Introduction ................................................................................................................... 5
Rare Earth Elements – Small Pilot, High Purity, REE Separation Systems................................. 8
Products from Coal and Coal Byproducts in the U.S. Using Advanced Separation Processes ........... 8
Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from Coal Mining Waste Materials............................................ 9
Rare Earth Elements – Novel REE Separation & Advanced Sensor Development ................... 14
Evaluation of Novel Strategies and Processes for Separation of REE from Coal-Related
Materials................................................................................................................................. 14
Evaluation of Laser-Based Analysis of REE in Coal-Related Materials ........................................... 15
New Sensing Mechanisms for REE Detection in Coal and Coal Byproducts .................................. 16
Application of Biosorption of REE Recovery from Coal By-Products............................................. 17
Recovery of High Purity Rare Earth Elements (REEs) from Coal Ash via a Novel
Electrowinning Process ............................................................................................................ 25
At-Source Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from Coal Mine Drainage ........................................ 26
Rare Earth Elements – Field Sampling, Process Economics & Embedded REE Demand ........... 27
Sampling, Characterization and Round Robin Analyses of Domestic U.S. Coal Based
Resources Containing High Rare Earth Element (REE) Concentrations......................................... 27
Rare Earth Elements (REE) from Coal and Coal By-Products - Techno-Economic &
Embedded Demand Analysis .................................................................................................... 28
Abbreviations .............................................................................................................. 32
Notes........................................................................................................................... 33
Contacts....................................................................................................................... 36
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy conducts programs to ensure the availability of
ultraclean (near-zero emissions), abundant, low-cost domestic energy from coal. These efforts are designed to
fuel economic prosperity, strengthen energy independence, and enhance environmental quality. As the Office of
Fossil Energy’s research laboratory, the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) is engaged in research,
development, and demonstration (RD&D) activities to create technology and technology-based policy options for
public benefit.
As part of its RD&D technology portfolio, NETL has initiated the Rare Earth Elements from Coal and Coal By-
Products RD&D Program, which focuses on developing rare earth element (REE) separation and recovery
technologies, addressing the current global REE separations market and process economics, and demonstrating
environmentally benign REE separation processing capabilities. The quantities of REEs in our nation’s vast coal
resources offer the potential to reduce U.S. dependence on foreign sources for these critical materials, and to
create new industries.
The overall objectives of NETL’s REE program are to demonstrate the techno-economic feasibility and
performance of existing commercial or newly developed REE separation technologies. These technologies are
focused on separating and recovering REEs from coal and coal by-products containing a minimum of 300 ppm
total REEs, and concentrating the REEs to levels greater than or equal to 2 percent by weight, tentatively producing
90 to 99.99 percent high-purity, salable, individual rare earth metal oxides. These objectives will be accomplished
through laboratory REE separation projects and demonstration of concept feasibility at bench- scale through pilot-
scale facilities and integrated processing systems. Ultimately, these efforts will ready REE separations technology
for commercial deployment. Key success factors for this program include co-production of materials and critical
elements, successful demonstration of environmentally benign processing, and competitive economics.
processes as well as potentially new and advanced transformational separation processes. A preliminary high-
level REE jobs analysis is being developed that includes an estimation of the economic impacts of constructing and
operating a REE separations and processing facility (or facilities) in the United States.
Portable sensors for identifying promising coal-based REE resources in the field, as well as devices for determining
REE concentrations in process separation flow streams, are being developed and evaluated. These technologies
are tentatively scheduled to be field-tested at bench-scale separations test facilities and validated to commercial-
ready status during use in pilot-scale demonstration projects. While significant progress has been made in
identifying field site locations and assessing the composition of potential REE-containing coal and coal by-product
materials, continued effort is essential to identify the best source of materials to support future commercial REE
production. Chemical and physical characterization efforts addressing REE elemental concentrations and phase
compositions in the coal and coal by-product resources are essential for developing viable REE separation
2. Separation Technologies include utilization or modification of current commercial physical separation systems
(i.e., beneficiation via size, density, froth flotation, magnetic, ultrasound), hydrometallurgy and solvent
extraction/digestion processes, and pyrometallurgy techniques
(e.g., electro-slag refining, acid roasting) to separate and
concentrate REEs from coal-based resources such as coal, coal
refuse, clay/sandstone over/under-burden materials, aqueous
effluents, acid mine drainage sludge, and power generation ash.
Advanced or new transformational REE separation concepts such
as physical, chemical, electrical, and thermal extraction, acid/base
leaching, and ion exchange; reactive grinding; photochemical,
ultrasonic-assisted, microwave-aided, photophoretic, plasma, and
supercritical CO2 separation; and advanced sorbents and
membrane systems are being considered to further enhance REE
3. Process Systems development, demonstration, and commercialization include validating the performance of
bench- and pilot-scale technologies as well as determining the economic feasibility of separating REEs from coal
and coal-related resources containing a minimum of 300 ppm REEs and concentrating them to an initial pre-
concentrate matrix of greater than or equal to 2 percent by weight, with further integration of additional
extraction systems that could help generate high-purity, salable rare earth compounds (such as oxides and/or
metals, carbonates, etc.).
Ultimately, domestic generation of high-purity REEs may lead to the manufacture of REE-containing products in
the United States, thus enhancing our national security and stimulating economic growth. Domestic production
of REEs will provide secure access for industries involved in defense and national security, energy, medicine,
communications, consumer electronics, and others. In addition, an available domestic supply of REEs may lead to
commercialization of new and advanced materials and equipment.
REE Program Structure: Core Technology Areas
Rare Earth Elements – Small Pilot, High Purity, REE
Separation Systems
Products from Coal and Coal Byproducts in the U.S. Using
Advanced Separation Processes
Technology Partner: Marshall Miller & Associates, Inc.
