant. intake.
• Check the starter mechanism. • Check that the blade drive gear is well
• Clean the fuel tank. • Clean around the carburettor.
• Clean the cooling air fan.

18 Motor-manual land clearing

Mechanical site preparation

Types of operations
There are a variety of machines and attachments available for mechanical site preparation. The decision as
to which one to use will depend on the type of operation being undertaken. There are two types of operation:
• Slash management • Soil cultivation and/or mounding.

Slash management
Mechanical slash management may be accomplished by:
• Windrowing • Crushing
• Mulching • Line raking
• Line blading.

Windrowing (bulldozer and excavator)

• Windrowing clears the majority of the heavy slash from the area to be planted, leaving it piled in rows.
This allows planters and spot sprayers to traverse the site without having to climb over the logging
• It does not have to be absolutely free of slash. If done poorly, this operation can cause the loss of litter
layer and topsoil.
• The piles of windrowed material should be kept as narrow as possible, preferably less than 4 m wide.
• Windrowing can occur up and down, or across
• When creating windrows that are orientated up
and down the slope, strips of slash should be
placed across the windrow every 100 m to control
water run-off.
• Working along or around the contour is
recommended where this is possible.
• The excavator tracks can be rested on the top of
the windrow to reduce the working angle of the
• The windrows should not be formed up to the edge
of waterways, and an undisturbed strip should be Excavator windrowing
left next to streams to trap sediment.

Roller crushing (towed and gravity -bulldozer)

• Roller crushing is used both on standing scrub and on the cutover.
• It can be used as a pre-burn preparation (for standing scrub) or as a site preparation treatment on its
• It can be used on flat to rolling terrain (towed rolling) or on steep terrain (gravity rolling).
• The aim is to crush the scrub or slash into a compact layer and break the material into smaller pieces to
accelerate drying.
• When gravity rollers are being used, the roller weight must not exceed half the weight of the tractor or
excavator operating it.

Mechanical site preparation 19

Towed roller crushing Gravity roller crushing

(slash - bulldozer or excavator)
• On some sites, removing slash by windrowing or
burning is undesirable. On these sites, mulchers
attached to excavators or tractors can break the
slash into a coarse chip-like mulch.
• They can also be used to treat live vegetation as
an alternative to spraying.

Line raking (bulldozer or excavator)

Excavator fitted with a mulching attachment
and line blading (bulldozer)
• Line raking and line blading operations are very
similar to each other and are intended to clear
lines through sites covered in heavy slash or
• They are typically carried out by bulldozers, fitted
with a slash rake (see photo) or angle-blade.
• The machine pushes a clear lane through the
• Soil disturbance should be kept to a minimum and
the aim should be to leave the topsoil layer intact
with a minimum amount of disturbance to the litter
• Lines should not be orientated directly down hill if
it can be avoided safely.
Slash rake

Soil cultivation and/or mounding

Soil cultivation may be accomplished by a number of means. These include:
• Continuous ripping-mounding • Spot ripping-mounding
• Spot mounding • V-blading.

Continuous ripping-mounding (bulldozer)

• Ripping and mounding are used to cultivate soils where the soil density or drainage is limiting to early
tree growth. These machines work best on clear sites. If working on cutover with logging residues, a path
needs to be cleared through the slash prior to the cultivation pass.
• The cultivation should be carried out when the soils are dry as this gives the best result for the ripping and
sub-surface shatter.
• The equipment used should be matched to the cultivation prescription for the site.
20 Mechanical site preparation
• Operators should stop the machine occasionally
and check that they are achieving the prescribed
distance between rows (typically 3.5 to 5 m).
• Continuous rip lines should not be orientated up
and down the slope as this can lead to erosion.
They should be put in following the contours of
the slopes.
• Where downhill ripping is being carried out, the
ripper should be lifted completely clear of the
ground for a distance of 5 m for every 20 m ripped.

Spot ripping-mounding (excavator) and

spot mounding (excavator)
Bulldozer ripper-mounder
• Spot mounding and spot ripping-mounding are
very similar operations.
• They are typically carried out with cultivation tools
mounted on an excavator.
• One of the common tools used is the Wilco spot
cultivator. The cultivator head is used first as a
rake to push the slash off the spot. Then the head
is pulled towards the machine to do the cultivation.
• Excavators can create from one to five rows per
pass across the site depending on the size of the
base machine, the row spacing, and the site
conditions. Typically they do three rows per pass.

Skidder-based spot mounding

• There are a number of skidder- or tractor-based Excavator spot ripper-mounder
intermittent spot mounders available.
• These are mounted on the rear of the skidder and
towed across the site. They are often computer
controlled and can create planting spots at a
predetermined spacing.

• V-blading is a bulldozer-based operation for
creating high continuous mounds.
• It is severe treatment and is only used on sites
that are swampy or have a severe frost problem. Skidder spot mounder
• The bulldozer has a V-shaped blade mounted on
the front; this is pushed down and into the soil as
the tractor drives forward.
• It creates a clear lane between two continuous
• The height of the mounds depends on the width
of the blade, the number of passes and how deep
the blade is pushed into the ground. Typically the
mounds are 40 to 50 cm high.
• V-blade mounds should be angled across slope
and have intermittent drains to control water run-
off. Bulldozer V-blading
Mechanical site preparation 21
Summary of operation capabilities
Equipment Description Slope Production Remarks
limits rates

Twin-rope gravity roller 150 kW bulldozer > 15° 0.5–2.0 ha PMH Well-shattered slash,
or 40T excavator, minimal soil disturbance
2 winch drums,
6 to 8 tonne roller

Single-rope gravity 120 kW bulldozer, > 15° 0.5–1.0 ha PMH As above

roller 1 winch drum
2 to 6 tonne roller

Towed roller 120 kW bulldozer, < 20° 0.5–2.5 ha PMH As above

2 to 10 tonne roller

Root rake bulldozer 120 kW bulldozer < 22° 0.1–0.6 ha PMH Line raking is cheaper than
with root rake windrow windrowing with less
0.5–1.0 ha PMH soil disturbance
line rake

Root rake excavator 20 tonne excavator, < 22° 0.4–0.6 ha PMH Better slope ability than
root rake windrow bulldozers, with less soil

V-rake 120 kW bulldozer < 22° 0.2–0.9 ha PMH Line raking only
V-shaped root rake

V-blade 120 kW bulldozer < 20° 1.1–0.6 ha PMH Creates severe soil
Rippers 120 to 150 kW < 20° 0.5–1.5 ha PMH Requires clear site,
bulldozer, tool bar, preferably dry soil,
winged ripper aim 60 to 70 cm deep

Ripper mounders 150 kW bulldozer, < 20° 0.5–1.0 ha PMH Produces a raised cultivated
tool bar, winged ripper, bed
offset discs

Spot mounders 20 tonne excavator, < 22° 0.2–0.4 ha PMH Less impact than V-blading
mounding rake or bucket

Spot ripper mounders 20 tonne excavator, < 22° 0.2–0.4 ha PMH More flexible than
winged ripper tine, bulldozer operations
mounding rake

PMH = productive machine hour (delay-free)

Operational hazards
Mechanical site preparation relies on the safe operation of mobile plant. Specifics of the operation and
maintenance of Mobile Plant are covered in the Best Practice Guidelines for Mobile Plant.
Presented below are operational hazards related to mechanical site preparation equipment and its use.
These hazards are in addition to operator Health Hazards covered previously (Health Hazards, page 6).

