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Water Research 143 (2018) 19e27

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Water Research
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CO2-assisted phosphorus extraction from poultry litter and selective

recovery of struvite and potassium struvite
Utsav Shashvatt, Josh Benoit, Hannah Aris, Lee Blaney*
University of Maryland Baltimore County, Department of Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering, 1000 Hilltop Circle, Engineering 314,
Baltimore, MD, 21250, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Phosphorus recovery from industrialized poultry operations is necessary to ensure sustainable waste
Received 2 April 2018 management and resource consumption. To realize these goals, an innovative, two-stage process
Received in revised form chemistry has been developed to extract nutrients from poultry litter and recover value-added products.
14 June 2018
Over 75% phosphorus extraction was achieved by bubbling carbon dioxide into poultry litter slurries and
Accepted 15 June 2018
Available online 18 June 2018
adding strong acid to reach pH 4.5e5.5. After separating the nutrient-deficient poultry litter solids and
the nutrient-rich liquid, the extract pH was increased through aeration and strong base addition. Over
95% of the extracted phosphorus was recovered as solid precipitate at pH 8.5e9.0. High-purity struvite
and potassium struvite products were selectively recovered through pH control, introduction of a
Nutrient recovery calcium-complexing agent, and addition of magnesium chloride. The nitrogen-to-phosphorus-to-
Struvite potassium (NPK) ratio of the recovered solids was controlled through aeration and pH adjustment.
Poultry litter Precipitation at pH 8.5e9.0 and 10.5e11.0 resulted in NPK ratios of 2.0:1.0:0.1 and 0.9:1.0:0.2, respec-
Animal manure tively. The process effluent was effectively recycled as makeup water for the subsequent batch of poultry
Fertilizer litter, thereby decreasing water consumption and increasing overall nutrient recovery. Sequencing batch
operation yielded greater than 70% phosphorus recovery within a 45-min process, demonstrating the
potential for this technology to alleviate nutrient pollution in agricultural settings and generate an
alternative supply of phosphorus fertilizers.
© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction concern due to increased eutrophication of inland water bodies (Le

et al., 2010). Compounding this issue, geospatially-limited phos-
While wastewater treatment plants and agricultural operations phorus reserves are being rapidly depleted due to the increasing
both introduce nutrients into water bodies (Alexander et al., 2008; food demand associated with the growing global population
EPA, 2017; Maryna et al., 2016), the nutrient loads from regions (Cooper et al., 2011). Together, the environmental effects of phos-
with intensive agricultural practices often drive negative environ- phorus pollution and the economic vulnerability of phosphorus
mental outcomes (Alexander et al., 2008). This problem manifests markets mandate a need for phosphorus recovery from agricultural
as nutrient transport through runoff from over-fertilized cropland waste.
(Hart et al., 2004) and discharge from manure management sys- In this context, poultry operations are especially important due
tems (Mallin and Cahoon, 2003). Passive waste management stra- to the higher phosphorus content in poultry litter compared to
tegies, such as piling, composting, and lagooning, have been other animal manures. A typical nitrogen-to-phosphorus-to-
adopted by animal feeding operations (AFOs) to effectively treat potassium (NPK) ratio for broiler (i.e., meat-producing bird) litter
organic carbon and nitrogen. However, the unfavorable redox is 0.2:1.0:0.5 mol/mol/mol (Shashvatt et al., 2016). Since fertilizers
chemistry of phosphorus does not allow any significant phosphorus are usually applied to meet nitrogen targets (Beegle and Durst,
abatement in manure management systems (Vendramelli et al., 2002; Mishima et al., 2010), the excess phosphorus in poultry-
2016). The fate of phosphorus in agricultural systems is a growing based manure represents poor resource management and raises
environmental concerns about nutrient levels in agricultural
runoff. The State of Maryland (USA), which contains dense poultry
* Corresponding author. AFOs on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay (National Chicken
E-mail address: [email protected] (L. Blaney). Council, 2010), recently limited the use of poultry litter as a soil

0043-1354/© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
20 U. Shashvatt et al. / Water Research 143 (2018) 19e27