Award Number: FE0029956
Project Duration: 09/01/2017 – 05/31/2019
Total Project Value: $1,250,000
Key Technology Area: Process Systems
Project Partners: Cumberland Mine Services, Kentucky River Properties, Minerals Refining Company, Outotec
USA, University of Kentucky, and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
This Phase 1 project will identify and characterize coal- will be used to design a pilot facility and optimize REE
related materials and design and perform a techno- recovery and process costs. Overall, this feasibility
economic analysis for a commercially viable technology study will provide critical insight into the economic
to produce salable quantities and purities of rare earth parameters and commercial viability of the integrated
elements (REEs) from coal-based feedstocks. The process system. In addition to the REE products, the
facility, which will be physically located in Appalachia, facility will also co-produce a salable ultraclean coal by-
will utilize interchangeable modules that can be easily product that can help to offset the cost of the facility
reconfigured to accommodate changing feedstocks and and enhance long-term economic viability. If successful,
technology upgrades. The process includes both this Phase 1 project may continue into the next stage of
physical and chemical extraction processes and is development, which will include installation, field-
expected to produce at least 10 pounds per day of rare testing, and evaluation of the REE recovery technology.
earth oxides at purities of 90-99 percent. As part of the Successful completion of this project is expected to
feasibility analysis, laboratory testing will be provide a first-generation production facility for
performed, including crushing/grinding, magnetic recovering rare earth products from coal and coal by-
concentration, flotation release analysis, selective product streams in a manner that is cost-effective and
agglomeration, leachability/ion exchangeability, environmentally acceptable. This outcome will provide
solvent extraction, mechanical dewatering, and solids a secure domestic feedstock supply of REEs and
thickening. Data obtained from the laboratory testing maintain or create additional coal-related jobs.
This Phase 1 project will identify and characterize coal- using CIX/CIC techniques. The project will also
related materials, and design and perform a techno- determine the economic viability of mining and
economic analysis for a self-contained, modular, and processing REEs associated with Appalachian coal
portable continuous ion exchange/continuous ion deposits. If successful, this Phase 1 project may continue
chromatography (CIX/CIC) pilot plant capable of into the next stage of development, which includes
processing and purifying rare earth elements (REEs). installation, field-testing, and evaluation of the REE
The process will combine chemical processing with recovery technology. The expected outcomes of the
physical beneficiation processes for providing a project are (1) the production of REEs that are salable at
concentrated REEs leach liquor stream derived from an output of 10 pounds per day from coal by-products,
clay-rich, co-produced coal materials such as those (2) the development of a technology that is versatile and
associated with overburden, and clay layers under or modular, (3) the preservation of mining jobs, and (4) a
within a coal seam. After concentration, the REEs will be pathway to economic feasibility.
separated and purified into their individual elements
Rare Earth Elements – Conventional REE Separation
Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from Coal Mine Drainage
Technology Partner: West Virginia University Research Corporation
Award Number: FE0026927
Project Duration: 03/01/2016 – 06/30/2019
Total Project Value: $4,339,414
Key Technology Area: Process Systems
Project Partners: Rockwell Automation; Tetra Tech, Inc.; and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
In this Phase 2 project, West Virginia University and its with a refining facility projected to generate positive
partners will develop a cost-effective and cash flow within five years. Also, in Phase 1, AMD
environmentally benign process to recover rare earth treatment residues were identified as a domestic
elements (REEs) from solid residues (sludge) generated source of REE feedstock. In addition, an economically
during treatment of acid coal mine drainage (AMD). attractive extraction and refining process was identified
This project will take advantage of autogenous with the potential to generate significant income for
processes that occur in coal mines and associated operators of AMD treatment sites and relieve the U.S.
tailings which liberate, then concentrate, REEs. Also, manufacturing industry’s reliance on foreign REE
during Phase 2, a continuously operating bench-scale supplies. Estimates based on the volume of AMD
unit is being constructed and operated, yielding 3 grams generated in Pennsylvania and West Virginia suggest
per hour of REE concentrate. Phase 1 findings showed that their AMD sludges represent approximately 610 to
elevated concentrations of REEs, particularly in low-pH 2,700 tons of REEs per year—roughly sufficient to
AMD, and nearly all precipitating with more plentiful supply the 800 tons that the U.S. defense industry
transition metals in the AMD sludge. REE extraction needs each year. In addition, a survey of 154 AMD
using hydrometallurgical methods produced a treatment facilities found 225 tons of sludge (dry
concentrate with 4.6 percent total REE content. A weight basis) in surface storage, with an inherent REE
techno-economic analysis also found that REE value of $122 million.
extraction from AMD sludge is economically attractive
AMD treatment and sludge storage. TREE: total rare earth elements. Ss:
sludge solids. Major ions: Ca, SO4, Si, Fe, Mg, Mn.
Investigation of Rare Earth Element Extraction from North
Dakota Coal-Related Feedstocks
Technology Partner: University of North Dakota
Award Number: FE0027006
Project Duration: 03/01/2016 – 12/31/2019
Total Project Value: $4,464,347
Key Technology Area: Process Systems
Project Partners: Barr Engineering, Great Northern Properties, Great River Energy, Lignite Research Program of the
North Dakota Industrial Commission, Microbeam Technologies, Minnkota Power Cooperative, MLJ Consulting,
North American Coal Corporation, North Dakota University System, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,
University of North Dakota
In Phase 1 of this project, the University of North Dakota American Coal Corporation, Great River Energy,
(UND) project team identified locations in North Dakota Minnkota Power Cooperative, Great Northern
with coal-related feed stocks having exceptionally high Properties, the University of North Dakota, and the
rare earth elements (REE) content and developed a North Dakota University System are cost-sharing this
simple, highly effective, and low-cost method to project. The recovery of REEs from lignite and related
concentrate the REEs in the lignite feed stocks using a materials could lead to a significant new industry for
novel technology that takes advantage of the unique maintaining existing and creating new jobs, and create
properties of lignite. In laboratory experiments, UND new opportunities for marketable use of North Dakota
achieved greater than two percent concentration of lignite coal. Multiple high-value by-products that will
rare earths in the mixed rare earth concentrate while further enhance the lignite industry will also result from
recovering up to 35 percent of the rare earths from the the process. The potential to significantly or completely
incoming feedstock. In Phase 2, the University is offset current imported REE and REE products by
partnering with Microbeam Technologies, Barr providing a reliable domestic resource and novel low-
Engineering, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, cost technology focused on its development also exists.