22 Mechanical site preparation

Operational hazards
Hazard Control

Vibration • Avoid sudden impacts.

• Reduce the time your back is exposed to vibration by getting
off the machine at least once every hour.
• Make sure your seat is adjusted properly.
• Do exercises while seated to even out pressure on spinal discs.
• Control breathing and relax muscles.
• Keep a good posture.
• Keep fit - strengthen abdominal muscles.

Noise • Use hearing protection inside a cab if noise levels are above
85 dB.
• Reduce noise exposure by keeping doors and windows shut
while working.

Solvents • Read safety information regarding the solvents being used.

• Do not get solvents on your skin (wear gloves).
• Wash hands after use and before eating.
• Avoid breathing in solvent fumes, ensure there is plenty of
ventilation in the work area.

Diesel fuel or hydraulic fluid • Install cylinder rod support struts, or block cylinders and
under pressure equipment before working on the hydraulic system.
• Cycle all hydraulic controls after shut down to relieve system
pressure. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
• When venting or filling the hydraulic system, loosen the filler
cap slowly and remove it gradually.
• Use a piece of cardboard or wood when looking for leaks.
• Wear a face shield or goggles for protection.
• Wipe up any spills of oil or diesel on the machine, especially if
they are in areas that are used for footing.

Other vehicles on roads • Make sure all flags, lights, and warning signs are in place and
during transportation visible.
• Use hazard-warning lights.
• Use a pilot vehicle if required.
• Secure all accessory equipment or attachments.

Climbing in/out of cabs • Maintain three points of contact while climbing.

• Face the machine when climbing or dismounting.
• Be aware of the state of the ladder (ice, water, mud, and oil)
and clean if necessary.
Mechanical site preparation 23
Operational hazards (cont...)
Hazard Control

Climbing in/out of cabs (cont...) • Don’t jump from the machine.

• Don’t climb off a moving machine.
• Don’t use either the steering wheel or control levers as
handholds when entering or leaving the cab.

Fire or explosion • Never fill the fuel tank with the engine running, while smoking,
or near a naked flame.
• Ground the fuel funnel or nozzle against the filler neck to
prevent sparking.
• Do not cut or weld on fuel lines, tanks, or containers.
• Make sure that all oily rags and other flammable materials
are removed from the machine.
• Check for and repair fuel, oil, and hydraulic leaks before
operating the machine.
• Use non-flammable solvents for cleaning.
• Store all flammable fluids and materials away from the work
• Check the readiness of fire extinguishers or suppression
• Clean the machine daily to remove vegetation and oil likely
to cause or fuel a fire.
• Maintain and service machinery according to manufacturer
• Ensure that modifications to the machine do not compromise
fire safety.
• Do not operate machinery if it is in a condition that may cause
a fire.
• At the end of the day, park the machine in a clear space
(landing or roadside), with access maintained at all times.

Exhaust fumes • Ensure that exhaust is not leaking fumes into cab.
• Ensure there is adequate ventilation for exhaust fumes to
escape if working in confined areas.

Maintenance hazards • Read the manufacturer’s service and operating manuals.

• Ensure that you have the necessary information and tools.
• Stop the engine and remove the key when working on the
• Check that the work space has adequate clearance, light,
and ventilation.
• Wear PPE (eye protection, gloves, and overalls).
• Keep clear of moving parts (fans, belts, etc.).

24 Mechanical site preparation

Operational hazards (cont...)
Hazard Control

Maintenance hazards (cont...) • Start the engine only from the operator’s seat.
• Make sure the machine is on a level surface with the brakes
• Block the tracks before releasing brakes.
• Lock or block any hydraulic rams, hoses, or attachments being
worked on.
• Disconnect the battery before working on the electrical system.
• Remove the ground cable first; connect this cable last.
• When using gas or electrical welding equipment, use a welding
helmet and mask, gloves, and overalls, and clean grease and
oil from around work area.
• When using grinding equipment wear gloves and goggles;
make sure grinder guards are in place.

Track hazards • Wear gloves if handling recently used pins and bushings from
dry joints.
• Never hit a track tension spring (they could shatter explosively
if under compression).

Tyre hazards • Follow supplier’s recommendations.

• Don’t exceed correct tyre pressures.
• Inspect wheels and tyres daily.
• Don’t operate on low pressures, cuts, bubbles, and damaged
rims or with missing lug bolts or nuts.
• When adjusting tyre pressure, use a long hose with a self-
adjusting chuck. Always stand behind the tread when doing
this. Ensure the area to the side of the tyre is clear of other

Asbestos • Never use compressed air for cleaning.

(some older machines may have
• Avoid brushing or grinding.
components containing asbestos
in brake linings and gaskets) • Use wet methods for cleaning.
• Wear an approved respirator.
• Avoid areas where particles may be in the air.
• Shower after contact.
• Store food and drink and personal belongings away from the
work area.
• Never eat, drink, or smoke where asbestos is present.

Lifting heavy items • Have good footing.

• Stand close to the item being lifted.

Mechanical site preparation 25

Operational hazards (cont...)
Hazard Control

Lifting heavy items (cont...) • Squat with your knees bent.

• Lift with your legs, keeping your back straight.
• Whilst carrying the load, hold it close to you.
• Obtain assistance with lifting large or bulky items.

Terrain • Check the plan and the site for holes, bluffs, steep slopes,
gullies, and high stumps.
• Do not exceed the manufacturer’s slope limit for the machine.

Waterways • Check the plan and the site for wet areas and streams.

Transmission lines (power) • Check the plan and the site for power lines. The upper part of
the machine must stay at least 5 m away from power lines.

Pipelines (gas) • Check the plan and the site for water and gas pipelines. Do
not dig or cultivate near them.

Other operations • Check with the supervisor for location of other operations. Stay
two tree lengths clear of any felling operation and a safe
working distance from other operations.

Roads • Be aware of the impact of your operation on roads.

• Do not work out on to roads or leave debris on roads unless it
is unavoidable. If your operation is going to affect a road, then
warning signs must be placed on the road either side of the
affected area.