amendment on fields with high fertility index values (State of agricultural systems. Unlike hydroxyapatite, struvite represents a
Maryland, 2015). The fertility index value is computed using the slow-release fertilizer with a balanced ratio of nitrogen to phos-
orthophosphate (P(V)), calcium (Ca2þ), magnesium (Mg2þ), and phorus. Under certain conditions, potassium struvite
potassium (Kþ) concentrations in soil and essentially describes the (MgKPO4$6H2O) can also be recovered (Graeser et al., 2008). Stru-
potential for phosphorus runoff following land-application of fer- vite and potassium struvite can be mixed to produce nutrient-laden
tilizers, soil amendments, or animal manure (University of solids with controllable NPK ratios.
Maryland Extension, 2006). As of March 2016, over 160,000 acres To address the shortcomings identified above, the process
of farm fields were required to monitor soil phosphorus levels; chemistry shown in Fig. 1 was devised to facilitate the selective
furthermore, over 10,400 acres were banned from applying recovery of struvite and potassium struvite from poultry litter.
phosphorus-containing fertilizers. The initial economic impact Briefly, poultry litter was added to water to generate a high-
model suggested that up to 228,000 tons of poultry litter would strength slurry. Then, phosphorus was extracted through addition
require active management (Salisbury University, 2014). of CO2(g) and strong acid. The nutrient-deficient solids were
Previous efforts to recover nutrients from poultry litter have separated from the nutrient-rich extract, which was aerated and
mostly focused on mechanical, thermochemical, and biological dosed with NaOH to precipitate struvite-based solids. The objec-
treatment schemes. Mechanical processes have examined volume tives of this study were to (1) optimize the extraction of phos-
reduction through compaction and pelletization systems that in- phorus from poultry litter as a function of pH and slurry strength,
crease the nutrient content per unit mass (Fasina et al., 2006). (2) lower the acid/base demands of the process chemistry through
However, these systems have the inherent drawback of not modi- CO2 gas bubbling/aeration, and (3) selectively recover struvite and
fying the NPK ratio and, therefore, the pelletized product may still potassium struvite from poultry litter. To prevent production of
result in over-application of phosphorus to agricultural fields. large volumes of wastewater, the process effluent was reused to
Thermochemical processing of poultry litter produces biochar that generate subsequent poultry litter slurries, and this recycle scheme
can be used for a variety of applications: feed additive (Prasai et al., was evaluated for impacts on nutrient extraction and precipitation
2016); soil amendment (Chan et al., 2008); and, remediation (Tang efficiency. The findings from this work enable sustainable recovery
et al., 2013). However, widespread adoption of thermochemical of nutrient-balanced fertilizer products from agricultural waste
operations does not represent a sustainable waste management streams, while also preventing negative environmental outcomes
solution. Biological processes are being increasingly employed for associated with nutrient pollution.
heat and energy recovery (Tiquia and Tam, 2002), but these sys-
tems do not have any independent benefits for treatment or re- 2. Materials and methods
covery of phosphorus.
A number of processes have been developed for and applied to 2.1. Chemicals
recover phosphorus from wastewater treatment plants (Blaney
et al., 2007; Nieminen, 2010). While these technologies offer Unless otherwise stated, all chemicals were procured from
viable phosphorus recovery for municipal wastewater, high- Fisher Scientific (Hampton, NH). Phosphate standards were pre-
strength animal manure poses challenges due to the differences pared by adding disodium hydrogen phosphate (Na2HPO4) to
in inorganic chemistry, organic matter load, and solids content. deionized (DI) water (Neu-Ion Systems; Windsor Mill, MD).
These parameters affect the extraction of phosphorus from waste Concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCl; 35%) was used to prepare 1 M
solids and the form of recovered products. The inorganic compo- HCl for pH adjustment. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH; 97%) was dis-
sition of the waste stream, especially the Ca2þ and Mg2þ content, solved in DI water to generate 1e2 M NaOH solutions for pH
influence the chemical form of recovered phosphorus. High Ca2þ correction. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA; 99.5%) was
content favors precipitation of hydroxyapatite, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2, obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO) and used to generate a
while higher Mg2þ levels promote recovery of struvite, 0.1 M EDTA solution at pH 8.0. A 0.1 M magnesium chloride
MgNH4PO4$6H2O (Shashvatt et al., 2016). The elevated levels of (MgCl2$6H2O; 99%) solution was prepared in DI water for use in
dissolved organic matter (DOM) in animal waste increase the select precipitation experiments.
chemical demands associated with nutrient extraction and product
precipitation (Sommer and Husted, 2009); furthermore, DOM 2.2. Poultry litter source and composition
competes with phosphorus in sorption-based technologies (Hunt
et al., 2007) and complexes divalent cations needed for precipita- Poultry litter was sourced from three different farms in the
tion of nutrient-laden solids (Yan et al., 2015). As poultry litter has a Chesapeake Bay watershed. The litters have been anonymously
lower water content than cow and swine manure (Wolf et al., labeled as PL-1, PL-2, and PL-3. Before experimentation, 1 kg
2005), nutrient extraction from the relatively dry solids requires batches of poultry litter were dried at 50  C for 3 days. The dried
water consumption. However, large volumes of wastewater inhibit litter was passed through stainless steel sieves with US mesh #16
sustainable process implementation. For these reasons, new para- (1.18 mm) to remove feathers, woodchips, bones, and other debris.
digms need to be explored with respect to nutrient recovery from Slurries were generated by adding the dry, sieved poultry litter to
high-strength agricultural waste streams. DI water. To investigate the impact of slurry strength on nutrient
To date, phosphorus recovery from AFOs has mostly focused on recovery, poultry litter slurries were prepared at 4, 20, and 80 g/L.
swine (Suzuki et al. 2005, 2007) and cattle (Mulbry et al., 2008; For recycle experiments, a 100 g/L poultry litter slurry was
Wilkie and Mulbry, 2002) manure, with only a few studies on employed. All slurries were used within 2 h of generation.
€ gi et al., 2008; Yilmazel and Demirer, 2011). Szo
poultry litter (Szo € gi Total phosphorus was measured using the EPA 3050B digestion
et al. (2008) reported 60% phosphorus recovery from poultry litter, method (EPA, 1996). In accordance with previous reports (Szo €gi
but the recovered hydroxyapatite is not an ideal agrochemical due et al., 2008; Yilmazel and Demirer, 2011), acid hydrolysis was
to its low solubility (Wier et al., 1971). Yilmazel and Demirer (2011) employed to measure the concentration of extractable phosphorus
primarily focused on nitrogen recovery through addition of phos- and other inorganic ions. In particular, the pH of a 40 g/L slurry was
phorus and magnesium to anaerobically digested poultry litter to adjusted to approximately 1.0 with 1 M HCl, and the acid extract-
recover struvite and calcium phosphates; however, the need for an able phosphorus was measured using the stannous chloride
exogenous P(V) source may prevent widespread application in method (APHA et al., 2006) with a UVevisible spectrophotometer
U. Shashvatt et al. / Water Research 143 (2018) 19e27 21

Fig. 1. Schematic of the process chemistry used for nutrient extraction from poultry litter and recovery of struvite-based solids.