and MLJ Consulting to investigate the feasibility of The ultimate significance of this research is
recovering REEs from North Dakota lignite and lignite- development of a high-performance, environmentally
related feedstocks. The team will scale up the benign, and economically viable technology for REE
technology and demonstrate it at a scale of 10-20 production from an alternative resource that will
kilograms per hour feedstock throughput and evaluate reduce dependence on foreign supplies and strengthen
the economics for a commercial-scale, rare-earths- the economic and national security of the United
concentrating facility in North Dakota. The project also States. This project will enable transition to pilot scale,
includes development of a commercialization plan and a foundation for subsequent larger demonstrations and
market assessment. The Lignite Research Program of eventual commercial deployment.
the North Dakota Industrial Commission, North
In this Phase 2 project, the team of Physical Sciences, seven years. Development and demonstration of
Inc. (PSI), University of Kentucky/Center for Applied modular, transportable pilot-scale physical and
Energy Research, and Winner Water Services will chemical plants for REYSc recovery from coal ash,
develop and demonstrate a pilot scale plant to including enhancement and validation of a techno-
economically produce salable rare earth element (REE)- economic model of pilot plant operations data, will
rich concentrates including yttrium and scandium enable the design of a commercial-scale (approximately
(REYSc) and commercially viable co-products from coal hundreds of tpd) REYSc plant. Demonstration of PSI’s
ash feedstock using environmentally safe and high-yield technology to recover REYSc from coal ash will enable
physical and chemical enrichment/recovery processes. utilization of coal mining/coal combustion waste
The pilot plant will operate at the scale of product in environmentally benign ways to produce
approximately 0.4-1 tons per day (tpd) ash throughput REEs of strategic importance for the United States while
for physical processing and about 0.5 tpd for chemical generating jobs and economic growth in economically-
processing, producing at least 50 grams (g) of dry REYSc depressed regions of this country.
nitrates concentrate containing more than 10 percent
by weight of REYSc, and targeting 500 g of dry REYSc
nitrates concentrate containing more than 20 percent
REYSc by weight. The ash feedstock will come from Dale
power plant in Ford, Kentucky, with at least 300 parts
per million (ppm) of REYSc content, though more than
500 ppm is anticipated. The data obtained from the
pilot plant operations will be used to enhance and
validate the techno-economic analysis that was
completed for both the physical and chemical
processing plants at a scale of 600 tpd in Phase 1, and
use it to design a commercial scale plant (hundreds of
tpd throughput) with return on investment less than
Micropilot plant.
Pilot-Scale Testing of An Integrated Circuit for the Extraction of
Rare Earth Minerals and Elements from Coal and Coal By-
products Using Advanced Separation Technologies
Technology Partner: University of Kentucky
Award Number: FE0027035
Project Duration: 03/01/2016 – 03/31/2020
Total Project Value: $8,820,009
Key Technology Area: Process Systems
Project Partners: Alliance Resources, Blackhawk Mining, Minerals Refining Company, Mineral Separation
Technologies, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, and West Virginia University
In Phase 1 of this project, the University of Kentucky pilot-scale plant for the extraction of REEs from Central
(UK) identified two bituminous coal-related feedstocks Appalachian and Illinois Basin bituminous coal
qualified as having ample supply with high rare earth preparation plant refuse materials. The system
element (REE) content (above 300 parts per million) and integrates both physical and chemical (ion exchange
developed a preliminary design for a mobile pilot plant and solvent extraction) separation processes that are
to recover REEs from those feedstocks. In laboratory commercially available and environmentally
experiments, UK achieved greater than 80 percent acceptable. The innovative enabling technology utilized
concentration of rare earths in the mixed rare earth in the system includes an advanced froth flotation
concentrate while recovering greater than 75 percent process and a novel hydrophobic-hydrophilic
of the rare earths from the incoming feedstock. In separation process. The project is expected to develop
Phase 2, the University is testing a one-fourth ton/hour critical technology, conditions and data necessary to
design, construct and operate a state-of-the-art
processing facility for the production of REEs from
various coal and coal by-product streams.
Rare Earth Elements – Novel REE Separation & Advanced
Sensor Development
Evaluation of Novel Strategies and Processes for Separation of
REE from Coal-Related Materials
Technology Partner: Los Alamos National Laboratory
Award Number: FWP-FE-810-17-FY17
Project Duration: 08/01/2017 – 09/30/2020
Total Project Value: $1,000,000
Key Technology Area: Separation Technologies
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) has a long related to energy intensity, selectivity, and process
history in the chemistry and separation of f elements complexity in the context of application to separation
(i.e., the lanthanide and actinide groups), as needed to of lanthanides from coal-related materials. The second
support its core national-security mission. This history task will evaluate the potential of developing new
has resulted in unique experience in both process processing and separation schemes based on emerging
innovation and process implementation at a range of technologies. The initial phase of the project will screen
scales. LANL will use this unique expertise in separation the following processing approaches: (1) processing
of f elements to evaluate new innovative processes in under hydrothermal conditions; an effort that builds on
rare earth element (REE) separation from coal and coal previous work that suggests that a better control of
by-products. This effort comprises two complementary lanthanides speciation at elevated temperature can be
tasks. The first task will evaluate current and enhanced exploited to perform efficient REEs separation, (2) REE-
actinide/lanthanide separation processes relative to selective extraction using supercritical carbon dioxide
identifying potential processes and strategies for REE (CO2) and soluble ligands; an effort that builds on initial
separation from coal and coal by-products. This first proof-of-concept studies on supercritical CO2 that show
task will evaluate existing actinides/ lanthanides great promise for simple and effective separation of
separation approaches developed for nuclear materials REE from oxide materials, and (3) separation of REEs
and their potential application for REEs extraction; using ionic liquids and other solvent-based systems, an
included in this will be a consideration of techno- effort that builds on current efforts at LANL to develop
economic evaluation of these processes and challenges actinide/lanthanide separation schemes in ionic liquids.