Heavy slash or stems • Keep a lookout for large pieces of slash under tension.
under tension
• Be careful with windthrown stems.
• Position the base of machine behind the rake when releasing
tension so that flick backs cannot reach the cab.

26 Mechanical site preparation

Personal protective equipment
The personal protective equipment required by machine operators includes:
• Safety helmet (must be worn outside a • Earmuffs or ear plugs if noise levels are likely
protected cab) to exceed 85dB
• Hi-vis garment • Safety footwear (non-spiked)
• Protective eyewear, if not in an enclosed cab • Properly fitting clothes or overalls.
In addition, each machine should be equipped with a fire extinguisher, First Aid kit, and a means of
communication in the event of an emergency.

Equipment requirements
The specific requirements for attachments and the prime mover are related to the type of operation being
performed and the prescription set for the site. It is important for safety and productivity that the machine be
fit for task, both in specification and working condition.
Machines working in forest establishment operations must meet the appropriate OPS, FOPS, and COPS or
ROPS standards as specified in the Approved Code of Practice for Safety and Health in Forest Operations
(Part 3, Section 4).
Where applicable, mobile plant must have a valid warrant or certificate of fitness and an operator’s licence.
Specific details on the requirements of mobile plant are presented in the Best Practice Guidelines for
Mobile Plant.

Other safety features and issues

Different machines will have safety features that ensure operators do not come to harm in the course of their
duties. To comply with the machine manufacturer’s operator safety manual, relevant parts of the operation
and maintenance manual should be read and understood by anyone intending to use the machine.

All machines must be fitted with a radio or have other means of communication. A cell phone may be
sufficient, if the area being worked has adequate cell phone coverage.
All machines must be maintained according to the manufacturer’s requirements. Each day the machine
must be checked to ensure that it is working correctly. The operator or the person in charge of the operation
should do this check. Anyone else noticing a defect should inform the operator.

Seat belts
Mobile plant fitted with ROPS or COPS must be fitted with a seat belt or safety restraint complying with
AS 2664:1983 or similar standard.

Night work
Machines required to work at night must be fitted with lights adequate to light up the work area. Some
operations are not suited to operating at night for safety reasons.

A machine must be fitted with brakes capable of holding the machine and its load on any slope that it is
working on.

Mechanical site preparation 27

If operating noise levels might cause hearing damage (greater than 85dB), a warning sign must be displayed.
Operators must wear suitable hearing protection.

Operating parts of machine

Pulleys, shafts, belts, and fanbelts must be securely guarded. Winches must have warning signs.

Operating machinery
Where the stability of the machine may be compromised by the slope, weather, or ground conditions,
specific hazard control measures shall be put in place.
Equipment shall not be operated on slopes that exceed the maximum specified by the manufacturer. As a
guide, subject to weather and ground conditions:
• Rubber-tyred machines should not operate on • Excavators should not operate on slopes that
slopes that exceed 30% (18°) exceed 40% (22°).
• Crawler tractors and other similar machines
should not operate on slopes that exceed 40% (22°)

Tracks must be kept in good condition. When working on slopes, a thrown track presents a hazard when it
comes off (loss of machine stability) and when it is being put back on.
Safety features, which will require a check daily (or before starting a shift), include:
• Seat belt • Screens and doors
• Warning devices • Guards, lights
• Safety signs • Horns
• Reverse or travel alarms and beepers • Mirrors
• Fire extinguishers • Fire suppression system
• First Aid kit • Radio (RT) or cell phone.

Environmental considerations
It is possible for heavy machines to cause considerable damage to the environment if they are used in an
inappropriate way or place.
Potential impacts include:
• Soil erosion • Soil compaction
• Reduced slope stability • Visual impacts
• Sedimentation in waterways affecting water quality.

Means to reduce or mitigate potential adverse impacts include:

• Leave an undisturbed strip beside waterways • Keep the machine and debris away from
and wetlands from waterways
• Avoid use on steep slopes • Work around contours where possible
• Keep length of runs (especially downhill) to a • Avoid oil or fuel spills, and ensure all waste
limited length material and fluids are removed from the site
• Fuel supplies should be located at the point
where, if spills or leaks occur, fuel cannot enter
a waterway.
28 Mechanical site preparation
Agrichemical application

Use of agrichemicals
The application of agrichemicals is intended to kill
and control weed species that will compete with the
planted crop.
Careful planning of agrichemical application
operations is required to ensure that risks to workers,
neighbours, and the environment are avoided.
Agrichemical applications are managed under the
Resource Management Act 1991. Therefore,
environmental considerations and planning
processes may need to be followed before an
operation begins.
Any agrichemical will only ever have a temporary
effect on the site vegetation. It is important to consider
long-term effects. Removing the existing vegetation
may allow other weeds to become established and
these may be a more serious problem than the
vegetation removed. The history of the site should
give an indication of what seeds are likely to be
present in the soil.
Everyone involved in the operation should
understand the objectives, the methods to be
employed, the hazards involved, and the procedures
Code of Practice for the management of
to be followed to avoid personal and environmental
Workers undergoing training in Agrichemical
application are required to have an understanding of
the New Zealand Standards Code of Practice for
the Management of Agrichemicals. This code sets
out standards for agrichemical safety during
transport, handling, application, clean up, and
storage. This agrichemical code is available from
Standards New Zealand, Wellington.
This section of the Best Practice Guidelines does
not attempt to repeat the content of the agrichemical
code. The following sections provide an overview of
agrichemical application techniques and should be
read in association with the agrichemical code.

Application methods
The application method will depend on whether you
are preparing individual planting spots, rows, or entire

• The Weed-a-metre is a handheld device for spot
application of granular herbicides for tree
releasing. Weed-a-metre
Agrichemical application 29
• The application rate is accurately controlled so
there is no need to mix chemicals. The herbicide
is applied dry, and so does not have to be mixed
with water.
• There is little risk of applying an incorrect dose
unless the Weed-a-metre is operated twice on
tree or held too low to the ground.
• A spreader cone is used to disperse the granules
over the spot.
• The applicator holds a relatively small amount of
granules (enough for 70 to 100 trees). An
additional supply of granules can be carried on a
belt or in a backpack.
• The Weed-a-metre can apply varying doses
according to the size of trigger fitted, and is
suitable for applying Velpar 20G or Prefix D.