(Thermo Scientific Evolution 600; Waltham, MA) or microplate with pH values in the 1.0e7.0 range. Solution pH was measured
reader (BioTek Eon; Winooski, VT). The difference in total phos- using an Orion Ross Ultra probe (Thermo Scientific; Waltham, MA).
phorus and acid extractable phosphorus was considered organic Poultry litter slurries were equilibrated under constant mixing for
phosphorus. Inorganic phosphorus was approximately 85% of the 30 min and then centrifuged at 5000 g for 10 min. Due to the high
total phosphorus, in agreement with previous reports for poultry strength of these slurries, the supernatant was diluted
litter (Sharpley and Moyer, 2000). 100e1000  before P(V) analysis. The extraction efficiency was
Other inorganic ions, such as Ca2þ, Mg2þ, Kþ, sodium (Naþ), calculated using Eq. (1).
ammonium (NHþ 2 
4 ), sulfate (SO4 ), and nitrate (NO3 ), were deter-
mined by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (Perkin Elmer ½PðVÞpH i
hext;pH i ¼ (1)
3100 AAS; Waltham, MA) or ion chromatography (Dionex ICS-2100; ½PðVÞpH 1
Sunnyvale, CA). The ion chromatograph was run under isocratic
conditions with 12 mM potassium carbonate (anions) or 32 mM In Eq. (1), hext;pH i is the fraction of P(V) extracted into the
methanesulfonic acid (cations). Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) water-phase at pH i, ½PðVÞpH i is the P(V) concentration at pH i, and
concentrations in the poultry litter extracts were measured using a ½PðVÞpH 1 is the total acid-extractable P(V).
total organic carbon (TOC) analyzer (Shimadzu TOC-L; Columbia,
MD). Titration curves for poultry litter slurries were recorded with
an autotitrator (Radiometer Analytical TIM 865; Lyon, France). The 2.4. Struvite recovery from poultry litter extracts
inorganic content, DOC, and alkalinity for 40 g/L slurries of PL-1, PL-
2, and PL-3 are reported in Table 1. All compositional analyses were To generate nutrient-rich extracts, 80 g/L poultry litter slurries
conducted in triplicate, and data are reported as mean ± standard were bubbled with CO2(g) for 5 min and 1 M HCl was added to
deviation. reach pH 4.5. After 30 min of continuous mixing, the slurry was
centrifuged at 5000 g for 10 min. To remove any remaining parti-
2.3. Phosphorus extraction from poultry litter cles, the supernatant was passed through 20 mm paper filters
(Whatman; Maidstone, United Kingdom). For precipitation exper-
To investigate the impact of pH on phosphorus extraction, 1 M iments, the acidified poultry litter extracts were bubbled with
HCl was added to 40 g/L poultry litter slurries to generate solutions compressed air for 10 min, and then 2 M NaOH was added to attain
solution pH in the 7.0e11.0 range. Samples were vortexed for 10 s,
and the precipitate was allowed to settle for 30 min. The pre-
Table 1 cipitates were washed three times with DI water to remove soluble
Aqueous-phase composition (mean ± standard deviation; n ¼ 3) of acidified, filtered salts, such as sodium chloride (NaCl) and potassium chloride (KCl),
40 g/L poultry litter slurries.
and then freeze-dried (Labconco Freezone 4.5; Kansas City, MO) at
Inorganic Species PL-1 PL-2 PL-3 103 mbar and 50  C. Phosphorus concentrations were analyzed
Ca2þ (mg/L) 631.6 ± 11.5 952.4 ± 18.9 754.1 ± 5.1 in the supernatant to calculate precipitation efficiency (Eq. (2)).
Kþ (mg/L) 1042.6 ± 19.0 1331.6 ± 23.4 1516.7 ± 17.8
Mg2þ (mg/L) 187.8 ± 3.0 224.2 ± 5.1 265.0 ± 2.9 ½PðVÞpH j
Naþ (mg/L) 177.9 ± 4.7 433.6 ± 8.3 334.8 ± 3.3 hprec;pH j ¼1 (2)
NHþ 546.7 ± 4.6 423.8 ± 6.7 275.2 ± 1.9
½PðVÞpH 4:5
4 (mg/L)
NO3 (mg/L) 46.1 ± 1.6 n.d. a 0.2 ± 0.4
PO3 943.4 ± 24.9 1462.4 ± 55.3 1540.5 ± 62.3 In Eq. (2), hprec;pH j is the fraction of P(V) in the poultry litter
4 (mg/L)
4 (mg/L) 342.0 ± 8.2 969.9 ± 49.6 1000.3 ± 117.6 extract that precipitated at pH j, ½PðVÞpH j is the aqueous P(V)
Alkalinity (meq/L) 44.2 ± 0.0 44.6 ± 0.0 32.3 ± 0.0 concentration at pH j, ½PðVÞpH 4:5 is the aqueous-phase P(V) con-
Extractable DOC (mgC/L) 2532.0 ± 10.1 3110.6 ± 14.0 3309.3 ± 12.9 centration at pH 4.5, which represents the nutrient-rich extract.
n.d. ¼ not detected. The overall recovery efficiency, htot , was calculated using Eq. (3).
22 U. Shashvatt et al. / Water Research 143 (2018) 19e27

htot ¼ hext;pH i hprec;pH j (3)