The primary objectives of this effort are to (1) develop analysis of REEs in coal-related materials. LANL has
and test analytical protocols for analyzing the made recent institutional investments (through
concentration and mineralogy of rare earth elements laboratory directed research and development) to
(REEs) in coal-related materials using laser-induced develop a combined LIBS plus Raman system that can
breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and Raman determine both chemistry (LIBS) and physical form
spectroscopy; (2) develop a field-portable system for (Raman). Researchers will use this new system to
LIBS and Raman analysis of REE in coal-related material; explore simultaneous chemical and mineralogical
and (3) analyze the concentration and mineralogy of analysis of REEs in coal-related materials. In task 2, the
REE in a variety of coal-related materials principally team will develop analytical methods specific to the
from New Mexico coal deposits. The project is divided quantification of REE in various coal-related materials,
into two tasks. In task 1, the team will construct a field- thereby developing a broader database on REE
portable prototype unit for LIBS/Raman analysis of REEs concentrations and physical forms in a variety of coal-
in coal-related materials; field test and demonstrate the related materials. This step is necessary in the
unit at New Mexico field sites; and revise analytical development of protocols for quantitative analysis of
protocols as applicable. Researchers will take REE using LIBS. Interpretation of the data requires
advantage of the extensive experience of Los Alamos determining calibration curves for REEs in specific
National Laboratory (LANL) in developing LIBS for matrices, because the efficiency of plasma generation
quantitative analysis of elements in various matrices (a first step in LIBS analysis) can be impacted both by
and will use this expertise to develop protocols for physical form and overall chemistry.
New Sensing Mechanisms for REE Detection in Coal and Coal
Technology Partner: Idaho National Laboratory
Award Number: FWP-INEL-B000-17-015
Project Duration: 08/31/2017 – 09/30/2020
Total Project Value: $1,000,000
Key Technology Area: Enabling Technologies
Project Partners: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Rutgers–The State University of New Jersey; and
University of California, Davis
The objective of this project is to evaluate novel the sample is enriched with REEs and is worthy of
complexation chemistries for the development of further examination. Specifically, Idaho National
innovative sensing technologies for rare earth elements Laboratory will evaluate whether the chemistry of LBTs
(REEs). Complexation of lanthanides by peptides, or other novel chromophore ligands can serve as the
coupled with the unique spectroscopic properties of foundation for tools enabling rapid screening of REE-
lanthanides, is the underpinning for luminescent containing materials in the field. This work is at the
applications of lanthanide binding tags (LBTs), originally discovery scale, but if successful, it could lead to the
invented as biochemical tools for the study of proteins. development of field-deployable sensors or field test
A peptide sequence specifically designed to bind kits for detection of REEs in coal or coal by-products.
lanthanides includes amino acids which have Such sensors could be useful for myriad purposes
chromophore side-chains (tyrosine or tryptophan), and beyond REE detection in coal, such as monitoring of REE
upon lanthanide binding the complex exhibits unique content in process streams, detection of upsets during
luminescence properties, enabling detection and industrial processing, and rapid testing and validation of
visualization. In coal and coal by-products, although new extraction or separations techniques. In addition,
specific lanthanide enrichments may vary by the modeling and laboratory studies of the REE-ligand
provenance, generally the whole lanthanide series is associations will contribute to fundamental
present. A positive signal generated upon exposure of a understanding of the complexation behavior of
sample to the specialized REE ligand would imply that lanthanides.
Luminescence is enhanced when a lanthanide binds to a ligand that has an attached antenna chromophore.
Application of Biosorption of REE Recovery from Coal By-
Technology Partner: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Award Number: FWP-LLNL-18-FEW0239
Project Duration: 03/01/2018 – 02/28/2021
Total Project Value: $950,000
Key Technology Area: Separation Technologies
Project Partners: Duke University and University of Arizona
The objective of this research is to determine whether bioreactor will be down-selected based on several
biosorption can be used as an inexpensive and cost- evaluation criteria, including (1) biofilm density
effective means for rare earth element (REE) recovery (number of cells per unit area), (2) biofilm forming
from leachate of pre-combustion and post-combustion efficiency (proportion of cells that attach to the surface
coal by-products. This project will develop a biofilm- in a cell population), (3) biofilm stability, (4) REE-binding
based continuous flow-through system in an airlift ligand density (number of REE-binding ligands
bioreactor. This effort will also improve the biofilm incorporated per cell), and (5) REE adsorption capacity
stability of E. coli using a bioengineering approach to per unit area of the biofilm. At conclusion, the project is
incorporate surface binding tags. These surface binding expected to deliver a bench-scale demonstration of an
peptides are known to improve adhesion and increase airlift bioreactor for REE recovery and demonstrate its
biofilm stability under high shear force. The Caulobacter technical feasibility with preliminary economic viability
biofilm formation activity was previously completed. A analysis and a plan for commercialization.
single bacterial platform for the application of airlift
Airlift bioreactor design and process flow diagram. The proposed system consists of a two-stage semicontinuous process
including (1) a closed mechanically agitated bioreactor (MAB) used to grow the microbes, (2) an open cylindrical container as a
packed column for biofilm formation on carrier disks, (3) an airlift bioreactor (ALB) for adsorption of REE onto biofilm carrier
disks, and (4) an open-packed elution column (EC) with (5) circulating citrate from a citrate tank for REE desorption and recovery.