Spot gun
• The spot gun is a handheld combination pump
and spray nozzle attached to a backpack spray
reservoir (5 to 12 litres) for applying liquid
• It is suitable for spot releasing with many
• It can be fitted with either a solid cone nozzle for
Spot gun circular spots or a fan nozzle for square spots.
• Prescribed spot sizes are typically from 1.5 to 2
m in diameter.
• The spot gun delivers an accurately metered

Knapsack sprayer
• The knapsack sprayer is useful for spot or row
• It consists of a 15- to 20-litre backpack tank to
which a handheld lance is attached by a flexible
• A trigger mechanism on the lance controls the
spray flow. The lance is pressurised by a hand
pump built into the backpack.
• Pressure control is essential as pressure affects
Knapsack sprayer flow rate. Some units have a pressure release
valve; this limits maximum but not minimum
operating pressure.
• Flow control valves are available which control pressure within close limits.
• Two types of nozzle are generally used - the solid cone and the flat fan. A different method of application
is required for each nozzle.
The solid cone is held above the vegetation at a specified height for a specified time, producing a
circular spot.
When the fan spray is used, strips of spray are applied either side of the tree being released to
achieve a uniform dose of agrichemical over a square or rectangular area. It is important to hold
the nozzle at the correct height above the vegetation.

30 Agrichemical application
Brush guns
• Brush guns are used to apply large volumes of
dilute agrichemical to control vegetation along
roadsides, firebreaks, forest boundaries, and
isolated patches of weeds.
• They consist of a vehicle-mounted tank (typically
on a 4WD utility), a high-pressure pump, and a
spray gun on the end of variable-length hose and
• Pressure is controlled by a relief valve that
bypasses excess spray back into the tank when Brush gun and spraying unit
the gun is not being operated.
• Spray is applied at between 1000 and 2000 litres per hectare, to thoroughly wet the vegetation.
• The spraying pattern and droplet size can be controlled during spraying by adjusting the gun rather than
the nozzle. A jet produces larger droplets with less risk of drift than a hollow cone nozzle.
• Use of clean water is important. If the tank is filled from ponds and streams, the intake should have a filter

Aerial Application by Helicopters

• Helicopter spraying is the most common form of
broadcast agrichemical application.
• Helicopters can rapidly cover large areas of
difficult terrain with dense weed growth .
• The boom on a helicopter should be no longer
than 80% of the rotor diameter. If the boom is
longer, spray from the outer nozzles can be caught
in the rotor vortex, increasing the risk of spray
drift and reducing spray deposition on the target
• A variety of nozzles can be fitted to the boom to
suit specific needs. In general, the larger nozzles
produce larger drop sizes and fewer fine droplets.
Helicopter spraying
There is less drift with the larger droplet sizes.

Other application options

• Weed wipers • Mistblowers
• MeterJet spray gun.

Operational hazards
Working with agrichemicals poses the threat of internal or external exposure to chemicals.
Always read the label before opening any chemical container.
In aerial operations, workers must be aware of the hazards associated with working with helicopters (see
Best Practice Guidelines for Working with Helicopters).
Presented below are operational hazards related to agrichemical application. These hazards are in addition
to operator Health Hazards covered previously (Health Hazards, page 6).

Agrichemical application 31
Operational hazards
Hazard Control

Poisoning from contact with • Treat all agrichemicals as poisons.

• Read the label.
• Wear personal protective clothing.
• Handle with care and avoid spills and direct skin contact with
• Wash hands before eating or drinking.
• Wash clothes and equipment daily.
• Shower at the end of each working day.
• Do not rub face or eyes whilst working with chemicals.
• Avoid spray drift contact.
• Have the relevant Material Safety Data Sheet on site.
• Be aware of appropriate First Aid treatment.
• Do not store or transport chemicals in the passenger
compartment of a vehicle.

Spray drift into non-target areas • Avoid spraying in unsuitable conditions (excessive wind, high
temperature, and low humidity).
• Use appropriate techniques and equipment.
• Be aware of boundaries and sensitive areas.

Slips and falls while spraying • Take care to find firm footing before moving and spraying.
• Wear spiked soled boots.

Personal protective equipment

The required personal protective equipment will vary with the type and form of the chemicals being used and
the method of application. It is important to remember the toxicity is related to dose, and dose is related to
At the mixing stage, chemicals are highly concentrated and a very small amount can be toxic. A high standard
of protective equipment is necessary as well as care to avoid spills and direct contact with the chemical.
Once the chemicals have been mixed with the carrier (water) they are diluted and the amount needed to
make a toxic dose is greater. However, the period of exposure to mixed chemicals tends to be much greater
and so protective equipment and vigilance are still necessary.

32 Agrichemical application
Protective clothing
• Safety boots (waterproof)
• Overalls
• Chemical-resistant apron (some chemicals)
• Gloves (waterproof or chemical-proof)
• Goggles or safety glasses
• Hat
• Face mask or respirator.

Operator requirements
Spraying operators should be:
PPE for handling and applying agrichemicals
• Fit for the task
• Literate or have an understanding of labelling
• Responsible
• Fully trained or undergoing training - including
First Aid for poisoning.
Agrichemicals can enter the body by inhaling, swallowing, or skin contact. Anyone involved with the use of
agrichemicals should be able to recognise the symptoms of poisoning (nausea, headaches, skin or eye
irritations, and abnormal or erratic behaviour).
Always seek medical attention as soon as possible if poisoning is suspected.
If seeking medical treatment, take the label or a container with a readable label with you. The Materials
Safety Data Sheet will provide information on First Aid treatment should chemical poisoning be suspected.

Spray additives
Surfactants (wetting agents)
Surfactants may be added to the mix for application. Surfactants are chemicals added to the water to reduce
its surface tension. This increases its ability to stick to and spread across the surface of the weed leaves,
and improves its absorption into the plant. This is important where the weed has a waxy leaf surface, such
as broom.
Some sprays come with surfactants already in the mix and putting in more may decrease the effectiveness
of the spray. Always read the label and follow the recommendations. Failure to add a surfactant when
needed may result in a failure to control the target weeds.

Dyes are sometimes added to the mix in spot spraying so that operators can see which spots have been
treated after the spray has dried. They can also be used in pre-plant spraying to indicate where the treated
spot is before the vegetation begins to die off. It is important to use a dye that is safe and does not affect the
chemical composition of the agrichemical. Read the label. Use dyes that are registered as food additives.

Spray thickeners are sometimes added to reduce the amount of spray that goes into fine droplets, therefore
reducing the amount or risk of spray drift. They will not, however, eliminate fine droplets.
If used inappropriately they can cause an increase in fine droplets, reduce coverage and increase flow rate
through the nozzles.
These additives should be used with caution, and only after testing.

Agrichemical application 33
Environmental considerations
• It is essential that the spray hits only the target area, especially if the boundary indicates a land ownership
• Contamination of streams or standing water • All empty containers must be removed from the
must be avoided. site and disposed of in an appropriate manner.
• Ensure dosage rates are appropriate for the • Do not mix or load any chemicals within 20 m of
target weeds; over-concentration can adversely a waterway, or at a point where spills may flow
affect the environment into a waterway.
• Spills should be avoided, or contained, and
cleaned up.