For selective precipitation of struvite and potassium struvite, the

acidified extract from an 80 g/L PL-3 slurry was dosed with
stoichiometry-based amounts of EDTA and/or MgCl2. The calcium
concentration in the acidified extract was 13.6 mM. Thus, 13.6 mM
EDTA was added to complex Ca2þ ions and prevent precipitation of
calcium phosphates. In separate experiments, 13.6 mM EDTA and
13.6 mM Mg2þ were added to complex Ca2þ ions and compensate
for the complexed Ca2þ, respectively. Samples were vortexed for
10 s to ensure complete mixing. Then, 2 M NaOH was added to raise
the solution pH to 7.0e11.0. The samples were vortexed for 10 s, and
the phosphorus-laden precipitate settled for 30 min. Precipitates
were rinsed three times with DI water, freeze-dried, and stored at
4  C until analysis.

2.5. Recycling the liquid process effluent

To reduce water consumption, the process effluent from the

precipitation reaction was used to generate the subsequent poultry
litter slurry, as shown in Fig. 1. Here, a 100 g/L slurry was processed
using the extraction, solid-liquid separation, and precipitation
protocols described above. Filtered process effluent and fresh
poultry litter were used to prepare the slurry for the next cycle. Fig. 2. Phosphorus extraction from 40 g/L PL-1, PL-2, and PL-3 slurries overlaid
After nutrient extraction, separation, and precipitation in the sec- with the speciation-based models from Eq. (4) (solid curves). The slurry pH was
ond cycle, the process effluent was again recycled to generate the adjusted using 1 M HCl. Data symbols represent the mean of three replicate experi-
ments. The colored curves represent models for the individual poultry litter sources,
poultry litter slurry for the third cycle. In this manner, the input of and the black solid and dotted curves represent the model and 95% confidence bands,
freshwater was reduced and nutrients were retained within the respectively, applied to all experimental data.
system, ultimately increasing the overall nutrient recovery.

2.6. Compositional analysis of recovered solids extractable phosphorus. Szo €gi et al. (2008) reported similar P(V)
extraction efficiencies for poultry litter with citric acid; however,
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM; FEI Nova NanoSEM 450; weak organic acids increase the buffer capacity of the slurry and,
Hillsboro, Oregon) was employed to examine the morphology of ultimately, the amount of base needed for subsequent precipitation
recovered solids. Freeze-dried samples were loaded onto con- of the recovered nutrients. For these reasons, slurry pH was
ducting graphite tape fixed on aluminum supports. No sample adjusted to 4.5e5.5 with HCl to optimize P(V) extraction efficiency
pretreatment was required because the precipitates were partially and avoid the costs associated with excessive acid/base addition.
conducting. Microphotographs were taken at different magnifica- Previous work in soil and sediment systems has elucidated pH
tion levels and the aspect ratio of recovered solids was calculated dependent P(V) adsorption-desorption behavior; furthermore,
using 10 random crystals. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy calcium, aluminum, iron, and organic matter play important roles
(EDS; Oxford Instruments Nanoanalysis; Abingdon, United in these reactions (Huang et al., 2005). Given the similarity of the
Kingdom) was employed on at least three areas to investigate the P(V) extraction curves for PL-1, PL-2, and PL-3 in Fig. 2 to phos-
atomic composition of distinct features in the samples. In addition, phoric acid dissociation chemistry, chemical interactions were hy-
approximately 300e600 mg of recovered solids were added to 1 L pothesized for individual P(V) species with poultry litter solids. This
of 10 mM HCl to confirm the inorganic composition and DOC con- conceptual framework enabled modeling of the nonlinear rela-
tent. These solutions were sonicated for 15 min to ensure complete tionship between P(V) extraction efficiency and pH. Assuming that
dissolution of the recovered solids. Inorganic ions and DOC were the four aqueous P(V) species, namely H3PO4, H2PO 2
4 , HPO4 , and
analyzed using the techniques identified above. PO4 , independently interact with poultry litter solids, the overall
extraction efficiency was modeled using Eq. (4).
3. Results and discussion hext;obs ¼ a0 hext; þ a1 hext; þ a2 hext; þ a3 hext; (4)
0 1 2 3