Rare Earth Elements – Transformational REE Separation
Low Temperature Plasma Treatment for Enhanced Recovery of
Highly Valued Critical REEs from Coal
Technology Partner: University of Kentucky
Award Number: FE0031525
Project Duration: 11/16/2017 – 05/15/2019
Total Project Value: $404,969
Key Technology Area: Separation Technologies
Project Partners: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
The principal objective of this project is to develop a respect to feedstock characteristics, such as the
novel process using low-temperature plasma treatment exposed surface area, pore size, microstructure, degree
integrated with hydrometallurgical processes to of oxidation, etc. After optimizing the process, plasma
recover rare earth elements (REEs), especially highly treatment will be integrated with leaching, solvent
valued REEs (e.g., scandium and critical REEs), from coal extraction, and precipitation processes to produce REE
and coal by-products. The project will initially evaluate concentrates at improved recovery levels and grades
the mineralogy, leachability, and effect of plasma higher than 10 percent total REEs on a dry, whole mass
pretreatment for the various segments of selected basis. A techno-economic feasibility analysis will be
feedstocks containing greater than 300 parts per million conducted of plasma treatment integrated into an
of total REEs on a dry, whole mass basis. A laboratory overall REE recovery system. The project, conducted at
low-temperature oxygen plasma unit with the ability to laboratory scale, has the benefit of providing key
control test conditions will be used to optimize the information needed to overcome challenges in larger-
operating parameters of the plasma treatment process scale operations and further maturation of the method.
(e.g., power, temperature, treatment time, etc.) with
Flowsheet to produce greater than 2 percent REE concentrate with assist of low temperature plasma treatment technique.
Development of a Cost-Effective Extraction Process for the
Recovery of Heavy and Critical REEs from the Clays and Shales
Associated with Coal
Technology Partner: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Award Number: FE0031523
Project Duration: 11/16/2017 – 05/15/2019
Total Project Value: $500,000
Key Technology Area: Separation Technologies
The project will investigate ion-exchange leaching and experimental efforts will be supported by ongoing
concentration technologies that can extract and enrich thermodynamic assessments, which will provide a
rare earth elements (REEs) derived from coal resources, fundamental basis for selection and dosing
specifically clay and shale. Work performed under this requirements of lixiviant (liquid used for leaching a
project will include field sample collection, metal from its ore or mineral). During the final tasks, the
thermodynamic assessments, routine laboratory results from the experimental program will be used to
testing, and engineering analyses. Initial efforts will generate a preliminary system design, and
focus on identifying, collecting, and characterizing at cost/revenue modeling will be used to perform a
least three distinct feedstock samples that approach or rigorous techno-economic assessment. The result will
exceed 300 parts per million total REE on a whole be a low-cost, environmentally benign process that can
sample basis. Next, experimental efforts will focus on be readily implemented at many of the U.S. domestic
two distinct process operations, including (1) ion- coal production facilities. Successful development of
exchange leaching and (2) ion/precipitate flotation. A the technology may provide a pathway to commercial
limited number of solvent extraction tests will be extraction of the ion-adsorbed REE reserve in U.S. coals.
performed for comparative purposes only. These
Low Cost REE Recovery from Acid Mine Drainage Sludge
Technology Partner: Research Triangle Institute
Award Number: FE0031483
Project Duration: 11/20/2017 – 05/19/2019
Total Project Value: $500,000
Key Technology Area: Separation Technologies
Project Partners: Cerahelix and Veolia Water Technologies
This project will develop a membrane-based, bench- monovalent/multivalent separation, affinity media
scale system to extract strategic minerals such as rare chemistry, and solvent recovery of REE. From these
earth elements (REEs) and other critical minerals from experiments, separation conditions that can be
acid mine drainage (AMD) sludge generated as part of reasonably transitioned to flow-through systems and
coal mining activities. The effort will use a staged, larger prototype scales for further techno-economic
membrane-based treatment approach to separate, analysis will be selected so that the economic
concentrate, and ultimately recover REEs from AMD. performance of a continuously-fed AMD fluid process
Initial work will take water samples from a potential for REE recovery can be evaluated. The process has the
AMD site (or sites) and characterize them for REE potential to expand the United States’ sources of
concentration, dissolved metals concentration, and key strategic elements by exploiting a domestic resource
water-quality characteristics. Each individual process such as AMD sludge, thereby reducing U.S. dependence
component will be tested with water samples to on foreign countries for these critical elements. The
optimize performance. The work will initially include process would enable energy-efficient, cost-effective
proof-of-concept experiments at the bench scale with recovery of REEs to two percent by weight REE pre-
the aim of varying process parameters such as water concentrate. The steps comprising the process are
chemistry, nanofiltration membrane performance in inherently low-cost approaches.
Economic Extraction and Recovery of REEs and Production of
Clean Value-Added Products from Low-Rank Coal Fly Ash
Technology Partner: University of North Dakota
Award Number: FE0031490
Project Duration: 11/16/2017 – 05/15/2019
Total Project Value: $508,812
Key Technology Area: Separation Technologies
Project Partners: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
The project’s objective is to develop an economically downselected for laboratory-scale REE extraction and
viable and tailorable rare-earth element (REE) concentration testing. The laboratory-scale testing will
extraction and concentration method for low-rank coal involve evaluation of ash pretreatment methods, dilute
fly ash and bottom ash that will produce a concentrate acid leaching, and solvent extraction testing, which will
containing greater than or equal to two percent by be followed by REE concentration testing at
weight total REE. The project will focus on low-rank downselected conditions and materials. The project will
(lignite and subbituminous) coal combustion/ also evaluate a novel method of value-added
gasification ashes. Ash samples will be collected from beneficiation of the clean fly ash. Finally, based on the
industry partner facilities as well as from the existing experimental testing, a preliminary technical and
sample database for North Dakota lignites at the economic analysis will be completed to estimate capital
University of North Dakota. The characterization to be and operating expenses and product revenues. The
performed will fully elucidate the abundance, form, and project benefits are the development of a high-
association of the REEs, both in the feed coals that performance, environmentally benign, and
produced the ash, and in the ashes. Additionally, the economically viable technology for REE production
chemical composition, mineralogy, and morphology of from an alternative resource that will limit dependence
the ash will be determined. Based on the on foreign supplies and strengthen the economic and
characterization results, two ash samples will be national security of the United States.