Handling procedures
• There are three main forms in which agrichemicals
are available:
• If you are using wettable powders take care when
handling and mixing that you do not inhale any of
the powder. They are often very fine powders and
easily disturbed.
• Wear approved protective clothing and equipment
(including facemask or respirator).
Wear appropriate gear when mixing agrichemicals
• Work in a well-ventilated area.
• Stay upwind of any chemical while mixing or pouring.
• When mixing chemicals, make sure you are on a flat clear site and have all the necessary equipment,
including measuring cylinders, funnels, mixing paddles, and protective equipment. Clean up any spills
and have a spill kit appropriate to the chemical being used.
• Dispose of empty containers, residual chemical, and contaminated material in an approved manner.
• Wash up after handling chemicals, and before eating/drinking. Washing facilities must be provided where
chemicals are being mixed, handled, or applied.
• Supplies of drinking water must be clearly labelled.
• Smoking is prohibited while spraying, mixing, or handling chemicals.

Storage procedures
• Ensure containers are stored upright, properly sealed in a secure area, out of reach of children and pets.
• Always store agrichemicals in their original containers with the labels on. Keep the containers clean and
free of spills.
• Check for and dispose of any leaking or damaged containers.
• Keep agrichemicals away from food and drink.
• Have smoko away from the storage site.
• Store away from waterways, ponds, and other sensitive areas.
• Children and unauthorised persons are not allowed access to the chemicals.
• Measuring and mixing equipment shall be stored with the agrichemicals.

34 Agrichemical application
Weed-a-metre procedure
The Weed-a-metre is held over the tree to be treated. The trigger is activated to apply a single dose of

Care and maintenance

At the end of each day’s use the weed-a-metre should be emptied, and any granules returned to their
original container.
The trigger mechanism should be dismantled and cleaned with a dry cloth. Do not blow on it.

Spot gun spraying procedure

Calibration is the process of managing the volume of active ingredient applied to the target vegetation, to
ensure that the proper (prescribed or recommended) amount of chemical is applied per hectare.
The principles of calibration are basically the same regardless of the method of application.

(1) Read the product label for handling and mixing

instructions. Example

(2) Read the job prescription for specifications, If the nozzle sprays a spot with a radius of 0.7
including application rate of active ingredient, metres (as prescribed), then the area sprayed per
spot size and shape, and any other requirements spot is:
(surfactant, dye etc). 3.142 x 0.7 m2
(3) Select a nozzle that will cover the prescribed = 1.54 m2
spot, and gives good even coverage, and And if the average volume of spray is 5 millilitres
measure the radius of the the spot sprayed. per spot, then the application rate in litres per
(4) Calculate the area of the treated spot, using the hectare is:
formula 3.142 (Pi) x radius squared. 5 10000
(5) Check the volume of spray required for coverage 1000 1.54 = 32.5 litres per hectare
of a spot (from the spot gun).
(Litres per (The number of spots
(6) Calculate the volume of spray required per spot) to make up a hectare)
(7) From the prescribed application rate of active If then the required application rate of active
ingredient, calculate the volume of water ingredient is:
required per hectare. 4 Kg (of for example Atrazine) per hectare,
(8) Pour half of the water into the mixing tank and and Gesaprine is 50% active ingredient (Atrazine)
add the chemical.
(9) Mix thoroughly, add the remaining water and mix Then the 32.5 litres of spray per hectare will require
again. 8 litres of Gesaprine and 24.5 litres of water.

Care and maintenance

• After use, the tank and plastic hose should be thoroughly rinsed and the nozzle removed and washed.
• The gun should be stripped and cleaned to remove all traces of chemical.
• When reassembling, apply a thin film of castor oil to all moving parts and O-rings.
• Blocked nozzles should be cleaned with a stiff nylon bristle. They should not be cleaned with wire, pins,
or other metal objects as these can damage the nozzle and alter the flow and spray pattern,
• Do not blow on nozzles to clear them.
• Always use clean water when spraying. Water from ponds and streams may contain grit or weed that can
block nozzles.
Agrichemical application 35
Knapsack spraying procedure
(1) Read the product label for handling and mixing instructions.
(2) Read the job prescription for specifications, including application rate of active ingredient, spraying
pattern, and any other requirements (surfactant, dye etc).
(3) Select the type of nozzle for the spraying pattern or other requirements.
(4) Measure the average time to spray a single spot, or set area of strip (e.g. 2 metres x 10 metres).
(5) Spray into a measuring cylinder (or similar vessel) for a minute or other set time, and measure the
volume of spray delivered.
(6) Calculate the volume of spray per spot, or set
area of strip, as follows:
Volume delivered per minute
60 multiplied by time per
spot or strip in seconds
= Volume of spray per spot or strip
(7) Convert the area of the spot or strip to hectares,
to calculate the application rate of spray per
Volume per spot
or strip (mL) x 10000
1000 Average area per
spot of strip (m2)
Releasing = Average rate of spray per hectare
using a
(8) Check the prescribed application rate of active
sprayer ingredient per hectare from the job prescription
or product label.
Mixing to required rate
Mix the chemicals and water as for the spot gun.

• Locate the tree carefully.
• Position the applicator at the right height, allowing for vegetation height and ground slope.
• Use the correct application method, as specified in the job prescription.
• Ensure the area to be treated is fully covered and use a work pattern that is efficient.
• If spraying around trees sensitive to the agrichemical, use a protective cone or shield to keep the spray
off the tree.
• Do not spray foliar-active agrichemicals if rain is expected. Heavy rain within 4 to 6 hours of application
will reduce the effect of some agrichemicals.

Care and maintenance

• After use, the sprayer must be washed thoroughly with a mild detergent and flushed with clean water.
• Seals and gaskets must be checked for wear and leaks regularly.
• Do not allow water used for flushing or washing to contaminate standing or running water, and do not spill
on ground used for growing trees.

Brush gun spraying procedure

Read the product label, and the job description. The volume of spray required depends on the nature of the
36 Agrichemical application
vegetation (it must be wetted). It is useful, however, to know at least approximately the volume applied as
this will enable the operator to calculate the quantity of chemical and water volume required to complete the
Accurately measure an area to be treated and determine the volume of spray (litres) to be applied.
Calculate the application rate using: Active ingredient (litres)
Area sprayed (hectares)

• Work in a consistent pattern, moving the nozzle in a zigzag pattern back and forth so that all the target
weeds are covered.
• Do not work in strong winds.
• Spray with the wind, not into or across the wind as this will lead to drift, hitting of non-target areas, and
blow back towards the operator.
• Do not spray foliar active agrichemicals if rain is expected. Heavy rain within 4 to 6 hours of application
will reduce the effect of some agrichemicals.

