The Potential of Ettawa Goat Manure and Urine Management To Support The Productive and Sustainable Farming
The Potential of Ettawa Goat Manure and Urine Management To Support The Productive and Sustainable Farming
The Potential of Ettawa Goat Manure and Urine Management To Support The Productive and Sustainable Farming
The impact which emerges as the laboratory for fertilizers’ quality. The process and the
consequence of the above considerations is the results of the demoplots were recorded and were
environmental condition getting dirty, odor and measured through economic approach to know the
unhealthy, and finally it is going to disturb the cattle farming potential.The number of demoplots for rice
and the people. Related to the correlation between crops were 20 plots of 200 m2 while the vegetables
organic material and farming, Iswandi et al. (2011) constituted of purple egg crop (40 crops), green egg
assert that the rising of organic materials will foster crop (40 crops), tomato crop (40 crops), chili crop (40
the increasing of soil organisms such as Azospirillum crops), and dark mustard green crop (20 m2; 600
and Azotobacter having role in N fixation and P crops; 20 × 15 cm for wide spacing) and were planted
soluble microbes (Aspergillus niger). Lin et al. in the back yard and garden. Demoplots for rice crops
(2011) assert that the addition of organic fertilizers were cultivated with local variety namely Menthik
improve the rizosphere area of plants. Susu adopting method of System of Rice
Optimized use of organic fertilizer improves Intensification (SRI) in pro-organic version compared
the ecology of the environment as well as economy of to conventional method while the vegetables were
the farmer concerned. Research findings show that by grown as pure organic. Used LOF and SOF in this
means of the increasing organic fertilizers and research were made by the co-operativecooperative
decreasing synthetic fertilizers accompanied with cattlemen and co-operative farmers.
appropriate rice cultivation system enable to raise the SRI is a farming method which encompasses
rice farming feasibility through diminishing cost of several basic elements i.e. using young seedling (8 –
production, increasing the harvest and selling price 15 days); using single seedling; using wider spacing
(Ferichani and Prasetya, 2011; Uphoff et al, 2011 and generally 25×25cm or 30×30cm; shallow
Sato, et al., 2011). Increased use of organic fertilizers transplanting (just below the surface 1 to 2 cm); weed
in organic horticulture also renders positive B/C management to aerate the soil to reduce bio-physic-
(benefit cost ratio) values for several kinds of crops chemical competition; enhancing use of organic
such as carrot, shallot and lettuce (Pracaya, 2012). matters as much as possible; intermittent irrigation
Price will be better for food crops, vegetable through no continuous flooding of paddy fields
crops and fruit crops which are cultivated organically. (Laulanie, 1993). The pro-organic SRI method in this
This is an agribusiness opportunity, particularly for research was carried out by decreasing synthetic
farmers who have resources as raw materials for SOF fertilizer to only 25 kg 1000 m-2 (Urea 19kg+ 3kg of
and LOF. Based on the brief description above, this SP36+ KCl 3kg) from 60 kg 1000-1 m2 as the common
action research was aimed to know the potential of usage of the local farmers. The doses for SOF were
ettawa goat manure and urine management towards 1.5 ton 1000-1 m2 and that of LOF was 250 ml 14 liter-
productive horticulture and rice cultivation; and the sprayed every10 days.
organic fertilizers business. The conventional method of rice cultivation
at the study area encompasses several elements such
as flooding the farming land regularly and
The research was integrated with an dominantly; burning the rice straws; spacing of 20×20
empowerment program namely IBM (Science and cm or (18×18 cm) even some of them using irregular
Technology for the People) from Dipa BLU Funding, order; the use of synthetic fertilizers of around 60kg
Directorate of High Education of Indonesia, 1000-1 m2 and synthetic pesticides; using old seedlings
decentralized by University of Sebelas Maret, and in transplanting from 25 to 40 days old; using of seeds
was carried out in Yogyakarta Province during May to about 7 to 10kg 1000-1 m2. The study was taken up
November 2012 through the involvement of partners for the farmers using both the conventional and SRI
like KUBE (Co-operative Business Association) Adi method of rice cultivation. The measurement was
Jaya and KUBE Rizki Annisa which in Sleman done based on cooperative farmers’ yields at the same
District as well as Institute of Joglo Minar Tani in crop season with the implementation of SRI.
Bantul District. KUBE Adi Jaya is an ettawa goat The dosage of LOF in cultivating vegetables
cattlemen association while KUBE Rizki Annisa is an either for green egg crop, purple egg crop, tomato or
ettawa goat cattlemen’s wives association in Sayegan chili was 150 ml 10 to 14 ltr-1 of water sprayed every
subdistrict of Sleman district. Institute of Joglo Minar 7 days while the SOF was given by 1.5 kg per hill. A
Tani (Jomint) is an organization which focuses on treatment for dark mustard green was different for the
sustainable agriculture and rural development in dosage of SOF unless for LOF that it was 1.5kg m-1,
Bantul district. and there is no additional synthetic fertilizer for
The research was carried out through horticulture.