Classification of coal fly ash (black diamonds) REE distribution in comparison with selected conventional REE deposits.
Seredin, V.V.; Dai, S. Coal Deposits as Potential Alternative Sources for Lanthanides and Yttrium. International Journal
of Coal Geology 2012, 94, 67-93.
Concentrating Rare Earth Elements in Acid Mine Drainage Using
Coal Combustion By-Products Through Abandoned Mine Land
Technology Partner: Ohio State University
Award Number: FE0031566
Project Duration: 12/01/2017 – 04/30/2019
Total Project Value: $528,700
Key Technology Area: Separation Technologies
The project team will develop an integrated process selected sources. The associated water quality changes
that first uses stabilized flue gas desulfurization will be monitored. Advanced analytical techniques,
material (sFGD) to recover rare earth elements (REEs) including synchrotron-based X-ray methods, will be
from acid mine drainage (AMD) and a sequential used to identify the mineral forms of retained REEs. In
extraction procedure to produce a rare earth feedstock the third phase, a highly selective sequential extraction
with above two percent by weight REE. The objectives procedure will be used to concentrate the REEs. In the
are to (1) validate the effectiveness and feasibility of the fourth and final phase, techno-economic analysis and
integrated REE recovery/concentrating process, (2) life-cycle assessment to evaluate the economic and
determine mechanisms controlling the rare earth environmental benefits will be performed. The rare
recovery process, (3) quantify the associated economic earth recovery and concentrating process can be
and environmental benefits, and (4) evaluate the full- integrated with abandoned mine land (AML)
scale application of the process. To achieve these reclamation to create an approach that can (1) add
objectives, tasks will be carried out in four phases. In economic incentives for AML reclamation, (2)
the first phase, the research team will collaborate with remediate AMD discharge, (3) provide a long-term,
state agencies to carry out field investigations designed high-volume beneficial use for coal combustion by-
to screen and evaluate the seasonal changes of REEs products, which otherwise need to be disposed of in a
from AMD discharges that have high recovery potential. landfill, and (4) eliminate public safety hazards and
In the second phase, laboratory-scale tests will be threats to local environment and ecological systems
carried out to study the recovery process under a range posed by AMLs.
of percolation conditions using AMD and sFGDs from
The objective of this project is to demonstrate and and eliminates the potential for most acid rock
improve methods that can economically extract, drainage. The processing method also utilizes
recover, and upgrade the rare earth elements (REEs) biooxidation to increase ferric ion production to
contents from coal-based resources using integrated enhance leaching, while consuming the sulfide mineral
modeling, coal preparation, bio-oxidation, solution and its associated environmental liability. The solution-
conditioning, heap leaching, solvent extraction, and conditioning processing method removes iron and
precipitation technologies to cleanly and cost- controls the pH of the leaching solution to mitigate
effectively produce rare-earth-bearing products with undesirable extraction of thorium, which often occurs
more than 8 percent by weight REE. The project below pH 1.5; the heap leaching portion will be
encompasses a range of technologies currently in modeled and designed to maximize extraction of REEs
industrial practice to produce REE products from coal- while minimizing thorium extraction. The solvent
based sources. Advanced coal processing technology extraction portion of the project involves optimizing
will deliver clean coal to the market as well as REE- extraction and stripping for REE recovery in solution
bearing coarse refuse (non-coal rock) that is the correct that will be precipitated as a final product in the last
size for heap leaching applications. In addition, the stage of precipitation processing. This project will
technology provides concentrated sulfide minerals (for provide the technology and data needed to facilitate
mid-to-high-sulfur coals) for cleaner coal and enhanced large-scale implementation that can provide a domestic
biooxidation to accelerate leaching of REEs from the REE supply that is low in thorium, create revenue and
coarse refuse. The removal of the sulfide minerals jobs for the coal industry, and mitigate future acid rock
cleans the coal, accelerates subsequent REE extraction, drainage issues.
Flow sheet diagram for low-cost extraction, concentration, and recovery of REE product.
Coupled Hydrothermal Extraction and Ligand-Associated
Organosilica Media Recovery of REEs from Coal Fly Ash
Technology Partner: Wayne State University
Award Number: FE0031565
Project Duration: 03/15/2018 – 09/14/2019
Total Project Value: $518,849
Key Technology Area: Separation Technologies
This project will investigate the use of hydrothermal lanthanide/actinide separation will be evaluated based
leaching under alkaline conditions to rapidly dissolve on a series of criteria, such as selectivity and association
rare earth elements (REEs) from coal ash solids to an to Osorb through hydrophobicity. Batch experiments
aqueous solution; transfer REEs from the solution to an will then be conducted to establish the best conditions
Osorb platform (commercially available swellable (e.g., pH, eluent, etc.) and best ligand systems for
organically modified silica) functionalized with the effectively extracting REEs from the alkaline feed
appropriate ligand system; and extract the REEs to an solution obtained from the hydrothermal leaching
acidic aqueous system with high concentrations of the process. Once the Osorb-ligand extraction system is
targeted REEs (2–10 percent by weight). The project will optimized for REE concentration, an aqueous solution
also examine the potential to couple hydrothermal adjusted to the appropriate pH will be used to back-
leaching of coal fly ash with a custom-engineered, extract and concentrate the REEs into a heavily REE-
ligand-associated medium to provide an organic laden solution. This project is expected to result in a
solvent-free method of extracting and recovering REEs. solvent-free extraction process that is more
The fly ash feedstock will be collected from Detroit-area environmentally benign than many liquid-liquid
coal-fired power plants, characterized for composition, extractions that typically incorporate organic solvents.