Care and maintenance

• Clean water is important. If the tank is being filled from a stream or pond, a filter should be fitted to the
intake to keep out unwanted particles. Particles can damage the pump and block the nozzle.
• A pressure gauge should be fitted to the nozzle so the operator can monitor pressure. A drop in pressure
can affect the droplet size, spray output rate, and spray distance. Pressure drops are often due to blocked
• Spare filters should be carried to reduce downtime and maximise use of good spraying conditions.
• Do not clear blocked nozzles by blowing into them; use a nylon brush or bristle.
• After use the sprayer should be thoroughly washed and flushed if different chemicals are to be used. This
is especially relevant if hormone sprays (Tordon, Grazon) have been used. Do not allow the flushing or
washing water to contaminate standing or running water, and do not allow it to spill on to ground used for
growing crops.

Helicopter spraying procedure

The spray emission rate must be adjusted to ensure the specified application volume per hectare is achieved,
at the flying speed and swath width being used.
The required spray output can be calculated from the following formula:
Volume output (litres/min)
Speed (km/hr) x Swath width (m) x Application rate (litres/ha)
Note: This formula also covers spraying using a vehicle mounted spray boom.

Aircraft airspeed indicators are graduated in knots. The formula above requires speed to be expressed as
kilometres per hour. To convert knots to kilometres per hour, multiply by 1.852.
It is usual to accept the reading from the airspeed indicator. Should there be any doubt about its accuracy,
timing the aircraft over a measured distance of at least 1 kilometre and averaging several runs can be used
to check speed.
Speed (km/hr)

= Distance flown (km) x 3600

Time taken (seconds)
Ground speed can also be obtained as a Global Positioning System (GPS) output.
Agrichemical application 37
Swath width
This is the distance in metres between two adjacent flight lines.
For single-pass spraying, the swath width equals the effective swath width. For half-overlap spraying, it
equals half the effective swath width.
If the swath width is entered in the above equation, there will be no confusion when calculating the output for
half-overlap or single-pass spraying. It is usual to accept the value for the effective swath width quoted by
the pilot.
If you have measured it previously, it is unlikely to have changed unless the length or configuration of the
boom has been altered.

Effective swath width

Measurement of the effective swath width is difficult and the results can be confusing. It should only be
attempted when the wind speed is less than 5 knots and its direction is constant.
(1) Select a flat open area, ideally an airstrip.
(2) Place a line of spray traps (paper sheets stapled to squares of card) on the ground at 1-m spacings, at
right angles to the wind direction. The line should be about 40 m long.
(3) Mark the centre with a flag and locate two flags at about 20 m on either side of the line so that all three
flags form a line that cuts the centre of the trap line at right angles.
(4) Fill the tank with a dye solution and spray on to the ground until solution is emitted from the outer
(5) Ask the pilot to make a spray run at operational height and speed along the flagline, at a right angle to
the trapline.
(6) The spray should be switched on at least 50 m before, and switched off 50 m after the line.
(7) Watch the flags to accurately record the wind direction as the aircraft passes upwind over the trapline.
(8) Examine the dye deposit on the traps. The effective swath is the distance between the points at each
end of the line where the deposit falls at a concentration equal to half the average deposit found in the
middle of the line.
For a general estimate of spray coverage, the paper traps are quite satisfactory. However, be aware that
different droplet sizes tend to diffuse into the paper, making it difficult to visually assess the quantity of spray
deposited. As droplet diameter doubles, volume increases eightfold, and this makes it difficult to estimate
the effective swath.
If more detailed information is required, paper can be replaced with Mylar (the transparent material used for
displaying through an overhead projector).
(1) After spraying, the dye-covered Mylar sheets can be carefully removed from the cards and placed
individually into translucent plastic cups that have been numbered to correspond with the line of traps
(e.g., 1 to 40).
(2) Add a measured quantity of water and shake. This will colour the solution in proportion to the amount of
dye deposit.
(3) For accurate swath width determinations, the patterns from three runs should be averaged.
There is likely to be considerable variation between spray patterns. At least three runs are necessary to
determine how the nozzle arrangement should be altered.

Spray output
As the spray pump of a helicopter is driven either from the main engine through a hydraulic or belt coupling,
or by an electric or petrol auxiliary motor, the spray gear can be fully pressurised and the spray output
measured while the helicopter is on the ground.
(1) Fill the tank with water, and ask the pilot to spray until all the air has been expelled from the boom.
(2) Check that the nozzles are working correctly and that there are no leaks in the system.
(3) Turn off the spray, refill the tank, and mark the water level in the sight gauge.
(4) Spray for 1 minute.
38 Agrichemical application
(5) If the volumes indicated on the tank have not already been checked, determine the spray output by
measuring the volume that needs to be added to bring the liquid in the tank back to its original level.
Changing the boom pressure can make small adjustments to output, but major changes require the addition
or removal of nozzles. The output should be within 5% of the calculated value.

Calculate the spray output required to apply 150 litres/ha from a helicopter flying at 40 knots, with a
swath width of 10 m.
Output (litres/min)
= Speed (km/hr) x Swath width (m) x Application rate (litres/ha)
= (40 x 1.852) x 10 x 150
= 185.2 litres/minute

If the helicopter has a capacity of 400 litres, the composition of a load can be calculated as follows:

Area sprayed per load (ha) Size of load (litres)

Application rate (litres/ha)

Each helicopter load must contain the amount of product/ha x number of hectares sprayed per load.
To apply 4 kg active ingredient (terbuthylazine) per hectare, 8 litres of product (50% a.i.) are required.
Therefore each load of 400 litres must contain 8 x 2.7 = 21.6 litres of product, e.g., Gardoprim.
Part fill the mixing tank, add 21.6 litres of Gardoprim, and top up with water to bring the volume up to
400 litres.

• The pilot is always in control of the operation.
• He/she should make a preliminary check of the area, preferably with the ground controller, to identify
boundaries and obstacles.
• A map and aerial photos should be available.
• Some form of swath marking, mapping, or control should be used to ensure complete coverage without
unnecessary overlap or double passes (GPS is commonly used).
• The helipad should be located as close as possible to the spray block. Preferably it should be close to a
water supply, but if this is not possible good road access will be required for bringing in water.
• To minimise drift in sensitive areas, the helicopter should fly at an altitude of not more than 10 m above
the target and cease spraying when the wind exceeds 10 km/hour.
• Target blocks near sensitive areas should be sprayed with the wind blowing away from the sensitive
• Drift also increases when the temperature is above 20 degrees or humidity falls below 80%.
• If the spray release height is greater than 10 m, then lowering the air speed to 25 knots can reduce drift.
• Still conditions are not suitable for spraying near sensitive areas as fine droplets will disperse in all
• Do not spray in fog or inversion layers as spray may drift long distances off target.
• Drift can be controlled by:
Using large droplet sizes and high water rates
Removing swirl plates from the nozzles
Angling nozzles towards the rear of the aircraft to reduce wind shear
Using drift-reducing additives.
Agrichemical application 39
Controlled burnoffs

Effects of fire
A high degree of skill and planning is needed to use
fire safely and effectively.
Fire can be used on its own. Alternatively, some pre-
treatment of the site may be necessary to kill or crush
In the past, fire was a popular method of land
preparation. However, the area treated with planned
burn-offs is currently around only 1500 ha/year.
The effects of a fire are directly related to how well it
is planned and managed. The aims are to safely and
effectively remove the unwanted vegetation, scrub,
and slash. There should be no threat or damage to
A controlled burnoff life or surrounding areas.