3.1. pH-dependent phosphorus extraction from poultry litter In Eq. (4), a is the ionization fraction (Stumm and Morgan, 2012)
of individual P(V) species, obs is the observed P(V) extraction effi-
Phosphorus extraction efficiencies were recorded for 40 g/L ciency, and the 0, 1, 2, and 3 subscripts correspond to the H3PO4,
slurries of PL-1, PL-2, and PL-3 as a function of pH (Fig. 2); H2PO 4 , HPO4 , and PO4 species, respectively. The a values were
2 3

furthermore, the acid demand per gram of poultry litter is reported calculated using the slurry pH and acid dissociation constants for
in Fig. S1 of the Supporting Information (SI). All three poultry litter phosphoric acid (i.e., pKa1 ¼ 2.15, pKa2 ¼ 7.20, and pKa3 ¼ 12.38;
slurries had an initial pH of approximately 6.7e6.9 and released Benjamin, 2010).
33e46% of the total extractable phosphorus upon addition of DI Experimental data were fit to Eq. (4) using a least squares
water. The aqueous P(V) concentration increased to 62e65% of the approach to calculate the hext;i terms. Because all experimental data
total extractable phosphorus after acidification to pH 5.0. Further was at pH < 7, the hext;3 term was not included since a3 was
acid addition marginally increased the aqueous P(V) concentration negligible (i.e., a3 < 105.7). The hext;0 , hext;1 , and hext;2 terms are
for the pH 5.5 to 3.5 range to around 67e72%. Below pH 3.0, the reported as average ± 95% confidence interval in Table S1 (see SI)
aqueous P(V) concentration was greater than 80% of the total for the three poultry litter sources. Importantly, hext;1 controls the
U. Shashvatt et al. / Water Research 143 (2018) 19e27 23

phosphorus extraction efficiency at the operational pH of the

extraction reactor (i.e., pH 4.5e5.5). The phosphorus extraction
efficiencies for the three poultry litters demonstrated similar trends
with solution pH, specifically in the operational pH range of
4.5e5.5. This finding may derive from the reasonably consistent
inorganic (Table 1) and organic (Mangalgiri et al., 2017) composi-
tion of these poultry litter sources. As shown in Fig. 2, the P(V)
speciation-based model fits the experimental data well. Note, this
model does not replace comprehensive compositional analysis and
equilibrium modeling, but rather serves as a quick validation of
operating conditions to optimize P(V) extraction from poultry litter
from diverse farms.

3.2. Recovery of nutrient-laden fertilizers

As indicated in Table 1, poultry litter has an inherently favor-

able chemical composition that includes high P(V), NHþ 2þ
4 , Mg ,
Ca2þ, and Kþ contents. With optimized stoichiometric and pH
conditions, these species can react to form a number of
phosphorus-laden minerals, including struvite, potassium struvite,
and calcium phosphates. Recovery of struvite minerals is preferred
due to the slower nutrient release kinetics compared to traditional
fertilizers (Talboys et al., 2016) and the balanced nitrogen-to-
phosphorus (MgNH4PO4$6H2O) and potassium-to-phosphorus Fig. 3. Phosphorus precipitation efficiency from poultry litter extracts for three
(MgKPO4$6H2O) ratios. The slower release kinetics reduce both operating conditions: NaOH addition (NaOH dataset); NaOH and 13.6 mM EDTA
nutrient runoff and fertilizer demand. The use of nutrient- addition (NaOHþEDTA dataset); and, NaOH, 13.6 mM EDTA, and 13.6 mM MgCl2
balanced struvite minerals in custom fertilizer formulas will also addition (NaOHþEDTAþMg dataset). The poultry litter extract was generated from a
filtered 80 g/L PL-3 slurry at pH 4.3. To reach the pH setpoint, the appropriate volume
decrease consumption of energy-intensive traditional fertilizers,
of 1 M NaOH was added to the poultry litter extract. The symbols and error bars
such as urea, ammonium sulfate, mono-ammonium phosphate, represent the means and standard deviations, respectively, of three replicate
and potash. Nevertheless, struvite products may still need to be experiments.
mixed with traditional fertilizers to meet particular NPK
Recall from Eq. (2) that the precipitation efficiency was the SEM microphotographs of recovered products from this study.
measured with respect to the P(V) concentration in the acidified Similarly, co-precipitation of amorphous calcium and magnesium
poultry litter extract; therefore, the precipitation efficiency was 0% oxyhydroxides has been reported for waste streams with compa-
at pH 4.5 with no aeration or NaOH addition. The NaOH dataset in rable Ca2þ and Mg2þ concentrations (Crutchik and Garrido, 2011;
Fig. 3 shows that the P(V) precipitation efficiency increased with Pastor et al., 2008), but those solids were not identified in the
increasing pH. At pH 6.7 and 8.2, the P(V) precipitation efficiencies products recovered from poultry litter in this work.
were 48 (±3.5)% and 91 (±1.9)%, respectively. Above pH 9.0, more Compositional analyses of the mixed products were confirmed
than 95% of the extracted P(V) was precipitated in the form of with ion chromatography, and the results are presented in Fig. 5.
nutrient-laden minerals. Szo € gi et al. (2008) also reported high The amount of NHþ 4 present in the recovered solids decreased at pH
precipitation efficiencies for P(V) extracted from poultry litter, 10.5e11.0. Recall that the precipitation protocol involved aeration,
although Ca(OH)2 was used as base, an organic P-containing floc- thereby increasing the favorability of NH3 off-gassing at higher pH.
culant was required, and the final product was not in a preferred The NH3(g) can be subsequently recovered using a sulfuric acid trap
fertilizer form. In separate experiments (Fig. S2 in the SI), increased (Ndegwa et al., 2009), but this operation was not included in the
dosing of exogenous magnesium did not improve phosphorus present study. These conditions allowed a greater incorporation of
precipitation efficiency, although the composition of recovered Kþ in the recovered products through precipitation of potassium
products may vary under these conditions. struvite. The NPK molar ratios for the recovered precipitates were
The solids recovered from precipitation experiments were 2.0:1.0:0.1 and 0.9:1.0:0.2 in the 8.5e9.0 and 10.5e11.0 pH ranges,
analyzed by SEM-EDS. Fig. 4 presents microphotographs of solids respectively. The precipitation pH and aeration time, therefore,
generated using the process chemistry described in Fig. 1, namely control the relative nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratio of the recovered
extraction with CO2(g) and HCl followed by precipitation with air product, offering clear advantages in customized generation of
and NaOH. The solids shown in Fig. 4a and b are representative of nutrient-balanced fertilizers without expensive systems for phos-
products precipitated at pH 8.5e9.0 and 10.5e11.0, respectively, for phorus separation, elution, and precipitation (Blaney et al., 2007).
all three poultry litter sources. Under both pH conditions, small,
needle-like crystals and larger, granular particles were observed. 3.3. Selective recovery of struvite and potassium struvite
EDS analysis (Fig. S3 in the SI) indicated that the larger, irregular
solids were calcium phosphates, whereas the needle-like particles Due to the lower agrochemical preference for calcium-based
were struvite and potassium struvite. Previous work has reported phosphates, suppression of the calcium content in the recovered
co-recovery of calcium- and magnesium-based phosphates in product was investigated by adding EDTA to the poultry litter
wastewater, although the presence of calcium and other cations extract. Because EDTA preferentially complexes with calcium (log
affects struvite purity, morphology, crystallinity, and particle size KCa-EDTA ¼ 10.65) over magnesium (log KMg-EDTA ¼ 8.62) (Benjamin,
(Hao et al., 2008; Le Corre et al., 2005). Matynia et al. (2013) re- 2010), the addition of EDTA to the poultry litter slurry lowers the
ported that other cations form hydroxide agglomerates on the free Ca2þ concentration and decreases precipitation of calcium-
surface of struvite crystals, but these products were not observed in based solids. In fact, Zhang et al. (2010) used EDTA to inhibit
24 U. Shashvatt et al. / Water Research 143 (2018) 19e27

