Homeopathy For Intestinal Parasites and Worms
Homeopathy For Intestinal Parasites and Worms
Homeopathy For Intestinal Parasites and Worms
A worm is a long, thin animal that lives in the soil. They have a soft, long, rounded body and no legs
or backbone. WORMS constitute one of the most common disorders of children and people imagine
that if worms are expelled their children will be cured. Several medicines are given to the children
(taken by adults too) for the removal of these worms from the stomach and bowels. They again grow
and they are again removed by medicines. They are worried over these worms. Worms grow only
when there is suitable condition for them to thrive, otherwise they cannot.
Generally, worms announce their presence inside your
body through symptoms like:
· Anal itching
· Diarrhea
There may be a twisting pain around the navel with bloated & hard abdomen
Hungry soon after a meal/ eating. Gnawing sensation in gut Urine may be deep saffron yellow in
Produces a perfect picture of the wormy child. The patient is cross, irritable, has a sickly pale face
with rings about the eyes, grates the teeth at night and has a tendency to convulsions; there is
canine hunger or variable appetite; the child picks at its nose and cries out in its sleep; there is
jerking of the hands and feet and a milky urine. It does not correspond well to pin-worms and a
noticeable symptom is a bluish colour about the mouth.
Note -. Santonine. [Sant] This is the alkaloid of Cina is also a remedy for round worms. It is not a safe
remedy as Cina and no more efficacious. Convulsions may occur when used in too low potencies.
This problem also results because of excess sugar, milk and over acidity in the blood
complicated by the internal parasites.
Physical symptoms include the persistent sour belching, the production of abundant stools,
and heavy sweats and persistent perspiration.
This remedy is also for use with internal parasites in babies who are still being bottle fed at
the time of infection.
Physical symptoms can also include the production of excessive gas and a persistent colic
state in infants.
The patients will crave and desire fried food-especially eggs, he or she will also love a lot of
tangy foods and spices.
The saliva is yellow, and there is a creamy coating in the mouth and the tongue, this is
accompanied by discharges in the eyes.
The person is apathetic and seems indifferent to everything happening around him or her.
The condition of the person may worsen if he or she eats bread and butter.
Physical symptoms in the patients include anal itching which is very persistent; this
sensation often alternates with a persistent itching in the nose or in the ears at the same
Physical symptoms also include compulsive muscular twitching, the sudden appearance of
convulsions and constant trembling in the body.
Other conditions that can be triggered are similar to hay fever, sudden bouts of sneezing.
Conditions such as nausea, vomiting, and colic are also often seen.
The physical symptoms during the condition are an itching anal region and the presence of
a persistent bad breath at all times of the day and night.
The patient may also complain of a persistent pain around the navel area.
Physical symptoms also include neuralgia in the face, in the eyes, and a great sensitivity to
being touched by others.
Other symptoms often observed are the presence of a persistent headache from sunrise to
sunset and this is repeated daily.
Psychological symptoms also begin to manifest themselves, and the patients may be very
fearful of the future and anxious about things.
The patient is also often affected by stuttering even though he or she may not normally
The condition of the patient often worsens in cold and damp environments.
Physical symptoms include the persistent muscle spasms which occur over the course of
the day and in the night.
There is as lot of twitching during sleep, and the patient may often wake up in fright at
Physical symptoms also include physical fatigue, other disorders such as epilepsy, which
suddenly arrives when the person is sleeping or while he is walking normally.
Other symptoms also include the presence of sudden bouts of diarrhea accompanied by
abdominal pain; this situation may only be relieved by passing some stool.
Psychological symptoms include irritability, and a great sensitivity to noises and loud
The person may make many contorted gestures in the face at nighttime, and he or she may
suffer from tics.
4) Caladium
Useful when worms travel over the perineum and get into the vagina in little girls, with
tendency to excite masturbation.
Physical symptoms also include crawling and itching sensations in the rectum and the nose,
the condition of the patients worsens from the warmth in bed.
For ascarides or pin-worms; there is much irritation caused by them in the rectum.
Tincture or lower dilutions, rarely fails in this condition. Another remedy for pin-worms is
Sinapis nigra.
Footnote - Dr. Hahnemann writes in Materia Medica Pura, vol. I, under Cina, '......this much is true,
that when they are present in large numbers, the cause of this is always some morbid condition of
the body, namely, the evolution of psora, and unless this be cured, though large numbers of lumbrici
may be expelled by Cina, they are soon reproduced. Hence by such forcible expulsion of worms not
only is nothing gained, but such improper treatment if persisted in often ends in the death of tortured
Dr. Hering writes in Homoeopathic Domestic Physician, (pp. 292-4), '... drugs that expel worms affect
the abdomen in such a manner that the consequences appear many years after. First, it is to be
considered that almost all children have worms, sometimes before they are born, and that it is
frequently a sign of a dangerous disease when these worms pass off spontaneously; secondly, that
what these worms subsist upon in the body is more hurtful than the worms themselves. Almost all
the symptoms attributed to worms may arise from some general disease in the system, which has a
tendency to increase them, especially if aided by an unwise mode of living.' Read Jahr's Forty Years'
Practice (pp. 140-41 and 338-40).