An effective fire removes the unwanted material cleanly in a controlled manner.

An ineffective fire may be one that;
• does not burn well and leaves material partly burnt or unburnt
• burns too hot and intensely, removing too much of the litter and topsoil
• burns out of control into areas that were not part of the planned burn.
Controlled burnoffs can be expensive and risky, and create large clouds of smoke that can cause irritation to
neighbours. Some fires can cause loss of vital nutrients from the site.
Despite these reservations there are instances where fire is the preferable option for clearing a site. The use
of controlled burns also gives the opportunity to train staff in preparation for fighting wild fires.
The following sections provide an overview of safety issues associated with controlled burnoffs. For more
detailed information on fire behaviour, tools, and procedures refer to the Best Practice Guidelines for Fire
Fighting and Controlled Burnoffs.

Operational hazards
Hazards at fires include burns, smoke inhalation, heavy machinery, and helicopters.
Presented below are an Operational Hazards related to fires. These hazards are in addition to operator
Health Hazards covered previously (Health Hazards, page 6).
Note that further detail on fire fighting is presented in Best Practice Guidelines for Fire Fighting and
Controlled Burnoffs. Also, further details on helicopter hazards are presented in Best Practice Guidelines
for Working with Helicopters.

40 Controled burnoffs
Operational hazards
Hazard Control

Ineffective personal protective • Do not perform operation if PPE is ineffective.

equipment (PPE)
• Replace any worn, damaged or expired PPE.
• Routinely check the condition of your PPE.

Heat stress • Dress appropriately to the level of physical activity you are
(flushed face, sweating, doing.
weakness, tiredness,
• Wear loose fitting clothing that allows air circulation (open
dizziness, nausea)
trouser legs and wrist cuffs).
• Move to a cooler area until body temperature drops and

Heat exhaustion (weak pulse, • Remove person from the fire area until they have recovered.
shallow breathing, clammy skin,
• Contact medical personnel/Crew Boss.
pale face, slow reactions)

Heat stroke (increased heart beat, • Urgent medical attention is required.

hot dry skin, high body temperature,
• Loosen clothing and cool with water.
flushed face, headaches & dizziness,
patient is irritable and confused) • Evacuate the patient.

Changes in fire behaviour and • Have an escape route.

getting trapped by fire
• Be alert to changes in the fire movement.
• Do not go into unburnt areas uphill or downwind of the fire.
• Do not run through flames unless you can see clear ground
beyond them.
• If trapped in a vehicle, do not get out until the fire has passed.
• Watch for wind changes and whirlwinds.

Noise (from pumps, aircraft, • Wear appropriate hearing protection.

or machinery)
• Move away from the noise zone if not required to be there.

Radiant heat (from fire) • Wear protective clothing.

and embers
• Stay back from the fire edge, away from radiant heat.
• Have an escape route planned.
• If you are getting too hot, move away from the heat source
into a cooler position.
• If someone receives a burn:
cool the burn with water for 10 minutes
seek immediate medical help
watch for and treat for shock.

Controlled burnoffs 41
Operational hazards (cont...)
Hazard Control

Smoke inhalation • Stay on the upwind edge of the fire.

• Move to a safe area to recover.
• Have a smoke mask available.
• Stay close to the ground if in smoke.

Heavy machinery • Be familiar with the plan and where the machines are.
• Stay clear of any machines that are operating.
• Do not approach the machine until the operator indicates
that it is safe to do so.
• Be aware that smoke limits visibility - the operator may not
be able to see.

Other workers • When using hand tools work at least 3 m away from other
workers, or if felling in tall scrub work at least two times
the height of the scrub away from other workers.

Hand tools • Use the right tool for the job.

• Ensure tools are in good condition - do not use damaged
• Use a file with a handle to sharpen tools.
• Carry tools in one hand at the balance point, blade
• Pass tools to others handle first.
• Don’t leave hand tools lying around on the ground - prop
them up against something.
• Secure tools when transporting them.

Out of planned area burning • Install adequate firebreaks.

• Have an observer looking for spot fires from a vantage point.
• Have the fire perimeter manned by trained and equipped
staff to stop the spread of fire.
• Light the fire in a controlled manner.

Helicopters (see Best Practice • Observe all the rules and procedures described in Best
Guidelines for working with Practice Guidelines for Working with Helicopters.
helicopters for more details) • Conduct a safety briefing before starting a helicopter
• The pilot is in charge.
• Approach the machine from the front, never from the rear.
• Only approach when pilot indicates that it is safe to do so.
• Approach from the downhill side on sloping terrain.
42 Controled burnoffs
Operational hazards (cont...)
Hazard Control

Helicopters (cont...) • Observe all the rules and procedures described in Best
Practice Guidelines for Working with Helicopters.
• Conduct a safety briefing before starting a helicopter
• The pilot is in charge.
• Approach the machine from the front, never from the rear.
• Only approach when pilot indicates that it is safe to do so.
• Approach from the downhill side on sloping terrain.
• Hold any long items (shovels) level below the waist.
• Make sure there are no loose items in the landing area.
• Stay clear of any sling loads until they are landed.
• Keep the crew together on one side of the landing zone.
• Do not approach any slung equipment unless you are
involved in its operation (monsoon buckets / fire lighters).

Foam (if handling concentrate or • Wear appropriate protective clothing (waterproof coat and
involved in filling monsoon bucket) trousers, gloves, boots, goggles).

Powerlines • Look for fallen lines in the burnt area.

• Do not spray water near powerlines or electrified railway lines.
• Confirm lines are dead before attempting to extinguish
burning power poles.

Fixed-wing aircraft • Conduct a safety briefing before starting a fixed-wing aircraft

• Beware of moving propellers.
• Only approach a fixed-wing aircraft from behind the wings.
• The pilot is in charge. Follow his/her instructions.