Fig. 4. Morphology of precipitates obtained during nutrient recovery at the following conditions: NaOH addition to (a) pH 8.5e9.0 and (b) pH 10.5e11.0; 13.6 mM EDTA and
NaOH addition to (c) pH 8.5e9.0 and (d) pH 10.5e11.0; 13.6 mM EDTA, 13.6 mM MgCl2, and NaOH addition to (e) pH 8.5e9.0 and (f) pH 10.5e11.0. The extracts were generated
from 100 g/L PL-3 slurries by CO2 bubbling and HCl addition to pH 4.3. Precipitation pH was adjusted using a 1 M NaOH solution. The precipitates were washed with DI water three
times to remove soluble salts and freeze-dried before SEM analysis.

precipitation of calcium phosphates in dairy effluent, and Sabbag

et al. (2014) used EDTA to preferentially precipitate struvite in
wastewater with high calcium levels. Here, a stoichiometric
amount of EDTA (1 mol EDTA per mol Ca) was added to the poultry
litter extracts to complex approximately 90% of the dissolved cal-
cium with minimal changes to the dissolved magnesium chemistry
(e.g., <10% of dissolved magnesium as EDTA-Mg). As shown in
Fig. 3, the inclusion of EDTA in the poultry litter extracts resulted in
P(V) recoveries that were 36% lower (averaged across the pH
8.0e11.0 conditions) due to inhibition of the calcium-phosphate
precipitation mechanism. These data suggest that Mg2þ is slightly
limiting in the EDTA-modified poultry litter slurries.
The composition of recovered products was fairly homogeneous
in the EDTA treatment scenario as evidenced in Fig. 4ced, which
highlights the absence of the large, irregular solids associated with
calcium phosphates. Increasing the precipitation pH from 8.5-9.0 to
10.5e11.0 produced crystals with a higher aspect ratio. The aspect
Fig. 5. Inorganic composition (based on select ions) of the solids recovered at
ratios of struvite crystals generated at pH 8.5e9.0 and 10.5e11.0
different precipitation conditions. As the Ca2þ, Kþ, Mg2þ, NHþ
4 , and P(V) ions are
were calculated to be 2.9 (±0.62) and 5.5 (±1.7), respectively.
most important to the chemical structure of recovered solids, these species were Mathew and Schroeder (1979) reported that substitution of NHþ 4
included here; note the corresponding phosphorus recoveries for these operating with Kþ produces minor structural changes, and so the observed
conditions are reported in Fig. 3.
differences in aspect ratio may stem from the longer aeration or
mixing conditions used at higher pH. Ion chromatography analyses
U. Shashvatt et al. / Water Research 143 (2018) 19e27 25

