Activity No. 6: Tissues, Glands and Membranes
Activity No. 6: Tissues, Glands and Membranes
Activity No. 6: Tissues, Glands and Membranes
RATING: ______________
Tissues are group of cells similar in structure, arranged in characteristic pattern, and specialized for
the performance of specific tasks. The study of tissues in our bodies might be compared with different
materials used to construct a building. Think for a moment of the great variety of materials used to construct
a building. Each of these tissues has different properties, but together they contribute to the building a
The active cells of many glands are epithelial tissue. A gland is a group of cells specialized to
produce a substance that s sent out to the other parts of the body. The substances or secretions are
manufactured from blood constituents.
Glands are divided into two categories: (1) EXOCRINE glands have ducts r tubes to carry the
secretion from the gland to another organ, to the cavity or to the outside. (2) EXOCRINE glands depend on
blood flowing through the gland to carry the secretion to another organ. These secretions are called
hormones that have specific effects on other tissues. Endocrine gland is also called ductless gland.
Membranes are thin sheets of tissue. Their properties vary; some are fragile, others tough; some are
transparent, others opaque. Membranes may cover a surface, may serve as dividing partitions, may line
hallow organs and body cavities, or may anchor various organs. They may contain cells that secrete
lubrications to ease the movement of joints.
After accomplishing this activity, the students will be able to:
1. Name the main groups of tissues and give the location and general characteristics of each.
2. Name the main groups of membranes and give the location and functions of each
3. Describe the different types of epithelial cells.
4. Examine and identify the different tissues found in the human body.
Reference Book: Human Anatomy and Physiology by Elaine N. Marieb and Katja Hoehn
Visual Aids (mannequin, projector, pictures)
Prepared slides of tissues (Adipose Tissue, Hyaline Cartilage, Compact Bone, Loose Areolar
Connective Tissue, Reticular Connective Tissue, Elastic Cartilage, Smooth Muscle Tissue)
A. Instructor
1. Discusses the different groups of tissues and membranes in the human body
2. Focuses the prepared slides.
B. Students
1. The students listen attentively and take down notes of the discussion.
2. Examine, draw and label the different tissues focused under the microscope.