Controlled burnoffs 43
Personal protective equipment
All personnel attending a controlled burnoff are
required to wear approved personal protective
equipment meeting the requirements of the National
Rural Fire Authority, Rural Fire Management Code
of Practice, Forest & Rural Fires Act 1977.
The minimum requirements are:
• Leather work boots (woollen socks)
• Ankle to wrist outer clothing (wool or fire-
resistant), loose to allow air flow and cooling
• Cotton or woollen undergarments (no
• Approved fire control or forestry helmet
• Safety goggles
• Earmuffs (at least Grade 4), or other hearing
protection, if working around pumps or
machinery. Worker with minimum PPE

In addition, the following items should be considered:

• Balaclava and gloves to protect against radiant • A small pack to carry extra clothing and some
heat food.
• Dust mask to protect against ash and dust • Water bottles to allow water to be carried

You should not wear the following items:

• Shorts and short-sleeved shirt • Clothing which restricts normal movement
• Synthetic clothing (including chainsaw chaps/ • Protective clothing or equipment which may
trousers) restrict vision.

Worker requirements
All staff attending a controlled burnoff should be:
• Physically fit and unaffected by drugs or illness • Adequately clothed
• Fully briefed on the plan for lighting and • Trained in the use of all equipment they are
managing the fire, and what to do in case of using and safety procedures.
break-outs or other emergencies

Controlled burnoff procedures

For information on the tools, techniques, and procedures to be used for controlled burning refer to the Best
Practice Guidelines for Fire Fighting and Controlled Burnoffs.

44 Controled burnoffs
Glossary of terms
Operational hazards (cont . . .)
Asbestos Material used in brakes and clutches on older machines; the powder from this
material can cause health problems if inhaled.

Batter slopes The cut edge of roads and banks above the road where the road is on or around
a hill.

Calibration Measurements made to check accuracy or determine rate of application.

COPS Cabin Operator Protective Structure.

Cutover Area of forest which has been recently harvested.

Cultivation Loosening of soil to improve root development and tree growth.

Culvert Pipe under a road or track to allow water to cross under.

Cut-offs Small earthworks across tracks which divert water off the track.

dB Decibels, a measurement of how loud a noise is.

Duff Layer of decaying needles and small branches on the ground.

End-haul Road-making operation where loose material cut out of the hill to create the road
is trucked away rather than pushed over the edge.

Erosion Movement of soil downhill through natural processes.

Fire break Strip of cleared land kept free of slash and vegetation.

Flume Trough attached to a culvert to carry water away from any loose soil or fill.

FOPS Falling Object Protective Structure.

Grade Measurement of slope as a ratio of distance up and distance forward.

Granular agrichemicals Weed-killing chemicals manufactured as small grains.

Gravity roller Machine for crushing scrub that rolls down a hill under its own weight and is then
winched back up.

Agrichemicals Chemicals used to control vegetation.

Hi-vis High-visibility clothing or helmets, usually a bright fluorescent colour.

Hydro-seeding Applying seed, fertiliser, and sticking agent to slopes in order to speed up grass
colonisation of bare ground.

Iwi Maori tribal groups.

Job prescription Detailed specification for a job, covering what is to be done where and to what

Knapsack sprayer Sprayer used to apply chemicals to individual tree spots.

Land preparation Operations preceding planting used to modify land to enhance tree growth.

Glossary of terms 45
Glossary of terms
Operational hazards
(cont . . .)

Mitigate To remove the effect of, to alleviate.

Monsoon bucket Large bucket for carrying water under a helicopter used to drop large amounts of
water directly on top of a fire.

Motor manual Operations where power tools carried by hand are used (chainsaws).

Mounding Creation of small heaps of soil on which trees are to be planted.

Mulching Breaking slash and vegetation into small chip-like chunks.

OPS Operator Protective Structure prevents objects entering the cab.

Prescription See Job prescription

Prime-mover Machine to which different attachments can be added for cultivation or slash

Releasing Manual or chemical operations to remove competing vegetation from around

young trees.

Remedy To put right or fix after an impact has occurred.

Ripping Pulling a steel tine through the soil to cultivate it.

Ripping-mounding A combination of ripping and mounding to create a mound of loose soil over a rip
line; can be a continuous line or in spots.

ROPS Roll-over Protective Structure.

Running surface The part of a track or road which vehicles travel on.

Ruts Tracks left in the soil by harvesting machinery. The soil is compacted and disturbed.

Sediment Fine soil that ends up in water.

Sediment traps Holes or other structures designed to capture water and allow sediment to settle
out before the run-off reaches a stream.

Slash Layer of logging residue (branches, etc.) left on the cutover after logging.

Slasher Hand tool for cutting grass and scrub.

Soak hole Hole in the ground dug to trap water and allow it to soak into the ground (common
in areas with pumice soils).

Soil compaction Compression of soil can inhibit root growth.

Spot gun Sprayer used to apply chemicals to individual tree spots.

Survival rate Percentage of the planted trees alive at the time of assessment.

Topography The shape of the ground, whether it is steep or flat.

Topsoil The first layer of soil under the needles. It is rich in nutrients and organic matter.

46 Glossary of terms
Glossary of terms
Operational hazards
(cont . . .)

Urupa Maori burial sites.

Visual impacts Whether the operation and its effects can be seen, and how much this changes
the public perception of the forest.

Water table Gutter along the edge of a road to collect water.

Waahi tapu Sites of significance to Maori, including those of sacred and cultural significance.

Windrowing Moving the slash on the cutover into long parallel piles.

Glossary of terms 47
Index of unit standards
The following provides an index to NZQA Unit Standards directly linked to the content of these Best Practice


1221 Demonstrate knowledge of job prescriptions for

forest operations
1232 Demonstrate knowledge of forest planting site
3285 Demonstrate knowledge of personal safety at
vegetation fires
6935 Operate an excavator type tracked machine in a
forestry situation
6936 Operate a tracked machine in a forestry situation
6966 Apply environmental management to mechanised
land preparation operations
17761 Demonstrate knowledge of quality determining
factors in commercial plantation forestry
17772 Demonstrate knowledge of enviromental
requirements in forest operations
19955 Prepare land for forest establishment using gravity
roller crushing
19956 Prepare land for forest establishment using a V-blade
19957 Prepare land for forest establishment using towed
roller and blade crushing
19958 Prepare land for forest establishment using spot
cultivation techniques
19959 Prepare land for forest establishment using root and
line rakes
19960 Prepare land for forest establishment using
cultivations methods
19961 Prepare land for forest establishment using mulching
19962 Prepare steep terrain for forest establishment using
excavator windrowing
19767 Clear vegetation for forest establishment using motor
manual means

48 Index to unit standards


Whaia te huarahi Pursue the path

o te matauranga of learning.

Ka piki ake koe, The higher you climb,

ka whanui atu nga pae. the wider the horizons.

Rapuhia nga pae Seek also the horizons

i roto, I tou nei ngakau. within your self.

E tipu, e awhi, e tu. Grow, embrace, stand tall.

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