and subjected to a bench-top batch hydrothermal Successful completion of this project could lead to
leaching/dissolution process inside custom-built future expansion to both bench and pilot scale.
pressure reactors. Ligands known to be effective in
Recovery of High Purity Rare Earth Elements (REEs) from Coal Ash
via a Novel Electrowinning Process
Technology Partner: Battelle Memorial Institute
Award Number: FE0031529
Project Duration: 11/16/2017 – 05/15/2019
Total Project Value: $874,940
Key Technology Area: Separation Technologies
Project Partners: Rare Earth Salts
The main objective of this project is to advance contaminants such as uranium and thorium. REE
development and integration of the novel products will then be separated and purified from this
electrowinning separation and purification process upgraded solution using RES’s novel electrowinning
developed by Rare Earth Salts (RES) and Battelle’s acid process—a purification process that can reduce the
digestion process, and validate that they can generate number of stages and cost of REE purification compared
environmentally benign and economically sustainable to traditional solvent extraction circuits. The project
rare earth element (REE) products from domestic coal team will perform a preliminary design of a commercial-
ash sources at purities above 90 percent. Another scale system, using data obtained during lab testing, to
objective is to enable domestic REE sources and new generate preliminary capital and operating costs for the
outlets for coal products by demonstrating process. The outcome of this project will advance
advancements in these purification technologies on Battelle’s solvent extraction REE upgrading process,
coal-based feedstock. These objectives will be RES’s process, and their application to domestic coal-
accomplished by testing at laboratory scale. Battelle’s derived feedstocks by validating their feasibility in both
acid digestion process will be used to upgrade the REE technical and economic terms. A high-purity (greater
concentrate via solvent extraction, eliminating less- than 99 percent) product of separated REE will be
valuable elements such as iron, aluminum, sodium, and generated from fly ash from an operating pulverized
calcium, and carefully avoiding enrichment of coal combustion plant.
At-Source Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from Coal Mine
Technology Partner: West Virginia University Research Corporation
Award Number: FE0031524
Project Duration: 11/16/2017 – 05/15/2019
Total Project Value: $864,258
Key Technology Area: Separation Technologies
Project Partners: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
The project objective is to develop a process to extract just pH 4, which will precipitate REEs but not Al, Fe2+, or
an enriched, mixed rare earth element (REE) product Mn2+, metals that would otherwise need to be
from acid mine drainage (AMD) at the site of separated to achieve high REE purities. In Case B, the
production, upstream of conventional AMD treatment. team will explore the application of an
Two AMD cases— net acid and net alkaline (Cases A and electrochemically stimulated supported liquid
B, respectively)—will be explored. The products will be membrane strategy to separate REEs from ferrous ion.
processed through an acid leaching/solvent extraction The project will demonstrate that significant
(ALSX) plant to compare performance with ongoing improvements in REE extraction efficiency can be
ALSX trials using conventional AMD sludge feedstock. obtained through separation of REEs from aqueous
The project team will evaluate the benefits of phase AMD, upstream of conventional AMD treatment,
separating REEs from the AMD stream under reducing by (1) creating an enriched REE feedstock, (2) producing
conditions such that iron and manganese will remain in a more consistent feedstock, (3) reducing
their reduced (Fe2+, Mn2+) states. As reduced species, transportation costs to a REE refinery, (4) reducing acid
they will bypass the REE extraction process, improving consumption in the acid leaching step, and (5) reducing
overall process economics. In Case A, the pH is raised to the volume of waste produced at the ALSX plant.
Typical AMD treatment facility showing the lime treatment unit, reduced Fe(OH)2 sludge
(blue), the mechanical aerator, and resulting Fe(OH)3 oxidized sludge.
Rare Earth Elements – Field Sampling, Process Economics
& Embedded REE Demand
Sampling, Characterization and Round Robin Analyses of
Domestic U.S. Coal Based Resources Containing High Rare Earth
Element (REE) Concentrations
Technology Partner: University of North Dakota
Award Number: FE0029007
Project Duration: 10/01/2017 – 04/30/2019
Total Project Value: $ 1,499,580
Key Technology Area: Enabling Technologies
Project Partners: University of Kentucky
NETL is partnering with the University of North Dakota the ground, with no processing other than drying. This
to collect and analyze samples of primarily lignite-based sample analysis for REEs will be done by inductively
coal; and also some bituminous coals from northern, coupled plasma mass spectroscopy. A round-robin
central, and southern Appalachian regions, and coal- analysis study will also be performed to quantify the
related materials (run-of-mine coal; roof rock; within-lab and inter-lab variation of the most
overburden clay; shale interlay formations; mine seam commonly used methods for analyzing REE content in
underlays; coal preparation refuse; ash from coal ores and coal bearing materials. The project will provide
combustion, gasification, and liquefaction) that have a a more quantitative indication of the location of coal
minimum concentration of rare earth elements (REE) of and coal-related materials that have high REE content
300 parts per million as the material is removed from for economic recovery.
The National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) is REE reserves and REE forms which are easily
conducting a collaborative Field Work Proposal (FWP) extractable; (2) maturing several promising separation
focused on developing methods to locate coal-related pathways; (3) computational fluid dynamic modeling to
reserves with high concentrations of rare earth enhance separation process development; and (4)
elements (REEs); developing and testing technologies to techno-economic modeling to understand market
extract and concentrate REE from coal and coal-related opportunities, environmental benefits, and process
products with emphasis on pathways that are bottlenecks. Each research area is designed to support
environmentally benign; and reducing technology the portfolio as a whole and to address key knowledge
commercialization risk through the use of modeling and gaps that are not being investigated by industry.
analysis for process optimization and scale-up. The FWP Additional research areas include advanced
builds upon past NETL research successes and is characterization work in support of separations
designed to complement extramural research efforts. research, novel and exploratory separations research,
Past efforts were focused on both the development of and the development of prototype devices for real-time
novel REE recovery technologies and characterization REE quantification in liquids and solids for prospecting
techniques, and understanding the relative distribution and process control of separation processes. Novel
of REEs, their chemical forms, and association with separations research will focus on high-risk, high-
other phases or minerals in the REE source materials. reward recovery technologies and areas of NETL core
Current work is focused on (1) intelligent prospecting competencies.
methods to predict high concentrations of coal-related
Rare Earth Elements – Posters
Coal Ash Beneficiation Through Critical Material Extraction and
Technology Partner: Anactisis, Inc.
