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H E A L T H . S A F E T Y . E N V I R O N M E N T
January 2019 Edition

Promote Occupational HSE at Work Environment

Basic philosophy of Occupational HSE: To protect safety and health of
workers/employees during working through efforts made to control all potential hazards
by complying with the safe standards at workplace. This in turn will contribute to safe
and healthy workplace as well as efficient production. At the end, it will mitigate the
company’s risk of loss and boost the productivity and ultimately it will support the
government’s program to maintain the stability of national economy.

1. Safety First
Creating zero accidents and zero incidents is not impossible. It can be achieved by
introducing the hazards and the actions to control them to workers/employees and ensuring
that the relevant workers/employees have comprehensive understanding of it and make it
as the way they work and even make it internalized within them as their culture.

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Companies not exposed to Occupational HSE related hazards and risks would tend to ignore
HSE because the workers/employees have never experienced accidents or incidents that
they remain healthy after working for decades. Keep in mind; someone will tend to have
better comprehension when he/she experiences it himself/herself.

2. Implementation of Occupational HSE

Occupational HSE can be implemented, among others, by:
- Development and training for the QHSE related employees.
- Top to bottom communication on hazards and risks at workplace so that
workers/employees will always keep it in mind and even remind others when
irregularities and nonconformities are noticed. It can be in the form of morning
briefing prior to working or heading to work location, toolbox meeting, monthly
meeting, etc.
- Occupational HSE promotions or commonly called as safety campaign in visual
through posters, banners, pamphlets, stickers, etc. It can also be an interesting
program, such as competition, quiz, and others that stimulate workers/employees to
have more awareness of Occupational HSE aspects.

Examples of posters / banner of safety campaign:


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Safety campaign media can also be displayed at strategic points such as on
lift doors:

Sources: http://andromeda.id/hse-campaign-kampanye-k3-safety-stiker-lift/

3. Benefits of Working with QHSE

a. For the workers/employees:
1. Understand the hazard and risk of his job.
2. Understand the precautions to avoid accidents.
3. Understand his role and responsibility especially in terms of HSE regulations.
4. Know what to do in an emergency such as fire, earthquake, accident, etc.
5. Able to participate in creating safer workplace.
6. Able to protect his family from diseases that might be infected from workplace.
7. Able to continue to contribute to the economy of his family.

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b. For the Company:
1. Capable of protecting employees and production facilities against occupational
accident or illness.
2. Capable of reducing overhead cost or insurance bill.
3. Comply with HSE Standard Regulations.
4. Get positive image due to the implementation of Occupational HSE from the
employees, employees’ families, community, and the Nation.
5. Possibly obtain various HSE Awards.
6. Able to continue the business and protect the value of shares from the impact of
occupational accident or illness.
7. Possibly obtain contract from companies requiring the implementation of
Occupational HSE.

4. Contributing Factors to the Success of Occupational HSE Implementation

a. Commitment from management to Occupational Safety
b. Safety Regulation and Procedure
c. Communication
d. Contribution from employees to Occupational Safety
e. Employees’ Social Environment
f. Occupational Safety Attitudes
g. Occupational Safety Leadership

5. Tips
 Recognize the potential HSE risks at your workplace because “An ounce of
prevention is worth a pound of cure” (that is is better to try to avoid problems in
the first place, rather than trying to fix them once they arise).
 Be aware that the benefits of Occupational HSE shall ultimately go to
ourselves and remember that you family is awaiting your return safe and intact.
 Be role model for others by practicing safe actions and creating safe conditions
at all times.

Sources :
1. Law No. 1 of 1970 Regarding Occupational Safety
2. Regulation of Manpower Minister of Republic of Indonesia No. 5 of 2018 Regarding HSE at Workplace
3. https://budayak3.wordpress.com/
4. https://katigaku.top/2018/09/25/manfaat-atau-fungsi-k3-keselamatan-dan-kesehatan-kerja/
5. http://andromeda.id/hse-campaign-kampanye-k3-safety-stiker-lift/
6. https://www.safetysign.co.id/news/323/7-Kunci-Sukses-Membangun-Budaya-Keselamatan-di-Perusahaan

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