(Fig. 5) confirmed that more potassium was incorporated into the required per gram of poultry litter remained consistent at 0.77
needle-like structures that exhibited higher aspect ratios. (±0.10) meq/g for all slurry strengths. Overall, the extraction effi-
As the untreated poultry litter sources exhibited molar ratios of ciencies were in the 76e90% range, indicating enhanced P(V)
0.9e1.1 mol Mg/mol P, complexation of calcium may result in extraction with the combined CO2 bubbling and strong acid addi-
magnesium-limited conditions; therefore, concurrent addition of tion scheme compared to strong acid alone (Fig. 2).
EDTA and MgCl2 resulted in high recovery efficiencies that were Unsurprisingly, the initial slurry strength impacted the con-
similar to the baseline NaOH scenario (Fig. 3). For example, the centrations of extracted species (e.g., P(V), Mg2þ, NHþ þ
4 , K , etc.) in
NaOHþEDTAþMgCl2 treatment scheme resulted in 91.6 (±7.1)% the precipitation reactor. For all three slurry strengths, the calcu-
P(V) recovery at pH 8.9, which was comparable to the 96.3 (±1.7)% lated saturation indices of hydroxyapatite, struvite, and potassium
recovery observed for NaOH only. Importantly, this operational struvite suggested the potential for spontaneous precipitation at
scheme generated a much more homogeneous product, as seen in pH 8.5e9.0. The degree of super-saturation was directly correlated
Fig. 4eef, and resulted in lower TOC content in the recovered to slurry strength; therefore, the 80 g/L poultry litter slurry
product (see Table S2 in the SI). These findings align with previous exhibited the most favorable potential for precipitation. For the 4 g/
results stemming from EDTA use in dairy effluent (Zhang et al., L and 20 g/L poultry litter loadings, 3% and 45% P(V) precipitation
2010) and municipal wastewater (Sabbag et al., 2014). Although efficiencies were achieved at pH 8.8. In the 80 g/L slurry, over 94% of
the overall recovery changed, no major differences in solids the P(V) was precipitated at pH 8.8. Ronteltap et al. (2010) reported
composition were observed for the NaOHþEDTA and that greater degrees of super-saturation negatively affect crystal
NaOHþEDTAþMgCl2 operating conditions (see compositional data size. For that reason, a suite of precipitation studies were conducted
in Fig. 5). Thus, the combination of pH control and chemical addi- using extracts from 50, 100, and 200 g/L poultry litter slurries of PL-
tion was used to optimize not only recovery efficiency, but also the 3. No influence of poultry litter loading was observed with respect
NPK ratio of the recovered products. to the size of recovered struvite particles (Fig. S5 in the SI). The
lengths of the recovered crystals from the 50, 100, and 200 g/L
poultry litter slurries were 107.9 (±21.7), 106.5 (±19.5), and 98.7
3.4. Effect of slurry strength on P(V) extraction and precipitation
(±30.7) mm, respectively. The aspect ratios were also consistent,
ranging from 4.4 (±1.0) to 5.1 (±1.7). Based on these findings, the
The effects of slurry strength on the phosphorus extraction and
optimal slurry strength was set to 100e200 g/L. Although higher
precipitation efficiencies were tested at 4, 20, and 80 g/L using PL-3.
solids contents (e.g., greater than 200 g/L) are expected to be
As expected, buffer intensity increased with increasing slurry
chemically favorable, these conditions may negatively affect
strength (Fig. S4 in the SI), thereby affecting the acid demand
pumping and mixing operations.
during extraction. The phosphorus extraction efficiency during the
CO2 bubbling operation was highest for the 4 g/L loading and
consistently decreased at higher solids content (Fig. 6). Importantly,
3.5. Sequencing batch phosphorus extraction and recovery
these data showcase the ability of CO2(g) to significantly offset the
strong acid demand. CO2 bubbling achieved 88.2 (±5.2)%, 80.3
Slurry pH was the key operational parameter in the phosphorus
(±2.8)%, and 63.7 (±7.5)% phosphorus extraction for the 4, 20, and
extraction and recovery stages. By maintaining optimal pH condi-
80 g/L slurries, respectively. Additional CO2 dissolution, and lower
tions, providing adequate reaction times, and incorporating a solid-
slurry pH, may be achieved in pressurized reactors, but the eco-
liquid separation step, a combined system can be developed for
nomics and operational complexity of such reactors are expected to
extension to continuous-flow or sequencing batch operation. An
limit translation to on-farm solutions. For high poultry litter solids
offline kinetic study with three poultry litter loadings indicated
loading (i.e., greater than 100 g/L), mineral acid was required to
that a 20 min extraction at pH 4.5e5.5 with continuous mixing was
achieve extraction efficiencies greater than 70%. In those cases, HCl
sufficient for phosphorus release (Fig. S6 in the SI).
was dosed until the pH was 4.5e5.5. The equivalents of acid
A sequencing batch operation was conducted with 80 g/L of PL-
3, as documented in Fig. 7. The poultry litter slurry was mixed for
3 min and the pH equilibrated to 6.6 (±0.03). After 4 min of CO2
bubbling, the pH decreased to 6.0 (±0.1) and P(V) extraction was
68.5 (±5.2)%. The solution was then adjusted to pH 4.6 (±0.1)
through addition of 0.65 meq of acid (as HCl)/g poultry litter. The
acidified poultry litter slurry was mixed for 20 min to ensure
optimal P(V) extraction. The P(V) extraction efficiency was 78.0
(±6.7)%. After separating the solids, 0.20 meq of base (as NaOH)/g
poultry litter was dosed into the nutrient-rich extract raising the
pH to 6.6 (±0.03). Then, the solution was mixed for 2 min. A 10 min
aeration step did not significantly affect the pH, but did provide
nucleation sites for particle precipitation and growth (Mondal et al.,
2017). While a diffuser stone was employed here, the aeration
system can be optimized for on-farm systems to enable production
of finer bubbles that increase mass transfer involved with CO2
stripping reactions and, thereby, increase the overall effectiveness
of the aeration step. Following aeration, 0.24 meq of base (as
NaOH)/g poultry litter was added to raise the pH to 9.0 (±0.02), and
Fig. 6. Extraction and recovery efficiencies for low- (4 g/L), medium- (20 g/L), and the solution was gently mixed for 8 min. The final precipitation
high- (80 g/L) strength PL-3 slurry conditions. Extraction of phosphorus from PL-3 efficiency was 91.0 (±3.7)%. Overall, 71.0 (±8.0)% P(V) recovery was
involved CO2 bubbling and 1 M HCl addition to achieve pH 4.5. The nutrient-rich
extract was aerated and 1 M NaOH was added to reach pH 8.8. The columns and er-
achieved, and the dominant form of the recovered solids was
ror bars represent the means and standard deviations, respectively, of three replicate struvite. The complete run time for sequencing batch operation was
experiments. 45 min, demonstrating the quick and efficient process chemistry.
26 U. Shashvatt et al. / Water Research 143 (2018) 19e27

