Nashik: Maharashtra University of Health Sciences
Nashik: Maharashtra University of Health Sciences
Nashik: Maharashtra University of Health Sciences
B.A.M.S Doctors play an important role to provide medical servises in rural areas of Maharashtra.
To increase knowledge, skills & confidence of registered B.A.M.S doctors and to give quality health
services to the society, we have designed 1 year fellowship course in Striroga-Prasutitantra with allied
Obestretics & Gynaecology for B.A.M.S doctors.
With the permission of Govt. of Maharashtra , BVSS run such type of course since 2005 and now
we are pleased to run these course with MUHS.
Aims & Objects:
To increase knowledge, skills and confidance of B.A.M.S graduate students Striroga-
Prasutitantra with Obestratics & Gynaecology.
To serve adequate medical services in rural areas and poor community of India.
To carry out National Health Programs of Govt. of India.
About BVSS:
Registerd Institute.
Recognised by Govt.of Maharashtra having more than 10 yrs. experience of running P.G
Availability 5000 sq. Administration office space.
Availability 25000 sq. Academic Building space.
More than 250 Hospitals empanelled with more than 8000 beds.
More than 250 medical teachers available, through empanelled hospital all over the
Well developed library.
Availability of computer lab & LCD Projector.
BVSS has annual turnover of more than Rs.1 Cr.
BVSS is sister concern of BVG India Ltd. which operating EMS ‘108’ servises in
Duration: One year.
Intake Capacity:
As per GR of Govt of Maharashtra.
As per attachedempannelled hospitals structure.
Student Ratio – 15 beds per students.
Continuation of Approval Fees: Continuation of Approval fee decided by the University from
time to time
Fees Structure: Tuition Fee, Registration fee, Library fee, Laboratory fee - As per University rules.
Hostel, Mess and caution Moneys fees - As per College rules
Theory 200 marks
Practical 200 marks
Internal assessment 100 marks
Number of Theory Classes – At least 120 hours during the course period.
Number of Practical / Clinics - At least 1200 hours during the course period.
1- L_kh'kkjhjoSf'k"Be@
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27- oa/;kdj.kka bR;knh 'k:_kk.kka
28. General Introduction,
29. Social and Ethical Issues in Medicine,
30. Malformations of Physiology of Pregnancy
31. Pregnancy Planning
32. Ante partum Care:
33. Normal Labor & Delivery
34. Abnormal Labor
35. Common complications of Pregnancy
36. Pelvic organ Prolapse
37. Malignant tumors of Ovary or Diseases of Ovary .
38. Cervix & Ovary
39. Operative Obstetrics
40. Reproductive success & Failure
41. Fetal Abnormalities (Inherited & Acquired Diseases)
42. Techniques Used To Assess Fetal Health
43. Medical & Surgical Complications of Pregnancy
44. Family Planning
Reference Books:
Sushruta Samhita
Charak Samhita
Kashap Samhita
Ashtang hridaya
Bhaishajya ratnawali
Bhavprakash Nighantu
Parsutitantra – Tiwari
Parsuti Chikitsa Vigyan-Katare
Strirog Vaikariki Evm Vyavaharik Chikitsa Vigyan-Chokhamba
Gynecological Endoscopy & Infertility, 2005 – Allahabadia
Recent advances in Obst. & Gyn. Vol. 7, 2005 – Dasgupta
Gynaecology Drug Handbook – Debdas
Obstetrics Drug Handbook – Debdas
Step by Step Obstetrics Emergencies, 2005 – Malhotra
Step by Step Gyne. Emergencies, 2005 – Malhotra
Practical Gynaecological Endocrinology, 2003 –Pandya
Adolescent Girl An Updaed, 2004 – Kotdawala
Contemporary Perspectives on Assisted Reproductive Technology -Allahabadia
Practical Examination........ 200 Marks.
2. Compilation......... 20 marks.
5. Instruments...... 40 marks.
6. Viva.............. 60 marks.
Total - 200 Marks