training, procurement of SOF and LOF production
devices, production process of SOF and LOF in
demonstration plots (demoplots) and tested in
Table 3: Comparison between SOF and LOF supported SRI and conventional method per 1000 m2
SOF and LOF supported SRI Conventional method
Details Value per unit Amount Details Value per unit Amount
($US) ($US) ($US) ($US)
Synthetic fertilizers (25 kg) Synthetic fertilizers (60 kg)
a. Urea (19 kg) 0.25 4.75 a. Urea (40 kg) 0.25 10.00
b. SP36 (3 kg) 0.25 0.75 b. SP36 (10 kg) 0.25 2.50
c. KCl (3 kg) 0.50 1.50 c. KCl (10 kg) 0.50 5.00
Seeds (1kg) 0.75 0.75 Seeds (4.26 kg) 0.75 3.20
Tillage (1000 m ) 10.00 10.00 Tillage (1000 m) 10.00 10.00
2 2
Transplanting ( 1000 m ) 6.00 6.00 Transplanting (1000 m ) 6.00 6.00
Bio-activator 0.50
Materials of SOF 1.50
Materials of LOF 0.20
Total variable cost 26.05 Total variable cost 36.70
Yield (kg of pre-sun 810.00 Yield (kg of pre-sun 648.00
drying grain) drying grain)
Value (kg) 0.40 Value ($US kg-1) 0.33
Revenue 324.00 Revenue ($US) 213.84
Profit 297.95 Profit 177.14
B/C ratio 12.44 B/C ratio 5.83
Source: Primary data analysis, 2012
For most people particularly cattlemen, 0.33 Ca (Sutanto, 2002). It means that 1.5 tons of
manure and urine of cattle are neglected things which manure like in this research enables to provide 10.5
render the environment getting dirty and odor, so kg N: 3.3 kg P: 3.6 kg K: 4.95 Ca, indeed if the
finally they will be disturbing the health of goats percentage of organic material is more than it, the
itself, cattlemen and neighborhood. Yet, it seems nutrition contents will be bigger relatively. LOF itself
becoming a trend for most of them unless for some of is provided as a complement fertilizer to support the
them who have been active in organic farming other macro and micro nutrition. This obviously
movement as trending issues at current era. enables to reduce the synthetic fertilizers uses and
Those of ettawa goat through several process also to reduce the variable cost. Environmentally and
encompassing collecting, materials procurement, economically, SOF and LOF have given good benefits
processing and storage are going to be valuable things to farming both rice cultivation and horticulture
as organic fertilizers. Collecting urine and manure proven through this research.
particularly the former is only need a little effort Considerable feasibilities of agribusiness as
through modifying the cages in order to make them the results of this research is duly able to boost the
collected well. Materials procurement itself actually cattlemen, farmers even government to realize pro
is a piece of cake proven through this action research organic move massively through optimizing manure
since they are provided around the people like what and urine of ettawa goat or others to their farms either
have been explained above. Composing process of on their rice field, back yard, garden, etc. As an
manure can be done at roofed or opened area, but the alternative and eco-friendly energy sources, ettawa
former is better, while for urine can be done in a pail, goat manure and urine are basis of quality organic
drum, etc. fertilizers which enable to raise the crops productivity.
For a consideration, 33.1% organic materials Finally, this habitual change is able to raise food
of sheep manure contents 0.70% N: 0.22% P: 0.24 K: security although in household level.
Table 4: Cost and results of horticulture using organic fertilizers based on Ettawa goat manure and urine
SOF and LOF as outside resources
Purple-egg crop Green-egg crop Tomato Chili Dark mustard
SOF and LOF by buying
Value Amount Value Amount Value Amount Value Amount Value Amount
unit-1 ($US) unit-1 ($US) per unit ($US) unit-1 ($US) unit-1 ($US)
SOF ($US kg ) 0.05 3.0 0.05 3.0 0.05 3.0 0.05 3.0 0.05 1.5
LOF ($US liter-1) 1.50 3.0 1.50 3.0 1.50 3.0 1.50 3.0 1.50 0.9
Seedlings ($US 0.02 0.8 0.02 0.8 0.02 0.8 0.02 0.8 1* 0.5
Total ($US) 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 2.9
Yield (kg) 104.00 162.00 100.00 42.00 75 bunches
Value ($US kg-1) 0.40 0.40 0.50 1.40 0.15
Revenue 41.60 54.40 50.00 58.80 11.25
Profit 34.80 47.60 43.20 52.00 8.35
B/C ratio 6.12 7.00 6.35 7.65 3.88
SOF and LOF as self-products
Cost Value Amount Value Amount Value Amount Value Amount Value Amount
stem-1 ($US) stem-1 ($US) stem-1 ($US) stem-1 ($US) pack-1 ($US)
Seedlings ($US 0.02 0.80 0.02 0.80 0.02 0.08 0.02 0.08 1* 0.50
per stem)
Bio activators ($US) 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
MaterialsofSOF($US) 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
Materials of LOF ($US) 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.10
Total ($US) 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 0.90
Yield (kg) 104 162.0 100.0 42.00 75 bunches
Value 0.4 0.4 0.5 1.40 0.15
($US kg-1)
Revenue ($US) 41.6 54.4 50.0 58.80 11.25
Profit ($US) 34.8 47.6 43.2 52.00 8.35
B/C ratio 33.28 43.52 40.0 47.04 12.5
Note: * $US per pack, Source: Primary data analysis, 2012
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