Fig. 7. (a) Schematic of the process chemistry with numbered process steps; (b) P(V) and pH profiles during nutrient extraction and recovery for an 80 g/L PL-3 slurry; and,
(c) extraction and recovery efficiencies for each process step. The numbers in the x-axis of (c) refer to the time points labeled in (b). For pH adjustment, 1 M HCl and NaOH
solutions were employed. Solids were separated through centrifugation and filtration. Error bars represent the standard deviation of three replicate experiments.

3.6. Recycling process effluent 4. Conclusions

To reduce both water consumption and wastewater generation This work demonstrated a sustainable technology for rapid
during phosphorus recovery from poultry litter, a recycle scheme treatment and recovery of nutrients in poultry litter. Carbon diox-
was incorporated into the process chemistry. The liquid process ide bubbling enabled P(V) recoveries of 63e88% for poultry litter
effluent from one cycle was used to generate the poultry litter slurries with less than 100 g/L. Strong acid was added to achieve
slurry in the next cycle. Table 2 reports the extraction and pre- P(V) extraction efficiencies greater than 70% for waste slurries with
cipitation efficiencies, overall P(V) recovery, and effective water more than 100 g/L. The liquid process effluent was reused over a
usage for a three-cycle experiment at a solids loading of 100 g/L of number of treatment cycles to ensure that the nutrient recovery
PL-3. The P(V) extraction and precipitation efficiencies were process does not create a separate liability for farmers in the form of
67e73% and 97e99%, respectively, for all three cycles. Because excessive wastewater volumes. For a three-stage recycle scenario,
nutrients that are not precipitated remain in the system, the fresh water usage was reduced by 56%. The final, nutrient-enriched
overall recovery increased from cycle 1 to cycle 3. The cumulative liquid effluent may also serve as a useful fertilizer product.
P(V) recovery was greater than 70%. The effective water usage was Importantly, the process was highly effective, demonstrating over
calculated as the total water consumed over three cycles divided 70% phosphorus recovery and allowing selective production of
by the total mass of poultry litter processed. At the end of three struvite and potassium struvite through the introduction of
cycles, the effective water consumption was approximately 4.4 L/ calcium-complexing agents and exogenous magnesium. Overall,
kg of poultry litter, compared to 10 L/kg for the no-recycle sce- the successful extraction and recovery of phosphorus from poultry
nario. From cycle 1 to cycle 3, the strong acid (HCl) and base litter in the form of two valuable, slow-release fertilizer products
(NaOH) demands increased from 0.8 to 1.4 meq/g and 0.6e1.0 represents a sustainable alternative to natural phosphate rock
meq/g, respectively, presumably due to incremental increases in supplies that are being increasingly depleted.
DOC concentration. A ten-stage recycle experiment demonstrated
90% overall P(V) recovery with an effective water consumption of Acknowledgements
only 2.3 L/kg (Table S3 in the SI).
This work was supported by the United States National Science
Foundation [CBET 1511667] and the Maryland Industrial Partner-
Table 2 ships program [project #5428]. We also thank anonymous poultry
Extraction, precipitation, and recovery efficiencies, effective water use, and acid/ farmers for donating litter to this project.
base demands (mean ± standard deviation; n ¼ 3) for a 3-stage recycle experiment
with 100 g/L PL-3.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Parameters Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3

Extraction a (%) 67.1 ± 6.1 72.7 ± 7.1 71.9 ± 11.3 Supplementary data related to this article can be found at
Precipitation b (%) 97.0 ± 1.4 98.1 ± 3.1 99.3 ± 0.62 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2018.06.035.
Recovery (%) 64.9 ± 5.1 71.4 ± 9.0 71.4 ± 10.8
Effective water usage (L/kg) 10.0 ± 0.0 5.8 ± 0.0 4.4 ± 0.10
Acid demand (meq/g) 0.8 ± 0.0 1.2 ± 0.0 1.4 ± 0.10 References
Base demand (meq/g) 0.6 ± 0.0 1.0 ± 0.0 1.0 ± 0.20
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