Award Number: SC0018520
Project Duration: 04/09/2018 – 04/08/2019
Total Project Value: $150,000
Key Technology Area: Separation Technologies
A great number of technological advancements have Moreover, there is a growing reliance on Chinese
been spurred by the unique properties of the rare earth imports for the past 15 years. The proposed technology
elements (REE). This widespread application has made addresses technical and commercial limitations that
REEs absolute necessities for sustaining healthy have hindered previous attempts to extract metals
technological, scientific, and economic growth. In from industrial wastes. Anactisis has developed a suite
nearly all of these technologies, there are currently no of specialized adsorbent media, selective to scandium
viable substitutes for the REE with equivalent and the rare earth elements, which enable recovery of
performance. Processes based on conventional mining these high-value, critical materials from low-grade or
and metallurgy—which are expensive and laborious waste resources, such as coal combustion residuals.
with a significant environmental burden—are currently This core technology can dramatically disrupt
the only economical way of extracting and harvesting conventional approaches to industrial waste
these elements. At the same time, global demand management. Additional economic and environmental
outstrips production, and previously mined stocks improvements to this process are investigated in this
currently cover the difference via reprocessing. project.
Rare Earth Extraction from Coal Fly Ash
Technology Partner: Skyhaven Systems, LLC
Award Number: SC0018528
Project Duration: 04/09/2018 – 01/08/2019
Total Project Value: $149,978
Key Technology Area: Separation Technologies
Skyhaven Systems, LLC is researching an ionic liquid solution, forming lanthanide complexes in-
electrochemical method for extracting and separating situ, and utilize secondary complexing agents to
rare earth metals from coal fly ash by selective selectively bind the rare earths, eliminating the need for
electrodeposition in an ionic liquid solution (IL). The acid leaching. Selective electrodeposition at a
approach will exploit the unique solvating capability of controlled potential will then be performed on the
ionic liquids, acid, and water to dissolve stoichiometric same solution to recover individual rare earths as well
amounts of rare earth metal precursors directly into the as separate them from other metals. In addition, the
IL solution. Electrochemical methods will be employed complexing agents will increase differences in reduction
using this same IL solution to recover these metals in a potentials to allow greater separation and individual
pure form. The overall goal of the work plan is to recovery of rare-earth species from mixtures.
develop a method to dissolve fly ash directly into the
Overlayed Cyclic Voltammograms of Individual Rare Earth Species in Ionic liquid IL-3. Voltage is on the x-axis and
current is on the y-axis. IL-3 Baseline (purple) (zero current at all voltages), IL-3 with Lanthanum(III) Oxide (gray), IL-
3 with Neodymium(III) Oxide (black), IL-3 with Samarium(III) Oxide (teal), IL-3 with Cerium(IV) Oxide (pink),IL-3 with
Praseodymium(III) Oxide (red). At the lower voltages (left side) the rare earths are being electrodeposited
(reduced) and at the higher voltages (right side) they are being oxidized. This data was taken without complexing
the rare earth species. Distinct oxidation peaks can be seen, however there is significant overlap in some cases.
Complexing agents are being investigated to shift the relative reduction potentials enabling greater separation.
Ionic Liquids as Advanced Solvents for the Extraction of Rare
Earth Elements from Coal Products
Technology Partner: Wyonics, LLC
Award Number: SC0018561
Project Duration: 04/09/2018 – 01/08/2019
Total Project Value: $150,000
Key Technology Area: Separation Technologies
The project team will demonstrate the dissolution of and sorbents that allow for the most efficient rare earth
coal in specially designed ionic liquids (ILs) for the extraction and recovery will be identified. This
liberation of rare earths, identifying the candidates technology has the potential to strengthen the coal
which show the best rare earth liberation and coal industry as well as domestic manufacturing of
dissolution. Chitin-based sorbents will be surface- automobiles, electronics, military technology, and
modified with specific ligands to remove rare earth many other high-tech devices which are dependent on
elements (REEs) from the coal solution. The REEs will rare earths. In addition, this technology is also expected
then be stripped into successive electrochemically to reduce the potential environmental impact of rare
stable ILs for electrodeposition of the mineral. The ILs earth processing.
Three sequential dissolutions of the same coal sample with fresh IL (1, 2, 3: left to right).
ALB .................................................... airlift bioreactor NETL ........... National Energy Technology Laboratory
AMD ............................................. acid mine drainage PLS ......................................... product laden solution
CIC ........................... continuous ion chromatography RD&D ..... research, development, and demonstration
CIX ...................................... continuous ion exchange REE ............................................... rare earth element
LBT ......................................... lanthanide binding tag tpd ........................................................... tons per day
LIBS ............. laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy TREE .................................. total rare earth elements
Mary Anne Alvin
National Energy Technology Laboratory
Rare Earth Elements Technology Manager
[email protected]
Regis Conrad
Office of Fossil Energy
Division Director Advanced Energy Systems
[email protected]
John Wimer
National Energy Technology Laboratory
Associate Director, Strategic Planning
Science & Technology Strategic Plans & Programs
[email protected]
Website: https://netl.doe.gov/coal/rare-earth-elements
The Rare Earth Elements (REE) Portfolio was developed with the support of many individuals including principal
investigators, federal project managers, REE technology manager, supervisors, and National Energy Technology
Laboratory site-support contractors.